Chess Panel Project

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Team Members ::

Mahmoud Fathi El-tabey

Nahla Hesham El-Askary

Mohamed Saied El-sayed

Ghada Sa'd Ragab

Mohamed Hassan Akl

Hagar Adel Mohamed

Basma Salah El-din Abdl-munim

Mariem Ali Ismail

Basma Ali Mohamed

Presented to.

Chess panel
Project Overview ::
Chess Game is one of the most intelligent games over the world , we
decide to develop this game using Altera DE0 kit and VHDL
programming language ..
Basic operation ; depending on the motion in two axes X and Y , using
2D array with 2 stepper motors ,, and by detecting piece before moving
it using a magnetic field between chess piece and a permanent magnet
,, and Displaying operation on 7-segment display with inputs of Places
of chess piece wanted to move and the place wanted to move to ..
there is a LED of error detection upon the fault movement of chess
piece ..
Our project consists of two main parts (( Mechanical and Electrical
Parts ))
Due to the Electrical Part as a software and hardware ::
We Use VHDL applicable on Cyclon III FPGA Altera ..
it consists of main blocks :1- Input & Display .
2- FSM .
3- Motors ( Stepper & Servo ) .

(1) Input & Display

Input Block
Usage :This block is used to move the chess piece from a specific place to the
destination the player want .

Its Component :The input of chess panel consists of three push buttons ,, up , down &
set taken from the kit ( note : they are active low ) . which represent the
input block ,, its component are :1- Two DemuX.
2- Counter mod 5 .
3- Four counter mod 8 .

1- DeMuX :The First DeMux use up switch as input ,, two selector from counter 5
mod. & four output which control the horizontal motion ( X-axis ) .
The second DeMux use down switch as input ,, two selector from
counter 5 mod. & four output which control the vertical motion ( Y-axis )

- Its code is :library IEEE ;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all ;
PORT ( st_m :IN std_logic_vector (2 downto 0 ) ;
d_m : IN std_logic ;
ss1, ss2 ,ss3, ss4: OUT std_logic );
END DeMux4 ;


signal s1,s2,s3,s4 : std_logic :='0' ;
process(st_m, d_m)
if (st_m = "000") then s1 <= d_m;
else s1 <= s1;
end if;
if (st_m = "001") then s2 <= d_m;
else s2 <= s2;
end if;
if (st_m = "010") then s3 <= d_m;
else s3 <= s3;
end if;
if (st_m = "011" ) then s4 <= d_m;
else s4 <= s4;
end if;
if (st_m = "100" ) then s1 <= s1 ; s2 <= s2 ; s3 <= s3
; s4 <= s4 ;
end if;
end process;
END selecter;

2- Counter 5 mod :The input is "set" push button ,, its output is from 000 to 100 and it is
used as the selector of the two DeMux .

- Its code is :library IEEE ;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL ;
Entity cnt_st5 is
port ( set1 : IN std_logic ;
s_m : OUT std_logic_vector (2 downto 0 ) ) ;
END cnt_st5 ;
Architecture behaviour of cnt_st5 is
process (set1 )
Variable cnt : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0 )
if set1 ='0' then
case cnt is
-- present
When "000" => cnt := "001" ;
When "001" => cnt := "010" ;
When "010" => cnt := "011" ;
When "011" => cnt := "100" ;
when "100" => cnt := "000" ;
When others => cnt := "000" ;
End case ;

:= "000";

END if ;
s_m <= cnt ;
END process ;
END behaviour ;

3- counter 8 mod :The input is depend on the first demultiplexer when we press the push
button up or depend on the second demultiplexer when we press the
switch down .
Its output when we press up is from 000 to 111 & Its output when we
press down is from 111 to 000 ,, it goes to the seven segment & the
detection block . when it appear on the seven segment it will be as from
A to H on the horizontal axis (X-axis) or appear as from 1 to 8 on the
vertical axis (Y-axis) .

- Its code is :library IEEE ;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL ;
Entity mod_8 is
port ( clock : IN std_logic ;
up , down : IN std_logic ;
q : OUT std_logic_VECTOR (2 downto 0) ) ;
END mod_8 ;
Architecture behaviour of mod_8 is
signal clk1 : std_logic ;
component trafficclock IS
PORT ( clk :IN std_logic;
lowspeedclock :OUT std_logic);
END component;
ck11: trafficclock port map ( clock , clk1) ;
process (up , down)

Variable count : std_logic_VECTOR ( 2 downto 0 ) :="000" ;

if (clk1='1' AND clk1'event) then
if up ='0' then
case count is
-- present
When "000" => count := "001" ;
When "001" => count := "010" ;
When "010" => count := "011" ;
When "011" => count := "100" ;
When "100" => count := "101" ;
When "101" => count := "110" ;
When "110" => count := "111" ;
When "111" => count := "000" ;
When others => count := "000" ;
End case ;
elsif down ='0' then
case count is
-- present
When "000" => count := "111" ;
When "001" => count := "000" ;
When "010" => count := "001" ;
When "011" => count := "010" ;
When "100" => count := "011" ;
When "101" => count := "100" ;
When "110" => count := "101" ;
When "111" => count := "110" ;
When others => count := "000" ;
END Case ;
END if ;
END if ;
q <= count ;
END process ;
END behaviour ;

The Technique :The technique which happen when the player want to play is :- initially the counter 5 mod is at state 000 , so the first counter 8 mod
will be operated , its input are ( sso1 and sso5 ) depend on up or down .
- when the player finish putting the input of place on the X-axis ,, he
must press the set switch so it will count and it will be at state 001 .
- so the second counter 8 mod will operate ,, its input are ( sso2 and
sso6) depend on up or down .
- after inputting the second value and pressing set switch so we have
entered the place of chess piece which the player want to move .
- by repeating the previous steps we can obtain the destination the
player want , so after entering the place and destination the first turn
will be finished and the another player will do the same previous steps .

Seven-Segment Display
Role description:
- The two 7-segments display are used to show each play of the two
- They receive the place where the player want to move its piece, then
decode the binary numbers inputs into letters and decimal numbers,
and display the new place.
- The horizontal squares are numbered from 1 to 8
- The eight vertical squares are from A to H.

Horizontal inputs decoding :

- HINT : output is active low

Vertical inputs decoding :

- HINT : output is active low

Vertical inputs Seven segments

decoding code:
entityseven_segment_horz is
port( no_input
: in std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
a,b,c,d,e,f,g : out std_logic ) ;
architectureno_decoder of seven_segment_horz is
variablesegs : std_logic_vector (0 TO 6);
caseno_input is
when "000" =>segs := "1001111";
when "001" =>segs := "0010010";
when "010" =>segs := "0000110";
when "011" =>segs := "1001100";
when "100" =>segs := "0100100";
when "101" =>segs := "0100000";
when "110" =>segs := "0001111";
when "111" =>segs := "0000000";
when others =>segs := "1111111";
end case;
a <= segs(0);
b <= segs(1);
c <= segs(2);
d <= segs(3);
e <= segs(4);
f <= segs(5);
g <= segs(6);
end process;

Horizontal inputs Seven segments

decoding code:
Entity seven_segment_horz is
: in std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
a,b,c,d,e,f,g : out std_logic);
end seven_segment_horz;
architecture no_decoder of seven_segment_horz is
variable segs : std_logic_vector (0 TO 6);
case no_input is
when "000" =>segs := "1001111";
when "001" =>segs := "0010010";
when "010" =>segs := "0000110";
when "011" =>segs := "1001100";
when "100" =>segs := "0100100";
when "101" =>segs := "0100000";
when "110" =>segs := "0001111";
when "111" =>segs := "0000000";
when others =>segs := "1111111";
end case;
a <= segs(0);
b <= segs(1);
c <= segs(2);
d <= segs(3);
e <= segs(4);
f <= segs(5);
g <= segs(6);
end process;
end no_decoder;

- So the code of the input with the display after connection between
them is :-

library IEEE ;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all ;
entity top_level1 is
port (
clkt : std_logic ;
upt,downt,sett : IN std_logic ;
a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,g1 ,a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,g2 ,
a3,b3,c3,d3,e3,f3,g3 ,a4,b4,c4,d4,e4,f4,g4
std_logic );
end top_level1 ;


ARCHITECTURE ckt of top_level1 is

Signal s_mo : std_logic_VECTOR (2 downto 0 ) ;
Signal sso1,sso2,sso3,sso4 , sso5, sso6 , sso7 , sso8 :
std_logic ;
Signal Qy1,Qx1,Qy2,Qx2 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) ;
-- signal clk_t : std_logic ;
component DeMux4 IS
PORT ( st_m :IN std_logic_vector (2 downto 0 ) ;
d_m :IN std_logic ;
ss1, ss2 ,ss3, ss4: OUT std_logic );
END component ;
component mod_8 is
port ( clock : IN std_logic ;
up , down : IN std_logic ;
q : OUT std_logic_VECTOR (2 downto 0) ) ;
END component ;
component cnt_st5 is
port ( set1 : IN std_logic ;
s_m : OUT std_logic_vector (2 downto 0 ) ) ;
END component ;
component seven_segment_vert is
port( ch_input : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
A,B,C,D,E,F,G : out std_logic
end component;

component seven_segment_horz is
port( no_input
: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
a,b,c,d,e,f,g : out std_logic
end component;
selector : cnt_st5 port map (sett ,s_mo);
dem1 : DeMux4 port map (s_mo ,upt, sso1,sso2,sso3,sso4) ;
dem2 : DeMux4 port map (s_mo ,downt, sso5,sso6,sso7,sso8)
count1 : mod_8 port map ( clkt,sso1,sso5,Qy1);
count2 : mod_8 port map ( clkt,sso2,sso6,Qx1);
count3 : mod_8 port map ( clkt,sso3,sso7,Qy2);
count4 : mod_8 port map ( clkt,sso4,sso8,Qx2);
sv_sgv1 : seven_segment_vert port map ( Qy1
sv_sgvh1 : seven_segment_horz port map ( Qx1
sv_sgv2 : seven_segment_vert port map (
sv_sgh2 : seven_segment_horz port map ( Qx2
end ckt ;

(2) Finite state machine

- In the ordinary combinational logic , we use the vhdl concurrent code
, and this leads to operate the whole of the code in the same time ,,
but there is a problem we face .
So we are recommended to use the sequential logic ( code in vhdl)
which depends on the arrangement of the steps of our program .
And this refers to the FSM (Finite State Machine) .
The FSM is a sequential circuit which arrange the steps of any device
operation required .
In our (Chess Panel) Project , we use the FSM as a detection and
Location code of the positions of the chess piece , when the chess piece
is located in a certain place , it's registered in the Memory of FSM , as
an old value . Then when the user (player) entered the piece place
he/she wants changing position , the values of it's place would be
registered in the New1,New2 After checking entering the place ,
set_cnt which function is to count how many times the user push set
button two times , and the 7-segment is displaying the piece place
position , the Device would start the movement of the motor ,, which
is explained in the motor part of the report . (()) ,,,
Due to the techniques explained in the abstract of the Game , we have
6 movements of both motors (horizontal X , Vertical Y) , in order to
arrange this steps we use (casewhen statement in code of FSM)
which contained current and next states of the motor and the game
position ,,
The inputs of FSM are (set_count, Q0,Q1,Q2,Q3, donex,doney,clk)
The Outputs of FSM are (enx , eny, x_stps, y_stps, dircx,dircy )
And we use (n_stpx,n_stpy) as signals in order to execute the function
of subtraction to determine the no. of steps required for motors ..

1-initial state :- in this state we initialize the place that we start from as
the motor is at the 000 on x-axis & 000 on y-axis ( the old_X & old_y
values ) . after the player enter the place of the piece that he/she want
to move so he/she will have pressed two set counts ,, so to move from
this state to the next state (Rcvp) set_count must equal 010 .
2- Rcvp :- in this state new_x & new_y will save the values the player
have entered .. after saving these values so we could move to the next
state ( cx1) .
3- c1x :- in this state the motor move a constant motion in order to
move from the place which the motor stopped in ,, to go to the place of
the chess piece which he want to go ,, the motor x move the distance of
half square (n) in which n=3.2 cm ,, in this state motor y must equal 0 .
then to move to the next state ( c1y ) the done of motor x must equal 1
as this means that the motor have finished its motion .
4- c1y :- in this state the motor move a constant motion in order to
continue moving from the place which the motor stopped in ,, to go to
the place of the chess piece which he want to go ,, the motor y move
the distance of half square (n) in which n=3.2 cm ,, in this state motor x
must equal 0 . then to move to the next state ( mvx ) the done of motor
y must equal 1 as this means that the motor have finished its motion .
5- mvx :- in this state the motor will move the number of steps which
are the difference between new_x and old _x ,, this operation will be

done by the subtractor component ,, the output of this component the

number of steps and the direction of motion ,, in this state motor y must
equal 0 then to move to the next state ( mvy ) the done of motor x
must equal 1 as this means that the motor have finished its motion .
6- mvy :- in this state the motor will move the number of steps which
are the difference between new_y and old _y ,, this operation will be
done by the subtractor component ,, the output of this component the
number of steps and the direction of motion ,, in this state motor x must
equal 0 then to move to the next state ( c2x ) the done of motor y
must equal 1 as this means that the motor have finished its motion .
7- c2x :- ( fixed state) in this state the motor move a constant motion in
order to go to the place the player want ,, the motor x move the
distance of half square (n) in which n=3.2 cm ,, in this state enable of
motor y must equal 0 . then to move to the next state ( c2y ) the done
of motor x must equal 1 as this means that the motor have finished its
motion .
8- c2y :- (fixed state ) in this state the motor move a constant motion in
order to continue going to the place the player want ,, the motor y
move the distance of half square (n) in which n=3.2 cm ,, in this state
enable of motor x must equal 0 . then to move to the next state ( Rgst )
the done of motor y must equal 1 as this means that the motor have
finished its motion .
9- Rgst :- in this state the input block receive the destination or new
place ( newx => oldx & newy => oldy ) which is depend on the value of
set_count ,, as when the set_count = 100 then the next state will be
(RcvD ) but when the set_count = 010 then the next state will be (RcvP )
10-RcvD :- in this state ( newx <= q2 & newy <= q3 ) as the input will
save the destination then the next state will be ( C1x ) .
then the whole cycle is repeated to make the destination as we make
with the place .

This figure shows the state transition diagram of FSM

its code is :library IEEE ;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use IEEE.math_real.all;
entity fsm is
generic (constant m: integer := 2;
constant k: integer := 34 );
port (set_count : IN std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ;
Q0,Q1,Q2,Q3: IN std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
donex,doney,clk : IN std_logic ;
enx , eny : out std_logic ;
x_stps : OUT integer range 0 to 574 ; ---------modification try
y_stps : OUT integer range 0 to 574 ; ---------modification try
dircx,dircy:out std_logic ;
srvv : OUT std_LOGIC );

end fsm ;
architecture mealy of fsm is
component clk_fsm IS
PORT (clk
:IN std_LOGIC;
:OUT std_LOGIC);
END component;
component subt IS
port ( P1,P2 : IN std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
-- clk : IN std_LOGIC ;
Qout : OUT std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ;
Dirc : OUT std_LOGIC );
End component ;
signal clk_sig : std_LOGIC ;
signal DirX,DirY : std_logic ;
signal n_stpx,n_stpy : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ; ---- modification try (stable)
--signal nu_stpx,nu_stpy : unsigned(2 downto 0) ;
signal old1,old2: std_logic_vector (2 downto 0):="000" ;
signal NEW1 ,NEW2 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
signal stp_xx,stp_yy : Integer range 0 to 7 ; --- modified try

type state_type is
signal current_state : state_type := INIT ;
signal next_state : state_type ;
stp_xx<= to_integer(unsigned(n_stpx)); --- modification try conversion
stp_yy<= to_integer(unsigned(n_stpy)); ---mod........
--nu_stpx<= unsigned(n_stpx);
--stp_xx<= to_integer (nu_stpx);
--nu_stpy<= unsigned(n_stpy);
--stp_yy<= to_integer (nu_stpy);
subx : subt port map (NEW1,old1,n_stpx,DirX);
suby : subt port map (NEW2,old2,n_stpy,DirY);
dly : clk_fsm port map (clk,clk_sig) ;
st : process (current_state, next_state ,set_count , New1, New2 , donex,
doney )

case current_state is
when INIT =>
enx<='0' ; eny <= '0' ;
if set_count = "010" then next_state <= RCVP ;
next_state <= INIT ;
end if ;
when RCVP =>
enx<='0' ; eny <= '0' ;
New1<= Q0 ;
New2<= Q1 ;
-- srvv <= '0' ;
if (NEW1 = Q0 and NEW2 = Q1 ) then
next_state <= C1X ;
next_state <= RCVP ;
end if ;
when C1X =>
dircx<='1' ;
enx<='1' ; eny <= '0' ;
x_stps<= k ;
IF Donex='1' then
next_state <= C1y ;
else next_state <= C1x;
end if ;
when C1y =>
dircy<='1' ;
eny<='1' ; enx<='0' ;
y_stps <= k ;
if doney='1' then
next_state <= Mvx ;
else next_state <= C1y ;
end if ;
when Mvx =>
dircx <= DirX ; -- out <= signal
x_stps<=stp_xx*2* k ; --modified
enx<='1' ;
eny<='0' ;
if donex = '1' then
next_state <= Mvy;
else next_state <= Mvx ;

end if ;
when Mvy =>
dircy<= DirY ;
y_stps<=stp_yy*2*k ;
eny<='1' ;
enx<='0' ;
if doney = '1' then
next_state <= C2x ;
else next_state <= Mvy;
end if ;
when C2x =>
dircx<='0' ;
enx<= '1' ;
x_stps<= k ; --- modified
eny<='0' ;
if donex = '1' then
next_state <= C2y ;
else next_state <= C2x;
end if ;
when C2y =>
dircy<='0' ;
eny<='1' ;
y_stps<= k ; --- modified
enx<='0' ;
if doney ='1' then
next_state <= RgsT ;
else next_state <= C2y ;
end if ;
when RgsT =>
old1<= new1;
if set_count = "100" then
next_state <= RcvD ;
elsif set_count = "010" then
next_state <= RcvP ;
New1 /= Old1 and New2 /= Old2 then
next_state <= RgsT;
end if ;
when RCVD =>

-- srvv <= '1' ;
if (new1=Q1 and new2=Q2) then
next_state <= C1x ;
else next_state <= RCVD;
end if ;
end case ;
end process ;
output : process (clk_sig)
if (clk_sig='1' and clk_sig'event) then
current_state <= next_state ;
end if ;
end process ;
END mealy;

(3) Stepper Motor Control

Essentially the movement of pieces of chess that is controlled by a

motor is very important issue in this project ,, according to chess game
rules , pieces are directed by the player in different directions , so we
need a movement in both x-axis and y-axis ,, the characteristics of
stepper motor is suitable for these conditions so we decided to use it as
responsable of main movement in the project's pieces ..
stepper motor is an electromechanical device, it converts electrical
power into mechanical power. Also it is a brushless, synchronous electric
motor that can divide a full rotation into an expansive number of steps.
The motors position can be controlled accurately without any feedback
mechanism, as long as the motor is carefully sized to the application,,
with the stepper we can get accurately controlled number of steps ,
rotation and speed..

How to control the stepper in vhdl?

The first thoughts was about how to control a stepper in vhdl ,, it can be
achieved by a simple Mod-8 syncronous counter that counts from 0 to 7
and a decoder that decodes each count to a determined state of 0s and
1s that is sent to the coils of the stepper and caused it to rotate with
determined angle in one direction..
The sequence of states used in this code is called the fullstep sequence..
The full-step sequence always has two coils of the stepper motor
energized in any state of the sequence and typically causes 15 of shaft
rotation per step. If you look at the full-step sequence, you will
notice that each state transition involves turning off one coil and
simultaneously turning on another coil. The half-step sequence is
created by inserting a state with only one coil energized between full
steps. In this sequence, one coil is de-energized before the other is
energized..this causes the stepper shaft to rotate half as far as it would
in the full-step sequence but we will use the fullstep sequence only as it
satisfies the required rotation in this project ..

The code :- (First Component )

library IEEE;
Use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all ;
Entity steep IS
PORT ( ck :IN std_logic;
Enable : in std_logic ;
qm :OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0);
direction :in std_logic );
END steep ;
PROCESS (ck,Enable)
Variable maincount : integer range 0 to 7 ;
if (Enable='1') then
IF (ck'Event and ck='1 ' )
CASE direction IS
When '0' => maincount := maincount + 1;
WHEN '1' => maincount := maincount - 1;
end case;
CASE maincount IS
When 0 => qm <= "1100" ;
WHEN 1 => qm <= "0110";
WHEN 2 => qm <= "0011";
WHEN 3 => qm <= "1001";
WHEN 4 => qm <= "1100";
WHEN 5 => qm <= "0110";
WHEN 6 => qm <= "0011";
WHEN 7 => qm <= "1001";
End if ;
END vhdl;

In this code ,, "ck" is the clock input of the counter , " maincount " is
a signal of type integer that represents the output of the counter and
the input for the decoder , "qm" represents the out of the counter
and the states that moves the coil by using "direction" input to the
counter we can control the stepper to move forward or backward for
the stepper in y-axis , right or left for the x-axis stepper ,, the
following diagram shows the codes blocks ,,

Block Diagram of first component

but how to make the motor rotates only number of times that is
required to move the piece to a determined state ? how to recieve
the input from the player that determine the place of the pieces and
their destination and translate it into a desired number of states
that's only cause the motor to go to the right place each time ?

Main Code of Stepper control :we shall use the block shown to illustrate how the work of the stepper
is controlled ,,

Block Diagram of stepper control

after receiving the number of steps that required only in a

determined movement from the input block of this project , it enters
a down counter as an input with a clock , by using a signal " flag " and
at each active transition of the clock the counter counts down from
the number of steps to 0 and output a wave that remains high during
the down counting of the counter and becomes low when the
counter reaches 0 ,,, this wave then is ANDing with an clock to
output the clock in the high state of the wave and 0 in case of low
state ..

The code :- (second component )

entity pwm is
port ( Enab : in std_LOGIC ;
clck : in STD_LOGIC ;
count : in integer range 0 to 15 ;
mainclock : out STD_LOGIC ;
----done : out std_LOGIC ) ;
END pwm ;
architecture ckt of pwm is
: std_LOGIC ;
: integer range 0 to 15 ;
: STD_LOGIC := '1' ;
: std_LOGIC ;

--component trafficclock IS
--PORT (clk
:IN std_logic ;
:OUT std_logic ) ;
---END component ;
---pp: trafficclock port map (clck,cckk) ;
process (clck , count,Enab)
If (Enab='1') then
if (clck'Event and clck='1' and Flag ='1') then
qstate <= count-1 ;
<= '0' ;
<= '1' ;
end if
if ( (clck'Event and clck='1') and (Flag ='0' and
qstate /= 0)) then
qstate <= qstate 1

END if ;
if ( (clck'Event and clck='1') and (Flag ='0' and
qstate = 0)) then
<= '0'
END if ;
mainclock <= mclk and clck
ENd if
END process ;

END ckt ;
thus we now have an clock that has number of pulses equal to numer of
desired states by applying this clock to the counter in the first component
shown above we thus have the desired rotations of the motor in the
required direction ..

The main code :library IEEE;

USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

ENTITY steper_control IS
PORT ( clok:IN std_LOGIC;
En : in std_LOGIC;
do : out std_LOGIC;
dir :in std_LOGIC;
counter : in integer range 0 to 15;
qout :OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0

END steper_control;
ARCHITECTURE vhdl OF steper_control IS
component pwm is
port ( Enab : in std_LOGIC;
clck : in STD_LOGIC;
count : in integer range 0 to 15;
mainclock : out STD_LOGIC;
done : out std_LOGIC;)
END component;
component steep IS
PORT ( ck :IN std_logic;
Enable : in std_logic;
qm :OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0);
direction :in std_logic ;)
END component;
SIGNAL mainclck:

std_LOGIC ;


downcounter : pwm port map

motorsteps : steep port map
END vhdl;
By Using the components discussed above we can control the stepper motion
,, repeating the same concept for another motor we can get a control in x-axis
and in y-axis.

Stepper External Circuit :The output current of DE0 board is too small to operate the stepper motor
,, and in case of connecting the DE0 board directly to the stepper , there is
a possibility of damaging the board due to too much high current ,, so the
circuit below is used to raise the output current and protecting the DE0
board ..

Schematic of stepper circuit

The operation of the circuit is that when the FPGA signal is high no current
passes through the optocoupler and to the base of Q1 so Q1 is off and no
signal is applied to the motor ,, In case of low FPGA signal , current passes
through the optocoupler to the transistor Q1 so Q1 is on and Q1 collector
current operates the stepper ,, the insulation of DE0 board from the stepper
and external circuit is achieved by using the optocoupler and thus we reached
our goal.

Due to the Mechanical Part of our Project ::

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