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Electromagnetic BandGap

3.1 Introduction and Historical Background

Electromagnetic bandgap materials are one of the most rapidly advancing
materials in the electromagnetic arena. They have ability to persuade the
propagation of electromagnetic waves to a level that was not possible earlier [1].
Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structures produced a wide variety of design
alternatives for researchers working in the area of microwave and photonics.
Focus is now towards on finding real applications combined with detailed
modelling. Due to the incredible potential of EBGs, there are plethoras of
applications in which they can be used. New companies have also started to
exploit the commercial potential of this technology [2].
Due to their unique properties, EBG materials are very popular in scientific
society. Generally, EBG structures are defined as artificial periodic structures
that avert or assist the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a specified
band of frequencies for all incident angles and all polarization states [3]. EBG
structures are always used as a part of microwave devices in order to improve
the performance of devices especially to improve the radiation/gain patterns and
to decrease the noise /losses in transmissions. EBG structures are also known
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as high impedance surface due to their ability to suppress the surface wave at
certain operational frequencies. In recent years, there has been rapid increase in
utilization of Electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures in electromagnetic and
antenna community [4] [5].
The EBG terminology is based on the total internal reflection, phenomenon of
Photonic crystal in optics, which is realized by periodic structures [19]. EBG
Structures are popularly known as photonic crystals that are artificially
synthesized crystals which control light completely [6]. The EBG structure is
originated from the two papers published by Eli Yablonovitch and Sajeev John
in 1987 [8] [9]. In the 1980s Yoblonovitch stated that this PBG, produced by
periodic variation in the refractive index of the structure, can be very useful as it
can be used to eliminate the spontaneous emission of photons at certain
frequency bands. The motivation after this was that the performance of
semiconductor lasers, hetero junction bipolar transistor, and solar cells was
limited by spontaneous emission, but in characteristically different way.
Yablonovitch introduced band gap which can control radiation of light
arbitrarily induced, and John presented band gap which can ponder light waves
into focus. They used the idea of capitalizing on the Bragg condition to construct
materials that block all incoming light of a particular wavelength (the Braggs
condition is met when the planes of a crystal are situated such that each plane
reflects a little of the incoming light) [8].

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In 1987, Yablonovitch published the first physical review letter discussing how
to establish three dimensional periodic variation using PBG crystals. He
fabricated the crystal structure by mechanically drilling holes of diameter in
millimetre into a high dielectric constant material as shown in Figure 3.2. This
patterned material, which is known as Yablonovitch prohibited incident
microwave signals from propagating in any direction; it manifested 3-D Band

Figure 3.1 First Photonic Crystal by Yablonovitch [16].

Since 1987, other scientists have cited the potential of materials that completely
reflect certain electromagnetic frequencies; these new findings have been
valuable resources throughout the scientific community. John Maddox wrote in
Nature that with these materials, "all kinds of almost-magical things would be
possible" [10].
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It is interesting to see that analogous band gaps exist when EM wave propagate
in a periodic dielectric structure. If such a bandgap or frequency gap exists, EM
waves with frequencies inside the gap cannot propagate in any direction inside
the material. To understand this concept we consider the analogy of crystals in
electronic materials [12].
Researchers explained the concept of metallic waveguides and dielectric
mirrors, to understand the concept of photonic crystals. These cavities and
waveguides are widely used to control the propagation of microwaves. Metallic
cavities do not allow microwaves to propagate under a certain threshold
frequency and metallic waveguides allow propagation of microwaves along its
axis only [12]. Photonic crystals having different dielectric mediums not only
imitate the properties of waveguides and cavities, but also bring out a strategy to
have complete control over EM waves outside the microwave regime like light
waves [12]. Further, these crystals are scalable and applicable to wider range of
frequencies. We may construct a photonic crystal with a given geometry in the
millimetre range for microwaves and with micron dimensions for infrared
control. If a crystal reflects light of any polarization incident at any angle for
some frequency range, then that crystal is said to be complete photonic or
electromagnetic band gap [11].
Due to their remarkable potential to control the entire electromagnetic spectrum
with simple synthesis, EBG structures bring a revolution in the material science
technology. It has been described that the greater dielectric contrast between the
mediums can open wider gaps [12].
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Types of EBG Structure:

EBG structures are periodic in nature, which may be realized by drilling,

cuffing, and etching on the metal or dielectric substrates. They may be formed in
the ground plane or over the substrate. On the basis of dimensions EBG
structures are categorised as one dimensional (1-D), two dimensional (2-D), and
three dimensional (3-D) periodic structures that satisfies Braggs conditions, i.e.,
inter-cell separation (period) is close to half guided wavelength ( g/2). They are
capable of forbidding electromagnetic propagation in either all or selected
directions [13] [15].

3.2.1 3-D EBG Crystals

In the beginning a 3D EBG was designed only. A successful attempt to obtain a
3D periodic dielectric structure was made in Iowa State University (ISU) [4]. It
was called the woodpile structure as shown in the figure 3.2. Three dimensional
EBG crystals have periodicity along all the three dimensions and the remarkable
feature is that these systems can have complete band gaps, therefore that
propagation states are not allowed in any direction [14].

Figure 3.2 Three dimensional EBG Structures [15]

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Although, a perfect 3-D EBG structure is required to block all waves in all
directions, but then these structures are difficult to fabricate and integrate. From
literature, we learned that 2-D EBG could be even more valuable. 2-D EBG
structures are easy to fabricate and are capable of maintaining a similar control
on the wave propagation in the structure as the 3-D structure.

3.2.2 2-D EBG Crystals

These crystals have periodicity in two dimensions and are homogeneous along
the third direction, or we can say that, all variations happen in the two
dimensions, whereas everything is constant along the third dimension, thereby
propagation is allowed along one axis of the crystal [15]. These 2-D EBG
structures have substantial advantages in terms of compactness, stability, and
fabrication, which make them more attractive for microwave devices [14].

Figure 3.3 Two dimensional EBG structures [17] [18].

One of the greatest advances in the development of these 2-D EBG structures in
microwave range has been their implementation in microstrip technology.
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1-D EBG Crystals

One dimensional EBG structures can also be implemented in microstrip

technology. 1-D EBG structures have periodicity of two different media along
one direction only. These basic crystals exhibit three important phenomena:
photonic band gaps, localized modes, and surface states. However, as the index
contrast is only along one direction, the band gaps and bound states are limited
to that direction. Nevertheless, these simple structures show most of the features
of 2-D and 3-D EBG crystals [12].

Figure 3.2.1 One dimensional EBG structure [16]

3.3 Applications of EBG Structures

EBG technologies have a wide range of applications in RF and microwave

engineering, including filters, waveguides, cavities, antennas etc. In order to get
the most of this technology, a fully integrated receiver or emitter system should

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be developed in which all the components are designed using EBG technology.
First step in order to achieve this goal is a design of the individual component.

3.3.1 Applications of EBG Structures in Antenna Engineering

A massive amount of basic EBG applications exists especially within the
microwave and low millimetre-wave region, for example in electronically
scanned phased arrays, high precision GPS, Bluetooth, mobile telephony,
antennas etc.
Phased array antennas are the key components to provide higher performance by
manipulating and steering wireless signal beams towards the desired directions.
Phased arrays involving phase shifters are conventionally used in several
EBG structures are the very promising candidates to exterminate the problems
created by surface waves while at the same time improving the performance.
Gonzala and Kelley proposed that, replacing the dielectric substrate by the
EBGs increases the gain of the antenna and reduces the surface waves [20], [21].
William. E. Mckinzie designed a Metallo-Dielectric EBG antenna witch behaves
as Artificial Magnetic Conductors; these EBG designed for the solutions in
printed circuit technology [22].
As the world goes wireless, data, and voice transmission are becoming even
more popular. Attention is now focused on to make devices fast, compact, and
high performing.
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For this, Romula and his co-workers proposed a high impedance

electromagnetic surface, for cell phone handset geometry, to reduce the
radiations [24].
Several antenna configurations using electromagnetic bandgap crystals have
already been studied such as: dipole antennas [25-26], slot antennas, [27], patch
antennas [20, 28-29], bow-tie antennas [30], spiral and curl antennas [31-32],
superstrate antennas or resonant cavity antennas [33-34], parabolic reflector
antennas [35] and combinations of the above [36]. It has been demonstrated that
by using the EBG substrates for patch antennas, the surface wave effects are
significantly reduced [37] and are able to provide relatively broadband
frequency performance.
There are two main advantages in using the metallo Dielectric EBG antennas,
first they suppress surface currents, and second they introduce in-phase image
Enoch et. al. designed a high impedance surface using metamaterial for the
directive emissions in the antennas [38]. Similarlly, Robert Coceioli et. al.
developed a uniplanar compact PBG substrate, to reduce surface wave losses for
an aperture coupled fed patch antenna on a thick high dielectric constant
substrate [39].
Some simple two-dimensional arrays of conducting elements have been used to
improve the performance of patch antennas [40].

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Microwave filtering has also been turned out to be an important area where
Electromagnetic bandgap materials play an important role [41]. The broad stopband can be exploited to suppress spurious pass-bands present in conventional
microstrip filters. The sharp cut-off can also be used to improve the roll-off on a
low-pass filter. Furthermore, combinations of conventional designs and
Electromagnetic bandgap materials could lead to very compact structures.

3.3.2 Resonators and Filters using EBG Structures

Resonators based on EBG technology have been recently proposed as an
alternative to current technologies [42-45]. Resonator structures can be
fabricated on different laminates by using inexpensive standard printed circuit
board (PCB) processing techniques and can be used in commercial products.
Tim Eular and John Papapolymeror proposed a micromachined resonator at 45
GHz based on defect induced EBG laminate with high quality factor and low
losses [42]. Some other researchers also designed high quality factor filters [42,
43], with high isolation [44] and low insertion losses [44, 45] with wide band
The concept of EBGs has been utilized to develop the devices of high isolation
with high quality factor that can integrate monolithically with other components.
According to the demands, Chappel and his co-workers designed 2, 3, and 6
pole filters using mettalo-dielectric EBG lattice. Chappel also designed a wide
bandgap structure using the high-k ceramics, which was embedded into a

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polymer to create an EBG substrate. J.C Vardaxoglu et. al. also proposed a
tunable wide bandgap using mettalo-dielectric EBGs [46]. Hell and his team
proposed a reconfigurable EBG cavity resonator with low insertion losses [47].
The use of EBG circuits for filter applications [48-52] in microwave technology
has been proposed in different ways. Vesna Radistic designed the EBG by
etching a 2-D structure of holes in the ground plane of the microstrip circuit
To produce compact designs using the "Uniplanar Compact EBG Structures"
where, the slow wave effect is produced by a distributed LC two-dimensional
structure, which allows a considerable size reduction in the circuit. A spuriousfree band pass filter and high-performance low pass filter using a coupled
microstrip, was proposed by Fei-Ran Yang and his group [49].

Loptegi and his researchers also designed different band pass filters using defect
ground structures [50]. Ducain Nesic proposed a PBG microstrip slow wave
structure. This proposed structure exhibits slow wave and low pass
characteristics. It was fabricated by using modified microstrip line, without
etching the ground plane [51-52].

3.3.3 EBG Defect and Wave Guides

The area of conventional waveguides is a field where hybrid solutions could

play an important role. Fei-Ran Yang designed a wave guide using PBG
structure. The structure is a 2-D square lattice with each cell consisting of metal

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pad and four connecting lines [53]. Recently the coupled cavity waveguides
(CCW) have attracted considerable attention. This perception can enable bends
in the waveguide with very low bend reflection losses [54].
Joannopoulos and researchers proposed a channel drop filter structures
composed of two waveguides [55]. Mekias et. al. demonstrated an efficient
transmission of light around the photonic bandgap waveguides. They revealed
that there was complete transmission at certain frequencies [56]. Furthermore,
they require infinitely deep structures that can be readily analysed. A more
practical approach was based on a dielectric waveguide that uses the inverse
geometry, i.e. air holes in a dielectric host. Using these structures guiding is
maintained within the periodic plane by total internal reflection, which is not the
case for air filled guides.
Defects induced waveguides, commonly referred as coupled cavity waveguides
(CCW), are used for making efficient waveguides, bends, and splitters. Spectral
properties of the waveguides depend upon the nature of defects and their
spacing. Both broad band and a narrow band waveguides can be produced by
using these chains of defects.
Andrew. L. Raynolds examined a waveguide using the hexagonal lattice of air
holes drilled in the dielectric substrate [57]

Another interesting application of defects induced waveguides is the terahertz

local oscillator generation. It is well known that a defect mode within an
electromagnetic bandgap is localized. The PBG acts as a high-Q and loss-less
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cavity, and that it is possible to make an efficient and compact oscillator. Using
a non-linear material as the defect it has been shown that it is possible to
generate THz radiations [58].

3.3.4 EBG Tuned Microwave Devices

Tunable devices using EBG structures are very promising components for
todays devices. The properties of EBG components rely on the contrast between
the dielectric constant of the materials involved. Variation of the dielectric
constant will lead to sensitive tuning of the properties of the EBG component.
Some alternatives exist to accomplish tuning of Electromagnetic bandgap
(1) Micromechanically or electrically modifying the device geometry and/or
dielectric loading [59] [60].
(2) By creating some defects and
(3) By using ferroelectric and ferromagnetic substrates [62].
In micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) fabrication technologies, the
position of the switches and membrane was modified electrically and local
properties of the EBG components was modulated.
In the forth alternative, they use different dielectric substrates are used on which
the EBG structures were designed. By changing the permittivity and the
permeability of the substrate, by using external electric or magnetic field, they
achieve tuning in the EBG components is achieved .

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A tunable filter using fractral electromagnetic bandgap structure was designed,

simulated and fabricated, and its tuning was achieved using micromachined
capacitive bridge [59].Another ultra wide bandstop filter was designed and
tuned using MEMS switches based on EBG co-planar waveguides [60].
Tunable electromagnetic bandgap structures based on ferroelectric or
ferromagnetic thin films were also reported in literature [61]. To achieve tunable
EBG performance ferroelectric capacitors are also considered [59] [62]. In
addition, to achieve tunable electromagnetic bandgap EBG performance,
ferroelectric varactors are considered in LC circuits, for periodically loading
coplanar waveguides (CPWs). Asymmetric or symmetric tuning of the bandgap
width was achieved by changing the capacitance of the varactors in LC circuits
[61]. Yongje Sung presented a novel approach to obtain the electromagnetic
bandgap structure with a wide tunable stopband filter using defected ground
structure (DGS) [63]. Miguel and researcher also proposed a multiple frequency
tuned photonic bandgap microstrip structure [64].

3.3.5 Miniaturization

Miniaturisation of microwave devices and antennas has become increasingly

important in recent years. Modern wireless communication systems require
small microwave elements that are relevant to high-level integration into
compact lightweight systems.
Miniaturisation can be achieved by several techniques. Roger and his coworkers designed a magnetic conductor and to reduce its size and cost. In order

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to do that they integrated some capacitance of the FSS without resorting to a

second layer of overlapping patches [65]. By increasing the capacitor and
inductor in Sivenpiper High Impedance Surface, size of the EBG cell was
reduced [66]. Feresidis et. al. introduced the concept of closely coupled metallo
dielectric electromagnetic band-gap structure, and designed 2-D double layer
dipole arrays. These arrays are closely packed [67].

It is well known that at certain frequencies outside the band gap, periodic
structures support waves, commonly termed as slow waves, with reduced phase
velocity and guided wavelength with respect to the wave propagating in a
comparable homogeneous medium. This property can be exploited for the
miniaturisation of microwave elements, such as the triple array elements [68].
An approach to this is to examine elements with periodic loading. Multipleorder periodic loading of basic elements possesses a good degree of flexibility in
the design [68, 69]. Fractal-type structures are subsequently produced using
second order loading. This can also be used for multiband AMC designs [70].
Another way of increasing the length of the loading stubs without increase the
unit cell and at the same time to increasing the capacitive coupling between
successive elements is the inter digital topology. The loadings of successive
dipoles are shifted so that they can extend to the full length allowed by the array

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3.3.6 Planar EBG Structures

EBG technology represents a major breakthrough with respect to the current
planar approaches, mainly due to their ability to guide and efficiently control
electromagnetic waves. As the frequency increases, a planar structure that
integrates the antenna, mixers, local oscillator, and all peripheral circuitry onto
one single substrate becomes an attractive option.
Planar EBGs are of particular interest at microwave frequencies due to ease of
fabrication. These EBGs are usually periodic in one and two dimensions. Planar
EBG structures consist of uniformly distributed periodic metallic patterns on one
side of a dielectric slab. They exhibit some interesting features such as
distinctive passband and stopband, slow wave effects, low attenuation in the
passband and suppression of surface waves when serving as the ground of planar
microstrip circuit. Several Planar EBG configurations have been reported in the
literature like uni-planar designs without vertical vias, one and two dimensional
EBG transmission line design etc. in which they used EBG basis points with
different geometries, and shapes like circular shape, square, hexagonal, fork
shape, plus sign and many more. In some planar devices, they create defects by
creating a discontinuity in periodic pattern. For example in a planar circular
defect induced EBG structure with triangular lattice, they remove some circles
or change their size for creating some discontinuity. Some of these types of EBG
structures are shown in the figure. 3.5.

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Figure 3.5. Classification of Planar EBG Structures

I conventional circle EBG, the development evolves to circle, circle-plus and

annular rings EBGS. The CPW line is perturbed with the square EBG followed
by Minkowskis

iterations [71] on the conventional square EBG. Defect

ground structure (DGS) [72] [73] is a new class of very wideband low pass filter
that has been successfully utilized in antennas and filters. DGS is studied in
various forms, uniplanar compact PBG (UC PBG) [74] is a periodic form of
DGS in which a cascade of LC equivalent resonators is realized in the ground
plane. A stepped-impedance bandstop filter is also realized in planar form. A
hybrid DGS-EBG is designed to realize a very fine passband and wide stop band

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performance [75].
V. Radisic et al [76] proposed 2D uniform hole-patterned EBG structure on the
ground plane of a microstrip transmission line to realize wide stopband.
Recently, cascading of three different EBG structures [71] were also proposed to
achieve wider stopband. A new type of compact microstrip line is photonic
bandgap (PBG) structures employing in T-type microstrip line for filter
applications. A miniature band rejection filter with four cell was simulated,
fabricated, its band rejection characteristics is lower than -10 dB from 23 GHz32 GHz. Proposed filter was very compact and much easier to fabricate [77].
Periodically loaded ultra wideband (UWB) bandpass filter based on the EBG
concept was proposed. Compact wideband filters with steep transition bands can
be designed easily using this methodology [78]. Two different uniform photonic
bandgap structures used as stopband filters for microsrip lines at 5.4 GHz were
proposed and compared in terms of the pattern shapes, and effects on the s
parameters. This work suggested the use of 1D pattern to reduce the transversal
size of the filter. [79]. 1-D uniplanar periodical structures and defect high-Q
resonators for co-planar waveguide, co-planar stripline, and slotlines were also
proposed. These uniplanar structures consists of 1-D periodic etched slots along
a transmission line or alternating characteristics impedance series having
wideband bandstop filter characteristics.
There are several other applications of these Planar EBG structures shown in the
figure below.

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Figure 3.6 Applications of Planar EBG Structures

These planar EBGs are periodic in one and two dimensions but we learned from
the literature that the two dimensional EBGs could be even more valuable.
Present work also focuses on 2 dimensional planar EBG structures.

3.3 Phenomenon Of EBG Structures:

This section is deals with the details of bandgap theory using the Bloch wave
formulism. Using the wave propagation equation it is concluded that any

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periodic structure leads to a band of frequency where propagation is not

allowed, referred to as bandgap phenomenon.
The phenomenon of bandgap structures appeared in the late 1960s in the optical
domain. At first, the explanation to this phenomenon was given by kogelnik and
shank in their explanation to the dispersion characteristics of the distributed
feedback lasers [85]. At that time, they did not value the phenomenon of the
bandgap produced by the periodic variations in the refractive index, but they just
focused on explaining the phenomenon. They proved that the periodic variation
in the refractive index of a structure produced forward and backward
propagating waves that interact with each other through coupled wave
equations. By solving these coupled wave equations, they found through the
dispersion relation that there existed a certain frequency band along which there
was no wave propagation due to the presence of evanescent waves.

Two approaches are generally used to obtain the solution of the propagation of
electromagnetic waves in a periodic layered medium. One is the Coupled-Mode
theory and other is the Bloch wave expansion method [87].

3.4.1 Bloch Wave Expansion

Here the phenomenon of bandgap structure and existence of a forbidden band
are discussed using the Bloch- Wave formulation.
The properties of the periodic medium are described by its dielectric and
permeability tensors, which are periodic, function of x and y for the two

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dimensional periodic systems, reflecting the translational symmetry of the


where a and b are arbitrary lattice vectors. These equations merely state that the
medium looks exactly the same to an observer at x as at x+a. In a three
dimensional periodic medium, there exist permittivity lattice vector a1, a2, a3
which define the periodicity of the lattice , such that the medium remains
invariant under translation through any vector a which is the sum of integral
multiples of these vectors.
The propagation of the electromagnetic waves in a periodic medium is described
by the Maxwells equations. By combining the source free Faradays and
Amperes Laws at fixed frequency [88],
As and

are proportional to e-it at frequency , and

can be replaced by

(i).Now by putting this value in equation (3.1) and (3.2) we obtained the
following equations

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Now by eliminating the

in eqn. (3.3) & (3.4) we will get the following relation


On the other hand, it can be written as follows.



Where let is the dielectric function of the metallic period (r) and c is the speed
of light in vacuum. This is an Eigen value equation, with eigen (/c2) and an
eigen operator

is a Hermitian operator (acts the same to the left and

right) under the inner product

between the two fields



This equation can be solved by various methods. Here the plane wave expansion
method is used for solving eqn. (3.6).
Plane wave expansion method refers to a computational technique in
electromagnetic to solve the Maxwells equation by formulating an eigen value
problem out of the equation.
Plane wave are solutions to the homogeneous Helmholtz equation, and from a
basis to represent field in the periodic media. The electric or magnetic fields are
expanded for each field component in terms of the Fourier series components
along the reciprocal lattice vector. Similarly, the dielectric permittivity (which is
periodic along reciprocal lattice vector for photonic crystals) is also expanded

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through Fourier series components [88]. We express the eigen function as a

superposition of plane waves:
Where n and G are the band index and the reciprocal lattice vector, respectively,
and in summation G runs over all the reciprocal lattice vectors, including G=0.
In the superposition of the plane waves different phenomenon like Bloch wave,
formula and Braggs plane condition are used [90].
By inserting eqn. (3.7) into eqn. (3.6), the following eigen value equation for the
expansion coefficient

is obtained



is the furrier transform of the inverse dielectric tensor,

For a 2D crystal uniform in the z direction with a period in the x-y plane and k
vector parallel to the 2D plane [13], eqn. (3.6) for TM modes is transformed to:

For plotting a dispersion relation of the 2 dimensional square lattice, Fourier

analysis of the eqn. (3.9) has been done. The Fourier coefficient (G) is:


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Where ra is the radius of the basis points,

is the filling fraction, a is the

lattice constant, and J1(Gra) is the Bessel function of first kind. The G vector is a
2D reciprocal vector in the x-y plane [91]. By putting, the values of dielectric
constants and the filling fraction one can plot the dispersion diagrams. For
example, we plot the dispersion relation for the square metallic lattice with circular
basis point in which the a is considered as the dielectric constant of metallic basis
points and the b is the dielectric constant of the air. The radius of the circular
metallic basis point is 1.76 mm, and lattice constant for square lattice 8 mm [5].

Figure 3.7 Dispersion diagram for square metallic EBG structures [5].

Dispersion diagrams shows the relation between the frequency and the wave
vector k and it is equivalent to the Brillouin diagram used to illustrate the energy
band structure in periodic crystals. The horizontal axis of the dispersion

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diagrams indicate the wave number

will be

in the Brillouin zone. In the 2-D case,

), where kx and ky are the wave numbers in the x & y

directions, respectively. The X, Y, and M in the Brillouin zone represent the

high symmetry points in the spectral domain[92].

3.4.2 Brillouin Zones

Brillouin zones are an important characteristic of crystal structures. The

construction and illustration of Brillouin zones for a three dimensional lattice are
somewhat difficult to follow. The construction of Brilliouin zones for a two
dimensional lattice is much easier to follow.
A Bragg Plane for two points in a lattice is the plane which is perpendicular to
the line between the two points and passes through the bisector of that line. The
first Brillouin zone for a point in a lattice is the set of points that close to the
point than the Bragg Plane of point. In other words, one can reach any of the
point without crossing the Bragg Plane of any other point in the first Brilliouin
zone of a lattice point [93].
The second Brillouin zone is defined as the points which may be reached from
the first Brillouin zone by crossing only one Bragg plane. This can be
generalised to define the nth Brilliun zone as the set of points, not in the previous
zones that can be reached from one (n-1)th zone by crossing one and only one
Bragg plane. In constructing the Brillioun zones for a point it is expedient to

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first determine the nearest neighbours, the next nearest neighbours and so on
Figure 3.8 shows the Bragg planes between the central lattice point and other
lattice points. For example, the yellow circle in the middle of Figure 3.8
represents the centre of one EBG cell. The centres of the four nearest adjacent
cells, vertically and horizontally, are marked as red circles. In between the
yellow circle and each red circle is a red line, which is the Bragg plane.

Figure 3.8 Construction of the Bragg planes in relation to the central lattice point [82].

The first Brillouin zone extends from the chosen point of the lattice to the Bragg
planes. The area that is beyond the first Bragg plane, but walled in by Bragg planes
as well, is the second Brillouin zone. Whenever a Bragg plane is crossed, a new
Brillouin zone begins. This zone ends at the borders of the Bragg planes. Figure 3.8
shows an example of the first four Brillouin zones in a 2D square lattice. The

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colours correspond to the colours in Figure 3.8, for example, the red Bragg planes
between the central circle and the red circles of Figure 3.9 mark the borders of the
red Brillouin zone shown in Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9 The first four Brillouin zones in a square lattice [82].

For a square lattice, the first Brillouin zone is a square and for a hexagonal lattice,
the first Brillouin zone is a hexagon. Usually there is also symmetry in the
Brillouin zone, so that the calculation of the dispersion diagram is along the lines
connecting the critical points. Critical points are points of high symmetry [93]. The
nomenclature for the cube is used for the square lattice as well. denotes the centre
of the Brillouin zone, X stands for a centre of a face and M is the centre of an edge.
This region of symmetry within a Brillouin zone is called the irreducible Brillouin
zone. For a square lattice, the irreducible Brillouin zone is triangle shaped.

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3.5 Conclusion
In this chapter a detailed discussion about the history of EBG structures, type of
EBG structure, different applications of EBG structures and EBG structure as a
filter, resonator etc is given. This chapter gives the better understanding of the
phenomenon of EBG structures and wave propagation in periodic media. The
detailed analysis of plane wave propagation in periodic media has been explained
using the Bloch wave function and Braggs condition, by which one can
understand the origin of bandgaps and brillouin zones are understood.

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1. Li Yang, M. Fan, F. Chen, J. She, Z. Feng, A Novel Compact
ElectromagneticBandgap (EBG) Structure and Its Applications for
Microwave Circuits, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and
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