War of The Burning Sky Players Guide

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War of the Burning Sky Players Guide

War Begins

While once news reached the Free CityState of Gate Pass by weekly teleporting
courier, that channel has gone silent, and now
what little news there is must travel by the old
routes of rumortravelers from the outside
world. You might be one of those travelers, or
a concerned native of the city, but you have
heard the rumors.
Emperor Drakus Coaltongue, ruler of the
mighty Ragesian Empire which lies to the
west of Gate Pass, has been slain in a distant
nation, or so the rumors say. Of course, the
rumors once said that Coaltongue was
immortal. However, no one doubts the tales
of armies mustering in Ragesia, with orders
to secure the borders of the empire at this
time of weakness and uncertainty. And from
Shahalesti, the elvish nation east of Gate
Pass, the rumors say its ruler seeks to claim
the vulnerable Ragesia for his people.
And so Gate Pass sits, alone in its mountain
pass, one of the few safe routes between these
two belligerent and antagonistic nations. For
weeks the people of Gate Pass have been
saying war would inevitably come to the city,
and now the rumors are coming true

Welcome to the War of the Burning Sky

Players Guide. Where the Campaign Guide
is intended for the Game Master (GM) and
contains material players should not read, this
document has nothing that will spoil the game.
Of course, the new rules material in this Players
Guide is available only at the GMs discretion,
and the details of the region and its politics
may change based on the setting of your game,
so think of everything here as optional.
In War of the Burning Sky, you will have the
chance to fight in a war of mythic proportions,
and determine the fate of many nations in its
aftermath. Ever-escalating conflicts, powered by
mighty magic and fervent faith, threaten your
freedom and lives, and even the world itself.
Driven by the dogs of war, you will head for
a distant safe haven, a mages school named
Lyceum, which has sent up a rallying cry for
those who wish to resist the warmongers. You
will have a chance to form alliances, to build an
army, and to uncover the strange secrets that
underlie the conflict. As the war reaches a climax,
powerful magic will threaten to scorch nations,
or sunder them into nothing but nightmares.
It will be up to you to bring the war to an end
before only embers and ruins remain.

Dungeons & Dragons, the Dungeons & Dragons Compatibility Logo,

D&D, Players Handbook, Players Handbook 2, Dungeon Masters
Guide, Monster Manual, Monster Manual 2, and Adventurers
Vault are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
countries and are used with permission. Certain materials, including 4E
References in this publication, D&D core rules mechanics, and all D&D
characters and their distinctive likenesses, are property of Wizards of
the Coast, and are used with permission under the Dungeons & Dragons
4th Edition Game System License. All 4E References are listed in the 4E
System Reference Document, available at www.wizards.com/d20.
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Players Handbook, written by
Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt; Dungeon Masters Guide,
written by James Wyatt; and Monster Manual, written by Mike Mearls,

About the Content

The Players Guide presents rules and

campaign information compatible with the
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition (D&D
4E) Core Rulebooks. As a group, you will need
access to the primary game references: the
D&D 4E Players Handbook, the D&D 4E
Dungeon Masters Guide, and the D&D
4E Monster Manual.
Additionally, the D&D 4E Players
Handbook 2, the D&D 4E Adventurers
Vault and the D&D 4E Monster Manual
2 provide useful expansions, but are not
required to play. That said, using the classes
and the races detailed in the D&D 4E Players
Handbook 2 will provide a richer, more
natural play experience if they are added as
player options.
The Players Guide is divided into three main
sections. Section One provides a number of
details about the city of Gate Pass, where the
campaign begins. Section Two includes game
rules changes and additions usable by player
characters. Section Three adds even more
information about the region that will come
to be known as the Lands of the Burning Sky.

Stephen Schubert and James Wyatt; Players Handbook 2,

written by Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, and James Wyatt;
Monster Manual 2, written by Rob Heinsoo, and Chris
Sims; Adventurers Vault, written by Logan Bonner, Eytan
Bernstein, and Chris Sims. 2008,2009 Wizards of the Coast.
All rights reserved.

War of the Burning Sky (Detail) Art by Claudio Pozas

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide

Section One: Gate Pass

The Free City-State of Gate Pass
A medium-sized city built within a rocky
mountain pass, Gate Pass is the bridge of trade
and travel between the Ragesian Empire and
Shahalesti, the kingdom of the elves.
Population 17,000; another 2,000 or so live
on the countryside and upper mountain
slopes within a few miles of the main gates.
The citizens of Gate Pass are mostly human.
A sizeable orc and half-orc population
represents about 20% of the city. A small
elven refugee population is the only other
significant group with half-elves, dwarves
and gnomes filling out the rest.
Government A half-orc individual named
Merrick Hurt is the citys governor. He
presides over a city council represented
by individuals from each ward and district
in the city. The council is responsible for
managing the military, commerce and
public projects. According to most of the
populace, the council is largely ineffectual
and is easily swayed by citizen groups,
wealthy merchants, religious concerns and
military groups.
Defense Numbering in the hundreds, the
guards also act as constables. Most guards
are responsible for watching the gates and
kill zones around the city. A small unit of
twenty griffon riders patrol the farms in
the outlying area and represents the only
Inns Inns are most often found at the
outermost districts of the city with the
exception of a few around the grand square.
The quality of accommodations lessens
the farther away the inn is from the Emelk
Way. Famous locations: Dassen Arms 5 stars
(the best); Griffon Suites 4 stars; Harrigans
Inn, 1 star.
Taverns Some well-known taverns are
Flaming Forest Alehouse (5 stars); Seaquens
Spirits (3 stars); One-to-Go tavern (1 star)
Supplies Two-Winds Trading; Menashs
Provisions; Adventurers Trove
Temples The Saraswatin (knowledge);
Aquiline Cross (healing); Stronghold
(strength); The Bacchanal (revelry); Dessen
Stone (dwarven); Fertile Fields (hearth and
home) (see pages 67)

All sagas begin somewhere, and Gate

Pass is the starting point of this story. What
is contained herein is common knowledge.
Anyone visiting the city and staying for about
a week would either know these facts by
experience or could easily learn by asking
questions in local gathering places.
Gate Pass lies in a rocky mountain pass
running east to west between Ragesia and
Shahalesti. Sheer cliffs mark its northern and
southern borders, and fortifications built over
centuries have made the city highly defensible,
making it difficult to be annexed by either nation
that surrounds it. These same fortifications,
likewise, make it equally difficult for anyone
to leave without going through any of the
numerous gates that give the city its name.
Though the citys borders to north and
south are tightly limitedless than a mile
wide at the widest pointthe mountain pass
is nearly twenty miles long, giving the city a
lot of room to grow eastward and westward.
The older districts of the city lie in the center
of the pass, with different eras of development
sprawling out gradually in both directions.
Additionally, various small farms and ranches
dot the mountains around the city proper,
though these people are generally hostile to
foreigners and relatively well-armed. Gate Pass
has only been conquered once, and its citizens
managed to drive out the invaders and regain
their freedom, so many of the farmers and
ranchers view themselves as the first line of
defense for their city.

Traditions and Culture

The citys architecture tends to multistory
buildings with bridges between roofs, creating
thousands of gateways along roads and alleys.
Even in poorer districts, buildings are usually
at least two stories tall. Many merchants, made
wealthy from the traffic that passes through
the city, own vast ranges of adjacent buildings,
all of them connected with high bridges. An
expression of the citya coin for every
gateboth refers to the wealth of the city,
and serves as a warning to visitors to avoid
poorer areas where buildings lie unconnected.
A broad, twenty-foot wide thoroughfare
called the Emelk Way runs the length of the

city, interrupted only by the district walls every

half mile or so. The citys natural landscape rises
in the center to a broad hill called Summers
Bluff. In addition to being home to dozens of
gated estates for the citys politicians and rich
merchants, Summers Bluff is the site of the citys
grand square, where various annual holidays are
celebrated. The grand square can easily hold
several thousand people, and it is dotted with
dozens of small groves, statues, and ornamental
gate arches, with staircases people can climb
to get a better view. In the center of the grand
square is a high stone dais, its surface carved in a
massive relief that depicts several local legends.
The rest of the city consists of various
districts of skilled workers, common housing,
warehouses and businesses, and slums.
Each district has representation in the city
government. By city ordinance, every fourth
district must contain a park at least a quarter
mile to a side, though entrance to these
typically requires payment of a few coppers.
The city grew outward from its central
districts, with a new district and new outer
wall springing up every decade or so. Because
of this, it is possible to see the changing styles
of construction and defense over the centuries
of the citys existence, like reading the rings
of a tree. In older districts, built before the
development of the citys underground sewer
system, countless reservoirs and aqueducts
rise above the rooftops, designed to catch
rainwater and direct sewage to dumps outside
the city. The current sewers flow into an
underground river before being swept into
endless, uncharted caves.
In the past few decades, clerics have blessed
the gates of new districts in expensive rituals,
and a tradition has developed for respected
citizens to be buried in the sanctified ground
near the gate of their district. Most graveyards,
however, lie outside the city, either fenced in
atop hills, or in gated crypts.

Orcs, Half-Orcs, and

Humans in Gate Pass
Gate Pass freely accepts orcs as citizens, in
stark contrast to most other human settlements,
and many have adapted well to the civilized life
that is so different from their tribal culture.

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass
Gate Pass is also widely known as a haven
for half-orcs, and many come to the city to
find their identity. In the formative years of the
city, the half-orcs origins were hotly debated
and both orcs and humans questioned their
standing. For humans, half-orc signaled a
lesser breed, and became a pejorative phrase.
The orcs, however, saw an increase in their
influence and power and elevated the odd race.
The divisions between all three races were wide,
but in the earlier battles for Gate Pass, the halforcs fought and bled like the rest and the walls
of prejudice fell quickly. Today, there is little
prejudice and the half-orc population enjoys
an equal stand amongst the humans and orcs.

Walls, Gates, and

With all the jaw about Gate Pass, mes
thought that it was somethin mag. But its
same as other rumvilles; all innocents and cool
ladies and budges. Everyones a pigeon, just like
elsewhere; and now Im here fighting a war....
but I must say the districts impress
me, each a half mile wide and walled all
aroundover a dozen of them. I could climb
the walls easily enough; theyre only about
thirty feet tall and made of hewn stone, but
those grates at the top stick out so far that I
would have to be a far better acrobat than I
am now. I wish there were some rooftops near
the walls, but theres nothing within ten feet.
This is probably by design. Maybe a massive
ladder, like Rory suggested, would work, but
finding the timber would be hard and the
Ragesians would be quite suspicious.

So, I think my focus must be on the gates.

Steeleye is right; theyre all similar in design. A
pair of reinforced wooden doors 20 feet tall
by 8 wide stay open in the day and closed at
night. There is a small steel access door to allow
passage for individuals after sunset, and Ive
never seen vehicles or beasts allowed through
at night. There are the standard arrow slits
and murder holes where the gate is, but they
are easily avoided. The guards are so typical:
they never think of guarding the gatehouse as
heavily as the gate. Even with 8 guards inside,
it should be easy to sneak around from the
window and leave through the other side

Only a handful of districts have gates that

lead to actual roads, and most of these are used
for deliveries by farmers and miners. Each day
groups of Gate Pass soldiers patrol the northern
and southern borders, looking for signs of
illegal passage and occasionally apprehending
criminals who try to hide in the craggy hills.

East and West Walls

Gate Pass is divided into districts. Each

district is about a half mile square with natural
stone walls to the north and south and inner
walls to the east and west.

The Gate Pass inter-district walls are 30

feet tall, 6 feet thick, and made of hewn stone.
Scaling a wall requires a series of Athletics (DC
20) checks to reach the grate (at 30 feet). An
Acrobatics (DC 25) check is needed to gain
the top of the grate from underneath. Each side
is symmetrical, so the same checks would be
done on the other side. None of the buildings
near the walls are more than two-stories, so
a long leap towards a grate would require an
Athletics (DC 30) check, then an Acrobatics
(DC 25) check to grab and hold on to a grate.
The jump might be noisy, so a Stealth 5 check
against a nearby guards Perception is needed
to avoid being heard.

North and South Walls

Typical Gates

The northern and southern borders of the

city have walls built from the natural cliffs,
averaging 40 feet tall. A district usually has a
small gate either to the north or south, and a
wide swath of clear land (about 30 feet) on the
walls outer side which makes any approach by
an individual easy to see. The walls are only a
token defense, since a devoted military press
could easily overwhelm them, but Gate Pass
relies on the fact that reaching it through the
mountains is slow and treacherous.

A small guardhouse, which extends

outward over the gate, is large enough to
comfortably hold eight soldiers. The floor
has murder holes and there are arrow slits
along the outside walls. Stairs on the inside
wall (the center-most side) lead to the upper
barracks and a window that can be squeezed
through allows a guard to see the area around
the gate. More guards typically watch the
ground level by day.
Passing between districts is relatively easy
if one takes the main thoroughfare during the
day, though the guards are known to perform
random inspections. The High District, in the
center of the city, is much more heavily guarded:
typically twice the usual number of guards is on
hand, and those guards have orders to randomly
inspect someone every few minutes (especially
those who look like outsiders).

...the Rags are so hoddypeaked. Well get

them foot wabblers hiking soon.
Kerain, King of Rogues
Private journal, written during
the Ragesian occupation

The Festival of Dreams

Though Gate Pass has its share of holidays, her urn and reads the prayer held within, then
the most prominent is the Festival of Dreams, pledges to fulfill that dream if possible during
a holy day observed by all of the citys major the next year. Selfish requests are frowned upon,
temples, taking place on New Years Day. and often the city takes great glee in perverting
Parades march from either end of the city, the words of selfish prayers, fulfilling the adage
stopping at the grand square on Summers Bluff be careful what you wish for.
just before sunset for a ceremony in which the
The rest of the urns are left in the center of
high priests of each of eight different temples
the square, and citizens are encouraged to pick
offer up the dreams of the people.
one up and try to fulfill someone elses wish. The
Every citizen is encouraged to write a prayer or morning after the festival, those left unopened
hope on a slip of paper and place it in a small clay
are carted en masse to the countless small caves
urn, which the city produces by the thousands
that dot the cliffs around the city, where they are
every year. People deliver urns to Summers Bluff buried. Many folk tales involve stories of these
in the days leading up to the festival, and on the
buried dreams coming to life and bringing good
holiday itself, each high priest chooses one from
fortune, though most adults of the city just view
amid the thousands. Each breaks open his or these as merely superstition.

The Pass Gates

Most traffic passes through the easternmost
and westernmost districts, which have major
gates that lead out of the city to Shahalesti and
Ragesia respectively. These gates are much
more heavily guarded: the exits have two sets
of doors with a wide kill zone between them,
and city taxes pay for a variety of magical
defenses on the gates.

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass
Players Map

In a few districts are found smaller walled
areas populated predominantly by a single race.
Most common of these ghettos are those of
the elves, who tend to shun outsiders. Elvish
ghettos are renowned for having no visible
entrances through their wallsall the doors
are secret, which elves can intuitively notice.

City History and

We stand at a crossroad of destiny. Our
future is defined by the lessons of the past and
the course of our present. Two nations stand
ready to take our hope from us and battle to
this very minute with useven though we
are not at war.
Scoff if you will, but we are in a battle. Its not
fought with sword and bow, but with ideas; the
idea that we are only happy when we are equal;
the idea that we must be neighborly to those in
need at the expense of our own; the idea that
the needs of the many outweigh the one.
What good is a collective destiny if yours
is destroyed? What benefit does giving one
penny to the poor give? What peace do

we secure if we trade and barter with the

Shahalesti and the Ragesians None!
Remember! Remember the lessons of forty
years ago. Resist and Thrive!
Helda Claearcall
Sermon to the faithful in Stronghold,
temple to the god of Strength

Gate Pass has the distinction of being the

only city to successfully drive out occupation
by the Ragesian Empire. Forty years ago,
Emperor Coaltongue defeated the citys army,
set up a military government, and erected
a 90-foot-tall statue of himself in the grand
square on Summers Bluff before moving on
to his next conquest. For two years, citizens
waged an insurgency against the occupying
army, until finally Coaltongue decided the city
wasnt worth the loss of men.
Shahalesti and Ragesia, once allies, were
approaching open war, and Coaltongue
declared that he would withdraw from Gate
Pass if the Lord of Shahalesti agreed to leave
the city as a neutral buffer between their two
nations. The elves agreed, the city celebrated
its victory, and profit from trade between the
two nations began to flow.

The city still sports numerous indications

of the occupation, and many citizens purchase
busts or paintings of the aged emperor, as if
both to mock the Ragesians for their failure and
to respect Coaltongues wisdom in deciding to
leave their city alone. Even the emperors statue
remains; it is decorated and painted gaudily on
various holidays.
Because of his name, Drakus Coaltongue is
often associated with a myth that is native to
Gate Pass and Ragesia, that of the Dragon and
the Eagle. A series of myths tell of an ancient
time when the lands that are now Ragesia
and its neighbors were the domain of four
elemental spiritsthe Tidereaver Kraken,
the Worldshaper Worm, the Flamebringer
Dragon, and the Stormchaser Eagle, and these
four beings are common motifs in the art and
architecture of Gate Pass (as well as in Ragesia).
Some famous myths include:
* The Wavering Maiden tells of how
the Tidereaver Kraken sought to explore
the land by making a human body for
itself out of the surface of the seas. In the
form of a beautiful young woman with
rolling black hair, the Kraken explored
the world. However, because the tide is

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass

not constant, sometimes her fake form

would pull away, and the Kraken would
be forced to spend an evening in a lake or
river in its true form. The myth is a series
of comic events based around numerous
suitors who fall in love with the Kraken
in its woman form, and who often seek to
destroy it in its Kraken form.
* The Trilling Stone tells of how the
Worldshaper Worm sought to prove its
superiority to the Stormchaser Eagle by
creating a song more powerful than the
Eagles thunder. The myth explains the
various monsters that live in the depths
of the world, saying that they were lured
by the Worms eerie, whistling song, only
to be trapped when the arrogant Worm
decided to sing even louder, causing an
earthquake. This, it is said, is why the
bodies of the dead are filled with worms
when they are found in the ground.

* The Aquiline Heart is a morality tale

about the dangers of both pride and

power. The Flamebringer Dragon had
never, after many years of chase, been
able to catch the Stormseeker Eagle, so
it preyed instead on the Eagles pride,
bragging that the Eagle was too weak and
cowardly to ever chase the Dragon. The
angered Eagle pursued the Dragon, and
did not realize until too late that it had
been tricked into flying down a tunnel
into the depths of the world, where the
Eagle did not have enough room to
The Dragon bit the Eagles throat
and began to drink its blood for its
power, when the Worldshaper Worm
came upon the scene. The Worm was
blind, but the Dragon knew that it
could feel the beating hearts of both
the Dragon and the Eagle. To avoid its

treachery being discovered, the Dragon

tore out the Eagles still-beating heart
and hid it someplace where it would
never be tempted to try to get it again.
This explains how dragons became the
strongest creatures in the world, and
teaches that those with too much power
risk being turned upon by those around

Organizations and
Power Groups
City Council
The government of Gate Pass is a council
of representatives from each of the districts
and a few other locations, with a city governor
chosen every ten years. Many different groups
hold sway with the government, ranging
from citizen groups to wealthy merchants to
religious and military groups.
Creation of the Aquiline Heart Art by Claudio Pozas

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass
One of the more colorful characters in the
council is Erdan Menash, a former merchant and
tailor who used to sell well-crafted but horribly
unfashionable gear to adventurers, with the goal
of making sure everyone knew he was the one
sponsoring their heroism. His personal manor is
painted vivid green, yellow, and purple.
The current governor is Merrick Hurt, a
half-orc who has kept relationships with
Ragesia warm in the past, though many worry
he will be too agreeable to demands by the
new ruler of Ragesia. Rumors say that he
bitterly loathes elves and has a vast lexicon of
insults for them, a vice that relatively few in
the city worry about.

The Temples
The religious community of Gate Pass is
diverse, owing to the interaction of cultures
flowing through the city. Eight major temples
represent the religious core of the community,
and though each religion has its own interests,
they share common ground through the
annual Festival of Dreams, during which the
temples all briefly work to provide for the
greater good.
Numerous temples of smaller religions dot
the city, and though they lack the same sway
as the major eight, they still put a lot of effort
into New Years festivities.

Major Temples
The Saraswatin
Library of the God of Knowledge
Located in Summers Bluff, this four-story
building is the central repository of knowledge
for the city. Along with stacks and cubbyholes
full of tomes and scrolls, the building has an art
gallery and a five-hundred-seat theater.
Researchers using the library are expected
to make an offering of 1 gp to the god of
knowledge, as well as give generous tips to the
many librarians who keep things organized and
easy to find.

Temple of the Healing God
This temple is a small, twenty-foot circular
building of ancient design. Once there were
multiple temples across the city, many quite
large that served as hospitals and clinics
for the citizens, but this simple building
was considered the holiest of all those. Its
veneration is related to the miracle of Tench

Marber, an event that took place forty years

ago during the Ragesian occupation.
As the story is told, Emperor Coaltongue
declared the predominant Mercinea Church a
heretical cult and attempted to replace the sect
with the Ragesian Hospitalers. Within a month
of the invasion, all the temples were converted
to the Hospitalers, with the exception of the
small Mercineum.
The head priest of the Mercineum, Tench
Marber, was unwilling to relinquish control
to the Ragesian clergy and simply sat on the
center altar as the Hospitalers demanded he
leave. Tench declared that he would not leave;
instead, he would stay on as a reminder to all
that the Hospitalers were not truly blessed by
the gods.
The Ragesian healers, outraged at his
insolence, tried to rush inside the building and
attack, but they were mysteriously blocked at

the door. No magic or any other power could

gain entrance, so the invading priests decided
to wait until Tench either left or died before
they took possession of the temple. Seizing
an opportunity, the besieged priest made a
proposal: if, after a year and a day, Tench was
still alive within the temple, the Ragesians
would acknowledge the gods blessing on
the Mercinea Church. They agreed, and the
bargain was struck.
For a full year, Tench sat, neither eating nor
sleeping, but he lived, and on the last day, the
frantic Hospitalers waited until the sun set,
which would mark the end of the agreed-upon
time period. As the last rays of light slipped
beyond the horizon, Tench stood up and
walked to the exit, the bargain won.
From that day on, the Ragesians grudgingly
recognized the church, and acknowledged the
gods blessing. It is suggested by historians that
The Festival of Dreams (Detail) Art by Brandon Leach

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass
the downfall of Coaltongues control of the city
started with this miracle. A few living resistance
fighters agree, noting that the Mercineum
provided a safe haven for the resistance to
gather and plan, free from the probing eyes of
the Ragesian priests.
Today, there are no priests of the Mercinea
Church in Gate Pass. A new order, the Aquiline
Cross, has been around for a decade and uses
all the facilities of the old religion. There are
differences between the old church and the
new order, but most folk dont notice.

Shrine to the God of Sorcery

Located across the street from Gabals
School, this shrine is a holdover from the
Ragesian occupation. Its existence is a sore
point with Gabal, who hates the warlock and
sorcerer philosophy, so it is frequently the
target of stray spells. It is uncertain how
many sorcerers live in Gate Pass, but they have
considerable influence on the City Council,
largely through the actions of the Shrines
President (no one is sure what that term means
within the council), Gratanus Helicomb.


Fertile Fields

Temple of the Strength Goddess

This temple is medium-sized and located
one district in from the western gate. Helda
Claearcall is the priestess and also serves on the
City Council. She preaches that Strength is
Saintly and that people must choose their own
way in life. Once a rallying cry for the occupied
city, the phrase is now sneered at, as Gate Pass
cultural attitude leans towards government
direction of individual lives.

Temple to the Goddess of Hearth and Home

Simple in structure, this building is a favorite
meeting place of the farmers and ranchers
of the outlying area. The city council almost
always bows to the wisdom of the temple elders,
especially so after the food riots of twenty years
ago, when a gate tax was imposed on all people
and animals (even dead ones) entering the city.
The farmers revolted and stopped delivering
goods and supplies. A week later, the situation
within Gate Pass was so desperate that the
townsfolk rushed the council and deposed
them. The tax was instantly repealed. Since
then, a temple elder has always been assigned
to the council to represent the population
outside the walls.

The Bacchanal
Inn of the God of Revelry
This is one of the fastest-growing cults
within Gate Pass. The temple is styled like a
huge beer hall and worship is a rowdy affair
with dancing, drinking and song. Once a week,
the building opens and for a few coppers tithe,
adherents can enjoy limitless food and drink.
Many tavern-keepers have seen their profits
drop as a result and have voiced their opinions
to the city council.
Shakur Biggs, the head priest, is currently
the master of ceremonies for this years festival.
He was apparently planning to head a large
musical performance, but his plans have been
dampened by the threat of a hostile Ragesia.

Dassen Stone
Temple to the Dwarf God of Ancestors and
Temple to the God of Battle
Second only to the Saraswatin in size, this
temple serves as two temples now that the
dwarf population is almost completely gone
from the city. The large edifice also houses
the public works offices. Lessons in fighting
and leadership are regularly offered and the
city guard is often seen training there. Rumors
that the dwarves keep treasures mined from
the deep during the construction of Gate Pass

The Military
While the Gate Pass military answers to the
city council, their opinion carries great weight
given how much attention the city pays to its
defense. Unlike most militaries, they are not
trained for large open field combat, but rather
for the defense of the city, taking advantage
of enclosed terrain. Commander Harmand
Fletcher, a veteran of the rebellion against
Ragesia, recently retired as leader of the armed
forces and has been replaced by Brant Sawman,
who if anything is more gruff and brooding
than his predecessor.
A small unit of twenty griffon riders serves
to patrol the far reaches of Gate Passs domain,
but otherwise the city has little in the way of a
cavalry tradition.

Gabals School
Gabal, a famed evoker who helped drive
the Ragesians out forty years ago, maintains a
school of war. This large cluster of squat towers
connected by covered bridges and surrounded
by a moat and fence is jokingly known as The

Castle. Gabals studentseasily identifiable

by their red robesare generally viewed as
arrogant and hot-tempered, but their mentor
forces them to sell their services for low
prices, particularly in matters of defense and
construction, and a handful of wizards serve in
the city military.
Gabal is said to scorn magic-users who do
not study spellbooks for their powers, and has
a particular dislike for sorcerers and warlocks,
commonly saying he doesnt trust people
who have that much charisma. Charm is a
personality flaw Gabal proudly lacks.

Thieves Guild
Everyone knows that thieves operate in the
city, often with the aid of bribed councilmen
who turn blind eyes. The thieves tend to prey
on wealthy merchants, especially foreigners,
and so many commoners view them favorably.
One particularly well-known rogue is a
dashing scoundrel named Rantle. He came to
fame because of an elaborate confidence game
to steal from a female merchant. One night
when his scam was near fruition, he was with
the merchant when she was attacked by a trio
of common thugs who intended to have their
way with the woman. Rantle fought them off,
and then stayed around to protect her while
the city guard arrived, even though he knew
he would be recognized and arrested. Public
support for his heroism got him pardoned, and
many people have begun calling for him to join
the city council.
It is said the clientele of One-to-Go, a tavern
in one of Gate Passs slums, is composed
entirely of former thieves who have lost a hand
as punishment for stealing.

The Resistance
Devoted to keeping the city of Gate Pass free
from the rule of both Ragesia and Shahalesti,
the resistance is composed of a huge variety
of people from many of countries, since many
nations have a vested interest in keeping the
current balance of power. Mostly they work to
bolster pride among the citizens of Gate Pass,
though occasionally a spy is turned over to
the authorities by unknown persons, and the
resistance is credited with the capture.
Many farmers and ranchers who live in the
mountains surrounding the city claim to have
spoken to members of the resistance, who
encouraged them to be prepared to fight to
defend their lands.

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide

Section Two: New Rules

The magic-rich Lands of the Burning
Sky have a complex history that will unfold
as you play in the saga. If you are making new
characters native to the Lands, a number of
new options and rules are available to help
them fit well within this world.
What follows in this section is a list of new
options, powers, equipment, and physical
differences from the standard D&D world.
The rules do not reveal every mystery of the
Lands, but new characters will have enough
information to feel truly immersed in a unique
campaign world. As you progress through the
War of the Burning Sky campaign saga, many
more new powers, feats, and items will become
available to you. Your GM will inform you
when this happens.
As you create new characters and increase in
levels, use this section as a reference alongside
the core books.

Character Races and


Within the Lands, the great races have

special histories and regional strongholds. If
you create a new character, you may wonder
where others of your race may be found.
The following section identifies the areas
where each race is concentrated and some
likely motivations for adventuring. Those
races not mentioned exist in the Lands, but
are exceptional to see and require a more
customized treatment by the GM and player.
The GM may allow background benefits for
each race as described in the D&D 4E Players
Handbook 2. If you wish to play a gnome or
half-orc, please refer to their descriptions in
the D&D 4E Players Handbook 2.
* Dragonborn: A few small clans of
dragonborn inhabit the mountains
between the Ostalin and Ragesian
border. Loosely in communication with
each other, the predominant goal is to
solidify the creation of a new republic
of dragonborn within the mountains.
Those who adventure often do so to lay
foundations for future diplomacy, learn
and improve on the latest technologies
of war and combat, or seek riches and
glory to advance the dragonborn legacy
and become the future leaders of the new
* Dwarves: Once plentiful and well
represented across the lands, the mighty
dwarf nation has become insular and
isolated from the rest of the world. Those
who venture beyond the tunnels and
caverns of their mountain realm (near
Gate Pass), do so in an effort to fight
against the resignation that seems to
be overtaking the older generations.
Convinced that the isolationism is just
as imprisoning as their ancient servitude
to the giants, the adventurous dwarves
venture out to build an inspiring legacy,
rekindle the pride of the Dwarven
nation, or restore faith in the ancient
gods that seem to be forgotten in this
modern day.
* Eladrin: Eladrin are found in
Shahalesti lands. In the Lands of the

Burning Sky, Shahalesti is synonymous

with eladrin. Always vigilant, the
Shahalesti remember well the conquests
of Emperor Coaltongue. Sorcery, spying,
and military/mercenary prowess are all
reasons for a Shahalesti to adventure in
the Lands.
* Elves: Of late, the elven tribes have come
to fear Ragesian encroachment upon
their forests. While the Shahalesti are
more or less united in that they jealously
guard their fey-touched land, the elves
are divided: some seek isolation, others
want to establish new alliances, and still
others simply see a changing world and
desire to be a part of it. All these reasons
bring out many elves to the cities and
towns where adventures often begin.
* Gnomes: If history is any indicator of
the future, the gnomes continue to seek
being ignored as a threat. Seeing the
success of Coaltongue in using magic
to secure his throne, the gnomes of
the Lands strive to gather all manner
of history and magic in order to avoid
becoming slaves to the might and
power of Ragesiaor Shahalesti.
To the gnomes, knowing how one
could capture and enslave another
allows the knowledgeable to avoid the
possibility altogether. Their quick wit
and seeming mockery of the Ragesians
and the Shahalesti is vexing to orcs and
eladrin alike. Most gnomes come from
Shahalesti, but some small groups can
be found in almost any land. If a gnome
character encounters other gnomes, he
will strive to spend at least a few hours
with his brethren before continuing to
* Half-Elves: More fully integrated with
their human side, most half-elves come
from the great cities of the Lands: from
Gate Pass and Lyceum to the many cities
of Ostalin, Dassen, and Sindaire. The
motivation for adventure is as varied in
a half-elf as it is in a human. Some do
see the latest bellicose attitude of the
Ragesians troubling and seek to help
fend them off in the impending conflict.
Rantle, Famous Resistance Hero Art by Claudio Pozas

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass

* Half-Orcs: No matter what their

racial origin may be, the half-orcs of

the Lands enjoy a unique position;
fully realized citizens in Ragesia, Gate
Pass and Dassen. The other kingdoms
are less cordial, and so most half-orc
adventurers are found from the middle
part of the Lands. Always struggling with
their heritage, the adventuring life is
often a way to throw off subtle, lingering
prejudices or find a place in a group of
allies and equals.
* Halflings: Found mostly along the rivers
and byways of Ostalin and Sindaire,
the halflings of the Lands sometimes
leave the west in search of adventure
and treasure. Though once halflings
were generally quite well traveled, the
unrest in Ostalin has concentrated the
population in that country because it
presents the best hope for them to start
a nation of their own. As the country
continues in strife, the halflings work
with some factions in Sindaire to
destabilize the kingdom even further.
* Humans: As the greatest population in
the lands, human characters can come
from anywhere and their motivations for
adventure are limitless. Those originating
from the Gate Pass area have access to
some ready-made regional benefits, and
the city is diverse enough for almost any
character type to be made.
* Tieflings: Ostalin is a haven for tieflings.
The designs of Ostalins ambitious ruler,
Khagan Onamdammin, have created
a sort of demand for the skills of those
who struggle with their darker nature,
while the unstable government makes
it hard for anyone to act against the
tieflings as they strive to survive in a
world that doesnt trust them. In recent
decades, the gregarious nature of Gate
Pass merchants traveling the Lands has
impressed some tieflings, and a few
have set up a small merchant house
within the fifth district of the capital,
the mountain city of Kistan. The small
but cosmopolitan city offers charms
and temptations that make it enticing to
those who struggle between good and
evil and, though small, the merchant
house is growing, both in legitimate
trade and in their less noble underworld

Gate Pass Character

Creation Benefits
The following rewards are available
to players who decide to create
characters invested in the campaigns
conflict from the beginning. The first
adventure, The Scouring of Gate Pass,
introduces the player characters to a
variety of organizations in the city of
Gate Pass.
At the GMs option, if you create a
character with one of the affiliations listed
below, you gain the associated feat as a
bonus, in addition to your normal feats at 1st
level. You may also select one of these feats
normally. These affiliations are used instead
of the Backgrounds rules found in the D&D
4E Players Handbook 2.

* City Council: While most of the

politicians in Gate Pass wish to surrender

to Ragesia, some want to take a stand.
A character involved in the government
and politics of Gate Pass gains Civic
Minded as a bonus feat.
* The Temples: The religious community
of Gate Pass fears the heretical zealotry
of the Ragesian inquisitors. An associate
of one of the temples gains Blessed by
Dreams as a bonus feat.
* The Military: Elements of the Ragesian
military are displeased with their
orders and their new ruler Leska, while
commanders of Gate Passs military
desire reinforcements. A
member of either military
gains Cavalry Errant as a
bonus feat.
* Gabals School: Gabal, a famed
evoker, maintains a school of
war, and he intends to make a stand
against Ragesia. An apprentice of Gabal
gains Student of War as a bonus feat.
* Thieves Guild: The guild in Gate
Pass is nervous about the prospect
of Ragesian martial law. One of their
members or agents gains Thieves Guild
Sympathizer as a bonus feat.
* The Resistance: A small group of Gate
Pass natives are taking up arms to defend
their home against both Ragesia and
Shahalesti. A member of their group
gains Blade of the Resistance as a
bonus feat.

The students at Gabals school in Gate
Passas well as the mages of Lyceum
practice spelldueling as a way to better their art.
The techniques of spelldueling are particularly
useful in combat against inquisitors. Students
of these schools may also select Primordial as
a bonus language.
Spellduelists are introduced to the Spell
duelist and Spellduelist Counterspell feats (see
page 11) and a few unique spells (see page
10). There are rumors that inquisitors have
perverted versions of these feats and spells in
their repertoire.

Lyceum Arcanist Art by J. L. Jones

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass

Character Classes

All classes described in the D&D 4E Players

Handbook and the D&D 4E Players
Handbook 2 are available in the Lands of the
Burning Sky. Additional powers unique to the
war-ravaged world are provided here for four
character classes. As the campaign progresses,
other powers may be revealed; your GM will
inform you when they are available.



Reactive Counterspell

Gabals Superior Missile

With a dismissive wave, your opponents spell

loses power and dissipates into nothingness.
Cleric Utility 6* Divine
Immediate reaction; Encounter
Trigger You are struck by an arcane spell
Range Personal
Effect Your attacker rerolls his attack using the
new roll as his attack roll. If the new attack
fails, his spell fails.
Special You lose your standard action until the
end of your next turn.

With a wizards sight, you become instantly aware

of every foe around you and launch bolts of force
their way.
Wizard Attack 1* Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard action; Encounter
Range Close; Area Blast 5
Target(s) Up to two plus your level creatures
within blast (maximum 5 creatures)
Attack INT vs. Reflex
Damage 2d4 + INT modifier force
At 21st Level 4d4 + INT modifier force
Effect The bolts of force can be cast as if the
targets had no cover or concealment as long
as a clear path within the blast can be traced
to the target. A clear path is one where line
of effect can be successively determined from
one square to the next starting from you and
ending at the target. You do not need to have
line of sight. This means that the bolt can turn
corners and go through windows.
Special: At 11th level, increase area to Blast 10.
At 21st level, increase area to Blast 20.
This spell can only be learned at Gabals
School of War in Gate Pass (see page 9).
Consult your GM for details.

Ghost Phase Attack
A force missile phases in and out of reality,
passing through the targets cover and protection.
Sorcerer Attack 7* Arcane, Implement
Standard action; Encounter
Range 10
Target One creature
Attack: CHA vs. Reflex; ghost phase attack
ignores any penalty for cover or superior cover
Damage 1d10 + CHA modifier
Effect If the target is insubstantial, it takes full
damage and loses the insubstantial quality
until the end of your next turn. Otherwise, it
is slowed.

Curse of Flesh
With a shout, the glimmering creature is cursed to
manifest itself.
Warlock (Star) Utility 10* Arcane, Polymorph
Standard action; Daily
Range 10
Target One insubstantial creature
Attack INT vs. Fortitude
Effect The target loses the insubstantial quality
until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor The target does not regain the
insubstantial quality at the end of this turn.


Wayfarers Step
You create a doorway before the target and
he steps through, reappearing somewhere else
Wizard Utility 2* Arcane, Teleportation
Standard action; Daily
Range 10; Area Burst 1
Target One creature
Effect Teleport the creature 5 squares.
Special This spell can only be learned from the
Wayfarers. Consult your GM for details.

Enforced Flesh
You manipulate the planar energies that surround
the creature and it becomes painful to stay
Wizard Attack 13* Arcane, Polymorph,
Standard action; Daily
Range 10
Target One insubstantial creature
Attack INT vs. Fortitude
Damage 2d6 + INT modifier necrotic
Effect The target loses the insubstantial quality
until the end of your next turn.

A Spirit Takes Flight (Detail) Art by Claudio Pozas

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass

Heroic Tier Feats
Blade of the Resistance
Fed up with Ragesian and Shahalesti oppression,
you wage a discreet war against them.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Insight
checks. Additionally, once per encounter you
can select an intelligent creature who has dealt
damage to you or your allies as your preferred
foe. Until the end of the encounter, you gain
a +2 bonus to your damage rolls against your
preferred foe.
The foe need not have dealt the damage
during the current encounter; a previous
encounter will suffice.
Special: You gain this feat as a bonus feat if
your character begins at 1st level affiliated with
the Gate Pass resistance.

Blessed by Dreams [Gate Pass]

You have helped the Gate Pass temples to
manage the annual Festival of Dreams holiday
parade, and last year you were promised good
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Religion
checks. Additionally, once per day you may
reroll a single saving throw made by you or any
ally within 5 squares of you, taking the second
result instead.
Special: You gain this feat as a bonus feat if
your character begins at 1st level affiliated with
the Gate Pass temples.

Cavalry Errant [Gate Pass]

You are (or were) a member of Ragesias or
Gate Passs military and you are trained as a
Benefit: You gain the Mounted Combat feat.
Additionally, you gain the ability to help your
mounted allies. As a minor action, you may
apply your Mounted Combat feat to an ally
within 5 squares of you, giving him the benefit
for the round.
Special: You gain this feat as a bonus feat if
your character begins at 1st level affiliated with
the Gate Pass military.

Civic Minded [Gate Pass]

You are involved in the politics of Gate Pass,
and know your way around the citys laws and

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy

checks. Additionally, whenever an ally within
5 squares of you uses the Aid Another action,
the bonus he provides increases by +1. Up to 3
allies with the Civic Minded feat can contribute
for any one skill check.
Special: You gain this feat as a bonus feat if
your character begins at 1st level affiliated with
the Gate Pass City Council.

Moral Insight
You gain insight into the moral force of people
and things.
Prerequisite: Trained in Religion
Benefit: You can use your Religion skill to
identify the alignment of sentient creatures
and detect the presence of good and evil things
in an area. The Religion skill is used in a similar
fashion to the way Arcana is used to Detect
Magic. See the D&D 4E Players Handbook
for more information.
Identify Alignment
One minute; spend a healing surge
* DC 10 + Will defense of the creature. The
creature must be able to speak a language.
* Success You correctly identify the
alignment of the creature.
* Failure You identify the creature as being
Unaligned and the creature detects the
attempt to determine its alignment.
Detect Presence of Evil or Good
Standard action; encounter (must choose
which alignment to detect)
* Range Close; Area Burst level
* DC 20 minus the prominent power
sources level.
* Success Evil or Good power is detected
within the ranged area. The source is not
* Failure No knowledge is gained.
* Overwhelming Aura If the level of the
prominent power source is at least twice
the characters level, the character is
stunned for one round.

Spellduelist [Arcane]
You have studied the art of spell dueling,
perhaps under the famed evoker Gabal in the
small school he maintains in Gate Pass, or at the
Lyceum academy in Seaquen.
Prerequisite: Arcane power source
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks.
In addition, you may negate an opportunity or
immediate action against you. This includes


readied actions. Make an opposed Bluff vs.

Insight check before the action occurs. If you
win, the action is negatedit is not expended
and has no effectotherwise, the action
occurs normally. You may use this feat in a
combat encounter a number of times equal to
your INT bonus (minimum 1).

Spellduelists Counterspell
Prerequisites: DEX 15, trained in Insight
Benefit: You gain the counterspell feat power.
Feat Power* No Keywords
Immediate Interrupt; Encounter
Trigger You are affected by a spell
Area Personal
Effect If you choose, you may spend a healing
surge to add your level + 1 to your defense
against the spell. If you do this and the spell
misses, it does no damage and has no effect
on you, and it is expended as if it had been
successfully cast. This failure includes powers
with the Reliable keyword.

Student of War [Gate Pass]

You have studied the art of war at Gabals
wizards school, and have practiced battling many
foes at once.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to History
checks. Additionally, you can strengthen your
spells for use in large-scale battles. You gain a
+1 bonus to your attack roll with any area spell.
Special: You gain this feat as a bonus feat if
your character begins at 1st level affiliated with
Gabals School in Gate Pass.

Thieves Guild Sympathizer

You have had dealings with the Gate Pass
thieves guild, and you suspect they might owe
you a favor, though you know it might not be safe
to push your luck.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff
checks. Additionally, your experience with
being a lookout grants you an ability to alert
your allies just before danger strikes. If you are
not surprised at the start of an encounter, your
allies receive a second Perception check to
avoid being surprised.
Special: You gain this feat as a bonus feat if
your character begins at 1st level affiliated with
the Gate Pass thieves guild.

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass
Vow of Healing [Divinity]
You have pledged yourself to heal all those in
need, friend or foe.
Prerequisites: Channel Divinity class
feature, member of the Aquiline Cross.
Benefit: You gain the vow of healing power.
Special: You cannot refuse to heal an
injured living creature who asks you for healing.
This obligates you to use your vow of healing
power once on any such creature, though you
are not required to heal enemies until they
surrender and you are reasonably sure they
cannot betray you. You cannot perform a coup
de grace on a living creature, nor can you target
damage against a dying living foe (you may
deal damage to them with area attacks, though
you must make a best effort to avoid doing so).
If you violate this oath, you lose the benefit
of this feat for 24 hours. Repeated or flagrant
transgressions can result in permanent loss of
this benefit until you receive atonement.
Channel Divinity: Vow of Healing
In keeping with your vow, you are blessed with
greater healing power.
Feat Power* Divine, Healing, Radiant
Minor action; Encounter
Range Close; Area Burst 5
Target: all creatures in burst
Effect Living creatures regain a number of hp
equal to your WIS or CHA bonus, whichever
is higher (minimum 1). Undead creatures take
damage equal to your WIS or CHA bonus,
whichever is higher (minimum 1).
Special You must take the Vow of Healing feat
to use this power. You can use this power
twice per encounter, but only once per round.
At 11th level, increase the area to Burst 10. At
16th level, you can use this power three times
per encounter. At 21st level, increase the area
to Burst 15.

Whip Proficiency [Martial]

Prerequisite: Dex 13, Martial power source
Benefit: You gain proficiency with the
whip. When using a whip, you may choose
to grab with it instead of inflicting damage. A
grab attack with a whip ignores the whips
proficiency bonus and uses STR vs. Reflex; if
you hit, the target is grabbed.

Paragon Tier Feats

East Wind Style [Arcane]
Your vicious, tempestuous fighting style makes
you a storm upon your foes.
Prerequisites: Trained in Arcana, studied
at the Monastery of Two Winds.
Benefit: Your unarmed strikes deal an extra
1d6 + INT modifier lightning damage. You
gain Supernal as a bonus language.

West Wind Style [Divinity]

Your graceful, windy fighting style makes you a
breeze among your foes.
Prerequisites: Channel Divinity class
feature, INT 15, studied at the Monastery of
Two Winds.
Benefit: You gain the windy conversion feat
power. You gain Supernal as a bonus language.
Channel Divinity: Windy Conversion
Feat Power* Arcane, Polymorph
Minor action; Daily
Area Personal
Target Special
Effect You become insubstantial until the end
of the encounter or for 5 minutes. You gain
fly 6, and cant take standard actions. You may
move into an enemys square and, as a minor
action, attempt to take his breath away.
Attack WIS or CHA vs. Fortitude (your choice)
Damage Your WIS or CHA bonus, whichever
is higher (minimum 1)
Effect The target is dazed (save ends).
Special Reverting to your normal form is a
minor action. When you revert, you may take
a standard action in the same round.

Shining Warrior [Eladrin]

You possess the luminous power of the Solei
Palancis, the elite warriors of the Shahalesti army.
Prerequisite: Eladrin, trained in Arcana
Benefit: If you wield a magical weapon that
sheds light, you can choose to intensify that
light, doubling its radius as a standard action
once a day. The intensified light lasts for 10
minutes or until the end of the encounter.
If you make a critical hit with your weapon
while it is emitting intensified light, the creature
struck is blinded until the end of your next turn.
In a brightly illuminated area, you gain a +2
bonus to saves against fear and negative energy.
You cannot be dazed or blinded by bright light.
Special: A fighter may select Shining Warrior
as a bonus feat.

Monastery of Two Winds (Detail) Art by Rick Hershey

and Linda Luksic

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass


Magic Items




Orb of Persistence

One-handed superior melee weapon

Prof. +3
Damage 1d4
Price 1 gp
Weight 2 lb.
Group Flail
Properties Off-hand, reach
Special If you are proficient with the whip, you
may use it to make a grab attack. See the Whip
Proficiency feat on page 12.

A sphere of turquoise crystal.

Lvl 7 +1 2,600 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Lvl 11 +2 9,000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Implement (Orb)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Minor Action. A power that
has a normal duration of one round can be
sustained (Sustain Minor) for a number of
rounds equal to your INT bonus (minimum 1).

Alchemical Equipment
Level 5
Category Volatile
Time 1 hour
Component Cost See below
Market Price 850 gp (difficult to find outside of
Key Skill Arcana (no check)

Shatterspell is a black compound infused

with antimagic when extremely chilled. As it
warms, it turns gaseous, so that when the vial is
opened or shattered, it fills a square with wispy
black gas. If a vial of shatterspell takes any cold
damage, the contents turn liquid again and
remain so for one minute.

Level 7+

Arms Slot Items

Potion Bracer

Level 6

Item Slot Arms

1,800 gp
Property This bracer stores up to 10 potions or
similarly sized items in an extradimensional
space. You can retrieve any item as a free
action. You can only wear one potion bracer
at a time; wearing a second causes both to
cease functioning. Most potion bracers are
worn on the users weapon arm so the user
does not have to drop a weapon to retrieve a
potion. You may drink directly from the potion
bracer as a minor action that provokes an
opportunity attack.

Head Slot Items

Level 5+

Lvl 5
50 gp
Lvl 15
1,000 gp
Lvl 10
200 gp
Lvl 20
5,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable* Zone) Standard Action.
Released as a gas, shatterspell creates a zone
of magical disruption (Range 10, Area Burst 1).
All magic effects within the square must make
a saving throw or end immediately. The zone
lasts until the end of your next turn.
Lvl 10: Saving throw penalty 2.
Lvl 15: Saving throw penalty 4.
Lvl 20: Saving throw penalty 6.
Power (Consumable, Potion) Standard Action.
Made liquid and swallowed as a potion (see
above), shatterspell grants you +5 damage
resistance against spells, lasting for 5 minutes
or until the end of the encounter.
Lvl 10: +10 damage resistance.
Lvl 15: +15 damage resistance.
Lvl 20: +20 damage resistance.

Feigning Fez

Level 10

Item Slot Head

5,000 gp
Property: When using the fezs power, adds
a +5 item bonus to all Bluff checks involving
Power (At-Will* Illusion) Standard
Action. You may change your appearance,
clothing, and equipment to mimic that of
any humanoid race that matches your size
category. The fezs appearance can also change.
The illusion is only visual.

Hat of Exceptional Intelligence Level 10+

This pointy hat is emblazoned with runes and
mathematical formulae.
Lvl 10
5,000 gp Lvl 30
3,125,000 gp.
Lvl 20
125,000 gp
Item Slot Head
Property You gain a +1 bonus to attack or
damage with each spell you cast (your choice).


You gain a +2 bonus on knowledge and

monster knowledge checks.
Power (Daily) Minor Action. You gain a +2
power bonus on the next INT roll you make
this turn.

Wondrous Items
Feather Token

Level 4+

A small feather or scale of magical power that

aids you in your quest.
Lvl 4 Anchor 40 gp Lvl 10 Whip 200 gp
Lvl 6 Fan
75 gp Lvl 12 Boat 500 gp
Lvl 8 Bird
125 gp Lvl 16 Tree 1,800 gp
Wondrous Item
Power (Consumable) Minor Action. Hold the
token and spend a healing surge. The token
disintegrates and releases its power, conjuring
an object that performs a function based on
its type.
Anchor Moors a craft in water so as to render
it immobile for up to one day.
Bird Conjures a small flying creature
(appropriate to the token source) that
delivers a small written message unerringly
to a designated target as would a carrier
pigeon. The power lasts as long as it takes to
carry the message.
Fan Forms a huge flapping fan, causing a
breeze of sufficient strength to propel
one ship (about 25 mph). This wind is not
cumulative with existing wind speed. The
token can, however, be used to lessen
existing winds, creating an area of relative
calm or lighter winds (wave size in a storm is
not affected). The fan can be used for up to
8 hours. It does not function on land.
Boat Conjures a boat capable of moving on
water at a speed of 60 feet. It can carry eight
horses and gear or thirty-two Medium
characters or any equivalent combination.
The boat lasts for one day.
Tree Conjures a great oak (5-foot diameter
trunk, 60-foot height, 40-foot top diameter).
This is an instantaneous effect.
Whip The token forms into a huge +1 whip
and wields itself against an opponent of your
choosing within 5 squares of you. The whip
remains for one encounter or 5 minutes.

m Dancing Whip (free, at-will)* Weapon

+11 vs. AC, 1d6+1 damage or +5 vs. Reflex,

grab (Medium-sized or smaller creature). The
whip has a Reflex 16 and Fortitude 18 defense.
It cannot damage or move an opponent
while grabbing.

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass

Arcane Servant
Level 1
Component Cost 10 gp, plus a focus worth at
least 30 gp
Market Price 50 gp
Category Creation
Key Skill Arcana (no check)
Time 10 minutes
Duration Through the next extended rest or until

A Medium-sized, invisible force performs

small tasks at your command. It can fetch
objects, open unstuck doors, move furniture
(up to 100 pounds), make camp and perform
basic functions like mending and cleaning. It
may perform the same task repeatedly, but can
only perform one task at a time. It is limited to
tasks that require a skill check of DC 10 or less.
The arcane servant has a speed equal to the
casters native speed. It occupies no space and
cannot attack or be attacked. It cannot move
more than 20 spaces from the focus.
Focus: A small mannequin held in hand
or otherwise in possession of a creature. The
arcane servant will disappear on a failed saving
throw if the focus is abandoned or dropped.

The saving throw is made each round that the

focus is not in possession of a creature. If the
mannequin is destroyed, any arcane servants
bound to it will immediately disappear.

Continual Light
Level 2
Component Cost 10 gp
Market Price 100 gp
Category Creation
Key Skill Arcana (no check)
Time 10 minutes
Duration 24 hours (special)

You imbue an object no larger than a fist

with a torchlike glow that illuminates a 5 square
radius with bright light.
Special: The ritual can be extended
indefinitely by spending two healing surges
during the casting.

Duelists Etiquette
Level 1
Component Cost 5 gp, plus 2 healing surges
Market Price 100 gp
Category Warding
Key Skill Arcana (no check)
Time 10 minutes
Duration 1 hour

The rituals area (6 squares) is traced with a

faintly glowing line of energy. The ritual creates
a subtle defensive barrier against magical
attacks, causing all damage from spells and
summoned creatures in the area of effect to
become nonlethal. Whenever a creature enters
the warded area, it must consciously choose to
accept this restriction, or else the spell ends. If
at any time a creature inside the area wishes to
no longer abide by the duelists etiquette, he
can spend a standard action to concentrate and
end the ritual. All creatures in the area of effect
are immediately aware the ritual has ended.
This ritual is primarily used to ensure that
spell duels are not fatal, without forcing mages
to hold back their strongest powers.

Hallowed Ground
Level 20
Component Cost 5,000 gp plus 5 healing surges
Market Price 25,000 gp
Category Warding
Key Skill Religion
Time 30 minutes
Duration 24 hours (special)

Hallowed Ground is mechanically identical

to the Forbiddance ritual (see D&D 4E
Players Handbook), excepting its effects,
which are are as follows:
1. Good-aligned creatures gain a +2 bonus
to all defenses.
2. Evil creatures cannot teleport in the
burst area.
3. Charm attacks by evil creatures
automatically fail.
4. Divine casters gain a +4 Wisdom bonus
to their Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
5. Creatures inside the burst cannot be
turned into undead.

The area shimmers and ripples as a magical item
enters its covering area.
Level 5
Component Cost 100 gp
Market Price 250 gp
Category Divination
Key Skill Arcana
Time 1 hour
Duration 24 hours (special)

Any magical item entering the area begins to

glow and sparkle.
Your Arcana check determines the size of
the warded area, which is a burst. Use the same

The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar Art by John McSweeney

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass
procedures as the Forbiddance ritual in the
D&D 4E Players Handbook.
If the rituals effect is sustained without
interruption for a year and a day, the effect
becomes permanent.

Stand the Heat

Level 8
Component Cost 135 gp
Market Price 3,400 gp
Category Warding
Key Skill Arcana or Nature
Time 10 minutes
Duration Special

When you perform this ritual, you can select

up to eight recipients to receive the spells
benefits. The creature and all the equipment
it carries suffers no harm from being in even
extreme heat. It can exist comfortably in
temperatures as high as 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
This protection is sufficient to endure the ovenlike heat of a forest fire, but fire damage is
treated normally.
A ritually affected creature that has ongoing
fire damage (save ends) may use a move action
to automatically save at the end of its turn.
Arcana Check Result
14 or lower
30 or higher

2 hours
4 hours
8 hours
24 hours
72 hours

True Form
Level 6
Component Cost 140 gp
Market Price 600 gp
Category Divination
Key Skill Arcana or Religion
Time 1 minute
Duration 10 minutes

Within 20 squares of the rituals casting,

you see creatures and objects true forms and
precise locations. Mundane concealment and
cover remains effective and may hide creatures
and items as normal. Illusions, transmutations,
and invisibility are ignored and the actual
shapes, sizes, and locations of magically
modified things are revealed.

The History of Emperor Drakus Coaltongue

and the Torch of the Burning Sky
The Old Dragon, some called him, since
he seemed immortal and he only grew more
cunning and powerful with age.
Decades ago, a warlord arose among the orc
tribes of what is now Ragesia. Drakus Coaltongue,
half-orc son of a human noblewoman, brought
a level of patience and political cunning rarely
seen among the savage orcs. He united many
tribes, slew a gold dragon and took its child as a
prize, and prepared his people for glory.
And then, to everyones surprise, he did
not sweep into human lands for a bloody
but ultimately short-lived rampage. Instead,
Coaltongue allied with various poor human
nations, helping them drive back the predations
of the strongest country in the region, Morrus.
Coaltongue even gained the aid of the insular
elves of Shahalesti, until finally he was ready
to lead a coalition army against Morrus. For
this great assault, Coaltongue revealed a
devastatingly powerful artifact that would lead
him to victory, the Torch of the Burning Sky.
The power of the Torch was to call down fire
from the sky, and to carry Coaltongues army
hundreds of miles in an instant, plucking them
up with one pillar of flame, and depositing them
with another. Coaltongue and his allies easily
defeated Morrus, and from the nations burning
remains, Coaltongue created a new kingdom for

Teleporting Troubles

Since the rumored assassination of

Coaltongue, something has gone wrong with
teleportation: teleporting couriers appear
ablaze and die a hideous death. Nobody knows
why this has happened, although spellcasters
at the Lyceum Academy in Seaquen and
at Gabals School of War are desperately
researching the cause of this problem, which
they have dubbed the Burning Sky. They
believe that it is linked to the same reason that
things are getting colder. There is no spring in
sight for Ragesia and the lands bordering it;
druids sense something amiss, and the sky is
filled with flocks of confused birds trying to
flee this unnatural winter.
Any power with the Teleportation keyword is
subject to the Burning Sky effect. All magic users
who know a ritual or spell with the teleportation
keyword are aware of the problem.


himself and his orcish followers: Ragesia.

For a time Coaltongue and his allies
coexisted in relative peace. Coaltongue was
content with his new homeland, and did not
want to jeopardize it by reaching too far and
falling before the might of many nations, as
Morrus had fallen before him.
But slowly, Ragesia expanded its borders. It
took years for events to play out, and always in
a way that Ragesias imperialism was justified,
either in response to enemy attacks, or to aid
another nation that was being threatened. With
the benefit of hindsight, many suspect that
somehow Coaltongue provoked these conflicts.
Finally, when Coaltongue was far older than any
half-orc had right to be, all the lands that had
once belonged to his allies were his.
Recently, after nearly a decade of inactivity,
Coaltongue offered to help the Exarchate of
Sindaire put down a rebellion within its borders,
and the nation nervously accepted, fearful of
being swallowed up by another trick. What
Coaltongue was planning may never be known,
because a few weeks into his military campaign,
something went wrong. Ragesia has not heard
from its emperor in over two months, or if they
have, they have hidden the news.
Some dread it, and some cautiously hope for
it, but it seems the Old Dragon has been slain.

The Burning Sky

All teleportation powers deal 1 point of fire
damage to the creature teleported for each
square teleported as you materialize ablaze.
After you teleport and until the start of your
next turn, your melee weapon gains a +5 fire
damage bonus.
Teleporting 100 feet or greater increases
the fire damage effects, making it unlikely that
anyone can survive long-range teleportation.
1001,000 ft.
1,000 ft.1 mile
110 miles
10100 miles
1001,000 miles
1,000 miles or greater

50 fire damage
100 fire damage
500 fire damage
1,000 fire damage
5,000 fire damage
10,000 fire damage

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide

Section Three: Lands of the Burning Sky

Ragesia is the largest nation in the
region, and four other nations commonly
interact with it. The politics and history of the
region are relatively simple, though the recent
power vacuum in Ragesia threatens to make
things much more complicated.


The Ragesian Empire lies in the northwest

of the region, spanning several hundred miles
north to south and east to west. To the east is
the Shining Land of Shahalesti, a tenuous ally
with whom relations have frayed of late. To
the south lie the Exarchate of Sindaire, the
Kingdom of Dassen, and the Khaganhold
of Ostalin, three nations which so far have
managed to avoid being conquered by Ragesia.


The Ragesian Empire is based in the capital

city of Ragos, located on central lowlands
dominated by many lakes. While the core of
the empire is populated heavily by orcs and
half-orcs, the outer regions have wildly diverse
cultures and populations, the result of having
once been many separate nations, conquered
by sword and torch.
Every region has a large component of orcs
in the population, along with heavy military
presence to ensure loyalty and peace. Though
the people of Ragesia have been conquered,
most are content that they live today in relative
safety. Given the power of the empire, rebellion
just doesnt seem worth it. The majority of the
population is still human however, or half-orc,
and different ethnic groups remain mostly
concentrated in their old homelands, which are
often separated by low, long mountain ranges.
Ragesia is conventional in its political
organization; mayors and town councils are
found in nearly every community. The focus
of their governance though, is power and
subjugation. Evil hearts are encouraged to
define and execute the letter of the law with
scant regard for compassion or quarter, though
it is occasionally given, if only to underscore the
power of the empire. Like the tribal beginnings
of the orcs who now rule, strength and position

is gained through depravity and guile. The

populace has grown used to the occasional
suspicious death or mysterious fire or robbery.
The northern reaches are home to people
known as the Kelaquois, who live in frigid
lands that are frozen for most of the year, where
they coexist with frost giants, mastadons, and
vast herds of bison. The western plains were
once the nation of Latia, its renowned shipbuilding now benefiting Ragesia and its navy.
The southern lands are craggy, with cold rocky
deserts dominating what was once Chathus, a
land of nomads and traders who nevertheless
defended their lands with great vigour, using
cavalry and mobility to wage a protracted war,
allowing their home to be the last conquered
by Ragesia. The central heartlands once
belonged to the powerful nation of Morrus,
and numerous old castles, forts, and walls
dot the landscape, defenses which were easily
bypassed with Emperor Coaltongues Torch.
An ocean borders Ragesia to the west, with
rocky mountains marking Ragesias borders
with the nations to the southSindaire and
Dassen. The northern border is a high, frigid
mountain range, separating Ragesia from most
of the rest of the world. The same mountains
curve down to form the eastern border, rising
high enough that Ragesia never saw much
value in trying to conquer beyond them.
The capital city of Ragos stretches along
a vast lake, and the imperial palace lies safely
offshore on a fantastically-defended island. At
night its walls burn with thousands of torches,
making the lake look like it is on fire. Ragos
seethes with intrigue and unrestrained evil.
Plots and counter-plots are the norm and any
kind of vice can be had for a few coppers. The
city is intimidating and no-one, not even the
guards can be trusted to keep one safe.

The Inquisitors
Dressed in bear skins, their faces concealed by
bear-skull masks, inquisitors are the feared blade
of Ragesia, expert in cutting out those who resist
its rule. They fervently serve Ragesias supreme
inquisitor, an aged witch named Leska, who
until recently was a loyal servant of the emperor.
Now Leska desires to rule, and her inquisitors
are her greatest weapon.

Mages tell stories of inquisitorssent

to hunt down disloyal magescompletely
ignoring powerful spells, or even turning spells
against their casters. The few who have been
captured by inquisitors and have lived to tell the
tale recount being tortured, their wrists slashed
by an inquisitors clawed gauntlets, then being
left to a slow, cold death unless they betrayed
their allies. Some rumor that inquisitors can
even devour the souls of magic-users, taking
their powers for themselves before raising the
slain mage as an undead follower.
Inquisitors possess alternate class abilities.
If you are interested in playing an inquisitor
or a character who has managed to learn their
secret techniques, talk to your GM.
Inquisitors are rumored to be adept at
cancelling and countering spells.


On the far side of the mountains that mark

Ragesias eastern border spreads the Shining
Land of Shahalesti, ruled by Lord Shaaladel,
a middle-aged elf who rose from being a
military commander to the nations ruler
during the ascension of the Ragesian Empire.
Shahalesti was in danger of being conquered
like Ragesias other neighbors, and Shaaladels
aggressive displays of forceincluding
the conquest and destruction of two nearby
elvish lands that were hostile to himare
credited as major reasons why Ragesia has so
far not looked east for conquest.
During Ragesias annexation of its neighbors,
Lord Shaaladel even lent his aid, he and his
trusted aides participating personally in battles
by Coaltongues side. A canny and charismatic
commander, he is respected even by the Ragesian
army, and many expected him to succeed after
Coaltongues death. Rumors say that the elvish
lord had been quite displeased that the old halforc was refusing to die of old age.
Shahalesti is not an entirely elvish nation.
The majority of its population is human, but
they live as commoners with little real power.
The aristocracy is almost exclusively elvish, as
well as the higher ranks among the military.
Despite a grudging alliance with Ragesia,
however, orcs and half-orcs are despised and

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass
to learn a variety of magical styles, and are trained
in spelldueling techniques similar to Gabals in
Gate Pass. They were relatively unknown in the
region until recently, when Simeon, headmaster
of the school, sent out a call to all the people in
and around Ragesia, asking for them to stand up
against the threat posed by the Ragesians and
their new leader Leska.

The Wayfarers

persecuted, unable to hold any public positions,

often horribly exploited as nearly slave labor. A
few outposts of wealthy orcs with ties to Ragesia
have tried to start their own communities, and
this is a steady source of strife.
The capital of Shahalesti, Calanis, is built over
a crescent rift carved by a waterfall. The city is
forbidden to non-elves except by invitation
from one of the royal family which, as of now,
consists only of Shaaladel and his daughter
Shalosha. The population of Calanis is mixed
(45% elf, 35% human, 10% half-elf, 5% halfling,
2% orc, 2% half-orc, 1% other).
Shahalesti is viewed by most politicallyminded sages as an opportunistic country. It
will ally and war according to advantages it
sees through the weaknesses and strengths
of its neighbors. In general, Shahalesti is a
good and peace-loving country that respects
its borders, but as the winds of war blow, it
is perceived that the Shahalesti people will
seize any opportunity to advance itself, to the
detriment of even its allies.

The Solei Palancis

The Shahalesti military, including its navy,
focuses on quality rather than quantity. Most
soldiers are equipped with at least minor magic
items, and arcane magic in general is key to most
of the nations tactics. Their most famed soldiers
are the Solei Palancis, the shining legion, whose
swords shed light as bright as the sun.

Every port in the region has at one time or

another been host to the Wayfarer Theater, a
beautifully-decorated ship that is both home
and base of operations for the Wayfarers. The
Wayfarers are both master acrobats and skilled
mages, prone to dress in elaborate and eclectic
costumes with elements cobbled together from
dozens of lands.
Wayfarers can teach a wizard a limited
teleportation spell at second level (wayfarers
step, q.v.). The spell will only be taught to a
friend. This may be accomplished through
adventuring or a skill challenge.


The Kingdom of Dassen lies to the south of

Ragesia, and the southwest of Shahalesti, its
borders defined by craggy mountains defended
by hundreds of small dwarven strongholds.
Dassens people, a swarthy assortment of
humans and dwarves, cherish their land, to
the point that superstitious cavalrymen even
put dirt in their boots so never have to stop
touching the soil of their homeland.
King Steppengard rules a patchwork of eight
feudal holdings, many of them controlled by
distant relatives with claims to the throne of
numbing complexity. To assure that he never
has to worry about untangling these claims,
Steppengard has had a huge family with eighteen
children, all legitimate on the word of his oath.
There are no mighty cities in Dassen, only
thousands of farms and towns growing out
from the nine castles of the king and his
dukes. The largest city, Bresk, lies on a major
river beside Steppengards castle, and is a hilly
community built both above and below ground.
Its population is a mix of humans and dwarves
with a small number of orcs (65% human, 28%
dwarf, 5% orc, 1% half-orc, 1% other).


At the end of a swampy isthmus on Dassens

southern tip, the town of Seaquen is home to a
school called Lyceum, devoted to teaching magic
of all kinds. Students of Lyceum are encouraged

The national government of the Exarchate of

Sindaire is officially run by a representative from
Ragesia, but in practice the Exarch has limited
power. The people of Sindairemostly humans
with some caravans of nomadic gnomespay
some taxes to Ragesia, but maintain their own
armies and laws. They take mild comfort in
knowing that, should Ostalin, their neighbors
to the south, ever attempt to claim more land,
Ragesia will come to their defense.
Recently a vocal group of city mayors in
the center of the nation began to protest the
taxes to Ragesia, and refused to pay. Unlike the
coastal cities, they little benefited from trade
with Ragesian ships, and they called for the
removal of the Exarch, a half-orc woman named
Horstea. Despite protests from the government
ministers, the Exarch sent a plea to Ragesia, and
Coaltongues army reponded, traveling by Torch
to the central prairies to put down the rebellion.
Sindaire has a long-established druidic
tradition, coming from a time when a group of
refugees fleeing a catastrophe in what is now
Shahalesti settled in Sindaires warm forests,
converting many of the locals through their
generosity and their disciplined devotion to
nobler ideals. The refugees revered lions, and
lions now fill the role of pets to the aristocracy
and guard dogs for the common folk.


The Mad Kings Banquet Art by Shannon White

Lyceum Academy

War of the Burning Sky Players Guide Section One: Gate Pass
The large capital city of Turinn lies on two
sides of a long rock spur. The western side has
ports on the sea, while the bulk of the city lies
safe on the east.

Knights of the Aquiline

The Order of the Aquiline Cross originally
emerged in Sindaire a decade ago. Since then,
small chapels that teach the orders doctrine of
mercy, sacrifice, and a fierce defense of life have
sprung up throughout the lands of Ragesia
and its neighbors. Knights of this order dress
in white and red tabards marked with a cross
surrounded by a halo of feathers.


For many years, the small island people of

Ostalin battled among themselves, before finally
a warlord conquered his foes and proclaimed
himself Khagan. He then led his people to the
mainland, conquering lands from Sindaire
with the aid of hippogriff aerial archers until he
reached a mountain range and met resistance

Original Design by Ryan Nock

Updated and Edited by Steve Muchow

from a clan of dragonborn. Impressed with

the honor the dragonborn exhibited on the
battlefield, the Khagan decided to learn from
this strange race and sued for peace. The
dragonborn accepted and the Khagan became
a disciple of the dragonborn culture, even
changing his name to Barazar.
During this time, Barazar had many children
with many wives, but ultimately left his nation
to his half-elf son Onamdammin, in whom he
saw the same fire of obsession that led him to
conquer. The Khagan hoped his son would be
the one to topple Coaltongue and rule Ragesia,
but he did not see that the young ruler had no
honor underneath his veneer of respectability.
With deep regret, he denounced Onamdammin
and fled along with his family to the mountains,
vowing to correct his mistake. He died from an
assassins arrow before he could carry out his
coup. His remaining sons are now seeking help
from other nations to depose their half-brother.
The Khaganhold of Ostalin is a violent state,
ruled poorly by Khagan Onamdammin, whose
passions and desires far outstrip his talents.
He has broken relations with the dragonborn


because they refuse to relinquish his siblings.

In response, he has become sympathetic to the
many tieflings chased out of other countries.
The Khagan is also intent on finding the
remaining three children of his father; he is
obsessed with securing his throne through a
program of elimination.
The capital city of Kistan is relatively small,
since the city that used to occupy the land was
burned down only a few decades ago by the
original Khagan. The nations diverse landscape
is renowned for its beauty, and Sindaire still
seeks to reclaim it.

The Monastery of Two

The Monastery of Two Winds lies in the
mountains that form the main border between
Ostalin and Dassen, near to the large town of
Eresh. The monastery teaches two different
approaches to harnessing the power of air
magic, the gentle west wind style, and the fierce
east wind style. Some monks of the two winds
feel compelled to travel the world, letting the
wind guide their journeys.

Cartography by Sean Macdonald

Layout and Typesetting by Eric Life-Putnam

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