Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry

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Chapter 3: Coordinate Geometry

3.1 Distance between Two Points

In Figure 3.1 we have two points and with
coordinates (4, 3) and (10, 7) respectively. The
part of line which lies between and is
called a line segment.
A point has been added to Figure 3.1 to form
a right-angled triangle. Point has the same xcoordinate as and same y-coordinate as ;
that is has coordinate (10, 3).

Figure 3.1

We know that has length 10 4 = 6 and has length 7 3 = 4. Using Pythagoras

theorem in triangle gives the length of line segment AB which is
(10 4)2 + (7 3)2 = 62 + 42 = 36 + 16 = 52
Figure 3.2 shows this triangle in general. By
calling the first point, say as (1 , 1 ) and
as (2 , 2 ) so we have (2 , 1 ). We also can
see that = 2 1 and = 2 1 .
Pythagoras theorem now gives the distance
between two points and (or the length of
the line segment joining them).
= ( ) + ( )
Figure 3.2

Example 3.1
Find the length of line joining (2, 3) and (1, 1).
Length = (1 2)2 + (1 3)2 = 92 + 162 = 25 = 5

3.2 Midpoint of a line segment

The coordinates of the midpoint of the line joining (1 , 1 ) and (2 , 2 ) are
(1 + 2 ) (1 + 2 )

Example 3.2
Find the midpoint of (3, 2) and (1, 4).
(3+1) (2+4)

Midpoint = [

] = (1, 1)

Exercise 3a
1. Find the length of the line joining the following two points and their midpoint.
a. (1, 2) and (4, 6)
c. (4, 2) and (2, 5)
b. (3, 1) and (2, 0)
d. (1, 4) and (3, 2)
2. Show, by using Pythagoras theorem, that the lines joining (1, 6), (1, 4) and (2, 1)
form a right-angled triangle.
3. is the midpoint joining to . The coordinates of and are (5, 7) and (0, 2)
respectively. Find the coordinates of .

3.3 Gradient
The gradient of a straight line is a measure of its steepness. The steeper the line, the larger
the gradient.
The gradient of a straight line is the ratio of increase in to increase in and denoted as
small letter .
The gradient, of line passing through any two points (1 , 1 ) and (2 , 2 ) is

3.4 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

3.4.1 Parallel Lines
Two lines are parallel if they have the same gradient.
3.4.2 Perpendicular Lines

Two lines with gradients 1 and 2 are perpendicular if = or = or

= .

Exercise 3b
1. Find the gradient of the line through the pairs of points.
a. (0, 0) and (1, 3)
c. (1, 3) and (2, 1)
b. (5, 4) and (2, 3)
d. (2, 5) and (1, 2)

2. Determine whether and are parallel, perpendicular or neither.

a. (0, 1),(1, 1), (1, 5), (1, 1)
c. (2, 5),(0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 7)
b. (1, 1),(3, 2), (1, 1), (0, 1)
d. (2, 6),(1, 9), (2, 11), (0, 1)
3. Find in terms of and , the length of the line joining (, ) and (2, 3).

3.5 Equation of a Straight Line

To find the equation of any line whose gradient is and that
cuts the y-axis at a directed distance from the origin, we start
with (, ) is on the line if and only if the gradient of is .

Therefore the coordinates of satisfy the equation 0 =


= +

This is the standard form for the equation of a straight line.

An equation of the form = + represents a straight line with gradient and
intercept on the y-axis.
Because the values of and/or may be fractional, this equation can be rearranged and
expresses as + + = 0, i.e.
+ + = where , and are constants, is the equation of a straight line.
In this form is not the intercept.
(, ) is a point on the line if and only if the
gradient of is
= ( )
Example 3.3

Find the equation of the line with gradient 3 and passing through (2, 1).

Using = 3 , 1 = 2 and 1 = 1,

(1) = 3 ( 2)

= 3 3

Exercise 3c
1. Find the equation of the line with the given gradient and passing through the given
a. 3, (4, 9)
c. 5, (2, 4)

b. 5, (2 , 4)


d. 8, ( 5 , 2)

2. Find the equation of the line through the point (5, 2) and perpendicular to the line
+ 2 = 0.

3. The line 4 5 + 20 = 0 cuts the y-axis

at and the x-axis at . Find the equation
of the median through of .

4. Find the equation of the perpendicular height from (5, 3) to the line 2 + 4 = 0.

3.6 Intersection
3.6.1 Intersection of Two Lines
The point where two lines (or two curves) cut is called a point of intersection. The point of
intersection can be found by solving both the equations of the line (curve).
3.6.2 Intersection of a Line and a Parabola
We can solve the equation of the parabola and the equation of the line simultaneously to
find the point(s) of intersection.
Solving = 2 + + and = + simultaneously gives the quadratic equation
2 + + = + .
When this equation has two separate roots, the line cuts the parabola at two points.
When this equation has a repeated root (only one solution), the line touches the parabola at
one point, i.e. the line is a tangent to the curve.
When this equation has no real roots, the line does not cut the parabola at any point.
Example 3.4
Determine the value of for which the line = 5 is a tangent to the curve
= 2 1.
Solving = 2 1 and = 5 simultaneously gives
2 1 = 5
2 + 4 = 0

The line is a tangent to the curve when this equation has repeated root.
2 4 = 0
2 16 = 0
= 4

Exercise 3d
1. Find the range of values of for which the line intersects the curve at two separate
points when the equation of the curve and the equation of the line are
a. = 2 + , = 2 1
b. = 2 6, = 5
2. Find the values of for which the line is a tangent to the curve when the equation of the
curve and the equation of the line are
a. = 2 4 + 4, = 2 +
b. = 2 + + 1, = 5

3.7 Division of a Straight Line in a Given Ratio

Suppose that a point (, ) divides the line joining (1 , 1 ) to (2 , 2 ) in the ratio : .
In the diagram, and are similar.


But = 1 , = 2 and = .




Example 3.5
Given that (3, 6) and (7, 1). If divides according to the ratio 2: 3, find the
coordinates of .

2(7) + 3(3) (1)(2) + (3)(6)

) = (1, 4)

Example 3.6
Point (3, 2) divides internally a line segment joining two points (6, 1) and (6, 3).
Find the ratio of division of line segment .
(6) + (6) (1) + (3)
6 + 6
3 =
3 3 = 6 + 6
Therefore : = 3: 1
(3, 2) = (

Exercise 3e
1. (4, 0), and (8, 6) are three points on the straight line such that : =
: 1. Find the coordinates of point in terms of .
2. The points (2, ), (, ) and (2, 3) are on a straight line. divides internally
in the ratio 2: 3. Express in the terms of .

3.8 Angle between Two Straight Lines

We can find the angle between two lines, as shown in figure above.
Consider the proof below:
Let be the angle formed between two lines 1 and 2 with gradient 1 and 2

Also we let the acute angle formed between the lines 1 and 2 with the x-axis be 1 and 2
Notice that = 2 1 .
By using the trigonometric identity of tangent,
tan = tan(2 1 ) =

tan 2 tan 1
1 + tan 2 tan 1

The values of tan 1 and tan 2 are equal to 1 and 2 respectively.


= |
The modulus is included in the formula because we only want the acute angle between the
two lines.
Note that for this formula to be valid, .
Example 3.5
Find the acute angle between two lines with gradients 2 and 3.
tan = |
1 + (3)(2)
Therefore = 8.13

Exercise 3f
1. Find the acute angle between the two lines below.
a. 2 = + 2 and = 3 + 1
c. 3 4 = 5 and 3 4 = 12
b. 4 3 = 1 and 4 + 3 = 0
d. 4 = 3 5 and 3 = 4 + 5

Answers for exercises

Exercise 3a
1 (a) 5, (5/2, 4)
3 (5, 3)
Exercise 3b
1 (a) 3
2 (a) parallel
2 + 4 2
Exercise 3c
1 (a) = 3 3
2 +7= 0
3 5 4 = 0

(b) 1.41, (5/2, 1/2)

(c) 3.61, (3, 7/2)

(d) 2.83, (2, 3)

(b) 1/3
(b) perpendicular

(c) 4
(c) neither

(d) 7/3
(d) parallel

(b) 2 + 5 21 = 0

(c) 5 + 6 = 0

(d) 15 + 40 + 34 = 0

4 + 2 11 = 0
Exercise 3d
1 (a) < 0
2 (a) 5
Exercise 3e
8 4 6
1 (
+1 +1
2 = 2
Exercise 3f
1 (a) 45

(b) > 1/4

(b) 1/4

(b) 73.74

(c) 0

(d) Perpendicular

Bostock, L., Chandler, S. (1981). Mathematics: The Core Course for A-level: Stanley Thornes
(Publishers) Limited.
Bostock, L., & Chandler, S. (2012). Pure Mathematics 1 for Cambridge A Level: Nelson
Thornes Limited.
Neill, H., & Quadling, D. (2002). Pure Mathematics 1: Cambridge University Press.

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