Shabbat: The Only Sign

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The Timeline Dates Point to Whom?

Question #1: What happened on the 17th day of the 2nd month?
LOOK and SEE with your eyes and HEAR with your ears:
Noah’s life ,
“In the six hundredth year of

in the 2nd month,

the 17th day of the month,

on that day
all the fountains of the great deep were broken up
and the windows of the heavens were open ed.
[Bereshith 7:11, Page 49 The BESORAH]
Those going in, male and female of all flesh,
went in as Elohim had commanded him
and HWHY shut him in .”
[Bereshith 7:16, Page 49 The BESORAH]

Question #2: What is significant about the 17th day of the 1st month?
LOOK and SEE with your eyes and HEAR with your ears:

It isexactly one month prior

to the SHUT IN of Noah’s days.
[Bereshith 7:16, Page 49 The BESORAH]

OSWHY shed His blood--His life

O n the 14th day of the 1st month.
HWHY raised Him from the dead
after 3 days & 3 nights,
on the 17th day of the 1st month.

Confirmed by the SIGN of YONAH 1:17

[Yonah1:17 Page 690 The BESORAH]

Question #3: What is the ONLY SIGN given to a wicked and

adulterous generation?
LOOK and SEE with your eyes and HEAR with your ears:

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“But He answering, said to them,
‘A wicked and adulterous gen eration
seeks after a sign and NO sign shall be given to it


For as Yonah was
three days and three nights
in the stomach of the great fish,
so shall the Son of Adam be

three days and three nights

in the heart of the earth.
Men of Nineweh shall stand up

In the judgment
With this generation and condemn it,
Because they repented
At the preachi ng of Yonah and

A GREATER tha n Yona h IS HERE.’”
[MattithYahu 12:39-41]

Question #4: Was there a 7-day countdown prior to the unleashing of

the flood of HWH y’s wrath on the 17th day of the 2 nd month?
LOOK and SEE with your eyes and HEAR with your ears:


I am sending rain on the earth,
Forty days and forty nig hts
And shall wipe from the face of the earth
All that stand that I created.”
[Bereshith 7:4, Page 49 The BESORAH]

“And it came to be
That the waters of the flood
W ere on the earth.”
[Bereshith 7:10, Page 49 The BESORAH]

Question #5: Is the timeline for the Second Coming of the Son of
Adam similar to any other timeline in HIStory?
LOOK and SEE with your eyes and HEAR with your ears:

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as the days of Noah,

So also
Shall the coming of the Son of Adam be.
For as they were in the


Eating and drinking,
Marrying and giving in marriage,
Until THE DAY that
[ On the 17th day of the 2nd month ],
and they did NOT KNOW UNTIL

So also
Shall the coming of the Son of Adam be.”
[MattithYa hu 24:37-39, Page 1051 The BESORAH]

DDDD Shabbat 4/24/2010, The 10th Day of the 2 nd Month JME d dd d


SEE, I, OSwhy, have forewarned you.
[MattithYa hu 24:25, Page 1050 The BESORAH]

By belief, Noah, having been warned

Of what was yet unsee n,

Having feared ,
Prepared an ark to save his hous e,
Through which he condemn ed the world
And became heir of the righteousness

Which is according to belief .

[Ibrim 11:7, Page 1278 The BESORAH]

But I shall s how you Who m yo u should fear:

Fear the On e Who,
After kil l i ng,
Poss ess es authority to cast into Gehenna.
Yea, I say to you,

Fear Him !
[Luke 12:5, Page 1103 The BESORAH]
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If anyone the n says to you,
‘LOOK, Here is the Messiah! Or There!
Do NOT bel i eve.
For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise
They shall show great signs and wonders,
So as to l ead astray,
If possible, even the chosen ones.
SEE, I have forewarned you.
If they say to you,
‘LOOK, He is in the des ert!
Do NOT go out;
‘LOOK, He is in the inner rooms!
Do NOT bel i eve.
For as the lightni ng comes from the east and shines to the west,

So also s hall the coming of the Son of Adam be.

For wherever the dead body is,
There the eagles shall be gathered together.
[MattithYa hu 24:23-28, Page 1050 The BESORAH]
For in “thos e days” there shall be
Such as has not been
From the beginning of creation
Which Elohim created until this ti me,
Nor ever shall be.
AndIf the Master had not shortened those days,
No flesh would have been saved;
BUT because of the chos en ones, whom HE CHOSE,
He shortened the days .
“And If anyone then says to you,
‘LOOK, here is the Mess iah!
LOOK, there!
Do NOT bel i eve “it”.
For false messiahs and false prophets shall rise
Show signs and wonders to lead astray,
If possible,
Even the chos en ones.

Take HEED.
And YOU,

SEE, I, OSWHY, have forewarned you of it ALL.

[Mark 13:19-23, Page 1077 The BESORAH]

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And learn this parable from the fig tree:
Wh en its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves,
You KNOW that the summ er is NEAR.
So you ALS O,
Wh en you SEE thes e taking place,
KNOW that “it” is NEAR,
At the DOOR.
Truly, I say to you,
This generation shall by no means pass away
Until ALL this takes place.
The heaven and the earth shall pass away,
MY words shall by no means pass away.
But concerni ng “that day” and “the ho ur”
No one knows,
Not even the mess eng ers i n heaven,
Nor the S ON,

Only the Father.

Take HEED,
For you do not know when the TIME is--
[Mark 13:28-33, Page 1077 The BESORAH]

LOOK at the fig tree a nd ALL THE TREES .

Wh en they have already budded, OBSERVING it,
You shall KNOW for yourselves that sum m er is NOW NEAR.
So you also,
Wh en you SEE these matters take place,
KNOW that the REIGN of Elohim, hwhy, is NEAR.
Truly, I say to you,
This generation shall by no means pass away
Until ALL shall have taken place.
The heaven and the earth shall pass away,
BUT MY words shall by no means pass away.

And take HEED to yourselves,

Least your hearts be weighed down
By gl uttony and drunk enn ess and worri es of this LIFE
And that “day” come on you suddenly.
For “it” shall come as a snare on all those dwelling on the face of all the earth.
Then at ALL times
“ PRAY” that you be counted worthy to “ESCAPE”

ALL this, about to take place,

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And to “ STAND”
Before the Son of Adam.”
[Luke 21:29-36, Pages 1116 & 1117 The BESORAH]
But this is what was spoken by the prophet Yo’el:
And it shall be in the last days,
Says h why ,
That ISHALL pour out of MY SPIRIT on all flesh.
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy
Your young men shall see visions
And your old men shal l drea m drea ms,
MY male s ervants and on MY female s ervants
I SHALL pour out MY SPIRIT in “those days”
They shall prophesy.
And I SHALL show wonders in the heavens above
Signs in the earth beneath: blood and fire and vapour of s moke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood,
BEFORE the coming of the great and splendid day of h why .
And it shall be:
“That everyone who calls on the NAME of hwhy shall be saved.”
[Acts 2:16-21, Page 1155 The BESORAH]


‘The Helper,
The Set-apart Spirit, whom the Father shal l s end in MY NAME,
He shall TEACH you ALL and REMIND you of ALL that I said to you.
PEACE I leave with you –
My PEACE I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do Not let your heart be troubled, neither let your heart be afraid.
[Yohanan 14: 26-27, Page 1144 The BESORAH]

I have told you before it takes place,

That when “it” does take place,
You shall believe.’
[Yohanan 14: 29, Page 1145 The BESORAH]

“…You say it, becaus e I am a SOVEREIGN.

For this I was born and for this I have come into the world,
That I should bear witness to the TRUTH.
Everyone who is of the TRUTH hears My voice.”
[Yohanan 18:17, Page 1149 The BESORAH]

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‘When He comes,
The SPIRIT of the TRUTH,
He shall guide you into ALL the TRUTH,
For He shall not speak from Himself
Whatever He hears He shall speak
He shall ANNOUNCE to you

He shall estee m Me [OSwh y ]
For He shall take of what is Mine
And ANNOUNCE “it” to you.
All that the Father has is Mine.
That is why I said
That He takes from what is Mine
ANNOUNCES it to you.
[Yohanan 16:13-16 Page 1146 The BESORAH]


‘hwhy your Elohim
Shall raise up for you a Prophet lik e me from your brothers.
Him you shall HEAR according to all matters,
Whatever He says to you.
And it shall be:
That every being who does NOT HEAR that Prophet
Shall be utterly destroyed from among the peopl e.
And lik ewise, all the prophets who have spoke n,
From Shem u’el and those following
Have also ANNOUNCED thes e days.
You are the sons of the prophets
Of the covenant which Elohim made with our fathers,
Saying to Abrahim,
‘And in your se ed ALL the nations of the earth shall be blessed.’
To you first,
Elohim, Having raised up His Servant O Swhy ,
SENT Him to bless you,
In turning away each one of you from your wicked ways.”
[Acts 3:22-26, Page 1157 The BESORAH]

O Swh y of Natsareth,
A Man from Elohim,
Having been pointed out to you by mighty works
And wonders and signs
Which Elohim did through Him in your midst,
As you yourselves also KNOW,

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This One,
Given up by the s et purpos e
Foreknowledge of Elohim,
You impaled and put to death
Through the hands of lawless men---
HIM, Elohim raised up,
Having loos ed the pangs of death
“IT” was impossible that HE could be held in “ITS” grip.”
[Acts 2:22-24, Pages 1155 & 1156 The BESORAH]

Let’s call on our Father,

Who without partiality judges according to each one’s work
And pass the time we have left here in fear,
Knowing that we were redeemed from our futile way of life
Inherited from our fathers,
Not with corruptible silver or gold
With the precious blood of Messiah,
As of a lamb unblemished and spotless,
In deed,
Before the foundations of the world,
But Manifested,
In these last times for our sakes .
Be cleansed,
Obey the truth through the Spirit
To genuine brotherly love
With a pure heart and be born again.
This time not of corruptible seed
But incorruptible seed – through the Living Word of Elohim
This seed remains forever.
Because “all flesh” is a grass
The “esteem of man” is as a flower for the grass.
The grass withers and its flower falls away
The WORD of hwhy Remains FOREVER!
And this is The Word, Announced As, The BESORAH to You.
[Page 1344, The BESORAH of OS W HY ]

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But he who shal l have ENDURED TO THE END shall be saved.
And this “BESORAH” of the reign shall be proclaimed in all the world
As a witness to all the nations and THEN the end shall come.
[MattithYa hu 24:13 & 14 Page 1050 The BESO RAH]

And the “BESORAH” has to be proclaimed first to ALL the nations.

And you shall be hated by all because of MY NAME.
But he who shal l have ENDURED TO THE END,
he shall be saved.
[Mark: 13: 10 & 13, Page 1077 The BESORAH]

“And you s hall be hated by ALL becaus e of MY NAME.

But not a hair on your heads shal l be lost at all .
Possess your lives by your ENDURANCE!
And when you SEE Yerushalayim surrounded by armies,
Then KNOW,
That “its” laying waste is NEAR.
Then l et thos e i n Yahudah,
Flee to the mountains
Let thos e who are i n the midst of “her” go out
Let not thos e who are i n the fi elds enter “her”.
These are days of VENGEANCE
to fill ALL that has been written.
[Luke 21:17-22, Page 1116 The BESORAH]

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