C465 Course Outline - Spring 2016

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Course Outline
Division: Marketing

Term: 2

Instructor: Rui Silva

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 604.827.4951

Office Location: HA 351

Office Hours: Fri. 1:00 2:00 PM (or by appointment)

Section number: 201/202
Class meeting times and location: Section 201 (HA 241) Mon/Wed/Fri, 10:00 am 11:00 am
Section 202 (HA 492) Mon/Wed/Fri, 12:00 pm 1:00 pm
Course duration: Jan 04, 2016 to Apr 08, 2016
Pre-reqs: Prerequisite: Either (a) all of ECON 101, ECON 102 or (b) ECON 100 or (c) all of
ECON 310, ECON 311 or (d) all of ECON 101, ECON 311 or (e) all of ECON 102, ECON 310..
This course is designed to provide a broad introduction to the field of marketing. Marketing is far
more than just selling or advertising within a business setting; it is a major part of everyday life.
This course will illustrate the importance of marketing and will help students develop fundamental
marketing knowledge and skills applicable to all specializations within business.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to:

Define marketing and its role in creating value for consumers, society, and organizations.

Examine an organizations strengths and limitations, core competencies, and key

success factors in the context of the analyzed macro-environment.

Analyze the personal and interpersonal influences on consumer behaviour and the steps
to making a purchase decision.

Differentiate between secondary and primary research, and conduct marketing research
using qualitative and quantitative methods.

Apply the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) process.

Differentiate between the four elements of the marketing mix and integrate them in a
balanced, strategic marketing plan for an existing product/organization.

Midterm Exam


Final Exam


Short Case




Marketing Plan Assignment (Reports + Video Presentation)




Course Outline
iClicker - 10%

iClicker is real-time multiple choice quiz that I give in class from time to time. The purpose
is to help you recap the material discussed in class, and prepare you for the MC section
of the midterm and final. The questions are taken from previous midterms and finals.
Expect 100-150 iClicker questions throughout the semester. There are no make-ups for
iClicker questions. You must attend class to earn those marks.

Marketing Plan Assignments 25%

Students will apply the course concepts to marketing analysis and planning for real organizations.
Working in self-assigned teams of five to seven people (depends on the final number of students
registered in the course), students will choose from a given list of companies as the basis for
completing a series of three team assignments (more details about each assignment will be
provided in class; see due dates in course Schedule):
1. Situation Analysis and SWOT and STP Part 1 (8%) Team
2. Marketing Mix Analysis Part 2 (8%) Team
3. Video Presentation - Part 3 (9%) - Team
At the end of the semester, students will complete a team evaluation of each group members
contribution (including their own) to the teams assignments. Individual grades on team
assignments may be adjusted accordingly.
Short Case Study - 5%
We will work on one short case in class during the semester. It will be disclosed to you 1 week
before it is due; and your job is to 1) answer the case questions in 2 pages single-spaced, and 2)
proactively discuss your insights in class. Ideally, the case analyses are intended to be discussed
almost entirely by the students and my role during these discussions is to facilitate.
Midterm Exam 20%; and Final Exam 40%
There will be a midterm and a final exam (cumulative). Both will emphasize material covered in
lectures, activities, and assigned readings.
Required Textbook: Crane, F., Kerin, R., Hartley, S., Rudelius, W. (2014). Marketing 9th
Canadian Edition. McGraw Hill Ryerson
NOTE: You may choose either the print version or the e-book version (called CONNECT) of the
textbook. You do not require both. (Bonus: If the print version is purchased through the UBC
Bookstore, it comes bundled with the online CONNECT resources.) To access CONNECT (the ebook and online resources), go to the following web address and click the register now button:
Technology Requirements: iClicker.

On-time attendance is expected in classes. Consistent late attendance will affect the
participation grade.

Students are expected to prepare for class, including completing assigned readings.



Course Outline

There are no make-ups for any missed in-class activities and iClicker questions.
You must attend class to earn those marks.

Cell phones and other electronic devices must be either turned off or muted during

Laptops are permitted in class for note-taking and in-class activities only. Students using
laptops in class for other purposes may be asked to leave the classroom. Consistent
abuse of the laptop policy in class will affect the participation grade.

Assignments are due in class right after attendance is taken. Late assignments will
be subject to penalty as follows: 15% penalty if submitted 5 minutes to 24 hours late;
30% penalty if submitted 24-72 hours late; and a grade of zero if submitted more than 72
hours late.

Special accommodations for missed exams will only be made in the case of illness,
emergency, or compassionate reasons. Such excuses as prior personal travel plans
and extra-curricular commitments are not legitimate reasons.

If you miss an exam due to illness, emergency, or compassionate reasons, you must
contact the Sauder Undergraduate Office as soon as possible and submit official

SCHEDULE (Subject to change at instructors discretion)





Mon, Jan 4

Course Introduction

Wed, Jan 6

Marketing: Customer Value, Satisfaction,

Relationships, and Experiences

Fri, Jan 8

Marketing: Customer Value, Satisfaction,

Relationships, and Experiences (2)

Mon, Jan 11

Developing Successful Marketing Strategies

Wed, Jan 13

Developing Successful Marketing Strategies (2)

Fri, Jan 15

Developing Successful Marketing Strategies (3)

Mon, Jan 18

Scanning the Marketing Environment

Wed, Jan 20

Scanning the Marketing Environment (2)

Fri, Jan 22

Scanning the Marketing Environment (3)

Market Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

Wed, Jan 27

Market Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (2)

Fri, Jan 29

Market Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (3)

Consumer Behavior

Wed, Feb 03

Consumer Behavior (2)

Fri, Feb 05

Consumer Behavior (3)

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Mon, Jan 25

Mon, Feb 01

Chapter 9

Chapter 5

Mon, Feb 08

Wed, Feb 10

Marketing Research: from information to action

Fri, Feb 12

Marketing Research: from information to action (2)

Mon, Feb 15

Reading Break



Chapter 8

Project Due (Part 1)


Course Outline
Wed, Feb 17
Fri, Feb 19
Mon, Feb 22

Wed, Feb 24
Fri, Feb 26

Midterm 7:00 PM
Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing

Chapter 4

Reaching Global Markets

Chapter 7

Mon, Feb 29

Reaching Global Markets (2)

Wed, Mar 02

Reaching Global Markets (3)

Fri, Mar 04

Reaching Global Markets (4)

Mon, Mar 07



Wed, Mar 09

Short Case Due

Developing New Products and Services

Fri, Mar 11

Developing New Products and Services (2)

Mon, Mar 14

Developing New Products and Services (3)

Wed, Mar 16

Managing Products and Brands

Fri, Mar 18

Managing Products and Brands (2)

Mon, Mar 21

Managing Products and Brands (3)

Wed, Mar 23

Managing Services

Mon, Mar 28


Wed, Mar 30

Managing Services (2)

Fri, Apr 01

Managing Services (3)

Mon, Apr 04


Wed, Apr 06


Fri, Apr 08


Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Fri, Mar 25


Chapter 10


Project Due (Part 2)

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