Lecture 3

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Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Lecture 3



Learning Objectives
Collection Components
Storage: Containers/Collection Veh icles
3.2.1 Containers/storage bins
3.2.2 Collection vehicles
Collection Operation
3.3.1 Movement of collection crew
3.3.2 Collection vehicle routing
Transfer Station
3.4.1 Types
3.4.2 Capacity
3.4.3 Viability
Waste Collection System Design
Record Keeping, Control, Inventory and Monitoring
Implementing Collection and Transfer System
The Case of Bangalore
Suggested Readings
Model Answers to Learning Activities

For the final disposal of the wastes generated (see Unit 2), it is imperative that
we put in place an effective waste collection system, which we described in Unit
1 (see (iii) of Subsection 1.2.1). In Unit 3, we will build on this description and
discuss in detail the various aspects of collection system. Accordingly, we will
first explain the components of waste collection such as storage, collec tion crew,
route, transfer station, etc. We will then discuss each of these components. We
will also discuss the design, operation and implementation of waste collection

Municipal Solid Waste Management

systems. We will close the Unit with a case study highlighting waste storage,
collection and transport.

After completing this Unit, you should be able to:
discuss the various components of a waste collection system;
explain the characteristics of waste containers relative to their use;
state the purpose of a transfer station;
evaluate how a collection system is planned and implemented;
collect and maintain the required data for record keeping and inventory
design and implement a collection system.



As described in Subsection 1.2.1, Unit 1, waste collection does not mean merely
the gathering of wastes, and the process includes, as well, the transporting of
wastes to transfer stations and/or disposal sites. To elaborate, the factors that
influence the waste collection system include the following (EPA, 1989 and Ali, et
al., 1999):

Collection points: These affect such collection system components as

crew size and storage, which ultimately control the cost of collection. Note
that the collection points depend on locality and may be residential,
commercial or industrial.


Collection frequency: Climatic conditions and requirements of a locality as

well as containers and costs determine the collection frequency. In hot and
humid climates, for example, solid wastes must be collected at least twice a
week, as the decomposing solid wastes produce bad odour and leachate.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

And, as residential wastes usually contain food wastes and other

putrescible (rotting) material, frequent collection is desirable for health and
aesthetic reasons. Besides climates, the quality of solid waste containers
on site also determines the collection frequency. For instance, while sealed
or closed containers allow collection frequency up to three days, open and
unsealed containers may require daily collection. Collection efficiency
largely depends on the demography of the area (such as income groups,
community, etc.), where collection takes place. While deciding collection
frequency, therefore, you must consider the following:

cost, e.g., optimal collection frequency reduces the cost as it involves

fewer trucks, employees and reduction in total route distance;
storage space, e.g., less frequent collection may require more storage
space in the locality;
sanitation, e.g., frequent collection reduces concerns about health,
safety and nuisance associated with stored refuse.

Storage containers (see also Subsection 3.2.1):

Proper container

selection can save collection energy, increase the speed of collection and
reduce crew size. Most importantly, containers should be functional for the
amount and type of materials and collection vehicles used. Containers
should also be durable, easy to handle, and economical, as well as
resistant to corrosion, weather and animals. In residential areas, where
refuse is collected manually, standardised metal or plastic containers are
typically required for waste storage. When mechanised collection systems
are used, containers are specifically designed to fit the truck-mounted
loading mechanisms. While evaluating residential waste containers,
consider the following:

efficiency, i.e., the containers should help maximise the overall

collection efficiency.
convenience, i.e., the containers must be easily manageable both for
residents and collection crew.

Municipal Solid Waste Management

compatibility, i.e., the containers must be compatible with collection

public health and safety, i.e., the containers should be securely covered
and stored.
ownership, i.e., the municipal ownership must guarantee compatibility
with collection equipment.

Collection crew (see also Subsection 3.3.1): The optimum crew size for a
community depends on labour and equipment costs, collection methods
and route characteristics. The size of the collection crew also depends on
the size and type of collection vehicle used, space between the houses,
waste generation rate and collection frequency. For example, increase in
waste generation rate and quantity of wastes collected per stop due to less
frequent collection result in a bigger crew size. Note also that the collection
vehicle could be a motorised vehicle, a pushcart or a trailer towed by a
suitable prime mover (tractor, etc.). It is possible to adjust the ratio of
collectors to collection vehicles such that the crew idle time is minimised.
However, it is not easy to implement this measure, as it may result in an
overlap in the crew collection and truck idle time. An effective collection
crew size and proper workforce management can influence the productivity
of the collection system. The crew size, in essence, can have a great effect
on overall collection costs. However, with increase in collection costs, the
trend in recent years is towards:
decrease in the frequency of collection;
increase in the dependence on residents to sort waste materials;
increase in the degree of automation used in collection.
This trend has, in fact, contributed to smaller crews in municipalities.


Collection route (see also Subsection 3.3.2): The collection programme

must consider the route that is efficient for collection. An efficient routing of


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

collection vehicles helps decrease costs by reducing the labour expended

for collection. Proper planning of collection route also helps conserve
energy and minimise working hours and vehicle fuel consumption. It is
necessary therefore to develop detailed route configurations and collection
schedules for the selected collection system. The size of each route,
however, depends on the amount of waste collected per stop, distance
between stops, loading time and traffic conditions. Barriers, such as
railroad, embankments, rivers and roads with heavy traffic, can be
considered to divide route territories. Routing (network) analyses and
planning can:
increase the likelihood of all streets being serviced equally and
help supervisors locate or track crews quickly;
provide optimal routes that can be tested against driver judgement and

Transfer station (see also Section 3.4):

A transfer station is an

intermediate station between final disposal option and collection point in

order to increase the efficiency of the system, as collection vehicles and
crew remain closer to routes. If the disposal site is far from the collection
area, it is justifiable to have a transfer station, where smaller collection
vehicles transfer their loads to larger vehicles, which then haul the waste
long distances. In some instances, the transfer station serves as a preprocessing point, where wastes are dewatered, scooped or compressed. A
centralised sorting and recovery of recyclable materials are also carried out
at transfer stations (EPA, 1989). The unit cost of hauling solid wastes from
a collection area to a transfer station and then to a disposal site decreases,
as the size of the collection vehicle increases. This is due to various
reasons such as the following:
labour costs remain constant;
the ratio of payload to vehicle load increases with vehicle size;

Municipal Solid Waste Management

the waiting time, unloading time, idle time at traffic lights and driver rest
period are constant, regardless of the collection vehicle size.


Find the current waste collection practice in your locality and state its role in
waste management.
a) Write your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.

Note that waste collection often proves to be the most costly component of any
waste management system. However, with a proper collection system design
and management, we can significantly reduce the costs. Consider the following
criteria to evaluate, and make decisions about, collection systems:

Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Efficiency: Do the services help minimise the cost per household?

Effectiveness: Do the services satisfy the community needs?
Equity: Do the services address equally the concerns of all social and
demographic groups?
Reliability: Do the services ensure consistency?
Safety and environmental impact: Do the services ensure safety of
workers, public health and protection of the environment?
Note also that various management arrangements, ranging from municipal
services to franchised services and under various forms of contracts are,
typically, in vogue for waste collection. One of the critical decisions to be made
at the planning stage, therefore, is as to who the public or private agencies
operates the collection system, though the final decision depends on the existing
conditions and options for the local decision-makers (EPA, 1989).



As mentioned in Unit 1, waste storage is an important component of a waste

management system. Waste storage encompasses proper containers to store
wastes and efficient transport of wastes without any spillage to transfer
stations/disposal sites. We will analyse these two aspects of waste storage in
Subsections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.

Containers/storage bins

The design of an efficient waste collection system requires careful consideration

of the type, size and location of containers at the point of generation for storage
of wastes until they are collected. While single-family households generally use
small containers, residential units, commercial units, institutions and industries
require large containers. Smaller containers are usually handled manually

Municipal Solid Waste Management

whereas the larger, heavier ones require mechanical handling. The containers
may fall under either of the following two categories:

Stationary containers: These are used for contents to be transferred to

collection vehicles at the site of storage.


Hauled containers: These are used for contents to be directly transferred to

a processing plant, transfer station or disposal site for emptying before
being returned to the storage site.

The desirable characteristics of a well-designed container are low cost, size,

weight, shape, resistance to corrosion, water tightness, strength and durability
(Phelps, et al., 1995). For example, a container for manual handling by one
person should not weigh more than 20 kg, lest it may lead to occupational health
hazards such as muscular strain, etc. Containers that weigh more than 20 kg,
when full, require two or more crew members to manually load and unload the
wastes, and which result in low collection efficiency.
Containers should not have rough or sharp edges, and preferably have a handle
and a wheel to facilitate mobility. They should be covered to prevent rainwater
from entering (which increases the weight and rate of decomposition of organic
materials) into the solid wastes. The container body must be strong enough to
resist and discourage stray animals and scavengers from ripping it as well as
withstand rough handling by the collection crew and mechanical loading
equipment. Containers should be provided with a lifting bar, compatible with the
hoisting mechanism of the vehicle. The material used should be light, recyclable,
easily moulded and the surface must be smooth and resistant to corrosion. On
the one hand, steel and ferrous containers are heavy and subject to corrosion;
the rust peels off exposing sharp edges, which could be hazardous to the
collection crew. On the other, wooden containers (e.g., bamboo, rattan and
wooden baskets) readily absorb and retain moisture and their surfaces are
generally rough, irregular and difficult to clean.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Communal containers
Generally, the containers used for waste storage are communal/public
containers. Figure 3.1 below shows a typical communal container, which a
compactor collection vehicle (see Figure 3.5) can lift and empty mechanically:
Figure 3.1


The use of communal containers is largely dependent on local culture, tradition

and attitudes towards waste. Communal containers may be fixed on the ground
(stationary) or movable (hauled). Movable containers are provided with hoists
and tails compatible with lifting mechanism of collection vehicles and such
containers have capacities of 1 4 m 3. The waste management authority must
monitor, maintain and upgrade the communal containers. Note that in residential
and commercial areas in India, the communal containers are often made of


Municipal Solid Waste Management

In areas with very high waste generation rates, i.e., rates exceeding two
truckloads daily, such as wet markets, large commercial centres and large
business establishments, roll-on-roll or hoisted communal containers with
capacities of 12 20 m 3 and a strong superstructure with wheels are used.
Normally, the collection vehicle keeps an empty container as a replacement
before it hauls the filled container. When a truck is used as a collection vehicle,
the use of communal containers may be appropriate.
It is advisable to place the containers 100 200 m apart for economic reasons.
The communal containers are usually staggered such that the effective distance
of 100 m is maintained as shown in Figure 3.2:
Figure 3.2
Location of Communal Container


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

This means that the farthest distance the householder will have to walk is 50
meters. However, in narrow streets with low traffic, where the house owner can
readily cross the street, a longer distance is advisable. If the collection vehic le
has to stop frequently, say, at every 50 m or so, fuel consumption increases, and
this must be avoided.
The major disadvantage of communal containers is the potential lack of
maintenance and upgrading. The residuals and scattered solid wastes emit foul
odours, which discourage residents from using the containers properly.


addition, if fixed containers are built below the vehicle level, the collection crew
may be held responsible for sweeping and loading the solid wastes into transfer
containers before being loaded into the collection vehicle.

Sweeping and

cleaning the communal containers of residuals obviously impinge on the time of

the crew members and take a longer time than if the wastes are placed in smaller
containers. As fixed communal containers have higher rates of failure, their use
is not advisable.


Municipal Solid Waste Management

To overcome the problem of maintaining communal containers, individual

residents should maintain their own containers and locate them in designated
areas. The communal area must have water and drains to facilitate the cleaning
of the containers. This practice has the advantage of reducing the number of
collection stops and at the same time maintaining the householders
responsibility for cleaning them. The residents must also be properly educated on
the importance of good housekeeping as the containers in the communal area
are subject to vandalism.

In the main, if communal containers are to be

successful, the design of the containers, loading and unloading areas, and
collection vehicle accessories should be co-ordinated.

Collection vehicles

Almost all collections are based on collector and collection crew, which move
through the collection service area with a vehicle for collecting the waste
material. The collection vehicle selected must be appropriate to the terrain, type
and density of waste generation points, the way it travels and type and kind of
material (UNEP, 1996). It also depends upon strength, stature and capability of
the crew that will work with it. The collection vehicle may be small and simple
(e.g., two-wheeled cart pulled by an individual) or large, complex and energy
intensive (e.g., rear loading compactor truck). The most commonly used
collection vehicle is the dump truck fitted with a hydraulic lifting mechanism. A
description of some vehicle types follows:

Small-scale collection and muscle-powered vehicles: These are

common vehicles used for waste collection in many countries and are
generally used in rural hilly areas. As Figure 3.3 illustrates, these can be
small rickshaws, carts or wagons pulled by people or animals, and are less
expensive, easier to build and maintain compared to other vehicles:


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Figure 3.3
Small-scale Collection Vehicles: An Illustration

They are suitable for densely populated areas with narrow lanes, and
squatter settlements, where there is relatively low volume of waste
generated. Some drawbacks of these collection vehicles include limited
travel range of the vehicles and weather exposure that affect h umans and

Non-compactor trucks: Non-compactor trucks are efficient and cost

effective in small cities and in areas where wastes tend to be very dense
and have little potential for compaction. Figure 3.4 illustrates a noncompactor truck:


Municipal Solid Waste Management

Figure 3.4
Non-compactor Trucks

When these trucks are used for waste collection, they need a dumping
system to easily discharge the waste. It is generally required to cover the
trucks in order to prevent residue flying off or rain soaking the wastes.
Trucks with capacities of 10 12 m 3 are effective, if the distance between
the disposal site and the collection area is less than 15 km. If the distance
is longer, a potential transfer station closer than 10 km from the collection
area is required. Non-compactor trucks are generally used, when labour
cost is high. Controlling and operating cost is a deciding factor, when
collection routes are long and relatively sparsely populated.

Compactor truck: Compaction vehicles are more common these days,

generally having capacities of 12 15 m 3 due to limitations imposed by
narrow roads. Although the capacity of a compaction vehicle, illustrated in
Figure 3.4, is similar to that of a dump truck, the weight of solid wastes
collected per trip is 2 to 2.5 times larger since the wastes are hydraulically


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Figure 3.5
Compactor Truck

The success of waste management depends on the level of segregation at

source. One of the examples for best collection method is illustrated in the figure

A compactor truck allows waste containers to be emptied into the

vehicle from the rear, front or sides and inhibits vectors (of disease) from
reaching the waste during collection and transport. It works poorly when waste

Municipal Solid Waste Management

stream is very dense, wet, collected materials are gritty or abrasive, or when the
roads are dusty. The advantages of the compactor collection vehicle include the
containers are uniform, large, covered and relatively visually inoffensive;
waste is set out in containers so that the crew can pick them up quickly;
health risk to the collectors and odour on the streets are minimised;
waste is relatively inaccessible to the waste pickers.


What are the types of containers and collection vehicles in use in your
a) Write your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport



In Section 3.2, we introduced you to different types of containers and collection

vehicles. We now discuss the movement of collection crew in terms of workforce
efficiency and collection routes.

Movement of collection crew

In cultures such as India, Bangladesh, etc., solid waste collection is assigned to

the lowest social group. More often, the collection crew member accepts the job
as a temporary position or stopgap arrangement, while looking for other jobs that
are considered more respectable.
Apart from this cultural problem, the attitude of some SWM authorities affects
collection operation. For example, some authorities still think that the collection of
solid waste is mechanical, and therefore, the collection crew does not need any
training to acquire special skills. As a result, when a new waste collector starts
working, he or she is sent to the field without firm instruction concerning his or
her duties, responsibilities and required skills.

For an effective collection

operation, the collection team must properly be trained. The collection crew and
the driver of the collection vehicle must, for example, work as a team, and this is
important to maintain the team morale and a sense of social responsibility among
these workers.
You must also note that the movement of collection crew, container location and
vehicle stopping point affect collection system costs. Figure 3.6 highlights the
distance the collection crew will have to walk, if it were to serve the farthest point
first or serve the point closest to the vehicle:


Municipal Solid Waste Management

Figure 3.6
Effect of Container Location and Vehicle Stopping

The difference may be one or two minutes per collection stop, but it matters with
the number of stops the crew will take in a working shift. Multiplying the minutes
by the total number of crew working and labour cost depicts the amount of labour
hours lost in terms of monetary value.
Generally, familiarity of the crew with the collection area improves efficiency. For
example, the driver becomes familiar with the traffic jams, potholes and other
obstructions that he or she must avoid. The crew is aware of the location of the
containers and the vehicle stops. It is, therefore, important to assign each crew


of responsibility. Working together

also establishes


understanding of the strong and weak points of the team members and efficient
work sequences. The collection operation must also observe a strict time
schedule. Testing of new routes, new gadgets and vehicles is best carried out
first in the laboratory and later in a pilot area. Testing of a new sequence using
the whole service area could result in disorder and breakdown of the solid waste
collection system. Studies show that it takes two hours to recover for every hour
of a failed system.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Motion time measurement (MTM) technique

Motion time measurement (MTM) studies are now an integral part of the standard
procedure in the development of solid waste collection systems. MTM is a
technique to observe and estimate the movement of the collection crew with the
help of stopwatches. The results thus gathered are tabulated as shown in Table
3.1 to determine the best sequence of activities that workers must follow in order
to complete a repetitive task in the shortest possible time:
Table 3.1
MTM Study: Determination of Time, Distance and Number on Containers in
Collection Route


1 Station
2 Station
20 Station
Last Station
Disposal Site






With Load


With Load

Number of


Trip time
to next

With Load

Source: Phelps, et al., 1995

MTM also helps in deciding the best combination of equipment to maintain a

desired level of output, reduce health problems related to the repetitive work
sequence and predict the effects of changes in materials handled.
Sophisticated MTM studies involve hidden or open video cameras at different
collection stops to record, replay and study the operation sequence of the
collection crew. If the crew is conscious of being observed, they tend to work
faster and reduce time wastage in unauthorised salvaging and other nonscheduled activities. Once the crew is familiar with the person(s) observing them,

Municipal Solid Waste Management

it begins to perform more credibly. In studies involving video cameras, therefore,

the first two or three hours of observation are often neglected.

Collection vehicle routing

Efficient routing and re-routing of solid waste collection vehicles can help
decrease costs by reducing the labour expended for collection. Routing
procedures usually consist of the following two separate components:

Macro-routing: Macro-routing, also referred to as route-balancing, consists

of dividing the total collection area into routes, sized in such a way as to
represent a days collection for each crew. The size of each route depends
on the amount of waste collected per stop, distance between stops, loading
time and traffic conditions. Barriers, such as railroad embankments, rivers
and roads with heavy competing traffic, can be used to divide route
territories. As much as possible, the size and shape of route areas should
be balanced within the limits imposed by such barriers.


Micro-routing: Using the results of the macro-routing analysis, microrouting can define the specific path that each crew and collection vehicle
will take each collection day. Results of micro-routing analyses can then be
used to readjust macro-routing decisions. Micro-routing analyses should
also include input and review from experienced collection drivers.

Districting is the other method for collection route design. For larger areas it is
not possible for one institution to handle it then the best way is to sub
divide the area and MSW collection districting plan can be made. This
routing will be successful only when road network integrity is good and the
regional proximity has been generated.
The heuristic (i.e., trial and error) route development process is a relatively
simple manual approach that applies specific routing patterns to block
configurations. The map should show collection, service garage locations,
disposal or transfer sites, one-way streets, natural barriers and areas of heavy

Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

traffic flow. Routes should then be traced onto the tracing paper using the
following rules:

Routes should not be fragmented or overlapping. Each route should be

compact, consisting of street segments clustered in the same geographical
Total collection plus hauling time should be reasonably constant for each
route in the community.
The collection route should be started as close to the garage or motor pool as
possible, taking into account heavily travelled and one-way streets.
Heavily travelled streets should not be visited during rush hours.
In the case of one-way streets, it is best to start the route near the upper end
of the street, working down it through the looping process.
Services on dead-end streets can be considered as services on the street
segment that they intersect, since they can only be collected by passing
down that street segment. To keep right turns at a minimum, (in countries
where driving is left-oriented) collection from the dead-end streets is done
when they are to the left of the truck. They must be collected by walking
down, reversing the vehicle or taking a U-turn.
Waste on a steep hill should be collected, when practical, on both sides of the
street while vehicle is moving downhill. This facilitates safe, easy and fast
collection. It also lessens wear of vehicle and conserves gas and oil.
Higher elevations should be at the start of the route.
For collection from one side of the street at a time, it is generally best to route
with many anti-clockwise turns around blocks.
For collection from both sides of the street at the same time, it is generally
best to route with long, straight paths across the grid before looping anticlockwise.
For certain block configurations within the route, specific routing patterns
should be applied. (Adapted from American Public Works Association, 1975.)

Municipal Solid Waste Management

Based on the above rules, Figure 3.7 below illustrates a typical collection vehicle





Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Before we proceed any further, let us complete Learning Activity 3.3.


State the rules that we need to keep in mind, while designing a collection
a) Write your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.


Municipal Solid Waste Management



Transfer station

As mentioned earlier in Section 3.1, transfer station is a centralised facility, where

waste is unloaded from smaller collection vehicles and re-loaded into large
vehicles for transport to a disposal or processing site. This transfer of waste is
frequently accompanied by removal, separation or handling of waste. In areas,
where wastes are not already dense, they may be compacted at a transfer
station. The technical limitations of smaller collection vehicles and the low
hauling cost of solid waste, using larger vehicles, make a transfer station viable.
Also, the use of transfer station proves reasonable, when there is a need for
vehicles servicing a collection route to travel shorter distances, unload and return
quickly to their primary task of collecting the waste.
Limitations in hauling solid wastes are the main factors to be considered, while
evaluating the use of transfer stations. These include the additional capital costs
of purchasing trailers, building transfer stations and the extra time, labour and
energy required for transferring wastes from collection truck to transfer trailer.
Consider also the following factors that affect the selection of a transfer station:
Types of waste received.

Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Processes required in recovering material from wastes.

Required capacity and amount of waste storage desired.
Types of collection vehicles using the facility.
Types of transfer vehicles that can be accommodated at the disposal
Site topography and access.
The main problem in the establishment of a transfer station, however, is securing
a suitable site. Stored solid wastes and recyclable materials, if not properly
handled, will attract flies and other insect vectors. Odours from the transferred
solid wastes will also be a nuisance, if not properly controlled. In addition, the
traffic and noise due to small and large collection vehicles, collectors, drivers,
etc., invite the resentment of the communities living in the vicinity of transfer
stations (EPA, 1995).


Depending on the size, transfer stations can be either of the following two types:

Small to medium transfer stations: These are direct-discharge stations

that provide no intermediate waste storage area. The capacities are
generally small (less than 100 tonnes/day) and medium (100 to 500
tonnes/day). Depending on weather, site aesthetics and environmental
concerns, transfer operations of this size may be located either indoor or
outdoor. More complex small transfer stations are usually attended during
hours of operation and may include some simple waste and materials
processing facilities. For example, it includes a recyclable material
separation and processing centre. The required overall station capacity
(i.e., the number and size of containers) depends on the size and
population density of the area served and the frequency of collection.


Municipal Solid Waste Management


Large transfer stations: These are designed for heavy commercial use by
private and municipal collection vehicles. The typical operational procedure
for a larger station is as follows:
when collection vehicles arrive at the site, they are checked in for billing,
weighed and directed to the appropriate dumping area;
collection vehicles travel to the dumping area and empty the wastes into
a waiting trailer, a pit or a platform;
after unloading, the collection vehicle leaves the site, and there is no
need to weigh the departing vehicle, if its weight (empty) is known;
Transfer vehicles are weighed either during or after loading. If weighed
during loading, trailers can be more consistently loaded to just under
maximum legal weights and this maximises payloads and minimises
weight violations.

Designs for larger transfer operations

Several different designs for larger transfer operations are common, depending
on the transfer distance and vehicle type. Most designs, however, fall into one of
the following three categories:

Direct-discharge non-compaction station: In these stations, waste is

dumped directly from collection vehicle into waiting transfer trailers and is
generally designed with two main operating floors. In the transfer operation,
wastes are dumped directly from collection vehicles (on the top floor)
through a hopper and into open top trailers on the lower floor. The trailers
are often positioned on scales so that dumping can be stopped when the
maximum payload is reached. A stationary crane with a bucket is often
used to distribute the waste in the trailer. After loading, a cover or tarpaulin
is placed over the trailer top. However, some provision for waste storage
during peak time or system interruptions should be developed. Because of
the use of little hydraulic equipment, a shutdown is unlikely and this station
minimises handling of waste.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport


Platform/pit non-compaction station: In this arrangement, the collection

vehicles dump their wastes onto a platform or into a pit using waste
handling equipment, where wastes can be temporarily stored, and if
desired, picked through for recyclables or unacceptable materials. The
waste is then pushed into open-top trailers, usually by front-end loaders.
Like direct discharge stations, platform stations have two levels. If a pit is
used, however, the station has three levels. A major advantage of these
stations is that they provide temporary storage, which allows peak inflow of
wastes to be levelled out over a longer period. Construction costs for this
type of facility are usually higher because of the increased floor space. This
station provides convenient and efficient storage area and due to simplicity
of operation and equipment, the potential for station shutdown is less.


Compaction station: In this type of station, the mechanical equipment is

used to increase the density of wastes before they are transferred. The
most common type of compaction station uses a hydraulically powered
compactor to compress wastes. Wastes are fed into the compactor through
a chute, either directly from collection trucks or after intermediate use of a
pit. The hydraulic ram of the compactor pushes waste into the transfer
trailer, which is usually mechanically linked to the compactor (EPA, 1995).
Compaction stations are used when:

wastes must be baled for shipment;

open-top trailers cannot be used because of size restrictions;
site topography or layout does not accommodate a multi-level building.
The main disadvantage of a compaction facility is that the facilitys ability to
process wastes is directly dependent on the operative-ness of the compactor.
Selection of a quality compactor, regular maintenance of the equipment, easy
availability of spare parts and prompt availability of the service personnel are
essential for the stations reliable operation.


Municipal Solid Waste Management



A transfer station should have enough capacity to manage and handle the
wastes at the facility throughout its operating life. While selecting the design
capacity of a transfer station, we must, therefore, consider trade-offs between the
capital costs associated with the station and equipment and the operational
costs. Designers should also plan adequate space for waste storage and, if
necessary, waste processing. Transfer stations are usually designed to have 1.5
2 days of storage capacity. The collection vehicle unloading area is usually the

waste storage area and sometimes a waste sorting area. When planning the
unloading area, designers should allow adequate space for vehicle and
equipment manoeuvring. To minimise the space required, the facility should be
designed such that the collection vehicle backs into the unloading position.
Adequate space should also be available for offices, employee facilities, and
other facility-related activities (EPA, 1995). Factors that should be considered in
determining the appropriate capacity of a transfer facility include:

capacity of collection vehicles using the facility;

desired number of days of storage space on tipping floor;
time required to unload collection vehicles;
number of vehicles that will use the station and their expected days and
hours of arrival;
waste sorting or processing to be accomplished at the facility;
transfer trailer capacity;
hours of station operation;
availability of transfer trailers waiting for loading;
time required, if necessary, to attach and disconnect trailers from tractors or
Transfer station capacity can be determined using the following formulae:


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport


Pit stations: Based on the rate at which wastes can be unloaded from
collection vehicles:
C = Pc x (L/W) x (60 x H w /Tc ) x F
Based on rate at which transfer trailers are loaded:
C = (Pt x N x 60 x H t )/(Tt + B)


Direct dump stations: C = (Nn x Pt x F x 60 x Hw)/ [((Pt/Pc) x (W/Ln)) x Tc

+ B]


Hopper compaction stations: C = (Nn x Pt x F x 60 x Hw)/[(Pt /Pc x Tc) + B]


Push pit compaction station: C = (Np x Pt x F x 60 x Hw)/[(Pt /Pc x W/Lp x

Tc ) + Bc + B]
C = Station capacity (tonnes/day); P c = Collection vehicle payload (tonnes);
L = Total length of dumping space (feet); H w = Hours per day that waste is
delivered; Tc = Time (in minutes) to unload each collection vehicle; F =
Peaking factor (ratio of the number of collection vehicles received during an
average 30-minute period to the number received during a peak 30-minute
period); Lp = Length of push pit (feet); Np = Number of push pits; Bc = Total
cycle time for clearing each push pit and compacting waste into trailer; P t =
Transfer trailer payload (tonnes); N = Number of transfer trailers loading
simultaneously; Ht = Hours per day used to load trailers (minutes); B = Time
to remove and replace each loaded trailer (minutes); Tt = Time to load each
transfer trailer (minutes); Nn = Number of hoppers; Ln = Length of each
hopper (feet).

These formulae are useful in estimating the capacity of various types of transfer
stations (EPA, 1995) and should be adapted, as necessary, for specific


Municipal Solid Waste Management



Transfer stations offer benefits such as lower collection costs (because crews
waste less time travelling to the site), reduced fuel and maintenance costs for
collection vehicles, increased flexibility in selection of disposal facilities,
opportunity to recover recyclables or compostables at the transfer site and the
opportunity to shred or scoop wastes prior to disposal. These benefits must be
weighed against the costs to develop and operate the facility.
The classical approach to arrive at the economic viability of operating a transfer
station, is to add the unit cost of the transfer station to the cost of hauling using
large vehicles, and to compare this cost with the cost of hauling directly to the
disposal site using the smaller vehicles that service the collection area. The cost
of hauling using small vehicles is the sum of the depreciation cost of the vehicle,
drivers salary, salary of the collection crew (if they are on standby waiting for the
vehicle to return to the collection area) and fuel cost. The transfer station cost is
the sum of the transfer station's depreciation cost and the operating and
maintenance costs divided by the capacity of the station. The cost of using the
large vehicle is the sum of the vehicle depreciation, fuel cost and drivers salary.
The cost-effectiveness of a transfer station depends on the distance of disposal
site from the generation area, and a distance of 10 15 km is usually the
minimum cost-effective distance (Phelps, et al., 1995). The distance between the
disposal site and collection area is one of the principal variables in deciding
whether to use a transfer station or haul the solid wastes directly from the
collection area to the disposal site. Figure 3.8 illustrates the economic analysis
involving the effect of the hauling distance on the collection cost:


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Figure 3.8
Cost Analysis to Determine Viability of Transfer Station

Now, let us consider first the case in which the transfer station is located direc tly
along the hauling route between the disposal site and the collection area. Let the
unit cost of hauling using a small vehicle be Rs. A/m3 km. The cost of operation,
maintenance, depreciation, loading and unloading at the transfer station be Rs.
B/m3 and the cost of hauling using large vehicles be Rs. C/m3 km.

If the

distance between the collection area and the transfer station is X km and the
distance between the transfer station and the disposal site is Y km, then the
distance between the collection area and the disposal site is X + Y km. Then, the
total cost of hauling the solid wastes from the collection area to the disposal site
using a transfer station is:
T = 2AX + B + 2CY
The factor 2 is added to account for the round trip, which effectively doubles the
distance travelled. The total cost of hauling without the transfer station is:

T1 = 2A(X + Y)
The transfer station is justified, when:

Municipal Solid Waste Management

T < T1
That is, the hauling cost using a transfer station is lower than the direct hauling
costs between the collection area and the disposal site. Substituting the values
of T and T1 yields:
2AX + B + 2CY < 2AX + 2AY
Y > B/(2A 2C)
Note that X cancels out. The distance between the potential transfer station site
and the disposal site is the variable to consider. The distance between the
collection area and the disposal site is important in deciding the utilisation of a
transfer station, if X is equal to zero, in which case the transfer station is located
right at the centroid of the collection area. Under normal conditions, the centroid
of the collection area has a high land value, and it would be impractical to locate
a solid waste transfer station in this area. Figure 3.8 shows the effect of the
distance between the potential transfer station site and the disposal site on the
hauling cost.
Consider a general case in which the transfer station is located away from the
hauling route between the collection area and the disposal site. Let Z be the
additional distance travelled by the vehicles. The cost T, when using a transfer
station, is then equal to:
T = B + 2AX + 2AZ + 2CY + 2CZ
The cost of direct hauling from the collection area to the disposal site remains the
same as previously defined. The use of a transfer station is justified, if:
B + 2AX + 2AZ + 2CY + 2AZ < 2AX + 2AY
Y > (B + 2CZ + 2AZ)/(2A 2C)

Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Again, the decision whether or not to use a transfer station is independent of the
distance between the collection area and the proposed transfer station.


Explain the role of a transfer station in solid waste management.
a) Write your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.


Municipal Solid Waste Management



After we identify appropriate options for collection, equipment and transfer, we

must examine the various combinations of these elements to define system -wide
alternatives for further analysis. Each should be evaluated for its ability to
achieve the identified goals of the collection programme. Economic analysis will
usually be a central focus of the system evaluation. This initial evaluation will
lead to several iterations, with the differences between the alternatives under
consideration becoming more narrowly focused with each round of evaluations
(EPA, 1995). After comparing the alternative strategies, the various elements like
crew and truck requirement, time requirement and cost involved are calculated.
The various formulae used to calculate are:

Number of services/vehicle load (N):

N = (C x D)/W
where, C = Vehicle capacity (m 3); D = Waste density (kg/m 3)
and W = Waste generation/residence (kg/service)


Time required collecting one load (E):

where, L = Loading time/residence, including on-route travel


Number of loads/crew/day (n):

The number of loads (n) that each crew can collect in a day can be
estimated based on the workday length (t), and the time spent on
administration and breaks (t1), time for hauling and other travel (t 2) and
collection route time (t3).


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Administrative and break time (t1):

t1 = A + B
where, A = Administrative time (i.e., for meetings, paperwork,
unspecified slack time) and B = Time for
breaks and lunch
Hauling and other travel time (t2):
t2 = (n x H) - f + G + J
where, n = Number of loads/crew/day; H = Time to travel
to disposal site, empty truck, and return to route; f = Time
to return from site to route; G = Time to travel from
staging garage to route and J = Time to return from
disposal site to garage.
Time spent on collection route (t3):
t3 = n x E
where variables have been previously defined.
Length of workday (t):
t = t1 + t2 +t3
where t is defined by work rules and equations A through D are solved
to find n.
(iv) Calculation of number of vehicles and crews (K):
K = (S x F)/(N x n x M)

S = Total number of services in the collection area;

F = Frequency of collection (numbers/week) and M =

Number of workdays/week
(v) Calculation of annual vehicle and labour costs:
Vehicle costs = Depreciation + Maintenance +
Consumables + Overhead + License + Fees + Insurance

Municipal Solid Waste Management

Labour costs =
Drivers salary + Crew salaries + Fringe benefits + Indirect labour + Supplies
+ Overhead


Work out the time required to dispose of the waste with density 400 kg/m3,
with vehicle capacity of 12m 3 and waste generation per residence is
2kg/service and loading time per residence is 2 minutes.
a) Write your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.




For effective waste collection and, indeed, SWM, we must maintain records on
the quantities of wastes collected and their variation within a week, month and
year, as well as on established long-term trends in solid waste generation rates

Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

and composition, sources of wastes and the personnel collecting them. Longterm trends in solid waste generation rates and composition form the basis for
planning, especially in budgeting for future vehicle requirements, allocating the
collection vehicles and crew, building transfer stations, acquiring strategic lands
and determining disposal options. Table 3.2 contains an illustration of a checklist
of factors that affect the waste collection system:
Table 3.2
Checklist of Variables Affecting Collection System

Factors to Consider

Crew size

Cont ainer type

Collection accessory
Vehicle size/type

Collection route

Trans fer station

labour cost
distance bet ween containers
size and types of containers
loading accessories available in the
collection vehicle used
solid wastes generation rate
density of waste generation
street width
traffic volume
collection crew configuration
standard of living
labour cost
protection of workers health
street width, traffic volume
solid waste generation rates
crew size
viability of a trans fer station
street width, traffic volume
direction of traffic flow
solid waste generation rates
spatial distribution of wastes
local topography
distance between disposal site and
collection area
hauling cost for small and large trucks
cost of transferring the solid wastes
from small to large trucks

Source: Phelps, et al., 1995

Records of personnel and quantities of wastes collected are, when maintained,

useful in determining the efficiency of the personnel and in correlating waste
quantities with conditions in the service area. A time keeping system at the

Municipal Solid Waste Management

transfer or disposal site is a key element in improving the efficiency of collection

system and planning an upgraded system. The timekeeping system determines if
the crew were taking long rest periods, spending time salvaging or carrying out
unauthorised activities. The performance of a particular crew in terms of the
quantity of solid wastes collected per day could be compared with that of another
collection crew working under similar conditions.
The composition of solid wastes should be measured at least once a year for
major districts and possibly once every two years in residential areas with
stagnant growth rates and development.

Changes in composition affect the

collection equipment and configuration of the collection system is important in

designing the disposal system. Changes in an energy source (such as a shift to
gas or electricity from wood or charcoal for cooking and heating), reduces the
ash content of wastes, making the solid waste lighter, in which case, larger
containers could be used. The same line of analysis holds true in specifying the
collection vehicles. Comparison of the routes taken by various crew serving a
particular area helps to identify the best hauling route. Although this route may
be longer, it could be more economical in terms of hauling time. However, note
that the best route often changes with the season.
All these decisions should be based on reliable data, without which the waste
collection system will inevitably be ineffective. Proper interpretation of monitoring
data allows the authority to adapt the proposed system to actual conditions. In
some instances, it also allows management to identify areas, where the design is
not realistic.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport


Discuss the practice of record keeping and monitoring with the local civic
authorities of your locality and write a short report.
a) Write your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.




Implementing of collection and transfer system involves the following activities,

which are important for success of the plan (EPA, 1995):

Finalising and implementing the system management plan: For proper

implementation of collection and transfer system, it is necessary to have
clear organisational structures and management plans. The organisational
structure should be simple, with a minimum of administrative and

Municipal Solid Waste Management

management layers between collection crews and top management. All

workers in the department should clearly understand the departments
mission and their roles. Through training, incentives and reinforcement by
management, workers should be encouraged to be customer-oriented and
team contributors. Feedback mechanisms must be introduced to help the
crew review their performance and help managers monitoring the
performance of crews, equipment, etc. It is also important to periodically
review the management plans and structures, as implementation of
collection services continues.

Purchasing and managing equipment: For purchasing equipment, most

municipalities issue bid specifications. Detailed specifications include exact
requirements for equipment sizes and capacities, power ratings, etc.
Performance specifications often request that equipment be equivalent to
certain available models and meet standards for capacity, speed, etc.
Municipalities may either perform equipment maintenance themselves,
contract with a local garage, or in some cases, contract with the vehicle
vendor at the time of purchase. As part of the preventive maintenance
programme, the collection crew should check the vehicle chassis, tyres and
body daily and report any problems to maintenance managers. In addition,
each vehicle should have an individual maintenance record that includes
the following items:

preventive maintenance schedule;

current list of specific engine;
a description of repairs and a list containing information on the repair
date, mechanic, cost, type and manufacturer of repair parts and the
length of time the truck was out of service, for each maintenance event.

Hiring and training personnel: As in all organisations, good personnel

management is essential to an efficient, high-quality waste collection
system. Authorities responsible for SWM should, therefore, strive to hire
and keep well-qualified personnel. The recruitment programme should


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

assess applicants abilities to perform the types of physical labour required

for the collection, equipment and methods used. To retain employees,
management should provide a safe working environment that emphasises
career advancement, participatory problem solving and worker incentives.
Worker incentives should be developed to recognise and reward
outstanding performance by employees. Ways to accomplish motivation
include merit-based compensation, awards programme and a work
structure. Feedback on employee performance should be regular and
Safety is especially important because waste collection employees
encounter many hazards during each workday. As a result of poor safety
records, insurance costs for many collection services are high. To minimise
injuries, haulers should have an ongoing safety programme. This
programme should outline safety procedures and ensure that all personnel
are properly trained on safety issues. Haulers should develop an employeetraining programme that helps employees improve and broaden the range
of their job-related skills. Education should address such subjects as driving
skills, first aid, safe lifting methods, identification of household hazardous
wastes, avoidance of substance abuse and stress management.

Providing public information: Maintaining good communication with the

public is important to a well-run collection system. Residents can greatly
influence the performance of the collection system by co-operating in
separation requirements, and by keeping undesirable materials from
entering the collected waste stream. Commonly used methods of
communicating information include brochures, articles in community
newsletters, newspaper articles, announcements, and advertisements on
radio and television, information attachments to utility bills (either printed or
given separately) and school handouts. Communication materials should
be used to help residents understand the community waste management
challenges and the progress in meeting them. Residents should also be
kept informed about issues such as the availability and costs of landfill


Municipal Solid Waste Management

capacity so that they develop an understanding of the issues and a desire

to help meet their waste management needs.

Monitoring system cost and performance: Collection and transfer

facilities should develop and maintain an effective system for cost and
performance reporting. Each collection crew should complete a daily report
containing the following information:
Total quantity hauled.
Total distance and travel times to and from the disposal site.
Amounts delivered to each disposal, transfer, or processing facility.
Waiting time at sites.
Number of loads hauled.
Vehicle or operational problems needing attention.
Collected data should be used to forecast workloads, truck costs, identify
changes in the generation of wastes and recyclables, trace the origin of
problematic waste materials and evaluate crew performance. Just as the
goals of a collection programme set its overall directions, a monitoring
system provides the short-term feedback necessary to identify the
corrections needed to achieve those goals.
In brief guidelines for planning waste collection and transport are given
Analyse the quantum of waste generated with composition







infrastructure and the knowledge of existing laws or regulations on

waste collection, transport and safe disposal.
Designate a para-state agency to oversee waste collection,
transport and disposal to avoid confusion among para-state
government agencies.
Determine geographic scope of collection and transport services.
Determine funding, equipment and labour needs.
Determine the type and amount of waste to be processed

Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Implement decentralised waste treatment through proven local

Deploy GPS (Global Positioning System) based trucks for waste
collection and transport to minimise pilferages.
Adopt spatial information system for the management
Consider a transfer station that serves as a central location for
activities to sort and recover waste.






stakeholders with active participation of the public.


Municipal Solid Waste Management


Identify the activities necessary for successful implementation of collection
and transfer system.
a) Write your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.



In the Bangalore city (India), the waste collected through street sweeping is the
main system of primary collection of wastes. However, recently efforts are being
made for doorstep collection of waste through NGOs (Non-Governmental
Organisations) and private contractors, but only about 5% of the population is
covered under this system. The waste generated by the rest is collected from

Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

either the street or the dustbins. Other details regarding the collection process in
Bangalore are given below:

Waste storage: There are about 14,000 bottomless cement bins having
0.9 meters diameter and 0.6 cubic meter storage capacity and large
masonry bins for depositing wastes at a distance of about 100 to 200
meters. Besides these, there are 1500 places, where the waste is
deposited but no bins are kept on these sites. Recently, metal containers
have been placed and at present 55 metal containers are in the city for the
storage of waste in a more hygienic manner.


Waste collection: The frequency of removal of wastes varies from place to

place, depending on the locality. Whichever system adapted in the area
needs proper planning for collection, loading, unloading and transportation
from transfer station and to the point of final disposal, considering traffic
constraints, peak hour traffic, etc. An optimum collection schedule requires
to be worked out where the number of premises or dumps is mentioned on
a daily programme sheet, to be executed by the driver or supervisor in
charge of collection. At present, it is estimated that there are about 4943
hotels/restaurants, which produce a large quantity of organic wastes in
Bangalore. The silt and waste removed from drains get deposited along the
roadside. The human and animal excreta also add to the mass getting
deposited on streets. Mechanical sweeping or cleaning cannot work in
Bangalore roads and footways because of obstructions due to the activities
of hawkers, shop extensions, broken pavements, etc. Pedestrians, shops,
goods vehicles carrying loose materials contribute to street littering of
paper, used tickets, cigarette butts, etc., as well as vehicles dropping
material during their movement (http://stratema.sigis.net/cupum/pdf/E1.pdf).


Waste transportation: Removal of garbage is a very important aspect of

SWM, and the method of transportation is crucial. In essence, any
breakdown in this system could create problems. Transportation implies
conveyance from point of collection to the point of final disposal either


Municipal Solid Waste Management

directly or through a transfer system. In Bangalore, the transportation of

waste is done by:

engaging, departmentally, 82 trucks of the Corporation.

engaging 129 vehicles, on contract, for layout and markets and 72
vehicles for transportation of waste. (In addition, the Bangalore
Corporation has 13 dumper placers for transporting metallic containers
of 2.5 to 3 tonnes capacity and 6 mini-compactors for transportation of
The clearing efficiency is 30 to 35%. The vehicles are open and the spillage
of waste on the roads is a common feature. Each truck makes two trips to
the dumpsite everyday. There are no transfer stations in Bangalore. The
waste collected from the roads and bins is directly transported to the final
disposal sites. There is no arrangement made for the primary collection of
construction waste. The engineering division of the Corporation removes
the unauthorised construction waste from time to time. There are 115 small
and big vegetable, fruit and meat markets in the city. However, no special
arrangements are made for the collection of waste from these markets.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport


A collection vehicle is found to be able to service customers at a rate of 2
customers per minute. If actual time spent for collection is 4 hours per day,
compute the number of customers served per day.
Calculate the number of collection vehicles a corporation ward with 10,000
houses (services) that are to be collected once per week. (The ward wants
the collection on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, leaving
Wednesdays for special projects and maintenance. A single collection
vehicle can service 250 houses in a single day and still have time to take the
full loads to the landfill.)
a) Write your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.

In this Unit, our focus was on waste collection systems. We discussed in detail
the various components of waste collection system including collection
frequency, storage containers, collection route and transfer station. We also
discussed the viability of establishing and maintaining transfer stations. During
the course of our discussion on the movement of collection vehicles and crew,
we brought out the usefulness of the MTM technique to achieve efficiency in
vehicle and crew movement. We also discussed the design, operation and
implementation aspects of waste collection systems. We closed the Unit with the
case study of Bangalore.


Municipal Solid Waste Management

Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H., and Eliassan, R. 1977. Solid WastesEngineering







Kogakusha, Ltd
UNCHS. 1994. Promotion of Solid Waste Recycling and Reuse in the Developing
Countries of Asia- A Reference Handbook for Trainers, Kenya.
Arne Vesilind, William Worrel and Reinhart Debra, 2002. Solid waste
Engineering, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Singapore.
Tchobaanoglous, G., Theisen, H., and Samuel A Vigil, 1993. Integrated Solid
Waste Management, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New Delhi.
Flinotoff, R.1984. Management of Solid Wastes in Developing countries, WHO
Regional Publications, South East Asia Series No 1.
Ramachandra T V, 2011. Integrated management of solid waste, Chapter 30, In:
Environment security: Human and animal health, (Eds. Sudhi Ranjan Garg),
Published by IDBC Publishers, Lucknow, India. Pp:465-484.

Ali, S.M., Cotton, A.P. and Westlake, K. 1999. Down to Earth: Solid Waste
Disposal for Low-Income Countries, WEDC, Loughborough University, UK.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

UNEP.1996. International Source Book on Environmentally Sound Technologies

for municipal Solid Waste Management (6), IETC, Osaka/Shiga.
US Environmental Protection Agency. 1989. Decision-Maker's Guide to Solid
Waste Management, Vol 1, Washington.
US Environmental Protection Agency. 1995. Decision-Maker's Guide to Solid
Waste Management, Vol II, Washington.
Phelps, H.O., Heinke, G. W., Jonker, J.F., Ouano, E.A.R., and Vandecasteele,
C., 1995. Management of Solid Wastes, UNESCO, Paris.


Municipal Solid Waste Management

Lecture 3
Model Answers to Learning Activities
Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BMP) undertakes the waste collection system in
our locality.
Solid waste collection starts at the point of waste generation. Wastes are stored
in bottomless concrete containers placed 100 meters apart for which covers are
not provided. Wastes are collected in trucks of 4 to 5 tonnes capacity. Collection
frequency is based on the requirement of the locality. Since our locality is mostly
residential, collection of waste is done three times a week. The collection crew
consists of a driver and two helpers. The collection route for our locality is entirely
left to the drivers judgement.
Collection is often the most costly component of the solid waste management
system and a proper collection system design and management can reduce the
cost significantly. In terms of cost, the collection system in developing countries
accounts for 70 80% of the total budget for solid waste management, the
remaining 20 30% going for overheads. While making decisions for alternative
collection systems, the services must be evaluated considering such factors as
efficiency, effectiveness, equity, reliability, safety and environmental impacts.


The types of containers used in our locality are uncovered bottomless concrete
rings having 0.9 meters diameter and 0.6 cubic meter storage capacity. They are
placed 100 200 meters apart. The collection vehicle used is a truck of 4 5
tonne capacity and is enclosed by an iron mesh at the top to prevent the spillage
of wastes.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Model Answers to Learning Activities


The heuristic (trial and error) route development process is a relatively manual
approach that applies specific routing patterns to block configurations. Routes
are to be traced on the tracing paper by following certain rules. Routes should
not be fragmented or overlapping. Each route should be compact, consisting of
street segments clustered in the same geographical area. In streets with heavy
traffic, wastes should not be collected during peak hours. Higher elevations
should be at the start of the route. Waste on a steep hill should be collected,
when practical, on both sides of the street while vehicle is moving downhill. This
facilitates safe, easy and fast collection. In case of one-way streets, it is best to
start near the upper end of the street, working down it through the looping
process. Services on dead end streets can be considered as services on the
street segment. To keep right turns at a minimum, collect the dead-end streets
when they are to the left of the truck. They must be collected by walking down,
backing down or making a U-turn.


Transfer station is a centralised facility where waste is unloaded from smaller
collection vehicles and reloaded into large vehicles for transport to a disposal or
processing site. To determine whether a transfer system is viable for a particular
community, the decision-makers should compare the costs and savings
associated with the construction and operation of a transfer facility. The use of
transfer station is a sound practice when there is a need for vehicles servicing a
collection route to travel a shorter distance, unload and return quickly to their
primary task of collecting the waste. There are 3 types of stations depending on
the capacity, viz., small capacity (less than 100 tonnes/day), medium capacity
(100 to 500 tonnes) and large capacity (more than 500 tonnes). Some of the
factors that should be considered in determining the appropriate size of a transfer
facility include the capacity of collection vehicles, time required to unload, waste
sorting, hours of station operation and time required to connect and disconnect
the trailers from compactors.


Municipal Solid Waste Management


Convert 400 kg/m 3 to tonnes, i.e. 400/1000 = 0.4 tonnes/m 3

Number of services/vehicle load (N)

N = (C X D)/W
= (12 x 0.4)/2
= 2.4 ~ 2


Time required to collect the load

E= NxL
= 2x2
= 4 minutes


The solid waste collection in our ward is undertaken by a private contract system,
and Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BMP), which has appointed a Medical Health
officer, a Senior Health Inspector, a Junior Health Inspector and Sanitary
Daffedars, assists the private contractor. They have employed pourakarmikas for
sweeping and collection of wastes from households and containers. The Health
Inspectors are in charge of the muster roll. Workers assemble at 6:30 a.m. in the
morning at a specified place. Each worker is given the equipment and the section
of the ward, which he or she has to clean. Work ends at 10:30 a.m. and the
workers assemble at the same place to give their muster roll. From 11 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. gang work is carried out in a particular area or even a whole ward
depending on the need. The need may be a clogged drain or clearing of black
spots. The attendance of each of the workers is recorded at the field by the
inspectors. There is another muster roll at 1:30 p.m. At present records are not
maintained on the quantity of wastes collected and their variation. Once in a
while, the contractor of our ward is asked to determine the quantity of waste
generated per day.


Unit 3: Waste Collection, Storage and Transport

Model Answers to Learning Activities


The activities responsible for successful implementation of collection and transfer
systems are as follows:

Finalising and implementing the system management plan.

Purchasing and management of equipment.
Hiring and training personnel.
Providing public information.
Monitoring system cost and performance.



If the crew can service 2 customers in one minute, then in 4 hours (i.e., 4 x
60 minutes) the crew can service:

4 60

X = 480 customers per day.


The number of collection vehicles needed for a community is given by:


Where N = number of collection vehicles required; S = total number of

households serviced = 10,000; F = collection frequency, number of
collections per week = 1; X = number of households a single truck can
service per day = 4 and W = number of workers per week = 250.

Therefore N

10000 1
, i.e., the corporation ward requires ten collection
250 4



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