Shabbat: The Only Sign
Shabbat: The Only Sign
Shabbat: The Only Sign
Question #1: What happened on the 17th day of the 2nd month?
LOOK and SEE with your eyes and HEAR with your ears:
Noah’s life ,
“In the six hundredth year of
on that day
all the fountains of the great deep were broken up
and the windows of the heavens were open ed.
[Bereshith 7:11, Page 49 The BESORAH]
Those going in, male and female of all flesh,
went in as Elohim had commanded him
and HWHY shut him in .”
[Bereshith 7:16, Page 49 The BESORAH]
Question #2: What is significant about the 17th day of the 1st month?
LOOK and SEE with your eyes and HEAR with your ears:
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“But He answering, said to them,
‘A wicked and adulterous gen eration
seeks after a sign and NO sign shall be given to it
In the judgment
With this generation and condemn it,
Because they repented
At the preachi ng of Yonah and
A GREATER tha n Yona h IS HERE.’”
[MattithYahu 12:39-41]
“And it came to be
That the waters of the flood
W ere on the earth.”
[Bereshith 7:10, Page 49 The BESORAH]
Question #5: Is the timeline for the Second Coming of the Son of
Adam similar to any other timeline in HIStory?
LOOK and SEE with your eyes and HEAR with your ears:
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as the days of Noah,
So also
Shall the coming of the Son of Adam be.
For as they were in the
So also
Shall the coming of the Son of Adam be.”
[MattithYa hu 24:37-39, Page 1051 The BESORAH]
Having feared ,
Prepared an ark to save his hous e,
Through which he condemn ed the world
And became heir of the righteousness
Fear Him !
[Luke 12:5, Page 1103 The BESORAH]
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If anyone the n says to you,
‘LOOK, Here is the Messiah! Or There!
Do NOT bel i eve.
For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise
They shall show great signs and wonders,
So as to l ead astray,
If possible, even the chosen ones.
SEE, I have forewarned you.
If they say to you,
‘LOOK, He is in the des ert!
Do NOT go out;
‘LOOK, He is in the inner rooms!
Do NOT bel i eve.
For as the lightni ng comes from the east and shines to the west,
Take HEED.
And YOU,
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And learn this parable from the fig tree:
Wh en its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves,
You KNOW that the summ er is NEAR.
So you ALS O,
Wh en you SEE thes e taking place,
KNOW that “it” is NEAR,
At the DOOR.
Truly, I say to you,
This generation shall by no means pass away
Until ALL this takes place.
The heaven and the earth shall pass away,
MY words shall by no means pass away.
But concerni ng “that day” and “the ho ur”
No one knows,
Not even the mess eng ers i n heaven,
Nor the S ON,
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‘When He comes,
The SPIRIT of the TRUTH,
He shall guide you into ALL the TRUTH,
For He shall not speak from Himself
Whatever He hears He shall speak
He shall ANNOUNCE to you
He shall estee m Me [OSwh y ]
For He shall take of what is Mine
And ANNOUNCE “it” to you.
All that the Father has is Mine.
That is why I said
That He takes from what is Mine
ANNOUNCES it to you.
[Yohanan 16:13-16 Page 1146 The BESORAH]
O Swh y of Natsareth,
A Man from Elohim,
Having been pointed out to you by mighty works
And wonders and signs
Which Elohim did through Him in your midst,
As you yourselves also KNOW,
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This One,
Given up by the s et purpos e
Foreknowledge of Elohim,
You impaled and put to death
Through the hands of lawless men---
HIM, Elohim raised up,
Having loos ed the pangs of death
“IT” was impossible that HE could be held in “ITS” grip.”
[Acts 2:22-24, Pages 1155 & 1156 The BESORAH]
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But he who shal l have ENDURED TO THE END shall be saved.
And this “BESORAH” of the reign shall be proclaimed in all the world
As a witness to all the nations and THEN the end shall come.
[MattithYa hu 24:13 & 14 Page 1050 The BESO RAH]
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