240CAB Coursework 2015-16 Final

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School of Energy, Construction & Environment

240CAB Construction Technology



Basement & Superstructure Construction




Teaching Staff
Name: Araz Agha

Name: Venkat

Room number: JL129

Room no. JL131

Room no. JLG37

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Name: Carl Mills


Date Handed Out

12th October 2015


Submission Date
11th December 2015 (last hand-in 4pm)


Submission Procedure
This coursework must be submitted by the above date. You are strongly advised to keep your own
copy of the submitted work. All submissions must be made via Turnitin only. It is recommended
you do not wait until the last minute to submit your work.
In case of any issues, all extenuating circumstances must be recorded as per Coventry University
regulations and before the date of submission. Any form of communication other than the
Coventry University prescribed format will not be accepted for mitigating circumstances.


Date marked work will be returned

Friday 8th January 2016 (marks on Moodle)


Return of Coursework
Collect from JL131


Feedback on Coursework
Please see assessment sheet


Student Hours
The suggested time to complete the work is 60 hours; Part A & B respectively


To clearly demonstrate your technical knowledge and skill appropriate at level 6 for the given

10. Objectives
240CAB Coursework 2015-16

final.docx & Superstructure Construction 2015/16

Part A (Substructure)
1. Explain with clear technical comprehension the significance and difference of site and ground
investigations with respect to a large commercial construction site.
2. Apply the information from your own research and those provided in regards to the
construction of substructure elements for industrial or commercial buildings.
3. Clearly illustrate the analysis and evaluation carried out to arrive at your preferred design and
4. Your final design should be technically sound and adhere to all statutory and standard
construction practice and legal requirements.
Part B (Superstructure)
1. The aim of this section is to demonstrate a professional understanding of a clients brief for a
commercial superstructure construction project.
2. The delivery of the clients brief is to clearly establish the technical analysis carried out besides
the application of sound technical engineering solutions after careful evaluation of other
alternatives before arriving at your preferred solution/design.
3. Your final design should be technically sound and adhere to all statutory and standard
construction practice and legal requirements.

Learning Outcomes
On satisfactory completion of this module you will be able to:


Understand the importance of pre-construction activities on a commercial construction project

and identify the difference between site investigations and ground investigations.

Evaluate alternative methods of substructure construction for industrial buildings.

Discuss the factors influencing the form of and methods of constructing framed structures and
wide span structural roofing systems in steel and concrete, including wind loadings, forces and
stresses that may apply to high rise buildings.

Evaluate the alternative forms of external envelope and floor construction used for industrial
and commercial buildings.

Discuss how sustainability and environmental issues impact on commercial building design
and construction processes and practices.

Apply knowledge, understanding and simple design procedures of acoustic, thermal,

ventilation, air conditioning and fire protection systems to control the internal environment of
different types of building. Application of A, D, F and L of current Building Regulations to
building services.


The submission required for this coursework exercise will take the form of a formal report together with
all necessary associated drawings and sketches and other documents that you feel are appropriate and
necessary to substantiate your hypothesis and design.
Your report should be no more than 3500 words, as this is an illustrated report - a picture could be worth
a thousand words.
You are to prepare an illustrated technical design report (combined for part A & B) relating to the
construction of the basement shown at the north end of the proposed factory building shown on the
drawings on the module Moodle web. Your report will relate to appropriate methods of site investigation,
excavation and dewatering procedures as well as basement construction and waterproofing techniques.

Enumerate the basic considerations for the design of a superstructure based on the clients brief
240CAB Coursework 2015-16 final.docxSubstructure & Superstructure


Illustrate a comprehensive and technical understanding of the following:

2.1. Framed structures selection, design criteria and construction methodology.

2.2. Wide span structural roofing systems in steel or concrete with clear understanding of the loading
and movements.
2.3. Forms of external envelope including modern facades.
2.4. Aspects of sustainability and low carbon footprint in design and use of buildings.
2.5. Achieve optimum human comfort factors vis--vis heat, light, acoustics, ventilation.
2.6. Design criteria of services to achieve good to excellent BREEAM rating.
2.7. Reference to appropriate building regulations at all stages.
2.8. Appropriate reference to ensure health and safety is maintained at all stages of design and
2.9. A fully accessible building is a legal requirement; Equality Act 2010

The Brief

Design a framed factory building and offices with garages as shown in the drawing with complete
construction details.
The whole plant is for a high end factory specialising in developing prototypes for sports cars. Being
a super speciality high tech and ultra-modern facility the client would very much like the same theme
manifested in every aspect of the design of the plant mainly with respect to the west and south
The prototypes could range from individual component or product design, manufacture and testing
to the assembly of a complete sports car. The factory is suited to only small and medium machinery
and other heavy engineering operations and parts are out sourced.
This is a fast track project with a time scale not extending 210 days.
Design Life for best performance is 20 years.
The structural framework should lend itself to rapid large span construction while conforming to all
legal building regulations including fire safety.
Provision for a 10 ton overhead crane and a few JIB cranes
Provision for a mezzanine floor covering not more than 1/3 of the floor area opposite to the basement
already designed by you.
The factory floor has to be robust and durable with close tolerances on levels capable of handling
about 40 N/mm2 compressive loads.
The workshop should enjoy clear spans bereft of any intermediate columns.
The external faades on the south and west are critical to the image of the company while the
facades on the north and east can be treated more for functionality.
The offices and the smaller workshop are integral to the plant and should follow the same modern
theme as the main workshop with the south elevation being customer focussed.
Human comfort factors such as heat, light, acoustics and ventilation and the building as a whole
should attempt to achieve a good to excellent BREEAM rating.
Access to all parts of the plant for a fork lift (except the office) is mandatory.
Health and Safety is to be given due consideration during construction and use and importantly to
identify and mitigate risks during construction stage
A fully accessible building is a legal requirement; Equality Act 2010.

240CAB Coursework 2015-16 final.docxSubstructure & Superstructure


Your solution should be presented in the form of a formal technical report (no more than 3500 words), as
such, a high standard of presentation will be expected at level 6 and it is anticipated that it will contain
text, sketches and drawings based on the proposed building and survey materials. Your report should
include the following specific sections.

An evaluation of the appropriate site investigation techniques which would be suitable for providing
information of a type suitable for this project. The approach recommended by you should be
appropriate for producing information such as that referred to in this instruction sheet.


Appropriate sections through the site in the vicinity of the basement prior to commencement of
construction work. (To include; bore hole sections, basement design sections)


An assessment of the problems likely to be encountered during construction and a proposal for an
appropriate dewatering facility.


A comprehensive statement of an appropriate method of constructing the basement. The

technique chosen should be such that the structure of the basement is of sound construction and
of such form that the Ingres of water is prevented. Due regard should be given to the provision of
appropriate movement joints.


You must provide a professional drawing, detailing the construction of at least one major
prefabricated element or component of your design for the superstructure include the fixings
(cladding panel, external walls, partition walls, removable walls, curtain walls, roof panels, floor,
etc), @ 1:5 or 1:10 scale on A3 paper.

At all stages of the work due regard must be placed on health and safety with this being explicitly
reflected in the procedures and solutions that you propose.


Marking Scheme/Criteria
A formal technical report with appropriate introduction and supporting drawings presented in a
professional manor.
Part A (Substructure): 40%
Part B (Superstructure): 40%
Research, Analysis and Critical Evaluations: 10%
Clarity and quality of presentation (Report & Drawings): 10%
Please note: you need to pass both part A and Part B to pass this assessment.


Basic scans of the layouts of the buildings and site can be found at:
W:/EC/Student/CAB/ 240CAB/Basement & Superstructure coursework
Moodle: 240CAB Construction Technology, Coursework Brief


All lecturing staff are available to assist you, please arrange appointments should you require
further assistance.
240CAB Coursework 2015-16 final.docxSubstructure & Superstructure

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