TOC Dictations by The Ascended Masters
TOC Dictations by The Ascended Masters
TOC Dictations by The Ascended Masters
We Live But To Serve, Michael ................................................. 2
Prayer For A Soul Departing................................................... 15
Beloved Jesus, Recalling His Life ............................................ 16
Beloved Mary, Recalling Her Life ............................................ 21
Invocation For Incoming Enlightened Souls ............................ 24
Invocation For Incoming Children And Youth .......................... 25
Invocation For The Expectant Mother ..................................... 25
Invocation For The New-Born Child ........................................ 26
The Importance Of The Angelic Kingdom, Saint Germain ......... 28
Dispensation To Christ Selves ................................................ 37
Report On Teton Conference, Saint Germain........................... 39
Decree Offering Individual Service ......................................... 42
Developing Discrimination, Kuthumi ....................................... 43
Kuthumis Mystic Mantle ........................................................ 50
Invocation For Increased Discrimination ................................. 51
The Power of the Liberty Flame, Paul The Venetian................. 54
Energy is Mans to Command, Paul The Venetian .................... 61
Invocation to the Immortal Threefold Flame ........................... 62
Decree For Reliance on the Threefold Flame ........................... 62
Imparting the Divine Plan, Maha Chohan ................................ 63
Truth Is Not Always Welcome, Pallas Athena .......................... 70
Invocation of Cosmic Christ Truth .......................................... 76
Invocation of Cosomic Christ Comfort ..................................... 76
Expanding The Light, Sanat Kumara....................................... 77
Beloved Sanat Kumara (Song) ............................................... 86
Decrees to the Threefold Flame ............................................. 87
Opportunity Through Incarnation, Serapis Bey ........................ 88
Cooperation of the Four Lower Bodies, Serapis Bey ................. 95
Decree (Upon Awakening in the Morning)............................... 96
Decree (Before Retiring At Night) ........................................... 96
Each Absorbs According To His Development, Saint Germain ... 97
Decree For Chelas of Saint Germain ..................................... 102
Working With Elementals, Maha Chohan .............................. 103
Decree For Freedom of Elemental Life .................................. 111
Decree of Blessing For The Body Elemental .......................... 111
You Must Become Masters of Energy.................................... 112
Cooperation of Angelic, Human And Elemental Kingdom ........ 121
A Summary of The Three Kingdoms, Lord Michael ................ 122
Call For Assistance of Archangel Michael ............................... 131
Love, The Highest Manifestation of Deity, Nada .................... 132
Invocation To Beloved Nada ................................................ 141
Sanat Kumaras Sacrifice ..................................................... 142
Decree For Dispersing Foci of Epidemics, Diseases ................ 152
Beautiful Kwan Yin (Song) ................................................... 154
The Art of Becoming A Healing Conductor, Kwan Yin............. 155
Decree To Curb Unbridled Passion ....................................... 163