India IBA Wage Revision Officers 2010

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Conclusion of Discussions between the

IBA and the Officers’ Associations

The Negotiating Committee of Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) representing the managements
of banks held several rounds of discussions with the authorised representatives of the Officers’
Associations on salary revision and other issues concerning service conditions for officers in
Banks. In the course of the deliberations, common viewpoints have emerged between the two
parties. The outcome of the discussions acceptable to both sides is listed in Annexure I to this
Note. The representatives of the Officers’ Associations have also agreed that the existing
service conditions be modified to the extent what has been stated in Annexure I.

2. The representatives of the Officers’ Associations, a part of United Forum of Bank Unions
(UFBU) and IBA entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on 25th February 2008 on
various issues. Extending another option for pension to those who did not opt for pension when
Bank Employees’ Pension Regulations, 1995 dated 29th September 1995/ 26th March 1996 were
implemented was one of the issues to be considered. After several rounds of discussions and
valuing the liability through an actuarial calculation, it is agreed to extend another option to join
the pension scheme to those who did not opt for pension when Bank Employees’ Pension
Regulations, 1995 dated 29th September 1995/ 26th March 1996 were implemented, on the terms
and conditions agreed and incorporated in the Joint Note dated 27th April 2010 signed between
the parties.

3. IBA agreed that it shall recommend to the Public Sector Banks, as in Annexure II, to initiate
the process of amending the Officers’ Service Regulations and Bank Employees’ Pension
Regulations, 1995 dated 29th September 1995/ 26th March 1996, in order to implement what is
stated in Annexure I. The IBA shall also recommend to the Government of India to approve the
amendments and to issue appropriate guidelines necessary for this purpose.

4. IBA shall take steps to recommend to the Private Sector Banks which are listed in Annexure
III and which have authorised the IBA in this regard, to give effect to the salary revision for their
officers upto Scale III on the same lines as mentioned in Annexure I.

5. The representatives of Officers’ Associations have requested that pending formal

amendments to the Officers’ Service Regulations as per procedure laid down under Section

19(1) of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970/1980,
IBA may advise the banks to disburse immediately an ad-hoc amount, equivalent to the net
arrears payable for the period from 1st November 2007 to 30th April 2010 and continue to pay
revised salary and allowances on ad-hoc basis. IBA has agreed to make suitable
recommendations to the Government in this regard for its consideration.

6. The Officers’ Associations on behalf of the officer-employees in banks listed in Annexures

II & III agree that the understandings reached as detailed in Annexure I hereto are in full
satisfaction of their demands.

7. Management proposed that a scheme for introduction of performance linked variable pay in
addition to fixed pay be considered as part of this wage revision exercise to increase efficiency
in operations. After preliminary discussions, it was decided to pursue the matter further.

8. Representatives of the Officers’ Associations have assured full co-operation on their part,
their affiliates and members, in implementation of measures aimed at improving customer
service, optimum utilisation of manpower, expansion of banking activities to take on the
competition and challenges confronting the industry and maintenance of healthy and harmonious
industrial relations in the banking industry.

Dated : 27th April 2010

For Indian Banks’ Association For All India Bank Officers’ Confederation
(S/Shri) (S/Shri)

M V Nair K S Shetty

R Sridharan G D Nadaf

Narayanan Raja P V Mathew

K Ramakrishnan P K Sarkar

Rajeev Rishi T T Natarajan

B B Das K Ananda Kumar

K Unnikrishnan T N Goel

M Venugopalan S K Kohli

K Ramakoteswara Rao

G Muthuswamy

K D Kheda

For All India Bank Officers’ Association


Alok Khare

R J Sridharan

S Nagarajan

D K Pauddar

Sidharth N Dutta

For Indian National Bank Officers’ Congress


K K Nair

L R Prem Kumar

Subhash W Choudhari

V Ramamohan Reddy

For National Organisation of Bank Officers


M S Bhagwat

A N Madhusudan

Dr. Sunil U Deshpande

S K Rathod

Annexure 1

1) Scales of Pay
Scale I - 14500 600 18700 700 20100 800 25700
7 2 7
Scale II - 19400 700 20100 800 28100
1 10
Scale III - 25700 800 29700 900 31500
5 2
Scale IV - 30600 900 34200 1000 36200
4 2
Scale V - 36200 1000 38200 1100 40400
2 2
Scale VI - 42000 1200 46800
Scale VII - 46800 1300 52000
Fitment shall be stage-to-stage, i.e. on corresponding stages from 1st stage onwards and
the increments shall fall on the anniversary date as usual.

2) Stagnation Increments

a. Officers in JM Grade Scale I who have moved to scale of pay for MMG Scale II in
terms of Regulation 5(b) after reaching maximum of the higher scale shall be
eligible for four stagnation increments for every three completed years of service of
which first two shall be Rs.800/- each and next two Rs.900/- each.

Provided that officers who have completed three years or more after receipt of the
second stagnation increment as on 1.11.2007 will get the third stagnation increment
on 1.11.2007 and another stagnation increment on or after 1.11.2008 on their
completion of six years after receipt of second stagnation increment.

b. Officers in MMG Scale II who have moved to scale of pay for MMG Scale III in
terms of Regulation 5(b) after reaching maximum of higher scale shall be eligible for
three stagnation increments of Rs.900/- each for every three completed years of

Provided that officers who have completed three years or more after receipt of the
first stagnation increment as on 1.11.2007 will get the next stagnation increment
with effect from 1.11.2007 and a subsequent stagnation increment on or after

1.11.2008 on their completion of six years after receipt of the first stagnation

Provided further those officers in substantive MMG Scale III i.e. those who are
recruited in or promoted to MMG Scale III shall be eligible for four stagnation
increments of Rs.900/- each for every three completed years of service. Those who
have already received two stagnation increments and completed more than three
years of service after receipt of second stagnation increment as on 1.11.2007 will get
the third stagnation increment on 1.11.2007 and the fourth stagnation increment, on
or after 1.11.2008 on their completion of six years after receipt of second stagnation

3) Dearness Allowance
On and from 1.11.2007, Dearness Allowance shall be payable for every rise or fall of
four points over 2836 points in the quarterly average of the All India Average Working
Class Consumer Price Index (General) Base 1960=100 at 0.15% of Pay.

4) House Rent Allowance

i) Major “A” Class Cities and Project Area Centres in Group A 8.5% of Pay
ii) Other places in Area I and Project Area Centres in Group B 7.5% of Pay
iii) Other places 6.5% of Pay

Provided that if an officer produces a rent receipt, the House Rent Allowance payable to
him/her shall be the actual rent paid by him/her for the residential accommodation in
excess over 1.2% of Pay in the first stage of the Scale of Pay in which he/she is placed
with a maximum of 150% of the House Rent Allowance payable as per aforesaid rates
mentioned in Column II above.
The claims of officer employees for House Rent Allowance linked to the cost of their
ownership accommodation shall also be restricted to 150% of House Rent Allowance as

5) City Compensatory Allowance
Area Rate
i) Places in Area 1 and in the State of Goa 4% of Basic Pay Rs.540/- p.m.

Places with population of five lakhs and

ii) over and State Capitals and Chandigarh, 3% of Basic Pay Rs.375/- p.m.
Puducherry and Port Blair

6) Provident Fund

(a) While the officers who are presently covered under the Pension Scheme and those
who will join the Pension Scheme in terms of option being made available under
Joint Note dated 27th April, 2010 shall continue to contribute 10% of the Pay towards
Provident Fund, there shall be no matching contribution.

(b) Officers of State Bank of India will continue to be covered by Contributory Provident
Fund Scheme as hitherto.

(c) Officers who are presently covered under Contributory Provident Fund Scheme who
do not opt for Pension Scheme being made available under Joint Note dated
27th April, 2010 shall continue under the Contributory Provident Fund Scheme as

(d) There shall be no Provident Fund to officers joining the services of banks on or after
1st April 2010. They shall be covered by a Defined Contributory Pension Scheme,
where the officer will contribute 10% of Pay plus Dearness Allowance and the bank
will make a matching contribution. The Scheme shall be governed by the provisions
of the Contributory Pension Scheme as introduced for employees of Central
Government w.e.f. 1st January 2004 and modified from time to time.

7) Pension (other than State Bank of India)

1. The terms of the Bank Employees’ Pension Regulations, 1995 dated

29 September 1995/ 26th March 1996 shall not apply to the officers who join the
services of Banks on or after 1st April 2010; and they shall be covered by a Defined
Contributory Pension Scheme, which shall be governed by the provision of the
Contributory Pension Scheme introduced for officers of the Central Government w.e.f.
1st January 2004, and as modified from time to time. Necessary amendments to the

relevant provisions of the Bank Employees’ Pension Regulations, 1995 dated
29th September 1995/ 26th March 1996 shall be carried out following the procedure in
this regard.

2. Further to Clause 6 of the Joint Note signed on 2nd June 2005 between
representatives of Officers’ Associations and IBA, it is agreed between the parties as

(i) With effect from 1st May 2005, the pension of officers who retired or died while
in service during the period 1st April 1998 to 31st October 2002 will be re-fixed
based on the definition of ‘Pay’ as defined in Clause 5 of the Joint Note dated 14th
December 1999. No arrears of pension and commuted value of pension will be
payable on account of such re-fixing of pension.

(ii) With effect from 1st May 2005, the pension of officers who retired or died while
in service during the period 1st November 2002 to 30th April 2005 will be re-fixed
based on the definition of ‘Pay’ as defined in Clause 6 of the Joint Note dated 2nd
June 2005. No arrears of pension or commuted value of pension will be payable
on account of such re-fixation of pension.

3. Further to Clause 2(b) of the Joint Note dated 2nd June 2005, it is agreed between the
parties as under:

(i) On and from 1.5.2005, in the case of officers who retired during the period
1.4.1998 to 31.10.2002, dearness relief shall be payable for every rise or be
recoverable for every fall, as the case may be, of every 4 points over 1684 points
in the quarterly average of the All India Average Consumer Price Index for
Industrial Workers in the series 1960=100. Such increase or decrease in dearness
relief for every said four points shall be calculated in the manner given below:

Scale of Basic Pension The rate of Dearness Relief payable as a
per month percentage of Basic Pension
(i) Upto Rs. 3550 0.24 percent
(ii) Rs.3551 to Rs.5650 0.24 per cent of pension exceeding Rs.3550 plus 0.20
per cent of the basic pension in excess of Rs.3550
(iii) Rs.5651 to Rs.6010 0.24 per cent of Rs.3550 plus 0.20 per cent of the
difference between Rs.5650 and Rs. 3550 plus 0.12
per cent of basic pension in excess of Rs.5650
(iv) Above Rs.6010 0.24 per cent of Rs. 3550 plus 0.20 per cent of the
difference between Rs.5650 and Rs.3550 plus 0.12 per
cent difference between Rs.6010 and Rs.5650 plus
0.06 per cent of basic pension in excess of Rs. 6010

(ii) In respect of retirees for the period 1.11.2002 to 30.4.2005 for whom pension has
been revised w.e.f. 1.5.2005 based on definition of pay in terms of Clause 6(2)of
the Joint Note dated 2nd June 2005, dearness relief shall be payable w.e.f.
1.5.2005 for every rise or be recoverable for every fall as the case may be of
every four points over 2288 points in the quarterly average of All India Average
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers in the series 1960=100 @ 0.18% of
the basic pension.

(iii) In respect of officers who retire on or after 1.5.2005, dearness relief shall be
payable for every rise or be recoverable for every fall, as the case may be, of
every four points over 2288 points in the quarterly average of the All India
Average Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers in the series 1960=100, at
the rate of 0.18 per cent of basic pension.

(iv) In respect of officers who retired or died while in service on or after 1.05.2005
Dearness Relief shall be payable at 0.18% of the basic pension or family pension
or invalid pension or compassionate allowance as the case may be. Dearness
Relief in the above manner shall be paid for every rise or fall of 4 points over
2288 points in the quarterly average of the All India Average Consumer Price
Index for industrial workers in the series 1960 = 100.
The Dearness Relief as above shall be payable for the half year commencing from the 1st
day of February and ending with 31st day of July on the quarterly average of index
figures published for the months October, November and December of the previous year
and for the half year commencing from 1st day of August and ending with the 31st day of

January on the quarterly average of the index figures published for the months of April,
May and June of the same year.

8) Medical Aid

On and from 1st November 2007, reimbursement of medical expenses shall be as under :
a) Officers in JMG & MMG Scales–Rs.5100/-p.a.

b) Officers in SMG & TEG Scales - Rs.6320/-p.a.

9) Hospitalisation Expenses

On and from 1st May 2010, reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses under Regulation
24(1(b)(i) of Officers’ Service Regulations, 1979/1982, shall be in terms of the
Hospitalisation Scheme laid down under Bipartite Settlement dated 27th April 2010 for
workmen employees, subject to following limits:-

Scale of Officer Limits

a) Junior Management i) Bed Charges
Grade Scale I and Middle Self – Rs.700/- per day.
Management Grade Family – Rs.525/- per day.
Scales II & III.
ii) Other charges –
At the scale of 125% of the limits laid down under
the Hospitalisation Scheme applicable to workmen
b) Senior Management i) Bed Charges
Grade Scales IV & V and Self – Rs.900/- per day.
Top Executive Grade Family – Rs.675/- per day.
Scales VI & VII.
ii) Other charges –
At the scale of 150% of the limits laid down under
the Hospitalisation Scheme applicable to workmen

10) Recovery of House/Furniture Rent

i. House rent recovery shall be @ 1.20 % of the first stage of the scale of pay in which
the officer is placed or the standard rent for the accommodation, whichever is less.
ii. Furniture rent recovery shall be @ 0.25% of the first stage of the scale of pay in which
the officer is placed.

11) Fixed Personal Pay (w.e.f. 1.11.2007)

Fixed Personal Pay together with House Rent Allowance shall be at the following rates and
shall remain frozen for the entire period of service.

Increment Component DA as on 01.11.2007 Total F.P.P. payable where bank’s

(Rs.) (Rs.) accommodation is provided (Rs.)
(A) (B) (C)
800 58 858
900 65 965
1000 72 1072
1100 79 1179
1200 86 1286
1300 94 1394

(i) F.P.P. as indicated in “C” above shall be payable to those officer employees who are
provided with bank’s accommodation.
(ii) F.P.P. for officers eligible for House Rent Allowance shall be “A” + “B” plus House
Rent Allowance payable on the last increment of the relevant scale of pay.
(iii)The increment component of F.P.P. shall rank for superannuation benefits.

12) Professional Qualification Pay (PQP) (w.e.f. 1.11.2007)

(A) Officers shall be eligible for professional qualification pay as under :
(i) Those who have passed only CAIIB – Part I / JAIIB

Rs.410/- p.m. one year after reaching top of the scale.

(ii) Those who have passed both parts of CAIIB –

a. Rs.410/- p.m. one year after reaching top of the scale.

b. Rs.1030/- p.m. two years after reaching top of the scale.

(B) An Officer employee acquiring JAIIB/CAIIB (either or both parts) qualifications

after reaching the maximum of the scale of pay, shall be granted from the date of
acquiring such qualification the first installment of PQP and the release of
subsequent installments of PQP shall be with reference to the date of release of
first installment of PQP.
Provided further that in a case where an officer, as on the date of this Joint Note,
has already acquired any of the above said qualifications and has not earned any
increment or PQP on account of acquiring such qualification/s, he may be, with

effect from 1st November 2007 or the date of acquiring such qualification/s,
whichever is later, released PQP as provided herein above.

13) Other Allowances

(i) Deputation Allowance

On and from 1st May 2010, Deputation Allowance shall be at the following rates :
a) An officer deputed to serve outside the bank – 7.75% of Pay with a maximum
of Rs.2,300/- p.m.
b) An officer deputed to an organization at the same place or to the training
establishment of the bank – 4% of Pay with a maximum of Rs.1200/- p.m.

(ii) Hill and Fuel Allowance (w.e.f. 1.11.2007)

Place Rate
a) Places with an altitude of 1000 metres and 2% of Pay subject to a
above but less than 1500 metres and Mercara maximum of Rs.550/-p.m.
b) Places with an altitude of 1500 metres and 2.5% of Pay subject to a
above but less than 3000 metres. maximum of Rs.680 p.m.
c) Places with an altitude of 3000 metres and 5% of Pay subject to a
above. maximum of Rs.1570/- p.m.

(iii) Halting Allowance (w.e.f. 1.5.2010)

Major ‘A’ Class Cities Area I Other Places

Grade / Scales of Officers
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Officers in Scale IV & above 1000/- 800/- 700/-

Officers in Scale I/II/III 800/- 700/- 600/-

Provided that in the case of officers in Scale IV and above, halting allowance payable per
diem while on outstation work at the four metros, viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and
Chennai, shall be Rs.1200/- and for officers in Scale I/II/III Rs.1000/-.

(iv) Special Area Allowance (w.e.f. 1.11.2007)

At places where special area allowance is payable in terms of Regulation 23(ii) of

Officers’ Service Regulations, 1979/1982, the said allowance shall be payable at rates as
in Annexure IV.

(v) Mode of Travel and Expenses on Travel (w.e.f. 1.5.2010)

The following provisions shall apply wherever an officer is required to travel on duty :
(a) An officer in Junior Management Grade is entitled to travel by 1st Class or AC 2-tier
Sleeper by train. He may, however, travel by air (economy class) if so permitted by
the Competent authority, having regard to the exigencies of business or public
(b) An officer in Middle Management Grade is entitled to travel by 1st Class or AC 2-tier
Sleeper by train. He may, however, travel by air (economy class) if the distance to be
travelled is more than 1000 kms. He may, however, travel by air (economy class)
even for a shorter distance if so permitted by the Competent Authority, having regard
to the exigencies of business or public interest.
(c) An officer in Senior Management or Top Executive Grade is entitled to travel by AC
1st Class by train or by air (economy class).
(d) An officer in Senior Management or Top Executive Grade may travel by car between
places not connected by air or rail provided that the distance does not exceed 500 km.
However, when a major part of the distance between the two places can be covered
by air or rail only the rest of the distance should normally be covered by car.
(e) Any other officer may be authorised by the Competent Authority, having regard to
the exigencies of business, to travel by his own vehicle or by taxi or by the Bank’s

The remaining provisions as in Sub-regulations (2) & (3) of Regulation 41 of Officers’

Service Regulations shall remain unchanged.

(vi) Leave Travel Concession (w.e.f. 1.5.2010)

1. During each block of 4 years, an officer shall be eligible for leave travel concession
for travel to his place of domicile once in each block of two years. Alternatively, he
may travel in one block of two years to his place of domicile and in another block of
two years to any place in India by the shortest route.

2. Alternatively, an officer, by exercising an option anytime during a 4 year block or

two year block, as the case may be, surrender and encash his LTC (other than travel
to place of domicile) upon which he shall be entitled to receive an amount equivalent
to 75% of the eligible fare for the class of travel by train to which he is entitled upto a
distance of 4500 kms. (one way) for officers in JMG Scale I and MMG Scale II & III
and 5500 kms (one way) for officers in SMG Scale IV and above. An officer opting

to encash his LTC shall prefer the claim for himself / herself and his / her family
members only once during the block / term in which such encashment is availed of.
The facility of encashment of privilege leave while availing of Leave Fare
Concession is also available while encashing the facility of LTC.

3. The mode and class by which an officer may avail of Leave Travel Concession shall
be the same as the officer is normally entitled to travel on transfer and other terms
and conditions subject to which the Leave Travel Concession may be availed of by an
officer, shall be as decided by the Board from time-to-time. Provided that w.e.f.1st
May 2010 an officer in Junior Management Grade Scale I while availing LTC will be
entitled to travel by air in the lowest fare economy class in which case the
reimbursement will be the actual fare or the fare applicable to AC 1st Class fare by
train for the distance traveled whichever is less. The same rules shall apply when an
officer in Middle Management Grade Scale II and Middle Management Grade Scale
III while availing LTC where the distance is less than 1000 kms.

(vii) Definition of Family:

a. For the purpose of medical facilities and for the purpose of leave fare concession,
the expression ‘family’ of an officer shall mean an officer’s spouse, wholly
dependent unmarried children (including step children and legally adopted
children), physically challenged brother/sister with 40% or more disability, as
also parents ordinarily residing with and wholly dependent on the officer.

b. The term wholly dependent child/parent, wholly dependent physically challenged

brother/ sister shall mean such member of the family having a monthly income
not exceeding Rs.3500/- p.m.

If the income of one of the parents exceeds Rs.3,500/- p.m. or the aggregate
income of both the parents exceeds Rs.3,500/- p.m., both the parents shall not be
considered as wholly dependent on the officer.

14) Project Area Allowance

On and from 1st November 2007, Project Area Compensatory Allowance shall be
payable at the following rates :
Project Areas falling in Group A – Rs.290/- p.m.
Project Areas falling in Group B – Rs.255/- p.m.

15) Mid Academic Year Transfer Allowance
On and from 1st May 2010, Mid Academic Year Transfer Allowance shall be payable at
Rs.700/- p.m. subject to other conditions.

16) Split Duty Allowance

On and from 1st November 2007, Split Duty Allowance shall be payable at Rs.165/- p.m.

17) Compensation on Transfer (w.e.f. 1.5.2010)

An officer on transfer will be eligible to draw a lumpsum amount as indicated below for
expenses connected with packaging, local transportation, insuring the baggage etc.
Grade/Scale of Officer (Rs.)
Officers in Scale IV and above 12,000/-
Officers in Scale I, II and III 9,000/-

18) Maternity Leave (w.e.f. 1.5.2010)

(a) Maternity leave, which shall be on substantive pay, shall be granted to a female
employee for a period not exceeding 6 months on any one occasion and 12 months
during the entire period of her service.
(b) Within the overall period of 12 months, leave may also be granted in case of
(c) Within the overall period of 12 months, leave may also be granted in case of
hysterectomy upto a maximum of 45 days.

19) Provision for State Bank of India

The disposal of the balancing cost of pension in respect of State Bank of India arising out
of this Joint Note shall be decided by the bank with the concurrence of Government of

20) The Officers’ Associations who are parties to this Joint Note have offered and agreed that
all officers in the service of the banks as on 27th April 2010 and who exercise their option
to join the Pension Scheme in terms of the Joint Note dated 27th April 2010 for the
purpose will contribute from their arrears on account of wage revision in terms of this

Joint Note, an amount of Rs.922 crores towards their share in the amount of Rs.1800
crores offered by UFBU towards 30% of the estimated funding gap of Rs.6000 crores.
The said amount is worked out @2.8 times of the revised pay payable for the month of
November 2007.

21) Date of Effect

For payment of arrears, the benefits under various provisions as above, shall be from
1st November 2007, unless otherwise specified against the relevant provisions.

Annexure II

List of Public Sector Banks

1. Allahabad Bank
2. Andhra Bank
3. Bank of Baroda
4. Bank of India
5. Bank of Maharashtra
6. Canara Bank
7. Central Bank of India
8. Corporation Bank
9. Dena Bank
10. Indian Bank
11. Indian Overseas Bank
12. Oriental Bank of Commerce
13. Punjab & Sind Bank
14. Punjab National Bank
15. Syndicate Bank
16. UCO Bank
17. Union Bank of India
18. United Bank of India
19. Vijaya Bank
20. State Bank of India
21. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
22. State Bank of Hyderabad
23. State Bank of Indore
24. State Bank of Mysore
25. State Bank of Patiala
26. State Bank of Travancore

Annexure III

List of Private Sector Banks

1. Bank of Rajasthan Ltd.

2. The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd.
3. The Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd.
4. The Federal Bank Ltd.
5. ING Vysya Bank Ltd
6. The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.
7. The Karnataka Bank Ltd.
8. The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd.
9. The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd.
10. The Nainital Bank Ltd.
11. The Ratnakar Bank Ltd.
12. The South Indian Bank Ltd.

Annexure IV

Special Area Allowance

Sr. Allowances (Rs.)

Area Pay below Pay above
No. Rs.14,700/- Rs.14,700/-
1 2 3 4
1. Mizoram

a) Throughout Lunglei District excluding areas beyond 2000 2600

25 kms. from Lunglei town of Mizoram.

b) Throughout Aizawl 1600 2100

c) District of Mizoram 1200 1500

2. Nagaland 1600 2100

3. Andaman & Nicobar Islands

a) North Andaman, Middle Andamans, Little Andaman, 2000 2600

Nicobar & Narcondum Islands

b) South Andaman (including Port Blair) 1600 2100

4. Sikkim 2000 2600

5. Lakshadweep Islands 2000 2600

6. Assam 320 400

7. Meghalaya 320 400

8. Tripura

a) Difficult areas of Tripura 1600 2100

b) Throughout Tripura except difficult areas. 1200 1500

9. Manipur 1200 1500

10. Arunachal Pradesh

a) Difficult areas of Arunachal Pradesh 2000 2600

b) Throughout Arunachal Pradesh other than difficult 1600 2100


Sr. Allowances (Rs.)
Area Pay below Pay above
No. Rs.14,700/- Rs.14,700/-
1 2 3 4
11. Jammu & Kashmir

1) Kathua District:

Niabat Bani, Lohi, Malhar and Machhodi 2000 2600

2) Udhampur District:

a) Dudu Basantgarh, Lander Bhamag Illaqa, other 2000 2600

than those included in Part 2(b).

b) Areas upto Goel from Kamban Side and areas upto 1600 2100
Arnas from Keasi side in Tehsil Mohre.

3) Doda District:

Illaquas of Padder and Niabat Nowgam in Kishtwar 2000 2600

4) Leh District :

All places in the District 2000 2600

5) Barmulla District

a) Entire Gurez-Nirabat, Tangdar Sub-Division and 2000 2600

Keran Illaqua

b) Matchill 1600 2100

6) Poonch and Rajouri District :

Areas in Poonch and Rajouri District excluding the 1200 1500

towns of Poonch and Rajouri and Sunderbani and other
urban areas in the two Districts

7) Areas not included in (1) to (6) above, but which are 1200 1500
within the distance of 8 kms. from the line of Actual
Control or at places which may be declared as
qualifying for border allowance from time-to-time by
the State Government for their own staff.

12. Himachal Pradesh

(1) Chamba District

(a) Pangi Tehsil, Bharmour Tehsil, Panchayats : Badgaun, 2000 2600

Bajol, Deol Kugti, Nayagam and Tundah, Villages: Ghatu
of Gram Panchayat Jagat, Kanarsi of Gram Panchayat

Sr. Allowances (Rs.)
Area Pay below Pay above
No. Rs.14,700/- Rs.14,700/-
1 2 3 4
(b) Bharmour Tehsil, excluding Panchayats and Villages 1600 2100
included in (a) above.
(c) Jhandru Panchayat in Bhatiyat Tehsil,Churah Tehsil, 1200 1500
Dalhousie Town (including Banikhet proper).

(2) Kinnaur District:

a) Asrang, Chitkul and Hango Kuno/ Charang 2000 2600

Panchayats,15/ 20 Area comprising the Gram
Panchayats of Chhota Khamba, Nathpa and Rupi,
Pooh Sub-Division, excluding the Panchayat Areas
specified above.

b) Entire District other than Areas included in (a) 1600 2100


(3) Kullu District:

a) 15/20 Area of Nirmand Tehsil, comprising the Gram 2000 2600

Panchayats of Kharga, Kushwar and Sarga

b) Outer-Saraj (excluding villages of Jakat-Khana and

Burrow in Nirmand Tehsil) and entire District
excluding outer Seraj area and pargana of Pandrabis 1200 1500
but including villages Jagat-Khana and Burrow of
Tehsil Nirmand).

(4) Lahaul and Spiti District :

Entire area of Lahaul and Spiti 2000 2600

(5) Shimla District :

a) 15/20 area of Rampur Tehsil comprising of 2000 2600

Panchayats of Koot, Labana-Sadana, Sarpara and

b) Dora-Kawar Tehsil, Gram Panchayat of Darkali in 1600 2100

Rampur, Kashapath Tehsil and Munish, Ghori Chaibis
of Pargana Sarahan.

c) Chopal Tehsil and Ghoris, Panjgaon, Patsnau, Naubis 1200 1500

and Teen Koti of Pargana Sarahan, Deothi Gram
Panchayat of Taklesh Area, Pargana Barabis, Kasba
Rampur and Ghori Nog of Pargana Rampur of
Rampur Tehsil, Simla Town and its suburbs (Dhalli,
Jatog, Kasumpti, Mashobra, Taradevi and Tutu).

Sr. Allowances (Rs.)
Area Pay below Pay above
No. Rs.14,700/- Rs.14,700/-
1 2 3 4
(6) Kangra District:

a) Areas of Bara Bhangal and Chhota Bhangal 1600 2100

b) Dharamshala Town of Kangra District and the

following offices located outside the Municipal
limits but included in Dharamshala Town-Women’s
ITI, Dari, Mechanical Workshop, Ramnagar, Child
Welfare and Town and Country Planning Offices,
Sakoh, CRSF Office at lower Sakoh, Kangra Milk
Supply Scheme, Dugiar, HRTC Workshop, Sadher,
Zonal Malaria Office, Dari, Forest Corporation
Office, Shamnagar, Tea Factory, Dari, I.P.H. Sub-
Division, Dan, Settlement Office, Shamnagar,
Hinwa Project, Shamnagar. 1200 1500

Palampur Town of Kangra District including

HPKVV Campus at Palampur and the following
offices located outside its municipal limits but
included in Palampur Town – H.P. Krishi
Vishwavidhalaya Campus, Cattle Development
Office/Jersey Farm, Banuri, Sericulture Office/Indo-
German Agriculture Workshop/HPPWD Division,
Bundla, Electrical Sub-Division, Lohna, D.P.O.
Corporation, Bundla, Electrical HESEE Division,

(7) Mandi District:

Chhuhar Valley of Jogindernagar Tehsil, Panchayats
in thunag Tehsil-of Bagraa, Chatri, Chhotdhar,
Garagushain, Gatoo, Garyas, Janjehli, Jaryar, Johar,
Kalhani, Kalwan, Kholanal, Loth, Silibagi,
Somachan, Thachdhar, Tachi, Thana, Panchayats of
Dharampur Block- Binga, Kamlah, Saklana, Tanyar 1200 1500
and Tarakholah, Panchayats of Karsog Tehsil –
Balidhar, Bagra, Gopalpur, Khajol, Mahog, Mehudi,
Manj, Pekhi, Sainj, Sarahan and Teban, Panchayats of
Sundernagar Tehsil – Bohi, Batwara, Dhanyara,
Paura-Kothi, Seri and Shoja.
(8) Sirmaur District:
Panchayats of Bani, Bakhali (Pachhad Tehsil), Bharog
Bheneri (Paonta Tehsil), Birla (Nahan Tehsil), Dibber 1200 1500
(Pachhad Tehsil) and Thana Kasoga (Nahan Tehsil)
and Thansgin Tract

(9) Solan District :

Mangal Panchayat. 1200 1500

Sr. Allowances (Rs.)
Area Pay below Pay above
No. Rs.14,700/- Rs.14,700/-
1 2 3 4

(10) Remaining areas of Himachal Pradesh not included 320 400

in (1) to (9) above.
13. Uttar Pradesh:

Areas under Chamoli, Pithoragarh and Uttar Kashi 2000 2600

14. Uttaranchal (Uttarakhand):

Areas under Rudraprayag and Champavat Districts. 1600 2100


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