Time: 3 Hours Marks: 80: X525Y13A008X525Y13A008X525Y13A008X525Y13A008

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Paper / Subject Code: 51424 / Principle of Communication

June 12, 2024 02:30 pm - 05:30 pm 1T01233 - S.E.(Information Technology Engineering)(SEM-III)

(Choice Base Credit Grading System ) (R- 19) (C Scheme) / 51424 - Principle of Communication
QP CODE: 10056409
Time: 3 Hours Marks: 80

N.B. (1). Question No.1 is compulsory.

(2). Out of remaining attempt any three.

(3). Assume & mention suitable data wherever required.

(4). Figures to right indicates full marks.

Q.1. Solve any four [20]

a). The signal power & noise power measured at the input of an amplifier are 150 µw & 1.5 µw
respectively. If the signal power at the o/p is 1.5w and noise power is 40mw, calculate amplifier
noise factor & noise figure.

b). Calculate the percentage power saving for DSB-SC signal for percentage modulation

of a) 100 % b) 50 %

c). Compare PAM, PWM & PPM

d). State advantages of digital transmission.

e). Explain in brief different types of communication channels.

f). Explain the principle of reflection and refraction.

Q.2 a) Explain FDM with neat block diagram . [10]

b). State and prove the following properties of Fourier transform with example

i) Convolution in time domain ii) Time scaling [10]

Q.3. a) In an AM radio receiver, loaded Q of an antenna circuit at the input to the mixer

Is 100.if the intermediate frequency is 455 KHz. calculate the image frequency &

Its rejection at 1 MHz . [10]

b).With the help of neat circuit diagram explain varactor diode method of FM Generation

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Paper / Subject Code: 51424 / Principle of Communication

Q.4 a). With reference to sky wave propagation explain

(i) virtual height (ii) critical Frequency

(iii) maximum usable frequency (MUF) (iv) skip distance

(v) Skip Zone . [10]

b). Derive the mathematical expression for FM with neat sketch. [10]

Q.5 a) define/Explain the following

(1) Aliasing or fold over error (2) Slope overload error (3) quantization process

(4) TDM (5) Inter symbol interference (ISI) [10]

b). Draw the block diagram of BSK generation & detection explain the working giving
waveforms . [10]

Q6. a). Consider that bit sequence given below is to be transmitted Bit sequence =10110011.
Draw the resulting waveform if the sequence is transmitted using

1. Unipolar RZ 2. Polar RZ 3. AMI

4. Split phase Manchester 5. M-ary where M=4 (Polar quaternary) [10]

b) . Write short note on following (any two)

1. Need of modulation

2. Role of balance modulator

3. Delta modulation

4. Friss Formula of noise.


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Paper / Subject Code: 51424 / Principle of Communication
1T01233 - S.E.(Information Technology Engineering)(SEM-III)(Choice Base Credit Grading System ) (R-
19) (C Scheme) / 51424 - Principle of Communication
QP CODE: 10039100 DATE: 30/11/2023
Time:3Hours Total Marks:80
N.B. (1). Question No.1 is compulsory.
(2). Out of remaining attempt any three.
(3). Assume & mention suitable data wherever required.
(4). Figures to right indicates full marks.

Q.1 Solve any four [20]

a). Explain need of modulation. Justify it with example.
b). Define the following terms.
i) . Noise figure ii). Noise temperature
iii). Noise bandwidth iv) Noise voltage v) Modulation.
c). Compare AM and FM.
d). Explain in short pre-emphasis and De-emphasis.
e). What is PSK signal. Draw the PSK signal for the following binary signal 111010011.
f). Explain the principle of reflection and refraction.

Q.2 a) Define signal to noise ratio. Explain the effect of cascade connection [10]
on a signal to noise ratio. Derive Friss formula for two stage cascade amplifier.
b) Derive the expression for total power in AM. [10]

Q.3 a) The AM Transmitter develops an unmodulated power o/p of 400 Watts across a
50𝜴 resistive load. The carrier is modulated by a sinusoidal signal with a modulation
index of 0.8. Assuming fm= 5KHz and fc= 1MHz.
(i) Obtain the value of carrier amplitude Vc and hence write the expression for AM
(ii) Find the total sideband power.
(iii) Draw the AM wave for the given modulation index. [10]
b) Explain quantization process in PCM with suitable diagram. [10]

Q.4 a) What are the limitations of TRF receiver? Explain how these
limitations are avoided using super-heterodyne receiver. [10]
b) Compare ground wave, sky wave, space wave and tropospheric
scatter propagation.. [10]
Q.5 a) Explain FDM transmitter & receiver with block diagram [10]
b) Draw the block diagram of PAM generator and detector. Explain the working
giving waveforms at the output of each block. [10]

Q6. a) Explain slope overload error and hunting error in Delta modulation. Derive the
condition to avoid slope overload distortion. [10]
b) Explain the generation of SSB with phase shift method. [10]


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Paper / Subject Code: 51424 / Principle of Communication
1T01233 - S.E.(Information Technology Engineering)(SEM-III)(Choice Base Credit Grading
System ) (R- 19) (C Scheme) / 51424 - Principle of Communication
QP CODE: 10025333 DATE: 01/06/2023
(3 Hours) [Total Marks: 80]

N.B. (1). Question No.1 is compulsory.

(2). Out of remaining attempt any three.
(3). Assume & mention suitable data wherever required.
(4). Figures to right indicates full marks.

Q.1. Solve any four [20]

a) Explain need of modulation. Justify it with example.
b) Define the following terms.
i) Noise figure ii) Noise temperature
iii) Noise bandwidth iv) Noise voltage v) Modulation.
c) Compare AM and FM.
d) Explain in short pre-emphasis and De-emphasis.
e) What is PSK signal. Draw the PSK signal for the following binary signal 111010011.
f) Explain the principle of reflection and refraction.

Q.2 a) Define signal to noise ratio. Explain the effect of cascade connection on a signal to
noise ratio. Derive Friss formula for two stage cascade amplifier. [10]
b) State and prove the following properties of Fourier transform with example
i) Convolution in time domain ii) Time scaling [10]

Q.3. a) The AM Transmitter develops an unmodulated power o/p of 400 Watts across a
50𝜴 resistive load. The carrier is modulated by a sinusoidal signal with a
modulation index of 0.8. Assuming fm= 5KHz and fc= 1MHz.
(i) Obtain the value of carrier amplitude Vc and hence write the expression for AM
(ii) Find the total sideband power.
(iii) Draw the AM wave for the given modulation index. [10]

b) With the help of neat circuit diagram explain the working of Ratio detector. [10]

Q.4 a) What are the limitations of TRF receiver? Explain how these limitations are avoided
using super-heterodyne receiver. [10]
b) Compare ground wave, sky wave, space wave and tropospheric scatter propagation.

Q.5 a) State Sampling theorem, write down the steps to prove sampling theorem, draw
waveform for low pass band limited signal [10]
b) Draw the block diagram of PAM generator and detector. Explain the working giving
waveforms at the output of each block. [10]

Q6. a) Explain slope overload error and hunting error in Delta modulation. Derive the
condition to avoid slope overload distortion. [10]
b) Explain the generation and detection of ASK signal. [10]

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Paper / Subject Code: 51424 / Principle of Communication

Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 80

1T01233 - S.E.(lnformation Technology Engineering)(SEM-lll)(Choice Base Credit Grading System ) (R-2020-21) (C Scheme)/ 51424 -
N.B. Principle of Communication QP CODE: 10011322 DATE: 29/11/2022
1. Question No.1 is Compulsory
2. From Remaining 5 Questions You are Required to Solve any 3 Questions.
3. Assume the data if Necessary

1 Define/state the following - (10*2) 20

i) Modulation ii) baseband signal iii) noise factor iv) modulation index in AM

v) Image frequency vi) quantization process vii) multiplexing viii) sampling theorm
ix) balanced modulator x) pre-emphasis in FM
2 Attempt the Following 20
a) Explain/derive in detail Friss formula (noise actor of amplifier in cascade) Noise.
b) Compare PAM, PWM and PPM.
3 Attempt the Following 20
a) What are drawbacks of TRF receiver & how it is overcome in Super heterodyne receiver.
b) Explain in detail Pulse code Modulation generation and degeneration.

4. Attempt the Following 20

a) Draw and explain in detail FM demodulator: Foster Seeley discriminator.
b) In an AM radio receiver the loaded Q of the antenna circuit at the input to the mixer is
l 00. If the intermediate frequency is 455 KHz, calculate the image frequency and its
rejection at 1 MHz.
5 Attempt the Following 20
a) Derive the mathematical expression of AM in detail.
b) Write short Note on
1. Delta modulation
2. Need of modulation
6 Attempt the Following (any four) 20
a) Draw and explain Electromagnetic Spectrum and application
b) Write short note on space wave propagation
c) Discuss time and frequency shifting, unit step, delta and gate function of

Fourier Transform.
d) Compare Digital Band Pass Modulation Techniques ASK and FSK & PSK
e) Explain Amplitude Modulation Technique DSBFC.


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