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Conventional, sense of diplomacy is an attempt of a nation-state to pursue
national interests in international society. 1 In this case, diplomacy is not simply as a
negotiation, but all attempts at foreign relations.2
For any country, the main purpose of his diplomacy is the security of political
freedom and territorial integration. This can be achieved by strengthening relations
with friendly countries, maintain close relations with countries that same course and
neutralize the hostile State. Friendship can be fostered and new friends acquired
through a useful organization3. Aims of basic Politics from diplomacy is to achieve
its goal peacefully, but if it is not possible, other actions may be possible to be taken.
Macro culture is a whole system of ideas, actions, and results of human work
in the framework of a society that human beings are entitled to learn.4 if the macro
understanding of this culture must be linked to cultural diplomacy, cultural diplomacy
the fact is the only kind of diplomacy that humans possess. Diplomacy for any man

K.J.Holsti, International Politics, A Framework for Analysis, third edition, (new Delhi: Prentice

Hlml of India, 1984), page 82-83.


S.L Roy, Diplomacy, translated Harwanto and Mirsawati (Jakarta; Rajawali Press, 1991)

Ibid hal 6

Kuntjaraningrat, Pengantar Antropologi Budaya (Jakarta: Aksara Baru, 1979), Page. 193.


does, whether it is economic diplomacy, military and others, including as a result of

the culture. Micro-cultures, usually more manifest in the field of education, arts,
science, and sports. More micro again, and this was more often regarded as a
'convention' is a culture that focused on the use of 'art'.
Thus cultural diplomacy can be defined as a state effort to promote its
national interests through cultural dimension, both in the micro, such as education,
science, sports, and arts, or a macro in accordance with the characteristics of the
major, such as propaganda and other another, which in the conventional sense can be
regarded as not a political, economic or military. Cultural diplomacy consistently also
done by Japan when experienced in diplomacy decline that based on economic
superiority. In the beginning of 1970 Japan economic growth rapidly. One of
Japanese business partner is Indonesia.
The relationship between Indonesia and Japan began with the signing of
Indonesia Japan peace treaty on January 20, 1958 between Indonesia Foreign
minister Soebandiro and Japan foreign minister, Aiichiro Fujiyama. This agreement
as eternal epigraph that was ended war between the two countries, because in 1942
Japan ever colonize Indonesia for about three years, and made Indonesian people
became suffered. But finally Japan surrendered on 14 August 1945, because Japan
was defeated on the World War II. This peace agreement required both countries and
their citizens are always in a safe condition for real and eternal, and in a good
relationship forever.


Another conflict occurred in Indonesia and Japan relations on 1973. Anti

Japan demo took place in some countries during 1973-1974 especially Indonesia.
Indonesia's famous scene with the riots "14 January 1974 or Malaria Incident. This
incident occurred because in the beginning of 1970 Japan economic grew rapidly and
many developing country regarded Japan as egoist state, because Japan only concern
on Japan prosperity by ignoring the prosperity of developing countries which were
Japanese economic activity partners by Japanese conglomerate. Because the wave
was so fierce anti-Japanese in Indonesia, on 1976 Japanese government under prime
minister Fukuda, accelerated foreign policy that concentrated more on cooperating in
cultural sector, not prior on economic anymore. Japanese foreign policy is known by
Fukuda Doktrin that is still hold until now.
There are many unique ways to promote an image of a nation. There are show
their landmark, there are accelerate the tourism sector, and still others prefer to use
cartoon fame, like do by Japan. Now, Japan is one of the exporters of the biggest pop
culture. One of the pop cultures of Japan is anime.
Japanese animation is more known as anime. The term is actually a loan word
for word in Japanese animation, and adopted the same meaning (the term used around
the anime began in the 1970s). But in its development, the more popular term for
non-Japanese to refer originating animations from Japan. Anime has visual
characteristics vary widely and do not have a standard style and used by all the
anime. But the Japanese anime in general can be identified with a depiction of the


excessive physical / non-realistic, such as large eyes or wild hairstyles. Japanese

anime has various types. One of the forerunners is Fujiko Fujio successful with
Doreamon first emerged on 1969. This robotic cat is reported to come from
the 22th century and proficient use many gadgets, such as a time machine, a magic
door, and bamboo propellers. He has a magic bag in the abdomen, which can produce
other gadgets-gadget to help his friends who are having difficulties. All problems can
always be overcome with Doraemon's gadgets. Doraemon has introduced a variety of
Japanese culture. Currently Doraemon has become one that is identical with the
Japanese. Society will instantly picture on Doraemon when thinking about Japan and
vice versa. Indonesian society is very familiar with Doraemon and knowing where he
came from. Outsiders became know how to think Japanese people and their daily
Japanese diplomacy in Indonesia for fifty years has been carried out through
various strategies. Strategy and Japanese media used to support the diplomacy is very
diverse. One form of Japanese cultural diplomacy is very interesting and greatest
addition to funding assistance is Anime. And Japanese government took bit strange
steps to promote cultural abroad, On March 19, 2008, Japanese Foreign Minister,
Masahiko Komura officially appointed Doraemon as a symbol of Japanese culture


diplomacy.5 There are two interesting things from the phenomenon represented by
this Doraemon. The first thing, Doraemon has become a global creative industry.
Behind the Doraemon characters emerging from fantasy Fujiko F. Fujio (Hiroshi
Fujimoto) lay a work process that involves a lot of resources. Millions of people in
the world of appearance live from this character. Stir engine produces millions of
products derived from the character Doraemon. The second thing is that Doraemon is
brought up with stories; it can be accepted by the world community especially in
Indonesia. Due to gain the hearts and trust of the community in a country is the
hardest part of diplomacy. In this case, Japan through anime quite success to do in

Even the Japanese government made a political policy to spreading the wealth
of culture that owned Japan into neighboring countries aims to more aromatize
japans name and also create positive images. But, on the other hand the Japanese
government also has another purpose is to improve the critical sectors in Japan, such
as social and cultural. Particular part of Japanese Popular Culture are animation,
movies, manga and the art of cooking (Japanese cuisine) in order to increase Japanese
popular culture in Europe, the United States and Asia especially in Indonesia6.

A cultural product such as Doraemon is particularly powerful enough to

support diplomacy. Collaboration between anime and diplomacy is a thing that was

6 accessed on June 15,2009


born by accident, but the momentum of the anime fame can be maximally utilized by
the Japanese. Diplomacy anime through Doraemon has spread and enjoyed in various
countries showed the latest era of world politics.

B. Research Question
From the description set out in the background on the problem, then the issue can be
formulated is Why Japanese board appointed Doraemon as Symbol of Japanese
Cultural diplomacy on 2008?
C. Theoretical Framework
To analyze the Main Problem, the author uses:
1. Decision Making Theory
Basically the decision-making is a systematic approach to the nature of a
problem, gathering the facts, determining which of the alternative mature face, and
taking action which is calculated according to the most appropriate action.
According to Irwin D.J. Bross: "The Process of selecting one action from a
number of alternative courses of action is what I mean by Shall decision." 7

Herbert G. Hicks and C. Ray Gullet. Organizations: Theory and Behaviour, McGraw-Hill
Kogakusha, Ltd., Tokyo, 1998. p. 335


In general notion is decision theory, techniques used in decision-making

process or the process of choosing actions as a way of solving the problem. From
several definitions found in the decision-making, can be summarized that decisionmaking in an organization is the result of a process of communication and continuous
participation of the entire organization. The results of that decision can be a statement
agreed between or among alternative procedures to achieve certain goals. The
approach can be done, either through individual approaches / groups, centralization /
decentralization, participation / no participation, mupun democratic / consensus. 8
In general, the decision (decision) means the option (choice), the choice of
two or more possibilities. Decision making is hardly a choice between right and
wrong there but exactly what often happens is the choice between the "almost right"
and that "probably wrong". Decisions are usually made based on situational
considerations, that the decision was the best decision. In addition, the decision can
be seen in relation to the process, namely that a decision is the final state of a more
dynamic process that is labeled decisions. In other words, the decision is a conclusion
that is reached after consideration, which occurred after one possibility is selected,
while others excluded. In this case, the meaning of the consideration is to analyze
several possibilities or alternatives, then choose one of them.

Kadarsah Suryadi dan Ali Ramdhani. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya,
Bandung, 1998, hal. 14.


Behind the decision there is an element of the procedure, the first decision
maker identified problem, clarify the specific goals you want, examine the various
possibilities to achieve its intended purpose, and end the process is there to set the
option to act. Or in other words, a decision was based on facts and values (facts and
values). Both are very important, but the facts seem to dominate the values in
decision making.
In the end we can say that every decision that departed from several
possibilities or alternatives to choose from. Each alternative brings consequences.
This means, a number of alternatives that differ from one another given the
differences of the consequences it caused. The options were dropped on the
alternatives must be able to give satisfaction because satisfaction is one of the most
important aspect in the decision.
When watching the consequences that arise as a result of a decision can hardly
be said that no single decision that would please everybody. A decision can only
satisfy the majority of a group or person. There was always a group who feel harmed
by the decision. Therefore, if the loss is felt that less objective, not closed the
possibility for them to do the negative reaction to the decision.
Below is a diagram to illustrate the organization's decision-making process:


Tabel 1.1 :
The Decision as part of a Process

Organization goals
Or objective

Performance criteria








Feedback, comparison
And correction
Implementations and

Source: Herbert G. Hicks and C. Ray Gullet. Organizations: Theory and Behavior,
McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd., Tokyo pages 339


From the above scheme, doraemon appointed as a symbol of Japanese

cultural diplomacy in the year 2008 is the goal of the Japanese government to
promote Japanese popular culture. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aiming to further
the understanding and trust of Japan, is using pop-culture, in addition to traditional
culture and art, as its primary tools for cultural diplomacy. As part of the Ministry's
efforts, "the International Anime Award" was created in 2007
Japanese Foreign Ministry Masahiko Komura gives appointment letter to
Doraemon as symbol of Japanese 2008 cultural diplomacy. Staff of Japanese
Embassy from cultural department, Yukari Kaji said Doraemon appointed as
Japanese 2008 symbol of cultural diplomacy through an International Anime Award
that done by Pop Culture Expert Committee and Japan Cartoonists Association.9 Both
committees cooperated with Japan Foreign Department and Japanese Cultural
Department, recommended anime character that is Doraemon. Japan Foreign Minister
also cooperated with Japan Foundation, as donor to Funding the award. In the event
the International Anime Award executive committee has determine the requirements
for candidates - potential candidates to become the symbol Japanese cultural
The Executive board has decided to hold International Anime Award on May
25, 2007 in Japan. This Executive board consisting of Minister of Foreign Affairs,


Staff of Japanese Embassy from cultural department, President of the Japan

Foundation, member of Pop Culture Expert Committee and Japan Cartoonists
Association. The awards for this contest shall be decided after careful examination
and deliberation by the evaluation Board. Executive Board seeks to identify existing
problems in the State of Japan, especially Japanese popular culture issues. Problems
often arise about Japanese popular culture is like the case of Japan colonization and
the Malari Incident on 1974, at that time the relations between Japan and Indonesia is
bad. In International Anime Award executive board has determine the requirements
for candidates - potential candidates to become the symbol Japanese cultural
Therefore, there is some cartoon character names nominated as the alternative
of solving problems that arise before the nomination was decided one of those
cartoon characters.
Doraemon electoral process through several stages. Early stages through
international anime award ceremony. The International Anime Award will be given
to the best cartoons and will receive certificates and trophies International Anime
Award. At this stage some candidates selected cartoon character representing the
Japanese icon. Selection is done by a team of experts either from government or from
Japanese pop culture expert.


After the selection is, then the next stage of the members of the executive
board consisting of Japanese foreign ministers, scholars of popular culture and anime
expert meeting to discuss a cartoon character where appropriate designated as a
symbol of Japanese cultural diplomacy in accordance with typical Japanese culture.
Finally, all candidates from Japanese animation characters like Hello Kitty,
naruto, and astro boy, the executive board agreed to appoint doaraemon as a symbol
of Japanese cultural diplomacy. He is considered an appropriate figure for the
Doraemon series, one can see the daily life of children and families in Japan,
Japanese culture, and how the desired future of Japanese society.
Once selected, the test conducted on the feasibility of doraemon as a symbol
of Japanese cultural diplomacy by providing the opportunity to travel around the
world doraemon to introduce Japanese pop culture and Japanese repair image in the
eyes of the world especially in Indonesia is still considered Japanese pop culture as a
culture negative impact. Through the appointment of Doraemon is expected to
represent the Japanese government to introduce the popular culture and improve the
bilateral relations between Indonesia and Japan.


Tabel 1.2 :
The Decision as part of a Process
Organization goals or objective:
To promote Japanese Culture
especially popular culture

Performance Criteria:
Anime, because anime is
product of popular culture

Problem identification:
The executive committee held
International Anime Award

Doraemon :
Represent the

Hello Kitty:
- Just tell the

Astro Boy:
- Only concern
with violence

Decision is

Testing by Publish
2. Concept of Cultural Diplomacy.
Doraemon to society

Implementations and control

by indicate Doraemon as
symbol of Japanese Cultural


Naruto :
- Story line
doesnt make

Feed Back:
- There are many
kids/children act like
- There are many
teenager imitate the
Japanese lifestyle

According to the Chamber's Twentieth Century Dictionary, diplomacy is the

art of negotiation, especially on the agreement between the countries, about political
Whereas according to the KM. Panikar, diplomacy is the art of proposing
interest of a nation in the relation to other countries. This definition if review from the
context of international relations seems to more appropriate. But conventionally
diplomacy is defined as the effort of a nation state to defend national interests to the
international community level.11
While the macro-culture, or in general means that all the results and the
efforts of the human moral environment.12 There is also said cultural as system of
whole idea, action, and results of human creation in the framework of a society life
that become the property of the human by learning.13
Thus, cultural diplomacy can be defined as a state effort to defend the national
interests through cultural dimensions, both micro such as education, science, sports
and the arts, or in accordance with the macro that appropriate with prominent
characteristics.14 Cultural diplomacy conducted by government and non-government,
and the main target is society of a nation-state (and not merely direct to government).


S. L. Roy, Diplomacy, PT Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 1995, page 2.

K.J. Holsti, International Politics A frame work for Analysis Third Edition. Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi, 1973, page 82-83.
JWM. Bakker SJ, Filsafat Kebudayaan, Sebuah Pengantar, BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta, 1984, page
Koentjaraningrat, Pengantar Antropologi Budaya, Aksara Baru, Jakarta, 1979, Page 193.
K.J Holsti, Opcit.


About the extent, to which matters are considered relevant in identifying the
phenomenas of cultural diplomacy, can be grouped as follows:15
1. Study toward every diplomatic effort that using the media culture in the sense
of micro, such as exhibitions, competitions, exchange of missions, education,
sports and others. Although the micro, the meaning of those culture precisely
is the most conventional / general and special.
2. Study about every diplomacy effort that uses cultural media in macro meaning
such as propaganda, cultural hegemony and others.










acknowledgement, adjustments, inducement, threat, hegemony or subversion.

To explain the relations between situation, shape, purpose and tool of cultural
diplomacy can be seen in the table below:16


Opcit, Page 11.

Ibid, Page 21.


Table 1.3
The Relations between Situations, Forms, Purpose and tools Cultural






- Persuasion
- Adaptation
Mass Media
- Acknowledgment
- Threaten
- Public opinion
- Terror
- Threaten
- Public opinion
- Penetration
- Subversion
- Trade
- Exchange
- Persuasion
- Military
- Boycott
- Acknowledgment
- Official Forum
- Negotiation
- Third Party
- Competition
- Domination
- Military
- Terror
- Hegemony
- The Military
- Penetration
- Threaten
- Smuggling
- Propaganda
- Subversion
- Public opinion
- Embargo
- Acknowledgement
- Trade
- Boycott
- Submission
- Supply
- Blockade
good include
Source: Tulus Warsito & Wahyuni Kartikasari, Diplomasi Kebudayaan, Yogyakarta:
Ombak, 2007 pages 31.


Cultural diplomacy is conduct diplomacy with the cultural approach as a

means to achieve the goals and objectives. Run cultural diplomacy means that try
deliberately and embedding, developing, and maintaining Japan's image in abroad as
a nation that have high culture. One of the main purposes of the implementation of
cultural diplomacy is the creation of a self-image of a nation in the eyes of other
countries. Self- image is important to build base support for that country.
Doraemon as one of form of culture diplomacy media expected by Japan
government so that Indonesia society persuaded to more to recognizing Japan culture
For the achievement of their national interest to improve the important sectors in
Japanese such as Japan economy, Japanese social and cultural has become a trend
that is very popular.
This was revealed Taro Aso as Japan foreign minister to use the media and
popular culture that is very effective in society penetrates in diplomacy. Doraemon
Japan started to use as a diplomacy tool to various countries. Doraemon present and
used to support multitrack diplomacy at the community level. Doremon is supporting
medium of Japanese soft power in the relationship between states, especially with


3. Image Theory
The image theory by Keneth E. Boulding, basically states that any decision or
policy of a country will depend on the state image of the object. 17
Image is the past message that grows through the information structure and
information can be input and output for the image. Importance of image for a State is
that the image will form a pattern of state behavior in the international system. Image
of a nation is often called the historical image, which has grown since a long time and
may be influenced by the myth of the past and the future.


Image of a nation can

also be interpreted as a process of selective perception in the assessment of history,

educational system, folklore, media-time and other channels.


Image may pose a

threat and wants barsahabat a State in another State looked. This is determined by the
intensity of interaction relationships between the interacting state.
Image of a nation is a way of looking at other countries for those countries
affected by the image of that State which will affect inter-State relations with other
countries in the international world.
Now, Japan is one of the exporters of the biggest pop culture, especially
anime especially doraemon. And On March 19, 2008, Japanese Foreign Minister,


Keneth E. Boulding, National Images and International Systems, dalam James N. Rosenau, ed.,
International politics and Foreign Policy: A Reader in Reseacrh and Theory (New York: The Free
Press 1969), p. 426-428
Ibid., p. 429
Bambang Wahyu Nugroho, Teori Mikrokosmik Tentang Konflik Berkekerasan, jal 23, jurusan
Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta, 2006.


Masahiko Komura officially appointed Doraemon as a symbol of Japanese culture

diplomacy.20 In this inaugural event, Komura handed an official certificate to
Doraemon and Nobita.
The Japanese government set the comics and cartoon character Doraemon as a
symbol of Japanese cultural diplomacy as a round-headed cat with a magic bag that is
considered symbolizes friendship and Japanese culture. Doraemon shows many daily
life of Japan through such figures as Nobita, Giant, and Suneo. Positive values, is also
contained in the new comic series, such as: friendship, respect for parents, and others.
Doraemon character is described Japan as a developed country and high-tech. Japan
is the major industrial countries. Even today Japan ranks second after the United
States as a major industrial country in the world. Japanese industrial products have
spread to every corner of the world. These products include game products, electronic
goods, automobile / automotive, drugs/chemicals, textiles, food processing, cement,
paper and printed material, camera, and means of transportation. In fact, today the
Japanese automotive industry is the result of the world's largest automotive industry.
The results of Japanese state development in this industry is extraordinary, given the
poor Japanese mineral resources, so most industrial raw materials are imported from
other countries, including Indonesia.



D. Hypothesis
Based on problems that have been described above, the writer has a
hypothesis that why Japanese board appointed Doraemon as symbol of Japanese
cultural diplomacy:
1. Because doraemon contains elements of Japanese culture values and have been
known by many people in Indonesia.
2. Because Japanese government wants to create better image of Japan to
Indonesia by Japanese culture values especially popular culture.
E. The Purpose of Writing
This research is expected to soon be able to provide something useful for
readers and writers itself. Following the purpose of this research is:
1. Try to describe and explain the phenomenon of cultural diplomacy that is
conducted through the media anime or cartoons. In this case, the aim is explain
how Doraemon as a symbol of Japanese cultural diplomacy to Indonesia as
Japanese cultural diplomacy media.
2. To answer problem formulation and prove the hypothesis with empirical data
accurately, relevant theories and concepts, that cultural diplomacy as a political
tool can improve communication between Japan and Indonesia, to achieve
national interests.


3. Also intended as the embodiment of application the theories that have been
received during study in International Relations Department of UMY. And
complete final tasks in order to obtain final degree bachelorship from Intentional
Relationships Department, Social and Political Science Faculty, University of
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
F. Research Method
In this writing, the author uses the method of research:
1. Deductive, which means that the author departs from a theory, concept and
then proceed with the search data or facts.
2. Research methods with the analysis of contents, that researchers not directly
involved in the survey field, but researchers do analysis of data derived from
various media such as books, articles, magazines, newspapers, internet,
journals, and more.
3. Qualitative that usually used for social science by the withdrawal temporary
assumption or hypothesis and then prove that with the appropriate theory
G. Range of Research
To more focus of this research, then given the limits of the range. Range of
this research concerned on Japanese cultural diplomacy through indicated Doraemon
as the Japanese cultural ambassador. The time of writing takes on 2008.


H. Systematic of Writing
In writing this research into a paper, the writer share some of the chapter in
which the chapters are related to each other so that a determination that one intact.
The First Chapter is contained of Introduction, where chapters consist of
Background, Research Question, Theoretical Framework, Hypothesis, The Purpose of
Writing, Research Method, Range of Research, and Systematic of Writing.
The second chapter will describe The Description History of Anime and
Doraemon, Consist of the development of anime, and Doraemon as the product of
The third chapter will describe about Doraemon Appointment Process as a
Symbol of Japanese Cultural Diplomacy toward Indonesia. Consist of the procedures
and application of doraemon as Japanese Cultural Industry .
The fourth chapter will describe about

Doraemon as Japanese media of

culture diplomacy to introduce Japanese popular culture in Indonesia. Consist of

Introduction of Japanese Popular Culture Through the appointment of Doraemon as
symbols of Japanese Cultural Diplomacy in Indonesia, and Popular Culture as
Japanese Inspiration Effort to Boost Image of Japan in the eyes of the World.
The fifth chapter will discuss about conclusion. Consist of conclusion that
pulled from previous discussion.


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