Application of Nanotechnology in High Frequency and Microwave Devices
Application of Nanotechnology in High Frequency and Microwave Devices
Application of Nanotechnology in High Frequency and Microwave Devices
The first aim of this work is to present some of the basic Measurements on parallel devices can be plagued with
concepts about nanoscale electromagnetic properties and uncertainties, since each of individual devices is different
that of how circuit behavior is qualitatively different at (Rutherglen and Burke, 2009 ;Yu et al., 2005).
nanometer scale feature sizes. Recently effective circuit
model for the ac impedance of a capacitively contacted 3. Individual Nanotubes over Ground Plane
nanotube, and a dc contacted nanotube is proposed, which There are three separate techniques of solving the
demonstrate the operation of carbon nanotube transistors at electromagnetic of carbon nanotubes, some more general,
microwave frequencies (2.6 GHz). Nanotubes (and and some more useful.
nanowires) can operate as transistors; however, this is only The first approach (Belarus method) is simply to write
possible if the parasitic capacitances can be minimized. One down the full 3D version of the Boltzmann transport equation
way to do this is to use nanotubes and nanowires as the (BTE), and the boundary conditions on Maxwell’s equations,
interconnects (Burke, 2003b). and claim generality and completeness. This most general
The second aim is replacing of carbon nanotube and approach, which was developed by Slepyan and co-workers
graphene sheet with copper in Substrate Integrated circuits. (Yevtushenko et al., 1997).
For this purpose a general view on SIW and verifying its The second method (Perdue method) is to write down
insertion loss is studied. The simulation results with CST the 1D versions of the Boltzmann transport equation, and to
software show a very less insertion loss in SIW by using develop equivalent circuit models based on this (Salahuddin
graphene and CNT instead of copper. et al., 2005).
The third aim is simulating the new structure MSIW The third approach (Irvine method) develops circuits
which is proposed by Ranjkesh and Shahabadi, 2008,2006. from simple physical arguments. While the least rigorous, it is
The results of simulating with HFSS software matched to the perhaps the most applicable to real world situations, since it
expectance show the difference in loss contribution of the aims to understand currents and voltages at all points in a
elements of SIW and MSIW. In MSIW conductive has more nanotube circuit (Rutherglen and Burke, 2009).
contribution loss then substrate. All three methods yield identical answers when their
The forth aim is replacing of carbon nanotube and areas of prediction overlap. The Purdue method extend to
graphene sheet with copper in MSIW to adjust the loss more complicated geometries, which is important for
contribution of the elements. understanding crosstalk in nanotube and between nanotube
interconnects. Irvine method being based on Kirchhoff’s laws
2. Circuit Model and Electromagnetic Properties is useful and easier to use for experimental and practical
This section presents a discussion of the electromagnetic purpose. However it has less generality or rigidity.
properties of nanoscale electrical conductors, which are Figure 1 shows the equivalent RF circuit model for a
quantum mechanical one-dimensional systems. Of these, SWNT over a highly conducting ground plane, neglecting
carbon nanotubes are the most technologically advanced damping. In this approach, each of the three circuit elements
example which is mainly discussed in this section. in the figure is driven independently.
There is an apparent built in impedance mismatch
between nanotechnology and RF. This mismatch has
occupied the single-electron transistor community for many
years and is now germane to the issue of nanotube-based
devices (Rutherglen and Burke, 2009). Anytime the outside
world is coupled at high frequency to a nanodevice, there is
an inherent mismatch. This means that characterization, Fig. 1. Equivalent RF circuit model for a SWNT (Yu-Ming et al.,
which is typically based on reflection, transmission, or 2007)
scattering measurements, gives rise to very small signals:
since the nanodevices are very small, they do not affect the In the presence of a ground plane, the magnetic
microwaves very much. This is a big measurement challenge. conductance per unit length is given by:
One approach to solving this challenge is to develop excellent
calibration techniques that fully characterize all of the (1)
parasitic before measuring the actual device. This is cosh ( ) ln
extremely time consuming, but certainly possible. Another
solution is to measure the change in the microwave Where d is the nanotube diameter, a is the distance to
properties with a dc voltage, which has been successfully the ‘‘ground plane’’, and μM is the magnetic permeability of
applied in several cases. However, one loses absolute the medium. The approximation is good within 1% for a>2d.
accuracy with this technique. A final technique is to carry out In nano scale, LM is negligible as compared to Lk.
measurements on many devices in parallel. However, in
general it is very difficult to fabricate identical nanodevices. 1 (2)
cosh ( ) ln
e (7)
Fig. 3. Modified structure of SIW with air-cut region (Ranjkesh and
The ratio of the electrostatic to the quantum capacitance Shahabadi, 2006).
is then given by:
In addition to advantages of RW, like high quality-factor
(9) and high power-handling capability, SIW technique permits
ln ( ) ln ( ) to fabricate a complete circuit, using a standard printed
circuit board or other planar processing techniques which
produces low-loss, and high-density integration of
Thus, when considering the capacitive behavior of
microwave and millimetres-wave components and
nanoelectronic circuit elements, both the quantum
subsystems (Bozzi et al., 2008). For reduction of dielectric
capacitance and the electrostatic capacitance must be
losses in the SIW, a new structure called modified substrate
considered (Rutherglen and Burke, 2009; Burke et al., 2006;
integrated waveguide (MSIW) was introduced in which some
Burke, 2003a,b)
part of the dielectric of the substrate between periodic
Also the dc resistance per unit length is estimated at
sidewalls has been removed (Ranjkesh and Shahabadi., 2008-
about 6kΩ/μm. Thus, if the ac damping is the same as the dc
2006). Figure 4 shows the Attenuation constants of the SIW
damping, the equivalent circuit model should include a
and MSIW structures on RO4003C and RT5990.
resistance per unit length as well (Rutherglen and Burke,
The next challenge in synthesis challenges will be to develop the effect of changing copper vias of SIW with CNT and
densely spaced SWNTs that are well aligned. copper sheet of SIW with graphene plane. At first the losses in
SIW were simulated with CST software. Figure 7 shows the
SIW structure in CST. Then the copper was substituted with
the material with conductivity 10 times higher than copper
and the losses were simulated again. The simulation results
in both cases for two conventional substrates (RT5880 and
RO4003) are presented in table 1.
As it is shown in table 1, the reduction of conductor
losses are better than %70, and the reduction of total losses
are better than %35, which are remarkable. In addition, use
of MSIW structure instead of SIW can reduce substrate losses
without increasing conductor losses. Mixing these two
conditions can lead us to the better design that will be
Fig. 7. SIW structure in CST. presented in the next works.
Table 1. Simulation results in SIW for two conventional substrates (RT5880 and RO4003) at f=10GHz.
Bozzi, M., Perregrini, L., Wu, K. (2008) Modeling of Conductor,
Dielectric, and Radiation Losses in Substrate Integrated
Waveguide by the Boundary Integral-Resonant Mode
Fig. 12. attenuation constants(MSIW-RO=red, MSIW-RT=green, SIW- Expansion Method. IEEE Transactions on Microwave
RO=pink, SIW-RT=blue) Theory and Techniques, 56, 12, 3153-3161
Burke, P. J., Li, Sh., Yu, Z. (2006) Quantitative Theory of
Nanowire and Nanotube Antenna Performance. IEEE
Transactions on Nanotechnology. Vol. 5, No. 4.
Web sites:
Graphene may have advantages over copper for IC
interconnects at the nanoscale,
Angstron claims new nano-graphene platelets outperform
other nanomaterials,