National Income - TMK

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National Income

Dr T M K
National Income is defined as the sum total of all the goods and services produced in a country,
in a particular period of time. Normally this period consists of one year duration, as a year is
neither too short nor long a period. National product is usually used synonymous with National
Simon Kuznets has defined national income as the net output of commodities and services
flowing during the year from the countrys productive system in the hands of the ultimate
Central Statistical Organization defines National income as
National Income is the sum of factor income earned by the normal residents of a country in the
form of wages, rent, interest and profit in an accounting year.
Concepts of National Income
There are different concepts of National Income, namely; GNP, GDP, NNP, Personal Income and
Disposable Income.
Gross National Product (GNP)
GNP at market price is sum total of all the goods and services produced in a country during a
year and net income from abroad. GNP is the sum of Gross Domestic Product at Market Price
and Net Factor Income from abroad.
Product at
Market Price

Net Factor
Income from

GNP at
Market Price

There are four methods of measuring national income.

Which method is to be used depends on the availability of data in a country and the purpose in


(1) Product Method. According to this method, the total value of final goods and services
produced in a country during a year is calculated at market prices. To find out the GNP, the data
of all productive activities, such as agricultural products, wood received from forests, minerals
received from mines, commodities produced by industries, the contributions to production made
by transport, communications, insurance companies, lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. are collected
and assessed at market prices. Only the final goods and services are included and the
intermediary goods and services are left out.
(2) Income Method. According to this method, the net income payments received by all citizens
of a country in a particular year are added up, i.e., net incomes that accrue to all factors of
production by way of net rents, net wages, net interest and net profits are all added together but
incomes received in the form of transfer payments are not included in it. The data pertaining to
income are obtained from different sources, for instance, from income tax department in respect
of high income groups and in case of workers from their wage bills.
(3) Expenditure Method. According to this method, the total expenditure incurred by the society
in a particular year is added together and includes personal consumption expenditure, net
domestic investment, government expenditure on goods and services, and net foreign investment.
This concept is based on the assumption that national income equals national expenditure.
(4) Value Added Method. Another method of measuring national income is the value added by
industries. The difference between the value of material outputs and inputs at each stage of
production is the value added. If all such differences are added up for all industries in the
economy, we arrive at the gross domestic product.
Importance of National Income Analysis
The national income data have the following importance.
1. for the Economy. The national income data are of great importance for the economy of a
country. These days the national income data are regarded as accounts of the economy, which are
known as social accounts. These refer to net national income and net national expenditure, which
output and product result from the income of different individuals, products of industries and


ultimately equal each other. Social accounts tell us how the aggregates of a nations income,

transactions of international trade. Their main constituents are inter-related and each particular
account can be used to verify the correctness of any other account.
2. National Policies. The national income data form the basis of national policies such as
employment policy, because these figures enable us to know the direction in which the industrial
output, investment and savings, etc. change, and proper measures can be adopted to bring the
economy to the right path.
3. Economic Planning. In the present age of planning, the national data are of great importance.
For economic planning, it is essential that the data pertaining to a countrys gross income, output,
saving and consumption from different sources should be available. Without these, planning is
not possible.
4. Economic Models. The economists build short-run as well as long-run economic models or
long-run investment models in which the national income data are very widely used.
5. Research. The national income data are also made use of by the research scholars of
economics. They make use of the various data of the countrys inputs, outputs, income, saving,
consumption, investment, employment, etc., which are obtained from social accounts.
6. Per Capita Income. The national income data are significant for a country's per capita income
which reflects the economic welfare of the country. The higher the per capita income, the higher
the economic welfare and vice versa.
7. Distribution of Income. The national income statistics enable us to know about the distribution
of income in the country. From the data pertaining to wages, rent, interest and profits, we learn of
the disparities in the incomes of different sections of the society.
Similarly, the regional distribution of income is revealed. It is only on the basis of these that the
government can adopt measures to remove the inequalities in income distribution and to restore
regional equilibrium. With a view to removing these personal and regional disequilibria, the
decisions to levy more taxes and increase public expenditure also rest on national income



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