The Legend of Merapi Mountain - Teks Drama

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The Legend of Merapi

Hello friends, do you know that Indonesia has a lot of legend? In this opportunity, I
will tell you about a story. And the title is The Legend of Merapi Mountain
Once upon a time, there was an island. This island was one of the five largest island in
Indonesia. This island names Java. Perhabs, in the past time, this island was sloping.
Panyarikan God

: Hey Narada gods, what are you doing?

Narada gods

: Penyarikan gods, look at the island !

Panyarikan gods

: Yes I see, the island so thriving, and I think the peoples live happily

Narada gods

: No..No..No..not that what I mean. Dont you realize that the island is

Penyarikan gods

: oh my gosh!!! Yes I see, it is because the Jamurdipa mountain is

located in the south of the island. If the Jamurdipa mountain located
in center of the island, I think the island wont be sloping anymore

Narada gods

: We can move the mountain!!

Penyarikan gods

: Its a good idea, lets talk to Batara Guru!

After that, they met Batara Guru and said their opinion. Batara Guru agreed with their
Batara Guru

: Yes, I agree with your opinion, but in the area live 2 empu who make
a magic keris.

Narada gods

: So, what should we do?

Batara Guru

: Come to them, and give advice to move from that place. We will
move Jamurdipa Mountain to their place. And also explain to them
what the reason is. I will send both of you!!

Narada, Panyarikan : Ok !
Batara Guru immadiately sent gods Narada and Panyarikan to persuade 2 empu.
When they got there, the messenger of the gods directly went to the 2 empu who were busy
forging a bar of iron mixed with various metals. They were very schoked, when they saw 2
empu forging it by their hand dan their legs. When they got there.....

Empu Pamadi

: Rama, we get many keris order! One of them is come from Mak
Lampir !

Empu Rama

: Yes, were so busy. Wait...wait...wait...Hah? Mak Lampir?! Does she

change her weapon?

Empu Pamadi

: Maybe, her messenger ordered it to me last night.

Empu Rama

: Oh yea? Ok! Lets make it with all our power. We must do the best
for Mak Lampir!

Empu Pamadi

: Oke!

When both empu worked. Narada and Panyarikan gods arrived in their place......
Panyarikan gods

: Oh look at that! Its so amazing!

Narada gods

: Yes is so amazing! Theyre very powerful. They forging a bar of iron

with their hand and legs. Wow!

Panyarikan gods

: Yes, lets come to them

(Narada and Panyarikan walk to both empu place)

Empu Rama

: Hey Pamadi! Do you know who are they?

Empu Pamadi

: I dont know who they are. I never see them before.

Empu Rama

: Yeah Iam too... are they the messenger from one of our neigbour

Empu Pamadi

: I dont know.

(Narada and Panyarikan gods came to both empu)

Panyarikan gods

: excuse me, Empu! Were messenger of Batara Guru. Can we speak

with you?

Empu Pamadi

: Oh gods, Im sorry. We dont know that youre gods! It is a surprise.

Sit down please majesty!

Narada gods

: Thank you. In this time we will ekstend a request from Batara Guru
to you.

Empu Rama

: Whats up? What can we do for you majesty?

Panyarikan gods

: We decided to move Jamurdipa Mountain on your place because the

island is sloping, and this place is a center of the island. So we think
this is a good area to place the mountain to make the island not
sloping anymore.

(Both empu conferred for a moment)

Empu Pamadi

: How if we dont make keris in this place? We cant do it!

Empu Rama

: Yes we cant do it. The keris weve made will not as good as

Empu Pamadi

: We must say that we cant move from this place!

Empu Rama

: Sorry majesty, we cant do that. If we move while the work has not
finished, the keris weve made will not as good as expected. Beside
that, there are many more good flat land to put mount Jamurdipa.

Narada gods

: How dare you against the gods!

Empu Pamadi

: Yes we not afraid of your threat!

Panyarikan gods

: If so, we will tell Batara Guru!

Seeing these two empu were still firm, Narada and Panyarikan began to lose patience.
Therefore, undertaking the guru, they were forced to threat the two empu of it. So soon
moved from that place.
Narada gods

: Oh Empu Rama and Empu Pamadi! Dont forced us to expel you

from this place!

Empu Rama

: Were not afraid! Even were not reluctant to attact you!

Narada gods

: Come foward if you dare!!

Empu Rama

: Oke! Gladly!.......... Hya!!!!!!!!

Both empu were not afraid. Therefore the two empu remained steadfast in their stance
at last there was. At last there was a dispute between them. With supranatural power that they
owned, they were ready to fight to defend the place. Not surprisingly, the fight is inevitable.
(Empu and gods fighting!)
Altough beaten by the two gods,second both empu won the fight. Gods Narada and
Panyarikan were deteated in that fight. Immediately they flew to heaven to report to Batara
Narada gods

: Im sorry Batara Guru! We fall to persuade the two empu because

theyre very strong!

Batara Guru

: They must be given a lesson. Panyarikan, hurry up blow the

Jamurdipa mountain to their place!

Panyarikan gods

: With pleasure Majesty!

With his power, Panyarikan gods immediately blew the mountain. Panyarikan gods
puffs Jamurdipa like hurricanes, successfully flew up to hover in the sky, and then fell right
on both empu fireplace.
Panyarikan gods

: I swear!! Both empu will die!

Empu Rama

: Empu Pamadi Look!!!!!!!!! What is that??!!

Empu Pamadi

: Oh No...!!!!!!!! they attact us!!!

(Jamurdipa mountain fell right on both empu fire place, Both empu who were in that
place, crushed by the Jamurdipa mountain, and died instantly.)
According to the story, the spirit of both these empu became the guardian of the
mountain. Meanwhile, the fireplace where they create a magic keris, turned into the crater.
Therefore the crater was at the beginning was a fireplace, then the gods changed the name to
Merapi Mountain

Thats all about the legend of Merapi Mountain. From this story we ca get a lesson
that we must listen to the advice from anyone if the advice is benefit for us. If we dont listen
listen to the advice, maybe we will get a calamity. It is like Empu Rama and Empu Pamadi in
this story. Because they didnt want to listen the advice from the gods, so they died pinned
down by Jamurdipa Mountain.

By :
Fariha Suci Rahmasari
Hanishalima Eka Mukti
Hana Apsari Listyaingrum
Rya Meyvrizka


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