Pad Footing Design Example

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The document presents the structural design of a pad footing and column. Key parameters such as dimensions, loads, material properties, and design checks are calculated according to code specifications.

A pad footing and column structure is being designed to support a building. The pad footing is 1200mm x 1200mm in plan and 250mm deep.

Dead loads, imposed loads, and soil pressures are considered. The total factored load on the column is 183.2kN and the total factored foundation load is 93.1kN.

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TEDDS calculation version 2.0.07
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Pad footing details

Length of pad footing; L = 1200 mm
Width of pad footing; B = 1200 mm
Area of pad footing; A = L  B = 1.440 m2
Depth of pad footing; h = 250 mm
Depth of soil over pad footing; hsoil = 900 mm
Density of concrete; conc = 25.0 kN/m
Column details
Column base length; lA = 250 mm
Column base width; bA = 250 mm
Column eccentricity in x; ePxA = 0 mm
Column eccentricity in y; ePyA = 0 mm
Soil details
Dense, moderately graded, sub-angular, gravel
Mobilisation factor; m= ;1.5;
Density of soil; soil = 18.0 kN/m
Design shear strength; ’ = 25.0 deg
Design base friction;  = 19.3 deg
Allowable bearing pressure; Pbearing = 150 kN/m2
Axial loading on column
Dead axial load on column; PGA = 100.0 kN
Imposed axial load on column; PQA = 27.0 kN
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Wind axial load on column; PWA = 0.0 kN

Total axial load on column; PA = 127.0 kN
Foundation loads
Dead surcharge load; FGsur = 18.000 kN/m2
Imposed surcharge load; FQsur = 5.000 kN/m2
Pad footing self weight; Fswt = h  conc = 6.250 kN/m2
Soil self weight; Fsoil = hsoil  soil = 16.200 kN/m2
Total foundation load; F = A  (FGsur + FQsur + Fswt + Fsoil) = 65.4 kN

Calculate pad base reaction

Total base reaction; T = F + PA = 192.4 kN
Eccentricity of base reaction in x; eTx = (PA  ePxA + MxA + HxA  h) / T = 0 mm
Eccentricity of base reaction in y; eTy = (PA  ePyA + MyA + HyA  h) / T = 0 mm

Check pad base reaction eccentricity

abs(eTx) / L + abs(eTy) / B = 0.000
Base reaction acts within middle third of base
Calculate pad base pressures
q1 = T / A - 6  T  eTx / (L  A) - 6  T  eTy / (B  A) = 133.644 kN/m2
q2 = T / A - 6  T  eTx / (L  A) + 6  T  eTy / (B  A) = 133.644 kN/m2
q3 = T / A + 6  T  eTx / (L  A) - 6  T  eTy / (B  A) = 133.644 kN/m2
q4 = T / A + 6  T  eTx / (L  A) + 6  T  eTy / (B  A) = 133.644 kN/m2
Minimum base pressure; qmin = min(q1, q2, q3, q4) = 133.644 kN/m2
Maximum base pressure; qmax = max(q1, q2, q3, q4) = 133.644 kN/m2
PASS - Maximum base pressure is less than allowable bearing pressure

2 2
133.6 kN/m 133.6 kN/m

2 2
133.6 kN/m 133.6 kN/m
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Partial safety factors for loads

Partial safety factor for dead loads;  fG = 1.40
Partial safety factor for imposed loads;  fQ = 1.60
Partial safety factor for wind loads;  fW = 0.00
Ultimate axial loading on column
Ultimate axial load on column; PuA = PGA   fG + PQA   fQ + PWA   fW = 183.2 kN

Ultimate foundation loads

Ultimate foundation load; Fu = A  [(FGsur + Fswt + Fsoil)   fG + FQsur   fQ] = 93.1 kN

Ultimate horizontal loading on column

Ultimate horizontal load in x direction; HxuA = HGxA   fG + HQxA   fQ + HWxA   fW = 0.0 kN
Ultimate horizontal load in y direction; HyuA = HGyA   fG + HQyA   fQ + HWyA   fW = 0.0 kN

Ultimate moment on column

Ultimate moment on column in x direction; MxuA = MGxA   fG + MQxA   fQ + MWxA   fW = 0.000 kNm
Ultimate moment on column in y direction; MyuA = MGyA   fG + MQyA   fQ + MWyA   fW = 0.000 kNm

Calculate ultimate pad base reaction

Ultimate base reaction; Tu = Fu + PuA = 276.3 kN
Eccentricity of ultimate base reaction in x; eTxu = (PuA  ePxA + MxuA + HxuA  h) / Tu = 0 mm
Eccentricity of ultimate base reaction in y; eTyu = (PuA  ePyA + MyuA + HyuA  h) / Tu = 0 mm

Calculate ultimate pad base pressures

q1u = Tu/A - 6TueTxu/(LA) - 6TueTyu/(BA) = 191.852 kN/m2
q2u = Tu/A - 6TueTxu/(LA) + 6Tu eTyu/(BA) = 191.852 kN/m2
q3u = Tu/A + 6TueTxu/(LA) - 6TueTyu/(BA) = 191.852 kN/m2
q4u = Tu/A + 6TueTxu/(LA) + 6TueTyu/(BA) = 191.852 kN/m2
Minimum ultimate base pressure; qminu = min(q1u, q2u, q3u, q4u) = 191.852 kN/m2
Maximum ultimate base pressure; qmaxu = max(q1u, q2u, q3u, q4u) = 191.852 kN/m2
Calculate rate of change of base pressure in x direction
Left hand base reaction; fuL = (q1u + q2u)  B / 2 = 230.223 kN/m
Right hand base reaction; fuR = (q3u + q4u)  B / 2 = 230.223 kN/m
Length of base reaction; Lx = L = 1200 mm
Rate of change of base pressure; Cx = (fuR - fuL) / Lx = 0.000 kN/m/m
Calculate pad lengths in x direction
Left hand length; LL = L / 2 + ePxA = 600 mm
Right hand length; LR = L / 2 - ePxA = 600 mm
Calculate ultimate moments in x direction
Ultimate moment in x direction; Mx = fuL  LL2 / 2 + Cx  LL3 / 6 - Fu  LL2 / (2  L) = 27.480 kNm

Calculate rate of change of base pressure in y direction

Top edge base reaction; fuT = (q2u + q4u)  L / 2 = 230.223 kN/m
Bottom edge base reaction; fuB = (q1u + q3u)  L / 2 = 230.223 kN/m
Length of base reaction; Ly = B = 1200 mm
Rate of change of base pressure; Cy = (fuB - fuT) / Ly = 0.000 kN/m/m
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Calculate pad lengths in y direction

Top length; LT = B / 2 - ePyA = 600 mm
Bottom length; LB = B / 2 + ePyA = 600 mm
Calculate ultimate moments in y direction
Ultimate moment in y direction; My = fuT  LT2 / 2 + Cy  LT3 / 6 - Fu  LT2 / (2  B) = 27.480 kNm

Material details
Characteristic strength of concrete; fcu = 30 N/mm2
Characteristic strength of reinforcement; fy = 500 N/mm2
Characteristic strength of shear reinforcement; fyv = 500 N/mm2
Nominal cover to reinforcement; cnom = 30 mm
Moment design in x direction
Diameter of tension reinforcement; xB = 12 mm
Depth of tension reinforcement; dx = h - cnom - xB / 2 = 214 mm

Design formula for rectangular beams (cl

Kx = Mx / (B  dx2  fcu) = 0.017
Kx’ = 0.156
Kx < Kx' compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm; zx = dx  min([0.5 + (0.25 - Kx / 0.9)], 0.95) = 203 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required; As_x_req = Mx / (0.87  fy  zx) = 311 mm2
Minimum area of tension reinforcement; As_x_min = 0.0013  B  h = 390 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided; 5 No. 12 dia. bars bottom (275 centres)
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As_xB_prov = NxB    xB2 / 4 = 565 mm2
PASS - Tension reinforcement provided exceeds tension reinforcement required
Moment design in y direction
Diameter of tension reinforcement; yB = 12 mm
Depth of tension reinforcement; dy = h - cnom - xB - yB / 2 = 202 mm

Design formula for rectangular beams (cl

Ky = My / (L  dy2  fcu) = 0.019
Ky’ = 0.156
Ky < Ky' compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm; zy = dy  min([0.5 + (0.25 - Ky / 0.9)], 0.95) = 192 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required; As_y_req = My / (0.87  fy  zy) = 329 mm2
Minimum area of tension reinforcement; As_y_min = 0.0013  L  h = 390 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided; 5 No. 12 dia. bars bottom (275 centres)
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As_yB_prov = NyB    yB2 / 4 = 565 mm2
PASS - Tension reinforcement provided exceeds tension reinforcement required
Calculate ultimate shear force at d from top face of column
Ultimate pressure for shear; qsu = (q1u - Cy  (B / 2 + ePyA + bA / 2 + dy) / L + q4u) / 2
qsu = 191.852 kN/m2
Area loaded for shear; As = L  (B / 2 - ePyA - bA / 2 - dy) = 0.328 m2
Ultimate shear force; Vsu = As  (qsu - Fu / A) = 41.678 kN
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Shear stresses at d from top face of column (cl

Design shear stress; vsu = Vsu / (L  dy) = 0.172 N/mm2

From BS 8110:Part 1:1997 - Table 3.8

Design concrete shear stress; vc = 0.79 N/mm2  min(3, [100  As_yB_prov / (L  dy)]1/3)  max((400 mm /
dy)1/4, 0.67)  (min(fcu / 1 N/mm2, 40) / 25)1/3 / 1.25 = 0.490 N/mm2
Allowable design shear stress; vmax = min(0.8 N/mm2  (fcu / 1 N/mm2), 5 N/mm2) = 4.382 N/mm2
PASS - vsu < vc - No shear reinforcement required
Calculate ultimate punching shear force at face of column
Ultimate pressure for punching shear; qpuA = q1u+[(L/2+ePxA-lA/2)+(lA)/2]Cx/B-[(B/2+ePyA-bA/2)+(bA)/2]Cy/L =
191.852 kN/m2
Average effective depth of reinforcement; d = (dx + dy) / 2 = 208 mm
Area loaded for punching shear at column; ApA = (lA)(bA) = 0.063 m2
Length of punching shear perimeter; upA = 2(lA)+2(bA) = 1000 mm
Ultimate shear force at shear perimeter; VpuA = PuA + (Fu / A - qpuA)  ApA = 175.249 kN
Effective shear force at shear perimeter; VpuAeff = VpuA = 175.249 kN
Punching shear stresses at face of column (cl
Design shear stress; vpuA = VpuAeff / (upA  d) = 0.843 N/mm2
Allowable design shear stress; vmax = min(0.8N/mm2  (fcu / 1 N/mm2), 5 N/mm2) = 4.382 N/mm2
PASS - Design shear stress is less than allowable design shear stress
Calculate ultimate punching shear force at perimeter of 1.5 d from face of column
Ultimate pressure for punching shear; qpuA1.5d = q1u+[L/2]Cx/B-[(B/2+ePyA-bA/2-1.5d)+(bA+21.5d)/2]Cy/L =
191.852 kN/m2
Average effective depth of reinforcement; d = (dx + dy) / 2 = 208 mm
Area loaded for punching shear at column; ApA1.5d = L(bA+21.5d) = 1.049 m2
Length of punching shear perimeter; upA1.5d = 2L = 2400 mm
Ultimate shear force at shear perimeter; VpuA1.5d = PuA + (Fu / A - qpuA1.5d)  ApA1.5d = 49.769 kN
Effective shear force at shear perimeter; VpuA1.5deff = VpuA1.5d  1.25 = 62.212 kN

Punching shear stresses at perimeter of 1.5 d from face of column (cl
Design shear stress; vpuA1.5d = VpuA1.5deff / (upA1.5d  d) = 0.125 N/mm2

From BS 8110:Part 1:1997 - Table 3.8

Design concrete shear stress; vc = 0.79 N/mm2  min(3, [100  (As_xB_prov / (B  dx) + As_yB_prov / (L  dy)) /
2]1/3)  max((800 mm / (dx + dy))1/4, 0.67)  (min(fcu / 1 N/mm2, 40) / 25)1/3 /
1.25 = 0.482 N/mm2
Allowable design shear stress; vmax = min(0.8N/mm2  (fcu / 1 N/mm2), 5 N/mm2) = 4.382 N/mm2
PASS - vpuA1.5d < vc - No shear reinforcement required
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5 No. 12 dia. bars btm(275 c/c)

5 No. 12 dia. bars btm(275 c/c)

Shear at d fromcolumn face

Punching shear perimeter at 1.5 × d fromcolumn face

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