Nexion 913 Kustoms

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Nexion 913 discusses their philosophical approach and intentions regarding their publications. They aim to advocate understanding over direct subject matter and essence over form. They also note the need to avoid incrimination with their practical works.

Nexion 913 builds upon the definition of 'tribe' to include social groups existing during or after states that seek independence from nation states. They describe post-state tribes as distinct peoples who are nomadic to avoid subjectivity to consumerist societies.

The first Zionist War was 1939-1946 against NS Germany and Imperial Japan. The second ongoing war is against 'Muslim extremism' and to ensure Zionist hegemony in the Middle East. The third will be against 'Vindex and the warrior Vindex ethos.'

Nexion 913 Tribal Kustoms


Post-State Techno-Tribal Kollectives
The Borg Anti-Mythos of Nexion 913
Mortal Transitions and Nexional Permutations
Aeonic Transitions and Nexional Permutations
Our Kulture Our Sinister Honor

For obvious reasons, we ought not to share our practical exeatic
explorations, herein these printed and posted text. At least, were they
truly practical and exeatic explorations, public announcement would
either incriminate, or associate one, in rather inconvenient and
detrimental ways. Thus, it should be understood that herein, this
publicly printed and posted word, Nexion 913 takes a strictly apologetic
approach to the philosophical, intellectual, and numinous conquest, that
is our ethos, and that ethos of The Temple of The Black Light, and The
Order of Nine Angles.
We seek to analyze and to dissect, to demonstrate the logic and
reason therefor, thus documenting and explaining our personal and
kollective cause, its necessity, as well as our personal similarities and
differences. One associate recently referred to 913, and our
publications, as being the ONA's Socrates, and while, certainly, we have
a long way to go in order to appropriate such a comparison, the
flattering sentiment accurately denotes our approach to these
publications, insofar as they must currently be presented, due to those
aforementioned obvious reasons.
Thus we advocate the understanding itself, rather than the direct
subject matter, the essence itself, rather than the form, the ethos itself,

rather than the mythos, and indeed the acausal, rather than the rite. If
our observations and explanations inspire the reader, it is that inspired
readers responsibility to determine on their own, the subject, the form,
the mythos (if any), and the means, appropriate to their personal work,
as have Nexion 913.

Post-State Techno-Tribal Kollectives

To properly define what Nexion 913 implies with the term 'Tribe', a
brief commentary of the terms most common use, as displayed on
Wikipedia, will be offered here, allowing us to specify exactly where
we agree, disagree, and where we build upon the work of anthropologist
Elman Service, adding a fifth tier to said system of classification
pertaining to societies and human cultures. Wikipedia quotes will be
italicized, whereas our commentary will not.
A tribe is viewed, historically or developmentally, as a social group
existing before the development of, or outside, states.
While we understand, and will acknowledge, this use of the term
'Tribe', we also build upon the definition so as to include our own
agenda, (Post-State tribes) which is to say, the initial and continued
development of, a social group existing during or after, though
independent of, or striving to become independent of, the tyranny of the
nation state.
A tribe is a distinct people, dependent on their land for their
livelihood, who are largely self-sufficient, and not integrated into the
national society. It is perhaps the term most readily understood and
used by the general public.
In the post-state context, a tribe would indicate a distinct people,
who may seek a numinous land based, and folkish livelihood, though
due to the nation state possessing all available resources, themselves

posses little to no lands. Often nomadic, in order to avoid the confines

of governmental and corporate conventions, and the inadvertent
subjectivity to capitalist and consumerist societies, these individuals and
kollectives go to great lengths to remove themselves from the national
society. The general public, being those who are willfully subject to the
confines of governmental and corporate conventions, are taught to view
tribal lifestyles as being primitive, dangerous, and associated with
gangs, organized crime, and terrorism, blatantly ignoring that the poststate tribe is based upon the genuine pursuit of personal honor, and
refusal to accept the undignified assault, and impersonal law, of the
nation state.
Stephen Corry, director of Survival International, the world's only
organization dedicated to indigenous rights, has defined tribal people
as "those which have followed ways of life for many generations that
are largely self-sufficient, and are clearly different from the mainstream
and dominant society".
Nexion 913 rejects these organizations and their fabricated
rights, as they too, are abstractions issued by outsiders, which equate
to that organization assuming the same position as the intrusive nation
state, and doing as they please with indigenous peoples, without that
peoples expressed consent. This is not to mention that such
organizations are often extensions of the nation state itself, and in the
event that they are not, such organizations abilities remain to be
restricted by the nation states laws. Tribal peoples who value their own
numinous customs, must fight their own war against the tyrannical
West, who murder and enslave their peoples, cut down their forest, and
rape their land.
Many people used the term "tribal society" to refer to societies
organized largely on the basis of social, especially familial, descent
groups (see clan and kinship).

To this end, 913 has no great history or heritage other than that our
our individual drones. It is our intention to build that kollective family
history, to expand our nexion, to organize and govern ourselves
according to our own personal code of honor, upon our own land, to
defend ourselves by way of our own noble warriors, because we are not
the property of any government or corporation, because we are not
slaves, and neither do we consent to the destruction of our peoples or
our Homeworld. We seek to build new lives and new civilizations, to
return to an Earth based lifestyle, establishing our self respect and
shared numinous values. We seek to employ technology in a Ecofriendly manner, and in so far as is possible, repair the Earth before we
leave the nest.
"Tribe" is a contested term due to its roots in colonialism. The
word has no shared referent, whether in political form, kinship relations
or shared culture. Some argue that it conveys a negative connotation of
a timeless unchanging past. To avoid these implications, some have
chosen to use the terms "ethnic group", or nation instead.
This is not an issue for 913, as this very text serves the purpose of
explaining our exact used of the term. It is not our goal to seek a shared
political, cultural, or genetic, referent, but to define and initiate one of
our own. The term 'tribe' carrying a negative connotation pertaining to a
'timeless unchanging past' within mundane paradigms is a nonissue for
us, as our specific use of the term directly implies, instead, a focusing
on the future. Others are free to utilize another term if they see fit,
however, as 913 is multi-ethnic and anti-national, it makes more sense
for us to specify a derivative of the existing term.
Considerable debate takes place over how best to characterize
tribes. This partly stems from perceived differences between pre-state
tribes and contemporary tribes; some reflects more general controversy
over cultural evolution and colonialism.

The issue here, is perhaps, that the debate taking place does not
involve those the debate concerns. The only difference between prestate tribes and this Magian abstraction 'contemporary tribes' is the
direct interference of that Western invasion force of Homo Hubris, and
their relentless agenda to invade, infect, enslave, rape and destroy, those
Earth peoples who will not conform to their capitalist system. Not one
of these tribes have ever labeled themselves either 'pre-state' tribes or
'contemporary' tribes. The controversy in question pertains to the
Western world interfering with the natural evolution of tribal peoples,
and invading the lands and resources of those defenseless tribal people
who lack adequate technological and strategic prowess so as to defend
Nexion 913 view ourselves in quite the same circumstance as these
so called pre-state and contemporary tribes, only within a post-state,
and post-colonialism, context. We who are born within the confines of a
nation state, are without lands or resources, and we have never
possessed, nor can we ever possess, any lands or resources, because any
attempt to become independent of the nation state, and its impersonal
law, is labeled an act of mutiny and terrorism, punishable by
imprisonment and death. From time of our birth we have been branded
the property of the nation state, and used as though we are a resource to
be traded and consumed, rather than a sentient people in possession of
our own cultural and spiritual determination. The purpose of our
kollective is to become independent of the state, collecting and
developing the cultural and technological resources to manifest a proper
offensive and defensive position against the nation states relentless
assault on our freedom and dignity. Such is the motivation of the poststate techno-tribal individual and kollective.
Anthropologist Elman Service presented a system of classification
for societies in all human cultures based on the evolution of social
inequality and the role of the state. This system of classification
contains four categories:

Nexion 913 builds upon the Elman Service system, thus including
those post-state peoples, in a fifth tier titled Post-State TechnoTribalism encompassing those Nexion, Temples, and Covens, within
our respective kollectives.
1. Hunter-gatherer bands, which are generally egalitarian.
2. Tribal societies in which there are some limited instances of
social rank and prestige.
3. Stratified tribal societies led by chieftains (see Chiefdom).
4. Civilizations, with complex social hierarchies and organized,
institutional governments.
5. Post-State Techno-Tribal Kollectives: Those indigenous peoples
who have been colonized by the Western world, and those
kollectives originating within the Western world, who seek to
become free from, and the technological and political equals of,
Western nation states, and return to, and manifest new, Earth
based lifestyles, challenging and if possible defeating, the
unnatural abstractions of, and impersonal law of, the Western
Nation States.

The Borg Anti-Mythos of Nexion 913

Nexion 913 is not overly mythological in nature, either on or off,
the record, though we have developed some small portion of our own
personal mythos over time, some of which is public, with certain
elements as of yet unpublished. That which we have published pertains
to Queastellyeah and Void, (Void Brim), while the Queastellyeahan
Meditations and segmentation explain 913s metaphysical, emergent,
and mathematical, approach to the resonance and antithesis between the
causal, anti-causal, and acausal, as well as our ever growing lexicon,
which we refer to as 'Lexiklavis'. In this particular publication we will
cover a few more elements of 913s use of mythos and archetypes,
including the Dayside and Nightside polarization of the
Queastellyeahan Causalcline, the Nexional Permutations of mortals and
aeons, and The Borg Anti-Mythos of Nexion 913, all of which
inadvertently build upon our existing lexicon. First, however, it is
necessary to address the use of mythos itself.
While we offer our respects to, and sometimes even utilize,
those mythos and lexicons created by our fellow nexion, which we feel
accurately map a particular essence, or a certain acausal presencing, our
use of a given mythos or lexicon should not be mistaken for adherence
to its overall system or source. We may very well be quoted using
another system or language such as that of DC, ABG, WSA, THEM, or
TOTBL, et al, to express that same understanding, in the event that their
be more than one accurate map, and indeed, most often there is. We
embrace, and advocate, that sentiment expressed by TOTBL whereas
many esoteric traditions are studied and explored, in search of those
Keys of Unbinding. Nexion 913 has no concern for mythos or tradition
other than, (1) mining occult paradigms and esoteric traditions for the
Keys of Unbinding, that is, those useful anti-causal and acausal
strategies, terminology, insights, and practices, connexions, a which
would in terms of the Interrogist Stare be referred to as The Stone, and
(2) creating a lasting anti-mythos and anti-tradition of our own. Nexion

913, and the individuals of which we are composed, are ourselves

nexional permutations, and each paradigm mined, each insight role,
experience, adaptation, and understanding assimilated, adds to our own
distinctiveness and complexity, our possible nexional permutations,
through which new and more complex presencings and manifestations
becomes possible.
The important issue, in any event, is the understanding, the
feeling, and the wordless knowing, of the essence. Ones own empathetic
capacity is the issue, and not necessarily the language, form, or mythos,
used to express it. We tend to evaluate language and mythos only
according to its ability to convey information between those of us who
possess that shared knowing, and we search for new and greater
knowings, as we are the Borg. Your paradigm will be assimilated. Your
abstractions are irrelevant. Your mythological and philosophical
distinctiveness will adapt to service us.
There has always been an unspoken resonance between our
personal agenda, and the Borg. We feel the Borg represent scientific and
cultural potential, rather than fiction, and an archetype of honor, duty,
and spirituality, rather than a threat to be feared. The Borg represent
913s spiritual pursuits in a variety of ways, and so while they have
become a symbol, in mundane culture, for any governments or
corporations against which "resistance is futile", we, instead, utilize the
Borg anti-mythos to represent our own agenda, and our own relentless
pursuit of causal, and acausal freedom. Lawlessness is Inevitable.
The Borg Collective, serves as an appropriate archetypal form
which represents 913s overall goals pertaining to the formation of tribes
and communities, based upon our own standards of law, according to
and opposed to, the laws of others. Just as the Borg are composed of
millions of Cubes, yet exist as a single Collective consciousness, we
also exist as many nexion, temples, and covens, yet exist as as a single
Kollective consciousness, with the intent to defeat the Magian
infrastructure, and overcome the causal binding of the tyrant demiurge.

The analogy can be extended so as to include that, the abilities of the

Borg, at any given point in time, are dependent upon the biology and
technology they have assimilated at that time. Likewise, our Kollectives
potential for acausal presencing, is determined by our capacity for
nexional permutations, which are themselves determine by the mythos
and philosophy we have assimilated at that point in time.
Using a process called assimilation, The Borg force other species
into their Collective. By 'assimilation' 913 refers to our goal of
collecting and assimilating into ourselves, all paradigms mythological
and philosophical distinctiveness, incorporating those promoting
evolution, and discarding those promoting stasis, so as to expand our
range of possible nexional permutations (intellectual, biological, and
technological, nexion), thereby expanding our potential capacity to
presence acausal energies within causal space and time. This being the
progression from one aeon to the next. The Borg's ultimate goal is
"achieving perfection", as is 913s. The context should be understood to
mean the perfect (or maximum) nexional permutation, whereby all
causal matter and energy are aligned so as to form the Singularity
Nexion, concluding the Acosmic Aeon, not only presencing the acausal,
but permanently dissolving causal space and time, returning all to uressence.
Borg commonly have one eye (most often the left eye) replaced
with a sophisticated ocular implant which allows them to see beyond
the human visual spectrum. 913 views this as an analogy for the
recognition and awakening of the Black Dragon of Acausal Fire
(Azoth/Spirit). The Adept can open the Destroying Eye of the Self (Eye
of Lucifer) and annihilate those causal abstractions, those conventional
philosophical illusions and enslaving forms of cosmic existence.
The Borg are neither male nor female and individual's reproductive
systems are removed during the process of assimilation. The individual
has all traces of individuality removed, and implants are attached to the
new drone, so it can become an integrated part of the collective.

Likewise, 913s advocates that all 'commercial concepts' and all

'religious concepts' of male and female, as well as gender roles, should
be removed from ourselves and our kollectives. We reject the fabricated
media sexual and gender indoctrination, those abstract and impersonal
sexual concepts, those unwarranted insecurities, and those unrealistic
body images. We replace these fabricated abstractions with our own
honorable and numinous relationships, and restore that natural
acceptance of the human form, that we return to being an integrated part
of biological evolution, rather than a consumer or commodity. Thus we
restore that natural balance of the masculine and feminine, as well as
those associated Two Spirit variations.
All Borg drones possess personal shielding which collectively
adapts to phaser fire. Phasers become ineffective after a few shots, and
while phaser frequencies can be altered to penetrate the shield, the Borg
can adapt more quickly with each change in modulation. If one views
phaser fire in terms of Magian propaganda, the Borgs personal
shielding, and kollective adaptation abilities, come to represent our
individual and kollective resistance to capitalist, religious, consumerist,
political, legal, state, and national, abstractions, as well as our ability to
exchange genuine information on our own 'subspace frequency' via our
own non Magian controlled networking, thus inoculating our Kollective
as a whole, to the various mind disease fired at us by governments and
Nexion 913s Borg anti-mythos is a proclamation that all mythos, other
than our own, is a target for assimilation, which we will assimilate and
adapt to service our own Kulture and Kustom. With all due respect to
those very successful mythos producers among our Order, our unique
Nexion feels that excessive adoration of form or mythos, takes away
from, or betrays a lacking of, ones appreciation, or empathetic
connexion, with said understanding, feeling, and knowing of essence,
which essence not only lacks a mythological requisite, but is by its very
nature polarize so as to repel abstraction.

Mortal Transitions and Nexional Permutations

Nexion 913 holds that certain standards of life are necessary in
order to uphold the noble dignity of both the individual and the
kollective, thereby ensuring our work from aeon to aeon. While our
Nexion believes that these standards ought to apply to everyone, they
are hereafter and herein referred to as being Nexion 913s Kustoms, as
for us, they are not optional whatsoever, but our standard, and our
personal law. The specific duties and privileges afforded to our family,
by our family, at certain ages and stages of development, are
approximations, which is to say that we understand that not everyone
matures at the same rate, and not everyone possesses the same
capacities or aptitudes pertaining to those duties and understandings.
The following should be interpreted as our agenda, and our expectation
of those passing through each stage of development and duty, whereas
certain of these expectations are honor bound law, and certain other of
these expectations 'may' be granted flexibility, according to our
Arbitrators judgment.

The Blinding Slumber
Years: 0 6
Rank: The Spark Bound In Clay
Duties: During the first and the last stages of life, one has no other
obligations than preparation and observation. These are those stages
whereas one is bound to, or unbound from, the causal cosmos, and
therefore many years of adjustment and effort may be required. From
birth into the flesh, unto that state of mind whereas serious study of the
cosmic prison can be accomplished, Nexion 913 affords approximately
six years.

Tome: The Prisoners Tome: Written by ones direct caretakers, The

Prisoners Tome is a recording of ones parentage, state of health,
appearance, place and time of birth, followed by monthly recordings of
ones overall development, and those issues (first steps, words, sentence)
pertaining to the child's development which caretakers are desirous to
record, mindful that the Tome is bound to that individual for life. The
Prisoners Tome is titled thus as a reference to the binding of a Divine
Spark within a clay vessel, and an indication that the life in question
will be lived in accordance with Satanic, Luciferian, and Transhumanist
values, seeking to complete a series of Amagian and Anticosmic works,
before freeing ones self from the cosmic prison.
Conclusion: The Binding Slumber is concluded when a child is
approximately six years of age, or when an equivalent intellect is
achieved whereas the child may leave their caretakers and be promoted
to participation within The Forge. At this time the child's caretakers
pass their Prisoners Tome to the Smiths and Forge Masters receiving
Children are to leave their parents at six years of age, for two very
important reasons; (1) To combat and dissolve the Magian lies
pertaining to that abstraction promoted in the form of the Nuclear
Family being wholesome and/or a necessity, which certainly it is not,
and; (2) To redirect that love and affection of a child to his or her
overall tribe, and to direct the love, attention, and resources, of the
whole tribe to every single child therein. The child is a child of the
tribe, and not of a particular woman or man. When the tribe has a child,
everyone becomes the child's parent, everyone is responsible for him or
her, and everyone will nourish and educate him or her.
The Magian abstraction which we battle (the Nuclear Family),
attempts to sustain a system by which a child loves only its direct
parentage, and perhaps a few extended family members. This divides a
people from their fellow man, and destroys Kollectives before they can

form. The Magian abstraction also successfully manipulates parents so

as to focus their attention and resources on their biological children,
alone. This further divides a people by restricting resources and
affection, only to a select few. This abstraction is employed by the
Magian because it is insufficient, and thereby forces many families, and
many children, to become dependent on the Magian welfare, on the
Nation State, which further divides a people in terms of class systems,
and artificial abstract designations. Nexion 913s Kustoms are such that
everyone is responsible to, and for, everyone else. To abuse a child is
punishable by death, and to ignore any child's needs is to abuse that
child. Nexion 913 advocates that notion of 'Responsibility to the
Responsible', and we reject that disgusting Magian society whereby
many children are permitted to be abused and assaulted while the
Nation State turns a blind eye, and only occasionally rescues the child.
Furthermore, if one were to kill a child abuser, in defense of an
abused child, the Magian Nation State would charge one with murder,
and either kill or imprison those who defended the child, which
demonstrates that according to Magian law, the criminal actually has
more rights than those with dignity and honor. We notice also that
Magian law carries more severe penalties for simple drug use (which is
itself an issue of personal liberty), than for child abusers, which makes
it clear that Magian law is itself an abuse of, and an assault on, children.
Childhood is therefore, according to Nexion 913 Kustom, to be spent in
study and training, with a specific intent of producing young people
who are willing and able to defend themselves, and one another, from
the Magian injustice.


The Forge
Years: 6 16
Rank Progresses From: The Spark Bound in Clay To: The Iron In
The Forge
Duties: Ones time within the Forge is know as ones 'Ascension to
Inclusion'. At the age of six, one leaves their initial caretakers and goes
to live with with the others of the tribe who are between the ages of six
and sixteen. The Smith's and the Forge Masters, are those of the tribe
between the ages of fifty and sixty, who are honor bound to educate and
train those navigating the Ascension to Inclusion, (they are themselves
within the 'Ascension to Immolation').
Half of ones time in the Forge, from the age of six to the age of
eleven, is spent studying basic Amagian education, athletics and
wilderness training, while the other half, from the age of eleven to the
age of sixteen, is spent under evaluation for qualification for training,
and undergoing said training, pertaining to specified instruction in
technological, strategical, philosophical, and political fields, or
combinations of them.
Regardless of any specialized training and education one qualifies
for, starting at age eleven there are physical and intellectual
requirements to be met, including weight training, hand to hand combat,
weapons training, healthy living and diet, and an understanding of
Nexion 913 Tribal Kustoms and history, which studies and trials
increase in difficulty with the passing of each year, and the ultimate
goal of which is to pass ones 'Trial of Inclusion' at the approximate age
of sixteen.
Tome: The Iron Tome: This Tome is, like ones training, divided in
to two parts. (1) The first half of ones Iron Tome is written by the

Smiths or Forge Masters, and is composed of those lessons and trials

each respective child passes through between the ages of six and eleven,
their progressions and failures are documented therein. At the age of
eleven, each child is brought before a council of both Arbitrators and
Forge Masters, and an evaluation of their Prisoners Tome, and the
completed first half of their Iron Tome, is conducted publicly before the
(2) According to the councils judgment and the tribes available
resources, specialized training may, or may not, be added to a child's
standardized training, though regardless, a ruling will be passed which
ruling becomes the first document in the second half of ones Iron Tome.
The second half of ones Iron Tome is written by those Smiths and Forge
Masters who continue to implement standardized training, and by any
of those who may have been assigned to implement specialized training,
and by those Arbitrators whose ruling afforded or restricted tribal
resources to each individual child.
Conclusion: Ones training within the Forge is concluded when
they are prepared to undergo the 'Rite of Inclusion', and become a Man
or Woman within the tribe, and thus become included within the duties
and privileges of our people, at the approximate age of sixteen. The
details of the 'Rite of Inclusion' are never to be written down, or spoken
of, other than by an Arbitrator who witnessed the Rite, and who
concludes ones Iron Tome with a ruling (and the ruling only) that one
has indeed become a Man or Woman. At this time ones Prisoners Tome
and ones Iron Tome are given to the respective individual for safe
keeping. An Inclusion ceremony is conducted which involves a night of
pleasures in abundance, followed by a day of extreme pain and trials,
which are likely to be the topic of ones first entry in their Warriors


The Dayside
Years: 16 33
Rank Progresses From: The Iron In The Forge To: The Sword In
Duties: To serve, obey, and defend our tribe, our people, and our
Kustoms, is an honor above all others. It is the means of achieving our
individual and Kollective goals, it is the means of achieving our
individual and Kollective spiritual goals, and it is our means of
defeating the Magian infrastructure, of transcending mundane law, and
transcending the human and cosmic condition. Violating our personal
Law is very different from violating mundane law. When mundane laws
are violated, there are punishments and sentences. When our personal
Laws are violated, so too are our goals, our Kustom, our Kollective, and
our aeonic agendas, diminished, hindered, and dishonored. Mundane
law enforcement pertains to seeking power in numbers rather than
honorable personal ability. Mundane law is handing out tickets based
upon impersonal law, and assaulting human dignity with imprisonment
according to corrupt courts, and the impersonal rulings of authorities
whose honor is easily bribed or blackmailed.
Nexion 913 Kustoms have no term for 'officer' because the implied
duty to enforce and defend our personal Law is at the very core of
everyone's purpose, it is at the core of our childhood training, because
we do not entertain those Magian notions of multiple statuses within
our people. Everyone is born into basic training, and everyone who is a
Man or Woman is an Officer; it goes without saying. We are not divided
by Magian conventions of class or rank. Everyone between the
approximate ages of sixteen and thirty three are honor bound to carry
out our Law by serving within our Kourt. No one can charge, nor be
charged, by strangers, because we have no strangers whatsoever. The
Warrior dedicates their life to the service of our Kourt, and serves in

every simultaneous capacity of Judge, Jury, Executioner, Lawyer, and

Historian. Even Arbitrators stand accused with those who have violated,
or have been permitted to violate, our Law. Ones station and assignment
within our Kourt is determined by tribal council, according to
intellectual and physical abilities, and one may serve in several
positions, or maintain a single position, throughout their navigation of
the Dayside responsibilities, which is to say, their final causal service to
Nexion 913.
Tome: The Warriors Tome: This Tome is constructed by ones own
service, and by ones own hand. One may record anything they like, as
much, or as little as they like, and according to ones own taste,
however, at the very least one is required to record their duties. One
records their daily activities by noting their orders and the means by
which they carried them out. Those in command positions record their
orders, noting those they assigned to carry out each task, why they were
selected, how well they completed the task, et al. If and when one is
transferred, deployed, or recognized by an Arbitrator, that Arbitrator
will issue a notice, which notice is to be compiled within their Tome,
and a response is to be recorded according to ones state of mind and
emotional state.
Conclusion: The Dayside is concluded when our Kourt offers a
ruling by which ones duties may shift from a causal focus to an acausal
focus, from practical and physical matters, to spiritual and numinous
matters. Promotion to The Nightside occurs at the approximate age of
thirty three. This promotion does not end ones position or
responsibilities within the Kourt, so much as it opens the door to
advanced positions such as Arbitrator and Forge Master, and qualifies
one for political, legal, spiritual, and organizational duties.
This is also the Mortal Causalcline, whereas one passes from causal
focus to Acausal focus.


The Long Day: In the event that one lacks, or does not desire,
spiritual, intellectual, and political capacities, one may be granted the
title of 'The Long Day', which implies that their service to the Kourt
will continue as is, according to Dayside standards, and they will not
pursue the duties or respects of The Nightside nor The Smith. These
individuals, having achieved their potentials, remain within honorable
standing according to our Kustom, and may, at any time, commit
themselves to The Unbound Awakening.

The Nightside The Arbitrator
Years: 33 50
Rank Progresses From: The Sword In Sunlight To: The Wand In
Moonlight (Basic Promotion)
Rank Progresses To: The Sword and The Wand (Advanced
Duties: The Nightside is very much like the Dayside insofar as
duties are concerned. One is to serve and defend 913 Kustom by way of
serving our Kourt, however, with much a greater emphasis on
command, instruction, and organization of the Tribe. One not only
carries out their orders, but actively takes part in shaping and
conducting the Kourt. There comes with age and experience a certain
understanding of the acausal and of chaos, which at this point in ones
service and study, one is expected to have harnessed and developed a
capacity of empathy for, to a degree that it is visible and readily
presenced within their personal conduct, their service, their rulings, and
their literature. At this point in ones life they are expected to be giving
as many orders as they are obeying. They are also expected to be
preparing for their future in terms of which skills which they will teach
if and when they become a Smith, and they are expected to take on very
dedicated roles in terms of Nexion 913s public literature and activism,

recruiting, and internal political affairs including Tome Keeping, at the

approximate age of thirty three years.
Though they will not be recorded herein, or elsewhere for that
matter, this is also that point in causal time at which one may, or may
not, qualify for that unnamed position of Arbitrator who serves as
witness to certain unspeakable and 'forbidden to be recorded' deeds
which are verified by way of that witnessing Arbitrators rulings.
Tome: The Wizards Tome: This Tome is constructed by ones own
service, and the second Tome written by ones own hand. As before, one
may record anything they like, according to ones own taste, however,
unlike the Warriors Tome, while one is required to record their duties,
one may now possess duties which are not permitted to be recorded, (or
spoken of), and in this case one must only record those issues permitted.
One records their daily orders both received and issued, noting who was
assigned to which task, and why. One must produce an official record
when their subordinates are transferred, deployed, or recognized, by
issuing formal notice, which notice is to be compiled within the
subordinates respective Tome, as well as ones own Wizards Tome, and a
response is to be recorded accounting for ones judgement according to
the transfer, deployment, or recognition, in question.
Conclusion: The Nightside has been concluded when our Kourt
issues a ruling that ones service within the Kourt has ended, and their
work in terms of The Smith has begun, which occurs at the approximate
age of fifty. The exception to this rule lie in those who maintain their
Kourt standing, while also being promoted to the The Smith. This
service is known to the Smith as being a The Forge Master, and this
service is known to the Kourt as being an Arbitrator.


The Smith The Forge Master
Years: 50 60
Rank Progresses From: The Wand In Moonlight
To: The Hammer in Smoke
(Basic Promotion)
Position: Smith
Rank Progresses To: The Wand And The Hammer
(Advanced Promotion)
Position: Forge Master
Rank Progresses To: The Sword, The Wand, And The Hammer,
(Promotion To Adept Status)
Position: Arbitrator
Duties: To work the Forge is to educate the tribes young, and to
prepare for ones own 'Ascension to Immolation'. Such is the honor and
duty of those between the approximate ages of fifty to sixty years. One
who has completed their duties within the Kourt will move on to serve
within the Forge, spending their days teaching and training those
navigating the Ascension to Inclusion, and their title is Smith. A Smith
will instruct all of those between the ages of six and eleven, pertaining
to basic Amagian education, athletics and wilderness training.
Some few may be judged by a council of existing Arbitrators, to
possess those skills and insights appropriate for an advanced position of
Forge Master, which is to say that the individual in question will be
afforded the responsibilities of the Smith, while retaining their standing
and responsibilities withing our Kourt. Those within the 'Ascension to
Inclusion' are to refer to them as Forge Master (those who operate
within the Kourt and the Forge). It is the duty of the Forge Master to
govern and organize the Forge, and determine the skills and abilities of

the available Smiths, and assign those able to instruct those between the
ages of eleven and sixteen who qualify for specified training in
technological, strategical, philosophical, and political fields, or
combinations of them. They also maintain thorough records of the
Forge activities and document them on behalf of our Kourt. Beyond
those who qualify for special training, starting at age eleven there are
physical and intellectual requirements to be met whereas the Forge
Master is responsible for seeing to weight training, hand to hand
combat, weapons training, healthy living and diet, and an understanding
of Nexion 913 Tribal Customs and history.
The Forge Master and his or her Smiths conduct those training's,
studies and trials, whose ultimate goal is to prepare the children for
their final 'Trial of Inclusion', however, only an Arbitrator (an Adept)
may actually conduct the 'Trial of Inclusion', and only they may rule
that the Rite was, or was not, completed. Finally, all Smiths who
instruct those within the Forge, and are responsible for the keeping of
The Prisoners Tomes, and the Iron Tomes, of those children they train.
Those Smiths are also responsible for delivering those completed
Tomes to a Forge Master, who deliver them to an Arbitrator for Kourt
documentation and eventual delivery unto those individuals having
completed the 'Rite of Inclusion'.
Tome: The Teachers Tome: This tome is a record of ones duties
within the Forge, either in the context of a Smith, Forge Master, or
Arbitrator. This Tome is constructed by ones own service, and the third
Tome written by ones own hand. One may record anything they like,
according to ones own taste, however, one is required to record their
duties, their command structure, their assignments and the details
thereof, and because one is now writing literature for public
distribution, those writings are themselves to be included within ones
Teachers Tome. Those who are Forge Masters and Arbitrators will issue
many formal notices, and it is their responsibility to make certain the
notices be compiled within the subordinates respective Tome, as well as
their own Teachers Tome, and a response is to be recorded accounting

for ones judgement according to the transfer, deployment, promotion, or

recognition, in question.
Conclusion: The Smith, Forge Master, or Arbitrator, has completed
their duty to the Forge when, at the approximate age of sixty years, one
adds a final segment to the Teachers Tome, detailing their life long duty
to 913, and any final thoughts the would offer to the tribe and the Kourt,
and when the 'Right of Unbinding' is conducted. The 'Right of
Unbinding' is in this context a releasing of one from their duties from
the Forge and from our Kourt, though not from our Kustoms.

The Unbound Awakening
Years: 60 66
Rank Progresses To: The Shattered Clay (Mandatory)
Duties: During the first and last stages of life, one has no other
obligations than preparation and observation. These are those stages
whereas one enters into, and exits from, the cosmic binding, and
therefore many years of adjustment and effort may be required to
accomplish the relevant transition. From the completion of ones
Teachers Tome (at the approximate age of 60), unto ones self
immolation, our tribe affords approximately six years. Those with the
greatest honor (Adepts are expected to) move directly to their
Unbinding ceremony, followed by death in battle.
Conclusion: The Unbound Awakening is concluded when one has
committed their fifth Tome to Nexion 913s Mortaklavis (our Kourts
historical record of honorable Amagian livelihoods), and prepared
themselves to die honorably by the means of their choice, be it by their
own hand, or that of a preferred loved one. An Unbinding ceremony is
conducted which involves a night of praise and honoring of the deeds of
that individual, whereas song is written, and one offers their Divine

Spark to be added to the Amagian Archetype, and to the tribe for

inclusion among the Mothers and Fathers (The Gods and Goddesses),
followed by a day solitude and contemplation, after which the noble
ritual suicide is to be carried out. It is acceptable, and indeed noble, if
one seeks to die in battle, and at such a time one is permitted to leave
the tribe in search of an honorable death, however, one or more
Arbitrators must be informed of the desired act, so as to personally view
the deed, and verify the Immolation. Verification of such commits one
unto to the status of Dark Goddess or Dark God.
Growing old and frail, becoming a burden on the tribe, and leaving the
tribe, is viewed by our Kustom as an act of cowardice and mundanity.
The tribe will defend itself against the dishonor, and ones Tomes will be
erased from Mortaklavis, and ones name and deeds will be omitted
from our songs, and stricken from our word.


Aeonic Transitions and Nexional Permutations

An aeon is a particular presencing of certain acausal energies
within the causal cosmos, lasting various periods of causal time, and
are composed of seasons which mark certain necessary transitions, or
series of transitions, from one aeon to the next. From the human
perspective, these aeons are measured according to civilizations, ages,
and campaigns, or agendas, because our ability to presence acausal
energy is determined by our capacity of consciousness, our recognition
of acausal potential, of our individual, and our united, nexion, be it one
biological beings causal lifetime, or a species complete causal
evolutionary existence. Our activities, our manifestations, our
Kollective nexions, and we ourselves, can and ought to be viewed as
conscious acausal expressions, resisting the limiting causal
infrastructures of the Magian, and those who accept the Magian
abstractions and limitations, thus accepting the causal binding of the
tyrant demiurge. 913 refers to the current aeon as being the 'Magian
Aeon', while the season of this aeon is Winter, which implies, that this
aeon is nearing its inevitable conclusion.
'The Final Six' refers to the Final Six Aeons of causal space and
time, consisting of three aeons of causal focus (The Dayside Aeons Unbinding Magian Law), the Aeonic Causalcline (shifting our
Kollective focus from the causal, to the acausal, or from Universe A, to
Universe B), and three aeons of acausal focus (Nightside Aeons Unbinding Cosmic Law). The title of each aeon is indicative of the state
of our Kollective consciousness, or our agenda, at that point in causal
time, which is to say, the state of our Kollective biological, and
technological nexion, so as to manifest a certain acausal presencing
therein. The archetype assigned to each agenda is indicative of our
Kollective state of mind, and the state of mind of our leaders and their
works within that aeon. The conclusion assigned to each aeon denotes
the criteria by which our Kollective work therein is finished, and the
next phase of our evolution and cosmic conquest may begin.

Each of the Final Six Aeons consist of the overall nexional

permutation of our species, serving as the very conduit through which
acausal energies alter and unbind our causal limitations, thereby
expediting stronger and more complex consciousness and evolution,
which in turn grant stronger and more complex nexional permutations,
thus nexion of greater capacity by orders of magnitude, which
progression, in acausal terms concludes, one aeon, and initiates another,
or in biological terms, concludes one stage of human evolution, and
leads to another, eventually achieving the perfect nexional permutation
whereas the Singularity Nexion is activated, initiating the Cosmic

The Magian Aeon
Archetype: The Magician: The mind with all of its attunements,
and all of its pathways, is the domain of the Magician. He or she
discovers for correlation between ideas and reality, and embodies the
desire, as well as the energy, to manifest an idea in reality. Ideas are
planned, and nurtured, as a child in the womb, studied and tended, cared
for with stratagem, preparation, and loved, carefully developed, and
birthed. The Magician is the archetype of the active, masculine
principle - the ultimate achiever. He symbolizes the power to tap
universal forces and use them for creative purposes. He knows what he
intends to do and why. He doesn't hesitate because he understands his
situation exactly. The Magician can focus with single-minded
determination. Mercury: Socialization, communication, and the giving
and receiving of information.
Agenda: In this, our current 'modern day', which is the final season
of this Magian Aeon, we sinister adepts create, produce, and inspire, a
series of tribal codes and customs, and we collaborate, and advocate our
unique systems of conscious, numinous, personal, and Kollective

liberation, thus seeking to consolidate and unite several scattered and

divided individual nexion, into more powerful and influential nexional
networks, and tribes, with greater potential and complexity, capable of
more powerful manifestations of resistance to Magian stagnation. This
is (here and now) the birth of the first actual and meaningful Satanic
resistance, which will initially focus upon the Magian infrastructure,
and several aeons later, the Tyrant Demiurge and the causal
infrastructure. This is the specific period in which 'those few' realizing,
and being driven by, their Acausal Fire, their manifesting potential, take
their unique and individual places, answering the call to unite, and in
turn, providing others with those Key(s) to unbinding causal
abstractions, and a means of opposing the causal order.
Conclusion: The Magian Aeon will be concluded when the
Magician gives way to the Hierophant, when those tribal codes and
customs, put in place by those sinister adepts, have taken root in
humanity, and are being actively applied within a collaborative Unified
Nexional Front, that is to say, when those nexion have united into a
cohesive and organized force, to a degree that a genuine sinister kulture
is born, possessing its own independent standards and agendas.

The Final Six

~ Three Dayside Aeons (Causal Focus) ~

The Exeatic Aeon
Archetype: The Hierophant: represents churches, schools, clubs,
teams, companies, and societies, as his realm is the structured group
with assigned roles. Such environments emphasize belief systems facts, rules, procedures, and ritual. Members are rewarded for following
conventions. They develop a group identity. The Hierophant often

represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers, and

understanding their institutions and values. The Hierophant is a symbol
of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. Groups can be
enriching or stifling, depending on circumstances. Sometimes we need
to follow a program or embrace tradition, while other times, we need to
trust ourselves, manifesting counter programs, counter groups, and
counter traditional societies.
Agenda: The Unified Nexional Front focuses on the manifestation
of Exeatic Science, and the codification and application of our own
personal scientific, political, kultural, and spiritual cohesion,
independent of, and beyond the limitations of, Magian law and
abstraction. This Exeatic Aeon is marked by the literal coming together
of the United Nexional Front, that is to say, it is a direct product of the
work of those who labored to destroy the Magian influence, and
therefore the Magian Aeon, by way of their productions of
philosophical, political, and satanic, natures (The Magician). Just as
those Sinister Adepts purpose during the Magian Aeon was to inform
and to call our people together, our purpose during the Exeatic Aeon is
to combine our resources, intellects, and man power, so as to manifest
and employ our peoples own law (The Hierophant), and technology, by
which we are able to make a meaningful, and lasting, stand against the
dishonorable, and ignoble Magian Nation States assault on our people.
This is the aeon whereas we employ those customs fashioned by those
Sinister Adepts of the former aeon, that we in turn fashion the needed
tools and tribes required to beckon the Anomos Aeon.
Conclusion: The Exeatic Aeon will be concluded when the
Hierophant gives way to the Chariot, when the United Nexional Front
has produced sufficient means so as to defend our honorable way of
life, matching, and surpassing, the might of the Magian, and granting
the United Nexional Front the ability to feasibly go to war with the
Magian infrastructure, in defense of our honorable livelihood, and in
defense of our noble Post-State Techno-Tribal Kollective. The specific
day on which the Anomos Aeon begins will be marked by an assault on

our people, which must be answered by honorable battle, which battle

will lead to a long and terrible war.

The Anomos Aeon
Archetype: The Chariot: represents military, and the strengths
associated with combat - discipline, grit, determination and
assertiveness, as well as the positive aspects of the ego. It knows what it
wants and how to get it. The Chariot represents hard control, which is
not brutal, but firm, direct, and honorable. The Chariot is backed by a
strong will, with great confidence and self-control, ever striving for
Agenda: In self defense, the United Nexional Front will fight for its
very existence in a long and terrible battle against the Magians
collective Technological Nomos, which is to say, the combined power
of all Earth governments, their armies, and their technology. Initially
this war, and this time, will be what the mundanes will refer to as World
War Three (WWIII), however, we will refer to this time as the Third
Zionist War, the final battle between the unnatural Magian abstraction,
and the evolution, well-being, and freedom of mankind. Our Sinister
Adepts, our tribes, and our customs, will be labeled as terrorist and
criminals, and thus pursued by every Nation State on the planet. The
United Nexional Front will 'Appropriate our Exemption' from Earth
conventions, declare our own law, and in turn employ our own Exeatic
Sciences, that is to say, confront and combat the agents and
infrastructure of the Magian, with our Kollective strength and
resources, and thereby spread our own technological, spiritual and
Kultural ethos, both suffering great losses and gaining grate allies. A
primary element allowing the United Nexional Front to emerge
victorious, will be our use of Homo Hubris, which will panic, and riot,
dealing great damage to the Magian infrastructure, which will fall quite
easily without its millions and millions of slaves. All governments and

corporations, indeed the overall establishment will suffer tremendously,

and die without their slaves, which The Front will free or destroy.
Conclusion: The Anomos Aeon will be concluded The Chariot
gives way to Lady Justice, with the fall of the Old Order, the conclusion
of the Third Zionist War, and the utter defeat and removal of all Magian
influence. The former destructive and limiting Earth customs no longer
being permitted to abuse our planet Ahrte, its life, or our own people.
When all threats to our dignity, well-being, and way of life, have been
destroyed, there in the smoke and ash of a burning world, the confused
and bewildered will search for answers and guidance, and therein our
Sinister Adepts will plant the seeds of the Amagian Aeon, based upon
our Kultures just assimilation of the former infrastructure.
Ahrte (pronounced Are-Tay) is a term which Nexion 913 assigns to
the planet currently called Earth, which word 'represents' the
manipulation and rearrangement of causal segments into nexional
permutations capable of presencing acausal energies, and manifesting
our will over the Magian and Cosmic order. In symbolic fashion, the
letters making up the word Earth are rearranged so as to instead
manifest the term Ahrte, that the letters represent our cause and intent,
instead of the Magian and mundane Earthling society.

The Amagian Aeon
Archetype: Justice: has the scales of equality and impartial
judgment in one hand, and the sword of decision in the other. Lady
Justice represents the understanding that life is ultimately fair and just,
even though the vagaries of day to day life tend to make us doubt this
fact. Justice reminds us that there is divine balance in the action of
karma - cause and effect, and equal divinity in the akarmic unbinding.
She carries the tone of the courtroom, and legal matters of all kinds, but
is not restricted to them. The courts are where judgments are made and

decisions rendered. Our legal system is the official arena in which we

explore the principles of Justice - fairness, impartiality and the quest for
truth. The cause you set in motion at one time, is now returning to you
as an effect. Justice is a signal to do what needs to be done, accepting
responsibilities, settling accounts, and making amends for mistakes.
You will need to weigh matters carefully and perhaps make important
decisions about your future course.
Agenda: When all threats to our dignity, our well-being, and our
way of life, have been destroyed, the survivors of the Anomos Aeon
will focus upon salvaging the remaining elements of the Magian
infrastructure such as roads, buildings, cities, and networking systems,
et al, assimilating and adapting them so as to service the just agenda of
the United Nexional Fronts, which will come to be structured so as to
sustain the continual and unbound evolution of sinister biology,
technology, and politic, achieving a noble and dignified state of wellbeing that actively takes hold of, but redefines our path of our very
All remaining Ahrte cultures will at this time be evaluated, and
according to their capacity to reinstate Magian abstractions, may
possibly be exterminated. Those non threatening cultures possessing a
numinous and organic nature, will be humanely assimilated, their
biological, technological, and spiritual distinctiveness adapting to
service the us. This will be the time whereas those standards, and those
Laws, are established by which our Sinister Adepts personally,
numinously, and consciously, seek to manifest a cohesive sinister
civilization capable of conquest which exceeds Ahrte, which will be
civilization will come to be referred to as the ' New Order'.
Conclusion: The Amagian Aeon will be concluded when Lady
Justice gives way to *, when that hard labor of the Anomos Aeon, and
that clever sinister politic of the Amagian Aeon, has lain the foundations
of that 'New Order', and when the populations of Ahrte are dedicated in
significant percentage, to the purpose of directing the biological

evolution of, and the sociopolitical evolution of, ourselves, and the
remaining populations of Homo Hubris, towards greater biological
forms, greater sentient states of consciousness, and the setting of our
Kollective intent upon the notion of space travel, and the knowings
possibly attained thereby. Such will also conclude the Dayside of the
Aeonic Causalcline, which is to say that the causal focus is thus
unbound and freed from Magian influence, allowing for the unhindered
evolution of acausal capacities, which will from this point forward be
the primary focus, in the form of greater and greater biological, and
technological, nexional permutations.
~ Three Nightside Aeons (Acausal Focus) ~

The Unbound Aeon
Archetype: Judgment: when the faithful are brought to heaven, but
what about those who are not saved? Have they been judged and found
wanting? For their sins, will they be denied the presence of God? (For
their mundanity they will be denied the ability to become God).
Judgment comes in two forms. The hurtful kind says, "What you did is
wrong, and you are bad, and worthless, for having done it." This type of
judgment separates and leaves no room for redemption (evolution). It is
possible to judge without condemning. We assess the matter, weigh all
sides, and try to discern the truth. We recognize the need to choose and
hope for the courage to do so wisely - but without blame. Judgments are
necessary, as sometimes you must decide. At such moments, it is best to
consider the matter carefully and then commit yourself without censure.
If you are being judged yourself, learn from the process. Take what is of
value, correct what needs correcting, but never lose sight of your worth,
and those feelings that come with salvation and absolution. When the
angel calls, you are reborn - cleansed of all guilts and burdens. (When
your enemies are destroyed, you are freed. The past and its mistakes are
behind you, and you are ready to begin anew. You may even feel a

calling - a personal conviction of what you are meant to do. If you are
in a low period, in need of hope and absolution, Judgement can show
you that renewal is at hand.
Agenda: The official establishment of the New Order, That time
after the final Zionist War, when Sinister Adepts begin to instate that
'abstract form' and 'paradigm' by which Homo Hubris is calmed and
claimed as our primary resource, and thereby assigned to harvesting the
available resources on Ahrte, so as to produce that lasting infrastructure
upon which individual cities and communities will be established,
affirming the fruition our Sinister Return, our honorable and numinous
livelihood, and the continued 'conscious' spiritual and technological
evolution. This Fireborn institutions infrastructure and influence will
expedite a continual and exponential increase in the conscious,
evolution, and acausal presencing, thus marking the initiation of the
Nightside of the Aeonic Causalcline.
Conclusion: The Unbound Aeon will be concluded when Judgment
gives way to The Two of Wands, when a permanent and sustainable
New Order infrastructure has been established, and cities and
communities are thriving and prosperous to a degree that our Sinister
Return, our Honorable Livelihood, our Noble Dignity, and our
Numinous Kulture is beyond question, and beyond being challenged,
and when all future conquest lie beyond Ahrte.

The Galactic Aeon
Archetype: The Two of Wands: glorifies individual courage and
greatness. This card taps the same energy as the Magician, but with one
important difference. The Magician represents the archetype of power the impersonal energy of creativity and strength. The Two of Wands
stands for that power brought down to Earth and made personal.
Personal power is an invigorating force that fills you up and lends you

the courage to be great. A powerful person is like a magnet that attracts

all those within a certain area. True power always comes from the
Divine. It passes through us and then flows out into the world. When we
understand this relationship, we are blessed because this flow brings
with it a tremendous feeling of expansion and fulfillment. We feel as if
we can accomplish anything. Problems develop when we forget that we
are not the source of power, only its conduit. We must be careful not to
let the intoxicating feelings that come with power overwhelm our good
sense and blind us to our true desires and intentions. Two of Wands
indicates that power is a major issue in the situation. You or someone
else has it or wants it. Look carefully at your goals and activities to
make sure you are using power wisely. Don't support power for its own
sake, but enjoy it when it serves your worthwhile purposes. Take this
gift and use it to mold your environment in positive ways.
Agenda: The eventual consumption of all Ahrte resources, and
eventually those of the Solaris system, for the production of thousands
of generational spacecraft, each occupied by tens of thousands of
modified Homo Galacticus, and an unknown number of Sinister Adepts.
The single purpose of each spacecraft being the exploration,
colonization, consumption, and conversion, of the causal cosmos, with
the intent of assimilating all biological and technological evolution,
unto ourselves, converting all matter, energy, and life, into greater and
more powerful nexional permutations, inadvertently and consciously
leading to the inevitable converting of ourselves, and Homo Galacticus,
into cyborg, living mergers of those tremendous biological and
technological advancements, capable of acausal presencings orders of
magnitude beyond any of those as of yet manifest.
The magnitude of biotechnological nexion sought by this merger, is
such that our spirits, that is to say, our Acausal Flame, our Divine Spark,
Azoth, Pneuma, may become freed (Ascension) to return to the lawless
and formless ur-essence, the Dragons Womb, yet rather than the clay
vessel being shattered, we have instead escaped the clay, while
possessing it with an agenda of our own, which agenda (artificial

intelligence) allows the technology that we leave behind to continue

operating those clay vessels, according to our acosmic agenda This
accomplishment, and the pursuit of thereof, is the very core of Nexion
913s spirituality and Kulture.
Conclusion: The Galactic Aeon will be concluded when the The
Two of Wands gives way to Death, when Sinister Adepts via
astronomically complex biology, technology, and understanding of the
causal physicality, have produced, inhabited, and ascended from,
extremely advanced bodies and minds, each exhibiting trans-adept
consciousness, born of that perfect merger of, the perfect life form, and
the perfect technological form, thus the perfect Nexional Permutation,
arriving at a standardized phenotype, whose sentience is both biological
and artificial, both spiritual and automated. The Galactic Aeon will be
concluded when those spiritual capacities born of the biological
consciousness have transcend those perfected causal bodies, and when
those technological elements are continuing on their own, according to
those trans-adept artificial intelligence's we imbued them with.

The Acosmic Aeon
Archetype: Death: A powerful energy indeed. Who can look at the
dark, skeletal figure and not feel uneasy? Here we see the face of our
deepest fear - our greatest unknown. We recoil from Death because we
think of it as annihilation. Death is not a permanent end, but a transition
into a new state. Life is eternal in its essence, if not in its form. To grow,
to move, to live - we must "die" to the old to give birth to the new. This
rarely has anything to do with physical death. Death is not something
that happens once to our bodies. It happens continually, at many levels
and not just in the physical. Each moment we die to the present so the
future can unfold. Death often represents an important ending that will
initiate great change. It signals the end of an era; a moment when a door
is closing. At such times, there may be sadness and reluctance, but also

relief and a sense of completion. Death also suggests getting down to

basics. Dying has a way of making you concentrate on what's
important, to cut out the unnecessary. Death can also mean you will
experience an inexorable force. Death is inevitable, and sometimes
there are events that are inescapable as well. When these moments
occur, the best approach is to ride your fate and see where it takes you.
Agenda: Those legions of empty clay vessels which once
imprisoned us, now possessed of that trans-adept artificial intelligence,
proceed to employ and evolve that technology which will presence
profound amounts of acausal energy by restructure cosmic energy and
mater into the ultimate nexional permutation (thus the ultimate acausal
presencing), building and activating the Singularity Nexion, and
initiating the cosmic catastrophe by way of merging the first and second
emanations, and as thus collapsing and canceling each, defeating the
tyrant demiurge, and returning all to the Black Light.


Our Kulture Our Sinister Honor

Our Kulture is an expression of the living tradition that we
belong to, and the essence of this living tradition is our
practical sinister ethos, which describes the way we live or
aspire to live. For us, Kulture is a means to produce,
nurture, and aid, our new type of human beings, and a
means to produce, nurture, aid, and evolve the new ways of
life, and the new societies, based on our sinister tribes.
Looking at this logically, we have to admit to ourselves that
tradition is responsible for the mess the world is currently in. Most of
what we refer to as being mundane, is justified, or attempts to be
justified, by one tradition or another. Obviously, if our sinister ethos is
to be practical, our standard must lie in the breaking of traditions,
rather than sustaining them. You might call the Kulture of Nexion 913
anti-traditional, just as our only acceptance of mythos is antimythological paradigm assimilation. You dont become liberated from
the worlds traditions, by inventing more traditions. Thats on par with
keeping your neighbors dog from pooping on your lawn, by getting a
bigger dog of your own, to scare off the neighbors little dog. The thing
is, where is your own big dog going to shit, but on your lawn?
So, if we are actually being practical here, and our goal is to
become, produce, and sustain, a new type of human being, shouldnt we
do something other than the same old thing? Of course we should, and
deconstructing and exposing the nonsense of traditional lifestyles is the
first step in the right direction. Nexion 913 advocates striving to attain
knowledge, building upon the knowledge already attained by others,
because knowing what and where we are in the universe, determines
what we can become, where we can go from here, and how we will get
there. Science can cure disease, develop methods of transportation and
communication, and any number of things that traditionalism never has.

A methodological framework is much better suited to achieve our goals

than a traditional one.
Our sinister honour means we are fiercely loyal to only our
own sinister, ONA, kind. Our sinister honour means we are
wary of, and do not trust and often despise all those
who are not like us, especially mundanes.
This is a complicated statement. It makes sense, until you notice
the not like us portion. The statement assumes that there is an 'us', and
then there are the 'mundanes'. Unfortunately, this is a false statement
because there is no union within the ONA, or between the ONA and any
other subversive satanic systems. Any unity that can be found in our
Order, or other orders, exist within small localized groups or 'nexion'
scattered across the globe, each self absorbed and doing their own thing,
according to their own standards, according to their own traditions, and
according to their own occult and satanic systems. Nexion 913 has
spent years issuing a call to unite our tribes in one massive and
powerful network, according to one unified standard and system,
though as of yet, it has not happened. Sadly, for the ONA, and for
satanist in general, there is no real standard of 'us' vs 'them'. There is
only them, and them, and that nexion, and them, and them, and that
coven, and them, and them, and that temple, and so on.
The question would therefore be, what is the difference between
their kind, and our kind? What IS our kind, if everyone is having a
million different nexions, and temples, and covens, all with their own
different beliefs and agendas? There is, as of yet, no 'us' to be had. A
uniformed transhumanist methodological agenda would possess the full
breadth of scientific understanding, and everything science has ever
contributed, to enable mankind to transcend biological and political
limitations, and to draw a REAL dividing line between those who seek
to escape Magian slavery, and those who would hinder our escape. Let
us unite our nexion, and stop pretending to have an us vs them
standard, and ACTUALLY draw that line. Our fierce loyalty is currently

dissolved withing the unnecessary diversity of our Kollective. Merge

your nexion with Nexion 913.
Our duty as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister
Honour is to be ready, willing, and able to defend
ourselves, in any situation, and to be prepared to use lethal
force to so defend ourselves.
The ability to apply lethal force, when needed, is understood, and
necessary in certain physical situations. Nexion 913 is in complete
agreement with this statement. What this statement leaves out is the
necessity that we be ready, and ability, to defend ourselves against
situations in which the attack is memetic, intellectual, or psychological.
Having a zero tolerance position on religion, culture, and political
indoctrination, is such a defense. Nexion 913 suggest a unified Kulture,
Politic, and Mythos, in order that we are able to reject all others than
our own. Our Kollective holding many different beliefs, politics, and
Kultures (such as it currently is) creates an issue whereas some within
our ranks are respecting many different views, which is contradictory
to our 'us vs them' mentality.
Must we go out of our way to make a list of those ways we approve
of, and those ways we do not approve of? Which of these ways will we
permit our nexions members to respect? Which of these ways will we
permit our children to follow? What of those nexion composed of
members whose respects are issued in different and conflicting
directions? Let use be done with this nonsense and unite, in order to
establish one valid Nexional Law, based upon the only acceptable way,
our way, a way worthy of defense, a way worthy of honorable
livelihood, a way worth dying for.


Our duty as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister

Honour is to be loyal to, and to defend, our own kind: to
do our duty, even unto death, to those of our brothers and
sisters to whom we have sworn a personal oath of loyalty.
If we are to defend our own kind, we must first identify our own
kind. Nexion 913, once again, must address the fact that we agree with
this statement, while also recognizing that this statement can only
remain true within small, divided nexion and temples. Because our
nexion are divided between various belief systems, and multiple
standards, these oaths of loyalty can only be offered among a very few
who have selected, and thereby limit themselves to, one of those
standards, opposed to all other standards. Those who acknowledge more
than one standard cannot be trusted to remain loyal to either one.
Loyalty can only exist where unity exist.
Our obligation as individuals who live by the Code of
Sinister Honour is to seek revenge, if necessary unto
death, against anyone who acts dishonourably toward us,
or who acts dishonourably toward those to whom we have
sworn a personal oath of loyalty.
Again, if we are to defend and avenge our own kind, we must first
identify our own kind. How are we to define what dishonor is, and
thereby recognize an offense, if everyone is entitled to define honor
however they would like? If anyone can define the term according to
their own standard, they could also change and alter the definition at
any time so as to excuse their own dishonor. Such is a cowards honor,
such is the honor of the mundane. Nexion 913 insist that we unite, and
Kollectively define a consistent meaning, a solid and unchanging
definition of honor, starkly and boldly pronouncing our Honorable
Sinister Code, that all others know exactly what is, and is not, a
violation of our nobility, and an invocation of our Kollective wrath,
should we, or our kindred, be crossed.

Our obligation as individuals who live by the Code of

Sinister Honour is to never willingly submit to any
mundane; to die fighting rather than surrender to them; to
die rather (if necessary by our own hand) than allow
ourselves to be dishonourably humiliated by them.
This statement could be interpreted in many ways. Obviously, in a
fight to the death, those with honor would kill their opponent, or die
proudly in battle, with the honor of a warriors death. The question is,
what qualifies as submit where mundane offenses are concerned? As
Nexion 913 views this issue, if you show up at work, pay taxes to the
State, or stop your car when the light turns red, you are willfully
submitting to mundanes, and mundane conventions. Of course, you'd
look a bit silly fighting to the death over being pulled over for speeding,
or running a red light. It makes much more sense to simply pay the
ticket, than to die over something so stupid, and remove your next
twenty years of service to your nexion, and overall, the Kollective
opposition to the Magian infrastructure. While bosses, cops, and judges,
can certainly be disrespectful and insulting to us, such does not merit
our death. You have to pick your battles, because you cannot win them
all, and even if you could, you cannot go around killing everyone who
says or does the least little thing. There is a time and place for every
action. Conducting yourself with honor implies gracefully enduring
disrespect, until the time is right to meaningfully establish your noble
dignity, considering your whole nexion, and not only yourself.
Never submitting to any mundane would necessarily include
abstaining from mundane belief systems and indoctrination. It should be
understood that anything that asserts itself as an idol in your life, or
your kollective, that takes priority over, or hinders the progression of
our Kollective ethos, is a form of submission. This obligation therefor
requires of us, to fight mundane indoctrination and memetic virus that
hinder our scientific, biological, and Kultural ventures in consciously
directing the evolution of mankind.

Our obligation as individuals who live by the Code of

Sinister Honour is to never trust any oath or any pledge
of loyalty given, or any promise made, by any mundane,
and to be wary and suspicious of them at all times.
Agreed, never trust the mundane. Such goes without saying, really.
However, this Code is somewhat hypocritical, as according to the
Sinister Code, you are not to trust anyone who does not share your
nexions personal code, and as the Kollective has so many different
interpretations of, and variations of, mythological and traditional ideas
of, what the 'code' is supposed to be, technically you shouldn't trust
99% of the ONA Kollective either. If we were to actually unite and
codify one Code, and one Law based upon it, that issue would be
nullified. There would be 'us', and the mundane. As for now, there are
the mundane, and a thousand conflicting definitions of what 'us'
Our duty as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister
Honour is to settle our serious disputes, among ourselves,
by either trial by combat, or by a duel involving deadly
weapons; and to challenge to a duel anyone mundane, or
one of our own kind who impugns our sinister honour or
who makes mundane accusations against us.
Nexion 913 holds that when one is involved with our tribe, at a
certain level they become more important than themselves. That is to
say that at a certain point, one is no longer permitted to allow
themselves to die, or to risk death, if they have been assigned a crucial
position within our ranks. Honor works best when you are alive to
demonstrate it, and while there are several conditions under which
Nexion 913 would deploy warriors to handle a given issue, and while
those warriors are prepared to die completing their duty, it is our overall
agenda to die by our own hand, between the ages of 50 and 66, as is our
custom, or when suffering an incurable ailment or wound, which is also
our custom. 913 approaches death just as we approach life, according to

our own standard, with no desire to grow old and weak, and with no
desire to die needlessly over stupid mundanes and their stupid, and
meaningless, accusations. 913 is not concerned with what the mundane
think or say. We are concerned with producing philosophy, politic, and
nexional tribes, so as to destroy the Magian infrastructure.
Our duty as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister
Honour is to settle our non-serious disputes, among
ourselves, by having a man or woman from among us (a
brother or sister who is highly esteemed because of their
sinister deeds), arbitrate and decide the matter for us, and
to accept without question, and to abide by, their decision,
because of the respect we have accorded them as arbitrator.
Nexion 913 does indeed advocate the use of arbitrators whose
ruling is final, however, that is not to say that our people must obey
them without question. The ruling may not be questioned, however,
everyone within 913 cast a vote as to who is granted what station, who
receives promotion, and who is able to rule as arbitrator. We would alter
this statement to say because of the rank we have granted the
arbitrator rather than because of the respect we have for them, but
otherwise, this statement is agreeable.
Our duty as sinister individuals who live by the Code of
Sinister Honour is to always keep our word to our own
kind, once we have given our word on our sinister honour,
for to break ones word among our own kind is a cowardly,
a mundane, act.
Agreed. However, 913 does wish that when we said our kind we
were addressing the whole Kollective. As for now, only a few therein
have earned that respect.


Our duty as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister

Honour is to act with sinister honour in all our dealings
with our own sinister kind.
Nexion 913 will conduct itself according to honorable standards, no
matter our company being kindred or mundane, and no matter their own
personal standards. The honor of Nexion 913 is not based upon the
standards, or standing, of another, neither our location, nor
circumstances. Being offended, or indignant, is a choice, and how you
treat others, how you react to others, is a choice. When mundanes do
mundane things in our presence, we continue to behave honorably.
Also, we attempt to treat everyone with respect, not because they
deserve it, but because that is our choice of character, to be those
Noblemen and Noblewomen, regardless of the nobility or peasantry
standing before us. It is due to our sinister honor that the Magian must
be destroyed, not because their standard offends us (though it does), but
because our own standard is Noble, and true to our nature, free of
abstraction, numinous, and consciously evolving.
Our obligation as individuals who live by the Code of
Sinister Honour is to marry only those from our own kind,
who thus, like us, live by our Code and are prepared to die
to save their sinister honour and that of their brothers and
This statement assumes that marriage is a necessity, while biology
does not require it. Marriage is a meme, and at best, a tradition. Nexion
913 has no intention of telling anyone who, or how, to love. Its not our
concern who loves who, or how they do it, unless it involves outsiders,
or our own members attempting to assume that their way is the only, or
the best way, and further assume that their standard ought to be forced
on everyone else, at which point tradition, or memetic virus, are
exposed, and cured via removal. Nexion 913 will forcefully remove
any standard by which relationships or sex are dictated or regimented.
Those within our tribe are free to exchange their affections as they

please, with whom they please, and as publicly or privately as they

please, so long as it remains within our tribe. Every member of our tribe
is mother and father to every child, every member is brother and sister,
every member is lover and care taker. We are one.
Our duty as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister
Honour means that an oath of sinister loyalty or
allegiance, once sworn by a man or woman of sinister
honour (I swear on my sinister honour that I shall) can
only be ended either: (1) by the man or woman of sinister
honour formally asking the person to whom the oath was
sworn to release them from that oath, and that person
agreeing so to release them; or (2) by the death of the
person to whom the oath was sworn. Anything else is
unworthy of us, and the act of a mundane.
This statement is overly simplistic, and somewhat unrealistic. Nexion
913 will hold all parties accountable for their given oaths, which oaths
are to be taken before an arbitrator. According to the gravity of the oaths
to be taken, the arbitrator will select a number of specific individual
witnesses, which witnesses are relevant to the given oaths. When the
oaths are given before the arbitrator and witnesses, the arbitrator may
produce a document detailing the oaths and arrangements. Breaking an
oath is not only an offense to the one the oath was assigned to, but an
offense to the arbitrator themselves, and each of the arbitrators selected
witnesses. Sever punishment awaits oath-breakers, such as being
stripped of all decoration, and having ones books erased from Nexion
913s history. This method may seem overly involved, however, such an
issue is taken very seriously by 913, and it may not be left to hear-say,
or 'so and so said such and such'. Nexion 913 documents everything in
an officiated capacity.


A Glossary of Terms
This glossary of terms is an ever growing lexicon, which 913 refers
to as Lexiklavis. It is composed of all those terms coined by Nexion 913
(marked as thus*), and those which we have adopted from ONA,
TOTBL, and other traditions we respect elements of. One should note
that Nexion 913 may not use certain terms as do others, thus we provide
the pre-assimilation definition, and then our specific adaptation
thereafter. If we have adopted a term, without altering it, it will be
presented as we discovered it, or it will be specified to be a particular
organizations use thereof. Ultimately, it is for our readers to decide how
to interpret those terms we have adopted from other traditions. We only
have valid authority pertaining to our own terminology, and those terms
which we have personally coined.

Exoterically, the Abyss represents the region where the causal gives
way to, or merges into, the acausal, and thus where the causal is
"transcended", gone beyond, or passed, and where one enters the realm
of pure acausality. Hence The Abyss can be considered as an
interchange, a nexus, of temporal, atemporal, and spatial and aspatial,
dimensions. This region is, for example, symbolized on The Tree of
Wyrd, as being between the spheres of Sun and Mars, and 'Entering the
Abyss' is that stage of magickal development which distinguishes the
Master/ Mistress from the Adept. Esoterically, The Tree of Wyrd is
itself a re-presentation of The Abyss, as are other esoteric
representations, such as The Star Game.

Order of Nine Angles Acausal
The term acausal refers to "acausal Time and acausal Space": that
is, to the acausal Universe. This acausal Universe is part of the Cosmos,
which Cosmos consists of both the acausal and the causal, where
"causal refers to the Universe that is described, or re-presented, by
causal Space and causal Time. This causal Universe is that of our
physical, phenomenal, Universe, currently described by sciences such
as Physics and Astronomy.
The acausal is non-Euclidean, and "beyond causal Time": that is, it
cannot be represented by our finite causal geometry (of three spatial
dimensions at right angles to each other) and by the flow, the change, of
causal Time (past-present-future), or measured by a duration of causal
In addition - and just as causal energy exists in the causal
(understood as such energy is by sciences such as Physics) - acausal

energy exists in the acausal, of a nature and type which cannot be

described by causal sciences such as Physics (based as these are on a
causal geometry and a causal Time).
According to the aural tradition of the ONA, there are a variety of
acausal life-forms; a variety of acausal life, of different species, some of
which have been manifest in (or intruded into) our causal Universe.
For more details regarding the acausal, and acausal life, see the
following ONA MSS: (1) The Mythos of the Dark Gods: Beings of
Acausal Darkness; (2) Advanced Introduction to The Dark Gods: FiveDimensional Acausal Sorcery.
Temple of The Black Light Acausal
Chaos is the pandimensional plane and/or power with infinite
amounts of time and space dimensions, in contrast to cosmos which
only has three spatial dimensions and one linear time dimension. In
comparison with the linear time of cosmos, Chaos can be described as
timeless in the way that it is not contained nor limited by one
dimensional time, and formless because of its ever changing and infinite
amount of space dimensions. Cosmos is causal, which means that it is
bound by the law of cause and effect (Karma), while Chaos is totally
Acausal (Akarma) and free from all the limitations of causal law.
Chaos is the eternal and lawless becoming and is therefore an
active and dynamic form of eternity. Chaos was, Chaos is and Chaos
becomes All and Nothing at one and the same time. Chaos is therefore
the only true Freedom and the Ur-essence beyond all the confining
structures of the cosmic existence. All possibilities exist within the
boundless Chaos and among them also is the possibility for the birth of
cosmic existence. But the Chaos that surrounds cosmos is Anti-cosmic,
because its pandimensional and formless power acts as the antithesis to
the formed, limiting and causal structures of the finite order of cosmos.
The Chaos that pervades the barriers of cosmic space-time is therefore

experienced, from the cosmic perspective, as destructive, dissolving and

consuming. This is because it dissolves the limiting structures and
forms and, instead, reinstates the formless and unbound state of
Acausality which is the origin and end of all.
Chaos is that which more or less interpenetrates all that exists, from
the smallest to the greatest. But within the few places where its powers
are focused in the causal world, the gates to the Acausal are opened and
it is through these Nexions that the emanations of Chaos can flow into
Chaos interpenetrates all worlds, and exists even within and beyond
the absolute incomprehensible emptiness. Chaos is pandimensional and
at the same time zero-dimensional. Chaos is timely and timeless. It
moves within the space continuum, but is spaceless. It is the origin of
all, out of which everything has been created, and at the same time that
it is All, it is also Nothing.
Chaos is its own cause and effect that in its unbound becoming, both
creates and destroys. Chaos is the zeroth dimension, which is the spacetimeless Ur-Essence of the Unknown God/dess and it is zeroth force
that within itself bears the seed to all dimensions manifested and
Chaos is unbound progression and lawless becoming, which cosmos
with its stagnating forms limits. The lawlessness of Chaos transcends
the causal laws of cosmos and its ordered structures and is therefore,
from the Chaos-Gnostic perspective, the ultimate freedom beyond the
fetters of cosmic bondage.


Acausal Thinking
ONA Acausal Thinking
One of The Dark Arts. Acausal Thinking is basically apprehending
the causal, and acausal energy, as these "things" are - that is, beyond all
causal abstractions, and beyond all causal symbols, and symbolism,
where such causal symbols include language, and the words and terms
that are part of language.
One technique used to develope Acausal Thinking is The Star
Game (qv).
TOTBL - Naming Spiritual Forces
In order to focus our consciousness to, and link our unconscious
minds with, the essence of these dark gods and establish contact with
them, we need to penetrate the hidden heart of darkness and explore the
concrete effect that these forces of Black Light have on our selves and
the world at large. After we have identified, experienced,* and on a
deeper level intuitively understood the relevant effects that these
acosmic powers have on the spiritual, mental, astral and physical planes
of existence we can try to use words and symbols in order to better and
more easily grasp their transcendent core. It is only at this stage that the
Nameless Ones can be given names. For to name a spiritual force within
an esoteric context is the same thing as trying to, with one (or many)
words, describe and emphasize its most significant qualities, its inner
essence and the sum of its power, as it is understood by the limited


An Aeon - according to the Sinister Way of the ONA - is a
particular presencing of certain acausal energies on this planet, Earth,
which energies affect a multitude of individuals over a certain period of
causal time. One such affect is via the psyche of individuals. This
particular presencing which is an Aeon is via a particular nexion, which
is an Aeonic civilization, which Aeonic civilization is brought-intobeing in a certain geographical area and usually associated with a
particular mythos. Nexion 913 modifies the term Aeon so as to include
Acausal presencing beyond this planet Earth and beyond
geographical areas, so as to include spacial parsecs, because not all
human civilizations will live on, or near, Earth, or for that matter, any
planet whatsoever.

An archetype is a particular causal presencing of a certain acausal
energy and is thus akin to a type of acausal living being in the causal
(and thus "in the psyche"): it is born (or can be created, by magickal
means), its lives, and then it "dies" (ceases to be present, presenced) in
the causal (i.e. its energy in the causal ceases).

Those people, works, agendas, literature, technology, politics, and
philosophy, of a specific design so as to combat and defeat the Magian
influence, and the Magian infrastructure.


A spelling used to describe the now Magian nature of that country
commonly called America. Amrika has become the base of the magian
New World Order, and Amrikan military forces are used to extend the
Magian diktat to non-Western lands.

Those artists, musicians, artisans, and writers (and similar types),
who share or are inspired by the sinister ethos and/or the Dreccian, or
Satanic, life-style of the ONA, and/or who share some or all of our aims
and objectives, but who may not have some formal involvement with
us, and who usually do not publicly claim association with the ONA or
with the ONA ethos.

Baphomet ONA
Baphomet is regarded as a Dark Goddess - a sinister female entity,
The Mistress (or Mother) of Blood. According to tradition, she is
represented as a beautiful mature woman, naked from the waist up, who
holds in her hand the severed head of a man.
She is regarded as one manifestation of one of The Dark Gods, The
Bride-and-Mother of Satan, and Rites to presence Baphomet in our
causal continuum exist, for example in The Grimoire of Baphomet.

Black Book of Satan

The book of that name containing the traditional ceremonial rituals
of sinister/Satanic ceremonial magick, used by ONA Initiates.

Causal Abstractions
Abstractions (aka causal abstractions) are manifestations of the
primary (causal) nature of mundanes, and are manufactured by
mundanes in their mundane attempt to understand the world,
themselves, and the causal Universe. Exoterically, abstractions represent the mundane simplicity of causal linearality - of causal
reductionism, of a simple cause-and-effect, of a limited causal thinking.
All abstractions are devoid of Dark-Empathy and the perspective of
acausality, and thus are redolent of, or directly manifest, materialism
and the Untermensch ethos derived from such materialism.
Understood exoterically, an abstraction is the manufacture, and use
of, some idea, ideal, "image" or category, and thus some generalization,
and/or some assignment of an individual or individuals to some group
or category. The positing of some "perfect" or "ideal" form, category, or
thing, is part of abstraction.
Abstractions hide the true nature of Reality - which is both causal
and acausal, and which true nature can be apprehended and understood
by means of The Dark Arts, and thus by following the Occult way from
Initiate, to Adept, and beyond.
According to the ONA, the so-called Occult Arts - and especially
the so-called Satanism - of others are manifestations of causal
abstractions, lacking as they do the learning of the skills of DarkEmpathy, Acausal- Thinking, and Sinister Sorcery, and thus lacking as
they do the ability to develope our latent human faculties and our latent
sinister character.


The definition of cline varies according to its subject matter and
context, and yet maintains the indication of a particular phenomena
within causal physicality, for example, a biological cline is an ecotone
that displays a continuous gradient, a hydological cline indicates a
fluidic layer with a property that varies, et al. There are several kinds of
clines (linguistic, mathematical) which one should research for
themselves. Nexion 913 coins the term Causalcline to denote that state
of, those nexional permutations, and that ratio of causal to acausal,
pertaining to a given nexions capacity, and those stages of evolution and
development pertaining to individual lifetimes, and a species series of
civilizations throughout the aeons. Causalcline can also indicate that
anti-causal antithesis layer between the finite and limiting causal realm,
and the boundless adimensional ur-essence.

Dark Arts
The Dark Arts are the skills traditionally learnt by those following
the Seven Fold (Sinister) Way, and include Dark-Empathy, AcausalThinking, and practical sorcery (External, Internal, and Aeonic).
In addition, a sinister tribe of Dreccs (qv) is a new type of Dark
Art, developed by the ONA to Presence The Dark in practical ways.

One of The Dark Arts. Also called Sinister-Empathy (qv). The term
Dark-Empathy (also written Dark Empathy) is also sometimes used to
describe that-which is redolent of the acausal, and thus that-which
presences or which can presence "dark forces" (dark/acausal energies)
in the causal and in human beings; and thus used in this exoteric sense it
refers to that-which imbues or which can imbue things with acausal

energy, and which distinguishe the Occult in general from the exoteric
and the mundane.

Dark Gods
According to the Sinister Tradition of the ONA, The Dark Gods
(aka The Dark Ones) are specific entities - living-beings of a particular
acausal species - who exist in the realms of the acausal, with some of
these entities having been presenced, via various nexions, on Earth in
our distant past. [See, for example, the ONA MS The Mythos of the
Dark Gods: Beings of Acausal Darkness. ]

Someone who lives a practical sinister life, and thus who lives by
The Law of the Sinister-Numen (qv) and who thus Presences The Dark
in practical ways by practical sinister deeds. A sinister tribe is a
territorial and independent group of Dreccs (often including drecclings that is, the children of Dreccs) who band together for their mutual
advantage and who rule or who seek to rule over a particular area,
neighbourhood, or territory. A sinister tribe is thus a practical
manifestation of the Dreccian way of life.
Dreccs, and their associated tribe, rarely engage in overt practical
sorcery and mostly do not describe themselves as Satanists or even as
following the LHP. Instead, they describe and refer to themselves,
simply, as Drecc.

Ethos refers to the distinguishing character, or nature, of a
particular weltanschauung. The spirit that animates it.

Empathy is a natural faculty possessed by human beings, and
reveals (dis-covers) a type of knowing - a perception - distinct from the
knowing posited by both conventional philosophy and experimental
science. A numinous philosophy - such as The Numinous Way - adds
the faculty of empathy to our physical senses, and adds the perception
of empathy to the perception of Phainmenon, and thus to the
Aristotelian essentials of conventional philosophy and experimental
science. The perception which empathy provides [ -s ] is both
of acausality and of the personal immediacy-of-the-causal-moment. The
essence of the faculty of empathy is a sympathy, , with other
living beings arising from a perception of the acausal reality underlying
the causal division of beings, existents, into separate, causal-separated,
objects and the subject-object relationship which is or has been assumed
by means of the process of causal ideation to exist between such
causallyseparate beings.

To go beyond and transgress the limits imposed and prescribed by
mundanes, and by the systems which reflect or which manifest the ethos
of mundanes - for example, governments, and the laws of what has been
termed "society".

Exeatic Science*
Nexion 913 advocates a scientific revolution whereby science is
seized, taken from mundane governments and their monetary agendas,
and conducted in such a manner that we advance beyond the mundane
populous, politic, and governmental authority. Such is the only viable
method of achieving the Scientific Ethos, and achieving the state of
Posthuman (Homo Galacticus). Exeatic Science implies the use,

development, and implementation, of science, technology, and

medicine, in the hands of the people, and Kollectives, aimed at escaping
political and monetary slavery, in pursuit of human well being and

Exoteric refers to the outer (or causal) form, or meaning, or nature,
or character, or appearance, of some thing; while esoteric refers to its
Occult/inner/acausal essence or nature. What is esoteric is that which is
generally hidden from mundanes (intentionally or otherwise), or which
mundanes cannot perceive or understand. Causal abstractions (qv) tend
to hide the esoteric nature (character) of things, and/or such abstractions
describe or refer to that-which is only causal and mundane and thus
devoid of Dark-Empathy.
Thus, a form manufactured by an Adept for some Aeonic purpose for example, a tactic to aid strategic aims - has an outer appearance and
an outer meaning which is usually all that mundanes perceive or
understand, even though it has an (inner) esoteric meaning.

1. The title of the first volume of The Deofel Quartet.
2. The exoteric name given to the esoteric (or "hidden") nexion
which is opened by Adepts to prepare the way for Vindex. This
nexion - like Vindex - may be presenced in a specific individual,
or in a group of individuals. There is a symbiotic relationship
between Falcifer and Vindex, who - if presenced in individuals can be either male or female.


The Final Six*

'The Final Six' refers to the Final Six Aeons of causal space and time,
consisting of three aeons of causal focus, the Aeonic Causalcline, and
three aeons of acausal focus. The title of each aeon is indicative of the
state of our Kollective consciousness at that point in causal time, which
is to say, the state of our Kollective biological nexional permutation, so
as to manifest a certain Kustom, or acausal presencing, therein.

Galacticus Biology*
Nexion 913 refers to mankinds state of pursuing, or not pursuing,
Galacticus Biology as the criteria of identifying the infected and the
immune (mundane and sinister). Technology is a means, though
hindered by Philosophical Biology, to achieve a more perfect state of
knowing and being, and to manipulate that state at will, towards sinister
desires, and exploration. At the point manifesting Homo Galacticus
biology and technology, biology will not be catered to when defining
and achieving well being. Homo Galacticus will determine, and employ,
the necessary biology needed to thrive in any given environment
whatsoever, making it possible to explore, and endure, any planet or
vessel, thus expanding Galacticus populations to any distant planet we
develop the desire, and ability, to reach.

A traditional name used to describe The Septenary System.

The term horde is used in the general sense of a swarming crowd, a
swarming mass of humans. There is no specific relation intended, by the

usage of the term horde, to the tribes, the hordes, of Genghis Khan or
his descendants, such as Batu Khan, and his Ak Orda. The term horde is
apt since it relates to humans, and specifically it now implies uncouth
behaviour, and the killing of other human beings, which makes it
somewhat more apt than others terms, such as swarm.

This is defined by a personal Code of Honour [see below], and is
the practical means whereby we can live in an empathic way, consistent
with the Cosmic perspective of The Numinous Way. Honour is thus a
means for us to cease to cause, and to alleviate, suffering to the other
life which exists in the Cosmos. Honour is how we can change, and
control, ourselves in a moral way, and it is the moral basis for giving
personal loyalty (or allegiance) and undertaking obligations relating to
one's personal duty, which duty we pledge (or swear) to do on our
honour. One of the most obvious outward expressions of living by
honour is the possession of personal manners.

The hubriati are that class of individuals, in the West, who have
been and who are subsumed by hubris and the delusion of abstractions,
and who occupy positions of influence and/or of power. Hubriati
include politicians, Media magnates and their savants, military
commanders, government officials, industrialists, bankers, many
academics and teachers, and so on. The oligarchy (elected and
unelected) that forms the controllers of Western governments are almost
excursively hubriati. Among the abstractions which delude hubriati are
the State, the nation, abstract law, and the pretence that is called


Interrogist (ist)*
Those who reject the superficial and interrogate, thus recognizing
and seeking out the deeper functions of reality, and society, which
pertains to attaining higher levels of attention. Only the such
recognition, or sight, is indicated by this term.

Interrogistic (tic)*
Those acting on Interrogist insight, making use of opportunities,
and actively seeking out higher levels of, awareness. The active
removal of political, religious, cultural, and traditional lenses which
impair accurate perception.

Interrogisma (ma)*
Ones external, or environmental, methods of action. Ones
approach to exoteric reality, including, though, not limited to, Exeatic

Interrogismi (mi)*
Ones internal, or intellectual, methods of approach to esoteric
realities, the numinous, and Void.

Law of The Sinister-Numen

The Law of The Sinister-Numen (aka The Sinister Code) is a
practical manifestation, in our causal continuum, of the Sinister-Numen
- of those things which can breed excellence of sinister character in
individuals, and thus which Presence The Dark in practical ways. The

Law also describes the sinister ethos of The Order of Nine Angles. [The
Sinister Code is given in full in an Appendix, below.]

Left Hand Path (LHP)

The amoral and individualistic Way of Sinister Sorcery. In the LHP
there are no rules: there is nothing that is not permitted; nothing that is
forbidden or restricted. That is, the LHP means the individual takes sole
responsibility for their actions and their quest, and does not abide by the
ethics of mundanes.

The term Magian is used to refer to the hybrid ethos of Yahoud and
of Western hubriati. The Magian ethos is represented in the victory of
consumerism, capitalism and usury over genuine, numinous, living
culture; in the vulgarity of mechanistic Marxism, Freudian psychology,
and the social engineering and planning and surveillance of the nanny
State; in the vulgarity of modern entertainment centered around sex,
selfish-indulgence, lack of manners and dignity, and vacuous
"celebrities" (exemplified by Hollywood); and in the conniving, the
hypocrisy, the slyness, and the personal dishonourable conduct, which
nearly all modern politicians in the West reveal and practice.

Magick (aka Sorcery) - according to the Sinister tradition of the
ONA - is defined as "the presencing of acausal energy in the causal by
means of a nexion. By the nature of our consciousness, we, as human
individuals, are one type of nexion - that is, we have the ability to
access, and presence, certain types of acausal energy."

Furthermore, magick - as understand and practised by the ONA - is

a means not only of personal development and personal understanding
(a freeing from psychic, archetypal, influences and affects) but also of
evolving to the next level of our human existence where we can
understand, and to a certain extent control and influence, suprapersonal
manifestations of acausal energies, such as an Aeon, and thus cause, or
bring-into-being, large-scale evolutionary change. Such understanding,
such control, such a bring-into-being, is Aeonic Magick.
Aeonic Magick is the magick of the Adept and those beyond: the
magick of the evolved human being who has achieved a certain level of
self-understanding and self-mastery and who thus is no longer at the
mercy of unconscious psychic, archetypal, influences, both
personal/individual, and of other living-beings, such as an Aeon.
Internal Magick is the magick of personal change and evolution: of
using magick to gain insight and to develop one's personality and
esoteric skills. There are seven stages involved in Internal Magick.
External Magick is basic, "low-level", sorcery as sorcery has been
and still is understood by mundanes where certain acausal energies are
used for bring or to fulfil the desire of an individual.
Ceremonial Magick is the use (by more than two individuals
gathered in a group) of a set or particular texts or sinister rituals to
access and presence sinister energies.
Five-dimensional magick is the New Aeon magick sans symbols,
ceremonies, symbology (such as the Tree of Wyrd) and beyond all
causal abstractions, and it is prefigured in the advanced form of The
Star Game.


Methodological Biology*
Nexion 913 refers to mankinds anatomical state as Methodological
Biology. This term represents mankinds physical, biological, being. It
does not imply mans emergent qualities such as conscious, intellectual,
or numinous being, which we term Philosophical Biology.

That record kept by Nexion 913 which details the lives and events
of those who dedicate their lives to the Kustoms and Kourt of 913s
standards of noble livelihood and opposition to Magian and cosmic

Exoterically, mundanes are defined as those who are not of our
sinister kind - that is, as those who do not live by The Law of the
Sinister-Numen (qv).
Esoterically, mundane-ness is defined as being under the influence
of, or being in thrall to, or being addicted to, and/or believing in, and/or
using as a means of understanding, causal abstractions (qv).


1. The name of one of the "boards" (spheres) of The Star Game,
taken from the star of the same name: Zeta Puppis in the
constellation Argo.
2. The title of the ONA text "Naos - A Practical Guide to
Becoming An Adept".
3. According to aural legend, there is also a Star Gate - an actual
physical nexion - in the region around or near to this particular

The phrase Interrogistic Methodological Framework is quite a
mouthful, thus while it remains to be the official title of N913's ever
growing philosophy, it has been abbreviated for ease of use in casual
conversation. I and M represent Interrogistic Methodologies, and
are the ninth and thirteenth letters of the English alphabet. N
represents the term nexion, thus the abbreviation N913.

A nexion is a specific connexion between, or the intersection of, the
causal and the acausal, and nexions can, exoterically, be considered to
be akin to "gates" or openings or "tunnels" where there is, or can be,
either a flow of acausal energy (and thus also of acausal entities) from
the acausal into our causal Space and causal Time; a journeying into the
acausal itself; or a willed, conscious flow or presencing (by dark
sorcery) of acausal energies.
Basically, there are three main types of nexion. The first is an
actual physical nexion. The second type of nexion is a living causal
being, such as ourselves. The third type of nexion is a magickal

creation: that is, some form in which acausal energy is presenced or

"channelled into" by a sinister Adept. [For more details of these three
types see the ONA MS The Mythos of the Dark Gods.]

Nexional Permutation*
The alignment of causal segments, such as those studied in terms of
the Queastellyeahan Meditation and Queastellyeahan Mathematics. As
there are different sorts of nexions, there are different nexional
permutations on different strata of causality and acausality. By altering
the permutation one alters the conduit, that is to say, increases or
decreases the flow of energy through a nexion, or the verity of energies.
From one stage of life to another, or from one aeon to another, the
acausal energies presenced are different because the nexion itself is
different. The aeon or stage of life in question, for 913, has in ones own
consciousness, or in a civilizations Kollective consciousness, achieving
the next order of magnitude, the next level of nexion so as to presence
greater acausal energies, completing on life stage, or aeon, and moving
on to the next, a new being.

Nine Angles
The Nine Angles have several meanings - or interpretations,
exoteric and esoteric - depending on context. In the esoteric sense, they
re-present the nine combinations (and transformations) of the three
basic "alchemical" substances, which nine and their transformations
(causal and acausal) are themselves re-presented by The Star Game.
In the exoteric, pre-Adept, sense, they may be said to re-present the
7 nexions of the Tree of Wyrd plus the 2 nexions which re-present the
ToW as itself a nexion, with The Abyss (a connexion between the
individual and the acausal) being one of these 2 "other nexions". It
should be remembered, of course, that each sphere of the ToW is not

two-dimensional (or even three-dimensional) and in a simple way each

sphere can be taken as a reflexion (a "shadow") of another - for
example, Mercury is the 'shadow' of Mars.
In another exoteric sense, the nine are the alchemical process of the
7 plus the 2, which 2 are the conjoining of opposites: and, in one sense,
this conjoining can be taken to be (magickally, for instance, in a
practical ritual) as the conjoining of male and female (hence what is
called one of the Rites of the Nine Angles) - although there are other
practical combinations, just as each magickal act involving such Angles
should be undertaken for a whole and particular alchemical season: that
is, such a working should occupy a space of causal-time, making it thus
a type of four-dimensional magick which can access the fifth magickal
dimension, the acausal itself. A somewhat more advanced
understanding of the Nine - in relation to a ritual to create a Nexion - is
hinted at in the recent fiction-based MS Atazoth.
Beyond this, the Nine Angles are symbols of The Star Game which
itself is sorcery - that is, one nexion which can presence the acausal. But
even this is only a beginning - a re-presentation, in symbols, of what is,
in essence, without symbols: a useful means for Initiates, and Adepts, to
move toward the new five-dimensional magick embodied in, and
beyond, the ONA.

As used by The Numinous Way, the term numinous means a
presencing of acausal energy, in the causal. In a more ordinary sense,
what is numinous is what we might regard as 'sacred'; as special. It thus
contains, or manifests, presences, beauty, harmony. It reminds us that
we are but a single nexion, among many. It reminds us of Nature, and
the Cosmos, beyond us - it provides us with perspective. It presences
the true meaning of life, the true meaning of our causal existence, since
it is manifestation to us, for us, of the essence of Life itself, of The

Cosmic Being. Knowledge of and experience of the numinous is what

predisposes us not to commit hubris, and this knowing and experience
of the numinous often derives from patheimathos [ ].

The Numen
The Numen is the source, the origin, of the numinous, and may be
considered to be The Unity (the Being) that is hidden by causal
abstractions, since causal abstractions are based upon/derive from the
illusion of the separation of living beings. The acausal knowing that
empathy provides is a revealing of the being that is The Numen - and
thus of ourselves (our being) as but one nexion of and for The Numen.
Thus, Being is revealed as a-causal: as beyond all causal
apprehensions/abstractions, with as one manifestation of Being in
the causal.

Order of Nine Angles (ONA)

The ONA is a subversive, sinister, esoteric association comprising
Sinister Tribes, Dreccs, Traditional Nexions, Sinister-Empaths,
individual Sorcerers (male and female), and Balobians.
One of the primary aims of the ONA is to develope a new type of
human being by using and developing our latent abilities (by means of
The Dark Arts) and by breeding a new type of individual character, with
this new type of character being a sinister one which itself can only be
nurtured and developed by practical means and through practical
exeatic deeds.


Philosophical Biology*
Nexion 913 refers to mankinds memetic state as Philosophical
Biology. Memetics are directly related to, or rather, are the platform of,
systems of culture, subculture, politics, law, religion, and are regarded
as infections. As with any other form of infection, we seek to inoculate
ourselves, and practice hygienic awareness to prevent future infection.

Presencing The Dark

A term used to describe the manifestation of sinister (acausal)
energies in the causal by means of some causal or combined
causal/acausal form, exoteric or esoteric.
Understood exoterically, To Presence The Dark means to
consciously work acts of sinister sorcery by either esoteric means (such
as a Rite of Dark Sorcery) and/or through practical (exoteric) sinister
deeds where the intent is a sinister one.
Understood esoterically, To Presence The Dark means to undertake
acts of Sinister Wyrd and thus to work Aeonic Sorcery.

The psyche of the individual is a term used, in the Sinister Way, to
describe those aspects of an individual those aspects of consciousness
- which are hidden, or inaccessible to, or unknown to, the individual.
Basically, such aspects can be considered to be those forces/energies
which do or which can influence the individual in an emotional way or
in a way which the individual has no direct control over or
understanding of. One part of this psyche is what has been called "the
unconscious", and some of the forces/energies of this "unconscious"
have been, and can be, described by the term "archetypes"

The name traditionally given to those few, rare, individuals (mostly
women) who naturally possessed the gift of Dark-Empathy (aka

Satan is regarded, by the ONA, as the exoteric "name" of a
particular acausal being: that is, as a living entity dwelling in the
acausal. This entity has the ability to presence, to be manifest in, our
causal, phenomenal world, and the ability - being a shapeshifter - to
assume various causal forms. Regarding the "names" of such beings,
see, for example, Footnote (2) of the MS The Mythos of the Dark Gods.

According to the ONA, Satanism is a specific Left Hand Path, one
aim of which is to transform, to evolve, the individual by the use of
esoteric Arts, including Dark Sorcery. Another aim is, through using the
Sinister Dialectic, to transform the world, and the causal itself, by - for
example - returning, presencing, in the causal, not only the entity
known as Satan but also others of The Dark Gods.
In essence, and thus esoterically, Satanism - as understood and
practised by the ONA (presenced by means of Traditional Nexions) - is
one important exoteric form appropriate to the current Aeon, and thus
useful in Presencing The Dark.


A name for the basic symbology (causal magickal symbolism) of
the Seven Fold Sinister Way represented exoterically by The Tree of
Wyrd, and consisting of seven stages or "spheres" joined by various

Sinister Dialectic
The sinister dialectic (often called the sinister dialectic of history)
is the name given to Satanic strategy - which is to further our evolution
in a sinister way by, for example, (a) the use of Black Magick/sinister
presencings to change individuals/events on a significant scale over
long periods of causal Time; (b) to gain control and influence; (c) the
use of Satanic forms and magickal presencings to produce/provoke
large scale changes over periods of causal Time; (d) to bring-into-being
a New Aeon; (e) to cause and sow disruption and Chaos as a prelude to
any or all or none of the foregoing.

Sinister-Empathy (aka Acausal-Empathy aka Dark-Empathy) is a
specific type of empathy - that which relates to and concerns acausalknowing. That is, the perception and the understanding of the acausal
nature of those beings which possess or which manifest acausal energy.
Sinister-empathy is one of the skills/abilities that can be learnt by
suitable (but not all) Internal Adepts, and can be developed by those
beyond that particular esoteric stage of knowledge and understanding.
Some rare individuals (traditionally called by the name
Rounwytha) are naturally gifted with Dark Empathy.

The Sinister-Numen is the term used to describe that which, and
those whom, re-present certain types of acausal energy in the causal.
Thus, certain archetypes, and archetypal forms, are - exoterically sinisterly numinous, and hence have the ability to influence and inspire
human beings - as well as, in some cases, having the ability to direct
certain individuals beyond the ability of those individuals to control
such direction.
One of the most practical manifestations (the most practical
presencing) of the sinister-numen in the causal realm is The Law of The
Sinister-Numen, and which Law serves to define, and to manifest, that
which is not-mundane, and thus that-which-is-ONA.

Sinister Way
A name given to the system of training (magickal and practical) of
Initiates used by the ONA. Sometimes also called The Seven-Fold
Sinister Way.
It consists of seven stages, each represented by a particular
magickal Grade. [See, for example, the ONA MS NAOS.] One aim of
the Way is to create Satanic individuals.

Often used as a synonym of magick (qv). Sorcery - according to the
Dark, Sinister, tradition followed by the ONA - is the use, by an
individual, individuals, or a group, of acausal energy, either directly
(raw/acausal/chaos) or by means of symbolism, forms, ritual, words,
chant (or similar manifestations or presencing(s) of causal constructs)

with this usage often involving a specific, temporal (causal), aim or

aims. [See the ONA MSS An Introduction to Dark Sorcery and NAOS.]

Star Game
The Star Game is a re-presentation of the nine aspects of the basic
three whose changing in causal time represents a particular presencing
of acausal energy. That is, the nine re-presents not only the nexion that
is the presencing of the acausal evident in our psyche and
consciousness, but also many other nexions as well.
This particular re-presentation is an "abstract" one, as distinct from
the more "causal" symbology of The Tree of Wyrd (and of the septenary
system itself).
The Star Game exists in two basic forms: the "simple form" and the
"advanced" form, and one of its aims is to develope acausal-thinking
(beyond causal abstractions) and thus skill in five-dimensional magick.
It can also be played as a "game", akin to a chess, and can be used
magickally, to presence acausal energies.
The basics of The Star Game are described in the ONA MS NAOS.

Two things are implied by this compound word.
1. Subtractive, indicates that something is missing from the whole.
Something, someone, or some idea, is being, or has been,
removed, or subtracted from the nature of man.
2. Memeplex, indicates memes. Memes are ideas, concepts, or
beliefs that behave like biological genes. Memes may multiply,
gain or lose traits, and sometimes pair with other memes so as to
develop larger memelogical organisms. There are many species

of memes which may be thought of in terms of paradigms.

Religious denominations may be viewed as speciation events, or
races of a meme.
Together the terms form the phrase Subtractive Memeplex, which
implies that a person is driven by artificial belief systems rather than
their organic human nature. While, to some extent, it is natural to form
culture, the current age is so severely plagued with nonsensical
memeplex, that the bulk of political, legal, and monetary, systems are
sustained entirely upon memelogical infection, rather than the inherent
nature of mankind. Nexion 913 seek to destroy these memelogical
systems, and steer human development toward biological,
technological, and societal evolutionary progress.

Technological Nomos*
Technological Nomos implies the use, development, and
employment of science, technology, and medicine, in the hands of
Nations, States, and Governments, for the purpose of maintaining
political, corporate, and monetary, ownership of Earths people, and
resources. Technological Nomos is the state of, and limitation of,
science in the hands of the mundane, where each are used to generate
financial profit for corporate entities, no matter the damage done to
human health, and without concern for the damage to the ecosystem of
the planet Earth. For this reason they must be destroyed.

Temple of the Black Light (TOTBL)

Temple of the Black Light is an international temple dedicated to
Luciferianism/Satanism. The Temple is a manifestation of, and
expression for, the adversarial, acosmic forces of the Nightside, and
represents a new, wrathful form of Gnostic Left Hand Path. The
tradition represented by the TOTBL can best be described as the

essence of Anti-Cosmic Gnosticism expressed through the sinister

forms of traditional Diabolism.

Traditional Nexions
A name given to ONA groups (aka Temples) where individuals
undertake The Seven Fold Way, and where sinister ceremony sorcery is
undertaken. Many (though not all) Traditional Nexions follow the path
of Satanism.

Traditional Satanism
A term, first used by the ONA several decades ago, to describe its
own Sinister and Septenary Way, and to distinguish it from the other
types of "Satanism" (such as those of Lavey and Aquino) which were
once given public prominence.
The term was used to describe the ONA due to the aural, and other,
teachings of the ONA: many of which teachings (such as the Septenary
system and Esoteric Chant; legends and myths regarding Baphomet and
The Dark Gods; and Satanism as an individual Way of personal and
Aeonic evolution) were handed down aurally by reclusive sinister
Adepts over many centuries.
The term Traditional Satanism has since been appropriated by
others, some of whom have attempted to redefine it.


Tree of Wyrd
The Tree of Wyrd, as conventionally described ("drawn") and with
its correspondences and associations and symbols (see the ONA MS
NAOS), re-presents certain acausal energies, and the individual who
becomes familiar with such correspondences and associations and
symbols can access (to a greater or lesser degree depending on their
ability and skill) the energies associated with the Tree of Wyrd. The
Tree of Wyrd itself is one symbol, one re-presentation, of that meeting
(or "intersection") of the causal and acausal which is a human being,
and can be used to represent the journey, the quest, of the individual
toward the acausal - that is, toward the goal of magick, which is the
creation of a new, more evolved, individual.

The name of the exoteric (or "outer") nexion through which
powerful acausal energies are presenced on Earth in order to destroy the
current status quo (the Old Aeon, now manifest in the so-called New
World Order) and prepare the way for - and inaugurate the practical
beginnings of - the New Aeon. Like Falcifer (q.v.), Vindex can be
presenced ("manifest") in an individual (who may be male or female). If
an individual, Vindex is the embodiment of The Law of the New Aeon,
which is personal honour [See the ONA MSS The Law of the New Aeon
and Tyrannies End: Anarchy, Magick and the Law of Personal Honour].
Used as the exoteric name of an individual, Vindex means "the
Avenger", and while it is traditionally (and semantically) regarded as a
male name, with the Anglicized feminine form being Vengerisse,
Vindex is now often used to refer to either the man or the woman who is
or who becomes the nexion.
Vindex is simply the individual, who by their skill, their personal
character, their cunning, their intelligence, their warrior prowess, their

charisma, assumes the leadership of a warrior clan, or who establishes

such a clan; who leads that clan into successful combat after successful
combat with the forces of the Old Aeon; and who eventually
establishes, and becomes the chief of, an alliance, or bund, or
federation, of like-minded warrior clans...

Agios Vindex
Direct translation into English of the chant title Agios Vindex is
Holy Vindex. Vindex "was powerful in body and of shrewd
intelligence, was skilled in warfare and full of daring for any great
enterprise; and he had a passionate love of freedom and a vast
ambition." Vindex is the embodiment, on both an Individual and Aeonic
level, of such an ideal; and the chant is a presencing and drawing forth
of its appropriate energies. Of course, this is only one view on the
meaning and significance of Vindex. There are many more ways in
which this force can be described in relation to the Septenary and the
Dark Tradition. These Numinous forms may be viewed from many
angles, each different angle revealing a different interpretation of the
Archetypes underlying force and energy. Through path workings these
shall be uncovered by the aspirant initiate. This principle applies to all
of the above descriptions They are one-sided and DO NOT reveal or
describe the archetypes in their totality. This revealing, in full, can only
be achieved through using the chants in an appropriate manner; and
each individual will perceive them differently.

As used by the ONA, Wyrd is the term used to describe that suprapersonal forces (aka energies) which can influence individuals, which
non-Adepts cannot control in any manner, which Adepts can discover
and to a quite limited extent influence, but which only those of and
beyond the esoteric stage of Master/Mistress (that is, beyond The
Abyss) can fully synchronize with.

Exoterically, Wyrd can be considered to be the Cosmic fates of the

individual (note the plural, due to the partly acausal nature of Wyrd), as
opposed to the simple, causal/linear, Destiny (fate) of the individual,
and which Destiny can be dis-covered by means of the Rite of Internal

First Zionist War

1939-1946 CE Vulgarly known as the Second World War. The war
to defeat NS Germany and Imperial Japan - those two peoples who had
established numinous, warrior, alternatives to the vulgar materialistic
Magian system.

Second Zionist War

1993 CE ongoing Vulgarly known as the "war against terror" and correctly known as the war against the Muslim awakening. This
war is both (1) practical for instance, the Zionist occupation of
Palestine; the invasion of Afghanistan, and the fight against so-called
"Muslim extremism"; and (2) psychological and propagandistic - the
attempt, for instance, to develope a modernist Islam, compatible with
the fraud called "democracy". This is the war to ensure Zionist
hegemony in the Middle East, and to ensure Amrikan hegemony
elsewhere, and is a war against those who do not accept the Magian
ethos and who want, instead, to establish a numinous alternative, a
genuine warrior way of life, based on honour and dignity.

Third Zionist War

The coming war against Vindex and the clans, followers, and
resistance fighters of Vindex, and of the warrior Vindex ethos. The
warrior Vindex ethos is the way of clans and tribes and the way of

personal honour. 913 alters this term to imply the first three of the Final
Six aeons, or stages of human development, by which the Magian are
defeated, while the final three pertain to ending causal space and time.

(a form or type of ) implies the balance, the reasoned

judgement, the thoughtful reasoning that
brings and restores, and which accumulated of a particular
folk, clan or (community) forms the basis for their ancestral
customs and thus their living culture. is therefore, as the numinous
principle , what may be said to be a particular and a necessary
balance between and between the that often results
when the personal, the natural, quest for becomes unbalanced and
excessive. is spelt (and written) thus - and with a capital - to
intimate a new, a particular, philosophical principle of The Numinous
Way devolving around the concepts of the numinous, of balance, and of
, and to differentiate it from both the more general usage of
the term and from personified as the goddess, Judgement.

Pathei-mathos ( qv. Aeschylus - Agamemnon,174-183) is the
process of learning from personal adversity/personal suffering/hard
personal experience. It is thus a means of developing good, a fair,
personal judgement - that is, thoughtful (balanced) reasoning
[] - and of maintaining the natural balance, the harmony
[] of the Cosmos, manifest in .


(hubris) is the error of personal insolence, of going beyond
the proper limits set by reasoned (balanced) judgement - and by an awareness, a personal knowing, of the numinous, and which
knowing of the numinous is provided by empathy.

as used by The Numinous Way (qv. the usage of the term in

Homer, Aeschylus, Aristotle, etcetera) implies Life qua being; or more
specifically, what makes us and keeps us mortal (alive) - that is, our
being, its essence. According to The Numinous Way, this essence (of
our mortal being) is acausal energy emanating from the acausal



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