Personalitatea: Table 19.1 Brief Descriptions of Major Maladaptive and Normative Personality Domains (Five-Factor Level)
Personalitatea: Table 19.1 Brief Descriptions of Major Maladaptive and Normative Personality Domains (Five-Factor Level)
Personalitatea: Table 19.1 Brief Descriptions of Major Maladaptive and Normative Personality Domains (Five-Factor Level)
Categorial vs dimensional
Categorial – DSM4
Dimensional – există mai multe modele deci mai multe modele de măsurare – DSM5
Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology (DAPP)
Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP)
Shedler–Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP),
Cloninger’s psychobiological model
Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5)
Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID5) – instrument al DSM5
Criteriul A – evaluat între 0-4 (4 = afectare maximă, 0 = minimă; dg = minim 2)
Afectarea funcționării intrapersonale - identitatea
Afectarea funcționării interpersonale – empatia
Criteriul B - 5 factori cu 25 de fațete
Afectivitate negativă, detașare, antagonism, dezinhibiție, psihoticism
and facets
Sep Separation insecurity significant others, based in a lack of confidence in one's ability to care for
oneself, both physically and emotionally.
Restricted affectivity (lack Of) The lack Of this facet characterizes low levels
Res (-) Restncted affectivity of Negative Affectivity, See Detachment for definltion
Of this facet,
Preference for being alone to being with others; reticence in social situations
With Withdrawal avoidance of social contacts and activity; ack of initiation of social contact.
Behaviors that put the individual at odds with other people, including an
exaggerated sense of self-importance and a concomitant expectation of
AN special treatment, as well as a callous antipathy toward others,
encompassing both an unawareness of others' needs and feelings and a
readiness to use others in the service of self-enhancement.
Lack of concern for the fee ings or problems of others; lack of guilt or
Cal Callousness
remorse about the negative or harmful effects of one's actions on others.
Rigid insistence on everything being flaw ess, perfect, and without errors or
faults, including one's own and others' performance; sacrificing of
timeliness to ensure correctness •n every detail; believing that there is only
Rig (-) Rigid perfectionism
one right way to do things; diffculty changing ideas and/or v'ewpoint;
preoccupation with details, organization, and order. Low level of this facet
characterizes high leve s of Disinhibition.
Belief that one has unusual abilities, such as mind reading, telekinesis,
Unusual beliefs and
Unu thought-action fusion, unusual experiences of reality, including
hallucination-I'ke experiences.
Ecc Eccentric ty Odd, unusual, or bizarre behavior, appearance, and/or speech; having
strange and unpredictable thoughts; say ing unusual or inappropriate
and facets
Cognitive and Odd or unusual thought processes and experiences, including depersona
perceptua ization, derealization, and dissociative experiences: mixed sleep-wake state
dysregulation experiences; thought-control experiences,