COMM 296 Syllabus 2020 W2

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Course title: Intro to Management
Course code: Comm 296 Credits: 3
Session and term: 2019W2 Class location: HA 347
Section(s): 01 Class times: W/F
Course duration: Jan 6 – Apr 9 Pre-requisites: N/A
Division: Marketing Co-requisites: Comm 293 and one of: Comm
295, Econ 201 or Econ 301

Instructor: Jarrett Vaughan MA, Msc
Phone: Office location: HA 351
Email: [email protected] Office hours: Fri 11:30-12:30

This course is designed to provide a broad introduction to the field of marketing. Marketing is far more than just selling or
advertising within a business setting; it is a major part of everyday life. This course will illustrate the importance of marketing and
will help students develop fundamental marketing knowledge and skills applicable to all specializations within business.

Typical use of class time is lecture, discussion, and cases.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to:
• Define marketing and its role in creating value for consumers, society, and organizations.
• Analyze ethical issues in marketing and understand organizations’ ethical responsibilities.
• Examine an organization’s strengths and limitations, core competencies, and key success factors in the context of the analyzed

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• Analyze the personal and interpersonal influences on consumer behaviour and the steps to making a purchase decision.
• Differentiate between secondary and primary research, and conduct marketing research.
• Apply the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) process.
• Differentiate between the four elements of the marketing mix and integrate them in a balanced, strategic marketing plan for
an existing product/organization.

Online pre-tests 5%
In-class participation: iClicker and in-class activities
Team project: Marketing plan assignments*
Midterm exam 20%
Final exam 30%
*Individual grades on team assignments may be subject to
adjustment based on team evaluations.
Total 100%

Details of Assessments
Online pre-tests – 5%
With the goal of providing a more active learning experience in the classroom, students will complete regular online pre-tests to
guide their class preparation. Such preparation will free up class time for higher-level application of and interaction with key
concepts and tools. NOTE: Pre-tests are meant to be completed individually.

In-class participation: iClicker and in-class activities– 15%

Participation and professionalism are highly valued. Attendance is necessary, but not sufficient; to earn these marks, students must
actively participate in class. We will use fixed seats and name cards to give students credit; no name card, no credit. Points

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are gained/lost throughout the course and converted to a final score at instructor discretion; a balanced mix of +1s and +2s meets
expectations. This component of the course grade will be calculated as follows:
iClicker questions 5%
Class Participation and Professionalism 5%
In-class activities 5%

Points Session Participation & Professionalism Level

• Unexcused absence, late arrival, or early departure;
-1 • Unexcused use of device; or
• Disruptive attendance
• Notified absence (i.e., informed instructor in advance, but not eligible for concession); or
• Attendance that is silent or disengaged
• Actively and respectfully listen/watch; and
+1 • Actively participate in-class activities (e.g., worksheets, small group discussions)
Note: This is the minimum expectation for all students on all days.
Everything for +1 and participate in class discussion by:
• Asking or answering basic questions about course concepts; or
• Building on (but not merely repeating) points raised by others.
Note: Most contributions are worth +2; repetitive or tangential contributions are not counted.
Everything for +1 and advance the learning of the group by:
• Asking or answering more insightful, higher-level questions;
+3 • Drawing connections between course concepts; or
• Sharing relevant experiences or points of view.
Note: Only exceptional contributions are worth +3.

Team project: Marketing plan assignments – 30%

Students will apply the course concepts to marketing analysis and planning for real organizations. Working in assigned teams of 5-6,
students will choose from a given list of companies as the basis for completing a series of four team assignments and one individual
assignment (more details about each assignment will be provided in class; see due dates in course schedule):
1) Team: Jump Start Your Research 1%

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2) Team: Situation Analysis and SWOT 10%

3) Team: STP Plan and Strategy Analysis 4%
Team: Marketing Strategy – Video
4) 13%
5) Individual: Peer Video Review 2%
At the end of the semester, students will complete an evaluation of each team member’s contribution (including their own) to the
team’s assignments. Individual grades on team assignments may be adjusted accordingly. Late submission of iPeer will be a
deduction of a minimum of 10% of your total grade.

Midterm exam – 20%; and Final exam – 30%

There will be a midterm and a final exam (not cumulative). Both will emphasize material covered in lectures, activities, and assigned

Optional participation in marketing studies – Bonus marks up to 3%

Students may volunteer to participate in marketing studies for bonus marks up to 3%. Details will be provided in class.

Required textbook: Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2017). M: Marketing (4th, 5th or 6th Ed). McGraw-Hill Irwin.
• You may choose the print version or the e-book version of the textbook. You do not need both.
• E-text registration link
• The Canvas /LearnSmart online resources are not required. (Bonus: If the print version is purchased new through the UBC
Bookstore, it comes bundled with the Canvas online resources.)
Required technology: iClicker. We will use iClickers in every class.
Course websites:
• UBC Canvas: The course will be supported in Canvas.

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Missed or late assignments, and regrading of assessments
• There are no make-ups for any missed in-class activities or iClicker questions. You must attend your registered section to earn
those marks.
• There are no make-ups for any missed online pre-tests. You must complete pre-tests during the assigned window of time that
they are available online. NOTE: Pre-tests are meant to be completed individually.
• Special accommodations for missed exams will only be made in the case of illness, emergency, or compassionate reasons. Such
excuses as prior personal travel plans and extra-curricular commitments are not legitimate reasons. If you miss an exam due
to illness, emergency, or compassionate reasons, you must contact the Sauder Undergraduate Office1 as soon as possible and
submit official documentation.
• Exam regrades must be requested within 7 days of the grade release. It is the responsibility of each student to monitor Canvas
for grade release times.
Academic Concessions
The academic enterprise is founded on honesty, civility, and integrity. As members of this enterprise, all students are expected to
know, understand, and follow the codes of conduct regarding academic integrity. At the most basic level, this means submitting only
original work done by you and acknowledging all sources of information or ideas and attributing them to others as required. This
also means you should not cheat, copy, or mislead others about what is your work. Violations of academic integrity (i.e., misconduct)
lead to the breakdown of the academic enterprise, and therefore serious consequences arise and harsh sanctions are imposed. For
example, incidences of plagiarism or cheating may result in a mark of zero on the assignment or exam and more serious
consequences may apply if the matter is referred to the President’s Advisory Committee on Student Discipline. Careful records are
kept in order to monitor and prevent recurrences.

Students are expected to adhere to UBC’s Academic Honesty policy and standards2. Any instances of cheating3 will be strongly dealt
with according to UBC’s procedures for Discipline for Academic Misconduct4. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:


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• Asking a classmate to bring your iClicker to class or to complete an in-class task for you if you are unable to attend; asking a
classmate to complete a pre-test, an assignment, or an exam for you.
• Completing a pre-test, an iClicker question, an in-class task, an assignment, or an exam for a classmate.
• Sharing pre-test or exam questions or answers.
• Using or having open any books, papers, devices, computer files, webpages, or materials other than the exam itself during

Other Course Policies and Resources

Class preparation: Guidance on how to prepare for each class will be posted to the course Canvas website. It is each student’s
responsibility to understand what is required and to complete the necessary readings, pre-tests, and other preparation that is

Attendance: On-time attendance is expected. Consistent late attendance will affect the participation grade.

Electronic devices:
• Laptops, phones and tablets are not permitted in class and must be stowed out of the way, except during specified in-class
activities; advance notice will be provided for any in-class activities that require laptops.
• Cell phones must be either turned off or muted during classes.
• Students misusing laptops or cell phones may be asked to leave the classroom. Misuse of laptops or cell phones in class will
affect the participation grade.

Assignment deadlines: Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due in the online drop box by 12pm (noon), Pacific time and
UBC server time. Late assignments will be subject to penalty as follows: 10% penalty per day; and a grade of zero if submitted more
than 72 hours late.


UBC provides resources to support student learning and to maintain healthy lifestyles but recognizes that sometimes crises arise and
so there are additional resources to access including those for survivors of sexual violence. UBC values respect for the person and
ideas of all members of the academic community. Harassment and discrimination are not tolerated nor is suppression of academic

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freedom. UBC provides appropriate accommodation for students with disabilities and for religious observances. UBC values
academic honesty and students are expected to acknowledge the ideas generated by others and to uphold the highest academic
standards in all of their actions. Details of the policies and how to access support are available on the UBC Senate website at

All materials of this course (course handouts, lecture slides, assessments, course readings, etc.) are the intellectual property of the
instructor or licensed to be used in this course by the copyright owner. Redistribution of these materials by any means without
permission of the copyright holder(s) constitutes a breach of copyright and may lead to academic discipline. Audio or video
recording of classes are not permitted without the prior approval of the Instructor.]

Subject to change with class consultation

Date Class Topic Readings: 6th edition (assessment based on 6th edition) Assignments Due

Jan 8 #1: Introduction to 1. Read the course outline. Individual: First online pre-test
Marketing 2. Read Chapter 1: pp. 3-13 (stop at “How Do Marketing Firms Become More Value Driven?”). due; pre-tests due before every
subsequent class

Jan 10 #2: Situation 1. Read Chapter 2: pp. 23-28 (stop at “The Marketing Plan”), and pp. 41-43 (start at “Portfolio Analysis”
Analysis, Part I and stop at “Growth Strategies”).
(Begin fixed seats) 2. Read, “Marketing Plan”.

Jan 15 #3: Situation 1. Read all of Chapter 5: pp. 93-110.

Analysis, Part II 2. Read, “SWOT Analysis”.
Jan 17 #4: Marketing 1. Read all of Chapter 10: pp. 201-221.
Jan 22 #5: Marketing Plan 1. Start thinking about consumer-serving (vs. business-serving) brands. Team: Team Contract due in
Project: Jump Start class

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Jan 24 #6: Consumer 1. Read Chapter 6: pp. 113-126 (stop at "Factors Influencing the Consumer Decision Process").
Behaviour, Part I 2. Read Chapter 11: pp. 225-226 (start at "Types of Products" and stop at "Product Mix and Product
Line Decisions").

Jan 26 Team: Jump Start Your Research


Jan 29 #7: Consumer 1. Read the rest of Chapter 6: pp. 126-137.

Behaviour, Part II 2. Read Clarification of Perception and Attitude, which explains a correction to the textbook content on
pp. 128-130.

Jan 31 #8: Segmentation, 1. Read Chapter 2: pp. 33-35 (start at “Step 3” and stop at “Step 4”).
Targeting, & 2. Read Chapter 9: pp. 177-193 (stop at “Step 5”).
Positioning (STP),
Part I
Feb 5 #9: STP, Part II 1. Read the rest of Chapter 9: pp. 193-199.

Feb 7 Team work day (no No reading. Coordinate with your team on project work plans.
Feb 9 Team: Situation Analysis &
SWOT due
Feb 12 #10: Product 1. Read, “The Marketing Mix”.
Strategy, Part I 2. Read Chapter 11: pp. 223-229 (stop at “Branding”).
3. Read Chapter 13: pp. 273-278 (stop at “Providing Great Service…”).
4. Read Chapter 12: pp. 245-251 (stop at “Diffusion of Innovation”).
5. Read Chapter 2: pp. 43-45 (start at “Growth Strategies”).
Feb 13 Midterm exam Individual: Midterm exam at

Feb 14 #11: Product 1. Read Chapter 12: pp. 265-270 (start at “The Product Life Cycle”), and pp. 251-257 (start at “Diffusion
Strategy, Part II of Innovation” and stop at “How Firms Develop New Products”).
Feb 17- Reading Break

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Date Class Topic Readings: 6th edition (assessment based on 6th edition) Assignments Due

Feb 26 #12: Product 1. Read Chapter 11: pp. 229-235 (start at “Branding” and stop at “Branding Strategies”), and pp. 237-
Strategy, Part III + 243 (start at “Brand and Line Extensions”).
Marketing Plan 2. Coordinate with your team to be ready to work on your STP Plan.
Project: STP Plan
Feb 28 #13: Pricing Strategy, 1. Read Chapter 14: pp. 293-310 (stop at "Pricing Strategies).
Part I
Mar 4 #14: Pricing Strategy, 1. Read the rest of Chapter 14: pp. 310-317.
Part II
Mar 6 #15: Place No reading. Arrive on time to participate in contest!
Strategy, Part I
Mar 11 #16: Place 1. Read Chapter 15: pp. 319-331 (stop at “Making Information Flow”).
(Distribution) 2. Read Chapter 16: pp. 341-346 (stop at “Identify Types of Retailers”), and pp. 354-361 (start at
Strategy, Part II “Developing a Retail Strategy”).
Mar 13 No reading. Coordinate with your team on project work plans. Team: STP due

Mar 18 #17: Promotion 1. Read Chapter 17: pp. 363-375 (stop at “Planning for and Measuring IMC Success”).
Strategy, Part I 2. Read Chapter 18: pp. 383-399 (stop at “Public Relations”).
3. Read Clarification of Promotion, which explains corrections to textbook content in Chapters 17 and
Mar 20 No Class (Mid Term make up day)
Mar 25 #18: Promotion 1. Read the rest of Chapter 18: pp. 399-405.
Strategy, Part II 2. Read Chapter 3: pp. 52-56 (start at "The Wheel" and stop at "Categories of Social Media").
3. Read Chapter 3: pp. 62-68 (start at "Going Mobile" and stop at "Do").

Mar 27 #19: Promotion 1. Read Chapter 19: pp. 407-416 (stop at “Managing the Sales Force”), and pp. 422-423 (start at “Ethical
Strategy, Part III and Legal Issues in Personal Selling”).
2. Read the definition of direct marketing in the American Marketing Association’s dictionary.

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Apr 1 #20: Marketing Ethics 1. Read Chapter 4: pp. 73-83 (stop at "Integrating Conscious Marketing").
2. Read The Framework for Ethical Management.
3. Read the article: Harvard Business Review. (2017, November). The opportunity of sustainability.
Retrieved from
4. Watch the short video from Unilever: “Sustainability at Unilever: The value chain”. Retrieved from
Apr 3 No reading. Coordinate with your team on project work plans. Team: Marketing Strategy Video
Apr 8 #21: Marketing 1. Read Chapter 8: pp. 170-175 (start at “Choosing a Global Marketing Strategy”).
Strategy & Course
Apr 8 Individual: Video Reviews AND
Individual: Peer Performance
Reviews due
TBD Individual: Final exam (date &
time TBD)

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