Editor:: Saroj Bishoyi

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January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

Editor: Saroj Bishoyi


Gulbin Sultana

Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives

Gunjan Singh


Sampa Kundu

Southeast Asia and Oceania

Rajorshi Roy

Russia and Central Asia

Saroj Bishoyi

United States of America

Amit Kumar

Defence Reviews

Rajbala Rana

Internal Security Reviews

Arpita Anant

UN Reviews

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The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

In This Issue




A. South Asia


B. East Asia


C. Southeast Asia and Oceania


D. Russia


E. United States of America









The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

A. South Asia
(January 11-17, 2016)

Saudi prince meets Khaleda Zia; Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan addresses the
assembly of the United Nations Trusteeship Council.

Saudi Prince Turki bin Abdullah Aziz Al Saud and his brother Prince Badar bin Abdullah met
Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Chairperson Khaleda Zia on January 12. President of Islamic
Development Bank (IDB) Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali Al-Madani and Saudi Ambassador in Dhaka
Abdullah HM Al-Mutairi and BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, among
others, were present at the meeting. However, there was no formal briefing about the outcome of
the meeting.1
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan at an assembly of the United Nations Trusteeship Council in
New York on January 15 said Bangladesh government has taken a zero tolerance policy to combat
extremism and terrorism. He shared various measures, taken by Bangladesh with the participation
and cooperation of women, civil society, religious leaders, local elite, grassroots people and media,
for combating extremism. He also reaffirmed Dhaka's commitment to providing all-out
cooperation in curbing extremism and terrorism at both regional and international levels. Earlier
on the day, Khan inaugurated the services of Machine Readable Passport (MRP) and Machine
Readable Visa (MRV) at Consulate General offices of Bangladesh in Mexico and New York.2

Sri Lanka
(January 11-17, 2016)

Indian Foreign Secretary visits Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka endorses declaration to end sexual
violence in conflict; Sri Lanka-Japan Policy Dialogue; Pakistani Commerce Minister arrives
in Sri Lanka to open Pakistan Single Country Exhibition; British Minister of State for Asia
at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Hugo Swire visits Sri Lanka; Sri Lankan Finance
Minister attends Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank opening in Beijing; Sri Lanka forex
reserves stable at US$ 7.29 billion at the end 2015.

Indian Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar made a visit to Sri Lanka from January 12-13, 2016. The
main purpose of his visit was to pave the way for the India-Sri Lanka Joint Commission meeting
which will be held in Colombo next month. He is also expected to make arrangements for the
Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's visit to attend the Joint Commission meeting.
Dr. Jaishankar called on Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena on January 13 at the
Presidential Secretariat in Colombo. Commending the Sri Lankan President for his statesman-like
approach towards national reconciliation, the visiting Indian official conveyed congratulations
from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the Presidents one year in Office. Dr. Jaishankar

Saudi Prince Meets Khaleda, The Daily Star, January 13, 2016, at http://www.thedailystar.net/city/saudi-princemeets-khaleda-201142.
Dhaka Reaffirms Zero Tolerance for Terrorism, The Daily Star, January 17, 2016, at

The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

also met with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, and former President of Sri Lanka Ms.
Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mangala Samaraweera,
Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade, Malik Samarawickrema, Leader of
Opposition R. Sampanthan, and his counterpart Foreign Secretary Ms. Chitranganee Wagiswara.
During his visit, Dr. Jaishankar reviewed various aspects of the bilateral relationship, including
preparations for the forthcoming Joint Commission Meeting.3
The Sri Lankan Government endorsed the declaration of commitment to end sexual violence in
conflict on January 12, 2016. The Foreign Ministry said that the Government of Sri Lanka, in
manifestation of its firm commitment to uphold, promote and protect the human rights of all, and
denounce sexual violence, has decided to endorse the declaration of commitment to end sexual
violence in conflict.4
The national reconciliation and peace-building process in Sri Lanka was the focus of the
discussions held in the first round of Sri Lanka- Japan Policy Dialogue at Senior Official Level of
the two Foreign Ministries in Colombo on January 12, 2016. The convening of the Policy Dialogue
was proposed in the Joint Declaration on a "Comprehensive Partnership" between Sri Lanka and
Japan, issued during the visit of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe to Japan in October 2015.
The Foreign Ministry issuing a statement said that the Dialogue focused on promotion of
investment and trade, collaboration in the national development plan and cooperation in the
national reconciliation and peace-building process in Sri Lanka. Both sides also had discussions on
regional issues as well as global challenges affecting the two countries. Under the framework of
the Policy Dialogue it was decided to hold three specialized Dialogues: a Dialogue on Maritime
Security, Safety and Oceanic Issues, to be chaired by the Ministry of Defence; an Economic
Cooperation Policy Dialogue & Consultation on National Development Cooperation, to be chaired
by the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs and an Economic Policy Dialogue, to be
chaired by the Ministry of Development Strategies & International Trade in the months of January,
February and May of this year, respectively. The next round of the Policy Dialogue at the Senior
Official Level of the two Foreign Ministries will be held in Tokyo, in early 2017. The Policy
Dialogue was co-chaired by Mr. O.L. Ameer Ajwad, Director General of the East Asia & Pacific
Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka and Mr. Kazuya Nashida, Director-General
of the Southeast and Southwest Asian Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Japan. The Japan side was also represented by Mr. Kenichi Suganuma, Ambassador of Japan to Sri
Lanka, Ms. Asako Okai, Deputy Head of Mission of the Japanese Embassy in Sri Lanka, Mr.
Takashi Ariyoshi, Director, Southwest Asia Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,
Mr. Shinichi Murata, Official, Southwest Asia Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,
Mr. Yasuhito Tamada, Director, International Economic Affairs Division, Global ICT Strategy
Bureau, Mr. Kiyoshi Amada, Chief Representative of the JICA Sri Lanka Office and other Senior
Officials. On the Sri Lanka side, Ms. Neelamani Aberatne, Addl. Secretary, Ministry of Special
Assignments, Mrs. Nilanthi Sugathadasa, Addl. Secretary of the Ministry of Skills Development &
Vocational Training, Mrs. Shirani Weerakoon, Addl. Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism

Indian Foreign Secretary Arrives in Sri Lanka for Talks, ColomboPage, January 12, 2016, at
http://www.colombopage.com/archive_16A/Jan12_1452584752CH.php. Indian Foreign Secretary Reviews
Sri Lanka Endorses Declaration to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, Colombo Gazatte, January 12, 2016, at

The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

Development & Christian Religious Affairs, Mr. M. Dewasurendra, Addl. Secretary of the
Ministry of Higher Education & Highways, Mr. J.M. Thilakarathna, Addl. Secretary of the
Ministry of Transport & Civil Aviation and other Senior Officials of several Ministries participated
in the Policy Dialogue.5
Pakistan's Federal Minister for Commerce, Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan went to Sri Lanka on
January 14 on a two-day visit along with senior officials to formally inaugurate the Pakistan Single
Country Exhibition 2016 in Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) on
January 15, 2016. The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) is organizing the
Exhibition in collaboration with the High Commission of Pakistan in Sri Lanka.6
British Minister of State for Asia at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Hugo Swire, who
arrived in Sri Lanka on January 14, visited the North with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe
to participate in the National Thai Pongal day celebrations in Jaffna. While in Jaffna, the minister
held talks with the Chief Minister of Northern Province C.V. Wigneswaran and discussed land
issues and long-term political solution the ethnic issue. After meeting with the civil society leaders
and human rights defenders in Jaffna and discussing the reconciliation process, Swire commented
that he is positive about the government's efforts but faster progress is needed. Swire,
accompanied by the British High Commissioner in Colombo James Dairies, also met with the
families resettled after demining and observed the Thai Pongal rituals. The Minister visited the
Kelaniya Temple and held discussion on religious affairs with the Chief Prelate of the temple. The
Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and British Minister of State Hugo Swire had talks on January 14
on issues faced by the Tamils. According to the TNA, Swire and the TNA discuss issues of
accountability, constitutional reform and the day to day issues of the Tamil people. The TNA was
represented by TNA Parliamentarian and spokesman M.A. Sumanthiran. British Minister of State
for Asia at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Hugo Swire, addressing a press conference in
Colombo before his departure, said the UK government will neither pressurise nor influence the
Sri Lankan government on the formulation of a new Constitution but welcome the government's
initiative in changes. The Minister said he is encouraged by the progress Sri Lanka has made
under the President Maithripala Sirisenas government in human rights situation in Sri Lanka.
Speaking at the Council for Business with Britain, Hugo Swire said that since the election of
President Maithripala Sirisena last January, there has been a distinct and welcome change of
atmosphere in the bilateral relationship between Sri Lanka and UK. He also pointed out the
importance of establishing a non-residential Defence Attach to support Sri Lankan military

Sri Lanka- Japan Policy Dialogue Focuses on National Reconciliation and Peace-Building Process in Sri Lanka,
ColomboPage, January 14, 2016, at http://www.colombopage.com/archive_16A/Jan14_1452759354CH.php.
Pakistani Commerce Minister Arrives in Sri Lanka to Open Pakistan Single Country Exhibition, ColomboPage,
January 14, 2016, at http://www.colombopage.com/archive_16A/Jan14_1452782008CH.php.
UK will not Influence Sri Lanka on Political Affairs or Constitutional Affairs, ColomboPage, January 16, 2016, at
http: //www.colombopage.com/archive_16A/Jan16_1452958247CH.php. TNA and Swire Discuss Issues Faced by
the Tamils, Colombo Gazatte, January 14, 2016, at http://colombogazette.com/2016/01/14/tna-and-swire-discussissues-faced-by-the-tamils/.

The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

Minister of Finance, Ravi Karunanayake attended the opening ceremony of the Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) on January 17 in Beijing. Sri Lanka is a founding member of
the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.8
Sri Lanka's gross official reserves stood at US $7.292 billion as at end December 2015, marginally
up from US $ 7.281 billion reported in the previous month, data released from the Central Bank
shows. The December 2015 foreign reserves are down from US dollars 8.21 billion at the end of
2014 mainly due to debt repayments and higher imports. The Dec 2015 reserves included US
dollars 6.46 billion in foreign reserves and US dollars 760 million in gold. Foreign reserves
improved after Sri Lanka raised US dollars 1.5 billion in a 10-year sovereign bond issue in late
October. Sri Lankas gross official reserves stood at US dollars 6.5 billion as at end October. The
Central Bank tried to defend the rupee by selling dollars heavily before floating it on September 3.
The rupee has fallen 8.8 percent so far this year and 6.3 percent since it was floated.9

(January 11-17, 2016)

Foreign Secretary and Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of India visits Maldives; Pact
with Maldives in 2014 gets Indian Cabinet approval; Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala
Samaraweera and Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake visit Maldives; Bangladesh army
chief arrives in Maldives; Maldives condemns nuclear test by N. Korea; Hugo Swire visits
Maldives; Modi Government has approved MoU between India and the Maldives in the
field of health.

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has discussed ways to further reinforce and strengthen
the existing diplomatic and political relations between India and the Maldives with Foreign
Secretary and Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of India, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on January
11, 2016. The President and the Indian Foreign Secretary spoke of supporting each other in the
International Arena and in times of political distress. Further discussions were held regarding
cross-border terrorism, health care and economic development in the Maldives. The President was
accompanied at the meeting by Minister of Foreign Affairs Dunya Maumoon, Foreign Secretary of
Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed and Under Secretary at the Presidents Office
Mohamed Naseer.10
The Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between Maldives and India on health sector
related matters signed between the two countries in January 2014 during President Abdulla
Yameens visit to India, obtained Indian Cabinet approval on January 13. The MoU covers
assistance to Maldives in developing human resources in healthcare sector, as well as greater
cooperation in exchange and training of doctors and other health professionals, and medical and
health research development. It also covers cooperation in management of healthcare sector and
public health services, procurement of generic and essential drugs and assistance in sourcing of


Sri Lankan Finance Minister Attends Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Opening in Beijing, ColomboPage,
January 17, 2016, at http://www.colombopage.com/archive_16A/Jan17_1452969819CH.php.
Sri Lanka Forex Reserves Stable at End 2015 at US$ 7.29 bn, ColombpoPage, January 11, 2016, at
President Discusses Ways to Strengthen Diplomatic and Political Relations with India, The Presidency, Republic of
Maldives, January 11, 2016 at http://www.presidencymaldives.gov.mv/Index.aspx?lid=11&dcid=16309.

The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

drug supplies, health promotion and disease prevention, traditional and complementary
medicine, telemedicine and any other area of cooperation that the two countries agree upon.11
Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera and Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake
made an official visit to the Maldives and met President Yameen. President Yameen, Minister
Samaraweera and Minister Karunanayake discussed the bilateral relations between the countries
and focused on areas and issues for further cooperation including the fight against terrorism.
Minister Samaraweera, during the meeting, thanked President Yameen for the invitation to visit
Maldives and assured him that the Sri Lankan government would work towards further
strengthening the bilateral ties between the two countries. The meeting was held at Presidents
Office and was attended by Maldivian Foreign Minister Dhunya Maumoon, Foreign Secretary Dr.
Ali Naseer Mohamed and Presidents Office Under Secretary Mohamed Naseer.12
Chief of Army Staff of Bangladesh Army, General Abu Belal Muhammad Shafiul Huq came to
Maldives on January 15 on an official visit. He was welcomed at Ibrahim Nasir International
Airport upon arrival by Vice-Chief of Defence Force, Brigadier General Ahmed Shahid.13
Maldivian government has condemned the hydrogen bomb test conducted by North Korea.
Maldivian Foreign Ministry released a statement on January 15 which says, the recent nuclear
test by DPRK is a clear act of defiance and provocation to its regional neighbours. The Maldives
considers DPRK's nuclear weapons ambition not only as a hindrance to regional stability but also
as a serious threat to international peace and security as a whole.14
The Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and MP for East Devon, Hugo
Swire made a visit to the Maldives. During the visit, he met with President Abdulla Yamin Abdul
Gayoom, the former President of the Maldives and the President of the current ruling party PPM,
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and different political party leaders in the Maldives including the
opposition MDP and Adhaalath Party. At his meeting with President Yamin, both sides expressed
their commitment to further strengthening existing bilateral ties between the Maldives and the
UK. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dunya Maumoon, Foreign Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed, and Undersecretary (Foreign Relations) at the Presidents
Office, Mr. Mohamed Naseer were present at the Presidents meeting with Swire.15
The Modi government has approved for the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between
India and Maldives which was signed in January, 2014 on cooperation in the field of Health. The
MoU covers: Exchange & training of medical doctors, officials, other health professionals and
experts; Assistance in development of human resources and setting up of health care facilities;
Medical and health research development; Management of healthcare sector and public health
services; Procurement of generic and essential drugs and assistance in sourcing of drug supplies;
Health promotion and disease prevention; Traditional and; complementary Medicine;
Telemedicine; and any other area of cooperation as may be mutually decided upon. This MoU will
facilitate greater cooperation between the two countries, especially for assisting Maldives for



Pact with Maldives in 2014 Gets Indian Cabinet Approval, SunOnline, January 14, 2016, at
President: Regional Countries Can Work Together to Stop Terrorism, SunOnline, January 14, 2016, at
Bangladesh Army Chief Arrives in Maldives, SunOnline, January 16, 2016, at http://english.sun.mv/35751.
Maldives Condemns Nuclear Test by N. Korea, SunOnline, January 16, 2016, at http://english.sun.mv/35744.
Hugo Swire has Met with President Maumoon, SunOnline, January 17, 2016, at http://english.sun.mv/35772.

The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

development of human resources and facilities for healthcare. Enhanced cooperation in the field of
health will foster great friendship and relations between the two countries.16

B. East Asia
(January 11-17, 2016)

China reshuffles military headquarters to make military stronger; China asserts the
importance of one-China Principle; Li Keqiang addresses the Board of Governors of AIIB;
Foreign Minister of Switzerland visits China; Chinese army capable of defending its
sovereignty; Xi Jinping will visit Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran; China releases first White Paper
on China-Arab relations; China claims it informed Vietnam about test flight on Nansha
Islands; China ready for role in Afghanistan reconciliation.

In a recent attempt to make the Chinese military stronger, Beijing reorganized its four military
headquarters staff, politics, logistics and armaments into 15 new agencies under the Central
Military Commission (CMC). Under the new changes there are six new departments: joint staff,
political work, logistical support, equipment development, training, and national defence
mobilization and three commissions discipline inspection, politics and law, and science and
technology as well as the general office and five more: administration, auditing, international
cooperation, reform and organizational structure, and strategic planning.17
On January 16, the Chinese foreign ministry asked the international community to follow the oneChina principle. Such announcements were made following that recent leadership election in
Taiwan. The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei said that, We hope and believe
that the international community will adhere to the one-China principle, oppose 'Taiwan
independence' in any form and support peaceful development of cross-Straits relations through
concrete actions.18
On January 16, the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang addressed the inaugural meeting of Board of
Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). During the meeting Li asserted
that, It is our hope that the AIIB will fully draw on the useful experience of existing multilateral
development institutions, well identify its own role and cultivate its unique features.19
During the recent visit of Didier Burkhalter, Foreign Minister of Switzerland to China, both China
and Switzerland discussed ways to fight corruption and also ways to increase cooperation in areas
of economy, innovation, people to people exchanges etc. The Swiss Foreign Minister met with the
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on January 15.20






MoU between India and Maldives for Health, PIB, January 13, 2016, Release ID: 134423,
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/11/content_23035120.htm, accessed on January 18, 2016
China Urges Int'l Community to Adhere to One-China Principle, China Daily, January 17, 2016
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/17/content_23118264.htm, accessed on January 18, 2016
Premier Li Keqiang Addresses AIIB Board of Governors, China Daily, January 17, 2016
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/17/content_23123670.htm, accessed on January 18, 2016
China, Switzerland to Step up Anti-Corruption Cooperation, China Daily, January 16, 2016
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/16/content_23111959.htm, accessed on January 18, 2016


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

As a response to Japanese media reports of Japan preparing to send ships to urge the Chinese
naval ships to leave if they come closer than 12 nautical miles off the Diaoyu Islands, the Chinese
Ministry of National Defence stated that the Chinese armed forces will safeguard Chinas
The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang announced on January 15, that the Chinese
President will be paying state visit to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran from January 19 to January 23,
On January 13, China released its first White Paper on Arab policy. According to the Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei, The report aims to wrap up historical experience and
hints at developing China-Arab relations and planning key fields and the direction of China-Arab
friendly cooperation.23
China asserts that it had informed Vietnam about the test flights on Yongshu Jiao, which is one of
the Nansha Islands. Hong Lei argued on that, We are shocked and bewildered by the repeated
arguments by Vietnam. Chin also asserts that its tests are in accordance to the international law.24
Chinas special envoy to Afghanistan Deng Xijun attended a meeting in Islamabad on January 11
along with officials from Pakistan, the United States and Afghanistan. During the meeting China
asserted that it is willing to play a constructive role in the reconciliation process of Afghanistan.25

C. Southeast Asia
(January 11-17, 2016)

JAIF caravan held in Lao PDR; Tourism promotion in ASEAN.

The second Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) Caravan was hosted by Lao PDR on January
14-15. It aimed at exploring and creating working relationships between relevant Ministries and
JAIF public sector partners. Since Laos is the country chair of ASEAN now and received multiple
benefits from the JAIF projects, it was only relevant to conduct the 2nd JAIF in Lao PDR. Laos has
outlined eight priority areas for ASEAN as the chair including narrowing the developmental gaps,
trade facilitation, enhancing connectivity, strengthening SMEs and so on. Senior level government
officials, private sector representatives and other stakeholders participated in the JAIF caravan






Ministry of Defence Reiterates Position on Diaoyu Islands, By Wang Xu, China Daily, January 15, 2016 at
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/15/content_23110808.htm, accessed on January 18, 2016
Chinese President To Visit Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran China Daily, January 15, 2016 at
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2016xivisitmiddleeast/2016-01/15/content_23109775.htm, accessed on
January 18, 2016
New Paper Points Way for Sino-Arab Ties, By Li Xiaokun and Wang Qingyun, China Daily, January 15, 2016 at
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/15/content_23094606.htm, accessed on January 18, 2016
China Reiterates It Told Vietnam of Test Flights, By Wang Qingyun, China Daily, January 14, 2016 at
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/14/content_23092532.htm, accessed on January 18, 2016
Beijing to Play Role in Afghan Settlement, By Wang Qingyun, China Daily, January 12, 2016 at
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/12/content_23054129.htm, accessed on January 18, 2016

The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

and the event was jointly organised by the Lao PDR foreign ministry and JAIF Management Team
(JMT) at the ASEAN Secretariat.26
Manila is all set to host the 35th ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF), themed, One Community for
Sustainability. The Entertainment City of Manila will be the primary place where most of the
events of ATF 2016 will take place. Besides, Tourism Authority of Thailand organised ASEAN
Friendship caravan in January where a group of people visited Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia and
travelled back to Thailand. It was a 10 day event and the groups 3400 km long journey across the
region was funded by the Toyota Motors.27

Southeast Asia
(January 11-17, 2016)

Hun Sen trying to pacify the Cambodians; Malaysian infrastructure federation calls for
early ratification of TPP; IS attack in Jakarta; Malaysia police arrested four suspects;
Members of the 13th parliament in Singapore sworn in; US-Philippines defence talk.

The Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will face general election in 2018; however, it seems like
he has already started his election campaign. The authoritative ruler, Hun Sen, who is infamous
for human rights violation and not allowing the opposition to work effectively in the country, has
been trying to garner support by increasing salary in the garment structure and by relaxing
inheritance tax. In 2013 the Cambodian Peoples Party, the party of PM Hun Sen won narrowly
and it was the youth population who deserted him. Hence, Hun Sen is now using internet
platforms to reach out to the youths of the country. However, it would be difficult for Hun Sen to
win the 2018 election. The party and government forces have beaten the opposition lawmakers
and attempted to violate human rights in several occasions and those memories are still prominent
in the minds of the common people of Cambodia. Additionally, the victory of the National League
for Democracy (NLD) in Myanmar has also given a cause to the Cambodians to think twice before
they again vote for Hun Sen.28
The Federation of Malaysian Infrastructures (FMM) advised the government to ratify the TransPacific Partnership agreement as soon as possible, as it will enable Malaysia to save USD 1.2
billion which, otherwise, goes to tariff expenditure. The TTP will remove 85 per cent of tariff from
Malaysias trade with its new free trade partners including the US, Canada, Mexico and Peru. The
FMM said that liberalised economies like South Korea, China etc. have performed well in the
global market than the closed economies. It also mentioned that Malaysia should sign/ratify FTAs




Lao PDR Takes the 2nd Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund Caravan, ASEAN Official Website, January 14, 2016, at
http://www.asean.org/lao-pdr-takes-the-2nd-japan-asean-integration-fund-caravan/, accessed on January 21,
HCM City Welcomes ASEAN Friendship Caravan, Vietnam Net, January 16, 2016 at
http://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/travel/150167/hcm-city-welcomes-asean-friendship-caravan.html, accessed on
January 21, 2016.
Prak Chan Thul , Haunted by Close Call, Cambodia's Long-Ruling PM Gears up for Distant Election, Reuters,
January 13, 2016, at http://www.reuters.com/article/us-cambodia-politics-idUSKCN0UR13420160113, accessed on
January 21, 2016.

The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

which would certainly give the country additional opportunities to be at par with other strong
regional economies like Singapore and Vietnam.29
On January 13, 2016, a series of bombing hit the city of Jakarta with an immediate casualty of
seven people including two civilians. Islamic State (IS) has claimed the responsibility of those
seven explosions including one at the Starbucks. Despite its steady emergence in Southeast Asia,
especially, in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia, this recent terror act was enough to evoke
popular sentiment against the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the region. Indonesian police
faced an angry mob while trying to send the body of one of the suicide-bombers, Ahmad
Muhazan to his hometown, Indra Maya. Residents of the city claimed that Indra Maya should not
be remembered as a city of a terrorist. In Central Java too, a group of young Indonesians, affiliated
to Indonesias largest Islamic youth movement, went to the streets and marched with posters like
Lets Reject the Caliphate. The Indonesian police have arrested a dozen people in connection
with the explosions and are now investigating the matter. However, to what extent, they would be
able to handle the issue of IS is questionable. Last year, during Shangri-La Dialogue, Singaporean
Premier Lee Hsein Loong warned the region of a possible foothold of IS like the ones they have in
Syria and Iraq. Terrorism expert, Rohan Gunarata, opined that Indonesia or Philippines might be
good options for the IS from where they can spread their networks in the region.30
Malaysian Police have arrested four youths suspected of having links with the IS between January
11 and January 15 from Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. The police said, one of the suspects was
planning for a suicide bombing inside the country and another one is having direct connection
with the funding agency of IS. Three of them were detained in Turkey while they were trying to
go to Syria and join IS. They were sent back to Malaysia. Later on, the Malaysian police arrested
them in Kuala Lumpur on their arrival on January 11. The arrests came to light after the explosions
in Indonesia happened on January 13. As hundreds of youths from Malaysia and Indonesia have
left their countries to join the IS, the state authorities have tightened their control. For instance, the
Malaysian police have detained over 120 people since 2014 under its terrorism laws. The most
dangerous threat is posed by the returnees who have travelled through Middle East and West
Asia and are well-equipped to carry out terror acts.31
Singapore got a new Parliament with 89 members and 2 non-constituency members from the
opposition Workers Party on January 15. This is the thirteenth parliament and PM Lee Hsein
Loong was the first who sworn in in the new Parliament. The Leader of the House, Ms. Grace Fu,
To provide Singaporeans with quality living, our infrastructure and landscape must be refreshed,
our economy must continue to be dynamic, and our social safety nets must be strengthened. We
must build good homes for people to live in, provide an efficient transport system for commuters,
Calls for Ratification of
the TPPA,
Star Online,
January 15,
accessed on January 21, 2016.
30 Beauchamp, Zack, Jakarta Bombings: Here's What We Know about ISIS in Indonesia, Vox World, January 14, 2016,
at http://www.vox.com/2016/1/14/10767986/jakarta-bombings-isis-indonesia, accessed on January 22, 2016.
And, Parameswaran, Prashanth, Islamic State Eyes Asia Base in 2016 in Philippines, Indonesia: Expert, The
Diplomat, January 14, 2016, at http://thediplomat.com/2016/01/islamic-state-eyes-asia-base-in-2016-inphilippines-indonesia-expert/, accessed on January 22, 2016.
31 Ngui, Yantoultra and Fernandez, Celine, Malaysia Arrests After Jakarta Attack Fuel Fears of Islamic States
Reach, The Wall Street Journal, January 16, 2016, at http://www.wsj.com/articles/malaysia-arrests-suspectedislamic-state-militants-1452931418, accessed on January 22, 2016.


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

continue economic restructuring to create good jobs for our workers, and educate our students to
be ready to take on those good jobs.
She also said,
"We welcome sincere, serious debate from Members as we discuss these vital issues affecting all
Singaporeans, decide on the future that we want to create and launch the next chapter of our
countrys story together."
Grace Fu is the first women Leader of the House in the Singapore Parliament and the speaker is
Mdm Halimah Yacob, who has become the speaker for second time. 32
US Secretary of State, John Kerry and Defence Secretary, Ash Carter met their Filipino
counterparts and discussed regional security issues. US State Department Spokesman John Kirby
I can assure you that tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly the South China Sea, will be
on the agenda. It's a concern that we and our Philippine friends and allies share, and I suspect
they'll have a pretty robust discussion about it tomorrow.
Philippines and US are security allies and do conduct regular joint exercises and patrols in the
South China Sea. US military access to Philippines, possible future arms deals and larger US
agenda in the Asia-Pacific were other discussing agenda in the meeting.33

India-Southeast Asia Relations

(January 11-17, 2016)

India-CLMV Business Conclave in Tamil Nadu; MoUs between Madhya Pradesh and

In the 3rd India-CLMV Business Conclave, the Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry,
Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, mentioned that government of India will approve a project development
fund of USD 75 million in February which will benefit the Indian firms to invest in Cambodia,
Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar. The business conclave was organised in Tamil Nadu. The minister
said that the fund can be used for various activities including land acquisition, obtaining
clearances or feasibility studies. Over the past decade, Indias trade with CLMV countries has
grown ten-fold; from $ 1.1 billion in 2004 to $ 11.9 billion in 2014. Since, the CLMV countries are
strategically located in the region, for India, it would be beneficial to gain more access there as the
latter aims at integrating with the region. Rail, road and sea connectivity will also get a boost if
trade and business flourish.34


Members of Singapore's 13th Parliament Sworn in, Channel News Asia, January 15, 2016, at
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/members-of-singapore-s/2428968.html, accessed on January
22, 2016.
33 Ching, Nike, South China Sea Tensions Top Agenda in US-Philippines Talks, Voice of America (VOA) News,
January 11, 2016, at http://www.voanews.com/content/south-china-sea-tensions-top-agenda-in-us-philippinestalks/3141108.html, accessed on January 22, 2016.
India Aiming for Greater Integration with CLMV, Khmer Times, January 13, 2016, at
January 21, 2016.


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

Madhya Pradesh has signed four Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Singapore on
January 14 including one on 1000 megawatt wind energy plant. The CM of Madhya Pradesh, Mr.
Chauhan, mentioned that the state has 12000 acres of land where industries can be set up. The
occasion was a business seminar in the state. Other MoUs were on capacity building, urban
planning and food processing. Land, skilled manpower, power and water- all are available in
Madhya Pradesh, added the chief minister.35

D. Russia
Russia: National
(January 11-17, 2016)

Russias new Security Strategy to be binding; Putin says Russias GDP fell by 3.8 per cent in
2015 while inflation rose to 12.7 per cent; Rouble hits 13 month low against the backdrop of
falling oil prices; Russian oil prices dropped by 50 per cent in 2015; Russia prepares stress
scenario based on US$ 25 per barrel oil price; Russia considering a privatization plan for
2016; Russia estimates gas deliveries to Europe will increase in the future while oil exports
will decline; Russia cuts spending on International Space Station by US$ 400 million;
Russia rejects reports of South Stream project being revived.

The Russian Security Council has said that the updated National Security Strategy approved by
President Vladimir Putin on the last day of 2015 is binding on all government agencies. Deputy
Security Council Secretary Vladimir Nazarov stated that the strategy is not a declaratory
document. It is implemented on a planned basis. The provisions of the Strategy are binding for all
state agencies and local authorities and are a basis for developing and amending documents
pertaining to strategic planning and programming in ensuring Russias national security and
socio-economic development and the work of public authorities at all levels. Nazarov noted that
the Strategy is one of the most important documents of strategic planning, which determines the
order of activities and measures to ensure the countrys national security. The new version of the
document contains the expanded list of Russias national interests. These include strengthening
the countrys defence capabilities, promoting national accord and unity, raising the
competitiveness of the national economy, preserving its cultural heritage and the traditional
spiritual and moral values of the Russian society.36
President Vladimir Putin has said that the Russian GDP and industrial production fell by 3.8 and
3.3 per cent respectively in 2015 while inflation rose by 12.7 per cent during the same period.
However, he also pointed out to the positive trend of Russias foreign trade surplus remaining at
the same level and there being an increase in the export volume of value added products.
Meanwhile, Central bank continues to hold US$ 340 billion in gold and currency reserves and the
two state reserve funds having US$ 70-80 billion each. Russias federal budget projected revenue
of 13.738 trillion roubles (US$ 196 billion) and expenditure of 16.099 trillion roubles (US$ 229.9
billion) with a budget deficit of 2.36 trillion roubles (US$ 33.9 billion) which is 3 per cent of the



Madhya Pradesh Signs Four MoUs with Singapore, The Economic Times, January 14, 2016, at
accessed on January 22, 2016.
Security Council: Russias New Security Strategy To Be Binding, Not Declaratory, Itar-Tass, January 12, 2016 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

GDP. The 2016 budget is based on the inflation rate of no more than 6.4 per cent. Russias GDP is
projected at 78.673 trillion roubles (US$ 1.12 trillion) in 2016.37
The Russian Rouble fell to its lowest level against the dollar and euro since December 2014 amid a
drop in oil prices and falling stocks. As such, the Rouble traded at 76 against the U.S. dollar and 83
against the Euro. Since the beginning of 2014, the Rouble has lost half of its value against the U.S.
The average price of Russian oil dropped almost by 50 percent in 2015. In 2014, the average price
of Russia's key export, the Urals crude oil, stood at US$ 97.6 per barrel, while in 2015 it price fell
by 47.5 per cent to US$ 51.23. In December 2015, Urals oil traded at US$ 36.42 a barrel, down from
US$ 42.11 in November. Deputy Finance Minister Maxim Oreshkin has said that Russia's 2016
budget projects the average price of Urals oil at US$ 50 per barrel. With an oil price baseline of
US$ 40 per barrel, the country's budget deficit is expected to reach 1.5 trillion roubles (US$ 19.8
Economic Development Minister Aleksey Ulyukayev has said, on January 13, that a stress scenario
based on US$ 25 per barrel oil price is being prepared. He added that this scenario implies the
roubles exchange rate at more than 80 roubles per dollar. Meanwhile, President Vladimir Putin
has urged the Russian government to closely watch the unfolding economic situation in Russia
and be ready to meet any eventuality.40
First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has said, on January 13, that the Russian government is
considering an ambitious privatization plan for 2016.41
Deputy Energy Minister Anatoly Yanovsky has said that Russias gas deliveries to the European
market are likely to increase in the future while oil exports are likely to decline. He added that the
European Union remained the most important trade and economic partner for Russia. Mr.
Yanovsky made these statements during the Gaidar economic forum meeting held on January
Russias federal space agency Roscosmos will cut spending on servicing the International Space
Station (ISS) in 2016-2015 by almost 30 billion roubles. Over the next decade, Russia will allocate
252.1 billion roubles ($3.43 billion) for flight control, servicing the Russian segment of ISS and
implementing a programme of scientific experiments. As such, Russia is expected to spend around
26.8 billion roubles (US$ 360 million) per year on servicing the ISS.43








President Putin Says Russias 2015 GDP Drop Stands at 3.8%, Inflation Hits 12.7%, Itar-Tass, January 13, 2016 at
Ruble Hits 13-Month Low on Falling Oil Prices, The Moscow Times, January 11, 2016 at
Russia Prepares Stress Scenario Based on $25 per Barrel Oil Price Minister, Itar-Tass, January 13, 2016 at
Russian Government Considering Ambitious Privatization Plan for 2016 Deputy PM, Itar-Tass, January 13,
2016 at http://tass.ru/en/economy/849261
Russia's Gas Deliveries To Europe Expected To Rise, Oil Exports To Decline Ministry, Itar-Tass, January 13,
2016 at http://tass.ru/en/economy/849370
Russia Cuts Spending on Servicing ISS by $400 Million Media, Itar-Tass, January 13, 2016 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

Russian Energy Ministry has stated that the status of South Stream gas pipeline project is
unchanged and all related work is on hold. Earlier Bulgarian media had reported that work on the
South Stream project will resume within a few weeks. On December 1, 2014 President Vladimir
Putin had declared that Russia will not implement the South Stream project amid the current
environment while Chairman of Gazprom's Management Committee Alexey Miller said the
project was no longer relevant.44

Russia: International
(January 11-17, 2016)

Putin and Obama discuss global crises; Putin says granting asylum to Assam would be
easy; Russian and American officials meet in Kaliningrad; Russia and the U.S. confirm
support for intra-Syrian negotiations; Egyptian Foreign Minister says Cairo supports
Russias actions in Syria; Russia plans to complete development of military facilities in
Kuril Islands in 2016; Russian and Japanese Foreign Ministers discuss security situation in
North East Asia; Russia-Japan trade fell by 30 per cent in 2015; Russian Foreign Minister
calls on Seoul to display restraint and avoid fanning tensions in North East Asia; Russia
criticises Ukraines statement on launch of Minsk-3 process; Iran to prevent export of
Turkish products to Russia that are disguised as Iranian exports; Russia sends 32 tons of aid
to quake hit Tajikistan; Russia criticises organisers of 4th Nuclear Security Summit; Russias
losses due to European Union sanctions and counter-sanctions estimated at 25 billion in

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with his American counterpart
Barack Obama on January 14 wherein they discussed the Ukrainian conflict, increased tensions in
the Middle East, a resolution for the Syrian crisis and the threat of North Korea successfully
testing a hydrogen bomb. They also dwelled on aspects of bilateral relations needed to fight the
threat of terrorism in the Middle East, and called for a de-escalation of the standoff between Saudi
Arabia and Iran. The Kremlin described the conversation as frank and business-like and stated
that the call was initiated by the United States.45
President Vladimir Putin has said, on January 12, that granting asylum to Syrian President Bashar
Assad in Russia would be much easier than sheltering U.S. intelligence leaker Edward Snowden.
However, he also stated that this issue is premature for the time being. Putin added that it is
necessary to allow the Syrian population to speak up in an election before discussing the
possibility of sheltering Assad. If this is done in a democratic way, maybe he won't have to go
anywhere. And it won't matter whether he remains the president. Putin also acknowledged that
the Syrian leader had made a lot of mistakes during the course of the conflict in Syria and the
situation would not have escalated so quickly without outside actors providing money, arms and
President Vladimir Putin's aide Vladislav Surkov has met with the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland on January 15 in Kaliningrad. The meeting



Russias Energy Ministry Rejects Reports South Stream Pipeline Project To Be Resumed Soon, Itar-Tass, January
11, 2016 at http://tass.ru/en/economy/848721
Obama Calls Putin to Discuss Global Crises, The Moscow Times, January 14, 2016 at
Granting Assad Asylum Would Be Easy Putin, The Moscow Times, January 12, 2015 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

took place behind closed doors without the presence of press. According to State Department
spokesman Josh Kirby, the meeting was devoted to discussing the implementation of the Minsk
agreements in Ukraine. Some reports claim that Surkov and Nuland had to meet near the RussianLithuanian border because Surkov is banned from entering the European Union.47
In a telephone conversation held on January 11, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerry confirmed support for intra-Syrian negotiations. They also
exchanged opinions on other topical international issues, including the implementation of the
Minsk Package of Measures for the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine, the worsening of relations
between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the conflict in Yemen, the situation on the Korean peninsula after
a nuclear test carried out by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.48
Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has said, on January 13, that Cairo supports Russias
actions in Syria. He stated we believe in Russias ability to tell terrorist organizations from other
targets. He also noted that this stance "was not the exclusive right of the international antiterrorist coalition, which includes the United States, Germany and which Egypt has joined."
Speaking about the recent contracts with Russia on arms supplies, Shoukry pointed to the existing
strategic partnership between Egypt and the United States and added that there is no alternative
to US military aid to Egypt. However, Egypt needs to diversify its relations.49
Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu has said, on December 12, that Russia plans to complete the
process of infrastructure development in the Kuril Islands by 2016. The work will be carried out
within the framework of the Defence Ministry programme until 2020. As such, there are plans to
build 392 buildings and facilities on the Iturup and Kunashir Islands of the Greater Kuril Ridge.50
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida have, on
January 13, discussed the evolving security situation in Northeast Asia and the timetable of
bilateral political contacts. Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the two sides exchanged opinion
of the state of affairs in the Korean Peninsula and the security situation in Northeast Asia in
general after the DPRK declared it had carried out a hydrogen bomb test.51
Russian member of Duma, Sergey Naryshkin has met with Japans ex-foreign minister Masahiko
Komura in Moscow on January 13. It was pointed out that trade between the two countries fell by
30 per cent in the first ten months of 2015. However, Naryshkin expressed confidence that the
Russian-Japanese cooperation still has a good potential for development. He stated our
cooperation has an independent value that should not depend on the factors out of scope of
bilateral cooperation. Mr. Komura also held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov






Putin's Aide Surkov Meets Nuland in Kaliningrad, The Moscow Times, January 12, 2015 at
Lavrov and Kerry Confirm Support For Intra-Syrian Negotiations, Itar-Tass, January 11, 2016 at
Cairo Supports Russias Actions in Syria Egyptian Foreign Minister, Itar-Tass, January 13, 2016 at
Russia Plans To Complete Development of Military Facilities In Kuril Islands in 2016, Itar-Tass, January 12, 2016
at http://tass.ru/en/defense/848989
Russian, Japanese Foreign Ministers Discuss Security in Northeast Asia, Itar-Tass, January 13, 2016 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

and handed over a personal message of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Russian President
Vladimir Putin.52
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in a telephone conversation with his South Korean
counterpart has urged Seoul to refrain from any action that might fan tensions in Northeast Asia.
Mr. Lavrov also stressed for an early resumption of dialogue geared to identifying ways of a
political and diplomatic settlement of the current crisis.53
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has said, on January 11, that Ukraines
statements on the launch of a new political process, termed as Minsk-3 are incompetent and
fundamentally wrong. She added that there is the package of documents adopted at the summit
meeting of the Normandy Quartet in Minsk a year ago. Their impeccable observance is the main
task facing all parties involved in the settlement process. The invention of new formats the
Ukrainian official mentioned is an entertaining process, no denying that, but it is devoid of any
sense when it comes to the implementation of the already assumed commitments. Such loose and
subjective interpretation of the agreements signed by the leaders of the four countries merely
hinder the settlement process.54
Russian veterinary and phytosanitary regulator Rosselkhoznadzor has said, on January 11 that
Iran will undertake all the possible measures to prevent export of banned Turkish products
disguised as Iranian one to the Russian market.55
Russia's Ministry for Emergency Situations has sent more than 32 tons of humanitarian aid to
quake hit Tajikistan. The consignment includes mobile electricity generating units, multi-bed tents,
and blankets.56
Russian Foreign Ministrys spokesperson Maria Zakharova has criticised the organisers of the 4th
Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). She stated the organisers have fundamentally changed the
concept of the event by proposing to develop some kind of instructions for the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism as well as the
UN, Interpol and the Global Partnership. Apparently, such recommendations, whatever formal
status they may have, will be an attempt to impose an opinion of a limited group of countries on
the above-mentioned agencies and groups bypassing their own mechanisms of political decisionmaking. We consider unacceptable the creation of such a precedent of outside interference in the
planning of work of the international agencies that have the expertise and rely on democratic
procedures. In this connection, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to terminate our
participation in preparing for the 2016 summit. We believe that the central role in coordinating






Russia-Japan Trade Falls by 30% in 10 Months of 2015 State Duma Speaker, Itar-Tass, January 13, 2016 at
Lavrov Asks Seoul To Display Restraint, Avoid Fanning Tensions in Northeast Asia, Itar-Tass, January 13, 2016 at
Russian Foreign Ministry Slams Kievs Statements about Launch of Minsk-3, Itar-Tass, January 11, 2016 at
Iran to Take Measures Against Export of Turkish Products Disguised as Iranian to Russia, Itar-Tass, January 11,
2016 at http://tass.ru/en/economy/848825
Russian Ministry Consigns over 32 Tons of Aid to Tajikistan, Itar-Tass, January 12, 2016 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

efforts of the international community in the nuclear security field should be played by the IAEA,
which has the necessary expertise.57
First Deputy Minister of Economic Development Alexey Likhachev has said, on January 13, that
Russia took a hit of 25 billion in 2015 due to the EU sanctions, while EUs losses stood at 90
billion during the same period.58

India-Russia Relations
(January 11-17, 2016)

Indo-Russian joint military-transport aircraft project frozen.

The CEO of Ilyushin Company Sergey Velmozhkin has said, on January 13, that the joint IndoRussian project for the creation of a military transport plane has been frozen. He stated the
contract on Il-214 has not been concluded with the Defence Ministry yet. The preliminary design is
practically ready. Well offer it, but the decision depends on the customer. Experts confirm that
there is a demand indeed for such aircraft. We hope to clarify the issue somehow by the middle of
the year.59

E. The United State of America

(January 11-17, 2016)

Obama says the United States is the most powerful nation on Earth; Ten Yemeni detainees
have been released from Guantanamo Bay; Training, awareness critical in human
trafficking fight; Obama calls for swift action on the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership;
Obama paints an optimistic vision for America in the years to come; White House had
predictable reactions to President Obama's last State of the Union address.

In his final State of the Union address to the nation, President Barack Obama said the United
States is the most powerful nation on Earth. Obama said, We spend more on our military than
the next eight nations combined. He added, Our troops are the finest fighting force in the
history of the world. No nation dares to attack us or our allies because they know thats the path to
ruin. When the world faces problems -- whether manmade or natural -- the people of the world
do not look to Beijing or Moscow for leadership, the president said. They call us, he said. The
world is a dangerous place, but thats not the result of a weakening American military or the rise
of other world powers, Obama said.60
The U.S. Defence Department says 10 Yemeni detainees have been released from U.S. detention
centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and sent to the Middle East nation of Oman. "The Oman transfer




Moscow Slams Organizers Of Fourth Nuclear Security Summit, Itar-Tass, January 13, 2016 at
Russia's Losses Due To EU Sanctions and Counter-Sanctions Estimated at 25 bln in 2015, Itar-Tass, January 13,
2016 at http://tass.ru/en/economy/849336
Russian-Indian Military Transport Aircraft Project Frozen Manufacturer, Itar-Tass, January 13, 2016 at
Garamone, Jim, Obama Points to U.S. Strength in State of the Union Address, DoD News, January 13, 2016 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

of 10 is the single largest transfer to a single country at one time under the current administration."
Cmdr. Gary Ross said in an email to VOA. The mass transfer will raise the number of detainees
transferred out of the camp this year to 14.61
The US Department of Defence reported that the signs of human trafficking could be all around
Defence Department personnel: A subcontractor withholds passports and delays payment to its
employees, or a company forces potential workers to pay a large fee to obtain a contract job on a
DoD installation. Army Col. Joshua Burris, deputy chief of staff for Mission and Installation
Contracting Command at Joint Base San Antonio-Sam Houston, Texas, and the executive director
for DoDs Operational Contract Support Joint Exercise 2016 said that January is National Slavery
and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and DoD is highlighting the issue and its efforts to
fight trafficking. Burris said human trafficking is modern-day slavery, added that DoD has zero
tolerance for violations. He said, DoD wants its service members, civilians, contractors and others
associated with the agency to be able to recognize the signs of human trafficking and know how to
report suspected violations.62
On January 12, in what may be his final prime-time address to both houses of Congress, President
Barack Obama called for swift action on the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership, framing the deal as
a way to open overseas markets to U.S. goods and level the playing field with China. With TPP,
China does not set the rules in that region; we do," Obama said in his State of the Union address.
"You want to show our strength in this new century? Approve this agreement. Give us the tools to
enforce it. It's the right thing to do. But the pending deal with 12 Pacific trading countries faces an
uphill battle in Congress, where there is opposition from lawmakers of both parties who worry
that American companies can't compete against Asian nations where wages are lower.63
President Barack Obama is on the road, meeting face-to-face with Americans following a lofty
State of the Union address that painted an optimistic vision for America in the years to come,
while acknowledging deep divides over a variety of issues. Following the speech widely broadcast
on television and multi-media platforms, the president travelled to Nebraska where he first
stopped at the home of an Omaha-area woman for a living room discussion. He met with Lisa
Martin and her husband, Jeff. Lisa wrote to the president a year ago expressing concern about the
environment. I still have this sinking feeling of dread and sadness. Will my son be able to thrive
on this planet? she wrote in the letter, which was released by the White House.64
President Barack Obama ended his State of the Union address with the customary assessment that
the nation is strong and used a portion of his speech to portray America's standing in the world as
stronger than ever. "The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. It's
not even close," Obama said. He highlighted the U.S.-led coalition airstrikes against Islamic State
targets in Syria and Iraq, the role the U.S. played in getting the international deal on Iran's nuclear





Babb, Carla, US Transfers 10 Guantanamo Bay Detainees, VOA News, January 14, 2016 at
Ferdinando, Lisa, DoD: Training, Awareness Critical in Human Trafficking Fight, DoD News, January 15, 2016 at
Arcega, Mil, Obama Calls on Congress to Approve Pacific Trade Deal, VOA News, January 13, 2016 at
Salinas, Mary Alice, Obama Engages Americans on Vision for America, VOA News, January 13, 2016 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

program, the U.S. military operations that killed al-Qaida leaders and the U.S. efforts to help stop
the spread of Ebola.65
The candidates running to take over the White House had predictable reactions to President
Barack Obama's State of the Union address, with Republicans calling it boring and out of touch
with events in the world and Democrats praising the president's record. Republican front-runner
Donald Trump said the speech was lethargic and "hard to watch." Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who
has been climbing in polls in the past two months, called Obama's speech "a state of denial."66

International: Asia
(January 11-17, 2016)

Olson expresses U.S. support for an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation
process; US announces the designation of ISIL-K as a Foreign Terrorist Organization; Navy
sailors are back in U.S. hands; Indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria are making progress
against the ISIL: Centcom Commander; Objectives are to destroy the ISIL parent tumour
in Iraq and Syria: Carter; Coalition military forces continue to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria
and Iraq; Kerry expresses gratitude to Iran as Sailors have been safely returned to U.S.
hands; U.S. political leaders voiced relief; Seven Iranian prisoners the US agreed to swap
were accused of violating economic sanctions; U.S. condemns the barbaric acts of terrorism
in Iraq; Risk of worsening China-Taiwan ties viewed with concern in Washington.

Ambassador Richard Olson, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, travelled to
Islamabad on January 11 to participate in a quadrilateral meeting with the Governments of
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and China. In the meeting, Ambassador Olson expressed U.S. support for
an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process as the surest way to end violence
and ensure lasting stability in Afghanistan and the region.67
The Department of State has announced the designation of ISIL-K as a Foreign Terrorist
Organization (FTO) under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The consequences
of the FTO designation include a prohibition against knowingly providing, or attempting or
conspiring to provide, material support or resources to this organization. The Department of State
took this action in consultation with the Departments of Justice and the Treasury. ISIL-K
announced its formation on January 10, 2015. The group is based in the Afghanistan/Pakistan
region and is composed primarily of former members of Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan and the Afghan
Ten U.S. Navy sailors who were traveling from Kuwait to Bahrain on January 12 when contact
was lost with their pair of small craft are back in U.S. hands. Defence Secretary Ash Carter said in
a statement on January 13 that I want to personally thank Secretary of State John Kerry for his




Hannas, Chris, Obama Says His Criticized Strategies Show American Strength, VOA News, January 13, 2016 at
Hannas, Chris, Republican Candidates Dismiss Obama's Address as Out of Touch, VOA News, January 13, 2016 at
and, Mixed Social Media Reaction to State of the Union, VOA News, January 13, 2016 at
Ambassador Richard Olson Travel to Pakistan, US Department of State, Washington, DC, January 11, 2016 at
Foreign Terrorist Organization Designation of ISIL - Khorasan (ISIL-K), US Department of State, Washington, DC,
January 14, 2016 at http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2016/01/251237.htm


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

diplomatic engagement with Iran to secure our sailors' swift return. Carter said, Around the
world, the U.S. Navy routinely provides assistance to foreign sailors in distress, and we appreciate
the timely way in which this situation was resolved.69
Army Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, the commander of U.S. Central Command, spoke during a news
conference at Centcom headquarters in Tampa, Florida, with Defence Secretary Ash Carter, on
January 14 that Indigenous forces in Iraq and Syria, supported by a 60-nation coalition, are making
progress against the ISIL. Austin said Anti-ISIL forces have made progress in Tikrit, Beiji, Ramadi
and Sinjar in Iraq, and in Hawl, the Tishrin Dam area and along the Mara Line in Syria. He gave
an example of one non-traditional way the coalition is supporting efforts across the board against
ISIL. A few days ago, we conducted a strike on bulk cash storage facility in Mosul, he said. It
was a good strike. And we estimate that it served to deprive ISIL of millions of dollars.70
On January 13, US Secretary of Defence Ash Carter laid out the campaigns three objectives to
soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division headquarters and 2nd Brigade Combat Team at Fort
Campbell, Kentucky. They will deploy to Iraq later this year as part of the counter-ISIL campaign.
Carter said, those objectives are to destroy the ISIL parent tumour in Iraq and Syria by
collapsing its two power centres, to combat the metastases of the ISIL tumour worldwide, and to
protect the homeland. He said, the operational concept of the campaign is to enable local,
motivated forces with a clear plan, American leadership, a global coalition, and a suite of
capabilities ranging from airstrikes, special operations forces raids, cyber tools, intelligence,
equipment, mobility and logistics, training, advice and assistance.71 Meanwhile, U.S. and coalition
military forces have continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq.72
After the return of US Sailors, US Secretary of State John Kerry in a statement said that I'm very
pleased that our Sailors have been safely returned to U.S. hands. Secretary Kerry said, As a
former Sailor myself, I know the importance of naval presence around the world and the critical
work being done by our Navy in the Gulf region. I'm proud of our young men and women in
uniform and know how seriously they take their responsibilities to one another and to other
mariners in distress. He added, I want to express my gratitude to Iranian authorities for their
cooperation in swiftly resolving this matter. That this issue was resolved peacefully and
efficiently is a testament to the critical role diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe, secure,
and strong Kerry said.73
On January 16, U.S. political leaders voiced relief at the news that Iran was releasing five detained
Americans, although several Republican Party presidential hopefuls renewed attacks on President
Barack Obama for approving a related nuclear deal with Tehran that lifts economic sanctions. U.S.





Carter Hails Irans Swift Return of 10 U.S. Sailors, DoD News, January 13, 2016 at
Garamone, Jim, Austin Expresses Confidence That Anti-ISIL Forces Will Win in Iraq, Syria, DoD News, January
14, 2016 at http://www.defense.gov/News-Article-View/Article/643200/austin-expresses-confidence-that-antiisil-forces-will-win-in-iraq-syria
Cronk, Terri Moon, Carter, Dunford, Senior Commanders Meet to Accelerate ISILs Defeat, DoD News, January
14, 2016 at http://www.defense.gov/News-Article-View/Article/643196/carter-dunford-senior-commandersmeet-to-accelerate-isils-defeat; and, Pellerin, Cheryl, Carter: Lasting Defeat of ISIL Depends on Coalition
Strength, DoD News, January 13, 2016 at http://www.defense.gov/News-Article-View/Article/642976/carterlasting-defeat-of-isil-depends-on-coalition-strength
Coalition Strikes Hit ISIL in Syria, Iraq, DoD News, January 17, 2016 at http://www.defense.gov/News-ArticleView/Article/643426/coalition-strikes-hit-isil-in-syria-iraq
On U.S. Navy Sailors' Departure From Iran, Press Statement by John Kerry, Secretary of State, US Department of
State, Washington, DC, January 13, 2016 at http://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2016/01/251139.htm


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul welcomed the prisoner swap, along with front-runner Donald
Trump, who said the White House should have negotiated the prisoners' release much sooner.74
The seven Iranian prisoners the United States agreed to swap on January 16 for four Americans all
were accused or convicted of violating economic sanctions against Iran aimed at forcing it to
abandon any effort to build a nuclear weapon. The U.S. said six of the seven held dual U.S.-Iranian
citizenship and several of them had lived in the United States for years before drawing the
attention of U.S. authorities who were investigating trade deals with Iran that were banned by the
John Kirby, spokesperson, Bureau of Public Affairs, in a statement said that the United States
condemns the barbaric acts of terrorism on January 11 in Iraq, including a suicide bombing and
hostage-taking at a mall in Baghdad for which ISIL has claimed responsibility and two separate
suicide attacks in Muqdadiyah. Kirby said, These attacks once again display the utter disregard
ISIL has for the lives of innocent civilians. We stand united with the Iraqi people as they confront
the scourge of violent extremism. He added, The United States remains committed to working
with Prime Minister al-Abadi, the Iraqi Security Forces, and our Coalition partners to support
Iraqi-led efforts to degrade and destroy ISIL.76
Navy Adm. Harry B. Harris, the commander of U.S. Pacific Command, speaking to local
government officials, private sector representatives and military leaders, emphasized Hawaiis
importance in the future of the Indo-Asia-Pacific theatre during an annual meeting for the local
Military Affairs Council, January 15. Harris recognized the council and state leaders for their
support in communicating how joint military forces in Hawaii support the national security
strategy and ongoing Pacific rebalance initiative. He said that there is no doubt that the United
States economic future is firmly tied to the Indo-Asia-Pacific, and that everyone must work
together to strengthen civil and military relationships and with other nations in the region.77
The Philippines has asked the United States to hold joint naval patrols, a defence ministry
spokesman said on January 14, amid a territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea.
Foreign and defence ministers from the United States and the Philippines met in Washington this
week for the second time in more than three years to discuss trade and security, focusing on the
South China Sea (SCS). "We are suggesting that we also patrol the area together," Peter Paul
Galvez told reporters in Manila. "There is a need for a more collaborative presence in the South





Prisoner Swap, Nuclear Deal Draw Fire in US, Iran, VOA News, January 16, 2016 at
http://www.voanews.com/content/prisoner-swap-nuclear-deal-draw-fire-united-states-iran/3149041.html; and,
Dockins, Pamela and Bredemeier, Ken, Iran, US Swap Prisoners as Nuclear Deal is Finalized, VOA News, January
16, 2016 at http://www.voanews.com/content/four-americans-freed-in-iran/3148775.html
Bredemeier, Ken, 7 Released Iranians All Linked to Trade Sanction Offenses, VOA News, January 16, 2016 at
U.S. Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Iraq, Press Statement by John Kirby, Spokesperson, Bureau of Public Affairs,
http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2016/01/251115.htm; and, Ching, Nike, Why Kerry Calls Terror Group
Daesh, not Islamic State, VOA News, January 15, 2016 at http://www.voanews.com/content/why-kerry-callsislamic-state-daesh/3148557.html
Pacom Commander Credits Hawaiis Role in Indo-Asia-Pacific Rebalance, By Air Force Staff Sgt. Christopher
Hubenthal, DoD News, January 1, 2016 at http://www.defense.gov/News-Article-View/Article/643413/pacomcommander-credits-hawaiis-role-in-indo-asia-pacific-rebalance


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

China Sea." U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus underscored the importance of the U.S.-Philippine
relationship, but declined to comment on the Philippine request for joint patrols.78
Adm. Harris emphasises Hawaiis importance in the future of the Indo-Asia-Pacific theatre;
Philippines has asked the United States to hold joint naval patrols; NK says it will stop conducting
nuclear tests in exchange for a peace treaty; Cooperation among the US, ROK, and China key to
denuclearize the Korean Peninsula;
North Korea says it will stop conducting nuclear tests in exchange for a peace treaty with the
United States and an end to joint military exercises between Washington and Seoul. The proposal,
published in North Korea's state media on January 15, is similar to previous offers by Pyongyang
that have been quickly rejected by the U.S. and South Korea.79
Cooperation among the United States, South Korea and China is key to international efforts to
denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, Christopher Hill, former U.S. assistant secretary of state, who
led nuclear negotiations with North Korea said. While international talks over how to achieve the
denuclearization have remained deadlocked for many years, Pyongyang appears to have made
progress on its nuclear weapons program. Last week, the communist country conducted its fourth
nuclear test. Christopher, told VOA on January 14 that the three countries should not "allow North
Koreans to create any divisions" among them, saying the countries hold "keys" to resolving the
With all the other issues on his plate, probably the last thing President Barack Obama will want to
deal with in his final year in office is a possible return to crisis in Taiwan-China relations. But after
years of warming Taipei-Beijing ties that have been welcomed by Washington, this is a real
prospect with the leader of Taiwan's independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
an organization loathed by Beijing looking set for victory in elections on January 9. While
Tsai Ing-wen has said she will not provoke China if elected president, the risk of worsening ChinaTaiwan ties is viewed with concern in Washington at a time when it is trying to tamp down
tension over growing Chinese military power and assertive pursuit of territorial claims elsewhere
in Asia.81

India-US Relations
(January 11-17, 2016)

'Make in India' initiative of the government would help in boosting manufacturing:

Lockheed Martin India; US to review and expand areas of regional and global cooperation;
Prominent Indian Americans attended the Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas celebrations; US says,
terrorist groups would try to undermine the Indo-Pak peace process; Indian Railway
Minister concludes three day visit to US.


Philippines Urges Patrols With US Amid Sea Dispute With China, Reuters, January 14, 2016 at
N. Korea Offers to Halt Nuclear Tests in Exchange for Peace Treaty, VOA News, January 16, 2016 at
Choi, Brent, Cooperation Among US, S. Korea, China Key to Denuclearization, Envoy Says, VOA News, January
Taiwan Poll Looms as Headache for Obama in Final Year, Reuters, January 13, 2016 at





The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

US-based defence major Lockheed Martin said on January 11 that it is encouraged about the recent
liberalisation of India's FDI policy in the sector and is looking at increasing investments in the
country. Phil Shaw, chief executive, Lockheed Martin India, said the 'Make in India' initiative of
the government would help in boosting manufacturing in the country. During his visit to the US
in September, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had met top Chief Executives including, Lockheed
Martin Chairman and CEO Marillyn Hewson. The company already has manufacturing facilities
near Hyderabad.82
US Department of State informed that Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy,
and Human Rights Sarah Sewall will travel to India, from January 1115. She will be accompanied
in New Delhi by Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Nisha Biswal.
While in India, Under Secretary Sewall will lead U.S. participation in the U.S.India Global Issues
Forum the first since 2012 to review and expand areas of regional and global cooperation. She
will meet with civil society representatives to strengthen cooperation around common interests,
including countering violent extremism, religious freedom, trafficking in persons, and
transparency and governance. As the U.S. Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, Under Secretary
Sewall will also travel to Dharamsala, India, to discuss issues of importance to the Tibetan refugee
Dozens of prominent Indian Americans attended the Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas celebrations hosted
by the Embassy of India in Washington, DC, on January 8. The highlight of the evening was talks
by prominent Indian American community leader Swadesh Chatterjee and technology leader Dr.
Satyam Priyadarshy. In his opening remarks, Indian Ambassador to the United States Arun K.
Singh pointed out that Indian Americans played a very important role during a key moment in
India-US relations in the run up to the 2008e civil nuclear agreement between the two countries.
He added that once the deal went through in 2008, between then and now, the political
relationship between the two countries has been completely transformed.84
The State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters in Washington on January 15 that it
should come as a shock to no one that terrorist groups would try to undermine the Indo-Pak peace
process by carrying out attacks, as it encouraged the two countries to continue the dialogue.
Referring to the attack on the Pathankot air base on January 2 by Pakistani terrorists, Kirby said,
Obviously, we dont want to see that happen and we are encouraged by the dialogue that has
recently taken place between India and Pakistan, and wed like to see that continue. He said the
US wants India and Pakistan to continue to have a dialogue and to continue to look for ways to
cooperate against a common threat.85





US-Based Defence Major Lockheed Martin Looks At Increasing Investment in India, The Economic Times, January
11, 2016, at http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/us-based-defence-major-lockheed-martin-looksat-increasing-investment-in-india/articleshow/50533676.cms
Under Secretary Sewall Travel to India, US Department of State, Washington, DC, January 11, 2016 at
Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas Celebrated at Embassy of India, The American Bazar, January 14, 2016 at
Terror Outfits Will Attempt To Undermine Indo-Pak Peace Talks: US, The Indian Express, January 16, 2016 at
http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/terror-outfits-will-attempt-to-undermine-indo-pakpeace-talks-us/; and, Don't Let Terror Groups Undermine Peace Process: US To India and Pakistan, Press Trust of


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

On the request of the World Bank, Indian Railway Minister, Suresh Prabhkar Prabhu, was on an
official visit to Washington DC, USA from January 13-15, 2016, to deliver an address at the Plenary
Session of World Bank Conference on Transport and Cities Key Drivers for Meeting Climate
Goals. Apart from this, his three day tour involved a number of Seminars, Conferences, Meetings
and Events. Speaking at the World Bank Conference Plenary Session on "Transport and Cities: Key
Drivers for Meeting Climate Goals", the Railway Minister highlighted the vital role of the Indian
railways in providing low cost sustainable transportation. The Indian Railways has embarked on
transforming its energy mix by using renewal energy sources like solar and wind energy, and is
undertaking energy audits to improve efficiency to meet its sustainability targets. The Railway
Minister also met the US Secretary of Transportation Mr. Anthony Foxx to discuss enhanced
bilateral engagement in the transportation sector flowing from the Memorandum of Cooperation
signed in April 2015 during the visit of Secretary Foxx to India. Railway Minister noted the
immense possibilities for knowledge sharing, technology tie-ups and business cooperation
between the two countries in the transportation sector. Both sides agreed to promote cooperation
in a number of areas including railway safety and capacity building, through joint workshops and
exchange of visits. In his meeting with the Chairman and President of the US EXIM Bank Mr. Fred
P. Hochberg, he discussed the possibility of structuring an India specific financing model to take
advantage of upcoming investment and business opportunities in India's rail sector. Both sides
agreed to work on a road show of potential long-term investors having interest in India's
infrastructure sector.86


(January 11-17, 2016)

Tejas creates history with its first successful flight abroad; The School of Artillery conducts
two days exercise Ex Sarvatra Prahar at Devlali.

In a landmark development Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas, indigenously designed and
developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), landed in Bahrain. This
is for the first time that LCA Tejas flown in foreign airspace. Tejas is in Bahrain to participate in
the Bahrain International Airshow-2016 to be held from January 21 to January 23, 2016. In addition
to Tejas, DRDO is also showcasing other indigenously developed defence systems to display the
nations prowess in the area of advanced defence technologies. The aim is to explore the potential
for export of defence systems and equipment.87
The School of Artillery conducted Ex Sarvatra Prahar at Devlali on January 08 & January 11,
2016. During the exercise a plethora of equipment showcasing the Regiment of Artillery was
employed and its firepower displayed. The exercise was conducted through a tactical situation
requiring an appreciation of the operation and preparation of an Artillery fire plan in support of



India (PTI), January 16, 2016 at http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/dont-let-terror-groups-undermine-peaceprocess-us-to-india-and-pakistan-1266488

Minister of Railways, Govt. of India Shri Suresh Prabhu Concludes His Three Day Visit to Washington DC, USA,
PIB, January 16, 2016, Release ID :134540, at http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

the operation. An array of new generation rocket and missile systems like Pinaka, Smerch and a
model of Brahmos missile were also on display. Surveillance and Target Acquisition equipment
like the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Surveillance Sensors and Weapon Locating Radars were also
showcased during the exercise. The highlight of the exercise was Combat Free Fall by Special
Forces team and Cheetah and Chetak helicopters flown by Army Aviators.88

(January 11-17, 2016)

Russia to deploy Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopters carrying the L370 Vitebsk electronic
warfare system to Syria; First batch of a total of 20 A-29s to be delivered by the United
States to the Afghan Air Force arrives in Kabul.

Reports say that Russia will deploy Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopters carrying the L370 Vitebsk
electronic warfare system to Syria to provide security for the Russian task force at Humaymin Air
Base in Latakia province. The helicopters will also conduct combat search-and-rescue operations.
Significantly, the deployment will provide an opportunity to test the Ka-52 in a war zone for the
first time. The Vitebsk system includes radar and laser warning systems, as well as active electrooptic and radar jammers.89
Meanwhile, according to reports, four A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft meant for service
with the Afghan Air Force (AAF) arrived in Kabul recently. The aircraft are the first batch of a
total of 20 A-29s that are to be delivered incrementally by the United States to the AAF. As per the
reports, four more aircraft will be delivered by the 2016, another four by the 2017; and the
remaining eight by the end of 2018. The A-29 light attack aircraft is a versatile aircraft that brings a
number of critical capabilities to the AAF. These include close air support, armed escort, and
armed over watch." The A-29s are being provided to the AAF under the US Air Force (USAF)
Light Air Support (LAS) programme.90


Jammu & Kashmir
(January 11-17, 2016)

Protest erupts after body of missing youth found in Srinagar; Hurriyat chairman Geelani
condemns Pakistan plan to make Gilgit its fifth province; PoK invites J&K leaders for meet
in Islamabad; Constable disappears with four assault rifles in J&K.

A violent protest erupted in Peerbagh area of Srinagar city after the body of a youth who had gone
missing on January 12 was found on January 14. The body of Owais Bashir (20), a resident of
Peerbagh, was found on January 14 morning from near a local Railway bridge, leading to protests
by the residents, a police official said. He said the protesters indulged in stone-pelting on police



First Four A-29 Super Tucanos Arrive in Afghanistan, IHS Jane's, January 17, 2016,



The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

personnel and blocked the Srinagar Airport road by putting obstacles. The security personnel fired
tear gas shells to clear the road, but in vain."91
Pakistan governments plan to make Gilgit-Baltistan the fifth province of the country has drawn
criticism from Hurriyat chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani. Calling Gilgit-Baltistan an integral part
of J&K, he termed the plan a violation of the UN resolutions on Kashmir. He also called it a
betrayal of Kashmir by Pakistan. The entire state of J&K, falling on both sides of the ceasefire
line, is a disputed territoryThere is no constitutional or moral justification for deciding on any
part of the territory without consent of its people. This is also a clear violation of UN resolutions
on Kashmir, he said on January 13. He also cautioned Pakistan, saying that the act will harm the
disputed nature of J&K and also serve as a certificate to India for its occupation of the state.92
In contrast to the past when Pakistan has refused to issue visas to mainstream leaders from
Kashmir, the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) administration on January 14 invited two
mainstream leaders, besides separatists, for a conference to be held in Islamabad on January 20
and January 21. PoK President Sardar Muhammad Yaqub Khan has invited Awami Ittehad Party
chief and legislator Engineer Rasheed and CPI (M) legislator Muhammad Yousuf Tarigami, to
attend a two-day roundtable conference to discuss the Kashmir problem. All top senior separatist
leaders, including Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and Aga Syed Hasan, have been
invited.93 Meanwhile, Hurriyat Conference (G) on January 16 decided not to attend the conference
in Pakistan capital and slammed Pakistan administered Kashmir (PaK) president for inviting proIndian politicians to the conference.94
A Police constable from south Kashmir has gone missing with four service rifles, fuelling
apprehension that he may have joined militants. Police sources said Shakoor Ahmad, the personal
security officer of DSP Irshad Ahmad Rather, went missing along with two friends on January 15.
They said Ahmad took away four service rifles along with him. He is a resident of Kundalan
village in south Kashmirs Shopian district, a militant stronghold.95

Northeast India
(January 11-17, 2016)

Hardcore NSLA militant killed in Assam; Three KYKL militants arrested in Manipur;
Meghalaya: Seven traders from Assam Kidnapped in Garo Hills.

A hardcore National Santhal Liberation Army (NSLA) militant of the anti-talk faction was killed
following an encounter with the police in Borbadha village in Assam's Kokrajhar district on
January 13, police said. The militant has been identified as Ram Hemrom alias Lasar and a 7.65





Protest Erupts after Body of Missing Youth Found in J&K, The Times of India, January 14, 2016 at
Masood, Bashaarat, Hurriyat Chairman Geelani Slams Pakistan Plan To Make Gilgit Fifth Province, The Indian
Express, January 14, 2016 at http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/hurriyat-chairman-syed-alishah-geelani-slams-pakistan-plan-to-make-gilgit-baltistan-fifth-province/
Ashiq, Peerzada, PoK Invites J&K Leaders for Meet in Islamabad, The Hindu, January 15, 2016 at
Hurriyat (G) not to Attend Kashmir Conference in Islamabad, Rising Kashmir, January 17, 2016 at
J&K Constable Goes Missing with 4 Rifles, The Indian Express, January 17, 2016 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

pistol, two hand grenades, two rounds of live ammunitions and two blank cartridges were
recovered from the encounter spot, the spokesman added. In another incident, police
apprehended an ULFA linkman from Changmaibari under Nemuguri police station in Upper
Assam's Sibsagar district, police said. The linkman has been identified as Babul alias Jan Dihingia
and Rs 7.50 lakh in cash and an SUV has been recovered from his possession.96
In a joint operation launched by Assam Rifles troops and Imphal East police commandos in
Tumukhong, three cadres of proscribed Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup were apprehended on January
12, PRO Assam Rifles (South) said in a release.97
In a sensational abduction case in North Garo Hills, seven traders belonging to Goalpara district of
Assam were kidnapped at gunpoint by a group of militants in Kalwe Ading village under
Kharkutta block on January 15. Two groups of traders were returning from Dokongsi weekly
market, when their vehicle was stopped by a group of six to seven armed militants near Kalwe
Ading and were abducted, said Ramesh Singh, SP, North Garo Hills. There were around 12
traders in the vehicle. The police and CoBRA commandos are on the job to find the whereabouts
of the traders, added Singh.98

Left-wing Extremism
(January 11-17, 2016)

Two Maoists killed in Chhattisgarh; Jharkhand Maoist group denies Police claim of seizure
of money; CPI (Maoist) floats new division; Four Maoists killed in Bastar encounter; Thirty
Maoists surrender in Chhattisgarh: Police; Maoists killed two tribals in Odisha.

Two suspected Maoists were gunned down in a joint operation by Gadchiroli police and their
Chhattisgarh counterparts on January 11. Police said that in the first encounter in Sandra area of
Chhattisgarhs Bijapur district, Dalam commander Mangi, who carried a Rs 12-lakh reward on her
head, was killed in the morning. An Insas rifle and six rounds were recovered from the spot. In the
second encounter around noon about two km south of the first encounter spot, a Dalam member
was killed, said police, adding that his identity is yet to be established. Police said that while the
first rebel group they encountered had around 12 cadres, the second had 20.99
The Maoist organisation from which Jharkhand Police claimed to have recovered Rs.1.5 crore, on
January 13 said no money was seized from it. Police on January 11 claimed recovering Rs.1.50
crore from four supporters of the organisation, Tritiya Prastuti Committee (TPC). "The money that
has been showed as recovered from us in Chatra district did not belong to us. The police move is





Hardcore NSLA Militant of Anti-Talk Faction Killed in Encounter, The Economic Times, January 13, 2016 at
Ultras Held, The Assam Tribune, January 14, 2016 at http://www.assamtribune.com/scripts/
Dey, Biplab Kr, 7 Traders from Assam Kidnapped in Garo Hills, The Assam Tribune, January 17, 2016 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

aimed at defaming the organisation," the TPC said. The TPC, claiming itself to be a political
organisation, demanded a probe into the issue. It also denied that its members were arrested.100
The CPI (Maoist) have reportedly set up another division in the Andhra Odisha Border (AOB) to
regain their hold in the Srikakulam region in Andhra Pradesh, and Gunupur and Gudari forest
areas and Rayagada in Odisha. The new division has been christened as the Odisha-Srikakulam
division, sources claimed. With the new division, the Reds are now concentrating on Palakonda
and Bhamini forest areas which were once bastions of Naxal activity. "They plan to revive their old
stronghold areas in north Andhra where they have been losing ground. Following the new force's
arrival in AOB from Chhattisgarh, Naxals are now trying to use terror tactics to gain control," a
senior police officer involved in the anti-Naxal operation in Visakha district said. Intelligence
sources feel that Naxals are now concentrating on setting up revolutionary people's committees
(RPCs) in the AOB areas. As part of this, commander Sunil, brother of Maoist Anand, has been
visiting the Araku and Odisha border areas to strengthen the Naxal movement. They are even
focussing on Gurtedu area, which was also once a stronghold area of the Maoists, they added.101
Four Maoists were killed in an encounter with Bastar polices special anti-Maoist unit-the District
Reserve Guard (DRG) in the restive Bastar region of Chhattisgarh on January 15, the police
claimed. A small team of the DRG Bijapur district, numbering about 50 men, had a successful
encounter with the Maoists at village Pedda Jojer under Gangaloor police station limits of Bijapur
on January 15. The DRG team managed to recover dead bodies of four Maoists along with four
Bharmars (locally made guns), local grenades and Maoist dump, informed Bastar range Inspector
General (IG) of Police, Mr. SRP Kalluri.102
As many as 30 Maoists, including a woman cadre, surrendered before police in the insurgency-hit
Bastar district of Chhattisgarh on January 16, police said. Bastar Superintendent of Police R N Das
told PTI that these ultras decided to return to the mainstream as they were impressed by the
rehabilitation policy of the state government and also because of the constant movement of the
security forces in the internal regions of Bastar. Nineteen cadres of Darbha division committee and
11 members of East Bastar division surrendered before senior police officials in Bastar district
headquarters, he added.103
The Maoists have reportedly murdered two tribal civilians within 24 hours in Koraput district of
Odisha. The victims included a former nayab sarpanch, Krishna Miniaka and Rohini Nachika,
who were killed by Maoists on January 15 and January 14 respectively. The Naxals alleged that
both Miniaka and Nachika were police informers for which they had been punished with death.
However, senior police officials denied the allegations. After a lull of more than a year, Maoists of





Jharkhand Maoist Group Denies Seizure of Money from It, Business Standard, January 13, 2016 at
Dahat, Pavan, Four Maoists Killed in Bastar Encounter, The Hindu, January 15, 2016 at
30 Maoists Surrender in Chhattisgarh, Business Standard, January 16, 2016 at http://www.businessstandard.com/article/pti-stories/30-maoists-surrender-in-chhattisgarh-116011600012_1.html


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

Andhra Odisha Border Special Zonal Committee (AOBSZC) along with cadres from Chhattisgarh
have recently started their violent activities in the Koraput district of Odisha.104

Radicalisation & Terrorism

(January 11-17, 2016)

India to seek UN ban for terrorists; Indian youth planning to join ISIS held in Syria; Laser
walls for vulnerable areas of India-Pakistan border soon.

India will soon approach the UN with a list of 12 names, including Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM)
commander Abdul Rauf Ashgar, urging the global body to ban him and other fugitives belonging
to Indian Mujahideen (IM) and Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) for their involvement in past terror attacks.
Ashgar, 42, is the younger brother of JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar, who is suspected to be
the mastermind behind the recent attack at a Pathankot air base. Home minister Rajnath Singh will
give his final approval to the 12-name list that will then be communicated to the UN through the
external affairs ministry, said an official. The others who will be named include IM commander
Riyaz Bhatkal, Ansar-ut-Tawahid chief AS Armar, his brother Mohammad Shafi Armar, and
Azamgarh resident Mohammad Sajid.105
Syria has taken four Indian youth in its custody, who were planning to join the terrorist outfit ISIS,
and asked the Indian authorities to verify their details. Syrian Deputy Prime minister Walid Al
Moaulem, who was on a three-day visit to India, said the four youth had entered Syria and were
taken into custody in Damascus.106
More than 40 vulnerable unfenced stretches along the India-Pakistan border will be covered by
laser walls soon with the Home Ministry giving it a top priority to check any infiltration of
terrorists in the wake of the Pathankot attack. All these riverine stretches located in Punjab will be
covered by the laser wall technology developed by Border Security Force to completely eliminate
the chances of breach of the international border by Pakistan-based terror groups, a Home
Ministry official said. As of now, only 5-6 out of around 40 vulnerable points are covered by laser
walls. This beam over the river sets off a loud siren in the case of a breach.107





Two Tribals Killed by Maoists, The Hindu, January 17, 2016 at http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/otherstates/two-tribals-killed-by-maoists/article8115117.ece
Tripathi, Rahul, India to Seek UN Ban for 12 Terrorists Including JeM Chief Abdul Rauf Ashgar, The Economic
Times, January 13, 2016 at http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/india-to-seek-un-ban-for-12terrorists-including-jem-chief-abdul-rauf-ashgar/articleshow/50554586.cms
Four Indian Youth Planning To Join ISIS Held in Syria, The Economic Times, January 14, 2016 at
Laser Walls For Riverine Areas of India-Pakistan Border Soon, The Economic Times, January 17, 2016 at


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016


India and the UN
(January 11-17, 2016)
India to increase humanitarian assistance to Syria; India to request 1267 Committee to
impose sanctions on Pak terrorists; As G77 gets a new head, India urges the need to focus on
the developing countries; India low on the Global Innovation Index; WFP to help India achieve
SDG goal to curb hunger; India to grow at 7.5 per cent in 2016; Pak rakes up Hyderabad at UN.
India is considering to have a set up in Jordon to support humanitarian work in war-torn Syria.
This was revealed during the visit of the Syrian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister
Walid Al-Moallem. The Minister also hoped that India could contribute to the long term plan of
recovery of Syria.108
India is poised to approach the Security Council to impose sanction on 12 Pakistan-based
terrorists, including Abdul Rauf Ashgar of the Jaish e Mohammed (JEM), Indian Mujahideen (IM)
commander Riyaz Bhatkal, Ansar-ut-Tawahid chief AS Armar, his brother Mohammad Shafi
Armar, and Azamgarh resident Mohammad Sajid.109 IM members who have fled India are based
in Pakistan are to be included in the list.110 Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei has
said that China will consider the request on its merits.111 India also urged the General Assembly to
support the adoption of the Comprehensive Convention on Terrorism.112
At the ceremony to transfer the Chairmanship of the G77 from South Africa to Thailand on
January 12, Indias Permanent Representative Syed Akbaruddin said that in the fulfilment of the
SDGs and the Addis Ababa Action Plan on Financing for Development, the objectives and
priorities of developing countries must be the focus of attention.113
The Global Innovation Index of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) for 2015
ranked India at 81 out of 141 countries, with Switzerland topping the list. A report of Indias






India Eyes Safe Zone in Jordan for Humanitarian Work in Syria, The Hindu, January 11, 2016, at
India to Seek UN Ban for 12 Terrorists Including JeM Chief Abdul Rauf Ashgar, The Economic Times, January 13,
2016, at http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/india-to-seek-un-ban-for-12-terrorists-includingjem-chief-abdul-rauf-ashgar/articleshow/50554586.cms
India Readies List of Pakistan-Based Terrorists It Wants Subjected to UN Sanctions, January 12, 2016, at
Will Adopt 'Unbiased' Approach To India's Move for UN Ban on Jaish: China, NDTV News, January 13, 2016, at
PMI, Informal Meeting of the Plenary for a Briefing by the Secretary General on his Priorities for 2016: Remarks by
https://www.pminewyork.org/pages.php?id=2364. Also see, India urges UN member states to come together to
counter terrorism, The Indian Express, January 16, 2016, at http://indianexpress.com/article/world/worldnews/india-urges-un-member-states-to-come-together-to-counter-terrorism/
Ceremonial Meeting of the Group of 77 Handing over ceremony of Chairmanship from Republic of South Africa to
Kingdom of Thailand - Remarks by Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin, Permanent Representative, January 12, 2016,
at https://www.pminewyork.org/pages.php?id=2363 Priorities of developing Nations Must Be Centre of
Attention: Akbaruddin, The Hindu, January 13, 2016, at http://www.thehindu.com/news/priorities-ofdeveloping-nations-must-be-centre-of-attention-akbaruddin/article8101929.ece


The Week in Review

January 11 January 17, 1 (3), 2016

Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks revealed that in the time period of 2006-15,
of the 67, 342 patents granted in India, only 10,615 were granted to Indian companies with the
CSIR been granted the maximum patents. This reinforced the need for India to spruce up
innovation alongside its Make in India campaign.114
The World Food Programme of the UN is to partner with Indian government and businesses to
help achieve the SDG of zero-hunger by 2030. Executive Director of the WFP Executive Director
Ertharin Cousin visited India for this purpose. The WFP already supports the implementation of
the Food Security Act of India as well as other central schemes that the Targeted Public
Distribution System (TPDS), Mid-Day Meal programme and Integrated Child Development
India is set to grow at 7.5 per cent, lower than the 8.2 per cent prediction of last year during the
year 2015-16. These are the latest estimates from the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The Government of India has also lowered its
forecast from to 7-7.5 per cent from 8.1-8.5 per cent.116
Pakistan has written a letter to the Security Council to keep the issue of Kashmir, as well as the
accession of the state of Hyderabad to India in 1948 open for discussion. The letter of Pakistans
PR Maleeha Lodhi of January 7 was made public on January 13, 2016.117





Inventions and Innovations in India Are Very Less When Compared to the Worlds Other Nations, January 15,
2016, at http://www.worldnewsbyday.com/inventions-and-innovations-in-india-are-very-less-when-compared-tothe-worlds-other-nations/. Also see Companies must Invent in India before Making In India, Say Nobel
Laureates, January 11, 2016, at http://www.firstpost.com/politics/companies-must-invent-in-india-before
UN Food Relief Agency Boosts Efforts to End Global Hunger By 2030 with New Partnerships in India, UN News,
January 14, 2016, at http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=52999#.VrrF5xh97IU
United Nations Downgrades India GDP Forecast for 2016 to 7.5% from 8.2%, January 14, 2016, at


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