Esotropia and Exotropia

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Esotropia and


Secretary for Quality of Care

Anne L. Coleman, MD, PhD
Academy Staff
Nancy Collins, RN, MPH
Doris Mizuiri
Jessica Ravetto
Flora C. Lum, MD
Medical Editor:

Susan Garratt
Socorro Soberano

Approved by:

Board of Trustees
September 15, 2012

Copyright 2012 American Academy of Ophthalmology

All rights reserved
registered trademarks of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. All other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.
This document should be cited as follows:
American Academy of Ophthalmology Pediatric Ophthalmology/Strabismus Panel. Preferred Practice
Pattern Guidelines. Amblyopia. San Francisco, CA: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 2012.
Available at:
Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines are developed by the Academys H. Dunbar Hoskins Jr., M.D. Center
for Quality Eye Care without any external financial support. Authors and reviewers of the guidelines are
volunteers and do not receive any financial compensation for their contributions to the documents. The
guidelines are externally reviewed by experts and stakeholders before publication.

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP

The Pediatric Ophthalmology/Strabismus Preferred Practice Pattern Panel members wrote
the Esotropia and Exotropia Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines (PPP). The PPP Panel
members discussed and reviewed successive drafts of the document, meeting in person twice and
conducting other review by e-mail discussion, to develop a consensus over the final version of the
Pediatric Ophthalmology/Strabismus Preferred Practice Pattern Panel 2011-2012
C. Gail Summers, MD, Chair
Stephen P. Christiansen, MD
Alex R. Kemper, MD, MPH, MS, American Academy of Pediatrics Representative
Katherine A. Lee, MD, PhD
Graham E. Quinn, MD
Michael X. Repka, MD, MBA
David K. Wallace, MD, MPH, American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus
Susannah G. Rowe, MD, MPH, Methodologist
The Preferred Practice Patterns Committee members reviewed and discussed the document
during a meeting in March 2012. The document was edited in response to the discussion and
Preferred Practice Patterns Committee 2012
Christopher J. Rapuano, MD, Chair
David F. Chang, MD
Robert S. Feder, MD
Stephen D. McLeod, MD
Timothy W. Olsen, MD
Bruce E. Prum, Jr., MD
C. Gail Summers, MD
David C. Musch, PhD, MPH, Methodologist
The Esotropia and Exotropia PPP was then sent for review to additional internal and external
groups and individuals in June 2012. All those returning comments were required to provide
disclosure of relevant relationships with industry to have their comments considered. Members of
the Pediatric Ophthalmology/Strabismus PPP Panel reviewed and discussed these comments and
determined revisions to the document. The following organizations and individuals returned
Academy Reviewers
Board of Trustees and Committee of Secretaries
General Counsel
Ophthalmic Technology Assessment Committee
Pediatric Ophthalmology/Strabismus Panel
Basic and Clinical Science Course Subcommittee
Practicing Ophthalmologists Advisory Committee
for Education

Invited Reviewers
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology
and Strabismus
American Association of Certified Orthoptists
American Board of Ophthalmology
American Uveitis Society
Canadian Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology
European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society
National Eye Institute
Sean P. Donahue, MD
Sylvia R. Kodsi, MD
Scott E. Olitsky, MD

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP

In compliance with the Council of Medical Specialty Societies Code for Interactions with Companies
(available at, relevant relationships with industry are listed. The
Academy has Relationship with Industry Procedures to comply with the Code (available at A majority (87%) of the members of the Pediatric
Ophthalmology/Strabismus Preferred Practice Pattern Panel 20112012 had no financial relationship to
Pediatric Ophthalmology/Strabismus Preferred Practice Pattern Panel 20112012
Stephen P. Christiansen, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Alex R. Kemper, MD, MPH, MS: No financial relationships to disclose
Katherine A. Lee, MD, PhD: No financial relationships to disclose
Graham E. Quinn, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Michael X. Repka, MD, MBA: No financial relationships to disclose
Susannah G. Rowe, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
C. Gail Summers, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
David K. Wallace, MD, MPH: Allergan, Inc. Consultant/Advisor
Preferred Practice Patterns Committee 2012
David F. Chang, MD: Allergan, Inc. Lecture fees
Robert S. Feder, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Stephen D. McLeod, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
David C. Musch, PhD, MPH: No financial relationships to disclose
Timothy W. Olsen, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Bruce E. Prum, Jr., MD: Allergan, Inc. Consultant/Advisor
Christopher J. Rapuano, MD: Allergan, Inc. Consultant/Advisor, Lecture fees
C. Gail Summers, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Secretary for Quality of Care
Anne L. Coleman, MD, PhD: No financial relationships to disclose
Academy Staff
Nancy Collins, RN, MPH: No financial relationships to disclose
Susan Garratt, Medical Editor: No financial relationships to disclose
Flora C. Lum, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Doris Mizuiri: No financial relationships to disclose
Jessica Ravetto: No financial relationships to disclose
The disclosures of relevant relationships to industry of other reviewers of the document from January to
August 2012 are available online at


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP

OBJECTIVES OF PREFERRED PRACTICE PATTERN GUIDELINES ........................................................... 2
METHODS AND KEY TO RATINGS ................................................................................................................ 3
HIGHLIGHTED FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CARE .................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Disease Definition.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Infantile Esotropia ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Acquired Esotropia ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Other Forms of Esotropia ........................................................................................................................... 6
Patient Population ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Clinical Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 6
BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Prevalence and Risk Factors ............................................................................................................................. 7
Natural History ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Rationale for Treatment ..................................................................................................................................... 8
CARE PROCESS .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Patient Outcome Criteria ................................................................................................................................... 8
Diagnosis ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
History ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Examination................................................................................................................................................ 9
Management.................................................................................................................................................... 13
Prevention ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Choice of Therapy .................................................................................................................................... 13
Follow-up Evaluation ................................................................................................................................ 18
Provider and Setting ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Counseling and Referral .................................................................................................................................. 18
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Disease Definition............................................................................................................................................ 19
Infantile Exotropia ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Intermittent Exotropia ............................................................................................................................... 19
Convergence Insufficiency ....................................................................................................................... 19
Other ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
Patient Population ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Clinical Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 20
BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Prevalence and Risk Factors ........................................................................................................................... 20
Natural History ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Rationale for Treatment ................................................................................................................................... 21
CARE PROCESS ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Patient Outcome Criteria ................................................................................................................................. 21
Diagnosis ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
History ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Examination.............................................................................................................................................. 21
Management.................................................................................................................................................... 22
Choice of Therapy .................................................................................................................................... 22
Follow-up Evaluation ................................................................................................................................ 25
Provider and Setting ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Counseling and Referral .................................................................................................................................. 25
SOCIOECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR STRABISMUS....................................................................... 26
APPENDIX 1. QUALITY OF OPHTHALMIC CARE CORE CRITERIA ......................................................... 27
RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS (ICD) CODES .................................................................................... 29
APPENDIX 3. VISUAL ACUITY TESTING CHARTS .................................................................................... 31
RELATED ACADEMY MATERIALS............................................................................................................... 35
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 36

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP

As a service to its members and the public, the American Academy of Ophthalmology has developed a series
of Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines that identify characteristics and components of quality eye care.
Appendix 1 describes the core criteria of quality eye care.
The Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines are based on the best available scientific data as interpreted by
panels of knowledgeable health professionals. In some instances, such as when results of carefully conducted
clinical trials are available, the data are particularly persuasive and provide clear guidance. In other instances,
the panels have to rely on their collective judgment and evaluation of available evidence.
These documents provide guidance for the pattern of practice, not for the care of a particular
individual. While they should generally meet the needs of most patients, they cannot possibly best meet the
needs of all patients. Adherence to these PPPs will not ensure a successful outcome in every situation. These
practice patterns should not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or exclusive of other methods
of care reasonably directed at obtaining the best results. It may be necessary to approach different patients
needs in different ways. The physician must make the ultimate judgment about the propriety of the care of a
particular patient in light of all of the circumstances presented by that patient. The American Academy of
Ophthalmology is available to assist members in resolving ethical dilemmas that arise in the course of
ophthalmic practice.
Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines are not medical standards to be adhered to in all individual
situations. The Academy specifically disclaims any and all liability for injury or other damages of any kind,
from negligence or otherwise, for any and all claims that may arise out of the use of any recommendations or
other information contained herein.
References to certain drugs, instruments, and other products are made for illustrative purposes only and are
not intended to constitute an endorsement of such. Such material may include information on applications
that are not considered community standard, that reflect indications not included in approved U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) labeling, or that are approved for use only in restricted research settings. The
FDA has stated that it is the responsibility of the physician to determine the FDA status of each drug or
device he or she wishes to use, and to use them with appropriate patient consent in compliance with
applicable law.
Innovation in medicine is essential to ensure the future health of the American public, and the Academy
encourages the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods that will improve eye care. It is
essential to recognize that true medical excellence is achieved only when the patients needs are the foremost
All Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines are reviewed by their parent panel annually or earlier if
developments warrant and updated accordingly. To ensure that all PPPs are current, each is valid for 5 years
from the approved by date unless superseded by a revision. Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines are
funded by the Academy without commercial support. Authors and reviewers of PPPs are volunteers and do
not receive any financial compensation for their contributions to the documents. The PPPs are externally
reviewed by experts and stakeholders, including consumer representatives, before publication. The PPPs are
developed in compliance with the Council of Medical Specialty Societies Code for Interactions with
Companies. The Academy has Relationship with Industry Procedures (available at to comply with the Code.
Appendix 2 contains the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
(ICD) codes for the disease entities that this PPP covers. The intended users of the Esotropia and Exotropia
PPP are ophthalmologists.

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP


Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines should be clinically relevant and specific enough to provide useful
information to practitioners. Where evidence exists to support a recommendation for care, the
recommendation should be given an explicit rating that shows the strength of evidence. To accomplish these
aims, methods from the Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network1 (SIGN) and the Grading of
Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation2 (GRADE) group are used. GRADE is a
systematic approach to grading the strength of the total body of evidence that is available to support
recommendations on a specific clinical management issue. Organizations that have adopted GRADE include
SIGN, the World Health Organization, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Policy, and the American
College of Physicians.3

All studies used to form a recommendation for care are graded for strength of evidence individually, and
that grade is listed with the study citation.

To rate individual studies, a scale based on SIGN1 is used. The definitions and levels of evidence to rate
individual studies are as follows:


High-quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), or

RCTs with a very low risk of bias
Well-conducted meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a low risk of bias
Meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a high risk of bias
High-quality systematic reviews of case-control or cohort studies
High-quality case-control or cohort studies with a very low risk of confounding or bias and a
high probability that the relationship is causal
Well-conducted case-control or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding or bias and a
moderate probability that the relationship is causal
Case-control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding or bias and a significant risk that
the relationship is not causal
Nonanalytic studies (e.g., case reports, case series)

Recommendations for care are formed based on the body of the evidence. The body of evidence quality
ratings are defined by GRADE2 as follows:
Good quality
Moderate quality
Insufficient quality

Key recommendations for care are defined by GRADE2 as follows:


Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of

Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the
estimate of effect and may change the estimate
Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in
the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate
Any estimate of effect is very uncertain

Used when the desirable effects of an intervention clearly outweigh the

undesirable effects or clearly do not
Used when the trade-offs are less certaineither because of low-quality
evidence or because evidence suggests that desirable and undesirable effects are
closely balanced

The Highlighted Findings and Recommendations for Care section lists points determined by the PPP
Panel to be of particular importance to vision and quality of life outcomes.
Literature searches to update the PPP were undertaken in April 2011 in PubMed and the Cochrane
Library and updated in March 2012. Complete details of the literature search are available at

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP


Infantile esotropia and exotropia are associated with an increased risk of amblyopia. (good evidence)

Strabismus in children under 4 months of age sometimes resolves, particularly if the deviation is intermittent,
or variable, or measures less than 40 prism diopters. (good evidence)

Repeat cycloplegic refraction is indicated when esotropia does not respond to the initial prescription of
hyperopic refraction or when the esotropia recurs after surgery. (strong recommendation, moderate evidence)

Young children with intermittent exotropia and good fusional control can be followed without surgery.
(strong recommendation, moderate evidence)

In patients with exotropia and a high accommodative convergence to accommodation ratio (AC/A), treatment
with eyeglasses is generally preferred over surgery because of the risk of consecutive esotropia and diplopia
after surgery. (discretionary recommendation, moderate evidence)

Esotropia that persists after exotropia surgery may place the patient at risk for amblyopia, diplopia, and loss
of stereoacuity. (moderate evidence)

Children with untreated strabismus can have reduced binocular potential and impaired social interactions,
and they can be subject to negative perceptions by others, which may affect their psychosocial quality of life.
(good evidence)

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP

Esotropia is a convergent misalignment of the visual axes. The scope of this section of the document
is limited to the nonparalytic, nonrestrictive form of the disease with onset in childhood and with
minimal or no limitation in range of motion of the eyes.
Esotropia can be categorized in a variety of ways, usually based on age of onset or underlying causes.

Infantile esotropia
Acquired esotropia
Accommodative esotropia
Accommodative refractive esotropia
Accommodative refractive esotropia with a high accommodative convergence to
accommodation ratio (AC/A)
Accommodative non-refractive esotropia with a high AC/A ratio
Partially accommodative esotropia
Non-accommodative esotropia
Other forms of esotropia

Infantile Esotropia
Infantile esotropia presents between the ages of 3 and 6 months.4 Intermittent esotropia during
the first 3 months of life5-11 is common and does not necessarily predict the development of
constant strabismus. Children with infantile esotropia are at risk for amblyopia. Characteristics
of infantile esotropia include the following:

Onset before the age of 6 months without spontaneous resolution

Nonaccommodative or partially accommodative etiology
Constant angle of deviation that may increase with time12
Frequent cross fixation with the fixing eye held in adduction
Abnormal binocular visual function
Features that may not be present at the time of diagnosis include latent nystagmus, dissociated
vertical deviation, oblique muscle dysfunction with A or V patterns, and optokinetic nystagmus
asymmetry for nasal vs. temporal pursuit.

Infantile esotropia and exotropia are associated with an increased risk of amblyopia.
(good evidence)

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

Acquired Esotropia
Acquired forms of esotropia typically develop after age 6 months and may be accommodative,
partially accommodative, or nonaccommodative in nature. Children with accommodative
esotropia are at risk for amblyopia.
Accommodative Esotropia
Characteristics of accommodative esotropia include:

An accommodative component that is usually associated with hyperopia

Typical onset between the ages of 1 and 8 years with an average age of onset of approximately
2 years4; may appear in infancy4,13,14 or may reappear as a sequel to surgically corrected
infantile esotropia15,16
May be precipitated by illness, fever, or minor trauma
Binocular visual function that may be normal at the onset of deviation17
Etiology is usually related to excessive convergence in a child with bilateral hyperopia (usually
more than 2.00 diopters [D]), correction of which eliminates the esotropia (accommodative
refractive esotropia). Sometimes correction of the hyperopia results in normal alignment at
distance fixation but a persistent esotropia at near (accommodative refractive esotropia with a
high AC/A ratio). Less frequently, children have normal alignment at distance fixation with no
significant hyperopia, but develop a constant or intermittent esotropia with near fixation
(accommodative non-refractive esotropia with a high AC/A ratio).
Partially Accommodative Esotropia
Children with acquired partially accommodative esotropia experience a partial improvement of
their esotropia when they wear corrective lenses for their hyperopia, but they have a residual
esotropia greater than 10 prism diopters at distance and near.
Nonaccommodative Esotropia
Children with nonaccommodative esotropia have an acquired esotropia that is approximately
equal in size at distance and near fixation that does not improve with correction of refractive
error with eyeglasses or the child has no significant refractive error.

Other Forms of Esotropia

A differential diagnosis of childhood esotropia includes cranial nerve VI palsy, esotropic Duane
syndrome, sensory esotropia, restrictive esotropia, consecutive esotropia, and nystagmus
blockage esotropia. Discussion of these entities is outside the scope of this PPP.

Patients with childhood onset of esotropia.


Identify children at risk for esotropia

Detect esotropia
Detect and treat amblyopia that may cause, or be caused by, esotropia (see Amblyopia PPP )
Educate the patient and/or family/caregiver, as appropriate, of the diagnosis, treatment options, and
care plan
Inform the patients other health providers of the diagnosis and treatment plan
Treat the esotropia (align the visual axes) to promote and maintain binocular vision (fusion,
stereopsis), prevent or facilitate treatment of amblyopia, and restore normal appearance
Maximize quality of life by optimizing binocular alignment and visual acuity
Monitor vision and binocular alignment, and modify therapy as appropriate

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

Strabismus describes any binocular misalignment. The most common types are esotropia and
exotropia. Prevalence estimates of strabismus range from 1% to 6% in different populations.19-27
In the United States, esotropia and exotropia have similar prevalence rates, whereas in Ireland
esotropia is reported five times more frequently than exotropia, and in Australia esotropia has been
reported to be twice as frequent as exotropia.26,28 In Hong Kong and Japan, however, exotropia is
more frequent than esotropia.22,29 Amblyopia can both cause and result from a manifest strabismus.4,30
Approximately 50% of children who have strabismus develop amblyopia.31,32
Certain children are at higher risk for developing strabismus, including those with anisometropia and
hyperopia, and they are at a greater risk of developing esotropia as hyperopia increases.28,33,34 Other
at-risk groups include children who are neurodevelopmentally impaired35-38; were born
prematurely39,40; had low birth weight41,42; had low Apgar scores43; have craniofacial or chromosomal
anomalies43-46; were exposed to alcohol in utero47; or have a family history of strabismus.7,48-50
The prevalence of esotropia increases with older age (e.g., higher prevalence at 48 to 72 months
compared to 6 to 11 months), moderate anisometropia, and moderate amounts of hyperopia.27,28 In
some families, a Mendelian inheritance pattern has been observed.51 The incidence of infantile
esotropia is related to premature births and perinatal morbidity, genetic disorders, and detrimental
prenatal environmental influences such as substance abuse and smoking.43,47,52-54 In the long term,
reduction or prevention of those factors could result in a decrease in the incidence of infantile

Infantile esotropia, characterized as a large-angle, constant esodeviation presenting before 6 months of
age, is unlikely to resolve. However, some children in this age group who have esotropia that is
intermittent or variable, or measures less than 40 prism diopters, may have resolution of their
esotropia by age 1 year.11,55,56 Because children with intermittent esotropia have normal alignment at
least part of the time, the risk of abnormal binocularity is reduced.

Strabismus in children under 4 months of age sometimes resolves, particularly if the deviation is
intermittent, or variable, or measures less than 40 prism diopters. (good evidence)

Acquired esotropia is more frequent than infantile esotropia57 and usually presents between the ages
of 1 year and 8 years.4 Onset as early as 2 months of age has been reported.4,14,39 Children with very
early onset acquired esotropia are more likely to require extraocular muscle surgery despite correction
of their refractive error with eyeglasses.39 Accommodative forms of esotropia may begin as an
intermittent deviation associated with fatigue, illness, or near viewing. Because younger children lose
binocular vision rapidly, correcting the hyperopic refractive error as quickly as possible is advised.30

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia


The potential benefits of treatment for esotropia include promoting binocular vision and normal visual
function in each eye.58-61 If binocularity is achieved, the number of surgical procedures over a lifetime
and overall cost to society may be reduced.62,63 Fusion and stereopsis are necessary for some careers
and may be useful in others as well, such as athletic activities and activities of daily life.64-67 The
appearance of crossed eyes may reduce employment opportunities.67-69 In addition, binocular
alignment is important for the development of a positive self-image and enhances social interactions
by normalizing appearance as well as eye contact.64,66,67,70-73 In one study, children aged 5 years and
older expressed a negative feeling about dolls that had been altered to be esotropic or exotropic.74 In
another study, elementary school teachers rated personal characteristics of children with esotropia and
exotropia more negatively than orthotropic children.71 In a sample of children enrolled in the Multiethnic Pediatric Eye Disease Study, strabismus was associated with decreased general health-related
quality of life in preschool children, based on the parents proxy reporting.75

Children with untreated strabismus can have reduced binocular potential and impaired social
interactions, and they can be subject to negative perceptions by others, which may affect their
psychosocial quality of life. (good evidence)


Optimal binocular motor alignment

Optimal binocular sensory status (fusion and stereopsis)
Optimal visual acuity in each eye

The purpose of the comprehensive strabismus evaluation is to make the diagnosis, establish baseline
status, and determine appropriate initial therapy. The possibility of restrictive, paralytic, or other
neurologic causes (especially head trauma or increased intracranial pressure) for the strabismus
should be considered. Because binocular vision can degrade rapidly in young children, resulting in
suppression and anomalous retinal correspondence, early diagnosis and treatment are essential.30,76,77
The examination of a patient who has childhood-onset strabismus includes all elements of the
comprehensive ophthalmic examination in addition to sensory, motor, refractive, and accommodative

Although a thorough history generally includes the following items, the exact composition
varies with the patient's particular problems and needs.

Demographic data, including gender, date of birth, and identity of parent/caregiver

Documentation of identity and relationship of historian
The identity of other pertinent health care providers
The chief complaint and reason for the eye evaluation, including date of onset and frequency of
the ocular misalignment; which eye is deviated and in what direction; and the presence or
absence of diplopia, squinting, or other visual symptoms. Review of photographs of the patient
may be helpful.
Ocular history, including other eye problems, injuries, diseases, surgery, and treatments
(including eyeglasses and/or amblyopia therapy)

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

Systemic history, birth weight, gestational age, prenatal and perinatal history that may be
pertinent (e.g., alcohol, drug, and tobacco use during pregnancy), past hospitalizations and
operations, and general health and development
Pertinent review of systems, including history of head trauma and relevant systemic diseases
Current medications and allergies
Family history, including eye conditions (strabismus, amblyopia, type of eyeglasses and history
of wear, extraocular muscle surgery or other eye surgery, and genetic diseases)
Social history (e.g., grade in school, learning difficulties, behavior problems, or issues with
social interactions)

The comprehensive strabismus examination should include the following elements:

Assessment of fixation pattern and visual acuity in each eye at distance and near
Binocular alignment at distance and near in primary gaze and in up and down gaze positions, if
Extraocular muscle function (ductions and versions, including incomitance such as found in
some A and V patterns)
Monocular and binocular optokinetic nystagmus testing for nasal-temporal pursuit asymmetry
associated with infantile esotropia
Detection of latent or manifest nystagmus
Sensory testing, including fusion and stereoacuity
Cycloplegic retinoscopy/refraction
Funduscopic examination
Additional testing
Documenting the childs level of cooperation with the examination can be useful in interpreting
the results and in making comparisons among examinations.
Assessment of Fixation Pattern and Visual Acuity
Visual acuity measurement of the infant and toddler involves a qualitative assessment of
fixation and tracking (following) movements of the eyes. Fixation and following are
assessed by drawing the childs attention to the examiner or caregivers face (infants under
3 months) or to a hand-held light, toy, or other accommodative fixation target and then
slowing moving the target. Fixation behavior can be recorded for each eye as fixes and
follows or central, steady, and maintained.
Fixation preference can be assessed by observing the vigor with which the child objects to
occlusion of one eye relative to the other: children resist covering an eye when the fellow
eye has limited vision.80-82 Grading schemes can be used to describe fixation preference.
For strabismic patients, fixation pattern is assessed binocularly by determining the length
of time that the nonpreferred eye holds fixation. Fixation pattern can be graded by whether
the nonpreferred eye will not hold fixation, holds momentarily, holds for a few seconds (or
to or through a blink), or by observation of spontaneous alternation of fixation. For children
with small-angle strabismus or no strabismus, the induced tropia test is typically done by
holding a 10 to 20 prism diopter base-down prism over one eye and then the other eye and
noting fixation behavior.82-84
Qualitative assessment of visual acuity should be replaced with a visual acuity test based
on optotypes (letters, numbers, or symbols) as soon as the child can perform this task.

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

Visual Acuity
Recognition visual acuity testing, which involves identifying optotypes, including letters,
numbers, or symbols, is preferred for assessment of visual acuity to detect amblyopia. The
optotypes may be presented on a wall chart, computer screen, or hand-held card. Visual
acuity is routinely tested at distance (10 to 20 feet or 3 to 6 meters) and at near (14 to 16
inches or 35 to 40 centimeters). Under ideal circumstances, visual acuity testing conditions
should be standardized so that results obtained over a series of visits can be readily
compared. High-contrast charts with black optotypes on a white background should be
used for standard visual acuity testing.85
A childs performance on a visual acuity test will be dependent on the choice of chart and
the examiners skills and rapport with the child. To reduce errors, the environment should
be quiet. Younger children may benefit from a pretest on optotypes presented at near, either
at the start of testing or in a separate session. Before monocular testing, the examiner
should ensure that the child is able to perform the test reliably. Allowing children to match
optotypes on the chart to those found on a hand-held card will enhance performance,
especially in young, shy, or cognitively impaired children. Visual acuity testing of children
with special needs can provide quantitative information about visual impairment and
reduce concerns of parents/caregivers about the childs vision.86 A shorter testing distance
or flip chart can also facilitate testing in younger children.87
Visual acuity testing should be performed monocularly and with refractive correction in
place. Ideally the fellow eye is covered with an adhesive patch or tape. If such occlusion is
not available or tolerated by the child, care must be taken to prevent the child from peeking
and using the covered eye. Sometimes the child will not allow any monocular occlusion,
in which case binocular visual acuity should be measured. Monocular visual acuity testing
for patients with nystagmus requires special techniques such as blurring of the fellow eye
with plus lenses or a translucent occluder rather than using opaque occlusion. Binocular
visual acuity testing can also be performed for these patients to provide additional
information about typical visual performance.
The choice and arrangement of optotypes on an eye chart can significantly affect the visual
acuity score obtained.88-90 Optotypes should be clear, standardized, of similar
characteristics, and should not reflect a cultural bias.85 LEA Symbols (Good-Lite Co.,
Elgin, IL), a set of four symbol optotypes developed for use with young children, are useful
because each optotype blurs similarly as the child is presented with smaller symbols,
increasing the reliability that individual symbols will be identified.88,91 Another method for
testing the young child uses a chart containing only the letters H, O, T, and V.88,92 Children
who cannot name the symbols on the LEA Symbol chart or the letters on the HOTV chart
may be able to match them using a hand-held card. Desirable optotypes for older children
are LEA numbers and Sloan letters.93 Snellen letters are less desirable because the
individual letters are not of equal legibility and the spacing of the letters does not meet
World Health Organization standards.85,94-96
Several other symbol charts have serious limitations in testing visual acuity of young
children. These include Allen figures,97 the Lighthouse chart, and the Kindergarten Eye
Chart.98 In these charts, the optotypes are not standardized to blur equally and/or the
optotypes are presented in a culturally biased or confusing fashion.99 The Illiterate or
Tumbling E chart is conceptually difficult for young children, leading to high untestability
rates.98 Appendix 3 lists the details of design of visual acuity testing charts. Some charts
meet recommended criteria,85 although many do not.

The choice and arrangement of optotypes (letters, numbers, symbols) on an eye chart can
significantly affect the visual acuity score obtained. Preferred optotypes are standardized and
validated. (strong recommendation, good evidence)


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

The arrangement of optotypes on the chart is important.99 Optotypes should be presented in

a full line of five whenever possible. Children should correctly identify the majority of
optotypes on a line to pass the line. A similar number of optotypes on each line with
equal spacing is preferred. In the setting of amblyopia, visual acuity testing with single
optotypes is likely to overestimate acuity100-102 because of the crowding phenomenon. In
amblyopia, it is easier to discriminate an isolated optotype than one presented in a line of
optotypes. Therefore, a more accurate assessment of monocular visual acuity is obtained in
amblyopia with the presentation of a line of optotypes. Optotypes should not be covered or
masked as the examiner points to each successive symbol in order to preserve the crowding
effect of adjacent optotypes. If a single optotype must be used to facilitate visual acuity
testing for some children, the optotype should be surrounded (crowded) by bars placed
above, below, and on either side of the optotype to account for the crowding phenomenon
and not overestimate visual acuity.103-105

Vision testing with single optotypes is likely to overestimate visual acuity in a patient with
amblyopia. A more accurate assessment of monocular visual acuity is obtained with the
presentation of a line of optotypes or a single optotype with crowding bars that surround (or
crowd) the optotype being identified. (strong recommendation, good evidence)

The Teller Acuity Cards (Stereo Optical Co., Inc., Chicago, IL) are a test of forced
preferential looking and can provide a general assessment of resolution visual acuity in
young children and how the patients acuity compares with normative data, but this method
of testing overestimates recognition visual acuity in children with amblyopia.106,107
Binocular Alignment and Motility
Binocular alignment can be evaluated using a variety of clinical methods. When possible, a
target that controls the patient's accommodation should be used for both distant and near
fixation during assessment of alignment regardless of the technique. The method of measuring
the angle of esotropia and the presence or absence of refractive correction should be
documented. If the patient is unable to participate in more sophisticated testing, the angle may
be estimated using the corneal light-reflection test with or without prisms or by estimating the
amount of eye movement to refixate with alternate-cover testing. The prism and alternate-cover
test is more accurate and used whenever feasible to quantify binocular misalignment in
appropriate gazes and head positions.108 The simultaneous prism-and-cover test may provide
additional useful information for patients with fusional vergences, where the binocular
alignment under binocular viewing conditions is better than during alternate-cover testing (e.g.,
monofixation syndrome).
Extraocular Muscle Function
The examiner should evaluate versions (binocular motility) and ductions (monocular motility)
and note any limitation or overaction. Full abduction on monocular duction testing can
distinguish the child with infantile or accommodative esotropia from a child with paretic or
restrictive esotropia, or esotropic Duane syndrome. Monocular occlusion and oculocephalic
rotations (dolls-head maneuver) are particularly valuable in infants and young children and
often reveal clinically normal ductions that may not otherwise be documented. Inferior oblique
muscle dysfunction, A or V patterns, and/or dissociated vertical or horizontal deviations should
be documented. Diseases associated with paresis, paralysis, or restriction of the extraocular
muscles are not included in the scope of this PPP.


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

Detection of Nystagmus
Nystagmus in the patient with esotropia may be manifest, latent, or manifest-latent. It is more
common in patients with earlier onset strabismus than in those with later onset strabismus.
Manifest nystagmus is present constantly and may be horizontal, vertical, and/or torsional. It is
typically symmetrical, although it may vary in magnitude, speed, and wave form, depending on
the direction of gaze and other specific viewing conditions. Latent nystagmus (sometimes called
occlusion nystagmus) is conjugate and is predominantly manifested as horizontal jerk
oscillations of the eyes that are produced or exacerbated by monocular viewing. Latent
nystagmus is characterized by a slow drift nasally of the fixating eye followed by saccadic
refixation. The nystagmus is described as latent because it is typically perceptible or
accentuated when one eye is occluded. Manifest-latent nystagmus has an identical waveform as
latent nystagmus but is evident under binocular viewing conditions and its amplitude increases
with monocular occlusion. Children with manifest-latent nystagmus often present with a head
turn and hold the fixating eye in adduction. Although esotropia and nystagmus often coexist in
infantile esotropia, it must be distinguished from nystagmus blockage syndrome in which
children with congenital esotropia use excessive convergence to damp the amplitude of
nystagmus. In these children, the magnitude of the esotropia seems to increase with prism
neutralization of the deviation.
Sensory Testing
When feasible, the childs binocular sensory status should be assessed using Worth 4-dot
testing and stereoacuity tests. Reliable data may be difficult to obtain in younger children.109 In
the older strabismic (especially esotropic) patient, more detailed sensory testing is occasionally
useful, especially if there is a history of diplopia. Sensory testing should be done before a patch
or occluder dissociates the childs binocular status. An orthoptic evaluation may further define
the sensorimotor status of the child.
The Worth 4-dot test can assess peripheral or central fusion. Correct interpretation of the Worth
4-dot test is essential. The patient wears the red-green eyeglasses and looks at a target with four
lights (two green, one red, and one white) in a darkened room. If the patient sees four lights it
indicates peripheral fusion; two or three lights indicate monocular suppression, and five lights
seen simultaneously indicate diplopia. Some patients with alternating monocular suppression
may report five lights, though not all five are seen at once. A small-distance Worth 4-dot target
tests foveal fusion and suppression.
Stereopsis occurs when the two images of each eye are cortically integrated secondary to the
slight disparity in the images. Many tests are available to determine stereopsis, including the
Stereo Fly test, the Randot test, the Random-Dot E test, the TNO test, and the Lang stereopsis
Cycloplegic Retinoscopy/Refraction
Determination of refractive errors is important in the diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia or
strabismus. Patients should undergo cycloplegic refraction with retinoscopy and subjective
refinement when possible.110 Before cycloplegia, dynamic retinoscopy provides a rapid
assessment of accommodation and may be helpful in evaluating a child with asthenopia who
has high hyperopia or the child with accommodative insufficiency.111,112
Adequate cycloplegia is necessary for accurate retinoscopy in children due to their increased
accommodative tone compared with adults. Cyclopentolate hydrochloride is useful because it
produces rapid cycloplegia that approximates the effect of topical ophthalmic atropine 1%
solution but with a shorter duration of action.113 Cyclopentolate 1% solution is typically used in
term infants over 6 months old. The dose of cyclopentolate should be determined based on the
child's weight, iris color, and dilation history. In eyes with heavily pigmented irides, repeating
the cycloplegic eyedrops or using adjunctive agents such as phenylephrine hydrochloride 2.5%
(has no cycloplegic effect) or tropicamide 0.5% or 1.0% may be necessary to achieve adequate
dilation to facilitate retinoscopy. Tropicamide and phenylephrine may be used in combination to


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

produce adequate dilation size, but this combination may not be strong enough for adequate
cycloplegia in children. A single eyedrop combination of cyclopentolate 0.2% and
phenylephrine 1% is safe and effective for infants with dark irides.114 In rare cases, topical
ophthalmic atropine sulphate 1% solution may be necessary to achieve maximal cycloplegia.113
The use of topical anesthetic prior to the cycloplegic reduces the stinging of subsequent
eyedrops and promotes its penetration into the eye.115 Cycloplegic and dilating agents may be
compounded in spray forms that provide similar dilation and cycloplegia with equal or greater
patient satisfaction.116-118 Short-term side effects of cycloplegic and dilating agents may include
hypersensitivity reactions, fever, dry mouth, rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, flushing, and, rarely,
behavioral changes.
Funduscopic Examination
Retinal or optic nerve abnormalities may lead to sensory strabismus. In addition, nasal or
temporal displacement of the macula may give rise to pseudostrabismus (the appearance of
strabismus when there is no shift by alternate-cover testing). Temporal displacement of the
macula (most often seen in patients with retinopathy of prematurity) may cause a positive angle
kappa, with nasal displacement of the corneal light reflection. This can simulate exotropia in a
child with aligned eyes or mask the strabismus in a child with esotropia.119 A negative angle
kappa is seen less frequently and is usually associated with high myopia.
Additional Testing
Forced duction and/or force generation tests may be useful if there is incomitance or other
evidence of extraocular muscle restriction, or if paresis/paralysis is suspected. Generally, such
testing in young children is not feasible as an office procedure. Many ophthalmologists perform
forced duction testing routinely at the beginning of extraocular muscle surgery when the child is
anesthetized. Detection of mechanical restriction may alter the surgical plan.

There is consensus that early detection and prompt management of strabismus and potential
amblyogenic factors improve long-term visual outcomes.
Although the threshold of hyperopia in children without esotropia that requires treatment has
not been established, correction of hyperopia may reduce the risk of developing accommodative
esotropia and/or amblyopia. (See Table 1 for guidelines for correcting hyperopia in
children.)120-122 For children with esotropia, the threshold for prescribing hyperopic eyeglasses
is lower than for those children without esotropia. For hyperopic patients, anisometropia is a
risk factor for the development of accommodative esotropia.17

Choice of Therapy
All forms of esotropia should be considered for treatment. Binocular alignment should be
established as soon as possible, especially in young children, to maximize binocularity,59,123 to
prevent or facilitate treatment of amblyopia,32,124 and to restore normal appearance. Significant
refractive errors should be corrected. Amblyopia treatment is usually started before surgery
because this may alter the angle of strabismus125 and/or increase the likelihood of good
postoperative binocularity.123,126
There is evidence that early surgical correction improves sensory outcomes for infantile
esotropia, probably because the duration of constant esotropia is minimized.58,59,63,127-129 Given
equal visual acuity in both eyes, there is no consensus among strabismus surgeons on the
criteria for unilateral or bilateral surgery, nor is there good evidence to support unilateral versus
bilateral surgery.130


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

Refractive Errors (diopters)

Age <1

Age 12

Age 23


5.00 or more

4.00 or more

3.00 or more

Hyperopia (no manifest deviation)

+6.00 or more

+5.00 or more

+4.50 or more

Hyperopia with esotropia

+2.50 or more

+2.00 or more

+1.50 or more

3.00 or more

2.50 or more

2.00 or more


4.00 or more

3.00 or more

3.00 or more


+2.50 or more

+2.00 or more

+1.50 or more

2.50 or more

2.00 or more

2.00 or more

(similar refractive error in both eyes)

Anisometropia (without strabismus)*


NOTE: These values were generated by consensus and are based solely on professional experience and clinical impressions because there are no
scientifically rigorous published data for guidance. The exact values are unknown and may differ among age groups; they are presented as general
guidelines that should be tailored to the individual child. Specific guidelines for older children are not provided because refractive correction is determined
by the severity of the refractive error, visual acuity, and visual symptoms.
* Threshold for correction of anisometropia should be lower if the child has strabismus. The values represent the minimum difference in the magnitude
of refractive error between eyes that would prompt refractive correction.

The following treatment modalities are used alone or in combination as required to achieve the
therapeutic goal:

Correction of refractive errors11

Prism therapy132,133
Amblyopia treatment126
Extraocular muscle surgery134
Botulinum toxin A injection135
Other methods
Treatment plans are formulated in consultation with the parent/caregiver and patient, if
appropriate. The plans should be responsive to the expectations and preferences of the
parent/caregiver and patient, including to their perception of the existing alignment, which may
differ from the ophthalmologists, and what they hope to achieve with treatment. It is important
that the family/caregiver and ophthalmologist agree on the goals of treatment before surgery is
performed. For patients for whom the potential for binocularity is poor, surgery to restore
normal appearance may be an appropriate treatment.
Correction of Refractive Errors
Correction of significant refractive errors is the initial treatment for children with esotropia (see
Table 1). For patients with accommodative esotropia, realignment by cycloplegic-determined
eyeglasses or contact lenses alone is successful in most cases.39,136 In general, a greater degree
of hyperopia indicates a higher likelihood that the refractive error is an important etiologic
factor of the esotropia. While children with developmental delay and strabismus may be less
tolerant of eyeglasses, they may respond to correction of smaller amounts of ametropia.
Additionally, children with a variable angle of esotropia or a greater deviation at near may
respond to correction of even low hyperopia.
The aim of treatment is to correct hyperopia sufficiently to restore alignment, and in most cases
a prescription to correct the full refractive error is written. Undercorrection of the hyperopia
sometimes improves adherence, especially in older children. A manifest noncycloplegic
refraction may be required to balance visual acuity and binocular alignment in older children.

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

Improved alignment after prescribing eyeglasses may take several weeks. If the esotropia
persists, the cycloplegic refraction should be repeated before considering surgery because
additional hyperopic refractive error may be uncovered. A repeat refraction should also be
performed for those children initially well aligned in hyperopic eyeglasses who develop
recurrent esotropia. Cycloplegia may be used temporarily to facilitate adherence to wearing
eyeglasses. In older children, gradual reduction of the hyperopic correction can be attempted if
the deviation is controlled. The effect of such reductions in the hyperopic correction can be
assessed in the office setting by placing minus lenses over the eyeglasses to ensure that
binocular alignment is optimized.

Repeat cycloplegic refraction is indicated when esotropia does not respond to the initial
prescription of hyperopic refraction or when the esotropia recurs after surgery.
(strong recommendation, moderate evidence)

In general, eyeglasses to control an esodeviation are well tolerated by children, especially when
there is visual improvement. Accurate fitting and maintaining proper adjustment facilitate
acceptance. Head straps or flexible single-piece frames may be useful in babies; cable temples
and spring hinges are helpful in keeping eyeglasses on active young children. Polycarbonate
lenses are more durable and thus provide greater safety; these are preferable for children,
especially if they are amblyopic.
An esodeviation greater for near than for distant targets is found in some cases. Convergence
excess is defined clinically as an increased near esodeviation of 10 prism diopters or greater
compared with the distance deviation (high clinical AC/A ratio) with the use of full hyperopic
correction. Bifocal treatment should be considered in patients with potential for sensory fusion
who maintain essentially aligned eyes at distance but have a manifest esotropia at near
(typically greater than 10 prism diopters) while wearing their full hyperopic correction. If
successful, bifocals may be necessary on a long-term basis to maintain binocular alignment for
viewing near targets. Eliminating bifocals is feasible in approximately 60% of cases after an
average of 5 years of use.131 An excellent initial response is associated with a lower likelihood
that the bifocals can be withdrawn later without recurrence of the esotropia.131
For children 5 years of age and younger, the bifocal should be prescribed as an executive or a
flat-top (D-segment) type, with the top of the bifocal bisecting the pupil in primary gaze in
younger children and a few millimeters lower in older children. While the minimum strength of
the bifocal can sometimes be estimated by office testing in trial frames, it is usually more
practical to empirically prescribe a +2.50 to +3.00 D add for all patients requiring them.
Reductions can be made later as part of a routine eyeglass change. Progressive bifocals offer
some cosmetic advantages and are preferred in older children who have adapted well to
standard bifocals. The transition zone should generally be placed several millimeters higher
than the standard adult fitting.137
Disadvantages of bifocals include expense, appearance, and potential rejection by the child. A
minority of clinicians avoids bifocals because they believe that alignment at distance is
sufficient to protect binocular vision. In some cases, strabismus surgery is appropriate in older
children to reduce dependence on bifocals or to allow for transition to contact lenses. Surgical
correction can reduce the AC/A ratio138,139 and eliminate the need for bifocal wear without
producing consecutive exotropia at distance.140-142


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

Prism Therapy
Prisms are rarely useful in infantile esotropia, in part because the angle of deviation is usually
too large to correct. In some patients with acquired esotropia, Press-On (3M Press-On
Optics; 3M, Medical Specialties Division, St. Paul, MN) plastic prisms are used to promote
binocular vision and establish the full angle on which to base extraocular muscle surgery.133
The Prism Adaptation Study investigated the role of preoperative Press-On prisms to determine
the maximum angle of the strabismus for surgical planning and to estimate fusional potential.
Rates of surgical success, defined as a horizontal deviation of 8 prism diopters or less
(measured with the simultaneous prism and cover test at distance fixation), were highest (90%)
among those participants who responded to prisms (i.e., showed evidence of sensory fusion)
and underwent extraocular muscle surgery for the adapted (larger) angle of esotropia.132,133
However, because prism-adapted patients received greater amounts of surgery on average, it is
possible that increasing surgical dosage for patients with potential for fusion without prism
adaptation would have produced similar results. Press-On prisms cause visual symptoms that
some children find objectionable (blurred vision with poor compliance with eyeglasses), In
addition, using Press-On prisms requires re-evaluation (additional office visits) and may be
unacceptable to children not otherwise wearing eyeglasses. For these reasons, prism adaptation
is used selectively.
Amblyopia Treatment
Amblyopia treatment is typically initiated before surgical treatment of strabismus. The
esotropia may increase or decrease with the treatment of amblyopia (see Amblyopia PPP18).143
Surgical treatment of esotropia in the presence of moderate to severe amblyopia has a lower
success rate than in the presence of mild or no amblyopia.126
Extraocular Muscle Surgery
Children with esotropia should undergo surgical correction if eyeglasses and amblyopia
management are ineffective in aligning the eyes.134 Strabismus surgery should be performed
only when more conservative methods have failed or are unlikely to be of benefit. Surgery is
rarely justified when the primary objective is to eliminate eyeglasses. Except for acquired
symptomatic deviations in older children, small-angle deviations of less than 12 prism diopters
at distance or near are not usually considered for surgery.
Although some binocular vision and stereopsis can be restored after surgical alignment in
patients with infantile esotropia,60,144 achievement of high-grade stereopsis is rare.58,59,61 In
contrast, the quality of stereopsis appears to be improved by prompt surgical realignment in
patients with decompensated accommodative esotropia.59,134,145
While most patients with infantile esotropia receive surgical intervention during childhood, it is
unknown whether early treatment results in long-term motor alignment. However, achieving
binocular alignment early in life (before age 2 years) to within 10 prism diopters of orthotropia
increases the likelihood of achieving binocularity.58,59,127-129
Whether or not there is surgical realignment of infantile esotropia, many affected children
subsequently develop other motility problems, such as latent nystagmus, dissociated strabismus,
and inferior oblique muscle overaction.146,147 The presence of amblyopia126 or nystagmus148 is
associated with an increased rate of requiring reoperation. In addition, esotropia may recur
postoperatively on an accommodative basis in 50% of patients and correlates with the
magnitude of the hyperopia.63
Extraocular muscle surgery usually is performed for the distance angle of deviation when the
individual is wearing full hyperopic correction; however, some surgeons use the maximum near
deviation. For those individuals with a distance-near disparity (high AC/A ratio), bilateral
medial rectus recession usually reduces the ratio.138,139 Prism adaptation for the near angle,149
augmentation of the recession over amounts done with a normal AC/A ratio,150 or posterior
fixation sutures (Fadenoperation)141 increase the likelihood of a satisfactory alignment and
eventual weaning from bifocals.


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

The amount of surgery and the choice of surgical technique may vary (e.g., methods of suture
placement in the muscle and sclera, or measurement of recession or resection). Although twomuscle surgery is most frequently performed, sometimes three- or four-horizontal-muscle
surgery may be required for large-angle deviations.151 Some clinicians believe that two-muscle
surgery is the better option for all deviations, regardless of magnitude, to reduce the risk of
consecutive exotropia.152
Adjustable sutures have been advocated as an adjunct to strabismus surgery to improve motor
outcomes, especially for patients with restrictive disease or for those requiring reoperation. Its
utility in children remains to be proven.153
Results may be similar with different surgical procedures; one method may be chosen over
another on the basis of preoperative diagnosis, angle of deviation, technical ease, anatomical
exposure, the need for an assistant, presence of scar tissue, and other factors such as physician
preference and experience. Bilateral medial rectus-muscle recessions are commonly performed
as the initial surgical procedure. Most surgeons prefer unilateral or ipsilateral surgery (singlemuscle recession or recession/resection) for patients with irreversible amblyopia or
substantially reduced vision in one eye on a structural basis. Operating on both eyes may be
preferable in specific clinical circumstances, such as V-pattern esotropia with inferior obliquemuscle overaction or null-point nystagmus with compensatory face turn. Detailed discussion of
the surgical indications and management of complex deviations is beyond the scope of this
Botulinum Toxin A Injection
Chemodenervation by injection of botulinum toxin type A into one or more extraocular muscles
induces a temporary weakness by pharmacologic blockade of the neuromuscular junction.
While the mechanism of long-term ocular realignment in children is unknown, it likely results
from contracture of the direct antagonist combined with motor and sensory adaptations that
allow restoration of some degree of binocularity. As with conventional extraocular muscle
surgery, favorable prognostic indicators include good vision in each eye, absence of restricted
eye movement, a small to moderate angle of esotropia, and the potential for binocular vision.
Such treatment may be an alternative to conventional extraocular muscle surgery in selected
patients,154 but its value in managing infantile esotropia has not been definitively
established.135,155-159 Disadvantages include the frequent need for repeat injection(s), especially
with larger preoperative angles; iatrogenic ptosis, which may increase the risk for amblyopia;
and the need for general anesthesia. Importantly, delayed binocular realignment may be
disadvantageous in an infant with a rapidly developing visual system.
Other Methods
There is no role for most types of vision training for children with esotropia.160 Training in
diplopia recognition (antisuppression training) and strengthening vergence amplitudes is
ineffective in the treatment of most esotropic patients and may occasionally produce permanent
diplopia, especially in patients with monofixation syndrome.
Cholinesterase inhibitors, such as echothiophate iodide, reduce accommodative effort and
convergence by stimulating ciliary muscle contraction (pupillary size is also reduced). Although
sometimes effective, long-term use of this method is less desirable than using corrective lenses
because of a risk of adverse systemic side effects such as diarrhea, asthma, and/or increased
salivation and perspiration as well as increased risk associated with the administration of certain
agents (e.g., succinylcholine chloride) used in general anesthesia.161 Potential ocular side effects
include cataract, retinal detachment, and iris cysts, which may encroach on the visual axis.162-164
Some ophthalmologists prescribe phenylephrine 2.5% eyedrops twice daily to be used
concurrently with the cholinesterase inhibitor to reduce the risk of iris cyst formation.
Echothiophate iodide may be difficult to obtain in the United States.


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section I. Esotropia

Follow-up Evaluation
Even when initial treatment results in good binocular alignment, follow-up is essential, because
the child remains at high risk for developing amblyopia, losing binocular vision, and having a
recurrence of strabismus. Children who are well aligned and do not have amblyopia may be
followed every 4 to 6 months. As the child matures, the frequency of follow-up visits can be
reduced.165 New or changing findings may indicate the need for more frequent follow-up
In children with esotropia, hyperopia should be assessed at least annually and more frequently if
visual acuity decreases or the esotropia increases. Detection of uncorrected hyperopia is
essential in the child with a recurrence of esotropia after successful initial treatment.
Cyclopentolate 1% is effective in most patients for obtaining cycloplegia for refraction. In some
patients, more hyperopia may be documented after regular eyeglass wear. If the esotropia
appears to be accommodative in etiology but is not controlled with the current eyeglasses,
repeat cycloplegic refraction should be performed before concluding that the esotropia has a
nonaccommodative component. Atropine 1% may be used to establish adequate cycloplegia
when shorter acting drugs are inadequate.113
Recurrence of esotropia or consecutive exotropia that is not responsive to eyeglasses, patching,
or medical treatment may indicate the need for repeat strabismus surgery if the magnitude of the
strabismus is sufficient.


Certain diagnostic procedures may be delegated to appropriately trained and supervised auxiliary
personnel. The interpretation of results, diagnosis, and management of strabismus, including surgical
correction and follow-up, require the training, clinical judgment, and experience of the
ophthalmologist. Consultation with or referral to a pediatric ophthalmologist or comprehensive
ophthalmologist with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of strabismus may be desirable for
cases in which the diagnosis, etiology, or management plan is unclear, or when the esotropia appears
unresponsive to treatment.
Diagnostic evaluation and treatment by an orthoptist can be a useful adjunct to the ophthalmologic
care of patients with esotropia.


Childhood esotropia is a long-term problem that requires commitment from the patient and/or
family/caregiver, as appropriate, and the ophthalmologist to achieve the best possible outcome.
The ophthalmologist should discuss the findings of the evaluation with the patient, when appropriate,
as well as with the parent/caregiver. The ophthalmologist should explain the disorder and include the
family in a collaborative approach to therapy. Parents/caregivers of pediatric patients who understand
the diagnosis and rationale for treatment are more likely to adhere to treatment


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP


Exotropia is a divergent misalignment of the visual axes. Exotropia can be classified as follows:

Infantile exotropia
Intermittent exotropia
Convergence insufficiency

Infantile Exotropia
Infantile exotropia appears before 6 months of age and is a constant exotropia that has many
characteristics similar to infantile esotropia, including limited binocular potential, inferior
oblique overaction, and dissociated vertical deviation. Neonates frequently have intermittent
exotropia within the first 3 to 4 months of life; however, it rarely persists.7 Children with
neurodevelopmental delay may have constant exotropia from infancy.

Infantile esotropia and exotropia are associated with an increased risk of amblyopia.
(good evidence)

Intermittent Exotropia
Childhood-onset exotropia is typically intermittent and usually appears before 3 years of age,
but it may be detected for the first time later in childhood. The deviation often becomes
manifest at times of fatigue, visual inattention, or illness when fusional compensatory
mechanisms are compromised. The patient may close one eye in bright light. Generally, the
image from the deviated eye will be suppressed and the patient will not report diplopia. Often
only one eye will be suppressed and deviate spontaneously. Mild amblyopia occasionally
occurs, but severe amblyopia is uncommon in the context of an intermittent deviation.

Convergence Insufficiency
Older children and teenagers with convergence insufficiency typically have an intermittent
exotropia at near fixation, reduced convergence fusional amplitudes, a remote near point of
convergence, and asthenopic symptoms with near work.

Sensory exotropia is associated with unilateral or bilateral vision loss on a structural basis.
Consecutive exotropia occurs in some children after surgery for esotropia. Sensory and
consecutive exotropias are not within the scope of this document.
Other conditions that are associated with exotropia include Duane syndrome, congenital fibrosis
syndrome, craniofacial abnormalities, and ocular myasthenia gravis. Dissociated horizontal
deviation is a divergent misalignment of the eyes and typically occurs in patients with a history
of infantile esotropia.
Pseudoexotropia is caused by positive angle kappa, which is a disparity between the visual and
anatomic axes of the eyes.


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section II. Exotropia

Patients with childhood onset of exotropia.


Identify children at risk for exotropia

Detect exotropia
Detect and treat amblyopia that may be associated with exotropia (see Amblyopia PPP18)
Educate the patient and/or family/caregiver, as appropriate, of the diagnosis, treatment options, and
care plan
Inform the patients other health providers of the diagnosis and treatment plan
Treat the exotropia (align the visual axes to promote and maintain binocular vision (fusion,
stereopsis), prevent or facilitate treatment of amblyopia, and restore normal appearance
Maximize quality of life by optimizing binocular alignment and visual acuity
Monitor vision and binocular alignment and modify therapy as appropriate

Exotropia occurs in approximately 1% of the population; intermittent exotropia is the most frequently
reported type.26,27,168,169 Exotropia has been associated with prematurity, perinatal morbidity, genetic
disorders, detrimental prenatal environmental influences such as maternal substance abuse and
smoking , family history of strabismus, female sex, astigmatism, and aniso-astigmatism.26,27 28,52 One
small retrospective population-based cohort study in the United States found that intermittent
exotropia was twice as frequent in girls than in boys.170 Clinic-based studies of children with infantileonset (congenital) exotropia found that half had associated ocular or systemic anomalies.49,171
In the long-term, reduction or prevention of factors such as prematurity and maternal smoking during
pregnancy as well as diagnosis and treatment of myopia and myopic anisometropia (see Table 1) may
reduce the incidence of exotropia.

Although classifications derived from presumed etiologic bases have been used, exotropia is usually
described clinically on the basis of frequency of the deviation, laterality, magnitude at distance and at
near, and symptoms. Some studies suggest that many patients who decline surgical correction appear
to remain stable or spontaneously improve with observation alone,172,173 but others report deterioration
during long-term follow-up.174 Von Noorden followed 51 patients ages 5 to 10 years with intermittent
exotropia for an average of 3.5 years and found that an increase in angle size, decrease in fusional
control, and/or development of suppression occurred in 75%.175 However, a more recent study of 109
patients followed for an average of 9 years found that there was no trend for worsening or
improvement of the size or control of exodeviation angle.173 Another study of 371 children with
intermittent exotropia who were followed for 2 years found that only 0.5% decompensated to a
constant exotropia.176 If the deviation becomes constant, binocular vision can deteriorate.177 The
causes of exotropia and of its natural history are poorly understood. Proposed etiologies for exotropia
include excess tonic divergence and mechanical or innervational orbital factors.178 Severe unilateral or
bilateral vision loss may cause exotropia. Typically, unilateral poor vision in early childhood is
associated with esotropia rather than exotropia.


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section II. Exotropia


The potential benefits of treatment for exotropia include promoting binocular vision and normal
visual function in each eye. Normal binocular alignment promotes a positive self-image.72 The
appearance of misaligned eyes impairs self-image and social interactions and reduces employment
opportunities.67-71,73,74 In one study, children aged 5 years and older expressed a negative feeling
about dolls that had been altered to be esotropic or exotropic.74 In another study, elementary school
teachers rated personal characteristics of children with esotropia and exotropia more negatively than
orthotropic children.71 In a sample of children enrolled in the Multi-ethnic Pediatric Eye Disease
Study, strabismus was associated with decreased general health-related quality of life in preschool
children, based on the parents proxy reporting.75 After strabismus surgery, adults have reported
improved confidence, self-esteem, and interpersonal interactions.68 Similar studies have not been
done to assess the effect of strabismus surgery on these traits in children.

Children with untreated strabismus can have reduced binocular potential and impaired social
interactions, and they can be subject to negative perceptions by others, which may affect their
psychosocial quality of life. (good evidence)


Optimal binocular motor alignment

Optimal binocular sensory status (fusion and stereopsis)
Optimal visual acuity in each eye

The purpose of the initial comprehensive strabismus evaluation is to confirm the diagnosis, establish
baseline status, inform the patient and/or family/caregiver, and determine therapy. Secondary causes
for the strabismus should be considered, including restrictive and paralytic etiologies caused by head
trauma or increased intracranial pressure.
The examination of a patient who has childhood-onset strabismus includes all elements of the
comprehensive ophthalmic examination in addition to sensory, motor, refractive, and accommodative
testing.78,79 Specific issues for exotropia are discussed in this section; the Esotropia section of this
document contains additional details of the comprehensive strabismus evaluation.

The medical history should include an estimate of the proportion of waking time that the eyes
appear to be misaligned, whether there is an ability to control the deviation, and when the
deviation occurs (e.g., when tired, ill, daydreaming, or viewing distant objects). In addition, it is
helpful to include any observation of alternation or of only one eye drifting out.

Sensory tests (e.g., stereopsis) should be done before visual acuity and alignment
measurements, which may dissociate the eyes by monocular occlusion and cause reduced
stereoacuity measurement or interfere with assessment of control of the exodeviation.


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section II. Exotropia

The examination includes an assessment of the fusional control of the exodeviation at both
distance and near fixation. The deviation is recorded as constant exotropia (XT), intermittent
exotropia (X(T)), or exophoria (X or XP). Fusional control can vary substantially from visit to
visit or even within the same visit. Various scales have been developed to further characterize
control of exodeviations.179,180 Indicators of progression include worsening control, reduction in
stereoacuity, and/or development of suppression. Some practitioners augment near stereoacuity
tests with an assessment of distance stereoacuity, which may detect reduced fusional control at
a distance with an intermittent exotropia.181,182

All forms of exotropia should be monitored and some will require treatment. Young children with
intermittent exotropia and good fusional control can be followed without surgery.176 Deviations that
are present most or all of the time require treatment. However, the optimal modes of therapy for
exotropia, the long-term benefit of early surgical correction, and the relative merits of bilateral vs.
unilateral surgery are not well established.183 Amblyopia is uncommon in patients with intermittent
exotropia, but, if present, it should be treated.

Young children with intermittent exotropia and good fusional control can be followed without
surgery. (strong recommendation, moderate evidence)

Choice of Therapy

Current treatment practices are listed below. Some of these treatments are under evaluation in
randomized trials.
Correction of refractive errors
Stimulating accommodative convergence (overcorrection of myopia or undercorrection of
Patching (antisuppression) therapy
Amblyopia treatment
Prism therapy
Convergence exercises for convergence insufficiency exotropia
Extraocular muscle surgery
Botulinum toxin A injection135
Correction of Refractive Errors
In the setting of an exodeviation, corrective lenses should be prescribed for any clinically
significant refractive error that causes reduced vision in one or both eyes. Improved retinalimage clarity often improves the control of the exotropia.184 Such refractive errors include
myopia, high hyperopia, astigmatism, and significant anisometropia. In one study, myopia was
found in more than 90% of exotropic patients by 20 years of age.185 Correcting even mild
amounts of myopia may be beneficial. Correction of mild to moderate amounts of hyperopia is
not generally recommended for patients with intermittent exotropia because reducing
accommodative convergence can worsen the control or size of the exodeviation. If hyperopic
correction is necessary, the amount prescribed should be the least amount needed to promote
good vision and stimulate accommodative convergence to control the exodeviation; such
correction can be the full cycloplegic refraction,184 but it is often less than the full amount.


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section II. Exotropia

Stimulating Accommodative Convergence

If fusional control of intermittent exotropia is suboptimal despite providing image clarity with
refractive correction, it may be improved by increasing myopic correction in myopes, reducing
hyperopic correction in hyperopes, or prescribing myopic correction in ametropes. Some
patients may not tolerate this therapy because of visual discomfort or decreased visual acuity.
Studies suggest that overcorrecting minus-lens therapy stimulates accommodation without
increasing myopia.186,187 It is most useful in patients with low-grade myopia and in those
already wearing eyeglasses.
Patching Therapy
Patching therapy in children with intermittent exotropia may improve control of the exotropia
even in the absence of amblyopia. In some cases, part-time patching (e.g., 2 to 6 hours daily)
may improve fusional control188,189 and/or reduce the angle of strabismus. Part-time patching
may be done on the preferred eye. In the absence of a fixation preference, patching is prescribed
to alternate between eyes.
Amblyopia Treatment
In children with exotropia, treatment for amblyopia18 may improve fusional control, decrease
the angle of the exodeviation, and/or improve the postoperative success rate in those requiring
strabismus surgery. Because amblyopia is uncommon in intermittent exotropia,168 the presence
of reduced visual acuity without an obvious etiology (e.g., anisometropia or ocular structural
abnormality) should alert the ophthalmologist to consider additional diagnoses, such as a subtle
optic nerve or retinal abnormalities.
Prism Therapy
Patients with intermittent exotropia do not typically have diplopia, so prisms are not generally
prescribed. However, some patients with intermittent exotropia also have convergence
insufficiency. In these cases, base-out prism can be used during convergence exercises (see the
following subsection). In cases of symptomatic convergence insufficiency exotropia that is
refractory to exercises, base-in prism can be included in eyeglasses to improve comfort while
Convergence Exercises for Convergence Insufficiency Exotropia
Orthoptic therapy may improve fusional control in patients with convergence insufficiency
exotropia and with small- to moderate-angle exotropia (i.e., 20 prism diopters or less), with the
goal of strengthening fusional convergence amplitudes.190,191 Patients with the convergence
insufficiency type of exotropia (exotropia greater at near) and asthenopic symptoms with near
viewing (typically reading) may be good candidates for orthoptic therapy. Near point of
convergence exercises on an accommodative target are useful if the near point of convergence
is distant. Convergence exercises with a base-out prism may be beneficial once the near point of
convergence improves. Treatment is tapered as symptoms improve, and it may need to be
resumed if symptoms recur. Other treatments include computer-based convergence exercises
and in-office orthoptics.192-194
Extraocular Muscle Surgery
Surgical correction is considered if the deviation occurs so frequently or is so large as to be
unacceptable to the child or parent/caregiver, or if symptoms are not relieved by corrective
lenses and patching. Observing the control and size of the deviation under daily-life conditions
is essential when making the decision to perform extraocular muscle surgery. Other
preoperative considerations include age, refractive error, and the AC/A ratio. A change in
refractive correction may increase or decrease the measured deviation and influence surgical
planning. Measurements of exotropia with best optical correction should be repeated using
accommodative targets at near, distance, and if possible, at remote distance (e.g., while a patient
ooks down a hallway or out of a window). Thirty minutes of monocular occlusion (patch test)
may bring out the full deviation.

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section II. Exotropia

In patients with evidence of a high AC/A ratio, the degree of abnormality may be quantified
using 2.00 D lenses at distance. A high AC/A ratio is diagnosed when the distance angle
exceeds the near angle by at least 10 prism diopters, and there is a significant decrease in the
distance angle when 2.00 D lenses are placed over the usual refractive correction. In these
patients, a conservative approach may be warranted because of the risk of consecutive
esotropia, diplopia, and asthenopia with near fixation.195

In patients with exotropia and a high accommodative convergence to accommodation ratio

(AC/A), treatment with eyeglasses is generally preferred over surgery because of the risk of
consecutive esotropia and diplopia after surgery.
(discretionary recommendation, moderate evidence)

The timing of surgery for exotropia depends on the childs neurodevelopmental status and the
frequency of the deviation. For constant infantile-onset exotropia, early surgery is indicated to
improve sensory outcomes, although normal binocular function is rarely achieved. When the
deviation is intermittent, many ophthalmologists defer surgery in young children with fusion to
avoid complications associated with postoperative esotropia. These complications include
suppression, amblyopia, and loss of binocular vision, particularly stereoacuity. However,
excellent stereoacuity can be found in patients who have undergone early surgery.196,197 In one
study, alignment before age 7 years, before 5 years of strabismus duration, or while the
deviation is intermittent increased the likelihood and quality of stereopsis.198
Surgery consists of bilateral-lateral rectus-muscle recessions or unilateral-lateral rectus-muscle
recession and medial rectus-muscle resection. Some surgeons prefer bilateral surgery when the
distance deviation exceeds the near deviation and unilateral surgery when the near deviation is
greater than the distance deviation. When poor vision is present in one eye, unilateral surgery
on that eye typically is preferred. Bilateral surgery is preferable when there is an A or V pattern
with or without significant oblique overaction. Upshift of both lateral rectus muscles improves a
V pattern and downshift improves an A pattern. In the setting of exotropia, small vertical
deviations typically do not require vertical muscle surgery. A single lateral rectus muscle
recession may be done for a small deviation.
Although most surgeons prefer symmetric surgery (e.g., bilateral-lateral rectus-muscle
recession), with recession amounts based on the distance deviation, excellent results are also
obtained from unilateral two-muscle surgery (lateral rectus-muscle recession and medial rectus
resection).199,200 One randomized trial (n=36) found that long-term outcome was better after
recess-resect than after bilateral recession.199 Esotropia that occurs immediately following
surgery often causes diplopia. Some studies have reported that this overcorrection is usually
temporary and may increase the likelihood of satisfactory long-term binocular alignment,201,202
but other studies reported a variable and unpredictable outcome following early
overcorrection.203 The duration of follow-up likely influences the report of motor
outcomes.203,204 When a consecutive esotropia persists for several weeks, placement of
temporary press-on prisms that are slowly reduced in power can be helpful. When unsuccessful,
additional surgery is often required for the consecutive esotropia. While approximately 80% of
patients have good alignment 6 months postoperatively after bilateral-lateral rectus-muscle
recession,205 long-term results are less favorable and recurrence is common over time.201,206
Outcomes may be improved with a combination of surgical and nonsurgical
(orthoptic/occlusion) therapy during management of a child with exotropia.207 Use of an
adjustable suture technique (older children and adults) has not been shown to improve outcomes
in uncomplicated intermittent exotropia.153,208


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Section II. Exotropia

Botulinum Toxin A Injection

Chemodenervation by injection of botulinum toxin type A into one or more extraocular muscles
has been used as initial, secondary, and adjunctive treatment for exotropia. In a randomized
study (n=30, 20 with exotropia) of adjustable suture muscle surgery or chemodenervation by
injection of botulinum toxin type A for adults with horizontal, nonaccommodative ocular
misalignment, botulinum toxin treatment was less successful (29% vs. 77%) than surgery.209
There is insufficient evidence to make treatment recommendations for botulinum toxin
treatment for exotropia.135

Follow-up Evaluation
Children with exotropia require follow-up evaluations to monitor the magnitude and frequency
of the deviation, visual acuity, and binocularity. Young children with constant or poorly
controlled exotropia or postoperative esotropia are at risk for developing amblyopia and should
be followed more frequently. Postoperative esotropia may also precipitate loss of stereoacuity.
Prescribing base-out prism in eyeglasses is occasionally useful to alleviate diplopia associated
with transient postoperative esotropia. The frequency of follow-up evaluations is based on the
age of the child, the ability to obtain an accurate visual acuity, and the control of the deviation.
Children with good fusional control of intermittent exotropia and without amblyopia are
typically examined every 6 to 12 months. Once visual maturity is reached (i.e., age 7 to 10
years), the frequency of ophthalmological examinations may be reduced.
Follow-up evaluation includes frequency of any deviation, adherence to treatment plan (if any),
and ocular motility assessment.

Esotropia that persists after exotropia surgery may place the patient at risk for amblyopia,
diplopia, and loss of stereoacuity. (moderate evidence)


Certain diagnostic procedures may be delegated to appropriately trained and supervised auxiliary
personnel. The interpretation of results, diagnosis, and management of strabismus, including surgical
correction and follow-up, require the clinical judgment and experience of an ophthalmologist.
Consultation with or referral to a pediatric ophthalmologist or comprehensive ophthalmologist with
expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of strabismus may be desirable for cases in which the
diagnosis, etiology, or management plan is unclear, or the exotropia appears unresponsive to
Diagnostic evaluation and treatment by an orthoptist can be a useful adjunct to the ophthalmologic
care of patients with exotropia.


Childhood exotropia is a long-term problem that requires commitment from the patient and/or
family/caregiver, as appropriate, and ophthalmologist to achieve the best possible outcome. The
ophthalmologist should discuss the findings of the evaluation with the patient, when appropriate, as
well as the parent/caregiver. The ophthalmologist should explain the disorder and include the family
in a collaborative approach to therapy. Parents/caregivers of pediatric patients who understand the
diagnosis and rationale for treatment are more likely to adhere to treatment recommendations.166,167


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP

There is consensus that timely and appropriate eye care can significantly improve childrens quality of life
and can reduce the burden of eye disease. Timely treatment of strabismus relies on early diagnosis.78
Therefore, many authorities recommend early and regular vision screening to detect this and other
Evidence suggests that many children do not receive the recommended care. In fact, almost 40% of children
in the United States have never undergone a vision screening.210,211 Children in low-income families, in
uninsured families, and in racial and ethnic minority groups may fare worse.210-213 Studies indicate that in
general, African American children and children living below 400% of the federal poverty level receive
fewer and less intensive services relative to their white counterparts.212,214 There is evidence that these raceethnicity disparities are reflected in eye care services as well as in other health services.214 It is still unclear
whether these disparities in eye care services are due to underdiagnosis and undertreatment of certain
conditions in minority children, a lower prevalence of treatable eye conditions in certain populations,
racial/ethnic differences in access to care or in preferences for treatment, or a combination of these factors.212
Barriers to eye care extend beyond inadequate screening and diagnosis. Few screening programs ensure
access to eye examinations and treatment for children who fail screening. It appears from one large study that
only about half of children who fail vision screening are seen by eye care providers in follow-up.215 Barriers
to care may include inadequate information, lack of access to care, and/or financial or insurance coverage
difficulties.216,217 Children with diagnosed eye conditions require greater use of medical services than
children without such conditions, and their families incur higher out-of-pocket expenditures.214 In keeping
with other measures of disparities in the provision of health services, non-Hispanic whites and families of
higher socioeconomic status may be more likely to obtain follow-up eye care.216
Children with untreated strabismus begin to suffer socially before the age of 6,74 have negative perceptions
by teachers,71 and, in general, have reduced psychosocial quality of life.218,219 In addition, later employment
prospects can be affected by strabismus.220 In one small (n=140) time trade-off utility study, the majority of
adults with strabismus would trade a shortened life expectancy in exchange for no strabismus.221 Treatment
studies indicate that appropriate management of strabismus can improve both functional and psychosocial
outcomes, even into adulthood.222-224

Children with untreated strabismus can have reduced binocular potential and impaired social
interactions, and they can be subject to negative perceptions by others, which may affect their
psychosocial quality of life. (good evidence)

State legislatures have attempted to close the gap in childrens eye care by mandating some form of vision
screening for children.225 Legislative efforts have focused primarily on early detection of vision problems in
young children. Leaders in these efforts have stressed the importance of funding mechanisms to support such
programs, specifically advocating reimbursement of vision screening in the primary care setting as a pathway
to success.225
Optimal eye and vision care for children involves an organized program of vision screening in the primary
care and community settings and includes referral for comprehensive ophthalmic examinations when
indicated, and provision of refractive aids as needed. There remains a pressing need for studies to assess the
impact of these interventions over time and across diverse populations.226


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP


Providing quality care
is the physician's foremost ethical obligation, and is
the basis of public trust in physicians.
AMA Board of Trustees, 1986
Quality ophthalmic care is provided in a manner and with the skill that is consistent with the best interests of
the patient. The discussion that follows characterizes the core elements of such care.
The ophthalmologist is first and foremost a physician. As such, the ophthalmologist demonstrates
compassion and concern for the individual, and utilizes the science and art of medicine to help alleviate
patient fear and suffering. The ophthalmologist strives to develop and maintain clinical skills at the highest
feasible level, consistent with the needs of patients, through training and continuing education. The
ophthalmologist evaluates those skills and medical knowledge in relation to the needs of the patient and
responds accordingly. The ophthalmologist also ensures that needy patients receive necessary care directly or
through referral to appropriate persons and facilities that will provide such care, and he or she supports
activities that promote health and prevent disease and disability.
The ophthalmologist recognizes that disease places patients in a disadvantaged, dependent state. The
ophthalmologist respects the dignity and integrity of his or her patients, and does not exploit their
Quality ophthalmic care has the following optimal attributes, among others.

The essence of quality care is a meaningful partnership relationship between patient and physician. The
ophthalmologist strives to communicate effectively with his or her patients, listening carefully to their
needs and concerns. In turn, the ophthalmologist educates his or her patients about the nature and
prognosis of their condition and about proper and appropriate therapeutic modalities. This is to ensure
their meaningful participation (appropriate to their unique physical, intellectual, and emotional state) in
decisions affecting their management and care, to improve their motivation and compliance with the
agreed plan of treatment, and to help alleviate their fears and concerns.
The ophthalmologist uses his or her best judgment in choosing and timing appropriate diagnostic and
therapeutic modalities as well as the frequency of evaluation and follow-up, with due regard to the
urgency and nature of the patient's condition and unique needs and desires.
The ophthalmologist carries out only those procedures for which he or she is adequately trained,
experienced, and competent, or, when necessary, is assisted by someone who is, depending on the
urgency of the problem and availability and accessibility of alternative providers.
Patients are assured access to, and continuity of, needed and appropriate ophthalmic care, which can be
described as follows.
The ophthalmologist treats patients with due regard to timeliness, appropriateness, and his or her own
ability to provide such care.
The operating ophthalmologist makes adequate provision for appropriate pre- and postoperative
patient care.
When the ophthalmologist is unavailable for his or her patient, he or she provides appropriate alternate
ophthalmic care, with adequate mechanisms for informing patients of the existence of such care and
procedures for obtaining it.
The ophthalmologist refers patients to other ophthalmologists and eye care providers based on the
timeliness and appropriateness of such referral, the patient's needs, the competence and qualifications
of the person to whom the referral is made, and access and availability.
The ophthalmologist seeks appropriate consultation with due regard to the nature of the ocular or other
medical or surgical problem. Consultants are suggested for their skill, competence, and accessibility.
They receive as complete and accurate an accounting of the problem as necessary to provide efficient
and effective advice or intervention, and in turn they respond in an adequate and timely manner.

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP

Appendix 1. Quality of Ophthalmic Care Core Criteria

The ophthalmologist maintains complete and accurate medical records.

On appropriate request, the ophthalmologist provides a full and accurate rendering of the patient's
records in his or her possession.
The ophthalmologist reviews the results of consultations and laboratory tests in a timely and effective
manner and takes appropriate actions.
The ophthalmologist and those who assist in providing care identify themselves and their profession.
For patients whose conditions fail to respond to treatment and for whom further treatment is
unavailable, the ophthalmologist provides proper professional support, counseling, rehabilitative and
social services, and referral as appropriate and accessible.
Prior to therapeutic or invasive diagnostic procedures, the ophthalmologist becomes appropriately
conversant with the patient's condition by collecting pertinent historical information and performing
relevant preoperative examinations. Additionally, he or she enables the patient to reach a fully informed
decision by providing an accurate and truthful explanation of the diagnosis; the nature, purpose, risks,
benefits, and probability of success of the proposed treatment and of alternative treatment; and the risks
and benefits of no treatment.
The ophthalmologist adopts new technology (e.g., drugs, devices, surgical techniques) in judicious
fashion, appropriate to the cost and potential benefit relative to existing alternatives and to its
demonstrated safety and efficacy.
The ophthalmologist enhances the quality of care he or she provides by periodically reviewing and
assessing his or her personal performance in relation to established standards, and by revising or altering
his or her practices and techniques appropriately.
The ophthalmologist improves ophthalmic care by communicating to colleagues, through appropriate
professional channels, knowledge gained through clinical research and practice. This includes alerting
colleagues of instances of unusual or unexpected rates of complications and problems related to new
drugs, devices, or procedures.
The ophthalmologist provides care in suitably staffed and equipped facilities adequate to deal with
potential ocular and systemic complications requiring immediate attention.
The ophthalmologist also provides ophthalmic care in a manner that is cost effective without
unacceptably compromising accepted standards of quality.

Reviewed by: Council

Approved by: Board of Trustees
October 12, 1988
2nd Printing: January 1991
3rd Printing: August 2001
4th Printing: July 2005


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP


Esotropia, which includes entities with the following ICD-9 and ICD-10 classifications:











Alternating with A pattern



Alternating with V pattern



Alternating with X or Y pattern (with other noncomitancies)






Monocular with A pattern



Monocular with V pattern



Monocular with X or Y pattern



Intermittent, alternating



Intermittent, monocular






CM = Clinical Modification used in the United States; () = 1, right eye; 2, left eye
Additional Information for ICD-10 Codes:

For bilateral sites, the final character of the codes in the ICD-10 CM indicates laterality. Esotropia and exotropia do not have bilateral codes.
Therefore, if the condition is bilateral, assign separate codes for both the left and right side.

When the diagnosis code specifies laterality, regardless of which digit it is found in (i.e., 4th digit, 5th digit, or 6th digit):
Right is always 1
Left is always 2


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Appendix 2. ICD Codes

Exotropia, which includes entities with the following ICD-9 and ICD-10 classifications:





Alternating with A pattern



Alternating with specified noncomitancy not elsewhere

classifiable (includes alphabetical patterns)



Alternating with V pattern






Monocular with A pattern



Intermittent unspecified



Alternating, intermittent



Monocular, intermittent






CM = Clinical Modification used in the United States;( ) = 1, right eye; 2, left eye
Additional Information for ICD-10 Codes:

For bilateral sites, the final character of the codes in the ICD-10 CM indicates laterality. Esotropia and exotropia do not have bilateral codes.
Therefore, if the condition is bilateral, assign separate codes for both the left and right side.

When the diagnosis code specifies laterality, regardless of which digit it is found in (i.e., 4th digit, 5th digit, or 6th digit):
Right is always 1
Left is always 2


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP


The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Vision have
made similar recommendations about optotype choice and arrangement on visual acuity testing charts.85,89
Optotypes should be clear, standardized, of similar characteristics, and should not reflect a cultural bias. Each
line should contain five optotypes. Spacing between the optotypes should be proportional: the horizontal
spacing between individual optotypes should be equal to the size of the optotype and the vertical spacing
between lines should be the height of the optotypes in the lower line. Optotype sizes should generally be
presented in 0.1 logMAR decrements. This arrangement leads to an inverted pyramid design for wall charts.
Visual acuity testing charts used with children that meet these recommendations include85 LEA Symbols
(Good-Lite Co., Elgin, IL), Sloan letters,93 Sloan numerals, Tumbling E, and HOTV. The Snellen chart is less
desirable because the individual letters are not of equal legibility and the spacing of the letters does not meet
WHO/Committee on Vision standards.85,94-96
Several symbol charts have serious limitations for young children. These include Allen figures,97 the
Lighthouse chart, and the Kindergarten Eye Chart.98 In these charts, the optotypes are not standardized and
are presented in a culturally biased fashion.99 Although the Tumbling E chart meets WHO/Committee on
Vision recommendations, it is less desirable because it requires spatial orientation skills not mastered by all
children. Other visual acuity charts are being developed to overcome these limitations, including the Handy
Eye Chart and the Compact Reduced logMAR chart.227,228
Table A3-1 lists details of design of visual acuity testing charts that are commonly used.

Meets WHO*/NAS
LEA Symbols91




Reproduced with permission from Good-Lite Co.,

Elgin, IL.


Optotypes of similar legibility

Inverted pyramid design with five optotypes per line (at

visual acuities better than 20/100), proportional spacing
between optotypes, and 0.1 LogMAR decrements in
optotype size

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Appendix 3. Visual Acuity Testing Charts

Meets WHO*/NAS
Sloan Letters93




Optotypes of similar legibility

Inverted pyramid design with five optotypes per line,

proportional spacing between optotypes, and 0.1 LogMAR
decrements in optotype size

Reproduced with permission from Good-Lite Co.,

Elgin, IL.




Optotypes of similar legibility

Inverted pyramid design with five optotypes per line,

proportional spacing between optotypes, and 0.1 LogMAR
decrements in optotype size

Reproduced with permission from Good-Lite Co.,

Elgin, IL.

Snellen Letters229



Image is in the public domain.


Optotypes are not of similar legibility

Variable number of optotypes per line

Nonproportional spacing between optotypes

Nonstandard optotype size decrements

Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Appendix 3. Visual Acuity Testing Charts

Meets WHO*/NAS
Tumbling E Chart




Optotypes of similar legibility

Inverted pyramid design available with five optotypes per line,

proportional spacing between optotypes, and 0.1 LogMAR
decrements in optotype size


Requires spatial orientation skills not mastered by all


Reproduced with permission from Good-Lite Co.,

Elgin, IL.

Allen Figures



Allen HF. A new picture series for preschool vision

testing. Am J Ophthalmol 1975;44:40. Copyright
1957. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier. All
rights reserved.


Optotypes are not of similar legibility

Variable number of optotypes per line

Nonproportional spacing between optotypes

Nonstandard optotype size decrements

Optotypes not easily recognized by all children (e.g.,


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP:

Appendix 3. Visual Acuity Charts

Meets WHO*/NAS
Lighthouse Chart




Optotypes are not of similar legibility

Variable number of optotypes per line

Nonproportional spacing between optotypes

Nonstandard optotype size decrements

Reproduced with permission.

Kindergarten Eye Chart



Optotypes are not of similar legibility

Variable number of optotypes per line

Nonproportional spacing between optotypes

Nonstandard optotype size decrements

Reproduced with permission from Wilson Ophthalmic

Corp., Mustang, OK.
NAS = National Academy of Sciences; WHO = World Health Organization
* World Health Organization. Consultation on development of standards for characterization of vision loss and visual functioning. Geneva, 4-5
September 2003. Available at: Accessed January 24, 2012.
Committee on Vision. Recommended stardard procedures for the clinical measurement and specification of visual acuity. Report of working group 39.
Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Adv Ophthalmol
Sloan, HOTV, and Tumbling E charts have chart designs that do not meet proportional spacing recommendations between individual optotypes and

optotype lines.


Esotropia and Exotropia PPP


Basic and Clinical Science Course
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (Section 6, 20122013)
Focal Points
Adult Strabismus (2009)
Managing Accommodative Esotropia Patients and Their Parents (2008)
Ophthalmic Technology Assessment
Published in Ophthalmology, which is distributed free to Academy members; links to abstracts and full
text available at
Strabismus Surgery for Adults (2008; reviewed for currency 2010)
Patient Education Brochure
Amblyopia (2011)
Pseudostrabismus (2011)
Strabismus (2012)
Patient Education Downloadable Handout
Eye Safety for Children (subscription) (2011-2012)
Preferred Practice Pattern Guidelines Free download available at
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