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our constitution has granted right to equality
under Article 14. but with this it has also given
special provisions like the backward community
of society needs to be given reservations so that
they can enjoy the right to equality. for example:
if everybody has been given equal right to
compete in exams, then it can happen when all
sections of community share the fruits of
education. but backward community in india's
past were not given equal rights. So post
independence, India came out with reservations
to bring them on an equal platform.
why do we need equality?
We need equality so that we can get equal
treatment in society. when we are treated equally,
an individual earns respect and dignity. he feels

he/she is having equal worth in society despite

race, caste, color, status or nationality. a person
gets equal rights and liberty. and by making use
of this, he/she is able to develop his/her full
In 18th century, French revolutionaries talked
about liberty, equality and fraternity to revolt
against the landed aristocracy ( rich land owners)
and monarchy(rule of king).
demand for equality was also raised during our
independence movement when we demanded
equal treatment for indians with british.
remember rowlatt act where indians will be
imprisoned without trial. and british will be tried
by english judges only. this was so unequal.
even now, we see so much of inequality. There 's
so much of poverty. slums coexist with huge
buildings. Women do not have equal rights like
access to education, health facilities etc. in
remote areas of india, dalits are still

discriminated on the basis of caste. there is no

equal provision of drinking water, food and
sanitation facilities.
so equality is an important principle for the
society to function. and since there's all
inequality around us, so equality becomes an
important topic in political theory. how can we
achieve an equal world? but the question arises is
what kind of equality are we looking for? are we
looking for equal income and status? that means,
do we want everybody to earn equal income? but
then if everybody will earn less and same
income, country's growth will get slow. and if
everybody earns more and equal income, then
the lazy people will be paid equal to
hardworking people. so what kind of equality are
we looking for?
these questions will be answered in this chapter.

Q1. Why is equality important?

A1. equality is important so that we can get
equal treatment and not be discriminated on the
basis of color, race, gender, caste, religion and
region. this will allow individual to cherish
dignity and respect in society. an individual will
also be able to enjoy equal rights in society by
which he/she can develop full personality.
Q2. what was the slogan in french revolution?
A2. liberty, equality and fraternity.
Q3. do we have an equal society?
A3. No, there's no equality in society because
discrimination against women, backward
communities still exist. poverty and
unemployment evils are still rampant which do
not allow people to have minimum necessity for

equality does not mean treatment in an identical
way. it does not mean that everybody should
have same goods and resources. it does not mean
that everybody should have same income and
status. we donot mind if our prime ministers get
more privileges. but the only thing is that our
PM should not abuse his powers. so we respect
difference in treatment given according to
status. so a person is allowed to follow his
ambitions and interests and earn his/her name
but we donot accept if a poor child or a dalit is
not able to access education, food and health
so we want that treatment we receive and
oppurtunities avaliable must not be given
according to our class, caste, status, region and
religion. we donot want a dalit child to go to
agriculture work and a rich man's child to go to

school just because there is a difference in his

Q1. What is equality?
A1. equality means that all people are entitled to
same rights and oppurtunities to develop their
skills and talents and to pursue their goals and
Q2. do we want equality in income?
A2. no
Q2. do we want equality of oppurtunity?
A2. yes
So we have read that equality means having
equal rights and oppurtunities like education,
health facilities and employment etc, to develop

our skills and talents and to pursue our own

goals and ambitions.
this means that whether your friend is a
cricketer or you a writer, it does not matter till
the time you are not getting basic essential
requirements like education, health care and safe
housing which if not there leads to unequal and
unjust society.
Q1. what is equality of oppurtunity?
A1. equality of oppurtunity means people having
access to basic goods such as education, health
care and safe housing that will lead to an equal
and just society.
now there are different kind of inequalities like
natural and social inequalities.

Natural inequalities are those that emerge from

different capabilities and talents. they are due to
different physical characteristics. it is assumed
that natural inequalities cannot be altered. But to
a certain extent this has been proved wrong.
With the advancement in science and technology,
even disabled people are now making their lives
comfortable. stephen hawking who cannot move
and speak , has made significant contribution to
science. so our society and our institutions need
to help such disabled people to empower them.
but inthe past there were wrong assumptions and
inequality were done on the basis of natural
ability. for example: women which were till now
wrongly considered as weaker sex are now
contributing hugely to their empowerment.
blacks and in fact asians were considered weak
and who cannot develop themselves and they
need white people to free them from deprivation.
but all this has been proved wrong now.
Social Inequality: These inequalities are due to

unequal access to basic things in life like

education, safe housing and health care.
Q1. What is natural inequality?
A1. Natural inequalities are those that emerge
from different capabilities and talents. they are
due to different physical characteristics.
Q2. can natural inequality be altered?
A2. natural inequality can be altered if there is
huge support from government and institutions
to disbaled people.
Q3. what are social inequality?
A3. social inequalities are those inequalities that
arise from the deprivation of basic things which
are necessary to lead a minimum quality of life
like education, safe housing and healthcare.


Thinkers have highlighted three types of equality
which if improved upon can help us moving
more towards a better and just society.
a. political equality
In democratic societies, these would include
granting equal citizenship to all members of the
state. equal citizenship means certain basic rights
such as right to vote, freedom of expression,
movement and association and freedom of belief
are granted to everybody. they can participate in
the affairs of the country. but still you would
have noticed that not all are able to exercise
these rights likefreedom of expression and
movement. it is because that they do not have
equal access to resources like education. so they
cannot exercise their freedom of speech and
expression. so we need to grant them social
equality as well. so political equality may not be
sufficient but it is certainly an important

b. social equality
making equal laws are enough. what we require
is equality in the access of resources. so there
needsto be equal social and economic conditions
like adequate provision of health care,
education, nutrition and minimum wages.
unequal oppurtunities do not arise only from lack
of goods but also from customs. for example:
women are not given equal rights in inheritance
in india. so we need to make policies to prevent
discrimination and harassment of women in
public places.
c. economic equality
When there is significant differences in wealth
and property between individuals or classes, then
it leads to economic inequality. there are people
who live below poverty line. they cannot afford

food, water, sanitation and schooling. so there

need to be minimum wage for individuals. and
equal oppurtunities need to be provided.
sometimes inequality may not be only because of
wealth. but also because of the customs that have
continued for long generations. if over a certain
period of time, one class by having control over
money nad resouces have ruled over another
class, then the wealthy class becomes dominant
and they start exercising theitr control. and it is
difficult to become open and egalitarian.
So how can these inequalities be overcome? karl
marx , 19th century thinker says that inequality
has come because of the ownership/ control of
important economic resources like oil, land,
forests and other forms of property by rich
classes. and by owning such a great economic
power, they have also got hold of political
power. so these rich class make policies which
benefit the rich class and is disadvantageous to

poor class. so economic inequality provides

support to ther forms of inequality. so only
providing oppurtunities will not help the poor
classs. the need is to have state or public control
over the resources and property of the society.
but liberalism opposes this. they say that if state
is going to have control over resources then
freedom and liberty of individuals will be
curtailed and they will not be able to progress.
hard working people will not be able to grow
because they will feel that state will take away
their fruits of hard work. so liberals say that let
state intervene in providing minimum welfare to
people. and when people have attained minimum
standard of living, allow competition between
them and everybody will then get according to
their hard work. so long as competition is there,
inequalities will not be there in the system. they
believe that political , social and economic
inequality is not linked. on the other hand we
have read that marxists belive that social,

economic and political inequality is linked.

because rich people having control over wealth
leads to control over political system and this
also makes them powerful in society.
but liberals believe each sphere needs to be dealt
individually to tackle its problems. for political
inequality we need democracy. and for social and
economic inequality and state can intervene to
provide minimum standard of living. liberals
donot have problem as such with inequality. but
they want that inequality should not disturb us
while achieving our fuller capabilities.
Q1. What are the three dimensions of equality?
A1. political, economiic and social equality
Q2. what is political equality ?
a2. political equality means granting equal
citizenship to all members of the state. equal

citizenship provides certain basic rights such as

right to vote, freedom of expression, movement
and association and freedom of belief to
everybody. They can participate in the affairs of
the country.
Q3. what is social equality?
A3. It means provision of equality in society.
equality of oppurtunites need to be provided so
that minimum quality of life can be achieved.
Q4. what is economic equality?
A4. economic equality means granting equal
economic oppurtunities to all.
Q5. what are the views of karl marx on equality?
A5. karl marx , 19th century thinker says that
inequality has arisen because of the ownership of
important economic resources like oil, land,
forests and other forms of property by rich
class. and by owning such a great economic

power, they have also got hold of political

power. so these rich class make policies which
benefit the rich class and is disadvantageous to
poor class. so economic inequality provides
support to other forms of inequality. so only
providing oppurtunities will not help the poor
class. karl marx says the need is to have state or
public control over the resources and property of
the society. so , karl marx belive that social,
economic and political inequality is linked.
because rich people having control over wealth
leads to control over political system and this
also makes them powerful in society.
Q6. what are the views of liberals on equality?

A6. To achieve equality, liberals say that

let state intervene in providing minimum
welfare to people. and when people have
attained minimum standard of living,
allow competition between them and
everybody will then get according to their

hard work. so long as competition is

there, inequalities will not be there in the
system. they believe that political , social
and economic inequality is not linked.
they want each sphere tobe dealt
individually to tackle its problems. for
political inequality we need democracy.
and for social and economic inequality,
state can intervene to provide minimum
standard of living. liberals donot have
problem as such with inequality. but they
want that inequality should not disturb us
while achieving our fuller capabilities.
This is a very important question that
when equality is so important for the
dignity of individual, what steps do we

need to take to improve equality?

although karl marx has given us
suggestion to have public control over
a. establishing formal equality
There are various inequalities around.
and these inequalities can be removed
when the law of the country strictly deals
with it.
Women initially were not given right to
vote. dalits were exploited.blacks were
treated as slaves. but now the law has
changed and their condition has also
improved. so there is a need to make laws
and policies which will help in their
empowerment. for example: indian
constitution banned untouchability post

independence under Article 17.

b. equality through different treatment
there is also a need to look at individuals
from different angle. disabled people
require special treatment so that they can
get equal chance to enter public life.
women needs to be protected in night
when they return from work. so these
kind of special treatment enhance nad
promote equality rather than disturbing
equality. in india we have also given
special treatment in the form of
reservations to backward community.
c. Affirmative Action
backward community has been deprived
of minimum standard of life and dignity
since ages. there lacked basic necessities

like education, food and decent housing.

this lead to their deprivation and they
became further backward. post
indepndence, our constitution granted
equal rights to all.
but people who do not even have the
basic necessities, they can't even enjoy
the right to equal oppurtunities beacuse
they are not educated enough to enter into
equal employment oppurtunities.
So, our constitution has granted them
reservations so that they get level playing
field in terms of competition. in
government jobs, 49% of jobs go to
backward community. and the rest is for
general class. this is called as positive

they are also given scholarships and

special consideration in schools and
critics of positive discrimination say that
this reservation has led to reverse
discrimination. it has denied the general
(not backward) class equal treatment.
equality says that all people should be
treated alike. and we need to remove
caste system to bring equality.
now the question is 'Why has the need
arisen for reservations?'. it is because
india has failed badly in providing good
quality education and health care
facilities. so the poor and backward
community continue with their
backwardness and tehy are not able to
come at level with other better off

classes. they have not got quality

education so they can't compete at equal
level with better off classes. so that is
why the system of reservations has
Q1. What steps can be taken to promote
A1. a. Establishing formal equality
b. Equality through different treatment
c. Affirmative Action
Q2. How can equality be established by
following formal system?
A2. Our political system needs to
establish stringent laws and policies so

that equality is established formally. for

example: our indian constitution
abolished untouchability under Article
Q3. what is affirmative action?
A3. affirmative action means taking
positive measures to minimise and
eliminate social inequalities.
Q4. why do we need affirmative action?
A4. we require affirmative action because
our society has entrenched inequality.
Customs in our society since ages has
deprived lower castes of minimum
standard of living. And this has further
made them backward. India has also
failed miserably in providing good
schooling and health facilities to all

sections of the community. so

government has provided them
reservations so that they get level playing
field in competition with better off
Q5. what is the criticism of affirmative
A5. critics of affirmative action says that
reservations goes against the right to
equal treatment. they say that
reservations are reverse discrimination.
equality means that all persons should be
treated equally. and if we will make
distinctions between caste to provide
them reservations in jobs, we will further
reinforce the caste factor. so they say that
we need to do away with the caste

non serious
our constitution has granted right to
equality under Article 14. but with this it
has also given special provisions like the
backward community of society needs to
be given reservations so that they can
enjoy the right to equality. for example: if
everybody has been given equal right to
compete in exams, then it can happen
when all sections of community share the
fruits of education. but backward
community in india's past were not given
equal rights. So post independence, India
came out with reservations to bring them
on an equal platform.

why do we need equality?

We need equality so that we can get equal
treatment in society. when we are treated
equally, an individual earns respect and
dignity. he feels he/she is having equal
worth in society despite race, caste, color,
status or nationality. a person gets equal
rights and liberty. and by making use of
this, he/she is able to develop his/her full
Q1. Why is equality important?
A1. equality is important so that we can
get equal treatment and not be
discriminated on the basis of color, race,
gender, caste, religion and region. this
will allow individual to cherish dignity

and respect in society. an individual will

also be able to enjoy equal rights in
society by which he/she can develop full
equality does not mean treatment in an
identical way. it does not mean that
everybody should have same goods and
resources. it does not mean that
everybody should have same income and
status. we donot mind if our prime
ministers get more privileges. but the
only thing is that our PM should not
abuse his powers. so we respect
difference in treatment given according to
status. so a person is allowed to follow
his ambitions and interests and earn
his/her name accordingly.

but we donot accept if a poor child or a

dalit is not able to access education, food
and health facilities.
so we want that treatment we receive and
oppurtunities avaliable must not be given
according to our class, caste, status,
region and religion. we donot want a dalit
child to go to agriculture work and a rich
man's child to go to school just because
there is a difference in his caste.
Q1. What is equality?
A1. equality is an important value which
give equal treatment to all without
discriminating on the basis of birth and
social circumstances.

Q2. do we want equality in income?

A2. no
Q2. do we want equality of oppurtunity?
A2. yes
So we have read that equality means
having equal rights and oppurtunities like
education, health facilities and
employment etc, to develop our skills and
talents and to pursue our own goals and
this means that whether your friend is a
cricketer or you a writer, it does not
matter till the time you are not getting
basic essential requirements like
education, health care and safe housing

which if not there leads to unequal and

unjust society.
Q1. what is equality of oppurtunity?
A1. equality of oppurtunity means people
having access to basic goods such as
education, health care and safe housing
that will lead to an equal and just
Thinkers have highlighted three types of
equality which if improved upon can help
us moving more towards a better and just
a. political equality

In democratic societies, these would

include granting equal citizenship to all
members of the state. equal citizenship
means certain basic rights such as right to
vote, freedom of expression, movement
and association and freedom of belief are
granted to everybody. they can participate
in the affairs of the country.
b. social equality
making equal laws are enough. what we
require is equality in the access of
resources. so there needsto be equal
social and economic conditions like
adequate provision of health care,
education, nutrition and minimum
unequal oppurtunities do not arise only

from lack of goods but also from

customs. for example: women are not
given equal rights in inheritance in india.
so we need to make policies to prevent
discrimination and harassment of women
in public places.
c. economic equality
When there is significant differences in
wealth and property between individuals
or classes, then it leads to economic
inequality. there are people who live
below poverty line. they cannot afford
food, water, sanitation and schooling. so
there need to be minimum wage for
individuals. and equal oppurtunities need
to be provided.
So how can these inequalities be

overcome? karl marx , 19th century

thinker says that inequality has come
because of the ownership/ control of
important economic resources like oil,
land, forests and other forms of property
by rich classes. and by owning such a
great economic power, they have also got
hold of political power. so these rich class
make policies which benefit the rich class
and is disadvantageous to poor class. so
economic inequality provides support to
ther forms of inequality. so only
providing oppurtunities will not help the
poor classs. the need is to have state or
public control over the resources and
property of the society.
but liberalism opposes this. they say that
if state is going to have control over

resources then freedom and liberty of

individuals will be curtailed and they will
not be able to progress. hard working
people will not be able to grow because
they will feel that state will take away
their fruits of hard work. so liberals say
that let state intervene in providing
minimum welfare to people. and when
people have attained minimum standard
of living, allow competition between
them and everybody will then get
according to their hard work. so long as
competition is there, inequalities will not
be there in the system. they believe that
political , social and economic inequality
is not linked.
Q1. What are the three dimensions of

A1. political, economiic and social
Q2. what are the views of karl marx on
A2. karl marx , 19th century thinker says
that inequality has arisen because of the
ownership of important economic
resources like oil, land, forests and other
forms of property by rich class. and by
owning such a great economic power,
they have also got hold of political
power. so these rich class make policies
which benefit the rich class and is
disadvantageous to poor class. so
economic inequality provides support to
other forms of inequality. so only

providing oppurtunities will not help the

poor class. karl marx says the need is to
have state or public control over the
resources and property of the society. so ,
karl marx belive that social, economic
and political inequality is linked. because
rich people having control over wealth
leads to control over political system and
this also makes them powerful in
Q3. what are the views of liberals on
A3. to achieve equality, liberals say that
let state intervene in providing minimum
welfare to people. and when people have
attained minimum standard of living,
allow competition between them and
everybody will then get according to their

hard work. so long as competition is

there, inequalities will not be there in the
system. they believe that political , social
and economic inequality is not linked.
they want each sphere tobe dealt
individually to tackle its problems. for
political inequality we need democracy.
and for social and economic inequality,
state can intervene to provide minimum
standard of living. liberals donot have
problem as such with inequality. but they
want that inequality should not disturb us
while achieving our fuller capabilities.
This is a very important question that
when equality is so important for the
dignity of individual, what steps do we

need to take to improve equality?

although karl marx has given us
suggestion to have public control over
a. establishing formal equality
There are various inequalities around.
and these inequalities can be removed
when the law of the country strictly deals
with it.
Women initially were not given right to
vote. dalits were exploited.blacks were
treated as slaves. but now the law has
changed and their condition has also
improved. so there is a need to make laws
and policies which will help in their
empowerment. for example: indian
constitution banned untouchability post

independence under Article 17.

b. equality through different treatment
there is also a need to look at individuals
from different angle. disabled people
require special treatment so that they can
get equal chance to enter public life.
women needs to be protected in night
when they return from work. so these
kind of special treatment enhance nad
promote equality rather than disturbing
c. Affirmative Action
backward community has been deprived
of minimum standard of life and dignity
since ages. they lacked basic necessities
like education, food and decent housing.
this led to their deprivation and they

became further backward. post

indepndence, our constitution granted
equal rights to all.
but people who do not even have the
basic necessities, they can't even enjoy
the right to equal oppurtunities beacuse
they are not educated enough to enter into
equal employment oppurtunities.
So, our constitution has granted them
reservations so that they get level playing
field in terms of competition. in
government jobs, 49% of jobs go to
backward community. and the rest is for
general class. this is called as positive
they are also given scholarships and
special consideration in schools and

critics of positive discrimination say that
this reservation has led to reverse
discrimination. it has denied the general
(not backward) class equal treatment.
equality says that all people should be
treated alike. and we need to remove
caste system to bring equality.
now the question is 'Why has the need
arisen for reservations?'. it is because
india has failed badly in providing good
quality education and health care
facilities. so the poor and backward
community continue with their
backwardness and tehy are not able to
come at level with other better off
classes. they have not got quality
education so they can't compete at equal

level with better off classes. so that is

why the system of reservations has
Q1. What steps can be taken to promote
A1. a. Establishing formal equality
b. Equality through different treatment
c. Affirmative Action
Q2. what is affirmative action?
A2. affirmative action means taking
positive measures to minimise and
eliminate social inequalities.
Q3. why do we need affirmative action?

A3. we require affirmative action because

our society has entrenched inequality.
Customs in our society since ages has
deprived lower castes of minimum
standard of living. And this has further
made them backward. India has also
failed miserably in providing good
schooling and health facilities to all
sections of the community. so
government has provided them
reservations so that they get level playing
field in competition with better off
Q4. what is the criticism of affirmative
A4. critics of affirmative action says that
reservations goes against the right to
equal treatment. they say that

reservations are reverse discrimination.

equality means that all persons should be
treated equally. and if we will make
distinctions between caste to provide
them reservations in jobs, we will further
reinforce the caste factor. so they say that
we need to do away with the caste

chap 3
1. what is the slogan of french
a. liberty

b. eternity
c. equality
d. fraternity
2. what tenet equality does not fulfil?
a. giving respect
b. taking away liberty
c. enjoying full rights
d. equal treatment
ans B
3. what is equality?
a. everbody should have access to

b. everbody should score same in class.

c. everbody should have same income
d. everybody should have same clothes
ans A
4. What is equality of oppurtunity?
a. access to same clothing brand
b. access to schooling
c. access to good food
d. access to luxury vehicles
ans B
5. what is not equality of oppurtunity?
a. access to education

b. access to health care

c. equality in ambition
d. equality in safe housing
ans C
6. what is not the dimension of equality?
a. professional
b. social
d. economic
ans A
7.karl marx belonged to which century?
a. 18th

b. 19th
c. 20th
d. 21st
ans B
8. which one is NOT karl marx views on
a. poor class exploited by rich class
b. politics controlled by rich class
c. provide minimum level of welfare
d. state control of public resources
ans C
9. What are liberals views on equality?
a. poor class exploited by rich class

b. politics controlled by rich class

c. provide minimum level of welfare
d. state control of public resources
ans C
10. sapta kranti is the ideology belongs to
a. gandhi
b. marx
c. chandra bose
d. lohia
ans D
11. what is affirmative actions?
a. making laws and policies

b. reservations
c. giving them free food.
d. giving them free clothes
ans B
12. which ideology calls for equal rights
of men and women?
a. socialism
b. liberalism
c. feminism
d. marxism
ans C

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