Kobelco Low Alloy Steel
Kobelco Low Alloy Steel
Kobelco Low Alloy Steel
Heat-Resistant Low Alloy Filler Metals How to Select Correct Filler Metals
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To select the correct filler metal for welding a
Choosing an appropriate filler metal suitable for heat- particular material (e.g., A335Gr.P11 pipe), you may
resistant low alloy steels ranging from low Mo types follow this procedure.
Table 1. A selection guide to filler metals for heat-resistant low alloy steels
ASTM (ASME) steel grade KOBELCO filler metal
Steel type
Mn-Mo A302Gr.B,C,D BL-96 MGS-56 TGS-56 PF-200/US-56B
− −
Mn-Mo-Ni A533Type A,B,C,D BL-106 MGS-63S PF-200/US-63S
0.5Mo A204Gr.A,B,C A209Gr.T1 CMA-76 MGS-M TGS-M MF-38/US-40
A335Gr.P1 MG-M
0.5Mo-0.5Cr A387Gr.2 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T2 CMB-83 MG-CM TGS-CM
− −
A335Gr.P2 CMB-86
1Cr-0.5Mo A387Gr.12 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T11,12 CMA-96 DW-81B2 MGS-1CM TGS-1CM PF-200/US-511N
1.25Cr-0.5Mo A387Gr.11 Cl.1,2 A335Gr.P11,12 CMA-96MB MG-1CM TGS-1CML
2.25Cr-1Mo A387Gr.22 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T22 CMA-106 DW-91B3 MGS-2CM TGS-2CM PF-200/US-521S
A542Type B Cl.4 A335Gr.P22 CMA-106N MGS-2CMS TGS-2CML
CMB-105 MG-2CM
2.25Cr-1Mo-V A542Type D,E Cl.4a CMA-106H TGS-2CMH PF-500/US-521H
− − −
3Cr-1Mo-V A542Type C Cl.4a CM-3H TGS-3CMH PF-500/US-531H
− − −
5Cr-0.5Mo A387Gr.5 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T5 CM-5 MGS-5CM TGS-5CM PF-200S/US-502
9Cr-1Mo A387Gr.9 Cl.1,2 A213Gr.T9 CM-9 MGS-9CM TGS-9CM PF-200S/US-505
9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb A387Gr.91 Cl.2 A213Gr.T91 CM-9Cb MGS-9Cb TGS-9Cb PF-200S/US-9Cb
A335Gr.P91 CM-96B9 TGS-90B9
Low C (SA213Gr.T23) CM-2CW TGS-2CW
− − − −
2.25Cr-W-V-Nb (SA335Gr.P23)
Technical Report
(4) Confirm the AWS classification where required: You When no specific requirement is imposed, you may
can find out the AWS classification of filler metals choose CMA-96 for SMAW and TGS-1CM for GTAW
as shown in Table 2 by referring to the Kobelco for welding the aforementioned pipe. A typical
Welding Handbook. application for CMB-93 (high-titania type electrode) is
to dress fillet welds made by using low hydrogen type
Because the combination of second and third electrodes to make the fillet toe smooth for better fatigue
digits (80 or 70) of the AWS classifications strength−Fig. 1.
designates the minimum tensile strength of 80 or
70ksi (550 or 480MPa), you will know which filler
metals have sufficient tensile strength over the
minimum tensile strength of the pertinent pipe, in
the testing conditions specified by the AWS standard
(A5.5 and A5.18).
However, postweld heat treatment (PWHT) Figure 1. Surface dressing with E9013-G electrodes on an E9016-
employed in welding fabrication may be stricter B2 fillet weld to improve fatigue strength
Type 304 ●
NC-39 (E309), NC-39L (E309L), TGS-309 (ER309), TGS-309L (ER309L)
stainless steel ●
NIC-703D (ENiCrFe-3), NIC-70A (ENiCrFe-1), TGS-70NCb (ERNiCr-3)