LR With ANNs

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Journal of Biomedical Informatics 35 (2002) 352359

Methodological Review

Logistic regression and articial neural network classication

models: a methodology review
Stephan Dreiseitla,* and Lucila Ohno-Machadob

Department of Software Engineering for Medicine, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, Austria
Decision Systems Group, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Division of Health Sciences and Technology,
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, USA
Received 7 February 2003

Logistic regression and articial neural networks are the models of choice in many medical data classication tasks. In this
review, we summarize the dierences and similarities of these models from a technical point of view, and compare them with other
machine learning algorithms. We provide considerations useful for critically assessing the quality of the models and the results based
on these models. Finally, we summarize our ndings on how quality criteria for logistic regression and articial neural network
models are met in a sample of papers from the medical literature.
 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Keywords: Articial neural networks; Logistic regression; Classication; Model comparison; Model evaluation; Medical data analysis

1. Introduction
Predictive models are used in a variety of medical
domains for diagnostic and prognostic tasks. These
models are built from experience, which constitutes
data acquired from actual cases. The data can be preprocessed and expressed in a set of rules, such as it is
often the case in knowledge-based expert systems, or
serve as training data for statistical and machine learning models. Among the options in the latter category,
the most popular models in medicine are logistic regression (LR) and articial neural networks (ANN).
These models have their origins in two dierent communities (statistics and computer science), but share
many similarities.
In this article, we show that logistic regression and
articial neural networks share common roots in statistical pattern recognition, and how the latter model
can be seen as a generalization of the former. We briey
compare these two methods with other popular classication algorithms from the machine learning eld, such
Corresponding author. Fax: +43-7236-3888-2099.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Dreiseitl).

as k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, and support vector machines.

There are now several implementations of predictive modeling algorithms readily available, both as
free and commercial software. The quality of the
results obtained using these models mainly depends
on three factors: the quality of the data set employed
in model-building, the care with which adjustable
model parameters were chosen, and the evaluation
criteria used to report the results of the modeling
It is imperative that these details be presented in
papers using predictive modeling, as otherwise the validity of the claims in the papers cannot be assessed by
the reader. We therefore analyze the model-building
process of logistic regression and neural network models
in some detail, and point out which factors need to be
considered when judging research results using predictive models.
To gauge the current state of reporting results in the
literature, we sampled 72 papers comparing both logistic
regression and neural network models on medical data
sets. We analyzed these papers with respect to several
criteria, such as size of data sets, model parameter

1532-0464/02/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

S. Dreiseitl, L. Ohno-Machado / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 35 (2002) 352359

selection scheme, and performance measure used in reporting model results.

2. The data classication task

The task of classifying data is to decide class membership y 0 of an unknown data item x0 based on a data
set D x1 ; y1 ; . . . ; xn ; yn of data items xi with known
class memberships yi . For ease of discussion, we consider only dichotomous classication problems, where
the class labels y are either 0 or 1. The xi are usually mdimensional vectors, the components of which are called
covariates and independent variables (in statistics parlance) or input variables (by the machine learning community). In most problem domains, there is no
functional relationship y f x between y and x. In this
case, the relationship between x and y has to be described more generally by a probability distribution
P x; y; one then assumes that the data set D contains
independent samples from P . From statistical decision
theory, it is well known that the optimal class membership decision is to choose the class label y that
maximizes the posterior distribution P yjx [1].
There are two dierent approaches to data classication: the rst considers only a dichotomous distinction
between the two classes, and assigns class labels 0 or 1 to
an unknown data item. The second attempts to model
P yjx; this yields not only a class label for a data item,
but also a probability of class membership. The most
prominent representatives of the rst class are support
vector machines. Logistic regression, articial neural
networks, k-nearest neighbors, and decision trees are all
members of the second class, although they vary considerably in building an approximation to P yjx from
data. Some details on these models, including a comparison on their respective advantages and disadvantages, are given below.
Currently, logistic regression and articial neural
networks are the most widely used models in biomedicine, as measured by the number of publications indexed
in ME D L I N E : 28,500 for logistic regression, 8500 for
neural networks, 1300 for k-nearest neighbors, 1100 for
decision trees, and 100 for support vector machines.
2.1. Support vector machines
These models are algorithmic implementations of
ideas from statistical learning theory [2], which concerns
itself with the problem of building consistent estimators
from data: how can the performance of a model on an
unknown data set be estimated, given only characteristics of the model, and performance on a training set?
Algorithmically, support vector machines build optimal separating boundaries between data sets by solving a constrained quadratic optimization problem [3,4].


By using dierent kernel functions, varying degrees of

nonlinearity and exibility can be included in the model.
Because they can be derived from advanced statistical
ideas, and bounds on the generalization error can be
calculated for them, support vector machines have received considerable research interest over the past years.
Performances on par with or exceeding that of other
machine learning algorithms have been reported in the
medical literature.
The disadvantage of support vector machines is that
the classication result is purely dichotomous, and no
probability of class membership is given.
2.2. k-Nearest neighbors
Classication based on the k-nearest neighbor algorithm diers from the other methods considered here, as
this algorithm uses the data directly for classication,
without building a model rst [5,6]. As such, no details
of model construction need to be considered, and the
only adjustable parameter in the model is k, the number
of nearest neighbors to include in the estimate of class
membership: the value of P yjx is calculated simply as
the ratio of members of class y among the k nearest
neighbors of x. By varying k, the model can be made
more or less exible (small or large values of k, respectively).
The advantage that k-nearest neighbors have over
other algorithms is the fact that the neighbors can provide an explanation for the classication result; this
case-based explanation can provide an advantage in areas where black-box models are inadequate.
The major drawback of k-nearest neighbors lies in the
calculation of the case neighborhood: for this, one needs
to dene a metric that measures the distance between
data items. In most application areas, it is not clear how
to, other than by trial and error, dene a metric in such a
way that the relative (but unknown!) importance of data
components is reected in the metric.
2.3. Decision trees
This algorithm repeatedly splits the data set according to a criterion that maximizes the separation of the
data, resulting in a tree-like structure [7,8]. The most
common criterion employed is information gain; this
means that at each split, the decrease in entropy due to
this split is maximized. The estimate of P yjx is the ratio
of y class elements over all elements of the leaf node that
contains data item x.
A major disadvantage of decision trees is given by the
greedy construction process: at each step, the combination of single best variable and optimal split-point is
selected; however, a multi-step lookahead that considers
combinations of variables may obtain dierent (and
better) results. A further drawback lies in the fact that


S. Dreiseitl, L. Ohno-Machado / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 35 (2002) 352359

continuous variables are implicitly discretized by the

splitting process, losing information along the way.
Compared with the other machine learning methods
mentioned here, decision trees have the advantage that
they are not black-box models, but can easily be expressed as rules. In many application domains, this advantage weighs more heavily than the drawbacks, so
that these models are widely used in medicine.
2.4. Logistic regression and articial neural networks
These models dier from the three algorithms above
in the sense that they both provide a functional form f
and parameter vector a to express P yjx as
P yjx f x; a:
The parameters a are determined based on the data
set D, usually by maximum-likelihood estimation. As
the functional form of f diers for logistic regression
and articial neural nets, the former is known as a
parametric method, whereas the latter is sometimes
called semi-parametric or non-parametric. This distinction is important because the contribution of parameters
in logistic regression (coecients and intercept) can be
interpreted, whereas this is not always the case with the
parameters of a neural network (weights).

3. Logistic regression vs. articial neural network models

For the following, let all data vectors xi contain an
additional component 1. This will facilitate notation in
allowing us to write a simple dot product a  x for a
linear combination of vector components instead of the
more cumbersome a  x a0 .
Generally, a logistic regression model calculates the
class membership probability for one of the two categories in the data set:
P 1jx; a

1 eax

and P 0jx; a 1  P 1jx; a. Here, we write P 1jx; a to

make the dependence of the posterior distribution on the
parameters a explicit. It can be shown that this model is
correct when both the class-conditional densities pxj1
and pxj0 are multinormal with equal covariance matrices [6].
The hyperplane of all points x satisfying the equation
a  x 0 forms the decision boundary between the two
classes; these are the points for which P 1jx; a
P 0jx; a 0:5. A logistic regression model that includes
only the original covariates is called a main eects model;
including interaction terms such as products makes the
model nonlinear in the covariates, and therefore more
exible. Although higher exibility may be desirable
in general, it carries with it a higher risk for model

overtting (memorizing the training cases), which can

potentially reduce a models accuracy on previously
unseen cases. In predictive modeling, tting the training
cases is just part of the task: correctly classifying new
cases is the most important goal.
Maximum likelihood estimation of the optimal parameter
values a requires the maximization of
i1 P yi jxi ; a. Although the functional forms for logistic regression and articial neural network models are
quite dierent, a network without a hidden layer is actually identical to a logistic regression model if the logistic (sigmoidal) activation function is used [9,10].
Articial neural networks are aggregations of perceptrons. For multi-layer feedforward networks, the
output is


eboH b0

and this output is again taken as P 1jx; b; b0 ; a. Here,

oH is a vector of perceptron outputs, each with its own a
parameters; these perceptrons are usually called hidden
neurons. Due to the nonlinearity in these hidden neurons, the output oN of an articial neural network is a
nonlinear function of the inputs. In a classication
context, this means that the decision boundary can be
nonlinear as well, making the model more exible
compared to logistic regression. In Section 4, we summarize a sampling of publications from the biomedical
eld to assess whether this higher degree of exibility
results in improved classication accuracy on real-world
data sets.
3.1. Parameter estimation techniques
For both logistic regression and articial neural networks, the model parameters are determined by maximum likelihood estimation,
i.e., the parameters a are
chosen to maximize ni1 P yi jxi ; a.
P Usually, it is easier
(and equivalent) to minimize  ni1 log P yi jxi ; a. A
variety of numerical optimization algorithms, from
simple gradient descent to more complicated secondorder methods, can be used to determine the optimal
parameter values [11].
Articial neural networks are usually trained by
minimizing an error function; an appropriate choice of
such a function for binary classication problems is the
cross-entropy error
y log oN 1  y log1  oN :

Given only a limited size data set D, any model for

P yjx based on this data set will be inuenced by the
particular choice of D. The model-building challenge is
to abstract the underlying distribution from the particular instance D of samples. The problem of memorizing
the data set instead of identifying the underlying

S. Dreiseitl, L. Ohno-Machado / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 35 (2002) 352359

distribution is known as overtting. Various methods to

avoid overtting have emerged over the years; these can
be categorized as either restricting model complexity, or
restricting the inuence of the data on the model parameters.
In logistic regression, the model complexity is already
low, especially when no or few interaction terms and
variable transformations are used. Overtting is less of
an issue in this case. Performing variable selection is a
way to reduce a models complexity and consequently
decrease the risk of overtting. As mentioned before,
this may cause a loss in the models exibility. Compared to logistic regression, neural network models are
more exible, and thus more susceptible to overtting.
Network size can be restricted by decreasing the number
of variables and hidden neurons, and by pruning the
network after training. Alternatively, one can require
the model output to be suciently smooth. This can be
achieved by regularization; in a neural network context
this is called weight decay. Weight decay, as the name
implies, limits the magnitude of the weights and is a
method that is analogous to logistic regressions
shrinkage [10,12]. Weight decay and shrinkage make
decision boundaries smoother. Suciently smooth decision boundaries are not as exible as unrestricted decision boundaries, so that they cannot adapt to the
particularities of a data set. For weight decay, one needs
to empirically determine a weight reduction factor; this
is usually done by cross-validation or bootstrapping (see
Section 3.3).
The alternative to restricting model complexity is to
only partially adapt the model to the data set. This can
be achieved by early stopping, when parameter adaptation is terminated before the maximum-likelihood estimate is found. The use of early stopping requires a
subset of the training data to be used as a holdout set, to
terminate training when adaptation shifts away from the
data generator to the particular instance of data set.
The Bayesian framework provides an alternative to
maximum-likelihood parameter estimation, and thus to
the problem of overtting. In this framework, one does
not calculate a single best parameter vector aML , but
rather a distribution P ajD over the parameters as
P ajD

P DjaP a

In this equation, the denominator does not depend on

a and canQtherefore be ignored. In the remaining term,
P Dja ni1 P yi jxi ; a is the likelihood, and P a the
prior distribution over the parameters. For large data
sets, the posterior P ajD becomes sharply peaked
around aML , so that the choice of prior distribution has
little eect on the calculation. For smaller data sets, this
inuence is more pronounced, and can be used to incorporate prior knowledge into the model [9,13]. Weight
decay can be seen as representative of this reasoning, as


smooth decision boundaries correspond to a preference

for smaller weights.
In-depth discussions of the topics mentioned here can
be found in the books of Bishop [9] and Ripley [6] for
articial neural networks, Neal [14] for a Bayesian perspective on neural network training, and Hosmer and
Lemeshow [15] and Harrell [16] for logistic regression.
3.2. Variable selection
In many application domains, it is not only important
to be able to separate two data sets, but also to determine which variables are the most relevant for achieving
this separation. On the one hand, the removal of superuous variables can lead to more accurate models; on
the other, money, time and eort can be saved by
dropping unnecessary tests or asking only relevant
For logistic regression models, it is possible to test the
statistical signicance of the coecients in the model
[15]; these tests can be used to build models incrementally. The three most common approaches are to start
with an empty model and successively add covariates
(forward selection), to start with the full model and remove covariates (backward selection), or to both add
and remove variables (stepwise selection).
Due to the nonlinear nature of articial neural networks, the statistical tests for parameter signicance that
are used in logistic regression cannot be applied here.
Instead, one can use automatic relevance determination
[9] or sensitivity analysis [17] to heuristically assess the
importance of input variables for the classication result.
3.3. Model evaluation
The two criteria to assess the quality of a classication
model are discrimination and calibration. Discrimination
is a measure of how well the two classes in the data set are
separated; calibration determines how accurate the
model probability estimate f x; a is to the true probability P yjx. To provide an unbiased estimate of a
models discrimination and calibration, these values have
to be calculated from a data set not used in the model
building process. Usually, a portion of the original data
set, called the test or validation set, is put aside for this
purpose. In small data sets, there may not be enough
data items for both training and testing. In this case, the
whole data set is divided into n pieces, n  1 pieces are
used for training, and the last piece is the test set. This
process of n-fold cross-validation builds n models; the
numbers reported are the averages over all n test sets
[18,19]. The extreme case of using only one data item for
testing is known as leave-one-out cross-validation.
An alternative to cross-validation is bootstrapping,
a process by which training sets are sampled with


S. Dreiseitl, L. Ohno-Machado / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 35 (2002) 352359

replacement from the original data sets [20]. When using

the complete data set as testing data, the estimate of
generalization error will be too low, as data items are
used for both training and testing. It is, however, possible to estimate the bias, and thus to adjust an overly
optimistic generalization error estimate. Bootstrapping
was shown to be superior to cross-validation on many
data sets [16,21].
Common measures of discrimination are sensitivity,
specicity, accuracy and the area under the ROC curve
(or, equivalently, the c-index). For all these measures,
there exist statistical tests to determine whether one
model exceeds another in discrimination ability [22,23].
Calibration is a measure of how close the predictions
of a given model are to the real underlying probability.
Almost always, the true underlying probability is unknown and can only be estimated retrospectively by
verifying the true binary outcome of the data being
studied. Calibration thus measures the similarity between two dierent estimates of a probability. One of
the ways to assess calibration is to take the dierence
between the average observation and the average outcome of a given group as a measure of discalibration. A
more rened way to measure calibration requires dividing the sample into smaller groups sorted by predictions, calculating the sum of predictions and sum of
outcomes for each group, and determining whether
there are any statistically signicant dierences between
the expected and observed numbers by a simple v2
method [15].

4. Logistic regression and articial neural network

comparisons in the literature
We reviewed 72 papers that compare the classication performance of articial neural networks with logistic regression models. The references were obtained as
a sample from PU B M E D and chosen for ease of availability; a general literature review is beyond the scope of
this paper.
The objective of this sampling was to determine the
overall standard of publications reporting results based
on logistic regression and articial neural network
modeling. We focused on those papers that use both
methodologies to see whether one of them consistently
outperforms the other on medical data sets.
For this study, we analyzed the 72 papers with respect to the following criteria: whether details of the
model building process are given (variable selection
scheme for logistic regression, parameter selection and
overtting avoidance for articial neural networks),
whether unbiased estimates of the generalization error
are reported (by using test sets, cross-validation, or
bootstrapping), whether measures of discriminatory
power were given (and statistical testing using these

measures), and whether calibration information is included.

Every paper was rated in each of these ve categories
as either giving details or not. The latter was the case
when no details were reported in the paper, or when the
methodology used in the paper was questionable (such
as not taking overtting avoidance into account, or reporting a models superiority over another without statistical testing).
The results of this survey are summarized in Table 1.
It is interesting to note that details on model building
are given more often for logistic regression than for
articial neural networks. This may be due to the fact
that forward, backward, and stepwise variable selection
schemes are implemented in standard logistic regression
software, and thus easily used and reported. It takes
more eort and considerations on the part of the user to
achieve the same level of sophistication with articial
neural networks, as many advanced methods are not
available in all software packages. These model building
details may also be considered not important for publication by authors, although they help to assess the
quality of the ndings obtained with the model.
Since all the papers surveyed compare the performance of logistic regression with articial neural networks in discriminating two data sets, it is
understandable that only a quarter of them give calibration information.
The results of comparing the discriminatory power of
logistic regression and articial neural network models
are summarized in Table 2. It can be seen that both
models perform on about the same level more often than
not, with the more exible neural networks generally
outperforming logistic regression in the remaining cases.

Table 1
Percentage of papers (out of 72) satisfying ve quality criteria

LR model building details

ANN model building details
Generalization error estimate
Statistical discriminant testing
Calibration information

given (%)

Details not
given (%)



Table 2
Summary of comparing the discriminatory power of articial neural
networks with logistic regression models, as percentage of 72 papers

Stat. testing
No stat. testing

better (%)

LR better

dierence (%)




S. Dreiseitl, L. Ohno-Machado / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 35 (2002) 352359

5. Discussion
An increasingly large number of data items are collected routinely, and often automatically, in many areas
of medicine. It is a challenge for the eld of machine
learning and statistics to extract useful information and
knowledge from this wealth of data.
Mistakes in model building and evaluation can have
disastrous consequences in some medical applications.
Special care must therefore be taken to ensure that the
models are validated, preferably by using an external
data set and checking the models plausibility by surveying a panel of experts in the domain [24,25].
The latter is possible only for so-called white-box
models that allow an interpretation of model parameters. Examples of such algorithms are decision trees
(which may be expressed as a set of rules), k-nearest
neighbors (which provides exemplars similar to cases to
be classied), and logistic regression (where coecients
sizes determine their relative importance for the classication result).
Black-box models, such as support vector machines or
articial neural networks, do not allow such an interpretation, and can only be veried externally. Contrasting views on the role of articial neural networks as
predictive models are given in [26,27]. Nevertheless, their
discriminating power is often signicantly better than
that of white-box models, which may explain their
popularity in domains where classication performance
is more important than model interpretation.
Most of the papers summarized in Section 4 have
shown logistic regression and articial neural networks
to work well on a wide variety of data sets. Their performance is generally better, at least on continuous data,
than that of decision trees and k-nearest neighbors. This
may be explained by the fact that the decision tree algorithm does not construct a decision boundary between
classes per se, but rather splits the data set optimally at
each tree node. As explained in Section 2, this may result
in suboptimal classication results. The performance of
k-nearest neighbors is generally worse on high-dimensional data because, when the relative importance of
dimensions is not weighted, the data from spurious and
irrelevant dimensions may negatively inuence the distance calculation [28].
Support vector machines, on the other hand, have
shown comparable performance in the few studies on
medical data sets [29,30]. They are not as widely used yet
as logistic regression and articial neural networks, in
part because few easy-to-use software implementations
are available, and the kernel functions and kernel
function parameter settings have to be estimated from
the data (mostly by cross-validation or bootstrapping).
In short, the widespread use of logistic regression and
articial neural network models seems to be motivated
by the fact that they have lower generalization error


than decision trees and k-nearest neighbors, while being

easier to build than support vector machines.
The following points should be kept in mind when
using logistic regression and articial neural networks as
data classication tools; pitfalls to avoid when comparing classiers are given in [31].
5.1. Logistic regression
With anything more than a few covariates, a variable
selection scheme should be used to remove spurious
covariates. If computationally feasible, one should include interaction terms to make the model more exible.
A variable selection scheme can then be used to remove
unnecessary interaction terms. The p value for statistical
testing of variable signicance for inclusion in and exclusion from the model is generally set to 0.05, but this
threshold should be modied given expert opinion.
5.2. Articial neural networks
One layer of hidden neurons is generally sucient for
classifying most data sets. The number of neurons in the
hidden layer needs to be set empirically, e.g. by crossvalidation or bootstrapping. One should avoid the use
of plain backpropagation or backpropagation with
momentum, as these minimization algorithms are slower
to convergence than second-order algorithms such as
conjugate gradients or quasi-Newton methods. It is
imperative to not overt the network during training;
this can be achieved either by restricting the topology of
the network (i.e., decreasing the number of nodes), by
early stopping, or by using weight decay. If computationally possible, one should consider the use of a
Bayesian approach that averages over several plausible
5.3. Estimate of generalization error
A classication result may be overly optimistic if
performance cannot be measured on a data set not used
for model building. In the ideal case, testing on a separate data set will provide an unbiased estimate of
generalization error. If the original data set is too small
for this approach, the recommended strategy is to use
cross-validation or bootstrapping to make the best
possible use of the limited amount of data.
A discussion of model evaluation, especially as it pertains to medical data and the use of logistic regression and
articial neural network models, can be found in [3235].
5.4. Measuring the discriminatory power of a model
The most commonly used measures of discriminatory
power are the area under the ROC curve (AUC), sensitivity, specicity, and accuracy. While sensitivity and


S. Dreiseitl, L. Ohno-Machado / Journal of Biomedical Informatics 35 (2002) 352359

specicity of a classier are reported for a single

threshold (mostly taken as classier output o 0:5), the
area under the ROC curve represents a common measure of sensitivity and specicity over all possible
thresholds. One should be aware, though, that the AUC
measure remains the same when classier outputs are
transformed monotonically. This means that models
may exhibit good discrimination (as measured by AUC),
but may be poorly calibrated.
Accuracy is the only discrimination measure inuenced by the class distribution in the data set. This
measure must therefore be treated with caution when
the case distribution in the training set is dierent from
the case distribution of the population on which the
classier is used.
5.5. Assessing claims in the literature
Most studies on the use of classication algorithms in
biomedicine focus on one of two questions:
Is it possible to distinguish one class of data items
from another, based on some set of measurements
Is it possible to build a decision-support system that
helps in the diagnosis/prognosis of unknown cases?
Although both approaches use the same methodology for model building, the use of performance indicators is dierent: for the rst, the question of
discrimination is more important, whereas for the second, good calibration is essential. For both of them, the
appropriate performance indicators need to be published to substantiate any claims of model performance.
More studies currently published are motivated by answering the rst question, as can be seen from the relatively low number of papers that report calibration
information (see Section 4).
When assessing the model-building process reported
in a paper, one should check whether the following
questions were addressed in a satisfactory manner:
How is the choice of classier motivated?
How were the parameters of the classier, and the parameters of the training process chosen?
How is the performance of the classier evaluated?
For logistic regression and articial neural network
models, the points to consider in evaluating the description of a model-building process are given in Section 3.
Answering the questions above allows the reader to
determine the overall quality of the result reported in a
paper, and to distinguish between overly optimistic
claims (such as when performance is reported on the
training set) and needlessly pessimistic ones (when
model parameters are chosen in a suboptimal manner).
The latter is especially common in studies that promote
new algorithms. Needless to say, some articles do not
even report comparisons and instead just report the
performance of a single method.

6. Conclusion
In this methodology review, we explained the use of
logistic regression and articial neural network models
for biomedical data classication. We outlined the
common foundations of both models in statistical pattern recognition, and briey compared these models
with other classication algorithms. We showed how to
build logistic regression and articial neural network
models, how to evaluate them, and which performance
indices to report.
We surveyed papers that compare both models to
determine the current level of publication standard, and
noticed that the information relevant for measuring the
methodological soundness of a paper is reported more
often for logistic regression models. We conjecture that
this is due to the fact that the model-building process is
easier for logistic regression, and may be considered too
detailed and not worthy of publication for articial
neural networks. This greatly limits the readers ability
to reproduce the reported results.
We discussed the application areas, relative merits
and common pitfalls of classication algorithms in
biomedicine. So far, there is no single algorithm that
performs better than all other algorithms on any given
data set and application area. For logistic regression, the
popularity may be attributed to the interpretability of
model parameters and ease of use; for articial neural
networks, this may be due to the fact that these models
can be seen as nonlinear generalizations of logistic regression, and thus at least as powerful as that model.
The evidence summarized in Section 4 shows that of the
tasks where performance was compared statistically,
there was a 5:2 ratio of cases in which it was not signicantly better to use neural networks. It remains to be
seen whether newer machine learning algorithms, such
as support vector machines and other kernel-based algorithms, can prove to be signicantly better than both
logistic regression and articial neural networks.
Until further studies are conducted and some guidelines for predictive modeling evaluation are utilized,
there may continue to exist a publication bias in favor of
the newer machine learning methods, often with disregard to proper evaluation of the results. This may mislead readers into thinking that the new methods are not
subject to the pervasive trade-os between exibility and
overtting that are typical of classical models such as
logistic regression and articial neural networks.

[1] Duda R, Hart P, Stork D. Pattern classication. 2nd ed. New
York: Wiley/Interscience; 2000.
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