Design Project - CSE513 - V3

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Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

CSE513 Tall Building Structures

(Session 2022-2023)

Title Page

1. Scope of Work 2

2. Requirements 2

3. Presentations 3

4. References 3

Appendix A Scopes of the Tasks

Appendix B Detailed Requirements to the Design Report

Appendix C Building Plan and Relevant Information


1. Scope of work
A multi-story hotel building is proposed at Hong Kong, with usages tabulated as follows:

Floor Mark Usage

G/F Carpark, hotel lounge, kitchen, etc.
2/F Restaurant, meeting room, kitchen, plant room, etc.
3/F Meeting/Multi-function room, fitness room, plant rooms.
5/F (4/F Omitted) Hotel guest rooms, inaccessible flat roof.
Typical floors, 6/F to 13/F,
15/F to 23/F, 25/F to 30/F Hotel guest rooms
(14/F, 24/F Omitted)
Roof Flat Roof, water tank
Upper Roof Flat Roof, water tank

Layout plans of the proposed building and relevant information are shown in Appendix C.

Your group acts as a consultant firm and give design report and presentation to the client, with duties
assigned in Appendix A to prepare the follows:

a) Design Report: to work with your group members to prepare a viable scheme for superstructure
and present your recommendation to the Client for their decision;

In the report, your team as a whole need to address the following scenario:

“Before commencement of construction works, the Client wants to change usage of the whole
inaccessible flat roof area at the 5/F to greenery roof. The load capacity required for the greenery roof
area is not less than 5kPa. Your team is required to carry out a feasibility study and prepare a report
(no more than 2 single-sided A4 pages) to the client to describe the implication on the existing design
of superstructure.”

b) Presentation: to prepare your own in-depth presentation with the assigned duties of individual group
member on one of the recommended scheme.

Remark: Group marks will be given as a whole on each task based on details of sketch/framing,
workability of the schemes, problem identified, suggested solutions, construction sequences etc.
The group members should distribute workloads among themselves.

2. Requirements

For the Design Report, relevant drawings/documents for the recommended scheme should be provided.

Detailed requirements of the design report are listed in Appendix B.

Information required to be shown on the drawings is listed in Appendix B. Essential information of the
building plan and relevant information is attached in Appendix C.


3. Presentations
Design Presentation (Week 13)

Each group will spend NOT more than 20 minutes # for the presentation of design report. Then,
each group will have 10 minutes for Q&A session. Marks will be given to individual person and group.

# In order to avoid affecting performance of later groups, the presentation will be terminated
immediately, if time is up.

4. References
Laws of Hong Kong
Cap 123 Buildings Ordinance and its sub-legislations

Code of Practices
➢ Buildings Department, Code of Practice for Dead and Imposed Loads 2011 (2021
➢ Buildings Department, Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2013 (2020 Edition)
➢ Buildings Department, Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2011 (2020 Edition)
➢ Buildings Department, Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong 2019 *
➢ Buildings Department, Explanatory Notes to the Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong
Kong 2019
➢ Buildings Department, Code of Practice for Building Works for Lifts and Escalators 2011
➢ Buildings Department, Practice Notes for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers
and Registered Geotechnical Engineer

* Consideration of shelter and topographic effects when calculating wind load is not required.

Related Website

Other Publications and References

➢ Charles E Reynolds and James C Steedman, Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, E & FN;
➢ The Institution of Structural Engineers & The Institution of Civil Engineers, The Manual for the
Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures, The Institution of Structural Engineers;
➢ The Institution of Structural Engineers/Concrete Society, Standard Method of Detailing Structural
Concrete, The Institution of Structural Engineers;
➢ Hong Kong Foundation Handbook, HKIE, 2015/2017;
➢ Housing Department, Manual for Design and Detailing of Reinforced Concrete to the Code of
Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2013;

– END –


Appendix A

Scopes of the Tasks

➢ Prepare drawings of loading key plans for each stories;
➢ Give the structural frame to take vertical loads;
➢ Define the lateral resistance system;
➢ Calculation of wind loads according to Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong 2019;
➢ Conduct computer analysis to check lateral deflection under wind loads;
➢ Preparation of design report and presentation.

Appendix B

Detailed Requirements of the Design Report

One hard copy and one electronic copy (in one single PDF file to be sent to the subject lecturers by email)
of the report should be submitted together with the drawings (report at double line spacing in A4 size,
and drawings in A3 size) on the timetable.

Sophisticated analyzing techniques and commercial software packages may be used as necessary in this

The design report should include the contents as listed below. (NOT more than 20 mm thick):

Design Team
➢ Name – duties of each group member;
➢ Signature of each group member.

Introduction of the site

➢ Description of the site – Site characteristics, Site constraints.

Design Codes and References

➢ Design specifications – Proposed design codes, publications, other references, etc.

Design Data
➢ Materials specifications.

Superstructure System
➢ Design loads – gravity, wind loads and basic load cases;
➢ Description of the systems (vertical load transfer system and lateral load resisting system);
➢ Design assumptions;
➢ Calculation of member sizing of critical elements for the scheme;

Drawings (Optional)
Drawings (using any software and presentation methods) should be single-sided in A3 size but not limited
to as follows:
➢ General notes of design codes and references, material specifications and workmanship specifications,
➢ Wind model/wind frame for information;
➢ General arrangements of superstructure and associated sections ;
➢ Framing / General Arrangement plans with critical structural member sizes and sections;

Appendix C

Building Plan and Relevant Information

- See attached drawings.

Design Requirements

For Superimposed Dead Load, (including finishes, partitions and E&M services), please refer to the
➢ Finish thickness at Shop, Office and Plant Rooms to be 50mm
➢ Finish thickness at Landscape and Flat Roof to be 100mm
➢ Loading allowed for E&M services and false ceiling to be 1.0kPa
➢ Loading allowed for partition at Shop and Office to be 2.0kPa
➢ Loading allowed for staircase to be 7.0kPa
➢ Live load for Hotel Room to be 2.0kPa
➢ Live load for Fitness Room to be 4.0kPa
➢ Live load for Lift Machine Room and Lift Pit to be 20.0kPa
➢ Live load for Cooling Towers to be 10.0kPa
➢ Self-weight of curtain wall to be 1.0kPa on elevation
➢ Self-weight of parapet wall to be 1.0kPa on elevation
➢ Self-weight of metal louver wall to be 1.0kPa on elevation
➢ Ground water table is below the base, and no uplift load is considered
For Live load please refer to Code of Practice for Dead and Imposed Load 2011 to determine the live load
based on the layout plans.

Maximum water depth of ALL water tanks shall be 3000mm.

The site is located at flat terrain, without adjacent significant topographic feature. Consideration of shelter
and topographic effects is not required. There is no unusual shaped or complicated topography/surrounding.
Wind tunnel test is not required.

Foundation design is not required. Bedrock of moderately strong granite is located at the floor level of G/F

Headroom requirement
Lounge, Restaurant, Meeting/Multi-function rooms, Kitchen, Canteen, Toilets, Fitness rooms, Hotel
Guest rooms and Plant Rooms –
a. Clear Headroom = 2500mm
b. E&M zones = 500mm


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