DB Assignment Aug Dec 09

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KDU College


CS1103 Database Systems


Learning Outcome: This assignment supports the following outcome:

The student should be able to:
1. Create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
2. Convert the ERD to a relational schema in Third Normal Form.
3. Create a data dictionary based on the relational schema.

Duration: Start date: 28th September 2009 and Date Due: 16th October 2009, 12:00 p.m.

Assessment Value: This milestone is worth 20% of the total assessment of this

1. This assignment includes INDIVIDUAL and GROUP elements. The GROUP
elements shall be completed by groups of 4 students. INDIVIDUAL elements
(Question 4) must be completed individually. All students are under the
college regulations for plagiarism and collusion.
2. Four (4) questions set. Answer all questions.
3. You should use case tools for ER model Microsoft Visio which is available in
the laboratories.
4. Late submissions will be penalised at the rate of 5 marks out of the 100
marks allocated to the assignment per day late.
5. Presentation should be clear and neat, but there is no need for excessive effort
in the form of decorative touches or expensive binders. Please help us to
handle and mark your work efficiently:
 Provide a cover sheet showing the subject code CS1103: Database
Systems, your programme, student ID (KDU ID), name and subject
lecturer’s name.
 Provide each page a footer that includes your name, the subject code,
and a page number.
 Staple your work in the top left-hand corner only.
 Put it in a simple plastic A4 ‘polypocket’ to help avoid losing pages.
 Put the submission cover sheet in the polypocket when you submit the

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This assignment is based on the following case…

A private college requires the design of a database system that can provide clear and
consistent information. The requirements collection information and analysis phase of
the database design process has provided the following data requirements for the
module database system.

Every school in the college has many students and many lecturers. Each student is
enrolled to one school and each lecturer works for one school only. Data stored on
each school includes the school’s code, name, and telephone number.

Each lecturer teaches more than one subject but a subject may be taught by more than
one lecturer. The database should store the number of subjects and teaching hours of a
lecturer. The data held on each lecturer includes his/her staff ID, name (first and last),
gender, and qualifications. The data held on each subject includes subject code,
subject title, and type.

Each student can register more than one subject and a subject may be studied by more
than one student. Data held on each student includes the student’ ID, name (first and
last), gender, date of birth, mailing address, email address and telephone number.

1. Create an ERD for the above case.

2. Convert the ERD in Question 1 above to a relational schema in Third Normal

3. Create a data dictionary that lists each of the tables, the columns, their
domains and any other constraints that apply.

4. Using the relational schema in Question 2 above as an example, explain the

following terms:
a. Entity Integrity
b. Referential Integrity

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School Code
School Name
School Telephone Number

Student Subject Lecturer

Name Staff ID
Gender Name Gender
Date of birth Qualifications
Mailing address
Email address
Telephone Number

Subject Code
Subject Title

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