Triple Tree of Wealth Talisman For

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Triple Tree of Wealth talisman for, "money in great

quantities and...good fortune in all your undertakings",

from the venerable astrological magic grimoire,
the Picatrix. This is OUR MOST POWERFUL

This talisman is very special because it is an example of the very height of

the art of astrological magic, the house based talisman. The typical planetary,
fixed star or Mansion of the Moon talisman uses just one planet or astrological
factor and typically requires approximately 3-5 factors be present. This
talisman uses the power of three very dignified planets and 15 conditions of
which 9, plus a variant of one condition, are present from the Picatrix recipe.
This makes this talisman extremely powerful as the conditions are so rare and
unusual. The Triple Tree of Wealth talismans are cast out of molten silver at a
precisely elected time. You can see the actual chart of the making of this
talisman below.

Let's take a look at this beautiful talisman. On the front of the talisman
design, which you can see above to right, is a stunning image of a Triple Tree
of Wealth with coins having the symbols of the Moon, Venus and Mars plus a
special infinite/flowing wealth sigil. To left you can see the color Triple Tree
of Wealth meditation and ritual image that accompanies this talisman, again
showing the image of the Triple Tree of Wealth with the Moon, Venus & Mars
coins and the infinite/flowing wealth sigil plus a foreground image of a man
writing with his desk stacked with coins. Both the talisman stencil image and
the beautiful color image are by the visionary artist Robert Place!

Mediation & Ritual Image


On the back of the talisman, which you can see to right, around the edge is
the Hebrew of Psalm 112:3 "Wealth and riches are in his house, and his
[God's] righteousness (fairness) endures forever." Then we can see the
symbols of Venus, ruler of the 1st house and the sign she is in, Pisces, plus the
symbol of Mars, ruler of the 2nd of wealth and Aries, his sign and finally the
symbol of the Moon, ruler of the 10th of success and Taurus, the sign she is

For the complex and difficult election for the talisman Picatrix says,
An image to increase sales and profits. Fashion images, and make fortunate
the Ascendant and the Tenth house and their lords, and the lord of the house of
the lord of the Ascendant, and the lord of the house of the lord of the Tenth,
the Moon and the lord of its house, as well as the Second house and its lord,
and place the lord of the Second house in reception with the lord of the
Ascendant by trine or sextile aspect, and place a fortune in the Second house,
and place the Part of Fortune in the Ascendant or the Tenth house, and have
the Lord of the Part of Fortune aspecting it with a good aspect. And when this
image has thus been made, carry it with you, and hide it secretly so that none
might see it, and you shall gain money in great quantities and have good
fortune in all your undertakings."
Picatrix Bk I ch. 5.

The elected time and date is 8:14 pm, MDT, on April 4, 2011 for Boulder,
Colorado, the casting date for the talismans. Let's look at the chart and the
requirements set out for the election by Picatrix. First, the Ascendant and 10th
house are unafflicted. The Ascendant is ruled by Venus exalted. The 10th
house is ruled by the Moon, who is exalted and dignified by triplicity. The
ruler of the 2nd house of wealth is Mars who is dignified by sign. In a variant
on the recipe, the Moon, ruler of the 10th house, sextiles with reception,
Venus, ruler of the Ascendant. An excellent election for wealth and success!

enus is the key planet for love and also rules friendship,

the arts and pleasures in general. The visionary artist and

esotericist Robert Place has created a gorgeous talismanic
image of Venus, which you can see to right and also made
special talismanic prints, charged with magical power of this

he key feature of these talismans is the image of Venus

from the most famous grimoire of astrological magic,

the Picatrix:
"The image of Venus according to the sage Beylus is the
image of a woman standing on her feet, and in her right hand
she holds an apple. The image of Venus according to the
opinion of the sage Picatrix is the image of a woman holding
an apple in her right hand and a comb in her left hand, like a
tablet... "
Picatrix, Bk II, ch 10, Greer & Warnock trans, page 104. .

The artist Robert Place, explains further the symbolism of his

beautiful Venus images,
"I think the symbolism of the heart on the Venus was
influenced by my studies on the chakras or soul centers. I
have always been drawn to the icon of the sacred heart and I
came to realize that it represented a Western tradition of
chakras. In the Tibetan system of chakras the heart is the
most important center. In meditation a red drop of elixir forms
in the head chakra and descends to the heart and a white
drop ascends from the navel to the heart (there are only four
chakras in this system). In the heart they mix and form the
elixir of immortality like the red drops falling from the sacred
heart. The fire represents love but in the chakric system heat
is the result of Kundalini rising (the fire serpent)."
"Another similarity between Mary and Venus is that they both
are often depicted with a son: Jesus or Cupid. Botticelli was

aware of this and his Modonna and his Venus are the same
woman clothed and unclothed."

The Water Snake (Hydra) namely, a Snake

having over it the Cup (Urna, Crater) near its
head and [the Crow (Corvus) in front of its]tail,
above its back-if engraved upon a stone
conferring riches, is said to confer riches and
wisdom and protection against harm. "
De Mineralibus, Chapter 5.

We can see the Hydra image, with the long serpentine body
of the sea snake/dragon Hydra, the longest of all
constellations, with the constellations of the Cup and the

he medieval astrological magic manuscript, Hermes on the

15 Fixed Stars says the Pleiades,

"...preserves the eyesight, summons demons and the spirits of
the dead, calls the winds, and reveals secrets and things that
are lost. "
Hermes on the 15 Fixed Stars.

The Renaissance mage, Cornelius Agrippa says of the

"Under the constellation of the Pleiades,they made the image
of a little Virgin, or the Figure of a Lamp; its reported to
increase the light of the eyes, to assemble Spirits,to raise
Winds, to reveal secret and hidden things: "

Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Bk II, ch 47.

We can see the Pleiades image, shown above to right, by the

visionary artist Robert Place, of a beautiful young woman with

a lamp, with the 7 stars of the Pleiades cluster surrounding

and a gorgoeous interwoven bower of branches and leaves.

he key feature of these talismans is the image of the

seventh Mansion of the Moon from Picatrix,

"The seventh Mansion is Aldira and is for the acquisition of all
good things. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion,
fashion..the image of a man clothed in robes and with his
hands extended to heaven in the manner of a man who is
praying and supplicating; Suffumigate it with sweet smelling
things, ...Ask for whatever you wish that pertains to good
things. Carry the image with you and it will be as you wish."
Picatrix, Bk IV, chapter 9.

We can see the 7th Mansion image, shown above to right,

which follows the Picatrix image, including the names of the
Mansion lords, Scheliel and Sha'lika, and expands on it with a
beautiful image of a Japanese Soto Zen monk. The monk
stands in gassho, the anjali mudra, which expresses respect,
unifies all polarities and expresses the One Mind, the total
unity of Being. The monk is depicted in front of the Ginkaku-ji,
the "Temple of the Silver Pavilion, a famous Zen temple in
Kyoto, Japan. In the sky are the stars of the constellation
Gemini, where the 7th Mansion is located.

The twenty-fifth Mansion is [Sa'd alAkhbiyah ], and it is for the protection of

orchards and crops from evil happenings.
When the Moon has come to it, fashion a seal
in fig wood, and sculpt in it the figure of a man
in the likeness of one who is planting trees.
Cense it with the flowers of these trees , and
say: You, [Aziel, Asyal] guard my crops and my
orchards that any destruction or ill fortune
may not befall them. Place the aforesaid

image in one of the trees in the place which

you wish to guard. While the image which was
made continues there, destruction shall not
befall the crops. "
Picatrix, Bk IV, chapter 9.

We can see the 25th Mansion image, shown above to right,

which follows the Picatrix image, including the names of the
Mansion lords, Aziel and Asyal, with a beautiful image of man
planting a flourishing tree with the four stars of the 25th
Mansion, as described by Ibn Hatim, in the tree.

he key feature of these talismans is Robert Place's image

of the 2nd Face of Cancer from Cornelius Agrippa's Three

Books of Occult Philosophy,
""A man clothed in comely apparel, or a man and woman
sitting at the table and playing; it bestoweth riches, mirth,
gladness, and the love of women."
Three Books of Occult Philosophy , Bk II ch 37.

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