Endocrine Harmony

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Endocrine Harmony

The Mind-Body-Nutrient Connection

David W. Rowland
Rowland Publications Inc.

ISBN 978-1-896651-30-9

Endocrine Harmony
The Mind-Body-Nutrient Connection

copyright 6438423 Canada Inc., 2006

Revised 2010

Published by:

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please consult a physician.

The Endocrine System















Emotional Balance


Nutritional Support


Multiglandular Conditions


The Endocrine System

The endocrine system consists of an orchestrated network of ductless
glands that regulate chemical balance, pH balance, hormonal balance,
body temperature, and the body's assimilation of light. They do so by
secreting hormones directly into the blood or lymph. These hormones
are then circulated throughout the body, where they affect tissues
remote from their place of origin.
The endocrine glands include the pineal, pituitary (hypophysis),
thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, pancreas, gonads (ovaries and testes),
and adrenals. Each of these glands consists of specialized cells
performing specific functions and requiring specific nutrients. Each
contributes to the whole in an interconnected way. If our intake of
certain nutrients is suboptimal, then the functioning of one or more of
our glands may decline, thus affecting the entire body.
In many ways, the endocrine system functions as an interface
between emotions and body. Feelings produce chemicals, and these
chemicals alter bodily responses. Fear, for example, produces
adrenaline. Adrenaline, in turn, makes the brain more alert, raises
blood pressure, tenses muscles, increases physical strength,
suppresses hunger, stops digestion, suppresses sexual desire, and
makes breathing shallow and rapid
The two main controlling and co-ordinating systems of the
body are the nervous system and the endocrine system. Together they
regulate all human biological functions. The nervous system
regulates rapid movement of muscles by means of electrical impulses.
Endocrine hormones control bodily activity in more gradual and farreaching ways.
The nervous and endocrine systems, however, function
together. One bridge between these systems is the medulla of the
adrenal gland. Its hormones are produced by direct stimulation from
the sympathetic nervous system. Another bridge between the two
systems is the hypothalamus.

The Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus is an area of the brain that serves as a bridge
between the nervous and endocrine systems. The hypothalamus (a)
controls the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the
autonomic nervous system, (b) controls the pituitary gland, which in
turn regulates other glands, and (c) produces releasing hormones that
affect the production of certain other hormones.
The hypothalamus contains cells that help to control body
temperature, fluid balance, sleep, appetite, and the emotions of fear
and pleasure. It also influences heartbeat and the contraction and
relaxation of blood vessel walls.
The hypothalamus is a heat regulation centre. Some of its cells
control the production of heat in bodily tissues, and other control heat
loss from the body.
The hypothalamus also acts as a biological clock. It monitors
light-related information received by the eyes and sends it to the
pineal gland, which in turn influences other glands and organs about
light conditions in the environment. By this means, the hypothalamus
helps to co-ordinate bodily activity with environmental conditions.

Hormones are chemical messenger molecules that carry information.
They are released into tissue fluid and the bloodstream and carried to
all parts of the body. The root word from which "hormone" is derived
means "to arouse or excite."
Hormones are part of the body's internal pharmacopeia. They
regulate growth, rate of metabolism, metabolism of specific
substances, the secretory activity of other endocrine glands, the
development and functioning of the reproductive organs, sexual
characteristics and libido, the development of personality and higher
nervous functions, the ability of the body to meet conditions of stress,
and resistance to disease.
Hormones can have either specific effects on particular organs
or tissues, or a general effect on the entire body. Examples of
specific-acting hormones are TSH, which acts only on the thyroid

gland, and ACTH, which acts only on the outer portion of the adrenal
gland. Examples of general-acting hormones are thyroid hormones,
which affect the rate of metabolism of the entire body, and insulin,
which affects how every cell in the body utilizes glucose.
The specific tissue acted upon by each hormone is the target
tissue. Hormones affect these target tissues by attaching themselves
to receptors located in their cell membranes or within cytoplasm.
Once attached, the hormone affects cellular metabolism by regulating
the manufacture of proteins.
The active life of hormones varies. Thyroid hormones may
continue to exert their effects for up to two weeks. Most others,
however, act rapidly. The level of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in the
circulation, for example, may vary from low to high within 15
minutes or so.
Chemically, all hormones except the steroids are made from
proteins or amino acids. Steroid hormones (produced by the adrenal
cortex and sex glands) are derived from lipids or fats.
Ideally, each hormone secreted is kept within a normal range by
means of negative feedback. The natural tendency of each endocrine
gland is to oversecrete its hormone, exerting a gradually increasing
effect on the target tissue. When the target tissue becomes too active,
feedback to the endocrine gland causes it to decrease its secretory
The following is an example of how negative feedback works:
Starting at puberty, the hypothalamus begins to secrete releasing
hormones that trigger the release of FSH and LH by the pituitary.
These hormones are secreted continuously in the male. The activity
of the hypothalamus is in turn regulated by a negative feedback
mechanism involving testosterone. As the level of testosterone in the
blood increases, the hypothalamus secretes less releasing hormone.
As the level of testosterone decreases, the hypothalamus secretes
more releasing hormone. In the female, rising levels of estrogens in
the blood act as feedback to the hypothalamus to inhibit the release of
FSH and stimulate the release of LH by the pituitary. Rising levels of
both estrogens and progesterone act as feedback to the hypothalamus
to inhibit pituitary release of both FSH and LH. The same kind of
negative feedback mechanism to the hypothalamus and pituitary is
also triggered by rising levels of thyroid and adrenal hormones.

Some hormones are released according to bodily rhythms.

Hormones of the menstrual cycle follow a monthly pattern. Those of
the adrenal cortex follow a 24-hour cycle related to sleep habits, with
the level of secretion lowest at bedtime and highest just before rising.
The following listing is a summary of the main endocrine
hormones and their primary functions. (Details of each hormone are
included later in this text, as part of the description of the endocrine
gland that produces it.)

Influences sleep/wake cycles.

Influences sensory perception.
Stimulates release of aldosterone from adrenals.
Lowers blood sugar, protects pancreas.

Pituitary (Anterior):
Promotes growth of all bodily tissues.
Stimulates thyroid to produce its hormones.
Stimulates adrenal cortical hormones.
Stimulates secretion of milk by mammaries.
Stimulates activity of ovarian follicles & testes.
Causes development of corpus luteum in
females and stimulates testosterone in males.
Pituitary (Posterior):

Stimulates contraction of blood vessels.

Causes uterine contractions, release of milk.


Increases metabolic rate.

Decreases calcium level in blood.

Parathyroid hormone

Increases calcium level in blood.


Aids growth & activity of T-cells.

Pancreatic Islets:

Aids transport of glucose into cells.

Stimulates liver to release glucose.


Activates female sex organs.

Prepares female organs for pregnancy.
Prepares female organs for childbirth.


Activates male sex organs.

Adrenal (Medulla):

Prepares body for "fight or flight."

Increases blood pressure.
Dilates arteries, increases cardiac output.

Adrenal (Cortex):
Sex hormones

Active during stress, aids digestive metabolism.

Aids in regulating electrolytes & fluid balance.
Influence secondary sexual characteristics.

The Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is a small structure (100 to 200 mg. in weight),
shaped like a pine cone, and located in the centre of the brain between
the cerebral hemispheres and above and behind the pituitary gland.
Although it is only about the size of a pea, the tiny pineal gland has
many functions. The most significant of these is to act as a "light
metre" to keep us in harmony with our external environment. Light
entering the body through the eyes stimulates the hypothalamus,
which in turn signals the pineal gland to secrete hormones that affect
both body and mind. Affected by environmental light changes (such
as the length of daylight) the pineal orchestrates the cycles of bodily
functions according to whether it is light or dark, whether the days are
getting longer or shorter, and what season of the year it is. In this
manner, light striking the eyes affects every cell in the body.
The pineal gland affects growth, reproduction, sleep, body
temperature, blood pressure, motor activity, immunity and mood. In
some ways it acts as an inhibiting factor for the rest of the endocrine
system. In other words, the pineal prevents excess production of
other hormones. Brain maturation, ovarian changes, and the onset of
puberty and menopause are all linked to pineal activity. Because of
its inhibiting action, the pineal has been known to retard tumour
growth, both benign and malignant. A healthy pineal may also
promote longevity.
The tiny pineal gland is highly active biochemically. It
produces histamine, acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter), and a number
of hormones.

Hormones of the Pineal Gland

1. Melatonin, produced primarily during darkness, can be found
everywhere in the body and affects all bodily functions. This
pattern of hormone secretion influences the regulation of
sleep/wake cycles. Melatonin may also delay the onset of
puberty. Melatonin blocks the diuretic effect of glucagon (a

pancreatic hormone). Although melatonin is found as a

neurohormone in other parts of the body, there is at least 100
times more in the tiny pineal than in all other structures.
2. Serotonin, another pineal hormone, is involved in neural
mechanisms important to sleep and sensory perception.
Serotonin is also a potent vasoconstrictor (i.e., narrows the
diameter of blood vessels). Both melatonin and serotonin
influence adrenal secretions of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
3. Adrenoglomerulotropin is a hormone that stimulates the release
of aldosterone (a mineralcorticoid) from the adrenal cortex. It is
believed that both melatonin and serotonin may also influence the
adrenal glands' secretions of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Thus, pineal hormones may play an important role in
ameliorating the body's response to stress.
4. Pinealin is an insulin-like hormone that can lower blood sugar
and protect the pancreas from the toxin, alloxan (an oxidation
product of uric acid that can destroy islet cells).

Disorders of the Pineal Gland

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder

characterized by mental depression related to the winter absence
of sunlight. Symptoms include daytime drowsiness, drastic mood
swings, irritability, depression, sadness, fatigue, anxiety,
insomnia and a diminished ability to concentrate. SAD may
account for the significantly higher incidence of illness,
alcoholism, and suicide found in northern extremes where the sun
does not shine for months at a time. SAD is about four times
more frequent in women than men. It is often accompanied by
excessive sleeping, reduced sex drive, lower immune function,
weight gain and overeating (especially carbohydrates). SAD is
improved by exposure to sunlight or broad-spectrum lighting,
especially during the early morning.

The Pituitary
The pituitary (or hypophysis) is a small, gray, rounded body about the
size of a cherry that is attached to the base of the brain. This gland
consists of two parts: (a) a larger, oblong, anterior lobe resembling
thyroid tissue, and (b) a smaller, round, posterior lobe consisting of
nerve tissue and glandular cells.
The pituitary is often referred to as the master gland because it
releases hormones that affect the functioning of other glands,
including the thyroid, adrenals and gonads. Poor pituitary function
can produce abnormal fat deposits, loss of hair, loss of sexual power
and disturbances of ovaries and testicles.
Although the pituitary plays a pivotal role in the functioning of
the entire endocrine system, it cannot on its own decide the
appropriate levels of hormones for given situations. Higher level
decisions regarding pituitary hormones are made by the
hypothalamus, which is directly connected to the pituitary by a stalk
known as the infundibulum.
Hormones produced in the anterior pituitary lobe are not
released until chemical messengers (releasing hormones) arrive from
the hypothalamus. These releasing hormones are sent to the anterior
pituitary by way of a circulatory pathway called the portal system. By
means of this circulatory loop, some of the blood that leaves the
hypothalamus travels to capillaries in the anterior pituitary before
returning to the heart. As blood circulates through these capillaries, it
delivers the hormones that stimulate the release of anterior pituitary
The hormones of the posterior pituitary lobe are actually
produced in the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary
lobe until needed. Their release is controlled by nerve impulses
directly from the hypothalamus.

Hormones of the Anterior Lobe

With the exception of growth hormone, which acts directly on cells,
hormones of the anterior pituitary function through the effects they
have on other endocrine glands. These hormones influence growth,
sexual development, skin pigmentation, thyroid function, and
adrenocorticol function.
1. Growth hormone (GH), or somatotropin (STH), acts directly on
most bodily tissues to promote protein deposits necessary for
growth. GH is produced throughout life. Although it mainly
affects the development of bones and muscles, it has a general
effect on most other tissues as well, stimulating an increase in
protein synthesis. In youth, GH causes increases in size and
height to occur. It also stimulates the liver to release fatty acids
for energy when blood glucose levels drop during times of stress.
The release of GH from the pituitary is regulated by two
hormones from the hypothalamus: (a) growth hormone-releasing
hormone (GH-RH), and (b) growth hormone-inhibiting hormone
(GH-IH), also called somatostatin. The production of GH is also
influenced by its concentration in the blood, by the level of other
hormones (especially those from the thyroid, adrenal and
gonads), and by the level of nutrients in the blood.
2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), or thyrotropic hormone
(TTH), stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones.
By so doing it helps to regulate body temperature. It also helps to
assure proper iodine uptake by the thyroid. A lack of TSH may
result in low serum levels of PBI (protein-bound iodine),
decreased production of thyroid hormones, and decreased iodine
uptake by the thyroid. Excess TSH may result in overproduction
of thyroid hormones, elevated PBI levels, higher metabolic rate,
decrease in blood cholesterol, decrease in thyroid iodine, goiterlike symptoms, and increased iodine uptake by the thyroid. TSH
affects the liver, reproductive glands, thyroid and the muscles.
3. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the cortex of

the adrenal glands to produce glucocorticoids and

mineralcorticoids, thereby helping to protect the body during
stress situations (e.g., pain, injury). When adrenal corticol
production falls, pituitary ACTH increases (and vice versa). In
the liver, ACTH increases gluconeogenesis (the production of
glucose from proteins and fats). It increases the oxidation of free
fatty acids in adipose tissue. It also affects hypoglycemia and
iodine uptake by the thyroid. Lack of ACTH can cause (a)
adrenal insufficiency, (b) increased sensitivity to insulin, (c)
inability to handle psychic trauma, and (d) decreased ability to
handle stress.
4. Prolactin (PRL), or luteotropic hormone (LTH), induces the
secretion of progesterone in the ovaries and placenta. It also
contributes to the development of the mammary glands and the
implantation of the fertilized ovum in the endometrium of the
uterus. Prolactin also stimulates the production of milk in the
mammary glands. Lack of prolactin can result in diminished or
absent lactation. Excess prolactin can cause precocious lactation.
5. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates the growth of
the ovarian follicles. It induces the secretion of estrogens by the
ovaries and stimulates the development of eggs in the ovaries.
FSH also stimulates the growth of testes and promotes the
development of sperm cells in the testes.
6. Luteinizing hormone (LH) causes ovulation in females and the
development of the corpus luteum within ruptured ovarian
follicles in the female. It also causes sex hormone secretion in
both females and males. In males this hormone is called
interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH). It stimulates the
interstitial cells of the testes to produce testosterone. (Anterior
pituitary hormones that affect the gonads, such as FSH, LH and
ICS are sometimes referred to as "gonadotropins.")

Hormones of the Posterior Lobe


1. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or vasopressin, induces

contraction of the smooth muscles of the arterial walls, thereby
increasing blood pressure. It promotes the reabsorption of water
from the kidney tubules, thus having an antidiuretic effect. ADH
also stimulates the anterior pituitary to release ACTH. ADH is
inhibited by alcohol, low osmotic pressure, and high extracellular
fluid volume. It is stimulated by cold, low fluid volume,
hemorrhaging, high osmotic pressure, nicotine, morphine,
tranquilizers, general anesthetics, and some barbiturates.
2. Oxytocin increases the tone and contractility of the smooth
muscle of the uterus and facilitates sperm ascent in the female
tract. It causes uterine contraction during childbirth and milk
ejection from the breasts during lactation. Oxytocin increases
blood sugar levels, urinary salt and potassium. It also lowers the
basal metabolic rate, liver glycogen, and the membrane potential
of the myometrium (muscular wall of the uterus). Lack of
oxytocin may cause delayed uterine contraction in pregnancy,
atonic uterine bleeding, or decreased milk release. Excess
oxytocin may cause cramping contractions of uterus during

Emotions and the Pituitary

Emotions that affect the pituitary include inadequacy and feeling out
of control. Where the pituitary is involved, feelings often dominate
over logic and one may have a moody, changeable temperament.


Symptoms of Pituitary Imbalance

The following are possible psychological and physiological symptoms
relating to imbalances of the pituitary gland. General underactivity of
the pituitary leads to underactivity of other endocrine glands, such as
the thyroid, ovaries or testes.

Cold hands and feet, cold all over.
Infertility or impotence.
Migraines, headaches affecting one side of head.
Excessive urination.
Pain in left upper neck.
Pain in left little finger.
Overweight from waist up.
Overweight from waist down.
Abdominal "apron" of fat.
Fluid swelling in ankles, fingers, feet or under the eyes.

Disorders of the Pituitary

An excess of growth hormone (GH) in childhood may cause

gigantism, a condition in which a person grows to be
abnormally tall, although usually very weak.
If the GH-producing cells of the pituitary become overactive in
the adult, a condition known as acromegaly may develop. In
this disorder, the bones of the face, hands and feet thicken and
widen. The nose widens, the lower jaw protrudes, and the
forehead bones may bulge.
Insufficient growth hormone in childhood results in pituitary
dwarfism. Young people with this condition remain
abnormally small but well proportioned.
An excess of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) may cause
hypertension (high blood pressure).
Inadequate amounts of ADH may cause diabetes insipidus, a
condition characterized by excessive loss of fluid through the
kidneys (excessive urination).


The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is located in the neck. It consists of two lateral
lobes, one on either side of the voice box (larynx), connected by an
isthmus. Its daily hormone production is less than 0.001 of an ounce,
yet it affects all of our bodily cells.
The main function of thyroid hormones is to regulate the rate of
metabolism in most bodily cells, especially the rates at which they
utilize energy and synthesize proteins. Both thyroid and growth
hormones must be present in sufficient amounts for normal growth to
From a tiny amount of iodine, the thyroid produces thyroxine
and triiodothyronine, the powerful hormones that regulate the rate of
metabolism, influence physical and mental growth, and influence the
differentiation of tissues. A third thyroid hormone, calcitonin,
prevents calcium from building up in the blood by balancing the
parathyroid hormone that draws calcium into the blood from bones
and teeth.

Hormones of the Thyroid

1. Thyroxine (T4) is the primary hormone secreted by the thyroid
gland. It has the potential to increase the rate of metabolism of
most bodily cells and to affect almost all tissues of the body.
Thyroxine itself is physiologically inactive, however. It has to be
converted to its active form (T3) before it can exert its effects.
2. Triiodothyronine (T3) is the physiologically active form of
thyroid hormone. Although some T3 is produced by the thyroid
gland, most of it is converted from thyroxine (T4) by the action
of deiodinase enzymes found in most tissues of the body. Active
thyroid hormone helps to regulate growth, electrolyte balance,


oxidative metabolism, the process of differentiation during cell

growth, carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism, oxygen
consumption, the breakdown of fat, fertility, and basal metabolic
rate. Deficiencies of either T4 or T3 are associated with a drop in
basal metabolic rate and body temperature, increases in
cholesterol and blood fats, excess fluid retention, and
accumulation of mucoproteins.
3. Calcitonin is active in calcium metabolism by reducing the
amount of calcium in the blood, inhibiting bone resorption,
decreasing glucose utilization and lactate production in bone.
Calcitonin affects bone, muscle and kidneys.

Emotions and the Thyroid

Certain negative emotions, if felt strongly enough and for long
enough, may affect thyroid function adversely. Such emotions include
feeling humiliated, stifled, overwhelmed, powerless, overstressed,
victimized, unfulfilled, left out or thwarted in life. "I never get to do
what I want to do" and "When is it going to be my turn?" are two
common phrases that typify such emotions.
An underactive thyroid gland may also produce emotional
symptoms such as the following:

"go to pieces" easily, cry easily.

dislike working under pressure.
dislike being watched.
mental depression.
mood swings.
low self esteem.

Many people with low thyroid function feel as if they have lost their
jobs, family, and all their friends -- even when they haven't.


Symptoms of Thyroid Imbalance

The following are lists of possible symptoms related to both over- and
underfunctioning thyroid gland.
Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism):

pulse above 90 beats per minute at rest.

heart palpitations
protruding tongue quivers
extended hands shake or tremble.
strong drive followed by exhaustion.
fail to gain weight in spite of a good appetite.
erratic, "flighty" behaviour.
protruding eyeballs.
warm, fine, moist skin.
protruding eyeballs.
irritability, nervousness, hyperactivity.
talk rapidly.
frequent bowel movements, diarrhea.
excessive sweating without exercise.
feel warm and flushed at room temperature.

Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism):

muscles stiff in morning, feel need to limber up.

feel stiff or "creaky" after sitting still for some time.
heart seems to miss beats or turn "flip-flops."
coughing, hoarseness, muscle cramps that are worse at night.
nauseated in morning.
start slow in morning, gain speed in afternoon.
motion sickness when travelling.
dizzy in morning or when moving up and down.
cold hands or feet.
sensitivity to cold, prefer warm climate.
hair scanty, dry, brittle, dull, lustreless, lifeless.
flaky, dry, rough skin.
sleeplessness, restlessness.


poor short term memory, forgetfulness.

poor response to exercising.
hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
hypercholesterolemia (elevated serum cholesterol).
constipation, less than one bowel movement daily.
diminished sex drive.
gain weight easily, fail to lose on diets.
difficulty concentrating, easily distracted.
yellowish tint to skin on palms of hands or soles of feet.
clogged sinuses.
low pulse rate.
low body temperature, especially at bed rest.
low blood pressure.
recurrent infections.
puffiness or face or eyes.
multiple food allergies/sensitivities.
female: menstrual irregularity, excess flow, PMS.

Basal Temperature Test

The basal temperature test (BTT) is an effective self-test for
measuring thyroid function. It is far more reliable than any thyroid
blood test. That is because the BTT measures the actual result of one
critical thyroid activity, namely the maintenance of body temperature.
Blood tests measure only the amount of thyroid hormone circulating
in the bloodstream, which may or may not be typical of how much
active hormone (T3) actually gets to the individual cells that need it.
Body temperature is directly related to thyroid activity. 370C
(98.6 F) is the ideal temperature at which all of the body's biochemical
reactions function most efficiently. At temperatures above or below this
norm, chemical messengers become misshapen and no longer precisely fit
the receptor sites they are intended to activate. Basic physics is at work
here, namely, heat expands and cool contracts. In this case, however,
tolerances are very precise. A shift in temperature of only a fraction of a
degree can have a significant effect on the degree of "fit" between enzyme
and substrate, neurotransmitter and receptor, hormone and target cell,
antibody and foreign protein.
The BTT requires taking underarm (axillary) temperature, first


thing in the morning before arising, when the entire body is at

complete rest. Men, pre-pubescent and post-menopausal women can
take this test at any time. To eliminate the temperature fluctuations
that accompany one's cycle, however, menstruating women need to do
the BTT on the second and third mornings after their flow starts.
To do the BTT, place a mercury-type clinical thermometer,
well-shaken down, by the bedside upon retiring. Upon awakening and
before stirring from bed, place the bulb of the thermometer under the
armpit and hold it there for 10 minutes. Record the reading on two
consecutive days. A range of from 36.60C (97.80F) to 36.80C
(98.20F) suggests normal thyroid function. Temperatures below
36.60C (97.80F) indicate low thyroid function (hypothyroidism).
Those above 36.80C (98.20F) indicate an overactive thyroid gland
For small children who are unable or unwilling to remain still
for 10 minutes, the BTT can be done by taking the rectal temperature
for two minutes. Normal rectal temperature is from 37.10C (98.80F)
to 37.30C(99.20F).
The BTT, as described above, is the most stable, repeatable
way to measure the effect of thyroid activity on body temperature.
Under-the-tongue readings are readily affected by sub-clinical
inflammations, such as chronic sinusitis. Daytime readings may be
influenced subtly by physical activity, tension, stress and the amount
and timing of food consumed. Readings taken at inappropriate times
during the menstrual cycle may be misleading.
In the absence of starvation (which reduces body temperature)
and acute fever (which raises it), the BTT is the most effective single
measurement we have for finding thyroid dysfunction. If used alone,
it is probably over 85 per cent reliable. If combined with the
symptom surveys outlined above [i.e., under "Symptoms of Thyroid
Imbalance "], however, reliability approaches 100 per cent. In other
words, if a person has both a low BTT reading and symptoms of low
thyroid function, then hypothyroidism is almost certain -- regardless
of what any laboratory test may suggest.

A close approximation to the BTT can be made by taking oral

temperature readings at least four times per day, every three hours or


so. Record the time of day each reading was taken and the resultant
temperature. Continue to take these daily readings each day for at
least a week, at exactly the same time each day. At the end of each
day, average the four readings. Average readings below 370C
(98.60F) indicate hypothyroidism. Those above suggest either
hyperthyroidism or fever caused by infection. Because oral
temperatures taken during the day are not strictly indicative of basal
metabolic rate, it is necessary to average a series of routine readings
in order to reduce the possibility of extraneous influences.

Disorders of the Thyroid

A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland usually caused by

iodine deficiency. It may or may not be associated with
overproduction of hormone. In some cases, the thyroid grows
larger and more active in an attempt to make sufficient hormone
from an insufficient supply of its key raw material (iodine). In
other cases, an enlarged thyroid gland may result from
overproduction of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) from the
pituitary. Rarely, if ever, does swelling of the thyroid result from
an excess of iodine.
Hypothyroidism is underactivity of the thyroid gland. In its two
most extreme versions it manifests as either cretinism or
myxedema. Chronic hypothyroidism, however, is an extremely
common disorder that often goes undiagnosed.
Cretinism is an extreme form of hypothyroidism resulting from
failure of the thyroid gland to form fully during fetal
development, usually because of an inadequate intake of iodine
by the mother before and during pregnancy. Infants with this
condition suffer from lack of physical growth and lack of mental
Myxedema is another extreme form of hypothyroidism resulting
from the wasting (atrophy) of the thyroid gland in the adult. It
produces both mental and physical sluggishness. The skin and
hair become dry and the face swells.
Hyperthyroidism is overactivity of the thyroid gland with
excessive secretion of hormone.
A common form of


hyperthyroidism is exophthalmic goiter, or Grave's disease,

which is characterized by bulging eyes, intense nervousness,
abnormally fast metabolism, rapid pulse, weight loss, sweating,
tremors, and a goiter.

Undiagnosed Hypothyroidism
By regulating the rate at which metabolic processes take place in the
body, the thyroid gland serves as a "gatekeeper." Normal thyroid
function protects against disease; low thyroid function allows it easy
access. As thyroid activity declines, so does immunity, circulation
and almost every bodily function.
Some of the many conditions linked to low thyroid function
acid indigestion, acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma,
atherosclerosis, breast disease (benign), cancer (of all kinds), canker
sores, cellulitis, diabetes, eczema, emphysema, gallstones, gout, hives,
hypoglycemia, impetigo, infertility, insomnia, irritable bowel
syndrome, lupus erythematosus, mental depression, menstrual
irregularities, migraine headaches, miscarriages, obesity, panic
attacks, premature aging, premenstrual syndrome, psoriasis,
respiratory infections, rheumatism, sexual dysfunction, tinnitus,
toxemia of pregnancy, and urinary tract infections. Anyone with any
of the preceding abnormalities needs to do both a BTT and a thyroid
symptom survey [see "Symptoms of Thyroid Imbalance" above] to
see to what extent hypothyroidism may be involved. In fact, anyone
with any condition that has not responded well to treatment needs to
check out possible hypothyroidism as a contributing factor. One
underlying problem can produce such a wide range of symptoms and
diseases because it affects a fundamental process on which so many
other functions depend.
Hypothyroidism is both rampant and underdiagnosed. The
main reason it goes undetected is because doctors tend to rely
exclusively on laboratory tests for making their diagnoses. Most
people with hypothyroidism, however, have normal levels of
thyroxine (T4) circulating in their bloodstream. Their problem is not
that their thyroid glands do not produce enough T4, but rather that


their bodies do not convert enough of this hormone to its active form
(T3) in order to be able to utilize it efficiently.
Most conversion of T4 to T3 takes place outside the thyroid
gland, in bodily tissues. If this conversion process takes place
inefficiently, then there can be adequate levels of T4 circulating in the
bloodstream even though bodily tissues may be starved for T3.
There is, however, no laboratory test that can determine which cells in
the body are receiving adequate thyroid hormone and which ones are
not. The most reliable way we have of assessing thyroid function is to
measure its effects on body temperature and the symptoms produced
by its imbalance. As reliable as the basal temperature test (BTT) and
symptom surveys are, they are not part of the training that most
medical doctors receive. The effectiveness of the BTT is well
documented, however, by Dr. Broda O. Barnes in his book,
Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness, and by Dr. E. Denis
Wilson in his book, Wilson's Syndrome.
T3 hormone initiates chemical reactions within each cell of the
body, and by so doing has a regulating effect on both metabolic rate
and body temperature. Body temperature affects the rate at which all
biochemical processes take place in the body. That is because
temperatures above or below the ideal 370C (98.60F) alter the
physical shape of enzymes (biochemical facilitators), making them a
poorer "fit" for the substrates for which they were designed. Body
temperature also affects the physical shape of antibodies, sometimes
turning them into "renegades" that attack healthy tissues (i.e.,
autoimmune disorders).
Low levels of T3 have a reducing effect on body temperature.
Low body temperature, in turn, decrease the efficiency at which cells
convert T4 into T3. It is a "catch-22" situation. The body becomes
stuck in a rut of reduced capacity, sometimes referred to as a
"conservation mode." This is a natural form of adaptation in which
the body allocates its scarce energy resources to only the most vital
functions. Survival becomes the overriding goal. Other activities,
such as physical exercise and sex, become a much lower priority.

Disease, stress, fasting, and semi-starvation diets can cause the

body to shift from its normal way of functioning into its conservation


mode. This is the state most conducive to healing. Internal resources

become devoted to recovery and repair rather than to activity.
Unfortunately, the body sometimes becomes stuck in its conservation
mode long past the need for it. When this happens, it is necessary to
find a way to signal the body that it needs to shift back into its
productivity mode. Some holistic medical doctors are now
prescribing temporary administration of T3 hormone for this purpose.
There is also a nutritional Thyroid Support Formula and a
homeopathic remedy (under "Combination Formulas") in the section
of this book entitled "Nutritional Support" that have a similar effect.

Adrenal Affects Thyroid

Sometimes the thyroid becomes under active in order to protect weak
adrenal glands. Overstressing the body tends to flog the adrenal
glands, sometimes to the level of exhaustion where they cannot handle
everyday challenges causing the person to have no energy nor
motivation to do anything. Whenever the adrenal glands are
overworked, the thyroid slows down also goes into its conservation
mode. If it didnt, if it continued to produce normal levels of thyroid
hormones, this would be another form of stress detrimental to the
well-being of the adrenals.
Whenever the thyroid gland checks out as being low (either by
temperature or symptoms), it is wise to also check out the symptoms
of low adrenal functions. When both thyroid and adrenals are low,
providing nutritional support for the adrenals alone is sometimes
enough to restore thyroid function automatically, without having to do
anything in particular for the thyroid itself.
Everyone concerned about endocrine health would do well to do a
Nutri-Body Analysis. This unique self-scoring questionnaire is
preferred assessment took used by nutritional practitioners. It
eliminates guesswork and can give a complete profile of which
endocrine glands out of balance and need attention.


The Parathyroid Glands

The parathyroids are four tiny glands located behind and at the lower
edge of the thyroid gland, or embedded within its substance. These
glands secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH), or parathormone, that
is one of the three hormones that regulate calcium and phosphorus
metabolism. The other two are calcitonin and hydroxycholecalciferol.
PTH promotes the release of calcium from bone tissue into the
bloodstream and increases calcium reabsorption from the kidney.
With the aid of the hydroxycholecalciferol (a vitamin D derivative),
PTH also increases the absorption of calcium by the small intestine in
order to raise blood calcium levels. PTH is balanced by calcitonin (a
thyroid hormone) that lowers the amount of calcium circulating in the
blood. Absence of PTH leads rapidly to death.

Disorders of the Parathyroids

Hypoparathyroidism is undersecretion of the parathyroid glands,

resulting in a drop in blood calcium and an increase in blood
phosphorus. Symptoms include neuromuscular excitability,
convulsions, tetany, spasms in the hands and feet, wheezing,
muscle cramps, urinary frequency, mood changes, and
Hyperparathyroidism is oversecretion of the parathyroids,
resulting in an increase in blood calcium and a drop in blood
phosphorus. Calcium is removed from the bones, resulting in
increased fragility. Muscles become weak, less toned, and less
responsive to neuromuscular stimulation. Kidney stones may
also develop.

The Thymus Gland


The thymus gland is a mass of lymphoid tissue that lies beneath the
breastbone, in the upper part of the chest above the heart. It consists
of two flattened, symmetrical lobes, each divided by fibrous cords
into many lobules. Each of these contain a cortex and medulla. The
cortex is composed of dense lymphoid tissue containing many cells
(thymocytes) closely packed together. The medulla has fewer
thymocytes but also contains thymic corpuscles.
The thymus gland is important to immunity. It is a seedbed for
certain small white blood cells called T-lymphocytes. These are sent
to the spleen and the lymph nodes, where they multiply. The
development of the body's ability to resist infection of all kinds
depends on this normal seeding and proliferation of T-lymphocytes.
The hormone of the thymus, thymosin, assists in the
maturation T-lymphocytes (T-cells) within the thymus and promotes
the growth and activity of T-cells after they have left the thymus
gland and taken up residence in lymph nodes throughout the body.
Thymosin also stimulates the spleen and lymph nodes to produce
more lymphocytes from their own plasma cells.
As we get older, the thymus gland tends to shrink in size
(atrophy), making the body more vulnerable to infections. Agerelated deterioration of the thymus is both undesirable and
preventable. This valuable gland can be kept active and healthy by
means of the "thymus thump" (explained below) and by assuring a
generous intake of the specific nutrients that it requires (e.g., vitamins
A, C, E, zinc, iodine).

Emotions and the Thymus

Certain emotions, if felt deeply and for long enough, may affect
thymus function adversely. These include not feeling safe or
protected, feeling attacked by life, or the fear that others are "out to
get me."

Symptoms of Thymus Weakness

The following are possible symptoms of an underactive thymus gland:


Increased susceptibility to flu, infections.

Swollen glands in armpit, groin, tonsils.
Puffiness in throat.
Soreness on both sides of neck at shoulder level.
Irregular heartbeat.
More than the usual number of dental cavities.
Look older than one's chronological age.

Thymus Stimulation
The thymus gland can be stimulated simply by thumping the
breastbone gently with one's knuckles or fingers. There are several
ways to do this, but one of the most effective is to tap with the tips of
the index and second finger held together, making counterclockwise
circles about three inches in diameter, the top of each circle reaching
the notch in the top of the breastbone between the two collarbones.
Do this for about 10 seconds and you may directly feel a calming,
balancing effect over your whole body. For prolonged benefits,
perform this "thymus thump" every morning upon arising, during
moments of stress, or whenever you feel a need for endocrine balance.

The Pancreas
The pancreas is a compound gland situated behind the stomach in
front of the first and second lumbar vertebrae, in a horizontal


position, with its head attached to the duodenum and its tail reaching
to the spleen. The pancreas produces both an external and an internal
secretion. Thus, it has both exocrine and endocrine functions. Its
exocrine function is to produce digestive juices and release them
through a duct. Its endocrine function is to play a primary role in
carbohydrate metabolism. It is this latter function with which we are
concerned here.
Scattered throughout the pancreas are small groups of
specialized cells known as the islets of Langerhans. These cells
comprise the endocrine portion and function independently from the
exocrine part of the pancreas. The two hormones secreted by the islet
cells, insulin and glucagon, work together to regulate blood sugar
levels. Other endocrine glands involved in glucose metabolism are
the pituitary and the adrenals.

Hormones of the Pancreas

1. Insulin is secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans.
It is essential for the proper metabolism of blood sugar (glucose).
It stimulates the formation of both mucopolysaccharides and
glycogen (the storage form of glucose) in the liver. Insulin also
helps the muscles to use glucose and helps transport glucose
across most cellular membranes, so that it can be used for energy
inside the cell. (Insulin is apparently not required for glucose
utilization by cells in the brain and retina, however.) Insulin also
increases the transport of amino acids into the cells, thus
improving their use in the manufacture of proteins. Insulin
increases the rate at which the liver changes excess sugar into
fatty acids, which is then stored in fat cells. As a result of these
actions, insulin has the effect of lowering blood sugar. Lack of
insulin can produce excess blood sugar, excess urination
(polyurea), acetone bodies in the blood and breath (ketonemia),
excessive thirst (polydipsia), and decrease in tissue protein. Too
much insulin can produce convulsions, mental confusion,
headaches, tremors, sweating, and feelings of impending doom.
Insulin is inhibited by the adrenal hormones, epinephrine and


norepinephrine. It is stimulated by glucagon, ACTH, thyroxine,

cortisol, and hyperglycemia.
2. Glugacon is secreted by the alpha cells of the islets of
Langerhans. It causes the liver to release stored glucose into the
bloodstream. Glucagon also increases the rate at which glucose
is made from proteins in the liver (gluconeogenesis). In these two
ways, glucagon has the effect of increasing blood sugar. It also
stimulates the breakdown (lipolysis) of adipose tissue into ketone
bodies and influences the kidneys to excrete nitrogen, salt,
potassium, chlorides and phosphorus. Glucagon also slows down
gastrointestinal contractions, decreases the flow of gastric juices,
and stimulates the release of catecholamines (epinephrine,
norepinephrine) by the adrenal medulla.
Fasting and
hypoglycemia stimulate the release of glucagon; diabetes inhibits
its release. Absence of glugacon can cause hypoglycemia.

Emotions and the Pancreas

Feelings of rejection may affect the pancreas adversely. So may anger
and frustration because life seems to have lost its joy or "sweetness."

Symptoms of Pancreatic Dysfunction

The following are possible symptoms of insufficiency of the
pancreatic islet cells, most of which may be indicative of either
diabetes mellitus or a pre-diabetic state:

pain on inside of shoulder blade.

pain on left side of abdomen.
shingles on trunk of body.
feel cold and sweaty.
slow healing of wounds, cuts, abrasions.
constant, intense thirst.


urinate more than two litres daily.

breath smells sweet or of acetone.
tingling, burning, sharp jabs or numbness in hands or feet.
failing vision.
urine contains sugar.
moody with marked ups and downs, elations or depressions,
hyperactivity or laziness.
cold sweats of the hands even when warm.
fainting, blacking out or convulsions.

Disorders of the Pancreas

Diabetes mellitus is the condition in which the pancreatic islets

fail to produce enough insulin. As a result, sugar is not oxidized
in the tissues for energy. Instead, the excess sugar remains in the
blood and then must be excreted in the urine. Diabetes mellitus is
of two types: insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent.
Insulin-dependent diabetes, or type I diabetes, usually appears
by age 30 and is characterized by autoimmune destruction of the
insulin-producing cells in the islets. Non-insulin dependent
diabetes, or type II diabetes, occurs in overweight adults whose
bodies retain the ability to produce insulin; however, the ability of
their cells to respond to it is diminished. Long term
complications of diabetes include lowered resistance to infection,
loss of sensation in peripheral nerves, and significant damage to
arteries, especially to those of the heart, retina, kidney and leg.
A overactive pancreas may cause hypoglycemia if it produces
too much insulin. This is a condition in which glucose in the
blood is abnormally low.

The Gonads
The gonads, or sex glands, are the ovaries of the female and the testes
of the male. In addition to producing the sex cells, these glands also
have endocrine functions. The hormones they produce are necessary
for the development of sexual characteristics and for the maintenance


of the reproductive organs after maturity.

Secondary sexual characteristics are those features, other than
the sex organs themselves, that typify a male or female. They include
a deep voice and facial and body hair in the male, and wider hips and
a greater ratio of fat to muscle in the female.

The ovaries are the primary female sex organs. They produce the ova
and female sex hormones and are active from puberty to menopause.
Estrogens are secreted before ovulation; estrogen and progesterone
are secreted after ovulation. The actions and interactions of these
hormones result in the menstrual cycle, preparation for pregnancy and
the secondary female characteristics. After menopause, the secondary
female characteristics are maintained by estrogens and progestins
secreted by the adrenal cortex.
Each ovary has two areas, the follicles and the corpeus luteum.
The follicles produce estradiol and other estrogens. These hormones
are involved in the regulation of cellular respiration and the
development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
Through feedback, they also inhibit follicular stimulating hormone
(FSH) from the pituitary. Low levels of estrogens can result in
atrophy of the reproductive system and in reduction of secondary
sexual characteristics.
The corpeus luteum manufactures progesterone, which
stimulates secretions of the oviduct, uterus growth in pregnancy.
Through feedback, progesterone inhibits leutinizing hormone (LH)
from the pituitary.
The ovaries are affected by the action of distant glands, such as
the pineal, thyroid and pituitary. Hypofunction of the pineal gland,
for example, may lead to early sexual development. If the thyroid is
underactive, menstruation may be diminished or absent (amenorrhea)
even though the ovaries and uterus are normal. Hyperthyroidism may
cause profuse menstruation, and if a pregnancy occurs during this
time it may be subject to metabolic and toxic disturbances. Blood
clots occurring in the uterus during menstruation may be caused by an
abnormally functioning thyroid gland.


The testes are the primary male sex organs. Interstitial cells of the
testes produce the male sex hormone, testosterone, and other
androgens. These hormones govern development and control of the
sperm, sexual urges, and the physical and functional aspects of
Testosterone production is stimulated at puberty by LH (luteal
hormone) from the pituitary and thereafter is controlled by negative
feedback from the hypothalamus. Testosterone also inhibits FSH
(follicular stimulating hormone) from the pituitary.

Hormones of the Gonads

1. Testosterone is the male hormone. It is a steroid produced by the
interstitial cells of Leydig of the testicles. Testosterone
accelerates growth in the tissues upon which it acts and
stimulates blood flow. It promotes the growth of secondary
sexual characteristics in men and is essential for normal sexual
behaviour and the occurrence of erections. Testosterone is
essential for normal growth and development of the male sexual
organs and for stimulating the maturation of sperm cells. It is
responsible for the deepening of the male voice at puberty,
greater muscular development in men, development of beard and
pubic hair, and distribution of fat in adult men. In addition to
maintaining male libido and the competence of the male
reproductive organs, testosterone also (a) promotes the use of
protein by the liver, muscles and kidney, and (b) increases the
breakdown of fat and slows the breakdown of protein. The
effects of testosterone are felt by the entire body, including
hypothalamus, kidneys, anterior pituitary, fat deposits, muscle
and sex organs, hair follicles, vocal chords, and the epiphyses of
long bones. Testosterone is also produced by the adrenal cortex
of both men and women.


2. Estrogens are the female ovarian hormones that most closely

parallel testosterone in their actions. They include estradiol,
estrone, and their metabolic product, estriol. Estrogens
stimulate the growth and development of the primary sexual
organs (e.g., uterus, fallopian tubes), the onset and regulation of
menstruation, the development of secondary sexual organs (e.g.,
mammary glands), and they help to change the pelvis to an ovoid,
broader shape. Estradiol affects sexual urges and sexual
receptivity. It also increases the secretion of calcitonin by the
thyroid, thus affecting the deposition of calcium in bones.
Estradiol affects many target glands and tissues in the body,
including the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, thyroid, thymus,
skin and central nervous system. During menopause, a natural
deficiency of estradiol sets in.
3. Progesterone is the female hormone produced in the corpus
luteum of the ovaries and in the placenta. It promotes ovulation
and is responsible for the thickening of the endometrium (inner
lining of the uterus) in the second half of the menstrual cycle to
prepare it for implantation of the fertilized ovum. It helps to
maintain the pregnancy and stimulates the development of both
the placenta and the secretory parts of the mammary gland, after
implantation. A lack of progesterone may lead to abortion,
decreased ovulation, and disturbance or loss of the menstrual
cycle. Organs and tissue affected by progesterone include the
adrenal cortex, hypothalamus, kidney, breast tissue, cervix,
ovary, vagina, uterus, and the pubic symphysis (junction of pubic
bones in front).
4. Relaxin is secreted in the corpus luteum (in the ruptured ovarian
follicles) during pregnancy. It causes preparation for parturition
by enlargement of the birth canal, softening of the cervix,
separation of the pubic symphysis, and loss of rigidity in the
pelvic bones. It precipitates oxytocin (the pituitary hormone that
causes the uterus to contract) and promotes sensitivity to this
hormone. Relaxin decreases uterine mobility and inhibits uterine
contraction. It allows the uterus to accept water and it stimulates


the mammary glands. Corticosterone, androgens (male

hormones) and high levels of progesterone and estradiol inhibit
the release of relaxin.

Emotions and the Gonads

Feeling stifled creatively, not feeling safe to be a woman or man, or
not accepting one's femininity or masculinity can affect the sex glands
adversely. It is as if they directly carry out the messages that they
hear in the mind. In the extreme, negative feelings about one's
sexuality can make sexual performance for men impossible
(impotence) or unenjoyable for women (frigidity).

The Adrenal Glands

The adrenals (or suprarenals) are two small, globular shaped glands
embedded in fat and sitting atop the kidneys. Each adrenal gland is
essentially a double organ that consists of an inner medulla and an
outer cortex.
The adrenal medulla is composed of masses of cells surrounded


by blood vessels. It is controlled by the sympathetic division of the

autonomic nervous system (that part of the nervous system that acts
as an accelerator during stressful situations) and functions in
conjunction with it. The medulla is intimately related to adjustments
of the body in response to stress and emotional change. The cortex is
the outer layer of the adrenal gland. It influences almost all bodily
systems by secreting a wide variety and quantity of hormones.
In western society, the adrenals are frequently overworked and
undernourished. When they become weak or underactive, they leave
the body vulnerable to such conditions as fatigue, hypoglycemia,
allergies, asthma, diabetes, lowered resistance to infections, low blood
pressure, nausea, arthritis, dizziness, poor appetite, weight loss,
insomnia, and nervousness.

Hormones of the Adrenal Medulla

Biochemically, the hormones of the adrenal medulla are
catecholamines, meaning that they are biologically active amines
derived from the amino acid, tyrosine. Collectively these hormones
increase the metabolic rate of bodily cells. The hormones of the
adrenal medulla include:

Epinephrine (or adrenaline) is important in mobilizing the

"fight or flight" response to emergency situations. It acts as a
neurotransmitter (i.e., conducts nerve impulses). Epinephrine
constricts blood vessels in the skin and abdominal organs,
dilates blood vessels in skeletal muscles, increases heart
activity, dilates the bronchioles by relaxing the smooth muscles
in their walls, dumps glucose into the blood by stimulating the
liver to convert glycogen into glucose, increases the amount of
fatty acids in the blood, and diminishes the activity of the
gastrointestinal system. Through some of these actions,
epinephrine increases (a) blood flow to the brain, liver and
muscles, (b) heart rate and output, (c) consumption of oxygen,
(d) basic metabolic rate, and (e) body temperature. Because
epinephrine stimulates the central nervous system, one tends to


feel restless, nervous and anxious while under its influence. A

lack of epinephrine will leave a person feeling listless without
the ability to respond to emergencies, sustained physical effort,
extreme fluctations in temperature, or emotional difficulties.
Factors that stimulate the release of epinephrine are smoking,
narcotics and similar drugs, hypoglycemia, and traumatic
experiences. Intense emotional reactions (especially those
responding to extreme stress) tend to increase the secretion of
both epinephrine and a related hormone, norepinephrine.

Norepinephrine (or noradrenaline), is closely related to

epinephrine chemically. It acts primarily as a vasoconstrictor
in the peripheral circulation, resulting in an increased resistance
to blood flow, elevated blood pressure (both systolic and
diastolic), and slowing of the heart -- at the same time
improving circulation to the coronary arteries. Norepinephrine
increases glucose absorption from the gut and mobilizes lipid
material. It also inhibits the functioning of the respiratory and
gastrointestinal systems. Anticipatory states of mind tend to
bring about the release of norepinephrine, as do smoking,
hypoglycemia, low thyroxine stress, traumatic experiences, and
certain drugs. Insufficient norepinephrine may bring about
dizziness upon rising, lightheadedness, and low blood pressure
or fainting due to postural changes.


Dopamine dilates the systemic arteries, increases cardiac

output, and increases blood flow to the kidneys.

Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex

The hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex are all steroids
synthesized from cholesterol. They include the following groups:
1. Glucocorticoids maintain the carbohydrate reserve of the body
by controlling the conversion of amino acids into glucose instead


of protein. These hormones are produced in larger amounts than

normal during times of stress. They are also important antiinflammatory agents. Cortisol (or hydrocortisone) is the major
hormone of this group. (Others include cortisone and
This group of hormones influences
carbohydrate, water, muscle, bone, central nervous system,
gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and hematological metabolism.
Their long term effect is catabolic (i.e., they convert complex
substances into simpler substances).
Cortisol helps to maintain proper stress reactions,
circulation, blood pressure, fluid balance, capillary permeability,
collagen synthesis, and kidney function. A little bit of it is
released every time we feel ourselves to be in a threatening
situation. Cortisol is involved in the release of other hormones
and helps to regulate the output of ACTH by the pituitary. It has
far-reaching effects on other cells, including those of the
hypothalamus, lymph, thymus, intestine, connective tissue, skin,
nervous system, muscular system, and mammaries. Cortisol
affects glucose absorption, lactation and general adaptation to
stress; and it stimulates the brain. Lack of cortisol endangers life
because it impairs one's ability to adapt to stress situations. Its
deficiency is associated with rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation,
and insulin sensitivity.
Excess glucocorticoids (i.e., in the form of steroid drugs)
contribute to aging, muscle wasting, diabetes, fatigue,
osteoporosis, thinning of the skin, fragility of blood vessels,
hypertension, fluid retention, impaired mental function, and
suppressed immune function.


2. Mineralcorticoids help to regulate electrolyte and fluid balance.

They regulate sodium and potassium levels in the blood by the
controlling the reabsorption of sodium and secretion of potassium
by the kidneys. The major hormone of this group is aldosterone.
(Another is dehydroepiandrosterone.)
Aldosterone helps to maintain normal blood electrolyte
balance, to regulate kidney function, and to accelerate the process
of gluconeogenesis (formation of glycogen from proteins and
fats). Too little aldosterone can result in low blood pressure,
hypoglycemia, low body temperature, loss of sex drive, muscular
weakness, gastrointestinal disturbances, kidney failure, acidosis,
and an inability to tolerate stress. Total absence of aldosterone is
3. Sex hormones are also secreted by the adrenal cortex, but
usually in very small amounts. They have a minor, supporting
role in the physiology of reproduction and contribute to the
development and maintenance of the secondary sexual
These hormones include androgens
(testosterone), estrogens (estradiol), and progestins
4. Deyhdroepiandrosterone (DHEA) functions as an androgen
(male hormone) with anabolic activity (i.e., helps to build or
synthesize tissues). It is also a precursor of both testosterone (a
male anabolic hormone) and progesterone (a female anabolic
hormone). DHEA helps to balance the body's utilization of

Emotions and the Adrenals

Mind (psyche) and body (soma) are both interrelated and
interdependent. Nowhere is this relationship more evident than with
respect to the adrenal glands. Certain emotional states affect the
production of adrenal hormones. So also can the excess or lack of
adrenal hormones affect emotional states.


Anxiety, fear and anger stimulate the adrenal glands to secrete

their hormones (especially epinephrine, norepinephrine, and the
glucocorticoids). That is the body's natural, physiological response to
emergency situations that are perceived as threatening. If anxiety,
fear or anger become chronic states, however, they put the body into a
constant "fight-or-flight" mode, thereby leading to overwork and
eventual exhaustion of the adrenal glands.
A number of chronic emotions can depress adrenal function.
These include defeatism, feelings of being overpowered, not caring
for oneself, not approving of oneself and being angry at oneself.
Overactive adrenal glands may produce:

aggressive behaviour in business or sports.

intense feelings, emotional flare-ups.
strong dislike of being crossed.

Underactive adrenal glands may produce:


strong preference for being alone.
uneasiness or dislike for being the centre of attention.
perfectionism, setting overly high standards.
avoidance of complaints, discomforts or inconveniences.
worry or unusual concern about things left undone.
inferiority complex.

Symptoms of Adrenal Imbalance

The following are lists of the physiological symptoms that may be
produced by both over- and underactive adrenal glands:
Overactive adrenal glands (hyperadrenia):

persistent high blood pressure (hypertension).

rapid pulse.
fluid retention of facial tissues, puffy face.
unusual physical strength.
Female: excessive hair on face, arms, legs.
Male: baldness, excess hair on arms and back.


Male: muscular "square" build.

Underactive adrenal glands (hypoadrenia):

eyes overly sensitive to bright lights, headlights, sunlight.

a tightness or "lump" in throat when emotionally disturbed.
form gooseflesh easily.
"cold" sweats, excessive perspiration.
voice that rises to a high pitch or is lost during stress.
easily shaken up or startled, heart pounds hard from unexpected
allergies, such as skin rashes, dermatitis, hay fever, sneezing
attacks, asthma.
emotional upsets cause complete exhaustion, must go and lie
down when under heavy stress.
unusual craving for salt.
excessive neck, head and shoulder tension.

The Postural Blood Pressure Test

The postural (orthostatic) blood pressure test is a clinical method of
diagnosing low adrenal function (hypoadrenia). It involves taking a
person's blood pressure at first while sitting down and then again
when standing up. Under normal circumstances, there should be an
increase in the systolic (maximum) blood pressure reading of from
four to 10 mm. Hg in the standing as compared to the sitting position.
If this test does not produce an increase in blood pressure, or if it
results in a drop, then low adrenal function is highly suspect.
The reason this test works is because it is the adrenal hormones
that cause blood pressure to overcompensate temporarily for a quick
change in body position from sitting to standing. Without adequate
adrenal hormones, there will be either no change in blood pressure or
a drop. The greater the drop, the more seriously underfunctioning the
adrenal glands are likely to be.

Disorders of the Adrenal Glands

Undersecretion of the hormones of the adrenal cortex can lead to


Addison's disease, a condition characterized by excess

pigmentation of skin and mucous membranes, irregular patches
of vitiligo, black freckles over head and neck, increasing
weakness, muscle wasting, fatigue, hypotension, nausea,
vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, and sometimes hypoglycemia,
hypotension or dehydration.
Excess secretion of glucocorticoid hormones can lead to
Cushing's syndrome, a condition characterized by protein loss,
obesity with a round face, thin skin that bruises easily, muscle
weakness, fatigue, bone loss, loss of menstruation, impotence,
edema, excess hair growth, diabetes mellitus, skin discoloration
and bloating, purplish striae of skin, and elevated blood sugar.
Excess secretions of the androgenic hormones of the adrenal
cortex can lead to adrenogenital syndrome. In this condition,
masculine secondary sexual characteristics appear in the female,
and there is precocious puberty in the male.
Underactive or overworked adrenal glands can lead to
hypoglycemia if not enough epinephrine or glucocorticoids are
produced to maintain adequate blood levels of glucose.


Emotional Balance
The endocrine system is the primary means by which the body
translates emotions into physical responses. This process happens all
the time, automatically, whether or not we are aware of it. Every
feeling we have affects our bodies in some way. It is impossible to
stop the process, no matter how hard we might try or wish it might be
Those feelings we express immediately affect our physical
functioning in the moment, then gradually dissipate. Those feelings
we deny, suppress or repress, however, stay unresolved with us for as
long as we try to hold them back. They continue to affect our
functioning in indirect ways, contributing to nervousness, anxiety,
depression and physical disease processes. It doesn't matter whether
we consider a particular feeling to be either "good" or "bad." The
mere fact of holding it back has inevitable physical consequences. If
we continue our resistance long enough, we can make ourselves sick.
The only way to truly contain an emotion is to give it all the room it
Every feeling we have gives us automatic, instantaneous
feedback about how a particular person or situation affects us. We
cannot choose to have a particular feeling; it is just there. Our only
choice is to let it flow or to restrict it.
If we would like our hormones to flow in harmony, we need to
experience and express the fullness of all of our emotions. We cannot
give our bodies full life if we deny full life to our feelings. They are
two interrelated aspects of the same being.
There are really only two fundamental kinds of feelings, love
and fear. All other feelings can be reduced to these two basic,
underlying ones -- and so can all of our motivation. Whatever we do,
we do for only one of two fundamental reasons: either because we
desire the experience for the sheer enjoyment of it, or because we are
afraid of the consequences of not doing it.
Fear disrupts our endocrine system and its effects on our
bodies. Love is harmonious and balancing to our entire being. If


what you are experiencing is not genuine desire, joy or love, then there
has to be a hidden fear lurking somewhere. That is a blessing our
endocrine system gives us. Every time we experience anxiety,
agitation, nervousness, depression, anger or a "fight-or-flight"
response not related to imminent physical danger, it is an invitation to
look for unresolved fear of some kind. It is challenging us to find the
imbalance and restore it. If we do not, our endocrine system will
continue to deliver the message until we finally get it.
All of the emotions that affect our endocrine system adversely
are different faces of fear. Resentment, hatred and criticism often
mask a deeper layer of anger. Anger prevents one from feeling one's
underlying fear by projecting the cause of one's suffering elsewhere
and by giving one the illusion of being in control. Depression is a
way of hiding grief. Grief masks one's fear of being alone.
Judgement and rationalization are often covers for guilt. Beneath
guilt lurks fear of being rejected. Anxiety is a way of experiencing
the edges of fear in an out-of-context way, without facing it head on.
Apathy is an attempt to suppress all emotions and with them a
particular fear. And so on. Think of any emotional state that has
affected you adversely or any feeling that you have been deliberately
holding back. Dig deeper and in every case you will find a hidden fear
of some kind.
Everyone experiences fear. It is a necessary part of being
human. Fear is a natural way of alerting us to potential danger of
some kind. Identifying our fears gives us the opportunity to face them,
to work through them and to find whatever resolve and peace may lie
beyond them. When we deny our fears, however, we make their
resolution impossible. We have no incentive to face or overcome
what we refuse to admit exists.
Why do we obstruct and divert our fears? It is because we are
afraid of experiencing them. We fear fear.
Often we judge our feelings and ourselves for having them. We
believe that some feelings are "bad" and so we try to deny, hide or
minimize them. In truth, feelings are neither good nor bad. They just
Sometimes we refuse to express strong feelings because we feel
that to do so would mean being ruled by them -- that we would lose
control and perhaps harm someone. Expressing a feeling does not


necessarily mean being ruled by it, nor does it have to lead to taking it
out on another person. Holding a feeling back, however, will
definitely harm someone -- you.
There are constructive ways to release feelings. You can do so
in complete privacy. It is most important to let yourself feel whatever
is there, as fully as possible. Put the feelings into words. If tears
come, let them flow. If anger comes and you feel like acting it out,
punch a pillow or break a pencil or dish or something else of little
consequence. Once you have expressed your feeling to yourself, you
are then in a better position to decide if you want to share it with the
person whom you feel may have triggered it in you. If you do decide
to share your pain and frustration with this person, recognize that
what you are sharing is your experience of that person and not
necessarily who she really is -- just as what another shares with you is
his experience of you and not necessarily who you are.
Recognize also that those who "push your buttons" are actually
doing you a favour. They are showing you where your particular fears
are hidden. If you have no fear about a particular situation, then no
one can bring out that fear in you.
It helps a great deal to share your feelings with those who truly
care about you -- those who love and accept you as you are. Often a
good friend can help you get in touch with feelings you may not have
known you had. If you are like most people, you are probably loved
more than you realize.
The next time your heart pounds, your pulse races, your
muscles tense, your breathing tightens, or your nerves feel on edge
and there is no danger present, your endocrine system is giving you an
important message. Listen to that message and see if you can find
what hidden fear it is pointing out.
There is one practice that is most restorative to emotionalendocrine balance. That is to devote some time each day to silence.
As little as 15 minutes alone in silence can be most restorative.
Relax. Turn off the radio and television. Eliminate all extraneous
sounds, particularly those of human voices. Shut the door of your
room or office and ask not to be disturbed until an appointed time.
Silence your telephone and answering machine. If you cannot
eliminate all background noise, filter it out with soft, gentle
instrumental music (no vocal). Keep your eyes open or shut, as you


prefer. If possible, sit or walk outside where you can hear only the
sounds of nature. Do not try to accomplish anything with this silence.
Use it simply to relax, unwind, and let go of tension. Observe what
thoughts or feelings come to mind. Do not do anything with them,
just notice them, feel them and let them go wherever they wish.
Silence is nourishing and balancing to every aspect of one's being -physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


Nutritional Support
Each gland in the body requires specific nutrients in order to function
properly and to fulfil its genetic potential. Raw materials are required
both to help rebuild and maintain the glands themselves and to act as
precursors to the hormones that the glands must produce.

The human body is dependent on sunlight -- so much so that sunlight
ought to be considered an essential nutrient. In addition to its well
know role in stimulating vitamin D production, sunlight affects the
human body in a number of significant ways.
As sunlight strikes the retina of the eye, it sets up impulses that
profoundly affect the endocrine system and revitalize the entire body.
Sunlight stimulates the thyroid gland to increase its hormone levels,
thereby increasing rate of metabolism. It tends also to increase the
level of sex hormones. Sunlight acts as a mood elevator by
decreasing levels of melatonin, a pineal hormone that depresses mood.
Sunlight also tends to reduce high blood pressure and high
cholesterol, as well as to increase the efficiency of the heart. Sunlight
assists in weight loss and may reduce dental cavities.
Natural sunlight provides an entire range of pulsating
frequencies (both visible and invisible) under which all life on this
planet has evolved. When these rays strike the body together, in
concert, they have a normalizing effect on the body. Conventional
artificial lighting, however, provides only a narrow range of light
frequency that the pineal gland may experience as disruptive,
confusing, stressful and potentially harmful. The ideal light for
influencing the pineal, therefore, is sunlight -- exactly what nature


It is a most healthy practice to walk, stand or sit outdoors in

direct sunlight for at least 15 minutes each day, especially in the
morning. Without staring into the sun, one needs to allow the
sunlight to fall onto uncovered eyes. If it is not possible to do so, then
the next best alternative is to replace indoor lighting (especially
conventional fluorescent tubes) with broad-spectrum interior lights
that are designed to approximate all of the wave lengths of light found
in natural sunlight. This measure can be especially therapeutic for
those who must work long hours "chained" to their desks or
Many employers use broad-spectrum lighting to improve
productivity, to reduce absenteeism, and to ameliorate other
symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the workplace.
Broad-spectrum lighting in classrooms tends to improve behaviour
and academic performance.
The emphasis in recent years has been to consider sunlight as
an enemy, particularly because of its link to skin cancer and cataracts.
Sunglasses and sunblock creams compete on the basis of how much
ultra-violet radiation they can screen out. The apparent thinning of
the world's protective ozone layer has created a panic that risks
"throwing the baby out with the bath water," so to speak. Too much
sunlight can be detrimental. Too little, however, impairs our
functioning and makes us vulnerable to disease processes. We need
to find a balance.
There are two aspects to ultraviolet-induced skin cancer. One
is the sun, the obvious source of radiation. The other is the ability of
the skin to resist damage from ultraviolet rays. This latter factor is a
variable from person to person. Not everyone who is exposed to the
same intense amount of sunlight will develop cancer. Those who do
succumb have weak cellular membranes. The most likely factor that
weakens cell membranes is faulty diet, especially the consumption of
the wrong kinds of fats and oils.
Margarine and other adulterated fats impair the body's ability to
respond life-giving solar rays. When vegetable oils are hydrogenated
or heated above 1600C (3200F), their molecules become distorted into
a trans- or twisted configuration. These trans- fatty acids are


incorporated into cell walls, weakening them and leaving the cell
vulnerable to invasion and mutation.
The consumption of deep fried foods, margarines, shortenings,
and processed vegetable oils has skyrocketed during the last 50 years
or so. So has the incidence of cancers of all kinds. It is more than a
mere coincidence.
Butter and olive oil are the two most stable fats to use for
cooking. Organic flaxseed oil capsules make an excellent supplement
for essential fatty acids [see next section on "Nutritional Support"].
The fat-soluble vitamins, A and E, protect cellular membranes from
ultraviolet damage.
Consider the following balanced approach to sunlight.
Whenever possible, sit or walk in sunlight for 15 minutes each day.
Use sunglasses only when needed to reduce glare when driving a car
or boat. Use sunglasses with polarized lenses, ones that reduce the
intensity of sunlight but without eliminating any of its valuable
frequencies. Use skin sunscreen agents sparingly, but never
deliberately try to get a suntan either. Make sure that the cells of the
eyes and skin are bathed in vitamins A and E from both diet and
supplements. The preceding are merely suggestions. Each of needs
to find ways of balancing the benefits of solar energy with its
potential for harm.

Amino Acids
All hormones except the steroids are manufactured from amino acids.
Therefore, to ensure adequate production of these chemical
messengers, one must have a sufficient daily intake of high quality
protein. If protein intake is too low, hormone production will suffer.
If total calorie intake is too low, hormone production will also suffer
because the body will convert proteins into fuel in order to maintain
enough energy for physical activity. Low protein diets, severe weight
loss diets and prolonged fasting can thus be detrimental to endocrine
How much quality protein a person needs is very much an
individual matter that depends on age, bodyweight, lifecycle, activity


levels, stress levels, and hereditary weaknesses. Athletes who train

more than 20 hours per week may need 20% more protein than
otherwise. During times of stress one's need for protein soars, in order
to support increased endocrine activity. Generally, children may need
from 40 to 70 grams daily, men from 50 to 80 grams, women from 45
to 75 grams, pregnant women from 70 to 100 grams, and lactating
women from 90 to 120 grams.
The best way to get protein is from the diet. The highest
quality sources are from animal foods (e.g., eggs, fish, poultry). Plant
sources can approach animal sources in quality only if combined at
the same meal (e.g., legumes with grains, legumes with nuts, or
legumes with seeds). If extra protein is needed to compensate for
weak digestion or an inadequate diet, predigested (hydrolyzed)
lactalbumin makes an ideal supplement. Lactalbumin is the soluble
protein found in the milk of all mammals. It is in especially high
concentrations in human milk.
In the well-functioning digestive tract, the proteins that we eat
are broken down into their constituent amino acids. These amino
acids are absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream
and carried to the liver, where they reassembled into new tissues,
antibodies, and hormones. Most hormones require a broad spectrum
of these amino acids. That is one reason for recommending that the
diet be well supplied with complete proteins and that protein
supplements similarly be from complete sources.
In some cases, there can be benefit from supplying specific
amino acids over and above those supplied from a protein-rich diet.
For example, extra amounts of phenylalanine and tyrosine may
sometimes be of therapeutic benefit to the hormones of the adrenal
medulla (e.g., epinephrine, norepinephrine). Tyrosine and methionine
may similarly assist in boosting the body's production of thyroid
Where individual amino acids are being used
therapeutically, they need to be taken between meals in order that
their effects not be diluted by combining with other amino acids in the


Essential Fatty Acids

Steroid hormones (i.e., those produced by the adrenal cortex and sex
glands) are made from lipids (fats) and cholesterol. Low fat diets can
be a serious compromise in this regard. Everyone needs an adequate
daily intake of essential fatty acids.
The best way to get essential fatty acids is through the diet, as
an integral part of the fresh, whole foods that contain them (e.g.,
butter, olives, avocado, nuts, seeds, oils in fish, fat in poultry). When
oils are extracted, they deteriorate readily from exposure to heat, light,
and air. Polyunsaturated oils (e.g., safflower, sunflower, corn, soy)
are the most risky in this regard. They are the least stable and,
therefore, the most likely to expose the body to excess levels of
disease-causing free radicals. In cases where the diet may not be able
to supply an individual's need for essential fatty acids, flaxseed oil
makes an excellent supplement -- provided that the flaxseed oil is
organic and its stability is assured by being (1) processed without
heat, light or oxygen, (2) hermetically sealed into opaque capsules,
and (3) packaged in opaque bottles.

Vitamins & Minerals

In addition to amino acids and fatty acids, certain vitamins and
minerals are also required both to support the functioning of each
endocrine gland and to serve as raw materials in the manufacture of
its particular hormones. The relationships of specific vitamins and
minerals to particular endocrine glands are many and varied, and it is
likely that not all of them have been discovered yet. The following
chart summarizes some of the supporting relationships that are known
at this time:

Supporting Vitamins/Minerals


vitamin A, vitamin E, B-complex vitamins,

trace minerals.


vitamin C, vitamin E, B-complex vitamins,

manganese, trace minerals.



B-complex vitamins, vitamin E, iodine,

potassium, trace minerals.


vitamin D.


vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, iodine,

trace minerals.


B-complex vitamins, zinc, chromium,


Gonads (female)

vitamin B-6, folic acid, vitamin E, vitamin C,

magnesium, iodine, trace minerals.

Gonads (male)

vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, trace minerals.


vitamin C, pantothenic acid, vitamin E,

vitamin B-6, trace minerals.

The term "trace minerals" refers to a wide variety of mineral elements

widely dispersed in nature and believed to be needed by the body in
tiny amounts. Only a handful of them have been studied in any detail;
most have not. Examples of trace minerals include boron,
germanium, molybdenum, silicon, vanadium, cobalt, gold, lithium,
plus dozens of others. There are two very good supplementary
sources of trace minerals: (1) Shilajit, a mineral pitch from the
Himalayan Mountains, and (2) Montmorillonite (bentonite) a clay
mined from the deposits of ancient sea beds.
It is difficult to know which specific vitamins and minerals a
given body may need on any particular day. The body has its own
wisdom and priorities. Also, nutrients are interdependent. Someone
who lacks, for example, seven particular factors may require the
presence of, say, eleven others in order to metabolize those seven.
For these reasons, often the most effective way to supplement with
vitamins and minerals is according to broad-spectrum principles. By
providing the body with 20 to 30 vitamins and minerals in significant
quantities and balanced ratios, much of the guesswork is eliminated.
Whatever the body needs on a particular day is likely to be there.


The following is an example of a broad-spectrum formula that

provides many adults with significant and balanced amounts of the
vitamins and minerals they are likely to need for routine health
maintenance and general disease prevention. It is not, however, a
therapeutic formula. Those with disease conditions or unusually high
requirements for certain factors may require some additional
nutritional support beyond these levels. The quantity listed beside
each nutrient is its suggested daily intake.
Basic Vitamin-Mineral Formula:
Vitamin A (palmitate)
10,000 I.U.
Vitamin D-3
800 I.U.
Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succ.)
400 I.U.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
1,500 mg.
Vitamin B-1 (thiamine)
50 mg.
Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin)
50 mg.
50 mg.
Pantothenic Acid
100 mg.
Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)
50 mg.
Folic Acid
1 mg.
Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin)
330 mcg.
120 mcg.
50 mg.
50 mg.
Calcium (carbonate)
800 mg.
Magnesium (oxide)
500 mg.
Potassium (chloride)
400 mg.
Iron (ferrous fumarate)
22 mg.
0.5 mg.
Manganese (gluconate)
15 mg.
Zinc (gluconate)
25 mg.
Chromium (proteinate)
220 mcg.
Selenium (proteinate)
200 mg.
Molybdenum (sodium molybate)
22 mcg.
Vandium (HVP)
20 mg.
Betaine Hydrochloride
20 mg.

The ideal way to take broad-spectrum formulas such as the above is

in divided amounts with meals. Half of the above quantities could be
taken with each of breakfast and supper, or one third could be taken


with each of breakfast, lunch and supper. Taking vitamins and

minerals with foods increases both their breakdown in the stomach
and their absorption through the intestinal wall. That is because of
the hydrochloric acid produced during digestion and because of the
opportunity for synergism between the nutrients in the supplements
and those in the food (and vice-versa).

Glandular Concentrates
Above and beyond the basic nutrients discussed thus far, there may
also be intrinsic cellular factors that promote the regeneration of like
organs and tissues. Supplements containing glandular concentrates
thus appear to have a unique and significant role in helping to restore
optimal functioning.
Consuming organ tissue is not a new idea. Wild animals, for
example, devour their entire prey, starting with the nutrient-rich
internal organs and finishing with the muscles. They may even crack
the bones and lick out its marrow. By so doing they achieve what is
for them a balanced diet. Each organ consumed contributes different
Many of our ancestors of not so long ago also consumed organ
meats regularly -- heart, liver, kidney, stomach, pancreas, brain, eyes,
etc. Nowadays people tend to eat only the less nourishing muscle
meats, depriving themselves of valuable nutrients and specific organ
factors. Fortunately, glandular concentrates can help to compensate
for this lack.
For many years doctors have been injecting liver extracts to
treat certain disorders, such as stubborn cases of anemia. Some
attribute the beneficial results of this therapy to the natural iron and
B-complex vitamins that liver contains. If, however, the iron and Bvitamins are used alone, the results are not as good. This fact
suggests that animal glandular tissues provide some intrinsic factors
over and above their vitamin, mineral and protein content.
Radioactive isotope tracing demonstrates that if an organ
extract is injected into the bloodstream, it is absorbed by the
corresponding organ (e.g., pancreas extract goes to the pancreas, heart
extract to the heart, etc.). The intrinsic cellular factors are thus "organ


specific" rather than "species specific." In other words, a heart cell is

basically a heart cell, whether it comes from a human, a sheep or a
cow. Like cells help like cells.
Each cell in the body has a memory imprint of what its function
is and where it belongs. If a living microscopic multicellular
organism is centrifuged in a liquid until all of its cells are thrown
apart, those dissociated cells, under the proper conditions, can come
back together to reform the original organism. Something like that
happens when we consume glandular concentrates. In the digestive
tract, the organ tissue consumed is broken down into amino acid
fragments that are absorbed through the intestinal wall, drawn to that
part of the body for which they have an affinity, and included in
whatever rebuilding of that organ may be taking place at that
particular time.
In the digestive tract, the proteins we eat are broken down into
simpler configurations of their constituent amino acids. A well
functioning intestinal lining absorbs single amino acids, dipeptides
(links of two amino acids), and tripeptides (combinations of three
amino acids). Dipeptides and tripeptides contain more than just
amino acids, however. They also contain information -- the memory
of the larger protein configuration to which they belong and an
energetic affinity for the tissues of which they once were part.
Cells in our bodies die and are replaced at the rate of several
million per hour. Consuming glandular concentrates can facilitate this
cellular rebuilding process by providing raw materials that are in a
"ready-to-use" format. They can thus help to regenerate organs that
have become weakened from inadequate nutrition, undue stress,
disease or factors associated with aging.
Glandular concentrates are made by removing moisture and fat
from the organs and glands of animals, usually cattle or sheep. The
remaining dry, hormone-free tissue is then pressed into tablets. The
process that does the best job of preserving all naturally occurring factors
in the glands is called "lyophilization." It involves rapidly freezing the
material at a very low temperature and then dehydrating it in a vacuum.
Glandular concentrates are completely safe. They are not
hormones, they do not contain hormones, do not act as hormones, and do
not depress the body's production of hormones. They simply help glands
to repair themselves and function better.


The most effective approach is to support all organs and glands

at the same time. All work together, interdependently, in harmony.
To have only one endocrine gland out of balance is exceedingly rare.
Blood sugar regulation, for example, involves activity of the pituitary,
thyroid, pancreas, adrenals and liver. As another example, the thyroid
could be weak because it is undernourished, because it is working
overtime to compensate for weak adrenals, or because it is not getting
the signals it needs from the pituitary.
One can help to support any particular endocrine gland by
taking a concentrate of just that one tissue (e.g., adrenal concentrate to
support the adrenal glands). This approach is like a rifle in the hands
of a marksman. If you know exactly what the target is, then you can
take careful aim at it. In many cases, however, the "shotgun"
approach is more effective. All of the weak links in the body need to
be supported, including ones of which we may not be aware. The
body is a master biochemist whose priorities change from day to day.
By supplying the body with a daily "smorgasbord" of all possible
glandular factors, one can enable it to pick and choose whatever it
needs. No matter what kind of support it needs on a given day, it will
be there. Those raw materials not used for rebuilding specific glands
on that day are simply converted to other kinds of protein and used for
other purposes, without causing overload or distortion.
Complete combinations of glandular concentrates deliver
excellent results in helping the body to normalize itself, especially as
an adjunct to other forms of nutritional therapy. They tend to get a
much faster result than do vitamins and minerals alone. Once the
body has reached a more complete state of health, their use is usually
no longer required and can be withdrawn.
The following is an example of a complete, very effective, broadspectrum glandular formula. The amounts beside each ingredient are
those suggested to be taken on a daily basis. Most people would need to
take a formula such as this for two to four months. Owing to biochemical
diversity, however, some individuals may require this kind of support for
longer or for intermittent periods of time.

Female Glandular Formula:




100 mg.
20 mg.
40 mg.
20 mg.
40 mg.
70 mg.
30 mg
40 mg.
30 mg.
40 mg.
30 mg.
20 mg.
20 mg.
40 mg.

Missing from this formula is thyroid concentrate. That is because

unduly restrictive regulations class even hormone-free thyroid
glandular material as a prescription drug. If iodine-containing sea
vegetables (e.g., kelp, dulse) are added to this formula, however, then
nutritional support for the thyroid can be provided in that way. Also,
by supporting all of the other links in the endocrine chain, undue
stress on the thyroid may often be reduced.
The three amino acids (alanine, glycine, glutamic acid) in the
male version of the above formula are there to support the prostate
gland. These three amino acids are found in very high concentrations
in the inner lining of the prostate.

Combination Formulas
The following are three examples of nutritional formulas that synergistically
combine vitamins, minerals, glandular concentrates and amino acids to support
key glands in the endocrine system. They are usually used as adjunct formulas
to be taken in addition to a general formula, such as the Basic VitaminFormula described earlier in this chapter. Unless otherwise specified, the
quantity beside each nutrient is its suggested daily intake.
Adrenal Support Formula:
Pantothenic Acid
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

600 mg.
675 mg.


Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin)

Potassium (chloride)
Adrenal concentrate

1,000 mcg.
150 mg.
150 mg.

Immune Support Formula:

Vitamin A (palmitate)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Thymus concentrate
Spleen concentrate
Adrenal concentrate

20,000 I.U.
3,000 mg.
120 mg.
25 mg.
25 mg.
25 mg.

Thyroid Support Formula:

Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succ.)63 I.U.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)
Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin)
Iodine (from kelp)
Selenium (proteinate)
Lemon Bioflavonoids
l-Cysteine hydrochloride
Pituitary concentrate
6 mg.

56 mg.
4 mg.
5 mg.
63 mcg.
4 mg.
5 mcg.
75 mcg.
63 mcg.
8 mg.
125 mg.

In this last case, the above quantities represent the amount to be taken
for a single dosage. This formula provides nutrients (a) to nourish the
thyroid gland and enable it to produce its hormones, and (b) to enable
bodily cells to produce the deiodinase enzymes necessary to convert
T4 hormone into T3.
The above nutritional thyroid formula can sometimes be made
even more effective by taking a homeopathic remedy with it at the
same time. The best one for this purpose is Liothyronine (30C),
taken 20 drops under the tongue immediately after taking the
nutritional Thyroid Support Formula. Liothyronine is a salt of
triidothyronine, (the T3 hormone.) Its presence, either as a physical
remedy (available by prescription only) or in the form of a
homeopathic dilution, signals the body that it is time to shift from its
conservation mode back into full activity.


The most effective way to take the combined nutritionalhomeopathic support is from eight times daily (e.g., every two waking
hours) for the first two weeks. At the end of two weeks, scale the
supplements down to four times per day (e.g., every four waking
hours). Take oral body temperature at least four times daily. When
the average daily temperature reaches 370C (98.60F) consistently for
at least four consecutive days, then taper off the thyroid supplements
gradually over the next three days. In some cases, this program can
help to restore thyroid function to normal in as little as two weeks.
Others may take up to three or four months. Some cases are
incredibly stubborn, however, and may require supplementary
hormones. If no significant progress has been made on the
nutritional-homeopathic thyroid program at the end of three months, it
would be wise to consult a holistic medical doctor who can offer
prescription liothyronine as a stronger "jump-start" to the body's T4T3 conversion process.

Multiglandular Conditions


Any form of stress -- be it the physical trauma of injury or disease, or
the emotional triggers of anxiety or pleasure -- cause both the nervous
and endocrine systems to respond in harmony. The nervous system
response, the "fight-or-flight" reaction, is mediated by the
hypothalamus of the brain and by the autonomic (involuntary)
nervous system. The hypothalamus also triggers the release of ACTH
from the anterior pituitary. ACTH causes the adrenal cortex to
release hormones that raise blood sugar, inhibit inflammation,
decrease the immune response, and limit the release of histamine.
Growth hormone, thyroid hormones, sex hormones and insulin may
also be released. These substances help the body respond to stressful
situations, but if overproduced they can be harmful to the body and
may contribute to stress-related disorders as high blood pressure,
heart disease, ulcers, back pain, and headaches.
Stress is an integral part of living. We cannot avoid it. We
can, however, support our bodies to handle stress so that it does not
become "distress." Biofeedback, meditation, relaxation, and regular
physical exercise all help to mediate stress.
We can also support the body nutritionally to be better able to
handle stresses of all kinds. The following is an example of a broad
spectrum formula that covers all of the vitamin-mineral bases, but
with particular attention to those factors most helpful to the adrenal
glands (e.g., pantothenic acid, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B-12,
adrenal concentrate). The quantity listed beside each nutrient is its
suggested daily intake.
Stress Formula:
Vitamin A (palmitate)
Vitamin D-3
Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succ.)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vitamin B-1 (thiamine)
Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)
Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin)


12,000 I.U.
800 I.U.
600 I.U.
2,200 mg.
100 mg.
100 mg.
100 mg.
600 mcg.
100 mg.

Pantothenic Acid
Folic Acid
Calcium (carbonate)
Magnesium (oxide)
Potassium (chloride)
Iron (ferrous fumarate)
Zinc (gluconate)
Chromium (proteinate)
Manganese (gluconate)
Silicon (dioxide)
Selenium (proteinate)
Iodine (potassium iodide)
Molybdenum (sodium molybate)
Vanadium (HVP chelate)
Adrenal concentrate
Lemon Bioflavonoids
Betaine Hydrochloride

1,330 mg.
1.2 mg.
220 mcg.
220 mg.
100 mg.
800 mg.
500 mg.
400 mg.
22 mg.
33 mg.
330 mcg.
22 mg.
22 mg.
200 mcg.
1.2 mg.
220 mcg.
12 mcg.
44 mg.
100 mg.
44 mg.

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is a very common disorder that
involves discord among several endocrine glands. Consumption of
concentrated sugars or sweets causes blood sugar to rise rather
rapidly. The body's normal response is to produce insulin in order to
bring blood glucose back to normal levels. If, however, the pancreas
over-reacts by producing more insulin than necessary, blood sugar
plummets. When that happens, the pancreas sends glucagon to the
liver and the adrenal glands also send some of their hormones to the
liver. The effect of both these pancreatic and adrenal hormones is to
stimulate the liver to convert some of its glycogen stores into glucose.
If, however, the adrenal glands are weak, glycogen stores have been
depleted, or the liver is overworked, the needed increase in blood
sugar does not happen in time and ill-effects are felt. Other glands
that may be involved in hypoglycemia are the pituitary and thyroid. If
these two glands are functioning well, then the pancreas and adrenals


tend to also.
It is not only concentrated sugars that cause untoward increases
in blood sugar. Caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and many drugs tend to
produce the same effect. Allergies are also common provokers of
hypoglycemic responses. [For a full explanation of this phenomenon,
please my book, One's Food is Another's Poison.]

Emotions and Hypoglycemia

Those with hypoglycemia tend to feel overwhelmed by the burdens in
life. "What's the use" is a typical phrase often used to convey this
overburdened feeling.

Symptoms of Hypoglycemia
The brain and central nervous system are highly dependent on blood
sugar. Although they comprise only about two per cent of body
weight, they require over 20 per cent of the body's glucose. For that
reason, a person usually experiences mood changes, brain "fog" or
nervousness when blood sugar is too low.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

Nervousness, shaky feelings or headaches relieved by eating.

Irritable if late for a meal or miss a meal.
Irritable before breakfast.
Sudden, strong cravings for sweets, coffee, or alcohol.
Asthmatic attacks.
Get hungry soon after eating.
Cold hands or feet.
Wake up at night feeling hungry.
Wake up in middle of night and can't go back to sleep.

In order to help the body overcome hypoglycemia, it is

necessary to do two things: (1) Restrict one's intake of refined and
concentrated sugars of all kinds, coffee, tea, chocolate, colas, alcohol
and tobacco. (2) Supplement with generous amounts of vitamin C,
the B-complex vitamins (especially pantothenic acid), chromium,
calcium, magnesium and zinc. The Stress Formula outlined in the last
section is ideal nutritional support in this regard.

Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is, in some ways, a cyclically induced

form of hypoglycemia. With the approach of the menses, the extra
surge in estrogen levels can overtax liver and adrenals that are only
marginally in balance during the rest of the month.
Excess estrogen also tends to produce fluid retention. In a
healthy woman, the liver converts excess estrogen into estriol, which
is free of untoward side effects. To make this conversion, however,
the liver requires adequate amounts of the B-vitamins -- especially B6. If one's intake of these vitamins is low, then the increasing demand
for them made by higher estrogen levels can be what tips the balance
toward PMS.

Emotions and PMS

Those susceptible to PMS often do not feel in charge of their own
lives, or that outside influences have undue power. Confusion may
seem to reign. Sometimes rejection of one's femininity may be

Symptoms of PMS
The following symptoms, only if they occur within 14 days prior to
and two days after the menstrual period, are indicative of
premenstrual syndrome:

Anxiety, nervous tension.

Irritability, restlessness.
Mood swings, emotional outbursts, crying spells.
Dizziness, fainting.
Backache, cramps.
Bloating, weight gain.
Forgetfulness, confusion.
Increased appetite.
Craving for sweets, chocolate.
Breast tenderness.
Swelling of hands or feet, edema.
Pounding heart.

The treatment for premenstrual syndrome is basically the same

as for hypoglycemia. It is necessary (a) to restrict concentrated


sugars and sweets, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, and (b) to

supplement with the nutritional Stress Formula. This program needs
to be followed throughout the entire month and not merely when
symptoms are present.
In addition to the Stress Formula (outlined in the chapter
entitled "Stress"), some women may need extra amounts of either
vitamin B-6 or magnesium, or both. This vitamin and mineral are
co-partners required in significant amounts by the female glands.
There is evidence to show that supplements of gamma-linolenic
acid (GLA) may help to improve premenstrual syndrome. GLA is
found in a few very rare plants on the face of the earth (e.g., evening
primrose, borage, currant seeds). Thus, it cannot be an essential
nutrient. If it were, over 99 per cent of the world's population would
have died off centuries ago, since hardly anyone consumes these
plants. Gamma linolenic acid is important to health, but it is really a
non-essential fatty acid. The body makes its own GLA from essential
fatty acids -- provided that it has enough vitamins and minerals to do
the job. The Stress Formula can provide the necessary vitamins and
minerals. If supplementary essential fatty acids are required, flaxseed
oil is an excellent source.

As a woman advances beyond her childbearing years, the ovary
glands gradually become less active until they eventually stop
producing reproductive hormones. Some women go through this
change completely symptom free. Many, however, experience hot
flashes around the face, neck and upper body, accompanied by
feelings of heat and suffocation. Such episodes may happen 20 times
per day. Sweats may follow these flashes, or occur independently.
Other symptoms may include dizziness, headache, palpitations of the
heart, and difficult breathing or shortness of breath. Mental
depression frequently occurs also.

When the ovaries stop producing estrogen, it is nature's plan for


the adrenal glands to increase their production of female hormones -the ones that maintain secondary sexual characteristics. In a healthy,
well nourished woman the transition happens so naturally that it is
scarcely noticed, if at all.
The reason that most women experience menopausal symptoms
is that their adrenal glands have been overworked and undernourished
for most of their lives and struggle to produce the female hormones
demanded by the "change of life." Also, if the liver is not healthy, it
cannot moderate fluctuations in hormones.
The ideal way to avoid menopausal symptoms is to prepare the
body for the changeover before it happens. Eliminating the usual
adrenal stressors (e.g., sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco) and
supplementing with the previously described Stress Formula can be of
significant benefit in this regard.
Once menopause appears imminent, it is of benefit to switch to
the following nutritional formula, which is one that provides suitable
amounts of the factors needed at this time. It may be taken from the
first hint of menopause until the transition has been completed
(usually about one year). The quantity listed beside each nutrient is
its suggested daily intake.



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