O Level Wave MC

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1. Water waves change direction when they move from shallow water to deep water.

What is the name of this effect?

A. diffraction B. dispersion C. reflection
D. refraction
2. A vertical stick is dipped up and down in water at P. In two seconds, three wave crests are produced on the
surface of the water.

Which statement is true?

A. Distance X is the amplitude of the waves.
B. Distance Y is the wavelength of the waves.
C. Each circle represents a wavefront.
D. The frequency of the waves is 3 Hz.
3. An engineer standing at P hears the sound of an explosion at X.

After the explosion, she hears two bangs. One bang is heard a fraction of a second after the other.
The second bang is an echo from
A. XY. B. PV. C. ZY. D. WX.
4. The drawing shows a wave.
Which labelled distance is the wavelength?
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5. Radio waves are received at a house at the bottom of a hill.

The waves reach the house because the hill has caused them to be
A. diffracted. B. radiated. C. reflected. D. refracted.
6. To estimate the width of a valley, a climber starts a stopwatch as he shouts. He hears an echo from the
opposite side of the valley after 1.0 s.

The sound travels at 340 m / s.

What is the width of the valley?
A . 85 m B. 170 m C. 340 m D. 680 m
7. Water waves travel more slowly in shallow water than in deep water.
Which diagram shows what will happen to plane waves in deep water when they enter shallow water?

8. The diagram shows a man standing at X who shouts to a man standing at Y.

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The mans voice will be heard sooner and more clearly if the wind is blowing towards the
A. north. B. south. C. east. D. west.
9. Sounds are made by vibrating objects. A certain object vibrates but a person nearby cannot hear any
Which statement might explain why nothing is heard?
A. The amplitude of the sound waves is too large.
B. The frequency of the vibration is too high.
C. The sound waves are transverse.
D. The speed of the sound waves is too high.
10. A starting pistol is fired 640 m away from a spectator.

The spectator hears the sound of the starting pistol two seconds after seeing the flash from the gun.
What is the speed of sound in air?
A. 160 m / s B. 320 m / s C. 640 m / s D. 1280 m / s
11. The diagram represents water waves about to move into shallow water from deep

Which property of the waves remains the same after the waves move into shallow water?
A. frequency B. speed C. wavefront direction D. wavelength
12. A battery-operated bell is surrounded by a box with double walls.

The bell is ringing but no sound at all is heard outside the box.
What is in the gap?
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A. a solid B. a liquid C. a gas D. a vacuum

13. The diagrams show examples of wave motion.

Which are

longitudinal waves?
A. 1 only B. 1, 2 and 4 C. 2 and 3 only D. 2 and 4 only
14. A police car siren emits two different sounds P and Q. These are produced alternately. The diagram
represents the sounds emitted.

Which sound is the louder and which has the lower pitch?

15. Sound travels by wave motion.

Which property of waves causes echoes?
A. diffraction B. dispersion C. reflection D. refraction
16. A student listens to a machine that makes sounds of different frequencies. He can only hear one of the
Which frequency of sound is the student able to hear?
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A . 2 Hz B. 10 Hz C. 2 kHz D. 30 kHz
17. Which row correctly describes light waves and radio waves?

18. The diagram shows water waves passing through a gap in a harbour wall. The waves curve round the
wall and reach a small boat in the harbour.

What is the name of this curving effect, and how can the gap be changed so that the waves are less likely to
reach the boat?

19. Waves pass from deep water to shallow water and refraction occurs.

What is the speed of the waves in the shallow water?

A. 0.2 m / s B. 0.8 m / s C. 2.0 m / s D. 5.0 m / s

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20. In an experiment using a ripple tank, plane wavefronts arrive at a plane surface. plane

Which of the following correctly describes the waves after they are reflected from the surface?





















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