The Millionaire Yoga Handbook

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Contents of Millionaire Yoga Handbook

Part 1 Introduction

Part 2 99% Vs. 1% of the People Are Poor

Part 3 Why Do We Create A Bad Reality?
Part 4 Miracles and Outrageous Money
Part 5 You Only Need One Good Idea
Part 6 The Secret Behind Creation
Part 7 The Difference between Prosperity and Poverty Sounds
Part 8 Secrets of Mantra Power
Part 9 Using A Master On Your Own Vs. A Mantra From A Master
Part 10 You Are An Upside Down Tree

Part 11 Neurology of A Millionaire

"To become a millionaire is a choice, not a destiny. 99% of people have made
the choice of scarcity. ~ Dr. Pillai

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How To Use The Millionaire Yoga Handbook

This book is divided into ten major sections, each focusing on a teaching from
the Millionaire Yoga Introductory Series.

In each section, youll find a link to where you can watch the corresponding
video, and subsections that give you points to remember, and a technique for each

You can use any of the techniques by themselves, or in combination as you feel
is right for you.

The purpose of this handbook is to help you achieve breakthroughs in your life,
particularly in your financial life, with an emphasis on solutions that you can
implement right away. These are subtle, but powerful teachings and practices that
can help you make a big shift in your life.

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The Million Dollar Question
(Watch the video here)

How and when the 99% of the people are going to take control of the Wall Street?
Its a million dollar question. Lets think about it. Is there a political solution?
Will the Democrats be able to do it? Will the Republicans be able to do it? Or
will a third party be able to do it? Or will any other political ideology like
Socialism, or Communism, or Dictatorship be able to do it? The answer is: No.

Then will we ever be able to have justice, social justice, and economic justice?
Its a very difficult problem, but there is an answer. The answer is not something
that is going to come from an extraneous reality. The answer
is--change has to take place within every individual. To be more precise, the
answer lies within our brain working differently.

Our brain now thinks in terms of all our weaknesses. What are our weaknesses?
Greed, jealousy, hatred, anger, all of these are just ingrained in our brain and
become our natural reaction. Believe it or not, whether you live in the U.S., or
Africa, or India, all those same negative qualities (jealousy, greed, anger and
hatred) are imprinted in our brain. So, what we need to do is to identify where
these negative qualities are arising in the brain, and induce the brain to inhibit
these negative qualities. Its possible.

Thats what the Yogis and Rishis of India have done many times. For this, they
were successful in their own lives and wrote about these procedures and methods
in innumerable yogic texts. However, until recently these texts have not been
thoroughly investigated. But then, there is a solution to this: to make the brain
function differently. Which part of the brain? The neocortex.

Emotional problems such as negativity, insecurity and fear, etc., are rooted in the
neocortex, the cerebrum, and the large brain. These parts of the brain are
realtively new because they were developed during our evolutionary process.

In other words, those negative qualities and the parts of the brain from where they
originate belong to the frontal lobe.

To solve our problems and avoid negativity, we must go back to our primitive
brainthat is the midbrain: the brainstem, the cerebellum, the pituitary gland, the
pineal gland. These parts of the brain, in the midbrain, are not utilized properly.
And, thats the reason why we experience negative thoughts regarding our lives
and our potential. If we work on these areas of the midbrain, we will be able to
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accomplish anything. Manifestation of money will become a lot easier because
the midbrain can process the Miraculous Light called infrared.

We know the infrared rays from our daily use in the remote opening of our car
door or garage, or turning on our television set. The same way the infrared
functions endogenously within our brain. We just need to learn how we can make
use of this brain. Our brain itself can teach us abundance. It can teach us love. It
can shift dimensions. It can teach us fast time and timelessness. All these
possibilities can be accessed within the different areas of the midbrain.

If our education were focused on the midbrain, we could easily solve all of our
problems. I dont think there is any other way that we can solve human problems
unless we just move from limited thinking based on fear, greed, jealousy, and
hatred to an unlimited thinking of love, care, and concern for everyone.

Points To Remember

The problems of negativity, insecurity, and fear, etc., are in the neocortex.
We have to go back to our primitive brain, which is the midbrain.
If education could focus on the midbrain, it could easily solve all of these

Midbrain Activation Technique

Close your eyes.
Focus your attention in the middle of the brain.
Now focus deeply into the pineal gland, which is a small organ only 5mm in
diameter in the middle of the brain and bit towards the back.
Visualize your pineal gland. Put all your attention on the pineal gland.
Go deep inside the pineal gland.
Now visualise the things you want to manifest.
See this visualization inside the pineal gland.
See the things you want to manifest.
Now let go of the images.
Relax. End the practice.
Slowly, slowly open your eyes.

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Why Do We Create A Bad Reality?
(Watch the video here)

Why have we created a bad reality: bad looks, very unattractive looks, bad money,
bad health, bad relationships. Everybody can relate to this because nobody is
perfect. There are areas where we have gone wrong and created a bad reality.
Now, how can we fix it?

We created these realities just to learn, to learn from that. Its a limitation, a bad
reality is a limitation and that limitation has to be overcome. How do you
overcome it? Just not by lamenting it or putting the blame on someone else, on
your parents, or your race, or politics, or any extraneous reality. You have to own
it. You have to accept: Yes, this is a reality which I created to learn from, perhaps
not from this lifetime. I created it in another lifetime, maybe a few lifetimes ago.
It has to be overcome.

How do I overcome it? Go to the opposite and then own that opposite reality. If
for instance, you have a very bad money problem. Go and own limitless money.
Go and activate the unconscious, the sub- conscious mind. Embrace it. Dream
about it. Go to the midbrain, embrace it and keep on thinking about it, and re-
program it. This is what will do it to get a better health, better relationship. All
that you have to do is just go to the sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious mind
has a tremendous amount of power to create unlimited reality and it can also
transcend time so you dont have to wait for the time to come to fix it.

Ill give you an example, there as a woman who had a Pinocchio nose and she
was very upset that she had a bad nose and she didnt have money for a nose job
to be done. I told her you can fix it and embrace a nose which is perfect. Go into
meditation and visualize a perfect nose and dont worry about the money or if
youre going to get the money for the surgery. The money did come to perform a
nose surgery and then her nose is now perfect. This is what you do: you just go
to the subconscious and embrace it. Do it on a daily basis. Go to sleep and just
dream about it and fix it. Then you wont create this any more for future lives.
Points To Remember

Why have we created a bad reality: bad looks, very unattractive looks, bad money,
bad health, bad relationships.

We created these realities just to learn, to learn from that. You have to own it.
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How do I overcome it? Go to the opposite and then own that opposite reality. If
for instance, you have a very bad money problem. Go and own limitless money.

(Watch the video here)

Do the Brzee Meditation
~ Close your eyes.
~ Put your attention on your 3
~ BRZEE (25 xs)
~ Allow the sound to go deep into your 3
~ And from there let it go into the entire brain and pervade the whole body.
~ You dont have the burden to check out what is going to work out for you
from your mind. It will spontaneously spring the right though. The right thought
will show up because of the power of Brzee. The right project will show up.
~ BRZEE (5 xs)
~ Absolutely you have no responsibility. You have given everything to Brzee to
~ BRZEE (11 xs)
~ Now join me. BRZEE (42 xs)
~ Allow the sound to permeate the mind, the body, and the soul.
~ BRZEE (52 xs)
~ Now mentally keep repeating it within the 3
~ You have completely given your financial plans and future to Brzee. Let
Brzee lead you, control you, take over you.
~ Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
~ Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
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~ Slowly, slowly, you can come back to yourself.
Go to sleep and consciously dream about the positive things you want to create
in your life.

Put pictures representing wealth and abundance around you; in your home, at
your desk so that you can look at them and the unconscious will pick up the
images of abundance.

Do likewise for other areas of life: health, relationships etc.

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Miracles and Outrageous Money
(Watch the video here)

I want to talk about something very important. Its about the mind. The mind
blocks Miracles. Thats a very paradoxical thing. The mind is a blessing and at
the same time its a curse. Its a blessing because it can help us organize things.
Science is of the mind and technology is of the mind. Its a curse because it
doesnt allow miracles to happen. Why? Because the mind is logic. So for
instance if you want $5000 a month the mind can believe it because thats your
salary and at the end of the month, youll get it. But if you say to the mind: I
want $50,000, it will ask how, where from? All of these questions will come
from the mind and it will never allow a miracle to happen. So you have to get
beyond the mind in order for a miracle to happen.

So what you need to do is just to block the mind from its orientation to logic and
allow a different part of the brain, the midbrain to come into action which will
allow miracles. As long as you are centered in the frontal lobe, the forehead part
of the brain, it will never allow miracles to happen. So we need to really block
the energy from the frontal lobe and then make the energy to flow more into the
midbrain. Just to think about it will do a lot of good. Just pull your mind from the
frontal lobe and then go into the midbrain area. Of course you can use some
mantras or synchronize your breath with it. But this is briefly, in a nutshell, the
philosophy behind creating a miracle. If you want $50,000 by the end of the
month, it is possible as long as the frontal lobe doesnt get involved and then
block the miracles. As I said in the beginning the mind blocks miracles.

There are a number of techniques that Ill be revealing to you down the road as
you go along. So just remember that mind blocks the Miracles and you have to
move from the frontal lobe to the midbrain.
Points To Remember

Mind blocks the miracles and you have to move from the frontal lobe to the

How? Just to think about it will do a lot of good. Just pull your mind from the
frontal lobe and then go into the midbrain area. This is briefly, in a nutshell, the
philosophy behind creating a miracle.


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Focus on the midbrain, and think of an amount of money you want to make.
Spend a minute to five minutes each day, three times an hour, thinking about this
goal, and then mentally chant Brzee 9 times in your midbrain.

This simple technique can give you a consciousness that will open you up to
opportunities to attract this amount of money in your life.

Do the Shreem Brzee Meditation twice daily

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You Only Need One Good Idea
(Watch the video here)

I like Bill Gates. I have a strong connection with him. I like him for his
accomplishment. He also dropped out of college as you all know. Most of the
people have dropped out of college like Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, and Steve Jobs,
all these guys. Maybe when you stick onto college you dont do very well.

They dropped out of college, but then they built empires. And then Steve Jobs
said something- I was reading Steve Jobs book, the little white book, where he
writes about India. He had this strong passion to go to India, but he didnt have
any money. So he worked somewhere and collected some money, and then went
to India. And he went there to see a Baba, Neem Karoli Baba.

By the time he went there, the Baba was dead and he did not want to leave. So he
stayed there and he writes in his book that he learned in India what he could not
learn in the west, a super intelligence. That became so transformational in his life.
Then he later on went to study Zen.

Bill Gates and goal setting

What is his goal? I want everybody in the world to be my customer. Its a great
goal. Everybody to use my Windows. Its a great goal, very simple. But then look
at the business he will have. Everybody to be my customer and he did accomplish

So if you go wrong in goal setting than everything is gone. Thats the problem.
So what you need to do is look at your goal. Dont say: I dont know. Youd
better know, or else it will be a problem.

Goal setting is very important. Why arent we able to create good goals, very
practical goals? Blame it on the brain. The brain is not thinking the right
thoughts. Its not squaring away things. All that you need to have is just one good
Points To Remember
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Goal setting is very important. All that you need to have is just one good idea.
If you go wrong in goal setting, everything can go wrong.

Write down your goals for the day, week, month and year. You must write down
your goals.

Ask yourself these set of question to assess your current situation to find out if
you are engaging in the right activities/ventures/jobs: Am I doing the right
thing? Is this project worth continuing?

Ask yourself these set of question to evaluate your options and think in new
progressive ways: How much do I want to make? How fast can I make it?
and How can I make it faster?

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The Secret Behind Creation
(Watch the video here)

The Secret Behind Creation: that is going to be the topic on which I am going to
give a little explanation. It is better that I use a Sanskrit word to explain things
here. There is a word in Sanskrit called Kama. Kama means a lot of things. It
means desire. It means sex. It also means the God of love and sex. So it is used
in a general sense to refer to emotion, very intense emotion and there is a god
behind it and he is also called by the term "Kama.
If you have that desire then creation takes place very easily, and what happens is
you generally build it over a period of many life times.
Just think about the life of Einstein. Right from a very young age, although he
was a very bright student he was called by his professor, one of the professors
called him a Lazy Dog. He himself admitted that his knowledge of mathematics
is very poor. But then, he had this great desire to understand the secret behind
physical matter, the secret behind the universe. And he came with such great
passion, although his mathematical skills were very poor he was not giving up.
Even a few hours before his death, he was writing equations and he was also
regretting that he did not have more mathematical knowledge. I am sure that he
is going to come back as a mathematician and a physicist so that he could do
whatever he wanted to do in a better way and thats what happens to people.
You all come here with emotions; sometimes the emotions that we come here
with are stupid, mediocre, or grandiose like emotions of Einstein. So, whatever
you create there is some emotion behind it and the best way to understand emotion
is to understand the concept of Kama which is desire, sex-the God of sex.
And where does it come from? It comes from your own soul. Your own soul
wants to paint something, your own soul wants to paint the most beautiful picture
and you are not doing it for money. It is your lifes interest; you are compelled to
do that. And the same way with the gardener who wants to do a very beautiful
The same thing applies to everyone who is driven by a passion. Every one of you
have a passion to do whatever you wanted to do. And those who became
billionaires had the passion to make money. So, they didnt worry about getting
a PhD or MD or any other qualification, they were not interested in academic
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excellence. Their interest and focus was only on money. They had great passion
to become billionaires. Unfortunately, people who are very, very poor and who
cant even pay their rent or buy grocery; they also have a passion to be so poor.
This is very unfortunate.
So, desire is behind this manifestation. So you may ask how anybody would want
to be a poor person. Maybe not in this lifetime. There were circumstances in a
previous lifetime that this person adored poverty for some reason.
There are people like even the Buddha, the Buddha embraced nothingness. He
did not value any material things. He didnt care for palace and his wife or his
son or his father and his passion was for emptiness. That was his passion. So that
created a reality that glorified emptiness and, he looked down upon matter as
something not valuable.
I dont teach that philosophy and those of you who have been following me; you
know that is a lopsided reality. So I want you to look at every emotion that you
have and evaluate it. And right now I am thinking about Saint Francis of Assisi -
the vow of poverty. Maybe you belong to those people, who were poor because
they belonged to a sect, a religious sect or an esoteric sect that idealized poverty
as the only way to go to heaven or attain enlightenment. And they got
But then their vested interest for lifetimes have been only on poverty because
poverty created distaste towards material things and once you are disinterested in
material things then you will focus on god which is real and this kind of training
brought some kind of emotions within you to passionately go after nothingness
and reject materialism and that is perhaps one of the causes for your poverty. So
there is an emotion behind everything.
Points To Remember

There is an emotion behind every manifestation in your life.

If you have a strong desire, a strong emotion for something, creation can take
place very easily.

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Think about what you are most passionate about in life. Try to see how that is
driving your life and choices. Analyze if these passions are supporting your life
in a positive way, if not replace them with positive ones.

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The Difference between Prosperity and Poverty Sounds
(Watch the video here)

The Yogis have classified certain sounds as sounds for prosperity. There are
prosperity sounds. There are poverty sounds. Sounds for prosperity and sounds
for poverty. If somebody is prosperous, he has mastered, or his soul has mastered,
prosperity sounds. If somebody is suffering a lot without money, then he has
mastered poverty sounds. Thats the bottom line. And there is only a thin
separation, a thin film going through and separating prosperity and poverty.
Points To Remember:

If somebody is prosperous, he has mastered, or his soul has mastered, prosperity


Keep chanting the sound Shreem Brzee for prosperity.
The more you chant this sound, the deeper it will go into your consciousness. You
can chant both out loud and silently. This sound is the ultimate sound of
prosperity and wealth. It will erase poverty consciousness, and help to create a
perfect prosperity consciousness.

Chant a minimum of 108 times or 1008 times daily. The more you chant the more
benefit you will receive.

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Secrets of Mantra Power
(Watch the video here)

Mantras & Mangoes - this is a very common expression in my language Tamil
where people say that you cannot produce mangoes with mantras. Of course
skeptics and general public are not very knowledgeable. But not so with the Yogis
and Siddhas. For them, words are the building blocks of material reality and now
we have scientific proof to validate that sound waves are the building blocks of
the universe.
Now look at the theory called the "string theory" in quantum physics. String
theory says that it is the vibrating filaments or the vibrations that are the
fundamental reality. Not the particles, but the vibrations; the strings. This is what
the Bible says. The Bible says that, In the beginning there was the word and the
word was 'God." And God created everything with the word. What is the Word?
The word is simply a Mantra." That is why I recommend meditating with a
mantra to accomplish a desired result. A mantra carries the energy in a subtle
form and repeating that mantra you can get a 3 dimensional form of the thing that
you want to manifest.
I will give you some very simple examples to help you understand how a mantra
works. Mantra is a uni-dimensional reality in the forms of sound waves which is
capable of producing a 3 dimensional reality. Some years ago, I used to help
people to manifest Mercedes Benz. You just go on saying Mercedes Benz,
Mercedes Benz, Mercedes Benz, Mercedes Benz and then you will be able to
manifest it. That briefly explains the theory behind mantras.
I also used to give the example about Leonardo DiCaprio. He wanted to be like
Robert De Niro. So his mantra was Robert De Niro. "I am Robert De Niro, I am
Robert De Niro, I am Robert De Niro.
He used to dress like Robert De Niro, act like Robert De Niro, eat like Robert De
Niro, put his sun glasses like Robert De Niro. Robert De Niro completely
occupied his mind, soul, his actions and everything. So very quickly he became
I also used to give example of Jay Leno and David Letterman, because both of
them wanted to become Johnny Carson. So their mantra was I am Johnny
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Carson, I am Johnny Carson, I am Johnny Carson. So they became Johnny Carson
or similar to Johnny Carson. This is how the mantra works.
So you have to use the mantra over and over again. That is why they say you have
to use 1008 times or Million and eight times; several Millions.
So what happens, you will be able to understand how the Nama is indeed the
Roopa. Nama in sanskrit means name and Roopa is form". The name and the
form are mysteriously connected and once you know the secret behind it, then
you will be able to manifest through the use of the name, the form. You can get
to the form. This is the secret behind the use of mantras. You can use any mantra.
Shreem Brzee is the mantra I recommend to people to create wealth. Go on doing
it for 1008 times, million and eight times. Then you will create money. So mantra
can really create mangoes. That is the truth.
Points To Remember

A mantra carries 3-dimensional reality in a subtle form.

Shreem Brzee is the mantra I recommend to people to create wealth. Go on doing
it for 1008 times, million and eight times.


Keep chanting the sound Shreem Brzee for 1008 times or more. If you chant
for one million and eight times, you can unlock the full power of the sound.

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Using A Master On Your Own Vs. A Mantra From A
(Watch the video here)

The thing that I want to bring to your attention is the use of the mantras to bring
about changes, significant changes. In this connection I remember a guru who
came to the United States, his name is Swami Rama, and he passed away.
He came to the Menninger Foundation Medical School, and there he stopped his
heart. The physicians were freaking out, - no, no, no we know that you can stop
your brain, but please can you come back up again, otherwise you know you
might die! But he didnt come back still, and he says, I will come back
whenever I want to come back. And this man was getting trained to become a
Guru and he tells the story about mantras.
The mantras are everywhere, you can go to Google search and then you know
there are endless mantras there and what they can do. But, will they work? They
work only under certain circumstances, and Im going to give you the example
from the life of Swami Rama. While Swami Rama was getting trained in the
Himalayas he met a Guru who was teaching mantras. He told the guy to go and
climb up to the top of a tree and then take a honeycomb, and when you go there,
he was afraid that he was going to be stung by the bees so the Guru said there is
a mantra, its called a bee mantra, the mantra is to keep the bees away, so if you
chant it and you go near it, you wont get bitten. So he went and then he was not
harmed by the bees.
The guy was curious so he gave it to another guy and tested it. And this other guy
went up and then he was bitten by the bees. So he has a chapter in his book,
Under the feet of the Himalayan Masters theres a chapter called Bee mantras
where he talks about it. So what it says is you have to receive the mantra from
one who has experienced it, thats very important.
There is a mystery behind this and the mystery is handed down through the
traditional masters and then they have to be empowered. So there is a divine
copyright to it. So there is a mantra Ive given to you like, Shreem unless I have
given some empowerment to people who go and teach it, it will not work. Thats
the bottom line.
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But anyway that will not work as much as it works as I do it, - that is the secret.
So in the program what I have done is, Ive made sure that I give the mantras in
the program when you actually do the program and I recorded them so that you
get the full benefits.
Points To Remember

A mantra can be fully effective only when it is received from the Master.


Play this video in the background as often as possible to activate the sound
Shreem Brzee within you.

Download the audio, and play it while you sleep.

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You Are An Upside Down Tree
(Watch the video here)

There is a proverb: Water the roots, to enjoy the fruits. Go to the root. Its no
good going and watering the stem, the flowers, the leaves its not useful. So all
of the techniques that are like watering the stem, and the bark and the leaves and
the flowers. They are not going to be useful. What are the roots? The roots are
inside - in the brain. The roots are in the brain. And thats what we need to change.
And once we change it, then there will be no problem. We can get rid of all that
identity. Thats why man has been symbolized as a tree upside down. The roots
are in the brain. Once youve taken care of this, youve taken care of everything
Points To Remember

The roots are in the brain. Water the roots, to enjoy the fruits.

Once you change your brain, life will be easy.

Neurology of A Millionaire

Recently I was reading a book about Poverty Brain. Its a book by an educator,
who has studied the brain of the students coming from poor families. The brain
functions totally in a different way, you know. Its not just a matter of
malnutrition. Its not simply a matter of genetics. Its a matter of cultivating the
brain. Malnutrition and genetics have something to say. But then, we havewhat
we can do, in a practical sense, is that we have to really change our brain.
So I was reading a book. I like the title of the book, not the content of the book.
Its called BLAME IT ON THE BRAIN. If you are poor, if you are not able to
make enough money that you want to make, dont blame it on the mind. So just
listen carefully, but blame it on the brain, because the mind is produced by the
brain. The brain produces the mind. There are different parts of the brain that are
involved in giving you the concept of time. All our negative attitudes come from,
the logic that is localised, for the most part, in the Frontal Lobe.
So the Frontal Lobe is asking the question of, say, I have to really wait for 30
years for me to retire. So these are the things that have to be changed. So that
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gave me a renewed interest to go and teach the Millionaire Yoga. And putting the
blame on the brain. But not just putting the blame on the brain, but to do
something about the brain. The old brain, which is the Midbrain, knew a lot more
about time and space manifestation and psychic understanding than the Neo
Cortex, which is the chunk of the brain. The chunk of the brain called the Neo
Cortex is the problem because we have developed it in order to develop our
science and technology. Its a blessing and also a curse at the same time. Its a
blessing because we think we have gotten everything through science and
technology. Its a curse because we are the same, except there are some more toys
to, you know, our comfort. But it doesnt stop frustration, it doesnt stop
depression because there is more and more depressed people now than ever
before. And it is, and people, have the same diseases. You have more diseases
than ever before.
So what we need to do is to clearly understand if we have developed our brain in
the right way. We have developed our Neo Cortex at the expense of our Midbrain.
The Midbrain is a lot more powerful brain, its the psychic brain. It processes the
Infra-red rays which are capable of giving miracles to us, but now the Neo Cortex
says that miracles are absolutely not possible, dont get lost in miracles, you will
be a Looney Tune.
So all that you have to do is just go through this regular process, get frustrated,
and thats the way it is, and it is going to be slow progress. This is what I cannot
accept. So I think it is very important as a race, we have to come and explore the
Midbrain area, particularly the Pineal gland which can do miracles. The Pineal
Gland is called the Third Eye in the yogic tradition, because it can shift
dimensions. It will not allow you to think that I have to wait for 30 years to retire,
that it can, just changing the concept of time, also bring you more money.
Points To Remember


The mid brain, particularly the pineal gland, can do miracles. Keep your
attentional energy there.

Copyright 2014 Pillai Center. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2014 Pillai Center. All Rights Reserved.

In Conclusion

There are many techniques and concepts within this handbook that can help you
retrain your brain to experience a new, abundant way of living. Most importantly,
it can give you the power to create your life in the way you desire

And thats what Millionaire Yoga is all about - empowering you to live
authentically, and putting the power in your hands.

Go further

If you read this, and enjoyed the content, you still have a Free 30 Day Trial Period
waiting for you, where you can access the full Millionaire Yoga Program online.

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During your trial period, youll receive:

- Access to all the five downloadable millionaire yoga sessions with over 3 hours
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supplementary material, and all downloadable content.

- Access to the exclusive online Millionaire Yoga Community forum.

- Access to the five Millionaire Yoga, expert taught Webinars:
Medical Basis Of The 3rd Eye With Dr. Vish Iyer Discover the science
behind the 3rd Eye and understand its true significance to wealth and
Using The Technology Of Time Discover how to manage and
manipulate time resulting in increased success in life.
Financial Planning for Future Wealth Professional Financial Advisor
Akila Aiyer Practical advice designed to help you secure a prosperous
financial future.
The Art of Commitment With Professional Pillai Center Life Coach
Sucharita Moore Harness the power of unwavering commitment to
follow your dreams, and make them a reality.
Copyright 2014 Pillai Center. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2014 Pillai Center. All Rights Reserved.

Your Millionaire Makeover delivered by Global Pillai Center Director
Mohini Kueper Learn how to use your appearance to manipulate your
millionaire mindset.

Start Your Free 30 Day Trial Period

We hope youve found this handbook useful, and that youll be able to apply these
teachings and techniques to your life.

To your health, wealth, and happiness,

The Millionaire Yoga Team

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