39 WKNM 07

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The document discusses accessing and searching Notices to Mariners through the UKHO website and provides guidance on their use.

Details are given on accessing the latest Notices to Mariners digitally through the UKHO website 7 days before publication, and on using the searchable NM website.

Form H.102a provides a list of details requested including port facilities, services, and contacts as well as photographs of approaches and harbor entrances.


Amendments to Sailing Directions in Force
Current Hydrographic Publications

Weekly Edition 39
27 September 2007
(Published on the UKHO Website 20 September 2007)


I Explanatory Notes. Publications List

II Admiralty Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Nautical Charts
III Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings
IV Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions
V Amendments to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog Signals
VI Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals

Mariners are requested to inform the UK Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton,
Somerset TA1 2DN immediately of the discovery of new dangers, or changes or defects in aids
to navigation and of shortcomings in Admiralty charts or publications. Copies of form H 102,
which is a convenient form on which to send in a report, may be obtained gratis from any
Admiralty Distributor or the reproduction at the end of Section VI of the Weekly Edition of Notices
to Mariners may be used. A copy of the form, which may be used as a pro forma, is also printed
in the Mariners Handbook (NP 100). Reports can also be made through the UKHO website.
In addition to postal methods, the following additional communication facilities are available:

Notices to Mariners Website Web: www.ukho.gov.uk

Searchable Notices to Mariners Web: www.nmwebsearch.com
Urgent navigational information: Fax: +44(0)1823 322352 Telex: 46464
Phone: +44(0)1823 353448
e-mail: [email protected]
Other navigational information: e--mail: [email protected]
General enquiries: e--mail: [email protected]
General Website Web: www.ukho.gov.uk
Other matters: Fax: +44(0)1823 284077 Telex: 46274

British Crown Copyright 2007. All rights Reserved. Permission is not required to make analogue copies of these
Notices, but such copies may not be sold without the permission of the UKHO. Permission to sell copies of the Notices
or to make digital copies can be obtained from the Senior Licensing Manager, Intellectual Property Branch, UK
Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2DN, United Kingdom

For UKHO use only 207439




The Weekly Notices to Mariners (NM) updates for paper Charts and Publications can be accessed
through the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) website www.ukho.gov.uk. or, the
searchable NM website www.nmwebsearch.com. The latest digital NM Weekly update is available 7
days prior to the paper publication date; there are no subscription fees for access to the UKHO Notices
to Mariners Website.

NB: The NM database includes historical NM data from 1 January 2000, for NMs prior to 2000 the
Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners (NP234B-00) must be used.

Software required:
Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 6.0 or later). Reader software can be obtained by clicking on the
Adobe Icon on the NM page, or direct from the Adobe website (www.adobe.com).


Enter the www.nmwebsearch.com website and select the search option that you require following the
on screen instructions:

Search NMs by - Chart Number only

Search NMs by - Chart Number + Previous NM Number/Year
Search NMs by - Chart Number + Between Previous and Present Dates
Search for Single NM by NM Number/Year

To view the NM, NM Note or full-colour NM Blocks, click on the relevant link.


Enter the www.ukho.gov.uk/amd website, and then select Notices to Mariners. This will give you
access to the following range of Notice to Mariners services:
- Admiralty NM Web Search
- Notices to Mariners
- Weekly NMs
- NM Blocks
- Annual NMs
- Cumulative NM List


For further details of the online NM facilities please see the NM Guidance Notes on the Website,
additional detail includes:
File content and description
PC and printer specifications


If you experience any difficulties, please contact the UKHO Helpdesk on:
Tel: +44 (0) 1823 337900 Ext.5030
Tel Direct: +44 (0) 1823 723366
Fax: +44 (0) 1823 251816
E-mail: [email protected]


This Admiralty Notices to Mariners Bulletin (ANMB) is published by the UK Hydrographic
Office (UKHO). The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency accepts that both the paper and
digital forms of the ANMB comply with carriage requirement for Notices to Mariners within
Regulation of the revised Chapter V of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention, and the
Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations, both of which came into force 1 July

While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners
service is accurate, the user needs to be aware of the risks to corruption of data. It is important
that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that other applications should
not be running on the users machine at the same time. Users should exercise their
professional judgement in the use of data, and also consult the Mariners Handbook (NP100)
for further details.

The user needs to be aware that there is a possibility that data could be corrupted during
transmission, or in the process of display or printing on the users equipment, or if converted
to other software formats, and is accordingly advised that the UKHO cannot accept
responsibility for any such change, or any modifications or unauthorised changes, made by
licensees, or other parties.



Weekly Notices are dated for the Thursday appropriate to the week they are issued on the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office website.

Charts and Positions

The notices in Section II give instructions for the updating of standard nautical charts and selected thematic charts in
the Admiralty series. Geographical positions refer to the horizontal datum of the current edition of each affected chart
which is stated in the notice alongside the appropriate chart number. Positions are normally given in degrees, minutes
and decimals of a minute, but may occasionally quote seconds for convenience when plotting from the graduation of
some older-style charts. Where Leisure Products are referred to different horizontal datums from the standard
nautical charts for that geographical area, positions in the notices cannot be plotted directly on these products. Bearings
are true reckoned clockwise from 000 to 359; those relating to lights are from seaward. Symbols referred to are those
shown on chart 5011. Depths and heights are given in metres or fathoms and/or feet as appropriate for the chart being
updated (abbreviated where necessary to m, fm and ft respectively). Blocks and notes accompanying notices in Section
II are placed towards the end of the section.

Temporary and Preliminary Notices

These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number and are placed at the end of Section II. They are printed on
one side of the paper in order that they may be cut up and filed. To assist in filing, the year is indicated after the notice
number and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from these notices is not included on charts before
issue; charts should be updated in pencil on receipt.

Original Information
A star adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original information.

Further guidance
The Mariners Handbook (NP100) gives a fuller explanation of the limitations of charts. Annual Notice 9 gives the
UKHO policy for the promulgation and selection of navigationally significant information for charts. Details of chart
updating methods can be found in NP294, How to Keep Your Admiralty Charts Up-to-date. All users are advised
to study these publications.

When a light is affected by a notice its Light List number is quoted. The detailed amendment to the List of lights is
given in Section V and may be published in an earlier edition than the chart-updating notice. The entire entry for each
light amended will be printed (including minor changes) and an asterisk (*) will denote which column contains an
amendment. In the case of a new light, or where a new sequence is added below the main light, an asterisk (*) will
appear under all columns. All Section V entries are intended to be cut out and pasted into the book. It is emphasised
that the List of Lights is the primary source of information on lights and that many alterations, especially those of a
temporary but operational nature, are promulgated only as corrections to the List of Lights. Light positions should
be regarded as approximate and are intended to indicate the relative positions of lights only. Charts should be
consulted for a more authoritative position. The range of a light is normally the nominal range, except when the
responsible authority quotes luminous or geographical range.

Radio Signals
When a chart-updating notice is issued for information that is also included within Admiralty List of Radio Signals, the
appropriate volume reference number is quoted, followed in parentheses by the number of the Weekly Edition
containing (in Section VI) the corresponding amendment to the service details.
The amendments in Section VI should be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volumes.

Sailing Directions
Amendments to Sailing Directions are given in Section IV. Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the
Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners. A list of amendments in force is published in Section IV of the Weekly
Edition quarterly.
For volumes of Sailing Directions maintained by Continuous Revision, amendments may be cut out and
pasted/corrected directly in to the book. Alternatively, and for the remaining volumes of Sailing Directions maintained
by Supplement, it is recommended that amendments are kept in a file with the latest list of amendments in force on
top. The list should then be consulted when using the parent book to see if any amendments, affecting the area under
consideration, are in force. It is not recommended that amendments be stuck in the parent book, or the supplement of
Sailing Directions maintained by supplement.

Radio Navigational Warnings

See Note at the start of Section III.



Updating information is published by Weekly Notices to Mariners supplemented by radio warnings for items of
immediate importance. It should be borne in mind that they may be based on reports which cannot always be verified
before promulgation, and that it is sometimes necessary to be selective and promulgate only the more important items
to avoid overloading users; the remainder being included in revised editions of the charts and publications concerned.

Laws and Regulations

While, in the interests of the safety of shipping, the UK Hydrographic Office makes every endeavour to include in its
publications details of the laws and regulations of all countries appertaining to navigation, it must be clearly
(a) that no liability whatsoever can be accepted for failure to publish details of any particular law or regulation, and
(b) that publication of the details of a law or regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and
implies no recognition of the international validity of the law or regulation.

Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on Admiralty charts and other publications, it
should be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up-to-date. The mariner must be the final judge of the
reliance he can place on the information given, bearing in mind his particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance
and the judicious use of available navigational aids.

Charts should be used with prudence: there are areas where the source data are old, incomplete or of poor quality. The
mariner should use the largest scale appropriate for his particular purpose; apart from being the most detailed, the
larger scales are usually corrected first. When extensive new information (such as a new hydrographic survey) is
received, some months must elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts. On small scale charts of
ocean areas where hydrographic information is, in many cases, still sparse, charted shoals may be in error as regards
position, least depth and extent. Undiscovered dangers may exist, particularly away from well-established routes.

Satellite-derived Positions and Chart Accuracy

Mariners must not assume that charts which are referred to WGS84 Datum, or those for which shifts to WGS84 Datum
are provided, have been surveyed to modern standards of accuracy. On some charts, owing to the age and quality of
some of the source information, the charted detail may not be positioned accurately with respect to the horizontal datum,
and therefore positions obtained from Global Navigation Satellite Systems such as GPS should not be relied upon in
conjunction with that particular chart. In such areas mariners are advised to use other methods to determine their
position, particularly when navigating close to the shore or in the vicinity of dangers. For further details, see Annual
Notice to Mariners No 19 and The Mariners Handbook (NP100), Chapter 2. This applies to both paper and digital
(ARCS and ENC) versions.

Admiralty Charts affected by the Publication List

Admiralty Chart Admiralty Chart (continued)

159 INT 1460

359 INT 1705
532 INT 1750
651 INT 1752
806 INT 4182
835 INT 7010
990 INT 7291
1025 JP 54
1195 JP 179
1265 JP 187
1527 JP 198
1685 JP 201
1723 JP 213
2105 JP 226
2146 JP 1097
2401 JP 1098
2415 JP 1206
2416 JP 1220
2613 JP 1221
2815 JP 1222
2879 NZ 8655
3112 NZ 6821
3231 SC 2146
3319 SC 2613

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Admiralty Charts published 27 September 2007

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

~3931 Philippines, Luzon West Coast, Approaches to Manila including 1:30,000 48 90

Cavite Harbour.
142550N. 143900N., 1205100E. 1210100E.

One of two charts replacing existing Chart 3487, providing

improved coverage of the approaches to Manila and Cavite

Note: On publication of this New Chart former Notice 397(P)/06 is


~3932 Philippines, Luzon West Coast, Manila Harbour. 1:12,500 48 90

143250N. 143890N., 1205470E. 1205930E.

One of two charts replacing existing Chart 3487, providing

improved coverage of Manila Harbour.

Note: On publication of this New Chart former Notice 397(P)/06 is


Reproductions of Japan Coast Guard Charts

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Japan Coast Guard Charts)

Chart Published Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

JP179 6/09/07 Nippon, Honshu-Northwest Coast and Kyushu-North Coast, 1:200,000 53 98

Kanmon Kaikyo to Hirado Seto.
331400N. 342700N., 1285200E. 1310000E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese

waters published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

JP187 6/09/07 Nippon, Northwestern Part of Kyushu. 1:300,000 53 96, 98

313000N. 341000N., 1275500E. 1300500E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese

waters published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

Note: Chart 359 is to be deleted from Notices 160(T)/04,

3939(T)/05 and 4893(T)/05.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Reproductions of Japan Coast Guard Charts (continued)

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Japan Coast Guard Charts)

Chart Published Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

JP201 6/09/07 Nippon, Kyushu-North Coast and Honshu-Northwest Coast, 1:80,000 53 98

Kurara Seto to Tsuno Shima.
334942N. 343212N., 1302354E. 1305854E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese

waters published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

JP213 6/09/07 Nippon, Kyushu West Coast, Hirado Shima to Koshikijima 1:200,000 53 96, 98
313600N. 332500N., 1285000E. 1301700E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese

waters published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

Note: On publication of this New Chart former Notice

4617(T)/05 is cancelled.

JP1220 6/09/07 Nippon, Shikoku-South Coast and Kyushu-East Coast, 1:200,000 53 96, 98
Ashizuri Misaki to Miyazaki Ko.
314800N. 325800N., 1311000E. 1331300E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese

waters published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

JP1221 6/09/07 Nippon, Kyushu-South and East Coasts, Eastern Part of 1:200,000 53 96
Osumi Kaikyo and Approaches.
300400N. 315300N., 1302500E. 1314800E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese

waters published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Reproductions of Japan Coast Guard Charts (continued)

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Japan Coast Guard Charts)

Chart Published Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

JP1222 6/09/07 Nippon, Kyushu-West and South Coasts, Western Part of 1:200,000 53 96
Osumi Kaikyo and Approaches.
300112N. 315312N., 1291600E. 1304300E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese

waters published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.


Admiralty Charts published 27 September 2007

Chart Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

~1025 International Chart Series, West Indies, Lesser Antilles, Anguilla to 1:300,000 86 136
INT4182 Guadeloupe.

Includes updated submarine cable information and amendments to

lights, wrecks and depths throughout. (This chart is now included in
the International Chart Series).

~1265 International Chart Series, Approaches to Sha AlArab or Arvand 1:60,000 40 74

INT7291 Rd, Khawr Al Amaya and Khawr Al Kafka.

Includes amendments to depths, wrecks, obstructions, buoys and

pilot boarding places. The chart is now referred to WGS84 Datum.

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by

Notice 2567(P)/07.

~1685 North Atlantic Ocean, Ilha da Madeira, Cmara de Lobos to Ponta 1:30,118 20 52, 64
de So Loureno including the Ports of Funchal and Canial.
A Funchal. 1:10,041
B Canial. 1:10,030

Includes changes to depths, coastline, anchoring prohibited area

and buoyage within Plan B Canial. Also changes to buoyage,
coastline and anchoring prohibited area in the vicinity of Ponta da

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 529(P)/07

is cancelled.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Admiralty Charts published 27 September 2007 (continued)

Chart Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

~3231 Taiwan West Coast, Hai-Kou Po-ti to Chiu-Kang Po-ti. 1:150,000 50 92

Mai-Liao and Approaches. 1:40,000
234300N. 234800N., 1200350E. 1201100E.

Includes changes to depths, coastline, lights, fishing prohibited

areas, names and landmarks. A new plan of Mai-Liao and
Approaches providing improved larger scale coverage has also
been included.

~3319 England East Coast, River Thames, Tower Bridge to Teddington. 1:12,500 8 28
A Continuation to Richmond. 1:12,500
B Continuation to Teddington. 1:12,500

Includes changes to depths, channel limits and general amendments


Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 2386(T)/05

is cancelled.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



New Admiralty Charts

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN

1195 Turkey, Marmara Denizi, Anchorages in the Southern Approaches 1:12,500 -

to stanbul Boaz (The Bosporus).
405560N. 410040N., 284950E. 285930E.

Additional to existing chart cover; provides large scale coverage of

the allocated anchorages. This chart is referred to WGS84 Datum.
(A modified reproduction of Turkish Chart 2929).

1723 China South East Coast, Xinghua Wan and Approaches. 1:50,000 -
250700N. 252590N., 1190705E. 1193675E.

Additional to existing chart cover; provides large scale coverage of

Xinghua Wan and Approaches. The chart is referred to WGS84

New Editions of Admiralty Charts

Charts to be
Chart Title and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN

159 International Chart Series, Red Sea, Suez (As Suways) to Berenice 1:750,000 159
INT7010 (Barns). INT7010

This new edition includes new submarine cables, changes to depths

and amendments to names throughout.

2146 International Chart Series, France North Coast, Approaches to Le 1:60,000 2146
INT1750 Havre and Antifer. INT1750

Includes changes to depths, buoyage, wrecks, obstructions, waiting

and access areas and port developments. This chart is now referred
to WGS84 Datum. (A modified reproduction of INT1750, published
by France).

2613 International Chart Series, France North Coast, Cap de La Hague 1:154,200 2613
INT1705 to Fcamp. INT1705

Includes changes to depths, bouyage, wrecks, obstructions, waiting

and access areas. This chart is now referred to WGS84 Datum. (A
modified reproduction of INT1705, published by France).

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



New Editions of Admiralty Charts (continued)

Charts to be
Chart Title and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN

2879 International Chart Series, France North Coast, La Seine, Le 1:30,000 2879
INT1752 Havre to Rouen. INT1752
A Honfleur to Tancarville. 1:60,100
B Tancarville to Rouen. 1:60,100
C Port de Rouen. 1:15,000
D Continuation of Port de Rouen. 1:15,000

Includes changes to depths, buoyage, lights, wrecks, obstructions,

waiting and access areas and port developments. (A modified
reproduction of INT1752, published by France).

3618 International Chart Series, North Sea Germany, The Jade, Inner 1:35,000 3618
INT1460 Part. INT1460
A Wilhelmshaven. 1:15,000

Includes new port developments and changes to depths, lights, aids

and restricted areas. (A modified reproduction of INT1460,
published by Germany).

3947 Malacca Strait, Melaka to Singapore Strait. 1:200,000 3947

A Pelabuhan Sungaipakning. 1:50,000

Includes new cables, changes to buoyage and depths.

New Editions of Admiralty Leisure Editions

Charts to be
Chart Title and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN

SC2146 France North Coast, Approaches to Le Havre and Antifer. 1:60,000 SC2146

Includes changes to depths, buoyage, wrecks, obstructions, waiting

and access areas and port developments. This chart is now referred
to WGS84 Datum.

SC2613 France North Coast, Cap de La Hague to Fcamp. 1:154,200 SC2613

Includes changes to depths, bouyage, wrecks, obstructions, waiting

and access areas. This chart is now referred to WGS84 Datum.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.


New Charts

Reproductions of NZ Government Charts

(Publication dates of these charts will reflect the dates shown on the NZ Government Charts)

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN

NZ8655 South Pacific Ocean, Samoa, Apia Harbour. 1:7,500 NZ8655

1350525S. 1347900S., 17147100W. 17145130W.

A metric replacement of Chart NZ8655; includes new surveys of

Apia Harbour and Approaches and changes to lights, buoyage and
coastline. This chart is referred to WGS84 Datum.

Reproductions of Japan Coast Guard Charts

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Japan Coast Guard Charts)

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN

JP54 Nippon, Honshu - East Coast, Ishinomaki Wan to Miyako Ko. 1:200,000 806
381012N. 394736N., 1405800E. 1422436E.
Miyako Wan. 1:35,000
393451N. 394123N., 1415621E. 1420227E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department,
Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office.

Note: This chart is one of 6 charts to be available on 25 October

2007 covering the East Coast of Honshu, West Coast of Kyushu
and Nansei Shoto.

JP198 Nippon, Kyushu North and West Coasts, Imari Wan to Entrance 1:100,000 1527, 3881
of Nagasaki Ko.
324236N. 333724N., 1290500E. 1294836E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department,
Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office.

Note: This chart is one of 6 charts to be available on 25 October

2007 covering the East Coast of Honshu, West Coast of Kyushu
and Nansei Shoto.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.


New Charts

Reproductions of Japan Coast Guard Charts (continued)

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Japan Coast Guard Charts)

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN

JP226 Nippon, Nansei Shoto, Okinawa Gunto. 1:200,000 2416, 990, 3702
255724N. 271312N., 1263500E. 1283948E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department,
Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office.

Note: This chart is one of 6 charts to be available on 25 October

2007 covering the East Coast of Honshu, West Coast of Kyushu
and Nansei Shoto.

JP1097 Nippon, Honshu - East Coast, Inubo Saki to Shioya Saki. 1:200,000 3373
353512N. 371812N., 1402000E. 1414536E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department,
Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office.

Note: This chart is one of 6 charts to be available on 25 October

2007 covering the East Coast of Honshu, West Coast of Kyushu
and Nansei Shoto.

JP1098 Nippon, Honshu - East Coast, Shioya Saki to Ishinomaki Wan. 1:200,000 3372
364900N. 383000N., 1404000E. 1420500E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department,
Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office.

Note: This chart is one of 6 charts to be available on 25 October

2007 covering the East Coast of Honshu, West Coast of Kyushu
and Nansei Shoto.

JP1206 Nippon, Nansei Shoto, Yaeyama Retto. 1:100,000 2105

240100N. 243800N., 1232300E. 1242600E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department,
Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office.

Note: This chart is one of 6 charts to be available on 25 October

2007 covering the East Coast of Honshu, West Coast of Kyushu
and Nansei Shoto.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.


New Editions

Reproductions of NZ Government Charts

(Publication dates of these charts will reflect the dates shown on the NZ Government Charts)

Charts to be
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN

NZ6821 New Zealand, South Island South Coast, Bluff Harbour and 1:12,000 NZ6821
Port of Bluff. 1:7,000

Includes changes to depths, dredged areas and landmarks.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.


Admiralty Charts

Chart to be On publication of
WITHDRAWN Main Title New Chart/New Edition

359 Japan, Western Approaches to Kysh. JP187

532 Japan, Kysh Honsh, Oro Shima to Tsuno Shima. JP201

651 Japan, Kysh Shikoku, Tozaki Hana to Okino Shima JP1220

including Bungo Suid.

835 Japan, Kysh South Coast, sumi Kaiky and JP1221, JP1222

1025 West Indies, Lesser Antilles, Anguilla to Guadeloupe. ~1025


1265 International Chart Series, Approaches to Sha AlArab or ~1265

INT7291 Arvand Rd, Khawr Al Amaya and Khawr Al Kafka. INT7291

1685 North Atlantic Ocean, Ilha da Madeira, Cmara de Lobos to ~1685

Ponta de So Loureno including the Ports of Funchal and

2401 Japan, Kysh West Coast, Yatsushiro Kai and Shimabara JP213

2415 Japan, Kysh West Coast, Outer Approaches to Nagasaki. JP213

2815 Japan, Kyushu West Coast, Nagasaki Ko and Approaches. JP213

3112 Japan, Plans on the West Coast of Kysh. JP213

3231 Tai-wan West Coast, Hai-Kou Po-ti to Chiu-Kang Po-ti. ~3231

3319 England East Coast, River Thames, Tower Bridge to ~3319


3487 Philippines, Luzon West Coast, Manila and Cavite ~3931, ~3932

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.


RC Last issue date Reissue Date

RC1 26th October 2006

RC2 26th July 2007

RC3 28th September 2006

RC4 21st June 2007

RC5 15th March 2007

RC6 14th September 2006

RC7 29th March 2007

RC8 9th August 2007

RC9 20th July 2006

RC10 5th July 2007

RC11 30th October 2003

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.


(Sailing Directions, Light Lists, Lists of Radio Signals & Tidal Publications)

(Corrected 22 September 2007)

(Former Listing dated 23 June 2007 is cancelled)


NP No Title Edition Supplement No

1 Africa Pilot Vol I 14th (2006)
2 Africa Pilot Vol II 14th (2004)
3 Africa Pilot Vol III 14th (2006)
4 South-East Alaska Pilot 6th (1994) 4/2006
5 South America Pilot Vol I 15th (2005)
6 South America Pilot Vol II 16th (1993) 4/2005
7 South America Pilot Vol III 9th (2006)
7A South America Pilot Vol IV 4th (2007)
8 Pacific Coasts of Central America and United States Pilot 11th (2007)
9 Antarctic Pilot 6th (2004)
10 Arctic Pilot Vol I 7th (1985) 8/2005
11 Arctic Pilot Vol II 9th (2004)
12 Arctic Pilot Vol III 7th (2001)
13 Australia Pilot Vol I 1st (2005)
14 Australia Pilot Vol II 9th (2004)
15 Australia Pilot Vol III 10th (2005)
18 Baltic Pilot Vol I 14th (2006)
19 Baltic Pilot Vol II 13th (2005)
20 Baltic Pilot Vol III 10th (2006)
21 Bay of Bengal Pilot 10th (1978) 12/2004
22 Bay of Biscay Pilot 10th (2007)
23 Bering Sea and Strait Pilot 6th (2004)
24 Black Sea and Sea of Azov Pilot 2nd (2006)
25 British Columbia Pilot Vol I 12th (2004)
26 British Columbia Pilot Vol II 9th (2005)
27 Channel Pilot 6th (2005)
28 Dover Strait Pilot 7th (2005)
30 China Sea Pilot Vol I 6th (2004)
31 China Sea Pilot Vol II 8th (2006)
32 China Sea Pilot Vol III 5th (2004)
33 Philippine Islands Pilot 2nd (2004)
34 Indonesia Pilot Vol II 4th (2006)
35 Indonesia Pilot Vol III 3rd (2004)
36 Indonesia Pilot Vol I 5th (2005)
37 West Coasts of England and Wales Pilot 16th (2005)
38 West Coast of India Pilot 15th (2007)
39 South Indian Ocean Pilot 11th (2004)
40 Irish Coast Pilot 17th (2006)
41 Japan Pilot Vol I 8th (2006)
42A Japan Pilot Vol II 1st (2007)
42B Japan Pilot Vol III 7th (1981) 11/2006
42C Japan Pilot Vol IV 1st (2006)
43 South and East Coasts of Korea Pilot 7th (2005)
44 Malacca Strait and West Coast of Sumatera Pilot 8th (2006)
45 Mediterranean Pilot Vol I 12th (2005)
46 Mediterranean Pilot Vol II 12th (2007)

Wk39/07 1B-1
47 Mediterranean Pilot Vol III 12th (2005)
48 Mediterranean Pilot Vol IV 13th (2006)
49 Mediterranean Pilot Vol V 9th (2005)
50 Newfoundland and Labrador Pilot 12th (2006)
51 New Zealand Pilot 16th (2004)
52 North Coast of Scotland Pilot 6th (2006)
54 North Sea (West) Pilot 7th (2006)
55 North Sea (East) Pilot 5th (2005)
56 Norway Pilot Vol I 13th (2005)
57A Norway Pilot Vol IIA 8th (1979) 12/2005
57B Norway Pilot Vol IIB 8th (1979) 11/2004
58A Norway Pilot Vol IIIA 6th (1982) 10/2006
58B Norway Pilot Vol IIIB 6th (1984) 9/2004
59 Nova Scotia and Bay of Fundy Pilot 13th (2005)
60 Pacific Islands Pilot Vol I 10th (1988) 7/2006
61 Pacific Islands Pilot Vol II 11th (2006)
62 Pacific Islands Pilot Vol III 11th (2006)
63 Persian Gulf Pilot 13th (2005)
64 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot 14th (2004)
65 St Lawrence Pilot 15th (2006)
66 West Coast of Scotland Pilot 15th (2004)
67 West Coasts of Spain and Portugal Pilot 9th (2005)
68 East Coast of the United States Pilot Vol I 12th (2006)
69 East Coast of the United States Pilot Vol II 10th (2005)
69A East Coasts of Central America and Gulf of Mexico Pilot 4th (2006)
70 West Indies Pilot Vol I 3rd (2003)
71 West Indies Pilot Vol II 15th (2005)
72 Southern Barents Sea and Beloye More Pilot 1st (1996) 3/2005
100 The Mariner's Handbook 8th (2004)
136 Ocean Passages for the World 5th (2004)
735 Maritime Buoyage System 6th (2006)

Books in Continuous Revision (On an extended cycle)

New or Revised Edition due for publication within one year


NP No Current Edition Published

74 Volume A, 2007/08 April 2007
75 Volume B, 2007/08 May 2007
76 Volume C, 2007/08 June 2007
77 Volume D, 2007/08 July 2007
78 Volume E, 2007/08 August 2007
79 Volume F, 2006/07 September 2006
80 Volume G, 2006/07 November 2006
81 Volume H, 2006/07 November 2006
82 Volume J, 2006/07 December 2006
83 Volume K, 2007/08 January 2007
84 Volume L, 2007/08 March 2007

See (6) Admiralty Digital Publications for Digital List of Lights

1B-2 Wk39/07

NP No Title Published
Volume 1, 2007/08 Maritime Radio Stations:
281(1) Part 1: Europe, Africa and Asia (excluding the Far East) July 2007
281(2) Part 2: The Americas, Far East and Oceania July 2007
282 Volume 2, 2007/08 Radio Aids to Navigation, Satellite Navigation Systems, Legal March 2007
Time, Radio Time Signals and Electronic Position Fixing Systems
Volume 3, 2007/08 Maritime Safety Information Services
283(1) Part 1: Europe, Africa and Asia (excluding the Far East) January 2007
283(2) Part 2: The Americas, Far East and Oceania January 2007
284 Volume 4, 2007/08 Meteorological Observation Stations July 2007
285 Volume 5, 2007/08 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) June 2007
Volume 6, 2007/08 Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port Operations
286(1) Part 1: United Kingdom and Ireland (including European Channel Ports) August 2007
286(2) Part 2: Europe (excluding UK, Ireland, Channel Ports and Mediterranean) August 2007
286(3) Part 3: Mediterranean and Africa (including Persian Gulf) August 2007
286(4) Part 4: Asia and Australasia August 2007
286(5) Part 5: Americas and Antarctica September 2007

See (6) Admiralty Digital Publications for Digital Radio Signals Volume 6


NP No Title Published
289 3rd Edition Admiralty Maritime Communications United Kingdom and June 2003
290 2nd Edition Admiralty Maritime Communications Caribbean including Florida October 2003
and the Canaries
291 2nd Edition Admiralty Maritime Communications United Kingdom and the April 2004


NP No Admiralty Tide Tables (corrected by Annual Notice to Mariners 1/06)

201-07 Volume 1 United Kingdom and Ireland (including European Channel Ports)
201-08 Volume 1 United Kingdom and Ireland (including European Channel Ports)
202-07 Volume 2 Europe (excluding United Kingdom and Ireland), Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean
202-08 Volume 2 Europe (excluding United Kingdom and Ireland), Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean
203-07 Volume 3 Indian Ocean and South China Sea (including Tidal Stream Tables)
203-08 Volume 3 Indian Ocean and South China Sea (including Tidal Stream Tables)
204-07 Volume 4 Pacific Ocean (including Tidal Stream Tables)
204-08 Volume 4 Pacific Ocean (including Tidal Stream Tables)
160 Tidal Harmonic Constants (European Waters) Edition 4, 2005
164-07 Dover, Times of High Water and Mean Ranges (published annually)
164-08 Dover, Times of High Water and Mean Ranges (published annually)

Wk39/07 1B-3

NP No Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases

209 Edition 4 Orkney and Shetland Islands, 1986
218 Edition 5 North Coast of Ireland and West Coast of Scotland, 1995
219 Edition 2 Portsmouth Harbour and Approaches, 1991
220 Edition 2 Rosyth Harbour and Approaches, 1991
221 Edition 2 Plymouth Harbour and Approaches, 1991
222 Edition 1 Firth of Clyde and Approaches, 1992
233 Edition 3 Dover Strait, 1995
249 Edition 2 Thames Estuary, 1985 (with Co-Tidal Charts)
250 Edition 4 The English Channel, 1992
251 Edition 4 North Sea, Southern Part, 2005
252 Edition 4 North Sea, North Western Part, 2005
253 Edition 2 North Sea, Eastern Part, 2004
254 Edition 1 The West Country, Falmouth to Teignmouth, 2003
255 Edition 1 Falmouth to Padstow, including the Isles of Scilly, 2004
256 Edition 4 Irish Sea and Bristol Channel, 1992
257 Edition 3 Approaches to Portland, 1973
258 Edition 1 Bristol Channel, Lundy to Avonmouth, 2006
259 Edition 1 Irish Sea Eastern Part, 2006
263 Edition 1 Lyme Bay, 2003
264 Edition 5 The Channel Islands and the Adjacent Coasts of France, 1993
265 Edition 2 France, West Coast, 2005
337 Edition 4 The Solent and Adjacent Waters, 1993

NP No Co-Tidal Atlas
214 Edition 2 Persian Gulf, 1999
215 Edition 1 South-East Asia, 1979

See (6) Admiralty Digital Publications for Tidal Prediction Software


Digital Publications Edition

ADP The ADP includes the following products on one CD: December 2006
TotalTide 2007
Admiralty Digital List of Lights
Admiralty Digital Radio Signals Volume 6
Customers can purchase anything from one area of one product to all areas of all products.

DP 560 Simplified Harmonic Method of Tidal Prediction (SHM for Windows) CD-ROM September 2004

1B-4 Wk39/07


(1) Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 2.7

(2) British Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 2.11
(3) North Russia, Norway, The Froe Islands and Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 2.12
(4) Baltic Sea and Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.12 2.13
(5) North Sea and North and West Coasts of Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium . . . . . . . . 2.13 2.15
(6) France and Spain, North and West Coasts, and Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.15
(7) North Atlantic Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(8) Mediterranean and Black Seas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16
(9) Africa, West Coast and South Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(10) Africa, South and East Coasts, and Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(11) Red Sea, Arabia, Iraq and Iran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17
(12) Indian Ocean, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Burma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.18 2.19
(13) Malacca Strait, Singapore Strait and Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(14) China Sea with its West Shore and China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20
(15) Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20 2.24
(16) Korea and the Pacific Coasts of Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 2.27
(17) Philippine Islands, Borneo and Indonesia except Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27 2.30
(18) Australia and Papua New Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30 2.32
(19) New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.33
(20) Pacific Ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.33
(21) Aleutian Islands, Alaska and West Coast of North America including Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.33 2.34
(22) West Coasts of Central and South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.35
(23) Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(24) East Coast of South America and The Falkland Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.35
(25) Caribbean Sea, West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.36 2.37
(26) East Coast of North America and Greenland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.37 2.39
(27) T & P Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.40 2.48

Wk39/07 2.1


Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio
4280(T)/07 2.40 6, 7 4337(T)/07 2.45 66
4281(T)/07 2.40 9 4338(T)/07 2.46 66
4282(T)/07 2.42 45 4339(T)/07 2.46 63
4283 2.20 53 4340(T)/07 2.47 63
4284 2.21 54 4341(T)/07 2.47 64
4285 2.21 55 4342(T)/07 2.47 65
4286 2.21 53 4343(T)/07 2.47 65
4287 2.23 53 4344 2.33 73
4288 2.23 54 4345* 2.14 6, 7
4289 2.23 54 4346 2.12 10
4290 2.24 54 4347 2.13 10
4291 2.24 53, 54 4348 2.15 16, 17
4292 2.24 54 4349 2.34 89
4293(T)/07 2.44 55 4350* 2.10 7, 8
4294(T)/07 2.44 55 4351 2.19 36
4295(T)/07 2.44 53 4352 2.36 83
4296(T)/07 2.45 53 4353 2.36 83
4297* 2.8 1 4354 2.38 83
4298* 2.8 1, 7 4355 2.38 83
4299* 2.9 1, 7 4356 2.38 81
4300(P)/07 2.42 47 4357 2.30 48
4301 2.20 47 4358 2.14 9
4302 2.20 47 4359* 2.10 6
4303* 2.17 32 4360 2.15 9
4304 2.17 40 4361 2.33 72
4305 2.37 81 4362 2.34 90
4306 2.11 14 4363 2.38 81
4307 2.27 58, 59, 60 4364 2.11 13
4308 2.18 41 4365 2.16 28, 29
4309* 2.18 38 4366 2.16 24
4310 2.25 52, 53 4367 2.36 86
4311 2.26 52 4368 2.38 79
4312 2.26 52, 53 4369 2.34 90
4313* 2.9 7 4370 2.39 78
4314 2.12 10 4371 2.35 97
4315 2.13 9 4372 2.20 50
4316 2.16 27 4373 2.27 56
4317 2.13 9 4374* 2.11 2
4318 2.37 80 4375 2.19 36
4319 2.33 90 4376 2.35 98
4320(T)/07 2.41 42, 43, 45 4377 2.12 14
4321(T)/07 2.40 11 4378 2.34 90
4322(P)/07 2.40 18 4379 2.36 88
4323(T)/07 2.48 73 4380 2.35 96
4324* 2.9 350 4381* 2.35 89
4325 2.30 66 4382 2.37 86
4326 2.31 66 4383* 2.19 38
4327 2.31 66 4384 2.39 78, 79
4328 2.28 63 4385 2.34 90
4329 2.32 63 4386 2.52.7 40, 50, 52, 53, 55
4330 2.32 65
4331 2.15 1, 16
4332 2.28 48
4333* 2.29 46, 47
4334 2.29 46, 47
4335 2.30 47, 59, 64
4336(T)/07 2.45 66

2.2 Wk39/07


Admiralty Chart No. Notices

Notices Admiralty
Admiralty Chart
Chart No.
No. Notices

20 4348 1859 4374

46 4385 1892 4298, 4299
51 4378 1946 4381
80 4369 1947 4385
120 4315 2063 4320T
124 4281T 2069 4320T
127 4310, 4312, 4386 2079 4367
140 4316 2139 4282T
187 4316 2182B 4280T
278 4280T, 4345 2182C 4280T, 4345
291 4280T, 4345 2249 4359
323 4298, 4299 2250 4359
478 4382 2267 4379
531 4380 2278 4314
554 4371 2296 4321T
574 4320T 2297 4321T
591 4349 2327 4377
626 4291 2328 4377
709 4320T 2337 4321T
713 4383 2338 4321T
715 4309 2347 4312, 4386
722 4375 2369 4314
724 4351 2409 4386
774 4366 2412 4386
801 4303 2414 4334
825 4320T 2449 4298, 4299
827 4320T 2450 4297
828 4320T 2451 4297, 4298
829 4320T 2562 4359
830 4320T 2596 4346
840 4320T 2643 4331
938 4346 2655 4331
941A 4333, 4334 2656 4297
941B 4335 2663 4348
942B 4307 2675 4297
967 4332 2688 4347
986 4300P, 4301, 4302 2813 4305
998 4323T 2814 4305
1046 4300P, 4301, 4302 2849 4362
1060 4323T 2882 4304, 4386
1061 4365 2884 4304, 4386
1065 4312 2963 4306
1087 4365 2998 4348
1103 4323T, 4344 2999 4348
1107 4344 3045 4373
1166 4374 3073 4376
1176 4374 3074 4376
1183 4350 3153 4290
1235 4304 3192 4353
1268 4386 3237 4386
1312 4333, 4334 3249 4307
1323 4386 3258 4322P
1342 4285, 4294T 3267 4358
1358 4282T 3268 4360
1382 4323T 3365 4310
1406 4298, 4299 3391 4310, 4311
1527 4386 3464 4308
1536 4313 3480 4310, 4312, 4386
1543 4313 3482 4333, 4334
1586 4320T 3514 4386
1587 4320T 3539 4364
1607 4350 3540 4364
1609 4350 3686 4363
1610 4298, 4299 3688 4356
1630 4317 3698 4354, 4355
1648 4386 3773 4304
1759 4372 3842 4304
1807 4293T 3854 4352
1844 4357 3946 4282T

Wk39/07 2.3


Admiralty Chart No. Notices

Notices International
Admiralty Chart No. Notices
Chart No.
4060 4328 INT 60 4328
4507 4307 INT 507 4307
4508 4333, 4335 INT 508 4333, 4335
4603 4328 INT 550 4333, 4334
4706 4320T INT 603 4328
4707 4320T INT 706 4320T
4708 4335 INT 707 4320T
4722 4328 INT 708 4335
4740 4370 INT 722 4328
4750 4318 INT 1041 4280T, 4345
4763 4384 INT 1042 4280T
4764 4384 INT 1070 4297
4791 4368 INT 1288 4347
4792 4368 INT 1369 4346
4950 4385 INT 1370 4346
4954 4319 INT 1416 4317
Q 6403 4324 INT 1454 4358
INT 1455 4360
Australian INT 1471 4281T
Notices INT 1479 4315
Chart No.
INT 1511 4298, 4299
Aus 55 4339T INT 1557 4313
Aus 56 4339T INT 1561 4350
Aus 58 4329 INT 1562 4350
Aus 59 4329 INT 1564 4298, 4299
Aus 114 4341T INT 1654 4374
Aus 143 4330 INT 1655 4374
Aus 144 4330 INT 1703 4297
Aus 154 4342T, 4343T INT 1704 4297, 4298
Aus 236 4336T, 4337T INT 1741 4298, 4299
Aus 237 4337T, 4338T INT 1843 4348
Aus 238 4338T INT 1871 4322P
Aus 244 4325 INT 5252 4310
Aus 245 4325 INT 5360 4310, 4311
Aus 246 4325 INT 7143 4303
Aus 293 4327 INT 7264 4304, 4386
Aus 299 4327 INT 7278 4304, 4386
Aus 328 4340T INT 7289 4304
Aus 329 4340T INT 7292 4304
Aus 414 4328 INT 7738 4383
Aus 788 4330 INT 7742 4375
Aus 822 4326

New Zealand
Chart No.
NZ 62 4361

Chart No.
JP 91 4286
JP 123 4288
JP 151 4291
JP 1055A 4296T
JP 1055B 4296T
JP 1057B 4295T
JP 1061 4283
JP 1062 4286, 4287
JP 1065 4283
JP 1081 4286, 4287
JP 1083 4287
JP 1101 4290
JP 1102 4291, 4292
JP 1107 4284, 4288
JP 1108 4289

2.4 Wk39/07

Source: UK Hydrographic Office.

Chart Previous Update Details

127 4312/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP179, as follows:

North: 34 2700N. East: -

South: - West: 128 5200E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP201, as follows:

North: 34 3220N. East: -

South: 33 4970N. West: 130 2390N.
Amend reference in S border at longtitude 129 1500E. to read, Adjoining Chart JP187.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 532, in position 34 2085N., 130 0125E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 3514, in position 33 5525N., 129 2600E.

1268 1591/07 Amend chart number to read, (see Note - POSITIONS) 1265, in position
29 509N., 49 098E.
Substitute accompanying note, CHARTS 1265 AND 2884: POSITIONS, for existing
note, CHART 2884: POSITIONS, centred on 29 470N., 49 360E.

1323 2441/06 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP201, as follows:

North: 34 3220N. East: 130 5890E.

South: - West: 130 2390E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 532, in position 34 2090N., 131 0420E.

1527 5613/06 Delete magenta limit and chart number, 2815, in position 32 4510N., 129 4130E.

1648 3823/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP151, as follows:

North: 33 2220N. East: 132 4885E.

South: 32 3520N. West: 131 2785E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP1220, joining the following positions:

32 5800N., 131 1000E.

32 5800N., 133 1300E.
31 4800N., 133 1300E.
31 4800N., 131 3800E.
31 4460N., 131 3800E.
31 4460N., 131 2580E.
31 4800N., 131 2580E.
31 4800N., 131 1000E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP1221, as follows:

North:31 5300N. East:131 4800E.

South: - West: -
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 651, in positions:
31 4100N., 132 4700E.
33 2900N., 131 2500E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 835, in position 31 5400N., 131 4675E.

Wk39/07 2.5

Source: UK Hydrographic Office.

Chart Previous Update Details

2347 4312/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP179, as follows:

North: 34 2680N. East: 131 0020E.

South: 33 1380N. West: 128 5220E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP187, as follows:

North: 34 0980N. East: 130 0520E.

South: 31 2980N. West: 127 5520E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP213, as follows:

North: 33 2480N. East: 130 1720E.

South: 31 3580N. West: 128 5020E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 359, in position 31 3350N., 128 0500E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 2401, in position 32 0600N., 130 3600E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 3514, in position 33 2100N., 130 1700E.

2409 3424/07 Insert magenta limit and chart reference, See Plan 3231, as follows:

North 23 488N. East 120 110E.

South 23 430N. West 120 035E.

2412 4136/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP187, as follows:

North: - East: 130 0500E.

South: 31 3000N. West: 127 5500E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP213, as follows:

North: - East: 130 1700E.

South: 31 3600N. West: 128 5000E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 359, in position 31 3300N., 128 1200E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 2401, in position 32 0600N., 130 3600E.

2882 4304/07 Substitute accompanying note, CHARTS 1268, 2883 AND 3788: POSITIONS, for
INT 7264 existing note, CHARTS 1265, 1268, 2883 & 3788: POSITIONS, centred on
26 425N., 48 310E.
Amend reference to, 1265, in position 29 190N., 49 090E.

2884 4304/07 Substitute accompanying note, CHARTS 27, 1268, 1269 AND 2883: POSITIONS, for
INT 7278 exisiting note, CHARTS 27, 1265, 1268, 1269 & 2883: POSITIONS, centred on
29 515N., 50 360E.
Amend reference to, 1265, in position 29 190N., 49 090E.

2.6 Wk39/07

Source: UK Hydrographic Office.

Chart Previous Update Details

3237 2678/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP187, as follows:

North: - East: 130 0510E.

South: 31 2980N. West: -
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP1220, joining the following positions:

31 4900N., 131 1000E. (N border)

31 4800N., 131 1000E.
31 4800N., 131 2580E.
31 4460N., 131 2580E.
31 4460N., 131 3800E.
31 4800N., 131 3800E.
31 4800N., 132 0000E. (E border)
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP1221, as follows:

North: - East: 131 4810E.

South: 30 0380N. West: 130 2510E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP1222, as folllows:

North: - East: 130 4310E.

South: 30 0100N. West: 129 1610E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 359, in position 31 3250N., 128 3180E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 835, in position 30 4270N., 131 4680E.

3480 4312/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP179, as follows:

North: 34 2700N. East: 131 0000E.

South: 33 1400N. West: 128 5200E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP187, as follows:

North: 34 1000N. East: 130 0500E.

South: 31 3000N. West: 127 5500E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP213, as follows:

North: 33 2500N. East: 130 1700E.

South: 31 3600N. West: 128 5000E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 359, in positions:
34 1400N., 130 0400E.
31 3300N., 128 0300E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 2401, in position 32 0500N., 130 3700E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 3514, in position 33 2100N., 130 2700E.

3514 3393/07 Amend reference in E border at latitude 33 5250N. to read, Adjoining Chart JP201.

Wk39/07 2.7

4297* ENGLAND - South Coast - English Channel - Beachy Head South-eastwards - Dredging areas.
Source: Hanson Aggregates Marine Limited and The Crown Estate

Chart 2450 (INT 1703) [ previous update 3953/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing new dredging areas, centred
on: 50 2260N., 0 1700E.

Chart 2451 (INT 1704) [ previous update 3953/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing new dredging areas, centred
on: 50 2400N., 0 2960E.

Chart 2656 [ previous update 4132/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing new dredging areas, centred
on: 50 2400N., 0 2100E.

Chart 2675 (INT 1070) [ previous update 4132/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing new dredging areas, centred
on: 50 2400N., 0 2600E.

4298* DOVER STRAIT - The Varne North-westwards - Wrecks.

Source: Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Chart 323 (INT 1564) [ previous update 4144/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

16!, Wk for 17, Wk 51 0011N., 1 1859E.

Chart 1406 [ previous update 4144/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

16!, Wks for 17, Wks 51 0011N., 1 1859E.

Chart 1610 (INT 1511) [ previous update 4144/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

16!, Wk for 17, Wk 51 0011N., 1 1859E.

Chart 1892 (INT 1741) [ previous update 3762/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

16!, Wk for 17, Wk 51 0011N., 1 1859E.

Chart 2449 [ previous update 4144/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

16!, Wk for 17, Wk 51 0011N., 1 1859E.

Chart 2451 (INT 1704) [ previous update 4297/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

16!, Wks for 17, Wks 51 0011N., 1 1859E.

2.8 Wk39/07

4299* DOVER STRAIT - Sandetti Bank - Depths.

Source: Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Chart 323 (INT 1564) [ previous update 4298/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 26 (a) 51 0941N., 1 4514E.
depth 167 and extend 20m contour NW to enclose (b) 51 1375N., 1 5444E.
Delete depth 275 , close W of: (a) above
depth 183 , close NE of: (b) above

Chart 1406 [ previous update 4298/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 26 51 0941N., 1 4514E.

Chart 1610 (INT 1511) [ previous update 4298/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 26 51 0941N., 1 4514E.
depth 167 and extend 20m contour NW to enclose 51 1375N., 1 5444E.

Chart 1892 (INT 1741) [ previous update 4298/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 26 and extend 30m contour E to enclose (a) 51 0941N., 1 4514E.
Delete depth 27, close W of: (a) above

Chart 2449 [ previous update 4298/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 26 51 0941N., 1 4514E.
depth 167 and extend 20m contour NW to enclose 51 1375N., 1 5444E.

4313* ENGLAND - East Coast - Approaches to Great Yarmouth - Corton Sand Northwards - Depths.
Source: Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Chart 1536 (INT 1557) [ previous update 3979/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 08 enclosed by 2m contour (a) 52 3540N., 1 4733E.
Delete depth 85 , adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 1543 [ previous update 3979/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 08 enclosed by 2m contour 52 3540N., 1 4733E.

4324* SCOTLAND - South West Coast - North Channel - Danger area.

Source: Civil Aviation Authority

Chart Q 6403 [ previous update 3734/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Delete limit of danger area, firm red line and associated legend, D411,
joining: 54 5600N., 5 2200W.
54 5600N., 5 1400W.
54 5100N., 5 0700W.
54 4500N., 5 0700W.
54 4500N., 5 1800W.
line of text, D411 Portpatrick (Wigtownshire) SD SFC-1 within table, Army Department

Wk39/07 2.9

4350* ENGLAND - Thames Estuary - Maplin Sands - Blacktail Spit - Beacons. Light-beacons.
Light List Vol. A, 2007/08, 2050.4, 2050.5
Source: Trinity House

Chart 1183 (INT 1561) [ previous update 4228/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Kfor TIso.G.5s6M Blacktail E 51 3180N., 0 5647E.

Kfor TIso.G.10s6M Blacktail W 51 3146N., 0 5520E.

Chart 1607 (INT 1562) [ previous update 3718/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Kfor ThIso.G.5s10m6M Blacktail E 51 3180N., 0 5647E.

Kfor ThIso.G.10s10m6M Blacktail W 51 3146N., 0 5520E.

Chart 1609 [ previous update 1430/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Kfor ThIso.G.5s10m6M Blacktail E 51 3180N., 0 5647E.

Kfor ThIso.G.10s10m6M Blacktail W 51 3146N., 0 5520E.

4359* SCOTLAND - Orkney Islands - Westray Firth - Rusk Holm North-eastwards - Buoy.
Source: Orkney Islands Council

Chart 2249 [ previous update 4225/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Amend light-buoy to, Fl(2)R.6s 59 1272N., 2 5060W.

Chart 2250 [ previous update 4225/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Amend light-buoy to, Fl(2)R.6s 59 1272N., 2 5060W.

Chart 2562 (plan B, Sounds of Rapness, Faray, Eday and Sanday) [ previous update New Edition 29/03/2007 ] ETRS89
Amend Rusk Holm light-buoy to, Fl(2)R.6s 59 1272N., 2 5060W.

2.10 Wk39/07

4374* ENGLAND - Bristol Channel - Approaches to Bristol - Bedwin Sands Southwards, Swash Channel and
Wharf Point - Buoyage. Landmark.
Source: Bristol Port Company

Chart 1166 (plan A, Avonmouth to Severn Bridge) [ previous update 4164/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM
(53) 51 3002N., 2 4309W.

Chart 1176 (INT 1654) [ previous update 4164/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

(53) 51 3002N., 2 4309W.

Ef No1 51 3100N., 2 4700W.

Ef No2 51 3200N., 2 4500W.

Chart 1859 (INT 1655) (plan A, King Road) [ previous update 4164/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM
Ef 51 30239N., 2 43031W.
Ef No1 51 31000N., 2 47000W.

(53) 51 30023N., 2 43090W.

4306 RUSSIA - Arctic Coast - Yeniseyskiy Zaliv - Mys Shaytanskiy Northwards - R. Kamenka -
Radar beacon.
Source: Russian Chart 13348

Chart 2963 [ previous update 3133/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Delete radar beacon, Racon (Q), at light 72 180N., 82 000E.

4364 NORWAY - West Coast - Approaches to Stavanger and Sauda - Cautionary note.
Source: Norwegian Notice 16/959/07

Chart 3539 [ previous update 884/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Substitute the accompanying note, MARINE FARMS, for the existing
note, centred on: 58 584N., 5 148E.

Chart 3540 [ previous update New Edition 02/08/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM

Substitute the accompanying note, MARINE FARMS, for the existing
note, centred on: 59 128N., 6 185E.

Wk39/07 2.11

4377 NORWAY - West Coast - Lofoten - Moskenesya Westwards - Depths.

Source: Norwegian Notices 16/973/07 & 16/975/07

Chart 2327 [ previous update 3800/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 96 enclosed by 20m contour 68 0131N., 12 5443E.
depth 155 enclosed by 20m contour 68 0047N., 12 5249E.
depth 185 enclosed by 20m contour 67 5761N., 12 5139E.
depth 105 enclosed by 20m contour (a) 67 5574N., 12 4707E.
Delete depth 52, adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 2328 [ previous update 3122/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 96 enclosed by 20m contour 68 0131N., 12 5443E.
depth 155 enclosed by 20m contour 68 0047N., 12 5249E.
depth 185 enclosed by 20m contour 67 5761N., 12 5139E.
depth 105 enclosed by 20m contour (a) 67 5574N., 12 4707E.
Delete depth 52 , adjacent to: (a) above

4314 RUSSIA - Baltic Sea Coast - Approaches to Baltiysk - Anchorage Area No 68 - Obstruction.
Source: Russian Notice 34/5073/07

Chart 2278 (plan A, Approaches to Baltiysk) [ previous update 3876/07 ] PULKOVO 1942 DATUM
Obstn 54 3865N., 19 4860E.

Chart 2369 [ previous update 513/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Obstn 54 3863N., 19 4848E.

4346 DENMARK - Islands - sterrenden - Buoyage. Restricted area. Obstruction.

Source: Danish Notice 34/723/07

Chart 938 (INT 1369) [ previous update 3569/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Cb W26A 55 2155N., 11 0142E.

Cb W26B 55 2128N., 11 0150E.

Cb Fl(2)G.10s W27 for Obstn (buoyed) 55 2102N., 11 0158E.

2.12 Wk39/07
4346 DENMARK - Islands - sterrenden - Buoyage. Restricted area. Obstruction. (continued)

Chart 938 (INT 1369) (plan A, stbroen - East Bridge) [ previous update 3569/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Cb W26B 55 2128N., 11 0150E.
Cb Fl(2)G.10s W27 for Obstn (a) 55 2102N., 11 0158E.
Jm,U close N of: (b) (a) above

Cb Q.G, close E of: (c) (a) above

JV,q close S of: (d) (a) above

GsX Q(9)15s, close W of: (e) (a) above

limit of restricted area, , and associated symbol, entry
prohibited, joining: (b) above
(e) above

Chart 2596 (INT 1370) [ previous update 3569/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Cb W26A 55 2155N., 11 0142E.

Cb W26B 55 2128N., 11 0150E.

Cb Fl(2)G.10s W27 for Obstn Buoyed 55 2102N., 11 0158E.

4347 POLAND - Zatoka Gdaska - Zatoka Pucka - Jastarnia South-westwards - Wreck.

Source: Polish Notice 35/548/07

Chart 2688 (INT 1288) [ previous update 2423/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

6(+ Wk 54 4044N., 18 3432E.

4315 NETHERLANDS - Westerschelde - Gat Van Ossenisse - Depths.

Source: Netherlands Notice 34/465/07

Chart 120 (INT 1479) [ previous update 3810/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Substitute depth 37 for depth 39 51 2217N., 3 5434E..

4317 NETHERLANDS - Approaches to Europoort - Maas Noord Anchorage Area - Foul.

Source: Netherlands Notice 34/458/07
Note: This update will be included in a New Edition of Chart 122 to be published 11 October 2007.

Chart 1630 (INT 1416) [ previous update 3958/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

52 0791N., 3 4930E.

Wk39/07 2.13

4345* NORTH SEA - United Kingdom Sector - Alba Oil Field North-westwards and Goldeneye Gas Field South-
westwards - Well. Manifold. Restricted areas.
Source: Oilexco North Sea Ltd, Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd and Health & Safety Executive

Chart 278 [ previous update 3949/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

149- Well (a) 58 0815N., 0 4617E.

104- Manifold (b) 57 5400N., 0 3660W.

circular limit of restricted area, radius 500m (027M), ,
centred on: 57 5768N., 0 3699W.
( 89, Obstn)
(a) above
(b) above

Chart 291 [ previous update 4188/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

149- Well (a) 58 0815N., 0 4617E.
circular limit of restricted area, radius 500m (027M), ,
centred on: 57 5768N., 0 3699W.
( 89, Obstn)
(a) above

Chart 2182C (INT 1041) [ previous update 3949/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Well 58 082N., 0 462E.

4358 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - The Elbe - Stadersand Eastwards and North-eastwards -
Source: German Notice 35/(21)47/07

Chart 3267 (INT 1454) [ previous update 2230/06 ] WGS84 DATUM

12(, Obstn 53 3775N., 9 3187 E.

Chart 3267 (INT 1454) (plan A, Stadersand) [ previous update 2230/06 ] WGS84 DATUM
12(, Obstn 53 37746N., 9 31871E.

13(, Obstn 53 37803N., 9 31729E.

2.14 Wk39/07

4360 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - The Elbe - Port of Hamburg - Mhlenberg Southwards and Vulkan-hft -
Light List Vol. B, 2007/08, 1570.1, 1593.9
Source: German Notice 35/(21)48/07

Chart 3268 (INT 1455) (panel A, Schulau to Teufelsbrck) [ previous update New Edition 21/06/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM
Oc.Y.4s, from: 53 3287N., 9 4943E.
to: 53 3285N., 9 4959E.

Chart 3268 (INT 1455) (panel B, Port of Hamburg) [ previous update New Edition 21/06/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM
Oc.Y.4s, from: 53 32870N., 9 49430E.
to: 53 32852N., 9 49594E.
Iso.G.2s 53 31880N., 9 57110E.

4331 FRANCE - West Coast - Pointe de Penmarch Westwards - Wrecks.

Source: French Notice 34/7/07

Chart 2643 [ previous update 3701/07 ] ED50 DATUM

111- Wk (a) 47 4287N., 5 1967W.
^ PA, close ENE of: (a) above

Chart 2655 [ previous update 3701/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

111- Wk 47 4281N., 5 1975W.

4348 FRANCE - West Coast - Approaches to Pertuis Breton - Fosse Occidentale de Chevarache North-westwards -
Source: French Notice 34/8/07

Chart 20 [ previous update 3701/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Obstn PA 46 206N., 1 431W.

Chart 2663 [ previous update 4937/06 ] ED50 DATUM

Obstn PA 46 2061N., 1 4314W.

Chart 2998 [ previous update 2893/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Obstn PA 46 2055N., 1 4322W.

Chart 2999 (INT 1843) [ previous update 2893/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Obstn PA 46 2055N., 1 4322W.

Wk39/07 2.15

4316 ITALY - East Coast - Golfo di Taranto - Approaches to Gallipoli - Depths. Wreck.
Source: Italian Chart 27

Chart 140 (plan D, Approaches to Gallipoli) [ previous update 2122/07 ] MONTE MARIO 1940 DATUM
Insert depth 43 enclosed by 50m contour (a) 40 0927N., 17 4974E.
depth 47 enclosed by 50m contour 40 0828N., 17 4922E.
40 0047N., 17 5460E.
depth 285 40 0803N., 17 5465E.
depth 265 40 0595N., 17 5520E.
depth 215 (b) 40 0210N., 17 5347E.
depth 295 40 0016N., 17 5693E.
for ^ 40 0531N., 17 5430E.
Delete depth 60, close SW of: (a) above
depth 25, close SW of: (b) above

Chart 187 [ previous update 2463/07 ] MONTE MARIO 1940 DATUM

Insert depth 47 enclosed by 50m contour 40 083N., 17 492E.
40 005N., 17 546E.
depth 215 (a) 40 021N., 17 535E.
depth 295 enclosed by 30m contour 40 002N., 17 569E.
Delete depth 25, adjacent to: (a) above

4365 GREECE - Aegean Sea Coast - Nsos Lsvos, West Coast - k. Saratsna South-south-westwards -
Source: UK Hydrographic Office
Note: Certain copies only

Chart 1061 [ previous update 4161/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Amend light-buoy to, Fl(5)Y.20s 39 0922N., 25 4852E.

Chart 1087 [ previous update 4161/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Amend light-buoy to, Fl(5)Y.20s 39 0922N., 25 4852E.

4366 SPAIN - Mediterranean Sea Coast - Golfo Vera - Garrucha North-eastwards - Outfall.
Source: Spanish Notice 35/265/07

Chart 774 [ previous update 2859/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Insert outfall, , joining: 37 120N., 1 486W. (shore)
37 118N., 1 480W.

2.16 Wk39/07

4303* JORDAN - Gulf of Aqaba - El Aqaba - Coastline. Jetties. Lights. Obstruction. Buoyage. Beacons.
Light List Vol. E, 2007/08, 6044.6
Source: UK Hydrographic Office

Chart 801 (INT 7143) (plan B, Eilat and El Aqaba) [ previous update 2552/06 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block showing amendments to coastline,
jetties, lights, obstruction, buoyage, beacons and landmarks,
centred on: 29 3235N., 34 5897E.

Chart 801 (INT 7143) (plan A, Approaches to Eilat and El Aqaba) [ previous update 2552/06 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert jetty, single firm line, joining: 29 3224N., 34 5926E.(shore)
29 3220N., 34 5923E.
29 3221N., 34 5920E.
29 3221N., 34 5930E.(shore)
29 3215N., 34 5925E.
29 3215N., 34 5920E.
Delete jetty, single firm line, centred on: 29 3226N., 34 5910E.

4304 IRAQ - KUWAIT - Khawr Abd Alla- h Southwards to Khawr al Kafka & Khawr al Amaya - Wrecks. Pilot
boarding places. Depths. Restricted areas. Obstructions. Buoyage. Light.
Light List Vol. D, 2007/08, 7612
ALRS Vol. 6 (3), 2007/08: (34/07)
Source: HMS Echo & Kuwait NM 10/07
Note: Charts 2884 and 3842 are to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 2567(P)/07

Chart 1235 (INT 7289) [ previous update 2568/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

29 3879N., 48 3210E.

Chart 2882 (INT 7264) [ previous update 2943/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Offshore Terminals 29 200N., 49 030E.

Chart 2884 (INT 7278) [ previous update 3474/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths,
restricted areas, wrecks, obstructions and pilot boarding places,
centred on: 29 350N., 48 480E.

Wk39/07 2.17

4304 IRAQ - KUWAIT - Khawr Abd Alla- h Southwards to Khawr al Kafka & Khawr al Amaya - Wrecks. Pilot
boarding places. Depths. Restricted areas. Obstructions. Buoyage. Light. (continued)

Chart 3773 [ previous update 3893/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

29 3879N., 48 3210E.

Chart 3842 (INT 7292) [ previous update 2568/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths,
restricted areas, wrecks, obstructions, buoyage and pilot
boarding place, centred on: 29 4920N., 48 4615E.
depth 33 (a) 29 4813N., 48 4464E.
Amend No 2 light to, (Rep destroyed 2006) (b) 29 4822N., 48 4456E.
Delete depth 55 , close W of: (b) above
depth 61 , close SSW of: (a) above
5m contour, joining: 29 4836N., 48 4471E.
(W border of block)
29 4787N., 48 4358E.(S border)

4308 INDIA - West Coast - Approaches to Ka- rwa- r Harbour - Baitkol Bay - Wrecks.
Source: Indian Notice 16/426/07

Chart 3464 (plan A, Ka- rwa- r Harbour and Approaches) [ previous update 3460/07 ] INDIAN DATUM
6)+ Wk (a) 14 4725N., 74 0632E.
, close E of: (a) above

4309* INDIAN OCEAN - Western Part - Rodriguez Island - Mathurin Bay - Depth. Obstruction.
Source: Mauritius Ports Authority

Chart 715 (plan, Mathurin Bay) [ previous update New Edition 22/04/1999 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM
bearing/distance (cables) from
Pt. Venus Observ
(19 40 21"S., 63 25 38"E.)
(centre of plan)
Substitute depth 3 enclosed by 6fm contour for depth 5 enclosed by 6fm
contour 332 /145 cables
Obstn (1921)(PA) 355 /54 cables

2.18 Wk39/07

4351 INDIAN OCEAN - Seychelles - Cotivy - Depths.

Source: Indian Chart 2085

Chart 724 (plan C, Cotivy) [ previous update 1576/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 17 enclosed by 2m contour (a) 7 0542S., 56 1757E.
depth 27 enclosed by 5m contour (b) 7 0563S., 56 1721E.
depth 195 enclosed by 20m contour (c) 7 0900S., 56 1425E.
Delete depth 85 , adjacent to: (a) above
depth 177 , close N of: (b) above
depth 25, adjacent to: (c) above

4375 INDIAN OCEAN - Seychelles - Mah - Port Victoria and Approaches - Outer Harbour and Inter Island Quay
- Depths.
Source: Indian Chart 2087

Chart 722 (INT 7742) [ previous update New Edition 16/08/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth 46 enclosed by 5m contour 4 37157S., 55 27541E.
depth 85 enclosed by 10m contour (a) 4 37916S., 55 28765E.
4 37404S., 55 28891E.
depth 6 (b) 4 37553S., 55 28740E.
depth 109 (c) 4 37742S., 55 28753E.
depth 58 and extend 10m contour W to enclose (d) 4 37918S., 55 28991E.
Delete depth 79 , close SW of: (b) above
depth 129 , close S of: (c) above
depth 104 , adjacent to: (a) above
depth 68 , close NE of: (d) above

4383* INDIAN OCEAN - Mauritius - Approaches to Port Louis - Pointe Roche Noire Westwards -
Source: Mauritius Ports Authority

Chart 713 (INT 7738) (plan, Port Louis) [ previous update 3282/07 ] LE POUCE DATUM
GXs 20 0744S., 57 2847E.

Chart 713 (INT 7738) (plan, Approaches to Port Louis) [ previous update 3282/07 ] LE POUCE DATUM
GXs 20 0744S., 57 2847E.

Wk39/07 2.19

4301 THAILAND - Gulf of Thailand Coast - Ko Si Chang to Si Racha and Laem Chabang -
Source: UK Hydrographic Office

Chart 986 [ previous update 3280/07 ] INDIAN 1975 DATUM

Amend legend to, See NM 4300(P)/07, centred on: 13 0210N., 100 5210E.
13 0320N., 100 4880E.
13 1213N., 100 5191E.

Chart 1046 [ previous update 3783/07 ] INDIAN 1975 DATUM

Amend legend to, See NM 4300(P)/07, centred on: 13 0350N., 100 4880E.
13 1240N., 100 5190E.

4302 THAILAND - Gulf of Thailand Coast - Ko Si Chang, South Coast Southwards and North-eastwards - Depths.
Source: Thai Chart 164

Chart 986 [ previous update 4301/07 ] INDIAN 1975 DATUM

Insert depth 12 13 1108N., 100 5210E.
. for depth 52 with seabed character, R 13 0716N., 100 4863E.

Chart 1046 [ previous update 4301/07 ] INDIAN 1975 DATUM

Insert depth 12 13 1108N., 100 5210E.

. 13 0716N., 100 4863E.

4372 CHINA - East Coast - Zhoushan Qundao - Liuheng Dao East-south-eastwards - Obstruction.
Source: Chinese Notice 33/1044/07

Chart 1759 [ previous update 4267/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Obstn Rep (2007) 29 3590N., 122 4000E.

4283 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Keihin Ko - Tokyo Ku - Section 4 - Tokyo West Passage -
Depths. Dredged area.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1193/07

Chart JP 1061 [ previous update 3725/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths and
dredged area, centred on: 35 3420N., 139 4910E.

Chart JP 1065 [ previous update New Edition 02/08/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths and
dredged area, centred on: 35 3420N., 139 4910E.

2.20 Wk39/07

4284 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Hyogo Southwards - Section 1 - Depths. Foul.

Source: Japanese Notice 36/1194/07

Chart JP 1107 [ previous update 3163/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths and
foul, centred on: 34 4050N., 135 2210E.

4285 JAPAN - Honshu- - North West Coast - Fushiki Ku - Bridge. Vertical clearance. Depth.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1197/07

Chart 1342 (plan B, Fushiki and Shinminato) [ previous update 4580/06 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert bridge, double firm line, width 12m, joining: (a) 36 4740N., 137 0349E.(shore)
(b) 36 4721N., 137 0353E.(shore)
symbol, vertical clearance, 9m, close W of: (a)-(b) above
Delete depth 16 , close N of: (b) above

4286 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Uraga Suido - Daisan Kaiho - Restricted area. Light-beacons.
Buoyage. Legend.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1199/07
Note: Former Notice 3165(T)/07 is cancelled. Maritime limit remains.

Chart JP 91 [ previous update 3397/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete limit of restricted area, , joining: 35 17 23"N., 139 44 17"E.
(N border)
(a) 35 17 12"N., 139 44 27"E.
(b) 35 17 03"N., 139 44 11"E.
(c) 35 17 22"N., 139 43 54"E.
35 17 23"N., 139 43 56"E.
(N border)

TFh l G 3s 6M C 35 17 18"N., 139 44 21"E.

ThFl G 3s 6M D (a) above

G;f Fl Y 3s F (b) above

G;f Fl Y 3s I (c) above

legend, Entry Prohibited, centred on: 35 17 08"N., 139 44 14"E.

Wk39/07 2.21

4286 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Uraga Suido - Daisan Kaiho - Restricted area. Light-beacons.
Buoyage. Legend. (continued)

Chart JP 1062 [ previous update 3398/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete limit of restricted area, , joining: (a) 35 17 31"N., 139 44 10"E.
(b) 35 17 12"N., 139 44 27"E.
(c) 35 17 03"N., 139 44 11"E.
(d) 35 17 22"N., 139 43 54"E.

TFh l G 3s 6M A (a) above

ThFl G 3s 6M D (b) above

G;f Fl Y 3s F (c) above

G;f Fl Y 3s I (d) above

legend, Entry Prohib, centred on: 35 17 24"N., 139 44 04"E.

Chart JP 1081 [ previous update 3397/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete limit of restricted area, , joining: (a) 35 17 31"N., 139 44 10"E.
(b) 35 17 12"N., 139 44 27"E.
(c) 35 17 03"N., 139 44 11"E.
(d) 35 17 22"N., 139 43 54"E.

TFh l G 3s 6M A (a) above

ThFl G 3s 6M B 35 17 25"N., 139 44 16"E.

TFh l G 3s 6M C 35 17 18"N., 139 44 21"E.

ThFl G 3s 6M D (b) above

G;f Fl Y 3s F (c) above

G;f Fl Y 3s I (d) above

legend, Entry Prohibited, centred on: 35 17 23"N., 139 44 06"E.

2.22 Wk39/07

4287 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Uraga Suido Traffic Route - Buoyage.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1200/07

Chart JP 1062 [ previous update 4286/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

I[b Fl G 3s No 5 35 17 413"N., 139 44 015"E.
Amend designation of light-buoy to, No 7 35 19 46"N., 139 42 15"E.
designation of light-buoy to, No 8 35 19 47"N., 139 43 23"E.

Chart JP 1081 [ previous update 4286/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ib[ Fl G 3s No 5 35 17 413"N., 139 44 015"E.
Amend designation of light-buoy to, No 7 35 19 46"N., 139 42 15"E.
designation of light-buoy to, No 8 35 19 47"N., 139 43 23"E.

Chart JP 1083 [ previous update New Chart 25/03/2004 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend designation of light-buoy to, No 7 35 19 46"N., 139 42 15"E.

4288 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Osaka Ko - Osaka Ku - Section 1 Eastwards - Hokko No 1 Quay Southwards -
Coastline. Legends.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1202/07

Chart JP 123 [ previous update 2099/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert coastline, single firm line, joining: (a) 34 39 435"N., 135 25 090"E.
(b) 34 39 440"N., 135 25 105"E.
legend, Ru, close N of: (a)-(b) above
Delete former coastline, joining: (a) above
(b) above
legend, Unsurveyed, close N of: (a)-(b) above

Chart JP 1107 [ previous update 4284/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert coastline, single firm line, joining: (a) 34 39 435"N., 135 25 090"E.
(b) 34 39 440"N., 135 25 105"E.
legend, Ru, close N of: (a)-(b) above
Delete former coastline, joining: (a) above
(b) above
legend, Unsurveyed, close N of: (a)-(b) above

4289 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Aki Nada - Osaki-Kami Shima - Mebaruzaki Westwards - Light.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1204/07

Chart JP 1108 [ previous update New Chart 07/06/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Iso G 6s 8M 34 164N., 132 550E.

Wk39/07 2.23

4290 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Tokuyama - Kudamatsu Ko- - Otsu Shima - Fish havens.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1205/07

Chart JP 1101 [ previous update New Chart 07/06/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM

33 59 27"N., 131 42 39"E.

Chart 3153 [ previous update 3502/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

34 0062N., 131 4182E.
34 0007N., 131 4282E.
33 5945N., 131 4265E.

4291 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Beppu Wan - Oita - Showa Denko Sea-Berth - Lights.
Light List Vol. F, 2006/07, 4947.6, 4947.61, 4947.62
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1206/07

Chart JP 151 [ previous update New Chart 02/08/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Mo (U) 12s 10M 33 16 49"N., 131 40 15"E.

Chart 626 (plan, Oita) [ previous update 1979/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Amend light to, Mo(U)12s29m10M 33 1683N., 131 4027E.
light to, Mo(U)12s 33 1682N., 131 4013E.
33 1682N., 131 4040E.

Chart JP 1102 [ previous update New Chart 07/06/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Mo (U) 12s 10M 33 16 49"N., 131 40 15"E.

4292 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Hayasui Seto - Taka Shima North-westwards - Fish havens.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1207/07

Chart JP 1102 [ previous update 4291/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

(305) (a) 33 19 47"N., 131 51 51"E.
(31), adjacent to: (a) above

2.24 Wk39/07

4310 KOREA - South Coast - Sorido to Cheju Haehyo p - Depths. Wrecks. Recommended track. Buoy. Power
transmission line.
Source: Korean Charts 232 & 213

Chart 127 [ previous update 4171/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 36 (a) 34 026N., 127 118E.
depth 48 34 027N., 127 360E.

38, Wk 34 183N., 127 470E.

53, Wk for 34 233N., 127 515E.
Delete two-way recommended track, pecked line, direction of traffic
flow 069-249, joining: 34 180N., 127 101E.
(W border)
(b) 34 201N., 127 168E.

HZp LFl.10s
(b) above
depth 48, close NNW of: (a) above

Chart 3365 (INT 5252) [ previous update 2855/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert power transmission line, pecked line, joining: 34 2595N., 127 0771E.
(a) 34 2468N., 127 0709E.
symbol, safe vertical clearance 40m, close NE of: (a) above
two-way recommended track, pecked line, direction of traffic
flow 064-244, joining: (b) 34 1740N., 127 0825E.
(existing recommended track)
34 1825N., 127 1050E.

14, Wk 34 1748N., 126 4759E.

depth 235 34 1080N., 127 0870E.
depth 37 and extend 50m contour S to enclose 34 0299N., 127 0775E.
depth 36 (c) 34 0265N., 127 1185E.
depth 48 enclosed by 50m contour (d) 34 0270N., 127 3595E.
Delete former two-way recommended track, pecked line, direction of
traffic flow 069-249, joining: (b) above
(e) 34 201N., 127 168E.

HZp LFl.10s (e) above

depth 48, close NNW of: (c) above
depth 51, adjacent to: (d) above

Chart 3391 (INT 5360) [ previous update 3638/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

38, Wk 34 1834N., 127 4698E.
53, Wk for 34 2334N., 127 5154E.

Chart 3480 [ previous update 4107/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 36 and extend 50m contour SE to enclose 34 026N., 127 118E.
depth 37 (a) 34 030N., 127 078E.
depth 235 34 108N., 127 087E.
Delete depth 43, close N of: (a) above

Wk39/07 2.25

4311 KOREA - South Coast - Kwangyang Hang North-eastwards - Fish haven. Depth.
Source: Korean Chart 250

Chart 3391 (INT 5360) [ previous update 4310/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

(58) (a) 34 5643N., 127 5177E.
Delete depth 95 , adjacent to: (a) above

4312 KOREA - South Coast - Suyo ng Man, Pusan New Port, Jeo Do, Hong Do to Namhyeongje Do and Cheju
Haehyo p - Depths. Lights. Radar beacons. Radiobeacon. Rocks.
Light List Vol. F, 2006/07, 4266.5, 4274.65, 4351.26, 4351.261
ALRS Vol. 2, 2006/07: 82625, 82630
Source: Korean Charts 224a, 235, 732 & Korean Notice 34/529/07

Chart 127 [ previous update 4310/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 108 (a) 34 534N., 128 574E.
depth 32 34 403N., 128 390E.
Substitute depth 13 enclosed by 20m contour with seabed character, R,
for depth 148 enclosed by 20m contour with seabed character,
R 34 414N., 128 445E.
depth 25 with seabed character, R, for depth 29 34 394N., 128 462E.
Delete depth 16 with seabed character, R, close N of: (a) above

Chart 1065 [ previous update 4043/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

F.G.103m24M 35 0497N., 128 4968E.

F.G.145m24M 35 0512N., 128 5002E.

depth 26 (a) 35 0909N., 129 0977E.
depth 121 (b) 35 0086N., 128 4506E.
Delete depth 16 enclosed by 20m contour with seabed character, R 34 541N., 128 575E.
depth 31 with seabed character, R, adjacent to: (a) above
depth 54 enclosed by 10m contour, close E of: (b) above
depth 18, close W of: (b) above

Chart 2347 [ previous update 3823/07 ] TOKYO DATUM

Insert depth 25 34 394N., 128 461E.

Chart 3480 [ previous update 4310/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

Insert radar beacon, Racon (K), at light 33 437N., 126 215E.
radar beacon, Racon (C), at light (a) 33 312N., 126 330E.
Substitute depth 25 with seabed character, R, for depth 36 34 394N., 128 466E.
Delete radiobeacon, RC, at light (a) above

2.26 Wk39/07

4373 RUSSIA - Pacific Ocean Coast - Zaliv Amurskiy - Primorskiy North-eastwards - Depths.
Source: Russian Notice 35/5296/07

Chart 3045 [ previous update 3802/07 ] PULKOVO 1942 DATUM

Insert depth 49 enclosed by 5m contour 43 0799N., 131 4465E.
depth 61 (a) 43 0775N., 131 4351E.
depth 63 enclosed by 10m contour 43 0762N., 131 4473E.
depth 85 enclosed by 10m contour (b) 43 0707N., 131 4358E.
depth 79 enclosed by 10m contour (c) 43 0667N., 131 4191E.
depth 84 enclosed by 10m contour 43 0624N., 131 4052E.
Substitute depth 93 enclosed by 10m contour for depth 118 43 0717N., 131 4488E.
Delete depth 9, close NE of: (a) above
depth 11, adjacent to: (b) above
depth 114 , adjacent to: (c) above

4307 INDONESIA - Papua - North Coast - Teluk Irian Northwards - Bepondi and Mapia Islands -
Light List Vol. F, 2006/07, 2111.95, 2111.98 & Vol K, 2007/08, 3391.7
Source: DG SeaComm

Chart 942B [ previous update 4207/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Fl(2)20M 0 240S., 135 165E.

Fl(2)12s148ft20M 0 560N., 134 188E.

Fl(2)12s108ft20M 0 565N., 134 172E.

Chart 3249 [ previous update 2079/06 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Fl(2)12s108ft20M 0 236S., 135 160E.

Chart 4507 (INT 507) [ previous update 4204/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
{ 0 560N., 134 190E.

Wk39/07 2.27

4328 INDONESIA - Nusa Tenggara - Sumbawa, South Coast - Chempi B Eastwards - Lombok, South Coast -
Blongas B North-westwards - Lights.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 1299.2, 1314.5
Source: Australian Notice 17/727/07

Chart Aus 414 [ previous update 2121/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Fl(2)12s24M 8 534S., 118 280E.

Fl(2)10s12M 8 553S., 116 001E.

Chart 4060 (INT 60) [ previous update 4207/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
{ 8 534S., 118 280E.

Chart 4603 (INT 603) [ previous update 4207/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
{ 8 534S., 118 280E.

Chart 4722 (INT 722) [ previous update 3105/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Fl(2)24M 8 534S., 118 280E.

4332 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - Palawan - Cadlao Field to Busuanga Southwards - Submarine pipeline. Cautionary
note. Legends.
Source: Philippine Notice 3/6(T)/99
Note: Former Notice 5408(P)/05 is cancelled.

Chart 967 [ previous update 2671/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: 11 3890N., 118 5412E.
11 3915N., 118 5503E.
11 3085N., 119 0730E.( )
(a) 11 2882N., 119 1000E.
(b) 11 4052N., 119 4622E.
11 3352N., 120 0768E.
11 3673N., 120 1176E.
11 4090N., 120 2050E.
(E border)
the accompanying note, PIPELINES, centred on: 12 0250N., 116 4700E.
legend, Gas (see Note), along: (a)-(b) above
Delete legend, see NM 5408(P)/05, centred on: 11 3700N., 119 3000E.

2.28 Wk39/07

4333* INDONESIA - Kalimantan - West Coast - P. Tambelan South-eastwards - Rock.

Source: UK Hydrographic Office

Chart 941A [ previous update 4201/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

. ED 0 336N., 107 419E.

Chart 1312 [ previous update 3953/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

. ED 0 336N., 107 419E.

Chart 3482 (INT 550) [ previous update 3953/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

. ED 0 336N., 107 419E.

Chart 4508 (INT 508) [ previous update 3987/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
. ED 0 340N., 107 420E.

4334 INDONESIA - Kalimantan - West Coast - P. Jangkulan - Legend.

Light List Vol. F, 2006/07, 1888
Source: Indonesian Notice 29/253/2007

Chart 941A [ previous update 4333/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Delete legend, (exting), at light 0 440N., 107 193E.

Chart 1312 [ previous update 4333/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Delete legend, (exting), at light 0 448N., 107 193E.

Chart 2414 [ previous update 3953/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Delete legend, (exting), at light 0 448N., 107 193E.

Chart 3482 (INT 550) [ previous update 4333/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Delete legend, (exting), at light 0 448N., 107 193E.

Wk39/07 2.29

4335 INDONESIA - Jawa - South East Coast - Baron Island - Light.

Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 1261.8
Source: DG SeaComm

Chart 941B [ previous update 4216/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Fl(2)12s24M, from: 8 300S., 113 176E.
to: 8 278S., 113 206E.

Chart 4508 (INT 508) [ previous update 4333/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
{ Barung, from: 8 300S., 113 180E.
to: 8 280S., 113 210E.

Chart 4708 (INT 708) [ previous update 3987/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
{ Barung, from: 8 300S., 113 180E.
to: 8 280S., 113 210E.

4357 MALAYSIA - Sarawak - Kuala Lawas Northwards and South-westwards - Depths.

Source: Sarawak Chart 7011

Chart 1844 [ previous update 1376/07 ] TIMBALAI 1948 DATUM

2#+ 5 0141N., 115 2346E.
depth 12 enclosed by 2m contour 4 5762N., 115 2352E.
depth 46 enclosed by 5m contour 4 5708N., 115 2287E.

4325 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Facing Island Eastwards and North-westwards - Targinie Channel North-
westwards to South Channel South-eastwards - Legends. Leading line.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 2988.4, 2988.41, 2989.62, 2989.63, 2989.66, 2989.661, 2989.67, 2989.68, 2989.9, 2989.91,
2991.14, 2991.15
Source: Australian Notices 17/715 & 716/07

Chart Aus 244 (plan, Gladstone and Adjacent Wharves) [ previous update 4091/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Amend legend to, 1136 -2936 23 4837S., 151 1369E.
legend to, 120 23 4852S., 151 1403E.
legend to, 1339 23 4902S., 151 1492E.
legend to, 314 23 4938S., 151 1532E.
legend to, 3027 23 4992S., 151 1620E.

Chart Aus 244 (plan, Fishermans Landing Wharves) [ previous update 4091/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Amend legend to, 2936 23 4746S., 151 1140E.
legend to, 1136 23 4723S., 151 1085E.

2.30 Wk39/07
4325 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Facing Island Eastwards and North-westwards - Targinie Channel North-
westwards to South Channel South-eastwards - Legends. Leading line.
Light-beacon. (continued)

Chart Aus 245 [ previous update 4091/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert leading line, pecked line for 416m then firm line for 572m,
extending in direction 0394, from: (a) 23 4639S., 151 1912E.
( T Iso.Bu.2s)
legend, 2194, orientated SW/NE, centred on: 23 4616S., 151 1932E.
2m contour, joining: (b) 23 4781S., 151 2181E.
23 4793S., 151 2180E.
(c) 23 4816S., 151 2204E.
Amend legend to, 2936 23 4842S., 151 1382E.
legend to, 1136 23 4754S., 151 1165E.
legend to, 3024 23 5360S., 151 2238E.
T Q & Fl.Y.25s (F day(occas)) for T Dir Q & Fl.Y.25s
(F day(occas)) 23 4884S., 151 1485E.
Delete former leading line, pecked and firm line, and associated
legend 2194, extending NE from: (a) above
former 2m contour, joining: (b) above
(c) above

Chart Aus 246 [ previous update 2269/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend legend to, 3024 23 5575S., 151 2605E.

4326 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Northumberland Isles - Quail Island Eastwards - Thirsty Sound -
Source: Australian Notice 17/718/07

Chart Aus 822 [ previous update 3189/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete legend, (18 - 36m Rep on bar), centred on: 22 065S., 150 048E.

4327 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - North Coast - Torres Strait - Horn Island North-westwards - Thursday Island
Southwards - Prince of Wales Island North-eastwards - Buoyage.
Source: Australian Notice 17/721/07

Chart Aus 293 [ previous update 3316/07 ] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM

Bf Fl.Y, from: 10 3515S., 142 1449E.
to: 10 3516S., 142 1450E.

Df Fl.Y, from: 10 3563S., 142 1300E.

to: 10 3563S., 142 1304E.

Bd Fl.R, from: 10 3553S., 142 1279E.

to: 10 3548S., 142 1278E.

Bm Q, from: 10 3602S., 142 1251E.

to: 10 3602S., 142 1246E.

Wk39/07 2.31
4327 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - North Coast - Torres Strait - Horn Island North-westwards - Thursday Island
Southwards - Prince of Wales Island North-eastwards - Buoyage. (continued)

Chart Aus 299 [ previous update 3316/07 ] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM

Bf Fl.Y.25s, from: 10 35149S., 142 14491E.
to: 10 35165S., 142 14501E.

Df Fl.Y.6s, from: 10 35628S., 142 13223E.

to: 10 35625S., 142 13209E.

Df Fl.Y.4s, from: 10 35637S., 142 13001E.

to: 10 35629S., 142 13042E.

Bd Fl.R.25s, from: 10 35529S., 142 12790E.

to: 10 35485S., 142 12785E.

Bm Q, from: 10 36036S., 142 12512E.

to: 10 36023S., 142 12456E.

4329 AUSTRALIA - Western Australia - Port of Dampier - King Bay - Fish haven.
Source: Australian Notice 17/728/07

Chart Aus 58 [ previous update 3835/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

(15) 20 3835S., 116 4402E.

Chart Aus 59 (plan, Withnell Bay to King Bay) [ previous update 3835/07 ] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM
(15) 20 38429S., 116 43954E.

4330 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Barwon Heads - Light. Leading line. Light-beacon. Beacon. Buoy.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 2193, 2193.1, 2193.15
Source: Australian Notice 17/730/07

Chart Aus 143 [ previous update 4056/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl.3s 38 1709S., 144 2990E.
Delete leading line, pecked and firm line, and associated legend 296,
extending in direction 116 from: 38 1700S., 144 2965E.
( F.G.5M)

2.32 Wk39/07
4330 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Barwon Heads - Light. Leading line. Light-beacon. Beacon. Buoy. (continued)

Chart Aus 144 [ previous update 3474/06 ] WGS84 DATUM

TjQ.R.3m2M (a) 38 1721S., 144 3023E.

Kh 38 1708S., 144 2984E.

leading line, pecked line for 795m then firm line for 1060m,
extending in direction 1164 from: (b) 38 1700S., 144 2965E.
( T F.G.9m5M)
legend, 2964, seaward end of: (b) above
Amend light-beacon to, Fl.3s 38 1709S., 144 2990E.
Bd, adjacent to: (a) above
former leading line, pecked and firm line, and associated
legend 296, extending in direction 116 from: (b) above

Chart Aus 788 [ previous update 2586/06 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl.3s 38 1709S., 144 2990E.
Delete leading line, pecked and firm line, and associated legend 296,
extending in direction 116 from: 38 1700S., 144 2965E.
( F.G.5M)

4361 NEW ZEALAND - South Island - East Coast - Clarence River Northwards - Wreck.
Source: New Zealand Notice 18/178/07

Chart NZ 62 [ previous update 1622/04 ] WGS84 DATUM

42 0943S., 173 5639E.

4344 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN - Polynsie Franaise - les de la Socit - Raiatea, North East Coast - Pte. du Roi
Tamatoa Eastwards - Light-beacon.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 4971.3
Source: French Notice 34/56/07

Chart 1103 [ previous update 2340/07 ] IGN 1951-54 DATUM

Amend light-beacon to, Fl(2)G.6s5M 16 4360S., 151 2611W.

Chart 1107 (plan, Port dUturoa) [ previous update 1358/07 ] IGN 1951-54 DATUM
Amend light-beacon to, Fl(2)G.6s16ft5M 16 4361S., 151 2611W.

4319 CANADA - British Columbia - Vancouver Island - Saanich Peninsula Northwards and Eastwards -
Source: Canadian Notice 8/3441/07

Chart 4954 [ previous update 2032/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert legend, Chart/Carte CA3479 48 3753N., 123 2197W.
48 4147N., 123 1825W.
Amend legend to, Chart/Carte CA3479 48 4300N., 123 2630W.
Delete legend, Chart/Carte CA3476 48 3850N., 123 2250W.
48 4240N., 123 2210W.

Wk39/07 2.33

4349 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - California - Approaches to San Francisco Harbor -
Fourfathom Bank Southwards - Buoy.
Source: US Notice 36/18649/07

Chart 591 [ previous update 3695/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Gf 142 Fl(5)Y.20s 37 4688N., 122 3593W.

4362 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - Washington - Columbia River - Slaughters Turn and
Channel - Lewis & Clark Bridge - Radar beacon.
ALRS Vol. 2, 2007/08; 90320 (37/07)
Source: US Chart 18524

Chart 2849 (Panel A) [ previous update 4141/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert symbol, radar beacon, Racon(T) 46 0630N., 122 5769W.

4369 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - Washington - Rosario Strait - Orcas Island Eastwards -
Lawrence Point North-eastwards - Buoy.
Source: US Notice 35/18430/07

Chart 80 [ previous update 3108/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Amend C light-buoy to, Fl.Y.25s 48 4056N., 122 4281W.

4378 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - Washington - Puget Sound - Anderson Island Southwards -
Oro Bay - Buoy.
Source: US Notice 35/18448/07

Chart 51 [ previous update 3157/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Gd Fl.R 4, from: 47 0836N., 122 4178W.
to: 47 0835N., 122 4205W.

4385 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - Washington - Puget Sound - Quimper Peninsula - Point
Wilson - Light.
Light List Vol. G, 2006/07, 4784
Source: US Notice 35/18423/07

Chart 46 [ previous update 4110/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Amend light to, Al.Fl.WR.5s16m18/15M Horn(1)30s 48 0865N., 122 4529W.

Chart 1947 [ previous update 2891/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Amend light to, Al.Fl.WR.5s52ft18/15M Horn(1)30s 48 0865N., 122 4525W.

Chart 4950 [ previous update 3108/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Amend light to, Al Fl WR 5s16m18/15M FogSig30s 48 0860N., 122 4529W.

2.34 Wk39/07

4371 CHILE - Estrecho de Magallanes - Canal Cockburn - Isla Kirke Westwards - Depth.
Source: Chilean Notice 8/83/07

Chart 554 [ previous update 2265/06 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert depth 34 enclosed by 6fm contour 54 228S., 71 462W.

4376 CHILE - Northern Coasts - Valparaso South-westwards - Punta Curaumilla - Fog signal.
Light List Vol. G, 2006/07, 1870
Source: Chilean Notice 8/77/07

Chart 3073 [ previous update 4696/06 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Delete fog signal, Siren(3)30s, at light 33 060S., 71 450W.

Chart 3074 [ previous update 109/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Delete fog signal, Siren(3)30s, at light 33 060S., 71 450W.

4381* GUATEMALA - Approaches to Puerto San Jos - Buoyage.

Source: mv Iver Experience

Chart 1946 (plan A, Approaches to Quetzal ) [ previous update 3875/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Gf Q OT(PQ) for G 13 5358N., 90 5126W.
Gf Q C(PQ), from: 13 5264N., 90 5000W.
to: 13 5339N., 90 5000W.
Delete former Gf Q OT(PQ) 13 5280N., 90 5130W.

4380 ARGENTINA - Puerto Mar del Plata - Escollera Norte Eastwards and Drsena B - Cabota je -
Source: Argentine Chart H-251 and Argentine Notice 15/117/07

Chart 531 (plan A, Puerto Mar del Plata) [ previous update 2662/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth 25 and extend 3fm contour NE to enclose 38 02170S., 57 31000W.
depth 33 (a) 38 02146S., 57 31070W.
depth 34 (b) 38 02208S., 57 31195W.
Substitute depth 41 for depth 45 38 02162S., 57 31145W.
depth 01 enclosed by 1fm contour for depth 13 38 02874S., 57 32360W.
depth 25 enclosed by 3fm contour for depth 32 38 02900S., 57 32272W.
Delete depth 44 , close N of: (a) above
depth 45 , adjacent to: (b) above

Wk39/07 2.35

4352 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Texas - Freeport Harbor - Channel depths.
Source: US Notice 36/11322/07

Chart 3854 (plan, Freeport) [ previous update 3945/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Substitute the accompanying table, CHANNEL DEPTHS, for existing
table, centred on: 28 542N., 95 193W.

4353 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Louisiana and Texas - Sabine Pass, Sabine-Neches Canal
and Neches River - Channel depths.
Source: US Notices 36/11332/07, 36/11342/07 & 36/11343/07

Chart 3192 (Panel B) [ previous update 3774/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Substitute the accompanying table, CHANNEL DEPTHS (Sabine Pass),
for existing table, centred on: 29 489N., 93 527W.
the accompanying table, CHANNEL DEPTHS (Sabine Pass
and Sabine - Neches Canal), for existing table, centred on: 29 475N., 93 527W.

Chart 3192 (Panel C) [ previous update 3774/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Substitute the accompanying table, CHANNEL DEPTHS (Neches River),
for existing table, centred on: 29 561N., 93 570W.

4367 WEST INDIES - Nederlandse Antillen - Sint Maarten - Groot Baai - A.C.Wathey Pier - Pier.
Source: Netherlands Notice 35/482/07

Chart 2079 (plan D, Groot Baai) [ previous update 4114/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert pier, single firm line, joining: 18 0051N., 63 0291W.
( Iso.2s7M)
18 0049N., 63 0293W.

4379 COLOMBIA - Caribbean Sea Coast - Approaches to Puerto Bolivar - Baha Honda North-eastwards -
Source: US Chart 24468

Chart 2267 (plan C, Approaches to Puerto Bolivar) [ previous update 1470/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth 109 (a) 12 2322N., 71 4737W.
Delete depth 172 , adjacent to: (a) above

2.36 Wk39/07

4382 WEST INDIES - Puerto Rico - Baha de San Juan - Graving Dock Channel Northwards, Puerto Nuevo
Channel and Army Terminal Turning Basin - Obstructions. Wreck. Depth.
Source: US Coast Guard District 7 LNM 09/07

Chart 478 (plan A, Baha de San Juan) [ previous update 4030/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM
Obstn (a) 18 27355N., 66 06365W.
18 26016N., 66 06623W.
18 26000N., 66 06119W.

18 27152N., 66 06125W.
Obstn 18 25842N., 66 06380W.
depth 53 , close S of: (a) above

4305 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Virginia - Norfolk Harbor - Lambert Bend and Norfolk
International Terminals - Dredged depth. Depths. Buoyage. Obstructions. Coastline. Dolphins.
Light List Vol. J, 2006/07, 1441, 1441.1, 1441.2, 1441.3, 1441.6, 1441.65, 1441.67, 1441.7, 1441.71, 1441.75, 1441.77,
1441.8, 1442.6, 1443, 1443.2, 1443.4, 1444, 1445, 1446, 1446.1
Source: US Charts 12222 & 12253

Chart 2813 [ previous update 2009/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Amend dredged depth to, 43ft (2006), centred on: 36 5568N., 76 2000W.

Chart 2814 [ previous update 1547/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths,
buoyage, obstructions, coastline, dolphins and lights, centred
on: 36 5230N., 76 2020W.
Amend dredged depth to, 43ft (2006), centred on: 36 5568N., 76 2000W.

4318 CANADA - Nova Scotia - Bay of Fundy - Saint John Harbour - Long Wharf Eastwards and Navy Island
Terminal Northwards - Depths. Buoy.
Source: Canadian Notices 7/712/07 & 8/4117/07

Chart 4750 [ previous update 3819/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert depth 29 and extend 5m contour W to enclose (a) 45 16 248"N., 66 04 045"W.
Ih Fl G J19 for Jh Fl G J19
45 16 088"N., 66 04 230"W.
Delete depth 83 , adjacent to: (a) above

Wk39/07 2.37

4354 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Florida - Miami Harbor - Turning Basin, Lummus Island
Turning Basin, Dodge Island Cut and Watson Park Westwards - Depths.
Dredged depth.
Source: US Notice 35/11468/07

Chart 3698 [ previous update 3975/06 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert depth 12 and extend 18ft contour N to enclose 25 46318N., 80 10590W.
Amend dredged depth to, 40ft (2005), centred on: 25 45915N., 80 08500W.
Substitute depth 29 for depth 31 25 46957N., 80 11078W.
Delete depth 13 (a) 25 46110N., 80 10210W.
25 46028N., 80 10210W.
depth 11, close S of: (a) above
depth 12 25 45950N., 80 10198W.

4355 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Florida - Miami Harbor - Channel depths.
Source: US Notice 36/11468/07

Chart 3698 [ previous update 4354/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Substitute the accompanying table, CHANNEL DEPTHS, for existing
table, centred on: 25 4447N., 80 1085W.

4356 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - North Carolina - Cape Fear River - Horseshoe Shoal
Channel Range South-westwards - The Rocks Breakwater Westwards - Light-beacon.
Light List Vol. J, 2006/07, 2488.1
Source: US Light List Vol II, 35/07

Chart 3688 [ previous update 3203/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Amend light-beacon to, Iso.R.6s48ft (night) Iso.6s45ft (day) &
2Fl.4s16ft5M 33 5590N., 77 5819W.

4363 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - North Carolina - Morehead City - North Carolina State
Ports Authority Terminal South-westwards - Dredged depth.
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 32/07

Chart 3686 (plan, Morehead City) [ previous update 1933/07 ] NAD83 DATUM
Amend dredged depth to, 31 feet (2007), centred on: 34 4287N., 76 4231W.

4368 CANADA - Saint Lawrence River - Port de Montral - Varennes - Light.

Light List Vol. H, 2006/07, 2487
Source: Canadian Notice 8/1310/07

Chart 4791 [ previous update 2769/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Amend light to, F G 12m 14M 45 4121N., 73 2655W.

Chart 4792 (Panel A) [ previous update 3807/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Amend light to, F G 12m 14M 45 41 128"N., 73 26 329"W.

2.38 Wk39/07

4370 CANADA - Newfoundland and Labrador - Bay of Islands - Lark Harbour - Low Spit - Buoy.
Source: Canadian Notice 8/4653/07

Chart 4740 [ previous update 2649/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

JjFl R XL2 49 0588N., 58 2222W.

4384 CANADA - Newfoundland and Labrador - Newfoundland, South Coast - Rose Blanche Pt Eastwards -
Source: Canadian Notices 8/4015/07 & 8/4022/07

Chart 4763 [ previous update 3795/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

GjFlR BELL 47 3700N., 58 2700W.

Chart 4764 [ previous update 4255/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

GjFlR BELL 47 3700N., 58 2700W.

Wk39/07 2.39

4321(T)/07 FINLAND - lands - Mrket Light, Eastwards - Norra Sankan - Depths. Rock.
Source: Finnish Notice 22-23/405(T)/07
1. Depths different from those charted have been found east of Mrket Light. The most significant are as follows:

23 m 60 1774N., 19 1099E.
24 m 60 1850N., 19 0958E.
Drying rock 60 1790N., 19 1094E.
2. Other depths less than charted may exist and vessels should exercise extreme caution when navigating in this area.

Charts affected - 2296 - 2297 - 2337 - 2338

4280(T)/07 NORTH SEA - United Kingdom Sector - Britannia Gas Field - Development area.
Source: Health & Safety Executive
1. An Offshore Development Area, has been established around installations in the Britannia Gas Field until 30 September
2008, bounded by the following positions:

58 0422N., 1 0658E.
58 0375N., 1 1076E.
58 0154N., 1 0986E.
58 0201N., 1 0569E.
2. Vessels, subsea craft and divers will be working in the area. Other vessels are strongly advised to keep clear.

Charts affected - 278 - 291 - 2182B (INT 1042) - 2182C (INT 1041)

4281(T)/07 NETHERLANDS - Noordzeekanaal - Nauernasche polder Southwards - Works.

Source: Netherlands Notice 34/462(T)/07
1. Dredging works are in progress for the construction of a dumping ground on the north side of Noordzeekanaal, until April
2008, between approximate positions 52 259N., 4 443E. and 52 257N., 4 458E.
2. Not all works will be marked.
3. Information will be given on VHF 03 and VHF 68.
4. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Chart affected - 124 (INT 1471)

4322(P)/07 PORTUGAL - West Coast - Porto de Leixes, Barra do Rio Douro and Rio Douro -
Source: Portuguese Chart 26402
1. Numerous depths less than charted exist in Porto de Leixes and Barra do Rio Douro. The most significant are as follows:

95 m 41 10737N., 8 42355W.
48 m 41 08746N., 8 40607W.
17 m 41 08839N., 8 40203W.
21 m 41 08841N., 8 40124W.
09 m 41 08842N., 8 38904W.
09 m 41 08815N., 8 38839W.

2.40 Wk39/07
4322(P)/07 PORTUGAL - West Coast - Porto de Leixes, Barra do Rio Douro and Rio Douro -
Depths. (continued)
2. Mariners are advised to proceed with caution in these areas.
3. These and other changes will be included in the next New Edition of 3258, to be published in due course.

Chart affected - 3258 (INT 1871)

4320(T)/07 INDIA - East Coast - Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Manna- r and Andaman Sea -
Data buoys.
Source: Indian Notice 16/444(T)/07 and Indian Hydrographic Office
1. Oceanographic data buoys will be on station in the positions given below until further notice. Mariners are advised to
exercise extreme caution and not to anchor or trawl within 1000m of the buoys.

BuoyLatitude Longitude Light Largest Scale Chart Affected

AN6 6 5491N. 94 1985E. Fl.5s 840
8 000N. 92 000E. 840
SW7 9 158N. 92 438E. Fl.20s 840
AN5 9 2988N. 93 1478E. Fl.5s 840
10 000N. 92 000E. 840
10 000N. 94 000E. 840
7 0023N. 77 5070E. 1587
7 2471N. 78 0641E. 1587
OT1 8 1243N. 78 3403E. Fl.4s 1586
SW5 8 4207N. 78 1400E. Fl.4s 1586
MB9 9 5920N. 86 5916E. Fl(4)15s 827
OB08 11 3078N. 81 2860E. Fl(4)15s 827
DS3 12 1120N. 90 4427E. Fl(4)15s 827
* MB10 12 3710N. 85 0670E. Fl(4)15s 827
DS5 14 0071N. 83 1591E. Fl(4)15s 827
AN3 10 3078N. 91 3998E. Fl.5s 825
AN2 11 5923N. 91 5993E. Fl.5s 825
12 000N. 94 000E. 825
13 250N. 93 330E. 825
AN1 14 0133N. 91 5948E. Fl.5s 825
13 050N. 80 400E. 2063
SW6 13 1005N. 80 4152E. Fl.5s 2063
SW6A 13 0548N. 80 1920E. Fl.5s 574
EB1 13 1056N. 80 2300E. Fl.5s 574
TB1 13 1092N. 80 2328E. Fl(2)5s 574
13 2491N. 94 3668E. 830
MB11 14 5863N. 87 2963E. Fl(4)15s 829
MB12 18 0935N. 90 0500E. Fl(4)15s 829
DS4 18 2338N. 87 3325E. Fl(4)15s 829
2. Tsunami buoys will be on station in the positions given below until further notice. Mariners are advised to exercise extreme
caution and not to anchor or trawl within 3NM of the buoys.

Buoy Latitude Longitude Light Largest Scale Chart Affected

TB10 7 0091N. 87 0330E. Fl(4)15s 827
TB04 9 1326N. 89 2358E. Fl(4)15s 827
TB04M9 1771N. 89 2258E. Fl(4)15s 827
TB07 9 3106N. 85 3005E. Fl(4)15s 827
TB08 12 3120N. 85 3055E. Fl(4)15s 827
* Indicates new or revised entry

Wk39/07 2.41

4320(T)/07 INDIA - East Coast - Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Manna- r and Andaman Sea -
Data buoys. (continued)
3. These lists will be updated, as necessary, by Temporary Notice to Mariners.
4. Former Notice 3909(T)/07 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 574 - 709 - 825 - 827 - 828 - 829 - 830 - 840 - 1586 - 1587 - 2063 - 2069 - 4706 (INT 706) - 4707
(INT 707)

4282(T)/07 MALAYSIA - Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast - Tanjung Tongkah - Kuala Langat - Buoy. Light-
Source: Peninsular Malaysian Notice 34(T)/07
1. A new starboard-hand light-buoy, Fl.G.4s, has been established in position 2 4817N., 101 2404E. to mark the
collapsed light-beacon at Kuala Langat (2 4810N., 101 2430E.)

Charts affected - 1358 - 2139 - 3946

4300(P)/07 THAILAND - Gulf of Thailand Coast - Ko Si Chang to Si Racha and Laem Chabang - Traffic
separation scheme. Depths. Berths. Submarine pipeline. Beacons. Buoy. Shellfish bed. Jetties. Leading
lights. Pilot boarding places.
Source: Thai Charts 114, 156, 164, Thai ENC TH500114 & Thai Notice 140(P)/05
1. The following changes have been identified from the latest Thai charts. All positions are referred to INDIAN (1975) Datum.
2. A Traffic Separation Scheme exists between Ko Si Chang and the mainland coast.
a) The west limit of the southbound traffic separation lane is a line joining the following positions:

13 1200N., 100 5160E.

13 1012N., 100 5160E.
13 0560N., 100 4990E.
13 0430N., 100 4803E.
b) The east limit of the northbound traffic separation lane is a line joining the following positions:

13 1200N., 100 5225E.

13 1000N., 100 5225E.
13 0535N., 100 5052E.
13 0310N., 100 5017E.
13 0250N., 100 4930E.
c) The traffic separation line is centred on a line joining the following positions:

13 1200N., 100 5192E.

13 1008N., 100 5192E.
13 0395N., 100 4965E.
13 0333N., 100 4872E.
d) This Traffic Separation Scheme replaces the charted Safety Fairway.

2.42 Wk39/07
4300(P)/07 THAILAND - Gulf of Thailand Coast - Ko Si Chang to Si Racha and Laem Chabang - Traffic
separation scheme. Depths. Berths. Submarine pipeline. Beacons. Buoy. Shellfish bed. Jetties. Leading
lights. Pilot boarding places. (continued)
3. Numerous depths less than charted exist, the most significant of which are:

* 46 m 13 0989N., 100 4911E.

42 m 13 0934N., 100 4931E.
* 78 m 13 0764N., 100 5271E.
* 01 m 13 0683N., 100 5274E.
* 156 m 13 0569N., 100 4831E.
98 m 13 0341N., 100 5179E.
* 195 m 13 0307N., 100 5055E.
* 149 m 13 0288N., 100 5092E.
96 m 13 0244N., 100 5148E.
5m 13 0235N., 100 5272E.
* 98 m 13 0225N., 100 5127E.
* 149 m 13 0225N., 100 5080E.
* 48 m 13 0214N., 100 5345E.
49 m 13 0205N., 100 5269E.
5m 13 0186N., 100 5265E.
36 m 13 0155N., 100 5335E.
18 m 13 0124N., 100 5435E.
116 m 13 0123N., 100 5073E.
4. *A new offshore berth has been established in position 13 0605N., 100 5216E. A new submarine pipeline joins the
berth to the shore in position 13 0626N., 100 5294E. The berth is marked by two beacons and a lit yellow buoy, to the
north and south.
5. *Five new shellfish beds have been established with the largest having a radius of 400m. They are centred on the following

13 1167N., 100 5515E.

13 1137N., 100 5542E.
13 1080N., 100 5516E.
13 1068N., 100 5486E.
13 0993N., 100 5449E.
6. Numerous jetties have been established along the East coast of Ko Si Chang between Ban Phanu Rangsi and Laem Wang.
7. Leading lights at Laem Chabang Port, Basin No 1, have been amended.
a) New leading lights, bearing 0593, have been established as follows:
Front leading light, Q.G.17m10M, in position 13 0416N., 100 5420E.
Rear leading light, Iso.G.6s25m10M, in position 13 0435N., 100 5454E.
b) Former leading lights, bearing 060, have been removed.
8. *New pilot boarding places have been established at the following positions:

13 0700N., 100 5099E.

13 0484N., 100 5159E.
9. These and other changes will be included in the next New Edition of Chart 986 and Notices to Mariners updates.
10. Former Notice 3278(P)/07 is cancelled.
* Indicates new or revised entry.

Charts affected - 986 - 1046

Wk39/07 2.43

4293(T)/07 JAPAN - Hokkaido- - West Coast - Otaru Ko- - Benten Shima Eastwards - Fish trap.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1212(T)/07
1. A fish trap exists, until 20 November 2007, in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions:

43 1313N., 141 0168E.

43 1312N., 141 0131E.

Chart affected - 1807

4294(T)/07 JAPAN - Honshu- - North West Coast - Naoetsu - Offing Breakwater South-eastwards - Restricted
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1214(T)/07
1. A restricted area, entry prohibited, has been established, until 31 October 2007, within an area bounded by the following

37 1258N., 138 1645E.(shore)

37 1271N., 138 1633E.
37 1278N., 138 1643E.
37 1288N., 138 1632E.
37 1311N., 138 1644E.
37 1269N., 138 1685E.
37 1262N., 138 1675E.(shore)
2. Breakwater and pier construction works are taking place in the above areas.
3. Former Notice 2212(T)/07 is cancelled.

Chart affected - 1342

4295(T)/07 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Mikawa Ko - Jinno-Futo - No 4 Quay - Dredging area.
Source: Japanese Notice 36/1218(T)/07
1. Dredging works are taking place, until 10 November 2007, within an area bounded by the following positions:

34 43 47"N., 137 19 55"E. (shore)

34 43 33"N., 137 19 51"E.
34 43 35"N., 137 19 38"E.
34 43 51"N., 137 19 42"E.
34 43 50"N., 137 19 44"E. (shore)

Chart affected - JP 1057B

2.44 Wk39/07

4296(T)/07 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Nagoya Ko - East Passage - Light-beacons.

Source: Japanese Notice 36/1219(T)/07
1. Nagoya Ko East Passage No 7 light-beacon, Fl G 3s 4M, in position 34 59 49"N., 136 49 15"E., has been removed until
further notice.
2. Light-beacons have been established until further notice in the following positions:

Yellow light-beacon, A, Fl Y 3s 4M 34 59 477"N., 136 49 042"E.

Green light-beacon with radar reflector, B, Fl G 3s 5M 34 59 437"N., 136 49 104"E.
Green light-beacon with radar reflector, C, Fl G 3s 5M 34 59 491"N., 136 49 146"E.
Green light-beacon with radar reflector, D, Fl G 3s 5M 34 59 554"N., 136 49 197"E.
Yellow light-beacon, E, Fl Y 3s 4M 34 59 594"N., 136 49 135"E.

Charts affected - JP 1055A - JP 1055B

4336(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Moreton Bay - Tangalooma Point - Wreck. Buoy.

Source: Australian Notice 17/733(T)/07
1. A wreck, marked by an unlit white spherical buoy, exists in position 27 11717S., 153 21759E. (WGS84 Datum)

Chart affected - Aus 236

4337(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Brisbane River - Fisherman Islands - Dredging area.

Source: Australian Notice 17/736(T)/07
1. The dredger, Amity, is operating in the vicinity of position 27 2169S., 153 1067E. Floating pipelines are deployed
between the dredger and the rock wall.
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Charts affected - Aus 236 - Aus 237

Wk39/07 2.45

4338(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Brisbane River - Depth information.

Source: Australian Notice 17/737(T)/07
1. Available depths as at 8 August 2007:

Berth Metres
* Fisherman Islands No 9 139
* Fisherman Islands No 8 142
* Fisherman Islands No 7 141
* Fisherman Islands No 6 143
Fisherman Islands No 5 140
Fisherman Islands No 4 140
* Fisherman Islands No 3 140
* Fisherman Islands No 2 140
* Fisherman Islands No 1 140
* Fisherman Islands Grain and Woodchip 130
* Caltex Fisherman Islands 143
* BP Luggage Point 141
* Fisherman Islands Coal 132
* Caltex Products 101
* QCL 98
* BP Products 111
* Shell 109
Pacific Terminals 88
* Incitec North 103
* Incitec South 104
* Pinkenba 1 106
* Pinkenba 2 106
Sugar Terminal 97
* Cairncross Fitting Out Wharf 76
Cairncross Breasting Wharf 62
* Maritime No 3 81
* Maritime No 2 100
* Maritime No 1 91
* Hamilton No 4 104
* Hamilton No 3 105
* Hamilton No 2 100
* Hamilton No 1 103
* Hamilton Cruise Ship Terminal 82
* Indicates new or revised entry
2. Former Notice 5129(T)/06 is cancelled.

Charts affected - Aus 237 - Aus 238

4339(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Western Australia - Cape Lambert - Scientific instruments.

Source: Australian Notice 17/742(T)/07
1. A scientific instrument, Fl(5)Y.20s, exists in position 20 33392S., 117 13306E.

Charts affected - Aus 55 - Aus 56

2.46 Wk39/07

4340(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Western Australia - North West Cape - Offshore installations.

Source: Australian Notice 17/743(P)/07
1. Until 24 October 2007, the drill rig, Toisa Proteus, will undertake drilling operations for the Vincent Oil Field.
2. Construction vessels will be on site from August 2007.
3. The following infrastructure will be established:
a. The production well VNA in position 21 2638S., 114 0280E.
b. The production well VNB in position 21 2601S., 114 0205E.
c. A gas injection well in position 21 2503S., 114 0328E.
d. A water injection well in position 21 2753S., 114 0256E.
e. The FPSO mooring in position 21 2604S., 114 0402E.
4. Flowlines will connect all infrastructure.
5. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the vicinity.

Charts affected - Aus 328 - Aus 329

4341(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Western Australia - Cockburn Sound - James Point -

Scientific instruments.
Source: Australian Notice 17/745(T)/07
1. A lit scientific instrument, Fl.4s, with associated white buoys, exists in position 32 13118S., 115 44541E.

Chart affected - Aus 114

4342(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Port Phillip - Port Melbourne - Works.

Source: Australian Notice 17/747(T)/07
1. Construction works are in progress at Station Pier until 27 October 2007. During the construction operation, Station Pier
Inner West berth from 240m mark to 465m mark, will be closed to shipping operations.

Chart affected - Aus 154

4343(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Port Phillip - Port Melbourne - Depth information.

Source: Australian Notice 17/748(T)/07
1. Available depths as at 1 August 2007:

Berth Metres
* Webb Dock East No 3 100
* Webb Dock East No 4 125
* Webb Dock East No 5 125
* Indicates revised entry.
2. Former Notice 4083(T)/07 is cancelled.

Chart affected - Aus 154

Wk39/07 2.47

4323(T)/07 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN - Polynsie Franaise - les de la Socit and Archipel des Tuamotu - Fish
Source: French Notice 32/02(T)/07
1. Fish havens marked by special light-buoys, Fl, have been established in the following positions:

Location Position Chart

Punaauia 17 398S., 149 440W. 1382
Mataiea 17 571S., 149 242W. 1382
Teahupoo 17 578S., 149 129W. 998
Tautira 17 398S., 149 117W. 1382
Mahaena 00 17 327S., 149 092W. 1382
Mahaena 01 17 282S., 149 137W. 1382
Tiarei 17 270S., 149 234W. 1382
Mahina 17 243S., 149 280W. 1382
Papeete 17 205S., 149 354W. 998
Aroa 17 201S., 149 470W. 998
Haapiti 17 353S., 149 575W. 1382
Atiha 17 399S., 149 536W. 1382

W 16 433S., 151 085W. 1060
SW 16 557S., 151 330W. 1103
NE 16 331S., 151 205W. 1103
Bora Bora:
SW 16 363S., 151 460W. 1060
W 16 283S., 151 502W. 1060
Niau 16 061S., 146 198W. 998
Apataki 15 349S., 146 294W. 998

2. Mariners are requested to pass at least 150m clear of these installations.

3. Former Notice 2688(T)/07 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 998 - 1060 - 1103 - 1382

2.48 Wk39/07
To accompany Notice to Mariners 4352/07

On Chart 3854


TO SEAWARD END OF JETTY 43.0 45.0 42.0 6-07 400 3.7 47
JETTY CHANNEL 43.0 44.0 39.0 6-07 400 1.2 45
LOWER TURNING BASIN 44.0 48.0 44.0 6-07 750 0.9 45
TURNING BASIN 41.0 45.0 40.0 6-07 400-600 0.4 45
BRAZOSPORT TURNING BASIN 43.0 45.0 42.0 6-07 500-1000 0.2 45
TURNING BASIN 43.0 46.0 44.0 6-07 280-750 0.9 45
BRAZOS HARBOR APPROACH CHANNEL 38.0 39.0 40.0 6-07 200-650 0.5 36
BRAZOS HARBOR TURNING BASIN 34.0 37.0 39.0 6-07 750 0.1 36
UPPER TURNING BASIN 42.0 45.0 45.0 6-07 600-1190 0.2 45
TURNING BASIN 17.0 19.0 17.5 11-88 200 1.0 25
STAUFFER TURNING BASIN 18.0 18.0 16.0 11-88 500 0.1 25

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4353/07

On Chart 3192


SABINE BANK CHANNEL 38 41 41 38 11-06 800 12.8 42
OUTER BAR CHANNEL 34 39 39 33 5-07 800 3.0 42
JETTY CHANNEL 33 43 43 32 3-07 800-500 3.5 40

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4353/07

On Chart 3192


PASS CHANNEL 22 29 38 24 12-06 500-1150 4.9 40
ANCHORAGE BASIN 34 21 11 1 3-07 1500 0.5 40
PORT ARTHUR SHIP CANAL 34 40 38 31 6-06 500 4.8 40
SABINE NECHES CANALS 29 35 32 28 5-07 400-1200 1.1 40
TURNING BASINS 34 34 34 32 5-07 282-735 0.2 40
EAST TURNING BASIN 38 38 38 38 3-07 370-547 0.3 40
WEST TURNING BASIN 33 34 34 34 5-07 350-735 0.3 40
TAYLOR BAYOU TURNING BASIN 36 40 38 35 3-07 200-350 0.5 40
TAYLOR BAYOU TURNING BASIN 30 32 34 32 3-07 90-1233 0.6 40
PORT ARTHUR TO NECHES RIVER 24 36 34 23 1-07 400 9.6 40
NECHES RIVER TO SABINE RIVER 21 22 21 19 1-07 200 3.9 30

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4353/07

On Chart 3192


MOUTH TO SMITH BLUFF 22 23 23 18 5-07 400 8.3 40
TURNING BASIN AT DEER BAYOU 41 42 41 40 5-07 700 0.2 40
TURNING BASIN AT SMITHS BLUFF 27 23 23 24 5-07 1400-400 0.2 40
SMITH BLUFF TO BEAUMONT 18 24 25 21 5-07 400 7.5 40
TURNING BASIN (300212N, 940158W) 32 38 41 39 5-07 400-1306 0.2 40
CHANNEL EXTENSION 36 36 36 33 5-07 350 0.2 36
MANOEUVRING AREA 36 35 35 32 5-07 400-1000 0.6 40
(300444N, 940505W)
TURNING BASIN EXTENSION 37 37 36 36 6-06 300 0.2 34
THENCE TO TRINITY INDUSTRIES 16 19 22 16 5-07 200 0.6 30

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4355/07

On Chart 3698


OUTER BAR CUT 30.5 44.0 44.5 44.3 10-05 500 1.5 44
WIDENER A 44.2 44.1 45.1 42.7 3-02; 10-05 0-600 0.55 44
BAR CUT 44.3 44.0 40.7 35.6 10-05 500 0.73 44
GOVERNMENT CUT 42.0 42.7 43.5 28.1 B 10-05 500 1.0 42
MAIN CHANNEL 37.5 38.2 37.6 36.2 10-05 400 2.00 36
LUMMUS ISLAND CUT 33.7 31.4 33.2 33.8 10-05 400-750 0.95 36
LUMMUS ISLAND TURNING BASIN 22.2 30.0 39.9 31.1 3-02; 10-05 400-2000 0.60 36
DODGE ISLAND CUT D 30.2 30.2 33.8 31.1 10-05 400-900 0.70 35
D. SHOALING TO 16FT BETWEEN 254618.73N 801046.69W AND 254620.35N 801048.26W. SHOALING EXTENDS 100FT INTO

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4364/07

On Chart 3539

Marine farms may exist within the area of this
chart. They may not all be shown individually
and their positions may change frequently.
Marine farms may be marked by lit or unlit
buoys or beacons. Mariners are advised to
avoid these structures and their associated

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4364/07

On Chart 3540

Marine farms may exist within the area of this
chart. They may not all be shown individually
and their positions may change frequently.
Marine farms may be marked by lit or unlit
buoys or beacons. Mariners are advised to
avoid these structures and their associated

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4386/2007

On Chart 1268


Positions on chart 1268 differ from those on
chart 2884 and adjoining chart 1265 by
varying amounts; positions should be
transferred by bearing and distance from
common charted objects, not by latitude and

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4386/2007

On Chart 2882

CHARTS 1268, 2883 AND 3788: POSITIONS

Positions on chart 2882 differ from those on
larger scale charts 1268, 3788 and adjoining
chart 2883 by varying amounts; positions
should be transferred by bearing and distance
from common charted objects, not by latitude
and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4386/2007

On Chart 2884

CHARTS 27, 1268, 1269 AND 2883:

Positions on chart 2884 differ from those on
larger scale charts 27, 1268, 1269 and
adjoining chart 2883 by varying amounts;
positions should be transferred by bearing and
distance from common charted objects, not by
latitude and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4332/07

On Chart 967

Mariners are advised not to anchor or trawl in
the vicinity of pipelines.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4283/07. Image Size (mm) 69.4 by 75.6

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4283/07. Image Size (mm) 168.5 by 204.4

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4284/07. Image Size (mm) 86.1 by 87.9

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4297/07. Image Size (mm) 155.5 by 110.2

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4297/07. Image Size (mm) 179.9 by 264.5

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4297/07. Image Size (mm) 94 by 97.8

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4297/07. Image Size (mm) 57.7 by 97.9

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4303/07. Image Size (mm) 89.5 by 142.3

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4304/07. Image Size (mm) 184.6 by 188.6

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4304/07. Image Size (mm) 206.3 by 185.4

To accompany Notice to Mariners 4305/07. Image Size (mm) 208.3 by 182.1


See N.M. 13/07. Messages printed below are all in force on 17 September 2007. It is recommended that this reprint should be
kept in a file or book divided into areas, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the most convenient Admiralty Chart is
quoted. For those series originated by other authorities only selected important warnings are reproduced.

Weekly Edition 39, 27 September 2007 (published on the UKHO Website 20 Sept 2007).

(1) Navarea I (NE Atlantic) Weekly Edition 39

NAVAREA I warnings in force 17/9/07: 2005 series: 402. 2007 series: 019 035 050 128 182 187 189 194 195 196 197 198 199
200 202 203 206 210 216 217 218 225 226 227 228 229 231 232 239 243.

235 Cancelled.

236 Cancelled.

237 Cancelled.

238 Cancelled.

239 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN AND WESTERN NORTH SEA. Chart BA 2. Major Naval Exercise involving ships,
submarines and aircraft in progress between 160001 to 271500 UTC Sep 07 within area bounded by: Barra Head 56-
47N 007-39W, 56-02N 007-40W, 55-50N 008-00W, 55-50N 013-00W, 61-00N 013-00W, 61-00N 000-00W, 55-00N
000-00W, 55-00N 001-25W, the English and Scottish coasts anti-clockwise to Cape Wrath 58-38N 005-00W, Butt of
Lewis 58-31N 006-16W, then west of Outer Hebrides to Barra Head. Warships may conduct identity challenges by
VHF radio and mariners are requested to cooperate. Cancel this message 271600 UTC Sep 07.

240 Cancelled.

241 Cancelled.

242 Cancelled.

243 RIGLIST. Correct at 170600 UTC Sep 07.

Southern North Sea: 51 to 55N.

53-25.8N 002-53.9E GSF Britannia
53-35.3N 001-46.3E Noble Julie Robertson
53-44.5N 003-37.1E Ensco 72
54-00.9N 001-17.8E GSF Labrador
54-16.7N 002-59.4E Noble Lynda Bossler
54-24.3N 002-39.1E Ensco 85
54-25.9N 007-18.0E Noble Ronald Hoope


North Sea: 55 to 60N, East of 5W and the Baltic Sea.
55-32.3N 005-01.9E Maersk Endeavour
55-33.5N 005-08.1E Ensco 71
56-26.5N 002-42.1E Rowan Gorilla 7
56-36.7N 003-08.7E Maersk Gallant
56-44.2N 001-23.4E GSF Arctic 4
56-56.0N 002-09.7E Ensco 101
57-12.5N 001-14.8E Transocean John Shaw
57-15.5N 000-28.8E GSF Arctic 3
57-22.6N 002-16.1E Maersk Guardian
57-25.2N 001-13.9E Ocean Nomad
57-28.2N 000-37.1E Noble Ton van Langeveld
57-36.2N 001-37.7E Sedco 712
57-36.8N 006-36.4E Polar Pioneer
57-40.4N 000-24.7E GSF Galaxy 2
57-53.0N 001-23.7E Ocean Guardian
58-12.9N 001-46.7E Maersk Giant
58-23.8N 000-05.7E Ocean Princess
58-25.2N 000-32.9W Stena Spey
NEW 58-28.7N 000-38.0E Borgsten Dolphin
58-42.8N 001-38.0E Ocean Vanguard
58-50.1N 002-14.1E Bredford Dolphin
58-53.0N 002-22.4E West Epsilon
59-21.0N 001-33.2E GSF Arctic 2
59-34.6N 001-55.5E Deepsea Bergen
59-39.4N 002-16.7E Deepsea Delta

Norwegian Sea: North of 60N, East of 5W.

NEW 60-42.9N 002-32.4W Paul B Lloyd Jnr
60-47.1N 003-33.4E. Songa Dee
60-49.9N 003-43.0E Deepsea Trym
60-50.0N 003-36.2E West Venture
60-52.3N 003-08.1W Sedco 714
61-02.6N 003-36.0E Bideford Dolphin
61-04.7N 001-59.4E Transocean Arctic
61-05.5N 003-41.2W Transocean Rather
61-09.7N 001-06.6E J.W.McLean
61-14.7N 001-22.2E Transocean Prospect
61-22.7N 002-06.3E Borgland Dolphin
63-29.5N 005-23.1E West Navigator
64-00.8N 005-16.8E Transocean Leader
64-17.7N 007-07.2E Transocean Winner
64-56.6N 006-26.2E Scarabeo 5
65-01.7N 006-28.8E West Alpha
65-04.0N 007-29.5E Transocean Searcher
66-03.9N 008-14.4E Stena Don

South and West Coasts of the British Isles.

51-35.2N 006-55.2W Petrolia
54-20.1N 011-03.2W Sedco 711

a. Rigs are protected by a 500 metre safety zone.
b. ACP - Adjacent to Charted Platform.

2. Cancel 234/07.

Cancel 099/07. ANM 4190/07 refers.

Cancel 174/07. ANM 3339/07 refers.
Cancel 184/07. ANMs 3762/07 and 3763/07 refer.


(2) Navarea II (E Atlantic) Weekly Edition 39
Edited Navarea II warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL
324 to 333 received.

329 Cancelled. Cancel 271/07.

(3) Navarea III (Mediterranean) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea III warnings in force 17/9/07: 2007 series: 129.
368 to 388 received.

Cancel 362/07. ANM 4048/07 refers.

(4) Navarea IV (NW Atlantic) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea IV warnings in force 17/9/07: 2007 series: 196 270.
266 to 274 received.

270 GULF OF MEXICO. Due to the passage of Hurricane Humberto, aids to navigation, structures or platforms in the
Gulf of Mexico and surrounding waters may be damaged, unlit, destroyed or submerged. Buoys may be off station,
damaged, sunk or otherwise inoperative. Mariners should not rely completely on the position or operation of an aid to
navigation, but should employ other methods of determining position as may be available. Wrecks and submerged
obstructions may have been moved from charted positions, pipelines may become uncovered or moved and shoals may
be created due to storm surges. Mariners should exercise caution and report all navigation aid discrepancies to the
nearest Coast Guard Unit.

(5) Navarea V (W Atlantic) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea V warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
787 to 801 received.

(6) Navarea VI (SW Atlantic) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea VI warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
276 to 281 received.

(7) Navarea VII (SE Atlantic) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea VII warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
136 to 140 received.

(8) Navarea VIII (Indian Ocean) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea VIII warnings in force 17/9/07: 2006 series: 441.
498 to 508 received.

(9) Navarea IX (Persian Gulf, Red Sea, NW Arabian Sea) Weekly Edition 39
Edited Navarea IX warnings in force 17/9/07: 2007 series: 050 055.
Nil received.

(10) Navarea X (Australia, New Guinea) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea X warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
Nil received.

(11) Navarea XI (Malacca Strait, China Sea, N Pacific) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea XI warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
407 to 418 received.

(12) Navarea XII (NE Pacific) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea XII warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
223 to 230 received.


(13) Navarea XIII (NW Pacific) Weekly Edition 39
Edited Navarea XIII warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
Nil received.

(14) Navarea XIV (SW Pacific) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea XIV warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
034 to 044 received.

(15) Navarea XV (SE Pacific) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea XV warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
144 to 146 received.

(16) Navarea XVI (E Pacific) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Navarea XVI warnings in force 17/9/07: NIL.
192 to 207 received.

(17) Hydropacs (Pacific, Indian Ocean) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Hydropacs in force 17/9/07: 2006 series: 524 1049 1812. 2007 series: 1536 1558 1601
1554 to 1601 received.

1558 WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Prince Frederick Harbour. Chart GBAUS 320. Underwater rock reported
15-02.83S 125-13.51E.

1601 GPS. it is reported that the broadcast navigation message from several PRNs may cause possible errors in accuracy.
Users that may have experienced problems, anomalies or outages with GPS are requested to provide online feedback at
http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/gps/gpsuserinput.htm. Mariners are encouraged to report GPS, DGPS, LORAN or AIS
problems, anomalies or outages to the USCG Navigation Center at phone 703 313 5900 or e-mail nisws

(18) Hydrolants (Atlantic, Mediterranean) Weekly Edition 39

Edited Hydrolants in force 17/9/07: 2006 series: 1394.
1565 to 1595 received.




NP 25 British Columbia Pilot Volume I The Quarantine Act as amended June 2007,
(2004 Edition) requires that,
34. (2) As soon as possible before a conveyance
arrives at its destination in Canada, the operator shall
APPENDIX III CANADIAN QUARANTINE inform a quarantine officer or cause a quarantine
officer to be informed of any reasonable grounds to
450 suspect that
Left column lines 1--18 Replace by: (a) any person, cargo or other thing on board the
conveyance could cause the spreading of a
communicable disease listed in the schedule;
The following are extracts from the Canadian
(b) a person aboard the conveyance has died; or
Quarantine Act and Quarantine Regulations:
(c) any prescribed circumstances exist.
(4) No operator contravenes subsection (2) if it is
The Quarantine Act as amended June 2007,
not reasonably possible for the operator to inform a
requires that,
quarantine officer or cause a quarantine officer to be
34. (2) As soon as possible before a conveyance
informed before the conveyances arrival at its
arrives at its destination in Canada, the operator shall
destination in Canada, as long as the operator does so
inform a quarantine officer or cause a quarantine
on the conveyances arrival at that destination.
officer to be informed of any reasonable grounds to
suspect that
The Quarantine Regulations, made pursuant to the
(a) any person, cargo or other thing on board the
Quarantine Act, require that,
conveyance could cause the spreading of a
communicable disease listed in the schedule; Canadian Eastern Notice 08/*806/07
(b) a person aboard the conveyance has died; or (HH.602/006/03) [39/07]
(c) any prescribed circumstances exist.
(4) No operator contravenes subsection (2) if it is
not reasonably possible for the operator to inform a NP 50 Newfoundland and Labrador Pilot
quarantine officer or cause a quarantine officer to be
(2006 Edition)
informed before the conveyances arrival at its
destination in Canada, as long as the operator does so
on the conveyances arrival at that destination. APPENDIX III CANADIAN QUARANTINE
The Quarantine Regulations, made pursuant to the
Quarantine Act, require that,
Left column lines 1--19 Replace by:
Canadian Eastern Notice 08/*806/07
(HH.602/006/03) [39/07] The following are extracts from the Canadian
Quarantine Act and Quarantine Regulations:

NP 26 British Columbia Pilot Volume II The Quarantine Act as amended June 2007,
(2005 Edition) requires that,
34. (2) As soon as possible before a conveyance
arrives at its destination in Canada, the operator shall
APPENDIX III CANADIAN QUARANTINE inform a quarantine officer or cause a quarantine
officer to be informed of any reasonable grounds to
264 suspect that
Left column lines 1--19 Replace by: (a) any person, cargo or other thing on board the
conveyance could cause the spreading of a
communicable disease listed in the schedule;
The following are extracts from the Canadian
(b) a person aboard the conveyance has died; or
Quarantine Act and Quarantine Regulations:
(c) any prescribed circumstances exist.
(4) No operator contravenes subsection (2) if it is
not reasonably possible for the operator to inform a
quarantine officer or cause a quarantine officer to be
informed before the conveyances arrival at its
destination in Canada, as long as the operator does so
on the conveyances arrival at that destination.

The Quarantine Regulations, made pursuant to the

Quarantine Act, require that,

Canadian Eastern Notice 08/*806/07

(HH.602/006/03) [39/07]

Wk39/07 4.1

NP 59 Nova Scotia and Bay of Fundy Pilot NP 65 Saint Lawrence Pilot (2006 Edition)
(2005 Edition)
236 Left column lines 1--19 Replace by:
Left column lines 1--19 Replace by:
The following are extracts from the Canadian
The following are extracts from the Canadian Quarantine Act and Quarantine Regulations:
Quarantine Act and Quarantine Regulations:
The Quarantine Act as amended June 2007,
The Quarantine Act as amended June 2007, requires that,
requires that, 34. (2) As soon as possible before a conveyance
34. (2) As soon as possible before a conveyance arrives at its destination in Canada, the operator shall
arrives at its destination in Canada, the operator shall inform a quarantine officer or cause a quarantine
inform a quarantine officer or cause a quarantine officer to be informed of any reasonable grounds to
officer to be informed of any reasonable grounds to suspect that
suspect that (a) any person, cargo or other thing on board the
(a) any person, cargo or other thing on board the conveyance could cause the spreading of a
conveyance could cause the spreading of a communicable disease listed in the schedule;
communicable disease listed in the schedule; (b) a person aboard the conveyance has died; or
(b) a person aboard the conveyance has died; or (c) any prescribed circumstances exist.
(c) any prescribed circumstances exist. (4) No operator contravenes subsection (2) if it is
(4) No operator contravenes subsection (2) if it is not reasonably possible for the operator to inform a
not reasonably possible for the operator to inform a quarantine officer or cause a quarantine officer to be
quarantine officer or cause a quarantine officer to be informed before the conveyances arrival at its
informed before the conveyances arrival at its destination in Canada, as long as the operator does so
destination in Canada, as long as the operator does so on the conveyances arrival at that destination.
on the conveyances arrival at that destination.
The Quarantine Regulations, made pursuant to the
The Quarantine Regulations, made pursuant to the Quarantine Act, require that,
Quarantine Act, require that,
Canadian Eastern Notice 08/*806/07
Canadian Eastern Notice 08/*806/07 (HH.602/006/03) [39/07]
(HH.602/006/03) [39/07]

NP 68 East Coast of the United States Pilot

NP 63 Persian Gulf Pilot (2005 Edition) Volume I (2006 Edition)
Penobscot Bay Pilotage
Dubai -- Arrival information Outer anchorage
156 Paragraph 2.121 2 line 2 For Two Read Three
Paragraph 7.124 1 Replace by:
1 A designated anchorage is established WNW of Captain David Gelinas -- Penobscot Bay and River Pilots
Dubai within the following coordinates, and is to be Association
used when required by vessels bound for Dubai. (HH. 614/410/06) [39/07]
2518N 5500E
2526N 5500E
2526N 5504E
2518N 5504E.
There is no protection from the shaml in this area
which usually blows from WNW with little warning.

Marine Department Dubai Navigational Warning 59/07

(RSDRA2007000065408) [39/07]



In force 29 September 2007

NP no Page(s) Title Edition

1 Africa I
2, 85, 89, 92, 100 Spain -- Islas Canarias Vessel traffic service; Traffic Separation 46/06
Schemes; Areas to be avoided
5 Spain -- Islas Canarias PSSAs 15/07
26, 85 Islas Canarias -- Conception Bank Depth 38/06
149 Morocco -- North of Cap de Mazagan Shoal depth 31/07
182 Mauritania -- South east of Cap Blanc Stranded wreck 32/07
301 Cte dIvoire -- Lion A Termimal Exclusion zone 06/07
303 Cte dIvoire -- Abijan outer anchorage Wreck 22/07

2 Africa II
99 Equatorial Guinea -- Punta Malabo to Punta Europa Jetty 33/05
147 Gabon -- Libreville Dangerous wreck 45/06
166--169 Republic of Congo -- Approaches to Pointe Noire Platform; wrecks; 09/06
196 Angola -- Kizomba Terminal Waiting area; development 36/05
197 Angola -- Girassol Terminal Information 26/05
197 Angola -- Offshore Dalia Terminal 18/07
198 Angola Lombo East Terminal 26/05
206 Angola -- Porto de Luanda -- Commercial Quay Wreck 14/06
206 Angola -- Porto de Luanda approaches Wreck 04/07
247 Namibia Orangemund Oil Terminal 11/06
279 South Africa -- Cape Town TSS Shoal depths 06/07

3 Africa III
87 South Africa -- Mossel Bay Wreck 30/07
270 Tanzania Songo Songo Island 49/06

4 South--East Alaska
78 Behm Canal -- Neets Bay Shoal depth 09/07
84--85 Prince of Wales Island -- Kasaan Bay -- Coal Bay and Twelvemile Arm 40/06
Shoal depths
95 Wrangell Narrows Depths 36/07
107 Eastern Passage -- Channel Island Depth 30/06
108 Wrangell Island -- Madan Bay Anchorage 20/07
305 Prince William Sound -- Hinchinbrook Entrance Submerged buoy 16/07
305 Valdez Arm Directions 37/07
377 Cook Inlet -- Point Possession Light 15/07
389 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06

5 South America I
5 Regulations -- Brazil Ballast water management 19/07
87 Brazil -- Canal do Norte Directions 21/07
199-- 200 Brazil -- E coast Principal marks; directions 27/07
202 Brazil -- Porto de Vitria; Porto de Tubaro Outer anchorages 21/07
262 Brazil -- S coast Directions 33/07
272, 274, 276--277 Brazil -- Lagoa dos Patos Pilotage; anchorages 08/06
272, 274, 276--277 Brazil -- Lagoa dos Patos Pilotage; anchorages 38/07
274, 276 Brazil -- Lagoa dos Patos -- Rio Guaba Bridge 05/06
308 Uruguay -- Approaches to Puerto de Colonia -- Banco de los 46/06
Pescadores Wreck
324 Uruguay -- Rio Uruguay Wreck 13/07

Wk39/07 4.3

NP no Page(s) Title Edition
344 Argentina -- Puerto Mar del Plata Directions 43/06
352 Argentina -- Puertos Ingeniero White, Nacional and Galvn Depths 15/07

6 South America II
42 East Falkland Island -- Approaches to Stanley Harbour -- 24/05
Cape Pembroke Racon
42 Falkland Islands Berkeley Sound Wrecks 21/07
54 Falkland Islands -- East Falkland -- Mare Harbour; East Cove 20/05
Restricted area; buoy
67--68 Falkland Islands -- Falkland Sound and San Carlos Water Traffic 30/07
117 Argentina -- Puerto Santa Cruz Pilotage 31/07
127 Argentina Rio Cullen Terminal 27/06
128--129 San Sebastin Oil Terminal Berth; directions 40/05
241 Chile -- Estrecho de Magallanes -- Bahia Gente Grande -- 33/05
Caleta Clarencia Oil Terminal Leading lights
248 Chile -- Puerto Nuevo Directions 33/07
249 Chile -- Canal Whiteside Directions 33/07
411 Chile -- Approaches to Golfo Ladrillero Depth 25/07

7 South America III

71--72 Colombia -- Coiba Ridge Depth 28/07
79 Ecuador -- Archipilago de Coln Traffic regulations 24/07
115 Chile Patagonian Channels Canal King Directions 21/07
191--192 Chile -- Puerto de Corral Pilotage 14/07
205 Chile -- Puerto San Vicente Harbour; berth 16/07
211--212 Chile -- Puerto Lirqun Anchorages 30/07
343 Peru -- Paita Wreck 12/07
361 Ecuador -- Guayaquil Directions 14/07
364 Ecuador -- Puerto Martimo de Guayaquil Directions 14/07

7A South America IV
61 Guyane Franaise -- Fleuve Maroni Buoy 33/07
107 Trinidad -- Radix Point to Galera Point Mud volcano 34/07
169 Venezuela -- Islas de Pritu Directions 29/07
258 Colombia -- Puerto Ziga General information; anchorage areas 29/07

8 Pacific coasts of Central America and United States

247 Mexico -- Ensenada Racon 34/07

9 Antarctic
3 Antarctic Treaty Area Ballast water management 19/07
3, 253, 255 Antarctic Specially Protected Areas 01/05
79 les Crozet -- le de la Possession -- Baie du Marin Anchorage 05/07
80 Indian Ocean, les Kerguelen Mooring regulations 30/06
100 Southern Ocean -- Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve 14/07
125--126 South Georgia -- Cape Paryadin Andrews Rocks 06/06
141 South Shetland Islands -- Elephant Island -- Cape Valentine Depth 24/05
146 King George Island -- Tu Rocks Beacon 37/07
154 South Shetland Islands -- Deception Island -- Port Foster Directions 49/04
160 Joinville Island Group -- Dundee Island -- Welchness Depth; aids to 23/06
161 Antarctic Sound -- Hope Bay -- Hut Cove Rocas Denticuladas 11/05
164 Trinity Island -- Farewell Rock Beacon 37/07
171 Danco Coast -- Cierva Point Beacon 37/07


NP no Page(s) Title Edition

11 Arctic II
3 Svalbard Navigation warning 26/07
17 Greenland Ice reconnaissance 33/05
101 Iceland -- Hafnarfjrdhur Directions 21/05
101 Iceland -- Hafnarfjrdhur Directions 18/07
103 Iceland -- Skerjafjrdhur Buoy; leading beacons 21/05
133 Iceland -- Sgandafjrdhur -- Sudhureyri Approach 46/06
149 Iceland -- Berufjrur Approaches 08/06
226--227 Svalbard Ny-lesund Restricted area; anchorage 12/05

12 Arctic III
3 Greenland Mandatory ship reporting system 49/02
103 Greenland, West coast -- Sydprven Submarine pipeline; anchorage 13/05
110 Greenland, West coast -- Skovfjord Directions 40/05
115 Greenland, West coast -- Nunarssuit -- Naujartalik Rock 44/06
120 Greenland, West coast -- Arsuk Fjord -- Sndre Lb Napassut Light 33/04
124--126 Greenland, West coast -- Frederikshb Submarine pipeline; 13/05
anchorages; mooring buoys
126 Greenland, West coast Frederikshb Submarine outfall 41/04
126 Greenland, West coast -- Inner Route -- Arsuk Fjord to Frederikshb 33/05
169 Greenland, West coast -- Egedesminde and approaches -- Qrajugtog 43/04
Leading light
227 Hudson Strait -- Goodwin Island Light removed 13/07
228 Hudson Strait -- Resolution Island Light removed 05/07

13 Australia I
92 Queensland -- Weipa Anchorages 11/06
92 Queensland -- Weipa Pilot Boarding Place 34/05
92 Queensland -- Weipa Prohibited area 37/07
96 Queensland -- Karumba Mooring buoys 34/07
108 Northern Territory -- Bromby Islets Light buoy 22/07
111 Northern Territory -- Gove Harbour Light--buoys 49/05
133 Northern Territory -- Point Jahleel Depths 28/07
148 Northern Territory -- Melville Island -- Apsley Strait Buoyage 33/05
149 Northern Territories -- Darwin Submarine pipeline; light--beacons 11/06
153 Northern Territories -- Darwin Traffic regulations; light--buoys 11/06
155 Northern Territory -- Darwin Light buoys established 11/07
158 Northern Territories -- Darwin Berth; light--buoy 11/06
183 Western Australia -- Scott Reef -- Sandy Islet Tower 26/06
193 Western Australia -- Port of Koolan Island 28/07
205 Western Australia -- Lacepede Channel Racons 26/06
221 Western Australia -- North West Cape Oil production wells 18/07
222 Western Australia Offshore production platforms 29/07
230 Western Australia -- Dampier Safety Exclusion Zones 08/07
232--233 Western Australia -- Dampier Leading lights; directions 04/06
241 Western Australia -- Mary Anne Passage -- Corner Shoals Depth 12/06
246 Western Australia -- North West Cape Oil field 21/06
259 Western Australia -- Carnarvon Lights 21/07
266 Western Australia -- Houtman Abrolhos Racon 18/07
266 Western Australia -- Houtman Abrolhos Racon 20/07
268 Western Australia -- Geelvink Channel Depth 50/05
272 Western Australia -- Cliff Head Submarine pipeline; oil production 15/06
280--281, 283--284 Western Australia -- Approaches to Fremantle Depths; pilotage; 43/05
314 Western Australia -- Hopetoun -- Mary Ann Haven Beacons 47/05
333 South Australia -- Thevenard Light Beacon 24/06

Wk39/07 4.5

NP no Page(s) Title Edition
336 South Australia -- Streaky Bay Aids to navigation 23/06
345--346, 351,355, 361 South Australia -- Spencer Gulf Directions; deep--water route 34/07
347 South Australia -- Thistle Island Light--buoy 08/06
349--350 South Australia -- Port Lincoln BHP Jetty 25/07
362, 364, 366 South Australia -- Whyalla to Port Pirie Pilotage 33/05
364 South Australia -- Port Bonython Restricted areas 22/06
375 South Australia -- South Page Racon established 14/07
383--384, 386--388 South Australia -- Adelaide Leading lights; pilot boarding area; port 38/06
386, 389 South Australia -- Adelaide Depth; leading beacons 11/06
392 South Australia -- Port Giles Depths 50/05
394 South Australia -- Ardrossan Depths 35/06

14 Australia II
86--87 Victoria -- Port Campbell Platform; production wells; submarine gas 20/06
102 Victoria -- Port Phillip -- South Channel Wrecks 49/05
102--104 Victoria -- Port Phillip -- West Channel Lights 28/06
108 Victoria -- Port of Geelong Regulations concerning entry 16/06
117--119 Victoria -- Port of Melbourne; Port Phillip Traffic regulations; 06/06
by--pass channel
117 Victoria -- Port Phillip Prohibited anchorage and fishing area 09/05
127 Victoria -- Western Port Beacons discontinued 13/07
147--148, 150--151, 153 Victoria -- Corner Inlet; Port Albert Pilotage 10/05
218 Tasmania -- DEntrecasteaux Channel Light 17/07
241 Tasmania -- Blackman Bay -- Denison Canal Depths; directional 04/06
246 Tasmania -- Mercury Passage Wreck 17/07
247 Tasmania -- Blackman Bay -- Marion Narrows Depth; leading lights 52/05
247 Tasmania -- Marion Narrows Light--beacon altered 07/07
253 Tasmania -- Boat Harbour Point Shoal 08/07
260--261 New South Wales -- Twofold Bay Navigation marks 37/07
282--284 New South Wales -- Port Kembla Traffic regulations 32/06
284--285 New South Wales -- Port Kembla Leading lights 41/06
285 New South Wales -- Port Kembla Leading lights 34/07

15 Australia III
4, 367 Queensland -- Torres Strait and approaches Pilotage 40/06
88 New South Wales -- Bungan Head Historic wreck 32/07
95 New South Wales -- Lake Macquarie Leading lights 06/06
136 Queensland -- Moreton Bay -- East Channel Depth 08/06
136--137 Queensland -- Brisbane Controlling depths; under keel clearances 11/07
137 Australia, Queensland -- Brisbane Under--keel allowances 33/07
140 Queensland -- Brisbane River -- Eagle Farm Flats Reach Leading 24/06
lights discontinued
148 Australia -- Queensland -- Sandy Cape Racon 22/07
154 Australia, Queensland -- Bustard Head Light Red sector removed 33/07
157 Australia -- Queensland -- Pialba Radio Mast 22/07
164 Queensland -- Gladstone Controlling depth 37/07
165 Queensland -- Gladstone Pilot boarding places 14/07
168--169 Australia -- Queensland -- Gladstone Navaid 22/07
203 Queensland -- Port of Hay Point Pilot boarding places 19/07
203 Queensland -- Hay Point Restricted area; aid to navigation 38/06
204, 206--207 Queensland -- Flat Top Island Light discontinued 06/07
217 Queensland -- Hillsborough Channel -- Fantome Rocks Depth 05/06
228 Queensland -- Shute Harbour Prohibited anchorage 14/06
232 Queensland -- Bowen Leading light 28/07
246--247 Queensland -- Hinchinbrook Channel Pilotage 25/07
252 Queensland -- Townsville -- Breakwater Marina Channel Depth 04/06


NP no Page(s) Title Edition
260 Queensland -- Mourilyan Harbour Depth 04/06
295 Queensland -- Eden Reef Racon 27/06
312 Queensland -- Fairway Reef Wreck 04/06
318 Queensland -- Clerke Island Light 36/06
339, 341--343 Papua New Guinea, Round Hill Anchorage to Cloudy Bay Beacons 50/06
344, 348 Papua New Guinea -- Port Moresby to Round Hill Anchorage 03/07
Beacons discontinued
377--378 Queensland -- Torres Strait -- Gannet Passage; Herald Patches 04/06
Depths; buoyage
377 Queensland -- Torres Strait -- Gannet Passage Depth 06/06
377, 380 Queensland -- Varzin Passage Light buoys 48/06
378 Australia, Torres Strait -- Alert Patches Light--buoy altered 50/06
378 Australia -- Queensland -- East Strait Island Leading light 22/07
383 Torres Strait -- Goods Island -- Bertie Bay Anchorage Obstruction 16/06

18 Baltic I
4 Denmark -- Traffic and operations Ship movement reporting 29/07
62 Through Routes North Sea to Baltic Sea IMO Maritime Safety 38/07
132 Sweden -- Halmstad Directions 10/07
204, 209 Denmark -- Kbenhavn Bryggebroen swing bridge 05/07
409 Germany -- Hafen Olpenitz Directions 14/07
436 Germany -- Lbeck Directions 14/07
444 Germany -- Gedser to Baltic Sea Controlling depth 38/07
448 Germany -- Stralsund North approaches Draughts 14/07
448 Germany -- Stralsund North approaches Draughts 22/07

19 Baltic II
10 Sweden Pilotage 03/07
10 Denmark Pilotage 03/07
82--85, 88, 106, 116, Baltic Sea -- Sweden -- Denmark -- Estonia DW route; areas to be 26/06
118, 120, 150, 376, 412 avoided; traffic separation scheme; directions; draught restrictions
93 Denmark -- Bornholm -- Allinge Directions 41/06
103 Sweden -- Gotland -- Visby Outer anchorages 10/07
110 Sweden -- Slite Lanthamn Directions 36/06
134 Sweden -- Karlshamn Pilotage 01/07
165 Sweden -- land -- Stora Rr Directions 32/05
216 Sweden -- Oxelsund Directions 39/06
218 Sweden -- Nykping approaches Maximum authorised draught 43/06
247 Sweden -- Agneudde to Fagern Directions; light 09/06
250--251 Sweden -- Vsters Limiting conditions; directions 03/06
277 Sweden -- Approaches to Sandhamn -- Stora Hstskr Directions; 07/06
281--283 Sweden, East coast -- Stockholms Skrgrd -- Saxarfjrden to 08/06
Lngholmsfjrden Directions; traffic regulations; light; buoyage
291 Sweden -- Stockholm -- Saltsjn and Hammarbyleden Directions 09/06
296 Finland -- Svenska Bjrn to Simpnsklubb Directions 07/07
322 Germany -- Griefswalder Bodden Directions 14/07
323 Germany -- Stralsund East approaches Draught 14/07
342 Poland -- Szczecin Limiting draughts 22/07
354 Poland -- Gulf of Gdamsk -- West side Prohibited area 07/07
357 Poland -- Hel Directions 18/07
361 Poland -- Gdamsk -- Martwa Wisa Safe overhead clearance 46/05
368--369 Russia -- Kaliningrad Directions; pilotage 32/06
368, 370 Russia -- Baltiysk Restricted area; turning area 52/05
378 Lithuania -- Mys Taran to Klaipda Directions 50/06
379, 381 Lithuania -- Klaipda Depths; vertical clearance; directions 36/06
381 Lithuania -- Klaipda Directions; light 29/05

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390 Latvia -- Ventspils Directions 23/06
396 Estonia -- Mntu Directions 20/05
404, 407 Latvia -- Gulf of Rga -- Salacgrva to Vinameri Directions 49/06
407 Estonia -- Gulf of Rga -- Salacgrva to Vinameri Directions 47/06
410 Estonia -- Nasva Directions 09/07
416 Estonia -- Kihelkonna laht Directions 20/06
417 Estonia Saaremaa Harbour 47/06

20 Baltic III
10 Finland -- Traffic and operations Recommended tracks 22/07
103 Estonia -- Tallinn Anchorage 25/07
109 Estonia -- Muuga Pilotage 47/06
155 Finland -- Approach to Inkoo Directions 45/06
161 Finland -- Bjrkfjrden Anchorage 05/07
186 Finland -- Kejvsal stra Fjrd Authorised draught 07/07
200 Finland -- Approaches to Hamina Einonkarinmatala Light 25/07
223 Finland -- Ut to Fltjan Directions 45/06
228 Finland -- Channel via Paraistenportti Directions 45/06
261--263 Finland -- Maarianhamina Approach; directions 45/06
263 Finland -- Maarianhamina and approaches Shoaling 34/07
279--280 Finland -- Hylkkari to Kloppi Directions 45/06
282 Finland -- Uusikaupunki Directions 20/07
287 Finland -- Kuuskajaskari Directions 04/07
329 Finland -- Himanka Authorised draught 07/07
402 Sweden -- Galtstrm Directions 45/06

21 Bay of Bengal
1 East coast of India Unexploded ordnance 25/07
2 Tsunami 03/05
4, 143 Thailand Firing Practice Areas 05/07
53 India -- Coromandel coast -- Kverippattinam Dangerous wreck 45/04
56 India -- Chennai Submarine cables 08/07
56 India -- Coromandel coast -- Chennai Light Racon 13/05
59 India -- Coromandel coast Rmypatnam Light 06/05
60 India -- Coromandel coast -- Nizampatnam Light 33/04
61 India -- Coromandel coast -- Approaches to Kkinda -- Vkalapdi 06/06
Light Racon
63 India, East coast -- Approaches to Vishkhapatnam -- Dolphins Nose 05/06
Light Racon
63 Approaches to Vishkhapatnam -- Gangavaran Port Development 17/07
64 India, East coast -- Vishkhapatnam Inner Harbour Development 39/04
64 India, East coast -- Vishkhapatnam Outer Harbour Development 35/04
67 India -- Orissa coast -- Bruva Light 43/05
67 India -- Orissa coast -- Baruva Depth 45/06
70 India -- East coast -- Paradip VLCC Anchorage 22/06
80 India -- Swatch of No--Ground Depths 39/06
83 Approaches to Karnaphuli River Stranded wreck 26/04
83 Approaches to Karnaphuli River Stranded wreck 31/04
83--85 Bangla Desh -- Chittagong Wrecks; pilot boarding position 44/06
87 Bangladesh -- Chittagong coast -- Coxs Bluff Submarine cable; 25/05
87 Bangladesh -- Coxs Bazar South--westwards Submarine cable 03/07
105 Burma (Myanmar) Yadana Gasfield 29/05
144 Thailand, West coast -- Mu Ko Similan -- Ko Similan Eastwards 03/07
160 Andaman Islands -- Port Blair -- Hood Point Dangerous wreck 45/05
162 Andaman Sea -- The Sisters Dangerous Wreck 15/07
162 Andaman Islands -- South Brother Island Rock 11/05


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22 Bay of Biscay
58 Loctudy -- Chenal de lOuest Directions 36/07
87 Lorient -- Passe du Sud Directions 35/07
162 Baie de Bourgneuf--Eastern Part -- Le Fain Directions 35/07
215 La Gironde -- Secondary Channel Directions 35/07
224 Bassin dArcachon Directions 36/07
245 Pasaia to Punta Mariantn Directions 35/07

23 Bering Sea and Strait

15, 26, 88, 140--141, United States Protection of wildlife 40/05
159, 171--172, 188,
191--194, 215--218,
221--222, 226--227, 234,
243, 248--252, 255, 257,
259--262, 269, 276
101 Saint Paul Harbor Racon 37/07
146 Alaska Peninsula -- Unavikshak Island Depth 29/07
151 Alaska Peninsula -- Kuiukta Bay Depth 31/07
191 Aleutian Islands -- Akun Strait Current 33/07
194 Aleutian Islands -- Baby Pass Depth 37/07
230 Aleutian Islands, west part Atka 27/06
307 Norton Sound -- Cape Rodney Shoal depths 40/06
307 Alaska -- Nome Harbor; Snake River Entrance; caution 04/06
422--424 United States Code of Federal Regulations -- Ports and Waterways 19/05
Safety -- General Notice of Arrival Information Items
431 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06

24 Black Sea and Sea of Azov

78 Turkey -- Ince Burnu Natural gas pipeline 23/07
88 Marmara Denizi -- Mudanya Liman -- Anchorage Caution 11/07
101 Turkey -- Adalar passage Isolated danger buoy 34/07
116 Turkey -- Ereli Anchorages 15/07
117 Turkey -- Ereli Spoil ground light buoy 30/07
129 Turkey -- Tirebolu Karadeniz LPG Terminal 20/07
155 Romania -- Mangalia anchorage Dangerous wreck 33/07
222 Ukraine -- Yalta Anchorage 19/07
230 Russia -- Novorossiyskaya Bukhta Danger area 30/07

25 British Columbia I
2, 55, 252, 334, 346, 427 British Columbia Scientific moorings 23/07
7, 55--56, 59, 63--65, Routeing measures 24/05
68--69, 78--79, 133--134,
136--137, 141, 145--146,
148--150, 158--160, 199,
201--203, 214
11 Tanker Exclusion Zone (TEZ); traffic 12/05
19, 214--215 Approaches to Vancouver Harbour Measured distance 19/07
59, 61 Juan de Fuca Strait -- San Juan Point Light 09/07
62 Juan de Fuca Strait -- Sooke Harbour Leading Lights; buoyage 17/06
63, 158 Juan de Fuca and Haro Straits Risk of collision 44/05
74 Vancouver Island -- Victoria Directions 05/06
90, 92--93 Puget Sound -- Point Monroe Light beacon 38/06
106, 468--469 Puget Sound Safety and security zones 08/05
116 Puget Sound -- Olympia Shoal Directions; wreck 28/05
188 Houston Passage Anchorages 26/05
202 Westshore Terminals and Deltaport Traffic regulations; caution 25/05
218 Canada -- Vancouver Harbour -- Brockton Point Light 25/06
220 Burrard Inlet Traffic regulations 22/05

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230 Nanaimo Harbour -- Newcastle Island Passage Buoyage; directions 05/06
232 Percy Anchorage Vertical clearance 38/07
287 Strait of Georgia -- Hole in the Wall -- Florence Cove Anchorage 11/06
287 Strait of Georgia -- Calm Channel Landmark 34/07
298--300 Discovery Passage Light; terminal 46/06
299--300 Campbell River Directions; berth 12/07
305 Discovery Passage -- Granite Bay Wreck 52/05
392 Vancouver Island -- Berryman Point Light; beacon 44/06
450 Appendix III Canadian Quarantine Reporting Requirement 39/07
452--454 United States Code of Federal Regulations -- Ports and Waterways 19/05
Safety -- General Notice of Arrival Information Items
465 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06

26 British Columbia II
66--67 Inner Passage Route Cousins Inlet; Ocean Falls 29/05
99 Verney Passage Beacon 44/06
100 Gardner Canal -- Kemano Bay Buoy removed 29/06
109 Grenville Channel to Chatham Sound Directions 31/06
111 Skeena River and approaches Directions 31/06
120 Duncan Bay Light; buoyage 31/06
174 Surf Inlet Beacon 44/06
184 Hecate Strait -- Beaver Passage Depth 21/07
213--214 Skidegate Inlet Lawn Point Leading Lights; buoys 22/06
215 Maude Channel to Skidegate Channel Buoy 44/06
233 Skidegate Channel -- East Narrows Leading beacons 42/05
243 Henslung and Beal Coves Anchorage 44/06
245 Graham Island -- Virago Sound and Alexandra Narrows Depths 11/06
264 Appendix III Canadian Quarantine Reporting Requirement 39/07

27 Channel
9 Pollution of the sea Western European Tanker Reporting System 20/05
62--63 Cap de la Hague north--eastwards EC2 Light Buoy 26/07
70, 73 Isles of Scilly -- Buoyage Directions 36/06
82, 84 Penzance Bay Directions 01/07
94 Falmouth Pilot boarding place 31/06
94, 95 Falmouth -- Black Rock Beacon Directions 35/06
100 Charlestown Pilot boarding arrangements 41/06
101 Par Pilot boarding arrangements 41/06
102 Par Harbour Directions 25/07
104 Fowey Pilot boarding arrangements 41/06
110, 115--116 Plymouth Traffic signals 01/02/06
119 Plymouth Approaches -- Eastern Channel Depths 40/05
122 Plymouth -- Hamoaze Directions 34/07
123 Plymouth Sound -- Cattewater Directions 08/07
127 Plymouth Approaches -- Bigbury Bay Buoyage 50/05
143--144 Tor Bay -- Brixham Harbour Berths 16/05
152 West Bay -- Bridport Harbour Directions 01/07
158 Portland Approaches Directions 17/06
160 Portland Harbour -- East Ship Channel Leading lights 23/05
171, 173, 175 Poole Harbour -- Buoyage; directions 23/06
172 Poole Harbour Approaches Restricted areas 16/05
173 Poole Harbour Chain Ferry Regulations 35/05
187 Portsmouth Pilotage 05/07
187 Portsmouth Pilotage 12/06
191 Needles Channel and Approaches Directions 19/06
192, 193, 196 West Solent -- Beaulieu River Buoyage; directions 18/06
193 Solent W part and W approaches -- North Channel Directions 28/07
196 The Solent -- Beaulieu River Leading mark 50/05


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201--202 Chichester Harbour Directions 29/07
203 Langstone Harbour Pilotage 36/05
269 France, West coast -- Port dAudierne Directions 25/06
285 Baie de Morlaix -- Chenal de Trguier Directions 24/07
299 Les Haux de Brhat to Grand Ljon -- Roche Gautier Directions 12/07
304 Paimpol Approaches Beacon; drying height 10/06
305 Baie de Saint--Brieuc -- Le Lgu Pilot boarding position 21/05
315 Approaches to Saint--Malo Directions 36/07
358 Channel Islands -- Plateau des Minquiers Directions 19/06
365--367 Channel Islands -- St Helier Approaches Directions 20/07
383 France N coast -- Cap de la Hague SSW Wreck 35/07
393 Cherbourg -- Passe de lEst Leading lights 32/05
396 Port du Cap Lvi Directions 44/05
415 Estuaire de la Seine -- Rouen Waiting Areas Pilotage 16/07
415 Estuaire de la Seine -- Le Havre Waiting area; dangerous wrecks 16/05
415, 417, 418, 424 Le Havre Port 2000 35/06
424 Le Havre Directions 28/07
429 Estuaire de la Seine -- Chenal de Rouen Directions; dangerous 16/05
431 Baie de Seine -- Trouville--Deauville Directions 30/06
438 Le Havre -- Antifer Wreck 47/06

28 Dover Strait
13, 213--214, 217--218, Hoek van Holland Withdrawal of signals 24/06
58, 61--62 Dover Strait and adjacent waters TSS--Foxtrot 3 Precautionary Area 47/06
and recommended direction of traffic established.
64, 101 Dover Strait South Goodwin Light--float removed; SW Goodwin 31/06
Light--buoy moved
101 Dover Strait SW Goodwin Light Buoy 24/07
120 Le Trport -- Anchorage Dangerous wreck 12/07
120 Le Trport -- Anchorage Wreck removed 13/07
140 Port of Dunkerque Regulations 45/06
145 Dunkerque Port Ouest Lights--in--line removed 16/07
161 Approach to Westerschelde Buoyage 22/06
165 Zeebrugge -- Traffic signals for LNG vessels 16/07
177 Westerschelde Directions; Schone Waardin Light 20/07
184 Westerschelde -- Zuidergat Tidal stream; ships wash 16/07
185 Westerschelde -- Zuidergat Buoyage; light 11/07
211--212, 215 Approaches to Hoek van Holland Pilotage; traffic regulations 31/06
211--212, 215 Hoek van Holland Pilotage 39/06
212 Hoek van Holland Pilot embarkation by helicopter 35/06
234, 236, 240, 242, 314 Thames Estuary Pilotage; Oaze Precautionary Area; channels; LNG 13/06
234--236, 238--242, 266, Approaches to Thames Estuary and Harwich Haven -- Sunk 22/07
268--9 Precautionary Areas
236 Port of London Pilotage 05/07
238 Approaches to Thames Estuary and Harwich Haven Sunk VTS 32/07
240 Thames Estuary -- Knock John Channel Traffic Management 05/07
245 Thames Estuary -- Foulgers Gat Buoyage 17/07
252--254 Thames Estuary Whitstable Street Light Buoy 12/07
253 Whitstable Harbour Dolphin light 29/06
262 Orford Haven -- Hollesley Bay Channel Dangerous wreck 30/06
264--265 Approach to River Deben Depth; buoyage 25/06
275 River Orwell Orwell Bridge clearance 08/07
297 Port of London -- Canvey Island Depths 17/06
314 River Medway LNG vessel regulations 45/06
324, 326, 328 River Swale A249 High Level bridge 28/06

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327 The Swale Directions; buoyage and beacons 38/07
328 River Swale Ferry Reach Directional Light 05/07

30 China Sea I
80 China, South coast -- Offshore Oil and Gas Fields Panyu Oil 14/05
80 China, South coast -- Offshore Oil and Gas Fields Panyu Oil 18/05
96 Peninsular Malaysia -- Pelabuhan Kuantan Leading lights 03/05
99 Peninsular Malaysia -- Kertih Terminal Pilotage 11/06
121 Gulf of Thailand -- Head of the Gulf Wreck 29/05
125 Thailand -- Approaches to Krung Thep (Bangkok) Dangerous wreck 05/05
127 Thailand -- Ko Chuang to the head of the Gulf of Thailand -- E 06/05
Seaboard Dangerous wreck
127, 129--132 Gulf of Thailand -- Ports in the Si Racha Pilotage District Traffic 04/05
Separation Scheme
135 Gulf of Thailand -- Ko Chuang to Khlong Yai Dangerous wreck 04/05
148 Gulf of Thailand -- Mui Nai To Mui Bai Bung -- Hon Tho Chau 25/05
151 Gulf of Thailand -- Gasfields Erawan Gasfield 47/05
153 Gulf of Thailand -- Gasfields Jasmine Oilfield 43/05
204--205 Gulf of Tonkin -- Approaches to Haiphong Dangerous wreck 52/04
224 China, South coast -- Baisungong Jiao to Qiongzhou Haixia -- Qinzhou 16/05
Gang Development
224 China, South coast -- Baisungong Jiao to Qiongzhou Haixia -- Qinzhou 26/05
Gang Major light; racon
225 China, South coast -- Gulf of Tonking -- Tieshan Gang Depths; 37/05
obstructions; berths; anchorage
226, 228 China, South coast -- Qiongzhou Haixia -- North Channel Traffic 04/05
Separation Scheme
226 China, South coast -- Qiongzhou Haixia Vessel Traffic Service 10/05
226, 228 China, South coast -- Qiongzhou Haixia Traffic regulations 22/05
227 China, South coast -- Qiongzhou Haixia -- North Channel Racon 38/05
233 China, South coast -- Qiongzhou Haizia to Zhujiang Kou Wreck 10/06
236 China, South coast -- Approaches to Zhanjiang Gang Dangerous 30/05
238 China, South coast -- Zhuhai Gang Anchorages; pilot boarding place 04/05
238 China, South coast -- Gaolan Port Zone(Zhuhai Gang) Light; racon 42/05
254 China, South coast -- Zhujiang Kou and approaches Guangzhou 07/05
Vessel Traffic Service
254, 271, 275 China, South coast -- Approaches to Zhujiang and Hong Kong 48/05
Traffic Separation Schemes
255--256, 259 China, South coast -- Zhujiang Kou and approaches Racons 43/05
255 Approaches to Zhujiang Kou -- Dayapai Dao northwards Wreck 22/07
255 Zhujiang Kou and approaches Directions 02/05
255 China, South coast -- Zhujiang Kou Dangerous wreck 30/05
259 China, South coast -- Zhujiang Kou and approaches Shenzhen 10/05
Vessel Traffic Service
262 China, South coast -- Zhujiang and approaches Nansha 13/05
269 China, South coast -- Approaches to Hong Kong Guangzhou Vessel 07/05
Traffic Service
271, 273 China, South coast -- Hong Kong -- Discovery Bay Prohibited 38/05
272 South--West Approaches To Hong Kong -- Minor harbours and 43/05
anchorages Wreck
322--323 China, South coast -- Qing Zhou to Zhelang Jiao -- Huizhou Gang 22/05
Navigation aids; Donglian Harbour


NP no Page(s) Title Edition

31 China Sea II
78 Singapore Strait eastwards Pulau Pengibu Rock 11/07
117 Sarawak Approaches to Miri Anchorage; pipeline 26/07
118 Malaysia Sarawak Tanjung Baram north--westwards Wreck 22/07

32 China Sea III

83, 84, 86--87, 89--90 Tai--wan, North--West coast -- Approaches to Tai--chung 47/05
Anchorages; directions; depths
86 Tai--wan, North--West coast -- Approaches to Tai--chung 39/06
92, 94, 98 Tai--wan, North coast Wrecks; islet; obstruction 52/05
109--110 Philippine Islands Luzon Strait Balintang Channel Depths 40/05
117 Tai--wan, East coast -- Approach to Hua--lien Wreck 52/05
119 Tai--wan, East coast -- Approaches to Su--Ao Wrecks 20/05
119 Tai--wan, East coast -- Approaches to Ho--Ping Kang Shoal 16/07
131 China, East coast Dongshan Dao south--eastwards Wrecks 27/07
131--132 China Lemen Liedao Directions 31/07
133, 137--142 China -- East coast -- Xiamen and approaches Routes; lights; 29/07
buoyage; depths; anchorages; navigation restrictions
142--143 China East Coast Approaches to Jinmen Routes; navigation 29/07
157--159, 164--165 China, East coast -- Approaches to Minjiang Kou -- Baiquan Liedao; 10/05
Mazu Liedao Restricted and prohibited areas
158--159 China, East coast Songxia Gang Depths 05/07
159--162 China, East coast Minjiang Kou and approaches Leading lights; 32/05
buoyage; racon; wreck
163 China, East coast Min Jiang Wrecks, light 49/05
164 China, East coast -- Approaches to Minjiang Kou -- Mazu Liedao 07/07
westwards Wrecks
171 China East coast Dong Hai Wrecks 23/07
188, 192 China, East coast Niubishan Shuidao Gas pipeline, anchorage 37/06
197 China, East coast Zhoushan Qundao south--eastwards Wreck 16/07
197 China East coast Zhoushan Qundao north--eastwards Wreck 23/07
197 China, East coast Zhoushan Qundao Dongfu Shan Wreck 07/06
198, 222, 231--238, 241, China, East coast Chang Jiang and approaches; Huangpu Jiang; 36/05
243 Shanghai Traffic Separation Schemes; channels; buoyage;
pilotage; anchorages; lights; regulations
199, 215 China, East coast Zhoushan Qundao Xiaoguishan Wrecks 03/06
203--205, 212 China, East coast Zhoushan Qundao Zhoushan and approaches 26/06
Anchorages, wrecks, directions
207, 225 China, East coast Zhoushan Qundao Houshan Liedao SW 02/07
216 China, East coast Zhoushan Dao North Wrecks 16/07
231--233 China, East coast Chang Jiang and approaches Pilotage; 16/07
267 China -- Changjianhkou Beiji`o north--north--eastwards Wreck 08/07
267 China -- Yellow Sea -- Lianyun Gang approaches Wrecks 23/05
290, 302--303, 305--306, China Bohai Haixia Laotieshan Shuidao Traffic separation 33/06
322, 329, 331 scheme; directions
302 China Bo Hai Laotieshan Shuidao Wrecks 31/05
311, 315--316 China Bohai Wan Offshore oil terminals 45/05
311 China Bohai Wan Huanghua 46/05
311--312 China -- Bo Hai -- Tianjin Xingang Anchorages; pilotage; 23/05
323 China -- Bo Hai -- Liaodong Wan Wreck 24/05
327 China Bo Hai Yingkou and Bayuquan vessel traffic service 38/07
333 China Yellow Sea Dalian Xingang Vessel Traffic Service; 52/05

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337, 339, 404 China Yellow Sea Dandong Shuidao approaches Wreck; 24/06
buoyage; anchorage
337 China -- Yellow Sea Zhuanghe Gang 18/07
348, 352, 354, 357 Korea, South coast Chin Do Vessel traffic service and traffic 47/06
routeing scheme
383 Korea, West coast Taesan Anchorages 12/07

33 Philippine Islands
68 Sulu Sea -- Tabbataha Reefs Dangerous rock; marine reserve 04/06
125 Sulu Sea -- San Miguel Islands -- Don Juan de Austria Shoal Rock 48/05
404--406 Cebu Harbour and approaches Port development; depths 09/06
475 Luzon, East coast -- Tabaco Wrecks 30/06

34 Indonesia II
78 Jawa -- Tanjung Awarawar Terminal 13/07
82, 87, 93 Madura Wrecks 13/07
107, 117 Bali -- Giliselang Light Racon removed 14/07
215 Kalimantan -- Sungai Sampit -- Tanjung Bandaran Light 13/07
254 Kalimantan -- Tanjung Bara Coal Terminal Depth 25/07
265, 268, 270--271 Sulawesi -- Approaches to Makassar Light withdrawn 13/07

35 Indonesia III
74 East Timor -- Dili Leading lights; beacon 32/06
183 Irian Jaya, South coast -- Approaches to Merauke Wreck 05/06
203 West coast of Papua -- Salawati Buoyage; Misool Marine Terminal 01/07

36 Indonesia I
52 Indonesia -- Selat Sunda Platform; depth 35/06
69 Sumatera, South coast -- Teluk Lampung -- Panjang Dangerous 38/05
wreck; obstruction
81 Jawa, North coast -- Pulau--Pulau Tidung Wreck 32/05
110-- 111 Jawa, North coast -- Approaches to Semarang Wreck 27/07
127 Sumatera, East coast -- Pulau Saya Light 44/05
144--146 Pulau Bangka, East coast -- Karang Elliot Light 28/05
144 Pulau Bangka, East coast -- Sungai Baturusa Leading lights 28/05
150--151 Selat Karimata -- Karang Ontario Rock; uncharted dangers 30/06
151 Kalimantan, West coast -- Selat Karimata Wreck 03/06
152 Kalimantan, West coast Shoal depths; off--lying dangers 42/05
176 Sumatera, East coast -- Pulau Lingga south--eastwards Depths 35/07
211 Singapore Strait -- Sambu approaches Wreck 10/06

37 West Coasts of England and Wales

57, 101--103, 107, 119 Bristol Channel Breaksea Light--float 47/06
93 South Wales -- River Neath Jetty; lights 50/05
99 South Wales -- Nash Sands Anchorage Foul ground 48/05
152 Wales -- Milford Haven Pilotage; regulations 10/06
155 Wales -- Milford Haven -- East Channel Minimum depth 06/06
156--157 Wales -- Milford Haven Directions and buoyage 37/07
174--175 Fishguard Harbour Depth; directions; foul ground 24/07
215 North Wales -- Conwy Buoyage 33/07
227 Liverpool Bay Meteorological mast 48/05
231--232 North Wales -- Approaches to the River Dee and Mostyn Docks 37/07
Directions and buoyage
232 North Wales -- Mostyn Docks Arrival information 31/07
233 North Wales -- Mostyn Docks Pilotage 13/06
233 North Wales -- Mostyn Docks Port entry light 48/05
275 Barrow--in--Furness -- Ramsden Dock Traffic signals 35/06
295--297 Scotland, South--West coast -- Kirkcudbright Bay -- Little Ross 48/05


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304--307, 309, 318 Isle of Man -- Calf of Man and Chicken Rock Lights 27/07
311 Isle of Man -- Douglas Harbour Tidal streams 21/07
319 Isle of Man -- Peel Harbour Leading lights 48/05

38 West Coast of India

2 West coast of India; Lakshadweep Unexploded ordnance 25/07
213, 215 Krwr Traffic regulations; naval harbour 24/07
217 Krwr Anchorage; foul ground 24/07
242 Konkan coast -- Mumbai approaches Offshore route 32/07
269 Gulf of Khambht Smar 24/07

39 South Indian Ocean

2 Tsunami 03/05
74 Comores -- East coast of Anjouan Reef 17/06
75 Comores -- Ile de Mayotte Navigation restriction 21/06
79 Comores -- Ile de Mayotte Anchorage 04/06
178 Madagascar -- Toamasina (Tamatave) and approaches Pilotage 21/05
204 Madagascar -- Baie de Digo--Suarez Directions 28/07
245--248 Seychelles -- Victoria and approaches Anchorages; directions; berth 23/05
246--247 Seychelles Victoria and approaches Radio masts 43/05
252, 254--255 le de La Runion -- Port Runion Anchorages; regulations 41/04
257 le de La Runion -- Port Runion Directional light 42/06
274 Mauritius -- Malheureux Rock Position 18/07

40 Irish Coast
50 Celtic Sea -- Fastnet Rock South--south--westwards Depth 11/07
70, 73 Bantry Bay -- Castletownbere Perch Rock 01/07
135 South coast -- River Barrow Buoyage 01/07
136--137, 139 South--east coast -- Saltee Islands Buoyage 12/07
137 South--east coast -- Hook Head Dangerous wreck 13/07
138--141 South--east coast -- Little Saltee Beacon 27/07
139--140 South coast -- Saint Patricks Bridge; Kilmore Quay Light Buoy 19/07
185 East coast -- Port Oriel Light 03/07
218 Port of Belfast Traffic Organisation Service 01/07
332 West coast -- Blacksod Bay Leading lights; light--beacon 01/07
368 Sound of Aran -- Burtonport Dredged channel; rocks 38/07

41 Japan I
329--338 Index 36/06

42C Japan IV
2, 373, 391 Korea Strait Reporting Zone 19/07

43 South and East Coasts of Korea, East Coast of Siberia and Sea of Okhotsk
3, 117 Korea Strait Reporting Zone 19/07
91 Korea, South coast -- Route south of Soan Kundo Vessel Traffic 47/06
96 Korea, South coast -- Kmundo Traffic Separation Scheme 52/05
118 Korea, South coast -- Sori Do Wreck 49/05
121--123 Korea, South coast -- Inner Approach to Ysu Hang and Kwangyang 03/06
Hang Traffic separation scheme
127 Korea, South coast -- Kwangyang Hang Vertical clearance 46/05
134--135 Korea, South coast -- Approach to Samchnpo Hang Overhead 32/07
power cable
134 Korea, South coast -- Chinju Man and approaches -- Noryang Sudo 49/05
Vertical clearance
151 Korea, South coast -- Kadk Sudo Racon; buoyage 52/05
151 Korea, South coast -- Approach to Masan Hang and Pusan New Port 45/06
Leading lights; bridge construction

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172, 174, 176--177, 179 Korea, East coast -- Ulsan Man Racon; directions 48/05
175 Ulsan Hang -- Outer anchorages Wreck 35/06
346 Sea of Okhotsk -- Ostrov Sakhalin E coast -- Piltun Offshore 37/06

44 Malacca Strait and West Coast of Sumatera

65, 67, 186 Malacca Strait Approaches-- Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank) 05/07
north westwards Light--buoy; light--beacon
70--72, 128, 208 Malacca Strait -- Permatang Panjang Light, buoy, wreck 30/06
71--72 Malacca Strait -- Water Islands south--westwards Wreck, buoyage 30/06
96 Sumatera -- East coast -- Tanjung Jamboaye eastwards Platform 01/07
105--107 Sumatera -- Belawan approaches Lights; buoyage 39/06
151 Thailand, west coast -- Ko Tarutao south--eastwards Wreck 04/07
181 Malacca Strait -- Pulau Tukun Perak Rock 11/07
247, 249 Singapore Strait -- Singapore Anchorages 30/06
249 Singapore Strait -- Singapore Anchorages 07/07
274--275 Singapore Strait -- Singapore -- Marina Bay and Kallang Basin 32/06
Closure to traffic
281 Singapore Strait -- Singapore -- Pulau Sebarok Berths 12/07

45 Mediterranean I
3, 291, 294, 302 Tunisia -- les Cani and Cap Bon Traffic separation scheme 20/07
85 Spain -- Fondeadero de la Sabinilla Anchorage 08/06
91, 100--101, 103 Spain, South coast -- Cabo de Gata Traffic Separation Scheme 46/06
157--158 Spain -- Barcelona Anchorages; landfall light--buoys 01/02/06
158 Spain -- Barcelona Directions 44/05
158 Spain -- Barcelona Landfall light--buoy; pilot boarding position 45/06
249--250 Algeria -- Oran Traffic separation scheme 25/07
252, 254 Algeria -- Port dArzew Anchorage; prohibited and restricted areas 42/06
263 Alger (Algiers) Dangerous wreck 21/06
279--280 Algeria -- Skikda and Port Mthanier Anchorage; leading lights 33/06
311 Tunisia -- Sfax Dangerous wreck 40/06
323 Tunisia -- Ras Taguerness Dangerous wrecks 08/07
361--362 Italy -- Trapani Traffic Separation Scheme; anchorage; directions 49/06
364 Sicilia -- Mazara del Vallo TSS; VTS; pilotage 22/07
385 Italy -- Palermo TSS; anchorage areas 13/07
385 Sicilia -- Palermo Anchorage areas 19/07
395 Italy (Sicilia) -- Porto di Milazzo Anchorage; pilotage 41/06
481 Italy -- Porto di Corigliano Calabro Anchorage 33/06

46 Mediterranean II
138 Italy -- San Remo Wreck 36/07
231 Italy -- Rada di Portoferraio Unexploded ordnance 36/07

47 Mediterranean III
67 N Adriatic Sea Traffic separation schemes; areas to be avoided; 20/07
restricted area
70 N Adriatic TSS -- Route for Rijeki Zaljev and Gulf of Trieste; Route 42/06
for Gulf of Venice Directions
178--180 Albania -- Durrs Directional Light 01/07
265 Croatia -- Braki Kanal, Western Part -- Grljevac Light 50/05
297 Croatia -- ibenski Kanal, southern part Outfall 11/06
343 Croatia -- Zaljev Pantera -- Tanki Rt Light sector 50/05
400 Croatia -- Kvarneri, southern part -- Otoi Dolfin -- Hrid Otar 50/05
452 Croatia -- Luka Funtana -- Otoi Frital Light--beacon 50/05
458 N Adriatic Sea -- Italy -- Approaches to Monfalcone Wreck 21/07
467 Italy -- Trieste -- Baia di Muggia Restricted area 15/06
483 Italy -- Brindisi Waiting area 34/07


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487 Italy -- Punta Torre Canne Wreck 50/05
492 Italy -- Bari Prohibited area 13/06
495 Italy -- Molfetta Unexploded ordnance 34/06
503 Italy -- Rodi Garganico Obstructions 32/07
504 Italy -- Vieste Directions 46/06
509 Italy -- Ortona Fish haven 34/06
509 Italy -- Ortona Prohibited areas 16/06
511 Italy -- Pescara Seaplane landing area 37/06
515 Italy -- San Benedetto del Tronto Wreck 34/06
515 Italy -- Giulianova Restricted area 50/05
517 Italy -- Ancona Restricted area 31/06
528 Italy -- Pesaro Anchorage 46/06
529 Italy -- E coast -- Pesaro to Porto Corsini Unexploded ordnance 20/07
546 Italy -- Approaches to Chioggia Conservation area 50/05
547 Italy -- Chioggia -- Canale Esterno Development 15/06
551, 553 Italy -- Porto di Malamocco Development 12/06
551, 554 Italy -- Venezia -- Porto di Lido Prohibited areas 15/06
557 Italy -- Caorle Restricted areas 07/06

48 Mediterranean IV
160--161 Greece -- SW approach to Pros Megron Revithosa LNG terminal 43/06
190 Greece -- rmos ou Restricted area 43/06
245 South Aegean -- rmos Livdia Wreck 30/07
429 Turkey Aliaa LNG Terminal 20/07

49 Mediterranean V
109 Egypt -- El Iskandarya (Alexandria) -- El Dikheila Pass Wreck 45/06
117 Egypt -- Masabb Rashid (Rosetta Mouth) Wreck 25/06
118 Egypt -- Mn Dumy (Damietta Port) Waiting areas; directions; 23/07
172 Turkey -- Ceyhan Liman Pilotage 13/07
183 Cyprus -- Paphos Leading Lights 15/06
213 Syria -- ars Wreck 10/06
227 Israel --- efa (Haifa) Dangerous wreck 38/07
228 Israel -- efa (Haifa) Obstruction 14/06
230 Israel -- Hadera Approach and entry 09/07
233 Israel -- Ashqelon Prohibited areas 34/06

50 Newfoundland and Labrador

198 Newfoundland -- Burnt Island Anchorage deleted 37/06
260 Newfoundland -- Clarenville Submarine pipeline 50/06
271 Newfoundland -- Bonavista Harbour Buoyage 43/06
273 Newfoundland -- Bonavista Bay Buoy removed 38/06
300 Newfoundland -- Bacalhao Island Leading lights replaced 07/07
323--324 Newfoundland -- Bay of Exploits -- South part of East Arm Buoyage 38/06
331 Newfoundland -- Bay of Exploits -- Govers Point Light 50/06
382 Newfoundland -- Brehat Shoal Buoy 05/07
403 Labrador -- Hamilton Inlet -- Camp Islands to Spear Point Buoyage 43/06
406 Labrador -- Camp Islands to North Wolf Rock Buoyage changed 38/06
409 Labrador -- Spear Point to Cape St. Michaels Buoyage 43/06
411, 414 Labrador -- Hawke Bay and approaches Buoyage 46/06
412, 415 Labrador -- Cape St. Michaels to Cox Head Buoyage changed 43/06
412, 414 Labrador St Michaels Bay and Hawke Bay Buoyage 16/07
415 Labrador -- Cox Head to Bed Head Buoyage 43/06
422 Labrador -- Bed Head to North Wolf Rock Buoyage 43/06
430 Labrador -- Approaches to Hamilton Inlet -- Inner part of Sandwich Bay 38/06
Buoyage changed

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438 Labrador -- Hamilton Inlet -- South--west of George Island Buoyage 39/06
451--453, 459 Labrador -- Cape Harrison to Cape Makkovik Buoyage 43/06
460 Labrador -- Cape Makkovik to Hopedale Harbour Buoyage 43/06
462 Labrador -- Winter Tickle Buoyage 43/06
466--467 Labrador -- Cape Harrigan to Cape Kiglapait Buoyage 43/06
468 Labrador -- Inshore Route -- Uyagaksuak to Nain Buoyage changed 39/06
473--474 Labrador -- East Approach to Nain through Strathcona Run 39/06
Buoyage changed
507 Appendix III Canadian Quarantine Reporting Requirement 39/07

51 New Zealand
51 North Island -- Cape Reinga to The Bluff -- Pandora Bank Natural 23/05
70 North Island -- North and South Taranaki Bight Precautionary Area 26/07
70--71 North Island -- W coast -- North Taraniki Bight Offshore platform 27/07
and protected area
87 South Island -- Golden Bay -- Tarakohe Harbour Restricted area 39/05
89 South Island -- North coast -- Port Motueka Light 32/07
104, 111 North Island -- Approaches to Wellington -- Taputeranga Island 07/06
125 South Island -- Marlborough Sounds -- Picton Harbour Light 12/07
197 North Island -- Bay of Islands Pilot boarding position 16/06
202 North Island -- Bay of Islands -- Opua Directions; leading lights 32/05
228 North Island -- Hauraki Gulf -- Motuihe Channel Fast Ferry Zone 26/05
228 North Island -- Motuihe Channel -- Emu Rock Light--beacon 31/05
232 North Island -- Approaches to Auckland Pilot boarding position 48/06
239 North Island -- Waiheke Island Marine reserve 43/05
253 North Island -- Mercury Bay -- Approaches to Whitianga Sandbar 39/05
278 North Island -- Hawke Bay -- Approaches to Napier Whirinaki Bluff 49/05
280--281, 283 North Island -- Napier Roads Leading lights discontinued; sector 41/06
283--284 North Island -- Napier -- Inner Harbour Leading lights 01/02/06

52 North Coast of Scotland

100 Dornoch Firth Target removed 03/07
130 Cromarty Firth Pilotage 01/07
137, 141 Inverness Pilotage; regulations 20/06
138 Inverness Directions 20/06
138 Inverness Firth -- Dangerous wreck Directions 03/07
176 Orkney Islands -- Cairston Road Directions 21/06
186, 187 Orkney Islands -- Passage East of Papa Westray and Westray 33/07
201 Orkney Islands -- SE Approaches to Stronsay Firth -- Channel south of 37/06
Auskerry Directions
201 Orkney Islands -- Auskerry Rock pinnacle 01/07
203 Orkney Islands -- Stronsay Firth Directions 08/07
206 Orkney Islands -- Eday Sound and Approaches Directions 08/07
204, 210 Orkney Islands -- Westray Firth Shoal depth 41/06
204 Orkney Islands -- Passage north of Shapinsay Shoal 03/07
210 Orkney Islands -- Westray Firth -- Passage east of Muckle Green Holm 42/06
210 Orkney Islands -- Westray Firth Directions 15/07
219 Kirkwall Berths 20/06
234, 237 Shetland Islands -- South Channel and Scalloway Harbour 02/07
252, 286--287 Shetland Islands -- Head of Mula Light -- Bluemull Sound and 23/06
Colgrave Sound Directions
267 Shetland Islands -- Stepping Stones -- Inner Voder Light Directions 23/07


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268--269, 273 Linga Sound -- Wether Holm -- Light 20/06
280 Orkney Islands -- Yell Sound Buoy removed 13/07
333 Froyar -- Klaksvk Directions 31/06

54 North Sea (West)

63, 65--66 Scotland, east coast -- Todhead Point Light 26/07
68 Montrose -- Annat Shoal Outer Buoy 19/07
132 Blyth Natural conditions 19/07
135, 137--138 Port of Tyne Vessel traffic service 29/07
137 Port of Tyne -- Tyne Commission Quay Depth 16/07
173 River Humber Killingholme Direction Light 16/07
189, 192 Approaches to The Wash -- Wind farm development areas 11/07
210 Great Yarmouth approaches -- Cockle Shoal Depth 11/07
212 Great Yarmouth Power Station Light 32/07
216, 218 Great Yarmouth Prohibited area; Brush Sector Light 32/07

55 North Sea (East)

9, 270, 282, 287, 289, Denmark Pilotage 04/07
316, 320
68, 70 Deepwater Routes to Inner German Bight and Die Ems Dangerous 41/05
69--70 Off Friesland Deep Water Route Off Botney Ground TSS 21/07
70 DW Route via TSS West Friesland Dangerous wreck 49/06
73, 75, 88 Netherlands -- IJmuiden northern approaches Windfarms 44/06
73, 75--79, 83, 88 IJmuiden -- IJ--Geul Channel limits; depths; buoyage; regulations 27/06
75--77 South--west approaches to IJmuiden Meetpost Noordwijk removed 44/06
76--78, 80 Netherlands -- IJmuiden Channel--bound vessels; pilot boarding 17/06
positions; anchorage
83 Netherlands -- IJmuiden -- Middensluis Leading lights 18/07
88 Netherlands -- Ijmuiden Light--buoy; well 41/06
114--115 Friesche Zeegat Depths; buoyage 01/07
115 Netherlands -- Friesche Zeegat Westgat fairway buoy 24/06
130, 158, 171, 196--197, German traffic regulations 10/07
204, 226, 235, 238
211 Port of Hamburg -- Finkenwerder Airfield Wind 52/05
243 Die Eider -- Sderpiep and Norderpiep Channel; buoyage 08/06
243, 247 Approaches to Norderpiep and Eider Wreck 42/05
248 Die Eider Stranded wreck 08/07
248 Die Eider Stranded wreck 19/07
312 Denmark -- Limfjorden -- Vr Enge Leading lights 18/07
319 Skagerrak -- Bulbjerg to Skagen Dangerous wreck 42/05

56 Norway I
5 Norwegian charts Accuracy 33/06
101 Norway -- Frierfjorden -- Torsberg Light Sectors 47/06
122 Norway -- Tnsberg Havn -- Kanal Controlling depth 49/06
148 Norway -- Oslo -- Sre Kavryingdynga Light Sector 35/06
158 Norway -- Drammen Leading lights 14/07
166 Norway -- Rsvikrenna Controlling depth 50/06
205 Sweden -- Skagerrak -- Marstrandsfjorden Pilot boarding place 45/06

57A Norway IIA

6 Norwegian charts Accuracy 33/06
57 Farsund Farya; Engya Leading lights removed 47/06
58 Approaches to Farsund Lille Eikeroya Leading lights removed 47/06
61 Fedafjorden Bridge 26/06
62--63 Stolsfjorden; Flekkefjorden Hsund Light 06/06
245 Ulvesund Light 10/06

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57B Norway IIB

2 Charts 44/04
3 Norwegian charts Accuracy 33/06
4 Pilotage 22/04
5 Reporting requirements for vessels carrying dangerous or polluting 30/05
26, 208 Vard vessel traffic service 04/07
36 Eiksundet Vertical clearance 52/05
40 Runde -- Rundehavn Spar buoy 10/05
89 Romsdalfsjorden -- Tresfjorden Light 29/05
134 Trondheimsleia -- Ramsygalten Light 44/04
141 Trondheimsleia -- Magerysundet Fish haven; anchorage 16/04
145 Hemnskjeldet Bridge Light 14/04
169 Smla -- Dyrnesvgen Light 11/05
172 Ramsyfjorden -- Breiflua Light 44/04

58A Norway IIIA

2 Norway, north coast -- Vard to Rst Routeing system 20/07
4 Norwegian charts Accuracy 33/06
4 Vard vessel traffic service 04/07
64 Indreleia -- Melsteinen Light Sectors 14/07
95 Velfjorden -- Nevernes Light 12/06
98 Vefsnfjorden -- Holandsvik Leading lights 32/07
169 Nordfjorden -- Saurvika Anchorage 19/07
210 Tysfjorden -- Skrovkjosen -- Skarberget Buoyage; berths 12/06
241, 242 Lofoten Islands -- Approaches to Ure -- Notskjeret Light Sectors 19/06
270 Lofoten -- Moskenesya -- Stovika approaches Depths 42/06

58B Norway IIIB

2 Norway, north coast -- Vard to Rst Routeing system 20/07
3 Norwegian charts Accuracy 33/06
6 Military prohibited areas 45/05
6, 327 Reporting requirements for vessels carrying dangerous or polluting 30/05
6, 209, 220, 226, 228 Vard vessel traffic service 04/07
52--53 Andefjorden -- Saurabogen Leading lights; directions 40/05
60 Sandsya Military prohibited area 41/05
119 Solbergfjorden -- Indreleia Dyrya Light 11/05
126 Gibostad Military prohibited area 41/05
142 Troms -- Tromsysundet Anchorage 50/04
146 Southern part of Sandyfjorden -- Approaches to Skagysundet 01/07
168 Fuglysveet -- Burya Marine farm 10/05
171 East side of Vannya -- Valavgen Valabotn anchorage 36/07
177 South side of Arnya -- Akkarvik Anchorage 36/07
191 Maursundet -- Jekthamna Anchorage removed 07/07
203 Breivik Jetty 42/05
207 Sandyfjorden -- Hnsebyfjorden Spar buoy 02/05
212 Trollsundet -- south--east of Ingya Depths 40/06
214 North--east of Ingya Depths 33/06
219 North--west side of Magerya -- Gjesvr Depths 36/06
228 Srysundet -- Approaches to Hammerfest Obstruction 13/05
231 Myrfjorden Anchorage removed 15/07
232 Havysundet Havysund Light deleted 15/07
237 South side of Magerya -- Kobbholet Bridge 36/06
265 North side of Magerya -- Lille Skarsvg Depth 36/06
265 Kamyfjorden -- South--west and west of Stora Kamy Light sectors 49/06
and depths


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59 Nova Scotia and Bay of Fundy

70 Nova Scotia -- New Harbour Cove Buoy 29/07
115 Nova Scotia -- Mahone Bay Light discontinued 04/07
129 Nova Scotia -- Medway Harbour Buoy 20/07
131--132 Nova Scotia -- Liverpool Bay Light buoy discontinued 12/07
134 Nova Scotia -- Little Hope Island Buoy 17/06
134--135 Lockeport Harbour Approaches Buoyage 11/06
137 Nova Scotia -- Sable River and approaches Buoyage 04/07
140 Nova Scotia -- Negro Harbour Buoyage 45/06
141 Nova Scotia -- Port La Tour Buoyage 04/07
141 Nova Scotia -- Jordan Bay KSB Light Buoy 21/07
148 Nova Scotia -- Pubnico Harbour Buoy 30/06
160 Nova Scotia -- Saint Marys Bay -- Meteghan Buoyage 04/07
192, 195, 197 Maine Passamaquoddy Bay and Approaches Pilotage; tugs 14/07
206 Nova Scotia -- Letete Passage and Approaches -- Lords Cove 04/07
236 Appendix IV Canadian Quarantine Reporting Requirement 39/07
245 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06

60 Pacific Islands I
3 Navigational Aids -- Beacons Cyclonic damage 13/04
110 Solomon Islands -- New Georgia Island -- Viru Harbour Leading 35/04
beacons; beacons
183, 203 Papua New Guinea -- Bright Island Passage; Shortland Reef Lights 47/05
200 Papua New Guinea -- Raven Channel Light--beacons 30/05
201 Papua New Guinea -- South--West Approaches to Raven Channel -- 30/05
Dana--gedu Reef Light--beacon
201--202, 204--205 Papua New Guinea -- Approaches to Goschen Strait Directions 45/05
201 Papua New Guinea -- Hibwa Island Light--beacon 30/05
201 Papua New Guinea -- Raven Channel -- Diligaoli and Taori--Namu 30/05
Reefs Light--beacons
206 Papua New Guinea -- Goschen Strait -- Gallows Reef Light--beacon 33/05
349 Caroline Islands -- Pikelot Island -- Tarang Reef Obstruction; depth 10/05
369 Rota Harbour and Sosanlagh Bay Chimney 35/06
370 Mariana Islands -- Saipan Harbour Dredged depth 13/05
371 Northern Mariana Islands -- Saipan Harbour approach Shoal 13/04
387 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06

61 Pacific Islands II
82 Nouvelle--Caldonie -- Passe de Dumba Leading lights 31/07
451 Tarawa -- Betio northwards Wreck 10/07

62 Pacific Islands III

95 le de Rapa -- Baie dAhurei Depth 04/07
152 Polynsie Franaise -- Tahiti -- Passe de Taapuna Submarine pipeline 10/07
171 les de la Socit -- le de Moorea Regulations 01/07
197 les Sous--le--Vent -- Raiatea -- Port dUturoa Depth 32/06
261, 268, 280, 282, 298, Hawaiian Islands Security zones 18/07
301, 310, 322, 324,
268 Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii -- Keauhou Bay Directions 12/07
306 Hawaiian Islands, Oahu -- Pearl Harbor Pipe 28/07
316 Hawaiian Islands, Oahu -- Waimanalo Bay Depths 09/07
331, 371 North--west Hawaiian Islands Restricted area 26/07
356 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06

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63 Persian Gulf
64 Oman -- Qalht Fertiliser terminal 10/06
80, 81 Ras alln to Fujairah -- Port Sohar Fairway light--buoy 40/06
128 Iran -- Jazreh-ye Lavan westwards Dangerous wreck 04/07
139 Iran -- Gnveh Approach 52/05
154 Shrjah Arrival information Outer anchorages 13/07
156 Dubai Arrival information Outer anchorages 39/07
158 Dubai Directions and Berths -- Dubai Dry Dock Harbour 13/07
159 Khawr Dubai Approach and Entry Directions 01/07
165 Abu Dhabi -- Arrival information Anchorage 04/07
171 United Arab Emirates -- Jazrat Ds SBM 52/05
182 Doha eastwards Dangerous wreck 12/07
193 Ras Laffn Approach and entry; outer anchorages; development 12/07
203 Approaches to Bahrain -- Mina al Manama Directions 45/06
241 Mn ash Shuwaykh (Al Kuwayt Harbour) approaches Dangerous 12/07
253, 255 Khawr al Kafka and Al Barah (Al Bakr) Oil Terminal General 17/07
information; directions
269 Khawr Abd Allh Directions Uncharted buoys 10/07
269 Iraq -- Khawr Abd Allh Dangerous wreck 12/07

64 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

80 Suez Bay -- Rs Muhaggara Dangerous wreck 47/05
94 Gulf of Suez -- Shab Ghrib Oilfield Wreck 45/05
137 Bab El Mandeb -- Mayyn Depth 13/06
212 Eritrea -- Massawa Anchorage 36/05
372 Oman -- Masirah and approaches -- Ras ar Ruays to ilf; Ras ilf 22/05
Submarine cable; anchorage
387 Approaches to Djibouti Wreck 21/05

65 St Lawrence
68 Baie de Bonne -- Esprance and Baie au Saumon Beacon removed 01/07
76 Havre de Harrington Anchorage Depth 04/07
80 Cap Whittle to Pointe Curlew le du Large Beacon 04/07
82--83 Pointe Curlew to Baie Washtawouka Light removed 01/07
130--131,137 les de la Madeleine -- Pointe de lEst Light; other aid to navigation; 28/07
148 St Lawrence River -- Cap Chat Light discontinued 13/07
183 Chenal des Grands Voiliers Vertical clearance reduced 07/07
277 Saint Georges Bay Port Hood Leading lights 05/07
311 Hillsborough Bay to Confederation Bridge -- Pugwash Harbour 49/06
338 Baie des Challeurs -- Bathurst Silting 12/07
343 Rivire Restigouche Miguasha--Ouest Light; beacon 01/07
349 Baie de Gasp -- Douglastown Marine farm 04/07
363 Appendix III Canadian Quarantine Reporting Requirement 39/07

66 West Coast of Scotland

2, 5, 144--146, 363--367, West coast of Scotland Routeing measures; Traffic Separation 25/07
385, 387--388, 392, 394, Scheme
399, 431, 441
5 Pollution of the sea Western European Tanker Reporting System 20/05
56 North Channel, east side -- Black Head Killantringan Light 26/07
71 Firth of Clyde -- Troon Harbour Conspicuous building; racon 12/06
72 Firth of Clyde -- Approaches to Troon Dangerous wreck 42/06
213 Luing -- Ardinamir Bay Beacon missing 25/06
276 Loch Linnhe -- Corpach Slip rails 46/05
372 Sea of the Hebrides -- Barra Sgeir Dubh Light 28/07


NP no Page(s) Title Edition
386 The Little Minch -- Sgeir Graidach; Eugenie Rock Beacon; 18/05
410--412, 414 Sound of Harris Directions 37/07

67 West Coasts of Spain and Portugal

7 Spain -- Marine reserve Estrecho Nature Park 36/07
71 Spain -- Approaches to Ra de Betanzos Wreck 01/02/06
109 Spain -- Vigo Pilot boarding position 28/06
130, 132 Portugal -- Porto do Douro Maximum size of vessel; anchorage; 18/06
entrance directions
162 Portugal -- Setbal Vessel traffic service 01/02/06
180 Portugal -- Cabo de Santa Maria Shoals 06/07
180 Portugal -- Portos de Faro e Olho Anchorage 31/06
184 Portugal -- Entrance to Ro Guadiana Anchorage 24/06
191, 193 Spain -- Ro Guadalquivir and approaches Pilotage 01/02/06
209--210, 218, 220--221 Morocco Tanger--Mditerrane 15/07
212 Spain -- Isla de Tarifa Wreck 05/07
230 Gibraltar Pilot boarding area 27/06
230 Gibraltar Pilot boarding position 25/07
244--245 Aores -- Ponta Delgada Harbour entrance 32/07

68 East Coast of the United States I

12, 107--108 Gloucester Harbor Measured distance 18/07
54 Penobscot Bay Pilotage 39/07
54 Penobscot Bay Pilotage 36/07
85 Broad Sound Buoy 37/07
88 Hussey Sound Obstruction; wreck 28/07
93 Portland Harbor Directions 07/07
93 Portland Harbor Anchorages; obstruction 18/07
114--115 Approaches to Boston Harbor Routeing 25/07
122--123, 125 South part of Massachusetts Bay Whale avoidance routes 07/07
126 East and south side of Cape Cod Bay Whale avoidance track 07/07
127 Provincetown Shoal 22/07
171 Long Island Sound -- Plum Gut Buoy 36/07
173 Long Island Sound Directions; stranded wreck 07/07
206--207, 211 New York Harbor Anchorage areas 18/07
207 New York Harbor Anchorage areas; shoaling 07/07
212 New York Harbor -- Arthur Kill Racon 12/07
214 Passaic River Bridges 22/07

69 East Coast of the United States II

9, 95 Chincoteague Inlet to Chesapeake Bay Entrance Rescue 23/06
62 Little Egg Inlet Buoy 25/07
93--95, 99, 102, 262 Virginia -- Winter Quarter Shoal to False Cape Regulated navigation 12/06
103, 106 Approaches and entrance to Chesapeake Bay Wreck; tower 28/07
116 James River Lower Part -- Nansemond River Directions 36/06
119 Virginia -- Richmond Deepwater Terminal Depth 13/06
130 Chesapeake Bay -- Main channel to Baltimore Directions 07/06
146 Chesapeake Bay -- Point No Point to Blackwalnut Point Directions; 37/07
168 Head of Chesapeake Bay Light discontinued 12/07
192 Cape Fear River Directions; leading lights 30/07
192 Cape Fear River Directions; leading lights 19/07
202 South Carolina -- Cape Romain to Charleston Directions 07/06
202--203 South Carolina -- Cape Romain to Charleston Buoyage 16/06
208 South Carolina -- Charleston Harbor -- Shutes and Folly Reach 07/06
Leading lights
210 Charleston Harbor -- Shipyard Creek Depth 33/07

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219 Savannah and approaches Pilotage 01/07
219, 263 Savannah -- Elba Island Security zone 37/07
223--224, 227 Braddock Point to Saint Simons Sound Whale avoidance routes 07/07
227 Georgia -- Brunswick and St Simons Sound Directions 07/06
232--233, 237, 246 Saint Simons Sound to Saint Johns River Whale avoidance routes 07/07
233 Saint Simons Sound to Saint Marys Entrance Wreck 24/07
245 Florida -- Saint Johns River to Cape Canaveral Hazards 12/06
261 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06

69A East Coasts of Central America and Gulf of Mexico

2, 164, 167, 195, 205, Gulf of Mexico Marine exploitation; Safety Fairways 44/06
225, 247, 306
70 Caribbean Sea -- Isla de San Andres Racon 50/06
72 Caribbean Sea -- Thunder Knoll Depth 44/06
100--101 Honduras Tela 34/06
119 Mexico -- Isla Cozumel -- San Miguel Wrecks 32/06
128 Mexico -- Progreso Front leading light 12/07
136 Mexico -- Ciudad del Carmen Directions 28/07
137, 139 Gulf of Campeche -- Dos Bocas Racon 19/07
176 Texas -- Port Lavaca and Point Comfort Pilotage 28/07
195 Texas -- Sabine Pass Caution 26/06
200, 204, 206--207 Gulf of Mexico -- Galveston Bay Gulf Gateway Deep Water Port 44/06
227 Florida -- Port Boca Grande Directions; Leading Lights 26/06
243 Florida -- West of Cedar Keys Wreck 32/06
243 Florida -- Tampa Bay to Lighthouse Point Wreck 35/07
258 Gulf of Mexico -- Pensacola Bay Leading lights 43/06
267 Gulf of Mexico -- Pascagoula Pilotage 07/07
288 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06

70 West Indies I
55 Bermuda Pilotage 28/06
69, 72 Turks Island Passage Grand Turk Cruise Centre 10/07
70 Banks and Channels South--East of Turks Islands -- Navidad Bank 47/05
96, 100, 104 North East Providence Channel -- Goulding Cay Stranded wreck 29/06
104 Tongue of the Ocean -- Clifton Lights discontinued 48/06
110 South Riding Point Oil Terminal Anchorages 24/07
118, 120--121 Straits of Florida Hazards 12/06
121 Port Canaveral and approaches Missile debris 26/04
122 Florida -- Port Canaveral Security zones 10/05
128 Florida -- Palm Beach Security zones 10/05
129 Florida -- Palm Beach -- Entrance Channel Wreck 33/06
134 Port Everglades Outer anchorages 25/07
134 Port Everglades Pilotage 22/07
134 Florida -- Port Everglades Security zones 10/05
138 Miami Outer anchorage 25/07
138 Florida -- Port of Miami Security zones 10/05
146 Florida -- Port of Key West Security zones 10/05
147 Florida -- Key West -- Directions for other approach channels 35/06
North--west channel
149 Tortugas Bank -- Traffic regulations Prohibited anchorage 16/04
152, 297 Florida -- North--west approaches to Key West Operational training 04/05
171 Cuba, North coast -- Baha de Cayo Moa Anchorage; wreck 40/04
176 Cuba, North coast -- Baha Naranjo Restricted area 41/04
176 Cuba, North coast -- Punta Cobarrubia Wreck 41/04
183 Cuba, North coast -- Cayo Piedras del Norte Restricted area 41/04
202 Dominican Republic Puerto de Andrs 38/07


NP no Page(s) Title Edition
207 Dominican Republic -- Puerto de Barahona Entrance channel 38/07
220 Hati -- Port--au--Prince -- Anchorages and berths Jetty; depths 16/05
269--270 Jamaica, South coast -- Portland Bight and approaches Stetton Hall 26/04
277 Cayman Islands -- Lesser Caymans Anchorages 12/06
278 Cayman Islands -- Grand Cayman Anchorage 28/07
281--283 United States Code of Federal Regulations -- Ports and Waterways 19/05
Safety -- General Notice of Arrival Information Items
295 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06
298--322 Appendix VII -- United States Marine Sanctuary, Wildlife and Fisheries 16/04
Regulations Extracts
332 Appendix X New and Altered Names 16/04

71 West Indies II
149, 159--160, 163, Puerto Rico -- Pasaje de Vieques Directions 32/07
196 Sint Maarten -- Approaches to Groot Baai and Klein Baai Buoy 47/06
196 Sint Maarten -- Groot Baai and Klein Baai Prohibited Anchorage 09/06
207 Leeward Islands -- Saba to Monserrat Wreck 36/06
218 Montserrat -- East and south--west coasts Exclusion zone 10/07
219 Monserrat -- Little Bay Wreck 36/06
263, 268 Dominica -- West coast Nature reserve; light 08/07
272 Martinique -- Approaches to Baie de Fort--de--France Fish havens 07/07
275--279 Martinique -- Baie de Fort--de--France Directions 34/06
284--285 Martinique -- Havre de la Trinit Buoyage 05/06
315, 322 Grenadines -- Canouan Depths 24/06
333 Grenada -- St. Georges Harbour Berth 15/06
347--348 Barbados -- Spring Garden Submarine pipeline 20/06
366 US Code of Federal Regulations Naval Vessel Protection Zones 44/06

72 Southern Barents Sea and Beloye More

44 Norway, north coast -- Vard to Rst Routeing system 20/07
69 Russia, North coast -- Murmansk Directions; wreck 39/05

100 The Mariners Handbook

2 Australian and New Zealand Charts 25/05
4 International charts International boundaries and national limits 37/05
6 Electronic Chart Display and Information System 29/05
6 Electronic Navigational Charts Updating 42/05
6 Electronic Navigational Charts 29/05
6 Overlapping ENCs Caution 47/06
30 Interpretation of source data 29/05
41 Use of moored marks 10/05
63 Pollution of the Sea Ballast water 19/07
71 Marine farms Caution 22/07
81 Overhead Power Cables 46/06
85 Tidal streams Information on charts 17/06
250 Glossary Vertical clearance 17/06

136 Ocean Passages for the World

168 Singapore Hong Kong Routes Low--powered vessels; distance 26/04

(HA. 905/008/001/22) [39/07]

Wk39/07 4.25


Vol A Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
A05615 - North Pontoon. East end 50 4238 N 2 F G(vert) .. . . Pontoon
1 3012 W
* * * * * * * *
A056155 - South Pontoon. East end 50 4236 N 2 F R(vert) .. . . Pontoon
1 3011 W
* * * * * * * *
A056156 - South Pontoon. West end 50 4236 N 2 F R(vert) .. . . Pontoon
1 3022 W
* * * * * * * *
A21868 - 51 4805 N Fl(2)G 5s .. . . Green post
1 0076 E
* * * * * * * *
A21895 Remove from list

A21899 Remove from list

A4672 - Groyne. Head 54 5214 N 2 F G(vert) 4 4 Dolphin

(ABP) 3 2392 W
- - - New Dock Traffic signal at .. F GWG(vert) .. . . Mast A vessel may proceed only when it has
SS 315m ESE received specific orders from the Port
Authority to do so
* *
A57765 Youghal. Red Bank. Dinghy 51 5777 N 2 F W .. . . Pontoon
Pontoon 7 5065 W
* * * * * * * *
A7581853 Wintershall. L9-FA-1 53 3300 N Lit
4 4377 E
* * * * * * * *
A7581855 Wintershall. L9-FB-1 53 3399 N Lit
4 5222 E
* * * * * * * *

Vol C Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
C0253 - HOLBK HAVN. Marina. W 55 4355 N Iso WRG 2s 5 W 6 Green post W105-135(30), R135-145(10),
Mole. Head 11 4560 E R 4 3 G145-105(320)
G 4
C2414 Skanr. N Mole. Head 55 2502 N LFl(2)RG 10s 7 R10 White tower fl 2, ec 2, fl 2, ec 4.
12 4967 E G 9 6 G030-063(33), R063-130(67),
G130-171(41), R171-shore
C3884 Letipea. On cape 59 3315 N Fl(4)W 18s 17 7 White square concrete (fl 1, ec 1) x 3, fl 1, ec 11
26 3641 E tower
* * *

5.1 Wk39/07

Vol D Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
D138715 Remove from list

D14948 Remove from list

D14949 - N Breakwater. Head 43 1860 N Fl G 5s 10 5 Post fl 05.

2 2280 W 6 Light buoy QG marks works in
progress; moved with works (T) 2007
D1622 - Ldg Lts 255. Front. Inner 43 3690 N Fl WG 5s 3 5 Green tower fl 05.
Breakwater. Head 5 4736 W 2 2525-2575(5)
D1732 - Punta Lage 43 1384 N Fl(5)W 20s 64 20 White truncated conical (fl 01, ec 24) x 4, fl 01, ec 99.
9 0065 W tower TE 2007
* * *
D234985 - Ldg Lts 248. F. Front 37 1780 N Q R 8 5 Red and white striped % Reported obscured by trees and not
6 0262 W , on brown round trower visible by day 2007
* *
D28002 - PUERTO DE LA LUZ. Muelle 28 0788 N Fl R 4s 6 5 Red round tower fl 1.
Len y Castillo. Head. SE 15 2472 W 5 TE 2007
* *
D6002 - N Breakwater. Head 34 0300 S Fl G 2s 5 2 Yellow hut
18 2100 E
D6442 Cape Hermes 31 3810 S Fl W 3s 54 21 8-sided masonry tower, fl 03.
29 3320 E white lantern Vis 230-040(170) and to 159(241)
13 in entrance.
TE 2007
D6466 - N Pier. Head 29 5200 S Fl G 3s 8 6 Black column TE; replaced by lit green conical buoy
31 0360 E 5 2007
D6483321 - Mhlatuze. LM12. Lts in line 28 4739 S FG .. . . Metal pole TE 2007
29950 32 0129 E 10

Vol E Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
E04346 - Villa Olimpica. Beach. 41 2306 N Q R 3 1 Red post TE 2007
Breakwater. Head 2 1190 E 2
E04402 - Dique de Poniente. Head 41 3340 N Fl(3)R 10s 6 2 Lantern (fl 05, ec 15) x 2, fl 05, ec 55.
2 3040 E TE 2007
E04404 - Contadique Interior. Head 41 3350 N Fl(4)R 12s 3 2 Red column (fl 05, ec 15) x 3, fl 05, ec 55.
2 3050 E 1 TE 2007
E2744 Hrid Galijola (Galiola) 44 4371 N Fl W 5s 21 12 8-sided stone tower with fl 05
14 1054 E gallery
- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 70550. TR 2007
E3194 - Pakotane. Breakwater. Head 43 5435 N Fl G 5s 7 4 Green tower, column fl 05.
15 3051 E and gallery Vis 106-321(215)
* *

5.2 Wk39/07

Vol E Edition 2007/08 continued.

E3195 - Garafulin 43 5420 N Fl(2)R 4s 6 3 Red metal column fl 05, ec 1, fl 05, ec 2.
15 3090 E 4 Vis 115-041(286)
* * * * * * * *
E3354 - Gat S Petra. Head 43 3027 N Fl(3)W 8s 9 3 White tower (fl 05, ec 1) x 2, fl 05, ec 45
16 2642 E 8
* * * * * * *
E34055 - Otok S Klement. Palmiana. 43 0980 N Fl(2)G 4s 4 2 Green metal column Vis 181-062(241)
ACI Marina. Floating 16 2400 E 3
breakwater. Head
* * * * * * * *
E37265 - Kepi I Jugor 40 2850 N Fl R 3s 18 3 Metal framework on Reported Fl G 2007
19 1718 E stone tower
* * *
E45552 - N Mole. Head 40 5049 N Fl G 3s 9 3 White 6-sided hut with fl 04.
25 5309 E column and green band Q G 08M ESE (T) 2007
* * *
E50621 - DNISTROVS'KO 46 0427 N FR 23 5 White building, black Vis on leading line only
LYMANS'KYI KANAL. Kosa 30 2811 E stripe
Bugaz. Ldg Lts 169. Rear.
380m from front
* *
E50631 - DNISTROVS'KO 46 1147 N FR 30 6 Black , on black U, Vis on leading line only
LYMANS'KYI KANAL. Ldg 30 2184 E white stripe
Lts 3193. Rear. 059M from 18
* * *
E50776 - SUKHYY LYMAN. Pier No 1 46 2045 N FG 6 1 4-sided metal
30 3828 E framework structure
* * * * *
E507762 - SUKHYY LYMAN. Pier No 1 46 2044 N FG 7 1 Lantern on grey and
30 3828 E white building
* * * * * * * *

Vol F Edition 2006/07. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
F16942 - Takong Kecil. Off S end. 1 0590 N Q(6)+LFl W 15s 11 11 " on black buoyant Missing; Light buoy " 6M in situ (T)
Takong 103 4324 E beacon, yellow top 2007
---- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 86270
F1696 - Batu Berhanti. W Reef 1 1109 N Fl W 8s 16 13 White beacon, red band fl 07.
(I) 103 5298 E 10 Ra refl. TE 2007
--- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 86300
F1697965 - TELUK JODOH. Batu Ampar 1 0965 N Fl W 5s 9 8 White beacon fl 05.
(I) 103 5923 E Ra refl
* * *
F1894 Tg Datu 2 0476 N Fl W 15s 171 18 Round concrete tower fl 06.
109 3852 E 8 TE 2007
* *
F2326 - ILOILO STRAIT. Iloilo River. 10 4160 N Fl G 4s 8 6 White GRP tower fl 07.
Entrance. SW side 122 3494 E 6 Vis 047-038(351).
(PCG) TE 2007
* *

5.3 Wk39/07

Vol F Edition 2006/07 continued.

F2360 - Hagnaya Bay 11 0707 N Fl R 5s 14 7 Beacon Vis 036-160(124), 170-181(11).
(PCG) 123 5637 E TE 2007
F2552 - Pinamalayan 13 0230 N FR .. 7 White metal and GRP Vis 231-357(126)
(PCG) 121 2972 E tower
* * * *
F2620 Cabra Island. W end 13 5340 N Fl (2) W 10s 66 22 White square brick Vis 320-253(293)
(PCG) 120 0130 E tower on white dwelling
* * *
F2632 - La Monja. Summit 14 2254 N Fl W 5s 39 9 Concrete - Wooden TE 2007
(PCG) 120 3133 E platform
* * *
F2728 Rio Grande de Cagayan. 18 2243 N Fl W 5s 11 9 White round metal Vis 104-287(183).
Entrance. Point Linao 121 3569 E tower and dwelling TE 2007
* *
F2732 Cape Engao 18 3490 N Fl W 5s 100 18 Grey granite tower, Vis 061-272(211).
(PCG) 122 0818 E white lantern and TE 2007
dwelling, red roof
F2858 - Ldg Lts 31104. Front 3 5860 N QG 13 13 Red & on metal Vis 2961-3261(30)
103 2599 E framework tower
* * *
F28581 - Ldg Lts 31104. Rear. 960m 3 5896 N Oc G 5s 34 15 Red & on metal Vis 2961-3261(30)
from front 103 2559 E framework tower
* * *
F29154 Ko Palikan 9 2116 N Fl W 3s 31 8 White metal framework fl 03
99 4092 E tower
F35205 - Guizhou 21 5922 N LFl W 6s 31 5 .. fl 2
113 4750 E 4
* * * * * * * *
F3521005 - Xiaowanshan Dao. Shanwei 21 5664 N Fl W 5s 10 5 .. fl 1
Jiao 113 4057 E 5
* * * * * * * *
F352101 - Dawanshan Dao. Mazui Jiao 21 5562 N Fl W 5s 8 5 .. fl 1
113 4292 E 4
* * * * * * * *
F352102 - Dawanshan Dao. Wanshan 21 5681 N Fl W 4s 15 5 .. fl 1
Tou 113 4474 E 4
* * * * * * * *
F3521025 - Baili Dao. S 21 5796 N Fl(2)W 5s 11 5 .. fl 05, ec 1, fl 05, ec 3
113 4544 E 5
* * * * * * * *
F352103 - Baili Dao. La Jiao 21 5937 N Fl(2)W 5s 12 5 .. fl 05, ec 1, fl 05, ec 3
113 4431 E 6
* * * * * * * *
F352105 - Dong'ao Dao Dong'ao Wei 22 0142 N Fl W 3s 10 5 .. fl 1
113 4143 E 6
* * * * * * * *
F352108 - Huangmao Dao. Hou wan Zui 22 0198 N Fl W 5s 13 5 .. fl 1
113 4022 E 6
* * * * * * * *

5.4 Wk39/07

Vol F Edition 2006/07 continued.

F352113 - Datouzhou. S 22 0569 N Fl W 5s 22 5 .. fl 1
113 4228 E 4
* * * * * * * *
F352115 - Chitan Dao. Chitan Tou 22 0730 N Fl W 3s 20 5 .. fl 1
113 4569 E 4
* * * * * * * *
F35235 - ZHIZHOU LIEDAO. 22 0767 N Fl W 6s 14 5 .. fl 1
Dazhizhou. Yinjiao Zui 113 5337 E 5
* * * * * * * *
F352355 - Zhenxiang Dao 22 0723 N Fl W 8s 21 5 .. fl 1
113 5015 E 5
* * * * * * * *
F352358 - Guishan Dao. Dilong Jiao 22 0726 N Fl W 4s 20 5 .. fl 1
113 4941 E 6
* * * * * * * *
F367725 Haimen Gang. Taidan Drainage. 28 4168 N Mo(C)Y 12s 10 4 Yellow on yellow
Warning. No 1 121 2682 E beacon
* * * * * * * *
F367726 Haimen Gang. Taidan Drainage. 28 4169 N Mo(C)Y 12s 10 4 Yellow on yellow
Warning. No 2 121 2681 E beacon
* * * * * * * *
F4168 - So Sudo. Dongbaekdo 37 1190 N Fl W 5s 27 11 White round concrete
(Tonbaekto) 126 1260 E tower
--- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 82365. TR 2007
* * * * * *
F42468 Gyeongseocho 34 1912 N Fl(2)W 5s 8 8 Black # on black
126 0290 E concrete tower, red band
F4968 - Hime Shima. Inazumi 33 4380 N Fl(4)W 30s 56 20 White round stone 4 fl in 21s.
131 4200 E tower Vis 116-064(308)
--- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 83330. TR 2007
* * * * *
F63785 Remove from list

F63786 Remove from list

F63787 Remove from list

F63788 Remove from list

F96904 Remove from list

F9690402 - BO HAI OILFIELD. BZ34 - 38 0399 N Mo(U)W 15s .. 10 Platform

5WJ 119 3263 E
* * * * * * * *
F9690407 - BO HAI OILFIELD. BZ34 - 38 0690 N Mo(U)W 15s .. 10 Platform
3WJ 119 3060 E
* * * * * * * *
F96905 Remove from list

5.5 Wk39/07

Vol G Edition 2006/07. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
G3035 Rio Guayas. Punta de Piedra 2 2587 S Fl W 5s 7 7 White metal tower fl 05
79 5135 W 7
* * *

G356558 Islote El Pardito 24 5055 N Fl W 10s 10 8 Aluminium truncated fl 1, ec 2, 1, 6

110 3637 W pyramidal tower
* *
G362605 - PUERTO DE ENSENADA. 31 5115 N Fl W 3s 13 . . White round tower, red fl 1
Cruise Terminal. Ldg Lts 000. 116 3740 W bands
Front 13
* * * * * * * *
G362606 - PUERTO DE ENSENADA. 31 5135 N Fl W 2s 18 . . White round tower, red fl 1
Cruise Terminal. Ldg Lts 000. 116 3740 W bands
Rear. 365m from front 13
* * * * * * * *
G4784 Point Wilson 48 0865 N Al Fl WR 5s 16 W18 White 8-sided tower on W fl 01, ec 49, R fl 01, ec 49.
122 4528 W R15 building Shown 24 hours
- .. Horn 30s .. .. .. bl 3
* *

Vol H Edition 2006/07. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
H1189 - Inner Harbour 46 3779 N F WRG 10 . . White round tower, red F R18757-18953(156), Al
61 0077 W band WR18953-19003(010), F
7 W19003-19051(048), Al
WG19051-19101(010), F
* *
H1223 - Little Judique Harbour. W 45 5748 N F WRG 8 7 Red and white U, on R077-121(44), W121-123(2),
Breakwater 61 3162 W framework tower, G123-161(38).
enclosed lower portion White sector indicates preferred channel.
7 Seasonal
* * * *
H12605 - Marina 45 4047 N Q G 2 . . Pier Seasonal. Private
62 4266 W 2
H1274 Skinner Cove. W Breakwater. 45 4767 N F WRG 6 5 White and orange U on R127-187(60), W187-189(2),
NW corner 63 0268 W square framework tower G189-240(51).
5 White sector indicates preferred channel.
* * *
H1283 - Macfarlane Point 45 4878 N F WRG 12 21 White square tower, red F R254-256(2).
63 2772 W band Al RW256-257(1).
8 F W257-258(1).
Al GW258-259(1).
F G259-261(2).
White sector indicates preferred channel
* * * *

5.6 Wk39/07

Vol J Edition 2006/07. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
J22279 - Ldg Lts 34306. Front 39 0612 N Oc W 4s 7 . . Mono-pile Vis 09 each side of rangeline
76 2438 W
--- .. By day .. .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
- - - Passing light .. Iso W 4s 4 5
* * * * * * * *
J222791 - Ldg Lts 34301. Rear. 1M 39 0707 N F W 27 . . White round hut on Vis 09 each side of rangeline
from front 76 2475 W framework tower on
multi-pile structure
---- .. By day .. .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
* * * * * * * *
J229851 - South Range Ldg Lts 000. 39 1812 N Oc W 4s 21 . . Framework tower on Vis 55 each side of rangeline.
Common rear. 058M from front 76 1420 W caisson Front J22985
- .. By day 22 .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
- North Range Ldg Lts 226. .. Oc W 4s 22 .. .. Shown 24 hours. Front J22991
Common rear. 06M from front
- Passing lights .. 2 Fl W 4s 14 6
* * * * * * * *
J22991 - N Ldg Lts 226. Front 39 1852 N Fl W 25s 10 . . Framework tower on Intens 15 each side of rangeline
76 1362 W caisson
--- .. By day .. .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
* * * * * * * *
J2316 Upper Chesapeake Channel. Ldg 39 1922 N Fl W 25s 12 . . On caisson Intens 15 each side of rangeline
Lts 015. Front 76 1297 W
--- .. By day 11 .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
* * * * * * * *
J2338 - Grove Point. Ldg Lts 0652. 39 2415 N Fl W 25s 9 . . On platform Vis 4 each side of rangeline
Front 76 0228 W
---- .. By day 9 .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
* * * * * * * *
J23381 - Grove Point. Ldg Lts 0652. 39 2452 N Oc W 4s 18 . . Framework tower Vis 15 each side of rangeline
Rear. 087M from front 76 0123 W
----- .. By day .. .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
- - - - - Passing light .. 2 Oc W 4s 9 7
* * * * * * * *
J2340 - Channel South. Ldg Lts 39 2220 N F W 31 . . Framework tower Vis 14 each side of rangeline
2215. Front 76 0498 W
---- .. By day F W 30 .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
- - - - Emergency light .. .. .. .. .. Vis 15 each side of rangeline
* * * * * * * *
J23401 - Channel South. Ldg Lts 39 2083 N F W 62 . . Framework tower Vis 14 each side of rangeline
2215. Rear. 18M from front 76 0658 W
----- .. By day F W 61 .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
- - - - - Emergency light .. .. .. .. .. Vis 15 each side of rangeline
* * * * * * * *
J30065 ODAS 42080 24 2328 N Fl (4) Y 20s .. . . Yellow superbuoy Private
(NOAA) 81 5692 W
* * * * * * * *
J31841 - CUT F CHANNEL. S. Ldg Lts 27 4397 N Iso G 6s 14 .. .. Common front J3177
1795. Outbound range. Rear. 82 3135 W
048M from common front
------ .. By day .. .. .. Vis 05 each side of rangeline
- - - - - - Passing lights .. 2 Fl W 4s 5 5 .. On NE and NW corners of structure
* *
J3636 Remove from list

J3922 Remove from list

J43255 - RO PAPALOAPAN. 18 4770 N Fl W 5s 9 8 Red round concrete

Breakwater. W 95 4502 W beacon
* * * *
J4805 - Matthew Town 20 5750 N Fl R 12 8 Metal framework tower
73 4040 W 10

5.7 Wk39/07

Vol K Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
K1665 Remove from list

K17095 Stybarrow. FPSO Stybarrow 21 2690 S Mo(U)W 15s .. 10

Venture 113 4950 E
* * * * * * * *
K22424 - No 3 38 0518 S Fl G 3s 6 3 Green pillar on piles Sychronized with K22426
144 3773 E 5
K2285 - No 13 38 0745 S Q(6)+LFl W 15s 6 3 Yellow and black pillar
144 2281 E on piles
K257358 - East Boyd Bay. No 009. Lts in 37 0638 S F Bu .. 3 % on beacon
line 112. Front 149 5578 E
* * * * * * * *
K257359 - East Boyd Bay. No 010. Lts in 37 0639 S F Bu .. 3 + on beacon
line 112. Rear 149 5582 E
* * * * * * * *
K2613 Remove from list

K26131 Remove from list

K26319401 - Dolls Point. Woronora River 33 5969 S Fl G 3s .. . . Green % on green

151 0406 E beacon
* * * * * * * *
K26319402 - Dolls Point. Woronora River 33 5973 S Fl R 3s .. . . Red & on red beacon
151 0351 E
* * * * * * * *
K26319403 - Dolls Point. Woronora River 34 0015 S Fl R 3s .. . . Red & on red beacon
151 0330 E
* * * * * * * *
K26319404 - Dolls Point. Woronora River 34 0022 S Fl R 3s .. . . Red & on red beacon
151 0295 E
* * * * * * * *
K26319405 - Dolls Point. Woronora River 34 0038 S Fl R 3s .. . . Red & on red beacon
151 0287 E
* * * * * * * *
K26319406 - Dolls Point. Woronora River 34 0042 S Fl G 3s .. . . Green % on green
151 0278 E beacon
* * * * * * * *
K270716 - PITTWATER 33 3918 S Fl R 3s .. . . Red beacon
151 1801 E
* * * * * * * *
K2863535 Bribie Island. Pumicestone 27 0269 S Fl G 25s .. . . Green % on beacon Destroyed; green conical buoy Q G in
Channel 153 0773 E situ (T) 2007
K3045 Remove from list

K3233 Bow Reef 13 1842 S Fl W 25s 9 10 White GRP hut on fl 05

(COM) 143 4029 E white concrete column
K33016 - NORTH CHANNEL. No 27 12 4012 S Fl G 4s .. . . Green % on beacon
141 5075 E
K345117 - Badila-Dadubona 10 2169 S QG 7 4 Green % on pile Ra refl
150 5905 E

5.8 Wk39/07

Vol L Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 39, Dated 27 September 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 38, dated 20 September 2007.
L2767 - SKJOMEN. Trangskjomneset 68 2230 N Oc WRG 6s 6 W 9 White lantern R342-347(5), W347-359(12),
17 1500 E R 7 G359-137(138), W137-158(21),
G 7 R158-166(8), W166-176(10),
Obscured by bridge pillar
Shown 7/8 to 29/4

5.9 Wk39/07

Weekly Edition No. 39 dated 27 September 2007

VOLUME 1, PART 2, NP 281(2), 2007/08

Published Wk 28/07
(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 36 dated 6 September 2007)


Delete row and replace by:

Brazil MRCC: +55 21 21046056 & 21046743 Brazil MRCC +55 21 21046038

Salvamar Brasil (HH080/027/12 -- E10) 39/07

PAGE 64, BRAZIL, BRAZIL MRCC (RIO DE JANEIRO), contacts table, row 2.
Delete row and replace by:

Brazil MRCC: +55 21 21046056 & 21046743 Brazil MRCC +55 21 21046038
SISTRAM: +55 21 21046353 SISTRAM: +55 21 21046341

Salvamar Brasil (HH080/027/12 -- E10) 39/07

Delete and replace by diagram on page 6.2
Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E18) 39/07

PAGE 89, CANADA (Pacific Coast), TOFINO (CANADIAN COAST GUARD), VHF table, row 5, Mount Ozzard.
Delete row and replace by:

Mount Ozzard Ch 16 22A 70 74 83A 84 485757N 1252950W

(former amendment 34/07)

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E18) 39/07

PAGE 90, CANADA (Pacific Coast), VICTORIA (CANADIAN COAST GUARD), contacts table, row 3, column 2, E--MAIL.
Delete [email protected] (MCTS) and replace by:
[email protected] (MCTS)
(former amendment 34/07)
Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E18) 39/07

130 128 126 124 122

DSC VHF MMSI 003160014
For Radio Services call Comox Coast Guard Radio
For Vessel Traffic Services call Comox Traffic
7. Texada 9. Discovery Mt
DSC VHF Ch 71 84 DSC VHF Ch 71 84

15 11 8. Cape Lazo 10. Alert Bay

10 DSC VHF Ch 26 71 Ch 26 71
Tofino 11. Port Hardy
DSC VHF MMSI 003160012 DSC VHF Ch 71 84
For Radio Services call Tofino Coast Guard Radio 9
For Vessel Traffic Services call Tofino Traffic Vancouver
Tx Rx DSC VHF MMSI 003160010
2054 2054 14 For Radio Services call Vancouver Coast Guard Radio
50 4125 4125 V For Vessel Traffic Services call Vancouver Traffic 50
16 n
12. Port Alberni 16. Eliza Dome co VHF Ch 12 26
u 1. Watts Point, Howe Sound
Ch 26 74 DSC VHF Ch 26 74 ve
r Comox
13. Mt Ozzard 17. Nootka Is 7 1 DSC VHF Ch 12 26
la 8
DSC VHF Ch 74 84 Ch 74 84 n
17 d
14. Esperanza 18. Estevan Point
83A 83A Victoria JRCC
18 6
15. Holberg +1 250 3632333
13 12 Inmarsat C (AOR-W) 431699932=RESC X

DSC VHF Ch 26 74

Victoria (POR) 431699933=RESC X

2 E-Mail: [email protected]
Amphitrite Point
Tofino 3

4 DSC VHF MMSI 003160011
For Radio Services call Victoria Coast Guard Radio
5 For Vessel Traffic Services call Victoria Traffic

Canadian Coast Guard - Pacific Region Network 2. Annacis Island

Marine Communications & Vessel Traffic Service Centres DSC VHF Ch 26 74
Digital Selective Calling (DSC) 3. Mt Parke
Band DSC Voice SITOR DSC VHF Ch 11 26 74 78A
VHF Ch 70 Ch 16 4. Mt Newton
: MCTS Centre
MF 21875 kHz 2182 kHz 21745 kHz DSC VHF Ch 11 84
: Remote site
HF4 42075 kHz 4125 kHz 41775 kHz 5. Mt Helmcken
NOTE: Canadian CG MCTS centres maintain H24 watch on VHF DSC and CH 16
HF6 63120 kHz 6215 kHz 6268 kHz DSC VHF Ch 11 84
R/T MF sites also keep H24 watch on 2182 kHz
HF8 84145 kHz 8291 kHz 83765 kHz
Pacific Region MCTS Centres are changing the working frequency from 6. Bowen I
HF12 125770 kHz 12290 kHz 12520 kHz
VHF Channel 22A to VHF Channel 83A (157.175 MHz). Channel 22A is DSC VHF Ch 11 74 84
available at Mt Parke and Mt Newton only. HF16 168045 kHz 16420 kHz 16695 kHz


130 128 126 124 122

VOLUME 3, PART 2, NP 283(2), 2007/08

Published Wk 3/07
(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 33 dated 16 August 2007)


PAGE 216, diagram NOAA Weather Radio, Eastport to Montauk Point, Coastal Forecast Areas.
Delete and replace by diagram on page 6.4
NOAA (HH080/024/26 -- E29) 39/07

PAGE 224, diagram NOAA Weather Radio, Point Arguello to Point S. George, Coastal Forecast Areas.
Delete and replace by diagram on page 6.5
NOAA (HH080/024/26 -- E30) 39/07


Delete and replace by diagram on page 6.6
NOAA (HH080/024/26 -- E28) 39/07

VOLUME 5, NP 285, 2007/08

Published Wk 25/07
(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 38 dated 20 September 2007)


Delete and replace by:

National SAR Agency: Estonian Board of Border Guard

Address: Prnu mnt 139/1, 15183 Tallinn
Tel: +372 614 9003
Fax: +372 614 9199
E--mail: [email protected]

JRCC Tallinn (HH080/004/14 -- E14) 39/07

PAGE 339, INDIA, Western Region, MRCC MUMBAI.

Delete and replace by:

Telephone +91 Fax +91 Others

MRCC MUMBAI 22 24332554 22 24316558 Inmarsat C (IOR) INDSAR Toll Free Code 43
22 24301455 22 24333727 Inmarsat C (IOR) 441907210=BMCG X
22 24376153 Inmarsat mini--M (IOR) 762882349 (Voice)
22 24388065 (IOR) 762882350 (Fax)
call 1554 (toll free) (IOR) 762882351 (Data)
E--mail [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

MRCC Mumbai (HH080/017/10 -- E5) 39/07


V3(2)NOAA6 V002 13/09/07

72 71 70 69 68 67

NOAA Weather Radio Ch WX4
45 Eastport to Montauk Point 45
Coastal Forecast Areas Ch WX1 Eastport
= NOAA Weather Radio Site Ch WX2
Ch WX1 = VHF Broadcast Channel
ANZ 052

NOAA Weather Radio Frequencies Dresden

Ch WX3
Ch WX1 162550 MHz ANZ 050
Ch WX2 162400 MHz
Ch WX3 162475 MHz
ANZ 151
Ch WX4 162425 MHz
44 Falmouth ANZ 051 44
Ch WX5 162450 MHz Penobscot
Ch WX6 162500 MHz Ch WX1
ANZ 070
Ch WX7 162525 MHz ANZ 150

ANZ 153 ANZ 152

ANZ 170

ANZ 154
Stratham Hill
43 Ch WX5 43

Merrimack R.

Ch WX4

ANZ 250
Ch WX3 ANZ 230

42 Hyannis 42
Providence Cape
Ch WX1
Ch WX2 ANZ 231 Cod

New London
Ch WX1 ANZ 254
ANZ 232 ANZ 270
ANZ 235 233
ANZ 237 Marthas
Vineyard Nantucket
Point Island Coastal marine forecasts are issued for the following areas:
ANZ 255
41 ANZ 050 Eastport to Schoodic Point out 25 n miles 41
Long ANZ 051 Schoodic Point to Stonington out 25 n miles
Island ANZ 052 Intra coastal waters from Schoodic Point to Stonington
ANZ 150 Stonington to Port Clyde out 25 n miles
ANZ 151 Penobscot Bay
ANZ 152 Port Clyde to Cape Elizabeth out 25 n miles
ANZ 153 Casco Bay
ANZ 154 Cape Elizabeth to Merrimack River out 25 n miles
ANZ 230 Boston Harbor
ANZ 231 Cape Cod Bay
ANZ 232 Nantucket Sound
ANZ 233 Vineyard Sound
ANZ 234 Buzzards Bay
ANZ 235 Rhode Island Sound
ANZ 236 Narragansett Bay
40 ANZ 237 Block Island Sound 40
ANZ 250 Merrimack River out 25 n miles to Plymouth out 40 n miles
ANZ 254 Provincetown to Nantucket out 20 n miles
ANZ 255 Nantucket to Montauk out 20 n miles
The following areas are part of the Offshore Forecast Areas but will
issue warnings for short duration convective events
ANZ 070 Eastport to Stonington / Deer Island 25 n miles to the
Hague line but not to exceed 40 n miles
ANZ 170 Stonington / Deer Island to Merrimack river River from
25 to 40 n miles
ANZ 270 Merrimack River to Watch Hill from 25 to 40 n miles

72 71 70 69 68 67



V3(2)NOAA11 V001 10/09/07

126 125 124 123 122 121 120

42 Brookings 42
Ch WX1 NOAA Weather Radio
S. George
Point Arguello to Point S. George
Coastal Forecast Areas
= NOAA Weather Radio Site
Ch WX1 = VHF Broadcast Channel
PZZ 470

41 PZZ 450 NOAA Weather Radio Frequencies 41

Ch WX1 162550 MHz
Ch WX2 162400 MHz
Ch WX3 162475 MHz
Eureka Ch WX4 162425 MHz
Cape Ch WX2 Ch WX5 162450 MHz
Mendocino Ch WX6 162500 MHz
Ch WX7 162525 MHz

40 40

PZZ 475
PZZ 455
Ch WX2

Point Arena
Ch WX1
39 Point 39

PZZ 540

Big Rock Ridge

Ch WX6

PZZ 570
38 Mt Diablo 38
Ch WX4
San Francisco
PZZ 545 530
San Francisco
Ch WX2

Pigeon Point
Ch WX1
37 37
PZZ 560
Monterey Bay Monterey Marine
Point Ch WX5

PZZ 575

PZZ 565


Coastal marine forecasts are issued for the following areas:
San Simeon
PZZ 450 Point S. George to Cape Mendocino out 20 n miles Ch WX7
PZZ 455 Cape Mendocino to Point Arena out 20 n miles Point
PZZ 470 Point S. George to Cape Mendocino 20 to 60 n miles Piedras Blancas
PZZ 475 Cape Mendocino to Point Arena 20 to 60 n miles
PZZ 530 San Francisco, San Pablo, Suisun Bays and West Delta
PZZ 535 Monterey Bay San Luis Obispo
PZZ 540 Point Arena to Point Reyes out 20 n miles Ch WX1
PZZ 545 Point Reyes to Pigeon Point out 20 n miles
PZZ 670
PZZ 560 Pigeon Point to Point Pinos out 20 n miles
35 PZZ 565 Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas out 20 n miles 35
PZZ 570 Point Arena to Pigeon Point 20 to 60 n miles
PZZ 575 Pigeon Point to Point Piedras Blancas 20 to 60 n miles
PZZ 670 Point Piedras Blancas to Point Arguello out to 60 n miles

126 125 124 123 122 Point

121 Conception 120


160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 70

PKZ 235

PKZ 230 PKZ 240

PKZ 245
PKZ 011 Glacier Bay PKZ 141 Kachemak Bay
PKZ 012 Northern Lynn Canal PKZ 150 Coastal waters South of Alaska Peninsula,
PKZ 013 Southern Lynn Canal Sitkinak to Castle Cape
60 PKZ 021 Icy Strait PKZ 155 Coastal waters South of Alaska Peninsula,
PKZ 022 Cross Sound Castle Cape to Cape Sarichef
PKZ 031 Stephens Passage PKZ 160 Bristol Bay, from Cape Newenham toPort Heiden
PKZ 220 PKZ 032 Northern Chatham Strait PKZ 165 Bristol Bay, from Port Heiden to Cape Sarichef
PKZ 033 Southern Chatham Strait PKZ 170 Cape Sarichef to Nikolski
PKZ 034 Frederick Sound PKZ 171 Unalaska Bay
PKZ PKZ 035 Sumner Strait PKZ 172 Nikolski to Adak
215 PKZ 036 Clarence Strait PKZ 175 Adak to Kiska
PKZ 041 Dixon Entrance to Cape Decision PKZ 176 Kiska to Attu
PKZ 042 Cape Decision to Cape Edgecumbe PKZ 179 Pribilof Islands
PKZ 043 Cape Edgecumbe to Cape Fairweather PKZ 180 Cape Newenham to Dall Point
PKZ 051 Cape Fairweather to Icy Cape PKZ 185 S. Matthew Island waters
PKZ 052 Icy Cape to Cape Suckling PKZ 200 Norton Sound
PKZ 053 Yakutat Bay PKZ 210 Dall Point to Wales
PKZ 120 Cape Suckling to Gore Point PKZ 215 Kotzebue Sound
PKZ 200 PKZ 121 Resurrection Bay PKZ 220 Wales to Cape Thompson
PKZ 210 PKZ 125 Prince William Sound PKZ 225 Cape Thompson to Cape Beaufort
PKZ 126 Port Valdez PKZ 230 Cape Beaufort to Point Franklin
PKZ 127 Valdez Narrows PKZ 235 Point Franklin to Cape Halkett
PKZ 128 Valdez Arm PKZ 240 Cape Halkett to Flaxman Island
PKZ 129 Passage Canal PKZ 245 Flaxman Island to Demarcation Point
PKZ 185 PKZ 130 Barren Island and Kamishak Bay waters PKZ 351 Gulf of Alaska Offshore, North of 57N and West of 144W
PKZ 132 Shuyak Island to Sitkinak PKZ 352 Gulf of Alaska Offshore, South of 57N, North of 55N


PKZ 136 Chiniak Bay and West of 144W

PKZ 137 Marmot Bay PKZ 411 Bering Sea Offshore, West of 180 and East of the
PKZ 138 Shelikof Strait International Dateline
PKZ 140 Cook Inlet, North of Kamishak Bay and PKZ 412 Bering Sea Offshore, 171W to 180 and North of 56N
English Bay PKZ 413 Bering Sea Offshore, 171W to 180 and South of 56N
PKZ 411 PKZ 414 Bering Sea Offshore, East of 171W


PKZ 412 PKZ 011
PKZ 141 053
140 PKZ
PKZ 052 022 PKZ 013
PKZ 121 PKZ 120 PKZ 051
PKZ 032
PKZ 130
PKZ 179 PKZ 160 021
PKZ 176 PKZ 414 PKZ 138 PKZ 043 PKZ 034
PKZ 351 PKZ 310
PKZ 413 PKZ 132 033
50 PKZ 042 PKZ 035 PKZ 036
PKZ 150 PKZ PKZ 041
PKZ 175 PKZ 171 PKZ 352 126
PKZ 128
PKZ 172 Prince William Sound
PKZ 129 PKZ 125
PKZ 155
PKZ 170

180 50 170 160 150 140

VOLUME 6, PART 1, NP 286(1), 2007/08 (5) Notice of ETA: Masters or agents of inward-bound vessels for any port or berth
Published Wk 32/07 within the Humber, Ouse or Trent requiring the services of an Authorised Pilot must
give at least 12h advance notice to VTS Humber with ETA at the seaward limit of the

Humber Pilotage Area stating the following information:
(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 38 dated 20 September 2007)
(a) Vessels name
PAGES 191 and 193 to 196, UNITED KINGDOM, HUMBER. (b) Call sign
Delete Pilots and Vessel Trac Service sections and replace by: (c) Draught
(d) LOA
(e) DWT, GT and NT
DESCRIPTION: (f) Air draught (if vessel bound above Humber Bridge or the Steel Terminal at Hull
Humber Pilotage Control and Vessel Trac Services, Humber, are combined in a single or Goole)
centre based at Spurn Head. This centre organises all operational marine functions. (g) Billing agency
In addition, the VTS Humber data centre, located at Port House, Hull, provides (h) Last port or anchorage
administrative support for the Spurn centre. (i) ETA at Spurn Lt Float
(j) Destination dock or berth
Pilots (k) Tugs ordered and tug company
(l) Cargo details, including hazardous cargo information
LOCATION: Operation Centre: Spurn Head (533450N 00680E)
(m) If pilot required and pilot boarding position
AREA: (n) PEC certificate number and name of holder
The Humber Pilotage Area includes the Humber VTS Area and extending seawards to (o) Any defects
longitude 04000E. (p) ISPS level
(q) Other information
CONTACT DETAILS: (6) Vessels are required to confirm ETA on VHF Ch 14, not later than 2h before
Call: VTS Humber arrival at Alpha Lt buoy (533282N 01320E). The 2h notice is required under
Telephone: +44(0)1482 212191 all circumstances and is not dependent on the availability or otherwise of a berth or
Fax: +44(0)1482 218773 berthing time.
Telex: +51 597222 VTS G (7) Masters of exempted vessels must also contact VTS Humber on VHF Ch 14 and
E-mail: [email protected] advise ETA when 2h before arrival at Alpha Lt buoy, and also advise VTS Humber
on the appropriate VHF Ch when passing the Reporting Points, when shifting between
Calling & Safety
ports or berths, or when leaving any river berth or lock.
VHF Frequency: Ch 16
(8) Masters or agents of Outward-bound vessels from any port or berth within the
VTS Area 1 Humber Pilotage Area requiring the services of an Authorised Pilot to sea or to Hull
VHF Frequency: Ch 14 Roads or to move a vessel between ports or berths in the Humber Pilotage Area must
give 2h advance notice to VTS Humber. Vessels must provide information as follows:
VTS Area 2 (a) Vessels name
VHF Frequency: Ch 12 (b) Call sign
VTS Area 3 (c) Draught
VHF Frequency: Ch 15 (d) LOA
(e) Air draught (if vessel departing from above Humber Bridge or the Steel Terminal
Intership (VTS Area 1) at Hull or Goole)
VHF Frequency: Ch 13 (f) Billing agency
Intership (VTS Areas 2 and 3) (g) Departure dock or berth
VHF Frequency: Ch 10 (h) ETD
(i) Destination dock, berth or next port
HOURS: H24 (j) Tugs ordered and tug company
(k) Cargo details, including hazardous cargo information
(l) If pilot required and pilot landing position
(1) Pilotage is compulsory for:
(m) PEC certificate number and name of holder
(a) Vessels of 60m LOA and over within the Humber Pilotage Area
(n) Any defects
(b) Vessels of 40m LOA and over above Goole (specialist River Ouse pilot
(o) ISPS level
(p) Other information
(2) Pilotage is exempt for:
(9) Pilot boards in the following positions:
(a) Vessels less than 60m LOA within the Humber Pilotage Area, unless carrying
(a) 533980N 02240E (15 n miles NE of the Humber Lt Float) (vessels over
a bulk cargo of dangerous substances as defined and categorised in the
11m draught, over 40 000 DWT or 20000 cubic metres gas carriers)
Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987
(b) 533300N 01580E (1 n mile SE of Spurn Lt Float) (within the Precautionary
(b) Vessels under 40m LOA above Goole, unless carrying a bulk cargo of dangerous
substances as defined and categorised in the Dangerous Substances in
(c) In Hull Roads at Riverside Quay, Albert Dock (534410N 02050W)
Harbour Areas Regulations 1987
(3) Pilot ordering for both inward and outward passages must be communicated on Vessel Trac Service
the appropriate form through VTS Humber by fax or by telephone, telex, or VHF Chs
14, 12, or 15 as appropriate. Orders for pilots are not accepted by e-mail. VHF Ch 13 LOCATION: Operation Centre: Spurn Head
is the intership channel for the Humber Approaches and is used for communications AREA:
between pilot launches and for vessels boarding and landing pilots. (1) So much of the River Ouse as is within the limits of improvement as defined by
(4) Vessels inward-bound from sea: All pilotage requirements should be passed Section 3 of the Ouse (Lower) Improvement Act 1884:
through VTS Humber on VHF Ch 14. (a) The River Trent below the south side of the stone bridge at Gainsborough
(b) The River Humber and the estuary thereof from the confluence of the Rivers
continued on next column Ouse and Trent to the seaward limits

continued on next page

Wk39/07 6.7

(2) The seaward limits are bounded by straight lines joining the following positions: Intership (VTS Area 1)
(a) From Easington Church in the County of East Riding of Yorkshire (533902N VHF Frequency: Ch 13
00690E) in a direction 086(T) to position 534000N 03000E
Intership (VTS Areas 2 and 3)
(b) Position 534000N 03000E in a direction 180(T) to position 533000N
VHF Frequency: Ch 10
(c) Position 533000N 03000E in a direction 262(T) to the site of the HOURS: H24
former Donna Nook Beacon in the County of North Lincolnshire (532840N
(3) The area is divided into three operational areas as follows: (1) The following procedures are mandatory for all vessels over 50 GT and those
(a) Area 1: VHF Ch 14: Humber Approaches: From the sea to the meridian of carrying dangerous substances, inward-bound and outward-bound for the Rivers
longitude passing through the No 4A Clee Ness Light Float Humber, Ouse and Trent. All times should be given in local time (LT) using the 24h
(b) Area 2: VHF Ch 12: Middle Humber: Upriver from the meridian of longitude notation. See GENERAL NOTES for details of Dangerous Substances in Harbour
passing through the No 4A Clee Ness Light Float to the Humber Bridge Areas (DSHA) Regulations 1987.
(c) Area 3: VHF Ch 15: Upper Humber: Upriver from the Humber Bridge extending (2) All vessels carrying dangerous or polluting goods as classified in the International
to Gainsborough on the Trent and Goole on the Ouse Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, in Chapter 19 of the International Gas
Carriers Code (IGC Code), in Chapter 17 of the International Bulk Carriers Code
SERVICES: (IBC Code) and MARPOL (Annexes I, II and III) should comply with the Merchant
(1) This is a UK designated port VTS and provides the following services: Shipping (Trac Monitoring and Reporting Requirements) Regulations
(a) Trac Organisation Service bounded by the seaward limits of the Humber VTS 2004 (See GENERAL NOTES).
area and the Humber Bridge (3) Vessels sheltering, anchoring or moving within the River Humber should not
(b) Information Service above the Humber Bridge and bounded by the inland limits transfer fuel, goods, spares, materials or personnel between vessels without first
in the Rivers Trent and Ouse informing VTS Humber and obtaining the permission of the Hr Mr.
(2) The service provides AIS coverage throughout the VTS area and radar tracking (4) Inward-bound vessels:
within the area bounded by the Humber Bridge and the seaward limits of the VTS (a) Notice of ETA: Vessels should send ETA to the Harbour Master through VTS
area. Humber, at least 24h in advance or within 1h of departure from last port of call
(3) The service provides information regarding the arrival, berthing, anchoring and where such port of call is not situated within the Humber, stating information
departure of vessels, navigational aids, navigation hazards, visibility and the safety of listed in section (5) under Pilots section.
vessel trac. (b) Vessels should give initial notice on VHF Ch 14 when 2h from Alpha Lt buoy,
(4) Tidal information is available on request for the following locations: and maintain a continuous watch on VHF Chs 14 and 16.
(a) Spurn Point (c) To avoid congestion on main operational VHF Chs, vessels upriver of No 4A
(b) Grimsby Clee Ness Lt Float, wishing to communicate with each other (intership) for the
(c) Immingham purposes of navigation only, should call on the appropriate Ch and then move to
(d) Hull VHF Ch 10. Vessels seaward of No 4A Clee Ness Lt Float should move to VHF
(e) Humber Bridge Ch 13. Masters and Pilots are not required to keep a listening watch on these
(f) South Ferriby channels, but are required to maintain a listening watch on the main operational
(g) Brough channels.
(h) West Walker Dyke (d) Vessels wishing to communicate with the VHF radio stations serving their
(i) Blacktoft destination (See OTHER PORTS IN THE HUMBER AREA) should do so at the
(j) Goole appropriate time on the channels shown in that section. Vessels are advised
(k) Burton Stather that when communicating with these stations, contact with VTS Humber can
(l) Flixborough only be re-established through VHF Chs 12, 14, 15 and 16. Vessels must still
(m) Keadby report their departure on VHF Chs 14, 12 or 15 to VTS Humber.
(5) Reporting: Vessels are required to report to VTS Humber on:
(a) VHF Ch 14 in the Humber Approaches up to the meridian of longitude which
Calling & Safety passes through No 4A Clee Ness Lt Float
Call: VTS Humber (b) VHF Ch 12 upriver of the meridian of longitude which passes through No 4A
VHF Frequency: Ch 16 Clee Ness Lt Float until the Humber Bridge
(c) VHF Ch 15 upriver of the Humber Bridge
VTS Area 1
Call: VTS Humber
continued on next page
VHF Frequency: Ch 14
VTS Area 2
Call: VTS Humber
VHF Frequency: Ch 12
VTS Area 3
Call: VTS Humber
VHF Frequency: Ch 15
Vessel Trac Service
Telephone: +44(0)1482 212191
Fax: +44(0)1482 218773
Telex: +51 597222 VTS G
Hr Mr
Telephone: +44(0)1482 327171
Fax: +44(0)1482 325819
Telex: +51 592251

continued on next column

6.8 Wk39/07

(6) Vessels should report to Humber VTS at the following Reporting Points: (14) Vessels should maintain a continuous listening watch on the appropriate VHF
Name Position Remarks Channel and report to VTS Humber when passing the following positions:

VHF Ch 14 Name Position Remarks

1 533720N VHF Ch 15
Outer Binks Lt buoy On entering the TSS
02010E 1 When departing any lock or berth
533270N 2 When passing Keadby Railway Bridge (River Trent)
Outer Sea Reach Lt buoy
02290E 3 When passing Skelton Railway Bridge (River Ouse)
532980N Vessels departing
Outer Rosse Reach Lt buoy 534200N
02080E 4 Trent Falls the River Trent or
2 When pilot embarked River Ouse
533350N 5 When passing Brough
3 Spurn Lt Float
01420E Change to VHF Ch 12
4 When anchoring and not proceeding to a Humber Port 6 When passing the Humber Bridge
Change to VHF Ch 12 534200N
7 No 19 (Paull Sand) Lt buoy
5 Meridian of longitude passing through No 4A (Clee Ness) Lt Float 01380W
533710N 533800N
6 Sunk Spit Lt buoy 8 No 9A Lt Float
00470W 00930W
534200N Change to VHF Ch 14
7 No 19 (Paull Sand) Lt buoy
01380W 9 Meridian of longitude passing through No 4A (Clee Ness) Lt Float
Change to VHF Ch 15 10 When anchoring and not proceeding to sea
8 When passing the Humber Bridge 533240N
11 No 2 Haile Sand Lt buoy
9 When passing Brough 01310E
Vessels entering the 12 When pilot disembarked
10 Trent Falls River Trent or River 533670N On leaving the TSS
04110W 13 Mid New Sand Lt buoy
Ouse 02120E
11 When passing Skelton Railway Bridge (River Ouse) 533270N
Outer Sea Reach Lt buoy
12 When passing Keadby Railway Bridge (River Trent) 02290E
13 When all fast in any lock or on any berth 532980N
Outer Rosse Reach Lt buoy
Masters and Pilots are required to report when they are securely moored at 02080E
their final berth of destination within the Humber Harbour Area. (15) Vessels intending to navigate the Sunk Dredged Channel should, before passing
(7) Vessels intending to navigate the Sunk Dredged Channel should, before passing No 9A Lt Float (533800N 00930W), ascertain from VTS Humber that the Channel
Spurn Point (533400N 00660E), ascertain from VTS Humber that the Channel is is clear.
(8) A continuous listening watch whilst navigating in the River Humber should be kept (1) Masters and Pilots are advised that on occasions it will be necessary for a departing
as follows: deep draught vessel which is constrained by its draught, to navigate against the trac
(a) VHF Ch 14: River Humber, Approaches up to No 4A (Clee Ness) Lt Float flow in that part of the Trac Separation Scheme between Spurn Point and the Spurn
(b) VHF Ch 12: River Humber, upriver of No 4A (Clee Ness) Lt Float Light Float.
(c) VHF Ch 15: River Humber, upriver of the Humber Bridge (2) Vessels requiring to do this must first obtain permission from VTS Humber which
(9) Vessels at anchorage bound for a port or berth within the Humber must obtain will promulgate a broadcast and continue to warn shipping whilst the transit is being
clearance from VTS Humber before leaving anchorage and again when clearing carried out.
(10) Outward-bound vessels: Vessels should send ETD to the Harbour Master INFORMATION BROADCASTS:
through VTS Humber, at least 2h before intention to navigate the Rivers Humber, Ouse (1) A general broadcast comprising weather reports, tidal information and navigational
and Trent stating information listed under Pilots section. warnings is made by VTS Humber on VHF Chs 12, 14 and 15 every 2 hours
(11) All vessels should request clearance to sail from VTS Humber when either: commencing 0103 hours LT, prior notification being given on VHF Ch 16.
(a) Singled up and ready to let go from a river berth (2) The Sunk Dredged Channel is now dredged continuously. The Least Available
(b) Prior to leaving a lock when gates are open Depth (LAD) will be announced by VTS Humber in their regular river broadcasts on
(12) Having been given clearance to sail, if any delay is then envisaged, the vessel VHF Ch 12, 14 and 15. Vessels requiring the latest information about depths in the
should inform VTS Humber and seek further clearance when the cause of the delay is channel can obtain this information from VTS Humber on request.
resolved. (3) In addition, in reduced visibility, frequent visibility reports for Spurn, Immingham
(13) When clearance to sail has been granted by VTS Humber, the vessel should and Hull are broadcast. Additional information regarding safety of navigation and
proceed without delay providing the Master is satisfied that it is safe to do so. movement of shipping can be obtained on request.

continued on next column continued on next page

Wk39/07 6.9

(1) Any vessel within the Humber which: PROCEDURE.
(a) has been involved in a collision with any vessel, navigational mark, bridge, Delete section (2) and replace by:
shore facility or any other object or has been sunk or grounded (not being a
vessel which is berthed or moored) or become stranded; or (2) All vessels required to give VHF notification shall give an ALL SHIPS Call prior
(b) by reason of accident, fire, defect or otherwise is in such a condition as to aect to departure from any berth within Cowes Harbour and when passing the following
its safe navigation or to give rise to danger to other vessels or property; or positions:
(c) in any manner constitutes or causes an obstruction to a fairway; should report (a) Vessels Inward-Bound:
the occurrence immediately to VTS Humber on VHF Ch 16 or the appropriate (i) Fairway Approaches
area VHF Ch stating: (ii) 504560N 11755W (passing Shepards Wharf Marina)
(i) Vessels position (iii) Folly Inn (Vessels bound for Newport)
(ii) Known damage (b) Vessels Outward-Bound:
(iii) Confirmation of cargo (i) Folly Inn
(iv) Any injuries or loss of life (ii) Kingston Wharf (504480N 11735W)
(v) Time of incident (iii) 504533N 11753W (passing FBM Shipbuilding Yard)
(vi) Draught of vessel
(vii) Any pollution Rod Hodgson, Cowes Harbour Commissioners, (RSDRA2007000064432), 39/07
(2) In addition, all vessels should report the occurrence of any of the following incidents
immediately to VTS Humber on VHF Ch 16 or the appropriate area VHF Ch:
(a) Fouling of any underwater pipeline or cable
(b) Oil or chemical spillages
(c) Aids to navigation that are suspected of being out of position, displaying
incorrect character or extinguished VOLUME 6, PART 3, NP 286(3), 2007/08
(3) Vessels not equipped with VHF should report to the Humber Hr Mr by telephone, Published Wk 34/07
telex, fax, or in writing at the earliest opportunity.
HUMBER PASSAGE PLAN: (Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 34 dated 23 August 2007)
(1) Vessels bound for the following terminals should provide a Passage Plan prepared PAGE 159, ITALY, MAZARA DEL VALLO, Sicilia.
by ABP Humber to facilitate the safe movement of large vessels in the River Humber:
Delete entry and replace by:
(a) Tetney Oil Terminal
(b) Immingham Oil Terminal
(c) Immingham Gas Terminal MAZARA DEL VALLO, Sicilia 3739N 1235E
(d) South Killingholme Oil Jetty See diagram MAZARA DEL VALLO VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE.
(e) Immingham Bulk Terminal
(f) Humber International Terminal Pilots
(g) Saltend Jetties
(2) See individual entries for further information.
VHF Frequency: Ch 16; 11 12
HOURS: 0700-1900 LT
Humber Serious Marine Emergency Plan (HSMEP):
(1) HSMEP is a contingency plan developed to deal with any marine accident or PROCEDURE:
emergency including oil pollution within the River Humber. (1) Pilotage is compulsory for vessels of 500 GT and over.
(2) Assistance for a vessel included in such an incident should be requested through (2) Pilot boarding position will be advised.
VTS Humber who will inform the necessary authorities. Vessel Trac Service
(3) Overall co-ordination of the plan will be the responsibility of the Humber Harbour
Master. AREA:
(4) Details of the emergency will be broadcast by Humber VTS on VHF Chs 12 14 (1) The VTS area is bounded by lines joining the following positions:
16. (a) 373485N 125192E (Vallone Gurra di Mare)
(b) 372028N 124777E
Port Authority (c) 372142N 124062E
CONTACT DETAILS: (d) 372322N 123292E
Website: www.humber.com (e) 373240N 121900E
(f) 373998N 121388E
(g) 374160N 121370E
ABP Humber Notices H.41/2007 and SH2/2007, (RSDRA2007000047832
& RSDRA2007000049152), 39/07 (h) 374153N 122903E (Punta Torrazza)
(2) A precautionary area has been established extending 2 n miles seaward from the
VTS area limits.
Delete HUMBER VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE diagram and replace by new
The Mazara del Vallo VTS provides the following services:
diagram on page 6.14
(1) Information concerning trac movements, meteorological conditions, dangers to
ABP Humber Notices H.41/2007 and SH2/2007, (RSDRA2007000047832 navigation and other information aecting the safe transit of vessels within the VTS
& RSDRA2007000049152), 39/07 area.
(2) Aid to navigation assistance on request or when necessary.
(3) Trac organisation service.

continued on next page

6.10 Wk39/07


Call: Mazara del Vallo VTS
VHF Frequency: Ch 16; 13 67 CONTACT DETAILS:
Telephone: +39 0923 946371 (VTS Centre) Hr Mr
+39 0923 946388 (Operations Room) Telephone: +39 0923 946388
Fax: +39 0923 941020 Fax: +39 0923 941020
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
HOURS: H24 Website: www.guardiacostiera.it/mazaradelvallo


(1) Participation in the VTS is mandatory for all vessels over 300 GT and fishing
vessels and yachts over 45m LOA. Italian Coastguard Website, (RSDRA2007000036823), 39/07
(2) Participation in the VTS is optional for warships, auxiliary warships, government
vessels, fishing vessels of 45m LOA and under, and pleasure craft of 45m LOA and
under. PAGE 159, ITALY, MAZARA DEL VALLO, Sicilia.
(3) Vessels must first establish contact with the VTS when entering the precautionary Insert diagram MAZARA DEL VALLO VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE on page
area, stating the following information: 6.15
(a) Vessels name, flag, call sign, IMO No and MMSI
(b) GT Italian Coastguard Website, (RSDRA2007000036823), 39/07
(c) Port of Registry and Registration No
(d) LOA
(e) Year of build PAGES 165 and 166, ITALY, PALERMO, Sicilia.
(f) Owner Delete entry and replace by:
(g) Masters name and surname
(h) Number of crew and number of passengers PALERMO, Sicilia 3808N 1322E
(i) Time of entering VTS area (UTC)
(j) Present position (lat/long) See diagram PALERMO VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE.
(k) True course
(l) Speed
(m) Last port of call/date and time of departure (UTC) CONTACT DETAILS:
(n) Destination port and ETA (UTC) Call: Piloti Palermo
(o) Maximum draught VHF Frequency: Ch 16; 12
(p) Cargo on board and nature of cargo
HOURS: 0700-1900 LT
(q) Any dangerous goods on board, class/IMDG code, UN No
(r) Type of vessel PROCEDURE:
(s) NRT (1) Pilotage is compulsory for the following:
(4) Reporting: Reporting lines have been established within the VTS area as (a) Vessels of 500 GT and over when entering or leaving the port of Palermo
follows: (b) Vessels of 1000 GT and over when operating within 1 nm of the Esso and AGIP
(a) ALPHA: bearing 328 to Capo Granitola Lt (373384N 123957E) Terminals
(b) BRAVO: bearing 019 to Capo Granitola Lt (2) Pilotage is exempt for the following:
(c) CHARLIE: bearing 019 to the External Breakwater Lt (373856N (a) Warships
123518E) (b) Fishing vessels
(d) DELTA: bearing 025 to Capo Feto Lt (373966N 123125E) (c) Tugs
(e) ECHO: bearing 067 to Capo Feto Lt (d) Vessels involved in local trac
(5) Vessels should contact the VTS when crossing the reporting lines, stating position (3) Vessels up to 2000 GT may request radio assistance by VHF if the master is fluent
and speed. in the Italian language.
(6) Vessels should also report as follows: (4) Pilot boards in position 380787N 132403E (in bad weather, the Pilot Vessel
(a) Anchorage Report: When anchoring, stating the following information: leads vessels through the entrance).
(i) Reason for anchorage
(ii) ETA at the anchorage Vessel Trac Service
(iii) Anchorage position AREA:
(iv) Date and time of arrival at the anchorage (1) The Palermo VTS area is bounded by a line joining the following positions:
(b) Arrival Report: On arrival at the berth or mooring, stating the following (a) 380770N 132260E (Palermo breakwater Racon)
information: (b) 382470N 132260E
(i) Date and time of arrival at the berth or mooring (c) 381630N 134150E
(ii) Position of berth or mooring (d) 380760N 134150E
(c) Departure Report: Before departure from the berth or mooring: (e) 380750N 133070E (Capo Mongerbino)
(i) ETD (2) A precautionary area has been established extending 5 n miles seaward from the
(ii) Port of destination and ETA (UTC) VTS area.
(iii) Cargo on board, nature and quantity of cargo, and number of passengers
(iv) Any dangerous goods on board, class/IMDG code, UN No continued on next page
(d) Exit of VTS area report: On leaving the VTS area:
(i) Time of leaving the VTS area
(ii) Present position (lat/long)

continued on next column

Wk39/07 6.11

CONTACT DETAILS: (5) Inward-bound vessels:

(a) Vessels should contact Palermo VTS prior to entering the VTS area, stating the
VTS Operations
following information:
Call: Palermo VTS
(i) Vessels name, flag, call sign, IMO No and MMSI
VHF Frequency: Ch 16; 11 14
(ii) GT
Telephone: +39 091 6043202
(iii) Port of Registry and Registration No
+39 091 6043203
(iv) LOA
Fax: +39 091 325519
(v) Year of build
E-mail: [email protected]
(vi) Owner
[email protected]
(vii) Masters name and surname
Control Room (viii) Number of crew and number of passengers
Telephone: +39 091 6043110 (ix) Date and time of entering VTS area (UTC)
(x) Entry position (lat/long)
Emergency (xi) True course
Telephone: +39 091 331538 (xii) Speed
HOURS: H24 (xiii) Last port of call/date and time of departure (UTC)
(xiv) Destination port and ETA (UTC)
PROCEDURE: (xv) Cargo on board (class and quantity)
(1) Participation in the VTS is mandatory for the following vessels: (xvi) Any dangerous goods on board, class/IMDG code, UN No
(a) All passenger vessels (xvii) Type of vessel
(b) Cargo vessels of 300 GT and over (xviii) Net tonnage
(c) Fishing vessels of 24m LOA and over (b) Subsequent reports shall be made as follows:
(d) Leisure craft of 45m LOA and over (i) 1h before entering the inward trac lane
(2) Participation in the VTS is optional for the following vessels: (ii) When entering the inward trac lane
(a) Warships (iii) At the pilot boarding position (whether pilot requested or not)
(b) Cargo vessels less than 300 GT (iv) On arrival at the berth, stating date and time of arrival and berth position
(c) Vessels without mechanical propulsion (v) Before anchoring, stating reason for anchoring, ETA at the anchorage,
(d) Vessels of primitive wooden construction position of anchorage, and date and time of anchoring
(e) Leisure craft of less than 45m LOA (6) Outward-bound vessels:
(f) Fishing vessels of less than 24m LOA (a) Vessels should report to Palermo VTS as follows:
(3) Vessels should first establish contact with Palermo VTS when within the (i) 1h before ETD, stating ETD, destination port and ETA, cargo on board
precautionary area. (class and quantity), dangerous goods on board (class/IMDG code and UN
(4) Vessels transiting the VTS area: No), and number of passengers
(a) Vessels should contact Palermo VTS prior to entering the VTS area, and again (ii) No less than 5 mins before departure from berth or anchorage, to obtain
when departing the VTS area. The entry report shall contain the following permission to proceed
information: (iii) At the entrance to the outward trac lane
(i) Vessels name, flag, call sign, IMO No and MMSI (iv) At the exit of the outward trac lane
(ii) GT (v) On leaving the VTS area, stating date and time of exit and position (lat/
(iii) Port of Registry and Registration No long)
(iv) LOA (7) If any information required by the VTS is considered confidential, reports may be
(v) Year of build transmitted by fax or e-mail to Palermo VTS.
(vi) Owner (8) Vessels at anchor shall maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF Chs 11 and
(vii) Masters name and surname 14, communicate their position on request, and, in adverse weather conditions, make
(viii) Number of crew and number of passengers a radio check to Palermo VTS every 2h.
(ix) Date and time of entering VTS area (UTC)
(x) Entry position (lat/long) TRAFFIC INFORMATION SERVICE:
(xi) True course (1) Palermo VTS provides the following information to all vessels within the VTS area:
(xii) Speed (a) Naval trac situation
(xiii) Last port of call/date and time of departure (UTC) (b) Presence of fishing vessels
(xiv) Destination port and ETA (UTC) (c) Presence of unknown vessels that are excluded from participating in the VTS
(xv) Cargo on board (class and quantity) System
(xvi) Any dangerous goods on board, class/IMDG code, UN No (d) Gale warnings, storm warnings and weather bulletins
(b) Vessels departing the VTS area shall report to Palermo VTS stating the (e) Sea bunker operations required by aircraft engaged in fire-fighting operations
following information: within the VTS area
(i) Date and Exit time from the VTS area (UTC) (f) Sporting or religious activities within the VTS area
(ii) Exit position (lat/long) (g) Presence of vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre; convoys, tugs, or
(iii) True course vessels engaged in sea trials within the VTS area
(iv) Speed (h) SAR operations or presence of environmental pollution within the VTS area
(i) Drifting objects dangerous to navigation
continued on next column (2) In addition, the VTS provides the following information to vessels entering or
leaving the VTS area:
(a) Local weather conditions
(b) Presence of vessels at anchor or at the Oil Terminals
(c) Damage to any navigational aids within the VTS area

continued on next page

6.12 Wk39/07


(1) The Navigational Assistance Service is provided on request.
(2) This service is also provided in case of any damage or deficiency that restricts a
vessel in her ability to manoeuvre and other circumstances representing a danger to
navigation, to the safety of life at sea, or for the protection of the marine environment.
(3) Palermo VTS will provide navigational assistance to such vessels, including true
course and speed, position, intentions, and identities of other vessels navigating in the
(1) The purpose of the Trac Organisation Service is to prevent dangerous situations
and assure the safety and eciency of vessel trac within the VTS area.
(2) The Trac Organisation Service defines the planning of vessel movements in
situations of heavy trac or in the presence of vessels carrying dangerous cargo.
VHF Frequency: Ch 16; 11 12
Telephone: +39 091 334051
Fax: +39 091 325519
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.autport.pa.it
Hr Mr
E-mail: [email protected]
VHF Frequency: Ch 12
HOURS: 0800-2000 LT

Italian Coastguard Website, (RSDRA2007000036823), 39/07

PAGE 165, ITALY, PALERMO, Sicilia.

Insert diagram PALERMO VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE on page 6.16

Italian Coastguard Website, (RSDRA2007000036823), 39/07

VOLUME 6, PART 5, NP 286(5), 2007/08

Published Wk 36/07

(First amendments to New Edition published 6 September 2007)


Delete section (4) and replace by:

(4) Pilot boards in the following positions:

(a) Eastern Entrance: 3 n miles E of Lt buoy WP (435582N 685312W)
(b) Western Entrance: 434550N 692250W (Manana Island Lt buoy 14M)

Captain Gelinas, Penobscot Bay Pilots (HH614/410/06 - E22),39/07

Wk39/07 6.13
20 10 000 10 20

Kingston Upon Hull

45 R. Hull Alexandra Dock 45
King George Dock Limits of VTS Areas
Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS)
Albert Dock
Saltend Jetties Port Limits
R. Trent
R. Ouse

Ch 15
Humber Bridge New Holland Sand
No 19 VTS Humber
VHF Ch 12

40 40
Deep-draught 5340N
Humber Sea Terminal Vessels 030E
North Killingholme Jetty Easington Humber
South Killingholme
No 9A

See Continuation below

Oil Jetty
Humber International Terminal Lt Float
Outer Binks
Immingham Sunk Spit
Immingham Docks Oil Terminal Sunk C
l VTS Humber Mid New Sand

VHF Ch 14

Hu 10
m m


No 4A


Grimsby Clee Ness 53

35 VTS Humber
20 10 Docks 35
Pilot Station
Spurn Head
Grimsby Bull
40 030 Sunk Channel
45 45 Spurn

VTS Humber See Alpha

Outer Sea Reach
VHF Ch 15 Continuation
10 Haile Sand No 2
above m
Blacktoft Jetty

use Ch 12

R. O
or t

Trent Walker Dyke Tetney Oil


To Goole Falls Humber Terminal


Bridge 30 Outer Rosse Reach 30


South Ferriby 5330N


Sluice 030E

53 53
40 40 10

R. Tre
Burton Stather Donna Nook
For details of additional Reporting Points specific
To Keadby and to Terminals refer to Humber Passage Plan

40 030 000 10 20
V6(1)HUMBER V005 12/09/07
20 1230 40 50



40 373998N Capo Feto Lt 40
121388E Reporting Line
Mazara del Vallo
Precautionary Area


Capo Granitola Lt



37 37

30 30




20 20

20 1230 40 50
V6(3)MAZARAVTS V001 18/05/07
10 20 1330 40

Reporting Line 132260E

Precautionary Area

38 38
20 20




Capo Gallo Lt di Palermo

10 10

Racon (P) 134150E
Capo Mongerbino


10 20 1330 40
V6(3)PALERMOVTS V001 18/05/07


This list is a summary of the entries in the current editions of the Admiralty List of NEW ZEALAND 32
Radio Signals which have had amendments issued in Section VI of the Weekly
Edition of Notices to Mariners. DIAGRAMS
The entries affected are shown in bold type followed by the numbers of the Weekly
Editions in which amendments for that station were issued. (Page 70) Canadian Coast Guard, Marine Communications & Traffic Service
These summaries are issued on a quarterly basis. Centres (MCTS), Bay of Fundy & Nova Scotia 28
(Page 76) Canadian Coast Guard, Marine Communications & Traffic Service
Centres (MCTS), S. Lawrence River 28
(Page 83) Canadian Coast Guard - Great Lakes Network, Marine Communications &
Traffic Service Centers (MCTS) 34
(Page 87) Canadian Coast Guard - Pacific Region Network, Marine
VOLUME 1, PART 1, NP 281(1), 2007/08
Communications & Vessel Traffic Service Centres, (VANCOUVER) 39
Published Wk 28/07 (Page 195) KOREA (SOUTH), MARITIME RADIO STATIONS, MRCC 28
AORES (Portugal) 28
MADEIRA (Portugal) 28
MAURITIUS 31 VOLUME 2, NP 282, 2007/08
MONTENEGRO 34 Published Wk 13/07
50070 25 74268 15 81741 27 82725 13 91368 18
50775 26 78947 21 81765 21 82892 13 91380 18
DIAGRAMS 50785 27 78955 13 81773 13 82903 35 91388 18
50900 22 78990 25 81825 13 82905 13, 17 91418 19
(Page 36) NORTH AFRICA, MEDITERRANEAN COAST, MARITIME RADIO 51930 25 79075 13 81880 13 83030 23 91430 18
STATIONS, MRCC & MRSC 29 51935 25 79173 34 81883 15 84150 33 91438 18
(Page 56) ALBANIA, CROATIA, MONTENEGRO & SLOVENIA, MARITIME RADIO 53480 13 79860 13 81910 34 84151 33 91520 13
STATIONS, MRCC & MRSC 34 54947 13 80670 33 81944 13 84360 31 91745 31
54950 13 81140 31 81946 28 84410 22 91760 13
(Page 117) ITALY, MRCC & MRSC 31
54965 25 81141 31 81952 13 84430 21 91765 13
(Page 119) ITALY (SOUTH), MARITIME RADIO STATIONS 31 54970 25 81170 13 81954 28 84490 21 91770 13
(Page 136) MADEIRA, MARITIME RADIO STATIONS, MRCC & MRSC 28 55745 13 81295 18 81995 21 84720 19 91815 13
(Page 145) WEST AFRICA, MARITIME RADIO STATIONS, MRCC & MRSC 32 57770 22 81310 28 81997 21 84830 20 91875 27
(Page 199) SWEDEN, MARITIME RADIO STATIONS, MRCC 28 58540 20 81315 28 82005 21 84880 20 91885 13
(Page 225) UNITED KINGDOM, HM COASTGUARD, ENGLISH - NORTHEAST 60150 13 81423 18 82055 21 85170 35 92940 13
67715 13 81504 13 82058 21 85520 26 93220 13
67980 13 81505 18 82103 16 85765 30 94120 13
70610 13 81507 18 82107 16 85769 30 94895 13
70770 13 81508 18 82116 29 85825 13 95280 18, 20
70780 13 81526 18 82119 21 85860 13 95420 18
71395 23 81524 13 82200 18 86060 13 95430 20
71473 23 81574 25 82282 15 86210 35 95508 20, 33
VOLUME 1, PART 2, NP 281(2), 2007/08 71474 27 81587 21 82283 15 86580 13 95535 13
71478 23 81623 29 82287 13 86700 33 95558 13, 18
Published Wk 28/07 71505 38 81633 13 82288 35 87500 15 95675 13
71507 38 81634 18 82301 35 87505 15 95925 13
71900 30 81636 18 82302 13 87690 13 96140 13
FRONT COVER SPINE 2007/08 30 72170 26 81666 18 82335 13 87940 13 97145 13
73860 13 81641 13 82395 13 89150 36 97900 20
73870 13 81674 27 82417 13 90590 36 98190 13
MARITIME RADIO STATIONS 74260 18 81731 29 82643 35 90320 37 98240 13
75540 31 81738 38 82715 13 91253 18
CANADA (Arctic Coast, Atlantic Coast and Saint Lawrence River) 28, 34
CANADA (Great Lakes) 34
CANADA (Pacific Coast) 28, 34, 39
CHINA 30, 32, 36



AUSTRALIA 32 IRAN (Caspian Sea Coast) 36
NORWAY 3, 17
LEGAL TIME RUSSIA (Black Sea Coast) 3
SWEDEN 3, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25
13, 15, 16, 17, 22 UKRAINE 18, 28
15, 27
10, 18
(Page 33) NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, North Atlantic - East 7
(Page 34) NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, Mediterranean and Black Sea 3, 18, 36
(Page 36) NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, South America - Atlantic Ocean 5, 8
JAPAN 19, 26
UNITED STATES 19 VOLUME 3, PART 2, NP 283(2), 2007/08
Published Wk 3/07

13, 23, 26




8, 36


13, 25
VOLUME 3, PART 1, NP 283(1), 2007/08

AUSTRALIA 3, 6, 15, 25
3, 13, 20 CHINA 3, 30
JAPAN 3, 10
RUSSIA (Pacific Coast) 18
33 TAIWAN 31
UNITED STATES (Pacific Coast) 3
10, 18, 22
FOROYAR (Denmark) 7





(Page 33) SafetyNET, NAV/METAREA XV - AOR - W, CHILE 33

(Page 40) NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, West Pacific, Russia to South- East Asia 31
(Page 42) NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, South America - Pacific Ocean 5, 8
(Page 43) NAVTEX - MSI BROADCASTS, South America - Atlantic Ocean 5, 8
(Page 80) VMC Australia Weather East, VMW Australia Weather West, Index of Map VOLUME 6, PART 2, NP 286(2), 2007/08
Areas- 1 25
Published Wk 33/07
(Page 216) NOAA Weather Radio, Eastport to Montauk Point, Coastal Forecast
(Page 217) NOAA Weather Radio, Montauk Point to Sandy Hook, Coastal Forecast
Areas 13 DENMARK 33
(Page 220) NOAA Weather Radio, Fernandina Beach to Apalachicola, Coastal ESTONIA 33
Forecast Areas 13 FINLAND 33
(Page 224) NOAA Weather Radio, Point Arguello to Point S. George, Coastal FRANCE 33
Forecast Areas 39 GERMANY 33
VOLUME 5, NP 285, 2007/08


SPAIN (South West Coast) 33
Chapter 15: NAVTEX 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36 (Page 333) STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR (Tarifa), VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE 33
Chapter 16: DISTRESS, SEARCH AND RESCUE 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39
VOLUME 6, PART 3, NP 286(3), 2007/08
DIAGRAMS Published Wk 34/07

(Page 264) NAVTEX- MSI BROADCASTS, Mediterranean and Black Sea 25, 36
FRANCE (Mediterranean Coast) 34
VOLUME 6, PART 1, NP 286(1), 2007/08 IRAN 34
Published Wk 32/07 ITALY 34, 39
BELGIUM 32 SPAIN (Mediterranean Coast) 34
UNITED KINGDOM 32, 34, 37, 38, 39





VOLUME 6, PART 4, NP 286(4), 2007/08

Published Wk 35/07


THAILAND (East Coast) 35

VOLUME 6, PART 5, NP 286(5), 2007/08

Published Wk 36/07


UNITED STATES (Atlantic Coast) 39

Printed in the United Kingdom for the UKHO
H.102 (Aug. 2004)

(for instructions, see overleaf)

Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ref. No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name of ship or sender: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address of sender: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Tel/Fax/Telex No./ e-- mail address of sender (if appropriate): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

General locality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Position. Lat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

British Admiralty Charts affected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edition dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Position fixing system used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Datum set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Latest Weekly Edition of Notice to Mariners held . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ENCs affected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Latest Update disk held, week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Publications affected (Edition No., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . date of latest supplement, page and Light List No. etc.)


Details:-- -

A replacement copy of Chart No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is required, but see 4 overleaf.

Signature of observer/reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Forwarding information for British Admiralty Charts and
Hydrographic Publications
1. Mariners are requested to notify the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2DN,
United Kingdom, when new or suspected dangers to navigation are discovered, changes observed in aids to navigation, or
corrections to publications are seen to be necessary. The Mariners Handbook (NP 100) Chapter 8 gives general instructions. If
practicable the Mariner should contact the originating hydrographic office when navigating on non--UKHO ENCs. The
provisions of international and national laws should be complied with when forwarding such reports.

2. This form and its instructions have been designed to help both the sender and the recipient. It should be used, or followed
closely, whenever appropriate.
Copies of this Form may be obtained gratis from the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office at the above address or principal
Chart Agents (see Annual Notice to Mariners No. 2).
3. When a position is defined by sextant angles or bearings (true or magnetic being specified) more than two should be used in
order to provide a check. Distances observed by radar and the raw readings of the navigation system in use, should be quoted
wherever possible.
Latitude and longitude should only be used specifically to position the details when they have been fixed by astronomical
observations or GPS and a full description of the method, equipment and datum (where applicable) used should be given.
4. Paper charts: A cutting from the largest scale chart is the best medium for forwarding details, the alterations and additions
being shown thereon in red. When requested, a new copy will be sent in replacement of a chart that has been used to forward
information, or when extensive observations have involved defacement of the observers chart. If it is preferred to show the
amendments on a tracing of the largest scale chart (rather than on the chart itself) these should be in red as above, but adequate
details from the chart must be traced in black ink to enable the amendments to be fitted correctly.
ENCs: A screen dump of the largest scale usage band ENC with the alterations and additions being shown thereon in red.
5. When soundings are obtained The Mariners Handbook (NP 100) should be consulted. The echo sounding trace should be
marked with times, depths, etc., and forwarded with the report. It is important to state whether the echo sounder is set to
register depths below the surface or below the keel; in the latter case the vessels draught should be given. Time and date
should be given in order that corrections for the height of the tide may be made where necessary. The make, name and type of
set should also be given.
6. Modern echo sounders frequently record signals from echoes received back after one or more rotations of the stylus have
been completed. Thus with a set whose maximum range is 500m, an echo recorded at 50m may be from depths of 50m, 550m
or even 1050m. Soundings recorded beyond the sets nominal range can usually be recognised by the following:
(a) the trace being weaker than normal for the depth recorded,
(b) the trace passing through the transmission line,
(c) the feathery nature of the trace.
As a check that apparently shoal soundings are not due to echoes received beyond the sets nominal range, soundings should
be continued until reasonable agreement with charted soundings is reached. However, soundings received after one or more
rotations of the stylus can still be useful and should be submitted if they show significant differences from charted depths.
7. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings should be stressed
and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should be mentioned.
8. Reports of shoal soundings, uncharted dangers and navigational aids out of order should, at the mariners discretion, also be
made by radio to the nearest coast radio station. The draught of modern tankers is such that any uncharted depth under 30
metres or 15 fathoms may be of sufficient importance to justify a radio message.
9. Port information should be forwarded on Form H.102a together with Form H.102. Form H.102a lists the information
required for Admiralty Sailing Directions and should be used as an aide memoire. Where there is insufficient space on the
form an additional sheet should be used.
10. Reports on ocean currents should be made in accordance with The Mariners Handbook.
Note. An acknowledgement or receipt will be sent and the information then used to the best advantage which may mean
immediate action or inclusion in a revision in due course. When a Notice to Mariners is issued, the senders ship or name is
quoted as authority unless (as sometimes happens) the information is also received from other authorities. An explanation of
the use made of contributions from all parts of the world would be too great a task and a further communication should only be
expected when the information is of outstanding value or has unusual features.
H.102a (April 1990)


(To accompany Form H.102)

Name of ship or sender: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ref. No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

............................................... Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Principal activities and trade.

Latest population figures and date.
Number of ships or tonnage
handled per year.
Maximum size of vessel handled.
Copy of Port Handbook
if available.

Designation, depths, holding ground,

shelter afforded.

Authority for requests.

Embarkation position.

Entry and berthing information.

Tidal Streams.
Navigational aids.

Number available and

max. hp.

Names, numbers or positions.

Depths alongside.
Heights above Chart Datum.
Facilities available.

Containers, lighters,
Ro--Ro etc.
Brief details and
max. capacity.
Hull, machinery and
Ship and boat yards.
Docking or slipping
Give size of vessels
handled or dimensions.
Hards and ramps.
Salvage, lifeboat,
Coastguard, etc.
Fuel with type and quantities
Fresh water with rate
of supply.
Provisions .

Ship chandlery,
compass adjustment,
tank cleaning,
hull painting.

Road, rail and air
services available.
Nearest airport or airfield.
Port radio and information
service with frequencies
and hours of operating.
Designation, address
and telephone number.
Information and facilities
for small craft (eg yachts)
visiting the port.
Yacht Clubs, berths, etc.
Photographs (where permitted)
of the approaches, leading
marks, the entrance to the
harbour, etc.
Picture postcards may also
be useful.

Signature of observer/reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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