Issues That Are Challenging To Teachers Integration of Information and Communication Technology (Ict) in Teaching and Learning

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As technology becomes more and more embedded in our culture, we must provide
our learners with relevant and contemporary experiences that allow them to successfully
engage with technology and prepare them for life after school (Education Scotland Foghlam
Alba (2015). A number of studies argued that the use of new technologies in education is
essential in the information age. Undeniable, the integration of information and
communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning provides more opportunities for
teachers and students to work effectively. In addition, if the teachers try to integrate ICT in
their teaching and learning, students' engagement with the lesson will be more sufficient.
However, some teachers may be discouraged to integrate ICT in classroom because of a
few of circumstances. According to Hadi & Zeinab (2012) in the US, the most important
barriers to high school teachers use of ICT were insufficient number of computers, lack of
free time for learning and lack of classroom time for students to use computers. Similarly,
these are the same factors that become the hindrance for the teachers in Malaysia to
integrate ICT in the classroom. Most of the schools do not provide adequate place and also
high tech-equipment such as projector, computers and smart board. Due to lacking of these
facilities, the teachers did not have the opportunity to learn exploring the usage of the ICT
which leads to insufficient knowledge on ICT among teachers. Apart from that, even though
some schools may well- equipped with the technology facilities, they may have lack of
classroom time for students to use computer. Teacher has to deal with technical in order to
set up with the gadgets which results to short time of teaching hour. Another challenge of
ICT is insufficient knowledge of teachers in handling the equipment. Kirkup & Kirkwood
(2005) and Wagner (2001), argue that it is the contextualized teaching and learning needs
that ought to drive the ICTs intervention, rather than the technology itself. ICTs do not in
themselves improve students learning opportunities; but educators who use ICTs
thoughtfully do. ICT is just a medium of teaching approach but the educators are the ones
who responsible to utilize the usage of ICT for students.
Grimus (2000), pointed out that by teaching ICT skills students are prepared to face
future development based on proper understanding (p.362). Thus, it is crucial for the
teachers or ministry to encourage and provide sufficient facilities to support integration of
ICT in teaching and learning process. One of suggestions that can be implemented is by
promoting the teachers to use ICT at least once a week. By reinforcing the access into ICT

for a few times within a week, there will be improvement for the teachers and also the
process of integration of ICT in education as a broad process to apply technology to the
curriculum which will improve teaching and learning process (Mbodila et. al, 2013). Plus, the
access of teachers in ICT should be recorded for report purposes and also to create
awareness for the students on importance of ICT in education. In addition, if the teachers do
not well equipped with knowledge of nowadays ICT, teachers should have initiatives to learn
the skills by attending courses. There are many courses that the teachers can find to polish
and enhance their skills in managing ICT in classroom.
Living in the 21st century means we are living in era of globalisation. Being
competence globally is very crucial for Malaysian citizens but we are far away to be the one.
Global competitiveness begins in the classroom (Cody, 2012). He added that teachers must
teach about the global economy as if it had a fundamental nature and construction, similar to
a natural phenomenon, within which human beings must act to meet their needs and
promote their well being. Doing so, schools must focus solely on providing students with the
skills, creativity, and innovative abilities necessary for successful employment within this
natural global economy that will, in turn, provide for their needs and well being. However, it
does not happen in Malaysian classroom context. One of the hindrances for teacher to
inculcate global approach in the teaching and learning is because a lot of the teachers not
really prepared to teach in an international context. In addition, our educational system is
based on examination driven which makes the teacher tends to adhere to syllabus and
focussing on covering up the syllabus without thinking on students' achievement and
abilities. It was difficult for teachers to alter the day-to-day curriculum to include global
perspectives because that took time away from teaching topics and skills that would be
tested. Apart from that, most of the teachers do not aware on importance of preparing the
students to be globally and internationally competence. They rarely expose the students with
information on global issues and only focussing on the syllabus. Another challenging issue to
teachers is most teachers are not exposed to international programmes which encourage
the teachers or students to experience the other teaching strategies that being implemented
by other teachers from other countries. On the other hand, due to work constraint , the
teachers do not have the opportunity or make any initiatives to adapt international
pedagogical strategies in the Malaysian classroom context.
One of recommendations that can be made in order to provide the teachers with
readiness to face globalisation is teacher should join any organisation or institution that

collaborate Malaysian teachers with colleagues around the globe. International Leaders in
Education Programme is one of the programmes that brings outstanding secondary school
teachers from around the globe to the United States to further develop expertise in their
subject areas, enhance their thinking skills and increase their knowledge about the United
States. This programme will enhance teaching methodologies, lesson planning techniques,
leadership abilities and technology skills through coursework and collaboration with
colleagues. According to Smith (2008), if Malaysian teachers have the initiative to enrol
themselves in the programme, Malaysian education will be globally competence and the
students have the opportunity to try new approach of learning rather than stay with
conventional learning. Besides that, teachers have to be aware on what is happening around
the world and integrate the information that they gained for the teaching and learning. By
exposing the students with global issues, the students will be more sensitive towards their
surrounding and that helps in preparing them with real world when they are out of school and
The last limitation that I could identify from the text is teachers' challenge to
produce human capital. According to Hairunnizam et. al (2006), Human capital development
will be implemented in a holistic manner , covering the acquisition of knowledge and skills or
intellectual capital including entrepreneurial capabilities and knowledge of science and
technology ( S & T ) and possess the positive attitude , values and ethics through education
and lifelong learning. According to Youngs et. al (2007), main goal for each teacher is to help
students learn (i.e., acquire human capital), and their contribution to learning is a function of
the product of their effort and the results or payoffs associated with effort. However, the issue
raised here is most of the teachers do not have the knowledge to develop human capital
qualities in the students. Most of learning processes do not support lifelong learning for the
students where the teachers do not incorporate activities that require high order thinking
skills (HOTs) or problem solving. This means supporting and cultivating creativity and skills,
which is more challenging than improving the knowledge base. Chamber (2001) reported
that, researchers emphasise that creativity concerns all fields of human activity all children
are creative. Many of them criticize the education systems for neglecting the development of
creative capacity and skills. In addition, some of the teachers rarely make use of ICT in
class. It is really important for the students to be equipped with computer literacy so that the
students will not be left behind living in this era.

In order to cultivate students with human capital qualities, teachers should provide
the students with lifelong learning skills (Russell, 2000). Teachers are responsible in helping
the students to acquire certain generic skills such as problem solving activities, collaborative
works that develop good communication skills and also create safe learning environment for
the students. In addition, teachers can also conduct activities that promote discovery
learning which encourages the students to learn independently with mentoring by teachers.
Examples of activities are role playing, solving problems activities, programs that help to
develop students self esteem, such as peer support programs or a strong pastoral
program.Bryce and Withers (2003) agree that these kind of activities trigger students to learn
to take control of their own learning and develop research skills. In order to make the
learning more meaningful, it is crucial for teachers to acknowledge the importance of certain
values during every activity. Teachers also are encouraged to conduct activities that related
to innovation so that students will be able to generate their creativity and critical thinking
during the activities.
It is undeniable that there are a lot of challenges that the teachers will encounter as
educators in this 21st century. However, teachers have the responsibilities to mould the
students to be competence and better persons for their future undertaking.

Bryce, J., & Withers, G. (2003). Engaging secondary school students in lifelong learning.
Camberwell, Vic: ACER.
Cody, A. (2012). Educating to Compete in the "Global Economy": Creating Idiot Savantism Living







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IREX Make A Better World. (2005). International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP) |
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Innovation, 3(11).


Russell, J. (2000). Enabling Learning: The crucial work of school leaders,
Camberwell: Australian Council for Educational Research
Smith, M. K. (2002, 2008). Globalization and the incorporation of education, the





Youngs, P., Frank, K., Thum, Y. M., & Low, M. (2007). The Motivation of Teachers to
Produce Human Capital and Conform to their Social Contexts.

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