PICS - Guidance On GP For SC in GXP Environments

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PI 011-3
25 September 2007




PIC/S September 2007

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PI 011-3

25 September 2007


Document history ............................................................................................ 1

PART ONE - PREAMBLE ........................................................................................... 1


Purpose........................................................................................................... 1


Scope.............................................................................................................. 2


Introduction ..................................................................................................... 3

PART TWO - IMPLEMENTATION OF SYSTEM......................................................... 6


Implementation of computerised systems........................................................ 6


The structure and functions of the computer system(s) ................................... 7


Planning and life-cycle management............................................................... 9


Management and responsibilities .................................................................... 9


User requirement specifications (URS).......................................................... 11


Functional specifications (FS) ....................................................................... 12


Suppliers, software developers and quality management .............................. 13


Important QMS and software standards attributes......................................... 14


Testing .......................................................................................................... 15


Validation strategies and priorities................................................................. 16


GAMP validation approach based on different categories of software

products ........................................................................................................ 18


Retrospective validation ................................................................................ 19



Change management.................................................................................... 21


Change control and error report system ........................................................ 22


System security, including back-up ............................................................... 23


Data changes - audit trail/critical data entry................................................... 25


Electronic records and electronic signatures ................................................. 26


Personnel...................................................................................................... 30


Inspection considerations .............................................................................. 31


Checklists and aide memoires....................................................................... 34


References for relevant standards and GMP guides / codes ......................... 40


Suggested further reading ............................................................................. 42


Glossary of terms .......................................................................................... 43


Abbreviations used in the document.............................................................. 49


Revision history............................................................................................. 50

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25 September 2007



Adoption by PIC/S Committee

2-3 June 2003

Entry into force

1 September 2003





The PIC/S Guide to Good Manufacturing Practices is the basis for GMP
inspections. In particular its Annex 11, Computerised Systems is used when
inspecting such systems.


The purpose of this document is to provide recommendations and background

information concerning computerised systems that will be of assistance to
inspectors for training purposes and during the inspection of computerised
systems. The document will be of assistance to all Good Practice Inspectors
responsible for inspecting applications in the regulated pharmaceutical sector ;
hence the use of the acronym GxP in the title. It is recognised that not all
companies subjected to GLP inspections are linked to the regulated
pharmaceutical sector. However, it is considered that the guidance contained
within this PIC/S document may also be beneficial to companies subjected to
other regulatory frameworks and GLP inspection.


GDP defines the scope of compliance requirements for wholesaling and

distribution practice. Where automated systems and electronic records are used
for such applications then inspectors will expect such regulated users to have in
place the sorts of controls and disciplines outlined in this document, or a best
practice alternative. Vertically integrated companies (R&D, manufacturing and
distribution) will already apply such controls and compliance measures.


International regulatory agencies have collaborated to produce this harmonised

guidance for the implementation, management and operation of computerised
systems. It is intended as a reference for regulated users, including their
suppliers, in addition to regulatory inspectors and investigators.


This guidance document is intended to provide a logical explanation of the

basic requirements for the implementation, validation and operation of
computerised systems. Additionally, the document may be adapted to identify
the criteria that would be expected to be considered if a regulated user, or a
regulatory agency, were to conduct an inspection of the implemented
computerised system(s), against GxP compliance requirements and/or
perceived risks.


This guidance document provides details of good practices, which should

support new technology and technical innovations.

Throughout this document the users (owners of the good practice computerised
systems being inspected) are collectively referred to as regulated users for clarity.

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It should be noted that it is important for national legislation to be referred to

when determining the extent to which the provisions laid down in this document
may be applicable.


An auditor or an inspector may wish to consider evidence for compliance as

indicated in italicised text throughout this document.


It is to be hoped that the PIC/S Expert Circle on Computerised Systems will

build on this consensus reference document, to deliver simplified training and
aide memoires for the inspection of common GxP systems, as well as sector
specific applications. As technology continues its relentless advance the Expert
Circle could also provide interpretation of GxP and recommend changes, if
appropriate. Such materials could provide further sub-set appendices to Section
24 (Inspection tabulated checklists and aide memoires).


Some repetition is inevitable in a document that has evolved over many years
and through various working party multinational iterations. It is not intended that
this document is read from cover to cover, but should be dipped into as a
reference source when needed and for that reason some sections have to




It is acknowledged that the field of computer technology continues to develop at

a considerable speed and the regulated user has to ensure that the software
and systems have been developed to best engineering practices in a quality
assured manner. It will be for regulated users to define relevant applications,
impacted business units and corresponding deliverables for such applications.
This document sheds some light on the techniques and controls required for


At the time of issue this document reflected the current state of the art. It is not
intended to be a barrier to technical innovation or the pursuit of excellence. The
advice in this Guidance is not mandatory for industry. However, industry should
consider these recommendations as appropriate.


For hardware, peripherals, integrated process links and system functionality in

general, the controls and testing arrangements are by comparison to software,
fairly mature, logically more visible and the failure modes more predictable.


As a result, we have tried to keep the contents of this document practical and
principle-oriented, to ensure that it retains relevance for as long as possible.
However, value judgements and consensus between parties can be difficult to
achieve at times in this complicated field.


The scope of the document is broad, covering necessary steps and the
documentation needed for the implementation and validation of a computerised
system. Management of such projects requires the linking of important aspects
of management policies, documentation and record systems embracing the

For successful project management these links should be established between the
supplier(s) [developer(s) and producer(s) of individual components or complete
computerised system] and the regulated user [purchaser and user of the computerised

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respective professional disciplines involved in the development and use of the

computerised system.

Of necessity this guidance contains some how to achieve GxP compliance

advice for suppliers and developers of software and automated systems, in
addition to guidance for the regulated users. This is because of the iterative
nature of software development and the requirement for quality and functionality
to be built into the software in a disciplined manner, to ensure structural
integrity, consistency, robustness and reliability. This will often be outside of the
direct control of the regulated user (as purchaser/customer). There will normally
be a need to manage and control the split responsibilities of contracted
suppliers (whether in-house or external party) and regulated user businesses
(customers), for project management, product specifications, quality assurance
standards and performance.


This document also identifies the important aspects of validation of

computerised systems. Descriptions of strategies that may be used for different
categories of computer systems are described as well as identifying the
approach that might be taken for the retrospective validation of legacy (old)
systems. (see in particular Sections 4.5 and 6.2 (Figure:1) and 16 of this


PIC/S considers that adoption of the principles, guidance, reporting and life
cycle documentation best practices, outlined in this document, will enable users
of computerised systems to establish quality assurance systems and records
capable of demonstrating compliance with current GxP requirements and
related guidance.




The structure of the document is designed to identify discrete subsections and

their interrelationship within the principal topics concerning the implementation,
validation and operation of computerised systems. A reference section, together
with a glossary of terms commonly used in this industry sector will be found at
the end of this document. Section 26 Further Reading suggests a number of
textbooks, technical reports and guidelines that amplify the science, technology
and practices underpinning this guideline. The 1994 publication by Stokes et al
(Further Reading Ref: 1) provides insight into the requirements for
computerised systems in GCP, GLP and GMP, together with a historical
perspective on validation and international regulatory requirements.


In recent years there has been an increasing trend to integrate electronic record
and business management systems across all operational areas. In the future it
is expected that our reliance on computer systems will continue to grow, rather
than diminish. The use of validated, effective, GxP controlled computerised
systems should provide enhancements in the quality assurance of regulated
materials/products and associated data/information management. The extent of
the validation effort and control arrangements should not be underestimated
and a harmonised approach by industry and regulators is beneficial.


Commercial off the shelf, standard, or proprietary systems can be particularly

difficult to assess from a quality and performance point of view. For GxP

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regulated applications it is essential for the regulated user to define a

requirement specification prior to selection and to carry out a properly
documented supplier assessment and risk analysis for the various system
options. Information for such exercises may come from supplier audits and
research into the suppliers product versions in the user community and
literature. This risk-based approach is one way for a firm to demonstrate that
they have applied a controlled methodology, to determine the degree of
assurance that a computerised system is fit for purpose. It will certainly be
useful evidence for consideration by an inspector. (Note: What constitutes a
critical application may vary considerably, depending on the situation
perhaps more so in GLP than in other disciplines).

Whilst much of the detailed industry guidance relates to bespoke and

configured applications there are a number of tools and assessment techniques
recommended for commercial packages and standard automated equipment.
Complex automated state of the art processing equipment (such as high output
tabletting machinery with in-process monitoring and feedback control
functionality), or complex analytical instrumentation, for example, is difficult to
assess without the suppliers help. The co-operation of the supplier is essential
and it is important for suppliers to anticipate the needs of regulated users for
relevant product development life cycle quality and validation information. Such
an approach also provides added value for the automated products. The QA
and validation aspects for large automation aspects will inevitably be complex
and may be subsumed in major engineering projects activated by the potential
regulated user. Inspectors will be interested in the evidence relating to the firms
assessment of the suppliers critical automated features as well as the
traditional engineering, qualification and process performance aspects. Much of
the guidance given in the GAMP Guide (Ref: 4), for example, is scaleable to
complex projects and equipment with sub-contracted features. (Note: The risk
assessment described in 4.3 above should identify critical features and
functions for both the project team and the inspector).


When a GxP inspector has to assess an installed computerised system at a

regulated users site, s/he may consider some, or all, of the elements shown in
Figure 1: Computerised system, (viz.: the controlling system and the
controlled process in an operating environment). The inspector will consider
the potential risks, from the automated system to product/material quality or
data integrity, as identified and documented by the regulated user, in order
to assess the fitness for purpose of the particular system(s). The companys risk
assessment records may also be referred to as part of this process. The
inspectors assessment may also involve a consideration of system life cycle,
quality assurance measures, validation and operational control evidence for the
controlling system, as well as validation and operational experience with the
controlled process.


The validation documentation should cover all the steps of the life-cycle with
appropriate methods for measurement and reporting, (e.g. assessment reports
and details of quality and test measures), as required. Regulated users should
be able to justify and defend their standards, protocols, acceptance criteria,
procedures and records in the light of their own documented risk and
complexity assessments, aimed at ensuring fitness for purpose and regulatory

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The Pharmaceutical Industry Systems Validation Forum in the UK developed

the Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP) Supplier Guide to assist
software suppliers in implementing an appropriate quality management system.
The GAMP Guide (and appendices) has evolved largely to define best practices
in specifying, designing, building, testing, qualifying and documenting these
systems to a rigorous validation management scheme, largely for the
controlling system. GAMP Forum is now sponsored by ISPE and has
international membership and participation, including GAMP Americas.
(Websites: and


Apart from user acceptance testing (OQ) versus the functional specification,
which may include Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT), for example, at the
supplier, the regulated user also has responsibility for the (PQ) performance
qualification of the system. In this context the PQ user acceptance test of the
system is in its operating environment , and will again be against a User
Requirements Specification (URS) that will include protocols and criteria for the
performance and quality acceptance, not only for the controlling system but
also for the controlled (pharmaceutical related) process application. Crossreferences to any related, relevant process validation documentation should be
clearly stated in respect of the latter. The GAMP Guide and PDA technical
report No 18 (Further Reading Ref: 6) provide good practice guidance to
drafting and using a URS, whereas pharmaceutical process validation guidance
is given elsewhere (see PIC/S PI 006 and related EU/USFDA documents).


Computerised systems may simplistically be considered to exist as three main

application types, i.e.: process control systems, data processing systems,
(including data collection/capture) and data record/ storage systems. There may
be links between these three types of system, described as interfaces. For
critical systems, the inspector should study the users specifications, reports,
data, acceptance criteria and other documentation for various phases of the
project. The regulated user should be able to demonstrate through the
validation evidence that they have a high level of confidence in the integrity of
both the processes executed within the controlling computer system and in
those processes controlled by the computer system within the prescribed
operating environment.


The simplification of application system types may at first sight seem to be

misleading for some readers. For GCP, examples of specific clinical systems
have been described in Computer Systems Validation in Clinical Research
Section 9 (Further Reading Ref: 12). It can be seen that many of these systems
have much in common with requirements for other GxP sectors, (e.g. Electronic
transfer of data and/or software systems, (clinical) database management
systems, statistical systems, derived data systems, electronic document
management systems, electronic records and electronic signatures).


The regulated users of the system have the ultimate responsibility for ensuring
that documented validation evidence is available to GxP inspectors for review.

Large enterprise or MRP-II systems may be tested in a pilot mode environment initially,
followed by controlled roll-out to the user environment.

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In addition to the validation considerations, the inspector will also be concerned

with assessing the basic operational controls, quality system and security
features for these systems, as indicated in the PIC/S GMP Annex 11 and
amplified in the APV Guidance, q.v. For a copy of the APV Guidance, see
GAMP 4 Appendix 09 (Further Reading Ref: 15).





The assurance of the reliability of a Suppliers software products is attributable

to the quality of the software engineering processes followed during
development. This should include design, coding, verification testing,
integration, and change control features of the development life cycle, (including
after sales support). In order for customers to have confidence in the reliability
of the products, they should evaluate the quality methodology of the supplier for
the design, construction, supply and maintenance of the software . A formal,
extensive review of the history of the Supply Company and the software
package may be an option to consider where an additional degree of assurance
of the reliability of the software is needed. This should be documented in a
Supplier Audit Report . Prospective purchasers should consider any known
limitations and problems for particular software packages or versions and the
adequacy of any corrective actions by the Supplier. Appropriate,
comprehensive documented customer acceptance testing should support the
final selection of the software package. Errors often come to light after
implementation and it is important for the Supplier to advise/assist the
Customer concerning any problems and modifications to resolve errors. For so
called standard software packages and COTS (as referenced in the GAMP
guide and commercial literature), it is important that purchasers are vigilant in
maintaining reliable systems. This may include documented reviews of their
own experiences, (e.g. log books and error reporting and resolution), from
reading relevant literature or from interacting with application User Groups to
identify and resolve any serious problems. Conclusions and recommendations
from such activities should be recorded.


Where the reliability and structural integrity of complex software products

cannot be directly assessed, or completely evaluated, then it is even more
important to assure that a good construction process has been used and has
been properly documented. It is recognised that complex commercial
proprietary applications can be extremely difficult to assess due to commercial
secrecy and rivalry between suppliers, competing for market share . Market

Refer also to ISO15504 (1998) Information Technology Software Process Assessment

and see GAMP 4 Appendix M2 Guideline for Supplier Audit.

A minority of suppliers are not responsive to requests for an audit. The need to perform
a supplier audit should be linked to the regulated users risk assessment and quality
assurance standards.

The UK Governments Interdepartmental Committee on Software Engineering (ICSE)

and the Real Time Engineering Group, have referred to such software as SOUP
(Software of Uncertain Pedigree) (1999).

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research plus focused quality system and product specific audits of the
suppliers by the regulated user (or by an accredited third party auditor) may be
beneficial here. The business/GxP criticality and risks relating to the application
will determine the nature and extent of any assessment of suppliers and
software products. GAMP Forum and PDA have provided advice and guidance
in the GxP field on these matters.

At all times there is a need for complete and accurate documentation and
records to cover all aspects of the design phase, implementation & validation of
the computerised system(s). Operating and reporting requirements for the
important phases of the Software development Life Cycle related qualifications
and testing exercises and commissioning should be covered by comprehensive
Standard Operating Procedures or quality plans. The need for control and
documentation of the development, implementation and operation of computer
systems is extremely important for the validation of the system. There needs to
be a strong emphasis on quality assurance in the development stages. It is
fundamental for system life cycle documents to be controlled and maintained
(version, audit trails as appropriate), within a quality assured document
management system and available for inspection, if necessary. Regulated
users may choose to implement these requirements using either robust paper,
electronic or hybrid systems.




A recent USFDA document identifies three premises that constitute the basic
principles of quality assurance, which apply to software engineering:

Quality, safety and effectiveness must be designed and built into the

Quality cannot be inspected or tested into the finished software.

Each phase of the development process must be controlled to maximise

the probability that the finished software meets all quality and design


A computerised system is composed of the computer system and the controlled

function or process. The computer system is composed of all computer
hardware, firmware, installed devices, and software controlling the operation of
the computer. The controlled function may be composed of equipment to be
controlled and operating procedures that define the function of such equipment,
or it may be an operation, which does not require equipment other than the
hardware in the computer system. Interfaces and networked functions through
LAN and WAN are aspects of the computerised system and operating
environment potentially linking a multitude of computers and applications. A
firms GxP system environment, functionality and interactions with other
system(s) needs to be clearly defined and controlled in respect of GMP Annex

Audits are not mandatory but are considered good practice, and it is for the regulated
user to determine any auditing needs, scope and standards.

Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff: General Principles of Software Validation,
CDRH, January 2002 (Further Reading Ref. 5).

e.g. automated equipment and laboratory or process related instrumentation.

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11 (4). It may be necessary to equip personal PC applications and Internet/ email/ personal data filing/ etc., with appropriate security and design measures to
protect GxP systems whilst permitting authorised users to control the personal
applications on their desktop PCs.
Figure 1

Schematic (below) identifies the relationship of the various components

of a computerised system in its operating environment.




(Controlling System)


(including other networked, or standalone computerised systems, other
systems, media, people, equipment and procedures)


A large variety of computer systems are used in regulated user organisations.

These range from the simple standalone to large integrated and complex
systems. For example, a significant proportion of programmable electronic
systems and proprietary automated equipment for manufacturing, laboratory or
clinical use, contains 'firmware' with embedded software in place (for further
details on firmware and embedded software refer to the glossary. Also, see
Section 15.1 of this document for approaches to be taken with different
systems. Firmware and operating systems are usually qualified for the intended
use (including version, release or related criteria) as part of performance
qualification / process validation. Regulated users should have an inventory of
all their computerised systems, ownership, supplier/developer, functionality,
links and validation status. A policy and validation master plan for computerised
systems should also be available for inspection.

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A high level of assurance of quality and reliability cannot be attributed to a

computerised system based simply on a series of tests solely designed to
confirm the correct function of the software and its interaction with hardware.
There needs to be a formal planned approach by the developer to assure that
quality is built into the product. ISO 9001 provides a quality system model for
quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing.
The objective of testing during software development at the supplier should be
to try to break the structural integrity of the software and find any weaknesses
through a rigorous testing regime. Audits of suppliers conducted by or on behalf
of regulated users should cover these issues when project related risk analyses
deem it to be necessary.


ISO/IEC 12207:1995 provides guidance on acceptable practices for Information

Technology - Software life cycle processes and ISO 9004, ISO 10005 and ISO
10007 provide guidance on Quality Management and system elements,
including quality plans and configuration management. IEEE 1298 is specific
and prescriptive on what should be addressed in planning. ISO 9126 concerns
software quality and defines the quality attributes for critical applications. The
GAMP Guide also provides relevant guidance for the pharmaceutical sector.


It would be expected that the regulated users Validation Policy or Validation

Master Plan (VMP) should identify the companys approach to validation and
its overall philosophy with respect to computerised systems. The VMP should:

Identify which computerised systems are subject to validation.

Provide brief descriptions of the validation strategies for different

categories of computerised systems as well as other validation activities.

Outline protocols and related test procedures for all validation activities
including computer systems.

Define reporting requirements to document validation exercises and

related results.

Identify key personnel and their responsibilities as part of the Validation





It is important for a regulated user to have in place a comprehensive policy and

procedures for the specification, purchase, development and implementation of
computerised systems. Ideally these procedures would cover all computerised
systems; this PIC/S document will only concern itself with those systems that
have an impact on GxP requirements.


Refer to GMP Annex 15 for more details concerning the VMP requirements.


It may be appropriate to refer to established policies, SOPs or individual validation plans

to meet these requirements.

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The organisation should regard disciplines related to the introduction of a

computerised system as in accord with the basic principles of project
management. Achieving the quality, performance and reliability objectives for
any project requires competence in engineering and design. Where regulated
users do not have the resources for engineering and design within their own
organisation, there is a heavy reliance on the supplying companys resources.


To satisfy the quality, performance and reliability objectives, the regulated user
needs to assure that the suppliers management policies; systems and related
procedures will achieve the desired objectives. Enlightened suppliers should
provide such evidence and added value to all customers, whether large or
small, through the recognition of industry standards from GAMP Forum,
Supplier Forum, PDA, ISPE, etc., and also through shared audits, user groups,
and product certification arrangements.


It is important to acknowledge that the scope and level of documentation and

records needed to formalise and satisfy basic project management
requirements for critical systems will be dependent upon:

the complexity of the system and variables relating to quality and


the need to ensure data integrity;

the level of risk associated with its operation;

the GxP impact areas involved.


Within the regulated user organisation there should be clearly defined

responsibilities for the management of all ICT products, computerised
systems and projects. Management should cover the full spectrum, from simple
input/output devices and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) through to
integrated supervisory or information systems and business management
levels. These responsibilities should involve development and administration of
policies on purchase of IT products, as well as the introduction, commissioning
and maintenance of IT products. The responsibilities should extend to
development and implementation of formal monitoring, auditing and servicing of
each system and designate the related documentation and records for such


BS 7799: 1999, (13), is issued in two parts (Part 1: Code of practice for
information security management, and Part 2: Specification for information
security management systems) and provides recommended guidance on a
comprehensive set of controls comprising best practices in information
security . These controls and measures (or the equivalent) are recommended
for adoption within this PIC/S guidance. They will assist in drafting the internal
control standards and procedures to be implemented by IT management and
administration departments.


ICT = Information and Communications Technology


Relevant recent guidance is also provided in ISO/IEC17799:2000 on Information

Technology Code of practice for information security management and also in the
pre-amble to FDAs 21 CFR Part 11.

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When utilising a computerised system within a regulated environment it is

appropriate to establish system control documentation or a system description,
[e.g. as required by GMP Annex 11(4)], giving a written detailed description of
the system, also covering development and maintenance. This system control
document may include a record of, or a reference to, the documented User
Requirement Specifications (URS), or other life-cycle documents. It should also
be the definitive statement of what the system must or must not do. This
document is also important for legacy systems and those systems under


When properly documented, the URS should be complete, realistic, definitive

and testable. Establishment and agreement to the requirements for the software
is of paramount importance. Requirements also need to define non-software
(e.g. SOPs) and hardware.


User Requirement Specifications, (URS), requirements should satisfy the

following criteria:

Each requirement document should be reviewed, authorised and uniquely


There should be no conflict between requirements.

Each requirement, particularly those to be met to satisfy GxP

expectations, should be specified in a manner such that compliance with
the requirements is capable of being verified objectively by an authorised
method, e.g. inspection, analysis or test.

The URS, although independent of the supplier should be understood and

agreed by both user and supplier . There should be a clear distinction
between mandatory regulatory requirements and optional features.

The URS should contain functional and non-functional requirements:

functionality, effectiveness, maintainability, usability, etc. Requirements
should be objectively verifiable.


Linked, approved system life-cycle records may very well meet the requirements for the
system control documentation/system description.


Development and maintenance information may often be held in separate (referenced)

documents for large complex systems.


Risk assessment in the URS phase also needs to be addressed.


Note: This is straightforward for a bespoke system. However, for marketed proprietary
systems or configurable packages then it is for prospective users, integrators and
suppliers to discuss and review proposed user requirements, versus package
functionality. It is essential to determine the degree of fit and then control any
necessary configuration work, modification, coding, testing and validation requirements
in line with this guidance.


When choosing a standard product or component, the URS may be developed

compiling required features from the suppliers specifications.

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Evaluation of the URS and the functional specifications should allow

identification of the GxP requirements covered by the system. Additionally the
URS will provide information as to where there are important interfaces
between the system and manual operations. The URS should also form the
basis for a risk assessment of the system for GxP compliance requirements, in
addition to other risks such as safety. The risk analysis may be based on the
FS, which is related to the URS, (e.g. for bespoke systems). The risk
assessment and the results including the reasons for the ranking as either:
critical or not critical should be documented. The nature of any GxP risks
should be clearly stated.


All computerised systems should have been subjected to documented

prospective validation or qualification. Readers should refer to Section 15 of this
document for validation strategies for different categories of software and
systems. However, as users systems evolve through modification,
enhancement or integration and in response to additional regulatory
requirements, it may be necessary to conduct additional re-qualification and
revalidation work on the existing systems. The URS and System Description
document should be correspondingly updated as validation life cycle evidence.
Figure 2 (see Section 11 below) shows the relationship between URS and
performance qualification (PQ).




From the URS, the supplier (this would include in-house developer) of the
software would be able to develop the functional specifications (in the case of
bespoke programs) or clearly identify the functional specifications for selection
and purchase of off-the-shelf systems. The functional specifications should
define a system to meet the URS, i.e. the customer's needs.


The functional specifications should provide a precise and detailed description

of each of the essential requirements for the computer system and external
interfaces. This means descriptions of functions, performances and where
applicable, design constraints and attributes.


For particular types and levels of systems it may be appropriate to have a

combined URS and FS. Section 14 of this document gives further details of
validation strategies for the five different categories for computer software as
identified in the GAMP Guide.


The regulated user should be able to provide documentation describing the

computer system(s) to include logic flow or block diagrams where practical, also
giving an indication of hardware layout, networks and interaction. These basic
schematics should align with the functional specification and be traceable to the
URS. Within the EU it is logical for this information to be held within the
controlled System Description document, required by GMP Annex 11 (4).


Risk assessments and analyses can be useful at various stages during the entire
system life-cycle and not just for the FS or URS, (see also GAMP 4 M3).

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Figure 2 below maps the relationships between the key specification and qualification
elements as the system is specified, designed, built and tested.








Figure 2.

Basic framework for specification and qualification (based on Figure 6.2

of GAMP-4)


The quality controls and quality assurance procedures, documentation and

records related to the development and production of the software and
hardware for computer systems are of critical importance. There are a number
of accepted models for software development, e.g. the spiral model of
development, the waterfall model and the life cycle model. All models have their
own special attributes. As an example the GAMP guide adopts, but does not
mandate a V framework (see figure 2 above). (Note: The URS and FS may be
combined for smaller projects. These are related to the OQ.)


Supplier and developer reputations and trading histories for the software
product provide some guidance to the level of reliability that may be assigned to
the product supplied. The pharmaceutical regulated user therefore should have
in place procedures and records that indicated how and on what basis suppliers
were selected.


Compliance with a recognised Quality Management System (QMS) may

provide the regulated user and regulatory agencies with the desired confidence
in the structural integrity, operational reliability and on-going support for
software and hardware products utilised in the system. The accreditation
assessment schedule and scope of certification needs to be relevant to the
nature of the proposed application. Structural integrity and the application of
good software and hardware engineering practices are important for critical


This is an example only. Regulated users would be expected to comment on their own
particular model. They should also interpret and define the relationships between
various life-cycle elements as appropriate.

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Confidence in the structural integrity may be based to some extent on the

recognition of relevant certification of a companys software and hardware
development methodology and QMS to ISO 9001 standard, such as (for
example) TickIT certification and utilisation of ISO 9000 related guidance.
However, it is essential that the assessment scope and schedules applied by
the certifying auditors for these schemes should cover the engineering quality
standards, actual practices, controls and records in place including nonconforming product (error feedback from the market), corrective actions,
change management and so forth for particular products and versions. These
can be very useful benchmarks for the design engineering, replication and
maintenance standards in place at suppliers of large proprietary packages and
can assist pharmaceutical clients with short listing and selection criteria.


However, an assessment of the suppliers QMS and recognised certification

alone is unlikely to be the final arbiter for critical systems. The certification may
very well be inadequate, or inappropriate. In such cases, the regulated user
may wish to consider additional means of assessing fitness for purpose against
predetermined requirements, specifications and anticipated risks. Techniques
such as supplier questionnaires, (shared) supplier audits and interaction with
user and sector focus groups can be helpful. This may also include the specific
conformity assessment of existing, as well as bespoke software and hardware
products. GAMP and PDA guideline documents identify a need to audit
suppliers for systems carrying a high risk and have detailed guidance on
supplier auditing procedures/ options.


Appendix O9 of the GAMP 4 Guide incorporates an independent commentary

on PIC/S GMP Annex 11 and provides specific advice on quality and
operational matters to help ensure compliance with the PIC/S and EU GMP.
Users and suppliers need to ensure that software, hardware and systems are:

quality assured;

fit for their intended purpose; and

supported by appropriate documentation for quality and validation





The Standards ISO 9001, ISO 9126 & IEEE 1298 have a number of important
features that can be summarised in the following points:

They are structured around a QMS approach to the development, testing

and documentation for software design, production and installation.

Compliance with the standard requires formal systems for control,

traceability and accountability of product(s) and personnel.

The standard outlines the features and requirements of a life cycle

approach to software production (manufacture), with emphasis on the
importance of a change control procedure.

The need for, and importance of, testing of software product/s is identified
by the standard as it requires a tiered approach to testing and identifies
three levels of testing for software:

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Unit code testing;

Integrated module testing; and

Customer acceptance testing.

The GAMP Guide is also widely used as an industry standard of

relevance here.

There are a number of advantages in organisations utilising a QMS approach

for development and changes to software product. It would be expected that
this approach if utilised by developers and producers of software should ensure
(within the limitations of the quality management system approach) the

Management commitment to quality and design control by instituting

systems for quality control, documentation and quality assurance.

Development, production and installation based on quality plans, verified

by quality records. The QMS requires development, testing and
programming standards.

Adherence to quality assurance disciplines such as internal audits of the

processes, corrective & preventative action procedures and control of
non-conforming product.

QMS methodology to establish

(subcontracted) software product.







Assurance of reliability of software is achieved by execution of quality plans and

testing during the software development process. This involves unit code
testing and integration testing in accordance with the principles of ISO 12207,
IEEE 1298 and IEEE 829 Software Test Documentation . See also the
corresponding sections in the GAMP Guide. The development and testing of
hardware and software should be done under a quality assurance system,
documented and formally agreed between the various parties. This can
ultimately provide evidence in support of GxP quality compliance (e.g. Annex
11(5)). Locations and responsibilities for testing (depending on the category of
the software and system) are outlined in the GAMP Guide, qv.


One of the most critical aspects of development of software is the integration

testing phase where individual elements of software code (and hardware, where
applicable), are combined and tested during or prior to this stage until the entire
system has been integrated. Extra benefits may be achieved by code walkthroughs including evaluation of critical algorithms and/or routines, prior to
testing. Errors found at the integration testing phase are much cheaper to
correct than errors found at a later stage of testing. Code review (walk-through)
is best done as early in the process as possible, preferably before submitting a
module to test. Code reviews are best performed before formal unit code testing
(i.e. before a unit or module is frozen and enters formal testing).


This testing is defined as verification of the software element. Verification is defined as

the process of determining whether or not the products of a given phase of the software
development cycle fulfil the requirements established during the previous phase.

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For some simpler GxP systems, for example certain PLCs and systems based
on basic algorithms or logic sets, the functional testing may provide adequate
assurance of reliability of the computerised system. For critical and/or more
complex systems the verification testing that is conducted at the IQ, OQ & PQ
stages provides only a limited level of assurance that the system does what it
purports to do, reliably. This level of testing provides only limited assurance of
the operation and reliability of hidden functions and code. For complex systems
there should also be a high level of assurance that the development of the
software has ensured delivery and operation of a quality product that is
structurally sound, clearly defined and controlled.


Test scripts should be developed, formally documented and used to

demonstrate that the system has been installed, and is operating and
performing satisfactorily. These test scripts should be related to the User
Requirements Specifications and the Functional specifications for the system.
This schedule of testing should be specifically aimed at demonstrating the
validation of the system . In software engineering terms satisfactory results
obtained from the testing should confirm design validation.


Any processing equipment and activities related to or controlled by the

computer system would require additional IQ, OQ and PQ testing regimes. It
may be appropriate to combine test phases and test scopes for a group of
equipment or activities, and this should be defined in a test plan or strategy.


Regulated Users should be able to demonstrate formal acceptance of systems

after testing and controlled transfer into the live operational environment.




Regulated users need to be able to provide evidence for their computerised

systems to demonstrate their range, complexity, functionality, control and
validation status.


For the validation of computerised systems there should be a system in place

that assures the formal assessment and reporting of quality and performance
measures for all the life-cycle stages of software and system development, its
implementation, qualification and acceptance, operation, modification, re23
qualification, maintenance and retirement . This should enable both the
regulated user, and competent authority, to have a high level of confidence in
the integrity of both the processes executed within the controlling computer
system(s) and in those processes controlled by and/or linked to the computer


The supplier/developer should draft test scripts according to the project quality plan to
verify performance to the functional specifications. The scripts should stress test the
structural integrity, critical algorithms and boundary value aspects of the integrated
software. The test scripts related to the user requirements specification are the
responsibility of the regulated users.


Tools and controls within the QMS, such as audits, change controls, configuration
management and continuous improvement programmes may feature here.

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system(s), within the prescribed operating environment(s).

Section 4.6)

(See also


The regulated users range of computerised systems needs to be formally

listed in an inventory and the scope/extent of validation for each detailed in a
consolidated written Validation programme . Validation scope should include
GxP compliance criteria, ranked for product/process quality and data integrity
risk criticality, should the system fail or malfunction. This process represents
one of the most important pre-requisites of Validation Master Planning (see
PIC/S doc. PI 006), in that it is essential to assign priorities and attention to
those systems (and features within systems) that represent the highest potential
for disaster, should they malfunction or become inoperative. The risk analyses
and the results, together with reasoning for critical or non-critical
classifications, should be documented. Risks potentially impacting on GxP
compliance should be clearly identified. There are a number of techniques to
help identify and analyse risks and to select risk reduction and control
measures. For further information refer to the GAMP Guide appendix and the
GAMP Forum special interest group paper on Functional Risk Assessment.


GxP compliance evidence is essential for the following aspects and activities
related to computerised systems:


data input (capture and integrity), data filing, data-processing, networks,

process control and monitoring, electronic records, archiving, retrieval,
printing, access, change management, audit trails and decisions
associated with any automated GxP related activity;

in this context, examples of GxP related activities might include:

dispensing/weighing, manufacturing, assembly, testing, quality control,
quality assurance, inventory control, storage and distribution, training,
calibration, maintenance, contracts/technical agreements and associated
records and reports.


Historically, these systems have relied on manual systems, some electromechanical controls and paper based documentation. The introduction of
computerised systems does not diminish the need for compliance with GxP
requirements and guidelines.


The italicised-bold part of this definition should be interpreted as requiring controlled

documented methodology and records based on best compliance practices. This is to
ensure that firms have generated documented evidence (electronic and/ or paper
based), that gives a high level of assurance that both the computer system and the
computerised system, will consistently perform as specified, designed, implemented
and validated. Related validation dossiers for complex integrated projects should be
clearly cross-linked for audit purposes.


The scope or extent of validation for each system can be detailed in individual validation
plans. A hierarchy of linked validation plans may be appropriate as outlined in GAMP 4
guidance Appendix M1: Guideline for validation planning.


These examples are intended to be illustrative, not exhaustive.

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The current Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP) Supplier Guide

provides essential guidance to suppliers of software to the Industry. The guide
also provides a concise explanation of the interrelationship between various
stages of software development and the requirements for Installation,
Operational & Performance Qualification. The GAMP Guide identifies five
different categories of software.





The GAMP Guide may be referred to as appropriate for detailed guidance both
in the core project management section, the quality narrative and the specific
appendices. The following are category summaries from GAMP 4:

Reproduced from the GAMP 4 Guide (with permission) Appendix M4

Table 2.1:


Summary of Software Categories

Software Type

Validation Approach

Operating System

Record version (including service pack). The

Operating System will be challenged indirectly by
the functional testing of the application.


For non-configurable firmware record version.

Calibrate instruments as necessary. Verify
operation against user requirements.
For configurable firmware record version and
configuration. Calibrate instruments as
necessary and verify operation against user
Manage custom (bespoke) firmware as Category
5 software.

Standard Software

Record version (and configuration of

environment) and verify operation against user
Consider auditing the supplier for critical and
complex applications.

Software Packages

Record version and configuration, and verify

operation against user requirements.
Normally audit the supplier for critical and
complex applications.
Manage any custom (bespoke) programming as
Category 5.

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Custom (Bespoke)

Audit supplier and validate complete system.

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However, this pre-defined category approach may be difficult to apply to

complex integrated computerised systems where different GAMP category
levels are effectively combined. Many systems span the category levels. For
all critical systems a holistic risk-based approach is necessary. This should
consider the risks from the entire pharmaceutical application. Quality assurance
controls, qualification work and risk reduction measures can cascade from this
to consider each of the elements comprising the computerised system. GAMP
guidance is considered to be scaleable for large, medium and small, complex
and simple systems. Where software and systems do not appear to fit readily
into this category system then it is for users to apply judgement in determining
particular quality measures, validation strategies and acceptance criteria. For
instance, under particular circumstances the operating system configuration
may contribute to the overall risk of the system and the level of validation
should reflect this. Inspectors will be interested in the companys approach to
identifying GxP risks and the criteria for assessing the fitness for purpose of the
system application.


There are a number of additional important aspects that would be required in

the documentation and records necessary to support a validation exercise.
These aspects relate to on-going evaluation and system maintenance. As a
result the documentation and records for validation of a computer system would
also require information and records for the following aspects of system control:

Evaluation records to demonstrate that the system works as described in

the URS (verification stage and on-going monitoring).

Records of operator training (introduction and on-going training).

Procedure for on-going monitoring, this procedure would interlink the error
report system and the deviation reports system with the change control

Maintenance of user manuals and SOPs for all systems.




Retrospective validation is not equivalent to prospective validation and is not an

option for new systems. Firms will be required to justify the continued use of
existing computerised systems that have been inadequately documented for
validation purposes. Some of this may be based on historical evidence but
much will be concerned with re-defining, documenting, re-qualifying,
prospectively validating applications and introducing GxP related life-cycle
controls. Reference should also be made to GAMP Forums forthcoming
guidance on Legacy Systems. Inspectors may be interested in seeing whether
system descriptions are available and that documented evidence exists that
the system has been checked/tested against URS and other specifications.
Risk and criticality analysis and assessment of supplier may also be relevant. A
documented evaluation of system history i.e. error logs, changes made,
evaluation of user manuals and SOPs would also be expected to provide some
of the documentation relating to the controlled system in place of formal
validation evidence.

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A significant number of legacy systems may operate satisfactorily and reliably,

however, this does not preclude them from a requirement for validation. The
approach to be taken is to provide data and information to support the
retrospective documentation of the system to provide validation and requalification evidence. GxPs have required the validation of computerised
systems for many years. It should therefore be noted that a lack of prospective
validation evidence for computerised systems would increasingly be seen as a
serious deviation from GxPs by a number of regulatory authorities . However
retrospective validation might be justified if a non-GxP system is newly
classified as a GxP system.


The principles identified above for computer systems validation should be

addressed where a retrospective validation approach has been undertaken for
a legacy system. For legacy systems, because of their age and unique
characteristics, the system development documentation and records
appropriate for validation may not be available. As a result the approach taken
to establish and document system reliability and on-going assurance based on
the build-in-quality concept for software development would, of necessity, be
different to a current system.


Nevertheless, the validation strategy would be consistent with the principles

established for classic retrospective validation where the assurances are
established, based on compilation and formal review of the history of use,
maintenance, error report and change control system records and risk
assessment of the system and its functions. These activities should be based
on documented URSs . If historical data do not encompass the current range
of operating parameters, or if there have been significant changes between past
and current practices, then retrospective data would not of itself support
validation of the current system.


The validation exercise for on-going evaluation of legacy systems should entail
inclusion of the systems under all the documentation, records and procedural
requirements associated with a current system. For example, change control,
audit trail(s), (where appropriate), data & system security, additional
development or modification of software under a QMS, maintenance of data
integrity, system back up requirements, operator (user) training and on-going
evaluation of the system operations.


Compared with 10 to 20 years ago, when GxP related applications were often
rudimentary and standalone, there are now many more integrated, infrastructure
computer systems to consider, especially when regulated users are striving to achieve
so-called paperless systems. Some specific national GxP compliance regulations,
such as the US FDAs 21 CFR Part 11: Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures
have set specific requirements in this field. For legacy systems, firms often have to
consider retrospective validation, upgrading or replacement.


Experience reports supported by additional testing have reportedly been used to

retrospectively derive a URS.


QMS = Quality Management System

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Ultimately, regulated users have to be able to demonstrate:

Defined requirements

System description, or equivalent

Verification evidence that the system has been qualified and accepted and
that GxP requirements are met

In the absence of adequate retrospective qualification or validation evidence

this could be a reason to suspend, discontinue or turn-off any legacy system(s).





It is important for proper control that a comprehensive change management

system is instituted. This may take two forms in that during the Design phase it
may only be necessary to keep records pertaining to the project up-to-date
without formal sign-off approvals for all changes. However, once the project
reaches a point where specifications are under development and conceptual
aspects have been finalised, then a formal change control procedure should be
established which will require clear, prescriptive and accurate documentation
and records. It is important for the responsibilities of participants in the change
control procedure to be carefully defined.


As discussed previously, it is appropriate for regulated users to have a system

control document or some other record system to achieve a documented
baseline record for the description of the computerised system. The system
control documentation should be the definitive statement of what the system
must do. The control document should also provide a record of the User
Requirement Specifications. The change control procedure for the
computerised system project should be integrated with the Master change
control procedure for the regulated user organisation . The change control
procedure will need to take account of the corresponding procedures and
records used by suppliers, integrators and other parties contracted to support
the particular system and applications. Validated decentralised arrangements
for change control may be a feature in large complex regulated user


Common IT infrastructure features may need to be controlled centrally by IT

systems and security management. Key roles, responsibilities and procedures
need to be clearly documented in relevant internal and external Service Level
Agreements, (SLAs), or equivalent documents.


It is important for regulated users to ensure that change control management is in place
during all system life cycle phases, i.e. from design and development through operation,
maintenance, modification and retirement. The arrangements should be described in
the validation plans for the project. Records should be kept with the project files.

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The formal change control procedure should outline the necessary information
and records for the following areas:

Records of details of proposed change(s) with reasoning.

System status and controls impact prior to implementing change(s).

Review and change authorisation methods (also see 12.5).

Records of change reviews and sentencing (approval or rejection).

Method of indicating change status of documentation.

Method(s) of assessing the full impact of change(s), including regression

analysis and regression testing, as appropriate (IEEE).

Interface of change control procedure with configuration management



The procedure should accommodate any changes that may come from
enhancement of the system, i.e. a change to the user requirements
specifications not identified at the start of the project. Or alternatively a change
may be made in response to an error, deviation or problem identified during use
of the system. The procedure should define the circumstances and the
documentation requirements for emergency changes (hot-fixes). Each error
and the authorised actions taken should be fully documented. The records
should be either paper based or electronically filed.


Computer systems seldom remain static in their development and use. For
documentation and computer system control it should be recognised that there
are several areas that would initiate change or a review for change. These are:

a deviation report;

an error report; or

a request for enhancement of the computer system;

hardware and software updates.


The results of periodic reviews may be helpful, e.g. in indicating process drifts
and the need for change. Quality systems procedures should ensure that the
changes are clearly documented and closed out after actions have been
completed. The change control procedure should complement and link with the
deviation and errors report system. Various GAMP 4 Operation appendices
include guidance in these areas.


The supplier of the software should have its own change control system in
place and there should be clear and agreed procedures covering the
interrelationship of the suppliers and users change control system. Where
changes are made then the modifications of software should be undertaken
following formal QMS documentation, records and procedural requirements.

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Any changes to the validated computerised system should not be undertaken

without review and authorisation on behalf of all stakeholders responsible for
the current user requirements. It may be appropriate for this to be undertaken
by the system owner and QA representative. Test scripts, determined by the
project plan, q.v., (of defined test type and extent of tests), should be used to
verify the acceptability of the software element developed in response to a
change request. Integration testing may also be necessary before release of the
new software version .




The security of the system and security of the data is very important and the
procedures and records pertaining to these aspects should be based on the IT
policies of the regulated user and in conformance with the relevant regulatory
requirements. The use of a computerised system does not reduce the
requirements that would be expected for a manual system of data control and
security. System owners responsibilities will include the management of
access to their systems and for important systems the controls will be
implemented through an Information Security Management System (ISMS).


It is very important for the regulated user to maintain the procedures and
records related to the access to the system(s). There should be clearly defined
responsibilities for system security management, suitable for both small and
complex systems, including:



The implementation of the security strategy and delegation

The management and assignment of privileges

Levels of access for users

Levels of access for infrastructure (firewall, backup, re-booter, etc.).

The examination of the procedures and records should assure that the following
basic requirements are satisfied:

Access rights for all operators are clearly defined and controlled, including
physical and logical access.

Basic rules exist and are documented to ensure security related to

personal passwords or pass cards and related system/data security
requirements are not reduced or negated.

Correct authority and responsibilities are assigned to the correct

organisational level.

Procedures are in place to ensure that identification code and password

issuance are periodically checked, recalled or revised.

Loss management procedures exist to electronically invalidate lost, stolen

or potentially compromised passwords. The system should be capable of
enforcing regular changes of passwords. Precise change rates to be
justified within the ISMS.

It may be necessary to regard proposed changes to infrastructure as a special case and

define a set of stakeholders.

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Procedures identify prohibited passwords.

An audit log of breaches of password security should be kept and

measures should be in place to address breaches of password security.
The system should enforce revoking of access after a specified number of
unsuccessful logon attempts.

Measures are needed to ensure the validated recovery of original

information and data following back up, media transfer, transcription,
archiving, or system failure.

Attempted breaches of security safeguards should be recorded and

Some equipment, such as standalone computerised systems and
dedicated operator equipment interfaces and instruments may lack logical
(password etc.) capabilities. These should be listed, justified and
subjected to other procedural controls.


It should be realised that when absolutely necessary Inspectorates of the

national competent authorities may need to be able to access a firms encrypted
GxP data. In such circumstances, either keys for decryption would need to be
made readily available to the Inspectors working for the competent authorities,
or decryption would have to take place under the inspectors supervision.


The validated back-up procedure including storage facilities and media should
assure data integrity. The frequency of back up is dependent on the computer
system functions and the risk assessment of a loss of data. In order to
guarantee the availability of stored data, back-up copies should be made of
such data that are required to re-construct all GxP-relevant documentation
(including audit trail records).


There should be written procedures for recovery of the system following a

breakdown; these procedures should include documentation and record
requirements to assure retrieval and maintenance of GxP information. The
examination of the procedures and records should assure that the following
basic back up and disaster recovery requirements are satisfied:

There should be procedures to assure routine back-up of data to a safe

storage location, adequately separated from the primary storage location,
and at a frequency based on an analysis of risk to GxP data.

The back-up procedure including storage facilities and media used should
assure data integrity. There should be a log of backed up data with
references to the media used for storage. Media used should be
documented and justified for reliability.
All GxP related data, including audit trails should be backed-up.


Procedure for regular testing, including a test plan, for back up and
disaster recovery procedures should be in place.
A log of back up testing including date of testing and results should be
kept. A record of rectification of any errors should be kept.

The physical security of the system should also be adequate to minimise the
possibility of unauthorised access, wilful or accidental damage by personnel or
loss of data.

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Where applicable, the audit trail for the data integrity may need to include
functions such as authorised user, creations, links, embedded comments,
deletions, modifications/corrections, authorities, privileges, time and date, inter32
alia. All linked components are to be immutably linked in an IT system security
controlled audit trail. All original data records and masters and any subsequent
alterations, additions, deletions or modifications are to be retained accurately
and comprehensively within the retrievable audit trail. The nature and context of
transactions logged in the audit trail to be deducible from and in agreement
with, the firms approved Standard Operating Procedures for information
security management for the particular computerised applications and users
authorities . Firms will need clearly documented policies, standard operating
procedures, validation reports and training records covering such system
controls. Information Security Management standards such as ISO/IEC
17799:2000 may be of assistance with the design, implementation and control
of such systems.


Where applicable, there should be special procedures for critical data entry
requiring a second check, for example the data entry and check for a
manufacturing formula or the keying in of laboratory data and results from paper
records . A second authorised person with logged name and identification, with
time and date, may verify data entry via the keyboard. For other automated
systems featuring direct data capture linked to other databases and intelligent
peripherals then the second check may be part of validated system functionality
(e.g. in a dispensary). Special access, system control features and/or special
devices such as identification code bars, and the inclusion and use of an audit
trail to capture the diversity of changes possibly impacting the data may
facilitate this check.


The records pertaining to the audit trail events should be documented, ideally
as features of the operating system, database management system (DBMS),
document management system (DMS) and other major applications. Timelinked audit trail records should be available, if required, in a human readable
form as required by the inspector . GxP Inspectors may see evidence for
different forms of audit trail depending on the regulations prevailing in the
intended regulated markets for the products or data.


Penguin English Dictionary: Immutable [imewtabl] adj unchangeable; without variation

- immutably adv.


The systematic contextual labelling of transactions in the electronic audit trail log is
recommended as it can have automated functional feedback control links with security
validation features.


Information Technology - Code of practice for information security management

BSI/DISC and national standards bodies. Other guidance will be found in the guidelines
supporting FDAs 21 CFR Part 11.


This is an established compliance requirement in the GMP discipline.


It should be noted that for the USA market it may be a requirement in for audit trails to
be available in electronic form, not just paper, but the implementation and enforcement
of compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 is under review by FDA in 2003, (see Ref. 11).

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It is expected that appropriate controls will exist such as the maintenance of a

register of authorised users, identification codes, scope of authorised actions, in
support of GxP electronic records and electronic signatures.


There should be records of checks that the data/control/monitoring interface(s)

between the system and equipment ensure correct input and output




EC Directive 91/356 sets out the legal requirements for EU GMP. The GMP
obligations include a requirement to maintain a system of documentation,
(Article 9) . The main requirements here being that the regulated user has
validated the system by proving that the system is able to store the data for the
required time, that the data is made readily available in legible form and that the
data is protected against loss or damage.


The guidelines relating to documentation in the GMP Guide are in Chapter 4

and there is no requirement here that documents be in writing. Indeed in
paragraph 4.9 the section amplifies Article 9.2 (see above). It references
electronic data processing (EDP) systems and implies a number of good
practice measures that should be in place to protect the data:

access by authorised personnel only

use of passwords

creation of backup copies

independent checking of critical data

safe storage of data for the required time

Such systems also require evidence to demonstrate:

(fundamental) the use of validated, secure computerised systems

the systematic use of an accurate, secure, audit trail, (where appropriate)


The central consideration here as in Directive 91/356, is that records are

accurately made and protected against loss or damage or unauthorised
alteration so that there is a clear and accurate audit trail throughout the
manufacturing process available to the licensing authority for the appropriate


The main requirements in Article 9.1 are that documents are clear, legible and up to
date, that the system of documentation makes it possible to trace the history of
manufacture (and testing) of each batch and that the records are retained for the
required time. Article 9.2 envisages that this documentation may be electronic,
photographic or in the form of another data processing system, rather than written.

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The situation for an authorised wholesale distributor is similar for records

covering purchases/sales invoices, (on paper or on computer, or any other
form) . The requirements for records are clear: Records should be made in
such a way that all significant activities or events are traceable and are clear
and readily available.


Regulated user companies generally have a choice as to whether to use

electronic records or electronic signatures instead of paper based records.
When regulated users elect to use electronic records for GxP applications then
it will be necessary for the companies to identify the particular regulations being
applied and whether they are to be considered legally binding and equivalent to
their paper-based counterparts. Regulations applicable to particular GxP
disciplines may impose specific rules e.g. when electronic records and
electronic signatures are used as a primary source of data, records and/or
It is for the regulated user to explain and justify the technologies and controls in
An appropriate form of Electronic signature or authentication / identification
should be applied where

external access can be made to a computerised GxP system

the system electronically generates GxP regulatory records, or

key decisions and actions are able to be undertaken through an electronic



Generally there is no requirement for records and documents created and

maintained, as part of GxP, to be in writing, and validated, secure electronic
versions are permitted. In the absence of provisions to the contrary this will
arguably extend to electronic signatures. Certainly, where regulated users
have elected to use electronic records in place of paper-based media, then
it can be argued, (from the forgoing requirements) that for accurate, authorised,
secure electronic record systems these systems would logically require an
attached immutable audit trail identifying person, time and date and linking to
particular transactions. However, some systems may utilise a combination of
human actions together with other automated functions and a variety of media
for GxP data processing, records and information. Such systems may be
described as hybrid and in such cases documented procedural controls with


The relevant EC directive being 92/25, Article 6(e), as amplified in the GDP guidelines
(94/C 63/03). Article 8 of 92/25 requires that the documentation system makes it
possible to trace the distribution path for every product.


It has been proposed via industry comments that a signature should be unique to the
owner of that signature but not necessarily unique to the system. It has also been
argued that it may be desirable to issue and maintain only one signature across a
multitude of systems. Regulated users may need to explain and justify such
arrangements, controls and logic.


The regulated user is expected to justify the choice of methods to be used to ensure
compliance with regulations and GxP, (see glossary Advanced Electronic Signature,
Electronic Signature (3) etc.


In this context writing meaning written by hand and/or signed by hand on paper

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recorded links, by reference and signatures may have to be used to complete

the audit trail across, for example, a mixture of paper based records and
electronic files.


Whilst EC Directive 2001/83 requires a Qualified Person to certify in a

register that batches for release meet the required condition we are not aware
of any provisions that would restrict this activity to paper based media and a
handwritten certifying signature. Validated and secure electronic data
processing systems may therefore be used in this context.


The key aspects of infrastructure, system and specific application to be

controlled and managed are:


the authorised user log-on for a specific application

a unique combination of user ID and password called for by the

computerised system and linked to the users authorised account for the
use of a specific application

permitted task functionality for that user

the system to have defined time zone(s) and date standard referencing
with relative transaction linking, (complex systems may span several time

the audit trail

other physical and logical system information security infrastructure

control features.


Issues to consider when assessing GxP compliance in the use of electronic

signatures include that:

Documentary evidence of compliance exists for all aspects of

infrastructure, system and specific application.

Where risk assessment concludes that the use of a digital signature may
be necessary (e.g. Certification to a third party or in GCP field data
collection and transmission) that adequate security measures exist to
protect the key to a digital signature. The level of security that is
appropriate depends on the sensitivity of the transaction and the possible
impact of the unauthorised use of the key. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
may be appropriate where risk assessment indicates that a high level of
security is required.

A register of entities that are authorised is being maintained.

There are procedures that ensure that entities authorised to use electronic
signatures are aware of their responsibilities for actions initiated under
their electronic signatures.

Personnel administering the systems

clearances, training, skills and knowledge.


Including printouts from computerised systems.


Superseding 75/319 Article 22 following codification.


See previous Section (20.1).

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Procedures are in place to record the printed name, or identity, of the

signer, the date and time when the signature was executed and the
meaning associated with the signature.

Procedures exist to try to detect the unauthorised use of an electronic

signature or compromised ID password combinations.

21.10 Issues to consider where electronic records are used to retain GxP data:

Documentary evidence of compliance exists

Archiving procedures are provided and records of use exist

Procedures exist to ensure accuracy, reliability and consistency in

accordance with the validation exercise reported for the electronic record

System controls and detection measures (supported by procedures) exist

to enable the identification, quarantining and reporting of invalid or altered

Procedures exist to enable the retrieval of records throughout the

retention period

The ability exists to generate accurate and complete copies of records in

both human readable and electronic form

Access to records is limited to authorised individuals

Secure, computer-generated, time-stamped audit trails to independently

record GxP related actions following access to the system are used .

21.11 Procedures exist to ensure that change-control and revision (additions,

modifications, deletions) transactions are documented in the audit trail.

21.12 Issues to consider when the GxP system has a provision for external access :

The system has a method of ensuring that external access and inputs
come only from authorised clients and that they come in the correct
format, for example as encrypted, digitally signed mail or data packets. A
mechanism must exist to quarantine external inputs where security
conditions are not met. The information security management
arrangements need to cover the quarantine, notification and the final
sentencing of such inputs.

Mechanisms are in place to ensure that all external access can be

tracked. Each element of the processing stage should incorporate logging
and monitoring facilities. However, inspectors may expect to see less
onerous tracking for read only access to a suitably secure and
protected system.

The capacity should exist to keep copies of data and to re-send them from
one stage to another if they get lost or corrupted at a later stage of


A database management system (DBMS) will have this included as an optional feature,
but for other systems it may be necessary to ensure that it is an added function.
Regulated users will then need to ensure that it is left switched on.


Sometimes referred to as open systems

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21.13 Additional security arrangements and controls will be needed for GxP
computerised systems which electronically generate regulatory records, allow
external access, or enable key decisions and actions to be undertaken through
electronic interfaces. These requirements are being determined largely by
international initiatives to establish electronic commerce . However, where
firms are interfacing such open system (external access) functionality, in whole
or in part, with their GxP systems, then the security, control and validation
information will need to be documented and available to GxP inspectors.



Note: 22.1 to 22.7 is based largely on the APV Guideline , q.v., with judicious
editing where necessary to fit the context of this document.

There should be sufficient, qualified staff with the relevant experience to carry
out tasks for which the regulated user is responsible in connection with the
planning, introduction, application (operation), application consultancy on, and
regular monitoring of, computerised systems.


Ideally staff qualifications should be assessed on the basis of professional

training, education and experience in handling and developing computerised
systems. The field of work in which the staff will be operating should determine
qualification requirements. Staff should only be deployed in areas suited to their
skills and training.


The individual areas of responsibility should be laid down in writing and be

clearly understandable to every member of staff. The fact that computerised
systems may take over decision-making functions does not affect the legally
prescribed responsibilities of the persons in key positions.


Prior to converting a process from manual to automated control (or the

introduction of a new automated operation) it is important that project staff
consider any quality assurance and safety issues as part of an impact
assessment of risks. Risk reduction measures may need to be incorporated into
the systems design and operation . (Additional risks to the quality of GxP
related products/materials should not be introduced as a result of reducing the
manual involvement in the process).


Including 21 CFR Part 11. Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 11 (21 CFR
Part 11), which was issued by the US FDA in 1997 and provides criteria under which
that agency considers electronic records and electronic signatures to be equivalent to
paper records and hand-written signatures. In Europe EC Directive 1999/93/EC
(December 1999) on a community framework for electronic signatures and EC Directive
2000/31/EC (May 2000) on electronic commerce in the internal market are important.
These directives were implemented during 2001. It is not the purpose of GxP guides to
reproduce such business and commerce requirements.


Section 22.4 has been substantially re-worded compared with the original (English
language version) APV guidance, for clarity.


Account should be taken of the risk of certain aspects of the previous procedures such
as quality or safety being lost as a result of reduced operator involvement following the
introduction of a computerised system.(to quote the APV document)

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The regulated user is responsible for ensuring all staff who have to perform
tasks in connection with computerised systems are given the requisite training
and relevant guidelines on computerised systems. That should also apply to
system developers, maintenance and repair staff and staff whose work could
affect the documented operability of the systems.


Apart from a basic training in computerised systems, newly recruited staff

should also be trained in the tasks assigned to them personally. Furthermore,
ongoing/awareness training should also be undertaken according to standard
training programs and the effectiveness of the training assessed periodically
following implementation, (through testing).


In connection with training, the GxP and life-cycle concept and all measures to
improve understanding and application of the concept should be explained.
Training measures and qualifications should be documented and stored as
part of the life cycle documentation. (Training records may be stored in
accordance with regulated user procedures)




The attention paid by inspectors to the assessment of the GxP implications of

computerised systems on a site (and between sites), will be determined to
some extent by the overall site history and risk assessment carried out by the
inspector in preparing for the inspection. Information computer technology
management arrangements for the procurement and validation of software and
systems may be centralised at the regulated users headquarter site rather than
at the site of inspection. In such circumstances the controls, SOPs and records
in place to ensure GxP compliance at inspection sites will need to be made
available on site. In some circumstances it may also be necessary to consider
an inspection at the HQ site.


Clearly where a site has a lot of automation and integrated computerised

systems - and manufactures a range of sterile products - (for example), then the
potential risks from a GxP failure, (whether computer related or otherwise) for
the patient are high. However, where such automated systems are well
designed, implemented, managed and controlled, then potential risks to product
quality (and to patients) may be considerably reduced, compared with labour
intensive operations, as the latter carry inherent risks from human variability
and errors. Inspectors have to come to a judgement on this by studying the
firm's evidence not just in relation to the technology aspects (through the
application of GAMP etc.) but also the GxP risks identified (through PQ
reports and such-like).


Humans design, build, test, implement and change these complex systems
and there is opportunity for critical error with automated systems at any stage in
the life-cycle unless properly managed. The GAMP Guide provides relevant
guidance on these aspects.


PQ = Performance Qualification

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It is not intended that this guidance should be used as a 'blunt instrument' for all
on-site inspections but inspectors should use it selectively to build up a clear
picture of a company's scale and complexity of on-site computerization (or
automation) and investigate selectively the critical systems and risks. As stated
in 2.7 of this PIC/S guidance, inspectors may wish to consider evidence for
compliance with GxP as indicated by italicised text throughout the document.
Table 1 (page 34) immediately following this section provides a suggested
checklist for information to be considered prior to inspection .


Where little is known about computerization on a site, then it may be necessary

to use a pre-inspection questionnaire to amplify the Site Master File details.


Inspectors should select the GxP critical computerised systems from the
information provided and consider firstly the validation evidence for the selected
system(s) and then the routine operational controls for maintaining a valid
system that is accurate and reliable. Inspectors may find that different
departments in pharmaceutical companies will have responsibility for GxP
aspects of commercial, or business (IT systems) and lower level process
control systems. Look for evidence of inconsistency, or muddled standards.


GxP critical computerised systems are those that can affect product quality and
patient safety, either directly (e.g. control systems) or the integrity of product
related information (e.g. data/information systems relating to coding,
randomisation, distribution, product recalls, clinical measures, patient records,
donation sources, laboratory data, etc.). This is not intended as an exhaustive


It is essential that firms have a computerised systems validation policy together

with linked SOPs and plans, including a listing, or inventory, of all their
computerised systems - classified as to their use, criticality and validation
status. For long standing systems, validation may have been carried out
retrospectively and for systems purchased or implemented in the last few years,
the validation should have been carried out (and recorded) prospectively. Firms
should have plans to complete any outstanding retrospective validation of GxP
related computer systems within a reasonable time period depending on the
risks and complexity of the systems. The continued use of critical systems that
are unsupportable by suppliers and cannot be validated must be justified by
regulated users, supported by alternative fail-safe arrangements and
considered for urgent phased replacement.


The firm's validation approach should follow a life-cycle methodology, with

management controls and documentation as outlined in this guidance, which
contains consensus best practice guidelines.


An electronic keyword search of GxP documents will reveal specific compliance

requirements to assist in preparing for particular topic inspections. Keywords such as:
document, specification, formula, procedure, record, data, log book, instruction,
written, sign, approve, writing, signature are particularly helpful for records, data,
documentation, authorisation and signature issues.

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23.10 Inspectors should review the firm's Validation Summary Report , (VSR) for the
selected system and refer as necessary to the System Acceptance Test
Specification and lower level documents. They should look for evidence that the
qualification testing has been linked with the relevant specification's acceptance
criteria, viz:

PQ versus URS .

OQ versus FS

IQ versus DS or DR

Supplier audit reports

Validation and *quality plans. e.g. Validation Master Plan, (VMP) or



(*For big projects there should be a project quality plan and a QMS for the
documentation. For smaller projects established SOPs may suffice)
23.11 Inspectors should look for the traceability of actions, tests and the resolution of
errors and deviations in selected documents. If the firm has not got proper
change and version controls over its system life-cycle and validation
documents, then the validation status is suspect.
23.12 Inspectors should consider all parts of PIC/S GMP Annex 11 for relevance to
particular validation projects and in particular, the 'Principle' and items 1, 2, 3,
4, 5 and 7.
23.13 The lack of a written detailed description of each system, (kept up-to-date
with controls over changes), its functions, security and interactions
(A11.4); a lack of evidence for the quality assurance of the software
development process (A11.5), coupled with a lack of adequate validation
evidence to support the use of GMP related automated systems may very
well be either a critical or a major deficiency. The ranking will depend on
the inspectors risk assessment judgement for particular cases. (NB.
Since 1983, the GMPs have called for validated electronic data-processing
systems and since 1992 for the validation of all GMP related computer
23.14 If satisfied with the validation evidence, inspectors should then study the system
when it is being used and calling for printouts of reports from the system and
archives as relevant. All points in Annex 11 (6, 8-19) may be relevant to this
part of the assessment. Look for correlation with validation work, evidence of
change control, configuration management, accuracy and reliability. Security,
access controls and data integrity will be relevant to many of the systems
particularly EDP (i.e.: Electronic Data Processing) systems.


VSR=A best practice high level report, summarising the validation exercise, results and
conclusions, linking via cross referencing to lower level project records, detailed reports
and protocols. This is useful for briefing both senior managers, in regulated user
organisations and for reference by auditors/ inspectors.


OQ = Operational Qualification; FS = Functional Specification


IQ = Installation Qualification; DS= Design Specification; DR = Design Review

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23.15 Consider also PIC/S GMP 4.9 and EC Directive 91/356/EEC Article 9(2) for
EDP systems. Guidance on the common industry interpretation of Annex 11 is
given in the GAMP Guide, from the German APV.
23.16 Deficiency ratings applied by Inspectors will be based on the relative risk
of the application and their judgement of risk criticality.


Table 1
Table 13.5 in the publication Good Computer Validation Practices, (Suggested Further
Reading Ref.1), provided a summary of typical information to be made available to an
inspector as part of preparation work. As it is still largely relevant, it is reproduced in
updated form below, with the authors permission, for information:

Details of the organisation and management of IT/Computer Services and Project Engineering on


The regulated users policies on procurement of hardware, software and systems for use in GxP


The regulated users policy on the validation of GxP computerised systems


A list of IT/Computer Services Standards and SOPs.


The project management standards and procedures that have been applied to the development of
the various applications.


Identify work contracted out routinely for systems support and maintenance.


A list, or inventory, of all Computerised Systems on site by name and application for business,
management, information and automation levels. The list should also indicate validation status and
risk ranking. (Include basic schematics of installed hardware and networks).


Identify and list those systems, sub-systems, modules and/or programs that are relevant to GxP
and product quality. Cross-refer to the lists provided for 6 above.


For the GxP significant elements and systems identified in 7 please provide additional information
as below:

10. Details of disaster-recovery, back up, change-controls, information security, and configuration
11. A summary of documentation that generally exists to provide up-to-date descriptions of the
systems and to show physical arrangements, data flows, interactions with other systems and life
cycle and validation records. The summary should indicate whether all of these systems have
been fully documented and validated and confirm the existence of controlled system description
documents as required by EU GMP A11 (4).
12. A statement on the qualifications and training background of personnel engaged in design, coding,
testing, validation, installation and operation of computerised systems, including consultants and
sub-contractors, (specifications, job descriptions, training logs).
13. State the firms approach to assessing potential suppliers of hardware, software and systems.
14. Specify how the firm determines whether purchased or in-house software has been produced in
accordance with a system of QA and how validation work is undertaken.
15. Document the approach that is taken to the validation and documentation of older systems where
original records are inadequate.
16. Summarise the significant computer system changes made since the last inspection and plans for
future developments.
17. Ensure that records relating to the various systems are readily available, well organised, and key
staff are prepared to present, discuss and review the detail, as necessary.

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Table 2
Software Related - Inspectors Aide Memoir
Life Cycle Stage
1. Development
1. Development
1. Development

Project Stage Activity

Develop URS/FS/DS
Plan Testing
Plan documentation of Testing





Select programming language

and tools
Write/create software program.


Testing (Modules)

Make sure each module only

accepts allowed in-data and
gives only allowed out-data.
incorrect data and logic errors.

Testing (Integrated

Same type of tests but applied

after integrating the modules.



Correct errors, update versions

when needed.





System documentation (including software) correct and

Re-validate when changes are
made to the program.


Other matters

Alternative routines are put in

place for system failure and
training includes this.

Evidence for Review

URS/FS/DS Documents
Test plan and test scripts
Written document describing how
testing should be documented.
Document recording programming
Documented source code with
comments; explanation of function;
in-data and expected out-data for
each structured module. How
modules influence each other. If
program is purchased, how is
access to source code guaran56
Sample reports from testing if
possible. Has testing covered
boundaries of limits and also the
input of invalid data? Have all tests
been documented? Have all
errors/failures been followed up?
Same kind of review of evidence. If
the program is purchased, then
validation proof needs to have been
assessed by regulated user.
Formal routines and records for
configuration management and
change control. Regression testing
and periodic evaluation (as a
system goes through multiple
changes over time)
User handbook, supporting SOPs,
correct versions.
decisions documented. Routines
and records are in-place, scoped
dependent on the size/complexity
of the changes
documented, including training


Some of the details below are not relevant for COTS but it is necessary to have clearly
defined the requirements for intended use and to have assessed the applications
fitness for purpose.


Under some circumstances, access to source code cannot be guaranteed. Regulated

users are expected to have assessed the business risks and put in place contingency
measures in the event of the business failure of the supplier.

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Table 3
Computer System Validation Related Inspectors Aide Memoir


Control Measure Checks



Is the system defined? What should it do? Is there

a written validation plan? Are there full
specifications? Are there written protocols?
(Including acceptance criteria).



Do the test records show that in and out data

meets the specifications?


Documented results

Are the results complete and documented?


Verify correctness

Are data and documentation correct and complete?

Have these been verified by the regulated user?


Compare with Acceptance


Have competent responsible personnel carried out

the validation and review work? Is this all



Are conclusions complete, meaningful and based

on results? Are acceptance criteria fulfilled? Are
there any conditional conclusions?



Has approval been formally recorded? Was there

any QA/QC involvement at the regulated user?


On-going evaluation

What is the procedure to ensure on-going

evaluation of the system? What are the change
control procedures?

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Table 4
Annex 11 Inspectors Checklist



Personnel (1)

Key personnel/computer specialists cooperate.

Personnel (1)

Project and user personnel are trained

and any necessary experts are involved.

Validation (2)

Life-cycle model; formal

procedures in place.

System (3)



Influence of environment


There is a written, up to date, detailed

description of the system.


Software has been produced according to

a quality assured system.


Checks of data and calculations built in.


System tested and validated. Verified

against previous/or manual system being


Data entry and change only by authorised

personnel. Password / security management.


Critical data (GXP data) verified by a 2

person, or by a validated electronic


Audit trail for data entry and processing.


Alterations to system and programs

subjected to rigorous change controls,
including re-validation and approvals.


Printed copies of electronically stored

data available if needed?

(13) and GMP 4.9

Physical and logical protection of data.

Information security management and
change management.


Data back up procedures; separate and

secure media and locations.


established in the event of system failure.


Validated alternative arrangements (15)

defined and documented. Records of
failures and remediation exist.


Records show the analysis of errors and

corrective actions taken.


Service level agreements or contracts in

place for services provided by outside
agencies for computerised systems at
regulated users sites.


Responsibilities in chain of release of

batches defined and linked to QP.

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Table 5
General Points for Inspectors To Consider On Inspection





Is there only one key person? (Dependence on only

one person may be catastrophic).



Is management involved?



Is the Quality organisation involved?


Data system

Early during the inspection, ask for a complete

overview of the system(s) including flow of data.


Data system

The use of parallel systems may indicate grey

areas and potential system weaknesses.



Has terminology actually been defined? Is it used




How is access controlled? Information Security




Is there a maintenance manual of each system

detailing what to do on a periodic basis? (Daily,
weekly, monthly etc). Are there corresponding
records of compliance?


Control of System

Routines for configuration management, and change

control in place?



Are self-inspection routines in place?

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Table 6
Overview of User Responsibilities (from GAMP 4 Table 7.1)




Identify system

Each automated system should be assessed and GxP

regulated systems identified.


Produce URS

The URS should define clearly and precisely what the

user wants the system to do, state any constraints, and
define regulatory and documentation requirements.


Determine validation strategy

Risk Assessment

An initial Risk Assessment should be carried out during

validation planning. Further assessments should be
performed as specifications are developed.

Assessment of system

System components should be assessed and

categorized to determine the validation approach
required. The output from this assessment will feed into
the Validation Plan.

Supplier assessment

Suppliers should be formally assessed as part of the

process of selecting a supplier and planning for
validation. The decision whether to perform a Supplier
Audit should be documented and based on a Risk
Assessment and categorization of the system


Produce Validation Plan

The Validation Plan should define the activities,

procedures, and responsibilities for establishing the
adequacy of the system. It typically defines what Risk
Assessments are to be performed.


Review and approve

specifications, including the
system description

The user should review and approve specifications

produced by the supplier.


Monitor development of

The user should monitor development and configuration

activities against an agreed plan.


Review source code

The user should ensure that source code is adequately

reviewed during system development.


Review and approve test


The user should review and approve test specifications

prior to formal testing.


Perform testing

The user may be involved in testing, as a witness during

test execution, or as a reviewer of test results.


Review and approve test


The user should approve the test reports and

associated test results.


Produce Validation Report

The Validation Report should summarize all

deliverables and activities and provides evidence that
the system is validated.


Maintain System

Once the system has been accepted, the user should

operational procedures.


System Retirement

The user should manage the replacement or withdrawal

of the automated system from use.


Refer also to Section 15 for context (validation strategy for different systems).

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EU Annex 11 to the EU guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practice for

Medicinal Products.


Annex 11 to PIC/S Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal

Products, Document PH 1/97 (Rev. 3), PIC/S Secretariat, 9-11 rue de Varemb,
CH-1211 Geneva 20


GAMP Guide for Validation of Automated Systems, GAMP4

(ISPE (GAMP Forum), 2001)


Australian Code of GMP for Medicinal Products, August 2002.


WHO Guideline for GMP for Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products.


Relevant CFR sections of the USFDA Register:

21 CFR 211.63,
67, 68
21 CFR Part 11

Electronic Records: Electronic Signatures

21 CFR 211.68,
180, 188, 192
21 CFR Part11

Electronic Records: Electronic Signatures

Quality System
21 CFR 820

Quality system regulation

21 CFR 58


Good laboratory practice for non-clinical laboratory


ISO standards:
Quality management and quality assurance
ISO 9000-1 Part 1: Guidelines for selection and use.
ISO 9000-3 Part 3: Guidelines for the application of ISO9001:1994 to the
development, supply, installation and maintenance of
computer software. See also current Tick-IT Guide for
construction, software engineering, assessment and
certification (see ref. 12 re:BSI DISC London)
Quality Management and quality system elements
ISO 9004-1 Part 1: Guidelines.
ISO 9004-2 Part 2: Guidelines for Services .
ISO 9004-4 Part 4: Guidelines for quality improvement.
ISO 10005: 1995
Quality management - Guidelines for quality plans.
ISO 10007: 1995
Quality management - Guidelines for Configuration

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Life cycle management

ISO/IEC 12207:1995 Information Technology - Software Life Cycle processes
ISO/IEC 17799:2000 (BS 7799-1:2000) Information technology Code of
practice for information security management.

IEEE Publications:
IEEE 729
IEEE 730
IEEE 828
IEEE 829
IEEE 830
IEEE 983
IEEE 1012
IEEE 1298


British Standards:
BS 7799:

BS 7799: 2000

Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology

Quality Assurance Plan
Software Configuration Management Plans
Software Test Documentation
Guide to Software Requirements Specification
Guide to Software Quality Assurance Planning
Software Verification Plans
Software Quality Management System Part 1:

1999 Information Security Management, BSI DISC 389

(Tel:+44 181 995 7799 Fax:+44 181 996 6411
Information technology Code of practice for
information management


DISC PD 5000 series of Codes for Electronic Documents and e-Commerce
Transactions as Legally Admissible Evidence (including DISC PD 0008:1999
in Pt 1):
Pt 1
Information Stored Electronically
Pt 2
Electronic Communication and e-mail policy
Pt 3
Identity Signature and Copyright
Pt 4
Using Certification Authorities
Pt 5
Using trusted Third Party Archives
DISC PD 3002
DISC PD 3005


Guide to BS 7799 Risk Assessment and Risk

Management (ISBN 0 580 29551 6)
Guide on the selection of BS 7799 controls (ISBN 0 580
33011 7)

Guidance for Industry, Part 11, Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures

Scope and Application, US Dept. of Health and Human Services and all FDA
Centers/ Offices, February 2003. (\\CDS029\CDERGUID\5505dft.doc) draft
guidance for comment.

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Good Computer Validation Practices Common Sense Implementation

[Stokes, Branning, Chapman, Hambloch & Trill. Interpharm Press, USA: ISBN:


Computer Systems Validation for the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device

Industries [Chamberlain. ISBN 0-9631489-0-8].


Validating Automated Manufacturing and Laboratory Applications, [Wingate et

al., Interpharm Press, USA: ISBN 1-57491-037-X]


Validation of Computerized Analytical Systems, Interpharm Press, L. Huber,

ISBN: 0-935184-75-9, 1995


General Principles of Software Validation - Final Guidance for Industry and FDA
Staff (FDA, CDRH, January 2002)


PDA Technical Report No 18, Validation of Computer-Related Systems, PDA

Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 1995 Supplement, Vol. 49,


PDA Technical Report No. 32, Report on the Auditing of Suppliers providing
Computer Products and Services for Regulated Pharmaceutical Operations
(PDA, 1999)


Validation of Process Control Systems: a Guideline by GMA & NAMUR, in

Section 5 of GAMP-3 (1998) Vol. 2, Best Practice for Users and Suppliers.


PDA Technical Report No. 31: Validation and Qualification of Computerised

Laboratory Data Acquisition Systems, PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science
and Technology, 1999 Supplement, Vol. 53, No.4


Guidance for Industry - Computerized systems used in Clinical Trials, US FDA,

April 1999


GLP Consensus Document The Application of the Principles of GLP to

Computerised Systems, 1995, OECD/ OCDE/GD (95) 115 (Environment
Monograph No.116)


Computer Systems Validation in Clinical Research, 1997, ACDM/ PSI Working

Party. (ACDM, PO Box 129, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8FG England)


ICH Topic E6: Guideline



EU GMP Guide Annex 15, Qualification and Validation,

Commission, July 2001, (based on PIC/S recommendations)


APV Guidance, Appendix 9 to GAMP4 Guide for Validation of Automated

Systems, ISPE (GAMP Forum), 2001

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This glossary has been extracted predominantly from the (1) EU GMP Annex 15,
Qualification and Validation document, [see Further Reading Ref:14]; (2) the GAMP
Guide; and (3) the PDA Technical Report No 18. The list of definitions has been
compiled to reflect the current terminology generally accepted internationally.
Inspectors may have to correlate or adapt the terms in the light of internal policies,
standards and guidelines used by regulated users companies and relevant SDLC
methodologies. The sources of each of the definitions have been identified in the
following manner:

EU GMP Annex 15 PIC/S document definitions are recorded as (1);

GAMP definitions are recorded as (2);

PDA technical report no. 18 definitions are recorded as (3);

EC Directive 1999/93/EC on a Community framework for electronic

signature, (Official Journal of the European Communities, 19.1.2000), (4);

Definitions elaborated in this PIC/S document do not carry a suffix


Advanced Electronic Signature

(EU) means an electronic signature, which meets the following requirements:

it is uniquely linked to the signatory;


it is capable of identifying the signatory;


it is created using means that the signatory can maintain under his
control; and


it is linked to the data to which it relates in such a manner that any

change of the data is detectable. (4)

Application-Specific Software
A software program developed or adapted to the specific requirements of the
application. (3)
Automated System
Term used to cover a broad range of systems, including automated manufacturing
equipment, control systems, automated laboratory systems manufacturing execution
systems and computers running laboratory or manufacturing database systems. The
automated system consists of the hardware, software and network components,
together with the controlled functions and associated documentation. Automated
systems are sometimes referred to as computerised systems; in this Guide the two
terms are synonymous. (2) (GAMP 4 (3) Scope page 14)
A system produced for a customer, specifically to order, to meet a defined set of user
requirements. (2)
A manifestation of an error in software (a fault). (2)

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Change Control
A formal system by which qualified representatives of appropriate disciplines review
proposed or actual changes that might affect a validated status of facilities, systems,
equipment or processes. The intent is to determine the need for action that would
ensure that the system is maintained in a validated state. (1)
[Authors note: FDA may specifically require evidence of pre and post implementation
reviews of changes. The latter to detect any unauthorised changes that may have been
made despite established procedures. These are quality assurance activities.]
Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
Configurable Programs- Stock programs that can be configured to specific user
applications by filling in the blanks, without (COTS) altering the basic program. (3)
Computer Hardware
Various pieces of equipment in the computer system, including the central processing
unit, the printer, the modem, the cathode ray tube (CRT), and other related
apparatus. (3) (See also Figure 1, page 8, of this document).
Computer System
Computer hardware components assembled to perform in conjunction with a set of
software programs, which are collectively designed to perform a specific function or
group of functions. (3) (See also Figure 1, page 8, of this document).
Computerised System
A computer system plus the controlled function that it operates. (3)
[Authors note: Today this may be considered to be rather a narrow definition, especially
in the context of integrated computers. The definition should therefore include all
outside influences that interface with the computer system in its operating environment.
These may typically include monitoring and network links, (to/from other systems or
instruments), manual (keypad inputs), links to different media, manual procedures and
automation. The term also covers automated instruments and systems. See also the
definition for automated systems in this section and Section 26, Reference 11, the
GLP OECD consensus document. PIC/S GMP Annex 11(4) is relevant here regarding
documenting the scope and interaction of systems.]
The documented physical and functional characteristics of a particular item, or system,
e.g. software, computerised system, hardware, firmware and operating system. A
change converts one configuration into a new one.
Configuration Management
The process of identifying and defining the configuration items in a system, controlling
the release and change of these items throughout the system life cycle, recording and
reporting the status of configuration items and change requests, and verifying the
completeness and correctness of configuration items. (2)
Debugging (IEEE)
The process of locating, analysing, and correcting suspected faults. (2)

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Electronic Signature
An electronic measure that can be substituted for a handwritten signature or initials for
the purpose of signifying approval, authorisation or verification of specific data entries.
See also definition for Advanced Electronic Signature, above.
Electronic Signature (FDA)
21 CFR Part11 defines this as: The computer data compilation of any symbol or series
of symbols executed, adopted, or authorised by an individual to be the legally binding
equivalent of the individuals hand-written signature.
Electronic Signature (EU)
1999/93/EC states: electronic signature means data in electronic form which are
attached to or logically associated with other electronic data and which serve as a
method of authentication. (See also Advanced Electronic Signature) (4)
Embedded System
A system, usually microprocessor or PLC based, whose sole purpose is to control a
particular piece of automated equipment. This is contrasted with a standalone
computer system. (2)
Executive Program (ANSI/IEEE/ASO)
A computer program, usually part of the operating system, that controls the execution
of other computer programs and regulates the flow of work in a data processing
system. (2)
A software program permanently recorded in a hardware device, such as an
EPROM. (3) (Note: EPROM stands for Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
Functional Requirements (ANSI/IEEE)
Statements that describe functions a computer-related system must be capable of
performing. (3)
Functional Specifications
Statements of how the computerised system will satisfy functional requirements of the
computer-related system. (3)
Functional Testing
A process for verifying that software, a system, or a system component performs its
intended functions. (3)
Hardware Acceptance Test Specification
Statements for the testing of all key aspects of hardware installation to assure
adherence to appropriate codes and approved design intentions and that the
recommendations of the regulated user have been suitably considered. (2)
Hardware Design Specification (APV)
Description of the hardware on which the software resides and how it is to be
connected to any system or equipment. (2)
Hybrid Systems
Refer to Section 21.6 of this document

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Integration testing (IEEE)

An orderly progression of testing in which software elements, hardware elements, or
both are combined and tested until the entire system has been integrated. (2)
Interface (ANSI/IEEE)
A shared boundary. To interact or communicate with another system component. (2)
Legacy Computerised Systems
These are regarded as systems that have been established and in use for some
considerable time. For a variety of reasons, they may be generally characterised by
lack of adequate GMP compliance related documentation and records pertaining to the
development and commissioning stage of the system. Additionally, because of their
age there may be no records of a formal approach to validation of the system.
Life Cycle Concept
An approach to computer system development that begins with (PMA CSVC)
identification of the users requirements, continues through design, integration,
qualification, user validation, control and maintenance, and ends only when commercial
use of the system is discontinued. (2)
Loop Testing
Checking the installed combination of elements characterising each type of input/output
loop. (2)
Network (ANSI/IEEE & GAMP)
An interconnected, or interrelated group of nodes.
An interconnected communications facility. A Local Area Network (LAN) is a
high bandwidth (allowing a high data transfer rate) computer network operating
over a small area such as an office or group of offices. (2)
Operating Environment
Those conditions and activities interfacing directly or indirectly with the system of
concern, control of which can affect the systems validated state. (3)
Operating System
A set of software programs provided with a computer that function as the interface
between the hardware and the applications program. (3)
Public Key Infrastructure
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) provides a framework for secure communication,
using a combination of public-key cryptography and Digital Certificates.
PKIs can exist within many different domains but essentially there are two types:
A Private PKI is deployed by a corporation for the benefit of its business and any
related parties (e.g. customers, suppliers).
Public PKIs (using Trusted Third Parties) are deployed on open systems, such as the
Internet and facilitate security between previously unrelated parties.

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Raw Data
Any work-sheets, records, memoranda, notes, or exact copies thereof, that are the
result of original observations and activities and which are necessary for the
reconstruction and evaluation of a work project, process or study report, etc. Raw data
may be hard/paper copy or electronic but must be known and defined in system
procedures. (2)
Regulated User
The regulated Good Practice entity, that is responsible for the operation of a
computerised system and the applications, files and data held thereon. (See also
Repetition of the validation process or a specific portion of it. (2)
Security (IEEE)
The protection of computer hardware and software from accidental or malicious
access, use, modification, destruction or disclosure. Security also pertains to
personnel, data, communications and the physical protection of computer
installations. (2)
Source Code (PMA CSVC)
An original computer program expressed in human-readable form (programming
language), which must be translated into machine-readable form before it can be
executed by the computer. (2)
Standalone System
A self-contained computer system, which provides data processing, monitoring or
control functions but which is not embedded within automated equipment. This is
contrasted with an embedded system, the sole purpose of which is to control a
particular piece of automated equipment. (2)
Structural Integrity (Software)
Software attributes reflecting the degree to which source code satisfies specified
software requirements and conforms to contemporary software development practices
and standards. (3)
Structural Testing
Examining the internal structure of the source code. Includes low-level and high-level
code review, path analysis, auditing of programming procedures and standards actually
used, inspection for extraneous dead code, boundary analysis and other techniques.
Requires specific computer science and programming expertise. (2)
Structural Verification
An activity intended to produce documented assurance that software has appropriate
structural integrity. (3)


PIC/S Authors Note on Raw Data- For information: FDAs 21 CFR Part 11 requires the
retention of electronic records in electronic form (thus including raw data electronically
captured or recorded). Also, for all good practice disciplines regulated by competent
authorities it must be possible to reconstruct studies and reports from raw data and the
electronic records may be needed to support any paper printouts.

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System Acceptance Test Specification (2)

The system acceptance test specification is a description of those tests to be carried
out to permit acceptance of the system by the user. Typically it should address the

System functionality

System performance

Critical parameters

Operating procedures
The tests should ensure that the product operates as indicated in the functional
specification and meets the user requirements as defined in the URS. The tests
typically include limit, alarms and boundary testing.
The System Acceptance Test Specification is a contractual document and, as such,
should be approved by both the supplier/ developer/ integrator and the end user.
An example procedure for producing a System Acceptance Test Specification is given
in a GAMP Guide Appendix.
System Software
Software designed to facilitate the operation and maintenance of a computer system
and its associated programs, such as operating systems, assemblers, utilities, network
software and executive programs. System software is generally independent of the
specific application. (3)
System Specifications (PMA CSVC)
Describe how the system will meet the functional requirements. (2)

Unplanned (Emergency) Change (PMA CSVC)

An unanticipated necessary change to a validated system requiring rapid
implementation, also known as a hot-fix. (2)
The company or group responsible for the operation of a system. (3) (see also
Regulated User). The GxP customer, or user organisation, contracting a supplier to
provide a product. In the context of this document it is, therefore, not intended to apply
only to individuals who use the system, and is synonymous with Customer. (2)
Utility Software (ANSI/IEEE)
Computer programs or routines designed to perform some general support function
required by other application software, by the operating system, or by system users. (2)
Validation of Computerised Systems
See text Section 14.2 for definition.


This can be very risky. Fix testing/ implementation work should ideally not be carried
out initially in the live environment. All changes to the live validated system(s) must be
subjected to the firms change control, configuration management and validation
procedural controls, to ensure compliance with GMP and the maintenance of a
validated state.

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American National Standards Institute


Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik E.V.


British Standards Institute


Distributed Control System


Design Review


Design Specification


Design Qualification


Electronic Data Processing


European Union


US Food and Drug Administration


Functional Specification


Good Automated Manufacturing Practice


Good Clinical Practice


Good Distribution Practice


Good Laboratory Practice


Good Manufacturing Practice


Compliance requirements for all good practice disciplines in the regulated

pharmaceutical sector supply chain from discovery to post marketing.


International Electrical Commission


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.


Installation Qualification


Information Security Management System


International Standards Organisation


International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering


Laboratory Information Management System


Local Area Network

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Materials Requirements Planning


Manufacturing Resource Planning


Operational Qualification


Parenteral Drug Association


Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme


Public Key Infrastructure


Programmable Logic Controller


Performance Qualification


Quality Management System


Research and Development


Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition


Service Level Agreement


Standard Operating Procedures


User Requirements Specification


Validation Summary Report (see footnote to Section 23.10)


Wide Area Network



1 July 2004
25 September 2007

Version Number
PI 011-2
PI 011-3

Reasons for revision

Added Revision History

Changed Editors co-ordinates

Changed Editors co-ordinates


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