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A Glimpse of

Omkarananda Saraswati
His Lineage and His Mission


The Journalist of the monthly newspaper HINDUISM TODAY
asked the inmates of your Ashrams to describe you. We know
the descriptions of you by them and by thousand others. We
need to have a description of yourself by yourself. Who are you,
Swami Omkarananda?

Who Am I? Before I was born, I was. After I die, I will be.
A timeless Being came from, and into, timeless Eternity. Time was
formed, and time is dissolved, and I remain what I have always been, a
Being with depths to which there is no beginning, and heights to which
there is no end.
Since the supreme Divinity as the Timeless Eternity and as the
Time Eternity Sadashiva Tripurasundari is dwelling in my Heart,
Life, Consciousness, and as there is no difference between That and Me
and Me and That, I am dwelling in the Soul of all Gods and Goddesses, all Saints and Sages, all beings visible and invisible. And, yet I am
what I am, the Transcendent Reality. If you know here on earth the
greatest Sage, Saint, Guru, the greatest clairvoyant, prophet, or anyone
to whom supernormal power of perception, or anyone to whom daily
contact with God, is attributed then, ask that person, who Swami
Omkarananda is. He will confirm to you that the only true and correct
description of Swami Omkarananda is the one he himself has given.

See: For Tradition and Mission

Inside 3rd Cover-page.

Omkarananda Saraswati
His Lineage and His Himalayan
and European Ashrams
Questions raised by Mr. Malik,
Representative and Journalist in New Delhi,
the Hindu Family Newspaper,
published monthly in eight editions:
North America, India, UK / Europe, Africa,
Mauritius, Singapore-Malaysia, a Dutch
Language Digest and the World Wide Web
Kauais Hindu Monastery
107 Katholalele Road, Kapaa, Hawaii 96746, U.S.A.

Phone: (808) 822-3012

FAX: (808) 822-4351

and our Answers

First Edition: 1996
Second Edition: 2012

Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas

Omkarananda Shanta-Durga Mandir

Swami Omkarananda Saraswati Marg
P.O. Shivanandanagar-249192, Muni-ki-reti,
Via Rishikesh, Distt. Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India
Phone: +91 135 2430713 / 2430911 Fax: +91 135 2431531
Email: [email protected] Website: www.omkarananda-ashram.org

H.D. Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati


Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswamis HINDUISM

TODAY, a Newspaper circulated the world over, asked in
the form of questions for a description of Paramahamsa
Parivrajakacharya Sadguru Sri Swami Omkarananda
Saraswati and his Himalayan and European Ashrams.
The Answers have taken the form of this publication.
Can one present a verbal picture of a Mystic Sage rooted
in the experience of the transcendental Truth? Not possible. The life of this living liberated Man, Jivan
Omkarananda Saraswati, a Brahmajnani (brahmavid
brahmaiva bhavati)permanently settled in unconditioned
and all-independent joy, peace, fearlessness, and a dignity
that can only belong to the divine Reality, is inward and invisible, though the traits of his daily consciousness, delineated here in this line, are palpable to an appreciable extent
to our eyes. It is a life that stays beyond mind and its words;
it also remains supremely untouched by sky-high glorifications claiming however justifiably fidelity to reality or by the
green-eyed monster jealousys death-dealing, self-destroying
defamations falsely asserting themselves to be a progeny of
facts. Only a Sage can truly know and really describe a Sage,
and even here it is still on the surface, though we have here
universally valid knowledge obtained by inner identity with
the subject of description: for instance, when Omkarananda
writes on Sivananda. And, who shall describe Omkarananda?
Yet, for the public any inadequate description is better than
no description. Here is one.

And, when Omkarananda Saraswati was himself asked

repeatedly to present to the enquirers his own biographical
sketch, he always answered in three words:
Aham Brahma Asmi.
Dr. H. Eckert


Questions for a Description of Omkarananda raised by

HINDUISM TODAY, a world-wide Newspaper, U.S.A.
1. Swami Omkarananda, His Guru,
His Lineage, His Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. The Central Teachings: See and Serve
God everywhere in all His Creation and
also Experience Him in His Transcendence . . . . . . . 14
3. Services and Facilities of Omkarananda Ashram. . . . 16
4. Religious Freedom in Omkarananda
Schools and Colleges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5. The Spirit and the Background of the
Ashram Inmates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6. The Moral Law on abortion and the
Principle of Brahmacharya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7. The 24-Hours Prayers and Worship in
Omkaranandas European Ashram since
1974 and their Benefits for all Mankind . . . . . . . . . 30
8. Omkaranandas Successor from the Divine
and the Organisational Standpoints. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

9. Omkarananda Ashram a Manifestation

of Gods Will and Grace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
10. Moral Integrity and Guidance from
the Divine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Description of Omkarananda by all the World and by

the Ashram Inmates
11. Supplement One
When a Born Sage Writes on His Sage Guru
What says the Elite of the World?
Sivananda and Omkarananda:
Divine Flower and Divine Fragrance. . . . . . . . . . . . 41
12. Supplement Two
Adishankara, Saint Jnaneshwar and
Omkarananda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
13. Supplement Three
Flowers of Homage to Omkarananda
Ashram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
14. Supplement Four
Our Experiences of the Phenomenon that
Omkarananda Saraswati is in our daily
Life with Him. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

H.T. Question 1:

Overall we need to describe Swami Omkarananda,

who his Guru was, his lineage and his activities

a) Swami Omkarananda Saraswati, a God-centred
Saint and a Sage of Universal and Transcendental

Sri Swami Omkarananda Saraswati is a born Sage, Mystic

and Genius. Already at the age of thirteen and fourteen his
life was flooded with numerous spiritual experiences of the
omnipresent and omniscient God. Under the dictates of
these experiences, he left his home city in South India for
the Himalayas, where the world-renowned Sage Sri Swami
Sivananda recognised in him an embodiment of the high
spirit of renunciation, profound divine wisdom, touching
purity of heart, made him known as Bala Yogi, Bala Jnani,
titled him as Adhyatma Kavita-Bhaskara and crowned him
with Sannyasa-Diksha at the age of seventeen.
No one knew and no one could know of the inner life of
this solitude seeking and in seclusion living ascetic, wherein
he nurtured under the witnessing eyes of the Divine Mother,
his intimate inner relations with the Infinite and the Eternal.
His intense devotion gave to that Infinite and that Eternal a
visible Form, bhavana-murti, the Divine Mother. Goddess

Meenakshi of Madura bestowed on him the Sri Vidya Mantra Diksha, and he was initiated into the science of Vedic
Yagnas by a 105 year old Siddha Purusha, in the presence
of a 700 year old Maha Yogi, who is invisible to all except
to that Siddha Purusha and to Swamiji. It is a phenomenon that requires to be explained to seeking aspirants after
Truth-experience. He obtained from a Yogi of Siddhis Swami
Nityananda the secrets of higher Tantra Yoga in which there
is in all the world and in all the creation only one woman,
the immanent Divinity, the individual Self, seeking restlessly
union with the transcendent Divinity, the Absolute Reality.
In the same year in which Jagadguru Swami Sivananda gave him Sannyasa-Diksha, his first book (The Story of
an Eminent Yogi, 1947) was published and internationally
appreciated and valued. He is the author of numerous publications, and several Professors of the Universities and other
prominent personalities around the world, esteem him as an
intuitive philosopher, a versatile genius, a profound scholar
of universal knowledge, a brilliant writer and a charismatic
and inspired orator. He was the right hand of Swami Sivananda for over a decade and wrote among other works on
Sivananda two monumental publications dealing with Sivananda Literature. When the first of the two Volumes was
published in 1960, the world received it with such statements as given in Supplement One.
Paramahamsa Sri Swami Omkaranandas divine personality was described by some renowned spiritual leaders as
shown in Supplement Two.

The renowned Mahapandita SRI VISHNU VASANT

SHASTRI PANSHIKAR, Leicester, England, the
Chief-Acharya of Omkarananda Ashram, adores, as thousands around the world do, Swami Omkarananda as an Incarnation of God, and in adoration of his Divine Nature
composed on him highly inspiring and immortal Bhajans, Hymns, Stotras, Aratikyams as well as the Srimad
Many are the Saints of India who pay their Homage
to Swami Omkarananda. Among them, His Holiness SRI
SATYAMITRANANDA, the builder of the Grand Bharatmata Mandir in Hardwar and a spiritual leader with a vast
following both in United Kingdom (Great Britain) and in
India, visited Omkarananda Ashram in Switzerland. He was
enchanted by what he saw, and with reverence and awe exclaimed: This is the Benares of Europe!
b) Swami Omkarananda and His Guru Swami

The opulent literature of Swami Omkarananda on Sivananda

bears rich evidence that Omkaranandas own spiritual realisations enabled him to verify and describe by a direct personal inner knowledge the most luminous states of divine Consciousness that informed and inspired the phenomenon of
the covert and overt life of the great Saint Swami Sivananda
and the Light of the divine Knowledge in him. A magazine
published from Madras, the Call Divine portrayed with

deep insight the relationship between these two spiritual

giants: What sweetness is to sugar and what fragrance is
to a flower, Swami Omkarananda is to Swami Sivananda;
because, the former is as wonderful as the latter.
c) The Lineage of Omkarananda Sannyasis and

Our lineage, our Guruparampara, runs in this Order:

Lord Narayana, Brahma, Dakshinamurti, Dattatreya,
Four Kumaras, Vyasa, Vasishta, Gaudapada, Shankaracharya,
Sivananda, Omkarananda. Our roots are in the Vedas and
the Upanishads. Our Heart is Srividya; the Soul of our Being
is Sri Yantra. Our Ishta Devata is Parabrahmaswaroopini Sri
Mahatripurasundari. We are at the same time Siva Bhaktas
and Vishnu Bhaktas because Siva and Vishnu are two of the
many Faces of Parameshwari Tripurasundari. And because
of our deep spirituality which is the quintessence of all religions, we belong to all religions of the world. We appreciate
them, serve them, unite them and further the growth of the
inner light in them.
From Sri Sadgurudeva Paramahamsa Omkarananda, sincere seekers of the Divine, no matter to which creed, caste,
colour, race they belong, can obtain, if they earnestly so desire, Shuddhi- and Nama-Karana, Upanayana Sacrament,
Mantra- and Sannyasa-Diksha, practise Yoga of Synthesis,
belong to our lineage, become universal personalities of intense Devotion, divine Wisdom and experience the ultimate


Truth, the goal of all great religions of the world. Over 170
disciples have received Sannyasa-Diksha.

Swami Omkaranandas Activities today; his Ashram

is a Myriad Faced Hinduism in Action!

Be it in the Himalayas or in the cities of Western Europe,

Omkarananda Saraswati lives his life in seclusion, solitude
and silence, far removed from publicity and propaganda.
How detached he is even from persons staying closest to him
can be seen from the fact that he never during the entire period of thirty-one years of his total absence from Himalayas
wrote a single word, or phoned, or sought any kind of contact with the wonderful Swami who is taking care of his Kutir in Sivananda Ashram adjoining Omkarananda Ashram
in the Himalayas. In consonance with this feature of his life,
his Austrian Ashram on the top of a Hill with its own forests
on three sides, and a valley down, commanding a view of the
snowy Alps, affords him sceneries identical with the interior
Himalayas. In spite of this fact, he is in the very midst of the
multifarious activities of his Ashram. Notwithstanding his
activities, he is always what he has always been, a Non-Doer
allowing the Divine Will and Divine Grace to express themselves through the instrumentality of his charismatic personality and an institution that is self-born. Through correspondence, personal audiences, talks, speeches, phones,
faxes, E-mail, special prayers, this towering Sage serves seekers from all sections of mankind. He is the guiding Presence
behind all the cultural, religious, spiritual activities of his

Ashram and Ashrams Temples. There are two publications

on the activities of the Ashram.
Mahamandaleshwar Swami Omkarananda Saraswatis
Ashram is a myriad-faced Hinduism in action. All phases
of Hinduism can be seen and experienced in his European
Ashrams and Temples. The daily Rudra Abhishekas find additional recitations of Rudri on Mondays. Every day Devi
Puja of different types are conducted: Tripurasundari Puja
with Trishati recitation; Lalita Sahasra
namavali Archana;
Durga Puja with Chandi recitation. Every morning Satya
narayana Katha Puja, Sri Lakshmi Puja with Sri Suktam and
Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamavali. Everyday Sarva-Devata Yagna.
Navagraha Shanti Homa. Gayatri Mantra Yagna forms one
of the most important Yagnas conducted in our Ashram.
On Fridays special Pujas are performed for Subrahmanya
Swami. On Saturdays Hanuman is specially worshipped and
Hanuman Chalisa is recited.
Every day, Agni Devata is present in all our Ashrams. For
the good and well-being of all mankind, all Nature, all beings,
a 24-Hours a day Akhanda-Sarva-Devata Hawana was being
maintained for 33 years continuously from the year 1974
to 2007. From 2007 onwards Hawana is conducted for 15
Hours daily. From the year 1974 to the year 1987, Akhanda
Mahamrityunjaya Japa was maintained for the welfare of the
whole world and for the health, long life, freedom from accidents and spiritual Enlightenment of the needy and seeking
aspirants. Since 1987 it is continuing 12 Hours a day.
In all the three Satsang and Meditation Classes of

every day, we recite Purusha Sukta, Narayana Sukta, Durga

Sukta, Bhagya Sukta, Medha Sukta. Etc. etc. Periodically Shiva-Parvati Kalyanams are performed. Omkarananda
Bhajan Mandali conducts Bhajans to the accompaniment of
instrumental music. We use all Mantras, Vedic, Pauranic, of
all Devatas of the Hindu Pantheon, not only of Devi and
Bija Mantras. Natya and Sangita Sections give their recitals
before the Deities. And so on and so forth. All Hindu Festivals are celebrated. Every Thursday Guru Puja is performed,
and on Guru Purnima the Festival assumes a highly festive
mood with the recitation of the Guru Gita and the conducting of colourful ceremonies. All the Parampara Gurus are
The all-day, all-time lovers and servers of God, bearing
purity of heart, deep devotion and spiritual knowledge, the
Priests of the Omkarananda Ashram are invited as Pandits by
prominent persons, families and institutions, for performing
Yagnas and Pujas, purifying houses and conducting Griha
pravesha ceremony, bestowing sacraments on the deserving
and so on and so forth. There are numerous Temple publications of our Temples, circulated on limited scale.
Lovers of Truth from all over the world, and amidst them
leading Indian Acharyas, Pandits, Swamis and most holy
men and women, have visited the Omkarananda Ashram
and its Vedic temples in quest of divine inspiration. Their
statements (see Supplement Three) show how they were
filled with admiration for the divine works in Omkarananda


H.T. Question 2:

What are their Teachings?


Everything that is in the Heart of Hindu Sanatana

Dharma, Yogas, Vedanta, Writings of Sivananda,
and the Outpourings of a Genius and a Man of
Ultimate Truth-Experience

The teachings of the descending line of Gurus, in the lineage

of Swami Omkarananda, from Lord Narayana, Dakshinamurti, Dattatreya, Vyasa, Vasishta, Gaudapada, Shankar
acharya down to Sivananda and Omkarananda are already
known to the world. Our Adi Guru Shankaracharyas central teachings are available to the seekers of the Truth and
the public around the globe. The inspiring Teachings of our
Paramaguru Sivananda are easily accessible to the people in
all continents of our planet. They are also on the Internet.
The entire universe of Sanatana Dharma is our field. We
represent the Heart of the Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmasutras,
Bhagavad Gita, Puranas, Dharma Shastras. We are Saiwaites,
Vaishnawaites, Bhaktas, Yogis and, what is more, you can
find the essence of the essentials of all world religions in our
fundamental teachings. The Values we live by, and present to
mankind, are timeless and therefore have a valuable message
to people of all religions and races of all epochs. The whole
mankind is our family, Sivakutumbam, and is to be served
in all manner of ways. Embodying in himself the Mother

of the Vedas, Aditi, Gayatri, Mahatripurasundari, Swami

Omkarananda Saraswati is unique, and his teachings breathe
the breath of the Truth-realisation. When he speaks, he does
not think, as his words laden with light, power, wisdom flow
from a Source of all-including divine Intelligence, behind
and beyond the mind.
Swami Omkaranandas teachings are pregnant with hundreds of wonderful, dynamic and most practical methods
for God-experience in all conditions and circumstances of
daily life. They are self-formulations of the realisation of
the Infinite, offered to the individuals seeking a union with
the ultimate Reality, Parabrahman. There are thousands of
files full of writings of Swami Omkarananda waiting to be
edited and printed and published. His speeches and talks
are recorded on the magnetic tape, and the tape runs into
thousands of kilometres. Since three decades his two hundred publications have touched and transformed the lives of
numerous seekers and aspirants. Since 1965 the Publication
Department of Omkarananda Ashram Switzerland has been
issuing two Magazines in the German language. Some of his
works have been published in 54 languages of the world.



He is very active in Europe and has major Ashrams

at least in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, England.
We visited a small place associated with him in
Bombay, run by Madhu Shastri, who has visited
Hawaii and is a fan of HINDUISM TODAY.

Every Hindu around the world should feel it his prerogative
to be a fan of the HINDUISM TODAY.

H.T. Question 3:

What are the facilities of the Ashram? What do

they do there? You can see from the literature
that they run a number of schools. Is this their
primary activity? What about spiritual teaching
and Sadhana?


A Glimpse of Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas

Our Ashram has all the circumstances, conditions, facilities required for development of Bhakti, rendering inten16

sive selfless service and realisation of God in daily life. All

Ashramites activities have only one Aim: God-experience.
The running of schools is only one among the many forms
of Selfless Service they render.
All our Ashrams are in the form of Temples formally
and informally. Pujas go on day in and day out. We run temples. We print and distribute spiritual literature. We have our
meditation classes, Bhajans, Yagnas, and individuals have
their individual spiritual practices, apart from the general
spiritual activities of the Ashram.
Every speck of dust, every rock, every tree of the actual
dwellings of Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas and beyond
are vibrant with the glow of Swami Omkaranandas spiritual
realisations and bear silent witness to this incomparable
Sage, his Wisdom and Purity and his uninterrupted experience and adoration of the Divine Presence in all beings and
in all things.
Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas is located in the most
sacred place near the bank of the holy river Ganga and in the
proximity of both Rishikesh, the ancient place of pilgrimage,
the neighbouring Sivanandanagar and the famous Lakshman
Jhula. The Himalayan Ashram is like other Omkarananda
Ashrams in Europe a place where God abides and announces His Presence in the wonders His Grace works, the
works His Love inspires, the books His Wisdom dictates and
the deeds His Will perpetuates.
Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas carries its multiple activities through two Registered Charitable Trusts

Omkarananda Dharma Samsthan, and Omkarananda

Charitable Trust, as well as the Omkarananda Educational
b) Spiritual Activities




Omkarananda Dharma Samsthan is maintaining

14 Mandirs in the Himalayan area of Muni-ki-Reti,
Lakshman Jhula and Rishikesh:
Sri Omkarananda Shanta-Durga Mandir (1967,
the original Temple and Ashram building was greatly
extended in the 1980s), Sri Omkara-Mahaganapati
Mandir, Sri Omkarananda-Kamakshi-Devi Mandir,
Sri Mahakala-Bhairava Mandir, Sri Omkarananda
Hanuman Mandir and Sri Omkarananda
Bhuvaneshwari Mandir, all situated in Omkarananda
Nagar, Muni-ki-Reti;
Sri Omkarananda Dipeshwar Mandir, Tapovan/
Lakshman Jhula;
Sri Omkarananda Ram Mandir, Ghugtani;
Sri Omkarananda Satyanarayana Mandir, Lakshman
Sri Omkarananda Radha-Krishna Mandir, Rishikesh;
Sri Ganga-Devi Mandir, Sri Hanuman Mandir, Sri
Shiva Parivar Mandir and Sri Omkarananda Gayatri
Mandir, at Omkarananda Ganga Ghat, Muni-ki-Reti.

In the Ashrams Temples daily Pujas and Agnihotra are

performed and regular Hawanas and Abhishekas are conducted (see also details under Answer 1d). Sometimes visiting priests (like the famous priests of Tirupati and of Kanchi
Kamakoti Pitha) are conducting special Homas, Abhishekas
and prayers for special purposes (like world peace) or during festivals like Sivaratri, Dipavali, Krishna Janmashtami,
Navaratri, etc.
In our Temples and Mandirs Sadhakas can meditate,
study literature or can engage themselves in Karma-Yoga.
Nature loving people can work in the fields, growing trees,
fruit and vegetables at our Omkarananda Ram Mandir.
The Ashram has its own Go-Shala, which is a very essential part of an Ashram. The holy cow-dung is used in Yagnas
and the cows are inspired by the tunes of Bhajans. The holy
cow finds its right place in our Ashram.
In the Ashrams Dharmashala on the river Ganges, daily Arati and Satsang are conducted by a renowned saint
and sage, Prabhuji Acharya Surya Prakash and Siddhartha
The recognized Omkarananda Patanjala Yoga Centre
fulfils the wishes of many spiritual seekers. The traditional teachings of Patanjali are the main teaching. A nicely
equipped Yoga hall with all facilities has become a main attraction in this area.



Educational and Social Activities of Omkarananda

Ashram Himalayas

Apart from conducting religious and other activities, the

Ashramites are engaged in pure selfless service and in managing selflessly the Ashrams educational and social projects:
Fifty-three Omkarananda Basic, Junior High and
High Schools in the Garhwal hills (registered and recognised);
Omkarananda Institute of Management & Technology with a strength of over 700 students in Muni-kiReti (affiliated to the Uttarakhand Technical University,
Dehradun and the H.N. Bahuguna Garhwal University,
Shrinagar, and approved by AICTE, New Delhi);
Omkarananda Saraswati Nilayam, an English Medium Inter-College with a strength of 2500 students in
Muni-ki-Reti (affiliated to I.C.S.E., New Delhi);
Omkarananda Preparatory School in Rishikesh, having a strength of 250 students;
Omkarananda Saraswati Govt. Degree College in
Deoprayag (affiliated to H.N. Bahuguna Garhwal University, Shrinagar);
Omkarananda Saraswati Natya Kala Academy (affiliated to Prayag Sangit Samiti, Allahabad), where not
only the practical but also the theoretical aspect of Indian Classical Temple Dance is being taught;
Omkarananda Sangit Samsthan (in process of affiliation), where the traditional Indian instrumental Music
is taught.

Astrological science is also studied and taught in the

Furthermore, two Libraries, the Omkarananda
Public Library and a Students Sanskrit Library, and the
Omkarananda Govt. Homoeopathic Hospital in Muniki-reti, as well as four beautiful Dharmashalas on the banks
of holy Mother Ganga (Omkarananda Ganga Sadan, Muni-ki-Reti, Omkarananda Gita Sadan, Muni-ki-Reti, Omkarananda Gayatri Sadan, Tapovan, and Omkarananda
Ganga-Mata Mandir, Rishikesh) are rendering great services to the Tehri Garhwal region at the Himalayan foothills.

H.T. Question 4:

Do they teach Hinduism in the schools they run? If

so, how and when?

All Omkarananda Educational Institutions are situated in
places which are since immemorial times impregnated with
the vibrant spiritual presence of immortal Rishis and Sages.
At every turn the children are faced with the dynamisms of
living Hinduism; the very atmosphere of the place teaches
them the basic principles of Hinduism.


Omkarananda Educational Society aims at imparting

education to all students irrespective of their caste, creed,
colour, religion or sex. In all Omkarananda educational institutions students enjoy total freedom of religious views, beliefs and practices. Religion is presented joyously and with
wisdom and love. Since students belong to various religions,
the teachings of Hinduism and the essentials of all religions
are being taught to the children in the Moral Science Classes.
Also guest lecturers and important personalities from
all walks of life give frequently talks on various subjects like
health, spirituality, better living, yoga and medicine. These
lights of learning inspire and impart to the children the lessons and the wisdom they have gathered in their lives.
Here are two of the most recent examples of prominent
spiritual personalities lecturing to our school-children, thereby beneficially influencing the children to live a life in accordance with the ethical, moral and spiritual ideals:
In September 1995 His Holiness Sri Swami Shivapremanandaji Maharaj, a direct disciple of Swami Sivananda, who
runs an Ashram in Argentina, was received as Guest of Honour in our Omkarananda Saraswati Nilayam. The children
were enthusiastic about his inspiring lecture on the spiritual
In February/March 1996, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas hosted the internationally renowned, most adorable
great Saint Sri Vasant V. Paranjpe Maharaj with a number
of his distinguished disciples. The Ashram was most happy
to facilitate the starting of his latest project which aims at

spreading his Fivefold Path of which Agnihotra and Yagna

are the heart and soul also in the Himalayan area. Sri
Vasantji has a special program of teaching basic principles of
the Sanatana Dharma, including Agnihotra, to the children.
The visit of his team was a great success at our Omkarananda
Saraswati Nilayam.
These special hours with guest lecturers are of great value
to the school, and contribute to the shaping of the ethical,
moral and spiritual ideals of the children.
On the 108th anniversary of Sri Swami Sivanandas
birthday all the schools of Rishikesh were invited to participate in a prayer and speech competition at Sivananda
Ashram. When the Omkarananda students finished their
extraordinary performance of most rhythmic and enchanting prayers, the hall was booming with applause, and non
ending congratulations accompanied the winners of five first
prizes, and one second prize for senior, junior and primary
group-prayer in English and Hindi, as well as two first prizes for the Hindi and English speeches. Such successful programs constantly improve the already excellent reputation of
Omkarananda Schools and Institutes, and show the spiritual
impact Omkarananda Ashram has on education.
PRAYATNASHEEL, the annual Magazine of
Omkarananda Saraswati Nilayam, contains words of wisdom
of Sri Swami Omkarananda, messages of teachers, reports
on guest lecturers with summaries of their speeches and
most important many student contributions in the form
of small articles, poems, witty comments, scientific knowl23

edge, etc. The students try to excel each other in intelligence,

in the depth of knowledge, spiritual insights and in giving
Golden Rules of Life. The students demonstrate by their active participation that their school journal is great fun. This
Magazine is thus another most attractive way of imparting
and deepening moral, ethical and spiritual principles to the
children and youth.
The Himalayan Ashrams Publication Department
edits, publishes and distributes since 1990 VIDYA
PRABODHINI, the biannual Magazine of Omkarananda
Ashram Himalayas, with leading articles of Sri Swami
Omkarananda, drawn from his speeches given during the
daily three-times Satsang, as well as many other most inspiring spiritual contributions and Ashram information concerning its activities, publications etc. It reaches a still wider
public, bearing as it does most inspiring spiritual wisdom.
Furthermore the Ashram distributes printed publications and Audio CDs carrying the teachings of Swami
Omkarananda and other speakers. Audio CDs, Video
DVDs and printed publications on Suktas, Stotras, Aratis,
Ashtakams, Mantras, Instrumental Music and Indian Classical Dance are also available.


H.T. Question 5:

Who lives at the Ashram how many Indians,

how many Europeans? What is their general
background? Are they disciples of the Swami, or
are they more like paying guests? Are there both
boys and girls living together? That is an important
issue, as you know.


Who lives in the Ashram? Their background!

People of all nationalities live in the Ashram. Those that live

in the Ashram live by the eternal spiritual Values. Many of
them have come to the Ashram as children and while yet in
their teens. From their previous lives, they have inherited
classical Hindu Nature and Hindu Samskaras. By Swabhava
they are real Brahmins. It is the repeated opinion of the Experts in the field that they recite Vedic Hymns and other
sacred Hindu texts better than the best of the Brahmins
of South, North, East, West of India (see the statement
of Vedadarshan
acharya Mahamandaleshwar Sri Swami
Gangeshwarananda and others, Supplement Three). They
have brought pure hearts and innocent natures, and are
made Hindus by special purificatory Vedic and Tantric and
Pauranic Rituals. They are given Upanayana sacrament and
are made Brahmins. And they are given Sannyasa Diksha and
are made Monks and Nuns of Adishankaracharyas Saraswati
Order, belonging to Sri Sharada Pitha of Sringeri. We have
our special predilection for our Kanchi Kamakoti Pitha. Our

lives are conditioned to highest purity as we are rooted in the

worship of the supreme Divine Mother, Srividya. The life in
this form of Worship, Vidya, requires from us uncompromising inner and outer purity.

Who lives at Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas

Only Indians and Indian citizens of Western European lands

are living in the Ashram here: they are all Sannyasis and
spiritual aspirants. All of them are highly educated and specialised in various educational and engineering fields. They
are all direct disciples of Swami Omkarananda and have been
with him since the late 1960s.
The Ashram has some rare jewels such as the most
loved and respected Sage Prabhuji Acharya Surya Prakash,
the ever-serving and dynamic Mother Usha Devi and the
saintliness-incarnate boy of many talents Siddhartha whose
Bhajans sung by himself in a pure classical style keep the
audience spell-bound.
The guests that come to participate in the Ashrams
spiritual activities are lodged and given food free of costs.

Are there both boys and girls living together in the


The Core of the individual spiritual disciplines in the

Ashram consists in Sri Vidya Upasana, a form of divine
Worship and Yoga-practice that requires unconditional

inner and outer purity; it raises the consciousness of the

Sadhaka into the realm of the timeless and the spaceless;
it settles in every part of his or her body the Divinity, the
Infinite and the Eternal. The consciousness of the differences between sexes or boys and girls, which is so characteristic of even very noble human nature, falls away. All
life is divine; moral norms, principles and character are
fully fulfilled and transcended. In spite of such purity, the
girls in their periods segregate themselves from the rest of
the community and stay away from Temple Pujas. It can
happen that here and there is a weak soul. The omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent Divinity knows many
ways of withdrawing such a soul from such environs.
In Omkarananda Ashram boys and girls are full of
Satwic Nature and dominated by Adhyatmika Buddhi. They
are really Devaganas. They are fully occupied every day with
the practice of Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga.
They are experts in the performance of Pujas, Hawanas,
Abhishekas. The boys look upon and inwardly adore girls as
direct incarnations of the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful Divine Mother. And girls look upon boys as embodiments of the Divine Mothers all-seeing Presence. Thoughts
bound up with body-consciousness are foreign to them. The
strict rules of a life in Srividya govern their daily life and
conduct. We have boy-Sannyasis and girl-Sannyasis. The atmosphere in which they live is charged with deep spirituality.
The Prana-pratishtha Devatas of our Ashram Temples constantly watch over them and protect them from all sides. See
also the answer to the Question 6 b.

H.T. Question 6:

You can ask Swamiji his opinion on (a) abortion and

on (b) unmarried men and women living together
in the same Ashram. (c) And you can interview
individual inmates of the Ashram. Ask them about
their experience there.

a) Abortion

Abortion in any form and for any reason, is bad and should
be discouraged. However, Hindu Dharma permits abortion
in very exceptional cases, but there is no case that can be
quickly defended as an exceptional case. One has to study
scrupulously any special case before one can call it a very rare
and exceptional case.

Disciplined and divinely protected men and women

in the same Ashram

With reference to your question on unmarried men and

women living together in the same Ashram, we do not answer concerning other organisations, institutions, Ashrams,
but we refer only to our Ashram. Unmarried men and
women in our Ashram follow absolutely the principle of
Brahmacharya and abide by all codes of conduct dictated
and determined by all-absorbing love for the supreme Divine
Mother, Parashakti, Parameshwari. All men in our Ashram

look upon all women as direct Manifestations of the all-seeing, all-pervading Divine Mother. Moral lapses are not possible and unknown in the Ashram. Should anyone feel unable
to adhere strictly to the principle of Brahmacharya and not
be able to keep up his divine attitude to women as divine
Mothers incarnations, he is asked to leave the Ashram.
Omkarananda Ashram is a Sri Vidya Ashram, where
every lady, young or old, is adored as Divine Mother, and
not as a woman. With this well established attitude, there
is no question of sensual thoughts. Should however any
Ashramite feel attracted to the idea of marriage, he or she
will leave the Ashram.

Ask inmates of the Ashram about their experience


See the Fourth Supplement, printed as the last pages of this

Questions and Answers Text.


H.T. Question 7:

In your Switzerland Ashram they have the practice

of keeping the yagna, a sacred fire, burning
continuously, and have maintained 24-hours vigil
at the fire since 1974. This is very interesting to
us, as the monks here also maintain a vigil at our
Nataraja Temple 24 hours a day, in 3-hours shifts.
Why do they do this? What is the meaning of it?

Yagna is one of the most effective forms of worship of the
Divine. It has been practised for thousands of years by
great saints and sages of India. Through the intonation of
the special Vedic Mantras, we invoke the living, responding, dynamic presence of Fire-God, Agni-Devata, into the
sacred Fire of the Yagna-Kunda, and offer into His hands our
prayers, offerings, and so on, to be delivered to the Divinity
of our devotion and meditation, and to other Gods and
Goddesses. We offer our Mantras, prayers, offerings directly
to the Heart of the Infinite and the Eternal in the form of
Gods and Goddesses whose favours and Grace we desire, not
through our hands, through the agency of our impure hearts
or impure bodies, but through the agency of the purest thing
that there is in all the world, Fire. Agni-Devata carries our
prayers and offerings directly to the Divinities of our choosing.
When we recite Mantra, yes, the all-hearing God hears

it. But if we offer the same Mantra-recitation through fire,

it directly reaches the heart of God at once. That is a secret.
This technique God Himself has revealed in sacred scriptures. We apply this technique of placing our prayers, our
Mantra-recitation directly in the lap of the Divine, through
the agency of Agni-Devata.
This Fire-Ceremony is a wonderful ceremony. It wields a
tremendous influence on all mankind, on the whole of creation on plants, on stars, on the whole earth, on visible
and invisible entities a beneficent effect, a blessing effect.
Everything flourishes, everything blossoms. It is a wonderful
ceremony. There are secrets within secrets in this ceremony.

H.T. Question 8:

Is Swami Omkarananda training a Successor?

Our Ashram is not planned and founded and organised
by any enlightened human will. It is a spontaneous manifestation of the divine Will and divine Grace. No power
of the world however great can affect or damage its existence. It survives every challenge and executes its functions
so long as that divine Will and that divine Grace will it.

Omkarananda Ashram first came into existence in March

1965, with the construction of the Yagna-Shala in the premises of the Viththal Mandir and Ashram adjoining the now
Omkarananda Ashrams main Building in the Himalayas.
Most powerful Yagnas were conducted, in the Presence
of Swami Omkarananda, two immortal Sages, the Divine
Mother Herself and other Divinities, by Siddha Purusha
Swami Durgananda.
Swami Omkarananda has no personal Will and no
private Life. It is decreed by Mahatripurasundari, Parvati
Parameshwari, that no matter where in the world Swami
Omkarananda resides in a Building or a House, that Building or that House is granted by the Gods and Goddesses the
status of a Temple. Notwithstanding its outer appearance,
such a Building or House is indeed in its interior a real Temple. Of the future, the past and the present of Omkarananda
Ashram, you have to address your question to that divine
Will and that divine Grace if your position on the scale of
your inner spiritual evolution affords an access to them.
Successors are not trained. Successors are born. Saints
are not made. They are born. By the purity of their heart, by
their untiring selfless services, by their following in the footsteps of Swamiji, and above all by the divine Grace successors
constitute themselves. If you wish, you can interview any of
the persons living in Omkarananda Ashram, and watch their
purity, their selflessness, their devotion, their service.
Speaking from the standpoint of the organisation,
we have two main Registered Trust Societies to guaran32

tee the survival, growth and expansion of the Services of

the Omkarananda Ashram, for decades and perhaps for
centuries to come: one, Omkarananda Charitable Trust,
two, Omkarananda Dharma Samsthan. The next elected
President of the Trust Societies will be the Successor of their
present Founder-President.

Who is the Successor? Try to interview him.

The very person whom the representative and journalist of the
HINDUISM TODAY, Mr. Malik, contacted and to whom
he dictated the questions on Omkarananda Ashram, is the
Vice-President* of Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswatis
Four Trust Societies, which are functioning for, and through,
Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, Sri Swami Vishveshwar
ananda Saraswati. His Name signifies the Happiness of
Lord Siva Vishwanatha of Varanasi, of Sivananda Ashrams
Vishwanatha Temple and of Omkarananda Ashrams
Dipeshwara Temple. He is an Akhanda Brahmachari, one
who has embodied in himself from childhood and youthhood unbroken principle of Brahmacharya. He has received Sannyasa Diksha from Paramahamsa Omkarananda
Saraswati. Pancha Tantra says, He is not a Saint in truth,
who is not a Saint in youth. Vishveshwarananda is a Karma
* now President


Yogi by temper, character and choice and bears in his heart

uncompromising and total Devotion to his Gurudev. From
1967 to 1982 he has rendered distinguishing services to
Omkaranandas European Ashrams. In 1982 he was sent to
Himalayas, Muni-ki-Reti, Rishikesh. Within a short time
he has created a large new field of activities the Ashram
Temples for the Sadhakas, schools for the students, and
buildings for the resident Swamis, Teachers and Professors.
In a hilly region, which is a world of Sadhus, Sannyasis and
Mahatmas, he discovered education as the greatest need, and
has been ably fulfilling this need much to the joy of over a
thousand families. He is self-effacing and has no ambition to
be the succeeding President from his present Vice-President
Position*. Yet from the standpoint of the institution, he is
the successor. Such is his Devotion to the Gurudev that he
always wants to be Hanuman and not Lord Rama. He is
not only Hanuman but also Bharata. With absolute physical
absence of his other-worldly Mystic and Sage Sadgurudeva
Omkarananda from the Ashram, since the last 30 years,
Swami Vishveshwarananda has been, since he took up the
Management of the Ashram, ruling the tiny kingdom of
the Ashram just with Guru-Padukas on the Throne of the
A team of Omkarananda Saraswatis monastic disciples, who are also Members of the Board of Omkarananda
* Being declared as His Successor by Gurudev H.D. Paramahamsa
Omkarananda Saraswati, Sri Swami Vishveshwarananda Saraswati
was elected by the Trust Societies as their President.


Trust Societies Swami Satchidananda, Swami Gauri

shankarananda and Somashekhari (Somashekhari has also
got Sannyasa-Diksha and is a monastic disciple, but has been
ordered by Sadgurudeva Omkarananda to be in civil dress
so long as she is the Director of Natyakala Academy and
Sangit Samsthan and has to teach these Arts to students and
has to give public performances) are greatly helping Swami
Vishveshwarananda. In the spirit of the Veda Mantra, they
are serving Sarva-Devata and the public as one Heart, one
Mind, one Will. The Grace of Guru, Gayatri, Ganga, Gita,
Tripurasundari is visibly operative in their lives.

H.T. Question 9:

If Swamiji is in Europe, you may be able to ask him

questions by fax. You can ask about his overall
vision for the organisation, and what the plans are
for the future. What is his central teaching, what
does he think is the most pending problem for
Hindus today? What can we do about it?


The Vision of Swamiji in relation to his organisation

Swamiji is an utterly other-worldly Mystic rooted in the


Truth-experience. He never considers that he has any devotees, disciples, followers, and an organisation. If you see there
is an organisation around him, then it is purely a manifestation of the divine Will and divine Grace. The vision of It
and the future of It belong entirely to that divine Will, and
is known only to It. He adores and serves all, disciples or
no-disciples, as direct manifestations of the Divine.

Swamijis plans for the future

Swami Omkarananda is essentially a flame of the spirit of renunciation, with no personal wishes, no desires, no plans, no
programs, no aims totally self-surrendered to the Truth and
literally breathing and moving in It. Therefore, the whole of
his life is nothing but the Self-expression of the luminous
Nature of the transcendent Divinity. In his case, the future
unfolds itself in accordance with the rhythms of the divine

Central Teachings of Swami Omkarananda

Swamijis Central Teaching is: Practise Yoga of Synthesis. Be

in yourself a Karma Yogi, Bhakti Yogi, Raja Yogi, Mantra
Yogi, Jnana Yogi. Love the all-pervading, all-knowing, allmighty God with all your Heart and Soul. Experience Him
here and now, and distribute the fruits of that Experience to
all mankind.
Everywhere there is nothing other than God. He is with36

in us, around us, above us, below us, everywhere. Everything

is God. Know and experience this! Look upon every-one and
everything with an overwhelming conviction: this is God in
Look upon the whole world with eyes full of Love, a
mind full of Peace, a heart full of Blessings, with hands full
of Strength and ready for Service, with a life that is full of
God-consciousness. Bless as you walk, bless as you think,
bless as you feel, bless as you work, bless in all ways, each
minute of the day. If you do this, the whole nature, the
whole of creation will reveal to you the boundless Beauty,
Harmony, Love, Happiness, Peace, which really is your own
innermost nature, your true divine Self. You will be divine in
every cell of your being. You will be a supra-cosmic individual of transcendental Experience.

Answer to the problems facing the Hindus today

The most pressing and pending problems of the Hindus

today, are widely known. The first step in solving them is
to publish and distribute all over the world newspapers like
HINDUISM TODAY, and disseminate the works of God
realised Men of India, and the Wisdom in all the Hindu
scriptures. Nothing is more inspiring, more powerful, more
light-giving, more joy-making, more paradise-building than
the wisdom and immortal words of the eternal Hinduism,
the Sanatana Dharma.
Every Hindu should try to live by the ideals of the

Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas and other such

timeless Hindu scriptures; then, automatically all problems
will solve themselves. The wisdom of these scriptures, and
a life lived in the light of this Wisdom, afford every Hindu
wonderful insights that enable him to face and overcome all
the contemporary problems he is challenged with around the
The greatest problem that dogs the footsteps of man, be
he Hindu or non-Hindu, is the ignorance of the all-governing Reality of God in daily life, of the real Nature of oneself
as Satchidananda, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss. The greatest
service that those who are concerned with the welfare of the
Hindus, can render to the Hindus is to spread the literature
like that of Sivananda all over the world. Let the Light of
wisdom reach Billions. Illuminate their minds and enlighten their hearts. Make them lights unto themselves and they
shall solve not only their own problems, but other peoples
problems, not only be happy, but make others happy.


H.T. Question 10:

You can ask Swamiji about the concept that it is OK

to use bad money for a good purpose, if it purifies
the money, something we heard from India a lot
and which Guruji does not agree with. You can also
ask him about bribery, why it seems to be a way of
life in India.

When bad money is used for a good purpose, the good purpose becomes a bad purpose. A good purpose does not purify
the money; on the other hand, the good purpose is rendered
bad by the bad money. What is more, there are karmic consequences for those that so use bad money. But, there are
numberless Faces of bad money. Some Faces are not so bad
as they seem to be, and if that money is selflessly, egolessly,
offered at the altar of a Temple Deity, it can help wash away
some of the sins of that person. This fact does not give a
license to anyone to obtain bad money and give it to the
Temple Deity and imagine it washes away ones sins. Badrachala Ramadas robbed the State Treasury, to build a Temple
for Lord Rama. Ramadas was imprisoned. Lord Rama paid
back to the State Treasury the misappropriated money. Lord
Rama made the Bhakti of Ramadas boundless and granted
him God-realisation. However, no one can imitate such an
example. There can be only one Ramadas of Badrachalam.
Valmiki of Ramayana was a robber, he robbed the travellers
and fed his family. When wisdom dawned on him, he gave

up this style of life and became one of the greatest of the

immortal Sages of India.
Good and bad are relative. Even in Rama Rajya, there
is evil, the bad Kaykeyi and Ravana. You can never separate
good from bad and bad from good, by no means, not by governmental, social, ethical, economic, religious means. These
means can increase good, but not eliminate evil. Good and
bad cannot be severed from one another; they can only be
transcended in individual experience of the absolute Truth,
God-realisation. Swamijis central message is: Experience the
Truth, or God, but first prepare the ground for such an experience through being good and doing good, by adhering
to Brahmacharya, Satyam, Ahimsa. Be a Karma Yogi, Bhakti
Yogi, Raja Yogi, Mantra Yogi, Jnana Yogi all in one.
Since the birth of mankind here on our planet, bribery has existed in one or the other form. It has numberless
Faces. Bribery in India is explainable by some of these factors:
poverty, low income, high taxes, growing needs of the people.
Bribery is universal in India because of these and several other
reasons, but bribery is not absent in Europe and in America.
One can see in the newspapers bribery exists in West Germany, Switzerland, Italy and other countries. In Russia now it is
as much rampant as in India. It is present in Japan, Korea, in
all of the very rich countries. However, bribery should not be
encouraged, one has to keep ones hands off from it, under all
circumstances. The only real solution to all ills and evils of life
lies in the birth and growth of deep spirituality in individual
life. A real Ashram is the Home of such deep spirituality; it is
the main function of the Ashram to spread it.


Sivananda and Omkarananda:

Divine Flower and Divine Fragrance
SIVANANDAS whole merit stands revealed in this volume....
Today, the burning problem is constituted by the arguments
advanced by materialism, mechanism, positivism, and a narrow-minded evolutionary theory. Recently, I spent a week
at the Congress and the International Institute of Philosophy, and observed how these tendencies dominate not only
the philosophy of Communism, but also the thoughts of
many Western thinkers. To this, Sivanandas philosophy,
its fundamentals and its application, as shown by Swami
Omkarananda, are a powerful counter-balance, and we are in
full agreement with it... In my capacity as the President of the
Swiss Philosophical Society, a body of which representatives
of the philosophical faculties of the Universities of Geneva,
Lausanne, Neuchatel, Bern, Basel, Zurich and Fribourg, are
members, and in my capacity as President of the International Parapsychological Society, and Member of other scientific
unions, I feel competent to pronounce an opinion.... I have
read a few of Swami Sivanandas works. But I confess that
only after I had perused the first tome of the great synthesising work in three volumes by Swami Omkarananda, my
eyes were fully opened to the true greatness and significance
of the scholar, scientist, sage and teacher Sivananda. The
comparisons Omkarananda draws between Sivananda and
Plato, Kant, Leibniz, Schleiermacher and other philosophers,

are very important for a better understanding between East

and West. Dr. Gebhard Frei, Professor of Comparative
Religion, UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH, Switzerland.
OMKARANANDA commands the intellectual energy, literary skill, spiritual brilliance and cultural background needed to answer most of the modern challenges.
Dr. Edward de Betterncourt, M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., UNIVERSITY OF SANTIAGO, South America.
THIS young sage of India, Swami Omkarananda, owns
a nature characterised by transcendental tenderness, commands a wisdom beyond his years, is too highly educated
for his age, and astonishes the American elite as much by his
culture of the highest order as by his genius for classical literary expression in all its multiple form. Providence has, me
thinks, endowed him with every excellence that entitle him
to Worlds Presidentship. He has a valuable message for our
civilization. Dr. Florence la Fontaine, Ph.D., D.Litt.,
SIVANANDAS works are profound and deeply inspiring. It has often been disputed that inspiring material of the
type composed by Sivananda and his disciples is not amenable to scholastic research. This I have found to be untrue; for,
such works as those of His Holiness are, in themselves, what
scholars in this country call primary source material.
Swami Agehananda Bharati (Prof. Dr. Leopold Fischer of

AN ENORMOUS and wonderful work that overwhelms us with excellent philosophical knowledge, and keeps
us reflecting over the extraordinary zeal, the unusual power
of memory, the able survey, the deep insight and intuition,
and the analysing and synthesising capacities such a work
demands. Omkaranandas versatile philosophic genius, we
admire not as his personal attribute, but as a manifestation
of God, as an all-penetrating light of the Truth, and as an expression of Cosmic Vision. The work will be continued to be
studied for centuries. .... A magnificent service to humanity
as a whole. Hanna Herrmann, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Swami Omkarananda is a whole culture in himself, a
culture which might be a real alternative to our own Western narrow world-view. His statements <about himself and
on meditation> are genuine utterings of a real Guru, whose
God-given Mission (also Sivananda says, Guru is one who is
sent by God) is to bring to the people the light, the truth, the
peace and the joy which he himself IS. .... This Source-Book
<Sivananda Literature Volume One> is an intellectual and
literary achievement, to which no one can withhold either
his admiration or his recognition of its value. Prof. Dr.
This wonderful treatise is an eternal monument splendid and stupendous. What sweetness is to sugar and what
fragrance is to a flower, Swami Omkarananda is to Swami
Sivananda; because, the former is as wonderful as the latter.
The Call Divine, Madras, India.

Four times, I got a Professorship at the Tamagawa University in Tokyo, Japan, and taught also in USA and in
India. I have known the writings of Swami Omkarananda
since a long time. They reach the people of all continents in
many languages. I had the opportunity to meet him and his
Ashram inmates personally. My impression was confirmed:
Here is a man who serves and works from a high and powerful spiritual vision and with all-embracing goodness for the
well-being of all peoples and all nations, without any personal
interest, a truly uplifting example of selflessness. Professor
Dr. h.c. Werner Zimmermann, Zurich, Switzerland.
It is known that Swami Omkarananda possesses the
power of an extraordinary radiation and his activities are
recognized by Swiss and foreign University Professors. His
institution is a school of a high spiritual order. Dr. Nello
Celio, late President of the Federal Council, Federal Government of Switzerland.
Swami Omkaranandas mission is to show us new ways
in the contemporary world, and to explain to us the ancient
wisdom in modern language. For, on the one hand he knows
the traditions of his native country India, and on the other
hand, he reveals to us the beauty and the wisdom of Jesus
Christs teachings again and again, which were misunderstood and neglected too often in the Occident. Moreover,
his knowledge of modern sciences is surprising. Already
these capacities qualify Swami Omkarananda to be counted
among the most important of the celebrated Swiss personalities as J.H. Pestalozzi, H. Dunant, C.G. Jung Dr. Ing. H.
de Witt, Physicist, Switzerland.


Adishankara, Saint Jnaneshwar and

SRI SWAMI VENKATESANANDA, a direct disciple of
His Holiness Sri Swami Sivananda, who became himself a
renowned spiritual leader and founder of an Ashram in Mauritius, published in an introductory note the following statement about his younger Guru-Bhai Swami Omkaranandaji:
This intuitive genius possesses the wisdom of a
sage at a very young age. He has been literally burning
with such a fire of thirst for knowledge that at an
astoundingly early age of 25 he shines as a master
of several fields of knowledge; and in his insatiable
eagerness to expand the frontiers of his knowledge, he
often exalts himself to heights of wisdom, from where
he is able to direct the gaze of the very authorities on a
subject to the truth in it that they missed. This intuitive
capacity has been made possible in him, not only by
his penetrating insight into men and things, but by
an inborn ability to realise within himself all that he
perceives and desires to understand.
This ability to realise everything within himself it
was that lit within him the Lamp of Discrimination
and Dispassion while he was yet in his teens. I realised
that even the life of a monarch or a millionaire is not

worth my aspiring for, he said once. This realisation

was born of his actually living the life of a monarch or
millionaire within himself.
Endowed with this supreme dispassion,
Omkaranandaji shines today as a bala-Jnani, a great
lover of seclusion and solitude, with a fiery spirit of
renunciation that knowingly, willingly, gladly and
constantly spurns all the enjoyments of the universe
as straw. Like Sri Sankara and Sri Jnaneshwar, Swami
Omkarananda has, even while he is so young, been
guiding spiritual aspirants all over the world with
sublime and deep wisdom born of his enlightened
intellect. He hides himself and you can hardly meet
him; but his fame and his life-transforming thoughts
have girdled the earth today. Hard working and devoted
to the Master, Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, Swami
Omkarananda blends in himself the best among
Karma Yogis, the devout Bhakta, the fiery Yogi and
the resplendent Jnani. He is the best interpreter of Sri
Swami Sivanandas Philosophy.
Sri Swami Venkatesanandaji closes his introductory note
with a salute to the spiritual Light of his Guru-Bhai:
May we all be enabled by Gurudevs Supreme grace
to walk in the footsteps of Swami Omkaranandaji and
thereby make our own lives blessed.


The late President of Sivananda Ashram, His Holiness

Sri Swami CHIDANANDA Maharaj, introduced in his recorded message his Guru-Bhai Swami Omkarananda with
the following words:
... a holy spiritual brother of mine, young Swami
Omkarananda, whom Swamiji, our beloved master
Swami Sivananda, used to call Bala Yogi, or the Boy
Yogi. Swami Omkarananda, a young boy Yogi, whom
the master loved, and held in high esteem for his
great philosophical abilities, is coming to you as a true
representative of the spirit of Sannyasa, of the holy
men of India. He brings to you the fresh breath of the
Ganges and the Himalayas, and he is an embodiment
of the silent Sannyasin who teaches by the power of
his ideal life preaches through personal example more
than through so many words.
Swamini SHIVAPREMANANDA, a disciple of Sri
Swami Sivanandaji, a well-known German Yoga Teacher and
President of the Dorschhausen branch of The Divine Life
Society, stated in a letter to her students (translation from
Sri Swami Omkarananda reached in very young
years Self-Realisation, as was stated by his famous
teacher <Sri Swami Sivananda> himself. ... A long
cherished dream and deep longing to meet a selfless
Yogi of Self-Realisation coming from the solitude of
the Himalayas to us here in Europe out of love for

the struggling humanity has come true. ... Swami

Omkarananda is the highest and finest we can meet
today on this earthly plane, in the fields of Spiritual Arts
and Science, Yoga, Vedanta, Philosophy, and so on.
We Need the Ideal of Swami Omkarananda as presented
by Dr. phil. Erwin R. Jacobi, UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH,
When Swami Omkarananda came to us, he was of
the very same age as Albert Schweitzer was, when he first
departed for Lambarene. We as the Underdeveloped
and the Illiterate of another type here in Central
Europe than the inhabitants of Equatorial Africa yet
not less needy in our poverty than they require and
demand Swami Omkaranandas help and services in a
great and steadily increasing number, and this in spite
of the achievements of some of our big and powerful
organisations which seem so secure and unfailing. It
is left to the reader to continue this comparison in
accordance with his own experiences and lived events.
Not only do we need the Ideal of an Albert
Schweitzer in order to adjust our living and thinking in
the sense of his Reverence for Life, but we need also
the example of Swami Omkarananda, who by his very
life and work is called to teach anew Goethes Being
Pious in order this Piety may unfold and bear fruit in
our hearts and lead us to real peace.


DR. A. B. MAALAKARADDY, M.D., Minister for

Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka,
Bangalore, India, expressed his deep reverence after his
visit at Omkarananda Ashram and its Temples, which was
crowned with Swamijis Darshan:
The day of our visit to Sadguru Omkarananda
Swamijis holy Ashram shall always be remembered and
cherished in our memory. The profound knowledge
of the disciples at the Ashram, Sanskrit prayers
and the ways of the practice of spirituality at the
Ashram has astonished us. By visiting Paramapoojya
Omkaranandajis Ashram myself and my wife were
enriched beyond measure to say the least. Discussions
with Sadguru Swami Omkaranandaji has given me
and my wife a new dimension for attainment of peace.
I have come to the conclusion that he is one of the
greatest living seers who leads a perfect Vedic life of a
Rishi. When I saw him, my memories went back to the
ancient Indian Vedic times which have given eternal
and imperishable truth to the world. Sadguruji was
extremely kind enough to Bless us and he was kindness



Flowers of Homage to
Omkarananda Ashram
GANGESHWARANANDA, the most celebrated exponent
of Vedas and Vedic rituals and the recognized All-India Leader and founder of G. Gangesh Chaturved Samsthan and
G.G. International Ved Mission, in Bombay, who at the
age of over 95 years visited the Omkarananda Ashram in
Winterthur for Ved Pratishtha, was particularly delighted
with the unbelievable activities of this unique Ashram, with
the most holy atmosphere of its Temples and with the high
quality of performance and purity of the young Sannyasis.
Here are some extracts of his Tribute to Swamiji and his
spiritual community:
Ved Mata Gayatri drew us here to breathe the
intoxicating Vedic atmosphere and to feel the divine
touch of various mantras. I have visited a number of
Ashrams and Mandirs in India and abroad, but never
have experienced such a deep spiritual happiness
combined with purity and simplicity.
Bhagavan Veda has chosen the most beautiful seat,
where, in the constant flow of Vedic mantras, Omkar
Anand is reflected. Our young teenager sister reciting

Shree Suktas, Purush Suktas and Rudradhyaya mantras

fluently in perfect original Sanskrit accents is indeed
remarkable and highly creditable.
In his recorded speech at our Temple (which was simultaneously translated to our Ashramites by S. Krishnamurti),
he exclaimed with great joy:
I never had such an experience as I had here in
Omkarananda Ashram, where I heard the children
reciting the Vedas. In India even the top class Brahmins
cannot pronounce it so well, and here the children did it.
I had one worry that I must spread this Veda Bhagavan,
the book everywhere. Now Swami Omkaranandaji has
removed that worry, I am free of worry.
and Trustee of both Sri Bhagawat Vidyapeeth and Sri
Vallabha Nidhi, and the Editor of Janakalyan from
Ahmedabad, India, visited Omkarananda International
Ashram. Here below we give excerpts of his Divine Flowers
laid at the Lotus-feet of Swamiji and his devotees:
I had longed to see the Ashram, having read about
it in books, and having heard from the renowned
scholar of superhuman intelligence, the eminent and
profound Philosopher, Shri Badrinath Shastri of Baroda,
about its Founder-President, Sri Swami Omkaranandaji
Tapasvi, ascetic, highly intelligent, attached to the
Lotus Feet of Mother Maha Tripurasundari a purehearted Yogi whose fame has spread far and wide .

Moved by the divine Power, I happened to travel to

Switzerland to this holy and unique place, the Ashram,
during the special Puja celebration of Shri Mother
Tripurasundari and Nava Durga. A heavenly grove! I
have no word to speak or write but I cannot help
saying that this Tapovana is nothing but the everflowing
Waters of the holy river Ganges, or a hermitage made
supremely divine by constant chanting of the holy
Mantras and by penance a blissful state of Liberation
Instead of making the futile attempt of describing
it in words, it would be more proper to have a bath
in this holy water. When I beheld the Swamiji, I felt
that I saw the Incarnation of Muni Bharadwaja, who
continuously offered Ahutis at four altars and practised
Mantras, Tantras, the mystic rites and philosophies.
Administering the institution, discoursing, and guiding
for twenty-four hours a day, with an ever-smiling face
for all residents and visitors, remaining in the state of
detachment, blissful, happy, and like the ever-glittering
sun, one who has transcended the ego, Swamiji also
advises like a close relative and benefactor, like a Divine
Father and Divine Mother to all those who come in
contact with him. He is proficient in whatever work
is being undertaken, and is always wishing the good
and welfare of all humanity. I realised the presence of
a Mahayogi King Pruthu in humility, Vachaspati in
morals, Bhagirath in industry, Jaimini in preaching,
innocent like a child, an orator like Vasishta, like Kubera

in charity, Dhruva in devotion and Prahlaad in the

constant chanting of the holy Names of Divine Mother.
The Ashram is as great as the greatness of Swami
Omkarananda. The Ashram is like a huge hermitage,
full of devotees, who are spreading culture, spiritual
ideals, faith, and all the highest values of character;
and induces in visitors tranquillity, divinity, bliss and
joy. What is more, the place bestows honour upon
everyone; and all the aspirants seem to be the living
angels of the earth, and the living souls of our most
revered Swamiji.
a direct disciple of the Sage Sri Swami Sivananda, who has his
own Ashram in Argentina, commented in a letter to Swami
Omkarananda about his impressions during his recent visit
in his Guru-Bhais Himalayan Ashram:
This whole day I have experienced the immense
joy of being in the company of the five blessed
Devaganas, devoted disciples of Yours, who have made
this Omkarananda Ashram such an inspiring abode
of selfless service and abiding peace They have
turned their devotion for their Guru into marvellous
institutions of social and spiritual service, of which this
ancient land is in so much need and which you can
really be proud of To be with .... <them> is like being
enveloped in the highest form of love and devotion that
one should have for their Guru. Your spiritual presence

is, of course, constantly here, in every building and in

all the work done



Our Experiences of the Phenomenon

that Omkarananda Saraswati is
in our daily Life with Him
By two Ashram Inmates: Dr. Strauss and Dr. Eckert
We need a God-man who holds in his heart inexhaustible
resources in Wisdom, in Love and in the Power of Light. Be
that Europe or Asia, America or Australia, Russia or Africa,
be that any continent, any nation, or even any religion, or
any culture, or any social group, or any economic organisation or educational institution, or political party, or an old
peoples society, or a youth association, or all of them in one,
the whole world it needs above all, above all, and first of all,
first of all, a God-man. Here is one: Omkarananda Saraswati.
Philosophical schools founded on theorizing about the
Truth we have since before the times of Aristotle. We need
someone who lives in the Truth, experiences the Truth, is
established in the Truth, and therefore, speaks to us in simple words, flames of living fire that arise from the fact that
he lives in Truth, and Truth has made its habitation in him.
Here is one: Omkarananda Saraswati.
Scientists we have by the several thousands, and among
them Nobel-Prize bearers, and we yet have not seen the Face
of the Truth. For all their labours, we are also no nearer to
peace and happiness, wisdom and goodness, abundant life

and blessedness. We need a scientist who is rooted in the

Reality of realities, the Truth of truths, the Substance of all
that is existent, and speaks to us of the Truth that does not
change, that can be experienced, known and expressed, a
Truth that is universally the same, eternally the same, and
can be proved anywhere, and everywhere, in all circumstances. Here is one: Omkarananda Saraswati.
Priests we have many, brilliant and good, but we need
a prophetic soul with the credentials in daily Character and
Work from the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-blessing, all-loving, all-pervading Divinity. We need urgently one whose
heart is one with the Heart of the all-transforming divine
Presence, one whose soul is absorbed in the Soul of the Goal
of all religions, all cultures, all human aspirations. Here is
one: Omkarananda Saraswati.
So-called, or self-styled, or self-appointed world-redeemers and world-redeeming organisations we have, and yet
mankind groans in chains, and the redemption helps no one,
except the redeemers. We need a redeemer whose presence
is transforming, whose words are the words of Life eternal,
touching and elevating us into our essential element of infinite Peace, Joy, Existence. We need one who redeems men
by his mere presence, merely by his breathing. Here is one:
Omkarananda Saraswati.
Here he is a theocentric, Reality-centred man of universal Love and life-transforming and all-uplifting Wisdom,
an all-problem-solving example. He is here, not to receive
our services, but to serve us; not to be attended to by us, but

to attend to us; not to be loved by us, but to love us; not to

depend on anything we can do for him, but to go on doing
everything in his power for us.
In the preamble of the UNESCO constitution, it is written: ... since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the
minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.
The competence to grant guidance, special services and
leadership for so rare and difficult a work can be trusted only
to a man of God-experience, a monk whose life has been
from the earliest boyhood a blazing fire of renunciation, selflessness and devotion to the ultimate Reality. Happily, such
a personality we discover in Omkarananda Saraswati, who
is, at the same time, a philosopher, a writer of international
reputation, a man of vast erudition, a poet, and a person of
intellectual and prophetic energies.
Even in words scribbled by him, on an almost forgotten
scrap of paper, we discover, and therefore also can describe,
his eminent qualifications for so immense and urgent a task
as that of constructing peace in the minds of men:
The God or Soul of Love is my heart. The Soul of knowledge
is my mind. The Soul of Power is my will. My whole life is full
of the Soul of Peace. I live in such thoughts. I feel so. I experience
so. And therefore, silently, I am full of strength. Not fearing in
myself, I help others to conquer fears. Not needing peace, being
full of Peace, I help others attain peace.


Omkarananda Saraswati Is a Fascinating Life

Emanating from a Consciousness Permanently
Established in the Rich Beauty of the Divine Truth

Omkarananda Saraswati is an embodiment of highest spirituality, in the all-comprehensive sense of the word. He is a
Sage, who has reached the experience of the ultimate and
all-embracing Truth and is living out of It. Out of It he
draws the Wisdom, the Purity and the Radiance of his life;
in It he finds the Peace of his being, and the Strength for
his untiring service. He is essentially a flame of the spirit of
renunciation, with no personal wishes, no desires, no plans,
no programmes, no aims totally depending on the Truth,
and literally breathing and moving in It. He is first and last a
Lover of the Lord, who lives only for the Divine, who works
hard in order the Light of the Lord may spread.
He is a man of multiple and permanent God-experience. His constant experience of God as the absolute
Reason-Knowledge-Consciousness is the foundation of his
philosophy. His idea and experience of God as absolute
Beauty is the basis for his aesthetic theories and his art. His
ethics are rooted in his knowledge of God as absolute Goodness, absolute Truth, absolute Love. His philanthropy rises
from his experience of God as Love, and God as resident in
all beings. His services flow from the fact of his life that all
humanity is his family. All his works are flowings of divine
Grace for the welfare of mankind.
His words constitute great literature. His Love rules the
hearts of man. His Wisdom guides the footsteps of mankind
towards Peace and Joy, Light and Illumination.

The Greatness of His Thought Rises from His

Awareness of the Divine

Omkarananda Saraswati combines in himself a strong intellectual response to spiritual things, and an uncompromising
love of the ultimate Truth. Since his eighteenth year he has
been a philosopher, scholar and writer of international appreciation.
The many-sidedness and the adaptability of his thinking
are extraordinary. His thoughts are permanently rooted in
the Absolute though they have an astonishing nearness to
life. Still more, they are life-transforming. People who read
his literature find a new meaning and strength and peace and
happiness in life. They are inspired by the powerful ideas, uplifted by the broad, universal, all-embracing views, charmed
by the sweetness, kindness, humility and self-effacement
of this humblest of servants of mankind Omkarananda
Doctors, professors, statesmen and other persons
of eminence have paid high tributes to the Purity of
Omkarananda Saraswatis Truth-centred life, the brilliance
of his mind, and the excellence of his writings and cultural
attainments. His philosophical thought is compared with,
and considered complementary to, and is a fulfilment of, the
philosophy of Kant and of Hegel. Not unoften was he acclaimed Platonic in the extent and depth of metaphysical
thought. His psychology has been favourably set in the context of that of the famous Swiss psychologist, C.G. Jung; and
his psychological perceptions in relation to life have been

esteemed as greater than anything in the whole of Western

psychology since the time of Aristotle. His life is compared
to the lives of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine. As
a charismatic personality, a pioneering spirit, he reveals dimensions of personality that are characteristic of the greatest
benefactors of mankind.
As an educator Omkarananda Saraswati is a supreme example of moral and spiritual integrity. He is a man working
entirely selflessly and making numberless sacrifices in order
to spread amongst problem-laden humanity the Light and
the Knowledge of the fundamental values of life. His educational thought is so comprehensively rich and unique that
since as early as his twentieth year it has won for him in
American academic circles much honour and esteem.
Not only for the highly inspiring and life transforming Wisdom ever flowing from his all-comprehending
Truth-experience, but also for the untiring services springing from his universal and compelling love, and for his vast
abilities to help everyone become happy, peaceful, luminous,
progressive, Omkarananda Saraswati is profoundly revered
around the world. On European soil, at present, one hardly encounters a second example of such a life, led in such
an ideal spirit and unifying such an intellectual height with
such an unconditional readiness for helping and doing good.


His Lifes Philosophy of Selfless Action Emerges

from His Experience of the Divine Reality as
Unconditioned and Infinite Love

Omkarananda Saraswati has been encouraging the conducting of research into the causes of human unhappiness and
suffering. The highest form of philanthropy and humanitarianism we see in him. In his smallest auto-biography in the
world, written within minutes, he says:
There is no greater poverty or human disability than the
human ignorance; and therefore, the best way to do the best of
philanthropic and humanitarian services is to illuminate the
minds and enlighten the hearts of the people. Make them lights
unto themselves, and they shall not only be happy, but make
others happy, not only be rich, but enrich others, not only give,
but give more and more abundantly.
Knowledge of the Divine expresses itself in the hundreds
of ways of presenting the ultimate Truth to every kind of
man, to everyone, in every stage of evolution, in every culture, nation, race and religion. Omkarananda Saraswati is a
universal individual, a genius; and his spirituality is modern
and integral, and therefore transcends all religions; with the
result, he is the Christian of the Christians, the Hindu of the
Hindus, and is capable of leading everyone to tremendous
inner spiritual development, through whatever faith a person
belongs to, no matter what his temperament is. He is capable
of leading everyone to happiness, knowledge, inner wealth,
selflessness, inner spiritual development, illumination and
enlightenment, because his experience of the one God, the

one Truth, has made him one with all mankind:

When I look at myself, I am not there. There is everything.
Everything is One; and One is everything. There is an experience
of the multiplicity in the One; and the experience of the One
in the multiplicity. I am myself the Germans, the Italians, the
Russians, the Negroes, the Indians, the Tibetans, the Chinese,
the Americans. I am the women. I am the children. I am the
trees. I am the stones. When I meditate, everything meditates
with me. When I meditate, the Heart of the whole of Nature
is meditating with me. When I meditate, all the Angels of
God, all the immortal Mystics are meditating with me. When
I meditate, the whole inner Being and Soul of mankind is
meditating with me.
The welfare of all humanity is my welfare. The happiness
of the trees is my happiness. The peace of the birds is my peace.
The prosperity of the world is my prosperity. Everything belongs
to me. I live and labour for everything. I meditate for everyone.
I meditate through all. All are dear to me. Every minute,
thousands of packets of Love, thousands of gifts flow from my
Consciousness to all beings.
Mankind is mine. All Nature is mine. And mine is all the
world. I have won them in indestructible and all-triumphant
Love, in pervasive and self-maintaining Peace, in services and
sacrifices, and above all, in a total dissolution of the little self,
in the total triumph of That in me which is the Image of God.
I have inherited them in my oneness with That in them which
is the same as That which is in me.


Thus, not merely by the prevailing power of his unusual sympathy and boundless love, the sweetness of his
speech, his deep humility, but more fully by a power that
can come, by a spiritual quality that can grow active, only by
an intimate minute-by-minute consciousness of God, does
Omkarananda Saraswati bring relief to the suffering, comfort to the most distressed of the distressed among us, a new
hope and strength and life to the depressed and the unhappy,
and joy to spiritual aspirants. He is a man whose very name
inspires in thousands a rare joy, whose influence is his love,
whose only weapon is silent Truth, whose only goods are wisdom, understanding, patient hearing, and words that are to
any man, in any situation, most appropriate.
Only a holy man can be convincing in his words. Only
he can really comfort all kinds of people, in all kinds of troubling and trying circumstances. It is his authority that we
need, and that we unfailingly obtain:
I live in them, not in myself.
I look how much I can give, not what these people can give
me in return for my pains.
I bleed to help make them happy and peaceful and strong
and self-dependent not dependent on me or on anything
external to them.
I constitute them into a tower of strength unto themselves,
and give them much power of will for the good and for the
practice of disciplines of higher evolution.
I never advise them, but beg them.
I never instruct them, but merely illuminate some

phenomena; and they see the instructions themselves.

I do not think I am superior to them. Though I am a monk,
a spiritual leader, I have no feeling that I am in any way superior
to the meanest mortals who come to me.
Everyone is my Lord and my Leader. I make them feel their
essential worth and dignity and greatness.
I may have the wisdom of a Plato and the literary gifts
of a Goethe, yet I feel inferior to the unlettered, uneducated,
uncultured peasant. He is all to me; I am nothing to myself.
I may have the organizing abilities of a director and the
loving kindness of a St. Francis of Assisi, yet I think, I know, I
feel, I experience in myself that I am nothing.
They are troubled and come to me. I give them just what
they need, comfort.
They are wise, and come to me with a problem that needs the
Light of a greater Wisdom. I give them just that Light, as if that
Light were already in them, and they were in possession of it.
When we fail, God seems to fail in us. We consult
Omkarananda Saraswati, and know another way to encounter God as Success. When the future before us is black, we
find from him an assurance of our future happiness, and a
way to work for it. When the astrologers frighten us by predicting calamities, it is he, the super-astrologer, who grants
us the right knowledge. When the spiritualistic mediums
and little prophets of the world terrify us, it is his assurance
that comforts us.
Omkarananda Saraswati is an universal genius, loved
everywhere, esteemed everywhere. He is loved, because he

is unconditionally loving. He is served, because he needs no

ones services and serves others unconditionally and untiringly.
God is My Life, and I Have No Existence Apart from Him,
says Omkarananda Saraswati who is at once a Karma-Yogi,
a Jnana-Yogi, a Raja-Yogi and a supreme Bhakti-Yogi. This
synthesis in himself of the various Yogas, crowned by the
supreme Grace of the Supreme Mother of the Universe, constitutes him into the greatest in our decades, of the men of
God-knowledge, God-experience, a Sadguru of rare abilities
abilities which are not built up by human training, knowledge, experience, exercise, but are a result of the supreme
Grace of the Supreme Divinity. There are Gurus who become so as a result of hard disciplines and spiritual realisations, and there are Gurus who are sent as Gurus by the
Divine. Omkarananda Saraswati is of the latter kind:
I am here, not because I wanted to be here, or that I have
chosen you, but because you have been chosen by Him, and I
am sent.
Whatever I would talk, it is not I; but He is talking,
expressing Himself. I love Him; therefore, I do not ask Him:
Why have you sent me here, O Lord?
My success with all of you is not mine, but His, and my love
for you all is as much as for Him. My powers are not limited,
because they are not my own, but are of the One who is in all
that you see everywhere and more than you see. My Perfection
is not bounded, because it is not my own, but of Him whose


Will He alone is executing through me.

Whatever be the nature of my unconscious, I am in the
depths formed of the Image of God. I have more memories of
the encounters, experience and life with the Godhead, both
within the field of my inner Consciousness, and in the outer
world without, than memories of the world and life in it. It is
these memories of the Godhead that is the secret of the vitality
of my life and words.
God is my boundless Love: Love is All. When I look into
the eyes of that Love, it is Love looking into Its own eyes. It is
as though two pairs of eyes meet, mingle and melt away into
one vision. Were the two pairs of eyes a dream, a hallucination,
a fleeting nothing? I think not, for it is one among the million
possibilities of the Consciousness, which is One and Many, One
and not many, Many and not One, and yet always One.
Such is his nature in his attunement with the boundless divine Reality of infinite Peace, Love, Light, here, there,
everywhere that he describes his condition in this way:
Having done so much good, I have done absolutely nothing.
Having seen so many people, I have seen none. And every good
anywhere in the world is my good.
A thousand ships and motor-boats may furrow the surface of the sea, and yet the sea always remains instantly the
same, a surface without any furrow, any mark. Such a sea he


Omkarananda Saraswati and the Future of Mankind

Great men play many roles in human history. Some rule nations, some found organisations, some lead armies, some produce great literature, some contribute to the arts, some fight
and achieve freedom for a country, some labour for human
rights and bring about great social changes. Omkarananda
Saraswatis realm lies in the Soul of mankind. His greatness
emerges from the timeless Reality.
In the transformation of mankind that our age has been
long awaiting, the vast and profound knowledge of the divine Reality and of the many techniques for the realisation of
that Reality that Omkarananda Saraswati holds in his hands
will certainly contribute its own distinctive share. In him we
find mirrored the future of humanity, the fulfilment of its aspirations and of Gods promises to mankind. Omkarananda
Saraswati is not a theorist building systems of thought, but
a prophet setting new patterns of life that are in accord with
the concealed genius that all life bears.
Dr. Y. Strauss
Omkarananda Ashram, Switzerland


This genius of a mystic, Swami Omkarananda, should be

seen as what he is: a unique flame flaring for God, and a living expression of a profound mystical life in God. So wrote
an important paper, Der Bund, from the Capital City of
Switzerland, Bern, and indeed, this is how everyone, from
the Heads of the Governments, Ambassadors, Directors of
multi-national companies, Scientists, Professors, Scholars,
Saints, Priests of all denominations, Shankaracharyas of
Kanchi and Sringeri, Mahapandits, people of all nations,
housewives and taxi-drivers, sees and experiences
Omkarananda Saraswati.
Dr. H. Eckert
Omkarananda Ashram, Austria

Published by
Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas

What is your Tradition and what is your Mission, Swami

My tradition is the tradition of the Truth in your inner heart. It is the
tradition of the Divine everywhere. I have no tradition as the learned
intelligence understands. If I had a tradition, I would be localised. I
would belong to some creed, some religion, some denomination, some
Sampradaya, I would not be universal, not belong to all religions, all
cultures, and yet transcend all religions, all cultures. I have no tradition
except the tradition of traditionless self-expressions of the Experience of
the one Truth.

I will not stop the activity of my being, not rest idle, until every creature
in Creation and all of the Creation itself, is touched with the Light
Eternal, until every individual entity gains in living experience the
Love, the Peace, the Happiness and the fulfilment of the infinite One.

Above all, Europe needs urgently Omkarananda

Swami Omkarananda is a whole culture in himself, a culture which might
be a real alternative to our own Western narrow world-view. His statements <about himself and on meditation> are genuine utterings of a real
Guru whose God-given Mission (also Sivananda says, Guru is one who
is sent by God) is to bring to the people the light, the truth, the peace and
the joy which he himself IS. Professor Dr. Carl-A. Keller, UNIVERSITY
OMKARANANDA commands the intellectual energy, literary skill,
spiritual brilliance and cultural background needed to answer most of the
modern challenges. Dr. Edward de Betterncourt, M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt.,
Providence has, me thinks, endowed him with every excellence that
entitle him to Worlds Presidentship. He has a valuable message for our
civilization. Dr. Florence la Fontaine, Ph.D., D.Litt., Indiana, USA.
We as the Underdeveloped and the Illiterate of another type here in
Central Europe than the inhabitants of Equatorial Africa yet not less needy
in our poverty than they require and demand Swami Omkaranandas
help and services in a great and steadily increasing number, and this in
spite of the achievements of some of our big and powerful organisations
which seem so secure and unfailing. It is left to the reader to continue this
comparison in accordance with his own experiences and lived events.
Dr. phil. Erwin R. Jacobi, UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH, Switzerland.
The comparisons Omkarananda draws between Sivananda and
Plato, Kant, Leibniz, Schleiermacher and other philosophers, are very
important for a better understanding between East and West. Dr. Gebhard Frei, Professor of Comparative Religion, UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH,
I have come to the conclusion that he is one of the greatest living
Seers who leads a perfect Vedic life of a Rishi. Dr. A.B. Maalakaraddy,
M.D., Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka,
Bangalore, India.

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