Training Manual Green Anode Plant Vedanta - Jharsuguda: File: 138-02-043 - 11 - 0.doc, Codeword: Vedanta

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Training Manual Green Anode Plant

Vedanta - Jharsuguda

Group 431/432 C




Process Group 431/432 C - Main Dust Treatment- .....................................................................1

Process .......................................................................................................................................1
Process Flow Sheets...................................................................................................................1
Brief Process Description ............................................................................................................2
Main Process Data & Process Highlights ....................................................................................3
Process Control...........................................................................................................................4
P&Id`s, Operator Screen Images ................................................................................................4
Control Logic Description ............................................................................................................5
Main Equipment ..........................................................................................................................6
Throttle Flap (pneumatic) 431/432 C 010....................................................................................6
Fan 431/432 C 015......................................................................................................................6
Rotary Lock 431/432 C 020.........................................................................................................6




Process Flow Sheets

(Work Copy)

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

file: 138-02-043_11_0.doc, Codeword: Vedanta

Revision: 0
Date: 29.09.2006
Page 1 of 6

Training Manual Green Anode Plant

Vedanta - Jharsuguda


Group 431/432 C

Brief Process Description

(Work Copy)

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Page 2 of 6

Revision: 0
Date: 29.09.2006
file: 138-02-043_11_0.doc, Codeword: Vedanta

Vedanta Alumina Ltd.
Jharsuguda Green Anode Plant
Client ref.: VJ/SML/PO/032/1
OTK ref.:
Doc. No.:

1 (1)

Rev. 00

Brief Process Description

Process Group 431 C
- Main Dust Treatment Reference:
Process Flow Sheet:

132-01-080 UB

P&I Diagram:

168-01-060 UB

The process is described in order to the material flow whereas the control philosophy is written
in order to the signal flow, which is counter current to the material flow. This Process Group
Main Dust Treatment collects dust from equipment and all material transfer points where dust
may be emitted to atmosphere in Process Groups 431 A (Coke Crushing & Screening), 431
B (Butts Crushing & Screening), 431 D (Floor Cleaning System), 431 F (Ball Mill System),
431 G (Pitch Fume Treatment) and 431 H (Proportioning). The Main Dust Treatment
includes a bag filter (431 C 005) with inbuilt discharge screw conveyor and jet type bag
cleaning system, a throttle flap (431 C 010), a fan (431 C 015), a rotary lock (431 C 020) and a
Filter Dust bin (431 C 100). Collected dust is continuously discharged from the bag filter (431
C 005) bottom by means of the screw conveyor (431 C 005) via the rotary lock (431 C 020)
into the Filter Dust bin (431 C 100). A fan (431 C 015) provides the negative pressure
required to draw dust-laden air through the pipe work connected to the bag filter. The fan is
isolated during run-up time by means of the pneumatically operated throttle flap (431 C 010).

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Training Manual Green Anode Plant

Vedanta - Jharsuguda


Group 431/432 C

Main Process Data & Process Highlights

This Process Group Main Dust Treatment collects dust from equipment and all
material transfer points where dust may be emitted to atmosphere in Process Groups
431/432 A (Coke Crushing & Screening), 431/432 B (Butts Crushing & Screening),
431/432 D (Floor Cleaning System), 431/432 F (Ball Mill System), 431/432 G
(Pitch Fume Treatment), 431/432 H (Proportioning), 390 A (Coke Reclaiming
only group 432 C) and 422 A (Butts Reclaiming only group 432 C).
The system design capacity is 38000 m3/hour and the temperature range is 4 50C.
The dust collector can cope with raw gas load of 50.000mg/m3.
The clean gas purity is 30mg/Nm3 dust or better.
The higher the suction capacity, the better could be one possible conclusion but this is
not true for this sort of plant. If doing so, a tremendous amount of dust would be
sucked off from the equipment and much of the dust would be of a size larger than
0.8mm what is already fraction material. In total the amount of dust caught by this
Group should not be more than 1-3% of the total dry mix used for anode production.
In some cases high suction rates could be disastrous, especially for screens, which
could not work properly because of high vertical air flow through the screen decks,
what makes the screen an air separator.
It is best practise to reduce the suction rate as much as possible so that each
equipment is under low vacuum, high enough to prevent dust from escaping the dust
covers. Adjustment of the vacuum is through throttle flaps, installed in the ducts close
to the dust hood connections of equipment but this requires regular checks of the flap
positions. All flap positions should be listed.
The expected amount of dust is 450 kg/hour, equal to 1.5% of total dry mix feed
(30,000kg/h) but the design rate for ducts and dust collector is 50g/m3 x 38000m3/hour
/ 1000g/kg = 1900kg/hour what is about 4 times of the expected rate. The design
capacity of the rotary lock is even 3000kg/hour or 7 times of the expected rate. The
Filter Dust bin has a capacity of 7.3 t what is good for 16 hours storage time.
Horizontal ducts have measuring / air-blow ports. This allows measuring of the gas
velocity, which should be not less than 8m/second and never more than 20m/second.
The design velocity for ducts is 15 18m/second.
If probably a horizontal duct is plugged, a compressed air hose could be put through
the measuring port to unplug this section by moving the hose forward and backward
blowing air into the duct but start unplugging always from downstream.
Plugging happens only when the air velocity in the duct is so low that dust is settling.

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

file: 138-02-043_11_0.doc, Codeword: Vedanta

Revision: 0
Date: 29.09.2006
Page 3 of 6

Training Manual Green Anode Plant

Vedanta - Jharsuguda


Process Control


P&Id`s, Operator Screen Images

Group 431/432 C

(work copies)

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Page 4 of 6

Revision: 0
Date: 29.09.2006
file: 138-02-043_11_0.doc, Codeword: Vedanta

Training Manual Green Anode Plant

Vedanta - Jharsuguda


Group 431/432 C

Control Logic Description

(Work Copy)

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

file: 138-02-043_11_0.doc, Codeword: Vedanta

Revision: 0
Date: 29.09.2006
Page 5 of 6

Vedanta Alumina Ltd.
Jharsuguda Green Anode Plant
Client ref.: VJ/SML/PO/032/1
OTK ref.:
Doc. No.:

1 (8)

Rev. 00

Control Philosophy
Process Group 431 C
- Main Dust Treatment Reference:
Process Flow Sheet:

132-01-080 UB

P&I Diagram:

168-01-060 UB

Brief Process Description............................................................................................................ 2


Control Logic Description ............................................................................................................ 2

Special Terminology For This Group .......................................................................................... 2
Linked Process Groups............................................................................................................... 2
Selection of Operation Modes..................................................................................................... 2
Group Start ................................................................................................................................. 3
Selections Prior to Group Start ................................................................................................... 3
Start Preconditions...................................................................................................................... 3
Setpoints Prior to Group Start ..................................................................................................... 3
Group Start Sequence ................................................................................................................ 3
Restarting the Group................................................................................................................... 4
Normal Operation........................................................................................................................ 4
Shut Down .................................................................................................................................. 4
Normal Shut Down ...................................................................................................................... 4
Shut Down by Other Groups ....................................................................................................... 5
Fast Shut Down........................................................................................................................... 5
Trip in Case of Faults .................................................................................................................. 5
Shut Down by Full Bins ............................................................................................................... 7
Local Operation of Special Equipment........................................................................................ 7
Signal Exchange with Sub-Groups of this Group and Other Process Groups ............................ 8

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Rev. 00

Vedanta Alumina Ltd.

Jharsuguda Green Anode Plant
Client ref.: VJ/SML/PO/032/1
OTK ref.:
Doc. No.:

2 (8)


The process is described in order to the material flow whereas the control philosophy is written
in order to the signal flow, which is counter current to the material flow. This Process Group
Main Dust Treatment collects dust from equipment and all material transfer points where dust
may be emitted to atmosphere in Process Groups 431 A (Coke Crushing & Screening), 431
B (Butts Crushing & Screening), 431 D (Floor Cleaning System), 431 F (Ball Mill System),
431 G (Pitch Fume Treatment) and 431 H (Proportioning). The Main Dust Treatment
includes a bag filter (431 C 005) with inbuilt discharge screw conveyor and jet type bag
cleaning system, a throttle flap (431 C 010), a fan (431 C 015), a rotary lock (431 C 020) and a
Filter Dust bin (431 C 100). Collected dust is continuously discharged from the bag filter (431
C 005) bottom by means of the screw conveyor (431 C 005) via the rotary lock (431 C 020)
into the Filter Dust bin (431 C 100). A fan (431 C 015) provides the negative pressure
required to draw dust-laden air through the pipe work connected to the bag filter. The fan is
isolated during run-up time by means of the pneumatically operated throttle flap (431 C 010).



Special Terminology For This Group

There is no special terminology for this group.


Linked Process Groups

The following Process Groups are linked with this Group 431 C:

Coke Crushing & Screening 431 A

Butts Crushing & Screening 431 B
Floor Cleaning System 431 D
Ball Mill System 431 F
Pitch Fume Treatment 431 G
Proportioning 431 H

The exchange of control signals is described in the following chapters and especially under
2.8. below.

Selection of Operation Modes

The operator has the choice between two options:
The selection is made on the SCADA-System at the Operator Station located in the Central
Control Room (CCR).
CENTRAL operation mode

After this selection the Group could start if all start

preconditions are met.

LOCAL operation mode

After this selection the special equipment could start in local


Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Vedanta Alumina Ltd.
Jharsuguda Green Anode Plant
Client ref.: VJ/SML/PO/032/1
OTK ref.:
Doc. No.:

Group Start


Selections Prior to Group Start

3 (8)

Rev. 00

CENTRAL operation mode must be selected.


Start Preconditions Filter Dust Bin 431 C 100

The Filter Dust bin (431 C 100) shall not be full.
level [431 C 100-LAH2] is not indicating high level and/or
level [431 C 100-LAHH] is not indicating high-high level. Emergency stop
If the Emergency Stopof the Group has been activated it has to be RESET. Alarms
If an Alarm of this Group has been activated it has to be RESET. MCC`s of this Group
The MCCs signal of this group must be OK. FASTOP Signal
If a FASTOP signal is valid this Group does not start. RESTOP Signal
If a RESTOP signal is valid this Group can be restarted by overriding the RESTOP signal
by the Group Start signal. Local Control Stations
The ON switch must be activated for the selected equipment to run. Compressed Air Pressure 431 G 120
Compressed air pressure in Group G [431 G 120-PAL] shall be higher than 6 bar (P>6

Setpoints Prior to Group Start

There are no setpoints to be set for this Group.


Group Start Sequence

To initiate the start the operator is using the SCADA system on the Operator Station in the
Central Control Room.

Signal from Group 431 G (Pitch Fume Treatment) is required that compressed air
pressure measured in Group G [431 G 120-PAL] is above 6 bar pressure.
The horn starts to sound permanently for 15 seconds prior to start of the first equipment,
then it sounds intermittently until the last drive is running.
Pneumatically operated throttle flap (431 C 010) closes automatically until limit switch [431
C 010-ZL] is activated.
Fan (431 C 015) starts.
Delay of 20 seconds until the fan impeller gets to normal speed.

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Vedanta Alumina Ltd.
Jharsuguda Green Anode Plant
Client ref.: VJ/SML/PO/032/1
OTK ref.:
Doc. No.:


4 (8)

Rev. 00

Pneumatically operated throttle flap (431 C 010) opens automatically until limit switch [431
C 010-ZH] is activated.
Rotary lock (431 C 020) starts.
Screw conveyor (431 C 005) starts.
bag filter jet-type bag cleaning system (431 C 005) is enabled
Group 431 C is running completely in CENTRAL mode.

Restarting the Group

If the Group is in a run-empty stop sequence, (after Normal Shut Down (RESTOP)) and a
part of the Group is still running, it is possible to restart this Group by activating the START
button. Restarting is only possible after all faults have been eliminated and reset. The Restart
follows the same sequence like the normal Group Start including the horn sequence as
described above.


Normal Operation


Bag Filter 431 C 005

Jet-type bag cleaning system [431 C 005-LOP1] is not tripped
The jet-type pneumatic bag cleaning system is controlled by measuring the differential
pressure across the filter bags. If the differential pressure is above 12.5 mbar [431 C 005PDH2], the Local Control Panel [431 C 005-LOP1] gets a signal from 431 PLC 12 to start
a cleaning cycle . The cleaning cycle ends if the differential pressure did fall below 11
mbar [431 C 005-PDH1] from 431 PLC 12 signal.


Throttle Flap pneumatic - 431 C 010

Throttle flap is not tripped.


Fan 431 C 015

Fan is not tripped.


Rotary Lock 431 C 020

Rotary lock is not tripped.


Filter Dust Bin 431 C 100

Fraction bin level measurement is not tripped.
If the fraction bin is not full (bin level is not >/= 95% [431 C 100-LAH2] and/or not >/=
100% [431 C 100-LAHH]) this Group is in normal operation.


Shut Down


Normal Shut Down

To initiate this sort of shut down the operator uses the RESTOP button on the SCADA
system. After a shut down of the Group or of a part of the Group all actual setpoints of this
Group are memorized as Actual Setpoint.

The operator stops this Group using the RESTOP push button on SCADA.
Fan (431 C 015) stops.
Bag filter jet-type cleaning system (431 C 005) is disabled.

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Vedanta Alumina Ltd.
Jharsuguda Green Anode Plant
Client ref.: VJ/SML/PO/032/1
OTK ref.:
Doc. No.:


5 (8)

Rev. 00

Delay of 5 minutes for running empty the bag filter bottom.

All equipment of this Group stops.
The whole Group is stopped.

Shut Down by Other Groups

This Group is not shut down by any other Group.


Fast Shut Down

If this Group 431 B is running in CENTRAL mode and an operator has detected a serious fault,
which did not automatically trip this Group the operator is able to stop this Group as Fast Shut
Down (FASTOP).
The operator may initiate the Fast Shut Down of this Group at any time on the SCADA system
by actuating the FASTOP button. After the FASTOP button has been clicked, the following
stop sequence does commence:


All equipment of this Group stops instantly.

The whole Group is stopped now with full load of material in the equipment.

Trip in Case of Faults

If this Group 431 C is running in CENTRAL mode and equipment or an instrument of this
Group fails this may cause an Alarm only and, if the fault is of the serious sort, this whole
Group or a part of this Group is stopped. Different faults may cause different stop sequences,
depending on the equipment and on the impact of this fault on the whole process of this
Group. In some cases a Normal Shut Down (RESTOP) will commence, in other cases a Fast
Shut Down (FASTOP) is the safer way and in few cases a special stop sequence may be
Note: All instruments mounted on equipment or located somewhere in the field or anywhere
else are to be wired fail-safe. Dust Collector 431 C 005

[431 C 005-LOP1] If the bag cleaning device trips

cause an alarm

[431 C 005-PDAL] {< 2.5mbar} If low differential pressure is detected across the filter bags or if
the switch fails for more than 5 seconds

cause an alarm
Normal Shut Down of this Group, which is initiated automatically.
NOTE: During Start or Restart of this Group there is an override of this function of 20
seconds to allow the fan to run up.

[431 C 005-PDAH] {> 13mbar} If high differential pressure is detected across the filter bags or
if the switch fails for more than 5 seconds

cause an alarm

[431 C 005-PDAHH] {> 15mbar} If high-high differential pressure is detected across the filter
bags or if the switch fails for more than 5 seconds

cause an alarm

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Vedanta Alumina Ltd.
Jharsuguda Green Anode Plant
Client ref.: VJ/SML/PO/032/1
OTK ref.:
Doc. No.:

6 (8)

Rev. 00

Normal Shut Down of this Group, which is initiated automatically.

[431 C 005-SAL] The screw conveyor is equipped with a proximity type low-speed detector
measuring the frequency of a target rotating with the screw. If the frequency of the screw is too
low or the switch fails

cause an alarm
Normal Shut Down of this Group, which is initiated automatically.

[431 C 005M1] The screw conveyor (431 C 005) is driven by an electric motor. If there is a
fault detected in the motor or in the MCC of this motor

cause an alarm
Normal Shut Down of this Group, which is initiated automatically. Throttle Flap 431 C 010

[431 C 010-ZL / ZH] If a limit switch fails

causes an alarm
equipment trips

The maximum time required between start and stop of the pneumatic drive, which is tilting the
flap, shall not be more than 90 seconds. If after 90 seconds the target position has not been

an alarm is generated
equipment trips.

If the throttle flap trips


an alarm is generated
fan (431 C 015) is shut down instantly
The rest of equipment of this Group is kept running. Fan 431 C 015

[431 C 015M1] If there is a fault detected in the electric motor or in the MCC of this motor

cause an alarm
equipment trips

[431 C 015-SAL] If the frequency of the rotor is too low or the switch fails

cause an
equipment trips

[431 C 015-VAH] If vibration is too high


fan trips

If the fan trips


an alarm is generated
fan (431 C 015) is shut down instantly
The rest of equipment of this Group is kept running.

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Vedanta Alumina Ltd.
Jharsuguda Green Anode Plant
Client ref.: VJ/SML/PO/032/1
OTK ref.:
Doc. No.:

7 (8)

Rev. 00 Rotary Lock 431 C 020

[431 C 020-SAL] If the frequency of the rotor is too low or the switch fails

cause an alarm
equipment trips

[431 C 020M1] If there is a fault detected in the electric motor or in the MCC of this motor

cause an alarm
equipment trips

If the rotary lock trips


an alarm is generated
Fast Shut Down is initiated Filter Dust Bin 431 C 100

[431 C 100-LY]: If the level measurement fails

cause an alarm
Normal Shut Down of this Group is initiated automatically

[431 C 100-LAHH] If the level measurement fails



cause an alarm
Fast Shut Down of this Group is initiated

Shut Down by Full Bins Filter Dust Bin 431 C 100

[431 C 100-LAH2] If the Filter Dust bin is full is indicating very high level

cause an alarm
Normal Shut Down of this Group is initiated automatically.

[431 C 100-LAHH] If the Filter Dust bin is totally full is indicating high-high level


cause an alarm
Fast Shut Down of this Group is initiated automatically.

Local Operation of Special Equipment

-Not applicable-

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Vedanta Alumina Ltd.
Jharsuguda Green Anode Plant
Client ref.: VJ/SML/PO/032/1
OTK ref.:
Doc. No.:

Rev. 00

Signal Exchange with Sub-Groups of this Group and Other Process Groups


Sort of Signal

from Group 431 C to Group 431 A

Group 431 C is running in

CENTRAL mode and is not in any
Group START or STOP sequence
Group 431 C is running in
CENTRAL mode and is not in any
Group START or STOP sequence
Group 431 C is running in
CENTRAL mode and is not in any
Group START or STOP sequence
Group 431 C is running in
CENTRAL mode and is not in any
Group START or STOP sequence
Group 431 C is running in
CENTRAL mode and is not in any
Group START or STOP sequence
Group 431 C is running in
CENTRAL mode and is not in any
Group START or STOP sequence
Compressed air pressure above 6
bar (no low-pressure indicated by
431 G 120-PE2)

Digital signal within PLC Number

431 PLC 12

from Group 431 C to Group 431 B

from Group 431 C to Group 431 D
from Group 431 C to Group 431 F
from Group 431 C to Group 431 G
from Group 431 C to Group 431 H
from Group 431 G to Group 431 C

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Digital signal within PLC Number

431 PLC 12
Digital signal within PLC Number
431 PLC 12
Digital signal within PLC Number
431 PLC 12
Digital signal from PLC Number
431 PLC 12 to 431 PLC 15
Digital signal from PLC Number
431 PLC 12 to 431 PLC 15
Digital signal from 431 PLC 15 to
431 PLC 12

8 (8)

Training Manual Green Anode Plant

Vedanta - Jharsuguda


Main Equipment


Throttle Flap (pneumatic) 431/432 C 010


Fan 431/432 C 015


Rotary Lock 431/432 C 020

Outokumpu Technology GmbH

Page 6 of 6

Group 431/432 C

Revision: 0
Date: 29.09.2006
file: 138-02-043_11_0.doc, Codeword: Vedanta

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