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cta assignment

properties of fibre



The word textile is derived from the Latin term texture for woven fabrics. Thus by textiles we understand
those objects which have been prepared by weaving. Textile have an important bearing on our daily lives and
everyone needs to know about textiles as we use them in some way or the other. To understand about textiles
the study of textiles will help to a great extent when we buy textile materials this knowledge will prevent us
from making mistakes and we will be able to purchase good quality materials.
There is a growing demand for textiles and clothing by people of all walks of life.
Yarns are produced by twisting or spinning of the textile fibres and in turn fabric is a structure produced
by interlacing or interloping of the yarns. There are certain terms which are used very often in the study of
textiles that are to be understood first. Most of the fabrics we use for various purposes are woven that means
they are constructed by interlacing sets of yarns that run along lengthwise and crosswise directions. Each
yarn is made up of several fibres therefore it is essential to know or to define the terms like fibre yarns and
A fibre is defined as any product capable of being woven or otherwise made into fabric. It is smallest visible
unit of textile product. Afibre can be defined as a pliable hair like strand that is very small in diameter in
relation to its length. Fibres are the fundamental units or the building blocks used in the making of textile
yarns and fabrics.
Fibres are the fundamental units used in making of textile yarns and later on into fabric. Thus fibres are the
essential components and basic units and are an essential components for making yarns. These fibres are of
many types.
Definition of Yarns
Fabrics made out of different fibres are available in the market. The common fibres that are used for fabrics
are obtained from different sources. There are few fibres which are naturally available. Still some fibres are
synthetised by using chemicals and are known as synthetic fibres eg. Nylon polyster and acrylic fibres. Some
fibres are manufactured by using raw material from nature and they are termed as man made fibres. Eg: Rayon, Polynosic, azlon etc.

Classification of textile fibres

Let us see how fibres are classified. According to the source from which textile fibres are obtained fibres are
broadly classified into two ways.

Let us see how fibres are classified. According to the source from which textile fibres are obtained fibres are
broadly classified into two ways.
Vegetable fibres or cellulosic fibres
The fibres that are derived from plants are called vegetable fibres. The basic material of all plant life is cellulose. Cellulose is made up of elements like carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These cellulose fibres have certain
common properties like low resilience, high density, and good conductor of heat. They are highly absorbent
and are resistant to high temperature. Cotton flax, jute, ramie are some of the examples of vegetable fibres.
Animal fibres
The fibres which are obtained from animals are called animal fibres. Wool and silk are common examples of
animal fibres. They are made up of protein molecules. The basic elements in the protein molecules are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Animal fibres have high resiliency but weak when wet because they are
bad conductors of heat.

Mineral fibres
They are the inorganic materials shaped in to fibres and are mainly used in the fire proof fabrics. Asbestos is
the example of mineral fibre. Mineral fibres are fire proof, resistant to acids and are used for industrial purposes.
Man made fibres
These refer to those fibres that are not naturally present in nature and are made artificially by man. Man made
fibres have high strength, strong when wet low moisture absorption characteristics. Examples of man made
fibres are viscose rayon, acetate rayon, nylon, polyester etc. Depending on raw material chosen for making of
the fibres they are classified as cellulosic fibres, protein fibres and synthetic fibres.

Cotton is obtained plant source and it is classified as a natural material as it is obtained from the seeds of
cellulose seed fibre staple fibre measuring 10-65mm in length and white to beige in color in its natural state.
It is composed basically of a substance called cellulose. As cotton occupies 50% of the consumption of fibres
by weight in the world it is called as the king of all fibres. Cotton is the fabric for every home and is the most
widely produced of textile fabrics today. It has now been proved that India was the first country to manufacture cotton. Among the recent findings at Mohenjo-Daro were a few scrapes of cotton sticking to the side of a
slivers vase. Cotton is the white downy covering of the seed grown in the pods. The cotton plant grown in the
tropics needs a climate with 6 months of summer weather to blossom and produce pods.
The cotton fibre is the shortest of all the textile fibres. Its length varies from 8/10 of an inch to 2 inches. Cotton with short length fibres is technically known as short staple. The one with the long fibres is called long
staple and it more used since it is used for making fine qualities of cloth. Long staple is especially suitable as
it is easy to spin and produces a strong smooth yarn. It is also suitable for mercerization a finishing process
used to improve the absorbency, strength and luster of fibre.

Properties of cellulose fibre- cotton

1. Physical properties
a. Structure: The cotton fibre is short (1/2 inch -2 long inch) and cylindrical or tubular as it grows. The
cotton fibre is essentially cellulose consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Bleached cotton is almost
pure cellulose raw cotton contains about 5% of impurities.
b. Strength: Cotton fibre is relatively strong which is due to the intricate structure and 70% crystalline.
c. Elasticity: Cotton is relatively inelastic because of its crystalline polymer system and for this reason
cotton textile wrinkle and crease readily.
d. Hygroscopic moisture: Cotton does not hold moisture so well as wool or silk but absorbs it and so
feels damp much more quickly. It also rapidly spreads throughout the material.
e. Electrical property: The hygroscopic nature ordinarily prevents cotton textile materials from developing static electricity.
f. Absorbency: As cotton has cellulose it is a good absorbent of fibre.
2. Thermal properties
Cotton fibres have the ability to conduct heat energy, minimizing any destructive heat accumulation
thus they can withstand hot ironing temperature.
Drap ability: Cotton does not have good body to drape well in shape. The type of construction of the
fabric may improve this property.
Resilience: Cotton wrinkles easily some wrinkle resistant finishes may reduce this property.
Cleanliness and wash ability: Though cotton absorbs dust due to its rough nature. It can be washed

easily in the hot water and strong soaps without damaging the fibre.
Lustre: The natural cotton has no pronounced lustre. This can be improved by the mercerization finish
of the cotton(that is sodium hydroxide treatment).
Shrinkage: The fibre itself does not shrink but cotton fibre which has been stretched in the finishing
process tends to relax back creating shrinkage.
Heat conductivity: Cotton is the better conductor of heat than wool or silk but not as good as rayon.
3. Chemical properties
Action of acids and alkalies
Strong acids will destroy the fibres immediately. Dilute inorganic acids will weaken the fibre and if left
dry will rot it. Therefore after treatment with acidic solutions cotton articles should be thoroughly rinsed
in water. They are affected very little by organic acids. They are also quite resistant to alkalis even to
strong caustic alkalies at high temperature and pressure.
In 8% NaOH cotton fibres swells, spirals, twisted uncoil and shrinks and become thicker. The resultant
fibre is smoother, lustrous, and stronger and has increased water and dye absorption.
Effect of bleaching: These have no effects until used in uncontrolled conditions and with heat.
Effect of sunlight and weather: Ultraviolet rays of sunlight affect the strength of fibre and change the
colour to yellow when exposed to prolonged period. Pollution also effect fibre.Concentrated and diluted
mineral acids like sulphuric acids will discolour fibre .
Affinity to dyes: Cotton takes in dyes better than linen but not as readily as silk and wool. If a mordant
is used cotton is easy enough to dye mordant colours, direct or substantive dyes should be applied to the
Effect of perspiration: Both acidic and alkaline perspiration discolours the fibre.
4. Biological properties
Resistance to micro organisms: The mildew and bacteria damages cotton.
Resistance to insects: Moths and beetles will not affect or damage the cotton. But the sliver fish eats the
cotton cellulose.

Fabrics in cotton
Flannelette and flannel: A soft napped cotton fabric its warmth in wear is due to the fact that the nap traps a
layer of air between the body and the cold outside. In composition it is the same as ordinary cotton, but treatment in weaving makes it very inflammable. For this reason attempts have been made to make it fireproof by
saturating the fibre with metallic salt, but in general fire proofing does not withstand washing.
Organdie: A thin light fabric in plain weave with a very stiff finish. It is made from good quality combed
yarn. The yarn is made from long staple cotton and is spun is with many twists. This along with the finishing
process produces its characteristic transparent crispness. The aim is to give a permanent finish. The fabric is
used for summer and evening wear.
Muslin: This is a cool, very light, and plain weave cloth also used for summer wear. The name derives from
the city of Mosul where the fabric was first made muslins wear not always plain, silk and even gold stripes
woven in when made in mosul but as cotton was grown more plentifully and the women could spin yarns of
great fineness, cotton yarns gradually super seeded silk.

Silk is considered as Queen of all textile fibres as it has beauty and elegance and good properties of performance. Silk is the natural protein fiber obtained from silk worm cocoons. Japan is known for producing best
variety of silk. India produces different varieties of silk and is famous for hand woven silk textiles. There is a
tremendous silk production increase in recent years. The production of silk is called Sericulture. To obtain
quality and quantity of silk rearing conditions are controlled carefully throughout the life cycle of silk moth.
These are two types of silk mulberry or cultivated silk and wild silk. Cultivated silk is creamy silk white or
yellowish white in color. White wild silk color range from brownish to golden yellow in color.

Various types of silk

Wild silk: Silk produced by moths of species other than bombyx mori. It is brown in color more uneven
and coarser. It is usually called Tussar silk.
Waste silk or silk noil: Short ends of spun yarns or in blends with cotton
or wool. Sometimes it is called waste silk.
Dupion: Silk yarns made from two cocoons that have been formed in an interlocked manner. The yarn
is uneven, irregular and large than regular filaments. It is used in making shantung and duppioni.
Raw silk: Silk that has not had any degumming.
Spun silk: Yarns made from short fibres from pierced cocoons and short ends and outside and inside
the edges of cocoons.

Properties of silk
Microscopic structure
Silk has its unique properties. It is soft, supple, strong lighter in weight than any other natural fibre.
Silk is priced for its weight. Silk is a natural protein fibre where the protein fibroin is held by a gummy
substance .
Microscopic properties
Strength: Silk is the strongest natural fibre. It has a tenacity of 2.4 to 5.1 grams per denier. More over
smoothness of the silk filament yarn reduces the problem of wear from abrasion. The strength of the
spun silk yarns depends on the length of silk staple.
Shape and appearance: Silk filaments are very fine and long. They frequently measure about 1000 to
1300 yards in length. The width of the silk is from 9 to 11 microns.
Elasticity: It is an elastic fibre and its elasticity varies as it is natural fibre. Silk fibre may be stretched
from 1/7 to 1/5 its original length before breaking. Cultivated degummed silk viewed longitudinally
under a microscopic, resembles a smooth transparent rod under microscope. Silk in the gum has rough
irregular surface. Wild silk tend to be quite uneven and is some what dark. It may have longitudinal

Resilience: Silk retains the shape and resists wrinkling rather well. This is more in fabrics made from
pure silk rather than spun silk or weighted silk.
Drapabilty: Silk has a pliability and suppleness that aided by its elasticity and resilience gives it excellent drapability.
Heat conductivity: Since silk is a protein fibre. It is a non conductor of heat like wool. Hence it is used
for winter apparel.
Absorbency: The good absorbtive property of silk also contributes to its effect in warmer atmosphere.
Silk generally absorbs about 11% of its weight in moisture which makes silk for easy dying and printing.
Cleanliness and wash ability: Silk is hygienic material because its smooth surface does not attract dirt.
It can also be easily cleaned by mild soaps and dry cleaning.
Shrinkage: Due to the filament in length, smooth surface silk have normal shrinkage which can be easily restored by ironing at moderate heat and damp conditions.
Effect of light: Continous exposure to light weakens silk faster than either cotton or wool.
Chemical properties
Resistance to mildew: Silk will not be affected by mildew unless left for time in damp state or under
extreme conditions of tropical dampness.
Reaction to alkalis: Silk is not as sensitive as wool to alkalis. It may be affected in concentrations and
high temperatures. Cold concentrated solutions of alkali such as soda or caustic potash has slight action
on silk. Heated solution dissolved silk.
Reaction to acids: Concentrated mineral acids dissolve faster than wool. Organic acids do not harm
them while medium concentrated HCL will dissolve silk.
Affinity for dyes : Silk has very good affinity for acid dyes but light fastness is unsatisfactory.
Resistance to perspiration: Silk fabrics are damaged by perspiration. The silk itself gets deteriorated in
the presence of perspiration.
Reaction to bleach: Strong bleaches contain sodium hypochlorite will deteriorate silk. Mild bleaches
like sodium perborate and hydrogen peroxide may be used with normal caution.

Wool has the one of the first fibres to be converted into fabric. Wool fibre grows from skin of sheep. It is
composed of protein known as keratin. It is crimp and has scales on its surface depending upon the breed of
sheep. The natural protein fibre consist of amino acids. Wool has 19 amino acids, keratin, protein and other
organic acids. Man uses wool as clothing in the very early stages of human history. The primitive man is used
it in the form of skin of certain animals to protect as well as to decorate his body. Man then discovered the
use of hair of sheep after interlocking and twisting them together under pressure and thus hair of sheep were
used in making fabrics The interlocking of woolen fabrics is known as felting. Wool was probably known to
the primitive man as he used sheep skin to cover his body even before the discovery of other fibres. Wool is
yellowish white fibre and has medium luster. It is considered to be weak fibre than many other fibres however
other properties such as resiliency and elasticity compensate for low strength.

Properties of wool
Physical properties of wool
Strength: It is stronger than silk. When wet wool looses about 25% of its strength. Longer the fibre the
greeter will be the strength of yarn.
Resiliency: Wool is highly resilient and comes to its original shape when hanged after wrinkled or created.
Stretchability: Wool is highly elastic. It is about 10 to 30% stretched when dry and 40 to 50% when wet
upon receiving pressure upon drying it readily regains its original dimensions.
Shrink ability: Wool is resistant shrinkage. However long exposure to moisture may cause shrinkage.
Effect of friction: Friction will soften the wool fibre especially when wet and thus is advantageous in
maintaining smooth, soft texture of fabrics.
Crimps: Wool fibre is more or less wavy and has twists. This waviness is termed as crimp. Finer the
wool the more will be the crimps in it. Merino wool has 30 crimps per inch while coarse wool has one
or two.
Effect of moisture: Wool is the most hygroscopic in nature. It can absorb up to 50% of its weight and
carry upto 20% weight, without giving the feeling of being wet. Upon drying it losses moisture slowly
preventing rapid evaporation thus avoiding chilling feel to the user. It absorbs perspiration after violent
exercise and guards the body against sudden change in temperature.
Heat conductivity: Wool fibre is a part is a poor conductor of heat and therefore the fabrics made from
the fibre are considered most suitable as winter wear.
Felting: Wool fibres interlock and contract when exposed to heat, moisture, and pressure. The scale
like exterior of the fibres contributes to felting. The fibres get softened in weak alkaline solutions due to
expansion of scales at their free edges, with friction and pressure they again interlock to form a felt. This
property is used in making felts for hats, shoes, floor-coverings and sound proofing purposes.
Effect of heat: Low heat has no effect but strong heat weakens the fibre and destroys the colour of the

Chemical properties
Action of acids: Dilute acids have little effect but either hot or concentrated acids weaken or dissolve
the wool fibres.
Action of alkalis: Alkalis tend to make while wool yellowish, strong solutions of sodium carbonate
when heated destroys the fibre sodium hydroxide is highly injurious to the wool fibre. However borax
and ammonia have no harmful influence on wool.
Action of bleaching agents: Strong bleaching agents like hypochlorite have harmful effects on wool.,
potassium permanganate, sodium peroxide and hydrogen peroxide however can safely be used for
bleaching and stain removal.
Effects of moth and mildew : Wool is easily damaged by moths that is why during storage of woolen
garments special case is needed. However mildews donot effects garments.
Finishes given to wool: Felting, fulling, moth proofing, crabbing, decanting, london shrinking, napping,
singeing and steaming.
Wool blends: Wool polyster, wool acrylic, wool nylon, silk and wool.

A rayon fiber was the first man-made composed of pure cellulose the substance of which is the man constituent of cell walls of trees and cotton. Rayon fibers are made from cellulose that has been reformed or regenerated. Consequently, these fibers are identified as regenerated cellulose fibers. Because of its lustre and
soft hand feel, it resembled silk and came to be known as artificial silk. However it is more like cotton in its
chemical composition

Properties of rayon
The development of man-made fibers possessing along with the prized qualities of the natural fiber is a
tribute to human ingenuity.
Characteristics of Rayon Fabric
Highly Absorbent
Soft and comfortable
Easy to dye
Drapes well
Physical Properties
Strength : The tensile strength of viscose rayon is greater than that of wool but is only half as great as
silk. Viscose rayon is also weaker than cotton and its strength is reduced to 40 to 70 percent when wet.
Yet it produces fairly durable, economical and serviceable fabric whose smoothness of surface favorably
withstands with friction of wear
Elasticity : Viscose rayon has greater elasticity than cotton but less than wool and silk. While viscose
rayon fabrics have some inherent extensibility, undue strain might cause them to sag or even burst.
Resilience : Viscose rayon lacks the resilience. It should be remembered that the resistance of a fabric to
creasing depends on the kind of yarn, weave and finishing process.
Drapability : Viscose rayon possesses a marked quality of drapability because it is relatively heavy
weight fabric.
Heat Conductivity : Viscose rayon is a good conductor of heat and is therefore appropriate for summer
clothing like cotton.
Absorbency : Viscose rayon is one of the most absorbent of all textiles. It is more absorbent than cotton
or linen, but less than wool and silk.
Cleanliness and Washability
Because of smoothness, Viscose rayon fiber helps to produce hygeinic fabrics that shed dirt. Since Viscose rayons temporarily looses strength when wet, it must be handled with care when washed.
Reaction to Bleaches : Household bleaches containing sodium hypo chlorite, sodium perborate or hydrogen peroxide may be safely used.
Shrinkage : Viscose rayon fabrics tend to shrink more than cotton fabrics.

Spun Viscose rayon fabrics shrink more, which can be given a shrink resistant finish, such as Sanforset.
Effect of Heat : Viscose rayon is pure cellulose fiber which burns as cotton. When ironing, only moderately hot temperature must be used.
Chemical Properties
Resistance to Mildew : Like cotton, Viscose rayon have tendency to mildew. Such fabrics should not be
allowed to remain in damp conditions.
Reaction to Alkaline : Concentrated solutions of alkalies disintegrate Viscose rayon. A mild soap with
lukewarm water is recommended in washing rayons.
Reaction to Acids : Being pure cellulose, the fabric is disintegrated by hot dilute and cold concentrated
acids similar to that of cotton.
Affinity of Dyes : Viscose rayon fabrics absorb dye evenly and can be dyed with a variety of dyes, like
acid, chrome, and disperse.
Resistance to Perspiration : It is fairly resistant to deterioration from perspiration.

Polyester is a synthetic fiber invented in 1941. The first polyester fiber is known as Dacron in America and
Terylene in Britain. Later various types of polyesters are produced. Terylene fiber is made by synthesizing
terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. The ground work for development of polyester fiber is done by W.H.
Carothers. Polyester fiber is the long chain polymer produced from elements derived from coal, air, water and petroleum. Polyester is a thermoplastic fiber and has good strength. It melts in flame and forms a
grey hard non-crushable bead. It is an easy care fabric and can be easily washed. Polyester fiber looks like a
smooth, glass rod similar to Nylon. If delustered it shows black spotted appearance. The length, width, shape
and luster of the polyester fibers are controlled during manufacture to suit a specific end use. It is mostly
blended with other fibers to improve its absorbency and to lower static electricity.

Properties of Polyester
Properties of Polyester
It resists wrinkling.
It is easy to launder
It dries quickly
Its resistant to stretching.
Physical Properties
Shape and Appearance : These fibers are generally round and uniform. The fiber is partially transparent
and white to slightly off -white in colour.
Strength : The PET polyesters are in general, stronger. Polyester is found in industrial uses and the highly durable fabrics.
Elasticity : Polyester fibers do not have high degree of elasticity. In general polyester fiber is characterized as having a high degree of stretch resistance, which means that polyester fabrics are not likely to
stretch out of shape too easily.
Resilience : Polyester fibers have high degree of resilience. Not only does a polyester fabric resist wrinkling when dry, it also resists wrinkling when wet.
Drapability : Fabrics of polyester filament have satisfactory draping quality. Polyester spun yarn is flexible and softer, thereby draping quality is improved.
Heat Conductivity : Fabrics of polyester filament are good conductors of heat. Polyester staple does
not provide greater insulation in the yarns and fabrics. One of the reason for apparel greater warmth of
polyester is its low absorbency.
Absorbency : Polyester is one of the least absorbent fibers. This low absorbency has important advantages- they will dry very fast, suited for water repellent purposes, such as rain wear and they do not stain
Dimensional Stability : If the polyester is properly heat set, it will not shrink, nor stretch when subjected to boiling water, boiling cleaning solvents or ironing temperatures that are lower than heat setting

Shrinkage : Polyester fabrics shrinks as much as 20 %during wet-finishing operations and they are generally heat set in later treatments. They have excellent dimensional stability.
Cleanliness and Washability : Since polyester fibers are generally smooth, has low absorbency, many
stains lie on surface, and are easily washed, by hand or machine but oil stains are very hard to remove.
Chemical Properties
Reaction to Alkalies : At room temperature, polyesters has good resistance to weak alkalies and fair
resistance to strong alkali. It reduces with increase in temperature and alkalies concentration.
Reaction to Acids : Depending upon type, polyester has good resistance to mineral and organic acids.
Highly concentrated solutions at high temperatures cause degradation.
Eg: Sulphuric Acid.
Effects of Bleaches : Fabrics of polyester may be safely bleached, because polyesters have good resistance to deterioration to household bleaches. If the polyester have optical brightener, bleaching is not
Effect of Heat: Ironing should be done at low temperature. It gets sticky at 4400 F.
Effect of Light : Polyester has good resistance to degradation by sunlight. Over prolonged use, gradual
deterioration of fiber occurs.
Affinity for Dyes : Polyesters are dyed with appropriate disperse, developed dyes at high temperatures
producing a good range of shades and color fastness.
Resistance to Perspiration : Polyesters has no loss of strength from continued contact with either acid
or alkaline perspiration.
Polyester Blends : Polyester cotton blend, polyester wool blend, polyester rayon, polyester silk blend,
polyacetate blend, , polyester and nylon are some common blends.

Jute is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fibre that can be spun into coarse, strong threads. It is produced primarily
from plants in the genus Corchorus, which was once classified with the family Tiliaceae, more recently with
Malvaceae, and has now been reclassified as belonging to the family Sparrmanniaceae. The primary source of
the fibre is Corchorus olitorius, but it is considered inferior to Corchorus capsularis.Jute is the name of the
plant or fiber that is used to make burlap, Hessian or gunny cloth.
Jute is one of the most affordable natural fibers and is second only to cotton in amount produced and variety of uses of vegetable fibers. Jute fibers are composed primarily of the plant materials cellulose and lignin.
It falls into the bast fibre category (fiber collected from bast, the phloem of the plant, sometimes called the
skin) along with kenaf, industrial hemp, flax (linen), ramie, etc. The industrial term for jute fiber is raw jute.
The fibers are off-white to brown, and 14 metres (313 feet) long. Jute is also called the golden fiber for its
color and high cash value

Properties of Jute
1. Jute fibre is 100% biodegradable and recyclable and thus environmentally friendly.
2. Jute is a natural fibre with golden and silky shine and hence called The Golden Fibre.
3. Jute is the cheapest vegetable fibre procured from the bast or skin of the plants stem.
4. It is the second most important vegetable fibre after cotton, in terms of usage, global consumption,
production, and availability.
5. It has high tensile strength, low extensibility, and ensures better breathability of fabrics. Therefore,
jute is very suitable in agricultural commodity bulk packaging.
6. It helps to make best quality industrial yarn, fabric, net, and sacks. It is one of the most versatile
natural fibres that has been used in raw materials for packaging, textiles, nontextile, construction,
and agricultural sectors. Bulking of yarn results in a reduced breaking tenacity and an increased
breaking extensibility when blended as a ternary blend.
7. Unlike the fiber known as hemp, jute is not a form of (Cannabis). Therefore it can be much more
easily distinguished from forms of Cannabis that produce a narcotic
8. Jute is one of the most versatile natural fibres that has been used in raw materials for packaging,
textiles, nontextile, and agricultural sectors.
9. Jute stem has very high volume of cellulose that can be procured within 46 months, and hence it also
can save the forest and meet cellulose and wood requirement of the world.
10. The best varieties of Jute are Bangla Tosha Corchorus olitorius (Golden shine) and Bangla White
Corchorus capsularis (Whitish Shine), and Mesta or Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) is another species
with fibre similar to Jute with medium quality.
11. Raw Jute and Jute goods are interpreted as Burlap, Industrial Hemp, and Kenaf in some parts of
the world.

Nylon is very much suitable for hosiery and the knitted fabrics because of its smoothness, light
weight and high strength. Nylon is a lustrous fibre. The lustre of the fibre can be modified by adding
the delustering agent at the molten stage.

Properties of Nylon
Physical and Chemical Properties Nylon Fabrics
Composition: The nylons are polyamides with recurring amide groups. They contain carbon,
oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen elements.
Strength: Nylon has good tenacity and the strength is not lost with age. Nylon has a high strength to
weight ratio. It is one of the lightest textile fibres is at the same time also one of the strongest. It is
one of the fibres which are added at the points of wear such as knees and seats of jeans and toes
and heels of socks. The strength of the nylon fabric is lost when wet. Nylon has excellent abrasion
Elasticity: Nylon has good elasticity which makes it much suitable for the apparel purposes. The
excellent elasticity would mean that the nylon materials return to their original length and shreds the
wrinkles or creases. Nylon like other fibres has its own limit of elasticity. If stretched too much, it will
not completely recover its shape. The high elongation and excellent elastic recovery of nylon
contributes to the outstanding performance in hosiery. Nylon hosiery recovers to its original shape at
knees and ankles instead of bagging.
Resilience: Nylon fabrics have excellent resilience. Nylon fabrics retain their smooth appearance
and the wrinkles from the usual daily activities can be removed easily.
Drapability: Fabrics of nylon filament yarn have excellent draping qualities. The drape of the fabrics
made from nylon can be varied depending on the yarn size. The light weight sheer fabrics of nylon
night gowns have highdraping quality. The mediumweight dress fabrics can drape very nicely.
Heat Conductivity: The heat conductivity of the nylon fabrics vary depending upon the fabric
construction, the type of nylon (staple/filament) used in the construction etc. For instance, the
filament nylon used in the open construction would be cooler when compared to the same filament
used in a closed construction. In a closed or tight construction the air circulation through the fabric is
limited. The heat and moisture of the body will not readily pass the fabric construction, which makes
the wearer feel very warm. Such fabrics are good for winter apparel, such as windbreakers, but are
not suitable for summer garments. On the other hand the fabrics with open construction permits the
air circulation which makes the wearer feel cool.
Absorbency: Nylon fabrics have low absorbency. The low absorbency of the fabrics tends to be
advantageous and also disadvantageous. The main advantage of the nylons low absorbency is that
the water remains on the surface of the fabrics and runs off the smooth fabric and hence dries
quickly. This property makes the nylon fabrics suitable for raincoats and shower curtains. Nylons low
absorbency has a disadvantage in that the fabric feels clammy and uncomfortable in warm, humid

Cleanliness and Washability: Nylon fabrics are easy care garments. Nylon fabrics are smooth,nonabsorbent and dry quickly. Dirt doesnt cling to this smooth fibre, which can be washed easily or can
be even cleaned by using a damp cloth. Nylon whites are commonly referred as colour scavengers and
should be washed separately to avoid greying. They easily pick up colour and dirt from the wash water.
Nylons, washed with other fabrics pick up colour (even from the palest pastels) and develop a dingy
grey appearance that is extremely difficult to remove. In addition to retaining their appearance during
wear, garments made from nylon fabrics retain their appearance and shape after washing. Hot water
should be avoided during washing as the hot water may cause wrinkling in some fabric constructions.
Effect of Bleaches: The nylon fabrics are white and generally do not require bleaching. The nylon
fabrics which pick up colour or develop greying should be bleached with oxidising bleaches such as
hydrogen peroxide.
Shrinkage: Nylon fabrics retain their shape and appearance after washing. It has good stability and
does not shrink.
Effect of Heat: Nylon should always be ironed at low temperatures. Using hot iron will result in glazing
and then melting of the fabric.
Effect of Light: Nylon fabrics have low resistance to sun light. They are not suitable for curtains or draperies as it is weakened by the exposure to sun light.
Resistance to Mildew: Nylon fabrics have absolute resistance to the development of mildew.
Resistance to Insects: Nylon is resistance to the moths and fungi.
Reaction to Alkalis: Nylon has excellent resistance to alkalis but the frequent and prolonged exposures
to alkalis will weaken the nylon fabrics.
Reaction to Acids: Nylon is less resilient to the action of acids and is damaged by strong acids.
Affinity for Dyes: Nylon can be easily dyed with a wider range of dyes. The dyed fabrics retain their
colour and have good resistance to fading.
Resistance to Perspiration: Nylon fabrics are resistant to perspiration.

Linen is a cellulosic fibers derived from the stem of the flax plant or a fabric made from these fibers.
Linen fibers are much stronger and more lustrous that cotton they yield cool, absorbent fabrics that
wrinkle easily. Fabrics with linenlike texture and coolness but with good wrinkle resistance can be
produced from manufactured fibers and blends.

Properties of Linen
Physical Properties of Linen:
1. Tensile Strength: Linen is a strong fiber. It has a tenacity of 5.5 to 6.5 gm/den. The strength is
greater than cotton fiber.
2. Elongation at break: Linen does not stress easily. It has an elongation at break of 2.7 to 3.5 %.
3. Color: The color of linen fiber is yellowish to grey.
4. Length: 18 to 30 inch in length.
5. Lusture: It is brighter than cotton fiber and it is slightly silky.
6. Elastic Recovery: Linen fiber has not enough elastic recovery properties like cotton fiber.
7. Specific Gravity: Specific gravity of linen fiber is 1.50.
8. Moisture Regain (MR %): Standard moisture regain is 10 to 12%.
9. Resiliency: Very poor.
10. Effect of Heat: Linen has an excellent resistance to degradation by heat. It is less affected than
cotton fiber by the heat.
11. Effect of Sun Light: Linen fiber is not affected by the sun light as others fiber. It has enough
ability to protect sun light.
Chemical Properties of Linen:
1. Effect of Acids: Linen fiber is damaged by highly densified acids but low dense acids does not affect
if it is wash instantly after application of acids.
2. Effects of Alkalis: Linen has an excellent resistance to alkalis. It does not affected by the strong
3. Effects of Bleaching Agents: Cool chlorine and hypochlorine bleaching agent does not affect
the linen fiber properties.
4. Effect of Organic Solvent: Linen fiber has high resistance to normal cleaning solvents.
5. Effect of Micro Organism: Linen fiber is attacked by fungi and bacteria. Mildews will feed on
linen fabric, rotting and weakling the materials. Mildews and bacteria will flourish on linen under
hot and humid condition. They can be protected by impregnation with certain types of chemicals.
Copper Nepthenate is one of the chemical.
6. Effects of Insects: Linen fiber does not attacked by mothgrubs or beetles.
7. Dyes: It is not suitable to dye. But it can be dye by direct and vat dyes.

From this assignment I came to know about the textile fibres and its classifications and different properties of fibres which is helpful to create clothing according to our need. this assignment improved my
knowledge about the textile which we wear from the day of birth.

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