Love Me, Fuseli: A Play About Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Circle of Friends

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Love me, Fuseli 1 Freed

Love me, FUSELI:

A Play about Mary Wollstonecraft
and her Circle of Friends

by John Freed
Playwright's website:

([email protected])

Copyright (2012) by John Freed

Love me, Fuseli 2 Freed

dedicated to my wife,
Stacy Alexander

Love me, Fuseli 3 Freed

"Nearly all revolutions begin on a stage," is a line
from Love me, FUSELI, and this play demonstrates
how that is especially so with regard to sexual
Its other main objective is to humanize the protofeminist Mary Wollstonecraft -- to let her speak for
herself without any "ism" attachments and
dramatize how her undaunted passion in pursuit of
happiness and justice transformed her into our
pathfinder as well.
Set in 1791 the play is fact-based and explores the
inter-influencing of Mary with William Blake, and
his wife Cate, Henry Fuseli, and his wife Sophia,
Thomas Paine and Joseph Johnson, their least known
though most important mutual benefactor-publisher.
It more fundamentally explores the gender expanding
themes of the competing love triangles between
Wollstonecraft, Fuseli and his current wife, Sophia,
and Wollstonecraft, Fuseli and his once and future
lover-companion, Joseph. Fuseli's most famous
painting, The Nightmare, had been hanging on
Johnson's apartment wall for more than ten years.
There are interludes drawn from actual trial
transcripts from the Old Bailey circa 1790's which
contextualize the political nature of this secret
meeting of pro-republicans conferring with Thomas
Paine before his departure to join the revolution in
Spies abound, people are arrested and liberated,
Jack finds his Jack again and Jill is launched to
help create the world that we now inhabit.

Love me, Fuseli 4 Freed

John Adams wrote in the margins of his copy of

Wollstonecraft's account of the French Revolution
given to him by his wife, Abigail, in 1796:
This is a lady of a masculine, masterly understanding. Her
style is nervous and clear, often elegant: though sometimes
too verbose.
The improvement, the exaltation of the human character, the
perfectibility of man, the perfection of the human faculties
are the divine object which her enthusiasm beholds in beatific
vision. Alas, how airy and baseless a fabric! . . . Miss
Wollstonecraft [however]is a deep reasoner.
[NOTE: The rest of his marginalia runs 38 pages.]

Virginia Woolf wrote:

One form of immortality is hers undoubtedly: Mary
Wollstonecraft is alive and active; she argues and
experiments; we hear her voice and trace her influence even
now among the living.

William Blake said:

For every thing that lives is holy.
The only man I ever met who didn't make me puke was Henry

Margaret Mead wrote:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed
citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing
that ever has.

Love me, Fuseli 5 Freed

Cast of Characters

William Blake, (WILL) the engraver, poet, artist,

mystic in his mid 30s, already tending to
portliness. (Also the Bailiff and Cornelius Swift in
the courtroom scenes.)
Catherine Blake, (CATE) his wife, soul mate and
business partner, slightly younger than William.
(Also the screaming woman in the courtroom scene.)
Fanny Flute, (FANNY) the Blakes elderly and hard
of hearing house servant, a comic character a la
Moliere. (Also the woman in the gallery who throws
vegetables at the judge in the courtroom scene.)
Mary Wollstonecraft, (MARY) the feminist writer of
the Vindication of the Rights of Woman, spiritual
mistress of Fuseli, and chief assistant for the
printer-publisher Joseph Johnson approximately in
her early thirties.
Joseph Johnson, (JOSEPH) the progressive publisher
and benefactor extraordinaire of practically
everyone in the room in his mid fifties. The once
and future lover of Fuseli. His manner should be
Father Christmas or the benevolent uncle out of a
Jane Austen novel. (Also Judge Justice in the
courtroom scenes.)
Henry Fuseli, (HENRY) the gnomish Swiss born artist
in his early fifties but trying desperately to pass
for much younger; has a slight German accent;
everyone is oddly obsessed with his charisma. (Also,
Moses Fortune and Constable Singleton in the
courtroom scenes.)

Love me, Fuseli 6 Freed

Sophia Fuseli, (SOPHIA) Fuseli's strikingly

beautiful wife and studio model; her Titania costume
makes the most of her breasts as was the style.
(Also Ann Brooks in the courtroom scene.)
Thomas Paine (PAINE)
the global revolutionary and
bridge designer; aka the mystery guest and vagrant.
(Also Simon Sutherland, William Reid and the man in
the gallery in the courtroom scenes.)
Spy (SPY) (Also delivery man, lamplighter and George
Wetton, Thomas Monkhouse and Thomas Cox in the
courtroom scenes.)
old boy on trial.

A smallish ten year

Love me, Fuseli 7 Freed


Scene 1
Fall 1791 in Lambeth, a
working craftsman section of
A combination parlor, work room
and dining room of William and
Catherine Blake. Two doors
one the front door and the
other leading to an off stage
second interior room. One
window opposite the front door
is large enough for a person to
exit nd revels the outline of a
tree with just a few leaves
left on it.
The set should be divided
approximately two-thirds for
interior and one-third for
exterior street action near the
Cate is water-coloring a sheet
of Blakes Marriage of Heaven
and Hell at one end of the
dining room table with a number
of other sheets from the same
page hung by wire draped across
the room to dry. At the other
end of the table is a stack of
copper plates. In front of the
table are unopened packages of
savory pies and bottles sent
earlier by Johnson.

Love me, Fuseli 8 Freed

Will sits by the fireplace over

which hangs a large portrait of
Mary in Jerusalem in a shabby
chair composing in his notebook.
He wears a tattered dressing
gown over his bailiff's costume
and the red wool cap of the
French Revolution.
In the stage left corner is the
judge's bench from the Old
Bailey sitting on high
ostensibly overseeing the set in
front of it with the judge
already seated in his robes and
English court wig but unlit
until we hear the gavel
pounding. The other courtroom
characters start assembling on
the stage beneath him.
A spotlight shines on Will as
he reads aloud from his
When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!'
So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.
There's little Tom Darcy, who cried
That curled like a lamb's back, was
"Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when
You know that the soot cannot spoil

when his head,

shaved: so I said,
your head's bare,
your white hair."

And so he was quiet; and that very night,

As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight, That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack,
Were all of them locked up in coffins of black.
Love me, Fuseli 9 Freed

And by came an angel who had a bright key,

And he opened the coffins and set them all free;
Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run,
And wash in a river, and shine in the sun.
Then naked and white, all their bags left behind,
They rise upon clouds and sport in the wind;
And the angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,
He'd have God for his father, and never want joy.
And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark,
And got with our bags and our brushes to work.
Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm;
So if all do their duty they need not fear harm.
Play the trio Soave il vento
from Mozart's Cosi Fan Tuti
view/158993778/8776ae98b8 as the
lights lower and Will removes
his dressing gown revealing his
bailiff costume and walks over
to stand front of the bench. The
other participants in the courtroom scene assemble. Fanny is
carrying a basket with some
vegetables in it.
The music will be abruptly
interrupted by the three sharp
raps of the judge's gavel when
the spotlight hits him sitting
on the bench.

Hear ye, hear ye. This Court is now in session at
Old Bailey Hall this 29h day of September 1791; the
30th year of the reign of His Royal Majesty, King

Love me, Fuseli 10 Freed

George the Third. The Honorable Judge Justice

Dispense with the formalities, bailiff. Get on with
CASE Number 316 ANN BROOKS aged 17 profession
unknown has been indicted for stealing, on the 6th
day of September , a watch, value 2 pounds., the
goods of George Wetton , from his person .
Go on Mr. Wetton tell us your story.
I am a baker, and live with my father in Devonshirestreet, Mile-end. I am nineteen years of age. I met
the prisoner, who was alone, about half-past six
o'clock on the evening of the third of September, in
Whitechapel. I was quite sober. She asked me to go
down Wentworth-street with her.
I went to a house in Woodgate-court, into a room on
the left hand, up one pair of stairs. We were there
alone. I had sixpence in my pocket, and that I gave
her, and a few halfpence to get a candle.
I took my breeches off, and folded them up
carefully, and put them on a chair. I am certain my
watch was then in the fob, because I tucked the
ribbon of it down. I was not in the room above five
minutes when another girl came in, and held me while
the prisoner took my breeches out of the room. I
got down as soon as I could, and got hold of the
tail of my breeches. The prisoner swore at me like a

Love me, Fuseli 11 Freed

trooper, and hit me over the head. I got the

breeches, but the watch was gone.
I am quite certain of her person. She was taken into
custody two days afterwards, by my describing her
person to a officer.
Is the officer in the court?
I be that officer, your honor. Moses Fortune by
name. The prosecutor here came to me on this night.
He appeared perfectly sober. I talked with him for
ten minutes. He described the two girls to me, and
having some slight knowledge of such girls, I took
them two days afterwards in Whitechapel. I
discovered no watch where they was at at the time.
Young man, I hope you learned a valuable lesson
about whores. It cost you only your watch, now this
time, didn't it? And girl, have you anything to say
before I pass sentence?
Can't even remember who he was. I know I ain't
guilty of nicking no one's watch.
Well I believe you are. And if not, surely of other
pernicious acts that have yet to be uncovered. The
sentence of this court is guilty as charged. The
punishment is transportation for life to labor at
the farm colony on the Leeward Islands.

Love me, Fuseli 12 Freed


(supported by catcalls)
They's trying to make black slaves outta us all.
(pounding of the gavel)
Order in the court. (aside) Hurry up with the next
Case Number 317 is called to the docket. One
BENJAMIN BROWN aged 10, profession chimney sweep,
has been indicted for feloniously stealing, on the
4th of August, one silk handkerchief, value 10
shillings the property of Thomas Monkhouse,
Is the defendant in the court? I don't see him in
the dock. Oh, there he is. Bailiff, would you get
him a box or something to stand on? . . . Call the
first witness.
Calling Thomas Monkhouse. Please approach the bench
and raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear to
tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
truth, so help you God?
I so swear.
Mr. Monkhouse, would you tell the court what the
defendant did to you?

Love me, Fuseli 13 Freed


Coming along Upper Mary-le-Bone Street hill, the
prisoner at the bar over there took a handkerchief
out of my pocket. It was so dexterously done I did
not immediately miss it, till Mr. Sutherland called
me back, and he had the boy by the scruff of the
neck. I turned round, and saw my handkerchief in his
hand. The boy, I think, was taken to Guildhall
Prison. The constable took possession of the
handkerchief which is on the table over there.
Bailiff would you hold up the handkerchief so that
we all can see it?
(The Bailiff holds up a handkerchief
with a large flower on it.)
Is this Mr. Sutherland in the court?
I am your honor.
Can you substantiate Mr. Monkhouse's account of the
I can. I'm a grocer what resides on Fish-streethill. My shop faces Upper Mary-le-Bone. Not being
very busy, I was looking out, and observed Mr.
Monkhouse go by, and the prisoner following him
rather suspicious like. So I watched 'em smartly and
saw the boy take the handkerchief very deliberately
out of his pocket in a very compleat way and put it
under his own sotty shirt. I took ahold of the boy
and called Mr. Monkhouse back, although I didn't
Love me, Fuseli 14 Freed

know his name then, and asked him, if he had lost a

handkerchief. He felt in his pockets and said,
Yes, for I had a handkerchief about a minute or two
ago and now I have none.
And is that the self-same handkerchief here
It is, my lord.
And to the prisoner in the dock, what say you to
these charges?
(aside to the judge)
Sir, oughten I swear him in?
Of course.
Do you, Benjamin Brown, swear to tell the truth so
help you God?
You need to say, I do so swear to tell the truth.

Love me, Fuseli 15 Freed

Right. (parroting) I do so swear to tell the truth.
Do you know what will become of you, Benjamin, if
you tell an untruth?
Contemned to everlasting fire and damnation, they
tells us. Kinda like the prison cell you put us in.
Enough of your insolence. You have just heard what
these men have told this court about what you did.
Why shouldn't we find you guilty of the crime of
Because they didn't tell you what really happened. I
was coming up Fish-street-hill about one o'clock
just as the gentleman says and I saw a handkerchief
layin under a cart, and I went and picked it up like
anyone else woulda. And he came up, and laid hold of
me, and said I took it out of that other gentleman's
pocket. But I hadn't. It was under the cart like I
And is your father here in court today?
No sir, he ain't. Is yours?
(There is laughter from the gallery)

Love me, Fuseli 16 Freed

(pounding the gavel)
That's quite enough. It's obvious the boy is lying
and the sentence of this court is GUILTY as charged.
(in an aside)
Your honor, now that the boy has been convicted, it
would be proper to inform you, that this boy here
has a brother who is bound over for transport to the
prison farms in Australia. I heard the constables
are also watching an older sister who they suspect
aided him in robbing that Newport-alley house of two
hundred pounds.
(continuing the aside)
It seems we need to send the family a sterner
warning. (striking the gavel and placing a black
cloth over his wig) Benjamin Brown, your punishment
for the felonious crime that you are found guilty of
is to within the fortnight hang by your neck until
Sweet Jasus.
(He faints and hits the floor.)
(uproar of boo's and cat calls)
Child killer! . . . Bloody bastards. They want to
kill us all!
Bailiff, get that boy out of here and quiet the

Love me, Fuseli 17 Freed

(The judge bangs his gavel loudly.)

Quiet I say or back on the streets with the lot of
Lights fade out on gavel pounding.

Love me, Fuseli 18 Freed

Scene 2
As the pounding of the gavel
fades to silence, the Vagrant
makes his stage entrance
dressed in rags. He curls
around the lamppost covering
himself with what's left of a
blanket and pretends to sleep.
The Spy makes his entrance,
leans against the lamppost and
lights his pipe. When he
realizes that the vagrant is
lying at his feet, he starts
kicking him to rouse him and
move him on.
Mary Wollstonecraft enters as
if sleep-walking and diverts
the spy's attention away from
the Vagrant. Although it is
late September, she is wearing
a diaphanous Greek goddess
gown. She is dramatically over
made up and carrying an
envelope. As Mary approaches
Blake's door, she is stopped by
the Spy.
Oiy, Dolly. Oiy, I'm talking at you. What does you
want for it?
(Silent. Stands still as a statue.)

Love me, Fuseli 19 Freed

Playing dumb are ya? Maybe I'm in the wrong and
you're really a fine lady what lost her way to the
prince's grand ball. I need to sniff out what you
He starts smelling her from head
to toe. While he's doing this
the Vagrant takes out his knife
pretends to stab him in the back
but instead cuts the strings of
his money pouch and begins to
slip away with it.
Nope, you smells like a tart and looks like a tart;
so a tart you must be. How much for the old back and
(Still silent.)
Maybe the size of me purse will unlock your lips.
Bloody hell.
The Spy reaches for his money
bag and finds it missing. The
Vagrant stands within view and
taunts the Spy with the purse.
The Vagrant plays keep away
with the Spy in a comic chase
until he runs off with the Spy
following him.
As they run off, Mary awakens
from her trance and approaches
Blake's door but instead of
knocking she hides in the
shrubbery occasionally peeking
in the window.
Love me, Fuseli 20 Freed

(Lights come up in the apartment.)
(in a singing voice)
When voices of children are heard on the green,
(similarly singing)
The sow came in with a saddle.
And laughing is heard on the hill,
The little pig rocked the cradle.
My heart is at rest within my breast,
And everything else is still.
The little ones leaped, and shouted, and lau - ghed,
(making it two syllables)
And . . . all . . . the hills . . . . e-cho- ed.
(makingechoed three syllables)
The dish jumped over the table
She illustrates this line by
making an arc with her brush in
the air in a child-like manner
splattering the water on the
Love me, Fuseli 21 Freed

table itself carefully away

from the sheet that she is
working on. She wets her brush
from colored water in a beaker
that is identical to the one
that will soon arrive from the
apothecary containing the
etching acid. NOTE: Mary will
mistakenly drink from the
colored water one at the end of
this act.

To see

. . to see what, Will, how does it go?

. . . see the brass pot, swallow the ladle.
. . . swallow the ladle.
The old pot behind the door
Called the kettle a black a moor.
Will, are you weeping?
The angels have all left the trees. Look out of the
window, Don't you see, Cate? Cate, do you pity me?
Yes, I do.
Then I love you.
Cate returns to her watercoloring. Fanny enters tiptoeing
Love me, Fuseli 22 Freed

through the front door trying

not to be seen with a basket
full of vegetables.
(looking up)
Fanny, I really needed you, today of all days, to
get ready for Mr. Johnson's tea. Just look at
everything that he has sent over. Where were you?

(heavy Eastender accent)
I was to the barbers on the Circus to get me tooth
pulled -- the broken off one in back here. See. Then
I walks to the market then all the way to the Bailey
to keep me thinking off of the pain. Nothing helped
so I went up to the court gallery. There was this
one dirty little lad maybe nine or ten years old who
could barely see over the dock got the hanging
sentence, he did, just for nicking a handkerchief.
It was a beauty, it was, with a big yellow flower
on't. . . . but the best part. . .
(distracted while placing the
vegetables on the side-board.)
Fanny, what is the rest of the story?
Right. So there was this riot . . .
A delivery man with a small
package wrapped in brown paper
knocks at the front door. Mary
sees him coming and hides deeper
in the shrubbery. He knocks.
Love me, Fuseli 23 Freed

Fanny, would you mind seeing who that is?
I can't see no one, mum.
That's because you have to open it first. Never
(Cate opens the door.)
How may we help you?
This is for Mr. William Blake hisself.

I'm his wife.

I'll make sure he gets it.

Can't. The chemist says I need to give it only to
him. He says if any of it spills it'll eat you skin
and bones.
Mr. Blake is sitting right over there.
you want and hand it to him yourself.

Come in if

That's good enough for me. Here ma'm. I'll put it
down right on this here table for you. Mam, one
more thing. The chemist says I was to bring him back
a shilling, ten without fail.

Love me, Fuseli 24 Freed

(Cate carefully unwraps the package.)

Will, Will, would you pay the man?
(Blake rips a page out of his Notebook.)
Is that anything? It's my best drawing of the man
climbing a ladder to reach the moon.
Fraid not. Nothin to me.
(Cate goes to the cupboard.)
Here's a half crown. Keep the difference for your
Much appreciated mam.
(The delivery man exits.)
The money is a goin, Mr. Blake. Are you only going
to be happy when we dont have a single penny in the

Love me, Fuseli 25 Freed


Scene 3
The night watchman lights the
gas street lamp. Joseph Johnson
approaches William Blake's
front door dragging a bag like
Father Christmas. Because of
the lit street lamp he spots
Mary Wollstonecraft spying
through the window.
Mary, I was so worried about you.
received my message.

I'm glad you

Johnson, you bastard. I'd rather be a common slut
than the wife of any man I did not love and respect.
The very effrontery of the man to presume such an
intimacy with my person. What could have possibly
given him such an notion, you may ask. But you
already know the answer.
How could you, my only friend, the only person that
I trust in this world, do something so . . so
Maybe I'm the ungrateful one. I am embarrassed to
think of all my childish complaints when you provide
me with such important employment.
My life is such a joke. I spent last night switching
between laughing and crying.
When I received your invitation, I decided to waylay you. Did you bring that German grammar?
Love me, Fuseli 26 Freed

What grammar? Never mind that. My dearest Mary,
please accept my sincere apologies. My objective
only was to insure your well-being long after I'm
After three years of working every day side by side,
you don't know me at all, do you? I knew I would be
too agitated to explain myself clearly when we met;
so I wrote it all out this morning in a letter
addressed to Lowry. Can I read it to you now without
any interruptions?
Of course, Mary.
(Mary opens the envelope.)
Mr. Lowry, It is inexpressibly disagreeable to me
to be obliged to enter again on a subject, that has
already raised a tumult of indignant emotions in my
bosom, which I was laboring to suppress when I
received your letter.
I shall now condescend to answer your epistle; but
let me first tell you, that, in my 'unprotected'
situation, I make a point of never forgiving a
deliberate insult and in that light I consider
your late officious conduct.
How can you consider a proposal of honorable
marriage officious conduct?
I need no interrogator.
Love me, Fuseli 27 Freed

My apologies.

I shall read on

. . .

It is not according to my nature to mince matters

I will tell you in plain terms what I think. I have
ever considered you merely a 'civil' acquaintance.
How could you be so rude as to presume an intimacy
more than that?
If my friend, Mr. Johnson, had made such a
proposal, I should have been severely hurt
thought him unkind and unfeeling, but not


In as few words as possible, what I can not tolerate

is the bare supposition that I could for a moment
think of prostituting my person for a maintenance;
for in that point of view does such a marriage
appear to me.
An apology is not necessary if you were inclined
to make one nor any further expostulations. I
again repeat, I cannot overlook an affront. Few
indeed have sufficient delicacy to respect poverty,
even when it gives luster to a character.
And I can tell you quite openly, sir, I am POOR but
can live infinitely better without your 'benevolent'
Signed Mary W.
I never imagined that my good intentions would cause
you such distress.

Love me, Fuseli 28 Freed

Well they have. Independence is the grandest
blessing of life. It is the last thing that I shall
ever sacrifice though I had to live on a barren
heath to preserve it.
I shall be your guarantor that that will never be
Oh and one more thing. I need for you to deliver
this letter personally to Lowery and tell him to his
face that if ever he and I should meet that I shall
either leave the room instantly or else pull him out
by the nose.
I shall do it.
Now that our storm has passed, let there always be
honesty and harmony between us.
Except for this Fuseli affair and what it is doing
to you.
Fuseli and Sophia are heard from
a distance approaching the door
laughing raucously.
Quick hide.

Here they come.

Love me, Fuseli 29 Freed

Scene 4
Henry Fuseli and wife make
their grand entrance. He is
layered in colorful gentleman's
lacy finery like a squat
frosted cake and is carrying a
stage Bottom's ass' head.
Fuseli and Sophia both have on
powdered wigs. Hers as tall as
a rifle. Fuseli opens the door
without knocking and pounds his
cane on the stage three times.
All rise and make way for the fairy queen, Titania,
and her fairyland paramour, the Royal Ass, Bottom is
my name.
I never seen a real fairy before. No nor a queen
(Attempting a deep bow, Fanny goes to her
knees and requires Cate's help in getting
back up.)
Are we the first to arrive? What a wasted entrance.
Blake, who's our mystery guest? . . . And that
painting over the fireplace is new. What is that?
The Blessed Virgin.
Really? It is sacrilegious at best and a little
hideous otherwise.
Love me, Fuseli 30 Freed

The Virgin Mary herself told me it was very fine.
What say you to that?
Why nothing other than her divine ladyship
obviously does not possess immaculate perception.
Fuseli is my only passion and hope for joy in this
life. I have never known another man who possessed
more grandeur of soul, a quicker comprehension or a
livelier sympathy than he. I always catch something
from the rich torrent of his conversation worth
Mary, your reason has become enslaved by your
passion for that pompous, little man. And there is
that other small impediment he is married.
If I thought my passion criminal, I would conquer it
or die in the attempt. Rather I believe it is
divinely directed.
How could that possibly be?
Remember last week when you forced me to finish
Milton's Divorce Tracts galleys?

Love me, Fuseli 31 Freed

Yes. And?
And, while correcting them I came across this,
"The apt and cheerful conversation of man with woman
is the chief and noblest purpose of marriage. . . .
Where loving conversation cannot be, there can be
left of wedlock nothing but the empty husk. After
much thought, I truly believe that God meant for me
to read that passage exactly when I did.
That would only be logical if I myself were God.
Then in this fairy-tale of your contriving you
become the grain, and Sophia is the husk. I
certainly concur with the second part of your
premise. But do you believe that God's destiny for
you is to fatten Henry's already distended vanity?
He's a great man.
You could be the greater woman. But he is no longer
any concern of mine. You I shall always care about.
How does he treat you?
The last time we were together he simply left the
room without a word as if I were a chair. But that
was really my fault. His presence sometimes strikes
me dumb like in the poem,
If I meet you suddenly,
I cannot speak
Love me, Fuseli 32 Freed

my tongue is broken;
a thin flame runs under
my skin; seeing nothing,
hearing only my own ears
drumming, I drip with sweat;
trembling shakes my body
and I turn paler than
dry grass. At such times
death isnt far from me.
That is me. I am Sappho.
(in a stage whisper)
I feel a dagger in my stomach too whenever I see
him. (aloud to Mary) But what's the resolution?
Sappho doesn't give any.
But I thought I told you.

Milton does.

You're talking like the sphinx now. Fuseli's drunk
so much of Sophia's blood that she'll never leave
Extend Milton's argument and it makes irrefragable
sense. She copulates with his baser instincts, and I
will couple with his mind. Ergo like the trinity I
shall complete him by marrying them both.
. . . so Sir Joshua cuts my canvas with his knife
and screams, These are mere toys, where is
generalized truth?
Love me, Fuseli 33 Freed

That's what idiots know.
Which is as much to say that the great Sir Joshua
Reynolds is an idiot. My dear boy, I can see why
they gave you the boot.
My enthusiasms were derided as childish glee.
(gossipy tone)
I had heard that you told Sir Joshua to his face
that you despised his oils.
A lie. I simply stated I preferred the fresco style.
Which ipso facto meant you hated his style. You
never understood the Academys high purposes -- to
manufacture the kind of art worthy of our great
Empire -- like Greeces -- like Romes.
Artists imagine empires not the other way around. We
imagined those worlds long before the politicians
confiscated them for their own pleasures.
I agree with you there. My pleasurable imaginings
are being confiscated by constables at print shops
across the city even as we speak. And most of those
Love me, Fuseli 34 Freed

originated as royal commissions. . .

what is in Bottom's ass' head?

Can you smell

Fuseli holds the opening of the

ass' head under Blake's nose.
All too well.
That's the perfume that the Duke of Clarence was
wearing tonight. After Sophia and I arrived, he was
so taken with our costumes that he insisted that he
and his companion take over our parts in the tableau
vivant. In compensation Reynolds asked me to render
it for a large painting for the Academy.
You would have loved it, Will. An heir to the
throne on all fours with my head on his shoulders,
ridden hard across the marble floor by Dorothy
Jordan, the Queen Whore of Covent Gardens. It surely
excited me, didn't it Sophia?
Hard as a rock, you was.
I wish I could'a seen it.
And so you shall.
(Fuseli impulsively puts on the head,
and very awkwardly gets down on his
hands and knees.)
Come, my Titania, your stead awaits.

Love me, Fuseli 35 Freed

More donkey, rather.
Are you sure you're up to it?
Sophia climbs on his back
holding her wig precariously on
the top of her head.
Fuseli collapses and doesn't
move. Sophia's wig falls off
and she is sprawled disheveled
on the floor. Mary and Johnson
rush in. Joseph removes the
ass' head from Fuseli which he
hands to Mary who passes it on
back to Cate.
Henry, can you hear me? Are you dead?
(waiting then laughing)
What a stupid question. Although I did think that
I'd have to be dead before Id see you again, my old
bugger, . . . in hell.
You are an oafish toad.

Love me, Fuseli 36 Freed

I see my Helena has finally arrived way too late for
her cue I might add. Mary, will you see that Madam
Fuseli is all right?
You can put yourself back together in our bedroom,
luv. Come on now it might take all of us.
(All of the women exit.)
A belated welcome to our humble home, Joseph, You
must excuse me, gentlemen, I must a note to make.
(Blake returns to his chair by the fire.)
Joseph, I'm simply dying to know the identity of our
mystery guest.
In the fullness of time. I have a more important
matter to settle with you. Why do you treat Mary so
badly? Have you no shame?
You are a genuinely sweet man, Joseph. And sooo
English. We unsentimental Swiss answer you, Scham
ist fr Kinder. Let me ask you this, is the cat ever
ashamed when it toys with the mouse that it will
eat? I think not.

Love me, Fuseli 37 Freed

Henry, are we talking about mice or our beloved
Is that Mary you speak of your assistant, your
governess or your child?
Just stop what you are doing.
Stop ignoring her do you mean? There is right now a
small stack of her letters on the stand near the
door untouched except by Sophie. She had so much
trouble with the handwriting on one that I had to
read it to her. What a cyclone it stirred. I still
bear the scratches here on my neck.
(touching the scars)
Have you seen a surgeon? They look inflamed.
Mary stalks my every step. You should pity me not
Johnson pulls back somewhat
embarrassed when Mary and the
others return without Sophia's
Gather around everyone. Since Mary did not appear at
the ball tonight, Sir Joshua cut our Midsummer
Night's Dream scene. The Duke stole our Bottom and
Love me, Fuseli 38 Freed

Titania spots in the tableau as I was telling the

others, and some silly boy garbled Puck's lines so
badly that no one knew what was going on. I would
have made an amazing Puck.
I can well imagine you flitting about the hall like
a rolling pumpkin.
That hurt. Was that a poke at my corpulence?
No, this is a poke at your corpulence.
(Johnson pokes Fuseli rather hard in
the stomach.)


That really did hurt.

Stop stuffing yourself.
It seems that fate decreed that I would be run to
ground at the Blakes' by my dear little hyena . . .
pardonez moi . . . I meant to say Helena. Let's take
full advantage of Mary's presence, now, and play out
our scene while we wait for Johnson's mystery guest
to appear.
Ladies and gentlemen, take your seats. The Bard
awaits our bidding. Who converses with Shakespeare
is not an actor, he is a god in my eyes.

Love me, Fuseli 39 Freed

Mary, He's stealing from your friend Sappho this
Our scene is between Mary as Helena and I as
Demetrius, her lover but not he, hers. Or her, his.
I still have difficulty with your prepositions and
pronouns. Anyway youll see what I mean.
Fuseli takes out a little book
from his vest and displays it
for the guests.
Note the fine printing by Mounsieur (mon sewer)
J. Johnson and Company which shall serve as my
prompt copy. Enter Demetrius; Helena following him.
(reading haltingly
I love thee not, therefore pursue me not.
Where is Lysander and fair Hermia?
Get thee gone, and follow me no more.
(speaking from the heart)
You draw me, you hard-hearted lodestone;
But yet you draw not iron, for my heart
Is true as steel. Leave your power to draw,
And I shall have no power to follow you.
Do I entice you? Do I speak you fair?
Or, rather, do I not in plainest truth
Tell you I do not nor I cannot love you?
And even for that do I love you the more.
I am your spaniel; and, Demetrius,
The more you beat me, I will fawn on you.
Love me, Fuseli 40 Freed

Use me but as your spaniel, spurn me, strike me,

Neglect me, lose me; only give me leave,
Unworthy as I am, to follow you.
What worser place can I beg in your love,
And yet a place of high respect with me,
Than to be used as you use your dog?
I am sick when I do look on thee.
And I am sick when I look not on you.
I'll run from thee and hide me in the brakes,
And leave thee to the mercy of wild beasts.
Let me go;
Or, if thou follow me, do not believe
But I shall do thee mischief in the wood.
Ay, in the temple, in the town, in the fields
You do me mischief. Fie, Demetrius!
Your wrongs do set a scandal on my sex.
We cannot fight for love as men may do;
We should be woo'd, and were not made to woo.
I'll follow thee, and make a heaven of hell,
To die upon the hand I love so well.
(Mary in real tears rushes off stage.)
Exit HELENA. Where has Mary evaporated to now? I
love this scene. What do you think, Johnson? I was
rather good wasn't I?

Love me, Fuseli 41 Freed

I think you should be much kinder to Mary.
you see how tortured she is?


She? Haven't I just told you how she aggravates me?
Its the same with all women. They suck me dry.
Notice how thin and ghostly pale I have become. Im
like Orpheus hunted by the Bacchae.
Why do you lead her on?.
When I first met her at your shop she was in the
coarse habit of a hermit, black worsted stockings,
wearing a beaver hat with her hair lank on top of
her shoulders. When Sophie and I first visited her
little room, she served such a horrible wine in
unmatched tea cups.
Then why is she always following you around?
You heard Shakespeare. Is it the magnet's fault that
iron flies to it? But did you see, tonight, how
magnificent she has become?
She is unrecognizable. She is useless at the shop
staring blankly, spilling ink. She's gone for days
at a time. I had to goad her every day just to
finish the Vindication which has now made her so

Love me, Fuseli 42 Freed

And I want her to recant it entirely.
personal affront for her to attack my
ridiculous she makes me and herself.
of a strident, female philosopher can

I take it as a
patrons. How
The coquetting
never prove

When is it my turn?
(Mary enters.)
Mary, you look much restored.
Henry and Sophia, please forgive me for having
disturbed the quiet tenor of your lives.
Just a modicum of peace and quiet is all I desire
and require.
I have pondered and believe I have arrived at a
resolution that will accomplish much more than that.
Since Mrs. Fuseli has the right to the physical
person of her husband, I claim only a unification
with that terra incognito of his mind. It is only
reasonable, then, that I become your in-mate
residing with you as a family.
And as I want to be above reproach or deceit,
Sophia, this marriage proposal arises from the
sincere affection which I have for your husband, for
I find that I cannot live without the satisfaction
of seeing and conversing with him daily. You may do
Love me, Fuseli 43 Freed

with me as you wish treat me as your scullery

servant or employ me as the governess of any
children that you might have.
Wot? Wot a bleedin' nightmare. You don't visit my
house; you haunt it. Someone is always bumping into
you. A vase gets broken. There are whole handfuls of
salt in the soup. The curtains . . . the curtains .
. . Henry, I can't breathe . .. I can't breathe.
Sophia melodramatically
staggers out the front door.
Henry, please let me love you..
I can no longer stay.
Fuseli pauses for a moment then
goes out of the door without a
backward glance.
Thy will be done.
Mary drinks from the beaker
containing the coloured water
that Cate was using rather than
the one containing the acid.
Mary, don't drink that! . . .Oh, my God!

Love me, Fuseli 44 Freed

SFX MUSIC: Play East Indian

music from this point through
the intermission to the start
of Act II.

Love me, Fuseli 45 Freed



Scene 1
In the dim light Mary is seen
lying on an old settee with Cate
putting compresses on her
forehead. Fanny is sitting on a
three legged stool facing them
chatting away. Blake is across
the room looking up occasionally
writing and sketching in his
As in the opening scene the
music is interrupted by the loud
pounding of the judge's gavel as
the spotlight hits him again and
the rest of the set is darkened.
Order in the court. And you in the gallery, if there
is another outburst like the last one I'll put you
all in jail.
The 'ell you will.
(general laughter)
There's too many of us.
Officers, remove that man.
(Gallery crowd boos.)
Now, Bailiff, will you call the next case.
Case Number 318 is called to the docket: One William
Reid aged 33. Mr. Reid has been indicted for
Love me, Fuseli 46 Freed

feloniously stealing, on the 19th of July this year,

six pounds weight of white pewter, value 10 pounds
sterling, the goods of his master Cornelius Swift.
The first witness is Thomas Cox. Do you, Thomas Cox,
swear to tell the truth, so help you God?
I do so swear.
Relate to the court what occurred on the 19th
July pursuant to the accused.


I be prenticed to Mr. Swift, the pewterer on Shoelane. On that particular Friday, I had an occasion
to go out of the shop. I seen Thomas was off his
stool, which he had no business to be. I went where
his coat is usually hung up to see if he was still
there, and saw his coat was bulging out most
strangely which caused a suspicion in my mind. My
master being out, I went and fetched Singleton, the
constable, straight away and pointed out the coat to
him where he found pewter in every one of the
pockets. The constable asked me where Mr. Reid was
and I searched down to the kitchen. He was talking
with me mistress and Mr. Bland, from across the way.
What regular business had Mr. Reid to do on that
He was the journeyman polishing pots for sale.
Where were you to be when he was polishing the pots?
Love me, Fuseli 47 Freed

Tending the fires in the room below.
Bailiff, call the next witness.
Calling Constable Singleton. Do you swear to tell
the truth as God is your witness?
I swear.
And Singleton, what can you add to Mr. Cox's
As you know, your honor, I am constable of St.
Andrew's. I was sent for to investigate what Mr. Cox
there said. I live directly opposite the shop. He
showed me where Mr. Reid's coat was hanging and I
pulled all that pewter on the table over there out
of his different pockets. When Mr. Cox led me to
where the defendant was he said he was very sorry
for what he done. I asked him, if ever he had done
the like before. He said, he never had but that him
and his wife and young ones was being put out on the
street for not paying his rents on account of a sick
one what died.
That's quite enough. Is Master Cornelius Swift in
the court-room today?
Love me, Fuseli 48 Freed

I am your honor.
Master Swift, is that your property lying on the
There is my mark on the bottom of each piece.
can't believe that Mr. Reid would steal it.

But I

And why is that?
Because William has been with me since he was a boy.
It must be almost twenty years. And nothing has ever
gone missing from the shop in all that time.
You are dismissed. Does the prisoner have anything
to say in his own defense?
I did not put them things into my pockets. Master
Swift has always treated me right. I've been locked
up in jail more than two months with no way to
provide for my wife and children.
And I never said
them things to the constable but swore my innocence
from the first. I've seen him and Cox drinking
together many a time at the Hairy Owl. And Cox has
often played tricks with me.

Love me, Fuseli 49 Freed

This is much more serious than a trick, Mr. Reid.
Why would Mr. Cox do such a thing?
It's cuz he wants to get as far away from that
infernal furnace as he can and take my job.
Mr. Cox, the accused here says you often played
tricks on him. You're still under oath, did you put
that pewter into his pockets?
I swear before almighty God I did not, sir.
And Constable Singleton, did the accused indeed
confess his guilt to you exactly in the manner that
you testified to?
Right he did every last word of it.
If there are no other witnesses, I am ready to pass
judgment. Are there any more? Going once, going
twice. . .
No, your honor that's the lot of them.

Love me, Fuseli 50 Freed

Then Mr. William Reid, I find you guilty of
felonious theft based on your prior confession of
the crime to the constable. And your punishment is
to be transported to the prison farms at Botany Bay
for no fewer than fourteen years' servitude.
It's a death sentence for us all!
We're not their bloody slaves. . . . We'll be
dead. God save the revolution. Revolution
Revolution, Revolution.
(They start throwing vegetables at
the judge in time with each

Lights start going down on the court-room.

Lights start coming up on the Blake's parlor.

Love me, Fuseli 51 Freed

Scene 2
. . . and the man's wife screams like a banshee,
It's a death sentence for us all. And all their
little ones call out, We'll be dead . We'll be
dead. We'll be dead. Just like that. I couldn't
understand why they was so upset. Where is this
Botany Bay? Someone told me it was just west of
Brighton where she said they're building a fancy
palace to rival Versailles (Ver-sails. ) .
Your source was partially correct, Fanny, Botany Bay
is indeed west of Brighton about ten thousand
miles west in our Australian colony.
That explains why the folks in the gallery starts
throwing whatever we brought at the judge. I threw a
bunch of carrots meself. Then the other bailiffs
rush in. I try to grab whatever vegetables I can to
put back in my sack, but the crowd carries me out
the door. When we're outside, one of the men digs up
this cobble stone from the road and hurls it at the
Bailey. It just bounced off the brick wall. He then
shinnies up a lamp post and starts yelling at the
crowd something like, They're going to hang every
one of us or send us off like black slaves to work
for nothing on their farms. Let's kill as many of
them as we can before they get us. That frightened
me a bit.
That's horrible.

Love me, Fuseli 52 Freed

It did do one good thing, though.
What's that?
I had forgot my tooth was hurting.
I think you're upsetting Mary too much with your
story. Fanny, why don't you finish setting places
for our tea. And, Mary, try to sit up. Joseph said
he'll return as soon as he tells Henry that you are
all right.
I'm sure that news will disappoint him.
Don't suffer yourself so, luv. Men just wants a wonk
and a wank. The devil made 'em and the devil can
have 'em.
That's certainly not true of Mr. Johnson or Mr.
Blake. Speak up, Will, defend your sex. But, Fanny,
please go on with your story.
Now, where was I?
Cobble stones.
Love me, Fuseli 53 Freed

Right, after the man threw the cobble stone others
start picking up smaller stones and aiming them more
carefully at the windows. I heard a couple crash but
then the soldiers came. Then some of the woman's
friends led her and the children quickly away
towards her home I imagined.
A few of us tagged along. When we arrived everything
that she owned was being brought out by the
constables and tossed onto the street. Chairs,
spoons, tiny shoes. Then a shameful thing happened.
We landed on it like a flock of crows grabbing and
pecking at each other until the street was picked
bare. I got this comb here.
Fanny takes the comb out of her
apron pocket and places it on
the sideboard to distance
herself from it.
What happened to the woman?
The last I seen of her she was kneeling in the alley
with her children kind of praying. I had to get back
to help out Mrs. Blake.
Do you know where to find them?
I can take you to the alley but I doubt they're
still there.

Love me, Fuseli 54 Freed

They can live with me. We can't sit idly by letting
the courts exterminate us one by one. God created us
as human as they. Maybe more so.
Please Mrs., don't get rid of the courts and the
gallows. Where would we poor folks go for a lark
and a spark?

Don't fret,

Fanny, that'll never happen.

It's not the court's fault for what happened to that
woman. Blame marriage. Get rid of that and its dirty
little consequences and you'll fix nearly all of
women's troubles. As a young slavey I vowed never to
make that mistake and have been able to take care of
myself and many others like the Blakes very nicely
ever since.
But surely you will agree that Will and Cate's
marriage is a shining rebuttal to what you are
What does my shining butt hole have to do with it?
Mary, Care to hear a sonnet I just composed for you?
I'd be honored.
Love me, Fuseli 55 Freed

My dedication is to Mary, the most scandalous
virgin in Albion
Some said she was proud, some call'd her a whore,
And some, when she passd just shut the door;
A damp cold came o'er her, her blushes all fled;
Her lilies and roses are blighted and shed.
O, why was I born with a different face?
Why was I not born like the rest of the race?
When I look, each one starts; When I speak, I offend.
Then Im silent and passive and lose every friend.
Why did Heaven adorn me with bountiful hand,
And then set me down in such an envious land?
I will humble my beauty, I will not dress fine,
I will keep from the ball, and my eyes shall not shine;
And if any girl's lover forsakes her for me
I'll refuse him my hand, and from envy thus be free.

Will, thats terrible..
You're right. The lines are a jangled muddle.

Love me, Fuseli 56 Freed

I love it. William, you and I are truly a different
genus. We should only breed with our own kind.
On my dead body. Leave my husband be.
Dear Cate, I was speaking metaphorically.
Then youll have to meta-fornicate on my dead body.
Mary, Catherines a little sensitive about this
Sensitive my arse. Last year Will came to his barren
wife with an inspired solution. It's only
requirement was the divine intervention of the human
body of our servant girl Molly.
As God is my witness. . .
Dont you dare use God for your pimp, Mr. Blake.
What happened?
My perfect husband over there tried to convince me
Love me, Fuseli 57 Freed

that our path lay in the prophecy of the Bible. He

almost had me convinced by that Abraham, Sarah and
Hagar story. But Will made the mistake of teaching
me how to read. I read the rest of the story that
Will forgot to mention. Sarah, although tricked at
first, becomes furious and throws her servant Hagar
and her little bastard out into the desert. Abraham
then gets his rightful heir and the Jewish tribes
get begot. But the story doesnt end there, this
Ishmael fathers the Arab tribes and the two are
still at war to this day. All because Abraham
thought he was smarter than God.
What did you do?
Like Sarah, threw Molly out on her ear. Joseph sent
Fanny over when he saw we needed the help. (raising
her voice a bit) You haven't asked Fanny to bear any
children yet, have you, Will?
Cate, You do know that was not what I was proposing
to Henry and Sophia. Just the reverse really. I
will make no sexual demands on him. Being near him
is all the pleasure in this life that I require. I'd
be their amanuensis.

A man u what's it?
I'm sorry. It's Latin meaning someone within a
hand's reach to provide personal services for his
master. In Rome they were the most trusted of
Love me, Fuseli 58 Freed

slaves. Many more Romans were poisoned by their

wives than by their amanuensi.
I know Henry would be tickled to have as many people
within a hand's reach as he can get.
(There will be the background sound of
rain from here until the end of the play.
There is a knocking on the door.)

Love me, Fuseli 59 Freed

Scene 3
Fanny, will you go to the door and open it this
Fanny goes to the door and
opens it.
Spare a ha-penny for a starving man?


shoo you smelly old thing.
Fanny immediately picks up a
broom and starts beating him.

I mean no harm. It's a hard rain.
dog, you'd take me in.

If I was a stray

Stop it, Fanny. Put the broom down and invite him
in. We've got plenty.
Cate takes an apple and ripping
off the end of a loaf of bread
on the sideboard she gives them
to Paine.
Come dry yourself by the fire a bit.

Love me, Fuseli 60 Freed

Blake looks up from his

notebook and intently studies
Paine's face. The actor playing
Paine should wear a prosthetic
nose similar to Paine's
portrait at this time.
You've a very interesting face. Mind if I sketch
You an artist?
I apprenticed as an engraver, but I discovered early
on that only I could draw what I imagined.
Posing is the least I can do to repay your
Do you know who you look like?
No, who?
No offense, but your face looks exactly like a
caricature of Tom Paine.
You're not the first one to tell me that, but I do
take offense.
Love me, Fuseli 61 Freed

Why is that?
I take offense because it is the face of Tom Paine.
I'm honored to meet you, Mr. Blake.
Cate and Mary, I believe our guest has arrived. I'd
like to introduce you to Mr. Thomas Paine.
Are you the one that song's about?
What song is that?
(to the tune of God Save the King
i.e. My country tis of thee)
God save great Thomas Paine
His 'Rights of Man' explain
To every soul.
He makes the blind to see
What dupes and slaves they be,
And points out liberty,
From pole to pole.
Thousands cry 'Church and King'
That well deserve to swing, . . .

Love me, Fuseli 62 Freed

Stop, stop you'll get me hanged.
Fanny, get the wash-up bowl and some soap. And bolt
that door.

And Mary.

Are you the Mary?

Which Mary is that?

The first-vindicator-of-the-rights-of-man-in-England
Guilty as charged..
You're the chief reason why I came back to London

I'm nobody.
Through this scene Fanny brings
a wash bowl and Cate brings a
change of clothes, and Paine
is cleaned up and changes
costumes right on the stage
stripping down all the way to
his underwear while he is

Love me, Fuseli 63 Freed

As you can see, I'm nobody too.
Didn't you hear, you're the people's king.
Im the peoples ferret. I learned long ago how to
make such a racket in castle walls that none of them
could get any sleep.
When I was a little girl my brother and I spent most
of a day with glasses stuck to our ears following
the scratchings within our walls. When the sounds
stopped, my brother took an ax and bashed in the
plaster, lathe and all. And there was this huge
hissing rat. And beneath her body were these tiny
pink faces calm and secure. For some strange
reason I had a rush of feeling that I wanted to
change places with them. When my brother swung his
ax again, I screamed so hard I think I passed out.
Ive never felt safe since.
Paine picks up the ass head
and studies Wollstonecrafts
theatrically made up face now
What amusement did I miss?
Me, making a complete fool of myself.
I try to do that every day of my life. And my
friends inform me that I often succeed.
Love me, Fuseli 64 Freed

But you still haven't explained why you wanted to
meet me.
It's a little convoluted, but let me try. Once the
protection of individual rights was sown on to the
American constitution, I thought my work on
revolutions was over. I then returned to my English
homeland for one purpose and one purpose only and
that was to gain a royal patent for my cast iron
bridge design and begin building them wherever I
A bridge?
A bridge. What value is a market place on the other
side of a wide river, if you can't take your cart
full of potatoes to it? Changing laws doesn't
materially change people's lives one iota, but
bridges certainly can.
The Romans built all those walls, but they should
have built bridges instead. Is that it?
The free exchange of goods is the real key to the
poor raising themselves out of poverty and the
guarantor of peace and mutual prosperity between
nations. Just imagine what an actual bridge over
the English Channel connecting England with France
would do to change the world. It's that simple.

Love me, Fuseli 65 Freed

Could it be that simple?
When the chief end of government is to build bridges
rather than defending the wealth of the wealthiest,
this is more than possible. It is inevitable.
I'll play your simple game. Let me make a simple
proposal. Maybe all that we need to do to bring
about the equality of black slaves with their
masters, the poor with the rich, the young with the
old and women with their husbands is simply to
educate them equally.
That is exactly what they're trying to do in Paris
even as we speak.
I've been a little distracted lately. What is
This month the Assembly has emancipated all of the
Negro slaves in French territories around the world
and granted them the full rights of citizenship.
To both men and women?
Is that a serious question? How could they
Love me, Fuseli 66 Freed

enfranchise slave women when not even the queen of

France has the right to vote? And on the second
matter Tallyrand has proposed universal education
for all children regardless of means.
Boys and girls alike.
Not exactly. Tallyrand's argument is that no girl
needs to be educated beyond the eighth grade and
only in those skills which please men, are useful to
men, and make men's lives easy and agreeable. I
believe those are his words.
This is no more enlightened than Rousseau's the
female is the sex that ought to obey. Who do they
imagine are the first teachers of these newly
liberated sons? A cow? A sheep? No, a woman. How
quickly you all forget that it was the poor women of
Paris who had the courage to lead the attack on the
army at Versailles? Would you convey my strenuous
objections to your friend Tallyrand when you see
I could never articulate them as persuasively as you
just have. Why don't you address him directly?
You still haven't answered my question about why you
wanted to meet me.
You breathed life back into me. When I read your
counterattack on Burke, I couldn't stand by and
leave you the lone target on the barricades.
Love me, Fuseli 67 Freed

I see. And now that you're in their gunsights as
well, you wanted to thank me in person?
For setting me on fire again, yes, I thank you.
Lafayette invited me to come to Paris and accept a
seat on the new National Assembly. My imminent
departure compelled me to have Johnson arrange our
meeting tonight.
I don't know what to say.
Say that you'll come to France with me to. . .
to .. to help liberate all the women and girls
there. And say that we'll first wash that rouge off
of your face.
Paine beckons to Fanny to bring
back the wash bowl and he gently
washes the streaked make-up off
of Mary's face.
And say that you'll get out of that absurd Greek
goddess costume. Cate, will you help her?
Cate and Mary exit. Paine walks
over to examine the pages
hanging to dry from the wire.
These pages are beautiful.(reading) The Marriage of
Heaven and Hell. That's a little disturbing. What
are these?
Love me, Fuseli 68 Freed

Our contribution to the revolution. This book will
redeem the world.
I've never seen anything like this. What is your
I chose corrosive acids which above on earth carry
severe warnings but in hell are salutary and
medicinal. They melt apparent surfaces away and
display the infinite hid beneath them.
Oh, I see. I don't want to sound like an old
printer, but by engraving the body copy rather than
using type you make it rather difficult to read.
Leave out that single line there and you leave out
life itself. Chaos just spills back in.
I see. Chaos you say. And by hand colouring each
page you must severely limit the number of copies.
How many can you produce like this?
Over a hundred a year depending on our health and
I dont want to dampen your spirit, Will, but we
printed a 100,000 copies of Common-Sense in the
Love me, Fuseli 69 Freed

first three months alone and still reached only half

of the northern colonies before the war's end. By my
calculations it will take you a thousand years to
reach that number. And if your ambition is . . .
Let me ask you a question.
Ask me anything.
How many people were there in the Roman Empire .
. at its height, lets say?
I dont know, surely many millions.
And how important would you say Jerusalem was to
that empire?
A flea to a lion maybe
And how dangerous to the powers that ruled that
insignificant Jerusalem was a village carpenter
armed only with the sound of his voice?
Will, I'm a plain man. Just say what it is.

Love me, Fuseli 70 Freed

That our one hundred illuminated copies have a
hundred times better chance of success than Christ's
words blown about by the wind.
You also have another problem.
What's that?
In all of human history, there has been just one
real Christian and the religions killed him.
I guess now, it's my turn.
To be killed or be him?
I also know one more thing than you do.
(a little exasperated)
And what is that?
Robert told me last night that two hundred years
from now I will be read more than anyone else in my
generation. I guess that includes you too, Mister
Love me, Fuseli 71 Freed

Mary enters dressed very similarly

to Paine in men's clothing. She has
her hair tied back with a ribbon
similar to his.
What have we here?
(speaking Shakespeare)
I have lately shipwrecked on your shores, my lord.
My name's Cesario. I'm at your service.
What a marvelous transformation.
By the way, Cate, whos Robert?
Wills dead brother. You're both wearing his
Our short live ed butterfly has become a more
durable creature. And more your twin, Thomas, than
someone at your service.
Mary, Will has given me an idea. We could gain safe
passage from London to Paris disguised in our
present costumes as brothers.
There is fairly loud arguing
between Johnson and Fuseli as
they return to the Blakes.
Mary's name is used a number of

Love me, Fuseli 72 Freed

Scene 4
Here comes your first test.
Fuseli tries the door. It is
Let us in for Christsake before we drown!
Fanny, Let them in.
What took you so long? We're drenched. Oh, I see
you were entertaining company. Joseph, I thought
you said there'd be one mystery guest not two.
(slightly irritated)
Apparently my guest decided to bring a friend.
Henry, I'd like to introduce you to Citizen Thomas
Shiste, Joseph, have you lost your mind? My life
will be ruined in a matter of minutes. They'll hang
us all! I'm . . .I'mmm.
Stay calm, my old butterfly.
in Lambeth.

We're safe enough here

Love me, Fuseli 73 Freed

The duke boasted that his spies know Paine is coming
back to London. The Attorney General has already
issued the arrest warrant. Don't you see my life is
in extreme danger? They'll hang us all.
You must be that famous painter Henry Fuseli.
Joseph has told me how much he admires your work.
(won over instantly)
He did?
I . . I . . . Yes, I did.
My apologies, Monsieur Paine, for any discourtesy. I
rather lost my bearings this evening bouncing
between worlds. I do envy your factional enclaves.
Ma Chere. You can always come back to us.
You are such a firebrand, Paine, that I expected
you'd be much younger. More like your companion.
War exacts its tolls.

Love me, Fuseli 74 Freed

(referring to Mary)
And why is no one introducing me to this gorgeous
His name is Cesario.
Ce sa ri o. Oh, we Swiss love the Italian.
Their saltiness pairs so well with our chocolate.
And I believe you have met him before.
I cannot believe that is so. I would have never
forgotten such a handsome face and figure. I must
paint you.


you maka me blush.

You are blushing. Have we indeed met before?
Ina the temple, ina the town,
have done me mischief.


the fields you

I love riddles. In the temple? Are you Jewish
then? That I would remember. In the fields?

Love me, Fuseli 75 Freed

Henry bends Mary's head down to

see if the top of her head
looks familiar.
That's it. We met in the park Sunday last.
Henry, do you really not recognize the hyena in
petticoats who plagued you so these many months and
not even an hour ago?
Mary undoes the ribbon that held
her hair back to shake it out in
Fuseli's face and laughs.
Voila, he is she!
Mary! Did you all conspire to concoct this rude
trick on me?
Oh yes, Henry, everything that has happened this
evening was about making a fool out of you. Paine
came all the way from Manchester risking
imprisonment for the performance.
Tonight makes me think that it was very similar
but not as embarrassing to what Mrs. Jordan did
when she first met the Duke.

Love me, Fuseli 76 Freed

Sit down everybody. I believe Henry has gotten his
second wind and there'll be no stopping him. Mary,
did you see where they put that bag that I brought
with me?
Cate put it by the fireplace.
When the Duke and his masked Hippolyta were
announced earlier in this evening, Lady Facile
practically ripped the sleeve from my blouse
dragging me into a corner. Her face was inflating
and reddening so like a balloon I thought her head
would burst.
Henry, more matter, with less art.
Madam, I swear I use no art at all. All right. The
gist was that Lady Facile told me that Hippolyta
was none other than that piece of Irish baggage from
Covent Gardens the notorious Mrs. (and I use that
term very casually), Jordan or Mrs. Ford or
whatever name she is using now.
Lady Facile also filled me in on the strumpet trick
that Mrs. Jordan used a few weeks earlier to ensnare
the Duke. She claims she was an eye witness to the
escapade. I know Joseph isn't interested, but does
anyone else want to hear the delicious details?
I do.

Love me, Fuseli 77 Freed

Me too.
Mrs. Jordan fascinates me.
Anyone else? No? Yes? It is settled then.
Courtesy doth truly demand
That a lady's wish is a gentleman's command.
Mary, what do you think? Moliere?
Definitely Moliere.
The story from the mouth of the horse is that Lady
Bumfrey approached Mrs. Jordan after a performance
of She Would and She Would Not with an invitation
to one of her grand teas. The inciting news, that
she shared with her, was that the Duke of Clarence,
himself, had requested it. This was, of course, de
rigeur and a familiar occupation for her ladyship.
You mean to say she's the duke's panderer.
Crudely put but accurate. Well then I am just
getting to the delicious part. That was Mrs.
Jordan's counter-proposal. And guess what that was?

Love me, Fuseli 78 Freed

Just get on with it.
You really are such a Puritan. You never appreciated
my flourishes. Well then here it is. Mrs. Jordan
wanted to attend the tea in the livery of an underbutler and while serving the Duke whisper to him
that he Mrs. Jordan that is had a sister working
below stairs who was so enamoured with the Duke's
person, that she longed to give herself to him right
there and then. In brief the inflamed Duke was told
to sneak off in a half hour equipped with the
location and a key to the room.
Oh, and one more detail, the butler told the Duke
that his sister was shy, being a virgin, and
required to wear a veil throughout their engagement.
Rutting nature took its course, and within an hour
the Duke returned a bit disheveled but smiling like
the cat who swallowed the furry mouse as Lady Facile
so poetically described him.
Then wot happened?
Mrs. Jordan made her formal entrance in a dress only
suitable for a milk maid as Lady Facile put it. And
I must add refused his advances toward her until
after he moved her into Bushy House to live with
him. Nice name that.
And the Duke has never been made the wiser, has he
by you chittering geese? But what you call her
strumpet's trick reveals her true genius.
Love me, Fuseli 79 Freed

How so?
Regard everything that she learned in that one hour.
First that his expressed passion for her was a
complete fraud. From that point to this, you can be
sure that every vow that he has made to her she has
written on the rushing waves. She also learned his
carnal vulnerabilities. Lazy intrigue with a sauce
of naughtiness engaged safely within the walls of
Lady Bumfrey's estate.
Once satiated he gravitated back to being the king's
own sailor boy. By those markings our savvy little
Viola will be able to steer him wherever she wants
to go.
You women are cunningly lingual foxes. You are like
iced cream in the mouth.
Wary hares, rather.
This is fun. What else do you think this stratagem
of hers discovered?
I can only surmise. But because she is still with
him, I believe that he passed her self-administered
gag test. Consider how dangerous it would have been
for her to register any amount of disgust on an
unveiled face. That's a bit of honesty that she
would never have recovered from. This way she could
explore every crevasse of the man without any risk.
Love me, Fuseli 80 Freed

Other than the pox.
Do you really believe that someone as careful to
costume herself down to the last brass button of
Lady Bumfrey's livery and pass herself off as a
virgin would be naked to that eventuality? Henry,
are you really such a child?
You've characterized the man entirely.
Then she reappears as Little Bo Peep and has been
royally rogering him ever since. So, Mary, this
dressing like a man trick was what you tried to play
with me.
Was she allowed to bring her children with her?
To live with the Duke at Bushy House.
Of course not. That indeed would have made it la
scandale intolerable.

Love me, Fuseli 81 Freed

She and her fellow actresses may be the only free
women in England. I especially marvel at how
cleverly she has managed to retain this freedom
while increasing her worth.
(clearly irritated)
You have more to add?
Consider it more deeply. By maneuvering into such an
inappropriate match, she has completely insulated
herself from the slavery of marriage. The prince can
never marry her and no man would dare become the
prince's rival. When her life with the prince
becomes intolerable, and it surely will, she can
pack her valise and slam the door.
And by deserting the prince she will enhance both
her value and perceived morality. That is the exact
opposite of a wife's leave taking. Mrs. Jordan's
almost thousand pounds a year from the stage already
exceeded that of most landed squires. It's certainly
many times superior to your own, Herr Fuseli.
She certainly is not safe from the savagery of the
gazettes and the lancing of Gilray's cartoons.
And every time her name appears on paper hundreds
more playgoers flock to bear witness to her disgrace
and sneak a peek into the prince's seraglio.

Love me, Fuseli 82 Freed

The Critical Review needs to critique more plays.
Will you do that for me, Mary?
I will champion them.
Is she really paid a thousand pounds a year for
wearing trousers on stage?
It isn't just about the trousers. As Viola,
Hippolyta or Rosalind, her real danger to men is
that she unleashes women's imaginations
I do believe that nearly all revolutions begin on a
stage. Beaumarchais' Figaro being an excellent
example. Apropos Beaumarchais I forgot to tell you,
Thomas, Godwin sends his apologies for missing our
meeting. He had a prior engagement escorting Mrs.
Jordan's fellow actress, Mrs. Inchbald, to the
theatre to solicit her monetary investment in a new
production of Holcroft's translation. If they
succeed, however, it will probably land the whole
company in a jail cell right next to ours.
Godwin is so tedious. I'm certain she will give him
the money just to stop his talking.
I can add some support to your argument, Joseph.
Washington had us read aloud to the troops Addison's
Cato the evening before the attack on the Hessians
Love me, Fuseli 83 Freed

at Trenton. I read Juba. It did wonders to rouse

the men's spirits. I think it also helped put them
to sleep.
Before we bore ourselves to sleep. Father Christmas,
what did you bring us in your sack?
Johnson drags out the sack
near the fireplace.


Let's see here. For Will I have freshly printed,
with your new engravings, Mary's Original Stories
from Real Life for Children; with (takes an
exaggerated deep breath) Conversations Calculated to
Regulate the Affections, and Form the Mind to Truth
and Goodness. Will, when people pick this up they
immediately thumb to your engravings and buy it.
Inside is a token of my personal appreciation for
your delightful images.
There is a 20 pound bank note
in the book which Cate quickly
You are too generous. We thank you for all of your
benevolences to us.
Now, Mary, don't pout. For you this envelope is
stuffed with pound notes. I can't keep your second
edition of the Vindication on the shelves. And most
curious to me is that nearly all of them are being
bought by women. I never dreamed that there'd be a
women's market for political philosophy.

Love me, Fuseli 84 Freed

Maybe it helped that you put Mary's name on the
cover this time.
For Mary's next book, how does a Vindication of the
Rights of Woman in considered refutation of
Tallyrand, late Bishop of Autun, by the noted author
Mary Wollstonecraft sound as a title, Joseph?
Like Inca gold.
(a few seconds of petulant silence)
What do you have for me?
Nothing can come of nothing, my ancient friend. . .
But I can imagine a commission for a series of
illustrations . . . How like you Paradise Lost?
I could be intrigued by such a proposition.
I rather doubt he will produce an Eve to my liking.
And finally. Mr. Paine, I have been carrying all
evening a bank cheque in the amount of one thousand

Love me, Fuseli 85 Freed

What's this for?
It is a benefactor's advance to encourage you to
write the second volume of your Rights of Man.
(A wooden gun butt pounds on the
Open up in the name of the Crown.
I'll get it.
(The Spy carrying a pistol and
shackles enters pushing past Mary.)
Out of my way, boy. I have a warrant here for the
arrest of one Tom Paine.

. . .

(stepping forward.)
I stand by the name Thomas Paine.

You do, do ya? I didn't know you was so old a man. I
arrest you, Thomas Paine, in the name of the crown
on the charge of saying sellicious comments about
the king. I meant seditious tarnishments upon the
king's crown. Put these shackles on yourself.

Love me, Fuseli 86 Freed

(intercepting them)
No need for that. He'll go peaceably.
And who, Lord Pantalones, do you be?
A close friend.
A fellow conspiratant you mean. We got room in the
cell for the both of you.
Come along now, Mr. Paine, all shall be well. I will
go with thee.
(in a stage whisper)
Just love me, Fuseli.
(openly kissing him and speaking loudly)
And with a kiss we marchon together.
So Paine's a poofter too.
(The three men exit.)
That is my cue to exit stage left. Will and Cate,
thank you for the kind-ness and to my most loyal
subject, Fanny, I dub thee Citizen Flute, a peer of
the realm.
Love me, Fuseli 87 Freed

You swept me over the moon.
Will, here's the cheque that Father Christmas gave
me to bail him out of jail. Mary, follow me to Paris
as soon as you can. It's out the window and over the
garden wall for me.
(Paine exits through the window.)
Will, I don't know what I should do?
Mary, you've always known what you need to know.

I want . . .
just want to
to happen in
than England

I want. It really is that simple. I
be able to want. And that's more likely
France or Canada, or Australia even,
in my lifetime.
Blake gets up off his chair and
stops her. Puts his red wool
French revolution cap on her
head and kisses her on both
cheeks in the French manner.

So it's out the window I go, too.

Mary heads toward the window
hesitates for a few seconds and
then jumps out.
Love me, Fuseli 88 Freed

SFX Play Annie Lennox and Aretha Franklin

Sisters are Doin it for Themselves
through the curtain calls.
v=drGx7JkFSp4 .


Love me, Fuseli 89 Freed

Sketches of Thomas Paine, Blake's self- portrait and possibly

a profile of Fuseli and figure study of Wollstonecraft from
William Blake's actual 1790's Notebook:

Love me, Fuseli 90 Freed

Draft of The Chimney Sweeper from Blake's 1790's Notebook

Love me, Fuseli 91 Freed

A stage director might choose to project the series
of images contained here on a scrim.

Love me, Fuseli 92 Freed

For information about authorizing performances,

contact John Freed.

photo courtesy: 2014 Stacy Alexander

John Freed
503-915-4830 cell
[email protected]

Love me, Fuseli 93 Freed

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