The Gelsinger Case

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The passage discusses the death of Jesse Gelsinger during a gene therapy trial at the University of Pennsylvania and the impact it had on clinical research safety and oversight. It also discusses gene transfer research for ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency and the regulations governing gene therapy trials in the US.

The Gelsinger Case refers to the death of Jesse Gelsinger in 1999 during a gene transfer experiment at the University of Pennsylvania. Gelsinger, 18, died during the experiment, which was the first directly attributed to gene transfer and raised questions about patient protection and adherence to research protocols.

Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency is a genetic defect that interferes with ammonia metabolism in the liver. Complete deficiency usually leads to death in infancy, while partial deficiency can be managed. Gene transfer was seen as a potential treatment because restoring the missing enzyme through gene transfer could theoretically treat the disorder, as demonstrated by liver transplantation.

Robert Steinbrook

The Gelsinger Case

The death of Jesse Gelsinger in September 1999 is one of the
defining cases in the recent history of research with humans.
Gelsinger, 18, died during a gene transfer experiment at the
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.1 His deaththe
first directly attributed to gene transferraised profound questions about the protection of patients in this high-profile research
field, as well as in other clinical studies. It also raised questions
about adherence to research protocols, the reporting of adverse
events, informed consent, and financial conflicts of interest. It
shook the confidence of the public and the federal government in
the competence and ethics of clinical researchers and the institutions where they work, and led to efforts to improve the protection
of research participants.
Although the terms gene transfer and gene therapy are often
used interchangeably, gene transfer is more precise. Gene transfer
refers to the transfer to a person of recombinant DNA, or the
transfer of DNA or RNA derived from recombinant DNA. The aim
is to modify or manipulate the expression of a gene in the body or
to change the biological properties of cells. Although the promise
of gene transfer is great, progress has been slow. A 1995 review of
the investment in the field by the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) advocated caution: Significant problems remain in all basic
aspects of gene therapy. Major difficulties at the basic level include
shortcomings in all current gene transfer vectors and inadequate
understanding of the biological interaction of these vectors with
the host.2
As of February 2000, several months after Gelsingers death,
more than 4,000 patients had participated in gene transfer studies.

Of the 372 clinical trials that were registered with the NIH, 89%
were Phase I studies of safety and toxicity.3 For many years, the
public and scientists have been concerned about the potential
environmental and infectious disease risks of recombinant DNA
technology. This is one reason that the federal government has
treated gene transfer studies differently from other clinical research. Extensive data about all trials registered with the NIH are
publicly availablefar more than for most other studies. Investigators who are funded by the NIH or who conduct their work at
institutions that receive NIH support for any type of recombinant
DNA research must comply with specific NIH guidelines. In addition to this, a Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC)
was established within the NIH in 1974. The RAC is a public
forum for discussion of novel and substantial issues related to gene
transfer trials, including the review of specific protocols. Although
the guidelines and the specific duties of the RAC have changed
over time, it has a critical role in the oversight of this research.4
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also regulates clinical
gene transfer trials.

Gene Transfer for Ornithine

Transcarbamylase Deficiency
Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency is a recessive Xlinked autosomal genetic defect that interferes with the metabolism of ammonia by the liver. Although the mutations that lead to
this enzyme deficiency are rareaffecting 1 in 40,000 to 1 in
80,000 peoplethey are the most common of the inborn errors of
urea synthesis. Correction of this single gene enzyme deficiency

The Gelsinger Case

has been viewed as a model for gene transfer directed at the liver.5
The reason is that restoration of the enzyme activity should treat
the disorder, as has been demonstrated by treatment with liver
transplantation.6 Gene transfer for OTC deficiency has been studied in the sparse fur mouse, which is deficient in the enzyme.
Studies in this animal model suggest that the gene defect can be
People with OTC deficiency can develop profound hyperammonemia. Excessive levels of ammonium ion in the brain can
lead to life-threatening encephalopathy, coma, and brain damage.
Complete deficiency usually leads to death during infancy.
Without a liver transplant, only about half of those born with OTC
deficiency will survive to age 5, and many survivors have profound mental impairment. For people with partial enzyme deficiency, a low protein diet supplemented with oral medications
(sodium benzoate and sodium phenylacetate=sodium phenylbutyrate) can be used to minimize the risk of complications or death.
Such treatment eliminates excess urea and precursors of ammonia.
However, adherence to diet and medical therapy is difficult, and
only partially effective.

Background to the Research Study

at the University of Pennsylvania
A chronology of events leading up to and following Gelsingers
death is shown in Table 10.1. In 1993, James M. Wilson was
recruited to the University of Pennsylvania from the University of
Michigan. At the time of Gelsingers death, Wilson was widely
considered to be one of the leading gene transfer researchers in the
world. He was director of the Institute for Human Gene Therapy
and professor and chair of the Department of Molecular and
Cellular Engineering in the universitys School of Medicine. In
1992, while working in Michigan, Wilson was a founder of Genovo, Inc., which had the rights to market his discoveries related
to gene transfer. Wilson held patents related to the use of vectors
derived from the adenovirus for gene transfer.
There were many financial links between Genovo, whose
principal offices were in a Philadelphia suburb, Wilson, the Institute for Human Gene Therapy, and the University of Pennsylvania. By 1999, Genovo provided more than $4 million a year to
the institute, a substantial portion of its budget. Wilson and his
immediate family had a 30% nonvoting equity stake in Genovo,
and the University of Pennsylvania had a 3.2% equity stake.7
Other shareholders included past and present employees of the
university and the institute. In the late 1990s, Penn was aggressively seeking to profit from the discoveries of its professors. The
Philadelphia Inquirer quoted the managing director of Penns Center
for Technology Transfer: For years, Penn wasnt even in the game.
Now were in the game and were looking for some home runs8
(see Chapters 6871).
In December 1994, Penns Center for Technology Transfer had
officially requested that the Conflict of Interest Standing Committee at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center review
Wilsons involvement with Genovo. The committee had the authority to review the case and to make recommendations for managing potential conflicts of interest. The committee considered the
case of great importance and conducted a detailed review. For
example, according to the minutes of the committees February 6,
1995, meeting, many comments and questions were considered.


Members were concerned that Wilsons multiple roles would

conflict with his responsibilities at Penn and create conflicts
for the medical school in allocating resources or implementing
ethical and academic policies. According to the minutes, Since
Dr. Wilsons research efforts will be directed towards the solution
of a problem in which he has a financial interest in the outcome,
how can Dr. Wilson assure the University that he will not be
conflicted when making decisions that could have an impact on
either Genovo, Biogen [another biotechnology company that had
invested in Genovo], or the further development of his intellectual
property? Another question appeared in the draft version of the
minutes, but not in the final version: How can Dr. Wilson and the
University avoid liability for damages if a patient died from any
products produced or studied at the University?
The Conflict of Interest Standing Committee recognized the
potential conflicts of interest involving Wilsons commitments to
Genovo and to the University of Pennsylvania. It also recognized
that his research program could lead to important medical advances that might benefit the public. In 1995, it did not seek to
end his financial arrangements with the company. Instead, it recommended actions to manage the conflicts by reducing his
managerial and scientific control. These included making Wilsons
stock nonvoting and prohibiting him from being a member of the
companys scientific advisory board.

The Research Study

Between 1997 and 1999, Gelsinger and 17 other subjects participated in the clinical protocol, Recombinant Adenovirus Gene
Transfer in Adults With Partial Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency.5,9 Wilson was a coinvestigator and the sponsor of the research. His main collaborators were Steven E. Raper, a surgeon at
the University of Pennsylvania, who was the principal investigator,
and Mark L. Batshaw of the Childrens National Medical Center in
Washington, D.C., who was the coprincipal investigator. Batshaw
had pioneered the drug and diet treatment that was widely used for
OTC deficiency. On June 21, 1997, Wilson signed FDA form 1572,
in which he agreed to conduct the study in accordance with the
investigational plan and applicable federal regulations.
The adenovirus-derived vector contained a functional OTC
gene. The vector was rendered incapable of replicating by the
deletion of two adenoviral genes; it was designed to be safer than
earlier versions of the vector. The purpose of the research was to
establish a safe dose of recombinant adenovirus to serve as a treatment for adults with partial OTC [deficiency].5 Like most gene
transfer studies at the time, the trial was a Phase I safety study of
escalating doses of the vector, not a study of the effectiveness of
the treatment. Thus, subjects were not expected to benefit directly
from their participation. The protocol was reviewed and approved
by many oversight bodies, including the RAC, the FDA, and human subjects review boards at the University of Pennsylvania
Medical Center and the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. The
NIH and Genovo, the company that Wilson had helped to found
and in which he held equity, were the major funders of the research and of Wilsons laboratory.
The protocol called for groups of three or four participants to
be assigned to one of six dosing regimens; each group received a
progressively higher dose of the vector, with adjustment for their
body weight. The genetically altered adenovirus was administered


A Selected History of Research With Humans

Table 10.1
Timeline of Events Leading Up To and Following the Death of Jesse Gelsinger





While at the University of Michigan, James M.

Wilson is a founder of Genovo, Inc., a company
involved in gene transfer research and development.
The company has rights to market Wilsons
discoveries related to gene transfer.

Apr. 2000

An independent, external panel appointed by

the president of the University of Pennsylvania
reports on the Institute for Human Gene Therapy.

May 2000

The University of Pennsylvania announces that

the Institute for Human Gene Therapy will
stop conducting clinical studies and sponsoring
clinical trials.

Aug. 2000

Targeted Genetics Corp. of Seattle agrees to acquire

Genovo, Inc. Wilson receives stock valued at about
$13.5 million and the University of Pennsylvania
stock valued at about $1.4 million.

Sept. 2000

Gelsingers family files a civil lawsuit against Wilson,

other researchers, and the University of Pennsylvania.

Nov. 2000

The lawsuit is settled out of court; details are

not disclosed.

Nov. 2000

The FDA, citing six violations of federal regulations,

begins proceedings to disqualify Wilson from
performing clinical research with investigational

Sept. 2001

The Office for Human Research Protections, in the

Department of Health and Human Services,
accepts Penns corrective actions with regard to
the OTC deficiency protocol and the Universitys
system for protecting human subjects.

Feb. 2002

The FDA concludes that Wilsons explanations

fail to adequately address the violations.
Wilson announces that he will step down as
director of the Institute for Human Gene Therapy.


Wilson is recruited to the University of Pennsylvania

to be the director of the Institute for Human
Gene Therapy.


The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC)

at the National Institutes of Health approves a
clinical protocol from the Institute for Human Gene
Therapy, Recombinant Adenovirus Gene Transfer in
Adults With Partial Ornithine Transcarbamylase
[OTC] Deficiency. The principal investigator is
Steven E. Raper, also of the University of
Pennsylvania. The coprincipal investigator is Mark
L. Batshaw of the Childrens National Medical Center
in Washington, D.C. Wilson is a coinvestigator.


Enrollment of patients in the gene transfer protocol

begins. The informed consent document includes
a one-sentence statement about the financial
interest of the University of Pennsylvania, Wilson,
and Genovo, Inc., in a successful outcome of the
research involved in this study.


Jesse Gelsinger, an 18-year-old man with partial

OTC deficiency and a resident of Tucson, Ariz.,
learns about the Penn study from his physician.

June 1999

Gelsinger and his father go to the Institute for

Human Gene Therapy. Blood tests to determine
his eligibility for the gene transfer trial are performed.

Apr. 2002
Summer 2002

The Institute for Human Gene Therapy closes.

Gelsinger returns to Philadelphia to begin the trial.

Gelsinger receives an infusion of 3.8 x 1013 particles
of the adenoviral vector through a femoral catheter
into the right hepatic artery. He is the 18th, and
last, subject in the study.

Apr. 2003

The University of Pennsylvania revises its conflict

of interest policies for faculty participating
in clinical trials.

Oct. 2003

A report on Gelsingers death, Fatal Systemic

Inflammatory Response Syndrome in a Ornithine
Transcarbamylase Deficient Patient Following
Adenoviral Gene Transfer, is published in the
medical literature.1
Resolving investigations by the Office of Criminal
Investigations at the FDA and the Office of Inspector
General of the Department of Health and Human
Services, the Department of Justice reaches civil
settlements with the University of Pennsylvania,
the Childrens National Medical Center, Wilson,
Raper, and Batshaw.

Sept. 9, 1999
Sept. 13, 1999

Sept. 17, 1999

Gelsinger dies. After his death, the study is halted.

Sept. 29, 1999

The Washington Post reports on Gelsingers death.

Serious problems with the conduct of the OTC
deficiency trial and the financial relationships
between Wilson, Penn, and Genovo subsequently
become widely known.

Dec. 1999

The RAC considers Gelsingers death at a

public meeting.

Jan. 2000

After conducting multiple inspections at Penn,

the FDA closes down all clinical trials at the
Institute for Human Gene Therapy.

as a single two-hour infusion of one ounce of fluid through a

femoral catheter into the right hepatic artery. Participants were not
The informed consent document cited three major risks:
1. The possibility that the adenovirus would inflame the liver.
It is even possible that this inflammation could lead to liver
toxicity or failure and be life-threatening, the consent document stated.

Feb. 2005

2. The possibility that the adenovirus would provoke an immune response that would damage the liver.
3. The possibility that receiving the vector would prevent the
research participants from receiving it as part of a therapy in
the future. If used again, the vector would likely trigger an
immune response and the body would eliminate it.
The consent document also stated that if a subject developed liver
failure, a liver transplant could be required. Participants were to

The Gelsinger Case

undergo a liver biopsy; the document stated that this procedure

was associated with a very small risk (1 in 10,000) of serious
unpredicted complications which can include death.10
A particularly controversial aspect of the study was the decision to enroll adults with mild disease, rather than children with
severe disease. The investigators had initially planned to use dying
newborn infants as subjects but changed their minds.11 According
to the informed consent document, Because this is a study of
safety and long-term metabolic improvement is not expected, we
felt it most appropriate to study adults (ages 1865) who have a
mild deficiency of OTC rather than children.10
One reason for the switch was that adults without mental impairment were better able to provide informed consent than the
parents of children with terminal illness. Another was that it would
be difficult to recognize adverse or life-threatening events in children who were already dying from their disease. Arthur L. Caplan, a
leading bioethicist, a professor of bioethics at Penn, and a member
of Wilsons department, advocated this approach.11 Wilson has
stated that the decision to use adults was based on the collective
input and recommendations from the University of Pennsylvanias
own bioethicists, as well as from families of diseased children and
other metabolic disease experts not associated with the study.12 In
some ways, the choice between enrolling adults with mild disease or
children with severe disease represented a no-win situation for the
investigators. Although this was a Phase I safety study, terminally ill
newborns potentially had the most to gain.13 Both positions can be
justified, and both can be criticized.
The enrollment of subjects with only mild disease was criticized before and after Gelsingers death. The RAC (which at the
time had to approve gene transfer studies) had approved the
protocol in December 1995.14 The approval, by a vote of 12 to 1,
with 4 abstentions, followed a lengthy discussion during which
some members questioned the safety and wisdom of the proposed
experiment. One concern was the enrollment of patients with mild
disease. Another was the infusion of large quantities of the vector
directly into the blood supply of the liver. For example, one reviewer of the protocol said that it would be more acceptable if the
vector can be repeatedly delivered by the less invasive intravenous
route and if the treatment was given to affected children with life
threatening OTC deficiency.14 At the time, the researchers agreed
to infuse the vector into the bloodstream, not directly into the
liver. This decision was subsequently reversed, as the FDA requested when it approved the protocol in 1997. The rationale was
that because the vector would travel through the circulation to the
liver anyway, it was safer to put it directly where it was needed
with the hope that it would not travel elsewhere. The RAC was not
informed of this change.15
The informed consent document also included a one-sentence
statement about the financial interests of the sponsors: Please be
aware that the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. James M. Wilson
(the Director of the Institute for Human Gene Therapy), and
Genovo, Inc. (a gene therapy company in which Dr. Wilson holds
an interest), have a financial interest in a successful outcome from
the research involved in this study.10 Such a statement was highly
unusual at the time. The form did not specify what the financial
interests were, or their potential magnitude. According to the
University, Wilson had no role in recruiting patients, obtaining
informed consent, or treating patients, including Gelsinger. Wilson, however, was a coinvestigator. As the director of the Institute
for Human Gene Therapy, he was the sponsor of the study. It was


his gene transfer research that made the trial possible. Wilson was
extensively involved in activities such as the preclinical animal
work, the development of the gene transfer vector and its mode of
delivery, the design of the trial, protocol modifications, laboratory
work during the trial, and the analysis of the results.

Jesse Gelsinger
Jesse Gelsinger was diagnosed with partial OTC deficiency when
he was a young child. He was subsequently found to have a unique mutation. Some of his cells had a defective OTC gene with a
large deletion, whereas others had a normal genea condition
known as mosaicism.16 Despite diet and drug therapy, he developed serious hyperammonemia many times, including an episode
of hyperammonemic coma in December 1998 that required treatment with mechanical ventilation. He recovered from this episode
without apparent adverse effects. In 1999, his disease was considered generally controlled.
Gelsinger lived in Tucson, Arizona. He was the 18th subject in
the study and, at age 18, the youngest person enrolled. He had
learned about the trial in 1998 from his physician. His father said
after his death that he was doing this for other people.17 Jesse
Gelsinger set aside his personal life to participate, and took an
unpaid leave from his job.18 According to his father, One night he
even said, The worst that could happen is that I could die and
maybe help doctors figure out a way to save sick babies. Ive never
been more proud of my son than the moment he decided to do
this experiment.17
The doses of the vector in the study ranged from 2 ! 109 to
6 ! 1011 particles=kg of body weight. (The second-highest dose
was 2 ! 1011 particles=kg.) On September 13, 1999, Gelsinger
became the second subject to receive the highest dose of 6 ! 1011
particles=kg; his total dose, based on his weight, was 3.8 ! 1013
particles. In the other study participants, including the first to
receive the highest dose, the adverse effects were transient muscle
aches and fevers and laboratory abnormalities such as thrombocytopenia, anemia, hypophosphatemia, and elevated levels of the
liver enzymes known as transaminases. The adverse events in other
study participants, however, were not life threatening.
About 18 hours following infusion of the adenovirus vector,
Gelsinger developed altered mental status and jaundiceneither of
which had been seen in the first 17 study participants. He subsequently developed the systemic inflammatory response syndrome,
disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiple organ system
failure, and the acute respiratory distress syndrome.1 Gelsinger died
on September 17, 1999, 98 hours following gene transfer.
An autopsy and subsequent studies indicated that his death was
caused by a fulminant immune reaction (with high serum levels of
the cytokines interleukin-6 and interleukin-10) to the adenoviral
vector.1 Substantial amounts of the vector were found not only in
his liver (as expected) but also in his spleen, lymph nodes, and bone
marrow. According to an NIH report on adenoviral safety and
toxicity that was prompted by Gelsingers death, The data suggested that the high dose of Ad [adenoviral] vector, delivered by
infusion directly to the liver, quickly saturated available receptors . . . within that organ and then spilled into the circulatory and
other organ systems including the bone marrow, thus inducing the
systemic immune response.19 The report added, Although the Ad
vector used in the OTC trial was incapable of replicating, the capsid


A Selected History of Research With Humans

Figure 10.1. Jesse Gelsinger, June 22, 1999. Having just been screened
for participation in the Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency clinical
trial, Jesse Gelsinger was ready, just like Rocky Balboa was ready for
battle, to help advance treatments for his disease, says Jesses father, Paul
Gelsinger. Jesse had no real idea of the concealed dangers involved in
what he was about to do, nor of the ethical awareness his death would
bring. Source: Mickie Gelsinger and Paul Gelsinger. Reproduced with

proteins encoating the vector [the shell of the vector] likely contributed to the participants immune response.
In October 2003, the research team published a report on the
unexpected and tragic consequences of Jesse Gelsingers participation in this trial.1 They concluded that his death pointed to
the limitations of animal studies in predicting human responses,
the steep toxicity curve for replication defective adenovirus vectors, substantial subject-to-subject variation in host responses to
systemically administered vectors, and the need for further study
of the immune response to these vectors.1

Subsequent Developments at Penn

After Gelsingers death, the study was halted. Although a Tucson
newspaper had reported on his death a few days earlier, the events

were not widely known until an article appeared in the Washington

Post on September 29, 1999.20,21 The FDA, the NIH, and the
Office for Protection from Research Risks at NIH began intensive
reviews of the protocol and other gene transfer research.
Serious deficiencies in the conduct of the study soon became
widely known.22 One was that Gelsinger should not have been
allowed into the study, because his liver was not functioning at the
minimal level required for inclusion on the day he received the
infusion. Another was that the researchers failed to immediately
notify the FDA when earlier participants had Grade III liver toxicity. Their liver enzyme abnormalities were sufficiently severe that
the study should have been put on hold, as the research protocol
required. Still another was that the FDA was not promptly informed about the results of tests in laboratory animals that suggested
a significant risk of the adenoviral vector for human subjects.
When given higher doses of the vector (1 ! 1013 particles=kg),
rhesus monkeys developed disseminated intravascular coagulation and liver failure; some died. However, at the dose administered to Gelsinger (6 ! 1011 particles=kg), which was about 15fold less, only minor toxicities to the liver were observed in the
monkeys. Yet another deficiency was that the researchers had
changed the protocol multiple times without notifying the FDA,
and failed to make changes they had agreed to make. These included tightening the exclusion criteria in a way that would have
made more potential subjects ineligible, because they were at risk
for liver toxicity on the basis of their medical histories. Other
questions had to do with Wilsons and Penns financial interest in
the studys success, deficiencies in the informed consent process,
including downplaying the risks by failing to give potential participants all the relevant safety information, such as the monkey
deaths and the serious side effects in other subjects, failure to
follow the protocol, failure to maintain complete and accurate records, and the adequacy of the review of the trial by Penns institutional review board (IRB).2229
In January 2000, after conducting multiple inspections at
Penn, the FDA issued a list of inspectional observations and
closed down all clinical trials at the Institute for Human Gene
Therapy.25 Neither the FDA nor the Office for Protection from
Research Risks sought to halt all clinical research at Penn.
Although acknowledging mistakes and extending its sympathy to the Gelsinger family, the research team vigorously defended
its work, and Penn defended its researchers.30 According to
Wilson, the alleged lure of potential financial gain played no role
in any clinical decisions.12 Penns position has been that as deeply
regrettable as Gelsingers death was, it was simply not foreseeable
based on informed medical judgment and the best scientific information available at the time, according to a written statement
in October 2003 by Rebecca Harmon, the chief public affairs officer for the Universitys School of Medicine.
After Gelsingers death, Penn initially sought to reopen its
gene transfer program. Soon, however, it changed its mind. In
early 2000, Judith Rodin, then the president of the university,
appointed an independent, external panel to evaluate the issues.
William H. Danforth, former chancellor of Washington University
in St. Louis, chaired the panel. In April 2000, the panel recommended that the university do a better job of evaluating and monitoring clinical trials and ensuring that informed consent is
properly obtained.31 The panel also recommended that Penn review its policies on conflict of interest, especially with regard to
clinical trials. For clinical trials, the panel found that

The Gelsinger Case

[E]quity positions by an investigator and=or the University

may be ill advised, even if, in reality, there is no practical effect
whatsoever. Given that the overriding responsibility of the
University and its investigators is to the welfare of patients, the avoidance of conflict of interest that even remotely might detract from putting the needs of patients first
becomes paramount. In that regard, investments in new
therapies differ from those in other ventures, such as computer technology, which involve no responsibility for
patient care.
The panel also questioned whether it made sense to have an
entire Institute devoted to gene therapy.
Rodin also requested a second report, an internal review by
Penn faculty of all aspects of research involving human subjects at
the university. In an interim report, also in April 2000, the internal
Committee on Research Using Humans recommended that Rodin
carry out a comprehensive review of the universitys IRB system,
and develop formal monitoring mechanisms for clinical trials as
well as standard operating procedures that apply to human
subjects research.32 At the time, Penn had more than 3,900 ongoing research protocols involving humans, of which more than
750 involved the use of investigational drugs. The committee also
recommended that the IRB act expeditiously to require that
principal investigators and coinvestigators disclose on the forms
requesting IRB approval any proprietary interest in the product or
procedure under investigation, including potential future compensation both for themselves and their immediate family. The
IRB should then determine on a case-by-case basis whether disclosures in the patient consent document or other protections are
required.32 The committee never issued a final report, as the university quickly implemented changes.
In May 2000, the University of Pennsylvania announced that
the Institute for Human Gene Therapy would stop conducting
clinical studies and sponsoring clinical trials. Instead, it would
conduct animal experiments and preclinical research. The university also announced other changes, including reforms in its IRB
system, educational programs for researchers, and a more comprehensive infrastructure to protect research subjects.33 According to a university publication, the work of the internal review
committee and other efforts by faculty and administrators have
generated unprecedented change in Penns research infrastructure
and culture.34
In August 2000, Targeted Genetics Corp. of Seattle agreed to
acquire Genovo, the company that Wilson had helped to found.35
The acquisition enriched Wilson and the University of Pennsylvania. Under the agreement, Wilson was to receive Targeted Genetics stock that was then valued at about $13.5 million. The
University of Pennsylvania was to receive stock valued at about
$1.4 million.7 Although the actual amount of money that Wilson
and the university received is not known, it may have been considerably less, because the value of the stock plummeted.
In September 2001, the Office for Human Research Protections of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS),
which had replaced the Office for Protection from Research Risks
at the NIH, accepted Penns corrective actions with regard to the
OTC deficiency protocol and the Universitys system for protecting research participants.36 In April 2002, Wilson announced that
he would step down as director of the Institute for Human Gene


Therapy. He continued as chairman and professor of the Molecular and Cellular Engineering Department. The institute closed in
the summer of 2002.
The University of Pennsylvania also revised its conflict of interest policies. In April 2003, a policy on financial disclosure and
presumptively prohibited conflicts for faculty participating in
clinical trials became effective.37 An earlier version had been used
as an interim policy. The policy prohibited clinical investigators
from maintaining certain significant financial interests such as
service on the board of directors or as an officer of a company or
entity that sponsors a clinical trial, significant equity interest in the
sponsor, or ownership of a proprietary interest in the tested
product. The policy defined significant equity interest as
[A]ny ownership interest, stock options, or other financial
interest whose value cannot be readily determined through
reference to public prices (generally, interests in a nonpublicly traded corporation), or any equity interest in a
publicly traded corporation that exceeds $10,000 (or exceeds
5% ownership) during the time the clinical investigator is
carrying out the study and for 1 year following the completion of the study. Interest in any publicly traded mutual
fund is excluded.
Like policies at many academic medical centers, Penns policy
allowed for exceptions on a case-by-case basis when there are
compelling circumstances. The policy defined compelling circumstances as facts that convince the [Conflict of Interest
Standing Committee] that an investigator should be permitted to
participate in a specific trial in spite of a Significant Financial
Interest. Relevant information includes the nature of the research; the magnitude of the financial interest; the extent to which
the financial interest could be influenced by the research; the
degree of risk to human subjects; and whether the interest is
amenable to management.37

The Response of Gelsingers Family

Following his sons death, Paul Gelsinger became an outspoken
advocate of improved protection for research participants. In the
first months after the death, he continued to support his sons
doctorsbelieving that their intent was nearly as pure as
Jesseseven as the news media exposed the flaws in their
work.18 However, while attending the discussion of his sons
death at a RAC meeting in December 1999, he became convinced
that he and his son had not been given all the relevant information.
He changed his mind. It wasnt until that three-day meeting that
I discovered that there was never any efficacy in humans, he later
wrote. I believed this was working based on my conversations
with Mark Batshaw and that is why I defended Penn for so long.
At a meeting with FDA and NIH officials and the Penn doctors
during the RAC meeting, after touching on many issues I let them
know that I had not to this point even spoken to a lawyer, but
would be in the near future. Too many mistakes had been made
and unfortunately, because of our litigious society, it was the only
way to correct these problems.18 In September 2000, Gelsingers
family filed a civil lawsuit against the lead researchers, the University of Pennsylvania, and others.38 In November 2000, the suit
was settled out of court; details have not been disclosed.39,40


A Selected History of Research With Humans

The Response of the Federal Government

At the time of Gelsingers death, adenoviral vectors were used in
one quarter of the 372 gene transfer trials that were registered with
the NIH. After reviewing safety and toxicity data from these trials,
the RAC recommended that human gene transfer research with
adenoviral vectors continue, but with greater caution.19 The committee also recommended a centralized data base for collecting
and organizing safety and toxicity data on gene transfer vectors,
greater standardization of the experimental data collected during
trials, improved informed consent documents, and more extensive
monitoring of research participants.
Prompt and complete reporting of serious adverse events was
a particular concern. After Gelsinger died, the NIH and the FDA
both reminded researchers of their obligations to report adverse
events in gene transfer trials. The NIH soon received nearly 700
such reports, including reports of deaths that occurred before
Gelsingers.41 For example, the NIH learned that a gene transfer
trial at another academic medical center had been suspended in
June 1999 after three of the first six participants died and a seventh became seriously ill. The study participants were terminally
ill cancer patients. The NIH also had not been promptly notified of
two deaths at a third institution during trials involving genes for a
vascular endothelial growth factor aimed at growing new blood
vessels in patients with coronary or peripheral artery disease. In
2000, the FDA halted the experiments.42 The FDA and the NIH
subsequently tightened the monitoring procedures for gene transfer trials, increased federal oversight and public access to information about the trials, increased inspections of gene transfer
clinical investigators, and improved the reporting of serious adverse events. In March 2004, the agencies launched the Genetic
Modification Clinical Research Information System, known as
GeMCRIS. This Web-accessible database on human gene transfer
( provides information about clinical gene transfer trials. It also allows investigators and sponsors
to report adverse events using a secure electronic interface, thus
improving and centralizing reporting procedures.
In March and July 2000, the FDA sent warning letters to
Wilson, outlining what the agency viewed as widespread deficiencies in the conduct of the research.26,27 In November 2000, the
FDA sent warning letters to Batsaw43 and Raper44 and began proceedings to disqualify Wilson from performing clinical research
with investigational drugs.28 It is unusual for the FDA to seek such
a disqualification. In a 15-page letter, the FDA detailed the evidence that Wilson had repeatedly or deliberately violated regulations governing the proper conduct of clinical studies involving
investigational new drugs.28 It cited six violations: failure to fulfill
the general responsibilities of investigators; failure to ensure that
an investigation was conducted according to the investigational
plan; failure to submit accurate reports about the safety of the
study to the University of Pennsylvania IRB; failure to accurately
and completely identify changes in the research for review and
evaluation by the review board; failure to properly obtain informed
consent; and failure to maintain accurate case histories of the research subjects. Wilson contested many of the allegations.
In February 2002, the FDA concluded that Wilsons written
explanations failed to adequately address the violations.45 The
agency told Wilson that, although he was assisted by several
subinvestigators, as the clinical investigator you were responsi-

ble for all aspects of the study. It added, While you assert that
you delegated many aspects of the subject recruitment and subject
management to others, you were the responsible leader of the
investigational team. Indeed, you were present when prospective
subjects cases were discussed, and when protocol modifications
were considered at the OTCD team meetings.45
Following investigations by the Office of Criminal Investigations at the FDA and the Office of Inspector General at the DHHS,
the Department of Justice brought civil charges against the University of Pennsylvania, the Childrens National Medical Center,
Wilson, Batshaw, and Raper. The government alleged that the investigators and their institutions violated the federal False Claims
Act by making false statements and claims in connection with
grant applications and progress reports to the NIH, submissions to
the FDA, information supplied to the IRBs that had oversight over
the research, and by failing to obtain proper informed consent.
In February 2005, the government reached civil settlements
with the investigators and institutions.40 The institutions and investigators did not acknowledge the governments allegations and
maintained that they acted appropriately and within the law at all
times. The investigators did not take responsibility for Gelsingers
death. The University of Pennsylvania agreed to pay a fine of
$517,496 and to increase IRB oversight of clinical research and
training for investigators and clinical coordinators. The settlement
agreement outlined the steps the university had taken to promote
safety in clinical research. For example, between fiscal years 1998
and 2005, the number of full-time employees of the Universitys
Office of Regulatory Affairs, which is responsible for staffing the
IRBs, increased from 5 to 23. In a written statement, the university
said, Out of this tragedy has come a renewed national effort to
protect the safety of those who help to advance new treatments
and cure through clinical research. The Childrens National
Medical Center agreed to pay $514,622 and to increase its IRB
budget and staff.
Wilson continued to work at the University of Pennsylvania.
The agreement terminated the FDAs administrative proceedings
against him. Wilson agreed not to serve as a sponsor of a clinical
trial regulated by the FDA or to participate without restriction in
research with humans until February 2010. (He already had not
been involved with human research participants since January
2000.) Wilson also agreed to meet specified educational, training,
and monitoring requirements related to his research and to lecture
and write an article on the lessons of human research participants
protections learned from the OTC deficiency trial. In a written
statement released by Penn, Wilson said, In the last few years,
I have focused my research on the discovery and design of new
gene-transfer vectors for gene therapy and genetic vaccines.
Reaching this agreement means that I may continue to devote
myself fully and without restriction to my laboratory and that
I may conduct clinical research when it would be appropriate
for scientific advancement. Batshaw and Raper agreed to lesser

Enduring Legacy
More than eight years after Gelsingers death, the case remained
sensitive for the University of Pennsylvania. Despite repeated requests, neither Wilson nor any of the university officials with

The Gelsinger Case

extensive knowledge of the case were willing to speak about it;

Wilson has granted no interviews for many years.
According to Donna Shalala, Secretary of DHHS during the
Clinton administration, The tragic death of Jesse Gelsinger focused national attention on the inadequacies in the current system of protections for human research subjects.46 In a better
world, improved protection for research subjects would be less
dependent on responses to tragedy. Nonetheless, the protection
of research subjects has often improved after crises, such as the
Tuskegee syphilis experiment in the 1970s (see Chapter 8). In an
article in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2000, Shalala
wrote that the American people expect that clinical researchers
will never compromise or neglect the safety of human subjects.
She also cited practical considerations: To put it simply, if we
cannot guarantee sound research in generaland patients safety
in particularpublic support for gene therapy and other potentially lifesaving treatments will evaporate.46
Reports from the DHHS Office of Inspector General, some of
which were completed before Gelsingers death, documented
problems with IRBs in the United States. The review boards have
been criticized for reviewing too many protocols, working too
quickly, having insufficient expertise, and providing too little
training for investigators and board members.47 The National
Bioethics Advisory Commission and the Institute of Medicine
examined these and additional problems with assuring the safety
of subjects.48,49 A common theme was that broader and more
effective federal oversight of clinical research was needed.
In 2000, DHHS established the Office for Human Research
Protections. The office replaced the NIH Office for Protection from
Research Risks, which had less visibility and stature. In 2001, the
FDA established the Office for Good Clinical Practice to coordinate its efforts to protect research subjects. As indicated above, in
2004, the NIH and the FDA launched the GeMCRIS to provide
information about clinical gene-transfer trials and allow prompt
reporting of adverse events. Institutions that have corrected serious problems with their programs for protecting subjects, such as
Johns Hopkins University and Duke University as well as Penn,
have markedly increased their spending for these programs, and
have increased the number of review boards.47
Lawsuits against investigators, IRBs, and academic institutions
are increasingly common.50 Traditionally, litigation in clinical research was based on allegations about failure to obtain informed
consent. For example, investigators may not have given research
participants sufficient information to permit meaningful consent.
In the Gelsinger case and other recent actions, new types of claims
have been made. These include product liability claims against a
drug manufacturer and fraud claims against investigators for not
revealing their financial ties or problems encountered by previous
subjects. The number and types of defendants have also expanded.
The allegations in the civil lawsuit filed by Gelsingers family
included wrongful death, product liability, lack of informed consent, and fraud. The initial defendants included William N. Kelly,
the former dean of the School of Medicine and the chief executive
of its health system, who had recruited Wilson to Penn and had
patent interests related to gene transfer research. They also included Caplan, who had been consulted about the trial, the
trustees of the University, the main investigators, and Genovo, the
company that Wilson had helped to found.38 When the lawsuit
was settled, Kelly and Caplan were dismissed from the suit.40
According to an analysis of these trends by Mello, Studdert, and


Brennan, litigation may help injured subjects obtain compensation. However, it is also likely to lead IRBs to adopt a more
legalistic, mechanistic approach to ethical review that does not
further the interests of human subjects or scientific progress.50
In response to the Gelsinger case, the American Society of
Gene Therapy revised its conflict of interest policies.51 The Association of American Medical Colleges issued guidelines for
oversight of both individual and institutional financial interests
in human subjects research.52,53 In 2004, after years of consideration, DHHS issued guidance on financial relationships and
interests and human subject protection.54 The department recommended that IRBs, institutions, and investigators consider
whether specific financial relationships create financial interests in
research studies that may adversely affect the rights and welfare of
subjects. Among the questions to be addressed were, What financial relationships and resulting financial interests could cause
potential or actual conflicts of interest? and At what levels
should those potential or actual financial conflicts of interest be
managed or eliminated?54
Despite the various reports and institutional changes following Gelsingers death, it can be argued that nothing has really
changed. Review boards and other oversight mechanisms can do
only so much. As of 2007, Congress had enacted no legislation to
make the system for protecting research participants more efficient
and effective. There had been no new federal regulations. For example, according to David Blumenthal, the guidance from DHHS
about financial relationships is notable for the qualified nature
of its recommendations, which are not backed by any regulatory
authority.55 In addition, improvements in the federal oversight
of research primarily affect federally funded programs. With the
exception of research involving new drugs and medical devices
that is under the jurisdiction of the FDA, there is no requirement
that participants in privately sponsored research receive the same
protection that federal regulations provide.47 The National Bioethics Advisory Commission concluded in 2001 that the difference in protection was ethically indefensible and a fundamental
flaw in the current oversight system.48 This situation remains
unchanged. Although it might seem that that research subjects
should be safer than they were before Gelsingers death, there is no
way to know for sure.

Ethical Issues
The issues raised by the Gelsinger case have a common theme. In
their zeal to help patients with a life-threatening disease, leading
researchers at one of the premier academic medical centers in the
United States lost their focus. They overlooked warning signals
that the experimental intervention was not safe, with tragic, fatal
consequences. The ethical issues relate to the selection of the research subjects, informed consent, adherence to the research protocol, and financial conflicts of interest.
The concerns about the selection of research subjects are
discussed earlier in this chapter. Although adults with mild OTC
deficiency and no mental impairment could provide informed
consent, participation in the trial may have placed them at unnecessary risk. New treatments for OTC deficiency were urgently
needed for patients with severe disease, not mild disease. Both the
enrollment of adults with mild disease or newborns with the lethal
form of the disease can be justified, and both positions can be


A Selected History of Research With Humans

criticized. As a Phase I study of dosage and safety, the Penn experiment was not intended to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of gene transfer for OTC deficiency. It is easy to criticize
decisions after a tragedy. There was a rationale for the enrollment
criteria, and many oversight groups approved the protocol.
The case underscores the responsibilities of investigators to
properly obtain informed consent, to clearly disclose all the risks
of research, to adhere to the research protocol, to keep good records, and to communicate promptly and completely with IRBs
and regulatory agencies.13 It also underscores the obligations of
review boards and regulatory agencies to provide effective oversight of research.
There is no evidence that the financial interests of the University of Pennsylvania and Wilson in the success of the research
had any relation to Gelsingers death. Nonetheless, the existence of
their financial interests inherently created uncertainty about their
motives. Even if their motives had nothing to do with making
money and their financial incentives had nothing to do with the
conduct of the study, there was no way that either Penn or Wilson
could effectively respond to the charge that the research was
pursued for financial gain. The informed consent document included a statement about the financial interests of Penn, Wilson,
and Genovo in a successful outcome from the research involved
in this study, although it did not indicate what the financial interests were, or their magnitude.10 It can be argued that although
disclosing this information to subjects was preferable to not disclosing it, the conflicts did not have to exist in the first place. A key
question is whether Penn or Wilson should have been allowed to
have these financial interests at all, or if the clinical trial should have
been conducted by other investigators or at another institution. An
IRB or a conflict of interest committee could require that financial
conflicts be eliminated.
Cooperation between academic medical centers and industry
can advance medical knowledge and speed the development of
new treatments and technologies. Financial relations, however,
complicate this cooperation. Some experts consider a presumption that financial conflicts should be eliminated, not managed, to
be too draconian because it will impede vital research. Others argue that less radical approaches are doomed to fail. According to
Marcia Angell, a former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal
of Medicine,
[O]ur society is now so drenched in market ideology that
any resistance is considered quixotic. But medicine and
clinical research are special, and I believe we have to protect
their timeless values of service and disinterestedness. Patients should not have to wonder whether an investigator is
motivated by financial gain, and the public should not have
to wonder whether medical research can be believed. The
only way to deal with the problem is to eliminate it as much
as possible. 56
Gene transfer is still in its infancy. It continues to hold great
promise, but the risks and benefits are still being discovered. For
example, encouraging results with gene transfer in the treatment
of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID), a devastating disease of young children, were followed by reports of a
leukemia-like disorder in some of the research participants. One
of these children died in 2004. According to Philip Noguchi of the
FDA, the developments are a reminder that the manipulations
needed to create gene therapy add enormous complexity to con-

siderations of safety and preclinical toxicity testing, and for every

intended consequence of a complex biological product, there are
unintended consequences.57 In March 2005, an advisory committee to the FDA recommended that gene transfer for X-SCID be
restricted to children who have no alternative. As of that month,
the FDA had received 472 investigational new drug applications
for gene transfer; 123 had been withdrawn, 92 were inactive, 14
had been terminated, and 243 remained active. As of October 18,
2007, the FDA had received 562 applications; 150 had been
withdrawn, 101 were inactive, 15 had been terminated, and 296
remained active. The agency had approved no gene therapies.
The death of Jesse Gelsinger has taught the medical community and society about how to make clinical research safer. Research, however, is still research. Only a minority of clinical trials
will show benefit. Adverse events are inevitable. Some will continue to be unexpected, and tragic.

1. Raper SE, Chirmule N, Lee FS, et al. Fatal systemic inflammatory
response syndrome in a ornithine transcarbamylase deficient patient following adenoviral gene transfer. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2003;80:14858.
2. Orkin SH, Motulsky AG (co-chairs). Report and Recommendations
of the Panel to Assess the NIH Investment in Research on Gene
Therapy. [Online] December 7, 1995. Available: http:==www4.0d.nih
3. Statement of Amy Patterson, M.D., Office of Biotechnology Activities,
National Institutes of Health, Before the Subcommittee on Public
Health, Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, U.S.
Senate. [Online] February 2, 2000. Available: http:==www4.0d.nih
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4. National Institutes of Health. Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules. [Online] April 2002. Available:
5. Batshaw ML, Wilson JM, Raper S, et al. Clinical protocol: Recombinant adenovirus gene transfer in adults with partial ornithine
transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD). Human Gene Therapy
6. Whittington PF, Alonso EM, Boyle JT, et al. Liver transplantation for
the treatment of urea cycle disorders. Journal of Inherited Metabolic
Disease 1998;21(Suppl 1):1128.
7. Hensley S. Targeted Genetics Genovo deal leads to windfall for researcher. Wall Street Journal Aug. 10, 2000:B12.
8. Fernandez B. Penn engineering new profits from schools scientific
work. Philadelphia Inquirer June 21, 1998:A19.
9. Raper SE, Yudkoff M, Chirmule N, et al. A pilot study of in-vivo liverdirected gene transfer with an adenoviral vector in partial ornithine
transcarbamylase deficiency. Human Gene Therapy 2002;13:
10. Raper SE, Batshaw ML, Wilson JM, et al. Consent to act as a subject
in an investigational study ( January 1999), CHOP IRB #19947794,
Penn IRB #366 0, Recombinant adenovirus gene transfer in
adults with partial ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency.
11. Sisti, DA, Caplan AL. Back to basics: Gene therapy research ethics
and oversight in the post-Gelsinger era. In: Rehmann-Sutter C, Muller
H, eds. Ethik und Gentherapie: Zum praktischen Diskurs um die molekulare Medizin. Stuttgart, Germany: Francke Verlag; 003:135 49.
12. Wilson JM. Risks of gene therapy research. Washington Post Dec. 6,
13. Friedmann T. Principles for human gene therapy studies. Science

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