Green Chemistry Guidelines 2016

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PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Partnership in Green Chemistry for Life

Guidelines for application for PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC

research grants in green chemistry

1. PhosAgro /UNESCO /IUPAC research grants in green chemistry are intended to harness talents of
young scientists worldwide for promoting the contribution of green chemistry for protection
of the environment and human health, creation of new environmentally-sound science-based
technologies, and identification of novel vistas for energy savings and use of natural
1 Open

Joint Stock Company PhosAgro

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
3 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
2 United

2. The aim of the PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Partnership in Green Chemistry for Life is to generate
and apply new scientific knowledge in green chemistry through the promotion of the activity
in this area of young scientists. It is also to reinforce the research capacities of the
participating institutes and cooperation between them, and to increase awareness of policyand decision-makers in governments, science and industry, and the public at large, of the
opportunities offered by advances in green chemistry.
Research grants
3. PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC research grants in green chemistry are awarded to enable young
scientists to carry out innovative scientific research projects in green chemistry that advance
scientific knowledge and the use of its fruits needed to respond to one or a number of the 12
(twelve) principles of green chemistry.
4. These grants are awarded to young scientists aged 35 or less (on the date of the deadline for
submission of application) for research projects having a work plan demonstrating that the
proposed research may be completed in one year.
5. A PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC grantee is normally entrusted with full responsibility for
implementation of his/her research project.
6. No grant or additional funding will be given by PhosAgro, UNESCO or IUPAC to the home
institute of the grantee or, in the case of any part of the project having to be carried out away
from the home institute, to the institute receiving the

-2grantee, and/or members of the research team he/she is heading, to cover research costs, bench fees
or overheads.
7. Normally, in each call no more than one candidate per home institute will be awarded a grant.
8. Up to US$30,000 (thirty thousand US dollars) are provided for each research grant.
9. There will be 1 (one) call for applications for PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC research grants per year
for each of the 5 (five) years 2013-2017 inclusive. The third call will be issued on 30
September 2015 and the closing date for the submission of applications will be 28 February
2016. The fourth round of applications will be announced in September 2016.
10. Retrospective applications cannot be considered.
11. PhosAgro, UNESCO and IUPAC do not recognize recipients of their grants as agents or
employees of the Partnership and accept no liability for their actions and activities, or for
their health and safety. It is the responsibility of the grantee to ensure that the home institute
and host institute(s) are fully covered by the appropriate insurances.
12. Medical and travel insurance are not provided by PhosAgro, UNESCO or IUPAC. Recipients of
grants are urged to ensure that they are fully covered by the necessary insurances.
13. PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC research grants in green chemistry are not endowed with any tax
privileges. It is the responsibility of the grantee to pay any taxes levied by a national
Use of funds
14. The funds (up to US$30,000) provided for each research grant may only be used for activities
that enable promising research in green chemistry, and are proposed, and to be carried out, by
young scientists, in particular through regional or international scientific collaboration and/or
science/industry co-operation.
15. Normally, the resources made available through a grant may not be utilized for purposes other
than those enumerated below unless recommended otherwise by the International Scientific
Jury of the PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Partnership in Green Chemistry for Life that is
responsible for evaluating the project proposals received:
(a) Travel and living expenses that are indispensable for implementation of the research project and
relate to:

-3i. research work of the grantee (and/or of a member(s) of the research team he/she is heading if
involved in implementation of the research project) to be carried outside the
country of his/her institute of origin;
ii. the acquisition abroad of additional research experience required for the grantee (and/or for a
member(s) of the research team he/she is heading if involved in
implementation of the research project) in research methods to be applied for
execution of the research project (no more than 50% of the grant);
iii. consultation at the grantees institute of origin with invited foreign experts and/or the holding
there of meetings of experts (no more than 20% of the grant);
iv. testing trials in co-operation with industry or environmental/health institutions, (no more than
30% of the grant); and
v. participation by the grantee (and/or by a member(s) of the research team he/she is heading if
involved in implementation of the research project) in regional/international
events connected to the topic of the grantees research project and/or
dissemination of information on its results (no more than 15% of the grant);
(b) purchase/rental of research equipment and/or consumables required for the project, subject to the
approval by the International Scientific Jury on an item-by-item basis (no more than
50% of the grant); and
(c) preparation and publication of information material and reports on the project (e.g. editing,
graphic design, printing, etc.), and communication and organizational expenses (no
more that 10% of the grant).
Any project proposal containing expenditures not enumerated in this point, yet deemed relevant to
the research project, will be examined on a case-by-case basis by the International Scientific
Eligibility and receivable applications
16. To be eligible for a PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC research grant in green chemistry a candidate
(a) be a young scientist aged 35 (thirty five) or less (on the date of the deadline for submission of
(b) hold a PhD or equivalent in chemistry or an interdisciplinary allied area;
(c) have at least 3 (three) publications in recognized scientific journals; and

-4(d) have submitted no more than one project proposal for the call for applications for which he/she is
submitting an application.
17. To be receivable a project proposal should:
(a) have as its objective innovative research that advances green chemistry and/or the use of its fruits
as called for by the 12 (twelve) principles of green chemistry;
(b) contain clear evidence that if awarded the PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC grant will be used to carry
out key research required for implementation of the proposed project;
(c) include a work plan of the project that shows that the research proposed may be completed in one
year; and
(d) contain evidence that the research proposed in the work plan of the project will be carried out by
the candidate, either individually or with the team of scientists he/she may be heading.
18. Candidates should ensure that their application is complete. Incomplete applications or
applications that do not correspond to the criteria defined in these guidelines will be rejected.
Submission of applications
19. Applications for the 2015 call for applications should reach the Chair of the International
Scientific Jury of the PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Partnership in Green Chemistry for
Life no later than 28 February 2016.
20. Application forms may be downloaded here.
21. Completed application forms, written in English or in French in typewritten form, should be sent
electronically to the Chair of the International Scientific Jury of the
PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Partnership in Green Chemistry for Life together with the
following documents also written in English or in French:
(a) A synopsis of the proposed research project in green chemistry on no more than 6 (six) A4sized pages of single-spaced text (in Times New Roman font size 12) set out under
the following headings and written on the project proposal form specially-prepared
for this purpose
i. title of the proposed research project in green chemistry;
ii. purpose, including the immediate and longer-term aims;
iii. background relating the new knowledge or innovations to be brought about by the proposed
research to the present body of

iv. plan, including details of the experiments to be carried out;
v. principal expected results and their potential or immediate application(s); and
vi. suitability of the home institute for the project to be carried out and reasons for choosing the host
institute(s)/science centre(s)/science network(s) to be involved in its
Any synopsis of the proposed research project not set out under the foregoing 6 (six) headings
will NOT be considered.
In addition:

a timetable of the experimental work to be carried out is to be set out on an extra page

a budgetary breakdown of the proposed use of the funds (in line with guidelines recapitulated in
paragraph 15) required for implementation of the research project is to be
provided on a separate page(s)
(b) A short curriculum vitae (academic qualifications and positions held/other academic activities
carried out; major fields of training and research experience; and, in no more than
five lines, current research work) with a list of publications an asterisk should be
marked next to the three most significant ones. Abstracts should not be listed.
(c) A copy of the candidates PhD diploma or diploma of equivalent degree (including
translation of the diploma into English or French if the original is neither in
English nor in French).
(d) A letter of approval from the candidates home institute in which he/she is a staff member
and at which the proposed research project will be carried out (on the official
approval form referred to below) signed by the appointed head of the institute or
department, and countersigned by the head of the research group(s) in which the
candidate will be working, acknowledging that the candidate will be neither an agent
nor employee of PhosAgro, UNESCO or IUPAC, which will accept no liability for
his/her actions or for his/her health and safety, and that these conditions will also
apply to any member of his/her research team who may be involved in the proposed
research project; approving the proposed project and those stays away from the
institute envisaged in the work plan outlined in the project proposal; and confirming
that responsibility for carrying out the project will lie with the candidate, and that the
institute will make its facilities needed for its execution available to him/her (and the
member(s) of his/her research team, if applicable) without asking PhosAgro,
UNESCO or IUPAC, or the candidate (or member(s) of his/her research team, if
applicable), for any additional research grant or funding. This letter should be
provided on the official approval form prepared for this purpose.

-6(e) A letter of acceptance from the host institute (in the case of any part of the project having to be
carried out away from the home institute) on the official acceptance form referred to
below, signed by the appointed head of the institute or department, and countersigned
by the head of the research group(s) in which the candidate (and/or member(s) of
his/her research team, if involved in implementation in the project) will be working,
acknowledging that the candidate (and/or member(s) of his/her research team, if
involved in implementation in the project) will be neither an agent(s) nor employee(s)
of PhosAgro, UNESCO or IUPAC, which will accept no liability for his/her(their)
actions or for his/her(their) health and safety, and confirming the institutes readiness
to host the candidate (and/or member(s) of his/her research team, if involved in
implementation in the project) and to make its relevant facilities available to
him/her(them) to pursue the research or training proposed without asking PhosAgro,
UNESCO or IUPAC or the candidate (or member(s) of his/her research team) for any
additional research grant, bench fees or overheads, and listing those dates the
candidate (or member(s) of his/her research team) will be spending/has already spent
at the institute. This letter should be provided on the official acceptance form
prepared for this purpose. If there is to be more than one host institute, there should
be a letter of acceptance from each institute.
(f) A letter of recommendation from an experienced scientist who knows the applicants work
supporting the application and assessing the candidates scientific skills and ability to
carry out the proposed research project. This letter should be written on headed paper
of the referees laboratory, signed by the referee and should be sent directly to
the Chair of the International Scientific Jury of the PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC
Partnership in Green Chemistry for Life, independently of the other documents. It
should be sent electronically as a PDF file.
With the exception of the reference letter, which should be sent separately by the scientist writing it,
candidates should send all the documents electronically in PDF format, preferably as a
single PDF file and in the following order:
i. application form;
ii. project proposal form giving the synopsis of the proposed research project;
iii. timetable of the experimental work to be carried out;
iv. budgetary breakdown of the proposed use of the funds required for implementation of the
research project;
v. curriculum vitae;
vi. copy of PhD diploma or diploma of equivalent degree;
vii. letter of approval from the home institute at which the candidate is

-7employed when carrying out the project: and

viii. letter of acceptance from the host institute(s).
Candidates are to keep one complete copy of the entire application with original signatures in paper
form (with the exception of the reference letter, which is to be sent separately by the scientist
writing it) so that they may submit it to the Chair of the International Scientific Jury if so
22. Candidates having submitted an application will be sent an electronic acknowledgement of the
application within 2 (two) weeks of its receipt.
23. Applications from candidates who have in any way modified the PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC
Application Form or the Project Proposal Form will immediately be rejected, irrespective of
the quality of the application.
24. Applications submitted will not be returned to the candidates.
Evaluation and awarding of grants
25. Applications will be assessed by the International Scientific Jury of the
PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Partnership in Green Chemistry for Life.
26. The Chair of the International Scientific Jury will inform candidates on the decision taken on
their application. Candidates having submitted an application for the call issued in 2015 will
be informed of this decision by 31 May 2016.
27. A grant should be taken up within 5 (five) months of notification of its award. Any delay will
require the authorization of the Chair of the International Scientific Jury.
28. The funds are granted by means of a contract established by UNESCO.
29. A letter from the International Scientific Jury recommending support for the project from other
international, regional or national science programmes will be sent to those candidates having
submitted a promising project proposal for which it was not possible to provide a
PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Grant due to budgetary limitations.
Reporting and Acknowledgements
30. At the end of six months of the grant, grantees must prepare a short report highlighting progress
of their work and implementation of the project, and within two months of completion of the
grant they must prepare a short report detailing the work done while in receipt of the grant
and the results obtained. These reports are to be sent electronically to the Chair of the
International Scientific Jury.

-831. If judged relevant by the International Scientific Jury, a grantee may be invited to make a
presentation on his/her research project at a meeting of the Jury or at an international meeting
related to green chemistry.
32. The PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC grant should be acknowledged in any work published relating
to the project funded, and one reprint of each article should be sent electronically to
the Chair of the International Scientific Jury.
33. Grantees having carried out an outstanding research project may be awarded a
PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC distinction in green chemistry in recognition of the quality of the
research they carried out, and to promote awareness of the results they obtained and foster use of
these results or follow up research. The distinction may, in particular, take the form of a follow-up
grant to develop the promising research carried out, or another form to be recommended by the Jury
on case-by-case basis.

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