r05220405 Analog Communications

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Code No: R05220405 Set No. 1

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2007
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks


1. (a) Draw the one cycle of AM wave and calculate the modulation index of it in
terms of Vmax and Vmin voltages.
(b) A modulating signal consists of a symmetrical triangular wave having zero dc
component and peak to peak voltage of 12V. It is used to amplitude modulate
a carrier of peak voltage 10V. Calculate the modulation index and the ratio
of the side lengths L1 /L2 of the corresponding trapezoidal pattern.
(c) The rms antenna current of an AM transmitter is 10 A when un-modulated
and 12 A when sinusoidally modulated. Calculate the modulation index.[16]

2. (a) Explain the concept of frequency translation using the spectrum of DSB-SC
(b) For the balanced ring modulator circuit, the carrier input frequency fc = 500
kHz and modulating input signal frequency ranges from 0 to 5 kHz. Determine
output frequency range and output frequency for a single input frequency of
3.4 KHz. [8+8]
3. A synchronous detection of SSB signal shows phase and frequency discrepancy.

ConsiderS(t) = cos [(ωc t) cos(ωi t + Φi ) − sin(ωc t) sin(ωi t + Φi )]is an SSB signal.
The signal is multiplied by the locally generated carrier cosω c t and then passed
through a low-pass filter.
(a) Prove that the modulating signal can be completely recovered if the cut-off
frequency of the filter is fN < fo < 2fc .
(b) Determine the recovered signal when the multiplying signal is cos[ωc + Φ].
(c) Determine the recovered signal when the multiplying
Q signal is cos[(ω c t+∆ω)t].
Give ∆Φ << Φi where ωc = 2Πfc , ∆ω = 2 ∆f. [16]
4. (a) Explain the operation of the balanced slope detector using a circuit diagram
and draw its response characteristics. Discuss in particular the method of
combining the outputs of the individual diodes. In what way is this circuit an
improvement on the slope detector and in turn what are the advantages?
(b) Compute the bandwidth requirement for the transmission of FM signal having
a frequency deviation 75 KHz and an audio bandwidth of 10KHz. [12+4]
5. (a) Prove that the figure of merit of AM system for single stone modulation with
100% modulation is 1/3.
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Code No: R05220405 Set No. 1

(b) An AM system with envelope detection is operating at threshold. Determine
the power gain in decibels needed at the transmitter to produce (S/N )o = 30
dB for tone modulation with m = 1. [16]

6. (a) Classify radio transmitters in detail.

(b) Compare low level modulation and high level modulation of radio transmitters.

7. (a) Describe the circuit of an FET amplitude limiter, and with the aid of the
transfer characteristic explain the operation of the circuit.
(b) What can be done to improve the overall limiting performance of an FM
receiver ? Explain the operation of the double limiter and also AGC in addition
to a limier. [16]

8. Why is cross talk present in PTM system ? Explain the generation and demodula-
tion of PDM signals with suitable diagrams. [16]


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Code No: R05220405 Set No. 2

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2007
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks


1. (a) Define communication. Explain with block diagram the basic communication
system. Write about modern communication system.
(b) A carrier wave of frequency 10 MHz and peak value of 10 V is amplitude
modulated by a 5 KHz sine wave of amplitude 6 V. Determine the modulation
index and draw the one sided spectrum of modulated wave. [8+8]

2. (a) Consider the wave obtained by adding a non coherent carrier Ac cos (2 Π fc t + ϕ)
to DSB-SC wave m(t) cos (2 Π fc t ) where X (t) is the message waveform.
This waveform is applied to an ideal envelope detector. Find the resulting
detector out put. Evaluate the output for.
i. ϕ = 0 and
ii. ϕ =
6 0 and |X (t)| << Ac /2.
(b) Explain the DSB-SC generation by balanced modulator using FET amplifiers.

3. (a) Explain the envelope detection of VSB wave plus carrier.

(b) Calculate the percentage power saving when the carrier and one of the side-
bands are suppressed in an AM wave modulated to a depth of
i. 100 %
ii. 50 % . [8+8]

4. Explain demodulation of FM signal with the help of PLL. [16]

5. Explain the noise performance of SSB - SC receiver and prove its S/N Ratio is
unity. [16]

6. (a) Draw the block diagram of an SSB - SC transmitter employing sideband sup-
pression filter and explain.
(b) Why are limiters and preemphasis filters used in FM radio. [16]

7. (a) What factors govern the choice of intermediate frequency ?

(b) In a broadcast super heterodyne receiver having no RF amplifier, the loaded
Q of the antenna coupling circuit is 100. If the IF frequency is 455 kHz,
i. The image frequency and its rejection ratio for tuning at 1.1. kHz a
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Code No: R05220405 Set No. 2

ii. The image frequency and its rejection ratio for tuning at 25 MHz. [16]

8. Why is cross talk present in PTM system ? Explain the generation and demodula-
tion of PDM signals with suitable diagrams. [16]



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Code No: R05220405 Set No. 3

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2007
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks


1. (a) Explain operation of square law detector with circuit diagram and waveforms.
(b) An AM transmitter has un-modulated carrier power of 10 KW. It can be
modulated by sinusoidal modulating voltage to a maximum depth of 40%,
without overloading. If the maximum modulation index is reduced to 30%
what is the extent up to which the un modulated carrier power can be increased
to avoid over loading. [8+8]

2. (a) Explain the operation of Costas loop for demodulating DSB-SC waves.
(b) Explain about the quadrature null effect of coherent detector. [8+8]

3. (a) Explain with block diagram, the phase discrimination method of generating
SSB modulated waves.
(b) Explain the Third method of generating SSB modulated waves. [8+8]

4. (a) An FM wave with modulation index β = 1 is transmitted through an ideal

band pass filter with mid band frequency fc and bandwidth is 5fm , where fc
is the carrier frequency and fm is the frequency of the sinusoidal modulating

wave. Determine the amplitude spectrum of the filter output.
(b) An angle modulated signal has the form v(t) = 100 cos (2πfc t + 4 sin 2000 πt)
when fc =10 MHz.
i. Determine average transmitted power.
ii. Determine peak phase deviation.
iii. Determine the peak frequency deviation.
iv. Is this an FM or a PM signal? Explain. [10+6]

5. (a) Prove that the figure of merit of DSB - SC system is 1.

(b) A DSB-SC modulated is transmitted over a noisy channel, with the power
spectral density of the noise being as shown in figure 5b. The message band-
width is 4 kHz and the carrier frequency is 200 kHz. Assuming that the average
power of the modulated wave is 10 watts, find the output signal-to-noise ratio
of the receiver. [16]

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Code No: R05220405 Set No. 3

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6. Draw the black diagram of FM stereo broadcast transmitters and explain its oper-
ation. [16]

7. (a) What is meant by the term ‘tracking error’ ? Draw a typical tracking error
curve. What is meant by the term adjacent channel selectivity ?
(b) Find the image frequency for a standard broadcast band AM receiver using a
455 kHz IF and tuned to a station at 640 kHz. [16]

8. (a) What is the fundamental difference between pulse modulation, on the one
hand, and frequency and amplitude modulation on the other?
(b) What is pulse width modulation? What other names does it have? How is it
demodulated? [16]


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Code No: R05220405 Set No. 4

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2007
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks


1. (a) An AM wave is given by s(t) = 25(1 + 0.7 cos 5000t - 0.3 cos 10000t)sin 5
*106 t.
i. What are the amplitudes and frequencies of the carrier and the side bands?
ii. Draw the one sided amplitude spectrum.
iii. Determine the bandwidth.
(b) A diode envelope detector with a load resistance R = 250 KΩ in parallel
with a capacitor C = 100 pF is used to detect an AM carrier with 60 %
modulation. Find the highest modulation frequency that can be detected
without distortion.

2. (a) Explain the DSB-SC generation by balanced modulator using FET amplifiers.
(b) The output current of a 60 % AM generator is 1.5 A. To what value will
this current rise if the generator is modulated additionally by another audio
wave, whose modulation index is 0.7? What would be the percentage of power
saving if the carrier is suppressed before transmission took place? [8+8]

3. (a) Describe the time domain band-pass representation of SSB with necessary
(b) Find the percentage of power saved in SSB when compared with AM system.

4. (a) Explain about FM generation using transistor reactance tube modulator.

(b) Explain balanced ratio detector for detecting FM signal. [8+8]

5. Prove that narrow band FM offers no improvement in SNR over AM. [16]

6. (a) Classify radio transmitters in detail.

(b) Compare low level modulation and high level modulation of radio transmitters.

7. (a) Discuss about the alignment of Radio receiver with all details.
(b) Discuss about the need for limiter and deemphasis circuits in FM receivers.

8. (a) How is PDM wave converted into PPM system.

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Code No: R05220405 Set No. 4

(b) Explain why a single channel PPM of system requires the transmission of
synchronization signal, where as a single channel PAM or PDM system does
not it. [16]



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