Digital Learning Inside Classroom
Digital Learning Inside Classroom
Digital Learning Inside Classroom
Presented to
The School of Advance Studies
The National Teachers College
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
Psycho-Social Perspective of Education
September 7, 2019
Digital learning can be implemented across any areas. This type of learning
allows the learner to grasp concepts quickly in a more efficient way. With
the advent of smart phones and computers, the process of learning has
Digital learning requires more than just the latest devices, it should
the learner and the content in the most effective and efficient way (CIO
There are plenty of tools and resources online that can be used
education is very hot topic right now and there is a lot of current research
already done. With this said, I believed that there is the need for further
subjects and how teachers can best overcome or deal with these
experienced, are learning the tools and skills they need to effectively
it also prepares students for their future lives and careers in the 21st
time during the week for Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions to