IAF ID 8 Transition To ISOTS 22003 2013

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IAF ID 8:2014

International Accreditation Forum, Inc.

IAF Informative Document

IAF Informative Document

for the Transition of Food Safety
Management System Accreditation
to ISO/TS 22003:2013
from ISO/TS 22003:2007

Issue 1

(IAF ID 8:2014)

Issued: 09 July 2014

Application Date: 15 December 2016

International Accreditation Forum, Inc. 2014

IAF ID 8:2014 Issue 1

IAF ID 8:2014
Issue 1

International Accreditation Forum, Inc.

Transition of Food Safety Management System Accreditation to
ISO/TS 22003:2013 from ISO/TS 22003:2007

Page 2 of 6

The International Accreditation Forum, Inc. (IAF) details criteria for the accreditation
of bodies that provide conformity assessment services, and such accreditation
facilitates trade and reduces demands for multiple conformity assessment activities.
Accreditation reduces risk for business and its customers by assuring that accredited
Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) are competent to carry out the work they
undertake within their scope of accreditation. Accreditation Bodies (ABs) that are
members of IAF and the CABs they accredit are required to comply with appropriate
international standards and the applicable IAF application documents for the
consistent application of those standards.
ABs that are signatories to the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) are
evaluated regularly by an appointed team of peers to provide confidence in the
operation of their accreditation programs. The structure and scope of the IAF MLA is
detailed in IAF PR 4 - Structure of IAF MLA and Endorsed Normative Documents.
The IAF MLA is structured in five levels: Level 1 specifies mandatory criteria that
apply to all ABs, ISO/IEC 17011. The combination of a Level 2 activity(ies) and the
corresponding Level 3 normative document(s) is called the main scope of the MLA,
and the combination of Level 4 (if applicable) and Level 5 relevant normative
documents is called a sub-scope of the MLA.
The main scope of the MLA includes activities e.g. product certification and
associated mandatory documents e.g. ISO/IEC 17065. The attestations made
by CABs at the main scope level are considered to be equally reliable.
The sub-scope of the MLA includes conformity assessment requirements e.g.
ISO 9001 and scheme specific requirements, where applicable, e.g. ISO TS
22003. The attestations made by CABs at the sub scope level are considered to
be equivalent.
The IAF MLA delivers the confidence needed for market acceptance of conformity
assessment outcomes. An attestation issued, within the scope of the IAF MLA, by a
body that is accredited by an IAF MLA signatory AB can be recognized worldwide,
thereby facilitating international trade.
Issue No 1
Prepared by: IAF Technical Committee
Approved by: IAF Members
Issue Date: 09 July 2014
Name for Enquiries: Elva Nilsen
IAF Corporate Secretary
Telephone: +1 (613) 454-8159
Email: [email protected]

Issued: 09 July 2014

Date: 01 July 2014

Application Date: 15 December 2016

Application Date: 15 December 2016

International Accreditation Forum, Inc. 2014

IAF ID 8:2014 Issue 1

International Accreditation Forum, Inc.

IAF ID 8:2014
Issue 1

Transition of Food Safety Management System Accreditation to

ISO/TS 22003:2013 from ISO/TS 22003:2007

Page 3 of 6


This IAF Informative Document reflects the consensus of IAF members on this
subject and is intended to support the consistent application of requirements.
However, being a document for information purposes only, IAF Accreditation Body
Members, and the Conformity Assessment Bodies they accredit, are not under any
obligation to use or comply with anything in this document.

Issued: 09 July 2014

Application Date: 15 December 2016

International Accreditation Forum, Inc. 2014

IAF ID 8:2014 Issue 1

IAF ID 8:2014
Issue 1

International Accreditation Forum, Inc.

Transition of Food Safety Management System Accreditation to
ISO/TS 22003:2013 from ISO/TS 22003:2007

Page 4 of 6


TO ISO/TS 22003:2013 FROM ISO/TS 22003:2007


ISO/TS 22003:2013 was published on 15 December 2013. It incorporates revised

and new requirements for third-party certification auditing of Food Safety
Management Systems (FSMS) and the competence of personnel involved in the
certification process.
Resolution 2013-14 was passed by the IAF General Assembly in Seoul 23 October
2013 endorsing a 3 year transition period to ISO/TS 22003:2013.



Accreditation Bodies will need time to prepare for the transition to ISO/TS
22003:2013. In particular, Accreditation Bodies should ensure they have defined,
and that their assessors have achieved the necessary competence before
undertaking assessments to ISO/TS 22003:2013.



Accreditation Bodies should make it clear to Certification Bodies that apply for
accreditation following the publication of ISO/TS 22003:2013 if they are to comply
with this version immediately or to the 2007 version. Accreditation Bodies should
define a time limit after which application to ISO/TS 22003:2007 cannot be received
and must be transferred to ISO/TS 22003:2013 application. They should advise a
date beyond which they cannot issue accreditation to ISO/TS 22003:2007.

Certification Bodies with prior Accreditation

Certification Bodies accredited at the time of publication will be in conformance with

ISO/TS 22003:2007. Transition to ISO/TS 22003:2013 may require translations,
changes to procedures, training and other arrangements which will take time. In
particular, time will be needed for Certification Bodies to establish processes and
systems for them to be able to demonstrate the competence of its certification

Issued: 09 July 2014

Application Date: 15 December 2016

International Accreditation Forum, Inc. 2014

IAF ID 8:2014 Issue 1

IAF ID 8:2014
Issue 1


International Accreditation Forum, Inc.

Transition of Food Safety Management System Accreditation to
ISO/TS 22003:2013 from ISO/TS 22003:2007

Page 5 of 6

Preparation time

Certification Bodies should analyse and understand the requirements of ISO/TS

22003:2013 and commence identification of new requirements in the technical
specification without delay. Certification Bodies are advised to make a transition plan
to determine both the required changes to their management system and the time
frame required to execute them in order to conform to the technical specification.
Certification Bodies are further advised to agree their transition plan with their
Accreditation Body.

Transition and Implementation

Certification Bodies should implement those parts of ISO/TS 22003:2013 that it can
without delay.
Assessment by an Accreditation Body should cover a Certification Bodys plans for
effectively managing its transition. The examination of these transition plans should
also enable the Accreditation Body and Certification Body to agree upon an end date
for the transition process, which should not go beyond 15 December 2016 (3 years
from publication).
Time consuming and potentially costly changes could include setting up training
regimes and the implementation of systems to demonstrate competence. In
recognition of the need to limit the disruption to a Certification Bodys clients, certain
changes may be more appropriately carried out during the normal business cycle at
the time of contract renewal or certificate re-issue.
NOTE: The examination of these plans should enable Accreditation Bodies to identify
those points of the technical specification which have been interpreted differently or
implemented insufficiently by many Certification Bodies, and which may eventually
lead to the need for additional IAF advice.



Additional visits by Accreditation Bodies to assess solely against ISO/TS 22003:2013

are not normally required. The implementation should be verified during normal
scheduled surveillance activities. However, additional assessments may be
necessary for a Certification Body requesting accreditation within an accelerated time

Issued: 09 July 2014

Application Date: 15 December 2016

International Accreditation Forum, Inc. 2014

IAF ID 8:2014 Issue 1

IAF ID 8:2014
Issue 1


International Accreditation Forum, Inc.

Transition of Food Safety Management System Accreditation to
ISO/TS 22003:2013 from ISO/TS 22003:2007

Page 6 of 6


Accreditation Bodies should make it clear to Certification Bodies that any

nonconformities identified against ISO/TS 22003:2013 must be cleared before the
end of transition, and before accreditation to ISO/TS 22003:2013 can be granted.



On 15 December 2016, three years after publication of the new technical

specification, all accredited Certification Bodies are expected to be in full compliance
with ISO/TS 22003:2013 and have had new accreditation documents issued.



It is expected that ISO/TS 22003:2013 will be applied immediately to applications by

Certification Bodies and by Accreditation Bodies for accreditation to food safety
management system certification schemes.

End of IAF Informative Document for the Transition of Food Safety Management
System Accreditation to ISO/TS 22003:2013 from ISO/TS 22003:2007.

Further Information:
For further Information on this document or other IAF documents, contact any
member of IAF or the IAF Secretariat.
For contact details of members of IAF see the IAF website http://www.iaf.nu.
IAF Corporate Secretary
Telephone: +1(613) 454-8159
Email: [email protected]

Issued: 09 July 2014

Application Date: 15 December 2016

International Accreditation Forum, Inc. 2014

IAF ID 8:2014 Issue 1

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