Wind Load - Arched Greenhouse

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FOREWORD .................................................................................................................. i
HISTORY OF NGMA DESIGN LOAD STANDARD .................................................. ii
1. General .................................................................................................... I
2. Combination of Loads ............................................................................. 2
3. Dead Loads ............................................................................................. 2
4. Live Loads .............................................................................................. 2
5. Wind Loads ............................................................................................. 3
6. Snow Loads ............................................................................................ 9
COMMENTARY ............................................................................................................ 18
C1. General ....................................................................................................... 18
C2. Combination of Loads ................................................................................ 18
C3. Dead Loads ................................................................................................. 18
C4. Live Loads .................................................................................................. 19
C5. Wind Loads ................................................................................................. 20
C6. Snow Loads ................................................................................................ 20
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................. 24
STATEMENT OF POLICY - GREENHOUSE RETROFIT ........................................ 25

Copyright 1985
Revised 1994
Revised 1996

National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association



The National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association, NGMA, is a voluntary association of

prominent U.S. greenhouse manufacturers. NGMAs objectives and activities are concerned
not only with benefits to its membership but to the entire commercial growing industry. The
symbiotic relationship between greenhouse suppliers and growers is unique in the buyer-seller
During the past three decades, NGMA members have been leaders in the introduction of new
and improved structural components, materials, and systems. They have developed or have
caused others to develop improved glazing materials, heating and cooling equipment, and environment control systems.
NGMA has consistently worked to meet the needs of the growing industry, as the needs have
evolved. Many of the features standard to greenhouse installations today were pioneered by
NGMA member companies in response to these needs. NGMA members address themselves to
current issues affecting growers.
NGMA members are strong competitors, providing a healthy market situation. Yet on behalf of
themselves and their markets, they recognize mutuality of interest in such matters as establishing acceptable greenhouse construction standards. They work together solidly and harmoniously in pursuit of objectives which result in lasting benefits to both the greenhouse seller and
the greenhouse buyer.
These standards were developed through the unsolicited efforts of the various members and
represent the recommended standards of performance for quality greenhouse construction and
design for climate control. However, they are purely voluntary and are not mandatory on any
firm for compliance to maintain membership in the Association nor are there any other covenants. It is believed that the voluntary usage of these standards will result in quality perfor-



On November 5, 1968, NGMA adopted its first structural standard. Seven years later on
November 12, 1975, a revised version of the first standard was adopted. Both these original
standards were brief documents which defined loads to be used in the design of greenhouse
structures throughout the country. The load values and requirements of the standard were
based on years of experience in manufacturing and construction of greenhouses, on consideration of characteristics that are unique to greenhouse structures, and on the history of successful structural performance of thousands of greenhouses constructed during the past 50
Following adoption of the revised standard in 1975, NGMA made an effort to have its
requirements included in several recognized building codes. However, it was found that specific NGMA requirements adopted by each of these codes often varied. As a result, NGMA
submitted its standard to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for incorporation
into ANSI A58.1, Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and
Other Structures. In a draft of ANSI A58.1 dated March 10, 1982, most of the NGMA
requirements were covered either as part of the code itself or as part of the appendix to the
In a continuing effort to improve and further standardize greenhouse design and construction,
NGMA has developed this current expanded structural load standard. The standard is based
on the currently proposed ANSI A58.1 and in fact follows the same notation, and much of the
same wording. However, any ANSI requirements that do not apply specifically to greenhouse-type structures have been deleted. In addition, several sections, while keeping in line
with the ANSI intent, have been modified and simplified. In 1996, Section 6.0 snow load, was
revised to follow the notation and wording of the BOCA National Building Code, 1993.



1.1 Scope: This standard provides load requirements for
design of greenhouse structures and their components. The
loads specified herein are to be used in conjunction with the
allowable stresses recommended in current design specification for aluminum, steel, wood, glass, concrete or any other
conventional structural material used in the construction of
1.1.1 Definitions: The following definitions are intended to
apply only to greenhouse structures and their components.
Free-Standing Greenhouse: an independently
erected greenhouse set totally apart from other buildings and structures. Free-standing greenhouses are
usually symmetrical about a longitudinal centerline
(even-span) with either a pitched or an arched roof.
Attached Even-Span Greenhouse: a greenhouse
structure similar to a free-standing greenhouse except that one or both gable ends or sides are eliminated and are attached to an adjacent structure.
Lean-to Greenhouse: a greenhouse structure which
depends on its attachment to another building for
much of its support. A lean-to greenhouse appears
as a free-standing greenhouse bisected in half along
its longitudinal centerline with the missing side provided by the building against which it is supported.
Gutter-Connected Greenhouse: a series of two or
more free-standing greenhouses joined together at
their eave line. A gutter is provided at the common
eave of adjacent greenhouses to allow collection and
run-off of rain or melting snow. Usually the common sides of two adjacent gutter-connected greenhouses are omitted to provide greater uninterrupted
interior growing space.

Production Greenhouse: a greenhouse used for

growing large numbers of flowers and plants on a
production basis or for research. Generally there is
no public access to a production greenhouse. Included in this category are privately owned greenhouses used for research purposes.
Retail Greenhouse: similar to a production greenhouse in that it is used for growing large numbers of
flowers and plants. However, in a commercial greenhouse, general public access for the purpose of viewing and purchasing the various products is permitted. Included in this category are greenhouses used
by colleges or universities for teaching purposes or
for research.
Glazing Material: any rigid material such as glass
or fiberglass, rigid plastics, or any flexible plastic
material such as polyethylene used to enclose a greenhouse while at the same time permitting the entrance
of natural light.
1.1.2 Limitations: This standard applies to free-standing,
attached even-span and lean-to greenhouses whose individual
foundations are at ground level. Greenhouses constructed on
top of other structures, solar domes, skylights and similar
greenhouse-type structures are not specifically covered.
1.2 Basic Requirements
1.2.1 Safety: Greenhouse structures and all parts thereof
shall be designed and constructed to safely support all loads,
including dead load, without exceeding the allowable stresses
for the materials from which the greenhouse is constructed.
1.2.2 Serviceability: Greenhouse structures and their components shall have adequate stiffness to limit vertical and
transverse deflections, vibrations or any other deformation
that may adversely affect their serviceability.

Gable Ends: the two exterior walls of a free-standing greenhouse which are oriented perpendicular to
the longitudinal axis of the greenhouse.

1.2.3 Analysis: Load effect on the individual components

and connections of greenhouse structures shall be determined
by accepted methods of structural analysis.

Sides: the two exterior walls of a free-standing

greenhouse which are oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the greenhouse.

1.3 General Structural Integrity: Through accident or misuse, a greenhouse structure capable of safely supporting the
required design loads may suffer local damage, i.e., the loss
of load resistance in an element or small portion of the structure. In recognition of this, the greenhouse structure shall
possess general structure integrity, i.e., the quality of being
able to sustain local damage with the structure as a whole
remaining stable and not damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original local damage.

Eave: the intersection of the roof and the side of a

typical greenhouse.
Hobby House: a greenhouse used by an individual
or family for growing flowers and plants as a hobby.
A hobby house may be free-standing, attached evenspan or lean-to.

1.4 Additions to Existing Structures: When a lean-to or

attached even-span greenhouse is added to an existing building, provision shall be made to adequately strengthen the


existing structure, where necessary, to withstand existing loads

as well as any additional loads imposed on it by the greenhouse.
2.1 Combining Loads: Except when applicable codes make
other provisions, all loads listed herein shall be considered to
act in the following combinations. The governing case shall
be that which produces the most unfavorable effects in the
structure, foundation, or member under consideration.


3.4 Special Considerations: Factors that may result in differences between actual and calculated values should be considered when determining dead loads. In addition, any permanent loads such as hanging baskets, planters, etc., that are
to be supported by structural members for an extended time
period (Section 4.1) shall be included as part of the dead load.
4.1 Definitions: Live loads are temporary loads produced by
the use and occupancy of the greenhouse. Live loads do not
include wind load, snow load, or dead load. Exterior live
loads on greenhouse roofs are the temporary loads workmen
and temporary equipment such as scaffolds. Interior live loads
are temporary loads imposed on the structure by hanging
objects. Any live load shall be considered permanent and
therefore included as part of the dead load (Section 3.4)if it is
imposed on the structure for a continuous period of 30 days
or more.

D = Dead Load
L = Live Load
S = Snow Load
W = Wind Load

4.2 Minimum Roof Live Load: Pitched and arched greenhouse roofs shall be designed to safely support the minimum
live load specified in the following equation or the snow load
specified in Section 6, whichever is greater.
L = 20 R1 R2 12

2.2 Load Combination Factors: Allowable stresses may be

increased 33% for any of the above combinations that include wind providing the resulting allowable stress does not
exceed the yield stress.
2.3 Counteracting Loads: When the effects of design loads
counteract one another in a structural member or joint, care
shall be taken to ensure adequate safety for possible stress

3.1 Definition: The weight of all permanent construction

including but not limited to walls, roofs, glazing materials
and fixed service equipment.
3.2 Weights of Building Materials: In estimating dead loads
for purpose of design, the actual weights of pertinent building materials shall be used. In the absence of definite information, values satisfactory to the authority having jurisdiction shall be used.

3.3 Weight of Fixed Service Equipment: In estimating dead

loads for purpose of design, the weight of fixed service equipment such as heating, ventilating and cooling systems, electrical and lighting systems, and watering and humidification
systems shall be included whenever it is supported by structural members.

where L, the minimum live load, is in pounds per

square foot of horizontal projection, and R1 and R2
are reduction factors determined as follows:
R1 = 1.0 for At 200
= 1.2 - 0.001 At for 200 < At < 600
= 0.6 for At > 600
in which At is the tributary area in square feet supported by the structural member under consideration;
R2 = 1.0 for F< 4
= 1.2 - 0.05 F for 4 < F < 12
= 0.6 for F > 12

in which F is equal to the number of inches of rise

per foot for a pitched roof and is equal to the rise to
span ratio multiplied by 32 for an arched roof.
4.3 Maximum Roof Live Load: The live load determined
by the requirements of Section 4.2 shall be limited to a maximum value of 15 PSF
4.4 Concentrated Loads: All roof members such as purlins,
rafters, truss top members, etc., shall be capable of safely supporting a minimum concentrated live load of 100 lbs applied


downward and normal to the roof surface at their midspan.

In addition, bottom chord panel points of roof trusses shall be
capable of safely supporting a minimum concentrated live
load of 100 lbs applied at any panel point. See Section C4.4
for further discussion of concentrated loads.
4.5 Partial Loading: The full intensity of the live load applied only to a portion of a greenhouse structure or to a portion of an individual member shall be considered if it produces a more unfavorable effect than the full intensity applied over the entire structure or member.
4.6 Impact Loads: The concentrated live load specified in
Section 4.4 includes adequate allowance for ordinary impact
4.7 Restrictions on Loading: It shall be the responsibility
of the greenhouse manufacturer to inform the owner of the
live loads for which the greenhouse was designed. It shall
then be the responsibility of the greenhouse owner to ensure
that a live load greater than that for which the roof or roof
supporting members were designed is not placed upon the
roof or supporting members.

Components and Glazing: local structural elements

which are directly loaded by the wind. In greenhouses, examples of such elements are glass, rigid
plastics, or fiberglass glazing materials and the connection devices used to attach these materials to the
structure. Secondary members that support the glazing materials and transfer the wind loads to main
wind-force resisting system (members such as purlins and lintel beams) should be considered as components.
Importance Coefficient (I): a coefficient to account
for hazard to human life and damage to property.
Design Pressure (P): equivalent static pressure to
be used in the determination of wind loads on greenhouses. The pressure is assumed to act in a direction normal to the surface under consideration, either as a pressure directed towards the surface (positive value) or as a suction directed away from the
surface (negative value). In calculating the design
wind loads for components and glazing the pressure
difference between opposite faces of the surface shall
be taken into consideration.


5.1 General: Provisions for the determination of wind loads
on greenhouse structures are described in the following subsections. The provisions apply to the calculation of wind
loads for both the main wind-force resisting system and the
individual components and glazing of the structure.

5.1.4 Symbols and Notations: The following symbols and

notations apply only to the provisions of Section 5, WIND

Tributary area for determination of wind

loads on components and glazing (sq ft)

5.1.1 Wind Loads During Erection and Construction

Phases: Adequate temporary bracing shall be provided to
resist wind loading on structural components and structural
assemblages of greenhouses during the construction phase.


Width of pressure coefficient zone (ft)


Horizontal dimension of greenhouse normal to wind direction (ft)

5.1.2 Overturning and Sliding: The overturning moment

due to wind load shall not exceed two-thirds of the dead load
stabilizing moment unless the greenhouse structure is anchored to resist the excess moment. When the total resisting
force due to friction is insufficient to prevent sliding, anchorage shall be provided to resist the excess sliding force.


Horizontal dimension of greenhouse parallel to wind direction ridge line (ft)

Cp :

External pressure coefficient


Internal pressure coefficient


Gust response factor

5.1.3 Definitions: The following definitions apply only to

the provisions of Section 5, WIND LOADS.
Main Wind-Force Resisting System: an assemblage of major structural elements assigned and designed to support the design wind force. The system transfers wind load applied to the components
and glazing of the greenhouse to its structural foundation. Such systems include combinations of roof
trusses and supporting columns, rigid frames, braced
frames, etc.

(GCp): Product of external pressure coefficient and

gust response factor
(GCpi): Product of internal pressure coefficient and
gust response factor

Mean roof height of greenhouse (ft). Eave

height may be used for greenhouses having pitched roofs with slopes of less than
10 degrees.



Importance coefficient


Velocity exposure coefficient at height z


Design pressure (psf)


Design pressure at height z = h (psf)


Design pressure at height z (psf)


Velocity pressure (psf)

qh :

Velocity pressure at height z = h (psf)


Velocity pressure at height z (psf)


Rise to span ratio for arched roofs


Basic wind speed (mph)


Height above ground level (ft)

Angle of plane of pitched roof (degrees)

Table 5.1
For the main wind-force resisting system:
P = qGCp - qh (GCpi)
qz for windward wall
qh for leeward wall and roof
given in Table 5.4
Cp :
given in Table 5.5 and 5.7
(GCpi): given in Table 5.8
For components and glazing:
P = qh (GCp) - qh (GCpi)
qh :
evaluated using Exposure C for all terrains
(GCp): given in Tables 5.6A, 5.6B and 5.7
(GCpi): given in Table 5.8
or outward normal to the surface.
5.3 Velocity Pressure:

5.2 Calculation of Wind Loads:

5.2.1 General: The design wind loads for greenhouse structures as a whole or for individual components and glazing
shall be determined by the Analytical Procedure described in
Section 5.2.2.

5.3.1 Procedure For Calculating Velocity Pressure: The

velocity pressure qz at height z shall be calculated as follows:
qz = 0.00256 Kz (IV)2

5.2.2 Analytical Procedure: Design wind pressures for

greenhouses shall be determined in accordance with the equations in Table 5.1 using the following procedure:



A velocity pressure, q, is determined in accordance with Section 5.3.

A gust response factor, G, is determined in
accordance with the provisions of Section
Appropriate pressure or force coefficients
are selected from Section 5.5.


given in Fig. 5.1 in accordance with the

provisions of Section 5.3.2


given in Table 5.2


given in Table 5.3 in accordance with the

provisions of Section 5.3.3

5.3.2 Selection of Basic Wind Speed: The basic wind speeds,

V, to be used in determination of design wind loads shall be
as given in Fig. 5.1 for the contiguous United States and
Alaska. The basic wind speed for Hawaii shall be 80 mph.
In no case shall the basic wind speed be less than 70 mph. Special Wind Regions: (See Section C5.3.2.1) Minimum Design Wind Loading: The wind load to

be used in the design of the main wind-force resisting system
for greenhouses shall be at least 10 psf.
In the calculation of design wind loads for components and
glazing of greenhouses, the pressure difference between opposite faces shall be taken into consideration. The combined
design pressure shall be at least 10 psf acting either inward

5.3.3 Exposure Categories: General: An exposure category shall be determined
for the general region in which the greenhouse is to be constructed. Exposure categories are intended to reflect variations in surrounding ground surface roughness arising from
both natural topography and vegetation as well as existing


Exposure B: urban and suburban areas, well wooded

areas or other terrain with numerous closely spaced
obstructions having the size of single family dwellings or larger. Use of this exposure category shall
be limited to those areas for which terrain representative of Exposure B prevails in the upwind direction for a distance of at least 1500 ft.

Table 5.2

Exposure C: open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights generally less that 30 ft. This
category includes flat, open country and grasslands.
Exposure D: flat unobstructed coastal areas directly
exposed to wind blowing over large bodies of water.
This exposure shall be used for those areas representative of Exposure D extending inland from the
shoreline a distance of 1500 ft.

(1) Hurricane-prone oceanlines are eastern and

Gulf of Mexico coastal areas.
(2) For regions between the hurricane-prone
oceanline and 100 miles inland, the importance
coefficient, I, shall be determined by linear
Table 5.2 Exposure Category for Design of Main Wind-Force

Resisting System: Wind loads for the design of the main
wind-force resisting system in greenhouses shall be based on
the exposure categories defined in Section Exposure Category for Design of Components and
Glazing: Components and glazing for greenhouses shall be
designed on the basis of Exposure C.
Table 5.4


z (ft)


Linear interpolation for intermediate values of z is


construction. Each greenhouse shall be assessed as being

located in one of the following exposure categories:
Exposure A: large city centers with at least 50 percent of the buildings having a height in excess of 70
ft. Use of this exposure category shall be limited to
those areas for which terrain representative of Exposure A prevails in the upwind direction for a distance of at least one-half mile. Possible channeling
effects or increased velocity pressures due to the
greenhouse being located in the wake of adjacent
buildings shall be taken into account.


h (ft)


Linear interpolation for intermediate values of h is


5.3.4 Shielding: Reductions in velocity pressures due to apparent direct shielding afforded by buildings, structures and
terrain features is not permitted.
5.4 Gust Response Factors: Gust response factors are employed to account for the fluctuating nature of the wind and
its interaction with the structure. In design of the main windforce resisting system for greenhouses, the gust response factor, G, is taken from Table 5.4 evaluated at the structures
mean roof height, h. In design of the components and glaz-


ing for greenhouses, the gust response factors are combined

with the pressure coefficients to yield values of (GCp) and
(GCpi) as given in Tables 5.6 through 5.8.
5.5 Pressure Coefficients: Pressure coefficients for greenhouse structures and their components and glazing are given
in Tables 5.5 through 5.8. In the tables, + and - signs signify
pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively.

Table 5.5

* Both values of Cp shall be used in assessing load effects.

Notes: (1). Refer to Table 5.7 for arched roofs, Table 5.6A
and 5.6B for components and glazing, and Table
5.8 for internal pressure.
(2). For G, use appropriate value from Table 5.4.
(3). Linear interpolation may be used to obtain
intermediate values of , h/b, h/d, and d/b not
Table 5.6A


1. Notes apply to
both Tables 5.6A
and 5.6B
2. Vertical
denotes (GCp) to
be used with qh.
tributary area,
A (ft2)
4. a = smaller of
10% of min-imum
width and 0.4h,
but larger than 4%
of minimum width
and 3 ft

ROOFS 30o > > 10o


Table 5.8B

ROOFS 45o > > 30o


ROOFS 10o > > 0o



Figure 5.1 Basic Wind Speed (MPH)


Table 5.7

Table 5.8

* When the rise to span ratio is (0.2r0.3), alternate coefficients given by (6r-2.1) shall also be used for the windward
Notes: (1). Values listed are for determination of average
loads on main wind force resisting system.
(2). For components and glazing at roof perimeter
use external pressure coefficients in Table 5.6B with
based on spring-line slope and qh based on Exposure C.
(3). For components and glazing in roof areas away
from the perimeter use the external pressure coefficients of this table multiplied by 1.2 for (GCp) and
qh based on Exposure C.
(4). Definition of terms as follows:

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