Aids To Navigation Seamanship (CIM 16500 21)

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Area and district commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistic commands,
unit commanding officers shall ensure that the provisions of this Instruction are complied with.


Recommendations for improvements to this Instruction shall be submitted to the National
Aids to Navigation School (NATON).

To replace and update the Aids to Navigation Manual - Seamanship.

Aids to Navigation Manual - Seamanship (CG-222-2) is canceled.


Director of Operations Policy



C. USE....



















Table of Contents

























Table of Contents





























Table of Contents








Specialized Aids to Navigation seamanship plays an important part in safe and efficient aids to navigation
operations both afloat and ashore. While local conditions will govern which methods of achieving certain
operations are best, there are certain basic principles that form a firm background of good seamanship. The
purpose of this manual is to explain good seamanship standards in aids to navigation operations. These
standards include historical facts, theories and techniques learned over time by skilled mariners. Above all,
it is the goal of this manual to provide the safest methods and guidance possible so our personnel will be
doing what may be the most dangerous task in the Coast Guard in the safest environment possible.

Non-Mandatory Procedures.
Sometimes this manual suggests recommended, but not mandatory, procedures or alternatives. A mandatory
procedure or policy will be marked by the use of the words will or shall. Refer to COMDTINST M16500.7
(series) for information on the Coast Guard's aids to navigation operating and administrative policies.
COMDTINST M16500.3 (series) lists specific manuals that tell how to operate and maintain individual
types of aids to navigation equipment.

This manual is intended only for the guidance of personnel involved in the operational side of the Coast
Guard aids to navigation program. The procedures listed are meant to be guides in the areas of seamanship
and planning for Coast Guard personnel who work in Coast Guard aids to navigation operations.

Team Coordination.

General. A conscious and deliberate use of the team coordinati principles throughout this manual is
crucial to reducing the probability of human error. Technical skills are important to aids to
navigation operations, but alone will not ensure safety. For a mission which is inherently one of the
most dangerous in the Coast Guard, safety depends on coordinated teamwork.


Briefings. Briefings shall be conducted before and after major events. Along with specifying safety
procedures, briefings should clarify expectations, create a climate for learning, and encourage feedback
by constructive critique. Briefings and debriefs serve as a means of continuous improvement.


Risk Assessment. Risk assessment shall be a part of event planning and risk management shall be a
part of team briefings. Risks shall periodically be reassessed as situations change. Individuals often
conduct their own risk assessment for a particular

task or operation, but quite often that information is not shared with the team. By
discussing risk, personnel will be better aware of potential hazards and how to control them.

Error Trapping. Briefings must empower subordinates to monitor circumstances and report situations
that differ from planned events, hazardous conditions, and anytime members have doubt. It is
extremely important that s system of notification is in place and is known by every team member.


Training. The principles summarized here and throughout this manual are safe work practices that the
team must routinely employ. Team coordination skills are outlined in training packages distributed to
each unit having aids to navigation as its primary mission.










Marlinspike Seamanship and Rigging in Aids to Navigation Work.


Introduction. This chapter deals with marlinspike seamanship, rigging, safe applications and
Safety inspections as they apply to aids to navigation work. Elementary information found in the
Coast Guardsman's Manual, has not been included. Other general information on rope knotting and
splicing and mechanical appliances can be found in Naval Ship's Technical Manuals (NSTM) and
other standard texts on seamanship.

Safe Working Loads in Weight Handling Equipment.


Fiber Rope. The Government specifications on fiber rope require manufacturers to list a minimum
breaking strength for their product. These minimum breaking strengths are derived from tests
conducted by the manufacturer under Cordage Institute Standard Test Methods. The breaking strengths
of fiber ropes vary depending on type of construction and manufacturer. Therefore, the specific
manufacturer information must be used when calculating the safe working load (SWL) of materials
bought outside the federal supply system. Rope in the system meets the minimum specification.


Safety Factors. Safe working loads for fiber and wire rope are determined by applying a safety factor to
the manufacturer's minimum breaking strength for new rope. This safety factor is applied because the
strength of rope decreases with use. Hence a rope will start with a 5 to 1 safety factor. Because of wear
the actual safety factor of the rope may only be 2 or 3 to 1 upon retirement of the rope. For all weight
handling applications (not involving hoisting or securing personnel) on Aids to Navigation vessels the
standard safe working load factor is 5 to 1. For all weight handling applications involving personnel on
Aids toNavigation vessels the standard SWL factor is 10 to 1. This 10 to 1 applications does not apply
to boat handling equipment. Boat handling equipment has a safe working load based on the normal
hoisting weight of the boat and may not meet the 10 to 1 requirement. Therefore, personnel and
equipment not included in the normal hoisting weight of the boat shall be loaded after the boat is
waterborne and shall be unloaded before the boat is hoisted.


Exceeding the Safe Working Load. If a wire or synthetic rope has been used in an application where
the 10 to 1 safe working load for personnel handling has been exceeded,the wire or synthetic rope shall
not be used to hoist or secure personnel. This does notprevent the use of the rope for other applications,
provided the 5 to 1 safety factor has not been exceeded.


Safe Working Load Table. The safe working load has to be calculated for all load handling wire,
synthetic, and natural fiber ropes. If the information is not available, the calculations in Table 2-1 can
be used to determine a safe working load.


Rigging Appendages. All hooks, chain, swivels, links, pins and shackles used to lift

or secure a load aboard any Aids toNavigation vessel must be:


Manufactured from heat treated alloy steel.


Have a safe working load stamped on the item by the manufacturer, or be marked by the
manufacturer so that the safe working load can be readily determined by consulting a
manufacturer's table of safe working loads.


If the safe working load cannot be determined for any of these items, the item shall not be
used and shall be cut in such a way as to prevent it from being used.


Tagging. All wire rope and chain slings shall have a metal stamped tag permanently attached by
the manufacturer or unit assembling the sling. This tag shall list the safe working loadfor the sling.
Table 2-2 gives the formula for determining the Safe Working Load for various slings at various
angles. Slings without a tag shall not be used for any application on Aids to Navigation vessels
until the sling has been proof tested and a tagaffixed. All components used on unit constructed
slings must have an SWL equal to orsmaller than the SWL of the material used in the sling. Only
new wire rope, fiber rope, chain and components can be used in sling construction. When
interchangeable endfittings are used they shall be tested and tagged in the same manner as slings.
Sling tags shall be metal and shall have the size, reach, type sling, SWL at the normal angle of use
and an identification number for record purposes. Interchangeable component tags need only have
the safe working load and an identification number for record purposes. Unit rigged fiber rope
slings do not need metal tags, but must have the safe working loads calculated based on the
application and sling angle. However, fiber rope slings must have a rope tape which records the
rope type and manufacture year. This tape should be placed so it does not interfere with the normal
use of the sling and will not be subject to removal or being defaced by use. These rope tapes are
critical since fiber rope replacement is dependent oninspections outlined in the Naval Ship's
Technical Manual, Chapter 613 before each use.


Blocks. All blocks shall be of the proper size and of the proper type for use with either manila,
nylon, wire rope, etc. All blocks shall be stamped with the safe working load of the block as
outlined by Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Chapter 573. Blocks without a safe working load
stamp shall not be used for any application on Aids to Navigation vessels until they have been
proof tested. After blocks have been tested they shall be either tagged or stamped with the safe
working load. SWL stamps are especially important when you consider that using nylon rope in a
block meant for manila rope could result in the rig failing at the block.


Synthetic Slings. Synthetic slings are authorized for use on Aids to Navigation vessels.
Synthetic slings shall not be fabricated or repaired by the unit. Synthetic slings must have a tag
with the safe working load attached by the manufacturer. The tag must have an individual number
assigned by the unit for record purposes. Inspection procedures for synthetic slings contained in
Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Chapter 573 must be followed. Synthetic slings shall not be used to
gripe deck loads.




Auxiliary Weight Handling Equipment Record. Each Aids to Navigation unit shall maintain some
type of record which identifies each weight handling sling (other than fiber rope), interchangeable
end fitting, snatch block, load binder, pelican hook, tie down chain, and portable rigged block and
tackle. This book shall list the date of purchase of construction, safe working load, and date of last
weight test, hooks (other than crane and boom power weight handling system hooks)including the
date of last throat opening measurement. Some units keep this information in the Hull istory, others
use a separate record book.


Tests and Inspections. All slings, interchangeable end fittings, snatch blocks, steamboat jacks,
pelican hooks, tie down chain, rigged portable block and tackle, shackles and shackle pins shall:

Be visually inspected before each use.


Be weight tested at 1.25 times their safe working load annually. Static loads are to be held
for 10 minutes and tensiometers are recommended test methods. All equipment
components are to be inspected before and after each annual test. However, only items
such as nterchangeable end fittings need to be tested as a single component, all others shall
be tested fully assembled. The results of these tests are to be recorded in the auxiliary
weight handling log book.


Throat openings in all hooks are to be checked semi-annually. Boom and Crane power
weight handling equipment system hook information is recorded in the Hull History. All
other weight handling hook data is recorded in the auxiliary weight handling log book.


Shackles and shackle pins should all be visually inspected annually for evidence of cracks
or deformation. However, there is no requirement to weight test shackles and shackle pins
or to maintain individual records. For this reason any suspect shackles and shackle pins
shall be cut to prevent their use and discarded.


Inspection/rejection/disposition procedures are covered in the applicable sections of this

manual and in the Naval Ships' Technical Manual.

Types and Construction of Fiber Rope.


Uses of Rope. Rope is one of the most valuable and constantly used tools available to a seaman.
Aside from its standard uses in rigging, tackles, boat falls, lashings, and stoppers, its flexibility and
almost universal application enable seamen to use it in a variety of situations.


Rope Classification. Modern ropes are classified as fiber, either natural or synthetic, and wire rope.
The descriptions herein deal only with types of rope commonly used in aids to navigation work.


Common Types of Rope. The most common type of natural fiber rope in use on tenders is manila.
Nylon and polypropylene are the most commonly used synthetic rope materials. Line under 1-3/4
inch circumference is known as small stuff. Small cordage is often made from hemp fiber. It is
known in its various types as marline, houseline, roundline, spun yarn, seizing stuff and ratline


Rope Construction. A rope consists of fibers, yarns, and strands. Ordinarily, yarns are formed by
twisting fibers to the right; strands are formed by twisting yarns to the left; rope is formed by
twisting strands to the right. This forms right lay rope. The twists of the yarns and strands run
upwards to the right, vice versa for left lay rope. When three, four, or six strands are twisted
together, opposite to the twist of the strands, it is known as plain-laid rope. When three or four
plain-laid, three stranded ropes are twisted together, the rope is calledcable-laid. This rope has
somewhat less tensile strength than plain-laid rope of equivalent diameter, but it is superior for
certain types of duty, such as towing, where elasticity andresistance to surface wear is required.

Size of Fiber Rope.


Measurement. Fiber rope is measured by circumference, except for small stuff which is designated
by the number of threads it contains, i.e.: 6-thread, 12-thread, 21-thread. Fiber rope is available in
sizes from 3/4 to 16 inch circumference. However, 10 or 12 inch rope is the largest used on vessels
of this service. The length of rope is expressed in fathoms and is issued in coils of 100 to 200

Common Sizes Used on Board Tenders. Commonly sizes and use are: mooring lines, 5 or 6 inches;
cross deck lines, 5 or 6 inches; deck lashings, 2 to 6 inches; buoy head (cage) lines, 2 to 4 inches;
hoisting tackle hook tripping lines, or tag lines, 12 to 21 thread, straps and slings, 3 to 6 inches.

Sizing. Both manila and nylon ropes are used in aids to navigation work. For all tender
requirements, only the size capable of handling the weight involved shall be used.

Care and Use of Manila Rope.


Care of Natural Fiber Rope.


Do not put a heavy strain on a line which has seen continuous service under a moderate
strain, nor one which has been close to its breaking point. The safety of rope decreases
rapidly with use, depending on the overload.

When passing turns around capstans, winches, gypsy heads,etc., insure the line is wound around
them in the same way it is coiled. That is, left to right or clockwise. Passing the
line in a counterclockwise manner will force the lay open, weakening or seriously
damaging it. When surging a line on a winch, take care that the turns on the gypsy head
do not chafe.

c. When surging line around bitts, take off enough turns so it will surge smoothly. However, be sure
to keep enough turns to maintain adequate control. Taut, dry, manila lines should be
immediately slacked off when wetted by rain or spray. Manila shrinks about 4 percent in
length when wet; this may subject the line to a greater strain.
d. No line should ever be stored while wet or damp. After use, clean off sand, grit and salt water
as soon as possible by washing down with fresh water. Hang it up to dry in awell-ventilated
place, away from paint, oil, or any other chemicals.

An occasional sunbath will do it a lot of good. Manila stored even under good conditions
deteriorates and will lose about 30% of its strength in 2 years due to weathering alone. When
stored under humid conditions, deterioration is more rapid.
e. Remove all kinks before putting a strain on a line. A kinked section of a line can be expected
to fail at loads of 20 to 30 percent below the designed strength of the line. Remove kinks before
manila lines dry. When a line in service has kinked, it may be throughfooted by coiling down
against the lay and bringing the lower end up through the center of the coil. If there are many
turns in the line, coil small, if few turns, coil large. In instances where both ends are not free,
begin with that part of the line at the cleat and coil down counter-clockwise (for right-hand lay
rope). Then dip the enddown through the coil pulling it out. Capsize the coil and then coil
down with the lay.
f. All 3-inch or larger manila rope purchased through the Federal Supply System is fungicidally
treated. This results in an unnatural color, gray-green or dark brown. Field application of
preservative compound to rope is not recommended since all of these compounds involve a
reduction in strength. When factory treated initially, the original specifications are increased
to take care of this reduction. If purchasing manila locally, specify the treated rope.
g. Do not use chain slings or chain stoppers on fiber rope. Chain will cut the fiber and kink
the rope. Use manila or nylon stoppers only. Avoid short nips and bends through fairleads,
chocks etc.
h. Use the proper size block and sheave. The length of the cheek should be three times the
circumference of the rope. The diameter of the sheave should be twice the circumference. For
example, a block with a 12-inch cheek would be suitable foruse with 4-inch rope.


Uncoiling. The biggest problem faced when opening a new coil of rope is deciding which side of
the coil the bitter end should be drawn through. If properly packaged, the rope will reeve from the
center of the coil and lie reasonably free of kinks. The following procedure should remove some
of the mystery of proper uncoiling: First, remember that manila must be coiled in a clockwise
direction and uncoiled in a counterclockwise direction. Now look into the center of the coil and
locate the bitter end. It should be marked at the rope walkwith a tag (which frequently becomes
lost). Study the direction in which the last few feet of rope are wound and visualize it unwinding.
If you were to reach into the center of the coil and pull the bitter-end towards you would it
unwind in a counterclockwise direction? If not, turn the coil so it will. This is the key; as the end
of the rope is pulled out it must reeve off the coil in a counterclockwise direction motion. (See
Figure 2-1.)

Inspection of Natural Fiber Rope.


General. Natural fiber rope should be inspected before each use. Never judge the strength by an
overload test. A line which has been loaded near its breaking strength may fail at a much lighter
load the very next time it is strained. It is also impractical to


make a determination on the basis of placing samples of a line under a static load test. The
samples may test satisfactorily, but there is no assurance that the entire length of line is equal in
strength to the samples. The only practical method of determining the overall condition of natural
fiber rope is by a careful visual inspection. In any event natural fiber rope shall not be kept in
service more than five years. Specific inspection information is found in Naval Ships' Technical
Manual, Chapter 613. The most important danger signs are listed below.


Broken Fibers. Surface abrasion will cause the fibers to break at the top or crown of each strand.
The broken ends will then normally be worn off until they appear as the ends of very short vertical
fibers in the trenches between the ridges of the strands. This gives a line a smooth appearance.
This smooth appearance,with no pronounced ridges and valleys, is a certain way of detecting a
badly worn and much weakened line. Broken fibers can also result from overstressing a line.
When examining the interior, take care to distinguish broken ends from the free ends of fibers.
The recommended method is to compare a used line with new rope which is known to be in good


Internal Wear. Frequent flexing of a line will cause abrasion between the individual fibers, which
may not be noticeable on the surface. It will form a fine powder between the strands on the inside
of the line. Accumulation of fine powder is a sign of a badly worn line. Inspect interior conditions
by reverse twisting a section of line.


Mildew and Dry Rot in Manila. When examining the interior of manila rope, check for dark
moldy-looking spots. Once started, mildew is practically impossible to stop.


Softness or Brittleness. An extremely soft, very flexible line is a danger sign. The opposite condition,
brittleness, is also dangerous and can be detected by bending over the loose ends of
fibers and comparing them to new rope. In addition, bits of brittle, broken fibers may be found
between the strands.

Types and Construction of Synthetic Fiber Rope.


Synthetic Rope Descriptions. New synthetic fibers are being developed to meet constantly
changing needs. Technical information is available from manufacturers. Since nylon is the most
common synthetic fiber rope aboard Aids to Navigation vessels, the bulk of the following
discussion has been tailored to nylon rope. Here is a list of some of these rope types and their

Polypropylene (Olefin). Made in either monofilament, multifilament or film form. Strength is

approximately 50% of nylon and polyester. Relatively low melt point. A light weight fiber with
high positive buoyancy. Not as abrasion-resistant as polyethylene.
Polyethylene (Olefin). About 5% less strength than Polypropylene and 5% heavier. Low melt point, light weight, high
buoyancy. Often used in non-critical applications where buoyancy is required.
Kevlar (Aramid). A special DuPont fiber with strength and stretch characteristics comparable to
wire.Very high melting point. Poor abrasion resistance.

Nylon. Nylon rope Three-Strand Twisted - or regular lay - is constructed in the


same manner as manila line, see Figure 2-2.

Double braided nylon. Double braided (2-in-1) nylon ropes have greater strength than the twisted
nylon ropes. They also have the added advantage of being kink resistant. These ropes require little
attention during reeving, coiling or capstan operations.


Construction of Nylon Rope. Double braid ropes are essentially two hollow braid ropes, one inside
the other. The inner core rope is made of large single yarns having a slack limp braid. The cover
rope is also made of large single yarns, with a tight braid to compress and hold the core.These ropes
have numerous applications ranging from halyards to mooring lines. They vary in size from 3/4
inch to 21 inches in circumference. The core of double braid can carry up to 90% of the load.


Strength of Nylon Rope. As a result of numerous laboratory and service tests it has been
determined that, size for size, nylon rope is approximately twice as strong as manila. This factor,
along with its high working elongation (30 to 40 percent),superior durability, and inherent rot
resistance, makes nylon rope very desirable for many applications. Particularly, it is good where
reduced bulk and weight are highly advantageous, and where surging or impact loads are involved.

Care and Use of Synthetic Fiber Rope.


Nylon Rope Stretch. Nylon rope can withstand repeated stretching without serious effect. When
under load it thins down but recovers to its normal size when free of tension. The Critical point
of loading for twisted nylon is 40 percent extension, i.e., a 10-footlength will measure 14 feet. If
this point is exceeded, the line is in danger of parting. Twisted nylon rope on parting is stretched
about 50% in length. This length is recovered instantaneously with resulting snapback. In view of
this, it is imperative that no one stand in the direct line of pull when heavy loads are applied. To
ensure that twisted nylon towing hawsers are below the critical working elongation of 40%, attach a
40-inch length of tape to a 30-inch length of the hawser before loading. If the tape should break, the
hawser has elongated 33-1/3% and the tow should be eased. To ensure against overloading double
braided nylon rope, attach a 40-inch tattletale to two points on the hawser 32 inches apart under
approximately 10 lbs. tension. The critical point of loading for double braided nylon rope is
reached when it is stretched over 25 percent of its length. Wet nylon hawsers under strain will emit
steam-like water vapor. This is normal even under safe working loads


Belaying Nylon. Do not belay wire or spring-lay rope on the same cleat or bitt used for nylon or
run it through the same chock. Chafing gear should be used freely where metal edges are
encountered. Nylon line under heavy strain may develop glazed areas where it has worked against
bitt or chock surfaces. This condition may be caused by removal of paint from metal surfaces or
the fusing of nylon fibers. In either case, the effect on the rope strength is negligible. Due to
nylon's coefficient of friction being lower than that of manila, it may slip while being eased off the
bitts. To avoid injury to personnel, more turns on the cleat or capstan than would be required with
manila line are recommended. Do not use a single part of plain laid line for hauling or hoisting any
load which is free to rotate.



Nylon Rope Stoppers. Use only rat-tailed nylon rope stoppers with nylon line. Plain nylon is safe,
but is not easily handled. Manila stoppers are unsafe and chain is not satisfactory, due to the
damaging effect. Because of the lower coefficient of friction of nylon, be sure that the stopper is
holding before transferring the load. Once it has started to run, nylon is almost impossible to stop.


a. Do not uncoil new nylon rope by pulling the bitter end up through the eye of the coil. Unreel it
like wire rope (See Figure 2-3). Should kinks develop due to uncoiling they Can be worked
out. Never attempt to clear kinks by dragging the rope in the water as this may tend to
unbalance the lay and cause irreparable damage to the rope.
b. Reel stowage is preferred for nylon. The line should be dried before stowage. Do not stow
nylon openly in strong sunlight for long periods; if necessary cover the line. In stowage, keep
away from heat, strong chemicals, and moisture.
c. Should nylon lines become slippery due to accumulation of oily or greasy materials, they should be
scrubbed with mild soap and fresh water. Isolated spots may be removed by use of light rubbing
oils followed with soap and water.
d. Nylon will, in service, develop a surface fuzz. This fuzz has little effect on the strength of the
rope. Broken yarns observed in strands when the rope is opened is a positive indication of loss
of strength.

Inspection of Synthetic Fiber Rope.


Splicing. Three strand nylon can be spliced like manila. Instead of using seizing stuff for whipping
the strands and rope ends, tape and then fuse the ends with a hot knife. Nylon lines, because of
their smoothness and elastic properties, require at least one more tuck in all splices.Nylon line
larger than four inches in circumference should have at least four full tucks before tapering. Three
or four tapering tucks are recommended. When trimming leave the ends longerthan with manila
until the splice is well set. Most manufacturers provide excellent technical manuals for splicing

General. Synthetic fiber ropes, properly handled and maintained, should remain serviceable far
longer than natural fiber rope. No set retirement period for synthetic fiber rope exists. Naval about
synthetic line inspection. Table 2-3 provides an excellent Ship's Technical Manual Chapter 613
contains specific information reference for synthetic line inspection and replacement.

Fiber Rope Slings and Tackles.


General. Rope slings are important tools in loading and handling material. They are used on board
tenders for hoisting cylinders, small unlighted buoys, batteries, general cargos hip's stores, and
other items. Fiber slings may be made of line or flat woven strapping, in a variety of fibers.

Sling Types.

Slings come in two types, the single line with an eye splice or thimble in each end,



and the endless sling, also known as a strap.

b. The single line sling with the eye splices in each end, or "snorter," can be used by looping it around
the load and hanging both ends on the hook. It can also be used by slipping one end through the
eye on the opposite end and hoisting by a single part. The first method should never be used with
only one sling since there is practically no grip on the load. When used in the second manner with
packages of the same size, the wear is always on the same spot even though the ends are
continually reversed. Therefore the sling should be discarded due to rapid wear on a very short
section. Frequently a hook is spliced in each end, and a bight seized in the middle for hoisting.
c. The endless sling can be used as an open loop by carrying the sling around the load and putting
both loops over the hook, or by slipping one loop through the other, thus making a self-binding
sling. This type of sling has the advantage of not causing the bight to occur continually in the
same spot.Endless slings are made from 2-1/2 to 6-inch line, anywhere from3 to 6 fathoms long,
with the ends joined in a short splice.
d. Except for small general purpose slings, aramid or Dacron is the preferred material for fiber slings.
Nylon slings are available in strengths required for handling buoys and sinkers. However the
inherent stretch in nylon makes their use hazardous.

Use of Slings.

Always apply padding to sharp container edges or corners.

b. Keep the angle between the legs of the sling as small as possible to avoid placing extra tension on
the sling. Figure 2-4 shows how rapidly the load on the sling increases as the angle between the
legs of the sling decreases.
c. Attempt to reduce the sharpness of the bend of the rope over the hook as much as possible. Watch
for cuts and abrasions.
d. Bear in mind that multiplying the number of parts of the sling does not increase the effective
strength in proportion. Friction and sharp angles prevent full utilization of all the parts.
e. Splice rather than knot. A well made splice retains up to 90 percent of the strength of the rope,
while a knot retains only 50 percent or less. Slings made of flat strapping cannot be spliced, and
must be purchased premade and proof tested.

Discard any fiber sling on which battery electrolyte may have been spilled. (Polyethylene line is
recommended for use around batteries because it is not affected by battery electrolyte).

Types and Construction of Wire Rope.


General. Although there are various types of wire rope that fit a multitude of requirements, the
following is restricted to wire rope used on tenders.

Description. Wire rope is a flexible, multiple-wire, precision machine-made rope,



made from high strength cold-drawn steel wires. It is intended for use as a tension member in
hoisting, hauling or supporting loads. Flexibility is obtained by the helical formation of many small
wires into strands and the subsequent helical formation of such strands (six) around a coreto form a
rope (See Figure 2-5). Before you can use a rope properly, you must understand its construction
and properties.

Construction. The basic unit of wire rope is the wire, processed from selected grades of steel.
After the wires are drawn to size they are helically laid together in a uniform geometric pattern, a
strand, with a definite pitch or lay. The strands are in turn again twisted about a central core, or
heart, of hemp, independent wire rope, or steel center strand. As a rule, 6 strands are used and the
umber of individual wires in each strand varies from 6 to 37. The more wires, the more flexible the
rope. Thus a 6 x 37 wire rope consists of 6 strands of 37 wires each or a total of 222 wires. All of
these must be able to bend and move with respect to one another if the rope is to have the flexibility
necessary for normal operations.




The core is the foundation of a wire rope. Its primary function is to support the wire strands
maintaining them in their correct relative positions during the operational life of the rope
When subjected to a load, the strands, because of their helical shape, imbed themselves into
he core. If the core is removed, broken or weakened the strands may be able to deform,
causing severe damage to the wire rope. This also causes a significant reduction in breaking
strength. The core also transfers lateral pressures from contact with sheaves or drums to the
strands not making contact.


Fiber cores are simply small diameter fiber ropes. Most fiber cores (FC) are made
Of polypropylene. A fiber core provides maximum flexibility and elasticity to the wire
rope structure. However, fiber cores are susceptible to crushing due to their relative

Independent wire rope cores (IWRC) are usually small six-stranded ropes with a strand as a
core. IWRCs resist crushing since they are a steel rope. IWRCs also make a rope less
flexible, but add about 7 1/2 percent to the break strength of the rope, depending on the

Wires. The wires in a rope are round in cross-section. Round wires can slide and rotate against
each other as the rope is loaded or bent. Other types of wires are made, but they are usedin very
special situations. The grade of steel used in making the wires has a significant effect on the
breaking strength. To a lesser degree the grade effects flexibility and abrasion resistance. The
following grades of steel are used in wire manufacturing:

Plow steel (PS): lowest break strength, lowest resistance to wear, highest fatigue life.

Improved plow steel (IPS): good combination of qualities;medium break strength, medium
resistance to wear, medium fatigue life and less flexibility.



Extra improved plow steel (XIP): higher break strength, more resistance to wear, lower
fatigue life and less flexibility.


Extra extra improved plow steel (XXIP): highest break strength, most wear resistance and
lowest fatigue life. A wire rope of this grade must have sheave and drum diameters
favorable to its use.

Strands. The strands, made of the wires, are helically laid around the core. Unless otherwise
specified in the vessels plans, all ATON vessels use six-stranded wire with IWRC rope. Due
to improvements in wire technology, fiber core wire is becoming obsolete. Newer vessels will
normally use special construction wires or 6 strand IWRC wires. Changes to the wire type
specified in the vessel's plans must be approved by the Commandant.

Pre-Formed Wire Rope. Pre-Formed wire rope is made with pre-formed strands (i.e., each
strand and the wires in it have the shape they assume in the finished rope). Pre-formed ropes
have many advantages over regular wire rope. They withstand a greater number of bends over
a sheave, have a greater flexibility, resist kinking, permit better attachment sockets or feige
fittings, and are easier to wind smoothly and evenly on drums. When worn they are safer to
handle, as the broken wires will not stick out. All Aids to Navigation vessels shall use preformed wire rope.

a. The direction of twist of the strands in the rope determines if the rope will be right or left
lay. The lay of a rope has three different meanings. The lay could be the direction of twist of
the wires in a rope, the direction of twist of the strands in a rope or a length along a rope.
When looking at a wire rope (See Figure 2-6), if the wires appear to run along the length of the
rope it is known as regular lay. If the wires look as if they are running across the rope it is
known as lang lay. All Coast Guard ropes are regular lay.

Descriptions of the different lays follow.

(1) Right-regular lay: The individual wires of the strand are laid up to the left and the strands
are laid up to the right. Regular lay ropes are less likely to be kinked, and give additional
resistance to crushing, distortion and rotation.
(2) Right-lang Lay: Both the wires of the strands and the strands are laid up to the right. Lang
lay rope gives increased wearing surface for certain types of service resulting in longer life
for the rope. Lang lay rope offers greater flexibility but has a tendency to crush and
untwist. It should not be used with a swivel or in a single part hoist.
(3) Left-regular lay: This lay is the opposite of Right-Regular Lay above.
(4) Left-lang lay: This lay is the opposite of Right-Lang Lay above.
(5) Reverse lay: The strands are laid up to the right and the individual wires of the strands are
laid up to the right and left alternately. Reverse lay ropes


have limited use. They resist distortion and prevent clamp slippage, but sacrifice other
(6) Special construction: A number of developments in wire rope construction have produced
multiple core non-rotating wires and other special purpose constructions. Their advantages
and weaknesses vary.Such ropes shall only be used when specified in thevessel's plans.
c. Right and left lay do not affect performance, but are required based on the lead from the drum
and from the termination point on the drum. This will be covered later.

Lay Length. A rope lay length, an important dimension in inspection, is the distance it takes one strand
to go completely around the rope (See Figure 2-7). This is easily determined, if the number of strands
are known. Start at one strand and count the strands down the rope until the number equals the number of
strands. The last strand will be the same one as the first. The distance between the first and last is the lay


Dameter theD meter of a wire rope is the distance between the rowns of two opposite strand (See
Figure 2-8). This is easily measured by rotating a caliper around the rope so the highest points are
measured. Ropes are referred to by their nominal diameter American made wire rope will be
delivered about 5 ercent oversized.


Designations. In specifying a wire rope, a set of abbreviations are used to designate the type of rope
wanted. The following arestandard examples of abbreviations:


Crushing and Flexibility. The number of wires and the type of core have a significant



effect on a rope's flexibility. Flexibility is important in multiple part reeving and situations where
only small diameter sheaves can be used. Obviously, the more wires and the softer the core the
more flexible the rope. For example, a 6x37 rope is 40 percent more flexible than 6x19 rope of the
same size, grade and core type. The opposite is true of crush resistance. The fewer wires and the
harder the core, the more crush resistant. Forexample, a 6x19 rope is 30 percent more crush
resistant than a 6x37 rope of the same size, grade and core type.

D to d Ratio (D/d).
a. The sharpness of bend experienced by a wire rope impacts the rope's strength and life. The
sharpness is defined as the "D to d ratio" (D/d). Table 2-4 shows the reduction in The
efficiency 9 (percent of break strength) of a wire rope based on the sharpness of the bend.
b. Compute "D to d" ratio by dividing the sheave's tread diameter ("D") by the wire rope's nominal
diameter ("d"). As an example, a 7/8 inch wire rope going over an 18 inch sheave will
have a D/d ratio of: 18 divided by 7/8 = 20.6. Observe from Table 2-4, this rope's actual break
strength is 92.5 percent of its advertised strength. If the sheave was only 5 inches in diameter,
the D/d ratio would be 5.7. The rope over this sheave would be able to handle 75% only of its
advertised strength. Most rigs are designed with a minimum D/d ratio of 16. Obviously, the
sheaves on the boom cannot be increased in size; they would no longer fit. However, the D/d
ratio is as important in the sizing of load and snatch blocks.
c. The D/d ratio effect is not additive. If a wire is going through a number of sheaves, the
smallest one determines break strength.


Fleet Angle.
a. The winding on a drum is closely related to the D/d ratio,speed of rotation, load on the rope and
the fleet angle. Of all these factors, the one that exerts perhaps the greatest influence on
winding characteristics is the fleet angle. The fleet angle on a boom (whip, main, topping and
vang) has already been determined during the construction of the system. The fleet angle of
wire rope crossdecks is dependent on the position of the system's snatch block.
b. The fleet angle is the maximum angle the wire rope will travel between the sheave and the
drum (See Figure 2-9.) For optimum efficiency the angle should not exceed 1 1/2 degrees.
Larger fleet angles cause excessive sheave wear and grinding of the rope, turn against turn, on
the drum. Excessively large angles will cause the rope to wind open on the drum and at the
flange, and the rope will jump or skip several turns whenrising from one layer to the next.

Care and Use of Wire Rope, Wire Rope Fittings and Appendages.
Improved plow steel, pre-formed regular lay, right hand helix,6x19 to 6x37 wire rope is used in
rigging tenders for aids to navigation work. Standard ship blueprints should be consulted for
determining the proper size and type of wire rope for standing or running rigging. Deviation from
these blueprints is not authorized without approval by



The Commandant. For other uses where prints or allowance lists de not specify the type to be
used, the Fleet Oriented Consolidated Stock List, Group 40, should be consulted to determine the
proper type of rope.

Additional Sources. The Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Chapter 613 gives more detailed
information on the care and handling of wire rope. It should be consulted for questions not
covered in this section.


Break Strengths and Safety Factors.

a. The breaking strength of a wire rope is set by the manufacturer and is the load that will part the
rope when new. Table 2-5 shows the minimum breaking strengths for commonly used wire ropes.
More complete information can be found in the Fleet Oriented Consolidated Stock List, Group 40.
All ropes within a given classification, with the same diameter and grade of steel, have the same
breaking strength.
b. To find the safe working load of wire rope, divide the breaking strain by a safety factor chosen for
the particular conditions of use. For example, rope used in ordinary hoisting service shall have a
safety factor of five. Rope which is to be used to support personnel shall have a safety
factor of ten.


Care of Wire Rope. Wire rope must be properly lubricated to insure long life and safety. The
internal parts of the wire move whenever the rope passes over a sheave or winds on a drum. Each
wire rotates around its axis, and all wires minutely slide by each other. Internal wear can be
minimized only by lubrication. Chain lubricant, Military specification MIL-G-18458 (ships) type
II shall be used when available. If not available, use Lubra-plate or a good grade of engine oil. It
must be free from acids and corrosive substances and be thin enough to remain as a coating on
the outer surfaces. Wire rope is not necessarily lubricated when the outside appears greasy. Care
must be taken to insure the lubricant penetrates into the core of the rope. The preferred and
recommended method of lubricating wire rope is to use a mechanical lubricating device such as a
Dynalube. (See Figure 2-10).



5. Installation.
a. When removing wire rope from a shipping reel, the reel must be allowed to rotate as the rope is
hauled off. If the reel is restrained, kinks will develop and ruin the rope. When spooling a
rope onto a drum, never allow it to go through a reverse bend, i.e., never go from the top of the
reel to the bottom of the drum. Unspool from the top of the reel to the top of the drum or from
the bottom of the reel to the bottom of the drum. (See Figure 2-11.) A reverse bend will
injure the rope.
b. Wire rope which is in a coil should be stood on the edge of the coil and rolled like a wheel.
When hand coiling wire rope, coil it in the direction that will take the twist out of the rope.
Right-lay rope will coil in a clockwise direction.
c. The length of rope wound on a reel or drum can be determined from the following: Measure
the depth of material (h) wound on the reel. Add this figure to the diameter (s) of the drum
(hub). Multiply this sum by the depth (h), then multiply the product by the inside length (L)
of the drum. Then multiply by a constant (K) for the respective size of rope. The result (X)
will be the length of rope on the reel. All of the measurements are in inches and the length of
the rope will be in feet. (See Figure 2-12.)
d. When installing new rope, all wraps in the first layer should be tight and straight. Successive
wraps should be tapped tightly together with a soft object (wooden mallet). This will produce
a uniform and closely wound first layer, which in turn, will produce uniformity of successive
layers. A loose first layer will allow kinking, crushing and overwinding of subsequent layers.
e. Some drums allow for anchoring on either the right or left side. The direction of the lay of the
rope determines which anchoring point to use. Each time a drum is rigged the correct
lay/anchoring point should be checked. The procedure for determining the anchor point is as
(1) Determine if the rope will be overwound or underwound. Will it come off the top or
bottom of the drum?
(2) Imagine being behind the drum.
(3) For right lay rope, make a fist with your right hand to simulate the drum, and extend your
forefinger to simulate the rope. If the rope is overwound the back of the hand must be up
so the forefinger "comes off the top of the drum" just like the rope. If the rope is
underwound the palm would be up so the forefinger "comes off the bottom of the drum"
like the rope.
(4) With your hand in the correct position extend your thumb. The thumb points to the side
where the anchoring must be done.



(5) Left lay rope should be treated in an opposite manner. (See Figure 2-13 for the "Thumb
f. When the first layer of wire rope is wound on a smooth drum in the wrong direction, the coils tend
to spread apart or roll in The opposite direction of the lay. Coils of the second layer wedge
themselves between the open coils, causing non-uniform winding, which may result in damaging
the rope from crushing and abrasion. There is also a tendency for the remaining coils on the drum,
when the rope is out and the load slacked off and then applied again, to cross other coils. The result
is crushing of the rope at the point of the crossover.

Wire rope is a machine. Under service a wire rope loads up along its entire length. Hence wear occurs both
internally and externally. Therefore, wire rope shall never be end for ended in an attempt to distribute wear. If
one broken wire is found at a fitting end ten feet of wire rope may be removed and a new fitting attached instead
of complete rope replacement. However, a weighthandling test must be performed before placing the rig back
into service.

7. Inspection/Replacement. All wire rope rigging shall be visually inspected quarterly for wear, and for proper
lubrication. Determine whether deterioration has resulted in appreciable loss of original strength and constitutes
a safety hazard. Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Chapter 613 contains detailed inspection procedures and is the
recommended source for wire rope replacement information. However, one or more of the following conditions
shall be sufficient reason for questioning rope safety and requiring its replacement:

The nominal rope diameter is reduced by more than the amount shown in Table 2-6 for the applicable size
rope. In running ropes, six broken wires in one rope lay length or three brokenwires in one strand in one
rope lay.

One broken wire within one rope lay length of a fitting. (Cut off from six to eight feet of rope
below the socket, reinstall fitting, retest.)

Evidence of pitting due to corrosion.

Evidence of heat damage.

Kinking, crushing, or distortion of any kind that may affect rope service.

Wire ropes in standing rigging must be replaced if there are three broken wires in one rope lay.


Care must be taken to prevent spreading of the strands when cutting, especially if the rope is to be
attached to fittings with small openings. Hydraulic or mechanical rope cutters, or guillotines, are
recommended for cutting wire rope. Torches shall never be used to cut wire rope.



Seizings should be placed on either side of the spot to be cut. If non-preformed wire rope is not
seized before cutting, the ends will unlay violently. Directions on how to make wire rope seizing

To make a seizing on wire rope, wind annealed iron seizing wire onto the rope by hand, keeping
the coils tight, with considerable tension on the wire (See Figure 2-14).


Twist the ends of the wire together counter-clockwise, so the twisted portion of the wires is
near the middle of the seizing.


Do not try to tighten the seizing by twisting; tighten the seizing by prying the twist away from
the axis of the rope.


Tighten the twist again Repeat (3) and (4) as often as necessary to make the seizing tight.
When done, cut off the ends of the wires and pound the twist close against the rope.

9. Wire Rope Splices. Good descriptions of short, long and eye splices can be found in Knights Modern
Seamanship. Runningrigging on Aids to Navigation vessels shall Be single piece fromtermination to
termination and shall be free of splices.
10. Wire Clips.

The number of wire rope clips which should be used to develop maximum strength is listed in
Table 2-7.

When attaching wire rope clips, be sure that the U-bolt rests on the short or bitter end of the rope
and that flat base rests on the tension part (See Figure 2-15). Otherwise, the rope will be injured by
putting a crimp into the tension side.Never stagger the wire rope clips. Clips should be spaced a
distance apart equal to 6 times the diameter of the wire.After attaching a clip on a wire rope, tighten
all nuts again after the rope is under tension. Tighten them again after the rope has been in
operation for a few hours. When inspecting clip fastenings, it is important to examine the rope at
the clip farthest from the bight. Rope vibrations or whipping are dampened here, and fatigue breaks
develop. Fatigue damage will be less pronounced with pre-formed rope.

Wire rope clips are a temporary rigging solution. They may be used in aid construction, and to
form a temporary eye for a mooring cable or other general purpose rigging. Do not use wire rope
clips for slings or weight handling rigs. The only exception to this is their use as a preventer on the
bitter end (only) of a wedge socket used aboard a construction tender. Wedge sockets will be
described later in this chapter.

11 Wire Rope Sockets.


End fittings are of the greatest importance to safety. It is important to understand that most fittings,
even when properly installed, cannot withstand the full break strength of the wire rope. An
exception to this is a commercially available epoxy




resin system, similar to a poured zinc fitting, which is rate at 100% when used in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions. This type of fitting is authorized for overhead lifting on all ATON vessels.
It is preferred for use with any wire rope having a wire core, and must be used if the vessel was initially
provided with this type of fitting. Forged fittings of weldless construction are the only type
recommended for overhead lifting. Most AtoN units use feige fittings.

Feige fittings can withstand approximately 85 percent of the breaking strength of improved plow
steel wire rope. Made of three parts, feige fittings include a sleeve which slips over the end of the
wire rope, a plug which is inserted to separate and hold the strands of the rope in the sleeve, and a
covering socket. The Feige fitting works on a wedge principle. The plug is tapered as is the inside
of the sleeve. Due to the friction between the strands and the plug, the plug is drawn deeper into
the sleeve as a load is placed on the rope. The tapers of the plug and sleeve combine to wedge the
strands between them, thus holding the rope.

Fiber core wire ropes require the use of solid plugs. IWRC wire ropes require the use of split plugs.

The recommended installation procedures for feige fittings (Refer to Table 2-8 and Figure 2-16) are:
(1) Place assembly blocks on the rope, then place the blocks in a vise.
(2) Position end of rope to dimension "A" as shown on Table 2-8 for the size rope being
assembled. Tighten vise firmly.
(3) For fiber core rope only: unlay two strands of the rope(do not unlay any of the wires in the strands)
and cut out the fiber core as close to the assembly blocks aspossible. Twist the two strands back to
original position.
(4) Twist the untreaded end of sleeve over the end of the rope. Twist in the direction of lay. Twist
until dimension "B" is attained.
(5) Unlay one of the strands. On right lay rope unlay the remaining five strands in a counterclockwise
manner.When done correctly, the six outer strands form asymmetrical basket.
Do not attempt to straighten the spiral lay of the six strands. For fiber core rope only: Place the plug
in the center of the six strands. Drive the plug downward with a hammer while making certain that
each of the strands is positioned properly in the plug flutes. The symmetrical basket shape must be
retained while the plug is being seated. Drive the plug to a solid seat.
(6) For IWRC rope only: Do not unlay the core. Insert both halves of the plug around the center core.
Drive the plug downward with a hammer while making certain that each of the strands is positioned
properly in the flutes of the plug. The symmetrical basket shape must be retained while the plug is
being seated. Drive the plug to a solid seat.



Remove assembly from vise, remove assembly blocks and clamp the hex of the sleeve in the vise.


With a piece of tubing (Inner Diameter of tubing should be 1/32" to 1/16" larger than Outer
Diameter of each strand of rope) bend each of the six outer strands intoward the center of the


Place socket part over ends of strands, twist on in the direction of the lay of the rope. Engage
threads of sleeve and tighten socket securely on sleeve.
Review work (if assembled correctly, the end of the
rope will be visible in the inspection holes. No more than four threads should be
visible on the sleeve after tightening.)
Apply proof load to the assembly (the plug will seat further in the
sleeve and the rope will not be visible in the inspection hole).
Paint end fitting and a section of the wire with white paint so it will be
readily apparent if the fitting slips.


Wedge Sockets. Wedge sockets are the simplest fittings because of their ease and speed of
applying and detaching.Wedge fittings are authorized only for overhead lifting aboa rdconstruction
tenders. A wedge socket can withstand only approximately 75 percent of the break strength of the
rope.The installation of the wedge socket is fairly obvious, but afew procedures must be observed
(See Figure 2-17):

Make certain that the live end of the rope lines up with the hook.


Extend the dead end of the rope 6 to 9 times the rope diameter.


Place a wire rope clip around the dead end by clamping a short, extra piece to the tail. These
precautions are necessary to ensure full performance of the fitting.Periodically checking the
length of the tail to determine if the rope is being pulled through. The wire rope clip keeps
the rope from flattening, which would permit easier pull-out and failure.

Other terminals for wire rope may be used, but are more difficult to install. Poured fittings and
swagged (pressed)fittings can withstand nearly 100 percent of the break strength of the rope.
Swagged fittings are nearly always applied to wire rope slings.
Rigging Swivels. All swivels must be properly sized for the rig in which they are placed. Swivels are
necessary to limit the rotation of the load. The wire rope, when taking a strain, Will rotate to equalize
the load in the strands and wires. Swivels should rotate freely and easily. Semiannually, rotate the
swivel to insure that it does turn easily. If the swivel does not turn easily, disassemble and inspect it
for wear on the bearings and lack of grease. The swivel ends should also be inspected for wear. Like
hooks, if swivels have nicks and gouges they should be ground out and faired into the body. If the
wear or the grinding results in a 10 percent reduction or more in the cross


section of the piece the swivel must be replaced.


Rigging Links. The rigging links between the hook and swivel are generally made of alloy steel.
Consequently, they must be inspected for nicks, gouges, wear and deformation semiannually.Nicks
and gouges, which can cause stress risers, must be ground out. If after grinding, or due to wear,
the link's cross-section has been reduced by 10 percent or more, the link must be discarded. If
links are bent more than 10 degrees from their original plane they must be discarded.



Grooves in sheaves should always be larger than the actual diameter of the wire. Inspect the
sheaves bi-annually and each time a new wire rope is installed. The sheaves must be inspected
for proper support of the rope, cracks, and scoring.The proper support is determined with a
sheave gauge. Use a"no-go" sheave gauge to determine if the proper support is supplied by the
sheave. Proper support range is 135 to 150 degrees of support. (See Figure 2-18.) If the
sheave has worn too narrow for the rope, then the tension on the rope will pull the rope into the
groove causing it to be pinched and subject to significant wear. If the sheave groove has
become too large the rope will flatten, which causes severe bending stress and fatigue failure.

A sheave groove becomes smaller, not larger, through use. If the "no-go" gauge indicates that
the sheave does not provide adequate support then it must be resurfaced or replaced. The groove
surface on the sheave should be perfectly smooth. If the surface has become scored with the
imprint of the rope, it will no longer allow the rope to slide and flex. Resurface or replace a scored
sheave; replace a sheave with cracks.


General. Wire rope slings, chain slings, and synthetic slings are used in the lifting and moving of
large bulky objects. All slings should be bought or constructed expressly for that purpose.The slings
shall be proof tested by the supplier and tagged with their safe working loads. If constructed by the
unit, only heat treated alloy chain and fittings and only new wire rope or chain shall be used. The
sling components shall have a SWL equal to or greater than the chain or wire rope. The SWL of wire
rope used in slings is based on a safety factor of 5 to 1. The SWL of chain and synthetic slings is
determined by the manufacturer. Synthetic sling identification tags on chain and wire rope slings
shall be metal, leather or plastic. They shall have the size of chain or wire rope, reach, type sling,
SWL at a specific angle and an identification number for record purposes. Store all lifting slings
away from oil, chemicals, and dirt. The preferred method for storing slings is to hang them up when
not in use. Lubricate wire rope slings in the same manner as wire rope rigging; inspect and replace as
described under the applicable chain or wire rope sections. The following is a list of sling definitions:

Basket Hitch - A sling configuration where the sling is passed under the load and has both ends
attached to the lifting hook.


Braided Wire Rope - A wire rope formed by plaiting wire ropes together.

Bridle Wire Rope Sling - A sling composed of multiple wire rope legs with the top ends
gathered on a master link or other fitting that attaches to the lifting hook.

Cable Laid Endless Sling - Mechanical Joint - A wire rope sling made endless by joining the
ends of a single length of cable laid rope with a metallic fitting.

Choker Hitch - A sling configuration with one end of the sling passing under the load and
through an end attachment, handle,or eye on the other end of the sling.

Wire Rope Slings. Most wire rope slings are used on board tenders and at bases for hoisting bundles
of chain, small buoys, vehicles,and boats. Some tenders use a braided wire pendant, fitted with a
thimble at one end and a hook at the other, for handling small lighted and unlighted buoys.

6x19 improved plow steel wire rope slings are excellent. Their flexibility makes them ideal
for sling use, particularly for ropes up to 1 1/8 inch in diameter. Rope with a steel center is
recommended in sling construction.

Braided Wire Rope Slings.


Slings manufactured by braiding eight small wire ropes together offer greater strength
for their weight than most other types of cargo handling slings. They have greater
flexibility, and no tendency to unlay under load. They are slightly more bulky than
equivalent slings of single wire rope. Two types of these slings are found aboard large
tenders. The first is a simple sling with thimble at one end and a hook at the other, used
for hooking onto smaller buoys. The second is a sling with a thimble at each end and a
traveling choker hook, suitable for lifting heavy cylindrical loads such as can and nun
buoys (horizontally). The greater flexibility of these slings makes them useful for a
variety of cargo handling applications.

(2) Tables 2-9 and 2-10 give the sizes and rated loads for braided wire rope slings. They
require the same care as other wire rope equipment, and must not be bent around sharp
corners, overloaded or stowed where they will be exposed to moisture.


The most important consideration in using slings is the angle between the sling and the horizon. As
this angle is reduced the load in the sling leg is increased.

No sling should be used that results in an angle between the sling leg and the horizon less than 30
degrees. Table 2-11 shows the load increase in a double-legged sling, as the angle is reduced. To
determine the actual load from this table, multiply the weight of the load by the angle factor for the
corresponding angle. Your sling will need an SWL equal to or greater than the product. Example:
500 Lbs X 1.414 (45 degree angle factor) = 707 Lbs

Chain Slings. Never use a chain sling when it is possible to use wire rope. The failure of a
single link of chain can result in a serious mishap. However, all the wires



in a wire rope must fail before the sling fails. All chain slings must be constructed from heat
treated alloy chain. Alloy chain will have an A stamped on the links.

Inspection. Inspection procedures for chain are contained in the section of this chapter on chain.

Synthetic Slings. Synthetic slings are a recent addition to the rigging scene. They are
constructed of man-made fibers which offer tremendous strength for very little weight.
However, these slings do require more care in stowage and inspection than other types of slings.

Stitching shall be the only method used to attach end fittings to webbing and to form eyes.
The thread shall be in an even pattern and contain a sufficient number of stitches to develop
the full breaking strength of the sling.

Synthetic slings shall be repaired only by a manufacturer of a similar entity. Repaired slings must be
proof tested before being placed back into service. Units will not make temporary repairs to web


Synthetic slings are highly susceptible to damage from acids and caustics. They should not be used
or stored where acids and caustics are found in any form.

6. Inspection of Synthetic Slings. Complete information on inspection of synthetic slings is found in Naval
Ships' Technical Manual, Chapter 573. However, web slings shall be immediately removed from service if
any of the following conditions are present:


Acid or caustic burns.


Melting or charring of any part of the sling surface.


Snags, punctures, tears or cuts.

Broken or worn stitches.


Distorted fittings.

Blocks and Tackles.


Blocks. Blocks are classified according to their number of sheaves as single, double or triple.
Blocks may also take their names from their use, some peculiarity of shape, or from the place they
occupy. The size of blocks used with fiber rope is determined by the length of the cheek or shell.
Table 2-12 is a partial summary of this information.

Tackles: Some of the common tackles used aboard ships are (See Figure 2-19):

Single Whip. A fixed single block with a line rove through it, one end of which is secured to
the weight to be moved.Since there is no movable block, it does not multiply the force
applied. It does change the direction of pull and furnish a convenient method of hoisting.

Runner. A single movable block attached to the load. The part of the line running from the
block to a fixed point is the standing part. The mechanical advantage is 2:1.


Whip and Runner. Two single blocks, one fixed, but not over the load, and one block
attached to the load. The mechanical advantage is 2:1.

Gun Tackle. Two single blocks, one fixed over the load, the other attached to the load, the
standing and the hauling parts leading from the same block. Mechanical advantage is 2:1
or 3:1, depending upon which block is attached to the weight.


Luff, Jigger, or Watch Tackle. A double and a single block. When the single block is
attached to the weight, the mechanical advantage is 4:1. A combination of a triple and a
double block with the standing part secured to the becket of the lower (double) block is
known as a double luff tackle.


Two-Fold Purchase. This consists of two double blocks with the standing part and hauling
part coming from the same block.The mechanical advantage is 4:1 or 5:1.


Type of Blocks. Blocks most commonly used on tenders are wooden or metal, snatch, single, and
double blocks. Snatch blocks are one of the most useful types of blocks found on board a vessel
since they can be easily moved. This block may be employed conveniently as a lead block since it
is fitted with a hinged shell so a line may be easily snatched on a bight. In using this block, take
care to see that the block is properly secured to prevent its opening at the wrong time. Figure 220 is a picture of a snatch block.

Safe Working Load. The safe working load of a tackle is commonly accepted as being the safe
working load of the line multiplied by the number of parts of line at the moving block. The
overall strength is therefore assumed to increase in direct proportion to the number of sheaves.
This method of calculation only works if the SWL of the blocks which make up the tackle are
known. For this reason only blocks which have the SWL stamped on the block by the
manufacturer, or have been tested in accordance with Naval Ships' Technical Manual Chapter
573, shall be used.

Stowing Tackle. To make up a deck tackle for stowing, haul through the falls until the blocks are
3 feet apart. Place the blocks flat on the deck and coil the hauling part of the fall on top of the
lines between the blocks. Then clove hitch the end of the fall around the whole tackle between the
blocks. The tackle can then be stowed, carted about, or cast loose and fleeted or overhauled,
without danger of jamming.


General. All load lifting hooks shall be made of alloy steel.All hooks must be properly rated for
the rig in which they are installed. Only forged hooks shall be used. Hooks shall be inspected
before each use and semiannually for wear in the saddle and eye, cracks or gouges, and twisting
and opening. Cracks and gouges, which cause stress risers, should be ground out. The result
should be a smooth surface. Where normal wear or the removal of cracks and gouges results in a
reduction in the original dimension of 10 percent or more, the hook shall be discarded.



Tolerance. Hooks which have bent 10 degrees from the plane of the unbent hooks shall be discarded (See
Figure 2-21).

3. Measurement. Hooks shall be measured for throat opening before installation. A throat dimension base
measurement shall be established by installing two punch points minimum (one below the eye, the other on
the hook point) and measuring the distance between them. Crane and boom power weight handling system
hooks shall have the throat dimension retained in the hull history record file for the life of the hook. All
other weight handling hook throat dimensions shall be retained in the auxiliary weight handling log book.
If at any semi-annual inspection the throat dimension has increased by 15 percent of the original
measurement the hook shall be discarded (See Figure 2-21). To ensure that discarded hooks are not used
any further, they should be cut or disfigured before discarding.
5. Safe Working Load. Most boom/crane systems are designed with the hook as the weak link. Hooks, like
other rigging items, have safe working loads. These are based on the load necessary To straighten the hook,
not break it. Welding or heating on hooks may have serious detrimental effect on the hooks. Like wire
rope, the extent of the heat affected zone is not known for hooks. The heated area on the hook will not be
able to accept the same amount of stress after welding as when it was originally designed.Therefore, only
modifications of cargo hooks by ship's force inaccordance with CG plan FL-1701-11 is authorized. This
allows a safe method of securing a line to a cargo hook for use with a line-reeving hook.
P Pelican Hooks.

General. Pelican hooks are extremely useful in stopping off chain. Originally designed to secure a ship's
anchor at the hawse pipe, pelican hooks are not required to have a SWL stamped on them. It is generally
held that the hook will safely hold any load that any proper sized chain, regardless of type, will hold.

2. Design. Pelican hooks 1 1/4" and smaller are designed to hold two sizes of chain, the size for which they
are rated and next size 1/8" smaller. Pelican hooks 1 1/2" and larger will handle the size chain for which
they are rated and chain up to 1/4" smaller. A pelican hook with a worn bail may accommodate the next
larger size chain, but is not safe for use with chain of even rated capacity.

Type. Pelican hooks in the Afloat Shopping Guide come in 7/8", 5/8", 1/2", and 5/16". The 7/8"
hook will handle 7/8" and 3/4" chain, the 5/8" hook will handle 5/8" and 1/2" chain, etc. Pelican
hooks listed in the Afloat Shopping Guide do not have a safe working load rating. Pelican hooks
from some commercial vendors do have a safe working load listed.

Use. Never use any size chain either larger or smaller in pelican hooks, than the sizes they were
designed to hold. Never wrap chain around the stopper to get small chain to stay in a large
pelican hook. Pelican hooks are designed so one link of chain lays in the opening between the top
lever (stopper) and the base of the pelican hook. The stopper is then secured by the bail.

Maintenance. Pelican hooks were designed to be disengaged in the upright position.


It is recommended that a strongback be attached to the pelican hook to prevent it from turning.Make sure the
strongback is long enough to prevent the pelican hook from turning when it is Under load. The strongback must
be attached by a qualified welding technician who can attach the strongback at a constant temperature, test the
metal, etc. High heat may change the properties of the pelican hook and change its safe working load because
the properties of metal, including brittleness, hardness, and malleability, are determined by alloy content and
temperature.Commercial suppliers may perform the job before delivery, in which case they should provide a
proof test on the pelican hook. If in doubt, have the pelican hook annealed as you would the hookon a boom or
crane that had hot work performed on it.

Positioning. Pelican hooks are meant to be situated on deck so the individual hitting the bail swings inboard
with the maul.Orienting the pelican hook so you swing outboard may result in theperson tripping the bail
being carried overboard by the weight of the maul.

Weight Tests. Pelican hooks are a weight handling device and must be weight tested annually. Pelican
hooks without a known safe working load should be tested at 1.25 times the SWL of alloy chain of the
appropriate size. In addition they must be inspected before and after each use to insure they are fully
functional. Only heat treated alloy chain and shackles may be used to secure a pelican hook to the deck.
Since the chain and shackles are a single leg chain sling, a metal tag with the safe working load, size of
chain, and an identifying number for record keeping must be attached. It is a good idea to follow the same
procedure for marking the pelican hooks.Inspections should ensure:

That the retaining pin makes contact with both sides of the releasing bail;

That the releasing bail rotates easily; and


That the hook rotates easily and is aligned with the base. If these conditions are not met, take
corrective action or replace the pelican hook.

The proper securing of buoys and other deck cargo is essential to a safe and efficient operation. Grade 7, or higher,
chain and steamboat jacks shall be used to accomplish this. Use saddles and headblocks onlighted buoys that lie on
deck. Unlighted buoys must be chocked to prevent them from rolling. Gripe buoys on both ends to prevent them
from working loose. On all gripes, lead angles should not only pullthe object to the deck, but also restrain it from
moving from side to side. The SWL of gripe down chain needs to be calculated in the same manner as sling angles.
Buoy counterweight tubes were not designed as gripe holds. Gripes should be attached at unused mooring/lifting
eyes as these were designed to hold substantial loads. Round bulky objects such as buoys can be difficult to secure,
and no set rules can be laid down as to exactly how a gripe shall be set. All gripes must be inspected regularly.

Buoy Shackles. Buoy shackles, like buoy chain, are made from the lowest grade of


steel available. There are no safe working loads associated with buoy shackles since they were not
designed to be used in lifting situations. Buoy shackles are designed and sized to connect a buoy mooring
together, lift or lower it and connect it to the buoy. They shall not be used for any other purpose on Aids
to Navigation vessels.

Rigging Shackles. Rigging shackles are made of alloy steel in the screw pin or bolt pin styles. These
shackles are designed to handle loads up to their specified safe working loads without deformation or
damage. Rigging shackles shall be used in all loading operations.

Modeer Shackles. Modeer shackles are specially designed shackles for the handling of stud link chain. These
shackles are meant to replace nipper chains which can slip and spill. Modeer shackles are narrow,
elongated shackles with a removable keyed pin. To use the shackle, remove the pin and slip the shackle over
a link of the chain. Keyed into the shackle, the pin gives a positive lock while under strain, but is easily
removed when there is no strain. Because of the shackle's narrow shape, the chain cannot slip through it. Due
to its elongated shape, there is room in the shackle for the boom hook after the shackle is in place over the
chain (See Figure 2-22).


General. Aids to Navigation vessels use open link and stud link chain. Alloy, sling and tie-down
chains are also open link. Open link chain is any chain that does not have an obstruction through the link
(See Figure 2-23). The major differences between buoy chain and alloy chain are the steel and the shape
of the links. Buoy chain is made from carbon steel grade 1010 or better(basically a low cost bendable
steel). Alloy chain is made from alloy steels, usually 4600 or 8600 grades. These have much higher
breaking strengths than carbon steels. The carbon steels are used for buoy chain because the strength is
adequate for mooring buoys and because of its low cost. Buoy chain shall not be used in slings or to secure
deck loads.

3. Inspection. The inspection and replacement criteria for buoy chain is quite simple. The major cause for
replacement is the reduction in the wire diameter due to wear. Table 2-13 in the Aids to Navigation
Manual - Technical, Commandant Instruction M16500.3 (series) - contains the buoy chain rejection.

Open Link Chain. Open link chain is made by cutting a piece of bar steel to the appropriate length to form a
link, heating the bar to red hot, then bending it into the link shape. First, a J shape is made and then a nearly
closed C shape by bending the straight end 180 degrees. Next follows welding, usually done by placing the
link in a device which is both a press and welding electrodes. The electrodes are energized and the press
pushes and the two ends of the bar "melt" together. This is known as resistance welding. The gap in the
link could also be hand fillet welded. After welding, the weld slag is removed either by an automated
process or manually with a chipper. The next link in the chain is added by lacing the J shape through the
one just made. Most small chains, 7/8 inch and below, are made by a continuous automatic process.



Stud Link Chain.


A stud link chain can be of two different styles; stud link or die lock (See Figure 2-23). Stud link
chain, because it has a higher breaking strength than buoy chain, is also used for mooring Large
Navigational Buoys. Open link chain can deform or stretch when under heavy strain, as in breaking out
an anchor or sinker. The open link chain will deform into a shape known as a peanut (See Figure 224). If a peanut-shaped link were hauled into a wildcat, it would not fit. The stud in stud link type chain
prevents this peanut shape by keeping the barrels a given distance apart. Stud link chains fail without
deforming a significant amount. Stud link chains are made of alloy steels usually grade 8600 or better.
Use stud link chain for anchoring or mooring chains, where they will be lifted using a wildcat.

Various methods are used for putting a stud in a link. The different methods were developed to keep
the stud in place for long periods. As the chain is alternately strained and slackened, as caused by a
seaway, the links flex slightly. How the stud is installed will have a big effect on whether this flexing
causes the stud to fall out. Currently the methods used to put in the studs are called inserted, welded
(one or both ends), integral and die lock.

To make stud link chain, open link chain is made slightly wider between the barrels than the desired
final size. The stud, which has been forged into shape in another process, is then held between the
barrels while they are squeezed together. This is inserted stud link chain. Welded stud link chain is
made by welding one or both ends of the stud in place.

Integral stud link chain is made by forging one end of the bar stock over nearly 90 degrees, then
bending the rest of the stock around this stud to form a link (See Figure 2-23). In this way the stud is part
of the link itself and will not fall out.

The inspection and replacement criteria for stud link type vessel anchor chain is contained in Chapter
581 of the Naval Ships' Technical Manual. That manual states that once 10 percent of the bar diameter
has been worn away, the chain must be replaced. When stud link chain is used for LNB moorings,
replace it when the maximum wear reaches 13 percent of the bar diameter. The chain should also be
replaced if loose studs are found.

4. Die Lock Chain. Die lock chain is made entirely by forging; there is no welding involved. It was
developed by the U. S. Navy to be a chain in which the stud could never fall out. The chain is made from
two pieces of bar (See Figure 2-23). The larger of the pieces is forged into a U shape. It is forged again to
create tapered holes in each end and the excess material is shaped into astud. The shorter bar is also forged
into a U shape and then forged so its ends are tapered to mate with the first piece. The two U shapes are
brought together and forged making the female section grasp the male.

Bridles and Swivels.


Many buoy moorings (all lighted, most unlighted) include a bridle and a swivel attached between the
buoy and the top end of the mooring.


The bridle is two short lengths of chain connected by an iron ring.

A swivel is a pair of adjoining links, one of which may turn independently of the other.

Break Strengths.

The break strength of chain depends on the size, grade of steel and type. The larger the size, all else
being the same,the higher the breaking strength. The higher the grade of steel, size and type being the
same, the greater the break strength. Open link chain, the size and grade the same, will have a higher
break strength than stud link chain. This is because open link can deform and absorb more load. Keep
in mind that open link buoy chain is made from low strength carbon steel. The stud link chain, for
vessels and LNBs, is made from alloy steels and heat treated during manufacturing. A link with a stud
removed should never be used in LNB or vessel moorings. All chain is designed to be loaded on the
ends (in the pull).Sideloads on chain greatly reduce the breaking strength. Chains shall never be

The removal of a stud weakens stud link chain. When studs are pressed in place they often create
depressions or indentations in the hot bar stock. If the stud is removed the indentation is no longer
filled with steel and becomes a stress concentration point. A stress concentration point on the inside
barrel of a link, a high stress area, will cause failure below break strength. The removal of a stud,
because of the cup shaped ends of the studs, also causes a slight, permanent deformation opening, of the
link. This changes the stress distribution and lowers the load at which failure occurs.

Detachable Links. Stud link chains and die lock require detachable links as connecting hardware. Anchor
joining links are used where connections must be made to larger objects, anchors and LNBs. Hairpin
detachable and anchor joining links are used on LNB and vessel outboard swivel shots.

The detachable link consists of a C-shaped link, two side/stud plates, a tapered pin, a lead plug and a
hairpin (See Figure 2-25). On each end of the C-shape is a button. The side/stud plates are made so
they grip the buttons and hold them from spreading under a load. To keep the plates from falling apart,
a tapered pin is driven through the eyes on each plate and into the stud hole. The tapered pin is grooved
and the plates drilled to accept the stainless steel hairpin. The hairpin and the lead plug are used to
retain the tapered pin.

Care must be taken to ensure that the side plates are properly attached to the C-shape. Note that a
number is stamped on top of the C-shape and each plate. The same number can be found on the tapered
pin of hairpinned links. Although these pieces may look interchangeable, they are not. All the pieces
must have the same number. Install the plates with their numbered corners meeting the numbered end
of the C-shape (See Figure2-25).


T Mooring Lines.
Mooring lines are subjected to a great deal of strain while mooring and unmooring the vessel. The angle of pull
and the shock loading forces often applied to these lines are usually never considered. However, as we come to
understand the physics of working with line we also realize there is greater need to pay attention to small
details. The size of bitts, the angle of pull on mooring lines and the size of the eye spliced in the mooring lines
are all important. Specific information on inspecting mooring lines is contained in the fiber rope section of
Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Chapter 613. Listed below are three considerations that should always be kept
in mind when working mooring lines.

Characteristics. Any sharp bend in a rope, under load, decreases its strength.

Usage. Where a rope bends more than 10 degrees around bitts or chocks or is bending across any surface,
the diameter of the surface should be at least three times the diameter of the rope. (See Figure 2-26.)

Eye Splices. The ratio of the length of an eye-splice to the diameter of the object over which the eye is to
be placed (bollard, bitt, cleat, etc.) shall be a minimum of 3 to 1, preferably 5 to 1. If you have a bollard
two feet in diameter, the eye splice should be six to ten feet in length (See Figure2-27). By using this ratio
the angle of the two legs of the eye-splice, at its throat, will not be so severe to cause a parting in the eye.













Hand Tools - General.
Aids to Navigation maintenance has evolved over the years. Tools have changed and some have been invented to
accommodate a procedure that is not done anywhere else. Buoy-tending personnel's background has also changed.
Previous exposure to tools is no longer something to be taken for granted. This chapter is an elementary explanation
of some tools used on tenders. It is designed to give new seamen an idea of what certain tools are called and what
they are for.

Line Reeving Device. There are two basic devices used to reeve lifting hooks into buoy lifting eyes,
a self-locking manufactured tool and the Second District snaphook device.

Self-Locking Manufactured Tool.


The "happy hooker" is the generally preferred buoy reeving device. It is a manufactured
device on the end of a long pole. The device is U shaped and has a round pressure
activated metal bar across the throat. This bar is connected to a line that is connected to the
lifting hook by a snaphook. The device is operated by pushing it over the lifting eye and
then pulling it back aboard. The line is then reeved through the eye as the end with the line
attached disconnects. Once aboard, the line is pulled to maneuver the hook into the lifting
eye (See Figure 3-1.)


A similar mechanical reeving device can be manufactured locally, using drawing

FL 2604-5.

The Second District snaphook reeving device is mounted on the end of a boathook. The hook is
locked open and has a line attached. The hook is pushed over the lifting bail releasing the snap. It is
then pulled back toward the ship and slides off the pole. The line is then taken to the deck winch and
used to hoist the buoy aboard the tender.

Chain Hook. Chain hooks are made of steel, about three feet long with a handle large enough to
accommodate a hand. The hook is like that found on a meat or bale hook. The chain hook is the
preferred method for personnel to use in moving chain around on deck. Personnel do not have to
bend over to move chain and the hook prevents injuries to the person's hands and back. The chain
hooks are also used to steady chain during certain chain connecting operations on deck (See Figure

Split Key Punch. These punches are usually machined from a Blacksmith's Chisel, a hammer that is flat
on one side but beveled on the other. This punch is machined to produce a rectangle on the
beveled side that is 2 1/8" high, 3/8" thick and 1 3/8" wide.This punch is used to knock 1st, 2nd, and
3rd class split keys out of split key pins (See Figure 3-2b.)

Blacksmith's Punch. This hammer is square on one end and has a round flat tip on the other. It
is used to drive the pin out of a shackle after the key has been removed


This is also called a pin drift hammer (See Figure 3-2c.)

Sledge Hammer. Sledge hammers come in various weights and are flat on both ends. They are used to trip
the mechanical chain stop, trip the pelican hook bail, set the chain in the chain stop, perform heat
and beats, and to set wedges around a buoy on deck (See Figure 3-2d.)

Blacksmith's Chisel. This hammer is flat on one end and beveled on the other. It is sometimes called a split
key hammer. It is used to spread the key, a large flat cotterpin, that holds a shackle pin in the shackle. It
provides the best means of putting the required 45 degree separation in the split key. It is easiest to turn the
shackle on deck, placing the blacksmith chisel into the key opening and hitting it with a blacksmith's
hammer (See Figure 3-3.)

Blacksmith's Hammer. A large hammer, weighing approximately two and a half pounds, flat on both ends.
This hammer is used with the blacksmith's punch, chisel, and split key punch. Those tools are lined up with
the appropriate item and struck with the blacksmith hammer (See Figure 3-3.)

Heat and Beat Anvil. This anvil weighs about 100 pounds. Some are round with handles on the side so
they can be moved easily around deck. Others are either rectangular or square. The purpose of the anvil is
to provide a surface where solid shackle pins can be heated with a torch and peened over with a sledge
hammer. Heat and beats are used on larger units to secure the bitter ends of two lengths of chain together.
Split keys are used to attach the bridle and the sinker to the bitter ends of the chain (See Figure 3-4.)

Cant Hook. This is a tool with a thick handle and a hinged iron hook on the bottom. It is used to move
pilings on deck or on the dock. A cant hook with a pointed tip is called a peavey.

Oxygen Acetylene Cutting and Welding - General.


Cutting and Welding in Aids to Navigation Work. Oxygen cutting is widely used in the repair and
servicing of aids to navigation. On board tenders, shackles and chain frequently have to be cut,shackle
pins heated for peening over, or damaged buoys repaired. Modern welding techniques and equipment
have all but rendered gas welding obsolete, but oxygen-acetylene is still used occasionally for brazing.

Oxygen Cutting. The severing or removal of metals by a chemical reaction of oxygen with the base
metal at elevated temperatures is called oxygen cutting. This process employs a torch and a tip or
nozzle whose functions are:

To mix the fuel gas and preheat oxygen in the right proportion to produce the initial heating and
continuous preheating effects.

To supply a uniformly concentrated stream of high-purity oxygen to the reaction zone for oxidizing
and removing the molten materials. The torch unit is moved across the material to be cut at a speed
fast enough to produce a continuous cutting action. This motion may be accomplished either
manually or mechanically.




The accuracy of the manual method depends largely on the skill of the operator.

Training Operators. The use of cutting and welding equipment involves the use of compressed gases, and
can be hazardous unless handled properly. Several members of the buoy handling crew should be
thoroughly familiar with the proper use of this equipment. Only qualified persons should be permitted to
operate the equipment. COMDTINST M3502.12 (series) defines the minimum level of training necessary
for qualification for the use of oxy-acetylene equipment.

Personal Safety Equipment.

Personnel using a cutting outfit must wear leather welder's gloves and a leather welder's jacket or
apron and goggles. Fire retardant coveralls and safety shoes are also required (See Figure 3-5.)

Goggles are manufactured in three lens shades, light #4 and #5, medium #6, and heavy #8. Medium #6 is
the lens shade used on most cutters.

Oxygen and Oxygen Cylinders.


Oxygen is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas which is heavier than air. Oxygen by itself does not
burn or explode, but it does support combustion when combined with other gases. Pure oxygen under
high pressure may react violently with grease, oil or excelsior (wood shavings).

Oxygen cylinders are non-shatterable, seamless steel with a pressed steel neck ring. In the armed
forces, they are green in color and subject to I.C.C. regulations. Most common types of cylinders are
244, 122, and 80 cubic feet and should be hydrostatically tested every five years at 3,300 psi. See
Table 3-1 for size and weight comparisons.

Oxygen cylinders are charged at high pressure, 1,800 to 2,200 psi at 70 degrees F. If a fully charged
cylinder is damaged by falling or being hit, it may burst with destructive force. Because oxygen under
high pressure reacts violently with oil or grease you must keep oxygen cylinders, fittings and all
associated equipment spotlessly free from oil or grease. Do not handle cylinders with greasy or oily
hands. Do not store the oxygen cylinders near radiators, highly combustible materials, or other
sources of heat. Never withdraw oxygen from a cylinder unless a regulator is used.

Never use the term oxygen and air interchangeably, they are different and have different uses.
Oxygen should never be used to power pneumatic tools, start internal combustion engines, blow out
pipelines, dust clothing, or create a pressure in tanks. Only compressed air should be used for these
tasks. To show the difference between oxygen and air, consider that acetylene burns in air at 1500
degrees F and when burned with oxygen produces a flame between 5,700 and 6,300 degrees F.

Acetylene Gas and Cylinders.


Acetylene is a colorless fuel gas that has a distinct odor of


sweet garlic and will burn readily. In a pure state, acetylene may become self-explosive at 30 psi.
Keep it away from fire and any combustible materials. Acetylene cylinder and manifold pressures
must always be reduced through gas pressure-reducing regulators. Pipeline pressures should be
controlled through suitable pipeline regulators.

Acetylene in contact with copper, mercury or silver may form acetylides, especially if impurities are
present. These compounds are violently explosive and can be detonated by a slight shock or by the
application of heat. No alloy containing copper, mercury or silver in excess of 67% should be used in
any acetylene system.

Acetylene cylinders are composed of non-shatterable seamless steel and are subject to I.C.C.
Regulations. In armed forces applications, the cylinders are painted yellow and are equipped with
two safety plugs that melt at 210 degrees F. Therefore, cylinders should always be protected against
high temperatures and should be stored in well ventilated, clean, dry locations. Most acetylene
cylinders have a rated capacity of 300, 100, or 60 cubic feet and are charged to a pressure of 250 psi.
See Table 3-2 for size and weight comparisons.

Because of acetylene's unstable nature, acetylene tanks contain porous materials such as charcoal,
calcium silicate,balsa wood, portland cement, etc. This makes them safer and gives them a set
capacity of gas. Packing cylinders with porous material allows the fine pores in the material to
become filled with acetone.

Acetylene cylinders must be stored and used with the valve end in an upright position. When gas is
taken from an acetylene cylinder that is lying on its side, acetone is readily withdrawn. This
contaminates the flame and will result in welds of inferior quality. Cylinders that have been stored on
their sides must be placed upright for two hours before use.

Do not withdraw acetylene from a cylinder rapidly as it becomes unstable when withdrawn at 15 psi
or greater. Opening an acetylene cylinder valve to of a turn will provide sufficient draw. Like
oxygen cylinders, acetylene cylinders should be stored in a cool place. If the cylinder valve becomes
covered with ice, do not attempt to thaw the ice away with an open flame or boiling water or steam.
Transfer the cylinder indoors and allow the ice to melt gradually. Do not remove acetylene from a
cylinder except through a regulator.

Be careful not to jam the cylinder valve in the open position. Tools or clothing should not be placed
on top of the cylinder. They may damage the safety plugs or prevent the valve from being quickly
closed in an emergency. Never attempt to transfer acetylene from one cylinder to another. When a
cylinder is exhausted, close the valve and replace the cap.



Handling and Stowing Gas Cylinders.


Cylinders can become a hazard if tipped over. The greatest of care should be exercised to avoid this
possibility. It is standard practice to fasten the cylinders on a cylinder truck or to secure them against a
rigid support. All hoses connecting the equipment should be kept as short as practical and free from
sharp twists.

Cylinders of compressed gas should always be equipped with protective caps except when hooked up
for use. Cylinders stored out in the open should be protected from accumulations of ice and snow,
direct sunlight, and corrosion.

Cylinder temperatures should not exceed 120 F. Cylinders containing compressed air or gas should be
segregated from empty ones. When stored, gas cylinders must be separated from oxygen cylinders by
at least twenty feet, unless a steel bulkhead separates them. All full cylinders must be secured with
individual collars. A bar or strap arrangement built to hold several cylinders at once is dangerous and
not authorized. All cylinders, full or empty, should be handled carefully, not dropped or dragged over
the pavement or deck, and should never be used as rollers for other heavy weights. Unless the cylinders
are being conveyed in a welding truck the regulators should be detached and the protective cap screwed
in place while the outfit is being moved. A cylinder found to be leaking should be moved out-of-doors
immediately and warning signs posted. A leaking gas cylinder is a potential source of explosion. If the
leak is through a valve, a regulator may be attached temporarily to stop the leak. Cylinder valves must
be opened slowly and carefully; otherwise damage to the regulator may result. Compressed gas
cylinders shall be carried on deck, and none below decks, even for storage.

Do not exhaust cylinders completely. Leave at least 25 psi pressure in each. Make sure the
cylinder valves are closed tightly. Mark the empty cylinders.

Fuel gas cylinders, other than acetylene, also contain gas under pressure and should be handled with the
same care. The manufacturer's directions for use and safety precautions must be followed.


Reinforced rubber hose is recommended for welding and cutting operations. New hose is supplied with
a talc on the inside surface. The dust should be blown out with compressed air before using hose,
except the oxygen hose which should be blown out with oxygen. Flexible metal covered hose should
not be used. Individual hose are supplied for oxygen acetylene.Oxygen hose is colored either black or
green and acetylene hose is always red (See Figure 3-6.) To prevent switching, the fittings on the end
of the hose have opposite threads. (Oxygen nuts are right hand thread and acetylene nuts are left-hand

Standard hose lengths are from 12'6" to 25'. Avoid long lengths of hose. It is better to use several
standard lengths joined with special thread couplings. Standard medium hose is 3/8" inner diameter.


Do not permit the hose to come in contact with oil or grease. Do not use any lubricants, white lead, or
pipe thread compound on the fittings. Do not leave the hose where it is a tripping hazard or is prone to
kinking. Keep it free from sparks, hot slag, and hot objects. Do not tape oxygen and acetylene hoses
together solidly. Use tape rings every few feet.


A gas regulator is defined as a mechanical device for automatically maintaining a constant reduced
delivery pressure even though the inlet pressure and flow rate change.

There are two basic types of pressure-reducing regulators -stem type or inlet pressure closing, and
nozzle type or inlet pressure opening.

The cylinder outlet connections are different sizes and shapes to prevent wrongly connecting a cylinder
to a regulator made for another gas or pressure. Regulators must, therefore, be made with different inlet
connections to fit the cylinders. The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) has formulated a complete set
of non-interchangeable cylinder valve connection standards.

Regulators should be used only for the service for which they were designed. Oxygen regulators should
never be used for any service other than oxygen. Even traces of oil or foreign matter in an oxygen
regulator can cause a violent explosion.

Regulator outlet fittings also differ in size and thread, depending upon the gas and regulator capacity.
Oxygen outlet fittings have right-hand threads and fuel outlet fittings have left-hand threads with
grooved nuts (See Figure 3-7.)

The following safety precautions should be observed when dealing with regulators: Clean cylinder
valve outlets with a clean, lint free, dry cloth and blow dust from the outlet by opening the valve
momentarily before connecting the regulator to it. This is known as cracking the valve.
(1) The regulator adjusting screw should be released, or backed out, before opening the cylinder valve.
(2) Always open cylinder valves very slowly so the high pressure gas does not surge into the regulator.
When doing this, stand off to one side of the regulator, rather than directly in front of it.
(3) Check gauges periodically to ensure correct readings.
(4) Adjusting screws should be turned in slowly to protect the regulator diaphragm from
damage caused by a sudden surge of high pressure gas.
(4) Always use the correct size wrench to connect the regulator to the cylinder valve outlet. Never
force a connection.



(5) Never use oil or grease on a regulator. A special lubricant sometimes is applied to equipment. The
only lubricant that should be used is that specified by the manufacturer. Use it only when indicated
in manufacturer's instructions.
(7) If a leak is suspected do not use the equipment. Refer to paragraph 11 of this section.
(8) Regulators should be repaired by qualified, trained mechanics. Only manufacturer's standard parts
are to be used.
(9) Do not attempt to remove the regulator from its cylinder without first closing the cylinder valve.
g. To adjust the working pressure correctly on a regulator, open the torch needle valve and set the gas
flowing. The adjusting screw is then turned until the desired pressure is shown on the gauge. If the
pressure is adjusted with the valve closed, it will not be maintained when the torch is placed in
operation. The pressure will fall, requiring further adjustment. Especially in cutting, where heavier
oxygen flows are involved, the cutting oxygen pressure must be adjusted with the cutting torch high
pressure valve momentarily held open. Unless this is done, satisfactory results cannot be obtained.
Never adjust the oxygen pressure with the acetylene valve open (See Figure 3-8.)
10 Cutting Tips.

Cutting tips are made of copper or of tellurium-copper alloys. Whether you use a cutting torch or a
cutting attachment to the welding handle, the cutting tip will be of the same general design as that
shown in Figure 3-9 and 3-10. Notice that the cutting tip has several small orifices which surround a
larger center orifice. The small orifices are for the oxyacetylene flames which are used to preheat the
metal to its ignition temperature. The large center orifice is used to direct the jet or stream of high
pressure oxygen that does the cutting. There are usually four or six preheat orifices in a typical cutting


Cutting tips are furnished in various sizes. In general, the smaller sizes are used for cutting thin metal,
the larger sizes for thick metal. Tip sizes are identified by numbers. When numbers such as 00, 0, 1, 2,
3 and 4 are used, the lower numbers indicate the smaller tips. For example, a 00 tip is smaller than a
number 0 and a number 2 tip is smaller than a number 4. Some manufacturers identify tips by the drill
size number of the orifices. Large drill size numbers indicate small orifices; for example, drill size 64 is
smaller than drill size 56. In military specifications and standards, tips are identified by three-part
numbers. The first part is the tip size (0,1,2,3, etc.). The second part is the drill size number of the
orifice for the cutting oxygen. The third part is the drill size number of the preheat orifices. For
example, the number 1-62-64 identifies a number 1 tip with a cutting oxygen orifice of drill size 62 and
preheat orifices of drill size 64




(1) The cutting tip recommended for most shipboard cutting is 2-56-62. This tip will cut most metal
from 1/4 to 1 inch thick. Always use the proper size tip and working pressure for the work
(2) Cutting metal involves the selection of the proper torch cutting tip to suit the thickness of the
metal, adjustment of the proper flame, and the manipulative skill of the operator. Thickness of the
metal is the primary guide for selecting the proper tip. However, if rust, scale, or paint is heavy, a
larger tip is required, since these surfaces present greater resistance to the preheating flame. The
use of oversize cutting tips and excessive pressure is not economical. See Table 3-3 for cutting tip
sizes and gas pressures for various thickness of metals (in inches).
11 Checking Equipment for Leaks.

Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders, pipelines, valves, regulators, hose and torch connections should
be checked carefully for leaks. Large leaks can be heard. Leaks between cylinder or pipeline and
torch may be detected by closing the valves. If the high pressure gauge recedes, you will know that
your equipment is leaking. Do not operate any cutting equipment until you are sure there are no leaks
(See Figure 3-11). Never use a match or flame to find a leak. Ensure that all connections are wrench
tight. Note: Do not attempt to stop a leak between the cylinder and the regulator without first
closing the cylinder valve.

12 Operating Hazards & Response Actions & Protective Measures.


A backfire occurs when the gases in the tip explode back to the point of gas mixing in the torch. It is
characterized by a loud snap or pop. A sustained backfire occurs when the flame burns back inside
the torch at the mixing point, giving a hissing sound and a thin small flame at the tip. Flashback is an
explosion that takes place between the mixing chamber and the gas cylinders. Flashback consists of a
pressure wave traveling at high speed and preceded by a flame front. Its most common cause is the
backfeeding of one gas into the line of the other. Because of different pressures, if the tip is blocked,
the oxygen can flow up the acetylene line, creating an explosive mixture.
(1) Backfires and flashbacks are caused by improper handling or poor equipment condition.
Examples are dirty or leaking tips, internal leakage within the torch, and improper torch assembly.
(2) Never set the oxygen pressure lower than the acetylene pressure. This has been the cause of
several backfires.

When a backfire or sustained backfire occurs, immediately close the acetylene and then the oxygen
valve, in that order. If the torch tip is hot, cool it in a bucket of water. Make sure that the tip seat is
not scored; replace the tip, tighten it with a wrench. Light the torch using the previous instructions
and proceed with the work. If the torch flashes back, shut off the acetylene and oxygen valves on the
torch as quickly as possible. And then close the acetylene and oxygen cylinder or



pipeline valves. Have all regulators, hose and torch connections inspected and repaired before

It is important to understand that flashback arrestors and reverse flow check valves are two different types
of safety devices for two different problems. Check valves prevent reverse flow of gas up the line
towards the regulator. The valve requires forward positive pressure to operate. Remember, flashback is a
pressure wave preceded by a flame front. Therefore, the check valve does nothing to
stop the flame. It travels so fast it passes through the valve before it can close.
(1) A flame filter or flame trap must extinguish the flame front of a flashback before it reaches the
regulator. A typical flashback arrestor contains not only a flame filter but also a check valve to
prevent backfeeding of gas and a cutoff valve to prevent the flow of gases in the event of
flashback. Reverse flow check valves do notprovide flashback protection.
(2) All units shall ensure that their oxyacetylene cutting equipment have flashback protection.
Reverse flow check valves are not adequate. Two arrestors are required, one for oxygen and one
for acetylene.
(3) Check to see that the space between the work and cylinders is clear, so that the cylinders may be
quickly reached in case of an emergency.
(4) When welding or cutting aloft, or in close quarters, station an attendant nearby to close the valves
in an emergency.
(5) Never use oil or grease as lubricant for any part of the equipment.
(6) Cylinder caps should always be kept in place, except when the cylinder is being used.

13. Recommended Basic Torch Operating Procedures.

a. Before lighting off the following basic steps must be followed.
(1) Oxygen and acetylene lines must be purged to adjust the working pressure correctly on the regulators.
(3) Acetylene valve on the torch must be closed while adjusting the oxygen. To adjust the working
pressure correctly, the torch needle valve must be open and the oxygen/acetylene flowing. Purge
and adjust one line/regulator at a time. Begin with the oxygen valve at the torch. Open this valve
and depress the trigger or lever. This will open the torch needle valve while oxygen is being
released. Turn the adjusting screw on the regulator until the desired pressure is shown on the
gauge. Oxygen pressure is adjusted to 40 psi for most shipboard cutting including chain, shackles
and material up to 1" thick. As soon as the adjustment is made,release the trigger lever and secure
the valve at the torch to complete the oxygen adjustment.
(4) To adjust the acetylene pressure, open the acetylene valve at the torch. This will release
acetylene. While


acetylene is being released, turn the adjusting screw on the regulator until the desired pressure is
shown on the gauge. Acetylene pressure is adjusted to 3 - 5 psi for most shipboard cutting
including chain, shackles and material up to 1" thick.

To light the cutting or welding torch, proceed as follows:

(1) Open torch acetylene gas valve and immediately ignite the gas by using a friction lighter. Don't use
matches or cigarette lighters for this purpose (See Figure 3-12).
(2) Adjust the acetylene valve for a proper flow of gas. The flame should stand 3/4" away from the tip
before it starts to flare out. If too much gas is used the flame will blow away from the tip; if too
little is used the flame will snap back or backfire. Never open the oxygen valve until the acetylene
is lighted.
(3) Open the torch oxygen valve until a small blue cone forms within the flame.
(4) With a cutting torch, open the cutting-oxygen valve momentarily and readjust the oxygen preheat valve
if necessary to obtain the proper flame. The equipment is now ready for use.

To adjust the flame do the following.

(1) After the torch is lit, to produce the pure acetylene flame, adjust the acetylene needle valve until
sufficient acetylene emerges to form a gap of about 1/8-inch between the tip and the flame. The
oxygen needle valve is then opened and adjusted until the flame burns with the proper
(2) The neutral or balanced flame is achieved by mixing 1 part oxygen to 1 part acetylene. It is a
clearly defined flame readily obtained with a little practice. It is composed of two distinct parts:
the inner core and the outer envelope. The inner core is a brilliant white cone from 1/16-inch to
3/4-inch long. The outer envelope, or sheath flame, is only faintly luminous, with a bluish color.
When the flame is on the carbonizing (excessive acetylene) side, whitish streamers of unburned
acetylene are seen leaving the inner cone and entering the sheath flame. As the acetylene supply is
decreased, these streamers decrease in length until there remains only the sharply defined inner
cone and the neutral oxyacetylene flame has been found. The final adjustment of a neutral flame is
made by starting with an excess of acetylene and reducing it to achieve the desired effect.
(3) The carbonizing flame has a higher ratio of acetylene to oxygen than the neutral flame. The
oxidizing flame has a higher ratio of oxygen to acetylene. It is identified by a harsh sound, with the
inner cone appearing shorter and less sharply defined.
(4) Setting the proper flame is of great importance to the operator, as without it no amount of skill will
accomplish a satisfactory job.



(5) Oxyacetylene welding in aids to navigation work aboard tenders is generally confined to brazing
tubing connections where a slightly oxidized flame is used. However, oxyacetylene apparatus is
mostly used for cutting chain and heating shackles aboard tenders. For this purpose, a neutral
flame is best.

To shut off the torch when finished with the equipment, proceed as follows:
(1) Extinguish the flame by first closing the acetylene valve, then the oxygen needle valve on the torch.
Closing the acetylene valve first is extremely important.
(2) When welding or cutting work is stopped for more than one-half hour, close the cylinder or pipeline
valves and open the torch valves to release the pressure in the hose. Release both pressure
adjusting screws on the regulators.
(3) When work is completed for the day, make certain that all cylinder valves are closed and all gas
pressures between the cylinders and the torch are released. It is good practice to disconnect the
hose, torch and regulators, placing them in storage and replacing the protection cap on the
cylinders. If the regulators are left attached to the cylinders, always release the pressure on the
diaphragm by turning the adjusting handle several turns to the left. Protect the regulators with a
canvas cover.


Cutting and Heating Procedures.


Cutting procedures are as follows.

(1) In most cases cuts are started at the edge of the piece. The torch is held lightly but steadily with
one hand supporting it a few inches back of the cutting head. The other hand is on the handle,
capable of operating the cutting flow trigger or level. Hold the torch so that the ends of the
preheating flame cones are about 1/16-inch above the surface of the material. When a spot of metal
at the top edge has been heated to bright red, press the trigger or lever controlling the cutting
oxygen flow and begin cutting (See Figure 3-13.)
(2) The torch must be held at the proper height above the work. It is then advanced slowly along the
line of cut,making sure that the slag or oxide flows freely and cleanly through the metal. If cutting
a metal other than low carbon steel, a different cutting pattern may be required. If the torch is
moved too fast, the advancing metal will not have time to preheat properly, and will not flow. The
torch must be moved just fast enough to allow oxidation to take place through the material as the
cut progresses. The operator should look down into the cut as it progresses and watch the drag, or
amount which the cut curves backward in a direction opposite of the travel. If the torch head
wavers from side to side, a wider kerf will be made, the speed will be reduced, and oxygen
consumption increased. If the torch is moved


along the line of cut at an irregular speed, the cutting will be slowed down and thegas consumption


A common error is cutting the flow of oxygen before the metal is properly preheated. Another
error is not allowing the preheating flame to run down over the side of the edge of metal when the
cut is begun, as well as heating the top.

When burning a hole in metal, or starting a cut away from the edge, more time is used in bringing the spot
of metal to the kindling temperature than when starting at the edge. After the spot is sufficiently heated,
the torch is raised one-half inch above the normal cutting position and the oxygen flow is turned on

As soon as the metal is perforated, the torch is again lowered to the normal height above the work
and the cut is completed. In piercing holes, do not allow slag to plug the cutting orifice (See
Figure 3-14.)


When cutting cast iron, intense preheating is necessary, requiring larger cutting tips than usual. The
preheating flame should be adjusted so the length of the streamer is equal to the thickness of the cut.
Hold the torch farther away from the metal than when cutting steel.

The quality of an oxyacetylene cut is judged by the shape and length of the draglines, the smoothness of
the sides, the sharpness of the top edges, and the amount of slag adhering to the metal.


Draglines are the line markings which show on the cut surfaces. Good draglines are almost
straight up and down., whereas poor draglines are long and irregular or excessively curved. If the
draglines are short and almost vertical, the other characteristics are almost sure to be satisfactory.


A satisfactory oxyacetylene cut shows smooth sides. A grooved, fluted, or ragged cut surface
indicates a cut of poor quality.


The top edges resulting from an oxyacetylene cut should be sharp and square. Rounded top edges
are not considered satisfactory. Melting down of the top edges may result from incorrect
preheating procedures or from moving the torch too slowly.


An oxyacetylene cut is unsatisfactory if slag adheres so tightly to the metal that it is difficult to

When heating a rivet pin shackle (heat and beat), follow these steps.

The pins must be heated to a high red heat for optimum strength in the finished rivet.


A neutral flame from a fairly large tip is necessary. (The rose bud tip is recommended.)


Play the flame over the end of the pin to maintain a uniform temperature in the part of the pin to be
peened. When the cupped end of the pin is a bright red, it is ready for peening



15. Safety and Troubleshooting Review.


(1) If the regulator creeps (pressure rises when torch valve is closed) more than 10 psi, the regulator is
defective and should be replaced.
(2) Do not use the torch as a hammer, crowbar, or wedge. and should be replaced.
(3) Do not hang the torch and hose on regulator cylinder valves.
(4) Use the proper wrench when changing tips or inspecting the torch.
(5) Remove dirt from cutting and brazing tips by using the proper size tip cleaner.
(6) Never cut on a concrete sinker. Parts of the sinker may explode when heated.

b. Trouble Shooting.
(1) If the orifices of welding or cutting tips become obstructed, clear them by using a tip cleaning tool
of the proper size. A piece of soft copper wire may be used if a proper tip cleaner is not available.
Clean the orifices from the inside whenever possible. Avoid the use of sharp hand tools which
would enlarge or flare the orifices. Enlarged orifices affect torch performance.
(2) If leakage develops around the torch valve stems, tighten the packing nuts. If this does not stop the
leak, have the valves repacked.
(3) Excessive pressure caused by opening the cylinder valve too quickly may damage the pressure
regulator gauges. This is indicated when the pointer will not turn to zero. Such gauges should be
returned to the manufacturer for repairs.
(4) When regulators are to be left out of service for several days or longer, adjust the tension on the
regulator screw. This relieves the pressure on the valve seat and lengthens its life.
(5) If the torch gas adjusting valves turn too easily, allowing the flame to be continually knocked out of
adjustment, or if gas leaks past the valve stem, tighten the packing nut or install new packing in the
gland or nut threads.
(6) If the needle valve does not shut off completely, remove the valve assembly and wipe seat and plug
with a soft clean rag. If the leak continues, replace the worn parts with the new ones ordered from the
original manufacturer of the torch.
(7) When changing heads, tips, or extension, make sure that all seating surfaces are clean. A loose
connection or a piece of dirt on the tip seat may cause backfire or even flashback. When tightening, use
only enough force to make a gas-tight fit.

















_A Capstans and Windlasses.

General. The importance of good line hauling gear for handling buoys cannot be overemphasized. The
handling of large buoys without the restraint of cross-deck or cage lines is poor seamanship and is
dangerous to the ship and crew.

2. WLB. The 180-foot class tenders have a horizontal anchor windlass located on the forecastle deck. This
consists of two wildcats for the anchor chains, two gypsy heads, and a drum originally intended for use
with the deep-sea anchor cable. The windlass is driven by an electric motor. Fair-lead roller-type chocks
are placed on the aft section of the forecastle deck to provide a suitable lead for the crossdeck line from
the buoy deck. When leading a line to the gypsy head, take care to insure that over-riding turns do not
occur. Additionally, the locking nuts and studs of the wildcat clutches may break off if they are permitted
to work loose, and the windlass is engaged. There is a tendency to forget to tighten them after clutching
the wildcats in or out. There is very little clearance between these nuts and the foundation when the
windlass is rotating. Included on the major-renovated WLBs are hydraulic powered, wire rope crossdeck
winches. These are located in the aft corners of the buoy deck.


The 157-foot class tenders have two independent, vertical anchor windlasses located on the forecastle
deck. Each consists of a wildcat for the anchor chain and a gypsy head for line handling. The
windlasses are each driven by a two speed reversible electric motor. The motor controls are on the
forecastle deck. The clutches are located under the forecastle and cannot be engaged from the
forecastle deck. The gypsy heads do not lend themselves well to leading lines from the buoy deck.
However, in each corner of the buoy deck is a hydraulic cross deck winch. Cross deck ropes from
these winches can be led to almost any point on the 157-footer's buoy deck.

The 133-foot class tenders have a large combination, vertical anchor windlass and capstan on the
forecastle. This system controls a buoy by leading a line from the forecastle to a snatch block on
deck and then to the buoy. The capstan has a very large diameter and is awkward to for one person to
take turns on. Some tenders have hydraulic, pneumatic or electric deck winches located port and
starboard aft on the forecastle deck. The winches are used to assist in cross deck and chain hogging


The Second District barges have a pneumatic capstan located amidships at the buoy ports. The
mooring cable is led around this capstan and it is used to raise the sinker. The river tender tugs and
barges have spud winches to raise and lower the spuds.


The 120-foot AtoN Barges have four hydraulically powered gypsy head winches positioned fore
and aft of each buoy port. The four winches can be controlled individually either from a control
station located amidships, just aft of the deck crane, or by using manual hydraulic controls located
at each winch. On the barge forecastle is a hydraulic anchor winch with 500 feet of 1" diameter 6 x
37 steel wire rope.

The construction barges are also equipped with spud winches.


The 55-foot ANB have two hydraulic gypsyheads, one on the port and one on the starboard side.
These use a synthetic line to hog buoys into the pelican hook and to moor to large buoys. On some
units the gypsyheads have been replaced with a hydraulic wire rope winch.

The 46-foot BUSL has three hydraulic wire rope winches. One is on each side of the A frame to
act as the hoisters and one is on the port side at the forward end of the buoy deck to control the
crossdeck. These winches are all controlled from the main control panel.

The 45-foot BU has two hydraulic wire rope winches. One is located on the port side under the
pilothouse and fair led to the A frame and acts as the hoister. The other is located amidships under
the pilothouse and acts as the crossdeck. Both are controlled from inside the pilothouse.

B Hoisting Machinery.

General. Hoisting Machinery on tender class vessels falls into three main categories: electric, pneumatic,
and hydraulic. Most small tenders have pneumatically driven hoists. Most buoy boats obtain their
hoisting power from electrically driven hydraulic pumps. The 157-foot, 133-foot, renovated (Major and
SLEP) 180-foot tenders and 120-foot AtoN barges have hydraulically powered hoisting equipment.

Weekly Inspection. All machinery should be carefully inspected weekly, and necessary routine
maintenance performed. Most machinery is listed on Preventive Maintenance System Cards (PMS).
The PMS Cards are the best indicator of routine maintenance requirements. Brakes should be adjusted
as necessary. Pneumatic and hydraulic systems should be checked for leakage of air or hydraulic fluid,
especially at joints or elbows. The inspections and tests for electric-driven hoisting equipment shall
include resistance tests of all circuits and inspection of motors and electrical connections. Control
equipment should be thoroughly inspected and electrical contacts checked for proper tension and arcing.
Megger readings for the electric hoisting motors shall be entered on the machinery history cards. All
watertight motors and controllers should be checked for collection of water due to condensation or
leakage. Most of these units have drain plugs, but if these are not provided, a bolt or screw, permitting
drainage, should be removed. If possible, a dry day should be chosen for this test. If the air is dry, it
may be desirable to remove inspection plates to permit air to circulate through the equipment. If water
is found, it should be ascertained whether it is fresh or salt, and appropriate action taken.
The collection of


a small amount of condensation in these units under some climatic conditions is not uncommon.
However, maintenance of the air and water seals will reduce this effect to a minimum.

Annual Inspection. Complete inspection and overhauls of all hoisting machinery shall be made in
accordance with the Naval Engineering Manual, COMDTINST M9000.6 (series). Parts subject to
extensive wear and deterioration should be inspected and overhauled as required. During these inspections
all moving parts shall be thoroughly inspected, lubricated and if necessary, replaced.

4. Other Electric Hoists. Several of the smaller inland tenders have electric hoist motors. These smaller
motors have a line pull of 1,000 pounds at 58 feet per minute.
5. Compressed Air Hoists. Some inland tenders have air motor hoists.These have a line speed of 55 feet
per minute at 2,000 pounds single line load (Sullivan type E112). Air-driven hoisting machinery is very
powerful for its size and weight. It is flexible in that it will back up in case of an overload and can be
thrown out of gear to permit placing buoys in the water. This feature, not available in electric
installations, is very advantageous when working buoys.
C Booms and Rigging.
1 General.

There are several types of booms and rigging in use on aids to navigation tenders. No attempt will be
made to cover each type comprehensively; however, representative samples will be described and
discussed below. A discussion of weight handling equipment, their capacities and inspection
procedures can be found in Chapter 573, COMDTINST M9000.6 (series).

All tenders with fore and aft booms should cradle the boom and secure it with a cradle strap when
underway and not servicing aids. This will prevent the boom from raising up and jerking downward
when the ship is rolling or pitching. If it is not feasible to cradle the boom because of a deck load or
short periods between use, a preventer must be rigged to prevent the boom from swinging free. The
preferred method to rig a preventer is to secure the whip to the nearest deck padeye using a short sling
with an eye in each end. Rigging a preventer may prevent catastrophic damage to the boom, when the
boom is moved past its toppling point. The 180-foot tenders have a boom with two separate topping
lifts suspended from opposite reinforced corners of the bridge super structure. Should the vessel be
hooked to a load such as a buoy over the side, and a sudden strain from an astern direction be put on the
boom, it will rise up in the air, one topping lift becoming slack, with the possibility that the boom may
jackknife back over the bridge. Therefore, whenever a strain in an astern direction or heavy rolls are
anticipated, one of the hoisting tackles should be hooked into a padeye in the deck as a preventer. In
the design of the boom, provision was made for rigging a single vang or preventer tackle leading from a
point near the end of the boom. This may be used instead of hooking a power tackle into the deck.
CAUTION: When taking up on the sling with the whip or main, remember the lifting


capacity of the boom winch and wire exceeds the breaking strength of the double ended sling.

The 180-foot tenders are the most numerous class of tender with the 75-foot and 65-foot river tenders
(with their barges) the next most numerous.

WLB-180 (SLEP) and Major Renovated Buoy Tenders. These tenders have a 50-foot tubular boom and
reinforced bridge structure. They are designed for normal hook load of 40,000 pounds with the boomat an
elevation of 45 degrees. Two hoisting motors are located near the bridge supports and are connected to
operate the vangs which control elevating and rotating the boom. Two other hoisters are located on the boom
for operating the two lifting purchases. The upper purchase is rigged as single whip with a capacity of 10,000
pounds. The lower purchase may be rigged as 3- or 5-part tackle. When rigged in 5 parts, it has a capacity of
40,000 pounds at 16 feet per minute. It is intended that the lifting purchases be rigged for 3 parts when
handling the larger lighted buoys up to and including the 9-foot type. The topping lifts are 7-part purchases.

The wire rope lengths are:

(1) Main Purchase: Maximum wire on the drum is 3 layers (when two blocked). Minimum wire
during operation is 5 wraps when fully extended and hook is at the extreme lower position. If
meeting the minimum criteria of 5 wraps results in more than 3 layers when two blocked contact
your MLC type desk.
(2) Whip: Total wire length is 200 feet. Minimum wire on the drum during operation is 5 wraps
when the hook is at the extreme lower operating position.
(3) Vangs: Total wire length is 400 feet. Minimum wire on the drum during operation is no less
than 5 full wraps, when the boom is fully lowered and slewed outboard to its maximum outboard
safe working reach.

The controls for the SLEP and MAJREN are similar, consisting of a joystick for controlling the boom
and one lever each for raising and lowering the main and whip. Some tenders have an auxiliary hoister
of 350-pound capacity which has its own lever. The MAJRENs have wire crossdecks also controlled
from the boom shack, each having its own lever for controlling inhaul/outhaul. These controls actuate
air controllers for the hydraulic winches.

The Austere Renovated WLBs retain the original electric motors. As there are only three remaining
at this writing and they are scheduled for decommissioning, their systems will not be addressed here.

Hydraulic Hoisting Gear on 157-Foot Tenders. This gear is controlled from boom control rooms located
under the bridge wings on either side of the ship. It is a three-lever control. One lever operates the slewing
and topping gear, one the main hoist, one the relief (whip). There are no wire vangs. The boom is slewed
rapidly by a bull gear at the base of the king post. The


king post turns with the boom when slewing. The topping lift wire and the main hoist are fair led from the
top through the hollow king post, down into the main hold where the hoister winches are located. The
slewing gear is driven by a hydraulic motor, as are all drums for the topping lift, main, and relief. They are
variable speed motors, with the boom operator controlling the rate of oil flow which controls the motor
speed. The relief (whip) winch is located on top of the boom aft near the king post. There is a constant
tension feature built into the whip. This is to beused with the snubbing winches located aft on the king post.
This gear is designed to keep a load from swinging when the ship is in a seaway. The main is a 3-part
purchase and can lift 10 tons; the single whip can lift 4 tons.


Hydraulic Hoisting Gear on 133-Foot Tenders.


A Diesel engine drives two hydraulic pumps via a power take-off. The engine and pumps are located
in the engine room. Engine speed control is accomplished pneumatically from the remote speed
control platform located forward of the pilot house.

The control console houses the four pneumatic controls: one for the topping winch, one for the
main purchase, one for the relief (whip) purchase, and one for the slew gear. The console also
houses hydraulic pressure gauges to monitor system pressure and electrical controls to operate the
hogging winches.

The 133-foot tenders have a 38-foot twin vee tubular boom the pivots vertically on two boom foot
pins. This configuration is controlled by three identical single drum winches. Each is designed to
carry 200 feet of 3/4" diameter wire rope. All three winches are under wound with 3/4' 6X37
IWRC, XIPS wire rope. Each winch is operated by its own hydraulic motor. The main purchase
winch is located on the boom. The main purchaseis a 2:1 gun tackle with a safe working load of
20,000 pounds. The topping and relief purchase winches are located in the winch room and are fair
led up to the boom. The secondary purchase (whip) is a single lead with a safe working load of
8,000 pounds. The topping purchase is a single luff tackle rigged with the single block secured to
the top of the A-frame above the flying bridge.


The slewing gear is operated by a hydraulic motor and is located in the winch room. Rotation is
transferred to the boom by a five-inch pinion gear shaft. This shaft and Keyway are the weak link
in the rig when the boom is side loaded. Heavy side loading should be avoided.

Cranes on 75', 100' and 160' Construction and all River Tenders. Several types of cranes are used on barges
of the pusher/barge, and 160-foot WLIC tenders:

The river tender barges have either Appleton, Allied or Alaska hydraulic articulating cranes. These
cranes slew, elevate, hoist and have a jib that allows them to bend like an arm. They are rated for
loads of between two and three tons. The crane operator is seated at a control console mounted on
and rotating with the base of the crane.


Construction tenders which operate along the Intracoastal Waterway have an enclosed cab, pedestal
mounted lattice boom


CG 300 crane. Long reach cranes of this type are needed on the Intracoastal Waterway to work
with pile driving equipment.

When working with pile driving equipment, if corrective procedures are needed, the hammer and
the lead shall be placed in the cradle. All routine maintenance should be carried out with the hammer
and the lead in the cradle. Climbing a lead is dangerous and should not be done. The time required to
lower the lead is time well spent from a safety standpoint. Should the gantry hydraulics fail, the load
can be released on these cranes using a porta-power.

Hydraulic Cranes on the WTGB 120-foot AtoN Barge. Some of the 140-foot Icebreaking Tugs push a 120foot AtoN barge to perform the aids to navigation mission. These barges have an Appleton Marine
hydraulic powered telescoping pedestal crane that is capable of lifting 40,000 pounds on its main purchase
at a radius of 55 feet. When the crane is telescoped to a radius of 75 feet, the single part purchase can hoist
up to 10,000 pounds. The crane is designed to withstand horizontal sideloads equivalent to half of its lifting
capacity. The recommended wire used is either 6 X 25 or 6 X 37 RRLFW. Dioform 18 rope is authorized
for installation on only the main purchase on both barges.

Hoisting Gear on the 100-Foot Construction and Inland Tenders.

The RAMBLER, PRIMROSE, SMILAX, and BLUEBELL have a 27-foot tubular boom equipped with
five-part main and single ship hoisting tackle using 7/16-inch wire rope. The working capacity is
10,000 pounds rigged for five part, 6,000 pounds rigged for three part and 2,000 pounds at 60 feet per
minute for the whip. The hoister comprises three individual single drum clutch and contracting brake
type winches driven by compressed air motors developing 2,000 pounds line pull at 60 feet per minute.
They will each withstand a static pull of 14,600 pounds. The whip, located on the end of the boom,
uses65 feet of wire, the main, 170 feet, the topping lift, 140 feet of wire. The blocks are 10-inch steel
double sheave type. Many of the inland waterways-type tenders use a stubby kingpost instead of the
conventional-type mast for supporting the boom.

In addition RAMBLER and SMILAX push a construction barge equipped with a Weatherford CG-300
crane. Maximum lift capacity of this crane is 18,000 pounds.

BUCKTHORN has an Appleton hydraulic telescoping crane rigged with 1/2" wire rope on the main and
having a 10,000 pound capacity with a two part. The whip is rigged with 3/8" wire rope and has a
capacity of 3,000 pounds.

Hoisting Gear on the 65-Foot Inland Tenders.


ELDERBERRY has a hydraulic crane and has a lift capacity of 4,000 lbs. rope and has a capacity of
3,000 pounds.

BAYBERRY, CHOKEBERRY, BLACKBERRY have pneumatic topping lifts and hand powered
vangs with a lift capacity of 4,000 lbs.

In addition, BAYBERRY's hull has been modified to accommodate a 60' ATON barge. This barge is
equipped with a hydraulic crane capable of hoisting 4,000 lbs.

The 55-Foot (ANB) Aids to Navigation Boat. There are three different types of cranes on the 55-foot ANB.
The vessels with the M45 Huskey crane (installed on boats 55101 - 55112) are limited to 2,000 pounds safe
working load up to 13' reach and 1,000 pounds beyond 13'. The second group of vessels with the M45
Huskey crane (boats 55113 - 55119) have a safe working load of 3,000 pounds up to 13-foot reach and
2,000 pounds beyond 13 feet. The last group (boats 55120 - 55122) have a 3,300 pound lifting capacity.
The cargo capacity of all 55-foot ANBs is 4,000 pounds. Note: (1) Maximum safe working loads are
calculated for each class over the stern "notch." (2) All three crane types are scheduled to be replaced with
an Alaskan Model 4-20 crane.


The 46-Foot (BUSL) Buoy Boat; Stern Loading. There are two classes of BUSLs. The first class, boats
46300-46306, can lift a maximum of 3,000 pounds. Boats 46307-46315 are rigged with 3/8" wire and have
a maximum capacity of 4000 pounds. The buoy handling equipment on these craft consists of a stern
mounted A-frame, the top of which can move fore and aft, hoisting winches mounted on each side of the
top of the A-frame, a deck winch, and a chain stopper. Except for the chain stopper, all of this equipment is
hydraulically powered. Hydraulic rams attached to the base of the A-frame power its fore and aft
movements within the rated winch capacity.


The 45-Foot (BU) Buoy Boat; Bow Loading. All of the 45-foot Bus are rigged with 5/8" wire rope with a
safe working load of 4000 pounds. The buoy handling equipment consists of a bow mounted A frame
driven by two hydraulic rams, two hydraulic underwound winches (one for the main purchase and one for a
cross deck) and a manually operated chain stop.

D Rigging Inspection and Maintenance.


Daily Inspections and Lubrication. The primary purpose of the daily inspection of rigging is to make
certain that the equipment is safe for use. At the beginning of each work day, a visual inspection shall be
made of all the rigging. The padeyes and hooks shall be examined at close range, a careful search being
made for any cracks that might have developed. The hook shall always be examined immediately before
lifting a full-rated load. The lubrication of boom seats, and the pins and blocks in the rigging should be a
daily task when the equipment is in use. If properly accomplished, these lubrications, will increase the life
of the equipment. Wire rope should be lubricated as needed, and in all cases should be slushed adequately
to prevent rusting when not in use.
Caution--The hoisting tackle and hook should never be tested by jerking on the weight. While this
method might expose a failure on a part of the gear, it may also start a failure which does not
become evident at the time. Complete failure may then occur during actual operations with
possibly disastrous results.
3. Weekly Inspections. The weekly inspection of rigging shall be more thorough than time will normally
permit for the daily inspection. Routine maintenance, necessary for keeping equipment in good condition,
should be performed now. The weekly


inspection shall include the following: All fiber and wire rope, padeyes, hooks, booms, and other fittings,
shall be carefully inspected for accumulated wear and distortion. Wire rope shall be cleaned and lubricated
as needed, and renewed if required. Examine the interior of all fiber line for mildew and indications of
deterioration. The amount of weathering, wear, and elongation permissible before replacement depends
upon the use. Line should not be discarded needlessly, and when no longer suitable for one usage, should,
if practical, be shifted to a less severe one.

Annual Inspections. A complete inspection of the boom and all running rigging of all SRA vessels shall be
made in accordance with COMDTINST M9000.6 (series), at least once each year. Parts subject to
extensive wear and deterioration should be inspected and repaired as required. It is intended that during
these inspections, all moving parts shall be thoroughly inspected, and where applicable, lubricated. The
inspection period should follow a period of dry weather, to insure that the least possible amount of moisture
is present in the wire rope.

Biennial Overhaul. Every other year, normally during the vessel's dry-dock availability, and concurrently
with the Annual Inspection, the biennial overhaul of the boom will be accomplished in accordance with
COMDTINST M9000.6 (series).

Unauthorized Alterations and Procedures. There is an occasional tendency among operating personnel to
attempt to modify or alter hoisting rigs from the designed standards to suit their own concept of operational
need. The placement of various connections on a boom and the size of the tackles has been carefully
considered by the designer to minimize the strains involved. A slight alteration may unknowingly weaken
the boom to a dangerous extent. Any departure from the intention of the designer, either through alteration
of the boom structure or rigging, or unorthodox operation, is not authorized. Authorized alterations are
listed in Chapter 573 of the Naval Engineering Manual. The following rules should be observed to avoid
dangerous operation of any cargo boom:

Do not handle any hook loads above the rated capacity of purchase except test loads.

Do not alter the location or details of the boom fittings or install jury rigs of any kind.

Do not reduce the number of parts in the topping lift, or the size and quality of standing or running
rigging. It is sometimes advantageous to reduce the number of parts in the lifting purchases to gain
greater speed, but capacity must be proportionally reduced.

E Padeyes.

Inspection and Replacement.


Inspection of padeyes and associated links should be a part of the inspections routinely made of all
buoy handling gear.

Many of the older tenders have ring-type padeyes which, when overloaded, will elongate and take a
permanent set. Padeyes


in this condition should be replaced by installing links of roper size.


ome units have ordered replacements in the past without eference to technical information. This
resulted in their ecommending stock sizes of rings involving an actual eduction of strength for the
fitting. In ordering material f this nature, specifications should always be stipulated, rather than
mere reference to physical dimensions or stock numbers.

Any changes, additions, or deletions of padeyes are to be carried out in accordance with applicable
drawings for the vessel type and class. This is to prevent installation of padeyes where the deck is
not capable of holding the load and to prevent each succeeding command from placing padeyes as
personal preference dictates. Padeyes have to be tested in accordance with COMDTINST M9000.6
(series) Naval Engineering Manual with the unit or district funding the test from AFC-30 funds.

F Crane and Boom Qualifications.


Operations. Operations shall be directed only by the individual specifically designated for that purpose.

General Qualifications for Deck Supervisor.

Personnel in charge of operations shall be qualified crane or boom operators. This certification shall be in
writing. Confirming the successful completion of applicable 16500 (series) PQS.


Personnel in charge shall know and use the standard hand signals illustrated in Figure 4-1.

Practices of Deck Supervisor.


The Deck Supervisor shall not engage in any practice which will divert his attention while actually
directing operations.

The Deck Supervisor shall not direct operations when mentally or physically unfit.

The Deck Supervisor shall only give signals to the boom operator or appointed signalman.


The Deck Supervisor shall be held directly responsible for the safe operation of equipment under his
direction. Whenever there is doubt as to safety, he shall refuse to authorize operations until
safety has been assured.

Before permitting equipment to be left unattended, the Deck Supervisor shall direct disposition of all
loads and make certain equipment is secured.

If power fails during operations, the Deck Supervisor shall investigate and take necessary action before
operation is resumed.

The Deck Supervisor shall visually inspect the rig and all associated weight handling equipment before
each use.


The Deck Supervisor shall make use of tag lines and other devices to control the load


The Deck Supervisor shall keep side loads at a minimum and shall direct operations in such a manner
to keep lifts as vertical as possible.

The Deck Supervisor shall lift loads only as high as necessary to clear obstacles, except that buoy
chain shall be pulled to maximum safe lifting height for retrieval.

The Deck Supervisor shall carry out an operation only after the safety of all personnel on deck is assured.

The Deck Supervisor shall know what the emergency release procedure is for the crane or boom.


Cranes and booms shall be operated only by designated operators or trainees under the direct supervision
of designated operators.

No one other than operators, trainees, maintenance personnel or maintenance supervisors shall enter a
crane or boom operating enclosure.

5. Qualifications of Operators. The variations in crane and boom types on Coast Guard vessels makes it
difficult to address every type. However, general qualification guidelines are possible. Listed below are
the general requirements which shall be used to develop a formal qualification program for crane and
boom operators on every unit.

All operators shall be designated in writing by the Commanding Officer or Officer In Charge.

Operators shall know and use the standard hand signals contained in Figure 4-1.

Operators shall complete PQS per COMDTINST M3502.4 (series).











A. General.

Purpose. This chapter discusses the fundamental principles involved in maneuvering single and twin
screw vessels. The purpose is NOT to discuss in detail every potential maneuvering situation or to
prescribe a correct way to approach a given ship handling evolution. It is important to note that
ship handling, in the broadest sense, covers the maneuvering spectrum from being Dead in the Water
(DIW) to full speed ahead. In this chapter we will limit the discussion to the lower, slower end of that
spectrum. Since there are numerous publications written on the science of ship handling (and many
incorporate examples from the most experienced masters), it is recommended that all cutters obtain a
cross section of these and incorporate them into their training programs. Naval Ship handling and
Knight's Modern Seamanship are both good reference books.

Ship handling in AtoN Work. Ship handling, especially in aids to navigation work, is an art learned by
constant study, analysis, experiment, and practice (in short, experience). For a conning officer to develop,
he/she must first possess an understanding of the fundamental effects of a ship's rudder, propeller(s), and
general characteristics on the marine environment and apply that to his/her experiences. Good
ship handling is essential in aids to navigation work from the standpoints of safety and operational
efficiency. When setting or retrieving buoys, one is often required to put a ship in places where no
prudent seaman would voluntarily go. Constant vigilance is the watchword when working aids to
navigation. The slightest inattention on the part of the ship handler when a buoy is alongside or being
hoisted can easily and immediately cause damage to the ship or injury to the crew.

Providing Development Opportunities. It is essential that Officers-In-Charge and Commanding Officers

provide ample ship handling opportunities for junior personnel. This should include a review of the
evolution so errors in planned procedures can be worked out before hand. During the early stages of skill
development, the conning officer should plot out all actions ahead of time, using vector diagrams. They
can be sketched out quickly, until experience allows him/her to picture the situation. It is helpful to use
these diagrams both to analyze ship handling evolutions of other conning officers and to rehearse
recurring situations that your vessel often finds itself in. Wardroom chalk talks and constructive critiques
after ship handling evaluationsare valuable teaching tools.

Shiphandling Hints.

Principal Factors. The principal factors involved with the handling of a ship are the length, displacement,
draft, speed (power), depth of water, force and direction of the wind and current, space available for
maneuvering, and the effect of rudder and engines. Although buoy tenders may be either single or twin
screw, the basic principles involving each are similar. In most instances, these principles may be


described for large vessels, but they apply to smaller tenders as well.
2. Proper Watch Atmosphere. The conning officer must demand that the bridge is taut and quiet. There
should be no excitement or confusion when conning operations are being carried out. A Few quiet, well
articulated commands to the helm and judicious applications of the engine are all that is needed for welltrained personnel. The conning officer should ensure the absence of frivolity or loud, boisterous behavior
from the watch team. Exuberant reports to the conning officer from the watch team will raise the tension
level, contribute to tunnel vision situations, and cause confusion. Particular care should be given to using
standard commands. Nonstandard commands can be easily misunderstood and cause additional confusion.

Avoid Deception. The marine world is a dynamic, constantly changing environment. One should never
expect a ship to handle exactly the same as it did the last time he/she was in the same situation. Conditions
will never be exactly the same. One should always be on the alert for a sudden sheer when transiting a
confined channel or approaching a dock. A quick shot full ahead or back for a short period with the engine
will break the sheer and straighten the ship out, provided too much way is not on. Speed through the water
is deceptive. Keep a close eye on your overboard discharge and on relative movement of objects directly on
your beam. While approaching a buoy and looking solely ahead, it may appear that the ship is almost
stopped. In fact, you may be contemplating giving the engine a shot ahead. As soon as the buoy gets past
the bow and is coming alongside, usually, the ship is moving faster than initially thought. Remember you
can always add speed to come ahead, but you cannot always take speed off quickly enough.

Full ahead on the engine in maneuvering should not be confused with speed. Although it is desirable
to maneuver the engines gently when close to a dock or a buoy, there will be times when a quick shot
ahead or astern is desirable, without increasing headway. Using full rudder and two-thirds or full
speed ahead for a brief interval will be much more satisfactory than prolonged use of the engine
under less power. Fewer engine turns results in moving a greater distance ahead before the desired
turn is achieved. This is especially true when dead in the water or moving slowly in the direction you
wish to turn. It is always the strong initial thrust that has the greatest turning effect. Also, Simply
jamming the controller handle full ahead and then immediately bringing it to stop may not give this
effect if the propeller does not have sufficient time to come up to speed. Remember, the intent is to
impart a quick move to the cutter, without building up momentum. The sudden bark of the engines is
not always discernible. The conning officer should pay attention to the prop wash.


Another good reason for going slowly is the chance of mechanical or human failure. The pilothouse
control may suddenly go dead, a circuit breaker may trip if you have moved the control too quickly, a
man on deck may hold the spring line when you want it checked, etc. In any of these events, if your
headway is minimal, you will probably have time to counteract what has happened.


When approaching the dock or buoy, if you find that the ship


has too much headway or if for any reason you fee uncomfortable with the approach, don't hesitate
to back and stop. There is nothing wrong with turning around and coming in again, with a more
prudent plan. Do not jeopardize the safety of the ship or crew for the sake of "pulling off" an
evolution that has deteriorated. Your pride is not worth your crew's safety.

In any maneuvering situation the conning officer may direct the maneuver by ordering compass
courses or by ordering rudder angles. Tight maneuvers (i.e., final approach to buoys or docks)
usually dictate the use of rudder angle orders which fford greater control of the maneuver. This
enhanced control factor is particularly important for the inexperienced ship handler and/or
helmsman. Compass courses should rarely be used in a final approach.

Finally, the conning officer should be aware that larger rudder commands are required at slow
speeds to produce the desired response from the ship. Five to ten degrees of ruddermay have
egligible effect at slow speed.

Principles of Rudder and Screw Effect (Twin-screw).


Position of the Rudder. In steering a twin screw vessel, the position of the rudder depends upon the direction
the ship is moving through the water, and not the direction in which the propellers are turning. The various
forces set up by the action of a single screw balance out on twin screws, and for that reason can be disregarded.
As long as both screws are working ahead or astern at the same speed, the force of water against the face of the
rudder will control the steering of the ship.

Headway and the Rudder. When the ship has headway, and a turn to the right is desired, apply right rudder.
The ship's stern will swing to port and thus change the heading of the ship to the right, or starboard. The ship
pivots on a point well forward of amidship, and the stern, not the bow, swings when the rudder is put over. This
swing, away from the direction to which the rudder is applied, causes the ship to change to the desired heading.
Due to momentum along the ship's original course, the ship will range ahead along an arc for a ship length or
two before beginning to gain ground in the desired direction. The net distance traveled on the original course is
called advance. The net distance traveled laterally before steadying on the new course is transfer. To turn to the
left when going ahead, apply left rudder.

Sternway and the Rudder. When the ship has sternway, the rudder effect is the opposite. Right rudder when the
ship is going astern causes the stern to move to the right, changing the heading of the ship to port. Left rudder,
vice versa. A twin-screw ship steers similarly to an automobile.

Effect of Screws. When both screws are turning ahead or astern at the same speed, the ship, if not influenced by
external factors of wind and current and with the rudder amidships, will move straight ahead or back. If either
screw is working singly, a turning moment is created which will swing the ship away from the side on which the
screw is acting. For example, if the starboard screw is turning ahead alone, the ship will swing to port. If


then the ship's bow will turn toward the side which has the engine turning at the slower speed. The greater
difference in speed, the sharper the turn. When screws are opposed, the ship's bow will turn toward the side that
is backing. Whether the ship will have headway or sternway will depend on the difference between the relative
speed and power of the two engines and the amount of way that was on the ship when the operation was begun.
To turn at win-screw ship in place, the relative speed of the respective engines must be adjusted until they
balance each other, discounting the effects of wind and current. In screws working opposed, remember that the
screw backing must turn faster than the screw going ahead in order to balance the thrust. In turning a ship in
place, it may be necessary to alternately stop and start the engine. Under some conditions, one screw backing
two-thirds will about balance the other screw going ahead one third. The process of splitting the screws of a
twin screw vessel and turning in place is called twisting.

Rudder and Screws. As stated before, the rudder is used in relation to the direction of motion of the ship
through the water rather than in relation to the direction of rotation of the propellers. For example, when going
ahead on both screws and it is desired to turn to starboard sharply, stop and back the starboard screw and apply
full right rudder. However, when having sternway and desiring to turn the ship to starboard (stern to port), go
ahead on the port engine, back on the starboard engine and full left rudder. When the ship is being swung in
place with no way on, the rudder should be left amidships.

Steerage. When the ship is dead in the water, or nearly so, the ship lacks steerage way and the rudder will have
little or no effect. This is true as the ship loses her way when coming to a stop or when starting to make way
after being stopped. Control must then be accomplished with the engines until steerageway is gained.

7. Know Your Ship. The conning officer should know certain individual characteristics of his ship. For example,
how much power to expect when certain speeds are ordered, how long it takes the engines to reverse, how far
the ship will travel if the engines are reversed at various speeds, what effect certain degrees of rudder angle
have, the diameter of the ship's turning circle, etc.

Standard Helm Commands. Since the standard orders to the helmsman should be familiar to all (they may be
found in any standard text on seamanship and should be included in the CO's standing orders)they will not be
repeated here. However, it is emphasized that only standard terminology should be employed. A confused
helmsman can easily cause an accident.

D Principles of Rudder and Screw Effect (Single-screw).


Propeller. In the following discussion, a right hand propeller is assumed.

Going ahead. The effect of the rudder is the same as described for twin-screw vessel when going ahead. Right
rudder turns the ship's head to the right, left rudder to the left, and the ship pivots in a similar manner to a twinscrew vessel. Conversely, if there is no countering effect of the rudder, the sidewise thrust of the screw going
ahead will swing the stern to starboard. This is more pronounced when the ship is starting to move after being
dead in the water. An example of this tendency in a prolonged setting can be observed while breaking ice. The
ship's head will naturally


"fall off" to port.


Backing. A different problem is involved when backing. The sidewise thrust of the backing screw has a
tendency to swing the ship's stern to port. The sidewise thrust exerts the most effectat full speed astern.
Additionally, the rudder has little effect until the vessel has gained considerable sternway. If the sidewise thrust
of the screw to port is not too strong, the vessel may mind its helm and back "to the rudder." A single-screw
vessel is more easily affected by current and wind when backing. It is a tendency of most vessels to back into
the wind.

Combinations. The following are brief discussions of some possible combinations:


Ship and screw going ahead. If the ship is stopped and the screw starts turning ahead, the screw current
striking the rudder causes the ship to turn in the direction the rudder is put over. As the vessel gathers way,
the effect of the screw current is lessened and the normal action of the rudder takes control. This is why a
short application of full power ahead when the ship is stopped exerts the strongest turning effect without
causing much advance. This is a most useful maneuver, but one which many ship handlers are apparently
hesitant to use. When the ship is proceeding normally and the rudder is suddenly put hard over, the stern
will first move away from the direction of the turn. The ship then crabs off in the same direction as it
slowly begins to turn .Due to momentum along the ship's original course, the ship will range ahead along an
arc for a ship length or two before beginning to gain ground in the desired direction. The net distance
traveled on the original course is called advance. The net distance traveled laterally before steadying on the
new course is transfer.

Ship and screw going astern. In this case the steering effect of the rudder is negligible until the ship gathers
sufficient sternway. Meanwhile the screw current has started to swing the vessel's stern to port. However,
if the screw is backed slowly, minimizing its thrust, full right rudder will take increasing effect and the stern
will swing to starboard as sternway increases. If the rudder is put full left, the stern will swing rapidly to
port. This tendency can be useful when turning in a short narrow space, provided the ship is turned to the
right. By alternating full ahead on right rudder and full astern on left rudder, a ship may be turned quickly
in a small area. The wind has a strong effect on vessels going astern. If there is much wind, the ship will
back its stern up into it regardless of rudder or screw. Therefore, when turning in a narrow space with wind
on one bow, make the turn away from the wind, backing the engine when the wind is well abaft the beam.

Ship going ahead, screw going astern. It must not be assumed that the rudder will still affect the ship's head
while the ship has headway. As soon as the screw is reversed, new forces are brought into effect. If the
rudder is left amidships, the ship's head will fall off to starboard. If the rudder is put full right at the instant
the screw starts astern, the ship's head will swing to starboard at first. The bow may continue going to the
right but usually will stop,


then slowly swing to port, the stern swinging to starboard as the ship gathers sternway and minds its helm.
If the rudder is put full left at the instant the screw starts astern, the bow will swing slightly to the left at
first, but as speed decreases it will fall off to starboard, since all forces are acting together to swing the stern
to port.

Ship going astern, screw going ahead. If the rudder is amidships, the sidewise pressure of the screw blades
counterbalances the discharge current striking the rudder, and it is not possible to predict the direction in
which the ship will swing. If the rudder is put full right, the stern will go rapidly to port; if put full left, the
stern goes rapidly to starboard. However, if the ship is making considerable sternway and full power is not
being used, the steering effect of the rudder may cause the ship to back to her rudder until the sternway has
decreased, when the discharge current of the screw takes effect and causes the ship to react as described

Clarification. In the two cases described above, of a ship going ahead with screw backing and a ship going
astern with screw going ahead, the predictions of the ship's action are predicated on the use of full power on
the screw under average conditions. Should speed through the water be high and only half power used,
some of the tendencies noted may be reversed.

A swinging ship carries considerable momentum and tends to swing in the direction in which it started.
Therefore, if conditions permit, start the swing with the rudder before using the engine to change the
direction of the ship's movement. In this manner, the swing can be started in the right direction and the
rudder and engines used to best advantage to continue the swing. When maneuvering a single-screw ship,
remember that the position of the rudder depends on what the propeller is doing rather than on the direction
of the motion of the ship through the water.

Different conditions. Remember that differences in trim, wind, sea, current, suction of the bottom, size of
rudder, and propeller all produce new forces, or modify existing forces .Vessels may at times act in a
manner other than predicted.

Bow Thrusters.

General. The traditional principles of ship handling apply directly to the control of the ship's stern and
indirectly to the ship's bow. In essence, one moves the bow by controlling the movement of the stern. Bow
thrusters introduce another dimension to ship handling. They allow the ship handler to control both Stern
and bow. This enables the ship to work in conditions, side currents, and winds, that made some work
previously impossible...or at least unthinkable. Considering the extra capabilities the bow thruster provides,
conning officers should take extra care not to place the ship in situations where loss of the bow thruster
would leave the ship in a dangerous situation.

Operation. Operation of the conventional bow thruster is simple. The screw, situated in an athwart ships
tunnel, is turned in opposite directions to produce thrust to either side. The value to the conning officer is
readily apparent. He/she can now wind the bow into a buoy or pier or away from it. In a loss of steering
situation, the bow thruster may be used to maneuver the ship. When working a buoy or launching a small
boat, the bow thruster can be used to maintain the ship's heading without


employing the screws and rudder or risking developing headway. When backing, the bow thruster can be
employed like a rudder making it possible to back down more narrow channels. Note that the bow thruster
has its greatest effect at slow speeds. As the speed of the ship is increased, the effect diminishes. At twothirds speed, the bow thruster will have almost no effect.

Combinations. When used in combination with the maneuvers listed in 5-C and 5-D above, a multitude of
maneuvers are possible.

Maneuvering With the Bow Thruster.


General. Bow thrusters improve the maneuverability of vessels. Their installation greatly reduces the wear
and tear on main engines, extending their useful life.

Walking. The basic principle behind walking a ship sideways is to thrust in the direction you want to move
and put the rudder in the opposite direction. Since the stern moves opposite the direction of the turn, a
vessel walking to port is thrusting to port with right rudder. Another way to walk sideways, on a twin screw
vessel, is to thrust in the direction you want to go and twist in the opposite.

As a Rudder. Bow thrusters can act as a rudder when a vessel is backing. A single screw vessel with
rudder amidships can back in a straight line steering only with the bow thruster. The evolution is carried
off at slow speed. In this instance the stern becomes the bow. To turn the new bow to starboard you thrust
to port and vice versa. Twin screw vessels equipped with a bow thruster can oppose screws and use their
thruster to spin them 360 in the ship's length. They also can make the vessel go sideways for a short

Approaching a Buoy. When approaching a buoy close aboard, take care not to catch the buoy in the prop
wash from the bow thruster, as this can cause the buoy to move rapidly away from the ship. If this happens,
however, simply stop the bow thruster and wait for the buoy to swing back toward the ship. Do not apply
the bow thruster in the opposite direction, hoping to bring the buoy alongside. The buoy, when swinging
back towards its original position may move into the side of the ship or dive under the hull. Conning
officers must learn in which area off the bow the buoy will be affected by the bow thruster wake and plan
their actions accordingly. The prop wash can be used to the conning officer's advantage occasionally by
providing a cushion between the ship's bow and a pier.

Fouling. As with all machinery, bow thrusters require special care to keep them operating properly. Care
must be taken not to allow debris to be sucked into the propeller.

Noise. The bow thruster engine is quite noisy and makes deck communication difficult. Have prearranged
signals worked out so communication between the bridge and safety observer is not interrupted. The use of
portable radios, sound powered phones, or radio-headsets is encouraged.

Casualties. Operations and training without using the thruster is encouraged. This will assist in preparing
conning officers to handle the vessel if the bow thruster fails.


Maneuvering Around Buoys.



Maneuvering a buoy tender into the exact spot where a buoy is to be moored is not an easy task except
under the most favorable conditions of wind and current. However, with a thorough understanding of the
principles of handling ships in general, a knowledge gained from experience concerning the peculiarities
of the individual ship, and a pilot's knowledge of the local conditions, a tender conning officer may
maneuver the ship to drop the buoy's mooring with accuracy.

The following things should be considered by the conning officer before working a buoy.
(1) Current will have considerably more effect on your ship than wind. When the current is more than
one knot you can usually ignore the effect of wind.
(2) Headway or sternway will allow easier maneuvering. Water across the rudder provides the turning
(3) A single screw cutter tends to back to port; however, it will eventually back into a strong wind as the
side forces of the screw lessen due to increasing sternway. This lessening allows the force of the
wind, acting on the sail area of the bow, to take over and push the bow to port (for a wind from the
starboard side) causing a swing to starboard. A twin screw vessel can be backed straight by judicious
application of screw(s) and rudder(s) but it will also want to back into a strong wind.
(4) With headway, a cutter's pivot point is usually somewhere just abaft amidships. Without headway, it
tends to move forward, away from the applied forces of screw/rudder.
(5) In making a slow approach to a buoy, it will seem that the ship will never reach the desired objective.
There is a point where the object, which has been moving almost imperceptibly, suddenly picks up
speed. Find this point for your own reaction time.
(6) Cutter movement can be detected immediately by the use of natural ranges ashore.
(7) Discover how to give your crew the steadiest deck condition for working under any wind and wave
(8) Find out where your cutter's sail areas are for any wind conditions, and how wind will turn you or
cause you to drift sideways. Certain rules of thumb will emerge for your particular ship. The wind
has the same effect as current or a bow thruster but is acting on the portion of the vessel out of the
water and not on the underwater hull.
(9) Practice crabbing your vessel across a current before you reach the buoy. See how much it takes to
cause your bow to fall off to either side, and


what combinations return you to a stemming position most effectively. Discover as many
combinations of screw/rudder as you can to achieve and hold equilibrium in a current. Often a vessel
can maintain station in a current by applying a few turns and steering a particular heading. However,
the vessel's position must be constantly evaluated so momentum will not be built in any particular
direction, or to adjust toa change in wind or current.
(10) Learn to make your ship respond by using the elements. Never think of fighting wind or current;
rather think of how best to use vector forces to assist you in handling the ship. On vessels without a
bow thruster the wind and current can be used very effectively to maneuver around a buoy or for
mooring. Ice also can be used very effectively as a maneuvering tool.
(11) In approaching a tight situation, try to consider all escape routes open to you and what forces you

Approaching the Buoy.


Before approaching a buoy, consider the wind, current, swells ,location of foul ground, and channel
traffic. Take a fix to insure your position and that of the buoy in relation to shoals, etc. Unless local
conditions make it inadvisable, it has been found that a buoy is best approached with the ship heading into
the wind, seas, or current. Base your approach on whichever is the controlling or strongest factor. This
permits the vessel to approach slowly, be stopped and straightened out if necessary. When alongside the
buoy, it allows a quick application of rudder and engine, to correct a cant of the bow to either side, or to
prevent drifting astern. Control your vessel so no quick water (wash) rises near a buoy about to be picked
up. Never hook into a buoy while the vessel is in motion.

When approaching a buoy the wind or current may be brought a little on the opposite side to insure that
the ship will set alongside the buoy. Once the buoy is hooked on, the bow of the tender must be turned
back into the wind or current to avoid placing unnecessary strain on the gear. Keeping an eye on the flags
or anemometer, or mounting a pennant or windsock on the jack will make maneuvering much easier.
Experience is most important in this respect. Keeping the buoy or chain close aboard so hooking in and
hoisting will be safer and easier, yet not allowing the ship to set down on the buoy or mooring, is very
important. At no time should the bow be permitted to swing away from the current or wind so that the
ship is set away from the mooring. Should this happen, hold everything and stand well clear on deck until
the ship can be brought back under control by judicious backing and filling. After gaining experience you
should be able to predict the next move required to keep the chain up and down based only on the amount
and direction the vessel is off the wind.

For large buoys with a heavy mooring, many tenders work with the wind a point or two on the opposite
bow to insure that the chain will lay alongside. However, if a ship is permitted to be set down on a
lighted buoy, it may be dragged, or keel


hauled. This will result in damage to the buoy's lantern and superstructure.

If the buoy is located close to a shoal, rocks or other obstruction, do not assume that it is on station and
proceed blindly. Take danger bearings, position angles, soundings and approach carefully in every case.
Determine the position of the buoy and the shoal before starting your approach. Remember that you are
being called upon to take your ship into situations the ordinary mariner would avoid. In working buoys
located in shallow water the following points may be of assistance:
(1) Watch your bottom contours. Use the information provided by your fathometer, lead line or small
boats in approaching an aid and determining its correct position.
(2) Use the small boats as much as possible to work aids in shallow waters. They should also be used to
sound and mark the work area.
(3) It is often difficult to judge the speed of advance of the tender due to the presence of current. Watch
natural ranges for an indication or carry some small pieces of driftwood to be dropped overboard to
gauge movement or current.
(4) Identify a prominent object or natural range to steer on rather than give numerous rudder orders.
Under certain conditions it may be better to give courses for the helm to steer.
(5) When entering a restricted area ensure that all charts are the largest scale available. All danger ranges
and bearings should be on all charts in use.
(6) Personnel shall be assigned to monitor danger ranges and danger bearings. This person shall have no
other duties assigned. Personnel assigned these tasks shall provide regular and timely updates to the
conning officer and Commanding Officer. If the vessel is standing into danger the personnel assigned
these duties shall immediately notify the conning officer and Commanding Officer and shall receive
acknowledgment from them that they understand the situation.

Dredging the Anchor to Work Buoys. Buoys can be worked by dredging the anchor with the wind on the beam
or stern in tight situations. The amount of anchor and chain needed varies with each situation and some trial and
error is necessary to get the right scope. A good starting point is one and a half times the water's depth. The
only hard and fast rule is that the anchorshould never be across the bow but should tend from the side on which
it is dropped.

Approaching the Buoy Down Wind Or With Following Current.


Occasionally local conditions require that a buoy be approached down wind or with a following current.
In this case remember to approach the buoy with less headway as the ship is moving faster over the
ground. In working offshore, in a moderate swell, the greatest stability of a vessel is usually obtained
by holding the stern to the sea. The buoys may then be prepared with the least difficulty and danger.


The cutter may be positioned to permit it to proceed on the desired heading while the buoy is being
prepared. This will place the vessel in the correct position when the buoy is readied for letting go.

When working with the wind astern with a single screw ship, take care not to get the wind too far on
either quarter. Be especially aware of keeping the wind off starboard quarter, when working alongside
a hazard with an onshore wind. Should the wind get too far around on the quarter, when the ship is
backed to clear the buoy it may not have space to back into the wind. The result is ending up broadside
on the hazard due to the setting action of the wind. The installation of bow thrusters on some tenders
has eased this maneuver for those tenders.

As stated above, some ships lay more quietly stern to the sea. Buoys, unapproachable in rough weather
in normal fashion (i.e., ship heading into the wind and seas), may be worked with the sea astern.

Working aids stern to the wind or sea requires excellent ship handling skills and use of good judgment.
If reasonably possible, breaking off to return another day when conditions improve is not the sign of a
poor seaman, but a prudent one.

Approaching a Marker Buoy. COMDTINST M16500.1 (series), Aids to Navigation Manual Positioning, deals
comprehensively with the various methods of locating the position of a buoy. Assuming that the exact station of
the buoy has been located and marked with a small marker buoy, the problem remains to bring the ship to that
spot so the buoy sinker may be dropped exactly on station. Care must be taken in approaching the small marker
buoy. The sligh test setting down of the ship on the marker will drag it off position. Remember, a marker is
only a reference point, once a ship has touched a marker buoy, do not trust its position further; take new angles
or position and verify. If a ship approaches a marker buoy with too much headway and has to back down
furiously to prevent overreaching, the wash prop wash from the bow thruster may shift the marker out of
position. In fast current areas, marker buoys are often ineffective. The sinker size required to keep the marker
stationary quickly becomes too large to deploy from The focsle. In fast current the use of a range, if available,
is preferred.

Handling A Tender Alongside Buoy.


A competent ship handler should be able to work buoys on either side of the tender; working port side
to with a single screw provides the best advantage. This enables the conning officer to throw the bow
away from the buoy when backing.

It is wise to keep the buoy forward of the vessel's pivot point, particularly for single screw ships. Most
good ship handlers have a rule that a buoy should never be allowed to get past the pilothouse. In this
manner, the ship handler can always move the bow quickly toward or away from the buoy. With the
buoy abaft the pivot point, appreciable time is consumed before the ship will move in the desired
direction. In handling buoys alongside as well as in approaching them, keep wind and current in mind


While approaching, the stronger of the wind or current (if opposed) is determined, and the vessel
stemmed in that direction. However, eddies near the buoy can change conditions observed a few yards
away. Sometimes a heading which is a compromise between the two forces will serve best to keep the
ship steady alongside the buoy. In this case, a natural range off the beam and off the bow simplifies
station keeping.

The importance of not permitting the weight of the ship to bear heavily against or away from the
mooring cannot be emphasized enough. This problem plagues the ship handler not only in approaching
and initially hooking in, but remains as long as the vessel has the buoy alongside. Even when a buoy
has been hoisted and griped down, the conning officer must remain alert and be ready to maneuver to
maintain chain position.

Without natural ranges to assist, you must rely upon "moving chain reports" for station keeping. If you
cannot see the chain, then you must rely on the chain caller and you must be attentive to the chain

Take care not to build up way on the vessel while maneuvering to hold the ship alongside the buoy.
Counteracting ship motion may require vigorous corrective action. This can easily evolve into a vicious
cycle with disastrous results.

Working in a Narrow Channel. If the wind is on one side of the channel and the cutter is to relieve a series
of buoys, relieve the buoys on the windward side first. If the wind has not changed when it comes time to
work the leeward buoys, use an anchor to help keep the tender off the bank or shoal. If the channel is wide
enough to permit the tender to work across the channel, work the buoys stern to the wind. If it is necessary
for a tender to go up a narrow channel to relieve buoys and there is insufficient room to turn around, go up
with the flood tide, drop an anchor to swing on, and work the buoys on the way out, stemming the current.
If more favorable conditions are predicted, prudence dictates that you wait.

In Shallow Waters.

It is generally best to bring a tender into an area of shallow or uncertain depths during high tide. While
this may be necessary on some occasions, for example when turning room only exists at high tide, there
are times when it is not the best course of action. For example, it may be easier to detect hazards, and
thus to avoid them, at low water. Also, should a vessel ground at low water, its chances of re floating
during the subsequent flood would be far greater than if it were to ground at high, or even half, tide.

When working buoys where there is insufficient water to float the ship at low tide, it is best to work the
buoys on a rising tide. This will help to avoid being caught and laying aground over a full tide interval.
Certain types of hull forms may safely rest aground without capsizing. The ship should rise on the
following tide if maintained absolutely watertight, and if there is not excessive mud suction.

Working buoys with the anchor at short stay is not recommended on rocky bottom or when working
near a dangerous rock in tidal waters. It may snag and


delay the prompt departure of the vessel long enough for damage to be sustained.

Miscellaneous Suggestions.

It is easier to add headway (momentum) than to take it off when working in tight quarters.

Remember to work with the elements rather than forcing the ship against them.

When working in swells with contrary wind or current, stem the swells, if possible, to minimize rolling.

Single screw tenders prefer to work buoys from the port side. This is because of the tendency of the
bow to swing clear of the buoy as the ship is backing away.

When working buoys in shoal areas, take advantage of any stage of the tide or current that will tend to
keep you off the shoal. Similarly take advantage of wind conditions.

Bear in mind that it is possible to set a buoy under sea and weather conditions that would make it
dangerous to pick up a buoy.

If a choice must be made between maintaining the proper attitude of the vessel or staying on the buoy's
charted position, seek safe water. The ship can always be maneuvered back to AP after the buoy deck
has been secured and the buoy made ready to let go.

After the cutter is made fast to the buoy, find reference points on shore to detect any dragging. Once a
ship fetches up on the mooring and does not drag, it is good practice to allow the ship to lay to the
mooring and not work the engines unless necessary.

When backing away from a buoy, take care that the cage of a lighted buoy does not foul the anchor.
Also, ensure that boats are not rigged out on the same side that buoys are being worked.

When setting a buoy, it is a good practice to have the wind or current a bit on the working side as the
buoy goes overboard. This will facilitate backing clear, with the wind or current helping to set the ship
off of the buoy.

When working in close quarters, it may become necessary to back the ship away from the danger before
getting the mooring aboard. A cutting torch should always be immediately available on deck when
working buoys, and more than one crew member should be trained in its use.

When a vessel equipped with a mechanical chain stopper is in a tight place, the chain may be quickly
secured in the stopper and the vessel backed away to safety dragging the mooring along. However, in
any case of dragging a mooring, unshackle the buoy and secure the chain with a pelican hook if time
and conditions permit, as an added precaution.

m The conning officer generally starts to maneuver the bow of the ship away from the buoy (so as not to
damage the lantern) just after it is set. At the same time


the crew is clearing the hoisting tackle from the bale on the buoy. This maneuver should not be
premature or too drastic until it is sure that the hoisting tackle is completely unhooked and clear of the

As the ship swings away from a buoy do not attempt to clear the buoy by putting the engines ahead
without insuring that your stern and screw(s) will not foul the mooring chain. Never put your screw(s)
near a buoy's mooring chain.

When working in open waters, head the ship on a course to minimize rolling when buoys are being
hoisted or moved. In rough weather await a quiet interval when the ship is fairly steady before making
any hazardous lift. Also remember that lifting a load off the deck has an adverse effect on the ship's
stability, usually causing an increase in the roll period. (See Chapter 7)

Should a buoy start to swing wildly, a quick buoy deck supervisor will touch it to the deck just enough
to steady it, taking care not to give it enough slack to become unhooked. A couple of blocks or wedges
can be thrown under the buoy. The preferred practice is to use steadying cross deck lines of ample size
and never give the buoy a chance to move uncontrolled. Should a buoy break loose and take charge, it
is possible to lower the boom right down on top of it and wedge it over against the bulwarks or up
against another buoy until it can be secured. This may be a little hard on the gear but it is nothing
compared to what the buoy could do if permitted to take charge.

On side loading buoy tenders, there is danger in permitting the ship to move ahead too far with a buoy
over the side and suspended from the boom. If the boom happens to be topped high and the buoy starts
moving aft alongside the ship, the boom may jackknife back over the bridge, resulting in extensive
damage and possible injury. The use of a preventer (the whip leading to the opposite deck & forward),
may prevent this condition.

Twin screw tenders are noted for their different handling characteristics. Some can be easily turned in
their own lengths, others need plenty of headway or sternway, even in little wind. Nearly all twin screw
tenders require way through the water before being able to turn in high winds.

There is never a time when working an aid takes precedence over your ship and the people aboard it.
The decision to work a buoy is always the commanding officer's, but even after starting it may be
necessary to break off work and secure until another opportunity presents itself. Our aids are highly
reliable and long lived. Servicing operations are planned to occur before visiting the aid becomes
imperative; therefore, commanding officers have latitude in backing off and returning at another date.

When departing an area where a buoy has been removed for the season, proceed in a direction,
including turns, away from the shallows. Never turn toward the shoal. Keep constant fixes, never rely
on old information; you may have been set by the elements back toward the shoal. If you are in doubt,
stop the vessel and determine where you are. If you need assistance to control the situation, get help.



Aids to navigation tenders are occasionally called upon to tow other vessels. General facts about towing are given in
Knight's and other standard texts on seamanship. Some vessels, especially those that push a barge, are not the best
platform available for towing. The 65' and 75' WLRs and WLICs, should be used to tow only as a last resort and should
never attempt to tow unless mated to their barges. All buoy tenders shall ensure that their towing kits are complete and
ready for use at all times.

Small Boat Handling.



An important phase of aids to navigation work involves the servicing of unattended shore aids. Frequently
helicopters can be used for these servicing jobs. However, when other means are not available, the tenders'
small boats must be employed. This requires competency in handling small boats and making landings on
exposed coasts. Officers and crew who are experienced small boat crewmembers are essential for aids to
navigation work.

It must not be assumed that one who is an otherwise competent seaman has the necessary knowledge and
experience to make small boat landings under dangerous conditions. This is an art in itself, requiring
special knowledge and skill only acquired by practical experience. When undertaken by the inexperienced,
the danger involved is very great.

The handling of a small boat follows the principles of handling a single screw ship as described in previous
sections, with due allowance being made for the difference in size.

An excellent reference for small boat operations is COMDTINST M16114.5 (series), Boat Crew
Seamanship Manual. Although written primarily for MLB and UTB boat crews, its sections on Marlinspike
Seamanship, Safety Equipment, and Boat handling apply to all small boat crewmembers.

Lowering the Boat.


A variety of davit types exist, including the articulating single point davits used to lower the RHIB on the
WLB, and the hydraulic davits on the SLEP WLBs. The procedure below applies to MSBs, MCBs and any
other boat lowered using crescent davits. The safety rules and procedures apply to all types of davits with
the main differences being in number of hoist connections and weight distribution. On single point davits it
is advisable to embark and disembark only the coxswain if the boat is not waterborne to prevent accidents
during lowering and hoisting of the boat.
(1) The boat is designated by the commanding officer through the officer of the deck. The crew don the
appropriate survival gear, as dictated by the weather, take their positions, and clear away the gripes.
(2) Frapping lines are used to keep the boat from swinging.


Frapping lines are passed around the falls and kept taut by men on deck. Most ships have a traveling
lizard around the falls to which the frapping line is secured.
(3) Steadying lines should be secured in the boat. Many ships use only the frapping lines and sea painter.
A stern fast line, if used, should be led well aft. Never place hands on the gunwale of a boat being
lowered or hoisted or laying alongside another craft or solid object.
(4) Members of the boat crew stand by the falls and sea painter. When all is in order, deck supervisor
commands "lower away together," or, if the boat is on the cargo boom or articulated davit and in
chocks, "hoist away" and "swing out and lower away."
(5) Strain is taken on the frapping lines to steady the boat. Any slack in the sea painter and stern fast is
taken in on deck. The sea painter is secured by a fid in the boat. A crew member stands by to clear the
sea painter by pulling the fid when ordered by the coxswain.
(6) Crewmembers must tend the falls to keep them clear and to keep the blocks from striking members of
the boat crew after the falls are let go. The boat must be lowered smartly, especially in rough weather.
The falls must be lowered together, with the stern leading slightly.
(7) While being lowered, boat crewmembers shall hold firmly to the monkey lines. During lowering the
monkey lines are laid over the side of the boat next to the ship. This keeps them from becoming tangled
in the boat. The boat is not lowered entirely into the water until the deck supervisor determines that sea
conditions are favorable and gives the order, "up behind." The persons, or in some cases person,
tending the falls throw off the turns or otherwise allow the falls to pay out freely.The stern is kept lower
than the bow during lowering to prevent the boat from digging into the seas and filling with water.
(8) As soon as the boat is waterborne, the coxswain commands "unhook aft" then "unhook forward." The
after fall is always let go first unless the ship has sternway. Secure fore and aft falls via frapping lines
immediately after unhooking. Expert boat handling is demanded. Sternfast and steadying lines are cast
off and the coxswain gives the stern a sheer-in with rudder to get the bow out. The strain on the sea
painter sheers the boat away from the ship's side.
(9) When clear of the side, the coxswain commands, "cast off the sea painter." When the boat is clear, the
crew on deck should rapidly haul the sea painter aboard to prevent its being fouled in the boat's
3. Hoisting a Boat.

The same principles of good seamanship followed in lowering a boat are applied when hoisting it aboard
ship. The most important task of coxswain and crew is to keep their craft


away from the ship's side to prevent damage. The boat should never have to wait for preparations on deck.
Boat falls should be overhauled, led along the deck, and well manned or taken around the drum of the

When all is ready on deck and a lee has been made, the boat comes alongside and the sea painter is passed.
The ship must have some way on, and once the sea painter is passed and secured the boat lays back and
tows on it.

By proper use of the rudder, the coxswain can now hold the boat at the desired position off the ship's side.
By moving the rudder, the sheer-in of the stern may be lessened and the boat brought in slowly to the ship.
If the boat should lurch toward the ship, the danger of crashing against the side may be offset quickly by
increasing the sheer-in of the stern and sheer-out of the bow, with rudder. The strain on the sea painter will
then pull the boat clear. Do not make the sheer-off so radical that the sea painter must be cast off to avoid

When the boat sheers in under the davits, the falls, and steadying lines are passed. A line should be led
from the stern of the boat to a point well aft on the ship to prevent the boat from lurching forward when it
leaves the water. This stern fast is essential if the ship is pitching.

Crewmembers tending the falls while hooking on should hold them upright by the handles on each side of
the block until a strain is taken and the boat hoisted clear of the water. Thus the block will not snap and
whip about as the boat rises and falls in the seas.

If at the davits, when all is ready on deck and in the boat, hook forward, then aft, and hoist away. The boat
should be hoisted quickly and steadily. Boat fenders should again be used to keep the boat from being
damaged against the side of the ship.

Running a Line.

There are numerous occasions when a boat crew may be called upon to run a ship's line to a buoy, another
vessel, or dock. When so ordered, the crew will coil most of the line in the stern sheets, and leave enough in
the bow to make fast when the landing is reached. Be sure to have enough line to reach, and have plenty of
good seizing stuff (small line used for binding) for securing. Have a hatchet or knife handy for cutting. If
moving with the tide, take less line than you would otherwise. If against the tide, it is better to take all the
line in the boat, pull up, make fast, and then bring the end back to the ship.

When required to layout a long heavy line in a strong current it may be necessary to have two boats. One to
run away with the end, the other to under run the line at intervals floating it and pulling upstream with the
bight. This lessens the line's resistance to the current.

When necessary to tow a heavy length of line, do not make it fast to the stern of the boat.Take a turn around
the cleats forward so the stern may be free to pivot. This may prevent the boat from being set constantly to
leeward in heavy seas with no means of bringing the boat's head up to the seas or wind. Be careful to keep


the line out of the propeller .Always have a knife or hatchet handy in the boat.

Running Before a Sea. One of the more risky situations arises when a power boat is running before a sea.
When the hull is lifted by the stern, there is danger that steerageway and power may be lost. This may occur
when the screw and rudder are clear of the water. The boat may then swing around broadside to the seas and
capsize. Coxswains must call upon all their skills and expertise in the use of the rudder to keep the stern to the
heavy seas. It is helpful to reduce speed, and to allow large swells to roll by.

Running into a Sea. Running into a sea is less hazardous, but not without peril in bad weather. Reduced speed
will lessen the strain on boat engine and hull. To this end, the throttle should be adjusted so the bow will rise
with oncoming waves rather than drive into them. Taking seas on one bow is sound seamanship. Avoid the
trough except in an emergency. When moving roadside to the waves, swing the boat momentarily to take larger
wave crests on the weather bow, then return to course when conditions permit.

Boat Handling in Rough Water.

The forces exerted by waves and breakers are tremendous and must be understood and respected. A poorly
or improperly handled boat is almost sure to be swamped, broached, or pitch poled.

Swamping results from seas breaking into the boat or from permitting a breaker to strike the boat on the
bow or quarter and slew the boat around until the seas are on the beam.

Pitch poling results from permitting the boat to ride on the shoreward or front side of the sea. The stern is
elevated and the bow depressed into the slower water at the base of the breaker. As the resistance on the
bow increases, the stern is raised higher and higher until the boat is toppled over, end for end and bottom

Adequate speed to overcome the force of breakers must be used when heading into them. Use only speed
necessary to keep the boat under control and prevent being carried back by the surf. Too much speed will
have a tendency to drive the boat into the oncoming sea or cause the bow to fall too heavily after topping a
sea and will place unnecessary strain on the boat.

If at all possible, handle the boat so the heavier breaking seas are avoided. If this is not possible, maneuver
the boat to meet the breakers squarely so their force will be equally distributed on each bow.

In running with a surf, maneuver the boat so the seas will break ahead. Adjust speed to permit the breakers
to pass the boat. Do not try to ride the surf. Trim the boat by the stern and keep the stern in such a position
that overtaking breakers will meet the stern squarely with equal force on both sides.

Landing Through a Surf.


Rubber boats are especially helpful in landing in surf, with the


usual procedure being to ride in on the back of a wave. The following points are suggested as possible
methods for reducing the difficulties of a surf landing. Since surf conditions are dependent on such
variables as tide and wind, the prudent boat handler will wait for particularly vicious surf to die down before
attempting an otherwise hazardous landing.

When approaching the outer line of breakers, bear in mind that the height of the sea viewed from offshore is
deceptive. The seas will appear much smaller and less dangerous from seaward than they actually are.
Watch the succession of seas and begin the run for the beach during a comparatively mild interval. When
the run is started, use enough speed to keep the boat under control. Be prepared to check the way of the
boat to permit overtaking seas time to pass.

Landing may also be accomplished by using a surf line anchor. Drop an anchor from the stern of the boat
just outside the breakers; keep a strain on the line and pay out the anchor line as the boat moves through the
surf. The surge of the sea usually will carry the boat toward the beach as quickly as desired. If not,
headway can be increased by use of the engine.

The offshore end of the surf line can also be made fast to another small boat instead of to an anchor. The
other boat may be anchored but usually it is kept underway when there is a strong current parallel to the
shore so the line can be paid out in directions that will permit the boat to pass through the breakers end-on
to the sea. The line should be cut instantly if the boat will not pass through the surf end-on.

In addition to employing a surf line (with anchor or small boat) attached to the offshore end of the line from
the boat, an additional hauling line can be attached from the inshore end of the boat to the beach.
Depending on surf conditions, and with competent assistance on the beach, the boat is simply hauled back
and forth through the surf. This method is especially desirable when several trips must be made.

As soon as the boat lands on the beach, the crew should leap out and pull the boat up well out of the way of
the seas.

At some locations, because of the changeable nature of the surf, it may not be possible to retrieve personnel.
Therefore, some planning should be put into exposure and survival equipment when operating in remote

Simple Landings.

When surf is not a major problem and a simple landing with a larger motor launch is to be made, and where
the current or wind may turn the boat broadside to the beach, anchored surf lines may be effectively used.

As the boat heads in toward the beach, an anchor is dropped from the quarter, well outside the rough water.
The boat under power then quarters off toward the opposite side and another anchor is let go from the
opposite quarter.


Preferably this is done to windward, in such a position as to give the largest possible span. The boat is then
headed for the beach, veering the surf lines as necessary. The bow is driven into the sand on the beach.

The boat is then held bow on to the beach, with the nose in the sand, the surf lines tending at an angle from
each quarter and resisting the tendency of the boat to twist up broadside to the beach. Should the boat get
broadside, it might sustain injury to the propeller or rudder and getting clear of the beach would be difficult.

With the boat held bow-on to the beach with surf line, getting clear involves nothing more than heaving on
the surf lines and backing the engine. The surf lines may be used to overcome any tendency of the boat to
back into the wind or sea or to back to port. As in all cases where lines are over the side, care must be taken
that the lines do not foul the propeller.

In any case where a powerboat is landed on a sandy beach remember that the sand kicked up by the
turbulence of the propeller stream or surf may enter the cooling system andpossibly put the engine out of

10 Summary.

Important rules to follow with small boat landings under difficult conditions are:
(1) Use only experienced personnel.
(2) Conditions never appear as dangerous from seaward as they really are.
(3) Keep the boat under control.
(4) The outermost series of breakers is usually the heaviest.
(5) In a strange locality, lie-to outside the breakers to study the particular conditions before attempting a
(6) The primary danger, when running before a sea, is that of broaching.
(7) A number of heavy swells are often followed by a short and comparatively mild interval.
(8) Launching a boat through breakers is a more difficult and exhausting operation, though not a more
dangerous one, than making a landing under similar conditions.
(9) An entirely different technique is required on a steep, rocky shore than is required on a gently sloping
sand beach.
(10) On a rocky shore, the locality selected for landing should be free from nearby breakers. Small areas
artially enclosed and subject to violent surge (to-and-from movements) of the sea should be avoided.
The best landing place is one having a fairly steep face, where rocks are not covered and uncovered by
the swell; ideally, the location should offer an adequate foothold. The swell here has less tendency to
break or may not break at all.







A General.

References. There are several standard texts on icebreaking that provide guidance and should be reviewed prior
to working in ice. Polar Operations Manual (USN) is devoted entirely to ice operations. Knight's Modern
Seamanship and Naval Ship handling both devote chapters to the subject. American Practical Navigator
(Bowditch, Vol. I) is anther good source. These texts deal mostly with polar operations and buoy tenders rarely
work in polar regions. The differences between polar and domestic ice breaking are substantial and tenders will
find themselves working in ice of various types and thick nesses. A large portion of the assistance provided
occurs in wind-driven ice, restricted river channels, or refrozen brash. The vessels will also be relieving buoys
in ice and performing ice-related flood relief. A good source of information on domestic icebreaking is A
Handbook of Ice Operations for the U.S. Coast Guard's WTGB Class Cutter, by CDR Lawson Brigham. His
research paper is a compilation of information about WTGB methods and contains some valuable analysis on
several ice-related accidents involving Coast Guard cutters. CDR Brigham's USCG 43 Meter Icebreaker
Operational Performance andTechniques on the Great Lakes is another possible reference.

Planning and Importance. Icebreaking and its associated activities are not "seat of the pants" operations. Any
evolution in ice should be approached only after careful analysis of the prevailing weather, sea room, and ice
conditions. Whenever possible, use the elements and sea conditions to assist with ice operations.

Overview. The methods suggested in this chapter are techniques that have been employed successfully by
others. Tenders without experience may find that these methods will help them to operate safely until some
experience is gained. However, not every situation can be covered in this text and thoughtful innovation is

B Domestic Ice Breaking Definitions.


Definitions. The following definitions are associated with ice in the Great Lakes and coastal waters.

The length of time since ice formed.

ANCHOR ICE - Ice attached to the bottom.

BALL ICE - Formed when small ice chunks of any type are trapped in extremely turbulent water which is at
the freezing point throughout its depth. The particles grow by coalescence or accretion to form soft, spongy
spheres up to three feet in diameter.
BARE ICE - Ice without snow cover.
BRASH - Conglomerations of small ice cakes and chunks which have Been broken off from other ice
formations. These conglomerations


coalesce and refreeze into irregularly shaped masses, one to six feet in diameter, usually with sharp
projections. Brash ice can extend all the way to the bottom of an ice-congested waterway.
CAKES - Detached segments of ice sheets. The following shows the recognized categories of Cakes/Floe
Measurement :Cake| &end_TA&| - Less than 20 meters (22 yds) across
Small Floe |& end_TA&| - 20 - 100 meters (22 - 109 yds) across
Medium Floe |&end_ TA&| - 100 - 500 meters (109 - 545 yds) across
Big Floe|&end_TA&| - 500 - 2000 meters (545 yds - 1.1 NM) across
Vast Floe|&end_TA&| - 2 - 10 Kilometers (1.1 - 5.5 NM) across
Giant Floe|&end_TA&| - More than 10 Kilometers (5.5 NM) across
COVERAGE - The ratio of water surface covered by ice to the total surface area at a specific location or over a
defined area. Ice coverage is always reported in tenths.
CRACK - An opening in the ice sheet or floe that is not navigable by a ship. (A good rule of thumb is: If you
can jump across it, it's a crack. If you can't, it's a small lead.) See LEADS.
DRIFT ICE - Any unattached ice formation. Any area of ice other than fast ice.
FAST ICE - Immobilized ice formations. Ice so firmly frozen into place (along the shore or held by
islands) that winds and water currents cannot dislodge the formation.
FAST SHEET ICE - An ice field.
FLOES - Detached segments of floating ice sheets. See CAKES.
FRAZIL - Fine spicules or ice crystals that float freely and individually in the water.
GREASE ICE - Where the water surface is completely covered by frazil but the crystals have not yet begun to
freeze together. The surface has a greasy, matte appearance and may look like an oil slick.
ICE EDGE - The boundary, at any given time, between the open sea or lake and ice of any kind, whether
drifting or fast.
ICE JAM - Formed when drifting masses of floes and cakes are forced into convergent motion by the
configuration of shorelines and/or fast ice formations.
LAKE ICE - Ice formed on a lake, regardless of observed location. Nearly all ice on lakes can be classified as
either "blue" or "white." Blue ice consists of closely packed water crystals with relatively few
impurities. White ice incorporates large quantities of air.
LEAD - Any opening or passageway through sea ice that is navigable by a ship. Different variations: Blind
Lead end TA A lead blocked at one end (dead end).Shore Lead end TA A lead between
the pack ice and the shore.

Flaw Lead |&end_ TA&| - A lead between pack ice and fast ice.
PLATE ICE - Flat ice with approximately uniform thickness and without ridges/windrows.
PANCAKE ICE - Predominantly circular pieces of ice. Pieces are one to eight feet across with raised rims
resulting from the pieces striking against one another.
POLYNYA (Pronounced "Pul en ya") - A water area enclosed in ice, usually fast or any non-linear opening in
the ice cover. This water area remains constant in size and usually has an oblong shape. Some of these
are recurring, due to the natural upwelling of warmer water currents.
POOL - A small body of water (usually fresh melt water) in a depression or hollow in ice. Also known as a
PRESSURE RIDGE - A line or wall of broken ice forced upward and downward by pressure. This is usually
formed when two floes collide with each other.
RAFTED ICE - A type of ice formed by one floe overriding another. Some parts of the overlap will trap water
which may freeze and cement the two floes together. Other parts will trap air and take on the
characteristic white appearance.
RIND ICE - A brittle, shiny crust of ice usually less than three inches thick. It is formed on a quiet surface by
direct freezing or from grease ice. Ice rind is easily broken by wind or swell and usually breaks into
rectangular pieces.
RIVER ICE - Ice formed in or carried by a river, regardless of observed location.
ROTTEN ICE - Ice that has become honeycombed because of melting and is in an advanced state of
disintegration. Rotten ice may appear transparent (dark) when saturated with water.
SEA ICE - Any form of ice found at sea which has originated from the freezing of sea water.
SEA SMOKE - Fog formed when water vapor is added to air which is much colder than the vapor's source.
This most commonly occurs when very cold air drifts across relatively warm water.
SHORE ICE - A basic form of fast ice that is attached to the shore or grounded in shallow water.
SKIM ICE - Where frazil crystals have frozen together, but do not yet exhibit tensile strength. Ripples may
move through skim ice.
SLUSH - Snow which is saturated and mixed with water on land or ice surfaces, or as a viscous floating mass in
water after a heavy snowfall.
WHITEOUT - An atmospheric optical phenomenon in which the observer appears to be engulfed in a
uniformly white glow. Shadows, horizon, and clouds are not discernible; sense of depth and orientation
is lost. Only very dark, nearby objects can be seen. On the Great Lakes a uniformly overcast sky,
blowing snow and an unbroken ice cover can contribute to a whiteout.

WINDROW - Rows of ice piles formed by drifting masses of floes and cakes being pushed against the shore or
against fast ice by the wind. Windrows continue to grow as long as the wind persists.

Open Water Transits.


General. There are several situations faced by an unescorted vessel in severe winter conditions that can
place the vessel and crew in great danger. These include being beset in the ice (and possibly having the
vessel pinched out of the ice) and ice accretion (icing of the superstructure and decks). Icing, which poses
the worst threat, occurs only in open water areas. A vesse lcaught in heavy seas can actually find relief
from icing and the rough seas by entering an ice field.

Icing. Icing can occur very rapidly and can significantly reduce the vessel's stability (by raising the vessel's
center of gravity). Because icing normally occurs when the wind and seas are running, this loss of stability
can result in broken masts, booms, davits, and lost boats. Extreme icing in heavy seas can cause capsizing
and loss of the vessel. Use your vessel stability program to compute your maximum icing capability when
icing occurs.

Fresh vs. Salt Water. Vessels operating in fresh water are more prone to icing than those in salt water. This
is because fresh water freezes at a higher temperature than salt water. The Great Lakes pose particular
problems because of the shorter wave period vessels encounter there. Severe icing can occur in relatively
small seas as the bow breaks each succeeding wave and throws spray into the cold air.

Tactics. Because of the speed with which icing can imperil a vessel, the Commanding Officer should
always consider alternatives when conditions are favorable for icing. Consider a sheltered route, if
available, and slower transit speed to lessen the amount of spray sent up by the bow. Tack off the wind and
seas. If the ship is not responding to an emergency, it may be prudent to seek shelter in a safe harbor, and
delay sailing until conditions improve.

Dealing with Topside Icing. If icing is encountered and a safe refuge is not available, it may be necessary
for the vessel to come about periodically and run with the seas so ice can be removed by the crew. A transit
under these conditions is very tiring for the crew, and should be avoided. Ice should be removed with
wooden baseball bats or ax handles. Metal malls and hammers should never be used because they may
damage the deck or superstructure.

Transiting in Ice.

General. The best advice for a vessel transiting an area covered by ice is to go around if possible. If you
can't go around, look for the easiest route to transit.

Night Transits. Transits of ice fields at night are not recommended. The ability to judge ice thickness and
to distinguish pressure ridges at night is greatly reduced. At night, vessels have entered into heavy ice and
become beset. Others have tried to force a route, spending hours backing and ramming with little headway,
only to find a very easy transit in the morning because they were able to avoid the windrows and


pressure ridges in the daylight. Most vessels that routinely operate in ice have ice lights (mounted on the
bow). They use these in combination with their searchlights when they must transit ice at night. Even with
this artificial lighting it is still very difficult to avoid all of the obstacles in an ice field.

Ice Damage. Ice is capable of causing serious damage to propellers, rudders, and hull plating. Vessels
should always place the rudder amidships before backing down in ice. This prevents ice from becoming
jammed between the propeller and rudder and to keep from bending the rudder stock. Bow thrusters should
not be used in ice. Thrusters are useless in ice and may be damaged by ice ingested into the tunnel.

Ice Dangers and Responses. The greatest danger in transiting an ice field is loss of propulsion or
maneuverability. This can result in a vessel becoming trapped, especially in a moving ice field, and either
driven aground or forced out of the ice and stranded. If the vessel is forced out of the water there is very
little chance to maintain any equipment unless it has keel coolers. In several vessel classes, ice has a
tendency to clog sea strainers and block cooling water to the main engines, ship service generators and main
motors. This problem occurs most frequently in brash ice. Even if a beset vessel is not pinched out of the
ice, there are other potential dangers. If a vessel is caught beam to a moving ice field, ice may start to drive
up and over the deck, forcing the vessel to heel over be or pushed under the ice. Keeping the doors in the
buoy ports when transiting ice fields is recommended. The doors will help keep ice off the buoy deck
should the vessel be disabled. If it becomes necessary to secure propulsion in moving ice, maneuver the
bow into the oncoming ice first. This will allow more time for repairs before the ice forces the situation.

Obstacles. In domestic icebreaking, it is usually not necessary to follow leads in ice (because of the reduced
thickness compared to arctic ice). The greatest obstacles are windrows and pressure ridges. Skirting these,
and transiting through unbroken plate will allow for the safe passage of most large tenders. If a vessel must
back and ram to force a passage, great care must be taken to keep the vessel from being driven into several
succeeding windrows whose separation is less than twice the length of the vessel. The tremendous pressure
ice exerts is readily apparent when a vessel cannot maneuver because of a windrow at the bow and stern or
even worse at the bow and amidships. It is best to chip away at windrows until the opening in the windrow
is large enough to allow the vessel's passage.

Backing and Ramming. When backing and ramming, the vessel need not back more than two ship lengths
from the ice edge. Backing further will result in too much momentum. The vessel may be carried so far up
on the ice that it cannot back off. Remember the bow shape allows the vessel to ride up the ice and it is the
weight of the vessel that breaks the ice, not the bow as bludgeon or speed. Breaking ice often requires a
great deal of patience to accomplish an evolution safely. Cycle the rudder prior to starting a back and ram
evolution to wash away ice from the stern. Ensure the rudder is amidships while backing.

Method. A ship breaks fast ice by riding up on the ice and breaking it as the weight becomes greater than
the ice can support. This effect is assisted by the buoyancy of


the stern of the vessel. The bow rides up on the ice, and consequently the stern is driven down into the
water. However, because the water pressure is greater than that exerted by the stern, the stern will be forced
up again exerting downward force on the bow. This additional force gives the bow added breaking action.
Vessels moving well in ice will demonstrate this "hinge" characteristic.

Utilizing Sinkers. Vessels making unescorted transits are recommended to carry a sinker large enough to
roll the vessel from side to side when moved from port to starboard; a sort of "heeling system." This will
assist the vessel in extracting itself should it become beset.

Sallying. "Sallying the Rudder" has long been recognized as an effective method for forcing a passage
through ice. This is a procedure in which the helmsman shifts the rudder from left to right in nearly equal
increments of ten or more degrees while maintaining a general heading. The rudder is shifted by the feel of
the vessel. As the vessel starts to answer the rudder in one direction the helmsman then shifts the rudder, so
the effect of the constantly shifting rudder imparts a roll to the ship. This technique will often prevent the
vessel from becoming beset once it starts to slow, but is of limited use if the vessel has already come to a
stop. Additionally, the screw turning and moving the rudder prevents ice damage. Use extreme caution
when sallying the rudder near shoals, in restricted waterways, or near other vessels.

10 Fixing Position. Since a vessel transiting an ice field cannot always follow a set course it is critical that the
position of the vessel be fixed accurately and often to prevent a mishap.
E Escorting and Assisting Vessels Beset in Ice.

General. Buoy tenders often assist other vessels through ice. Some of the same ship handling rules that
apply for working buoys apply when assisting beset vessels. However, as with most rules there are
exceptions and times to depart from them, use common sense.

One primary rule for any operation in ice is to always use the ice and wind conditions to your

long held rule for icebreaking with single screw ships is, whenever possible, to make a starboard side
approach to the vessel being assisted. This is to prevent the escort from backing into the beset vessel
should her progress be stopped. However, some forces that apply to single screw vessels in open water,
like backing to port, do not necessarily apply when operating in ice. For example, any ship operating in
ice will tend to follow the path of least resistance. This means a single screw vessel may back straight
out the same track it made instead of backing to port.

The general rule is that the assisting vessel should never break ice on the leeward side of a vessel. This
is to keep the assisting vessel from becoming beset, and having the assisted vessel blow down on the
assisting vessel. However, if there is a havy wind the beset vessel will have ice piling up on the
windward side. It will also have ice packed against the leeward side as the wind pushes the vessel onto


the ice. If ample sea room exists to break the restricting plate on the leeward side, your efforts may be
better rewarded there. The beset vessel may be set into the open tracks on the leeward side faster than
the moving ice can fill them in, allowing it to fall in behind the escort. Efforts on the windward side
may only break free more ice to pile against the vessel as The wind pushes the plate into the track
behind you.

While these maneuvers work well in plate, where ample sea room exists, they are not recommended in
narrow brash-filled channels because vessels operating in brash ice react more closely to their open
water handling characteristics.

Expanding Margin of Safety. Never restrict yourself to a close maneuver if ample sea room exists to give
you a safer margin for error. As explained above, you can sometimes deviate from the accepted approach
by taking advantage of the elements and your maneuvering area without placing your vessel at risk. There
are times when working very close to a vessel in restricted waters dictates that you follow procedural
theory. When sea room exists, however, utilize it to provide a greater margin of safety while completing the
vessel extraction. While ample power must be applied to break an ice jam, be aware when working in close
quarters, that your vessel heading may fall off into the assisted vessel. Also be aware that your wake is
effective in breaking ice when adequate speed is possible. Use extreme caution using high speed near other

Primary Tasks. Your main task when assisting a beset vessel is relieving pressure, reducing friction and
providing a less restricted path for the vessel. You want to complete this as efficiently and safely as
possible, with safety being the paramount concern. In ice, a vessel will always seek the path of least
resistance. This law of physics should be exploited to the maximum extent possible. This same law is the
quickest way for a vessel to get in trouble when working close to another vessel in ice.

First Passes. The first passes down the side of a beset vessel should be made at a distance equal to the
length of the assisting vessel, if possible. This is often sufficient to relieve the pressure around the beset
vessel. It also will allow you to judge the thickness of the ice and identify any weak areas along the vessel
if closer passes are needed. The reason such a distance from the beset vessel is recommended is to allow
sufficient room to swing the stern should a low ressure area draw the assisting vessel toward the beset
vessel. Most collisions that occur are the result of the stern striking the beset vessel as the assisting vessel
attempts to maneuver out of a sheer.

Areas for Concern. The areas around the bow and stern of the beset vessel are where low pressure areas are
most likely to occur. This is a result of the prop wash and backing of the beset vessel weakening the ice as
it attempts to free itself (See Figure 6-1.) As the assisting vessel approaches either end of the beset vessel it
should begin to open the distance between the vessels and be prepared to maneuver to avoid a collision.


F Vessel Types.

General. Each of the many varied types of vessels you may have to assist has its own personality. Each has
its own unique combination of hull form, horsepower, and handling characteristics.

Wood or Fiberglass. Exercise care when maneuvering in the vicinity of wood or fiberglass vessels, as
excessive ice movement could damage their hulls.

Large Vessels. Large vessels and tugs pushing a tow will require assistance at turns. Obviously, the
vessel's stern swings in the opposite from which direction the vessel is turning. To facilitate this motion,
you will have to break ice ahead of the vessel in the direction of the turn and aft of the pivot point on the
opposite side.

Ice Dumping. These vessels will also require places to dump ice from the bow at periodic intervals,
especially in refrozen brash, or several parallel tracks so ice displaced by the vessel's passage has
somewhere to go (See Figure 6-2.)

Vessels with Large Sail Area. When there are high winds, light tows and bulk carriers have difficulty
maneuvering in the ice because of their large sail area. Also their lack of ballast often results in the screw
and rudder being partially out of the water, further reducing usable horsepower and limiting
maneuverability. Vessels being assisted in the ice should be asked to ballast down to as near a normal trim
as possible. This will increase their efficiency in the ice. The added ballast will also help them to transit
short stretches of ice of varying thicknesses. When escorting a vessel through wind-driven ice you may
have to make several parallel tracks leeward of the main ice sheet. The ice from the windward track, which
should blow faster than the main ice sheet, has somewhere to go. This will relieve the pressure for the
escorted vessel (See Figure 6-3.)



Getting a Light Vessel Started. To get an otherwise unimpeded light vessel started you may have to back
down on the bow of the beset vessel and then come ahead with full power. This will push ice away from
the bow and lubricate the beset vessel's hull with water. Light vessels, once started, can usually follow in a
well prepared track. They just require a fairly clear stretch to build momentum.

Draft. When escorting a vessel through an ice field you must know their draft. You are assuming a degree
of responsibility for the safety of the vessel you are escorting. You must maintain a constant plot so you do
not inadvertently lead the vessel into waters you can safely navigate but which exceed the draft of the
escorted vessel. Remember you are in charge of the operation.

G Convoy Techniques.

General. Often the only efficient way move many vessels through wind driven ice or brash-filled rivers is
in a convoy. However, the safe completion of a convoy requires a knowledge of the vessels involved. You
need to know their horsepower, length, and draft. You also will have to come to an agreement among the
vessels as to minimum following distance, general communications procedures and radio frequencies. You
must keep in mind that your cutter is more powerful, for its size, and much more maneuverable than the
vessels you are assisting. There fore, you must make all turns and set safe following distances from the
perspective of the vessels you are escorting.

Ability. The vessel with the highest horsepower to length ratio should be placed at the head of the convoy
(measure of ice-breaking ability). Vessels with lesser ratios of horsepower to length should then be lined up
in descending order. This will help to alleviate the problem of vessels with lesser ratio of horsepower to
length becoming beset and halting the progress of the convoy.

Methods. There are several ways for the escorting vessel to handle a convoy. One way is to break track
ahead of the lead vessel and allow the rest of the convoy to follow without further assistance (See Figure 64). Another way is for the escorting vessel to break track ahead of the convoy. Then break a parallel track
back to the convoy. This works well if the escort can maintain a high enough speed to keep a track broken a
safe distance ahead of the lead ship (See Figure 6-5.)

Drawbacks. The drawback to single ship operations is that the escort may have to fall back to assist a
straggler and may not be able to keep the convoy moving with any regularity. In the past, cutters have left
stragglers (in no danger) and assisted the bulk of the convoy, then returned to assist the straggler directly.

Multiple Escorts. Often several ships will be assigned the convoy escort task. This greatly simplifies the
operation. One vessel can break track leaving the other vessel to break a parallel track or assist vessels in
the convoy as necessary (See Figure 6-6).



H Towing in Ice.

General. The hull form, horsepower and fiber towlines used by buoy tenders are not conducive to towing of
vessels in ice. Therefore, buoy tenders should not tow in ice except as a last resort to prevent loss of life or

Communications Safety.

General. Communication between the vessel assisting and the vessel being assisted have to be established
before any action is taken. This is the key to preventing collisions in the ice.

Inter-vessel Communication. Make sure the master of the vessel you are assisting understands exactly how
you are going to approach, when to use and not use his engines, and what following distance to maintain.
Immediately inform the escorted vessel of any ridge or condition that could slow your progress to prevent a

Ensure Compliance. Never assume that the master of the vessel is going to do as you have requested. In
the past, masters of vessels have put turns on, when for safety reasons, they have been asked to wait until
the assisting vessel was clear. At other times they have run so close on the stern of the escort that collision
could not be avoided when the escort became beset. It may take frequent reminders to the master to gain
compliance with your wishes. Remember, you are in charge of the operation, but you may find yourself
frustrated by a halfhearted effort on the part of the beset vessel to free itself.

Constant Contact is Essential. There should always be a visual or sound backup system used with the radio
to communicate with the master of the vessel being assisted. This can be used to alert the master that he
needs to act to avoid collision with the assisting vessel should it become beset or slowed. Some vessels
have yellow or red warning lights aft. Others vessels have blue law-enforcement lights. These should be
controlled from the bridge. If lights are not available, a system of whistle signals or signal flags can be
used. It is important to use the signal each and every time there is a problem, even if the radio is working.
This serves to familiarize the personnel on the assisted vessel with the signal system should the radio fail.

Flood Relief Operations.


General. Flood relief operations are common during the spring of the year. The Coast Guard assists in
these operations when requested by the Army Corps of Engineers or local authorities.

Background. Flood relief operations are necessitated by ice jams forming in rivers, stopping or restricting
the flow and causing the water to rise above flood stage.

Cause of Jams. Jams may be formed when plate ice at the mouth of a river prevents the flushing of broken
ice from upstream. Jams can also be caused when the ice on a large body of water breaks up. Then if it is
forced, by wind or current, into a constricted waterway, the ice moving under pressure will ground on
islands, at bends in the waterway and on shoals. Ice can completely fill a channel from top to bottom, end
to end, and render all but the most powerful vessels useless


Debris. When a vessel is involved in flood relief, watch for debris (trees, buoys, refrigerators and even
cars) floating on or just under the surface, to avoid damage to the propeller and rudder.

Method. Always attack an ice jam from downstream if possible. Ice in a river should be broken sufficiently
to allow water pressure to move the ice out of the channel. Working from upstream only adds material to
the jam. If a vessel must approach from upstream, the vessel can usually force a passage from upstream to
the downstream side without causing a drastic deterioration of the situation. Then the vessel can attack the
jam from downstream. Know where the current runs the strongest and concentrate in that area to leverage
your efforts. In tidal areas, break on the ebb to increase your effectiveness.

Types. Some ice jams can be easily cleared by first breaking the restricting plate below the jam. Then
attack the plug directly. Other ice jams are more extensive and will require a concerted effort and several
days to remove, especially by tenders.

Utilizing Old Track. In some channels with a heavy current large pieces of plate ice can be piled up with
the edges up on the downriver side (See Figure 6-7). Once a track has been broken it is advisable to make
all subsequent transits upriver in a broken track and break new ice headed downstream. Using this method
will significantly reduce the amount of backing and ramming required.

Procedure. When loosening ice, break from the river's edge to the center, since the outside edges have been
grounded on the shoals. This pressure has to be released before the center ice will move. Once the ice starts
moving it will be necessary to "groom" the ice edge so new growth does not occur. Without the grooming,
ice will ground, starting from shore at each new constriction or bend and work toward the center of the
channel, forming a new ice jam. It is best to attack the moving ice edge at a shallow angle from upstream.
If not, the vessel may cause an ice stoppage as it turns by forcing the ice toward the edge of the channel.

Maneuvering. When an ice jam breaks it is sometimes impossible for a vessel to even maintain station
against the mass of moving ice. The best advice is to maneuver the vessel with all power to the center of
the channel, with the bow headed upstream. This will give the vessel the best chance to prevent damage
until further maneuvers can be executed to extract the vessel from this precarious situation.

10 Transiting. When transiting restricted waterways try not to disturb fast ice, which could drift down current
and cause an ice jam. Keep in mind that your wake may break fast ice.
K AtoN Operations in Ice - General Safety Considerations.

General. Some buoy tenders will be required to service buoys in ice conditions.

Overview. The manner in which the buoy is worked will depend on variables such as type and thickness of
the ice, nearness of shoal water, and speed and direction of ice movement.

Conditions. Always try to use ice and wind conditions to your


advantage. Never approach a buoy in ice without maintaining a good plot of the location of both the tender
and the buoy. Reference points are often obscured or unreliable because of poor visibility. Distance and
speed of advance are more difficult to determine in moving ice.

Patience. Never rush an evolution; there are too many accidents that can happen when people are working
on a cold slippery buoy deck. If one plan isn't working, it is advisable to stop, allow the crew to warm up,
and develop a new plan.

Precautions. Precautions should be taken to minimize danger to the crew. Ensure that personnel on deck
are adequately clothed and equipped with safety glasses, hard hats, safety shoes and life vests. Sending a
person out on the ice should be only a last resort. If you must send someone out, ensure that the person is
wearing a survival suit or exposure coveralls, is attached to a life line and carrying a boat hook. The boat
hook is used to probe the ice for weak spots, or is carried horizontally to break a fall should the person go
through the ice.

Remove the Ice. When working a buoy with significant ice growth, always remove as much ice as possible
from the buoy before bringing it on deck. Often a buoy in otherwise open water will have a collar of ice at
the waterline. Removing this ice while the buoy is outboard of the buoy port allows you to maintain better
control of the buoy. It also prevents damage to the main purchase from exceeding the weight limit and
reduces the chance of a crewman being injured by falling ice or by slipping on deck.

Methods of Ice Removal. Several methods have been tried over the years to remove ice from buoys.
Generally any method that causes the buoy hull to vibrate without damaging the buoy or endangering
personnel will be effective. The vibration of the metal breaks the ice away from the buoy hull. Blacksmith
hammers, sledge hammers, pry bars, and air hammers have all been used effectively. Shotguns with 00 buck
shot work well for clearing lifting eyes.

Warning. Do not attempt to lift a buoy by the cage. Buoy cages were never designed for lifting a buoy.
Keep in mind that there may be several tons of accumulated ice on the buoy. It is not unusual for icecovered buoys to hang horizontal when lifted out of the water.

L Working a Buoy in Fast Ice.


General. Buoy tending in pancake, skim, or fast ice, less than four inches thick, is the same as buoy tending
in open water since buoys in ice of this type are usually visible.

Approaching a Buoy in Fast Ice. When working a buoy in fast ice, in excess of four inches, approach the
buoy as close as possible. This will prevent ice from getting between the vessel and the buoy and forcing
the buoy too far away to be hooked. This may mean setting almost a collision course for the buoy. Use
only enough power to bring the buoy abeam the ship at the buoy port. This way you can use the ice to stop
your forward movement and maintain station while working the buoy. The buoy may be on its side but still
visible above the surface. If the buoy is heavily iced it may be necessary to clear the lifting eye with a


Locating a Buoy Under the Ice. A buoy that has been forced under the ice can be located by relieving the
pressure around the buoy, allowing the buoy to surface. In fast ice it may be necessary to determine what
the wind direction was several days before. This will give you an indication of which direction the buoy
and chain are led. This minimizes the chance of wrapping a buoy in the screw. Always keep the stern of
the vessel well clear of the estimated watch circle. Buoys often leave a trail of broken ice as they force their
way to the surface. This trail is very Useful in finding buoys that have been dragged from AP. If unable to
cut relief tracks due to shoaling, station a person on the forecastle with a marker. If the buoy is driven under
during the approach, toss the marker over at the bow. This will give the conning officer an idea of his speed
in relation to the ice and help prevent overriding the buoy. Once a buoy has been brought alongside,
maneuver the vessel so moving ice is forced around the bow and just clears the buoy. Take care to not get
canted so far that the ice sets the ship onto the buoy and mooring. The Unequal pressures present in ice
make it nearly impossible to keep station with anything other than the bow facing into a moving ice field. A
pass by the buoy position may also crack the ice and allow the buoy to surface.

M Working a Buoy in Moving Ice.


General. Because of the deceptive nature of a moving ice field it can present one of the most challenging
buoy evolutions. The ice is usually of varying thick nesses and consistencies, which will introduce variable
forces to your station keeping problem in the same manner as a gusting wind. The tender can actually be set
away, onto, or worse, overshoot the approach on a buoy that has gone under the ice. Since the ice and the
tender are constantly moving, if the buoy is forced under the ice it will be almost impossible to gauge the
tender's movement or location in relation to the buoy. A natural range works well but may not be available.
The best way to approach this situation is to determine the direction the flow is coming from. If there is
sufficient sea room for maneuvering, break a track from the buoy into the flow. This way the buoy will
surface in a broken track and will be visible during the approach. You will find it necessary to maintain
turns in a moving ice field in the same manner as stemming a current. The critical part of the evolution is to
lift the buoy hull clear of the ice before the unbroken ice field reaches the buoy. Depending on the ice
field's speed of advance and the icing on the lifting eyes, this evolution may have to be repeated several

Clearing the Lifting Bail and Hoisting the Buoy. Sometimes a boat hook or shotgun with 00 buck will clear
the lifting eye. It may even be necessary to swing a small sinker from the main to knock ice loose. In the
worst cases it may be necessary to ram the buoy to clear enough ice so you can hook the buoy. This
procedure is described in detail later. After the buoy is hooked get the chain into the stopper as fast as
possible. Moving ice will break around the chain and you can effectively stem a flow while lifting the
sinker. Again, you should always maintain a constant plot of your position in moving ice.


N Clearing Ice from a Buoy by Ramming.

Heavy ice accumulation may force the tender to remove ice by ramming the buoy with the bow. During the execution
of this evolution, use only enough speed to make contact with the buoy. At the time of impact the tender should be
backing to prevent overriding or striking the buoy so hard as to cause damage to the cage. Under no circumstances
should so much speed be used that the buoy advances past the buoy port. It will be necessary to place a person on the
fo'c'sle to call distances and directions for the conning officer. Buoys have a tendency to "walk" away from the bow of a
cutter, and course corrections may be necessary. Ramming should be used only to remove ice in excess of 24 inches,
because of potential for serious damage to the buoy hull.
O Towing Buoys in Ice.
It may be necessary to drag the buoy to safer water before attempting further retrieval efforts. Towing a buoy in ice is
very dangerous and should be executed only after everyone involved understands the evolution. Towing a buoy away
from a shoal because of prevailing ice movement may be necessary to prevent hazard to the vessel. Because of the
dangerous nature of this evolution it should be considered only when faced with the possible loss of the buoy hull. It is
much cheaper to replace a lost buoy than to replace hull plate.

Procedure. Buoys should be towed by a line attached through a lifting eye. The buoy should never be
towed while hooked into the main purchase. Instead the line should be passed through the chock forward of
the chain stop and attached to the cleat above it. Enough slack should be left in the towline so the buoy can
slip into the track left by the vessel as it backs away from the shoal. There may be an initial hesitation if the
sinker is well mudded in.

Safety. There is great potential for parting the towline on a stubborn mooring. All personnel must be kept
well clear of the towline when towing a buoy in ice.

P Mooring/Unmooring a Vessel in Ice.


General. Vessels operating in an ice environment will often have to moor or get away from a slip or dock
that is clogged with ice.

Getting Underway. Even thin plate ice can prevent a vessel from springing. If so, use a large sinker
suspended by the main over the side to break the ice. If there is sufficient room ahead or astern the vessel
can be moved forward or aft in the slip so the sinker can be used to break ice the full length of the slip. This
will improve the chances of the vessel getting away from the pier easily. In heavier ice moving a sinker
from side to side can heel the ship, breaking the ice grip on the ship at the waterline. In a more restricted
mooring, alternating turns ahead and astern while shifting the rudder may weaken the ice sufficiently to
allow the vessel to get away from the slip. Vessels operating in ice should use the largest size mooring line
that can be handled by the ship's personnel for lines 2 and 3.

Mooring. When mooring in ice keep in mind how you intend to depart and plan accordingly. You may
want to leave a piece of fast ice between the ship and pier to assist you in getting away, or you may want to
clear a slip of enough ice to allow you room to maneuver when you depart. Mooring a vessel to a solid pier
clogged with ice


can be very frustrating if approached with insufficient speed and angle of approach.

One mooring technique in heavy ice is to leave an "ice fender" between the ship and the pier. To
accomplish this, make a standard approach but aim the bow at the pier short of the stern's final position.
When the vessel is close enough to the pier leave roughly three feet of ice between the vessel and the
pier face. Maneuver the vessel parallel to the pier, maintaining the bow angled toward the pier. This
can be accomplished with 5 - 10 degrees of rudder. If the bow is allowed to fall off, the size of the ice
fender will increase and force the vessel away from the pier. Maintain speed or the ship's head will seek
the low pressure area away from the pier allowing the "ice fender's" size to increase. However, there is
the possibility of a low pressure area next to the pier that could veer the ship's head toward the pier.
The conning officer has to keep this in mind so action can be taken to prevent damage to the vessel.
Taking turns off will generally allow the ice to stop the vessel immediately. Since a vessel will always
seek the path of least resistance in ice, a vessel getting underway, having approached in the above
manner, can merely back out the same track it entered. The ice fender will prevent contact with the pier
and the vessel can simply take in all lines and back with the rudder amidships.
When mooring in shifting ice, always moor with the bow upstream and canted toward the pier. This
will prevent ice from getting between the pier and the vessel.








A General.

Type of Gear Transported. Buoy tenders are frequently required to carry cargo that may be difficult to stow and
secure. While cargo handling has evolved from large loads designated for supporting LORAN Stations, light
stations or other outlying units, to more localized operations such as own-ship provisioning, cargo handling
principles remain the same. Cargo handling not only involves moving provisions and equipment between the
ship and pier, but also between the ship and small boats and within the ship. Moving provisions and equipment
or machinery between spaces and up or down ladders requires the same approach as when moving
externally. The use of bulkhead or overhead mounted pad eyes with chain falls or come-alongs replaces the
boom as the handling gear. But the rigging practices are the same. Cargo handling procedures are as critical
today as ever. We do not approach it as a major evolution, though, except when loading buoy equipment. As a
result we overlook basic techniques. As each buoy trip presents a new stowage problem for handling and
securing, so does every provisioning evolution.

Planning and Distribution of Cargo. The most important phase of cargo handling is planning for the proper
loading and distribution of cargo. You should note that the practical side of loading a vessel does not always
conform to the theoretical. It is possible, with experience, to make segregations of the various types of cargo
suitable for hold or on-deck stowage. Trim and stability are crucial factors to consider when planning stowage
and will be further elaborated upon in Section D. Care must be exercised in the distribution of weight fore and
aft and athwart ships to maintain the vessel's proper trim.

Special Cargo Requirements. Before handling or stowing any cargo you should ensure that any special
requirements are met. Any material requiring a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) should be cleared through
your Hazardous Material Coordinator and/or Engineer Officer before being brought on board.

B Cargo Handling.

General. Cargo handling and stowage require many skills and different items of equipment. This section will
cover the basic techniques of cargo handling including commonly used equipment and safety precautions.

General Equipment.

Pallets are small platforms on which cargo is placed where both platform and cargo may be moved as a unit.
Cargo is stacked on pallets in uniform loads. Items placed on a pallet for loading should be secured to the
pallets before moving. If the item is to remain on the pallet for transport and stowage on board, it should be
secured with metal banding. If it is just for handling and will be moved about the ship, then only a
temporary lashing is necessary. Depending on


the size of the material on the pallet, spreader bars should be used to prevent damage to either the cargo or
slings. The box pallet has sides, as its name indicates. It is employed for small items or cargo that maybe
damaged by crushing. This allows handling items without the need to secure them to a pallet (See Figure

Cargo nets are used to advantage when handling non-uniform packages. The nets may be made of manila,
wire rope, or more commonly, of nylon webbing. Depending on the size of the load, cargo net beckets
maybe attached directly to the hoisting hook. They may also be used with a four-legged (or ganged) bridle
(See Figure 7-1b.)

A save-all is a device used to prevent the loss of cargo overboard. The most common type of save-all is the
cargo net. However, wood platforms, wire rope nets, or tarpaulins may also be used. There should be a
save-all rigged wherever light cargo handling is taking place between the ship and pier (See Figure 7-1c.)

Slings are widely used in the moving and hoisting of heavy loads. Fiber and synthetic line slings offer the
advantage of flexibility and protection of finished material. Note that these slings are not as strong as wire
rope or chain slings. Furthermore, fiber or synthetic line are more likely to be damaged by sharp edges on
the material being hoisted. Wire rope slings offer the advantages of both strength and flexibility. Three
commonly used types of slings are: endless, single leg (or strap), and bridle (ganged) slings. NOTE: Sling
angle is extremely important for the safety of the lift by maintaining the safe working limit of the sling. It
also prevents damage to the load (See Figure 7-1d.)

Chain hoists provide a convenient means for hoisting heavy objects. The slow lifting travel of the chain
hoist is advantageous for permitting small movements, accurate adjustments and cautious handling of loads.
Chain hoists differ widely in their mechanical advantage, depending upon their rated capacity. The load
capacity of a chain hoist usually is stamped on the shell of the upper block. The lower hook is the weakest
part of the assembly. This is intended as a safety measure so the hook will spread before the rig is
overloaded (See Figure 7-1e.)



Come-alongs are designed with either chain or wire rope. They are normally light in weight and come in a
variety of sizes. Come-alongs are reversible so the load may be raised or lowered (See Figure 7-1f.)

Barrel slings are designed specifically for handling barrels similar to oil barrels. This style of drum has a
chime and chime hoops that are designed to withstand the force applied during hoisting. If the condition of
the barrel is in doubt use of a choker sling or rigging a barrel hitch is recommended instead of the barrel
sling (See Figure 7-1g.)

Beam clamps facilitate securing snatch blocks, block and tackles, etc., in places where it is not possible to
rig a strap, or where padeyes do not exist, either on the overhead or on bulkheads. Different styles of beam
clamps are available to meet the different types of beams that may be encountered (See Figure 7-1h.)

Dunnage is any material utilized to protect the ship and the cargo. Wood is the most common type of
dunnage, but materials such as cardboard, heavy paper, burlap, etc., can serve a similar function. Use
dunnage to:
(1) Prevent movement and chafing, by blocking off and securing containers. Also, it fills space that cannot
be filled with cargo.
(2) Separate cargo.
(3) Allow for drainage and ventilation. Laying dunnage a thwart ships or fore and aft permits air to
circulate. This prevents the accumulation of moisture by allowing it to flow into the drainage system.
(4) Increases friction between deck and cargo to prevent shifting of loads.
(5) Distributes load. Any deformation of a steel deck results in point loading when inflexible loads are
placed on the deck.

(1) Similar to dunnage.
(2) Distributes the load.

Cargo handling.

Before beginning any handling evolution, determine the weight of the cargo. Appearance can be deceiving.
Whether dealing with small boxes or large objects, you need to determine their weight in order to decide
whether you can safely manhandle them or whether you should use weight-handling gear. The Rigging
Manual and Handbook for Riggers provide methods for determining weight.

When cargo is being hoisted or lowered, avoid letting it swing, as much as possible. Usually, swinging can
be prevented in the hold, on deck or on the dock by dragging or touching the load until it is spotted under
the boom. Once it is in the air, maintain control of the load by the use of one or more steadying line(s).
When handling any type of cargo that will be suspended in air, it is mandatory to attach tag lines to the load.
One or more tag lines, as needed, will provide control


of the load and prevent rotation or unnecessary swinging. They will also assist controlling the landing of the
cargo on deck. It is important that the tag lines be attached to the load and not to the hook. Once the hook
has been disconnected from the load, a tending line is then shifted to the hook for control while it is being
moved(See Figure 7-2.)

When moving machinery, equipment or other objects around the ship, using established methods not only
makes the evolution safer, but also easier. It often seems easier to manhandle something up or down a
ladder. The result is that someone ends up standing under the load, or is injured while attempting to outmuscle whatever is being moved. By using a tag line and either a block and tackle or a come-along, you
can yard the object up or down the ladder without anyone being endangered. Furthermore, the object is
better protected with the positive control being used. Beam clamps of appropriate size can be used to rig
where overhead padeyes are not installed (or where safe working limits/test data are unknown) (See Figure

Stowage of Heavy Cargo.


Heavy cargo should not be stowed in the ends of a ship. A vessel so loaded will steer badly or will ship
excessive water over the bow. In addition to the usual precautions taken to safely lift and stow heavy cargo,
take care to spread out the bearing surface. Stout timbers laid fore and aft, which are long enough to
distribute the weight evenly over all exposed frames, should be prepared to take the bearing points of the
weight. As a rule, stowing heavy cargo amidships and in the wings will result in a more comfortable ship in
a seaway. Since the raising and lowering of weights in a ship's hold has a direct effect on the vessel's
stability, the distribution of cargo should be consistent with the vessel's stability and load diagrams.

Some tenders may transport vehicles. Vehicles require the use of wire slings with spreaders sufficiently
long to keep the wires and/or vehicles from being damaged by compression during lifting. Dunnage must
be placed on deck under the wheels; then the wheels are chocked securely and the chocks braced. Two
lashings are required on the front, and two on the rear, of such vehicles as trucks and construction
equipment. These lashings may be either crossed or led outboard from the vehicle. The chassis should be
blocked up to take the weight off the body, and compression applied by lashing off the springs. Lashings
may be made fast to front and rear axles instead of chassis lashing. In this case, it is not necessary to block
under the springs.

Use of Manpower.
(1) After landing, you can move stores into place, either by hand or by use of ship's power. Crew members
can push or bar cases into position. Crowbars are used by placing the pointed end of the bar under the
end of the case, then lifting upward and forward.



(2) Heavy cases should not be landed flat on the deck. Rather, they should be set up on blocks or
dunnage to facilitate discharge and prevent damage.

To accomplish final shifting of a few inches for precise stowage, crowbars again may be used. One or more
bars are placed with the toe of the bar under the case, lifting it sufficiently to allow a good bite for the
pointed ends of other bars used as explained above.

Final Stowage.
(1) When it is not possible to stow an item against other heavy cases, it must be securely braced and
chocked to prevent any movement. Every consideration should be given to making the job as easy as is
(2) A load can be moved a short distance into a wing, forward, or aft, of the square of the hatch, by
removing the sling from the end of the case toward direction of storage. The load is then picked up
with the remaining sling until the case is at an angle of about 30 with the deck.
(3) Place a roller under the end of the case resting on the dunnage. The case will move on the roller in the
desired direction as the falls are rapidly slacked off.
(4) Heavy cargo may also be moved by the use of a dragline or hookline. When using a dragline in the
holds, take care that there will be no danger to crew members stowing these items. Lead the dragline to
the windlass to avoid having to use the ship's boom, except when light loads are being hoisted on the
(5) The dragline should be clear and should not rub or chafe on any part of the ship's structure. A fair-lead
can be obtained by using snatch blocks. The dragline may be made of wire rope instead of nylon or
manila. The leads on which the snatch blocks are hung should be of chain or wire rope. Use dunnage
liberally where the leads are made fast, to prevent damage to the deck.
(6) Keep crewmembers clear of all lines. If possible, use rollers under cases to reduce strain on the
dragline. If the case is too heavy, you may rig a tackle. If necessary, improvise a tackle by using
additional snatch blocks. When overhead clearance is sufficient, you can use beam clamps to hang a
snatch block. This permits the case to be lifted into place under the wings, or fore or aft of the square of
the hatch.
(7) To save time and work, place heavy cargo, cases, or vehicles headed in the direction in which they will
be rolled or dragged when they are landed.
(8) To remove, by ship's power, wire rope slings from closely packed cases, unhook opposite ends of each
sling and hoist.
(9) Extreme care is always taken in slinging heavy lifts. Slings should be blocked out with dunnage to

chafing and possible cutting. Place dunnage between wire slings and metal to prevent slipping. In
slinging heavy lifts, remember that shackles are stronger than hooks.

Stowage of Deck Cargoes.


Deck cargo usually consists of miscellaneous cargo for which there is no space under deck. These are
dangerous articles, which, because of their size, nature, or shape cannot be readily stowed below deck.
Because of the varying sizes and shapes of commodities stowed on deck, few specific rules for their
stowage can be stated.

When stowing a large amount of cargo on deck, take care to avoid blocking off bitts and chocks, sounding
pipes to bilges and ballast tanks, handles of valves of piping systems, or any other piece of equipment
essential to the operation or safety of the vessel. It is a good practice to outline the spaces to be kept clear
with chalk or paint.

C Safety.

Securing Cargo Rigging. Shackles, hooks and gates of snatch blocks used in rigging should be moused with
rope yarn or wire. In mousing a shackle, tighten the pin, then secure with rope yarn or wire. In all cases where
rigging is aloft, use wire for mousing. Exercise care to place the mousing where it may not be cut by the wire
rope made fast to the shackle. Hooks are moused to prevent the slings from slipping off the hook. Hooks may
be moused with rope yarn, wire or a shackle. The gate of snatch blocks, unless firmly moused, may open,
allowing the line to jump out. Before any operation, check all shackles, hooks, and blocks.

Working Below Decks.


The square of the hatch should always be kept clear and free of any debris, to reduce hazards that interfere
with quick handling of cargo. After stowing in the square of the hatch a tier of cargo that does not provide
sound footing, or which requires protection from cargo being landed, install a solid level floor of dunnage.

Crewmembers working in the hold should never stand in the square of the hatch when a load is overhead.
For greater safety they should stand fore or aft of the square of the hatch.

When a load is lowered into the hold, stop it about one foot above the spot where it is to be landed. The
cargo workers then come out from a place of safety and steady it while it is landed. They must never reach
up for a load.

Dangers exist constantly while working cargo. Crewmembers must always be alert. Commanding Officers
shall ensure that the following rules are adhered to:
(1) Wear personal protective equipment. Hard hats, steel toe shoes, safety gloves are mandatory.
(2) Be sure the load is properly slung before hoisting.
(3) Do not use worn-out gear.

(4) Never reach up for a load.

(5) Never ride a load or sling.
(6) Never stand in the bight of a line or wire.
(7) Never stand under a load.
(8) Never throw or drop anything between decks.
(9) Remember that shackles are safer and stronger than hooks, due to the reduced risk of coming unhooked.
(10)Stretch a life line around open deck hatches when not working cargo.
(11)Walk behind a load, never in front. Use the other side of the deck if possible.
(12)Watch out for swinging hooks, slings, and gear.
(13)When hoisting heavy loads, stand clear of all lines.
(14)When landing a load, never pull. Always push it in the desired direction.
(15)Illuminate hatches from inside at night.
D Stability.


The proper loading of a vessel is of crucial importance as it concerns the safety of the ship, its cargo, and its
crew. Buoy tenders and boats, because of the nature of their assignments, normally carry considerable deck
loads, so their crews must be particularly vigilant in ensuring safe loading. Vessel loading is one of the
areas in which cutter personnel can directly affect their ship's stability. It is very important that
commanding officers, engineer officers, and buoy deck personnel become familiar with the fundamentals of
stability. This knowledge, together with information supplied in the Stability and Loading Data Booklet,
should ensure that the vessel is properly loaded and seaworthy. This section is not intended to be a short
course on stability, but it points out some basic stability definitions and information. Further information
may be obtained from any of the standard texts on seamanship, such as Knight's Modern Seamanship.
Commanding Officers should also review Chapter 079, Volume 1 of the Naval Ships' Technical Manual
and Stability and Trim for the Ship's Officers by LaDage and Van Gemert, and be completely familiar with
their vessel's Stability and Loading Data booklets.

Stability is the measure of a ship's ability to return to its original position when it is disturbed by a force and
the force is removed. A ship may have any one of three different types of stability:
(1) Positive Stability. If the ship returns to its original position after being disturbed by an external force, it
is stable, or has positive stability.
(2) Negative Stability. If the ship continues in the same direction of the disturbing force after the force is
removed, it is unstable, or has negative

(2) Neutral Stability. If the ship settles in the orientation it is placed in by the disturbing force, it is
neutrally stable. Neutral stability seldom occurs on a floating ship. If it does occur, extreme care
should be taken not to exert any heeling force on the ship, because in all likelihood it will cause the ship
to capsize.

To understand the principles governing stability you must first understand the principle of buoyancy. When
a ship is placed in water, it displaces a volume of water, the weight of which is equal to the weight of the
ship. The displaced water exerts a pressure on the hull, tending to force the ship back out of the water. This
upward force is buoyancy. The resultant buoyant force acts in avertical line through the center portion of
the ship's body. This point is callecenter of buoyancy and is designated by the letter B in Figure 7-4. B is a
function of the ship's underwater body shape and volume, and is not easily affected by the crewmembers.

Countering the force of buoyancy is the weight of the ship and its cargo. Though the weight of the ship is
distributed throughout the ship, it is consid through a single point. The point through which this resultant
force acts is called the center of gravity, and is designated by the letter G. The weight of the ship also acts in
vertical line, but in a downward direction (see Figure 7-4). The center of gravity of a ship is solely a
function of weight distribution ship. The center of gravity is in a fixed position for each condition of
loading the ship. It moves whenever there is a weight addition, removal or movement within the ship.

When a ship is in a position of equilibrium, the force of buoyancy and that of gravity are of equal
magnitude, but acting in opposite directions. A ship mdisturbed from its state of equilibrium by a number
of external forces that theel it. These forces include those generated by shifting cargo; by free from
flooding; or from fluids such as fuel and water shifting in tanks, wind, wave motion, current, icing
conditions and the speed of the cutter through the water. When an external force is applied, the centers of
buoyancy and gravity alonger aligned vertically and these forces tend to rotate the ship, until a new position
of equilibrium is found (positive stability) or until the ship capsizes (negative stability). These external
forces exert heeling moments on the ship that may be short-lived or may last indefinitely. A stable ship
does not capsize when subjected to normal disturbances because when it is inclined, the buoyancy shifts to
one side of the center of gravity, creating a moment that tends to right the ship. This is called the righting
moment (see Figure 7-5). The distance, GZ, between the parallel lines of force passing through G and B
called the righting arm. When the righting arm is reduced, perhaps by added topside weight, the moment
moving the cutter back into equilibrium is lessened and the stability of the cutter is reduced.

The metacentric height, GM, is the distance between G and the metacenter, point


M The metacenter is an imaginary point that is of prime importance in stability. When a ship is inclined
small angles, the intersection of the line or action of buoyant force acting vertically through the new center
of buoyancy and the inclined centerline of the ship is the metacenter. For any angle of heel, GM is
proportional to the righting arm, GZ. When M is located above G, GM is positive and a righting moment
exists (Figure 7-6a). In those cases where the position of G is above M, GM is negative and an upsetting
arm develops (Figure 7-6b). Thus GM is an indicator of whether a cutter's initial stability is positive or

The Stability and Loading Path Booklet.


With the above information, personnel can refer to the Stability and Loading Data Booklet for their cutters
to obtain advice on the safe loading parameters for the ship and, Should damage occur, advice on obtaining
assistance for surviving that damage. The booklets are drafted for each cutter class, and although the same
basic information is presented for all ships, the booklets vary considerably in format. What follows are
brief explanations of key sections of the stability booklets. A basic understanding of these areas should give
personnel knowledge enough to recognize potential problems before they arise. Commanding Officers are
to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of their class booklet, and know how to enter the unique
characteristics of their cutter, so they can receive the most accurate information possible. Thorough study
of the booklet until all sections are completely understood is required.

The booklet's general or introductory remarks and the loading instructions are of interest, as they address
particular class problems and issue special warnings when necessary. Weight constraints are of special
concern to buoy tenders. Many Commanding Officers have unknowingly hazarded their carrying more
tonnage than their ships were designed for, or by carrying weights in the wrong position, thus radically
shifting the ship's center of gravity.

Exercise care in lifting weights with the ship's boom. Do not assume that it is always safe to lift any weight
less than the boom's maximum capacity. The way that the ship is already loaded, and its roll while
underway, will have a bearing on what weight may be lifted safely without causing excessive heel or having
an adverse effect on the ship's reserve stability and righting arm. The WLB stability booklet contains a
Lifting Capacity Curve that determines the maximum load that a tender should attempt to lift, in any
Loading condition.

The WLB booklet, and to a lesser extent those for some of the smaller classes, gives specific guidelines as
to how the cutter's liquid load should be Unfortunately, liquid loading is another subject that is given little
thought, enen though it is critical to stability. A study of the liquid loading instructions will ensure that this
load is carried properly.All ships should make it a general rule to keep free surface effect to a minimum.
While the design of cutters precludes keeping tanks pressed up, shifting water and fuel may be used to
maintain trim and at the same time reduce free surface effect. The effect of the moving weights



brought about by free surface can result in a substantial reduction of GM. This means a reduction in
stability and it should be avoided.

Commanding Officers should be aware of their cutter's Minimum Operating and Full Load conditions,
which are presented in tabular form in the stability booklet. Although not corrected in the strictest sense,
these conditions can be thought of as the minimum and maximum safe loading conditions. Serious stability
problems can arise if a ship is operated outside these defined loading conditions.

Draft and trim have considerable bearing on cutter stability. A change in mean draft will affect the height of
the meta center, thus altering, GM, and both draft and trim affect the cutter's reserve buoyancy. Safe
operating parameters are isted in the stability booklet. Limiting Trim Diagrams, hown in Figure 7-5, are
presented in most stability booklets .Although at first look these graphs can be quite confusing, they merely
show a range of drafts and trims within which a cutter will have sufficient reserve buoyancy, even if flooded
in various compartments.

The Limiting Trim Diagram defines a region of drafts and trim within which the reserve buoyancy will be
sufficient. By consulting the Limiting Trim Diagram before sailing, Commanding Officers can adjust the
cutter's trim by ballasting or by shifting deck load, fuel or water, so it will plot within the graph's safe
shaded area. Maintaining cutter condition so that it always plots within this shaded area may be the ideal,
but it is recognized that this is not always possible. Commanding Officers must be aware of the threat to
their cutters when heavily loaded and must be prepared to take steps to improve their stability should
problems arise.


Predicting changes in trim due to adding, deleting, or shifting weight about the cutter, is done by using the
stability booklet's Trim Table. The table consists of a simplified profile view of the ship with a graph below
the various compartments that indicates how much a standard weight placed in that space will affect draft.
For example, in Figure7-7 we see that if a 133' WLM loaded 2.5 tons into the forward hold, the draft
change would be determined as follows:
(1) The Trim Table shows that a 5-ton addition to the forward hold would increase draft forward by 2.1
inches and decrease draft aft by .5 inches. Since the weight in the example is one half of the standard 5ton weight, the change in drafts will be one half of the charted change, or an increase of 1 inch forward,
and a decrease of .25 inches aft. Trim will change .75 inches down by the bow.
(2) You must remember that this table is based on additions or removals of weight. If an existing weight is
shifted, subtract it from its old position, then add it in its new position if an accurate determination is

The change in the vertical center of gravity (KG), is another important measure of vessel stability. The
maximum and minimum KGs for a certain cutter have been determined by the designer and personnel must
ensure that these limits are not exceeded.


The Change in KG Diagram is a tool used to assist in this effort. The Change in KG Diagram (Figure 7-8)
is used to determine the effect of KG of adding (or removing) a Weight at any height. Although the graph
was developed using a weight of 10,000 lbs., it is applicable to any weight. To use this diagram, locate the
VCG of the added weight on the ship profile, move horizontally across the intersect with the appropriate
load condition line. Move vertically down and read the change in KG. For weight removed, reverse the
sign of the change in KG. Add this value to the ship KG to find the new KG.

An important diagram is the Limiting KG Diagram (Figure 7-9). The Limiting KG Diagram present the
upper limits of the vertical center of gravity (KG) to ensure the cutter has adequate transverse stability and
does not capsize in either intact or damaged conditions. KG, the distance from the keel to the center of
gravity, is directly proportional to GM, and is another good measure of stability. The allowable KG
diagram assumes several cases of severe damage and then determines the maximum KG the vessel can have
and still have sufficient stability. A WLB is reasonably safe as long as its KG plots below of applicable
damage condition curves.

No one is interested in stability until their ship is holed. While stability may be a confusing subject, it is of
the utmost importance. As the buoy tender fleet grows older and assumes more varied tasks and has
additional equipment installed, proper understanding of these basic principles becomes critical.
Commanding Officers owe it to their cutters and crews to be knowledgeable in this field. Thorough
familiarity with the vessel's Stability and Loading Data Booklet and applicable sections of the Naval Ship's
Technical Manual is required.

Corrective Procedures.

Recognizing a Reduced Righting Arm. The signs of a reduced righting arm, or GZ (Figure 7-5), and a
subsequent loss of righting stability are:
(1) A long, slow roll compared to that which would be ordinarily expected for the wind and sea conditions.
(2) The cutter's hanging at the end of a roll without quickly snapping back to an even keel.
(3) The longer and slower the roll, the greater the danger of capsizing.

Reducing the Danger of Capsizing. Having loaded the cutter "good and deep" is not an indication of
adequate stability. To reduce the danger of capsizing, weight must be removed high in the cutter, or weight
(but not free water) must be added low in the ship. One preventive measure is to keep all scuppers
unplugged. This will reduce weight high in the ship by allowing water on deck to quickly drain off.
Another preventive measure is to keep all watertight doors and hatches securely dogged to prevent water
from entering the cutter and finding its way to the bilges, increasing the free surface effect.


Figure 7-7










A Loading and Stowing Aboard Tenders.

General. Careful planning is necessary to ensure that sufficient aids to navigation gear is on board to meet the
requirements of a particular deployment.

Buoy tenders normally carry a standard inventory determined by their aids to navigation (AtoN)
responsibilities and their stowage capacity. This inventory is carried to enable the buoy tender to respond to
unplanned AtoN work.

In addition to the standard inventory buoy tenders will need to load AtoN gear for particular deployments.
Normally, the first lieutenant prepares a load list which anticipates the buoys, appendages, and Ato N
equipment needed for the trip.

Flashers, lamp changers, batteries, etc., require bench testing before using them in the field to ensure their
proper operation. Refer to the Short Range Aids to Navigation Servicing Guide (COMDTINST
for specific requirements.

Preparations and Planning.


The loading plan is developed from input by the Commanding Officer, Operations Officer, Engineer
Officer, First Lieutenant, and other members of the deck department. The plan is based on ship stability and
the sequence in which buoys are worked. If you know the ship will be doing a certain relief first, you can
have the buoy in the ready position as opposed to stowed in one of the pockets. Make up a list of buoys,
chain, sinkers, shackles, swivels, batteries, lanterns, paint, spare equipment, etc., needed for the trip. Plan
where the load is to be placed on board to facilitate the work in the field.

The First Lieutenant shall conduct a preloading brief for the deck department. Also, it is advisable to
inform the other departments before beginning the loading operation.

Before loading make sure all the necessary gear (i.e., buoy saddles, head blocks, gripe down gear, tag lines,
etc.) is properly staged.
(1) The amount of chain and sinkers necessary to accomplish work scheduled for the trip may be found
from the aid records maintained on board. This record should list the sinker size, length of the mooring,
chain and chafe size, date of last service, date of last mooring inspection, character of the bottom, etc.
The work sheets, when properly maintained, provide an excellent history of the aid station. These will
help significantly in planning maintenance. It is also helpful to compile a notebook over the course of
succeeding visits to aids. Include information about the objects in the area, tides, currents, and anything
else that will ease planning and logistics. In most cases it is not necessary to carry all new chain and
sinkers for all buoys to be worked. Worn sections of chain can be cut out be reused.


Conduct a daily inspection.

(1) Check all buoys and equipment thoroughly before leaving the dock. Bench test all the lanterns and
lamp changers, with a few extra of each characteristic, before sailing for a reasonable period to insure
(2) Install the lanterns on the buoys early enough to insure they are functioning properly. A final quality
check should be made at this time. This should make sure that the installation was done properly and
the correct characteristic and lamp size used.

Preparation for Loading.


In preparing to load buoys, appendages and equipment, carefully inspect the hoisting tackles, chain slings,
wire rope straps and slings, snatch blocks, tools, etc., (see Chapter 2.) Keep the deck clear of stray lines,
loose tools, and other gear.

Beginning with and maintaining a clean, organized deck will help to keep the evolution safe. Lay out the
blocking chocks, or saddles for the buoys in the positions in which it is planned to secure the buoys.
Having regard for the location of available padeyes for griping down (see Fig. 8-1.)

Loading Precautions. Observed the same precautions that are used in handling heavy weights in general. Keep
the load low and move it slowly. Keep personnel out from under or between weights. Keep head and tail lines
attached to weights; be prepared to snub them around a cleat, bitt, or pad eye to keep the load under control.
Make sure that the strap or sling is adequate before using it. Refer to the Rigging Manual or Handbook for
Riggers to calculate proper sling size for the intended load. When hooking on buoys, check carefully that the
hook is moused before hoisting. Shackles are better than hooks on slings for hoisting buoys aboard. Use only
authorized slings designed to lift the weight. Pay close attention to sling angle and the safe working load (SWL)
of slings.

Loading Unlighted Buoys.


For loading buoys in a horizontal position, a double branch or two-legged sling is used.

One leg of the sling is generally shorter than the other. This long end is hooked in the mooring eye on the
counterweight end of the buoy and the other in the lifting bail.

A sling with two 12-foot legs is used for loading first class buoys. Buoys equipped with balancing bails
may be hoisted on board by hooking the hoisting tackle directly into the balancing bail. This is located just
below the middle of the buoy.

SLING ANGLE DANGERS. Increasing sling angles decreases the sling's capabilities. Refer to standard
sling size tables and sling angle diagrams in the riggers handbooks.


Stowing buoys in the hold. When loading buoys for stowing in the hold, pick them up at one end only. Use a
short strap or shackle rather than hooking directly into the lifting bail. If a short strap is not used, the sling may
be passed completely through the lifting bail and hooked back into its own lifting ring. A buoy hooked directly
is liable to become unhooked should the strain be eased, as when the buoy rests momentarily on the deck or on
top of another buoy. Therefore, the hook should be moused. When stowing buoys in the hold, use a light tackle
to haul the buoy over to any desired position, while the boom holds most of the weight. As the buoy is moved,
slack off on the whip as appropriate.

Loading Lighted Buoys.

Before lifting a lighted buoy clear of the dock, attach a headline (or cage line) and a tail line. The headline
should be rove through the lamp ring of the cage and a tail line attached near the counterweight. Members
on the dock tend these lines to prevent the buoy from swinging. The end of the headline is passed to
members on deck, as the buoy is hoisted on board to maintain control. This will help to transfer control
smoothly to those on deck.

Conical bottom buoys, pillar buoys, and tube buoys (especially the larger type), are better handled by a twolegged sling. Attach the sling into one lifting padeye and one mooring pad eye. This will carry the buoy
horizontally or nearly so and will assist in positioning the buoy in the saddle. Flat-bottom buoys are best
handled with a two-legged sling of equal lengths, attached to the lifting padeyes. This carries the buoy
vertically and makes for easier positioning on deck, having two legs of equal length flat-bottom buoys.

Loading Equipment and Appendages.


When loading batteries, take to care prevent broken cases and terminals during handling. If palletized
batteries are loaded using a pallet sling, the load must be secure so none can Fall during handling.

Sinkers are loaded by hooking the appropriate purchase directly into the bail of the sinker.

Chain is loaded in bundles of one or more shots secured with a line or wire strap. Bridles are similarly

Fundamentals of Stowage.

Because of the variety of sizes, shapes and weights of buoys, each presents a slightly different stowage
problem. The important factor in securing the load is to use sufficient gripes of ample size and lead them in
the proper directions to prevent movement. The weight of the object and angle of the gripes should be
checked in a riggers manual against the SWL table to insure the griping equipment is equal to the task.
Never overload the buoy deck. Leave sufficient space on deck for working personnel and equipment.
Buoys shall be blocked and griped even in calm weather. The list of the ship under a heavy load may start
the deck load shifting in a seaway. Never land lighted buoys or sinkers directly on steel decks.


Landing buoys and sinkers on dunnage prevents sliding and also facilitates washing down the decks.
Locate buoys and appendages clear of bitts, cleats, and scuppers. All buoy saddles and head blocks shall
have tag lines attached of sufficient length (minimum 6'). This will prevent personnel from having to get
under a buoy to position them. Always gripe the deck load as soon as it is in position on deck. Do not wait
until everything is on board before griping.

When only a short distance is involved between the dock and the working area, buoys may be stowed in the
way of the buoy ports, ready for setting. Because of the possibility of unexpected rough weather or a
change of itinerary, make sure buoys and associated moorings are secured for sea. Rotten stops are
designed to break under heavy load and are not a proper device to secure chain on deck.

When underway, you must inspect buoy gripes regularly to insure no change in tautness or shifting of the
load. The movement of the ship can cause gripes to loosen; they require strict attention by watch standers.

It is important that all buoys are properly secured. They must be prevented from moving both ath
wart ships, and fore and aft. With inexperienced personnel there is a tendency to be content with only
securing the buoy downward to the deck. The result is that the gripes lead almost vertically from the buoy
and there is only frictional resistance to movement of the buoy along the plane of the deck. All loads must
be secured so opposing gripes prevent fore and aft and sideways movement of the load. It is better to spend
time for adequate securing before going to sea than to attempt the dangerous job of securing a shifting
deck load (See Fig. 8-2.)

Tenders stow buoys and appendages in different places on deck, commensurate with the space available, the
working plan, type of buoys carried for the trip, trim of the vessel, etc. No set rule of stowage can be laid
down for different types of cargo. However, suggested procedures are given in the following paragraphs.

10 Stowing Unlighted Buoys. Small unlighted buoys may be stowed in the main hold where they are blocked and
wedged securely against stanchions, cargo battens, bulkheads, etc. Gripe buoys with 2- or 3-inch line or hercalloy chain of appropriate size, herc-alloy chain being the preferred product. Line may be used to secure light
weight plastic or foam buoys but should not be used for griping down steel buoys. The use of manila line vice
synthetic line is recommended due to the elasticity of synthetic ropes. The elasticity of the synthetic line may
allow the load to work,despite the tautness of the gripe. The stretch of the line allows movement and the shock
load of a moving object can easily exceed the breaking strength of the line.
11 Stowing Lighted Buoys.

Lighted buoys are placed on deck on head blocks, saddles, and other appropriate dunnage. The body of the
buoy shall not rest entirely on the steel deck but must be supported by the dunnage. This allows weight of
the buoy to bite into the saddle and increases the friction of the blocking. Lighted buoys are griped with



alloy chain and steamboat jacks with an SWL large enough to hold the buoy being secured. Flat-bottomed
buoys are stowed flat on deck on thin planking or plywood and are griped with alloy chain and steamboat
jacks. Six- and eight-foot pillar buoys are usually stowed with the tube down, with a head block under the
middle of the buoy's upper body. The cages of lighted buoys must often be nested over and against each
other to get them all on board. A gripe is passed through the bottom bail which is opposite the lifting bail.
The standard method for griping down is to use four separate chains and steamboat jacks. The gripe down
chains are attached using foundry hooks to the appropriate bails on the buoy. The chains are then led at an
angle out, away from the buoy and secured to padeyes. This will prevent fore and aft and side movement.
Each chain will also require a separate jack for tightening down.

Nine-foot buoys require particular care in blocking and securing due to size and weight. Two of these
buoys are all that can be carried for working, although three can be squeezed aboard for transportation
purposes. A minimum of six chain and steamboat jack gripes are passed to the body of the buoy. If
necessary to place a gripe on the buoy tube, take a half hitch or round turn as close to the counterweight as
possible. Extra care should be exercised when placing any gripes on or around the tube. The tension placed
in the wrong point can crack or break welds connecting the tube to the buoy body. Gussets placed to
strengthen these welds will not prevent this.

Moorings for 9-foot buoys are often ranged out on deck before loading the buoy, since once the buoy is in
position, the buoy port area is largely blocked.

12 Stowing Appendages.

Generally appendages (i.e. sinkers, chain, and bridles) are stowed forward on the buoy deck, to utilize every
available space on deck. They can also be stowed in the hold or in some cases under the cage of the buoys,
depending on available griping points on deck. Chain is generally stowed in bundles and secured. Sinkers
are landed on small equally-spaced wood dunnage and chain should be appropriately lashed. When
carrying an unequal number of lighted buoys, sinkers you may want to place to trim ship.

Keep on hand enough steamboat jacks, various shackles (safety shackles should be used instead of split key
shackles), and lengths of chain for griping down. Alloy chain (minimum grade 7) in sizes 1/2" to 1" is
usually strong enough for most loads. When in doubt, consult a riggers manual.


Saddles and Head blocks. The use of saddles and head blocks is mandatory. Various sizes are in use and
their quantity and variety of size depend upon the aid inventory of the cutter (See Figures 8-3a to b.)
These saddles will accommodate most standard and non-standard buoys. However, good documentation
of the idiosyncrasies of buoys will help in planning for the next evolution. Extra bails, improperly placed
bails, or lack of bails may affect how the buoy sits in a saddle. It is unrealistic to carry saddles designed
for every style of buoy that maybe encountered. Therefore, be prepared to modify existing equipment
for the exception



B The Buoy Mooring.



As conditions permit, position the sinker as close to the deployment buoy port as possible, thus reducing the
distance you have to move it when setting up the mooring.

Ensure that all the necessary gear is staged before beginning to set up the mooring, i.e., hammers, shackles,
rotten stops, etc.

Rig an alloy bull chain fore and aft between the first two pad eyes inboard of the deployment buoy port.
Use alloy shackles of sufficient size to secure the bull chain to the pad eyes.

Rig two pelican hooks. Shackle one at the forward end of the buoy port, close to the chain stopper. It will
act as a safety measure if a chain stopper fails. Shackle the other pelican hook at the after end of the buoy
port. This one helps prevent shock loading the boom and also acts as a preventer when setting the buoy.

The Chain.

Shots and sections of chain used in buoy moorings are joined with rivet pin (heat and beat) shackles (See
Figure 8-4.) The size of the shackle depends on chain size and its proof load. Use shackles that have proof
loads equal to or greater than the largest size chain it is connecting. Consult the Aids to Navigation
Technical Manual (COMDTINST M16500.3) to determinethe proof loads of buoy chain and shackles. The
following areprocedures are used when using rivet pin shackles:
(1) Avoid placing rivet pin shackles in the chafe section of the mooring.
(3) Place the bow or clevis of the shackle into the chain coming from the buoy. The pin surface bears on
the chain coming from the sinker. This lessens the possibility of the shackle getting fouled with the
chain stopper horse collar when the mooring is retrieved.
(3) Place the heat and beat anvil over a frame to give it a more solid foundation.
(4) Position the person peening the shackle facing outboard, and located where they will have the most
control and balance. If more than one person is peening the shackle, position them at or as near 90
degrees apart as possible. Two persons peening a shackle should not be positioned directly across from
each other. Always have a clear escape route for the torch person.
(5) Do not overheat the pins as they may become too brittle. At no time should molten steel appear. If the
shackle is heated to the point where molten steel appears, the shackle should be removed from service.



(6) Be careful when peening smaller shackles (usually 4th class) as excessive force will deform the shackle

Range the chain athwart ships, from fore to aft, each bight running from just inside the deck edge to the bull
chain. Place a bight of chain at each end of the mooring into the pelican hooks. Locate the pelican hooks
about 3-4 fathoms from the bitter end nearest the chain stopper, and 4-6 fathoms from the bitter end nearest
the buoy. This will allow enough chain to hook and hang the sinker and buoy. Depending on the size of the
mooring, use up to 21 thread manila for lashing (rotten stops) the individual bights to the bull chain

After the sinker is hung, replace the tie-downs with rotten stops. The rotten stops, sized to part under the
weight of the mooring, will check the chain's speed going over the side.They are not used to gripe chain to
the deck. The line size used for rotten stops is determined by the size and length of the mooring. Six thread
or a strand of 21 thread is good for rotten stops for 1-1/2" chain and larger. Although rotten stops should
part under the weight of the mooring, station a crewmember with a long handled ax or knife, inboard of the
bull chain, to cut away any rotten stops that fail to part.

With an exceptionally long mooring, the chain is often stacked in layers. Always begin faking stacked
chain from the buoy end to the sinker end. Do not stack chain on top of synthetic line risers. Make sure
that the bights of chain and synthetic line will not become entangled when the mooring is set. Also, when
deploying a long mooring use a line stopper, placed close to and forward of the after pelican hook. The
stopper helps reduce the shock loading on the pelican hook. The line stopper is cut once the chain has run
to the pelican hook.

The Sinker and Buoy End of the Mooring.


If necessary, move the sinker to the deployment buoy port and gripe it to the deck. Shackle a bight of chain,
3 to 5 links from the end nearest the chain stopper, to the sinker bail. (See Figure 8-5.) Ensure that the bow
or clevis of the shackle bears against the sinker bail and that the shackle pin passes through the chain link.
Do not shackle the bitter end of the chain into the sinker bail. Always leave a chain pigtail of 3 to 5
links to facilitate removing the hook oncethe sinker is hung in the chain stopper.

The mooring attachments on all lighted and sound steel buoys are designed for an equal leg bridle. Consult
the Aids to Navigation Technical Manual, COMDTINST M16500.3 to determine the correct size bridle to
use). The bridle is connected to the buoy with split key shackles. On lighted buoys with counterweight
tubes the center ring of the bridle should rest about the center of the counterweight. On buoys with a chafe
block, they rest against the block. Make sure there are no twists or kinks in the bridle legs. Split key
shackles are also used to connect the swivel to the bridle center ring and to the riser section of the chain.
Install the shackle connecting the center ring to the swivel with the rounded end of the shackle pin against
the counterweight (or chafe block).



Flat-bottom lighted buoys are equipped with swing arms. The bridle is connected to them using split key
shackles. Install the shackles with the rounded end of the shackle pin against the counterweight. This
improves access to the split key both for connecting and disconnecting.

The swivel is connected with the eye end toward the bridle center ring and the bail end toward the chain.
Install the shackle that connects the swivel to the chain with the pin through the chain link and the clevis
contacting the swivel bail.

The unlighted steel buoys are designed with a mooring attachment point at the bottom of the counterweight.
Some versions also have a fast water mooring fin along the side of the counterweight. There are three types
of attachments: an eye, a box and pin, and a bail. All the buoys manufactured after 1991 have the eye
attachment. The eye and box and pin attachments are designed to use a separate split key shackle as the
mooring bail. A second split key shackle is used to attach the swivel and a third to connect the riser chain to
the swivel. The pin on the box and pin attachment replaces the shackle's pin. The bail attachment is self

Where unlighted sound buoys are subject to icing, a preventer may be rigged to prevent the buoy from
capsizing. A sufficient length of 7/8 or 1-inch chain is run through the bridle ring and both ends are secured
to the bottom eye of the buoy. The chain is adjusted to permit the buoy to rock on its bridle up to a certain
point. Past that point, the full strain of the mooring shifts to the bottom of the buoy and prevents the buoy
from capsizing.

C The Buoy Deck Evolution.


General. Servicing a floating aid to navigation from an unstable buoy deck is always a hazardous operation.
Each buoy brought aboard will, no doubt, present a slightly different situation, depending upon any combination
of sea conditions, weather conditions, length of chain, size and type of buoy, experience of the conning officer,
experience of the deck crew, fatigue level,etc. Considering these factors, if the crew is trained to work every aid
using a standard procedure, the evolution is safer and more efficient. The buoy deck evolution listed below has
been adopted as the required Coast Guard standard method for servicing buoys. The specific buoy deck
evolution will be discussed as it relates to WLB class tenders followed by variations based on other buoy

Planning and Preparations.


Convene a briefing session before beginning any buoy deck operation. The Commanding Officer/Officer in
Charge, Conning Officers, First Lieutenant (Safety Observer), and Buoy Deck Supervisor should all be
present at the brief. The brief should include, at a minimum, the following topics:
(1) Type and number of buoys to be worked.
(2) Length and size of chain expected and bottom condition.
(3) Local peculiarities for each buoy.


(4) Ship conning intentions on approach and hoist.

(5) Communication procedures between the bridge and the buoy deck.

Convene a similar briefing with the buoy deck crew before arriving at the buoy. Assign jobs and answer
questions during this briefing.

Clear the buoy deck of all unnecessary gear. Lay out buoy saddles, head blocks, gripe down gear, cross
deck and hogging lines, hammers, marlinespike, etc.

Inspect and exercise the boom. Test all power driven deck winches to ensure their proper operation. After
inspecting and exercising the boom, spot (position) it so the purchase being used is slightly inboard of the
buoy port opening. Never leave the hook unattended. Once the hook and boom are spotted at the desired
location, the hook should be run into a deck pad eye until ready to hook the buoy.

When all is ready the Buoy Deck Supervisor informs the conn that the deck is ready.

The Approach. Ship handling is covered thoroughly in Chapter 5. It is important for the buoy deck supervisor
to know how the conning officer will approach the buoy. Normally, a buoy is approached from down current or
down wind, whichever has the most effect on the ship. When the buoy is approached from down current/wind
the bridle and chain will tend forward. On most lighted buoys the lifting bail that is most forward will be the
correct one to hook.

The Lift.

When the conn has maneuvered to the buoy and is maintaining a steady position, the conn will pass to the
buoy deck, "Hook the buoy when you can." The Deck Supervisor now has permission to bring the buoy on

On most buoys, the first step after receiving permission to hook the buoy is to pass the cage or head line.
(1) The cage line is passed from a point forward of the chain stopper. On buoys 8 foot and larger the
foicisle is the ideal location from which to pass the cage line.
(2) The cage line is rove through the lantern ring opening opposite the desired buoy lifting bail. Feed the
line through the lantern ring until there are two equal lengths. The bitter ends of the cage line are then
taken to a cleat forward of the chain stopper.
(3) The cage line serves two purposes: 1) it helps rotate the buoy to facilitate hooking, and 2) it helps
control the buoy's travel down the side of the ship.

Once the buoy is at the desired position alongside the buoy port the hook is rove into the lifting bail. A line
reeving device greatly facilitates this operation. Devices such as the"happy hooker" can be bought
commercially, or one can be manufactured locally based upon drawing FL-2604-5.
(1) On lighted cone bottom and pillar buoys the hook is rove into the odd bail.


(2) On most flat-bottom lighted buoys the hook is rove into one of the bails that are 180 degrees apart.
(Note: this holds true for all flat-bottom buoys manufactured after 1991.)
(3) On most sound and unlighted steel buoys the hooking bail is marked by the word "HOOK" welded on
the buoy body next to the bail. (Note: this is applicable for sound and unlighted steel buoys
manufactured after 1992.)

When the hook is set into the bail, hoist the buoy until the hull clears the water and the lifting bails are
accessible from the deck. The hook is then moused by use of a tag line.The preferred method of mousing
the hook is to figure eight the tag line, over the throat of the hook. THE USE OF MECHANICAL
STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. If a picking pendant is used instead of hooking directly into the lifting bail,
the need to mouse the hook remains. After the hook is moused, the buoy port safety chain is removed.

The cross deck line is rove after the hook is moused. Hoist pillar and cone style buoys until the hull just
clears the buoy deck. This will allow the buoy to rotate inboard and facilitate hooking the cross deck. A
line reeving device is used if the lifting bail is beyond the reach of the buoy deck. It also eliminates the need
for personnel to go under the load to hook the cross deck into the buoy. The cross deck is used to establish
partial athwartships control of the buoy.There are two types of cross deck lines: wire rope and synthetic
line. They are both rigged basically the same. An appropriate snatch block is rigged a to deck padeye
adjacent to the opposite buoy port with a single leg section of alloy chain. The cross deck is led to the buoy
port and rove to the appropriate bail. The cross deck line is always kept taut once a strain has been taken.
The following are therecommended cross deck bails on the different type buoys:
(1) On lighted cone-bottom and pillar buoys the cross deck line is rove into the bail furthest from the odd
(2) On flat-bottom lighted buoys manufactured after 1991, the cross deck line is rove into the bail opposite
the hook. On flat-bottom buoys manufactured before 1991, the cross deck line is rove into the bail
furthest from the hook.
(3) On sound buoys manufactured after 1991 and unlighted steel buoys manufactured after 1992, the cross
deck bail is rove opposite the hook.
(4) On sound buoys manufactured before 1991, the cross deck line is rove into the bail furthest from the
(5) On unlighted buoys manufactured before 1992, the cross deck line is rove into the top bail of the buoy.

The following are the recommended procedures for bringing the buoy on deck:
(1) The buoy is lifted until the bottom of the buoy hull clears the buoy port. The cage line is slacked and
the cross deck line is heaved around until the


buoy is positioned athwartships.

(a) Flat-bottom buoys are lifted until the counterweight ring barely clears the deck.
(b) Unlighted buoys are lifted until the top of conical counterweight section clears the deck.
(2) With the cross deck line taut, the cage line is shifted to the opposite side of the ship. Two to three
twists are put in the legs of the cage line to reduce the chafing and obtain more positive control. One
leg of the line is led forward and the other is led aft. The two legs of cage line will control the buoy
cage and keep it from swinging as the buoy moves across deck.
(3) The cross deck and cage lines are kept taut and the boom is kept with a slight outboard lead. The load
is always kept close to the deck. In fact, the counterweight on tube and conical bottom buoys should
never leave the deck. Counterweight rings on flat-bottom buoys leave the deck only long enough to
clear the bull chain.
(4) Once the buoy is positioned at its approximate gripe-down point, the hogging line is hooked into the
mooring chain. The hook is attached so it points upward to prevent it from catching on the chain
stopper. The hogging line is hauled in to bring the chain into the chain stopper. The chain is seated in
the chain stopper with a sledge hammer before removing the hogging line.
(a) The counterweight of a tube buoy is generally outboard of the bull chain when it's in gripe-down
position. However, some tenders prefer to locate the buoy so the counterweight rests against the
bull chain.
(b) The counterweight of a 9X38 buoy is generally left extended over the side of the tender and
snubbed against the side of the buoy port when it's in the gripe-down position.
(c) Conical and flat-bottom buoys are generally positioned and griped down entirely inboard of the bull
(d) Several WLM-133 class tenders only have one capstan, to work both the cross deck and hogging
line, two lines are made up on the capstan. To hog the chain into the stopper, the cross deck is
surged. Strict attention is required of the line handlers to prevent overriding turns. Generally, only
two round turns are necessary of the hogging line due to the large size of the capstan.
(e) Tripping line. For flat-bottom buoys, especially 7x17, difficulty can be encountered in geting
the buoy to stand up when set on deck. Dependent upon conditions it is possible for them to
balance in such a manner that the hook will tumble and possibly unhook, regardless of being
moused. The tripping line is rigged fore and aft


with one end secured to a padeye, the other hand tended to a cleat with the line lying on top of
the counterweight. Tension is applied to the line as the buoy is lowered. The tripping line will
force the buoy to stand on its counter-weight, vice laying over.

After the chain is set in the chain stopper, the buoy is set on deck, griped, disconnected from the mooring,
and serviced. The following are the procedures for securing a buoy on deck:
(1) The saddle and head block are already in the approximate gripe-down position. After the chain is set in
the chain stopper the saddle is positioned, using the tag lines. Position the saddle so the chine of the
buoy will rest in the middle of the saddle. The buoy is lowered and set in the saddle but a slight strain
is kept on the purchase hook. Once the buoy rests in the saddle, the head block is slid into place and
seated with a sledge hammer.
(a) On flat-bottom buoys a piece of plywood or wood planks are used in place of the saddle.
(b) Occasionally an obsolete round-bottom buoy may have to be brought on deck. An old tractor tire is
the best saddle to use for these types of buoys.
(c) On the Great Lakes only, weather conditions permitting, in instances where the buoy will remain in
the slot only temporarily, an alternate griping method may be used. Once the buoy is set in the
saddle and the head block set, the hogging line is run through a pear link located inboard of the
stopper. A round turn is then taken around the buoy tube and the hook set into a padeye aft of the
buoy. The hogging line (tube gripe) is then hauled taught and held. The cross deck is left attached
to the buoy and kept taught. Once all other parts of the particular evolution are completed the buoy
is then moved to its final stowage location on deck.
(2) After the head block has been set, the buoy is griped down to the deck. Different buoy types, deck
padeye locations, deck loads, and sea conditions create a myriad of griping possibilities. We will cover
only a few of the more common gripe-down configurations here. Some simple rules to keep in mind
will help in those more unusual griping situations: (1) Plan; always have a gripe- down plan before
bringing a buoy on board. (2) Opposing forces; lead the gripes so they control the aft as well as the
forward movement. (3) Keep the personnel out of harm's way; never place personnel on the buoy to
accomplish the griping.
(a) Lighted tube and conical-bottom buoys are griped down with four separate lengths of chain. The
chain should be grade 8 alloy chain or grade 7 transport chain and steamboat jacks. The working
load limit of each gripe should equal the total weight of the buoy. Normally the tube gripes are set
before the head gripes.



(b) Flat-bottom buoys are normally griped down with two separate gripes. Each gripe is formed in a
"V," with each leg attached to a steamboat jack, which is connected to a pad eye. The bight of the
gripe-down chain is rove through or on the inside of the buoy lift bail. Additional gripes should be
used if a transit in rough water is expected.
(c) Unlighted buoys are griped to the deck with a sufficient number of separate chains and steamboat
jacks. Position the steamboat jack on the high side of the buoy when a gripe is run obliquely.
h. After the buoy has been properly griped down the mooring is disconnected from the buoy. The mooring is
disconnected at the shackle that joins the swivel to the riser chain.

Whether relieving the aid, conducting a mooring inspection, or just doing a routine servicing, at some point
you will need to pull chain.
(1) Before pulling the chain, install the horse collar in the mechanical stopper. This facilitates resetting the
chain in the stopper, equal leg bridle. Attach a tag line to the bitter end of the chain, for control during
pulling. On WLBs, a round turn about the boom cradle stanchion is used; on other class vessels an
appropriately placed cleat may be used.
(2) For large size chain, the hook may be inserted directly into a chain link. For smaller sizes of chain
either a safety shackle of appropriate size, a modeer shackle (preferred) or a nipper chain maybe used to
connect to the chain.
(3) Spot the boom inboard of the chain stopper approximately 3-5 feet.
(4) When permission is received from the bridge, commence hauling. Exercise care in lifting the chain out
of the stopper to prevent damage to the chain and/or stopper. Once clear, the chain can be pulled until
the hook is nearly two blocked. The boom can then be slewed to continue pulling chain. The boom
should not Extend beyond the side of the ship on the opposite side.
(5) When the desired amount of chain is pulled, slew back towards the stopper allowing the chain to slip
back into the stopper. It may be necessary to lower the hook and move the boom to change the lead on
the chain. This will permit the proper angle of attack for it to fall back into the stopper. Once set, the
chain is faked down by crewmembers and disconnected from the hook. This is continued until the
desired length of chain has been pulled.
(6) Extreme caution must be exercised during this evolution. Until the sinker has been brought on board the
chain remains "hot" or "live." No one should be allowed to get into bights of chain or stand outboard of
it. The chain should be handled with chain hooks and not hands

Once planned work has been accomplished it is time to reset the buoy and


mooring. As with bringing a buoy on board, close coordination is required with the Conning Officer.
(1) If the sinker is on deck, begin by placing the sinker into the chain stopper. At least two points of
control are required on the sinker when moving it. Hook the main or whip into the chain pigtail (this is
necessary to allow the hook to be released after the chain is in the stopper). Hook the cross deck or
similar line into the main chain approximately six feet above the sinker, or into the pigtail. Once
complete control is established, remove the gripes.
(2) Depending on the location of the sinker, keep it on the deck and slide it as much as possible. If it must
be picked up, keep it as low as possible to the deck that it can still clear obstructions. Once at the buoy
port, take the sinker over the side and then draw it back against the hull. This provides additional
control of the sinker. Then walk it into position just below the chain stopper. The mooring chain is
drawn into the stopper and set with a sledge hammer. The strain is transferred from the main or whip
onto the chain stopper and all hooks are removed.
(3) Connect the main (or whip), cross deck and cage lines to the buoy, and mouse the main (or whip).
Then connect the mooring to the buoy. Take a strain on all points before releasing the gripes. Lift the
buoy just high enough to clear any obstructions and move it out and over the side. Once over the side,
lower it until the buoy hull is even with the buoy port and draw the buoy up against the hull. At this
point, shift the cage line to a cleat forward of the buoy port. Then, remove the cross deck line; the buoy
should rotate so the cage is forward. Walk the buoy aft until clear of the buoy port. This helps prevent
the mooring chain from fouling or damaging the buoy when it runs over the side. Once the gripes are
cleared from the buoy and all hands are clear, it should be moved immediately; ideally the buoy should
not be stopped until it is over the side and resting against the hull .Stopping and starting the buoy while
in the air will lead to swinging and delays the evolution during a very critical period. While not always
avoidable, this should be kept to a minimum. Note: An additional method of controlling the buoy
while moving it to the buoy port is to attach a line to the tube near the counterweight. Some styles of
buoys may have a lug located in the bottom of the counterweight which may also be used for attaching
the line. This line is removed just before the buoy goes over the side.
(4) At this point conditions may warrant the rigging of a preventer. This is particularly important on WLB
180s because of their vang design. Rig the preventer by lowering either the main or whip (whichever is
not in use) and connect it to a deck pad eye, then taking the slack out. The rig design on the WLM 157s
will not allow this due to their self leveling design on the whip. This design would in fact turn the whip
into a topping lift and begin raising the boom.


(5) The mouse is removed from the hook, and the buoy deck supervisor makes a final inspection of the
deck arrangement. Upon command from the bridge, the chain stopper is tripped. Once the chain has
fetched up on the after pelican hook, the buoy is set and the hook cleared away. With the buoy clear of
the buoy port, the aft pelican hook is tripped and the last bight of chain allowed to run over the side. As
the buoy moves forward, the cage line is then released and pulled aboard.
D Special Evolutions.

Fouled Mooring Chain.


Hoisting kinked, knotted, or fouled chain aboard can be a very dangerous procedure. It requires ingenuity
and patience to get the fouled mooring aboard without injuring anyone or damaging gear. Pelican hooks,
nipper chains, and wire rope slings are often employed to bring a fouled mooring aboard. Immediately
advise the conn when a fouled mooring is sighted. Be aware that a mooring may be fouled with a sunken
buoy or other objet that could exceed the lift capacity of the boom.

Kinked mooring chain often occurs in areas of rotary current or when the buoy swivel is not operating
properly. It will begin as twisted chain and if left long enough will develop into a knot. Sometimes a kink
will clear itself as it is being hoisted aboard or if the mooring is dragged a short distance by the ship.

Generally there are three ways in which a knot in mooring chain may develop. The knot may develop from
twisted or kinked chain. It may happen when the bottom chain wraps around the sinker. Finally, it could
happen when the mooring chain becomes fouled with something other than itself. When bringing a knotted
mooring on deck always be alert for a sudden slipping or unraveling of the chain. It may become necessary
to place the chain in the chain stopper or a pelican hook and let it be dragged a short distance by the ship. A
nipper chain may be attached to the chain below the knot and a second purchase hooked in as soon as
possible (See Figure 8-7.) A mooring can become fouled from a my riad of sources. Normally, if the chain
has not kinked or knotted, whatever has fouled the mooring is removed. If the mooring is already knotted
or kinked, use the guidance in the above paragraphs.

Buoys without lifting eyes. Recovering unlighted nuns and cans whose padeyes have been damaged or
carried away can be easily accomplished with the use of a lasso. A lasso (see Figure 8-8) is a wire rope
sling with one eye lashed to the hook on the main or whip and a running eye formed in the other end. After
the tender pulls alongside the buoy, boat hooks are used to place the lasso over the buoy. The hook is then
lowered allowing the lasso to travel below the buoy. The hook is then raised cinching up on the lasso. The
lasso will take hold of the mooring just below the buoy and as it is raised will pick up the buoy upside
down. The buoy is then brought on board. Because the buoy is upside down, control on



deck is very limited and extreme caution must be exercised. The mooring chain is then hogged into the
stopper, lasso disconnected, mooring disconnected and buoy stowed on deck. This method is particularly
useful where winter marks are used or where ice damage occurs. Note: The Buoy Deck Supervisor and
Safety Observer MUST be alert. As the lasso comes taught the hook will have limited room before it fouls
the king sheave on the boom. Note: The lasso should not be used as a choker around the buoy body due to
the potential for slipping. Ensure that the lasso tightens around the chain.
E Physics of Handling.


Most Coast Guard vessels that handle aids to navigation and other cargo operate with a single boom. The
boom is moved from side to side, describing an arc, by rigging called vangs. Vangs attached to the vessel at
the deck level move the boom only in a horizontal direction. Vangs which are mounted on opposite corners
of the superstructure, such as the bridge wings, are capable of moving the boom horizontally, vertically, or a
combination of the two. With either type of arrangement, horizontal movement is done by hauling in one
vang and paying out the other.

Low-mounted vangs cannot move the boom up or down. Vertical movement of the boom is accomplished
by separate rigging called the topping lift. The vangs and topping lift operate independently with a different
source of power for each system. Movement of a boom which has a topping lift is done in a horizontal,
then a vertical direction, or vice versa- not in both directions at once. If different power sources are used,
horizontal and vertical movement is difficult to coordinate. Instead of low-mounted vangs, the WLM
tenders use a pinion gear for horizontal movement of the boom. Pinion gears are easily damaged by side
loading. No topping lift is necessary for the boom supported by high-mounted vangs. There are three ways
to maneuver the vangs to produce any type of boom movement. For vertical movement of the boom, move
both vangs in the same direction at the same speed. For horizontal movement of the boom, move the vangs
in opposite directions at the same speed. For both vertical and horizontal boom movement, move the vangs
at dissimilar speeds, either in the same or opposite directions.

Moving buoys.

It is not always practical to move a buoy in a horizontal position. Therefore, it is essential to understand
what happens when a buoy is lifted by one of the top padeyes.

The boom must be topped in the correct position in relation to the center of gravity. On buoys with a tube
and counterweight, the center of gravity is well below the center of the buoy body. Refer to the paragraph
8-16 on tripping lines for flat-bottom buoys.


If you top the boom over the center of gravity as shown in Figure 8-9a, you will encounter difficulties.
While the buoy is lying stationary on the deck, it is in equilibrium. The force of the boom on the buoy is a
force vector as shown in the illustration. The buoy will move up because of the vertical component of that
vector. There is also a comparatively large horizontal component, so the buoy will tend to move to the left
(in the illustration) as well. However, the toe of the buoy is exerting a frictional force to the right, as
indicated. If the toe of the buoy is wet or covered with marine growth, the frictional force will be less than
if it is dry. So, while the buoy is attempting to move to the left, the friction of the toe against the deck will
hold it back and the buoy will move mainly upward. When the buoy is high enough, the horizontal
component of the force of the boom will overcome the friction, and the buoy toe will skid across the deck.

Obviously, this method is not satisfactory. Now let's look at what would happen if we topped the boom
over the lifting eye (See Figure 8-9b.) In this case, the force of the boom has a vertical component only.
This looks good, since there's no horizontal component to move the buoy sideways. We're overlooking the
center of gravity, trying to move under the boom. In this case, the friction of the toe is working to the left,
because now the buoy is trying to move to the right. As soon as the tendency of the center of gravity
overcomes the force of friction, the buoy will go skidding to the right,with the same undesirable results as

The solution to this is only a partial one. The following procedures will reduce the sudden, violent
movements of the buoy, but will not eliminate them entirely. Top the boom over the lifting eye. As you
begin to raise the whip (or whichever rig you are using), move the boom toward the point over the center of
gravity of the buoy. Thus, instead of allowing the buoy to move its center of gravity under the point of the
lift, you will move the point of the lift over the center of gravity. Thus you will raise the buoy keeping in
essentially the same position on deck and will retain control of its movements. Remember you cannot
completely overcome the friction forces and in fact there are instances, because of how you must stow the
buoy on deck that, and boom angle limitations you cannot spot the buoy in the desired position. Therefore it
is mandatory to place other controls on the buoy in order to maintain positive control of the buoy.

Boom limitations on WLB/WLM.


The following parameters have been established for the WLB-180 and WLM-157 and
133 class vessels.
Vessel Class
WLB 180
WLM 157
WLM 133

60 degrees
65 degrees
70 degrees


70 degrees
90 degrees
75 degrees


When moving loads from onto and off the ship, the effect the load has on the ship must be considered and
planned for. As a strain is taken or relieved from loads they affect the list of the ship, the arc the load will
travel when slewing the boom and the height of the boom end above the surface, be it water, a pier or the
buoy deck. The following diagrams example describes the effect of heel on hook position: Situation: A
buoy is being loaded or offloaded from a pier. As you take a strain on the buoy the load will not initially
rise; in stead the ship will heel to that side until the righting arm of the vessel exceeds the weight of the
buoy. At that point the buoy will begin to lift. As the load is slewed onto the deck the ship continues to
right itself. The height of the buoy above the deck decreases until either the load is raised or contact is
made with the deck. Experience with raising or setting heavy loads will allow supervisors and boom
operators to spot the boom in an appropriate position to compensate for the change in ship heel.

F Unloading Buoys and Appendages.

1 General. Many of the same procedures described for loading can be followed in unloading. Before buoys are
unloaded they should be inspected, any defects noted and marked so repairs may be made. Space the large buoys
on the dock to permit sufficient working room around them. Ensure that the buoys are safely and securely blocked
before leaving them. Maintain a close liaison with the base about the placement of buoys ashore.

Preparation of Buoys and Appendages before Turning In.


Buoys should be cleaned of marine growth. The bridle, batteries, and lantern hardware and solar gear must
be removed. Tenders should scrape marine growth before returning to port. It is far easier to scrape marine
growth off a buoy soon after pulling it out of the water, than to wait until it is dry. Waiting may require that
sandblasting methods be used to remove the growth.

Batteries should be removed from buoys before off-loading. Consult Commandant or District
Commander manuals for proper disposal of batteries.

Usually the bridle is reusable, so it is unshackled, scraped and washed off for storage. Even if it must be
disposed of, remove it from the buoy before off-loading.

Chain that has been removed from moorings should be turned in to the appropriate local facility for
disposition. Follow the procedures outlined in the Property Management Manual, COMDTINST M4500.2
(series) and local implementing instructions.

Sinkers removed from service should be marked to prevent mistaken reuse, and disposed of in compliance
with local directives.


G Towing Buoys Back on Station.



Buoys are sometimes found off station. Normally, the servicing tender will place the buoy on deck to reset
on station. Occasionally, it may be necessary to drag or tow a buoy to station. This is especially necessary
if the servicing vessel is incapable of lifting the weight of the buoy and/or mooring.

Towing buoys by hooking on the hoisting tackle of the boom shall not be attempted.

Towing Buoys in Good Weather.


Before approaching the buoy rig up a short length of chain with a hook on one end. Do not use buoy chain.
Splice a tripping line to the eye on the back of the hook. Using a line reeving device, hook on to the buoy's
lifting lug and then drop the other end of the chain into a pelican hook. It's never a good practice to tow
(drag) from the chain stopper.

Increase engine power slowly until the mooring chain is felt to be fully stretched. Greater power is then
applied to break out the sinker. Increasing power too rapidly once slack is taken up may cause undue stress
on the mooring. This is particularly true if secured to a well sanded-in sinker. The result may be parting the
mooring chain with the resultant loss of chain and sinker. If there is any difficulty in breaking out the
sinker, it may be worked free by taking a strain in various directions.

H Recovering Buoys Sunken or Washed Ashore.


Grapnel Drag for Sunken Buoys.


All tenders are called upon from time to time to drag for sunken buoys. Most vessels have large
cumbersome grapnels (anchorhawks) weighing 400 to 500 pounds. The weight of the grapnel makes it
necessary that the ship itself tow and handle the grapnel in combing the area. This is a slow and tedious
process, many times ineffective because of the presence of a shoal area nearby, which can restrict the
movements of the ship. For 6 x 20 lighted buoys or smaller, a specially designed grapnel weighing about
100 pounds has been used. This can be handled entirely from a small boat, which because of its
maneuverability can comb in a much shorter time.

Providing the buoy has sunk on station and weather conditions permit, and the work is carried out
systematically and thoroughly, the grapnel should hook the buoy. The most common fault is that the
grapnel is towed too fast, thus causing it to hop along, touching the bottom only occasionally. Towing too
fast can be dangerous in a small boat. If the grapnel should hook into something suddenly, it may pull the
stern of the small boat down and swamp it.

In dragging for a sunken buoy, place a few marker buoys to outline the area, or track on position grid. The
first five to seven passes should be perpendicular to


the current direction. If no results are obtained, the area should be crisscrossed.

When using the heavy grapnel proceed as follows: Use 1-1/8 to 1-1/2 inch chain depending on the size of
the buoy to be recovered, shackled to the grapnel. The scope of the chain should be at least three times the
depth of the water. Shackle the inboard end of the chain to a padeye on the deck and drop the grapnel over
the side, using the chain stopper. Next lift enough chain to put a bite in a pelican hook on deck. Then
unshackle the bitter end from the padeye and set it in the chain stopper. Have way on the ship, otherwise
the chain will pile up on top of the grapnel and foul, becoming useless. With the grapnel on the bottom and
the ship going ahead slowly, hook a cross deck line into the section of chain leading from the pelican hook
over the edge of the buoy port. Fairlead it to the anchor windlass. Keep three or four turns of the line on the
gypsy head of the windlass until the sunken buoy or chain is hooked. This will be immediately noticeable,
as the additional strain will cause the line to surge on the gypsy head. Keep a forward strain on the chain
with the ship until you are sure the grapnel is securely hooked in. Haul the chain aboard (See Figure 8-10.)

Often the grapnel makes contact with the sunken aid or moorings, but fails to engage them. One way of
improving the probability of catching the chain is to modify the grapnel flukes. A slotted web between the
fluke and shank acts as a chain stopper in grabbing the links of mooring chain as they pass over the fluke.
The distance between angle plates and depth of the web should be the same as that of the vessel's chain

Take care not to drag over cable or restricted areas. If a cable comes up fouled in the grapnel, there will
usually be a tremendous strain, and the cable must be securely stopped off, before attempting to clear it.
Strong wire straps in pelican hooks can be used for stoppers. You may snag a "hogged shot" of chain
between two or more sanded-in sinkers, and be unable to disengage the grapnel. Therefore chain used on
the grapnel should be stronger than the chain of the mooring being searched for. This way, if all else fails,
you can at least retrieve the grapnel.

As in working buoys, the current must be utilized to best advantage and should not be fought. Stemming
the current and crabbing 10 to 15 degrees to each side across the current, while moving upstream at the end
of each pass should provide a satisfactory search. Also, assuming that the buoy being searched for was
struck by a ship or tug and tow, the most likely time would be when maneuvering is most difficult, i.e.,
during a strong ebb or flood. This usually results in a buoy settling somewhat along a line drawn through
the mooring parallel to the local current. Dragging across this line produces the strongest possibility of
successfully catching the sunken buoy's mooring chain. In areas where buoys are sunk by ice this analysis
may be helpful. However, ice may not only be influenced by current but may move across the current when
lying in large fields and being driven by the wind.

Do not immediately try to raise a large sunken buoy completely


out of the water. As an example, a 9 x 32 buoy, including batteries, weighs approximately 10 tons and may
be supporting another 3 tons of riser chain if it is in deep water. If this buoy were to sink and be completely
flooded, it would now weigh approximately 27 tons out of the water. This is considerably more than the
safe working load of tenders (See Table 8-1.) The following points should also be considered:
(1) If a nonstandard buoy with open pockets is holed in the bottom, natural venting action of the buoy may
slowly allow the water to run out of the hole.
(2) Raising the buoy part way out of the water and making a hole in the body below the internal waterline
will also allow the water to run out slowly. Cutting a buoy body with water inside using a standard
oxyacetylene cutting torch should only be undertaken by a qualified cutting torch operator.
(3) At best, the recovery of a large buoy by dragging is extremely time consuming and must be weighed
against the time and cost involved. Consideration should also be given to other methods such as
portable, side scan or forward scan sonar or the use of scuba divers.

Side Scan Sonar. Using side scan sonar to search for sunken buoys can save time and wear and tear on
equipment. The success with this method depends on the type of bottom and the experience level of the
sonar operator. Utilize the same techniques for developing a search pattern as with the grapnel. The track
spacing can be increased based upon local knowledge of the bottom and the confidence in the sonar.

Buoys Washed Ashore. To salvage a large buoy washed ashore, the tender may have to send a party ashore
to disconnect the mooring before attempting to pull it off the beach. There is a possibility of parting even a
6-inch nylon hawser when dragging a buoy attached to a mooring sunk deep in mud or sand. If the buoy is
in the surf with mooring attached, at low water it could be rolled clear of the water. To do this run a hawser
through a snatch block attached to a sand anchor or a "dead-man" ashore. By pulling in this fashion the
working party may have a chance to disconnect the mooring. The buoy can then be pulled into the water.
The hawser is always attached to one of the hoisting pads on the buoy except when the buoy is towed
through shallow water by a small boat. Towing the buoy from the top of the cage will tip and reduce the
chance of the tube snagging the bottom











A General.
Rules of seamanship previously described for large tenders also apply to smaller tenders working in inland waters.
Although the buoys, sinkers and chain are smaller and lighter, the fundamentals are the same. In addition to their
floating aids, some units are also required to service minor lights ashore. Inland tenders are also required to do some
construction such as building minor structures, and removing damaged or broken piling which are a hazard to
navigation. Although most of the work of inland tenders is done in protected waters, they sometimes work in inlets or
large inland bays where rough conditions can occur.
B WLI Buoy Handling Procedures.

Overview. All of these vessels (See Figure 9-1) have a forward mounted boom and work buoys over the side.
The capabilities of the tender may vary, but procedures are generally the same. There are several of the older
WLICs that push a barge but can also perform the WLI mission independent of the barge.

Relieving a Buoy.

When working buoys in less than ideal conditions, handle buoys with the same caution as described in this
manual for working large buoys at sea. Secure your buoy deck before leaving sheltered waters. Take all
possible precautions against swinging weights when the tender is rolling.

When working small buoys in sheltered waters, the tender approaches to bring the buoy close aboard at the
buoy port. The buoy is pulled close aboard with a boat hook, and the hoisting tackle is hooked into the
lifting bale. Some tenders use a 4-inch line passed around the buoy to hold it close aboard until hoisted.
The buoy is hoisted until the mooring chain can be placed in the chain stopper. As soon as the chain is in
the stopper the buoy is lowered to the deck and unshackled. Now a second bight of chain may be taken by
the hoisting tackle. Moorings are generally short since most buoys handled by inland tenders are in shallow
water. If the sinker is to be used again, it is hung over the side in the chain stopper. The mooring chain is
inspected for wear, replaced if necessary, faked out on deck and stopped off.

Headlines or cage lines are used for all lighted buoys. In setting lighted buoys use similar procedures to
those for setting the larger lighted buoys. The buoy is hoisted over the side and let go, usually at the same
time as the sinker. Small unlighted buoys are often rolled over the side.

When installing batteries in a 3-1/2 or 5-foot standard buoy, bring the buoy on board and place it upright.
The entire cage assembly is then unbolted and removed from the top of the buoy. The battery rack can now
be lifted out and replaced using the whip.

Preparing buoys for setting in inland waters requires the


same preparation, charging, inspection, tests, etc., as itdoes for the larger buoys.

Before allowing crew members to climb buoys on deck, ensure that the buoy has been secured with a head
block to prevent the buoy from tipping. Crew members climbing a buoy must wear life jackets, eye
protection, and hard hats.

On vessels having air-driven hoist, if you use the whip for steadying the buoy use the throttle, don't use the
brake. Only crack the throttle to maintain a slight strain for steadying purposes, but not enough to bend the
superstructure. Take care that solar panels or other equipment are not damaged when hoisting a lighted

When the buoys are located in shallow water, such as narrow channels, and if it is likely that the mooring
will sand-in, make sure the mooring is long enough so at high water the buoy can be hoisted sufficiently to
recover the mooring.

When buoys are to be set in shallow water and only a short length of chain is neede hain faked out on deck
need ot be stopped off except at the ends. CAUTION: All ands must keep clear of the mooring (chain or
wire) no matter how small or how short. Never allow crew members to pass outboard of any chain faked
out on deck.

Recharging a Small Lighted Buoy. The following is one procedure for recharging a small lighted buoy used by
some Eighth District tenders:

The tender approaches the buoy against the current or wind, depending on which force is dominant.

he boom is spotted over the center of the buoy port, and slightly inboard of the edge of the deck, with a
double-branch sling hanging on the relief purchase.

After the tender is alongside the buoy, steadying lines are passed around the fore and aft legs of the buoy
tower. When this has been done, the sling is hooked into the lifting bales, and the buoy is raised until the
battery pocket is level with the deck. The pocket cover is removed, the wires disconnected, and the battery
hoisted out with the whip.

A new battery is inserted and connected, and the complete wiring system is megged and checked for correct
voltage before replacing the cover. The flasher and lamp-changer are checked for proper operation.

The whip is hooked into another lifting eye, the slings removed, and the stoppers cast loose. The buoy is
then lowered into the water.

C Aids to Navigation Work Ashore on WLRs.


General. The Eighth Coast Guard District's Aids to Navigation Manual (CCGD8INST M16500.3 series),
contains administrative and policy guidance for placement of aids to navigation in the Eighth Coast Guard
District. That manual should be consulted for specific guidance on those issues. This section deals with the
general seamanship practices of the WLRs (See Figure 9-2) on the rivers of the Eighth District.



Servicing aids on rivers presents different problems at different locations. For instance, brush and tree
cutting on the lower Mississippi is a major item in servicing aids ashore. On the upper Mississippi the
problem is not as great. Most structures don't require painting since pilings are pressure treated and towers
are galvanized. For those few structures that still require it, painting may be deferred on rivers likely to
suffer from a major flood in the near future.

One problem with shore aids on some of the rivers is their survivability during floods. The structures have
to be frequently moved either because of channel changes or eroding banks caused by changing water
levels. Many structures are lost in this manner. During high water when the banks are overflowed, the
lights and associated electrical gear are removed until the river recedes sufficiently to replace them.

In addition to routine servicing of the light, shore aids should be checked for condition of the day marks and
to ensure that they are stable and level.

Because of the rise and fall of the rivers, some units place a daymark on exposed lock walls and also
shackle a buoy next to the day mark. The day mark has its stand secured in a concrete sinker which is also
shackled to the lock wall. When the water rises and the day mark is no longer effective, the buoy serves as
the marker for the lock wall. When the water falls, the unit can again visit the aid, which has been moved
but it is hoped, not lost to the flood. Reposition the buoy so when high water returns, it will again mark the
lock wall.

Building Shore Structures.


Constructing shore structures along rivers is a job requiring ingenuity and common sense. Much of the
trouble of building structures has been solved by the use of "TV Towers"(3-legged, cross braced, metal
structures) (See Figure 9-3.) Metal towers are erected in sections with a base plate and guy wires. These
guy wires are used on installations beyond the tender's reach. Do not attempt to climb a "TV" tower
structure until you have double checked all guy wires and made sure that the structure is properly guyed.
The sand anchors should be firmly anchored in the ground. Anchors have been known to pull out of soft
ground or after heavy rains. Become familiar with the requirements for guying aids depending on tower

Usually, river shore structures are elevated as high as possible to prevent their being carried away during
flood stage. To construct and maintain them requires either an extension ladder or linesman's spikes. Prior
to climbing a structure, conduct a thorough visual inspection of the structure. Do not attempt to climb a
structure or steps that appear rotten or weak. If using an extension ladder, be sure that it has enough support
angle when leaned against the structure to safely support the climber. Once the servicing technician is on
the tower all hands should stand clear of the tower. Wear a hard hat and eye protection when working on or
around a structure. Tools should be equipped with a lanyard to prevent them from falling.



When clearing brush, you must be constantly aware of the location of all persons in the work party. Do
not work too close to other people. When felling trees, take care in choosing a landing site and escape
route before commencing. Make sure a large enough clearing exists before a tree is permitted to fall.
Always be sure of your footing and make sure that brush, vines, etc., are clear from overhead before
swinging an axe or brush hook. All persons who use chain saws, brush cutters, etc., must have received
adequate training and wear proper protective equipment (safety glasses, hard hats, chaps, etc.).

All tower structural parts and materials should be precut or preassembled as much as possible, painted,
and be ready to be erected on the spot. Units should carry extra towers, sand anchors, guy wires, and
lumber to repair or replace towers or structures as needed.

Most lighted shore aids use 155mm lanterns and 10-watt solar panels.

Servicing Shore Structures.


The servicing of lights on river structures is similar to the procedures described for other structures
elsewhere in this manual. However, some unique problems exist. Lights along railroad tracks will need
shields to keep the lights from shining toward the tracks. High bluffs and vegetation often interfere with
solar panels and will require larger than normal panels or creative placement to get adequate exposure.
Steep hills may require the use of block and tackle rigs to get gear up to the structures.

Wasp's nests are often found on shore structures and in battery boxes with the screens missing. A good
spraying of the battery box with commercial insecticide, which can be applied from a distance, will often
remove the wasp or hornet problem. Another deterrent to insects is to place moth balls inside the battery
box. In any event be careful when working on structures. A sudden wasp sting could cause you to lose
your balance and fall.

Some insecticides are made with volatile petroleum hydrocarbons, such as gasoline, kerosene or naphtha.
These solvents may be harmful to plastics.

Snakes can also pose a problem at certain times of year. Personnel should be careful that they do not place
their hands or step where they cannot see. Sunny rocks and platforms are a favorite early morning and
evening haunt of snakes when the temperatures begin to drop. A little caution and respect will prevent

Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac will move rapidly into the fringe of clearings around structures.
Personnel should be familiar with local plants' appearance and wear clothing that will prevent direct
exposure. Use EPA approved herbicides.

D Aids to Navigation Work Afloat on Rivers.




A satisfactory ATON system on a river calls for local knowledge of the river plus a knowledge of the
types of vessels and their methods of navigation. On pooled waters,the gauge above and below a section
to be buoyed must be known, (i.e., the present reading, the low water reading, and the project depth for
the section). For example, to place a buoy at mile 223.0 Upper Mississippi River, the Dixon Landing
gauge at mile 228.3 Upper Mississippi River and the Grafton gauge at mile 218.0 Upper Mississippi
River must be known. The project depth for this section of river is 9 feet. The present gauge reading is
7.58 feet. Grafton's gauge current reading is 15.0 feet, low water 14.2 feet. With this information the
slope is computed on graph paper. Reading from the graph thus constructed, at mile 223.0 it is found that
the buoy in question must be placed in 9.6 feet of water to maintain project depth. On open rivers, keep
apprised of the river stages, forecasts, and weather forecasts to anticipate changing river stages.

The channel width will be maintained at the maximum width consistent with Corps of Engineers' project
depth. However, in periods of low water, it is not always possible to Maintain the published project depth
or width. As a result the channel must be narrowed. If project depth or width cannot be maintained at the
Corps of Engineers' published minimum, a Broadcast Notice to Mariners must be issued.

Perhaps more than in any other type of aids to navigation work, intimate piloting knowledge of the local
area must be thoroughly learned. Experience and local knowledge play a vital part in a well maintained

Working Buoys. River tenders work buoys from a barge pushed ahead of the vessel. Unlighted buoys are
stowed in a pen amidships on the barge (See Figure 9-4.) Wire rope for moorings is placed forward, sinkers
along the side, chain for moorings aft, and lighting apparatus inside the barge workshop. WLRs work buoys
in two different ways. Which way is determined by where the cutter is located and which river environment
they work in.

On the pooled rivers, generally the Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Upper Mississippi (above St. Louis)
River levels are controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers. The water levels are relatively stable and
buoys seldom move. The buoys are set using sinkers with wire rope or chain moorings.

On the Mississippi River below St. Louis and the Missouri River, which have a wide range of water levels
and a constantly changing bottom, the position of both buoys and day boards are always changing.
Crossing boards are used to mark the channel as it moves from one bank to the other and buoys are set
using sinkers with wire rope. On the Missouri River in areas with a soft bottom, buoys are set using a "jet
pipe." A jet pipe is a device which uses water pressure to force a cone connected to a wire rope mooring
into the bottom to hold the buoy on station. In areas with a rock bottom thebuoys are set using sinkers.

3 Buoys and Equipment.


ATON hardware used in the Eighth District (rivers) is a little


different, for economy or function, from the equipment used elsewhere in the service.

Buoys (i.e., 4th class) are metal, foam filled, radar reflecting, with a fin to stabilize them in a swift
current. A few lighted buoys are set in pooled areas.

Sinker weights vary, with 1000 and 1500 pounds being the most common. There are two bails on the
sinkers. One bail is on the top of the sinker and is used as a lifting eye. The second bail is on the side of
the sinker, and is used for the attachment of the wire rope or chain. The side mounted attachment offers
the least amount of sinker profile during retrieval. The wire rope used to secure the buoy is also used to
retrieve the sinker.

Most 6th class river buoys (See Figure 9-5) are attached to 1000 pound sinkers or jet cones using 1/2" or
3/8 inch wire rope and wire rope clips. When sinkers are used, the wire rope is coiled on top of the sinker
or set over the side by dropping the coil before setting the buoy to prevent fouling during the buoy

Use of 4th class buoys (See Figure 9-6) is common where 6th class buoys do not have enough buoyancy
to provide a good visual aid for the mariner. Usually 4th class buoys are deployed with 1/2" chain or 1/2"
wire rope moorings and a 1500-pound sinker.

4 Deck Equipment. Deck equipment on the WLRs is relatively simple but effective.

A bolt cutter is always kept available to cut wire rope. This is the fastest way to clear a fouled buoy or




A 1/2" wire rope lasso is used to "lasso" the buoy. The wire is then taken to the capstan and the buoy is
dragged aboard the tender.

A cable stopper, attached to a length of wire or chain to the base of the capstan, can be used to secure wire
rope much in the same manner as a chain stopper. The wire rope stopper or "Chicago gripe" has a friction
catch and will stay closed as long as a load is on the device. A length of wire with a hook attached can be
hooked into the buoy mooring eye and taken to the capstan before freeing the mooring.

Sinkers are normally set in one of two ways. Either two crowbars are placed under the sinker and used to
slide it overboard, or the sinker is placed on a dump board. The dump board allows a single person to
deploy a sinker because of the mechanical advantage of the lever.

WLRs have chain stoppers to handle the chain moorings.

Cranes on WLRs are all 360-degree rotating pedestal types made by various manufacturers. The 130'
barges and others have an articulating crane with a boom and jib controlled by hydraulic rams. These
cranes are manufactured by Appleton and Allied .None of these cranes are designed for side loading and
all lifts should be as straight up and down as possible.

Buoy Relief Procedures Wire Rope Mooring.


On pooled rivers the spuds are not normally used to work buoys. They are used as a mooring device
when the cutter is pushed into the bank. On pooled rivers and in deep water the tender will stem the
current and work the aid. When using the jet pipe tenders will spud down to provide a stable platform.
Any movement of the ship could bend, or break, the jet pipe.

To relieve a buoy, the conning officer maneuvers the vessel bringing the buoy close enough to be lassoed.
After the buoy has been lassoed, the end of the lasso wire is taken to the capstan and the buoy is winched
aboard. A preventer chain, with a hook attached to a dead eye at the base of the capstan, is hooked to the
buoy for positive control.

If only the mooring is to be checked the wire is pulled aboard by hand until enough wire is aboard to do a
thorough inspection. If the buoy and wire are in good condition and the buoy is on its AP, the buoy is
pushed back into the water after the snap hook is released.

If the buoy is no longer serviceable or the wire rope is worn, the buoy has to be relieved.

To check the buoy, lift it by the lifting bale to check the weight. A leaking buoy will be heavier and must
be removed from service if it cannot be drained and patched. Buoys without holes can be painted and
"retroed" and returned to service. Buoys with small holes above the waterline, which do not contain any
water, may be patched with body putty and returned to service. Buoys which have been holed or have
cracked seams and contain water or mud should have a large


drain hole cut with a fire axe and should be marked with spray paint to indicate they are scrap. These
buoys must then be disposed of by following Eighth District Instructions.

If the wire rope shows signs of abrasion, crimping or if it contains kinks, it must be replaced to prevent
the buoy from breaking loose.

Buoy Relief Procedures for Chain Moorings. The relief of buoys with a chain mooring is almost the same as
those with wire mooring. The snap hook and line are used only to get the buoy abeam the chain stopper
where it is hooked with the main purchase.

Once the buoy is hooked, it is lifted just high enough to clear the chain stopper so the chain falls into the
chain stopper and is then secured.

The buoy is then disconnected and dragged out of the way. Buoys should never be raised above the heads
of crew members and left suspended while they pull the chain into the chain stopper with chain hooks.

Once the buoy has been disconnected the chain is pulled using the main purchase. A chain grab hook is
preferable to a nipper chain for this operation because it is less likely to slip than a nipper chain.

After the next pick has been taken, the chain is pulled into the chain stopper with either chain hooks or a
line with a grab hook attached to the end. The line with the grab hook is preferred because it reduces the
time to hook and gets personnel away from the chain should it part.

This process is continued until the sinker is aboard.

Buoy Setting Procedures.


When setting buoys using a jet pipe, the position of the buoy is determined and the spud is dropped. The
jet cone is attached to the wire rope and then over the end of the jet pipe and put to the bottom. The jet
pump is then engaged and the water pressure forces the jet cone into the soft bottom and buries it. The
wire rope mooring is then cleared from any obstructions on deck and the buoy is pushed overboard.

If the buoy uses a sinker for mooring, the wire rope is coiled on top of the sinker and attached to the buoy.
When in position, the sinker is tripped and the wire rope is thrown overboard clear of the sinker to prevent
fouling. Then the buoy is pushed overboard.

After the relieved buoy is disconnected and boomed out of the way, a fresh buoy is moved to the buoy
port and connected to the mooring chain. The buoy deck supervisor will then direct that the chain stopper
be tripped and the drag chain pulled over the side.

Personnel should keep hands and feet well clear of moorings when setting buoys.

Positioning. Placement of buoys on Western Rivers is done to mark a channel of a specific minimum depth
and with the maximum width possible.


The WLR Officer-in-Charge has wide discretion in positioning aids to navigation. This authority is
spelled out in CCGD8INST M16500.3 (series), Eighth District Aids to Navigation Manual.

The positions of buoys on pooled rivers remains fairly constant. Shoaling does occur but rarely does the
channel shift dramatically, as it does on the uncontrolled rivers. Because of infrequent shifting buoy
positions are more easily determined using landmarks on shore with bottom soundings. In other areas
WLRs must rely on water depth to determine the course and width of the channel to be marked. They
must also adjust crossing marks so mariners will know that the channel has moved.

Dragging Buoys. Sometimes you must drag a buoy a short distance. This is normally done by maneuvering
the bow of the barge alongside the buoy on the side corresponding to the direction in which the buoy is to be
dragged. The buoy is steadied with a boat hook and the drag chain is pulled through the bail, then back to the
chain stopper. The tender then eases back, pulling the sinker loose from the bottom. Once the sinker is loose,
the tender moves ahead, dragging the buoy and mooring to the new position. Once in position, the conn will
pass, and "set the buoy." The chain stopper is then tripped, freeing the drag chain from the stopper. Always
have a standby buoy and mooring ready in case the wire should part. Using shore range(s) will help quickly
determine the new position. Always check your position with a sounding.









A General.

Mission. The primary mission of an aids to navigation construction tender (WLIC) is to build aids to navigation
structures, including the removal of ATON wreckage. In addition, they are often called upon to do major
marine construction (i.e., piers, docks, seawalls, etc.). While most of their work is done in protected waters they
often work near inlets and in open Bays and sounds. Some construction tenders are assigned buoys to service,
including some of the smaller lighted buoys. While a construction tender is a ship in all aspects it does have
certain unique characteristics. It can "spud down" to maintain a precise position and has a large crane or Aframe for driving piles. Good seamanship practices are as important on a construction tender As they are on
other vessels. In fact, duty on a construction tender is considered some of the most hazardous of that on all the

Classes of Construction Tenders. Presently, there are three classes of ATON construction tenders: the 75'
ANVIL class with a 68' construction barge, the 100' RAMBLER class pushing a 68' construction barge
(PRIMROSE is the only 100' WLIC that has a A-frame and does not push a barge) and the 160' PAMLICO
class which has an installed crane. While each class is unique, each is capable of building fixed structures,
recovering wreckage, and major marine construction.

B Construction Operations.

General. Most construction consists of rebuilding destroyed aids to navigation. While some structures are
destroyed or damaged by natural causes (i.e., storms) most are destroyed by collision from passing vessels. The
tender is usually notified of the damaged or destroyed aid by message. Unless it is a critical aid, the tender
schedules to repair or rebuild it when next in the area. The pertinent information required to rebuild (i.e., type of
structure, lantern, lamps, etc.) can be found in ATONIS and the Aids to Navigation Assignment List. If it is a
new aid to be established the district (oan) will provide the required information on an ATON Work Order.
Each tender should have on board a complete set of drawings for the various types of ATON structures (i.e.,
single pile, dolphin, range, etc.).

Position. When a construction tender arrives on scene to rebuild an aid, usually the location has been marked
with either a TRUB or TRLB. The area should have been wire swept and the wreckage removed, if possible, by
the responsible Aids to Navigation Team (ANT) or other unit having primary responsibility. If the area hasn't
been wire swep it must be done to insure that no portion of the old pile(s) or structure remains above the mud
line, creating a hazard to navigation. This cannot be overemphasized, THE AREA MUST BE WIRE SWEPT to
insure that no portion of the old Coast Guard structure remains. The Coast Guard has had to pay


hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawsuits when wire sweeping was not done or was done improperly. A brief
discussion of wire sweeping techniques can be found in the chapter dealing with Aids to Navigation Teams in
this manual. After the wreckage is removed, the position for the aid is located utilizing sextant angles,
Differential GPS, LORAN, soundings, or other approved methods. Never assume that the TRUB/TRLB set by
the ANT is the correct position, until it is verified. Winds, currents, or a passing vessel could have moved the
temporary buoy from station. Additional information on positioning can be found in CG ATON Positioning
Manual; COMDTINST M16500.1 (series).

Depth of Water. Carefully sound the depth of water at the site and determine mean low water, making
corrections for height of tide at that moment.

Preparation of Piles.

Having previously determined the actual and projected depth of water at the assigned position (AP), you can
determine the length of pile needed. Three pieces of information re needed to determine the actual length of
pile(s) required: (1) depth of water, (2) type of structure, and (3) the fixity required. If a wood pile needs to
be cut, ensure that you cut it squarely with the axis of the pile, so the pile will receive the full force of the
hammer blows. Some units sharpen the tips (small end) of the pile to facilitate driving. A very sharp tip
should be avoided to prevent the possibility of brooming the point. Metal points are often nailed on the tips
to allow the pile to be driven in hard bottom. Steel piles are driven in nearly the same manner as wooden

In cases where the pile cannot be driven to its required penetration because of an exceptionally hard bottom,
if the penetration obtained is reasonable, the pile is left in place and the top is cut off at the correct height.
The correct height can be determined by the present depth, pile height at high water and the focal height

Pile Driving Equipment. All but one vessel has a CG-300 pedestal mounted crane and Delmag D6 diesel-fired
hammer (See Figure 10-1.) On barges with the CG-300 cranes, leads can be tilted to permit the driving of batter
(angled) piles. The CG-300 crane has three leads; one for holding the pile, one for holding the lead and one for
starting the hammer.


Jetting is the use of water pressure supplied through a pipe along the side of the pile to facilitate pile driving
(See Figure 10-2.) The purpose of jetting is to loosen the soil under the point by water pressure. It is most
useful in sinking piles when pile driving equipment is lacking. It may be used alone or with compressed air
or a weighted pile. A weighted pile is one with a sinker, or other heavy object, resting on top of the pile.

Jetting is useful in assisting the driving of piles with standard pile-driving equipment in hard bottom
conditions and is especially effective in sand and gravel bottoms. The jet water should be delivered to the
pile point in sufficient volume and pressure to wash away the soil from under the point and to reduce the
friction of the soil around the pile body. After the pile has reached its desired penetration



and the jetting stopped, the soil settles naturally around the pile to retain it in position. When jetting is used
with pile driving equipment, jetting is usually discontinued a few Feet before final penetration is reached.
The pile is driven the remainder of the distance with the hammer alone. Fire pumps delivering 150 gpm
make excellent jet pumps.

The jet pipe is sometimes secured to the wood pile by means of staples and straps, nailed in such a manner
that the pipe can be pulled free. Usually, it is best to keep the pipe in constant motion up and down and
around the pile. It is easier to suspend the pipe from an overhead rig permitting free movement of the pipe.

Pile Driving Hints.


If the pile head begins to broom excessively it indicates that the pile has been driven to refusal. If the
penetration must be continued, the pile must be assisted by jetting.

If the pile begins to stagger and the hammer bounces, it's an indication that a boulder has been encountered,
or that the pile has split somewhere in the ground. In such cases the pile should be pulled and a new one
driven in an alternate location..

To aid in the construction of a three-pile structure, a jig for properly placing the piles in a triangular position
may be built. To construct such a jig, place three 12-foot pieces of 2 x 4 lumber in a triangle with the ends
overlapping. Place a deck bucket, about the same diameter of the pile, in the vee formed by these
overlapping ends, and adjust the pieces oflumber to give equal sides according to the distance specified
between the pilings. Nail the (2 x 4s) together and cut off the ends. After the first pile has been driven, use
the jig for positioning the remaining piles. Remember the piling must be driven so when the day marks are
secured to the finished structure they will be clearly visible both up and downstream.

After the pile has been jetted, allow time to permit the soil to settle around the pile to stabilize it. Twenty
minutes or so is usually sufficient.

Sawing Pile Tops. After the pile(s) have been driven, or drawn into position, the top(s) are sawed off at the
required level. To saw the pile squarely, use wood cleats to guide the saw. The cleats are placed on opposite
sides of the pile. It is preferable to use the top and bottom cleats with enough space between to permit clearance
for the saw blades. Before cutting, a strap must be placed on the portion of the pile to be cut to prevent its
falling either into the water or on deck. Place the strap above the point of balance, as near the top as possible,
attaching a tag line to the pile and tending it from deck. The crane operator must be extra alert when the pile is
cut to prevent excess swinging of the "nub" after cutting.

Completion of the Structure. Since there are several different types of structures, the construction of platforms,
day marks, lantern stand, etc., will require the unit to follow those specifications of chapters 4 and 5 of the
ATON Technical Manual; COMDTINST M16500.3 (series).


10 Wreckage Removal.

Tenders are often called upon to remove old piles from destroyed or discontinued aids. These piles are
sometimes pulled without much effort, using a heavy chain ("nipper chain") or heavy wire strap passed
around the pile and hooked to the main. Steel piles are harder to pull than wood, and other methods must be
used to get them out. A few downward blows on the pile by the hammer may loosen the pile sufficiently to
facilitate pulling. When pulling piles with the main, be sure your whip, or another preventer, is hooked into
a deck padeye to prevent shock loading your boom if the strap or pile should break.

If piles are located in sand and refuse to come out, jetting may help. Set taut on the pile with the main
hoisting tackle and hold fast. Rig your jet pipe and hang it from the whip alongside the pile to jet the sand
away. Use all pressure available and keep the jet pipe in motion (i.e., lower it, raise it slightly, and lower
again); if you don't keep the pipe in motion it may "stick" and can be difficult to retrieve.

When pulling piles from hard clay and mud bottoms, jetting may not work. In this case, set taut on the pile
with the main and pass a length of 3/4 inch, or larger, chain around the pile at deck level. Secure this chain
on deck to steady the pile fore and aft. Work the ship slowly ahead and astern to loosen the pile. Stubborn
piles require patience and perseverance but nearly all of them can be pulled eventually. Piles should never
be run over with the ship or barge. They can snap off above the mud line and will create a hazard to
navigation. The practice of running down piles is not authorized.

11 Handling Piles. The use of tongs or hooks in loading piles is not authorized. Several accidents, one death, and
many narrow escapes have resulted from their use. Pass a sling around the pile.This requires a little more time
and the piles must be wedged to pass a round turn of the chain.In some cases, such as floating piles, this
procedure may not be feasible, but whenever possible Straps should be used. Personel handling piles should
wear gloves. A splinter from a creosote or salt treated (CCA) pile can become a serious injury. Special care
should be taken when dragging piles on deck, to keep side loading of the boom to a minimum.
C Pressure Treated Piles, Timbers and Lumber.

Background. The Coast Guard has been using wooden piles to build fixed aids to navigation structures for
many years. To make these piles more resistant to rot and destructive marine organisms, and thus last longer,
piles that had been treated with creosote, a wood preservative distilled from tar, was used. Coast Guard
construction tenders have "driven" thousands of these creosote-treated piles over the past 50 years. Commercial
contractors building piers, wharfs, and bridges have added many more thousands of creosote piles to our
waterways. Today hundreds of thousands of creosote piles can be found, especially in the mid-Atlantic,
southern and gulf waterways. Creosote was found to work well, almost too well; creosote treated piles last


indefinitely. However, this longevity is not without a price. Creosote slowly leaching from piles creates an
environment that can be toxic to marine organisms. It has also been found to be carcinogenic in humans,
causing skin cancer. In recent years we have been utilizing piles treated with a solution of Chromated Copper
Arsenate (CCA). Although CCA piles are "cleaner" to work with than creosote, they still pose certain risks to
personnel and the environment. Safety precautions will be discussed later in this chapter.

Preservative Treatment of Piles with Creosote and CCA. The pile treatment process for both preservative
solutions (creosote and CCA) are almost the same. A soft wood pile (normally southern yellow pine) meeting
certain contract specifications (i.e., free of rot, no large splits, etc.) is immersed in a sealed vat of either creosote
or CCA solution. Pressure of up to 3 pounds per square inch forces the solution into the wood. The
preservative should penetrate almost to the center portion of the pile. This low pressure may not sound
impressive, but too much pressure cracks the wood fibers and breaks open the cells making the pile brittle. Piles
treated with creosote are more flexible than those treated with CCA. CCA piles are commonly called "salt
treated piles" and the timbers and lumber as "salt treated lumber," because of the arsenic salts used in the
Note: Specifications for marine wood piles can be found in the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM
D25-79) and the American Wood-Preservative Association (AWPA P5-81). The Civil Engineering Unit (CEU)
will provide copies of these Publications upon request.

Use of Wooden Piles and Timbers in ATON Construction.


Piles: The majority of wooden piles used for fixed structures are 45' long with a head diameter of 12" - 14."
Shorter or longer piles can be ordered as needed. Piles are ordered from a commercial contractor and
delivered to the cutter where they are stored until needed. Today nearly all piles and timbers used are those
that have been treated with a solution of CCA. In some areas that have a high structure knockdown rate
(not expected to last for 12 months) piles may be left untreated.

Timbers and Lumber: During the construction of multi-pile structures (i.e., dolphins, range structures, etc.)
a variety of wooden timbers and lumber is used. These timbers and lumber may range in size from the
smaller 2" X 4" boards to a 12" X 12" cap log or mud sill. Timbers and lumber are pressure treated with
either creosote or CCA preservative in the same manner as piles.
Note: See CHAPTER 4 of CG ATON TECHNICAL MANUAL (COMDTINST 16500.3 series) for
additional information on marine construction.

Safety Precautions. Both creosote and CCA pose certain health risks to personnel and to the environment. A
common sense approach is the best method of protection when working with these substances. The following
information is provided as the minimum protection for personnel working with either creosote or CCAimpregnated woods.

Creosote: A carcinogen that is rapidly absorbed through the skin. Two of the most common dangers from
creosote are from infection and chemical burns. Infection often results from wood splinters, and the
evaporation of creosote can cause chemical burns. You do not have to come in contact with creosote to


receive a 2nd degree burn. Working near creosote on warm days is all that is required.The hotter the day,
the quicker creosote evaporates, and the quicker you'll get burned without adequate protection.
(1) Protective clothing. Wearing gloves and long sleeve shirts is required when working around creosote.
Personnel working with creosote should use coveralls or a neoprene apron, and barrier creams.
Contaminated clothing should be removed and cleaned before being used again. If these simple
precautions are taken, creosote isn't a threat. Goggles and an approved dust respirator are required
when cutting piles or timbers.
(2) Treatment of exposure. To treat creosote in the eye(s), flush with water for at least 15 minutes. If
creosote comes in contact with the skin, clean with alcohol and wash with soap and water. In all cases
of severe contact with creosote see a physician as soon as possible. Burning is not an accepted disposal
method and some states require creosoted wood to be treated as hazardous waste. Burning creosoted
wood produces a hot flame with intense black smoke that is toxic Symptoms of inhaling the toxic fumes
are visual impairment and difficulty with thought and speech processes. Prolonged expsure may result
in vomiting, excessive salivation, respiratory difficulties, weak pulse, dizziness, headache, loss of
reflexes in the pupil of the eye, hypothermia, and mild convulsions. If creosote smoke is inhaled,
remove the victim to fresh air, administer first aid, and have the victim seen by a physician. If creosote
is swallowed, have the victim drink water or milk, but do not induce vomiting.

Chromated Copper Arsenate: Although CCA-treated piles and timbers have become the wood of choice
for marine construction, there are still dangers. As the name implies the wood has been treated with
chromate and arsenic salts, both of which are poisonous.
(1) Protective clothing. Gloves and long sleeve shirts should be worn when working with CCA piles and
timbers. Goggles and a respirator should be used when cutting.
(2) Treatment of exposure. Arsenic poisoning can result from getting the poison (the greenish substance in
the wood) on the skin, in the eyes, or from either inhaling or ingesting the dust from cutting. For skin
contact wash with soap and water; if in the eye(s) flush with water for at least 15 minutes. If inhaled or
ingested see a doctor as soon as possible. The fumes and ashes from burning CCA wood contains a
concentration of chromate and arsenic. Do not burn CCA wood scraps.









A Preparation.

Planning. Careful planning will eliminate needless trips by the work boat. The supervisor of the work party
must know what is expected to be accomplished and that all essential equipment (including a first aid kit) is
loaded. The use of portable radio(s) is essential to accomplish the work and for the safety of the crew. Maintain
a check list for servicing parties to insure optimum performance during the visit to the aid. Carry small tools
ashore in a canvas bag. Materials such as roofing, plywood, lumber, etc., are taken ashore and staged for use as
needed. If possible, schedule the work when the wind is blowing offshore to reduce the sea and swells along the

Tide. Know the stage of the tide when working any aid. Certain aids can be worked only at certain stages of
the tide. In areas with a large tidal range, the handling of heavy gear (i.e.,batteries) is easier at high water. Plan
to begin the work before the tide starts ebbing; if the water is falling fast, the boat may have to stand clear.

B Transitting to the Aid.


Inland Waterways. When operating small boats in inland waterways, slow down if you must leave the channel.
Use slow speed when going close to bridge fenders, wharfs, piers, etc. Often tree limbs or other debris jam
between the pilings under the surface. Even if you think it was clear the last time you were there, be cautious.
Take advantage of the current when making long trips. Reduce speed in areas where a boat's wake can cause
damage. Always obey posted speed limit signs. When passing under, or through, bridges or transiting locks,

Approaching the Aid.


It is better to approach a marine structure from the leeward. If possible, land on the side of the structure
closest to the door of the battery house. Stem the current, if it's strong. Most offshore exposed structures are
protected by stone riprap; avoid grounding your boat if at all possible. Under ideal conditions, it is better to
drop an anchor offshore and approach cautiously, taking soundings as necessary. If an anchor is used, a
tripping line should also be used.

When servicing a light on a breakwater, an anchor may be dropped as the small boat approaches bow-on to
the breakwater. Then, weather permitting, bow and stern lines are passed ashore and the anchor line is
shifted to lead from amid ship outboard to breast the boat off the breakwater. Use long leads on the bow
and stern lines. If possible, leave a crew with the boat and stand off while the shore party completes the

C Work Ashore.

Small Boat. Maintain a continuous watch from the small boat while


the working party is ashore. A boat can easily be grounded with a change of the current, wind or falling tide.
Watch for bolts or sharp ends of timbers projecting from marine structures. When in an area with rapidly
changing tides the small boat should be kept close until the personnel are safely above the high water line.

Slippery Conditions.

When servicing aids ashore in winter, ice can be treacherous. Kelp-covered rocks also make slippery
footing. Spreading sand on the ice may make the going safer and easier. When crossing a frozen body of
water, use a small skiff. Push, or pull, the skiff (i.e., aluminum work punt) with the gear in it. Should the
ice break, or if an open lead of water is encountered, the skiff will support the work party as well as provide
a means of transportation. All personnel must be in survival suits (or dry suits) when on the ice. If a skiff is
not used the gear should be packed on a toboggan and pulled. Personnel should each carry a boat hook, or
other stout pole, for probing the ice and for breaking a fall should the ice fail.

Many structures which are located in exposed areas have ladders on the side sheltered from the prevailing
winds. On round, or nearly round, structures the ladder is at the point where the waves rounding each side
of the structure meet. In winter considerable ice may form as the spray splashes on the structure and freezes.
Personnel should use extreme care when climbing any ladder, checking for rotten, rusted, or missing steps
as they proceed.

Hoisting Gear up to Lights. When aids to navigation are located in areas inaccessible to most boats, vehicles,
and helicopters, the problem of landing personnel and equipment requires pure ingenuity. Personnel servicing
shore aids in steep rocky areas must be alert and in good physical condition. Personal protective equipment
(i.e., hard hats, etc.) must be worn. Around cliffs,it's common to erect an A-frame or sheer legs, sink a deadman
in the ground, or secure a tackle or snatch block directly to a tree or to the structure. Equipment and materials
can then be hoisted from the beach or boat. The small boat is often used as a source of power for hoisting. Gear
is carried ashore in various types of boats; motor cargo boats, rigid hull inflatables, skiffs, TANBs ,landing
craft, etc., the particular craft chosen to meet the specific need. In areas where landing is not practical using a
"standard" boat, where there is a large rise and fall of tide, or where mud flats extend for a long distance from
shore, aids are often worked with a small inflatable boat .Either paddles or a small outboard motor can be used
for propulsion. The rubber boat has been found useful for working around rocky or coral shorelines.

Hoisting Rigs. Various methods are used to haul equipment up marine structures or to the site of shore aids.
Luff tackles of 21-thread are used at many structures where batteries are housed well above the ground or on a
marine foundation. Round bar davits are installed on some aids while at others the tackle must be secured
where possible. Carefully inspect the frame of the structure, or wherever the tackle is to be made fast, before
hoisting. A common place for making fast is at the intersection of the tower cross braces. Keep crew members
from passing under suspended loads. Hard hats are required when working any aid to navigation.


Handling Batteries.

Batteries may be carried in canvas packs slung over the back. No more than 2 batteries should be
carried in each pack. The packs allow full use of the hands and arms in scaling the path to the lights,
holding on to rocks, lines, branches, etc. When transporting batteries always leave the plastic bags on to
prevent spilled acid in case of a fall.

Batteries should be hoisted in a bucket or box on a line, never by the carrying handles. Polyethylene
line should be used for battery handling tasks because of its resistance to acid.

To prevent batteries from "shorting out" in driven rain or snow, place them as far as possible from the


the latest Commandant or District Instruction(s) on the disposal or return of exhausted batteries.

Proper gear shall be worn when handling batteries (i.e., goggles, gloves, hard hats, rain gear).

Solarization has helped reduce the need for hauling a large number of batteries and for the frequent
recharging of most lights. The Coast Guard's goal is to convert as many lights as possible to solar
power, so it makes good sense to convert those lights in remote locations as soon as possible.

General Servicing Procedures for Shore Lights.


When a shore aid is serviced, the following minimum steps should be accomplished:

Check the initial voltage of the batteries and while under load.


Replace batteries as needed.


Check the wiring, including megging, throughout the structure.


Check the flasher and lamp changer, changing lamps if necessary.


Check the voltage output and diode on the solar panel(s).Check the panels for damage and
cleanliness and ensure that they are facing south.


Clean and inspect (including leveling and focusing) the lantern assembly.


Check the structure for leaks. If leaks are found make repairs if possible; if not, submit an SSMR
for additional support.


Make those repairs that are within the capabilities of the work party.


Clear away brush and trees obscuring the light and daymark.

Comply with all requirements of COMDTINST M16500.3 (series) Aids to Navigation Manual

When painting towers or other elevated structures wear a


safety belt and hard hat. Safety climbs are required on towers over 20 feet. On larger structures where
a safety climb is not practical, a Bos'n Chair lowered from the top of the structure may be more

Inspecting for Repairs.


When visiting a structure ashore, make a thorough inspection of the buildings, tower, and accessories.
Take any necessary action to correct defects within the capabilities of the personnel and equipment
available. Make a full and detailed report including a list of materials required, sizes and dimensions,
for those repairs not made. Submit either an SSMR or work request via the chain of command. Since
the Civil Engineering Unit (CEU) may not be able to visit the site, 35mm pictures, or a video tape, of
the problems should be included with the SSMR. See CHAPTER 14 of COMDTINST M16500.7
ATON Manual - Administration.

Document any vandalism. Make reports on vandalism as specified in CHAPTER 7 of COMDTINST

M16500.7 ATON Manual - Administration.

D Records.

Problem Aids. Vessels should maintain a file of those aids that often present problems in boarding and may
be inaccessible during certain weather conditions. An example of a typical entry may be:
Example Harbor Island Warning Light, LLNR 3420, Atlantic Coast Light List, Vol. II. This light is
located on the remains of an old screw pile lighthouse marking the entrance to Core Sound, North Carolina.
Shallow depth (4' at MLW) requires the use of a small boat (either TANB or ship's boat) and should not be
worked when the winds are in excess of 20 knots from the NW or SW as considerable sea and swell will be
encountered. A metal boarding ladder on the SE side of the structure allows access to the light. The metal
wreckage of a former structure (visible at all tides) is located 30 yards NE of the structure. Wreckage of a
WWII airplane lies 1/4 mile due south of the light in 3' of water. This wreckage is not visible at any stage of
the tide and is considered a hazard to small boats.

Data. Data on boat moorings, depth of water, protruding bolts,rocks, etc., are very useful and should be
included in the aid folder for future use. Photographs are invaluable and should be included in all aid folders.




















A Buoy Boat Operations.

General. Aids to Navigation boats are small boats designed to service aids in shallow or restricted waters. They
range in size from the 21' TANB to the 63' ANB, and can handle most unlighted buoys as well as some of the
smaller lighted buoys. Due to its size the 21' TANB is limited to the smaller unlighted buoys. Larger lighted
buoys may be recharged or serviced alongside. Thebuoy boat's hoisting capacity will not permit bringing them
aboard. There are three basic types of ATON boats: those that work aids off the side (i.e., TANB), those that
work aids off the bow (i.e., BU), and those that work aids off the stern (i.e., BUSL).

Safety. The safety precautions and practices contained in this Manual for the larger ATON vessels apply to the
smaller ATON boats. Extreme care must be taken to prevent the boat from capsizing either from the current or
excessive weight on one side. Gear must always be properly secured. Additional safety procedures are
discussed later in this chapter.

Power Driven Weight Handling Equipment.


Working loads of power driven weight handling equipment and the authorized number of parts in the
purchases for each capacity are listed in chapter 573 of the Naval Engineering Manual (NEM,
COMDTINST M9000.6 - series). This instruction also lists the reference drawings for standard and
Alternate rigs. Unauthorized changes to the rigging shall not be made. Units are authorized, with the
approval of the District Commander, to use fewer parts in the purchase than shown in the NEM if the
working capacity of the new rig is reduced accordingly. An example: if a 4-part purchase, 1 ton capacity is
the standard rig, a 2-part purchase would be authorized if the capacity was reduced to 1/2 ton. Label plates
shall be installed on all buoy boat booms to show the authorized maximum working load in pounds with the
corresponding number of parts in the purchase.

All hoisting gear shall be inspected before beginning the day's work. Check for broken or frayed lines,
loose pins, leaking hydraulic system, etc. A more through examination shall be made weekly. Guidelines
for conducting annual inspections are contained in the NEM. All power machinery shall be inspected and
maintained as described in the manufacturer's instructions.

B TANB Buoy Working Procedures and Precautions.


General. The TANB is a Trailerable Aids to Navigation Boat. As such it is a highly mobile resource capable of
responding to floating, fixed and shore outages when launched from a boat ramp nearest the aid. This boat is
not intended for transits in open water, transits in areas when the seas are more than 4 feet, or operations in surf.
If these conditions are present the TANB is not to be used until the conditions improve and shall not respond
until it is safe.


Working Buoys. More and more the TANB is being used to service the smaller plastic buoys in shallow waters
that are not accessible to the ANT's larger boats. Several methods have been devised to lift the small sinkers
with the TANB. One way is to have two people lift each end of a metal bar (that has a hook in the middle)
hooked into the chain and pull the mooring and sinker up and then into the boat. This system is considered
dangerous because it puts the weight of two crewmembers, the sinker and mooring on one side of the boat. If
the sinker is sanded, or mudded, it is almost impossible to lift it by muscle power alone. An alternate method is
to drag the sinker(s) to the nearest boat landing where they are pulled out of the water with the unit's truck and
then manhandled into the truck or stored for future use. The latest method, and most preferred, is the use of a
500-pound capacity davit mounted on the aft starboard side of the TANB with an installed 12-volt electric
winch. This method is much faster and safer if simple safety precautions are followed.

TANB Davit Precautions. When using a TANB davit the following precautions must be strictly observed to
prevent accidentally capsizing the TANB or injuring personnel.

TANB davits must be weight tested annually to 500 pounds. The weight and date of the test must be
stenciled on the davit. Results must be entered in the Boat Record.

Sinkers shall not be stacked on top of one another in the boat or on the gunwale.

The largest sinker, or other weight, that may be lifted with the davit is 300 pounds.

At no time is the combined weight of the cargo (ATON material), boat outfit including the davit, and crew
to exceed 2,500 pounds. Exceeding the safe capacity of the boat and/or exceeding the safe working load of
the davit is the quickest and surest way to get into trouble.

Weight is to be distributed evenly to maintain a stable platform.

The davit shall not be used when seas exceed one foot.

The davit and chain stopper/pelican hook shall not be used to free a mudded or sanded sinker.

Do not attempt to drag or tow buoys, sinkers or another vessel with a fully loaded TANB.

When working buoys keep the boat's bow headed into the wind or current, whichever is stronger. If at
all possible do not attempt to work buoys during periods of maximum flood or ebb current conditions.
If you must work buoys during these conditions it may be better to anchor to keep your bow into the
current. Whenever working buoys the engine should be kept running, and the coxswain must be alert to
keep the boat headed into the current or waves.

TANB Davit Procedures.


A three-man crew is required when working small buoys with the TANB. One acts as coxswain, one
operates the hoisting gear,


and the other assists in hoisting and handling the load as necessary. Because of the TANB's limited stability
and working space, buoys should be stored to one side as much as possible. Buoys and other appendages
must be secured to prevent shifting and injury to personnel or damage to the boat.

TANB davits have only one hoisting tackle which requires that after each lift the chain must be stopped off
and a fresh bight taken. A simple chain stopper (i.e., pelican hook, or single leg sling with hook) led over
the side may be used. Regardless of which method is used, some means of protecting the TANB gunwale
and side must be used (i.e., old dayboards).

The unlighted buoys may be hoisted as follows:

(1) Hook the hoisting purchase into the lifting lug on top of the buoy and pull it aboard. Steady the buoy
while the chain is stopped off below the mooring shackle. Then lower the buoy to the deck to
(2) Unshackle and secure the buoy. Hook the purchase into the mooring chain as low as possible and hoist,
casting off the stopper as the strain is taken on the purchase. This procedure may be have to be
completed numerous times before the sinker is aboard.
(3) If a sinker is sanded-in, attach the chain to the towing bitt and use the engine rather than the hoisting
gear to break it out. Remember to keep the boat's bow into the current and pull the sinker out by going
ahead. The practice of "laying back" or riding on the downstream side of the sinker is extremely
dangerous. If the sinker does not come free after moderate tugging with the boat, dump it. No sinker is
worth risking the crew and capsizing a boat.
(4) If the sinker is to be used again, inspect it for damage, attach the new mooring, and secure it to the

Setting Buoys.
(1) The mooring should be made up in the proper length with one end of the chain shackled to the sinker
and the other end connected to the buoy. Once near the charted position, place the buoy over the side,
secured to the amidships cleat with a piece of line. The chain is ranged out on the gunwale, or on the
sinker, in such a manner as to prevent it from hanging up when the sinker is set. The sinker is hoisted
and set on the gunwale and "set" by pushing it over the side. Note: Some units do not shackle the chain
to the sinker until the sinker is resting on the gunwale.
(2) It is easier to locate AP and set a "marker buoy" before setting the buoy. After the buoy is set the
position is rechecked and if needed the buoy can be dragged to AP. Once on station the buoy is cast off
from the TANB.

Recharging Buoys on Station. TANB davits shall not be used to recharge buoys. However, personnel can
carry a chain fall or


come-a-long, which when attached to the tower of a large buoy can be used to hoist batteries out of the buoy
pocket. This procedure should only be used if a hot-pack will not suffice or if recharging will be delayed
indefinitely by the servicing tender. Ideal weather conditions are required before attempting to recharge
buoys with a TANB.
C Working Buoys with the 45' BU.

General. The 45' BU is a bow loading, single screw buoy boat of 1950 design. The boats have a pivoting Aframe hydraulic boom controlled by two hydraulic rams and two hydraulic winches, one for the main purchase,
the other for a cross deck. Lifting capacity of the boom is 4,000 pounds. The wire rope for the main runs along
the port side to a heel block near the base of the boom. From the heel block it runs up to the center of the Aframe where it passes through a wire rope block.

The 45' BU's well deck has a cargo capacity of 16,800 pounds. A butterfly chain stopper is mounted on
top of a chain roller on the bow. The chain stopper rotates 180 degrees and is locked in the upright
position by a manual locking device on the starboard side.

Controls for the boom, main purchases and cross deck are located inside the pilothouse on the port side.
Hydraulic power for the main and cross deck is supplied by the main engine. During buoy evolutions,
the engine speed is limited to 1000 RPMs.

Because of the open bow and well deck the seakeeping ability of the 45' BU is not considered especially
good. A removable metal spray shield fitted onto the bow helps to reduce water intake. The use of a
tight-fitting canvas, angled so water runs over the side, will also help prevent water from collecting in
the well deck.

If water does collect in the well deck, pump it out immediately. The hazard lies not in the weight of the
water as much as it does in the danger of the free surface effect of the constantly moving water which
may capsize the boat.

All loads carried or worked in the well deck must be secured. Because of the round bottom, considerable
boat movement will result from even a small boat wake. If a BU is riding a mooring servicing an aid, any
movement of an aid in the well deck can endanger personnel because of the lack of escape routes. BUs
carrying a deck load have become imperiled and started taking on water when unsecured cargo shifted.

When approaching a buoy, the boat should be headed into the wind or current, whichever is stronger. It
may be necessary to find a heading that is most maneuverable (easiest to hold the boat on station,) if the
current and wind are from different directions. Because of the sail area, round bottom and lack of engine
power the boat is difficult to handle and requires the constant attention of the coxswain.

Hoisting Buoys. When approaching a buoy, the hydraulic system should be on the line, and the chain stopper
laid back toward the well deck with a line attached to pull it into place. The cross deck should be laid out and
ready, the boom should be tilted


forward and the forward safety chain should be up. Personnel should not lean over the bow and get between the
vessel and the buoy.

Hooking the main into a buoy can either be done by guiding the hook, holding onto the wire rope or the
preferred method of using the reeving line hook. After hooking, slightly raise the buoy and mouse the

The safety chain must always be in place if personnel are cleaning or making attachments to a buoy still
outside the boat. The one exception is the attachment of the crossdeck. Once the buoy has been moused and
cleaned the safety chain is removed.

The buoy is then lifted to clear the bow. Some buoys worked by the BU are too long to fit easily on deck
and the boom will have to be retracted to help them clear. On lighted buoys, the crossdeck is hooked into
the same lifting eye as the main and is pulled back into the well deck. This also serves to pull enough chain
so the buoy can be set on deck and disconnected. On unlighted buoys, the crossdeck should be connected to
the chain at the bottom of the buoy.

To place the stopper in the upright position a crew member pulls on the rope attached to the stopper and sets
the locking device. The chain is then hit with a maul to insure it's seated.

With the crossdeck and main purchase still hooked into the buoy, a crew member enters the well deck to
disconnect the buoy. Note: Connecting or disconnecting a buoy is the most dangerous evolution on a 45'
BU; crewmembers must place themselves between the buoy and buoy port when hooking and unshackling.

Immediately after unshackling the buoy be sure it's secured. Now the chain can be brought to short stay if

To recover the mooring, ("pulling chain") attach the main to the chain forward of the chain stopper for the
first pull. The boom has been tilted forward, the crossdeck has been led forward, and the safety chain has
been removed.

The chain is then raised and the boom is retracted to help with the pull and to angle the chain into the chain
stopper. If the chain will not fall into the stopper, attach the crossdeck and pull the chain while slacking off
on the main. If the sinker is to be retrieved, this process is repeated until the sinker is raised high enough to
attach the main purchase.

After the main is attached to the sinker and raised, the crossdeck is attached to the sinker bale. The boom is
retracted while the crossdeck is kept taught. When the boom is fully retracted the sinker is lowered into the
well by slacking off on the main and keeping the slack out of the crossdeck.

If the mooring is being brought to short stay for a mooring inspection, or when dragging the sinker to
position the aid, the chain is secured with a shackle to one of the padeyes in the well deck. The safety chain
is then put up.

When setting or recovering lighted buoys always use the picking bale. This


allows the bridle to lay flat when passing the buoy over the bow.

Setting Buoys.

The sinker is hung over the bow on the chain stopper. Put the chain over the bow, stopping it off with a
shackle to a well deck pad eye.

b. Move the vessel as close to station as possible. The placement of a marker float on the AP is the preferred
and quickest way to establish where the buoy is to be set. Once you are on AP set the sinker.

Once the sinker is set attach the mooring to the buoy. Move the buoy to the bow with the hoisting whip,
and the crossdeck run through a snatch block forward, and hooked into the mooring padeye.

When the buoy is at the bow, move the crossdeck to the lifting padeye to act as a preventer. Move the buoy
out over the bow,release the crossdeck, and trip the chain stopper. Lower the buoy until it is floating,
disconnect the main and back away.

Recover the marker float and stow all gear or get ready for thenext aid.

Recharging Buoys on Station. Buoys may be recharged by tying off to the buoy at the bow using the main
purchase to hoist batteries out of the buoy.

D Working Buoys with the 46' BUSL and 63' ANB.


General. Both the 46' BUSL and 63' ANB are both stern-loading buoy boats designed with buoy decks aft for
more space and with A-frames located on the stern. They differ in other respects but the basic deck layout and
operation is essentially the same.

There are two classes of the 46' BUSL. The first class, consisting of boat numbers 46300 - 46306, are
limited to a 3,000 pounds safe working load with both whips. The second class, consisting of boat numbers
46307 - 46315, have a safe working load of 4,000 pounds. The cargo capacity of both classes is 16,800

The 46' BUSL uses an integrated hydraulic buoy handling system consisting of two A-frames and two jib
booms, each of which work in unison with the other. In addition, the boat has two boom winches and a
deck winch, which work independently.

The 46' BUSL has a Shottle drive (combination rudder and propeller) system which provides excellent

The 46' BUSL can relieve floating aids up to and including a 5X11 lighted buoy, or up to a second class
unlighted buoy. A sinker size of 3,000 or 4,000 pounds (depending on the class of boat) and up to 1 inch
chain can be handled.

Because this is a stern-loading boat you must back into the current or wind to work buoys. When making
the approach,retract the jibs and extend the A-frame. The chain stop should


be in the locked position and the crossdeck led out to aid in a rapid hookup.

Hoisting the Buoy. The preferred method of hooking onto a buoy is with a reeving line hook. This will avoid
having a crewmember lying on the deck and reaching down to attach the buoy.

Hook both whips to the buoy and lift the buoy high enough toclear the chain stopper and attach the
crossdeck.Note: Whip hooks should be placed opposite each other during all lifts.

Extend the A-frame to the forward position, while keeping the load as close to the deck as possible. The
chain will fairlead into the chain stopper and the chain stopper will automatically engage when the buoy is
slacked off or lowered. Use a maul to ensure that the chain is properly seated in the chain stopper.

After the chain is set in the chain stopper, lower the buoy to the deck and disconnect the chain from the
buoy. Move the buoy from the work area using the crossdeck and secure it.

To pull chain, use the crossdeck and continue to pull chain until the mooring is at short stay. Slack off the
crossdeck line, and seat the chain in the chain stopper using the maul.

At this point, if the sinker is to be pulled on deck, the A-frame is moved aft and the whips are positioned to
pull the chain. Use the crossdeck as necessary to seat the chain in the chain stopper.

As each bight of chain is pulled the jibs are extended, the A-frame is extended and the whips are brought up
to pull the chain into the chain stopper. If the chain does not fall into the chain stopper use the crossdeck to
pull it in and then slack off on the whips.

The process is repeated until the sinker is at the surface. Move the A-frame outboard, until the sinker will
clear the stern, and then raise with the whips.

Lift the sinker until it just clears the chain stopper. Then extend the A-frame forward and lower the sinker
to the deck.

Setting a Buoy.

Position the sinker and buoy on deck.

Extend the A-frame rams and extend the jib booms until the whips are centered over the sinker. Attach the
whips to the sinker's pigtail and lift the sinker slowly, just high enough to clear the chain stopper, keeping
equal strain on both whips.

Retract the A-frame rams and jib booms to clear the sinker over the stern.

Lead the chain into the chain stopper and slowly lower the sinker over the stern far enough to let it hang
below the bottom of the boat. Make sure the chain is set in the chain stopper and the chain stopper is
properly locked.

Unhook the whips.


Extend A-frame rams and center the whips over the buoy.

Hook the whips into the buoy and lift it slowly until it clears the deck.

Retract the A-frame rams and move the buoy over the stern. Lower the buoy until it is one-third into the
water, keeping excess chain lashed on deck.

Maneuver the boat to position, trip the chain stopper, lower the buoy and release the whip and pull away.
Another method of setting a buoy with a pelican hook is to:
(1) Rig a pelican hook assembly, consisting of a Herc-alloy bridle and a pelican hook, attached to one or
more deck padeyes. Determine the proper amount of chain required to set the buoy, and secure the
chain by the pelican hook. Fake out the remaining chain on deck and hook the buoy to the mooring
(2) Extend the A-frame and whips over the buoy lifting bales. Ensure that the buoy is still griped to prevent
rolling,for unlighted buoys.
(3) Maneuver the boat to the buoy's AP using a marker float as a reference. Check the position of the boat
to ensure that the sinker is on AP.
(4) When you are satisfied the boat is on AP, hook the whips into the buoy and lift it slowly until it clears
the deck.
(5) Retract the A-frame and move the buoy over the stern. Lower the buoy by the whips until it is one-third
in the water.
(6) When everything is ready to set the buoy. The buoy may be lowered into the water and the hooks
removed. Once the hooks are retrieved, the safety pin is removed from the pelican hook. Upon the
command "let go," the pelican hook is tripped and the buoy is clear.
(7) Recover the marker float and stow all gear or get ready to work the next aid.
(7) If it is necessary to drag the sinker, bring the sinker to short stay. Place the chain in the chain stopper
And rig a pelican hook to the chain for reinforced support. Ensure that there is a sufficient bight in the
Chain inboard of the pelican hook to allow the buoy to be hooked up, and for setting. Attach the buoy
to the chain after the sinker is on assigned position and set the buoy.

Recharging Buoys on Station. When recharging buoys on station ,the lighted aid is pulled tight and chained
into the stern notch. Then the battery pack is removed and replaced, using the whips, jibs and A-frame to lift
the batteries out of the pocket and place them on deck. The reverse is done to recharge the buoy.

Working Buoys with the 55' ANB.


General. The 55' ANB was conceived as a fast response aids to navigation boat for responding to offshore
fixed and floating aid

outages. Over time the 55' ANB has evolved into a buoy working platform. It is not well suited for this mission
because of limited deck capacity, weight handling capability and lack of an installed chain stopper. The 55'
ANB's limit for safe transit are seas of 5 to 6 feet. The ANB should not be used to work floating aids in seas
greater than 3 feet.

There are three different types of cranes on the 55' ANB. The vessels with the M45 Huskey crane (installed
on boats 55101 -55112) are limited to 2,000 pounds safe working load up to 13' reach and 1,000 pounds
beyond 13 feet. The second group of vessels with the M45 Huskey crane (boats 55113 - 55119) have a
safe working load of 3,000 pounds up to 13' reach and 2,000 pounds beyond 13 feet. The last group (boats
55120 - 55122)have a 3,300 pound lifting capacity. The cargo capacity of all 55' ANB's is 4,000 pounds.
Note: (1) Maximum safe working loads are calculated for each class over the stern "notch." (2) All three
crane types are scheduled to be replaced with an Alaskan Model 4-20 crane.

The 55' ANB has two deck-mounted winches for use as crossdecks.

A drop bar (screw guard) located at the stern protects the twin propellers from danger when working buoys.

Controls for the articulated crane, winches and engines are located on a pedestal on the port side behind the
deck house.

Because this is a stern-loading boat you must back into the current or wind to work buoys. When making
the approach, fully extend the jib and raise the boom so the block is centered over the notch at the stern of
the boat. The drop bar should be down. One crossdeck should be led out, and a pelican hook (to serve as
the chain stopper) and a single leg with a grab hook should be ready on deck.

Hoisting a Buoy. The preferred method for hooking onto a buoy is to utilize a reeving line hook. This will
avoid having a crewmember reaching down to attach the hook to the buoy.

Keep the safety chain up while hooking the buoy.

Once the buoy is hooked, heave around on the main until the buoy is far enough out of the water to safely
mouse the hook. Then remove the safety chain and raise the main and boom up as necessary to get the buoy
on deck.

Attach a crossdeck to the buoy and heave around until enough chain is aboard to place in the pelican hook
and then disconnect the buoy. The chain should always be in the pelican hook before disconnecting the
buoy. Never rely on a grab hook for this evolution.

Once the buoy has been disconnected, move it out of the way and again extend the boom with the jib all the
way up so it centers over the chain for the next pick.

When the main is hooked into the chain, heave around just enough so the pelican hook can be tripped. At
this point you must decide what you intend to do with the mooring. If the sinker is to be brought aboard,
move the pelican hook out of the way and lead the single leg sling with the grab hook aft.


Because of the danger of chaffing, a nylon sling should not beused. A chain sling works best. To save
time, the sling can have a pear-shaped link with several different sizes of grab hooks attached. This sling is
attached to the base of the crane pedestal. Heave around on the main and boom up as necessary to take a
pick of chain, slack off on the main and take another pick.

Continue "picking chain" until the sinker is lifted aboard.

If the sinker is being brought to short stay, use the grab hook only until the final pull. Then use the
crossdeck to pull the chain into the pelican hook and secure the chain. Never ride or drag a sinker without
the chain being secured in a pelican hook. The grab hook is only a temporary device to hold the chain
between pulls. It is not a long-term securing device.

Setting a Buoy.

Position the sinker and buoy on deck. Leave enough slack in the chain to set the buoy over the stern, below
the bottom of the aft deck. Be sure to secure it to the pelican hook.

Lift the sinker over the stern and lower it below the edge of the aft platform deck. The drop bar will protect
the screws.

Stop off the chain with rotten stops, leaving enough chain on deck to set the buoy.

Lead the chain into the pelican hook and slowly lower the sinker over the stern far enough to let it hang at
or slightly below the aft deck. An extra long pigtail helps in unhooking. Make sure the chain is set in the
pelican hook and that the pelican hook is properly positioned.

Unhook the main.

Hook the buoy and lift it slowly until it clears the deck.

Lower the buoy until it is one-third into the water, keeping the excess chain lashed on deck.

Maneuver the boat to the AP, which has been previously located and marked with a float. Trip the pelican
hook, lower the buoy and release the main and pull away.

If the sinker is left at short stay, and it is necessary to drag the sinker to position, recommend the chain be
left in the pelican hook and the buoy be attached only after the sinker is on AP. Then the buoy is attached
and set as outlined above. You will need to ensure that there is enough chain on deck to allow for a bight in
the pelican hook and enough slack to set the buoy in the water.

Often it is necessary to drag buoys to their assigned position after they have been set. This is easily
accomplished by tying the buoys off with a large line and dragging them. Because of the protection afforded
the rudders and screws by the drop bar, this evolution is carried out at the stern of the boat.

Recharging Buoys on Station. When recharging buoys on station, the buoy is pulled into the stern notch. One
way to accomplish


this is to run a line through the buoy padeyes and secure them to the aft deck bitts. On some ANBs, the winches
have been replaced with wire rope winches. When using these winches, attach a section of synthetic or manila
line to the wire rope and pass it through the buoy padeye and then to the aft deck bitts. This line will act as a
shock absorber and prevent the winches from being damaged in a surge. Then the battery rack is removed and
replaced using the main purchase.
F Towing Buoys with Small Boats.
It is an accepted practice to tow buoys (both lighted and unlighted) with Coast Guard boats. This often saves the time
and expense of getting a large tender underway to move a buoy a few hundred yards or less. The coxswain should be
aware of several precautions before attempting to tow any buoy, among which are:

General. Never attempt to tow any buoy unless you know the weight of the sinker, and the size and length and
type of mooring. This information can be obtained from the unit which has the primary or secondary
responsibility for the buoy. Likewise, do not attempt to tow a buoy that is too large for the boat (i.e., do not
attempt to tow an 8X26 with a TANB). Normally, those buoys you will be attempting to tow will be those that
have been moved off station due to a recent storm, or drug off by a passing vessel. If the sinker is either sanded
or mudded it is very doubtful if you will be able to move the buoy.

Find the AP. Before trying to move the buoy find the AP and mark it with a marker buoy. This will serve to
provide a heading for you to steer toward. Always use the towing bitts for towing and tow from the lifting bail
of the buoy.

Situational Awareness. Be aware of the direction the buoy mooring is leading and where your towline is to
prevent them from getting into your screws or rudder. It's always a good idea to have an ax or hatchet available
to cut the towing hawser in case of trouble.

Safety. During the attempt to move the buoy, ensure that your crew is protected by the towing screen (if boat is
so equipped), in the cabin, or provided some form of protection if the towing line should part. At anytime
during the towing evolution, if you feel you cannot safely tow the buoy, then STOP! Towing the buoy back to
its AP, or refloating it from the beach, is not worth personal injury or damage to the boat. If you feel you cannot
safely do it, then do not do it!

G Wire Sweeping with Small Boats.


General. Whenever a structure has been destroyed (i.e., ice, collision, etc.) the wreckage must be located and
recovered at the earliest possible opportunity. If not recovered, or adequately marked, it's a hazard to navigation
and puts a severe liability burden on the Coast Guard. The unit assigned servicing responsibility for the aid is
also required to ensure that the wreckage is located and the location marked with either a TRUB, TRLB or other
appropriate buoy. The most reliable way to locate submerged wreckage is by wire sweeping the area with either
one or two small boats. The following methods are the ones most commonly used.


Wire Sweeping with Two Boats. This consists of two boats running parallel courses at slow speed with
either a wire cable (normally 1/4" - 3/8") or small chain (3/16" - 1/4") strung between the boats. The wire
cable, or chain, dragging the bottom will hang on the obstruction, stopping the movement of the boats.
After the boats have pulled back to the location of the wreckage, they then pass one end of the cable (both
ends have eye splices) through the other eye and tighten the cable. The cable is then buoyed with a small
marker float, or TRUB/TRLB, and left for the construction tender to recover. The tender will either utilize
the cable to recover the wreckage or as an aid to pass a larger wire or chain around the wreckage before
recovery (See Figure 12-1.)

Wire Sweeping with One Boat. When using one boat, the boat either tows a grapnel over the search area or
utilizes a trawl board wire sweep rig. The preferred method (and the one that covers more bottom area and
has a better chance to locate the wreckage) is the trawl board method. This rig consists of two small
wooden or metal trawl boards, similar to those used on commercial fishing boats, towed behind the boat on
a bridle. These "boards" are weighted so they will sink to the bottom and are attached to the bridle in such a
manner that when pulled they are forced apart, thus providing an opening of approximately 20 feet between
the boards. A small wire rope cable (i.e., 1/4") approximately 60' long is stretched between the boards and
will drag the bottom hanging on the wreckage. After the wreckage is located (normally by the boat
being stopped), the boat then pulls back to the boards and the wire cable is disconnected from the boards.
One eye of the cable is then passed through the other and pulled tight. Like the two boat method, a small
marker buoy, or TRUB/TRLB, is attached to the end of the cable. When the construction tender arrives to
rebuild the aid, she will use the wire to assist in recovering the wreckage (See Figure 12-2.)

Overview. When using either method of wire sweeping, be both patient and persistent. While there is a chance
that a wooden aid may float away after it's knocked down, it may have broken above the mud line leaving a
stump that can cause severe damage to a vessel striking it. There is never any doubt where the remains of a
steel or concrete structure are--they're on AP. Your job is to find them. It's not uncommon to search for hours,
or even days, for a downed structure. In most cases the structure can be located, either on AP, or if it's wooden,
it may have drifted to a nearby shore. It cannot be said too often, or emphasized too strongly, that we must
employ every method at our disposal to locate and remove the wreckage of destroyed ATON structures.










A General.
Because of the isolated locations of many light stations, water transportation is often the only way to provide
logistics and maintenance support. Buoy tenders and boats are often tasked with providing this support. During
these operations they often encounter hazardous wind and sea conditions and difficult moorings or anchorages. As
in all ATON operations, safety must be the operator's prime consideration. The risk to vessel and crew, and the
possibility of an oil spill or cargo loss, do not justify working in dangerous or even marginal conditions. On
logistics runs, patience is truly a virtue.
B Approaching the Station.

Soundings. Get as close as possible to the unit being serviced. This is especially true for fueling, watering and
restoration operations. Until you gain familiarity with the area, however, exercise caution in the approach.
Thoroughly sound the area, using a crew member with a leadline deployed in a small boat and a depth sounder
if available. The leadline is preferred because it allows the leadsman to feel large rocks. Use objects on the
structure, pier, beach, etc., to help you develop a chart including water depths. Be sure to compare this with the
largest scale chart of the area. If necessary, set up marker buoys to mark a safe channel and use natural ranges.
The approaches to some locations are ideal and can be used under most conditions. More often, locations can be
approached only from certain angles, and visits are affected by wind and tidal state.

Anchoring. Take care if the vessel must anchor when providing fuel or water. Changes in tide or current may
cause the ship to swing and the hose could foul itself on the anchor chain or even part. In some locations the
servicing ship can anchor close to the beach and pass a sternline ashore. The stern can then be warped in as
close as practical to the beach.

Single-screw Vessels. When servicing offshore towers, keep the receiving station off the port bow. If it
becomes necessary to back off quickly, the bow will swing clear. Tenders should not moor alongside offshore
towers but should anchor close by.

Approaching Stern-to. In some cases, a fueling vessel will experience less yawing in heavy weather by laying
stern-to the relieving station. If there is a tendency to creep up on the receiving station, a vessel laying stern-to
can turn its engines slightly to maintain separation. Extreme care must be taken when approaching the shore in
this manner.

C Providing Fuel and Water.


General. Deliver fuel and water by using a hose with the servicing vessel's transfer pumps normally providing
the moving force. Other systems employing compressed air or booster pumps have been used. These methods
are often more productive than the ship's transfer pumps. The ship's pumps were not designed to pump over
long distances or up high elevations. However, using compressed air can be dangerous if proper precautions are
not observed. The light station tanks must be inspected and tested prior to each fuel transfer to ensure that they
can withstand the pressures involved. If booster pumps are used to deliver fuel, they must be the non-sparking

Inspect the Hose. Hoses should be visually inspected for leaks or chafing before use. Hoses reserved for
portable water should never be used for any other purpose, especially pumping fuel oil. Hoses should be
hydrostatically tested annually. The hose is then capped and put under light air pressure to check for leaks.
While still under pressure, the hose can be floated to the station using a messenger line. Some units tie floats
along the hose to ensure that it will continue to float, and thus reduce the possibility of snagging on underwater
obstructions. Since it is almost impossible to detect a hose leak in the water after dark, fueling at night is not

Communications. Communications with the unit receiving fuel or water are very important. Soundings should
be taken continuously. The operation should be monitored closely so the servicing vessel can be directed to stop
pumping immediately if a leak, overflow, or other emergency takes place.

Blow Down Hose. Once pumping is finished, the hose must be blown down with compressed air to empty the
line. During blow down, take care to prevent spillage of any oil. Pumping must be secured before topping off
the tank to allow room for the fuel or water that is to be blown from the hose. The hose should then be capped,
to prevent pollution or seawater contamination of the hose, and hauled back aboard the servicing vessel.

D Camels and Fenders.


Camels vs. Fenders. When a ship lays alongside a structure there is often enough swell to cause battleship
fenders to collapse. Camels constructed using 8" X 8" X 12' timbers run through the center of numerous
discarded automobile tires have proven quite resilient. The camel is hung over the side using the ship's boom.

Foam Fenders. Foam fenders, made from the same foam material as the foam buoys, will take a great deal more
punishment than battleship fenders.

E Barges and Cranes.

Barges are the best platform for performing restoration work on offshore lights. They provide a large stable platform for
carrying supplies and holding air compressors, forklifts, etc. Barges can often be obtained at no charge from Army
Corps of Engineers and Navy Reserve Units. These barges are sometimes equipped with cranes that can be used
Effectively to lift old tanks and other gear being removed from or placed on the structure. All lift gear on barges should
be thoroughly inspected and tested before use.


F Helicopters.
Helicopters have been used very effectively in the installation of lights and removal of equipment in areas where a boat
or shore transportation cannot be used. Reserve and National Guard units often have access to Sky cranes and Chinook
he los that they use for heavy lift operations. They are quick to assist us, as their operations allow, and while they're
getting additional training we're getting the job done. We should foster a good relationship with these units. Their
services have proven invaluable in servicing offshore work.
G Sandblasting.

General. With recent changes in pollution laws, sandblasting on light structures has become very controversial.
Some states require all sandblast grit used to be collected and returned for disposal as a hazardous waste. These
regulations vary from state to state, with some states having no regulations. Whenever a project involves
sandblasting, a thorough understanding of the regulations is needed. Your local Civil Engineering Unit (CEU)
and state Environmental Protection Agency will provide the information you need. If used grit must be
collected for disposal, all permits needed should be "in hand" before the work starts.

Personnel. Personnel who sandblast must have adequate protection. Helmets with a filtered air supply are
highly recommended as well as heavy long-sleeve coveralls and gloves. Do not allow personnel to blast
without a blasting helmet and air filters.

Safety Supervisor. Personnel who are sandblasting should have a safety supervisor assigned. As with all
restoration projects, an EMT should be readily available for emergencies.

Planning. Restoration projects should not be a cost versus safety issue. If scaffolding is needed for the safety of
the workers, then borrow, rent or purchase it. Items like scaffolding, ladders, air compressors, etc., can be used
again and are often shared between units.

Type of Grit. Sandblast grit comes in many types and sizes. Each is designed for a particular use. Know the
surface you're going to blast and what type and size of grit is recommended. Using the wrong grit can destroy,
or damage, the surface, particularly on brick structures. Silica sand, beach sand, and glass beads are not
authorized because they can cause a lung disease known as silicosis.

H Removal of Fuel Storage Tanks.

Removal of old fuel storage tanks is quite often regulated by the states or other local agencies. Tanks above ground or
exposed in a basement have fewer restrictions. Underground tanks often require a more thorough inspection. If leakage
and pollution occur during the removal it can quickly become a public issue, regardless of the size of the spill. It is
recommended that all such removals be coordinated with the nearest CEU.

Asbestos Surveys and Removal.

Removal of asbestos should not be attempted by Coast Guard personnel,


unless they are properly certified. If asbestos is present and needs to be removed, conduct an asbestos survey and
submit an SSMR for removal to the local Shore Maintenance Detachment (SMD) via your chain of command.

Battery Cleanup.

Old battery dump sites on Coast Guard property are classed as hazardous waste sites in most states. The Coast Guard is
in the process of identifying these sites and collecting these batteries. Before collecting, transporting, or disposing of
batteries, consult the local CEU or MLC hazardous waste disposal expert. Some areas have contracts to collect and
dispose of old batteries.
K Historical Site Preservation
Many Coast Guard lighthouses are listed as eligible for the National Register of Historical Places. Prior to any
significant work at a historical site it may be necessary to obtain approval from the State Historical Preservation Officer
(SHPO). Significant work involves removal of buildings, replacement of items such windows, railings, etc. Major
projects should be coordinated through the District Aids to Navigation Branch and the CEU for possible historical


180' WLB


BEAM 37'


1,029 Tons

CREW (Off/CWO/CPO/ENL) 5-2-4-38 (inconus except D9); 5-2-4-37 (D9);

5-2-4-46 (OCONUS)
DRAFT: Full Load: 11'8"fwd, 13'7"aft / Minimum Ops: 10'9"fwd, 12'9"aft
MACHINERY PLANT: Single screw - 5 blade bronze (except those with reinforced hulls for icebreaking which may
have stainless steel).

EMD 8-645E6 diesel engines with 1200 SHP (EXCEPT SUNDEW which has 1800 SHP) electric motor

Bow thruster with GM 6-71N diesel direct drive. Austere Renovated WLBs do not have a bow thruster. Electrical
system: 120/208v AC 3 phase
LIFT CAPACITY: whip: 5t; 3-part: 15t; 5-part: 20t*
With permission of the District Commander, some WLBs are authorized NOT to test the 5-part rig, thus limiting their
maximum capacity to 15t using the 3-part rig.
HOOK HEIGHT AT DECK EDGE: Whip: 34'; Main: 21'6"
BUOY PORT FREEBOARD: 7' aft end of buoy port, at 12' draft.
CARGO CAPACITY: 53 Tons. (There is no set capacity between the main hold and deck. What can really be carried
depends upon the displacement of the cutter at the time and the need to keep the kg in the safe range. Original design
called for a cargo capacity capability of 100 Tons (space available has never permitted this), but ships were 2compartment vessels at that time. The more weight that can be placed in the #2 hold the better but especially on Major
Renovations/SLEPs this is a limited space as well. The Austere Renovated WLBs have two holds #1 and #2 capable of
stowing cargo. Major Renovations have minimal heavy stowage capability in the #1 Hold because of the bow thruster
space located in the lower portion of the hold. SLEPs do not have a forward (#1) hold.
BUOY DECK AREA: (sq ft) 1600
TRANSIT SPEED: Max speed/range: 13kt/4500 miles; Eco speed/range: 7.5kt/13,500 (except SUNDEW
8.0kt/16,000 miles, 15.0kt/5200 miles) (ref: G-ENE-1 facilities data sheet)
Fuel consumption is 95 g/hr at Max speed and 21 g/hr at economical speed. Because of the wide range of fuel capacities,
the range of each cutter varies.


SERVICE (WORK) ENVIRONMENT: 4-6 foot seas max. Wind not exceeding 20kts and current not exceeding
2 kts.
Fuel: 27,875 (Major Ren and SLEP); 49,400 (Austere Ren). Water: 30,500 g (Major Ren and SLEP) Several
vessels have varying capacities ranging from 13,152 (WOODRUSH) up to 53,870 (IRONWOOD, IRIS) Gray
water: (MAJREN) 100 g; (SLEP) 275 g; (AUSREN) Sewage: (MAJREN) 2000, (SLEP) 1900 Capable of roundthe-clock steaming. Provisions for up to 21 days with water making capability. Eight days for vessels without
water making capability.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The WLB is considered to be a multi-mission vessel. Due to its endurance and offshore
Sea keeping capabilities, the WLB is tasked to perform non-ATON related missions, particularly when bad weather and
rough conditions make it hazardous for smaller vessels. This is particularly true in D17 where the extended coast line
and weather conditions often make the WLB the only available resource for performing a variety of missions. Capable
of handling the largest Coast Guard buoys and primary resource for deploying the large offshore data-collection buoys
used by the National Data Buoy Center.
SMALL BOATS ASSIGNED: The small boat allowance varies from ship to ship depending upon their location and
demands. For the WLB fleet the allowance is as follows:





plating for icebreaking from the 8' water line to the keel, in addition to the reinforced hull plating from the normal
waterline to the 8' waterline that all WLBs have.
The following cutters have either evaporators (E) or reverse osmosis systems (RO) IRIS(E), FIREBUSH(E),
BASSWOOD(RO). All other WLBs have NO water making capabilities. Nine cutters (D14 and D17) have long range
communications packages on board.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: WLBs have a roll period of 7.9sec with full load and 9.9sec with minimum op load.
Buoys cannot be worked in conditions that equal or exceed these parameters.
NUMBER OF CLASSES: 01 (9-SLEP, 13-Major Ren, 4-Austere Ren)
CLASS DIFFERENCES AFFECTING CAPABILITIES: Water making and stowage capabilities differ dramatically
between the vessels and between the LANT and PAC areas


157' WLM
LOA: 157' BEAM: 33'


CREW: (Off/CWO/CPO/Enl) 3-2-2-28

DRAFT: Full load: 6'fwd, 6'7"aft / Minimum Ops: 4'4"fwd, 6'4" aft
MACHINERY PLANT: 2-Cat D398A diesel reduction gear engines developing 1800 SHP. Bow thruster and lifting
rig are powered by hydraulic pumps driven off the main diesel engines. Electrical system: 440v AC 3 phrase
LIFT CAPACITY: Whip: 4t; Main: 10t
HOOK HEIGHT AT DECK EDGE: Whip: 36'6"; Main: 24'5";
BUOY PORT FREEBOARD: 4' aft end of buoy port with ship's draft at 6'.
CARGO CAPACITY: 25 Tons. There is no capacity for splitting the load between the hold and deck. (Ref: Stability
and Loading Book)
BUOY DECK AREA: 1200 sq ft
TRANSIT SPEED: Max speed/range: 12.8/2248 miles; Eco speed/range:
11.6/3055 miles
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Open ocean transits in relatively calm weather only, seas to 6-8 ft. Short roll period
leads to extreme fatigue and dangerous accelerations in conditions not threatening to stability.
SERVICE (WORK) ENVIRONMENT: Protected and semi-protected waters. Capable of open water operations in
good weather only where seas do not exceed 2-4 feet and swells are minimal.
Fuel: 17,742 gals
Water: 15,666 (RED CEDAR, RED OAK)
Gray water: Gray water may be diverted to the sewage tank.
Sewage: 1020 gals.
Capable of round-the-clock steaming.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: WLMs are focused-mission vessels devoting the majority of their time to the SRA
mission. Its limited sea keeping abilities restrict off-shore work and the ATON they service are generally smaller than
those serviced by the WLB. There are two types of WLM, the "Red" class consisting of 5 cutters and the "White" class
consisting of 6 cutters. Each class is addressed separately as WLM-157 or WLM-133.
SMALL BOATS ASSIGNED: The small boat allowance varies from ship to ship depending upon their location and
demands. For the WLM fleet (includes both WLM-157 and WLM-133) the allowance is as follows:






Some vessels are also authorized as a UTL; these are Non-standard boats and vary from district to district.
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Icebreaking up to 18" with continuous progress in ice up to 6".
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Limited side-loading of the boom due to the pinion gear taking the strain versus the
topping lift. Stiff hull form results in dangerous accelerations limiting offshore work. Endurance is limited to 3 days in
areas where gray water cannot be discharged. Can handle mixed gender crews only with officers. There are no facilities
which would permit the assignment of enlisted females on board either WLM-157 or WLM-133.
CLASS DIFFERENCES AFFECTING CAPABILITIES: None within 157 class, but substantially limited
Sea keeping when compared to the 133 class.


133' WLM




CREW: (Off/CWO/CPO/ENL) 0-1-2-21

DRAFT: Full load: 8'5" fw, 5'7" aft / Minimum ops: 5'10" fwd, 7'1" aft
MACHINERY PLANT: Twin screw. 2- Caterpillar D353D direct drive diesel engines direct drive developing 660
SHP total. Electrical system: 450v AC 400 amps 3 phase (M5441.5I)


4.0; Main



24'; Whip


BUOY PORT FREEBOARD: 3'6"aft end of buoy port with draft at 7'6".
CARGO CAPACITY: Full load 30 Tons and minimum op 20 Tons respectively, these capacities will permit a 10 ton
lift over the side during buoy ops. There is no capacity for splitting the load between the hold and deck. The more that
is placed in the hold the better.
BUOY DECK AREA: 1000 sq ft
TRANSIT SPEED: Max speed/range: 10.3/2100 miles; Eco speed/range: 9.2/4300 miles (G-ENE-1 facilities data
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Protected, semi-protected and open ocean in good weather.
SERVICE (WORK) ENVIRONMENT: Protected, semi-protected waters. Capable of open waters during good
Gray water

12,300 gals;
9,630 gals.;
350 gals;
880 gals.

Capable of round-the-clock steaming for short periods. Provisions for up to ten days endurance. Sewage and gray water
are limiting factors in no-discharge zones.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: WLMs are focused-mission vessels devoting the majority of their time to the SRA
mission. Their limited sea keeping abilities restrict off-shore work and the ATON they service are generally smaller
than those serviced by the WLB. There are two types of WLM, the "Red" class consisting of 5 cutters and the "White"
class consisting of 6 cutters. Each class is addressed separately asWLM-157 or WLM-133.
SMALL BOATS ASSIGNED: The small boat allowance varies by ship depending upon location and demand. The
fleet allowance for the WLM-157 and WLM-133 is as follows:





SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Deeper draft and rounded hull form provides easier motion and allows limited offshore
work in good weather.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Limited side-loading of the boom due to the pinion gear taking the strain versus the
topping lift. There are no facilities which would permit the assignment of females on board the WLM-133 except
as CO. The use of reversing gears and absence of bow thrusters limit maneuverability. These vessels do not have ice
plating or framing.


100' WLI
LOA: 100'6"


CREW: (Off/CWO/CPO/ENL) 0-1-2-12

DRAFT: Full load: 5'6"; Minimum Ops: 4'
MACHINERY PLANT: 2 CAT D353D (MDE), Twin Screw FPP, 5 Blade, Diameter 46".
Pitch 46", Bronze (BLUEBELL); 3 Blade Diameter 44", Pitch 37", Bronze (BUCKTHORN)
Electrical System: 2 (3 on BUCKTHORN) GM 4-71 SSDG (50KW)
LIFT CAPACITY: Whip, 1 Ton (BUCKTHORN), 2 Tons (BLUEBELL); Main, 5 Tons
HOOK HEIGHT AT DECK EDGE: 24' (Main) 24'6" (Whip)
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: BUCKTHORN Operates in the Great Lakes in seas up to 5-6' generally in protected
waters. BLUEBELL works in a river environment. The seas are generally 1-2', max transit environment is 5-6'.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: BUCKTHORN is restricted to calm weather buoy handling only. It works in the Great
Lakes with 3' seas max for AtoN operations. BLUEBELL works in the rivers and the max seas are 4'.
ENDURANCE: 1200 NM (max). BUCKTHORN - 5000 gal. fuel, 3600 gal. water, 3 days due to lack of food storage.
All other limiting factors (water, sewage, fatigue) would last for 7 days. BLUEBELL is limited by sewage capacity to
10 days. Other limiting factors would last for 14 days.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The 100' WLI (C) is an inland buoy tender used to service up to second class buoys in
the Great Lakes. It has a steel hull with an aluminum pilothouse and upper deckhouse. It also has one centerline spud to
assist with positioning. Cutter is operated in a fresh water area. Salt water operation would require an availability to
replace steel fittings with bronze. The 100' WLI (A) is an inland buoy tender which is assigned 6x20 LB and smaller;
however, a 7x17 LB is within its capability. It generally works in a river environment. Due to its large sail area,
BLUEBELL has difficulty operating in high winds.
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Capable of pushing a barge if desired.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Cannot accommodate mixed-gender crews.

CLASS DIFFERENCES: Although both BLUEBELL and BUCKTHORN are 100' WLIs, they are different.
BLUEBELL is essentially a 100' WLIC without the barge or hammer and its sister ships are SMILAX, RAMBLER, and
PRIMROSE. BUCKTHORN is essentially its own type of ship. It has a centerline spud and 360 degree rotating boom.
BUCKTHORN posses an articulating hydraulic crane which can side load to some extent (tested to 5,000 lbs). Crane tip
is swivel equipped.
BLUEBELL has a pneumatic crane which will be changed to hydraulic during the August 1993 yard period. The new
crane will have a 6,000 lbs. capacity whip and will retain its 10,000 lbs. main.


65' WLI
LOA: 65'4


68 Tons

DRAFT: Full load, 4'10"; Minimum ops, 3'6"
MACHINERY PLANT: 1 GM 8V-71N (MDE), Single screw FPP, 5 blade, 39" diameter,
39" pitch, bronze
Electrical System: 2 GM 2-71 SSDG (30KW)
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Sea conditions 3', protected or semi-exposed areas only.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: 1'-2' max. seas for work.
ENDURANCE: Fuel: 600 NM (max), 1300 NM (econ). Other limiting factors: 5 days. Food and sewage limiting
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The 65' WLI is a steel-hulled inland buoy tender constructed in 1946. It is used to
service 5x11 Lrs, 3rd class unlighted buoys and smaller and structures in protected environments. Capable of overnight
steaming, although both ships generally pull in at night. They carry 660 gal. water and 962 gal. fuel.

1 WP - OMC GAS 1/40HP O/B

*Used for fixed ATON servicing, not carried on deck
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Cannot accommodate mixed gender crews.
65' WLI
LOA: 65'4
BEAM: 17'
DRAFT: Full load, 4'8"; Minimum ops, 3'9"

MACHINERY PLANT: 2 GM 4-71 (SSDG-40KW), 2 8V-71 (MDE), Twin screw FPP, 3

Blade, Diameter 44", Pitch 44", Bronze
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Operates in large semi-exposed inland water ways, straits, sounds, inlets, rivers and
bays. One cutter (BAYBERRY) tows a barge astern in Puget Sound and pushes it above the locks. Maximum seas
for safe transit 5'.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Largest sea state capable of working in: 2' (ELDERBERRY), 1' (BAYBERRY
w/barge). Capable of 5x11 buoys and smaller.
ENDURANCE: Fuel: 600 NM (max), 1500 NM (econ). Other factors: 4 days. Sewage and fatigue are the limiting
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The 65' WLI (65400) is a steel-hulled inland buoy tender constructed in 1954. It is used
to service buoys and structures in protected environments. Capable of overnight steaming, although both ships generally
pull in every night. There are three fuel tanks (fwd. and cent. - 680 gal., aft 645 gal.) and two water tanks (515 gal.



*Not carried on ship's deck

SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: BAYBERRY's hull has been modified to accommodate a barge both pushing ahead and
towing astern. Capable of relatively open water (large straits, sounds) transits in calm seas.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Cannot accommodate mixed gender crews. If the sea state is greater than 3',
BAYBERRY must tow astern. Difficult and dangerous to hook up underway, but necessary for ATON work, mooring
and anchoring. Buoy barge has only one chain stopper, all buoys worked starboard side to.
NUMBER OF CLASSES: 65300 - 2; 65400 - 2
CLASS DIFFERENCES: 65300 Class have pneumatic topping lifts, hand powered vangs and single screws. 65400
class have an extra bulkhead at frame 6 and twin screws. ELDERBERRY has a hydraulic crane, BAYBERRY has
a pneumatic crane (which will be replaced by a hydraulic one in August `97) and a 60' x 20' buoy barge (60044)
equipped with hydraulic crane. The barge is connected to BAYBERRY by wires and steamboat jacks. Special
reinforcements have been added to its hull for this purpose.

160' WLIC
LOA: 160'10

BEAM: 30'


CREW: (CWO/CPO/ENL) 1-2-12

DRAFT: Full load - 5'fwd 5'6" aft / Minimum Op - 3'6"fwd 4'aft
MACHINERY PLANT: 2 - Caterpillar D379 diesel engines with 500SHP/engine, Twin screws - 4 bronze blades,
diameter 48", pitch 44" Electrical system: 440v AC 3 phase
LIFT CAPACITY: Whip - 4.125t; 2-part - 8.25t
HOOK HEIGHT AT DECK EDGE: Whip - 70'; 2-part - 67'
CARGO CAPACITY: Deck - 30.1 ton; Hold - 5.2 ton
TRANSIT SPEED: Economical - 9.6kts; Max - 11kts
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Can transit open waters in up to 4' seas.
SERVICE (WORK) ENVIRONMENT: Depth to spud 25' (max) 15' normal depending on bottom type, max seas 2'
Used to construct minor aids to navigation structures and drive pile for dolphins, day marks, and piers. Must be spudded
for construction ops.

A Class

-1380 nm at 11kts deep water >12'

-1116 nm at 9.6kts shallow water < 12'
-3440 nm at 11kts deep water >12'
-1116 nm at 9.6 kts shallow water < 12'

B Class

A Class

B Class


6,349 gal

16,266 gal

Potable Water

3,558 gal/13,714 gal

6,612 gal FW

16,710 ballast/trim RW
Logistically limited to 7-8 days underway without a port call due to fresh water supply with grey water discharged over
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Inland Construction Tenders (WLICs) are operated in the harbor and harbor entrance
environment to construct fixed ATON structures in shallow water where bottom conditions are appropriate to accept
driven piles. They also service medium size buoys and moorings. The 160' WLICs are capable of traversing exposed
water and have shallow drafts. The WLICs are responsible for construction minor aids to navigation structures. To
perform their specialized tasks, WLICs are outfitted with uniquely suited pile driving equipment and spuds.

Construction tenders are called upon to perform all manner of construction work such as driving piles, erecting a variety
of minor structures, both ashore and on marine sites, and pulling out damaged or broken piling which might constitute a
hazard to navigation. Although most of the work is done in protected waters, they are sometimes called upon to work
ATON located in inlets or large inland bays. Unlike the other classes of WLIC, the 160' WLIC is a single unit rather
than a tug and barge configuration.
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: CONSTRUCTION - Can drive 60' piles. The cutter boom is capable of servicing second
class can and nun buoys and 5'x11'. Cutter is equipped with four spuds, and can remain absolutely stationary in shallow,
calm water.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: The lattice type construction crane is susceptible to damage with greater than 2% side
loads; needs to be spudded down when constructing structures; cannot accommodate mixed-gender crews.


100' WLIC
LOA: 100'6"

BEAM: 24'

DISPLACEMENT: 226 Tons (Cutter)

LOA: 68'/70' BEAM: 30'

CREW: (CWO/CPO/ENL) 1-2-11
DRAFT: Full load - 4'6" Min Op - 4'
MACHINERY PLANT: 2 Caterpillar D353D diesel engines with 330SHP/engine, twin screws - 5 bronze blades,
diameter 46", pitch 46" Electrical system: 120/208v AC 3 phase
Whip - 1 ton
Whip - 4.125 ton

5-part 5 ton
2-part - 9 ton


Whip - 34'
Whip - 57'

4-part - 27'
2-part - 55'6"

CARGO CAPACITY: Deck - 10 ton Hold - 10 ton

TRANSIT SPEED: Economical - 8.5 kts; Max - 10.5 kts
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Cutters without barges can transit open waters in up to 4' seas. Barges are restricted to
calm weather in ICW, bays, river and other protected waters.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Depth to spud 20' (max) 15' normal, max seas 1' Barges used to construct structures and
drive pile for dolphins, day marks, and piers. Barges can be spudded and work independently from
Range: 1300 nm at 8.5 continuous steaming




3,834 gal

3,135 gal

Potable Water

3,302 gal

2,000 gal (peak tank non-potable)

Logistically limited to 7 days underway without a port call due to sewage holding tanks and potable water supply.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Inland Construction Tenders (WLICs) are operated in the harbor and harbor entrance
environment to construct fixed ATON structures in shallow water where bottom conditions are appropriate to accept
driven piles. They also service medium size buoys and moorings.

The 100' WLICs are capable of traversing exposed water when operating independently of the barge and have shallow
drafts. The WLICs are responsible for construction and complete servicing of small marine structures.
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: CONSTRUCTION - Can drive 60' piles, converts from pushing a barge configuration to
a buoy servicing configuration in less than 30 minutes. The cutter boom is capable of servicing second class can and
nun buoys and 5'x11'. Two of this class push a barge with 2 spuds on cutter and 2 spuds on barge. The third tender is
equipped with an A-frame pile driving hammer on the bow.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: The lattice type construction crane is susceptible to damage with greater than 2% side
loads; needs to be spudded down when constructing structures; cannot accommodate mixed-gender crews.
A-frame pile driving hammer installed on the bow of the cutter. This enables PRIMROSE to service aids in more
confined waterways within her AOR.


75' WLIC
LOA: 76'1"

BEAM: 22' DISPLACEMENT: 145 Tons (Cutter)

CREW: (CPO/ENL) 3-10 (USCGCs SLEDGE and VISE have 1 CWO)

DRAFT: Full load - 4'; Min Op - 4'
MACHINERY PLANT: 2 - Caterpillar D353E diesel engines with 375SHP/engine, twin screws - 5 bronze blades
each, diameter 44", pitch 50" Electrical system: 440v AC 3 phase
LIFT CAPACITY: Whip - 4.125 ton

2-part - 9 ton


2-part - 55'6"

CARGO CAPACITY: Deck - 10 ton Hold - 10 ton




A Class

5.0 kts

8.8 kts

B Class

5.0 kts

9.1 kts

D Class

5.0 kts

9.4 kts

TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Restricted to ICW, bays, rivers and other protected waters. Tug's stability is dependent
on the barge being attached to the tug. Tug receives Fuel and Water from the barge storage tanks.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Depth to spud 20' (max) 15' normal, max seas 2'. Spud length 30' to 40' depending on
AOR. Some barges have 2 spuds and some have 3. Barges used to construct structures and drive pile for dolphins, day
marks, and piers.

A Class
1300 nm at 8.8 kts
2400 nm at 5.0 kts

B Class
1000 nm at 9.1 kts
2200 nm at 5.0 kts





3,150 gal

2,214 gal

Potable Water

1,500 gal

1,500 gal

D Class
1050 nm at 9.4 kts
2500 nm at 5.0 kts

Logistically limited to 7 days underway without a port call due to sewage holding tanks and fresh water supply.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Inland Construction Tenders (WLICs) are operated in the harbor and harbor entrance
environment to construct fixed ATON structures in shallow water where bottom conditions are appropriate to accept
driven piles. They are equipped with a 68' barge used for construction operations. They also service medium-size
buoys and moorings. The 75' WLICs are not capable of traversing exposed water due to stability limitations of the tug.

SMALL BOATS ASSIGNED: 2 - WP, Some also have 1 - TANB

SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: CONSTRUCTION - can drive 60' piles, equipped with PUSH KNEES. Capable of
servicing second class can and nun buoys and other buoys up to 6'X20'LRs. Able to carry pollution response equipment
such as skimmers, booms, pumps, and damage control and salvage equipment.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: The lattice type construction crane is susceptible to damage with greater than 2% side
loads; needs to be spudded down when constructing structures; cannot accommodate mixed-gender crews. Restricted to
protected waters.
CLASS DIFFERENCES: CGC SLEDGE has a 65' crane vice 60' as does the rest of the class.


115' WLR River Tender/138' ATON Barge

LOA: 115'5"

BEAM: 30'

DISPLACEMENT: 390 Tons (Cutter)

LOA: 138'

BEAM: 32'

DISPLACEMENT: 507 Tons (Barge)

CREW: (CPO/ENL) 3-19

DRAFT: 7'6"
MACHINERY PLANT: 3 - Caterpillar D379TA diesel engines with 750SHP/engine, 3 screws - 4 Stainless Steel
blades each diameter 64", pitch 40" Electrical system: 440v AC 3 phase

Economical 5.0

Maximum 10.6

TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Generally restricted to riverine environment. Transit of protected ICW possible when
required, sea conditions should be strictly limited to less than 1 ft. due to barge interface system. The 115 WLR is
weight critical and gains operational stability from the ATON barge it pushes; the WLR should not be moved when
uncoupled except in controlled or emergency situations.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Restricted to riverine environment, shallow water operation, the WLR has an installed
spud mooring system. Sea conditions should be strictly limited to less than 1'. Routine intentional groundings to service
shore ATON. The western river system is dredged to a minimum 9 ft. channel depth.

5,000 nm @ 10.6 kts

11,600 nm @ 5 kts


21,180 gal

Potable Water

5,500 gal

Able to support the crew for approximately 15 days. Onboard stores of water and fuel are supplemented by barge
mounted storage tanks. Additional dry stores and freezer space also located on barge. Limited by sewage holding
capability of approx 1,000 gal.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: USCGC SUMAC is a one of a kind River Buoy Tender (WLR). In mission and
capabilities, it does not differ greatly from other WLRs. It is the last of a class of older WLRs which has been replaced
by 75' WLRs. The pusher boat is of the flush deck, barge hull type with a model type, spoon bow. Transverse framing
construction has been used throughout. SUMAC's hull is divided into various watertight compartments, due to vessel
age and modifications; watertight integrity between compartments is marginal; because of age the age of the vessel no
action is being taken to correct these discrepancies. Electric power is supplied by two 60 KW diesel generator sets
wired for single or parallel operation. Electrical power for the barge is taken from the pusher boat by means of suitable
jumpers. Power for the electric-hydraulic Alaska crane is supplied by a separate generator on the ATON barge.

SMALL BOATS ASSIGNED: 2 - WP, 1 - Munson, 1 - TANB

SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Equipped with push knees. SUMAC is equipped with 4 flanking rudders, 3 steering
rudders and propeller access plates to clear obstructions without divers or drydocking. Is capable of changing out
steering rudders without drydocking.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: CGC SUMAC cannot currently accept mixed gender crews. Due to her size, age, and
configuration, the assigned crew is larger than other vessels with the same mission. SUMAC gains additional stability
from her ATON barge and should not transit open water.
DRAFT: @ full load DISPLACEMENT: 4 Ft.
MACHINERY PLANT: No propulsion machinery. Barge is equipped with a GM 3-53 Engine to drive the installed
air compressor. The barge generator is an Allis-Chalmers model 670T powering an Onan 100 KW generator. The
Alaska crane has an electric hydraulic unit powered by the barge generator. The barge generator supplies power for the
electric-hydraulic crane only; all other power is supplied by the tender.
Fuel 3,480 gal.
Water - 25,842 gal.
Cargo - > 75 tons
LIFT CAPACITY: Alaska hydraulic crane is currently Coast Guard rated at 2,000 Lb safe working load. This rating
is currently in the process of being increased by G-ENE to 3,000 Lb. safe working load.


75' WLR River Tender/ATON Barge

C Class

E Class

F Class










150 Tons

150 Tons

172 Tons

CREW: (CPO/ENL) 3-10

DRAFT: Full Load - 4'2"
C Class: 2 - Caterpillar D353D diesel engines with 330SHP/engine*, twin screws - 4 blades each, diameter 47",
pitch 43"
E Class: 2 - Caterpillar D353E diesel engines with 375SHP/engine, twin screws - 4 blades each, diameter 48", pitch 43"
F Class: 2 - CATERPILLAR 3412-DIT turbocharged diesel engines with 503SHP/engine, twin stainless steel screws - 6
blades each, diameter 46", pitch 51"
Electrical system: 120/240v AC
*As yard time and funding permit, 75C WLRs are being upgraded to 375 HP Configuration.
TRANSIT SPEED: Economical 6.5, Max 7.6-10.5, dependent on horsepower and tug/barge combination
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Generally restricted to riverine environment. The 75C WLR is marginally under
powered. Transit of protected ICW possible when required, sea conditions should be strictly limited to less than 1
foot due to barge interface system. A 75' WLR gains its stability from the ATON barge it pushes, the WLR should not
be moved when uncoupled except in emergency situations.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Restricted to riverine environment, shallow water operation, the WLR has an installed
spud mooring system. Sea conditions should be strictly limited to less than 1'. Routine intentional groundings to service
shore aids. The western river system is dredged to a minimum 9 ft. channel depth.

C Class
1600 nm at 8.7kts
3100 nm at 6.5kts

E Class
1600 nm at 7.6kts
3100 nm at 6.5kts


E Class

F Class

Potable Water

2,986 gal.
2,882 gal.

3,438 gal.
2,573 gal.

F Class
1600 nm at 12.0kts
3100 nm at 9.25kts

Note: C Class range values have not been updated since the larger 130' barge replaced original WLR barges.
Able to support the crew of 14 for approximately 15 days. Onboard stores of water and fuel are supplemented by barge
mounted storage tanks. Additional dry stores and freezer space also located on barge. Limited by sewage holding
capability of approx 900 gal. Operation is generally limited to daylight hours (sunrise-sunset) day buoy ops, with
occasional night transit steaming.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: River tenders (WLRs) - all found in CGD2 are operated on inland rivers and are
responsible for construction and servicing of shore structures, and servicing of floating ATON. These vessels are all
pusher tugs with barges. The pusher boat is of the flush deck, barge hull type with a model type, spoon bow.
Transverse framing construction has been used throughout. The hull is divided into five watertight compartments
consisting of the trim tanks and a void at the bow; a forward hold; engine room; an after hold and lazarette. The
hull is of steel construction. Because the barge is entirely separate from the tug, and a number of types of barges are in
use, there is no single "standard" configuration for a WLR. This description may be taken to apply to all WLRs, with
minor variations. Electrical power for the barge is taken from the pusher boat by means of suitable jumpers.
SMALL BOATS ASSIGNED: A mixture of FRs, WPs, and UTLs
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Equipped with push knees. The 75 WLRs are equipped with flanking rudders and
propeller access plates to clear obstructions without divers or dry docking. They are capable of changing out steering
rudders without drydocking. The 75F WLRs are equipped with 4 automated flanking rudders and two steering rudders.
75C Class WLRs push 130' ATON Barges. 75E Class WLRs push 100' ATON Barges, 75F Class WLRs push 130'
Barges. Refer to 130' or 100' ATON BARGE for additional info.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: The 75' C and E Class WLRs cannot currently accept mixed-gender crews. The 75F
WLRs are designed to accept mixed-gender crews. All 75' WLRs lack stability when not coupled to their barge and
should not transit open water.E


65' WLR River Tender/ATON Barge

LOA: 65'10"

BEAM: 21'


CREW: (CPO/ENL) 3-10

DRAFT: A Class, 4'6"; B Class 5'
A Class: 2 - Caterpillar D353D turbocharged diesel engines with 375SHP/engine, twin screws -5 blades each, diameter
48", pitch 46"
Electrical system: 120/240v AC powered by 2 105KW diesel generators
B Class: 2 - Caterpillar D353D turbocharged diesel engines with 330SHP/engine, twin screws -5 blades each, diameter
48", pitch 46"
Electrical system: 120/240v AC powered by 2 45KW diesel generators
TRANSIT SPEED: Economical 6.0, Max 7.6-10.5, dependent on horsepower and tug/barge combination
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Generally restricted to riverine environment. The 65' WLR is marginally under
powered. Transit of protected ICW possible when required, sea conditions should be strictly limited to less than 1
ft. due to barge interface system. The 65' WLR gains its stability from the ATON barge it pushes, the WLR should not
be moved when uncoupled except in emergency situations.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Restricted to riverine environment, shallow water operation, the WLR has an installed
spud mooring system. Sea conditions should be strictly limited to less than 1 ft. routine intentional groundings to
service shore ATON. The western river system is dredged to a minimum 9 ft. channel depth.

A Class

B Class

1700 nm at 10.5kts
3500 nm at 6.0kts

1700 nm at 10.5kts
3500 nm at 6.0kts


1,017 gal.

Potable Water

2,872 gal.

Able to support the crew of 13 for approximately 15 days. Onboard stores of water and fuel are supplemented by bargemounted storage tanks. Additional dry stores and freezer space also located on barge. Limited by sewage holding
capability of approx 900 gallons. Operation is generally limited to daylight hours (sunrise-sunset) day buoy ops, with
occasional night transit steaming.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The 65' WLR is similar in mission and design to the 75' WLR, but has less power and
poorer accommodations. The general description of the 75' WLR applies

except that the 65' WLR is not capable of working with the newer, larger 130' river barge in open water due to their
power and maneuvering limitations.
SMALL BOATS ASSIGNED: A mixture of FRs, WPs, and UTLs
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Equipped with headlog. The 65A Class WLRs push 130' ATON Barges. The 65B Class
WLR pushes 100' ATON Barges.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: The 65' WLRs cannot currently accept mixed-gender crews. They lack stability when not
coupled to their barge and should not transit open water. 65' WLRs have only steering rudders.


130' ATON Barge

LOA: 130 Ft.

BEAM: 30 Ft.


DRAFT: @ full load displacement: 5 Ft.

MACHINERY PLANT: No propulsion machinery. Barge is equipped with a Cummins 6BT5.9 Engine to drive the
installed air compressor and Fire/Jetting pump. Attached Appleton hydraulic crane is powered by a Cummins 4BT3.9

-11,000 Gal. (to augment WLR)

Potable water

-8,000 Gal. (to augment WLR)

LIFT CAPACITY: Appleton hydraulic crane is currently Coast Guard rated at 2,000 lb. safe working load. This
rating is currently in the process of being increased by G-ENE to 3,000 lb. safe working load.
CARGO CAPACITY: Deck Load 86,000 lb.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Eleven 130' barges have replaced a variety of old barges.


100' ATON Barge

LOA: 100'

BEAM: 30'


DRAFT: @ 139 ton displacement; 3'8"

MACHINERY PLANT: No propulsion machinery. Barge is equipped with a GM 4-71 Engine to drive the installed
air compressor and Fire/Jetting pump. Attached Allied hydraulic crane is powered by a Cummins 4BT3.9 engine.

14,900 gal. (to augment WLR)

Potable water

9,568 gal. (to augment WLR)

LIFT CAPACITY: Allied hydraulic crane is currently Coast Guard rated at 2,000 lb. safe working load. This rating is
currently in the process of being increased by G-ENE to 3,000 lb. safe working load.
CARGO CAPACITY: Not published (estimated, at 100 sinkers @ 1,000 lb./Sinker and 100 Class 6 buoys).
Information provided by CGC SANGAMON (WLR 65606).


55' ANB
LOA: 58'0"

BEAM: 17'0"

DISPLACEMENT: 64,620 lbs

2 - Diesel, GM 12V-71, 540 SHP/engine, twin screws, 3 blade propellers, 38"diameter

A Class

B Class

C Class

13' reach stern notch

2000 lbs

3300 lbs

3300 lbs

13+ reach stern notch

1000 lbs

2000 lbs

2000 lbs

outside stern notch

1000 lbs

2000 lbs

2000 lbs

The A Class has the Husky M45 crane, B Class the Husky M60 and the C Class have a Coastal crane built to the Husky
M60 specifications. The cranes are capable of extending 18'6" and fully retracted are 13'.
CARGO CAPACITY: Deck Load: 4,000 Lb, Cargo hold: 4000 lb
TRANSIT SPEED: 21.5 Knot Maximum Speed
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Protected cabin; max sea state not published, should not exceed ratings for 41' UTB.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Max 1-2 ft. for safe working.
ENDURANCE: Range 175 statute miles at maximum speed. Endurance is limited by fuel capacity. Boat is capable of
supporting the crew for 4-5 days.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The boat is aluminum construction, of a V-bottom planing type fitted with twin diesel
engines. There is a flush deck from approximately amid ship aft, with an enclosed pilothouse forward, and a buoy notch
at the transom. Galley and dinette are located in the pilot house, and in the forward part of the hull bunks and lockers
are provided for four crew members along with a shower, lavatory, and water closet. Four transverse watertight
bulkheads are provided. Any one compartment can be completely flooded and the vessel will stay afloat. Air
conditioning and electric heating are provided in the pilot house, hull crew quarter, and the ATON workshop. A fire
monitor is located forward on the main deck.
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Fuel Oil Capacity: 1,000 gal. Fresh Water Capacity: 240 gal. Sanitary Water
Capacity: 220 gal.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Limited berthing areas and crew support capability. No mixed-gender crew provisions.
The 55 ANB was designed to operate in inland waterways, bays, sounds and harbors for routine and emergency service.
NUMBER OF EACH CLASS: A = 12, B = 7, C = 3, Total: 22
CLASS DIFFERENCES: Minor structural and equipment changes occurred over time and three different classes of
the 55 ANB. The boats are all similar and are all capable of performing the same mission.

45' BU
LOA: 45'3"

BEAM: 15'

DISPLACEMENT: 48,000 lbs

1 - Diesel, GM 6-71, equipped with 150 SHP and "V" drive or 180 SHP and straight drive. Single screw, 3 blades, 30"
diameter, 26" pitch
LIFT CAPACITY: 4,000 lb.
CARGO CAPACITY: 20,800 lb.
TRANSIT SPEED: 8.5 Knot Maximum Speed
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Protected cabin; max sea state not published, should not be operated offshore due to
open well forward.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Max 1-2 ft. for safe working.
ENDURANCE: Range 550 nautical miles at maximum speed. Endurance is limited by habitability. Boat is designed
primarily for "day trips" in inland waters, but is capable of supporting the crew for an occasional overnight. Galley and
sanitary facilities are marginal at best.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The boat is steel construction, of a V-bottom type with a single diesel engine, coupled to
a "V" drive or straight shaft. The 45 BU has an A-frame mounted forward with a cargo area forward of the deck house.
A small generator provides AC power. Galley/dinette/berthing areas are located in the aft part of the hull. Minimum
accommodations are provided for the four crew members, internal noise levels underway require single hearing
protection in the galley/berthing area and double protection in the engine room.
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Fuel Oil Capacity: 550 gal. Fresh Water Capacity: 140 gal. Sanitary Water Capacity:
None, self-contained portable toilet.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Limited berthing areas and crew support capability, no mixed-gender provisions. High
noise levels throughout. The 45 BU was designed to operate in inland waterways for routine and emergency service.
NUMBER OF CLASSES: Two: (Mark I and Mark II)
NUMBER OF EACH CLASS: Mark I = 10, Mark II = 6 Originally 16, approximately 10-12 remain in service.
CLASS DIFFERENCES: Minor structural and equipment changes occurred over time and production of the 45 BU.
Hulls 45313 through 45317 are identical except they carry 480 gal. fuel and have a 180 HP 6-71 engine with a 2:1
reduction gear with a straight shaft. Range on these boats is 520 miles. The boats are all similar and are all capable of
performing the same mission.


46' BUSL
LOA: 46'4"

BEAM: 16'2"

DISPLACEMENT: 33,000 lbs

PROPULSION: 1 - Diesel, GM 6V-71, 180 SHP, single Schottel Rudder-propeller unit, Model SPR-100. Unit is PTO
driven with no reverse gear, 360 degree steering is possible. Single 3 blade propeller, diameter 33", pitch 29"
LIFT CAPACITY: 4,000 lb. using both whips; Single whip 2,000 lb.
CARGO CAPACITY: Deck Load, 16,000 Lb
TRANSIT SPEED: 9.5 Knot Maximum Speed
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Protected cabin; max sea state not published,
should not exceed ratings for 41' UTB.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Max 1-2 ft. for safe working.
ENDURANCE: Range 130 nautical miles at maximum speed. Endurance is limited by fuel capacity. Boat is capable
of supporting the crew for 48 hours.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The boat is steel construction, of a V-bottom type fitted with a rudder-propeller unit
coupled to a single diesel engine. The 46 BUSL has a fiberglass surfaced plywood cabin forward, and a buoy notch at
the transom. A hydraulically operated A-frame is located aft on the main deck and used for ATON work. Galley and
dinette are located in the forward part of the hull, bunks and lockers are provided for four crew members along with a
shower, lavatory, and portable toilet. Air conditioning and electric heating are provided in the pilot house and hull crew
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Fuel Oil Capacity: 180 gal. Fresh Water Capacity: 80 gal. Sanitary Water Capacity:
None, self-contained portable toilet.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Limited berthing areas and crew support capability, no mixed gender provisions.
CLASS DIFFERENCES: B class vessels are equipped with 400 gallon capacity, and increased range to 250 nautical
miles. The boats are similar and are all capable of performing the same mission


TANB - Trailerable Aids To Navigation Boat

The 21 TANB is currently being purchased by the Coast Guard undercontract from SeaArk Corporation,
Monticello, AR.
LOA: 21'4" BEAM: 8'0" DISPLACEMENT: 3,500 lbs
DRAFT: 1'2"
LOAD CAPACITY: 3,500 lbs (including crew and fuel)
Currently two "standard configurations" of TANB propulsion equipment exist, these are:
1. Mercriuser V-8 Gasoline (350 GM Engine) 175/200 HP range.
2. Volvo Diesel (AQAD-41 Series Engine) 185/200 HP range.
Alternate configurations found are:
1. OMC Cobra V-8 Gasoline (302 Ford Engine) 188/200 HP range.
A Sebron Tunnel Drive propulsion system is currently being prototyped on the 21 TANB installation should be
complete for an August 1993 evaluation.
A prototype package is being compiled to test a Mercruiser diesel stern drive to replace the Volvo currently in service.
The D4.2 L220 Series Mercruiser is currently listed on SeaArks GSA schedule as an option for the TANB.
LIFT CAPACITY: 250 Lb (with optional davit).
CARGO CAPACITY: Total load not to exceed 3,500 Lb.
TRANSIT SPEED: 20 knot+ (varies with load).
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Open cockpit area, max sea state not published,
should not exceed 3 ft.
SERVICE (WORK) ENVIRONMENT: Max 1-2 ft. for safe working.
ENDURANCE: Range varies with propulsion and available fuel tank configuration. Endurance is limited by fuel
capacity. SeaArk offers varying combinations of side mounted "saddle" and center mounted "belly" tanks. Diesel
powered units have a greater range than gasoline powered units.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The boat is aluminum construction, of a V-bottom type fitted with a single gasoline or
diesel inboard/outboard unit. The TANB is of open cockpit construction and can be fitted with a 250 lb. capacity davit
depending on operational requirements. The TANB is designed to be trailerable and available for light ATON work and
emergency response. Normal compliment is 2-3 crew members.
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: Fuel Oil Capacity: 36/86 gal. Fresh Water Capacity: -0- Sanitary Water Capacity: -0A-28

SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: The 21 TANB was designed as a fast response platform to service minor aids to
navigation and to correct ATON outages. The boats were designed to be trailerable and to operate in inland waterways,
bays, sounds and harbors for routine and emergency service.
CLASS DIFFERENCES: Minor structural and equipment changes occurred over time and numerous different
production runs of the 21 TANB. The boats are all similar and are all capable of performing the same mission.


Non-standard Work Punt (WP)

LOA: 16' to 20'
MACHINERY PLANT: Single or twin outboard 25 or 35 Hp.
CARGO CAPACITY: Varies, 1080 to 3700 lbs.
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Rivers and inland waterways.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: Rivers and inland waterways.
ENDURANCE: Varies, limited by fuel capacity 6 gallons portable to 30 gallons installed.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Work punts in various configurations are used to transport personnel and supplies to
service fixed ATON, recover beached buoys (in rivers), assist in flood relief efforts, and other general small boat
missions. Work punts are carried on board small cutters in protected waters, and used by shore units. They are small,
commercially available open boats.
NUMBER OF CLASSES: No specific class designations, boats from multiple buys are in service.
NUMBER OF EACH CLASS: Approximate total: 20
CLASS DIFFERENCES: Minor structural and equipment changes occurred over time and multiple purchases. The
boats are all similar and are all capable of performing the same mission.


MCB - Motor Cargo Boat

LOA: 25'8"

BEAM: 7'11" WEIGHT: (hoisting weight): 5070 lbs

DRAFT: 2'2"
PROPULSION: 1 - GM 3-53 direct drive diesel, 80 SHP, single 3 blade propeller, 18" diameter, 13" pitch
LIFT CAPACITY: This class boat does not have any lifting capabilities.
TRANSIT SPEED: 12 knots (varies with load).
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Open cockpit area, max sea state not published,
but the boat is similar to the MSB whose characteristics are described
as light to moderate seas.
SERVICE (WORK) ENVIRONMENT: For approaching buoys or unprotected structures,
1-2 ft seas max.
ENDURANCE: Fuel: 40 gals., 85 miles. Endurance is limited by fuel capacity.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The boat is fiberglass construction, of a round
bottom type fitted with a single diesel inboard direct drive unit. The
MCB is of open cockpit construction, and is non-self bailing. It is
only assigned to WLBs and is carried on board the cutter.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Fresh Water Capacity: -0- Sanitary Water Capacity:
-0NUMBER OF CLASSES: No specific class designations exist.
NUMBER OF EACH CLASS: Total: 21 (currently as of 8/5/93, 17 are
assigned aboard WLBs)


MSB - Motor Surf Boat

LOA: 25'8"

BEAM: 7'1"

WEIGHT: (hoisting weight): 5070 lbs

DRAFT: 2'1" (full load) 1'10" (op load)

PROPULSION: 1 - GM 3-53 direct drive diesel, 80 SHP, single 3 blade propeller, 18" diameter, 15" pitch
LIFT CAPACITY: This class boat does not have any lifting capabilities.
TRANSIT SPEED: 9 knot (varies with load).
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Open cockpit area, max sea state not published, but the general description limits the
boat to moderate seas.
SERVICE (WORK) ENVIRONMENT: For approaching buoys or unprotected structures, 1-2 ft seas max.
ENDURANCE: Fuel Oil Capacity: 30 gals., 60 miles. Endurance is limited by fuel capacity.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The boat is fiberglass construction, of a round bottom type fitted with a single diesel
inboard direct drive unit. The MCB is of open cockpit construction, and is non-self bailing. Currently only one is
assigned to the WLB fleet (IRIS).
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: Fresh Water Capacity: -0- Sanitary Water Capacity: -0- limitations.
NUMBER OF CLASSES: No specific class designations exist.
NUMBER OF EACH CLASS: Total: 21 (Currently as of 8/5/93, 17 are assigned aboard WLBs)


RHIB/RHIM - Rigid Hull Inflatable

LOA: 21'6"/19'11"

BEAM: 8'0"/7'8"

HOISTING WEIGHT: 3400/2165 lbs

DRAFT: 33"/28"
Type 1 - VOLVO inboard/outdrive/diesel, Type 2 - OMC outboards/gasoline
LIFT CAPACITY: This class boat does not have any lifting capabilities.
CARGO CAPACITY: (including crew and fuel) 2240 lbs/2610 lbs
TRANSIT SPEED: diesel 32 kts outboards 35 kts
TRANSIT ENVIRONMENT: Open cockpit area, Max sea state not published, but the general description limits the
boat to light to moderate seas.
SERVICE ENVIRONMENT: For approaching buoys or unprotected structures, 1-2 ft seas max.
ENDURANCE: Fuel: 34 gals diesel/24 gals gasoline. Endurance is limited by fuel capacity.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The boat is fiberglass hull with neoprene inflatable tubes, of a semi-V bottom type fitted
with a single diesel inboard/out drive or twin gasoline outboards engines. The RHIB/RHIM is of open cockpit
construction, and is self bailing. They are assigned to buoy tenders and are carried on board the cutter. Currently, the
outboard gasoline-powered boats are being replaced with the inboard/out drive diesel powered which is a slightly larger
boat. The boats are hoisted and lowered by means of the single-point davit system on the WLBs and by various davit
systems in the remainder of the fleet.
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES: This type of small boat is well suited for approaching other vessels and ATON (both
floating and fixed) with reduced risk of damage due to the inflatable tubes on the boat.
SPECIAL LIMITATIONS: These boats have no hoisting capabilities.
NUMBER OF CLASSES: No specific class designations exist.
NUMBER OF EACH CLASS: This is a CG wide boat. For numbers authorized see the cutter class.


-AAcetylene Cylinder - A portable bottle-shaped steel cylinder used to store acetylene gas under pressure.
Adrift - A floating aid broken loose from its mooring and drifting off station.
Advance - The net distance a vessel travels in its original course from the time the rudder is put over until it's steadied
on the new course.
Aids to Navigation (AtoN) - Any device external to a vessel or aircraft intended to assist a navigator to determine his
position or safe course, or to warn him of dangers or obstructions to navigation.
ANB (Aids to Navigation Boat) - 55-foot boats attached to ANTs, fitted with hoisting equipment, whose function is to
service aids to navigation, usually in a relatively limited area. Works Aids to Navigation astern. Capable of offshore
work for quick discrepancy response.
Anchor hawk - A heavy (normally four-bladed) grapple used to drag for sunken buoys. See Grapple.
ANT (Aids to Navigation Team) - Shore based team of between 4 to 25 persons of various ratings that are responsible
for scheduled maintenance of all assigned major and minor aids to navigation. Also provides rapid response to
discrepancies of own assigned as well as other units' aids. Assigned a variety of boats and equipment to accomplish
Avast - Order to stop or cease.
-BBackfire - Gases in the tip of a torch that explode back to the point of gas mixing in the torch. A sustained backfire
occurs when the flame burns back inside the torch at the mixing point, making a hissing sound and a thin, small flame at
the tip.
Bail (Bale) - A metal lifting eye secured to an object.
Barrel sling - A two-legged sling fitted with hooks designed to attach to the chine of a barrel.
Battery box - A box placed on the bell stand of a buoy (watertight) or mounted onto a structure (water resistant), which
contains the batteries for the aid.
Battery rack - A metal container for holding batteries, which is
inserted in the pocket of a lighted buoy.
Beacon - An obsolete term, formerly referring to a shore aid to navigation. The term is still being used by maritime
interests outside the Coast Guard.
Belay - To take one or more "S" turns with a line around a cleat or belaying pin without tying it in a knot. Also, to
cancel an order.

Bight - A loop of line, or chain.

Bitts - A pair of short steel posts or horns aboard a ship used to secure lines.
Bitter end - The absolute end of a piece of line or cable.
Block - A device made of a wheel (sheave), inside a shell, over which a line or wire rope can run freely.
Block and Block - See Two-Blocked.
Boat hook - Wooden staff with combined hook and pushing surface mounted on one end, used to fend off, hold on, or
Bollard - Strong cylindrical upright on a pier, around which the eye or bight of a ship's mooring line is thrown.
Boom - A long spar projecting from a mast, a base or the base of an A-frame, used to support lifting tackles; a derrick
arm; a crane.
Bow thruster - A small propeller set in a tunnel in the bow (or at the end of a post under the hull), which pushes the
bow to port or starboard.
Bridle - Two short lengths of chain connected by an iron ring; used in connecting mooring chain to lighted and some
unlighted buoys or for lifting heavy weights.
Brushing - The elimination of vegetation surrounding (obscuring) an aid by using machetes, chainsaws and herbicides.
BU (Buoy boat) - A bow-loading 45 foot boat fitted with hoisting equipment, generally assigned to an ANT, whose
function is to service aids to navigation, usually within a relatively sheltered area.
Bull chain - Large chain run fore-and-aft between two padeyes inboard of the buoy port on the side where the buoy is
brought aboard.
Bull line - See Cross-Deck line.
Bulwark - Solid fence-like barrier along the edges of the weather deck.
Buoy - A floating object moored to the bottom to indicate a position on the water or to moor a vessel.
Buoy appendages - Mooring equipment for a buoy; chain, sinker, bridle, shackles, ballast ball, etc.
Buoy body (hull) - The enclosed portion of a buoy, i.e., the portion that provides the flotation.
Buoy cage (tower) - The skeleton metal framework mounted on the buoy body to support the lantern and other
equipment attached to the buoy.
Buoy chain (open link) - A series of elongated metal rings joined to form a means of mooring a buoy. May be steel or
wrought iron.
Buoy chock - See Head block.
Buoy cradle - See Saddle.

Buoy lifting eye - Bail at the top (also the side of unlighted buoys) of the buoy body for lifting.
Buoy mooring eye - Bail on the bottom of the buoy hull to which the mooring or bridle and mooring is attached.
Buoy pocket - A cylindrical confined interior section of a buoy body containing a battery rack. Pockets are fitted with
watertight covers.
Buoy port - An open section of the bulwarks on each side of the working deck of a tender, through which buoy,
appendages, etc., are launched and recovered.
Buoy station - The established location of a buoy.
Buoy tender - A vessel designed for, and engaged in, servicing aids to navigation, particularly buoys.
Buoy tube - A long counterweighted metal cylinder attached to the bottom of the buoy.
Buoy vent - A metal tubing, connected to the pocket, fitted with a ball check valve, which allows air to enter and
explosive gases to vent from the buoy pocket, but prevents water from entering the pockets.
Buoy, unlighted - See Unlighted buoy.
BUSL (Buoy Boat, Stern Loading) - A 46- and 49-foot boat that is stern-loading, fitted with hoisting equipment,
generally assigned to an ANT, whose function is to service aids to navigation, usually within a relatively sheltered area.
-CCage - See Buoy cage
Cage line - A line rove through the cage of a buoy to steady it while alongside or being hoisted.
Can buoy - An unlighted buoy having a cylindrical portion showing above the water line.
Capstan - That part of a vertical shaft windlass around which a working line is passed; used for heaving in anchors and
Cargo Boom - See Boom.
Cargo net - A square net of varying sizes made of Manila, wire rope, nylon straps or chain, and used for slinging case
goods or small package freight. Also may be slung between a vessel and the pier or another vessel during loading
operations as a safety net.
Cast - The act of heaving a lead into the water to ascertain water depth. Also to move a vessel's bow or stern to port or
starboard when getting underway by use of the rudder, spring lines or kedging anchors.
Cat's Pawl - See Pawl.
CCA - See Chromated Copper Arsenate.
Chafe - That section of the buoy mooring chain that is constantly rubbing on the bottom as the buoy rises and falls in the
Chaffing gear - Additional material placed over sections of line that are prone to wear.

Chain hook - A handled metal hook about 32 inches long used to manually haul bights of chain about the deck.
Chain sling - A short variable length of high tensile strength chain having an elongated pear-shaped link or hook in each
end. It is used to hoist heavy weights on board tenders.
Chain Stopper - A mechanical jaw device for securing or stopping of mooring chain to the deck.
Characteristic - The color and shape of a day mark or buoy or the color and period of a light used for identifying the
aid; the identifying signal transmitted by a radio beacon.
Charging a buoy - Installing and connecting batteries in a lighted aid to navigation.
Check - To slack off slowly, generally used to prevent a line from parting.
Check angles - Horizontal sextant angles measured at a buoy station other than those used to locate the buoy. These
serve to check the position.
Chinese stopper - A two-legged stopper that is wrapped in alternating directions.
Chocks (Open, Closed, Rolling) - A metal casting which serves as a lead for lines.
Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) - A light green liquid chemical compound used to pressure treat wooden piles,
timbers and lumber. CCA is poisonous to marine life (i.e., terodes) and is replacing creosote as the treatment of choice.
Also referred to as "salt treatment" due to arsenate salt compounds used. See Creosote.
Cleat - A metal casting with two projecting horns to which lines are belayed.
Clevis hook - Consists of two opposed hooks on the end fitting, which close upon each other.
Closed - Discontinuance of an aid on a fixed structure for the winter season.
Come-along - A mechanical ratcheting device used to tighten straps.
Commissioned - An aid previously reported "closed" or "withdrawn" has been placed in operation.
Counterweight - A heavy weight, usually metal, fastened to a lower portion of a buoy to increase its stability.
Cradle - See Saddle.
Creosote - A dark brown to black oily liquid preservative used in the preservative treatment of wooden piles, timbers
and lumber. Creosote is poisonous to marine life (e.g., toredoes) and helps prevent rot and decay. It is also
carcinogenic. The use of creosote is slowly disappearing with the use of CCA preservative. See CCA.
Cross-deck line - A heavy line having a hook or eye in one end, which is led from the windlass or capstan through
snatch blocks on deck to a large buoy or other weight for steadying purposes.
Cross-over tube - A small tube that runs between the battery pockets within the buoy. This tube allows free passage of
air in one vent into the pocket, through the cross-over tube to the other pocket and out the other vent.

Daybeacon - An unlighted structure which serves as a daytime aid to navigation by virtue of its distinctive appearance
which makes it recognizable and identifiable.
Daylight control - A photoelectric cell that senses the amount of sunlight. It activates an on-off switch in the flasher
which turns the light on at dark and off during the daylight hours.
Daymark - The daytime identifying characteristics of an aid to navigation. The day mark qualities of an aid are unique
and distinctive to facilitate its recognition. Also a conspicuous target added to a day beacon or light. The Second Coast
Guard District refers to day beacons as day marks.
Dead In the Water (DIW) - An object or vessel that is not moving.
Deck load - A general term for all that is laden aboard a vessel for work.
Derrick - See Boom.
Discontinue - Authorized removal from operation. Aid to be deleted from the published Light List.
Disestablishment - The act of permanently removing from service a previously authorized, permanent aid to navigation.
DIW - See Dead In the Water.
Dogs - A colloquial term applied to buoy pocket cover hold-down swing bolts.
Dolphin - See Pile Dolphin.
Dredge - To drag an anchor at short stay over the bottom as a steadying influence over the ship.
Driven to refusal - See Refusal.
Drum - The cylindrical part of a capstan, which the line is wound around. Also called the Barrel.
Dunnage - Lumber, or other material, used to protect cargo in the hold of a ship; planks placed on deck to add friction
between flat surfaces and the deck.
-EEase - To reduce the amount of helm by a certain amount, or in the absence of an amount, halve it. Also, to slacken a
line gently when taut.
End fitting - Various fittings designed to be attached to wire rope.
End for end - To reverse something, generally chain to facilitate even wear.
Extinguished - Lighted aid not lit.
-FFairlead - A simple pulley or eye through which line is run to change its direction, no mechanical advantage is gained.
A snatch block often serves as a fairlead.
Fake - A term commonly and incorrectly used on tenders to mean the lying out of bights of chain on deck for running
freely over the side. The correct name for this practice is "ranging".
Fender - Term applied to various devices, fixed and portable, serving to cushion the shocks and protect the shell plating
when a vessel comes into contact with a pier, or the like, or another

Fiege fitting - A three-piece wire rope end-fitting consisting of a sleeve, a plug and a covering socket. The plug is
inserted into the core, holding the strands against the sleeve and the socket goes on top.
Fishhook - A broken end of wire protruding from a wire rope.
Fix - The establishment of a position on the water by means of angles, bearings or electronic equipment.
Fixity - A term used to describe when a pile (wood, concrete or steel) has been driven to the depth that the surrounding
soil will provide the required load bearing support of both the pile and its intended load.
Flashback - An explosion, while using a torch, which takes place between the mixing chamber and the gas cylinders.
Flasher - An electrically powered device which produces light flashes of a prescribed characteristic in an electric
Foul - When an object (generally anchor or chain) is entangled with some foreign substance (line, mud).
Foundry hook - Hooks designed to fit a specific size chain link.
-GGang bridle - Multiple-legged bridle.
Grapnel hook - A multipronged anchor of various weights used for dragging the bottom to recover sunken objects.
Gripe - To secure firmly.
Gun tackle - A tackle composed of a fall and two single blocks.
Gypsy head - The drum on the end of a windlass shaft used for hauling rope.
Guy - See Vang.
-HHand-over-hand - The act of hauling rapidly upon a rope by personnel passing their hands alternately one before the
Happy hooker - A mechanical reeving device placed at the end of a wooden shaft. Used to "hook" the tenders main or
whip into a buoy bale.
Hatch - An opening, generally rectangular, in a ship's deck affording access into the compartment below.
Hatch cover - A wooden or metal cover or shutter fitted over a hatch to prevent the ingress of water into the ship's hold.
Hawser - A heavy line more than 5 inches in circumference used for towing or mooring.
Head block - A wooden square cross section block used to secure a buoy, often used in

conjunction with a buoy cradle.

Head line - See Cage line.
Heat and Beat - See Rivet-pin shackle.
Heave around - To cause the drum of a capstan or windlass to revolve, thus hauling in the anchor chain (on the wildcat)
or line around the drum.
Hitch - Method of securing a line to hook, ring, or spar.
Hogging chain - A shot of buoy mooring chain dipped under the tender and secured on deck at either side. Used for
transferring a mooring from one side of the ship to the other when relieving buoys on West Coast bars.
Hogging line - A heavy line having a hook in one end and led from the windlass or capstan to the mooring chain to haul
it forward and into the chain stopper.
Hoist - To raise or lift, especially by means of a line, block, or tackle.
Horse collar - A semi-circular piece of metal attached to the outboard side of the chain stopper, which prevents the
chain from leading too far outboard.
Hot pack - Small, portable system of batteries that are installed as a temporary source of power when the regular system
has failed.
-IInboard - Toward the fore-and-aft centerline of the ship. Inside the
deck edge or shell plating, as opposed to outboard.
-JJet cones - Small open-topped conical steel pieces attached to wire rope, used for moorings in river environments.
These cones are washed into the bottom (See Jetting) with high pressure hoses.
Jetting - The use of high pressure water, at times with air induced, piped alongside a pile to aid driving it.
Jetty - A breakwater built to protect a river mouth or harbor entrance or to direct the flow of current.
Jigger - See Luff tackle.
-KKedging - Moving a ship by means of small anchors and hawsers.
Keel haul - To drag a buoy or other object under the keel from one side of the vessel to the other.
Key hammer - A light hammer having a straight peen on the head opposite the hammer face. It is used for flaring out
or driving out split keys in the buoy mooring shackles.
Kingpost - Post supporting the cargo booms on ships. Also the upright that supports the boom of some cranes.

Kink - A twist which disturbs the lay of line and wire.

Krane Kar - A vehicular crane used ashore to lift weights, including buoys.
-LLamp - Common term used for the electrical "light bulb" which provides illumination for an aid to navigation. Lamps
are most often used in conjunction with lamp changers.
Lamp changer - A device for shifting lamps once the main one is extinguished.
Lay - The direction of the twist of strands of rope. Also to direct members of the crew to go to certain places (e.g., lay
to the messdeck).
Lay length - The distance it takes one strand to go completely around the rope.
Leadline - A weighted line with identifying markers attached (e.g., rags, leather) to help in determining the water depth.
Example: the marker for ten fathoms is a piece of leather with a hole in it. The leadline can also be used to determine
the type of bottom by the addition of tallow, soap, etc., in the cavity in the bottom of the lead (this is called "arming the
Lifeline - A cable which is run through eyelets on the top of stanchions on the weather decks of ships.
Line - A nautical term for rope.
Live chain - Chain with the potential to run over the side.
LNB (Large Navigational Buoy) - A 12-meter buoy designed to replace lightships marking the approaches to
Load binder - A tensioning device consisting of two hooks connected by chain, at the center of which is an angled
piece of metal which when closed up and secured against one of the lengths of chain, increases the tension.
Local Notice to Mariners - A locally disseminated issue of Notice to Mariners affecting a specific area.
Luff tackle - Purchase containing one single and one double block (single luff or jigger) or a double and triple block
arrangement (double luff).
-MMain (tackle, purchase) - A multiple hoisting purchase used on board tenders to hoist heavy weights. It is usually the
most powerful tackle of the hoisting tackles.
Marker buoy - A small brightly painted moored float used to temporarily mark a location on the water while placing a
buoy on station.
Marlinspike - A pointed steel tool used by riggers and seaman to separate the strands of rope when splicing and also as
a lever when putting on seizings, marling, etc.
Marry - To join together, such as two ropes joined in a seizing.
Mechanical advantage - Using a system of blocks or gears to obtain higher output force than input force.

Messenger - A general term for lines sent out to lead heavier ropes, such as to lead a towing line to a disabled vessel.
Modeer shackle - A special type of 1- and 2-inch U shackle equipped with locking bar-type pin, widely used on West
Coast tenders for hoisting and stopping off mooring chain.
Mooring - The chain connecting a buoy to a sinker. Sometimes used to include the sinker as well. Its purpose is to
maintain the buoy or other floating object in a specific location.
Mousing - A seizing of light line or wire across a hook, which prevents a sling from slipping off and which strengthens
the hook. Also, seizing which prevents screw pin of shackle from unthreading.
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) - A federally required form with all chemicals. It describes the make-up of the
compound, whether it is hazardous, antidotes, etc. It is required to be maintained in the same location as the chemical,
as well as in a separate file.
-NNipper chain - A section of chain with rings on both ends. Used by passing one ring through the other and cinching up
on a mooring chain or load.
Notice to Mariners - Public announcements either by broadcast or printed notices disseminating marine information to
the public, including items of establishment, change, or discontinuance of aids to navigation, as well as other items
regarding obstructions, changes in channel conditions, etc.
Nub - Small portion of a wooden, metal or concrete pile sticking out from a surface.
Nun buoy - An unlighted buoy having a conical portion showing above the water line.
-OOff station - A floating aid that has been moved from its station by adverse conditions; a discrepancy to be corrected.
Outage - The failure of an aid to navigation to function exactly as described in the Light List.
Outboard - Outside of a vessel's hull. Away from the center or keel line. The opposite of inboard.
Overriding turns - Turns placed over existing turns on a capstan or winch.
Oxy-Acetylene torch - A torch producing an intense flame utilizing acetylene gas as its fuel. Used to cut chain and
other metal. Can be used to heat metals to a "cherry red" condition so they can easily be bent or worked.
-PPadeye - A steel eye, often with a link attached, welded to a deck plate to provide a secure object to attach things to.
Pallet - A portable platform used in handling cargo on fork-lift trucks or slings. Palletized cargo is made up to fit the
Pawl - A short piece of steel hinged at one end to the pawl head of a capstan. It drops by gravity

into the chain links to prevent any backward motion when power was removed.
Pear link - An oblong metal link on the end of a short chain or wire strap. Can be used for numerous purposes such as
attachment of hooks, shackles, etc.
Pelican hook - A hinged hook consisting of a strongback and tongue, fitted with a hinged link for tripping while under
Pendant - A length of wire rope with an eye spliced in one end and a hook in the other. Used for hooking on and
picking up buoys and other weights. Sometimes called a picking pendant.
Picking Pendant - See Pendant.
Pigtail - A short length of chain left over after the mooring is connected to the sinker. This is used to pick up the sinker
and hang it over the side.
Pile - Wooden or steel post set into the water to create a structure.
Pile dolphin - A minor light structure consisting of a number of piles driven into the bottom in a circular pattern and
drawn together at the top. Referred to in the Light List as Dolphin.
Plumb (a hatch) - To rig a tackle directly over it.
Preventer - Any line, wire or chain whose general purpose is to act as a safeguard in case something else carries away.
Primary cell - A type of battery which cannot be recharged.
Punt - Rectangular shallow boat used on many smaller tenders and during flood relief operations.
Purchase - A combination of one or more blocks reeved with a line or wire. See Tackle.
-RRack - The athwartships or sidewise movement of a boom or derrick.
Radar Reflector - Flat pieces of radar reflective material placed on or built into an object to make it more radar
reflective than it would be ordinarily. Certain unlighted and most all lighted aids have these.
Radiobeacon - Electronic apparatus which transmits a radio signal for use in locating a mariner's position.
Ratchet binder - See Steamboat jack.
Recharged - Replacing the batteries in an aid.
Recovered - An aid previously reported adrift or missing has been retrieved.
Reeve - To run a line through an eye.
Reeving line - This line is reeved through a bail on the buoy prior to hooking it. It is attached to the mouth of the hook
and with a tripping line is used to guide the hook in.
Refusal - When a pile has been driven to the point where it will penetrateno further, and more blows will damage either
the pile or the pile-driving equipment.
Retroreflective tape - Tape that is specially constructed to reflect light back to the source from

more than one angle. Used for the numbers and border on buoys and day marks.
Rigging - The ropes, lines, wires, turnbuckles, and other gear supporting topside structures. Standing rigging is more or
less permanently fixed. Running rigging is adjustable, e.g., cargo handling gear.
Relieved - Replacement of an aid with an aid of the same type and characteristic.
Relighted - A lighted aid, previously reported extinguished has been relighted.
Relocated - Authorized movement from one location to another in the immediate vicinity with no alterations. Published
Light List description and chart to be changed accordingly.
Reset - A floating aid previously reported off station, adrift or missing has been returned to its station.
Rivet-pin shackle - A connecting shackle used in buoy moorings where the chain is subjected to wear such as in the
chafe. The pin is heated and peened over, commonly known as a "heat and beat."
Rock - See Sinker.
Roller chocks - A chock fitted with vertical rollers in order to minimize friction on lines passing through.
Rotten stop - A light lashing intended to part under a strain; serves as a brake to check the speed and violence of chain
running off the deck.
-SSaddle - Two wooden blocks connected by metal bars that are cut to fit the contour of the buoy hull, used for steadying
and securing buoys on deck and ashore.
Safe Working Load (SWL) - The maximum load, expressed in pounds, that the ship's weight handling gear (e.g., cargo
handling, boat davits, aids to navigation booms, etc.) can safely lift or pull without risk of failure by the rigging or
associated equipment.
Safety chain - Chain run the length of an opening in the bulwark or rail.
Safety shackle - A shackle with one end of the pin having threads, and a nut is secured after passing through the
shackle; there is also a hole through the threaded end for a cotter pin to stop the nut from backing off.
Screw pin shackle - A shackle where one of the openings is threaded to accept a threaded tip pin.
Secure - To cease or stop doing something. Also to fix in place.
Seizing - The lashing of two parts of line by continuous turns of small stuff.
Set - The direction a vessel is moving away from its intended track.
Setting a buoy - The act of placing a buoy on station in the water.
Sheave - The wheel in a block; a pulley.
"Shoot the tube" - The counterweights and tubes on large lighted buoys are open (to allow air

to move to power a whistle); often small mussels and other "buoy critters" attach themselves inside. A person shoots the
tube when he/she climbs inside and scrapes all this material out.
Shot - A unit of measurement of chain equal to 15 fathoms (90 ft.).
Side-load (the boom) - Placing the load in such a location that a horizontal force vector is enacted upon the boom.
Sinker - A heavy concrete or cast iron buoy weight, which is attached to the lower end of the mooring chain in order to
anchor the buoy in its charted position.
Skeleton tower - A tower, usually of steel, constructed of heavy corner members and various horizontal and diagonal
bracing members.
Slack off - To pay out line without losing control of it.
Sling - A rope, wire, synthetic fiber, or chain used to hold an object securely for hoisting.
Slushing - The application of a protective coating on a wire rope.
Small stuff - General name given to all the small lines or ropes under one inch in circumference used on board ship.
Snaking - A term used to describe the horizontal moving of heavy piles, timbers or other items on deck with the use of
winches, capstans or booms.
Snap hook - A metal hook closed by a spring snap.
Snatch block - A single-sheaved block with a hinged strap which can be opened and the bight of a rope inserted,
making it unnecessary to reave the end of the rope through the block.
Solar panel - A panel of photovoltaic cells that generally comes in 10-watt, 20-watt and 35-watt sizes. These panels are
used to convert sunlight to electricity to recharge a lighted aid's batteries during sunlight hours.
Soundings - Water depth readings.
Spelter socket - A closed socket (end fitting) attached to wire rope by pouring hot zinc.
Split-key shackle - A widely used shackle for connecting chain to buoys and sinkers. It has a long slotted pin and a
split leaf-type key.
Spot (boom) - To pre-position the boom so that the object being lifted will either remain directly below the boom tip, or
move in that direction.
Spuds - Long vertical metal, or metal-framed wooden timbers, that are hoisted and lowered in through "spud wells" on
inland tenders to hold the vessel firmly in place. Used primarily to hold the vessel when building marine structures.
Stand by - The order to wait at the ready.
Station - The authorized location of an aid.
Steamboat jacks - A turnbuckle fitted with handle and tongue to ratchet and utilize leverage to quickly attain more
tension. Fitted with hooks on either end to bring two ends closer together. Also ratchet binder. There are pneumatic
versions which use pressurized air to tighten.

Steerageway - The minimum amount of vessel speed required to maintain a course or respond to rudder commands.
Stow - To put anything away for sea. To put gear in its proper place.
Strain - To place a line under high tension.
Strikedown - Take material below decks for storage.
Surge - To allow a line to slip.
Sustained backfire - See Backfire.
Swing arms - Found on 7x17, 5x11 and 3x8 (flat-bottom) buoys, these attach to the sides of buoy hull and extend
downward; the bridle attaches to these. This prevents the bridle from rubbing the counterweight and allows the buoy to
be moored in relatively shallow areas.
Swingbolt - See Dogs.
Swive - A pair of adjoining links, one of which may turn independently of the other; an appendage used in buoy
-TTackle - An assembly of blocks and rope (wire or fiber) for obtaining a mechanical advantage for hoisting weights.
Tag line - A line used to steady a load being swung in or out.
TANB - 21-foot Trailerable Aid to Navigation Boat capable of discrepancy response for smaller lighted buoys and most
Teeter board - A small metal or wooden board used to dump the smaller sinkers (up to 500 pounds) by placing the
sinker on one end and using it as a fulcrum.
Tension - A minimum amount of strain placed on a line or wire to remove all slack.
Topping lift - A heavy multiple tackle supporting the weight of the boom and the object being hoisted. It controls the
angle of elevation of the boom.
Transfer - The net distance a vessel travels laterally from the time the rudder is put over until it's steadied on the new
course, measured as a perpendicular to the original course.
Tripping line - A line secured to an eye on the back of a lifting hook for controlling and clearing it from the object
being hoisted or lowered.
Tube gripe - A less strong gripe consisting of the hogging line made fast to the tube of a buoy.
Twisting - When a twin-screw ship goes ahead on one screw and astern on another, causing the bow to swing to the side
the backing screw is on.
Two-block - When a tackle has reached the limit of its hoist and the upper and lower blocks meet each other. The
tackle must then be lowered or overhauled. Also Chock-a-block.
UUnlay - To untwist and separate a rope's strands.

Up and down - When the chain running over the side from a vessel is straight up and down, neither forward nor aft and
neither inboard or outboard.
Up behind - The command to take all strain off the line; completely slack it and drop it.
VV-band - A battery pocket closure system utilizing a circular stainless steel clamp to compress a cork gasket between a
grooved cover and pocket flange. It is no longer authorized for use by itself, and must be accompanied by a swing bolt
closure system.
Vangs - A tackle leading from each side of the boom to attachment points on the port and starboard side of the ship.
Used to move the boom either to port or starboard (and in some cases up and down) and provide some stability to the
boom. Vangs can be powered either manually or mechanically.
Vent valves - A specialized version of a check valve, they are designed to seal the vent lines on lighted buoys if the aid
heels over more than 30 degrees or submerges.
WWeather hitch - A knot used to secure a line after belaying. A bight is twisted on top of itself and cinched down.
Whelp - One of the projecting ribs fitted on the periphery of a capstan barrel or gypsy head to give better grip to the
line. Also, one of the sprockets on the wildcats of a windlass which engage the links of the chain cable.
Whip - A single hoisting wire rope led from the boom and having a hook on the end for hoisting weights.
Winch - A hand- or power-driven machine having one or more drums or barrels on which to wind a chain or rope and
used on board ship for hoisting or hauling.
Wire rope - Rope made of metal wires twisted into strands and strands twisted into rope. The strands are in most types
twisted around a heart or core made of hemp or wire.
Wire rope clips - Mechanical means of securing wire rope together consisting of a U-bolt, roddle (saddle) and nuts.
Working load limit (WLL) - See Safe Working Load.

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