Rubrics For Design Project - AY2015-16

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Rubrics for CN4123 Design Project

Report: Technical Content

Application of ChE
Principles, Knowledge
and Data: e.g., manual
knowledge application
in process/equipment
Use of engineering
tools and software
(including MATLAB,
Hysys, Excel, where
Process Flow Diagram
(PFD), Stream Data
(SD) and specification
sheets (SS) are correct
complete and easy to

Designed the process and
units with weak or no
justification; missed many
key units; detailed design
contains many major errors in
calculations. Very little
discussion of results.
Did not use the tools
correctly, which resulted in
major mistakes. Some files
were not submitted.

Practicality of design
(e.g., assumptions and
operating limit)
Alternatives, decision
making and creative

Showed no awareness of
major practical issues.

PFD is incomplete and

unclear; SD table and SS are
significantly incomplete with
incorrect values. They are
difficult to follow.

Very little/no discussion on

alternatives; no creativity was
shown in solving problems.

Designed the process and key
units with questionable
justifications; missed some key
units; detailed design involves a
few major errors in calculations.
Attempted to interpret and
discuss results.
Showed some capability in
correctly using the tools; key
results are reasonable. There
can be several errors. All the
files were submitted.
PFD has many major units and
is reasonable; SD table and SS
missed a few important data,
and most values are correct.
They are not easy to follow.
PFD and SD table are far away
from each other in the report.
Some major practical issues
were discussed, but were not
solved satisfactorily.
Listed alternatives where
applicable; made choices with
inadequate justification;
discussed at least one creative
solution that may not work well.

Reasonable design with
justification for the process
and most key units, and was
based on calculations with
minor errors. Interpreted
results and discussed
Correctly and completely
used the tools, and most
results are reasonable. There
can be minor errors. All the
files were submitted.
PFD has most major units
presented clearly and
logically; SD table and SS
include all important data;
values are correct; there can
be minor errors. They are
easy to follow.
Major practical issues were
discussed, and most were
solved satisfactorily.
Listed alternatives where
applicable; justified the
choice reasonably; discussed
at least one acceptable and
creative solution.

Realistic design with strong
justification for the process and all
key units, and was based on
correct knowledge application.
Interpreted results correctly and
discussed their relevance.
Correctly and completely used the
tools, and all results are realistic.
The uploaded files were well
presented and easy to follow.
PFD has all units presented very
clearly and logically; SD table and
SS include all important data
correctly. They are concise and
easy to follow.

All major practical issues were

fully discussed and solved
Listed relevant alternatives where
applicable; Justified the choice
with strong reasons; Proposed and
evaluated at least one creative and
successful solution.

Report: Presentation
Desired Features
conciseness and
introduction and

Contains multiple significant
errors; missed many major
features; organized
illogically; report is difficult
to follow.

Mostly accurate information
with some minor errors; not
concise; missed some
features; Reasonably
organized information, but
some parts are difficult to

Accurate information; not
very concise or missed a few
key features; Well organized
information, with a few parts
hard to follow but not very

Accurate information with concise
presentation; captures all the main
features; Logically organized
information, easy to follow.


Numerous spelling and

grammatical mistakes, etc.
that are very distracting;
seldom defined symbols and
so they are hard to
Inconsistent format and
improper choice of font or
size; tables and figures are
hard to read. No or improper

Some language issues but in

general not distracting;
defined some necessary
symbols; but some are not

No major language issues;

effectively conveys the
message; defined most
symbols clearly.

No/few language issues, easy to

read provides pleasant reading
experience; defined symbols clearly
where they occur for the first time,
or provided a clear list of symbols.

Almost consistent format,

choice of font or size was
sometime improper; tables
and figures are in general
Most extraneous information
was cited.

Almost consistent format

with proper text font and size;
tables and figures are
presented consistently and
clearly; Most extraneous
information was cited
properly in a consistent

Consistent format with comfortable

text font/size, professional
presentation of tables and figures
with captions; discussion of tables
and figures; Citation of references
where appropriate, with complete
and consistent reference list.

Format (text font

and size, tables and
figures) and

Oral Presentation
Desired Features
Content and

Contents showed some
knowledge of the subject; lack
of logical organization of
technical contents, and difficult
to follow.




Most of the information was

presented in logical order,
but some main points or
conclusions were missing.

All the required information

was presented clearly and
logically; most main points,
were well stated. Significant
results were presented with
appropriate insights.

All the information was presented

clearly, logically and interestingly; All
main points were well stated.
Significant results were clearly
presented and integrated with deeper
and forward-thinking insights.


Confident about some of the

presentation contents; minimal
eye contact, frequently reading
from notes; low voice level,
occasional mispronunciation of
words, distracting noises and
too fast or too slow speech
most of the time.

Confident about most of the

presentation contents;
reasonable eye contact and
reading from notes
occasionally; clear voice
and most of the words
pronounced correctly,
occasional use of distracting
noises and appropriate pace
of speech most of the time.

At ease with the presentation

contents; good eye contact and
little reading of notes; clear
voice and pronunciation
without distracting noises, and
at comprehendible right pace.

Captivating and fluent presentation by

displaying self-confidence and good
knowledge of the subject; constant eye
contact; no reading of notes; clear
voice, modulation and pronunciation
exhibiting good command of
language, and at the right pace with
appropriate emphasis.

Visuals: inconsistent use of

font type and size in most
slides; too much or too little
text; no pictures or irrelevant
(distractive) use of pictures.

Question and

No response to one or more

questions or responded very

Visuals: clear font type and

size, may not always be
consistent; sometimes too
much text or too little;
insufficient pictures are
used where necessary.
Responded to questions but
with hesitation, and
sometimes lacked proper

Visuals: clear and consistent

font type and size; not too
much or too little text; pictures
or other multi-media were used

Responded to all questions

with proper reasoning
confidently (minor mistakes
can happen).

Visuals: clear and consistent font type

and size; no distracting elements;
picture and text are balanced; pictures
or other multi-media enhanced
communication effectively; overall an
enjoyable reading experience.

Responded to all questions with proper

reasoning confidently and correctly;
able to think critically in response to

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