Kobelco Low Alloy Steel

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Technical Report

Essential Factors in Selecting Heat-

Resistant Low Alloy Filler Metals for High-
Temperature, High-Pressure Services in
the Power Generation, Oil Refining, and
Petrochemical Industries

Heat-Resistant Low Alloy Filler Metals How to Select Correct Filler Metals
Span Wide
To select the correct filler metal for welding a
Choosing an appropriate filler metal suitable for heat- particular material (e.g., A335Gr.P11 pipe), you may
resistant low alloy steels ranging from low Mo types follow this procedure.

such as 0.5Mo steel to high Cr types such as 9Cr-1Mo-

V-Nb steel can be confusing. These low alloy steels are (1) Confirm nominal amounts of Cr and Mo: 1.25Cr-
used for high-temperature, high-pressure equipment for 0.5Mo type as per ASTM A335
the power generation, oil refining, petrochemical
industries. Steam boilers, reactor vessels, heat (2) Confirm the minimum tensile strength: 415MPa as
exchangers, and process pipes are typical equipment for per ASTM A335
heat-resistant low alloy steel. As would be expected
with such a wide scope of applications, numerous filler (3) Confirm candidates of filler metals: CMA-96, CMA-
metals are available. Table 1 serves as a quick selection 96MB, CMB-93, CMB-95, and CMB-98 for SMAW,
guide to the filler metals for various types of heat- and TGS-1CM and TGS-1CML for GTAW as
resistant low alloy steels. indicated in Table 1.

Table 1. A selection guide to filler metals for heat-resistant low alloy steels
ASTM (ASME) steel grade KOBELCO filler metal
Steel type
Mn-Mo A302Gr.B,C,D BL-96 MGS-56 TGS-56 PF-200/US-56B
− −
Mn-Mo-Ni A533Type A,B,C,D BL-106 MGS-63S PF-200/US-63S
0.5Mo A204Gr.A,B,C A209Gr.T1 CMA-76 MGS-M TGS-M MF-38/US-40

A335Gr.P1 MG-M
0.5Mo-0.5Cr A387Gr.2 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T2 CMB-83 MG-CM TGS-CM
− −
A335Gr.P2 CMB-86
1Cr-0.5Mo A387Gr.12 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T11,12 CMA-96 DW-81B2 MGS-1CM TGS-1CM PF-200/US-511N
1.25Cr-0.5Mo A387Gr.11 Cl.1,2 A335Gr.P11,12 CMA-96MB MG-1CM TGS-1CML
2.25Cr-1Mo A387Gr.22 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T22 CMA-106 DW-91B3 MGS-2CM TGS-2CM PF-200/US-521S
A542Type B Cl.4 A335Gr.P22 CMA-106N MGS-2CMS TGS-2CML
CMB-105 MG-2CM
2.25Cr-1Mo-V A542Type D,E Cl.4a CMA-106H TGS-2CMH PF-500/US-521H
− − −
3Cr-1Mo-V A542Type C Cl.4a CM-3H TGS-3CMH PF-500/US-531H
− − −
5Cr-0.5Mo A387Gr.5 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T5 CM-5 MGS-5CM TGS-5CM PF-200S/US-502

9Cr-1Mo A387Gr.9 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T9 CM-9 MGS-9CM TGS-9CM PF-200S/US-505

9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb A387Gr.91 Cl.2 A213Gr.T91 CM-9Cb MGS-9Cb TGS-9Cb PF-200S/US-9Cb

A335Gr.P91 CM-96B9 TGS-90B9
Low C (SA213Gr.T23) CM-2CW TGS-2CW
− − − −
2.25Cr-W-V-Nb (SA335Gr.P23)
Technical Report
(4) Confirm the AWS classification where required: You When no specific requirement is imposed, you may
can find out the AWS classification of filler metals choose CMA-96 for SMAW and TGS-1CM for GTAW
as shown in Table 2 by referring to the Kobelco for welding the aforementioned pipe. A typical
Welding Handbook. application for CMB-93 (high-titania type electrode) is
to dress fillet welds made by using low hydrogen type
Because the combination of second and third electrodes to make the fillet toe smooth for better fatigue
digits (80 or 70) of the AWS classifications strength−Fig. 1.
designates the minimum tensile strength of 80 or
70ksi (550 or 480MPa), you will know which filler
metals have sufficient tensile strength over the
minimum tensile strength of the pertinent pipe, in
the testing conditions specified by the AWS standard
(A5.5 and A5.18).

However, postweld heat treatment (PWHT) Figure 1. Surface dressing with E9013-G electrodes on an E9016-
employed in welding fabrication may be stricter B2 fillet weld to improve fatigue strength


(higher temperature and longer soaking time) than
the AWS standard. In this case, the minimum tensile As for 1Cr-0.5Mo steel, the same matching filler metal
strength guaranteed by Kobe Steel may be lower for 1.25Cr-0.5Mo steel can be used in general because
than that specified by AWS. Please contact the the required Cr ranges of both steels overlap: 0.85-
nearest Kobelco office or sales representative to 1.25%Cr for 1Cr-0.5Mo steel; 1.00-1.50%Cr for 1.25Cr-
confirm the permissible PWHT conditions 0.5Mo steel, and filler metal standards (e.g., AWS)
(temperature and time) to ensure the minimum specify no specific classification for 1Cr-0.5Mo formula.
tensile strength of the pertinent base metal (Or refer
to Kobelco Welding Today, Vol. 4, No.4, October However, the tensile strengths of both types of plates
2001 for the PWHT dependence on the mechanical specify different requirements as shown in Table 3. That
properties of 1.25Cr-0.5Mo weld metals). is, the nominal tensile strength of 1Cr-0.5Mo plates can
be lower than that of 1.25Cr-0.5Mo plates even when the
(5) Confirm applications for and characteristics of filler steel class is the same. On the other hand, the matching
metals: By referring to the Kobelco Welding filler metal should have generally the same or a little
Handbook, You may notice that recommended higher tensile strength relative to the base metal from the
applications for and key characteristics of individual standpoint of the strength balance of the weld joint.
filler metals are not necessarily the same for the Therefore, where the nominal tensile strength (650MPa /
same AWS-class filler metals as summarized in room temp. / 690℃×1h) of CMA-96 is deemed
Table 2, excessive relative to 1Cr-0.5Mo steel, CMA-96MB is
recommended because its nominal tensile strength
(590MPa / room temp. / 690℃×1h) is lower. For the
same reason, TGS-1CML, rather than TGS-1CM, is
more suitable for 1Cr-0.5Mo steel in terms of the
Table 2. Applications for and key characteristics of filler metals for
strength balance.
1.25Cr-0.5Mo steel pipes
Filler metal AWS Applications and Table 3. A comparison of tensile strength requirements of
classification key characteristic
1Cr-0.5Mo and 1.25Cr-0.5Mo steel plates
CMA-96 E8016-B2 ■General application
Steel type Steel grade Tensile strength (MPa)
CMA-96MB E8016-B2 ■ Lower hardness   Class 1 Class 2
■ Higher impact value
CMB-93 E8013-G ■ Sheet metal  1Cr-0.5Mo A387Gr.12 380-550   450-585
■ Surface-dressing 1.25Cr-0.5Mo A387Gr.11 415-585   515-690
CMB-95 E7015-B2L ■ Low carbon 
■ DC power source only
Where the gas metal arc welding process (GMAW) is
CMB-98 E8018-B2 ■ Higher deposition rate
used, there are two choices for welding 0.5Mo, 1.25Cr-
TGS-1CM ER80S-G ■ General application 0.5Mo and 2.25Cr-1Mo steel depending on the type of
TGS-1CML ER80S-G ■ Low carbon shielding gas: MG-XXX wires use CO 2, MGS-XXX
wires use Ar-CO2 admixture (e.g., 80%Ar-20%CO2).
Technical Report
CO2 is more economical but causes much more spatter In contrast to GMAW with solid wires, flux-cored arc
than the other. In contrast, Ar-CO2 admixture causes low welding (FCAW) with Kobelco Cr-Mo flux-cored wires
spatter but is more expensive than the other. In addition, (FCW), DW-81B2 (AWS A 5.29 E81T1-B2) for 1.25Cr-
the type of shielding gas affects the quality of the weld 0.5Mo steel and DW-91B3 (AWS A5.29 E91T1-B3) for
metal. Figure 2 shows the effect of shielding gas 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, releases you from the annoyances of
composition on Charpy impact absorbed energy of weld selecting an appropriate shield gas because both wires
metals. It is obvious in this figure that the impact energy use either 75-80%Ar/bal.CO2 admixture or CO2. These
decreases as the percentage of CO2 in the shielding gas FCWs offer spray transfer, low spatter loss, flat to
increases. This is because, as shown in Fig. 3, the slightly convex bead profile, and a moderate volume of
chemical composition of weld metal is affected by the slag that completely covers the weld bead and exhibits
decomposition of CO 2 (CO 2 → CO + O) at high self-peeling removal, in out-of-position welding. The
temperatures in the arc atmosphere. This is why the mechanical properties and microstructure of the weld
GMAW filler metal should be selected, taking into metal after PWHT are consistent. The superior usability
account the type of shielding gas to be used and weld of DW-81B2 and DW-91B3 can facilitate smoother bead
quality requirements. appearance on pipe branches and nozzle-to-vessel joints
where the welding torch must be manipulated three-

dimensionally to control the molten pool.

Joining Dissimilar Metals is Unavoidable

in Welding High-Temperature High-
Pressure Equipment

Almost all machinery, vessels and process pipes are

fabricated using a variety of materials−thus dissimilar-
metal joints are a necessity when efficient performance
with competitive materials at lower fabrication costs are
the goals. For instance, power generation boilers (Fig. 4)
are fabricated by using different types of steels
depending on, primarily, the service temperature as
shown in Table 4, although other factors such as steam
pressure and corrosives should also be taken into

Figure 2. The effect of shielding gas composition on Charpy

impact absorbed energy of 1.25Cr-0.5Mo weld metals (PWHT:

Figure 4. Schematic view of a water tube boiler fabricated with

Figure 3.Yield ratios of chemical elements of a 1.25Cr-0.5Mo sophisticated structure components of various types of steels
weld metal as a function of CO2% in an Ar-CO2 mixture (Source: K.Nagumo, Basic Knowledge of Boiler, Ohmsha, 2002)
Technical Report
Table 4. Service temperature ranges for fire power boiler This is because, the weld metal need not be stronger or
component materials more resistant to creep or corrosion than the lower alloy
Typical JIS
Service base metal in normal applications.
Steel type (Karyoku) temperature
grade (℃) (1)
For instance, carbon steel can readily be joined to
carbon steel STPT A106 350-400
0.5Mo STPA 12 A335Gr.P1 400-475 2.25Cr-1Mo steel by using either a carbon steel or
1Cr-0.5Mo STPA 22 A335Gr.P12 450-550 1.25Cr-0.5Mo steel filler metal; however, carbon steel
1.25Cr-0.5Mo STPA 23 A335Gr.P11 500-550
2.25Cr-1Mo STPA 24 A335Gr.P22 520-600 filler metals are usually selected except where carbon
Low C (KA-STPA (SA335 525-600 migration (the diffusion of carbon from lower-Cr metal
2.25Cr-W-V-Nb 24J1) Gr.P23)
5Cr-0.5Mo STPA 25 A335Gr.P5 550-600
to higher-Cr metal during PWHT and service at high
9Cr-1Mo STPA 26 A335Gr.P9 600-650 temperatures) must be decreased. Likewise, 2.25Cr-1Mo
9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb (KA- A335Gr.P91 525-600 steel can be joined to 9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb steel by using a
STPA 28)
stainless steel SUS A312Gr.304H 650-850 2.25Cr-1Mo filler metal. In contrast, Cr-Mo steel and
304HTP austenitic stainless steel are joined with a high Cr-Ni
Note (1) Data source: Ka-ryoku Genshi-ryoku Hatsuden (Fire stainless (e.g., E309) or, where carbon migration and
and Nuclear Power Generation), Vol.51, No.1, January thermal stress are important factors, nickel alloy (e.g.,


2000 ENiCrFe-1) filler metal. For a quick guide to
recommended Kobelco brands for joining dissimilar
As mentioned above, the structural components of a metals, refer to Table 5.
power generation boiler use several types of steels;
therefore, joining dissimilar steels is unavoidable at the Tips for Pipe Welding
interface of different service condition areas. When
joining carbon steels and Cr-Mo steels, or when joining Process piping (Fig. 5) conveys fluids such as steam
dissimilar Cr-Mo steels, a filler metal with a and hydrocarbon between the boilers, reactors, heat
composition similar to the lower-alloy steel or to an exchangers and distillation towers of a plant. It also
intermediate composition is commonly used for butt connects one process unit with another. Such process
joints. piping is subject to elevated temperature and high
Table 5. A quick guide to proper filler metals for welding dissimilar-metal butt joints for general applications (1)(2)
Base metal Mild steel 0.5Mo 1.25Cr-0.5Mo 2.25Cr-1Mo 5Cr-0.5Mo

Type 304 ●
NC-39 (E309), NC-39L (E309L), TGS-309 (ER309), TGS-309L (ER309L)
stainless steel ●
NIC-703D (ENiCrFe-3), NIC-70A (ENiCrFe-1), TGS-70NCb (ERNiCr-3)

LB-52 CMA-76 CMA-96 CMA-106 CM-5

9Cr-1Mo (E7016) (E7016-A1) (E8016-B2) (E9016-B3) (E8016-B6)
(ER70S-G) (ER80S-G) (ER80S-G) (ER90S-G) (ER80S-B6)
LB-52 CMA-76 CMA-96 CMA-106
5Cr-0.5Mo (E7016) (E7016-A1) (E8016-B2) (E9016-B3)
(ER70S-G) (ER80S-G) (ER80S-G) (ER90S-G)
LB-52 CMA-76 CMA-96
2.25Cr-1Mo (E7016) (E7016-A1) (E8016-B2) Note: (1) This table guides to recommended filler
metals matching the lower-alloy steels in
(ER70S-G) (ER80S-G) (ER80S-G)
various dissimilar metal joints, excepting
LB-52 CMA-76
(E7016) (E7016-A1) for Type 304 steel. Other types of filler
TGS-50 TGS-M metals may be needed where a specific
(ER70S-G) (ER80S-G) requirement is imposed.
0.5Mo (E7016)
TGS-50 Note: (2) Preheating and postweld heat treatment for dissimilar Cr-Mo
(ER70S-G) steels should be sufficient to the higher-alloy steel; however,
the PWHT temperature should be lower to avoid damage to
the lower-alloy steel and minimize the carbon migration. Type
304 stainless steel should not be preheated or postweld heat-
treated to avoid sensitization.
Technical Report
2.25Cr-1Mo or higher Cr filler metals need back
shielding. Without back shielding, the root pass weld
cannot properly be formed. Even if the appearance
seems good, porosity may be formed inside the weld.

Even when the welding is perfectly conducted, the

weld quality cannot finally be assured unless PWHT is
appropriate because PWHT affects the mechanical
properties of welds in addition to relieving residual
stresses. Excessive PWHT may cause too low tensile
Figure 5. Cr-Mo filler metals are indispensable to construct the strength and notch toughness to satisfy the requirements.
process piping of refineries and chemical plants In contrast, insufficient PWHT may result in too much
hardness − thus too low ductility − and inadequate
In welding pipes, it is essential to control the quality impact toughness. Table 7 shows PWHT temperature
of the root pass weld in order to ensure the quality of the and holding time for Cr-Mo pipe welds, employed in
entire pipe weld. More importantly, correct groove construction of process piping.

preparation is a key technique to assure the soundness of

the root pass weld. Table 6 illustrates the standard,
Table 7. Postweld heat treatment temperature and holding time
recommended targets and tolerances of groove for Cr-Mo steel welds (Source: ANSI B31.3-90)
preparation and acceptable misalignment in particular Heating
welding procedures. Steel type temperatures Holding time (h)
1h for each 25.4 mm of plate
0.5%Mo 593-718
thickness, but min. 1h
Table 6. Proper groove preparation and recommended
1.25%Cr-0.5%Mo 704-746
dimension control to ensure the root pass quality
2.25%Cr-1%Mo 1h for each 25.4 mm of plate
5%Cr-0.5%Mo 704-760 thickness, but min. 2h

In the fabrication of spools of pipes, PWHT is usually

carried out in a furnace, where the entire pipework is
placed inside. However, field pipe joints are frequently
given a local heat treatment using, for instance, electric
Bevel Root Root Misalig-
angle face gap
nment resistance heating tools suitable for pipe welds−Fig. 6.
Φ(deg) F(mm) G (mm) (mm)
In local PWHT, temperature control is an essential
37.5 1.6
ANSI B31.3
+2.5 +0.8 − − factor to maintain the temperature gradient within the
-2.5 -0.8 limits set by the relevant code. To assure this
Upward Per Per 2.0-3.2
SMAW Target
ANSI ANSI (2.0-2.6)
1.6 max requirement, the temperature distribution is measured
with low
hydrogen Toler- Per Per
1.6-3.6 2.0 max
with thermocouples attached at the twelve, three and six
electrodes ance ANSI ANSI
o'clock positions of a weld.
Per  Per  2.0-3.2 1.2 (0.8) 
Upward ANSI ANSI (2.0-2.6) max
GTAW Toler- Per Per
1.6-3.6 1.6 max

Note (1) ANSI B31.3: American National Standard Institute,

Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping
(2) Targets in the parentheses are for thin tubes (t <
− 7)

In GTAW, the need for back shielding argon gas is an

important factor because it affects the quality of the root
pass weld and fabrication costs. 0.5Mo and 1.25Cr- Figure 6. Preparation of local postweld heat treatment with
0.5Mo filler metals can be used without back shielding electric resistance heating tools and thermocouples
except where the backside bead appearance has to be (Source: Jemix, Japan)
controlled strictly.

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