ChE Objective Type Questions Compilation PDF
ChE Objective Type Questions Compilation PDF
ChE Objective Type Questions Compilation PDF
(c) independent of
(d) none of these
15. Fill up the blanks from among the alternatives given below: In a first
order reaction the time required to reduce the concentration of reactant from
1 mole/liter to 0.5 mole/liter will be ............. that required to reduce it from
10 moles/liter to 5 moles/liter in the same volume
(a) more than
(b) less than
(c) same as
(d) data insufficient; can't be predicted
16. Specific rate constant for a second order reaction
(a) is independent of temperature
(b) varies with temperature
(c) depends on the nature of the reactants
(d) both (b) and (c)
17. The reaction in which rate equation corresponds to a stoichiometric
equation is called
(a) elementary reaction
(b) non-elementary reaction
(c) parallel reaction
(d) autokinetic reaction
18. Equilibrium of a chemical reaction as viewed by kinetics is a
(a) dynamic steady state
(b) static steady state
(c) dynamic unsteady state
(e) none of these
19. For a zero order reaction, concentration of product increases with
(a) increase of reaction time
(b) increase in initial concentration
(c) total pressure
(d) decrease in total pressure
59. In a CSTR
(a) reaction rate varies with time
(b) concentration varies with time
(c) both (a) and (b) occur
(d) neither (a) nor (b) occurs
C is called a pseudo-first
60. The use of space-time is preferred over the mean residence time in the
design of
(a) batch reactor
(b) ideal tubular-flow reactor
(c) slurry reactor
(d) CSTR
61. For all positive reaction orders for a particular duty
(a) mixed reactor is always larger than the plug-flow reactor
(b) the ratio of the volume of the mixed reactor to that of the plugflow reactor decreases with order
(c) reactor size is independent of the type of flow
(d) density variation during reaction affects design
62. With the same reaction time, initial concentration and feed rate, the
reaction 2A
B is carried out separately in CSTR and P.F. reactor of
equal volumes. The conversion will be
(a) higher in P.F. reactor
(b) higher in CSTR
(c) same in both the reactors
(d) data insufficient; cant be predicted
63. For an autocatalytic reactor, the suitable reactor set up is
(a) P.F. reactors in series
(b) CSTR in series
(c) CSTR followed by P.F. reactor
(d) P.F. reactor followed by CSTR
64. For multiple reactions, the reaction within the vessel affects the
(a) Size requirement
(b) Distribution of reaction product
66. A first order reaction requires two equal sized CSTR. The conversion is
(a) Less when they are connected in series
(b) More when they are connected in series
(c) More when they are connected in parallel
(d) Same whether they are connected in series or parallel
73. The ratio of moles of a reactant converted into the desired product to
that converted into unwanted product is called
(a) Operational yield
(b) Relative yield
(c) Selectivity
(d) None of these
80. When all the limiting reactant is consumed in the reaction, the operation
(a) Is greater than relative yield
(b) Is smaller than relative yield
(c) Equals the relative yield
(d) Can be greater or smaller than relative yield, depends on
the type of reaction
81. Design of heterogeneous catalytic reactor involves consideration of
(a) Only chemical steps
(b) Only physical steps
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) and (b)
82. Pick out the wrong statement
(a) A catalyst does not alter the final position of equilibrium
in a reversible reaction.
(b) A catalyst initiate a reaction
(c) A catalyst is specific in action
(d) A catalyst remain unchanged in chemical composition at
the end of the reaction
83. Catalyst is a substance which
(a) Increases the speed of chemical reaction
(b) Decreases the speed of chemical reaction
(c) Can either increase or decrease the speed of chemical
(d) Alters the value of equilibrium constant in a reversible
84. Catalyst carriers
(a) Have very high selectivity
(b) Increase the activity of a catalyst
(c) Provide large surface area with small amount of
active material
(d) Inhibit catalyst poisoning
An irreversible process
a. is the analog of linear frictionless motion in machines
b. is an idealized visualization of behavior of a system
c. yields the maximum amount of work
d. yields the amount of work less than that of a reversible process.
In a adiabatic process
a. heat transfer is zero
c. work done is a path function
Enthalpy H is defined as
a. H = U PV
c. H U = PV
b. pressure process
d. entropy process
b. pressure process
d. none of these
b. entropy process
d. none of these
29. Number of components (C) phase (P) and degrees of freedom (F) are
related by Gibbs phase rule as
a. P + F C = 2
b. C =P F +2
c. F = C P 2
d. P = F C 2
b. all gases
d. gases at
36. The absolute entropy for all crystalline substances at absolute zero
a. is zero
b. is negative
c. is more than zero
d. cant be determined
b. V 1/T
d. PV/T = constant
b. dS < 0
d. dS = constant
b. dU = Cv dT
d. dW = pdV
b. dU dW = TdS
d. TdS dW dU > 0
b. dU dW TdS = 0
d. TdS dT + dW < 0
49. Cv is given by
a. ( U/ T)v
c. ( U/P)v
b. ( U/V)T
d. (V/ T)P
54. If different processes are used to bring about the same chemical
reaction, the enthalpy change is same for all of them.
a. Hesss law
b. Kirchhoffs law
c. Lavoisier and Laplace law
d. none of these
55. Change of heat content when one mole of the compound is burnt in
oxygen at constant pressure is called
a. calorific value
b. heat of reaction
c. heat of combustion
d. heat of formation
b. decrease in entropy
d. none of these
b. A = U TS
d. none of these
b. G = H - TS
d. G = U+ TS
b. only A decreases
d. both G and A increases
67. Free energy charges for two reaction mechanism X and Y are
respectively 15 and 5 units. It implies that X is
a. slower than Y
b. faster than Y
c. three times slower than Y
d. three times faster than Y
68. Chemical potential is
a. an extensive property
b. an intensive property
c. a force which derives the chemical system to equilibrium
d. both b and c
69. Chemical potential of its component of a system is given by
a. i = ( G/ni)T,P,ni
b. i = ( A/ni)T,P,ni
c. i = ( G/ni)T,P
d. i = ( A/ni)T,P
b. solid helium
d. none of these
11. Which of the following fuels is best for burning on chain grate smoker?
(a) non caking coal
(b) caking coal
(c) coking coal
(d) pulverized coal
12. Which of the following accounts for maximum energy loss in a boiler
(a) flue gases
(b) ash content in the fuel
(c) incomplete combustion
(d) unburnt carbon in flue gases
13. Over-fire burning in a furnace is a phenomenon characterized by
(a) supply of excess fuel
(b) supply of excess air
(c) burning carbon monoxide and other incombustible in upper zone
of furnace by
supplying more air
(d) none of these
14. When steam is passed over coal resulting in the endothermic reaction
(C + H2O ----- CO + H2), it is called
(a) carbonization of coal
(b) oxidation of coal
(c) coalification
(d) gasification of
15. Fischer-Tropsch method aims at
(a) gasification of coal
(b) synthesis of gasoline (from water gas)
(c) hydrogenation of coal to produce gasoline
(d) none of these
16. Commercial production of petrol from coal (as practiced in a factory at
Sasol in South Africa) is done by
(a) hydrogenation of coal
(b) gasification of coal
(c) carbonization of coal
(d) none of these
17. In case pulverized coal from steam boiler, the secondary air serves the
main purpose of
40. Coke oven gas is a better fuel than blast furnace gas because of its
(a) calorific value, cleanliness and relatively low distribution cost (due
to its low specific gravity)
(b) adiabatic flame temperature
(c) heat release rate (thus requiring smaller combustion chamber)
(d) all of the above
41. Which of the following constituents of fuel does not contribute to its
calorific value on combustion
(a) hydrogen
(b) sulfur
(c) carbon
(b) hydrocarbons
(c) hydrogen
(d) oxygen
(b) flame
(d) ignition
45. Dry air required to burn one lb of carbon completely may be around
(a) 11.5 lb
(b) 2.67 lb
(c) 16 lb
53. Ash content in the coke produced from a coking coal having 20% ash
may be around
(a) 5%
(b) 2%
(d) 25%
54. Out of the following fuels, the difference between the net and gross
calorific value is maximum in case of
48. Which of the following has the highest gross calorific value?
(a) blast furnace gas
(c) lignite
(a) pitch
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 5
52. For every 10% increase in the excess air; the fuel consumption increases
(a) 0.1%
(b) 2%
(c) 5%
(d) 10%
62. Which of the following can be made into briquettes without the use of a
(a) lignite
(b) bitumen
(c) molasses
(b) methane
(c) unsaturates
(b) ash
(c) volatiles
(d) carbon
76. Which of the following is most reactive (as regards the formation of CO
+ H2 from C + H2O)?
(a) blast furnace coke
(b) carbonized
(c) caking
(d) non-caking
(b) ash
(c) iron
(d) moisture
(b) 4500
(c) 7500
(d) 2000
(b) 1800
(c) 4500
(d) 6500
81. Blast furnace gas is a very poisonous gas because of its predominantly
(a) H2S content
(c) CO content
(b) 5
(c) 20
(d) 55
(b) 5
(c) 20
(d) 50
(b) 10
(c) 25
(d) 55
86. Which of the following gases will require maximum amount of air for
combustion of 1 Nm3 gas?
(a) blast furnace gas
(a) Nickel
(c) Alumina
(b) sub-bituminous
(c) anthracite
(d) peat
(b) ammonia
(c) tar
(b) 600 C
(c) 1100 C
(d) 1600 C
(b) 1100 C
(c) 500-650 C
(d) 150 C
(c) is obsolete
(d) eliminates absorber
4. 20% Oleum means that in 100 lb., there are 20 lb. of
(a) SO3 and 80 lb of H2SO4
(b) H2SO4 and 80 lb SO3
(c) SO3 for each 100 lb of H2SO4
(d) H2SO4 and 80 lb SO3
5. Producer gas consists mainly of
(a) CO, CO2, N2, H2
(b) CO, H2
(c) H2, CH4
(d) C2H2, CO2, H2
6. Oxygen is produced by fraction of air using
(a) Linde's process
(b) Claude's process
(c) both Linde's and Claude's process
(d) Bayer's process
7. Raw materials for 'Solvay Process' for manufacture of the soda ash are
(a) salt, limestone ,ammonia and coke oven gas
(b) ammonia, salt and limestone
(c) ammonia, limestone and coke
(d) ammonia and coke oven gas
8. Economics of 'Solvay Process" depends upon the efficiency of
(a) carbonating tower
(b) ammonia recovery
(c) ammonia recovery and size of plant
(d) ammoniation of salt solution
9. Mercury cells for caustic soda manufacture compared to diaphragm cells
(a) require lower initial investment
(b) require more power
(c) produce lower concentration of NaOH
(d) none of these
10. Cement mainly contains
(a)CaO, SiO2, Al2O3
(b) MgO, SiO2, K2O
(c) Al2O3, MgO, Fe2O3
11. Gypsum is
(a) calcium chloride
(b) potassium sulfate
(c) sodium sulfate
(d) calcium sulfate
12. Glauber's salt is
(a) calcium sulfate
(b) potassium sulfate
(c) potassium chlorate
(d) sodium sulfate decahydrate
13. Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of calcium and
(a) bi-carbonates
(b) sulfates and chlorides
(c) carbonate
(d) chlorides
14. Widely used method for conditioning of boiler feed water is
(a) cold lime process
(b) coagulation
(c) hot-lime soda process
(d) sequestration
15. Hydrazine is largely used
(a) as a starting material for 'hypo'
(b) in photographic industry
(c) as rocket fuel
(d) in printing industry
16. Trinitro-toluene is
(a) used in glycerin manufacture
(b) an explosive
(c) used in dye manufacture
(d) used in paint manufacture
17. Oil is
(a) a mixture of glycerides
(a) nickel
(b) platinum
(c) iron
(d) alumina
25. Soaps remove dirt by
(a) increasing the surface tension
(b) decreasing wettability
(c) supplying hydrophilic group
(d) none of these
26. Metallic soap is
(a) sodium salt of fatty acids
(b) potassium salt of fatty acids
(c) both sodium and potassium salt of fatty acids
(d) aluminum or calcium salt of fatty acids
51. Which of the following coal has the highest calorific value?
(a) Lignite
(b) Sub-bituminous
(c) Anthracite
(d) Peat
52. The main product of high temperature carbonization is
(a) Coke
(b) Ammonia
(c) Tar
(d) Phenol
53. High temperature carbonization produces
(a) inferior coke compared to low temperature carbonization
(b) less of gases compared to liquid products
(c) larger quantity of tar compared to low temperature carbonization
(d) relatively low tar and yields of gaseous products are larger
than the yield of liquid
54. High temperature carbonization takes place at
(a) 4000 - 5000F
(b) 950F
(c) > 1650F
(d) < 1000F
55. Low temperature carbonization takes place at
(a) 500F
(b) 1300F
(c) 750 - 1100F
(d) 2500 F
56. Proximate analysis of coal determines
(a) moisture, ash, sulfur, volatile matter
(b) moisture, volatile matter
(c) moisture, sulfur, nitrogen, fixed carbon
(d) carbon, hydrogen, ash
CO + H2 is
CO2 is
91. Dacron is
(a) a polyester
(b) an unsaturated polyester
(c) a polyamide
(d) an inorganic polymer
92. Celluloid is
(a) cellulose acetate
(b) regenerated cellulose
(c) cellulose nitrate
(d) cellulose acetate butyrate
93. Thermoplastic materials
(a) do not soften on application of heat
(b) are heavily branched molecules
(c) are solvent insoluble
(d) are capable of softening or fusing when heated and of
hardening again when cooled
94. Thermosetting materials
(a) are capable of becoming permanently rigid when heated or
(b) soften on application of heat
(c) are solvent insoluble
(d) are heavily branched molecules
95. Type of glass used in optical work is
(a) soda-lime glass
(b) fiber glass
(c) lead glass
(d) borosilicate glass
96. Silicon carbide is
(a) an adhesive
(b) an abrasive
(c) a type of glass
(d) brittle
97. The temperature in the calcium carbide furnace is
(a) 200 - 300C
(b) increases with the increasing flake size keeping the flake thickness
(c) increases considerably with the rise of temperature
(d) decreases as the moisture content of flakes increases
116. Fats as compared to oils have
(a) more unsaturated glycerides of fatty acids
(b) less unsaturated glycerides of fatty acids
(c) much higher reactivity to oxygen
(d) lower melting point
117. Salt is added in the kettle during soap manufacture to separate
(a) soap from lye
(b) glycerin from lye
(c) the metallic soap
(d) the unsaponified fat from soap
118. Hydrazine (N2H4) is used mainly as
(a) explosive
(b) rocket fuel
(c) an additive in detergent
(d) catalyst
119. Oils are partially hydrogenated (not fully) to manufacture vanaspati,
because fully saturated
solidified oils
(a) cause cholesterol build up and blood clotting
(b) are prone to rancid oxidation
(c) always contain some amount of nickel (as their complete removal
is very difficult)
(d) have affinity to retain harmful sulfur compounds
120. Hydrogenation of oil takes place in
(a) an autothermal reactor
(b) a trickle bed reactor
(c) a plug flow reactor
(d) backmix reactor
(c) MLT-1T
Dimension of viscosity is
(a) ML-1T-1
(b) MLT-1
(d) MLT
11. The pressure intensity is the same in all direction at a point in a fluid
(a) only when the fluid is frictionless
(b) only when the fluid is at rest having zero velocity
(c) when there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an
adjacent layer
(d) regardless of the motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent
12. Choose the set of pressure intensities that are equivalent
(a) 4.33 psi, 10 ft. of water, 8.83 inches of Hg.
(b) 4.33 psi, 10 ft. of water, 20.7 inches of Hg.
(c) 10 psi, 19.7 ft. of water, 23.3 inches of Hg.
(d) 10 psi, 19.7 ft of water, 5.3 inches of Hg.
13. For a fluid rotating at constant angular velocity about vertical axis as a
rigid body, the pressure intensity varies as the
(a) square of the radial distance
(b) radial distance linearly
(c) averse of the radial distance
(d) elevation along vertical direction
(b) 48y
(d) 58y
(a) ft-lb/sec
(c) ft-lbf/lb.m
(b) ft-lb/ft3
(d) ft-lb.f/sec
(a) 2000
(c) 100
(b) 10
(d) 1000
(b) 0.5
(d) none of these
42. The velocity profile for turbulent flow through a closed conduit is
(b) parabolic
(a) logarithmic
(c) hyperbolic
(d) linear
49. Drag co-efficient for flow past immersed body is the ratio of
(a) shear stress to the product of velocity head density
(b) shear force to the product of velocity head and density
(c) average drag per unit projected area to the product of velocity
head and density
(d) none of these
(a) < 1
(c) < 5
(b) > 1
(d) none of these
(a) the suction pressure < vapour pressure of the liquid at that
(b) the suction pressure > vapour pressure of the liquid at that
(c) the suction pressure = vapour pressure
(d) the suction pressure = developed head
69. Cavitation can be prevented by
(a) suitably designing the pump
(b) maintaining the suction head sufficiently greater than the
vapour pressure
(c) maintaining suction head = developed head
(d) maintaining suction head lower than the vapour pressure
70. Priming needed in a
(a) reciprocating pump
(c) centrifugal pump
71. The maximum depth from which a centrifugal pump can draw water
(a) dependent on the speed N of the pump
(b) dependent on the power of the pump
(d) 150 feet
(c) 34 feet
(b) slurries
(d) none of these
90. Velocity distribution for flow between the fixed parallel plates
(a) varies parabolically across the section
(b) is constant over the entire cross section
(c) is zero at the plates and increases linearly to the midplane
(d) none of these
91. While starting a centrifugal pump, its delivery valve should be kept
(a) opened
(b) closed
(c) either opened or closed; it does not make any difference
(d) either opened or closed; depending on the fluid viscosity
92. Path followed by water jet issuing from the bottom of a water tank will
be a
(a) parabola (vertex being at the opening)
(b) hyperbolic
(c) horizontal straight line
(d) zig-zag path (which is geometrically undefined)
93. A centrifugal pump loses prime after starting. The reason of this trouble
may be
(a) incomplete priming
(b) too high a suction lift
(c) low available NPSH and air leaks in the suction pipe
(d) all a, b, and c
94. Capacity of a rotary gear pump can be varied by
(a) changing the speed of rotation
(b) bleeding air into suction
(c) bypassing liquid from the suction or discharge line
(d) all a, b, and c
95. For liquid flow through a packed bed, the superficial velocity as
compared to average velocity through the channel in the bed is
(a) more
(c) equal
(b) less
(d) independent of porosity
98. For pipes that must be broken at intervals for maintenance, the
connector used should be a
(b) tee
(a) union
(c) reduces
(d) elbow
99. If more than two branches of pipes are to be connected at the same
point, then use
(a) elbow
(b) union
(d) none of these
(c) tee
100. The most economical valve for use with large diameter pipes is
(b) globe valve
(a) butterfly valve
(c) needle valve
(d) none of these
101. Which of the following factors does not contribute to the pressure
drop in a pipeline?
(a) velocity of liquid
(b) size of pipe
(c) length of pipe and number of bends
(d) none of these
102. Which of the following can be used to create a flow of gas where no
significant compression is required?
(a) reciprocating compressor
(b) blower
103. Erosion and pits formation on the impeller of a centrifugal pump may
be due to
(b) low speed of impeller
(a) cavitation
(c) its operation with delivery valve closed for considerable time
after starting the pump
(d) off centering of pump with motor
104. Which of the following valves will incur maximum pressure drop for
the same discharge of water?
(a) globe valve
(b) gate valve
(d) butterfly valve
(c) needle valve
105. While starting on axial flow pump, its delivery valve should be kept
(b) closed
(a) open
(c) either open or closed
(d) none of these
106. Identification of pipelines carrying different liquids and gases is done
(a) diameter of the pipe
(b) color of the pipe
(c) the altitude of at which pipe is located
(d) none of these
115. The most important factor which determines the maximum height to
which water can
be lifted by a pump at standard temperature
(62F) is
(b) speed of the impeller
(a) barometric pressure
(c) diameter of the impeller
(d) both b and c
116. Bear pump
(a) is a positive displacement pump
(b) is a centrifugal pump
(c) is a non-positive displacement pump
(d) can be started with delivery valve closed
117. When the water is warm, the height to which it can be lifted by a
(a) decreases due to reduced velocity
(b) decreases due to reduced vapor pressure
(c) increases due to increased vapor pressure
(d) decreases due to increased frictional resistance
123. Actual lift of pump always less than the theoretical lift and is limited
(a) specific gravity and temperature of the liquid
(b) leakage and pressure decreasing at higher elevations
(c) frictional resistance through pipes, fittings and passages
(d) all a, b and c
A pipe carrying steam at about 300C traverses a room, the air
being still at 30C. the major fraction of the heat loss will be by
a. conduction to the still air
b. convection to the
c. Increases continuously
d. Increases and then decreases
The directional emissivity for metallic surface is
a. Constant from all over the angles from normal
b. More near the normal and less near the tangential direction
c. More near tangential direction compared to normal direction
d. The distribution is affected more by temperature than by
For non metallic insulating materials directional emissivity
a. Is constant all over the angles from normal
b. More at near normal directions than at tangential direction
c. Less at near normal directions compared to tangential direction
d. Can be as case b or c depending on surface preparation
Selective surface
Do not follow Kirchhoffs law
Adsorb only at definite wavelengths
Emit only at definite wave bands
All of these
Glasses are
a. Opaque for high temperature radiation
b. Opaque for low temperature radiation
c. Transparent at short wavelengths
d. Transparent at long wavelengths
e. Opaque for low temperature radiation transparent at long
For solar collectors the required surface characteristics
combination is
a. High emissivity and low absorptivity
b. High emissivity and high reflectivity
c. High reflectivity and high absorptivity
d. Low emissivity and high absorptivity
Emissivity of Gas body of a given composition depends on
a. Shape and temperature
b. Partial pressure and shape
c. Partial pressure and temperature
d. All of these
2. To remove all the moisture from a wet solid requires exposure to
a) perfectly dry air
b) highly humid air
c) air at high temperature
d) none of these
c) critical moisture
d) none of these
11. Rotary dryer cannot handle
a) free flowing materials
b) dry materials
c) sticky materials
d) granular materials
12. Moisture in a solid exerting an equilibrium vapor pressure equal to that
of the pure liquid at
the same temperature is
a) unbound moisture
b) critical moisture
c) free moisture
d) bound moisture
13. Refractory bricks are usually dried in a
a) tray dryer
b) tunnel dryer
c) conveyor dryer
d) festoon dryer
14. Heat sensitive materials like certain pharmaceuticals and food stuff can
be dried
a) in indirect tray dryer
b) in spray dryer
c) by freeze drying
d) none of these
15. Moisture contained by a substance in excess of the equilibrium
moisture is called
a) unbound moisture
b) free moisture
c) critical moisture
d) bound moisture
27. For continuous drying of granular or crystalline material, the dryer used
a) tunnel
b) tray
c) rotary
d) none of these
28. All moisture in a non-hygroscopic material ismoisture
a) free
b) equilibrium
c) unbound
d) bound
29. During constant rate period, the rate of drying decreases with
a) decrease in air temperature
b) increased air humidity
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b
30. Which is the controlling factor for a drum dryer?
a) diffusion
b) heat transfer
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b
31. Paper industry employs..dryers
a) cylinder
b) rotary
c) spray
d) fluidized bed
32. Sand is dried in foundaries in a ..dryer
a) rotary
b) fluidized bed
c) vacuum
d) spray
d) none of these
10. Steady state temperature reached by a small amount of liquid
evaporating into a large amount
of unsaturated vapor-gas mixture is
a) dry-bulb temperature
b) wet bulb temperature
c) dew point
d) adiabatic saturation temperature
11. Dry bulb temperature of the gas is
a) less than the wet-bulb temperature
b) greater than the wet-bulb temperature
c) equal to the wet-bulb temperature
d) none of these
12. The difference of wet bulb temperature and adiabatic saturation
temperature of unsaturated
mixture of any system is
a) positive
b) negative
c) zero
d) none of these
13. When the temperature and humidity of air is low we usually use
a) natural draft cooling tower
b) forced draft cooling tower
c) induced draft cooling tower
d) none of these
14. The equipment frequently used for adiabatic humidification-cooling
operation with
recirculating liquid is
a) natural draft cooling tower
b) induced draft cooling tower
c) spray chamber
d) none of these
24. A mixture of 10% C6H6 vapor in air at 25oC and 750 mm Hg has a dew
point of 20oC. Its
dew point at 30oC and 700 mm Hg will be around
a) 21.7oC
b) 20oC
c) 27.3oC
d) 18.7oC
29. The relative saturation of a partially saturated mixture of vapor and gas
can be increased by
a) reducing the total pressure of the mixture
b) increasing the total pressure of the mixture
c) reducing the temperature of the mixture
d) both b and c
31. Unsaturated air (with dry and wet bulb temperatures being 35 oC and
25oC respectively) is
passed through water spray chamber maintained at 35 oC. The air will
both a and b
The diffusivity (D) in a binary gas mixture is related to the pressure (P)
a.) D T1.5
b.) D 1
c.) D 1
d.) D 1
Mass transfer co-efficient (K) and diffusivity (D) are related according
to film theory as
a.) K D
b.) K D
c.) K D1.5
d.) K D2
Penetration theory relates average mass transfer co-efficient (K) with
diffusivity (D) as
a.) K D
b.) K D
c.) K D1.5
d.) K D2
Corresponding to Prandtl number in heat transfer, the dimensionless
group in mass transfer is
a.) Schmidt number
b.) Sherwood number
c.) Peclet number
d.) Stanton number
b.) Re.Pe
d.) Re / Pe
b.) Pr x Sc
d.) St x Sh
Flooding results in
a.) High tray efficiency
b.) Low tray efficiency
c.) High gas velocity
d.) Good contact between the fluids
At the same gas flow rate, the pressure drop in a packed tower being
irrigated with liquid
a.) is greater than that in dry packed
b.) is lower than that in drying packing
c.) is same as that in drying packing
d.) cannot be predicted as data are insufficient
11. The operating line for an absorbed is curved when plotted in terms of
a.) mole fractions
b.) mole ratios
c.) partial pressure
d.) mass fractions
12. In case of an absorber, the operating
a.) line always lies above the equilibrium curve
b.) line always lies below the equilibrium curve
c.) line can be either above or below the equilibrium curve
d.) velocity is more than the loading velocity
13. For an absorber, both equilibrium and operating line will be straight for
a.) concentrated solution and non-isothermal operation
b.) dilute solution and non-isothermal operation
c.) dilute solution and isothermal operation
d.) concentrated solution and isothermal operation
14. In case of desorber (stipper)
a.) the operating line always lies above the equilibrium curve
b.) the operating line always lies below the equilibrium line
c.) temperature remains unaffected
d.) temperature always increases
15. The minimum liquid rate to be used in an absorber corresponds to an
operating line
a.) of slope = 1
b.) of slope =
c.) tangential to the equilibrium curve d.) none of these
b.) decreased
d.) better gas
b.) I,IV,V,VI
23. When both the fluids flow concurrently in an absorber, the slope of the
operating line is
a.) negative
b.) positive
c.) 1
d.) -1
24. Ammonia present in the coke oven gas is removed by washing with
a.) caustic solution
b.) dilute
ammoniacal liquor
c.) dilute HCl
25. Which of the following is not fixed by process requirements in the
design of absorbers?
a.) flow rate of the entering gas
b.) composition of the entering liquid
c.) terminal concentration of gas stream
d.) none of these
26. In an absorber, HETP does not vary with
a.) flow rate of liquid
c.) type and size of packing
d.) 0.5
b.) maldistribution of
b.) cm / gm
d.) gm / gm.
b.) gm / cmd.) gm -1
10. In continuous filtration (at a constant pressure drop) filtrate flow rate
varies inversely as the
a.) square root of the velocity
b.) square root of the viscosity
c.) filtration time only
d.) washing time only
11. For separation of sugar solution from settled out mud we use
a.) sparkler filter
b.) plate and
c.) centrifugal filter
d.) rotary drum
vacuum filter
c.) 1
12. The most common filter aid is
a.) diatomaceous earth
c.) sodium carbonate
15. The speed of a rotary drum vacuum filter (in rpm) may be
a.) 1
b.) 50
c.) 100
d.) 500
16. Gelatinous solid (which plug the septum) can be filtered by
a.) sparkler filter
b.) plate and
frame filter
c.) vacuum leaf filter
d.) precost filter
17. For laminar of flow of filtrate through the cake deposited on septum
which of the following with the valid?
a.) Kozency-Carman Equation
b.) Leva's equation
c.) Clack-Plummer equation
d.) none of these
18. Which of the following may prove unsuitable for filtering volatile
a.) pressure filter
b.) gravity filter
c.) centrifugal filter
d.) vacuum filter
19. In washing type plate and frame filter press the ratio of washing rate to
the final filtrate rate is
a.) 4
b.) 1/4
d.) 1/2
22. Flow of filtrate through cake in a plate and frame filter press is best
described by
a.) Kozency-Carman equation
b.) Hagen-Poiseu
c.) Fanning's equation
d.) Kremser equation
25. Which of the following represents the plot of filtrate cvolume versus
time for constant pressure filtration?
a.) parabola
b.) straight line
c.) hyperbola
d.) exponential curve
26. With increase in drum speed, in a rotary drum filter, the filtration rate
a.) increases
b.) increases linearly
c.) decreases
b.) decreases
d.) none of these
29. Addition of filter aid to the slurry before filtration is done to .. of the
a.) increase the porosity
b.) increase the compressibility coefficient
c.) decrease the porosity
d.) decrease the compressibility coefficient
Physical adsorption is
a. an irreversible phenomenon
b. a reversible phenomenon
c. accompanied by evolution of heat
c. pressure decreases
d. size of adsorbent
30. The cake resistance increases steadily with the time of filtration in a
plate and frame filter employing constant .. filtration
a.) rate
b.) pressure
c.) both a and b
d.) neither a nor b
31. The controlling resistance in a rotary drum vacuum filter is the .
a.) piping
b.) cake
c.) filter medium
c.) none of
both b and c
none of
Cold Ca
c. absorption
d. adsorption
c. pressure
d. size of the solid
Which of the following is the most suitable for cleaning of fine coal
dust (< 0.5 m)?
a. Through washer
c. Spiral separator
b. Baum Jig Washer
d. Froth Flotation
d. steam distillation
c. dilute H2SO4
d. lime water
c. temperature
d. none of these
Heats sensitive materials with very high latent heat of vaporization may
be economically separated using
a. liquid extraction
c. evaporation
b. distillation
d. absorption
results in low
none of these
c. ( i ), ( iii ), ( v ), (
d. ( i ), ( ii ), ( iv ), (
11. The solvent used in liquid extraction should not have high latent heat of
vaporization because
a. the pressure drops and hence the pumping cost will be very
b. it cannot be recovered by distillation
c. its recovery cost by distillation may be prohibitively high
d. it will decompose while recovering by distillation
c. belt conveyor
d. bucket elevator
The capacity of a belt conveyor depends upon two factors. If one is the
cross section of the load, the other is the
a. speed of the belt
thickness of the
b. length of the belt
material to be
The ratio of the actual mesh dimension of Taylor series to that of the
next smaller screen is
a. 2
c. 1.5
The ratio of the area of opening in one screen (Taylor series) to that of
openings in the next smaller screen is
b. 1
d. none of these
a. 1.5
d. none of
Screen efficiency is
a. recovery rejection b. recovery
c. rejection
d. none of
c. 200 openings/cm
d. 200 openings/inch2
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the following information and illustration
In an experiment, a sphere of density 1 and radius r is dropped in
a tank of oil of viscosity 1 and density 2 . The time of descent for the
sphere through the first section of height d is recorded as t1 and through the
second section of the same height as t2, 0 < t2 t1 << 1.
18. The critical speed of a trommel (n) is related to its diameter (D)
c. N D
d. N
The drag force exerted on the sphere during its descent through the
second section is
1 2 g r 3
4 3
r 1 g 61r
1 g r 3
4 3
r 1 g 61r
Re p
b. CD
Re p
a. CD
Re p
Re p 0.23
13. For the free settling of a spherical particle through a fluid, the slope of
CD vs log NRe plot is
a. 1
c. 1
b. 0.5
d. 0.5
14. The terminal velocity of a small sphere settling in a viscous fluid varies
as the
c. < 1
6 DS
c. compression
at least
d. none of these
c. ultragrinding
d. crushing
c. Ball mill
d. none of these
15. As the product becomes finer, the energy required for grinding
a. decreases
is same as for coarser
b. increases
is 1.5 times than for
coarser grinding
16. Ultrafine grinders operate principally by
a. slow compression
c. attrition
b. impact
d. cutting action
d. none of these
20. Choke crushing (in case of a jaw crusher) compared to free crushing
a. results in increased capacity
c. consumes more
b. consumes less power
d. both a and c
21. For efficient grinding, ball mills, must be operated
a. at a speed less than critical speed c. at a speed equal to critical
b. at a speed more than critical speed d.
with minimum possible
small balls
22. To get ultra fine particles, the equipment used is
a. ball mill
c. hammer crusher
b. rod mill
d. fluid energy mill
23. The material is crushed in a gyratory crusher by the action of
a. impact
c. compression
b. attrition
d. cutting
24. To get fine talc powder from its granules, the equipment used is
a. roller crusher
c. jaw crusher
b. ball mill
d. gyratory crusher
25. Ball mill is used for
a. crushing
b. coarse grinding
c. fine grinding
d. attrition
26. The main differentiation factor between tube mill and ball mill is the
a. length to diameter ratio
c. final product size
b. size of the grinding media
d. operating speed
27. Kicks law relates to
a. energy consumption
c. feed size
d. none of these
d. Dp Df
c. 10 20
d. as high as 100
29. Which of the following gives the crushing energy required to create
new surface?
a. Taggarts rule
c. Rittingers law
b. Ficks Law
d. none of these
40. According to Bond crushing law, the work required to form particle of
size D from very large feed is
S /V p
S /V p
S /V f
33. The main size reduction operation in ultra fine grinders is
a. cutting
c. compression
b. attrition
d. impact
34. The reduction ratio for grinders is defined as
a. Df/Dp
S /V p
S /V f
S /V p
d. may be either more or less than geometric mean and arithmetic mean
value depending upon whether the flow of stream is co-current or
19. In a double pipe (concentric) heat exchanger, the hydraulic radius for
heat transfer (for a fluid flowing through the annulus) would be
a. same as that for fluid flow
b. less than that for fluid flow
c. more than that for fluid flow
d. D2 - D1 (D1 and D2 are I.D. of inner and outer pipes respectively)
20. Fouling factor must be included in the calculation of over all design heat
transfer co-efficient when the liquid
a. containing suspended solids flows at low velocity
b. containing suspended solids flows at high velocity
c. is highly viscous
d. is of high specific gravity
21. The value of fouling factor depends upon the
a. characteristics of process fluid
b. velocity process fluid
containing suspended solids
c. suspended solids in the fluid
d. all (a), (b) and (c)
22. Floating head heat exchangers are used for
a. heat transfer between corrosive fluids
b. cases where temperature difference between the shell and the
tubes is more (>50 C)
c. co-current heat transfer systems
d. counter-current heat transfer systems
23. In a shell and tube heat exchanger, shortest center to center distance
between adjacent tubes is
a. called tube pitch
b. called tube clearance
c. always less than the diameter of the tube
d. none of these
24. Shortest distance between two tubes is
a. called tube pitch
b. called tube clearance
a. 60
b. 200
c. 350
Diopt 3.9 q f
Diopt 4.7 q f
Diopt 3.9 q f
Diopt 3 q f
c 0.95
qf =
c =
48. For laminar flow (NRe < 2100) in steel pipe, the optimum inside pipe
diameter is given by
Diopt 3.6 q f
Diopt q f
c 0.28
c 0.025
Diopt 3 q f
Diopt q f
49. The necessary wall thickness for a metallic storage vessel is a function
of the
a. ultimate tensile strength (or yield point) of the material and operating
b. operating pressure and welding / joint efficiency
c. diameter of the vessel
d. all (a), (b) and (c)
50. Bubble cap plate column is
a. a finite stage contactor
b. used only for distillation, not for absorption
c. a differential stage contactor
d. a continuous contactor
51. The most common standard size of bubble caps used in industrial
operation is
a. 1" diameter cap with 0.5" diameter riser
b. 6" diameter cap with 4" diameter riser
c. 8" diameter cap with 1" diameter riser
d. 4" diameter cap with 8" diameter riser
c 0.18
c 0.182
52. Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to the design of the distillation
a. Generally, a skirt clearance of 0.5 to 1.5 is recommended to prevent
plugging of the slots by residue build up.
b. The purpose of the slot is to disperse the gas into the liquid in the
form of small bubbles.
c. If sufficient slot area is not provided, the gas may pass through the
skirt clearance
d. none of these
53. For a given design of bubble cap, the number of bubble caps to be used
per tray is set by the
a. allowable gas velocity through the slots
b. plate spacing
c. diameter of the column
d. all (a), (b) and (c)
54. Maximum and minimum linear slot velocities (in the distillation column
design) as recommended by Davies are respectively
a. 12/ 0.5 and 3.4/ 0.5
b.3.4/ 0.5
and 12/
c. 3.4/ 0.5 and 12/ 0.5
d. 3.4/ 0.5
and 12/
55. Normally, the ratio of the total riser area to the tower cross sectional
area (for bubble cap towers of
diameter more than 3 ft) is around
a. 0.4 - 0.6
b. 0.35 - 0.75
c. 0.1 - 0.2
d. 0.55 - 0.85
56. An adequate clearance between the tray and the shell wall of a
distillation column is provided to
a. drain the liquid from the tray when the unit is not in operation.
b. allow for thermal expansion and facilitate installation
c. avoid back-trapping
d. none of these
57. The function of manholes provided in the shell of a distillation column
is to
a. keep a check on the liquid gradient over the plate by direct visual
b. give access to the individual trays for cleaning, maintenance
and installation
c. guard against foaming and entrainment by dumping anti-forming
agent through it.
d. all (a), (b) and (c)
58. Weep holes provided in the plates of a distillation column
a. facilitate draining out liquid from a tray when the unit is not in
b. are normally located near the overflow weir so that any delivery of
liquid during operation follow approximately the same path as the
overflow fluid
c. must be large enough (usually 1/4 inch to 5/8 inch diameter) to
prevent plugging but should not deliver excessive amount of fluid
during operation
d. all (a), (b) and (c).
temperature change)?
(a) mercury thermometer
(b) radiation pyrometer
(c) bimetallic thermometer
(d) thermocouple
17. Pick out the most suitable instrument for measuring temperature in the
range of -40
to 800F.
(a) mercury thermometer
(c) radiation pyrometer
18. Thermocouple is suitable for measuring
(a) liquid temperatures only
(b) very high temperatures
(c) very low temperatures only
(d) both high and low
19. Which of the following relates the absorption and evolution of heat at
the junctions
of a thermocouple to the current flow in the circuit?
(a) Seebeck effect
(b) Peltier effect
(c) Joule heating effect
(d) Thomson effect
20. Thermal wells are used in temperature measurement to
(a) guard against corrosive and oxidizing action on thermocouple
(b) reduce measuring lag
(c) increase the fidelity
(d) increase the sensitivity
21. Gas analysis is commonly done using
(a) thermal conductivity cell
(b) X-ray diffraction
(c) mass spectrometer
22. Psychrometer determines
(a) humidity of gases
(b) moisture content
of solids
(c) water of crystallization
nature of solids
23. Continuous measurement of moisture content of paper in paper industry
is done by
(a) thermal conductivity through the paper
(b) electrical resistance through the paper
(c) magnetic susceptibility
(d) both b and c
24. Optimal activity of a solution can be determined using a
(a) polarimeter
(b) polarograph
(c) dilatometer
(d) refractometer
25. A simple pitot tube measures
(a) average velocity
(b) maximum velocity
(c) point velocity
(d) static pressure
26. Pirani gauge is used for
(a) measurement of very high pressure (b) measurement of high
(c) liquid level under pressure
(d) liquid level at atmospheric
27. A barometer measures
(a) absolute pressure
(b) gauge pressure
(c) both absolute and gauge pressure (d) dynamic pressure
28. The level of a liquid under pressure can be determined using
(a) bubbler system
differential pressure
(c) diaphragm box system
(d) air-trap system
29. Continuous measurement of specific gravity of a liquid is done by
(a) hydrometer
electric indicators
(c) displacement meter
(d) both a and c
30. Hot wire anemometer is used for the measurement of
(a) flow rates of fluid
flow rates of
granular solids
(c) very high temperature
conductivity of gases
31. Flow rate through an orifice is
(a) proportional to the pressure differential
(b) inversely proportional to the square root of pressure differential
35. Which is the symbol for pneumatic
control valve
(d) none of
(a) water
(b) steam
(c) air
(d) oil
49. Number of poles in a system with transfer function ________1______
s +
2s + 1
(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 1
50. Which of the following controllers has maximum offset?
(a) P-controller
(b) P-I controller
(c) P-D controller
(d) P-I-D controller
51. Process degrees of freedom
(a) indicates the maximum number of controller to be used
(b) indicates the minimum number of controller to be used
(c) determines both maximum and minimum number of controllers to
be used
(d) gives no idea of controllers
52. Resistance of a gas in a vessel is
(a) __V__
(b) nRT
(c) nRT
(d) __P_
Where: P =pressure
V= volume of the vessel
n= number of moles of the gas R= gas constant
52. In an exothermic chemical reactor, the manipulated variable is the flow
rate of
(a) coolant
(b) reactant
(c) product
(d) hot fluid
53. Use of I-control along with P-control facilitates
(a) elimination of offset
(b) reduction of offset
(c) reduction of stability time
(d) both b and c
54. Which of the following error integral is considered as the best criterion
in controller settings?
(a) | e | dt
(b) | e | dt
e dt
(c) electronic
(d) all a, b and c
75. Use of pilot in transmission (pneumatic) is to
(a) speed up signal
(b) change the flow
of air
(c) adjust the signal
(d) all a, b and c
76. Final control element is a
(a) valve
(b) switch
(c) signal
(d) both a and b
77. Example of a second order instrument is a
(a) mercury-glass thermometer with covering
(b) bare mercury-glass thermometer
(c) pressure gauge
(d) Bourdon gauge
78. Offset
(a) varies with time
(b) varies exponentially
with time
(c) does not vary with time
(d) varies as square of the time
79. Regulator problem means that
(a) set point is constant
(b) load is constant
(c) both set point and load are constant
(d) neither
set point nor
80. Servo problem means that
(a) set point is constant
(b) load is constant
(c) both a and b
(d) neither a nor b
Bog iron is used for adsorption of H2S from coke oven gas is
a. an intimate mixture of saw dust and iron dust (i.e. moist
ferric hydroxide)
b. iron impregnated with resin (usually bakelite)
c. carbon free iron
d. none of these
Iron alloyed with carbon up to 2% is called
a. pig iron
b. wrought iron
c. high carbon steel
d. none of these
The softest material in Mhos scale (for measuring hardness) is
a. talc
b. gypsum
c. rubber
d. none of these
Karbate is
a. a mixture of iron dust and saw dust
b. carbon impregnated with resin (usually bakelite)
c. acid resistant material
d. both (b) and (c).
Duralumin is an alloy of
a. aluminum, copper and manganese
b .aluminum, nickel and silicon
c. aluminum and nickel
d. none of these
Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by the addition of
a. phosphorus and tungsten
b. nickel and chromium
c. lead and vanadium
d. molybdenum and tungsten
White metal is an alloy of
a. lead, tin and cadmium b. copper, tin and zinc
c. copper and lead
d. none of these
Presence of cobalt in steel improve its
a. cutting ability
b. corrosion resistance
c. tensile strength
d. none of these
The impure iron (Pig iron) that is taped out from blast furnace
contains about
a. 0.2% carbon
b. 2% carbon
c. 4% carbon
d. 8% carbon
Carbon content in steel is
a. 0.1 2%
b. 4 6%
c. 5- 10%
d. 0
An ideal material of construction for the storage of 50% caustic
soda solution would be
a. Karbate
b. high silica cast iron
c. monel
d. none of these
For storing water and acid free benzol, use
a. steel vessel
b. karbate vessel
c. stainless steel vessel
d. none of these
Brine (15% concentration) can be stored in a vessel made of
a. monel
b. karbate
c. cast iron
d. none of these
14. Most suitable material of construction for the storage of
concentrated nitric acid is
a. cast iron
b. monel
c. karbate
d. aluminum or chromium alloys (Cr > 18% for cold acid).
15. Babbit metal (used for making bearings) comprises
a. mainly tin (85%) and lead
b. saw dust and iron dust mixture
c. zinc and aluminum
d. copper and aluminum
16. The material of construction of pressure mills used for squeezing
out the juice from sugar cane is
a. stainless steel
b. cast iron
c. mild steel
d. monel.
17. Chlorination of benzene is done to produce benzene hexachloride
(a pesticide) in a photochemical reactor lined with
a. karbate
b. lead or glass
c. fire clay bricks
d. PVC
18. Polymerization reactor used for the production of styrenebutadiene
rubber (SBR) is made of
a. vessel
b. stainless steel or glass lined vessel
c. karbate
d. wrought iron
19. Which of the following is the most suitable material of
construction for evaporator and its tubes for concentrating NaOH
solution to 70%?
a. cast iron
b. steel
c. nickel
d. karbate
20. Most common stainless steel type 316, which it highly resistant to
corrosion contains
a. 16 13% chromium, 10 14% nickel and 2 3%
b. 20 22% chromium, and 8 10% nickel
c. 2 4% chromium, 22% nickel and 2 4% molybdenum
d. none of these
21. Caustic soda can be stored in
a. steel drums
b. cast iron drums
c. brass drums
d. gun metal drums
22. Brass is an alloy of
a. nickel and tin
b. copper and zinc
c. tin and lead
d. copper, nickel and zinc
23. The carbonating tower used in Solvay Process of soda ash
manufacture is made of
a. cast iron
b. stainless steel
c. karbate
d. lead lined steel
24. Gun metal is an alloy of
a. nickel, tin and copper
b. copper, tin and zinc
c. copper, phosphorus and nickel
d. manganese, phosphorus and nickel
25. Marcy ball mills are usually made of
a. steel
b. cast iron
c. stainless steel
d. bronze
26. Bronze is an alloy of
a. lead and copper
b. copper and tin
c. nickel and copper
d. copper and zinc
27. Rotary kilns in cement industry are lined with
a. fire clay
b. silica
c. lead
d. high alumina and high magnesia
28. In the Kraft (sulfate) process for the paper manufacture the digester
is made of
a. cast iron
b. stainless steel
c. karbate carbon
d. wrought iron
29. Dry chlorine can be handled in a vessel made of
a. iron or steel
b. PVC
c. nickel
d. brass
30. Tank furnace used for melting of glass is made of
a. mild steel
b. cast iron
c. refractory blocks
d. stainless steel
31. Stainless steel contains
a. chromium and nickel b. copper
c. aluminum
d. vanadium
32. Caustic soda is reduced in a mercury cell having anode and
cathode made respectively of
a. moving mercury and graphite
b. graphite and moving mercury
c. moving mercury and carbon
d. moving mercury and crimped steel wire
33. Monel metal is an alloy of
a. molybdenum and nickel
b. nickel and copper
c. molybdenum and aluminum
d. molybdenum and zinc
34. German silver is an alloy of
a. copper, nickel and zinc
b. copper, aluminum and silver
c. silver, zinc and aluminum
d. silver, nickel and zinc
35. Chromel (Nichrome) is an alloy of
a. chromium and molybdenum
b. nickel and chromium
c. molybdenum and nickel
d. chromium and aluminum
36. Urea autoclave is made of
a. cast iron
b. refractory blocks
c. stainless steel
d. lead lined steel
37. Steel tower used for storage of oleum
a. is lined with lead
b. need not be lined
c. is lined with rubber
d. is lined with acid-proof
38. Hydrochloric acid is stored in
a. lead lined steel vessel b. rubber-lined steel vessel
c. stainless steel vessel
d. cast iron vessel
39. Photographic plates are coated in
a. silver nitrate
b. silver halide
c. calcium silicate
d. metallic silver
40. Aqueous nitric acid is stored in
a. steel drum
c .malleable and ductile; hence used for chain links, hooks and
d. an alloy of iron, chromium and carbon
a. bromine
b. dry chlorine and dry fluorine
c. nitric acid (95% and fuming)
d. phosphoric acid (95%) and sulfuric acid (95% and fuming)
67. Gun metal and bronze are not corroded by the action of
a. wet chlorine
b. synthetic
detergent solution
c. hydrochloric acid (10%)
d. nitric acid (<25%)
68. Containers made of high silicon cast iron (14% Si) are not suitable
for the storage of
a. acetic acid
b. benzoic and boric acids
c. phosphoric acid (95%) and sulfuric acid (95%)
d. hydrochloric acid (concentrated)
69. Lead lined equipments and vessels are suitable for handling
a. hydrochloric acid (10%)
b. nitric acid
c. sulfuric acid up to 60C
d. all (a), (b) and (c)
70. Mild steel storage vessels are suitable for the storage of
a. anhydrous ammonia
b. fatty acids
c. hydrochloric acid (95%)
d. sulfuric acid (25%)
71. Nickel made clad equipments are suitable for handling
a. ammonia (both aqueous and anhydrous)
b. fruit juices, milk and its products and caustic soda solution
c. nitric acid and hydrochloric acid (concentrated)
d. sulfuric acid (concentrated)
72. Platinum and silver are corroded by
a. caustic soda solution
b. phosphoric acid
c. sulfuric acid (10%)
d. none of these
73. 18-8 stainless steel means that it contains
a. 18% chromium and 8% nickel
b. 18% chromium and 8% molybdenum
c. 18% nickel and 8% chromium
c. phosphoric acid
d. none these
85. Graphite is corroded by
a. sulfuric acid (10%)
b. sea Water
b. hydrochloric acid
d. none of these
86. Wood is corroded by
a. hydrochloric acid
b. SO2 (dry or wet)
c. chlorine (dry or wet)
d. all (a), (b) and (c)
87. The 'bomb' in the bomb calorimeter is made of
a. molybdenum stainless steel
b. mild steel
c. high silicon iron (14% Si)
d. copper
88. Most suitable material for high pressure vessel operating at 500 atm
and 500C is
a. molybdenum stainless steel
b. 18-8 stainless steel
c. mild steel
d. high
silicon iron (14% Si)
89. Centrifugal pump made of pyrex or glass can't be used to pump
a. mild and fruit juices
b. alkaline solutions
c. dilute H2SO4 at room temperature d. brine
90. Rubber lined pumps can be used to pump
a. caustic soda
b. chlorinated brine
c. hypochlorous acid
d. all (a), (b) and (c)
91. Copper is dissolved from its ore by H2SO4 in percolation tanks made
a. wood
c. reinforced concrete lined with lead
b. stainless steel
d. high silicon iron (14%
92. Rotary dryers are generally made of
a. cast iron
b. mild steel
c. high silicon iron (14% Si)
d. tin lined with refractory
93. Kel-F is
a. nothing but polycholorotrifluroethylene
b. having excellent chemical and high temperature resistance (up to
c. an elastomer
d. all (a), (b) and (c)
94. Zircaloy used as a fuel cladding material in a nuclear reactor (thermal)
is an alloy of zirconium
a. tin, nickel, iron and chromium b. and graphite
c. and copper
d. none of these
95. Which of the following would not be a suitable material of
construction for handling aqueous
hydrofluoric acid (HF) at 100C?
a. none
b. stainless steel
c. graphite
d. Kel-F and Teflon
96. Specify the materials of construction suitable for handling
concentrated HNO3 at 100C.
a. high silicon iron, Kel-F and Teflon
b. silicon rubber
c. tin and wood
d. stainless steel
97. Concentrated HCl at 30C can be stored in a vessel made of
a. PTFE and porcelain
b. cast iron and aluminum
c. stainless steel and high silicon cast iron
d. copper, nickel and monel
98. Which of the following material of construction may be recommended
by a chemical engineer
for handling a gaseous chlorine (dry or wet) stream in a fluid flow
a. High silicon iron, silicone rubber, Kel-F and teflon
b. Mild steel and stainless steel
c. Cast iron, tin and aluminum
d. Copper, nickel and monel
99. Which of the following materials may prove unsuitable for handling
acetic (glacial and
anhydrous) at 40C?
a. silicone rubber, teflon, porcelain and wood
b. nickel, monel, stainless steel and graphite
c. aluminum, copper, high silicon iron
d. brass, cast iron, mild steel and tin
100. 100% H2SO4 at 30C can't be used and stored in a vessel made/ lined
The following cost item which in common both the fixed and operating
cost of an enterprise is:
a. interest
b. depreciation
c. taxes
d. supplies
The length of time, usually in years for the cumulative net annual profit
to equal the investment is called:
a. receivable turnover
b. return of investment
c. price earning ratio
d. payback period
The reduction in value and marketability due to competition from
newest products / model
a. depreciated cost
b. fixed cost
c. indirect cost
d. obsolescence
Form of summary of assets, liabilities and net worth
a. production
b. break even point
c. balance method
d. balance sheet
The worth of property which is equal to the original cost less
a. earning value
b. scrap value
c. book value
d. face value
The type of interest that is periodically added to the amount of loan so
that subsequent interest is based on the cumulative amount.
a. compound interest
b. simple interest
c. interest rate
d. sinking fund
Output or sales at which income is insufficient to equal operating cost
a. break even point
b. investment
c. depreciation
d. cash flow
The price at which a given product will be supplied and purchased is
the price that will result in the supply and the demand being equal.
17. A condition where only few individuals produce a certain product that
action of one will lead to almost the same action by the other.
a. monopoly
b. oligopoly
c. semi monopoly
d. perfect competition
18. Is the simplest form of business organization
a. sole proprietorship
b. enterprise
c. partnership
d. corporation
19. An association of two or more persons for a purpose of engaging in a
profitable business
a. sole proprietorship
b. enterprise
c. partnership
d. corporation
20. A distinct legal entity which can practically transact any business
transaction which a real person could do.
a. sole proprietorship
b. enterprise
c. partnership
d. corporation
21. An increase in the value of capital asset is called
a. profit
b. capital gain
c. capital expenditure
d. capital stock
22. The reduction in the money value of a capital asset is called
a. capital expenditure
b. capital loss
c. loss
d. deficit
23. The difference between sales revenue and the cost of goods sold
a. net income
b. gross profit
c. rate of return
d. gross national
24. A currency traded in a foreign exchange market for which the demand
is consistently high in relation to its supply
a. money market
b. hard currency
c. treasury bill
25. Defined as the certificate of indebtedness of a corporation usually for a
period not less than 10 years and guaranteed by a mortgage on certain
assets of a corporation
a. bonds
b. T-bills
c. stock
d. all of these
35. A bond whereby the security behind it are the equipments of the issuing
a. debenture bond
b. lien bond
c. collateral bond
d. mortgage bond
36. An annuity where the payment period extends forever or in which the
periodic payment continue indefinitely.
a. ordinary annuity
b. deferred annuity
c. annuity due
d. perpetuity
37. It is the span of life of an equipment during which it produces the
product it is designed to produce at a profit
a. write off period
b. physical life
c. economic life
d. perpetual life
38. It is a depreciation method whereby the decrease in value of the unit is
constant each year
a. Matheson formula
b. Straight line method
c. SYD method
39. It is a distinct legal entity separate from the individual who own it and
which can engage in practically any business transaction which a real
person can do.
a. sole proprietorship
b. partnership
c. corporation
d. all of the above
40. These are costs which remain relatively constant regardless of any
change in operation or policy which is made.
a. fixed cost
b. increment cost
c. variable cost
d. differential cost
41. The length of time at which the original cost of capital used to purchase
a unit have already been recovered.
a. economic life
b. write off period
c. physical life
d. salvage life
42. The actual interest earned by a given principal is known as:
a. compound interest
b. nominal interest
c. simple interest
d. effective interest
43. The exclusive right of a company to provide a specific product /
services in a given region of the country.
a. franchise
b. branch
c. extension
d. outlet
c. consumer goods
d. cash flow
54. It is a series of equal payments occurring at equal interval of time
where the first payment is made several periods after the beginning of
the payment
a. deferred annuity
b. delayed annuity
c. progressive annuity
d. simple annuity
55. A market whereby there is only one buyer of an item for which there
are no goods substitute
a. monopoly
b. monopsony
c. oligopoly
d. oligopsony
56. The amount of a property in which a willing buyer will pay to a willing
seller for the property when neither one is under the compulsion to buy
or sell
a. fair value
b. goodwill value
c. book value
d. market value
57. A type of annuity where the payments are made at the start of each
period, beginning from the first period
a. ordinary annuity
b. annuity due
c. deferred annuity
d. perpetuity
61. The function of interest rate and time that determines the cumulative
amount of a sinking fund resulting from specific periodic deposits
a. sinking fund factor
b. present worth factor
c. capacity factor
d. demand factor
62. The intangible item of value from the exclusive right of the company to
provide a specific product or service in a stated region of the country
a. market value
b. book value
c. goodwill value
d. franchise value
63. The length of time during which it is capable of performing the
function for which it was designed and manufactured.
a. economic life
b. business life
c. insular life
d. physical life
64. Products that are directly used by people to satisfy their wants.
a. supply
b. consumer goods
c. producer goods
d. cash flows
65. A change in cost for a small change in volume of production.
a. fixed cost
b. sunk cost
c. first cost
d. differential cost
66. An amount which has been spent and for some reasons cannot be
a. sunk cost
b. first cost
c. increment
d. fixed cost
67. The difference between the book value and the actual lower resale
value is
a. salvage value
b. resale value
c. sunk cost
d. fixed cost
68. It occurs when a unique product or service is available only from a
single supplier and entry of all other possible suppliers presented.
a. competition
b. monopoly
c. inventory
d. profitability
69. A place where buyer and seller come together
a. market
b. shop
c. department store
d. parlor
70. Ratio of annual net profit and the capital invested
a. proportion
b. rate of return
c. load factor
d. use factor
71. The price of which a willing buyer will pay to a willing seller for a
a. resale value
b. market value
c. book value
d. scrap value
72. The price of property when sold for a junk
a. scrap value
b. book value
c. resale value
d. market value
73. An interest earning fund in which equal deposits are made at equal
intervals of time
a. annuity
b. sinking fund
c. interest
d. investment
74. A term describing wealth which is placed in a business and could
include cash equipment, raw materials and finished products
a. capital
b. investment
c. collateral
d. assets
75. The first cost of any property includes
a. the original purchase price and freight and transportation charges
b. installation expenses
c. initial taxes and permits' fee
d. all of the above
1. Velocity of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is maximum at
(a) mean position
(b) extreme position
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these.
2. The number of waves that can be set up in a medium in one sec. is
(a) wavelength
(b) wave amplitude
(c) wave frequency
(d) wave period
original temperature
(b) the sum of surface areas of the droplets is equal to the surface area
of the original drop
(c) the sum of masses of the droplets is equal to the original mass of
the drop
(d) the sum of the radii of the two droplets is equal to the radius of the
original drop.
27. When sugar is added to water, the surface tension of sugar solution is
(a) more than that of water
(b) same as that of water
(c) less than that of water
(d) sometimes more and sometimes less than that of water.
28. In a human body the blood pressure is the greatest at
(a) brain
(b) hands
(c) Abdomen
(d) feet.
29. The value of Reynolds number signifies
(a) whether the flow is stream lined or turbulent
(b) high surface tension of the liquid
(c) whether the flow is vertical or horizontal
(d) all the above.
30. Viscosity is a transport phenomenon explained using the concept of
(a) mass
(b) kinetic energy
(c) potential energy
(d) momentum.
31. Viscosity is closely similar to
(a) density
(b) velocity
(c) friction
(d) surface tension.
32. A drop of oil is placed on the surface of water. Which of the following
statements is correct?
(a) it will spread as a thin layer
(b) it will remain on it as sphere
(c) it will partly be spherical and partly a thin film
(d) it will float as a distorted drop on the water surface.
33. When a magnet is broken, each piece becomes a complete magnet
(a) the number of electrons in one piece are different from that of the
(b) each piece becomes a complete magnet since molecular magnets
cannot be broken
(c) the density of atoms in the pieces are different
(d) none of these.
34. Since the induced magnetic moments in a diamagnetic substance in a
field oppose the applied field, the diamagnetic susceptibility is
(a) negative
(b) small positive value
(c) zero
(d) large positive value.
35. For a diamagnetic substance the susceptibility is
(a) positive and very small
(b) positive and very large
(c) negative and very small
(d) zero.
36. All materials have
(a) paramagnetic property
(b) diamagnetic property
(c) ferromagnetic property
(c) gravitational force is much weaker than electrostatic force
(d) all the above are true.
53. The capacitance of a parallel plate condenser does not depend upon
(a) area of the plates
(b) medium between the plates
(c) distance between the plates
( d) nature of the material of the plates.
54. If a dielectric is placed between the plates, the capacitance
(a) decreases
(b) remains constant
(c) becomes zero
(d) increases
55. Asymmetric molecules have permanent dipole moment even in the
absence of an external field. This is because
(a) in such molecules the centers of charges coincide
(b) in such molecules the centers of charges do not coincide
(c) in some cases they coincide and in other cases they do not
(d) all the above statements are false.
56. Which one of the following is a polar molecule
(c) O2
(d) CO2.
57. Potential difference between two points under the field of an electric
charge is the work done is moving a unit positive charge
(a) from to the mid-point of the line joining the points
(b) from the charge to
(c) from one point to the other
(d) all the above are false.
58. The dipole moment of the water molecule is
In the case of a parallel plate capacitor, when the distance between the
two plates is reduced to one third and the area of the plate doubled,
the capacitance
(a) remains the same
(b) is doubled
(c) increases to five times
(d) increases to six times.
64. The e.m.f. of a cell is equal to the potential difference between its
terminals when it is in the open circuit i.e.,
(a) when a current of any value is drawn from the cell
(b) when a current of 2 amp current is drawn from the cell
(c) when no current is drawn from the cell
(d) all the above are true.
Which type of the following sources of energy is required to
maintain a p.d. in an electric circuit?
(a) chemical reactions as in cells
(b) rotating a coil in a magnetic field
(c) by converting light energy due to electrical energy
(d) all the above three sources.
The unit of electrical conductivity is
(a) ohm meter
(b) meter/ohm
(c) ohm/meter
(d) all the above are wrong.
The resistance R of a conductor depends on
(a) the density of the metal
(b) color of the metal
(c) molecular weight of the metal
(d) all the above are false.
The low temperature coefficient of a material is the one in which
(a) increases slowly with decrease of temperature
(b) increases slowly with increase of temperature
(c) increases
of temperature
(d) increases
of temperature.
75. Constantan, nichrome and manganin are used for making standard
because their
(a) resistivity is low
(b) density is high
(c) resistivity is high
(d) temperature coefficient of resistance is high.
76. A proton is 1849 times heavier than electron. At 300 K, the average
velocity of the electron is
(a) 143 times that of the proton
(b) 123 times that of the proton
(c) 1849 times that of the proton
(d) 43 times that of the proton.
77. Though a number of charge carriers in a given volume remains
the same and independent in a metal, the resistivity of a metal
increases as the temperature increases because
(a) the mobility remains constant
(b) the mobility of the electron increases as temperature
(c) the mobility of the electron decreases as the temperature
(d) all the above are false.
78. Which device can convert all electrical energy into heat
(a) radiator
(b) convertor
(c) generator
(d) resistor.
79. The resultant flow of a current in the absence of an electric field in
conductor is
(a) minimum
(b) zero
(c) maximum
(d) has a negative value.
80. The relation connecting the coefficient of thermal conductivity and
electrical conductivity is known as
(a) Boltzmanns law
(b) Kirchhoff s law
(c) Ohms law
(d) Wiedemann-Franz law.
81. A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter by connecting a
(a) high resistance in series
(b) low resistance in parallel
(c) low resistance in series
(d) high resistance in parallel.
82. The principle of a transformer is
(a) self induction
(b) joule heating
(c) mutual induction
(d) Ohms law.
83. The frequency of the domestic power supply is of the order
(a) 220 Hz
(b) 50 Hz
(c) 100 Hz
(d) 150 Hz.
84. A storage battery of e.m.f. 8 volt and internal resistance 0.5
Q is being charged by a 120 volt d.c. supply using a series
resistor of
15.5 Q. The terminal voltage of the battery during charging
(a) 1.52 V
(b) 6.2 V
(c)2 V
(d) 11.5 V.
85. In a potentiometer set-up a cell of e.m.f. 1.25 volt gives a
balance point at 0.35 m length of the wire. If the cell is
replaced by another cell, and the balance point shifts to 0.63
m; what is the e.m.f. of the
second cell?
(a) 1.25 V
(b) 2.25 V
(c) 3.25 V
(d) 4.25 V.
86. A galvanometer scale is divided into 100 equal divisions and a
current of
2.5 mA required to produce a full scale division. The
current required to produce a deflection of 40 division is
(a) 4 mA
(b) 3 mA
(c) 2 mA
(d) 1 mA.
87. The acceleration of an electron in an electric field of
intensity 100 kV/m
(a) 100 x 102 m/s2
(b) 0.01 x 1015 m/s2
(c) 1.76 x 1016 m/s2
(d) 11.21 x1015 m/s2.
88. Current is flowing through a conductor of resistance 10 Q.
Indicate in which of the following cases maximum heat will
be generated
(a) 4.9 amp current for 3 minutes
(b) 3.9 amp current for 3 minutes
(c) 1.0 amp current for 4 minutes
(d) 1 amp current for 5 minutes.
94. A steady current is passing through a linear conductor of nonuniform cross-section. The current density in the conductor is
(a) independent of the area of cross-section
(6) inversely proportional to the area of cross-section
(c) inversely proportional to the square of the area of crosssection
(d) all the above are false.
Two unequal resistances are connected in series across a battery.
Which of the following statements is true?
(a) potential difference across each resistance is same
(6) potential difference across smaller resistance is lower
(c) potential difference across smaller resistance is higher
(d) potential difference can be higher or lower in any resistance.
96. The potential difference between the terminals of a cell is
(a) greater than its e.m.f. if the cell is being discharged
(b) greater than its e.m.f. if the cell is being charged
(c) less than its e.m.f. if the cell is being discharged
(d) less than its e.m.f. if the cell is being charged
(e) is equal to its e.m.f. if the cell is in open circuit.
ml of EDTA solution
15. In GLC, interaction of solutes with the solid support will often cause
a. unusually narrow elution bands
b. asymmetric elution band
c. excessive eddy diffusion
d. decreased detector sensitivity
16. Increasing the quantity of stationary liquid phase applied to the column
packing will, with everything else the same,
a. increase tR for a solute
b. decrease tR for a solute
c. not influence tR for a solute
d. decrease the nonequilibrium term in the van Deemer equation
17. A neutral molecule such as ethanol or sugar which has found its way
into the pores of a typical anion-exchange resin can be eliminated
a. only by replacement with a cation
b. only by replacement with an anion
c. only if replaced by another organic molecule on a one-for-one
exchange basis
d. by flushing out the water
18. In chromatography, a substance for which the distribution coefficient,
K, is zero may be used to estimate
a. the volume within the column available to the moving phase
22. To deionize tap water by ion exchange for laboratory use, the best
approach employs
a. a column containing a strong-acid cation exchange in the hydrogen
b. a column containing a strong-base anion exchanger in the hydroxyl
c. translational
d. rotational
28. The nephelometric method of analysis is based upon
a. Beer's law
b. Fajar's law
c. Bouger law's
d. Beer Lambert's Law
b. intermolecular reactions
c. formation of complexions with varying number of ligonds
d. all of these
34. IR spectrophotometers have the same basic components as UV
spectrophotometers, except:
a. source of radiant energy and the kind of detectors
b. materials used in the optical system
c. materials used in the sample cells
d. all of these
35. Which of the following involves emission of radiation by excited
a. Ultra-violet spectrophotometry
b. Infra-red spectrophotometry
c. Atomic absorption spectrometry
d. Nephelopmetry
36. The absorption of a solution of a particular substance does not depend
on the :
a. wavelength of the incident light
b. intensity of the incident light
c. concentration of the substance
d. thickness of the sample cell
e. V = constant x P
10. Which one of the following is a valid statement of Avogadros law?
a. P = constant
b. V = constant
c. PV = constant
d. V = constant x n
e. V = constant x P
d. -
15. For which of the following changes is not clear whether the volume of
a particular sample of an ideal gas will increase or decrease?
a. increase the temperature and increase the pressure
b. increase the temperature and decrease the pressure
c. increase the temperature and keep the pressure constant
d. keep temperature constant and decrease the pressure
e. decrease the temperature and increase the pressure
16. Standard temperature and pressure (STP), in the context of gases, refers
to ____________________.
a. 298 K and 1 atm
b. 273 K and 1 atm
c. 298 K and 1 torr
d. 273 K and 1 pascal
e. 273 K and 1 torr
17. Of the following, ______________ correctly relates pressure, volume,
temperature, amount (mol), molecular mass (M), density (d) and mass
a. M = dRT
b. M = gRT
c. M = PT
d. M = gV
e. M = RT
18. Of the following, _____________ correctly relates pressure, volume,
temperature, amount (mol), molecular mass (M), density (d) and mass
a. d = PM
b. d = gRT
c. d = PTM
d. d = gV
d = RT
Of the following gases, ____________ will have the greatest rate of
effusion at a given temperature.
a. NH3
b. CH4
c. Ar
d. HBr
e. HCl
An ideal gas differs from a real gas in that the molecules of an ideal gas
a. have no attraction for one another
b. have appreciable molecular volume
c. have a molecular weight of zero
d. have no kinetic energy
e. has an average molecular mass
The statement, For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, gas
volume is inversely proportional to gas pressure. Is known as:
a. Avogadros law
b. Boyles law c. Charles law d. Grahams
law e. Kelvins law
If gas volume is doubled but the temperature remains constant:
a. the pressure stays the same
b. the molecules move faster
c. the kinetic energy increases
d. the molecules move slower
e. none of these answers
Subtracting the vapor pressure of water from the total pressure of a gas
collected over water is an example:
a. Avogadros Hypothesis
b. Daltons law
Grahams law
d. van der Waals Theory
e. ideal gas law
25. Which of the following assumptions is not used to explain the ideal gas
a. gas particles themselves occupy a negligible percent of total gas
b. inter-particle forces are negligible in gases
c. collisions between gas particles are perfectly elastic
d. collisions between gas particles and container walls are perfectly
e. individual gas particles are perfectly compressible to nuclear
26. If someone were to light a cigar at one end of a closed room, persons at
the other end of the room might soon perceive an odor due to gaseous
emissions from the cigar. Such a phenomenon is an example of:
a. monometry
b. ideality
c. effusion
d. diffusion
e. barometry
27. The fact that a balloon filled with helium will leak more slowly than
one filled with hydrogen is explained by citing:
a. Avogadros hypothesis
b. Daltons law c. Grahams law d.
van der Waals Theory e. ideal gas law
28. Gases tend to behave ideally at
a. low temperature and low pressure
b. low temperature and high pressure
c. high temperature and low pressure
d. high temperature and high pressure
e. gases always behave ideally
29. Assuming ideal gas behavior, which of the following gases would have
the lowest density at standard temperature and pressure?
a. SF6
b. CF2Cl2
c. CO2
e. Kr
30. Of the following gases, the one with the greatest density at STP is:
a. CH4
b. NH3
c. Ne
d. H2
e. He
31. The phenomenon in which a steel needle can, with proper care, be
made to float on the surface of some water illustrates a property of
liquid known as:
a. compressibility
b. polarizability c. surface tension
d. triple point
e. viscosity
32. The property of liquid that measures its resistance to flow is called:
a. capillarity
b. polarizability c. resistivity
e. wetability
33. A liquid will wet a surface if:
a. the liquid has a lesser density than the surface
b. the forces between the liquid molecules are weak
c. the liquid has a low vapor pressure
d. the forces between the molecules and the surface are greater
than the forces between the molecules of the liquid
e. none of these answers
The rate at which molecules from the liquid phase enter the
gas phase exactly equals the rate at which molecules from the
gas phase pass into the liquid phase
b. A change in temperature will not change the pressure in the
c. The amount of gas in the container must exactly equal the amount
of liquid
d. Molecules cannot go from the liquid phase to the gas phase
because the amount of liquid in the container is constant
e. The vapor will gradually change back to the liquid state, that is, no
vapor will be left
Under which of the following conditions will vaporization best occur?
a. high mass, large surface area, high kinetic energy
b. weak forces between molecules, high kinetic energy, large
surface area
c. high molecular energy, small surface area
d. low kinetic energy, strong molecular forces, large surface area
e. small surface area, low kinetic energy, low molecular mass
Which of the following does NOT decrease rate of vaporization?
a. closing container lid
b. increasing forces between
molecules c. increasing mass of molecule
d. decreasing temperature
e. decreasing surface area
Which of the following factors does NOT affect the normal boiling
point of a liquid?
a. atmospheric pressure
b. strength of forces between molecules
c. rate of evaporation
d. rate of condensation
e. none of these answers
A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapor. If some of the vapor is
allowed to escape, what is the immediate result?
a. condensation rate decreases
b. vaporization rate increases
c. condensation rate increases
d. vaporization rate decreases e. none of these
The phenomenon of supercooling refers to the existence of a
a. the liquid at a temperature below that of its critical point
b. liquid at a temperature below that of its sublimation point
c. liquid at a temperature below that of its freezing point
54. What is the usual relationship between the number of valence electrons
and the number of nearest neighbors of a metal atom in a solid metal?
a. The number of valence electrons is less than the number
nearest neighbors
b. The number of valence electrons is greater than the number of
nearest neighbors
c. The number of valence electrons is equal to the number of nearest
d. The number of valence electrons can be less than, greater than, or
equal to the number of nearest neighbors
55. All of the following are consequences of the theory of the structure of
metals EXCEPT
a. Metals conduct electricity b. Metals are malleable c. Metals are
d. Metals break easily when they are bent
56. Which of the following is the reason that metals conduct electricity?
a. The metal atoms are close together
b. There are no empty spaces in metal structures
c. Electrons in the structure can move freely
d. Electrons and protons in the structure can move freely
57. Which of the following is the reason why salt stay bonded in the solid
a. There are strong covalent bonds between the ions
b. The structure consists of salt molecules tat bind tightly to other salt
c. They are held together by electrostatic attractions and the structure
includes no electrostatic repulsions
d. There are both electrostatic attractions and repulsions within
the structure but the total of the attractions is greater
58. All of the following are possible crystal defects EXCEPT
a. An atom or ion out of its regular position and occupying a
normally empty hole
b. A crystal in which he only defect is one pair of ions of the same
charge which are missing
c. An electron occupying a site that is normally occupied by a 1
d. A crystal containing some ion sites empty and some ions not
bearing the expected charge
59. Which of the following is the most important explanation for the
conductivity of metals?
a. they are almost all solids
b. their coordination numbers are
c. Their numbers of valence electrons are high d. Their densities are
60. Which of the following pairs is isoelectronic?
a. AIS and P
b. GeAs and Se
c. GeAs and GaSe
d. Al and SiP
61. Which of the following is always the same for allotropes of the same
a. The atomic mass b. the molar mass
c. the structure d.
the chemical and physical properties
62. The semiconductor crystalline Si has a low electrical conductivity in
the dark because
a. crystalline Si is a molecular solid
b. the band gap energy is much greater than 3RT at 23C
a. amorphousb. crystalline
e. none of these
c. glasses
d. metals
75. The three-dimensional array made up of all points within a crystal that
have the same environment in the same orientation is called the
a. unit cell
b. primitive cell c. crystal system
d. crystal lattice
e. symmetry pattern
76. The basic repeating structural unit of a crystal lattice is the
a. unit cell
b. atom
c. molecule
d. atomic cluster e. symmetry pattern
77. The number of lattice points in a primitive unit cell is
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8
e. this depends on the crystal system
78. The conditions --- a b c, alpha= beta =gamma = 90 --- describe the
_________ unit cell.
a. tetragonal
b. orthorhombic c. monoclinic
d. hexagonal
e. trigonal
79. The conditions --- a b c, alpha = gamma = 90, 90--- describe
the _______ unit cell
a. tetragonal
b. orthorhombic c. monoclinic
d. hexagonal
e. trigonal
80. The number of lattice points in the unit cell for the body-centered cubic
lattice is
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 8
81. For a face-centered cubic unit cell, each corner contributes _____
lattice points to the unit cell
a. 1/8
d. 1
e. none of these
82. In a face-centered cubic lattice, each lattice, each lattice point located in
a face of the unit cell is shared equally with ___ other unit cell
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. 7
e. none of these
83. A metal crystallizes in a body-centered cubic lattice. Which of the
following correctly relates the atomic radius r of the metal to the length
of an edge a of the unit cell?
a. r = a
b. r = a2
c. r = a3
d. This cannot be determined without additional information
e. none of these
The forces holding the molecules together in the lattice of a molecular
solid are
a. van der Waals forces
b. ionic bonds
c. covalent bonds
d. all of these
e. none of these
Molecular crystals typically
a. are soft
b. have low melting points
c. are
d. all of these
e. none of these
Most ionic solids crystallize in the ______ system
a. hexagonal
b. orthorhombic
c. cubic
d. tetragonal
e. monoclinic
The rock salt structure can be viewed as a _______ lattice of anions,
with cations occupying positions exactly between pairs of anions
a. face-centered cubic
b. monoclinic
c. trigonal
d. body-centered cubic
e. primitive cubic
In the rock salt structure, each ion is surrounded by ________
equidistant ions of opposite charge
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8
e. none of these
89. Which of the following cannot possibly crystallize in the rock salt
a. VN
b. Na2S
c. ZrSe
d. NH4I
e. MgO
90. How many chloride ions are contained in a unit cell of CsCl?
a. 1/8
d. 1
e. 2
91. The coordination number of each cesium atom in CsCl is
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8
e. 12
92. A certain solid is a good insulator, is brittle, and has a high melting
point. The substance readily conducts electricity when molten. This
substance is most likely _____ in nature.
a. molecular
b. covalent
c. ionic
d. metallic
e. it could be more than one of these
103. The crystal defect in which an atom or ion is displaced from its regular
position in the lattice to an interstitial site is called a(n)
a. Schottky defect
b. Frenkel defect
c. F-center
d. site defect
e. berthollide
104. Irradiation of NaCl with ultraviolet light can cause
a. chloride ions to lose electrons to the crystalline lattice
b. formation of an F-center
c. formation of a nonstoichiometric crystal
d. all of these
e. none of these
105. In a plastic crystal,
a. the molecules tumble before the lattice s disrupted
b. the lattice is disrupted before the molecules begin to tumble
c. the molecules are rod-like
d. all of these
e. none of these
106. The rate constant of a reaction depends upon
a. initial concentration of reactants
b. extent of reaction
c. temperature
d. time of reaction
107. Which of the following factors does not influence the rate of a
a. Concentration of reactants
b. Nature of reactants
c. Molecularity of the reaction
d. Temperature
108. The mechanism of a reaction can sometimes be reduced from
a. the temperature dependence of the rate
b. the rate law
c. the net equation
d. the activation energy
109. The activation energy of a reaction may be lowered by
a. raising the temperature
b. lowering the temperature
c. removing the products of the reaction
d. adding a catalyst
110. The equilibrium constant in a reversible chemical reaction at given
a. depends on the initial concentrations of the reactants
b. depends on the concentration of one of the products at equilibrium
c. does not depend on the initial concentrations
d. is not characteristic of the reaction
c. 5.00 x 10-2mole
c. 1.00 x 10-1mole
141. As the lead storage battery is charged,
a. the amount of sulfuric acid decreases
b. the lead electrode becomes coated with lead sulfate
c. sulfuric acid is regenerated
d. lead dioxide dissolves
142. If an aqueous solution of KI is electrolyzed (with platinum electrodes)
one would expect to find
a. potassium deposited at the cathode
b. oxygen liberated at the anode
c. the solution around the cathode becoming alkaline
d. the solution around the anode becoming brown
143. When an aqueous solution of NaCl is electrolyzed, a product formed at
the cathode is
a. Na
b. H+
c. OH
d. Cl2
144. If aqueous Cu SO4 is electrolyzed for one minute with a current of 2.00
ampere, the volume of ozygen produced at STP at the anode is
a. 3.10 x 10-4 liter
b. 6.96ml
c. 1.16 x 10-4 liter
d. 1.16 ml
147. Which of the following instruments makes use of the standard electrode
potentials and the variation of electrode potential with concentration?
a. Polarimeter
b. pH meter
c. Electrophorous
d. Electrophotometer
148. The series in which the electrode potentials of metals are arranged in an
order is known as:
a. electrical conductivity series
b. electrode potential series
c. electrochemical series
d. chemical affinity series
d. Cd (NO3)2
amount of Ag (At.Wt. 108), Ni (At. Wt. 59) and Cr (At. Wt. 52)
deposited will be:
154. Given standard electrode potentials
Fe++ + 2e Fe
Fe+++ + 3e Fe
when both the half cells (a) and (b) are connected with SHE, the
metallic electrode Co is found to be ve and Hg electrode is found to be
+ve. The correct sign for the electrode potentials will be:
a. +ve for half cell (I)
b. +ve for half cell (ii)
c. ve for half cell (ii)
156. When an iron wire is immersed in an acidic solution of CuSo4, the blue
color of the solution is lost after some time. This is due to
a. reduction of Cu++
b. oxidation of CuSO4
c. formation of double complex between iron and copper sulfate
d. formation of a colorless salt of Cu++
157. Magnesium cannot displace from solution the ions of
a. sodium
b. lead
c. copper
d. gold
b. C = F-P+2
c. C = F-P+1
d. P = C+F+2
b. components
d. none of the above
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
162. How many phases will be there in the system made of water and
methyl alcohol?
a. 3
b. 1
c. 1
d. 0
CaO + CO2
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
peritectic temperature
meritectic temperature
transition temperature
all of the above
1. The sum of two numbers is 11. The sum of their reciprocals is 11/30.
Find the smaller number.
a. 6
b. 5
c. 2
d. 3
2. The sum of the squares of two numbers is 58 and the difference of their
squares is 40. Find the larger no.
a. 7
b. -7
c. 3
d. 3
3. Find the smallest positive integer, which leaves a remainder of 2 when
divided by 4, 6 and 8.
b. 50
c. 26
d. 74
a. 98
4. The sum of two numbers is 4 and their product is 2. Find the sum of
their reciprocals.
c. 2
d. 4
5. A number has two digits whose sum is 10. The difference between the
original number and the number resulting from an
interchange of its digit is 54. What is the original number?
a. 45
b. 54
c. 28
d. 82
6. A number is less than 100, and its tens digit is four more than its units
digit. If the number with the digits reversed is
subtracted from the original number, the remainder is three times the
sum of the digits. Find the original number.
a. 84
b. 48
c. 26
d. 62
7. A fathers age is now five times that of his first-born son. Six years
from now, the old mans age will be only three times that
of his son. Find the sons present age.
a. 12
b. 30
c. 6
d. 36
A mother is now three times as old as her daughter. In 4 years, the
mother will be four times as old as the daughter was, two
years ago. How old is the daughter?
a. 36
b. 12
c. 20
d. 60
9. If the altitude and the base of a triangle were each increased by 2 cm,
the area would increase by 19 cm2. If the altitude is
increased by 3 cm and the base is decreased by 4 cm, the area will be
decreased by 5 cm2. Find the base of the triangle.
a. 7
b. 10
c. 9
d. 8
10. A rectangular piece of cardboard has an area of 150 cm2. By a cutting a
square 2 cm wide on each side from each of the
corners and folding up the sides, an open box is formed having a
volume of 132 mL. Find the length of the original
a. 8
b. 7
c. 10
d. 15
11. How soon after three oclock will the hands of a clock be together?
a. 3:16:22
b. 3:15:00
c. 16:22
d. 15:00
12. At what time between 6 and 7` oclock are the hands of a clock
a. 6:30
b. 6:32.73
c. 6:32.5
d. 6:35
13. One pipe alone can fill a tub in 12 minutes. Another pipe can fill it in
only 8 minutes. How long would it take both pipes to fill
the tub?
a. 4.7 mins
b. 20.0 mins
c. 4.8 mins
d. 4.9 mins
14. A pipe can alone fill a tank in 5 hrs, while a drain could do the contrary
in 12 hrs. How long would it take the pipe to fill the
tank if the drain was simultaneously opened during the duration of the
filling job and if the tank were entirely emptied at the
a. 7.6 hrs
b. 8.6 hrs
c. 4.42 hrs
d. 4.06 hrs
15. A pipe can fill a tank in 7 hrs while a drain pipe can empty the tank in
a matter of 11 hrs. If for the first 4 hrs, the drain was
left open while the pipe was filling it, how much longer would it have
taken the input pipe to fill the tank full if the tank was
emptied at the start?
a. 5.5 hrs
b. 7.6 hrs
c. 15.2 hrs
d. 6.12 hrs
16. An ocean going vessel traveling at 20 kph between two ports of call of
a short distance of 45 km, takes an hour and 12
minutes less time when going with the low tide current than against it.
What was the rate of the current?
a. 0.44 kph
b. 225 kph
c. 20.5 kph
d. 5 kph
17. A job can be done in as many days as there are men in the
group. If the number of men is reduced by 4, the work is
delayed by 5 days. How many were there in the original group?
a. 18
b. 16
c. 20
18. A project can be done by 8 girls in 5 days. 5 boys can do the
same project in 6 days. How long will it take for 3 boys and 6
girls to do the job?
a. 4 days
b. 5 days
c. 6
d. 8 days
19. The sum of two numbers is 14. The sum of the squares of the
numbers is 100. Find the product of the two numbers.
a. 42
b. 48
c. 54
d. 56
20. The amount of 135 is to be divided among three brothers in the
ratio 3: 5: 7. What is the biggest amount received by a
a. 54
d. 75
b. 63
c. 72
25. A man driving his car at a certain speed will reach his destination
6 hours. If he increased his speed by 24kph, he would
have reached his destination in 5 hours. Find the distance of his
a. 750 km
b. 720 km
c. 650 km
600 km
26. Find the value of x if : (a + b)x = (a2 + 2ab + b2 ) x-3
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
27. Find the value of x2 + 1/x2 if :
a. 45
b. 47
d. 51
x + 1/x = 7
c. 49
c. 7a
d. 7a
c. undefined
d. infinity
b. 24 = 4( 6 )
d. 55+ 55 + 55 + 55 + 55 = 56
32. Find k so that 4x2 + kx +1 = 0, will only have one real solution.
a. 1
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
33. If the sum of the first 50 positive odd integers is subtracted from the
sum of the first 50 positive even integers, then the
difference is
a. 100
b. 50
c. 150
d. 250
d. 2
a. 5 x
d. 3
b. 0.08
c. 216
d. 729
d. 5 x
8 y 3
b. 7.2
c. 5.0
d. 5.7
c. 1 I
d. 0
c. 10
d. 70
a. 1 + I
39. Evaluate log6 3
a. 0.61
b. 5 x
2 y
c. 5 x
4 y3
a. 10.0
c. 3
42. What is the sum of the coefficients of the expansion of (2x 1)20?
a. 1
b. 0
c. 215
d. 225
37. A tank full of alcohol is emptied one-sixth of its content and then filled
up with water and mixed. If this is done six times and
the tank has a capacity of 6 liters, how much alcohol remains?
a. 3 liters
b. 2 liters
c. 1 liter
d. 0 liter
38. Solve for x in the equation x x x ... 3
a. 6
b. 3
46. Evaluate :
b. I
10 7
. imaginary
b. 70
47. A series of numbers which are perfect square numbers (i.e. 1, 4, 9, 16,
25) is called
a. Fourier series
c. Eulers number
b. Fermats number
d. Fibonacci number
48. If the roots of an equation are zero, then they are classified as
a. trivial solutions
b. extraneous solutions
c. conditional solutions
d. hypergolic solutions
a. 60010 b. 595970
c. 60100
d. 5910
c. 35.705
d. 30.705
a. Infinity
b. 0
c. Indeterminate
d. 1
a. 15.705
a. 0
b. 1
c. data insufficient
a. 10
b. 14
c. 5
d. 7
b. 2
-2 3
2 2
a. 0
b. 2
c. -3
a. 28
d. 5
c. 1
b. 0.92
c. 0.40
d. 0.61
b. 118
c. 152
b. /4
c. 3/2
a. 1/3
a. 45
d. 0
d. 35
x + y 2z = 1
b. 4
a. 0.08
d. 1.33
a. - 2
c. 1.25
c. -1
b. 1.20
a. 1
b. 20.705
a. 1.50
b. 1/9
b. 60
c. 8/9
d. 4/9
c. 90
d. 30
a. 5/8
d. /2
c. 1
d. 5/3
c. tan
d. 1
a. sin
b. cos
a. cos2A
b. sin2A
c. cos4A
d. sin4A
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
1 tan2 2
a. cos
b. sec
a. 123/845
b. 123/845
c. sin
d. tan
c. 33/65
d. 63/65
a. cos
b. sec
c. tan
d. sin
21. A pole cast a shadow 15-m long when the angle of elevation of
the sun is 61o. If the pole has lean 15o from the vertical
directly toward the sun, what is the length of the pole?
a. 54.23
b. 48.64
c. 36.84
22. The area of the isosceles triangle is 36-sq. m with the included
angle of 30o between the two equal sides. Find the perimeter
of the triangle.
a. 30.21
b. 32.12
c. 28.43
d. 29.65
23. If an equilateral triangle is circumscribed about a circle of radius
10-cm, determine the side of the triangle.
a. 34.64
b. 64.12
c. 36.44
d. 32.1
a. cos 35
b. sin 35
c. 30
d. cos -55 24. Find the length of the side of a regular octagon that is inscribed
in a circle of radius 243 inches.
d. 40
c. sin A
d. cos A
c. cos 55
a. 10
b. 20
a. sin B
b. cos B
19. What is the value of (log 5 to the base 2) + (log 5 to the base 3)?
a. 7.39
b. 3.79
a. 8/9
b. 8/21
c. 3.97
c. 17/9
d. 9.37
d. 8/17
c. 60 ft
a. 220 mils
b. 91 m
c. 79 m
d. 66 m
b. 320 mils
c. 330 mils
d. 400 mils
34. A circle is divided into two parts by a chord 3 cm away from the
center. Find the area of the smaller part, in square cm, if the
circle has an area of 201 cm2.
a. 372.5
b. 363.6
c. 368.4
d. 53.7
35. Given a triangle whose sides are 24 cm, 30 cm, and 36 cm. Find the
radius of a circle which is tangent to the shortest and
longest side of a triangle, and whose center lies on the third side.
b. 12 cm
c. 11 cm
d. 18 cm
a. 6 cm
31. At one side of a road is a pole 25 ft. high fixed on the top of a wall, 15
ft high. On the other side of the road, at a point on the
ground directly opposite, the flagstaff and the wall subtend equal
angles. Find the width of the road.
b. 40 ft
a. 87 m
a. 9 cm
30. Find the radius of circle circumscribed about the triangle for
which A = 50, B = 20, and a = 35 inches.
a. 22.84
b. 25.64
c. 31.25
d. 36.55
a. 25 ft
32. The angle of elevation of the top of the tower B from the top of tower A
is 28 and the angle of elevation of the top of tower A
from the base of the tower B is 46. The two towers lie in the same
horizontal plane. If the height of tower B is 120 m, find
the height of tower A.
d. 30 ft
b. 3 cm
c. 2 cm
d. 4 cm
a. 140
b. 144
c. 135
d. 150
38. A polygon has 350 diagonals. How many sides are there?
a. 28
b. 25
c. 32
d. 30
Find the distance from the point (2,3) to the line 3x+4y+9=0
a. 5
39. One angle is 20 less than thrice its supplement. What are the angles?
a. 20, 160
b. 45, 135
c. 55, 125
d. 50, 130
40. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 30 cm. The perimeter is 72 cm.
Find the length of its shortest side.
a. 16
b. 24
c. 18
d. 27
1. Find the area of the triangle with vertices (2,-1), (-3, 4) and (0,-3).
a. 10
b. 9.5
c. 10.5
d. 9
A copying machine reduces the side of a triangle by 20%. The area of the
triangle is reduced by
b. 5.4
c. 5.8
d. 6.2
a. 36%
b. 20%
c. 18%
d. 40%
A spherical balloon is being inflated so that the surface increases by
20%, then the volume of the sphere increases by
a. 20%
b. 30%
c. 31.5%
d. 31.45%
The midpoint of the line segment between P 1(x1,y1) and P2(-2,4) is
Pm(2, -1). Find the coordinate of P1
a. (6,-5)
b. (5,-6)
c. (6,-6)
d. (-6,6)
10. Two vertices of a triangle are (2,4) and (-2, 3) and the area is 2
square units, the locus of the third vertex is
a. x 4y = -10
b. x 4y = -18
c. none of the above
d. both a and b
11. Find the area of the triangle which the line 2x 3y + 6 = 0 forms
with the coordinate axis.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
12. The intercepts of a straight line on the x and y axes are 4 and
6, respectively. Find its equation.
d. 5 or 19
a. 3x + 2y = 12
b. 2x + 3y = 12
c. 3x 2y =
d. 2x 3y = 12
If the distance between the points (8,7) and (3,y) is 13, what is the
value of y?
a. 5
b. 19
c. 19 or 5
The slope of the line joining ( 2,-3) and the midpoint of the line
segment joining (0,4) and (5,-2) is
a. 8
b. 8
c. 3
d. 3
a. 7.07
d. 8.77
b. 7.77
c. 8.07
b. 1.80
19. Find the polar equation of a circle with center at the (3, 0) and
the radius 3.
a. r = 3cos b. r = 3sin
c. r = 6cos d. r
= 6sin
a. 74.8
17. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment joining
the points A (4, 1, 8) and B (6, -3, 4).
a. (5, -1, 6)
b. (10, -2, 12)
c. (-2, 4, 4) d.
(0, 0, 0)
18. Find the angle between two vectors whose direction numbers
are (2, 1, 1) and (1, -1, 2).
a. 300
b. 400
c. 450
d. 60
b. 4.5
c. 47.8
d. 77.5
Find the length of the chord common to the circles x2+y2=64 and
x +y -16x=0
a. 14
c. 1.86
16. The moons orbit is an ellipse with the earth at one focus. The
length of the major axis is 478,000 miles and the
eccentricity e = 0.055. Find the least distance from the earth to
the moon in miles.
a. 239,000
b. 225,855
c. 210,755 d.
Find the angle that the line 2y-9x-18=0 makes with the x-axis.
b. 13
c. 12
d. 11
Find the area of the circle whose center is at (2,-5) and tangent to the
line 4x+3y-8=0
a. 6
b. 9
c. 3
d. 12
What is the length of the latus rectum of the curve x2= - 12y
a. 12
b. 3
c. 12
d. 3
Find the equation of the axis of symmetry of the function y = 2x 2
a. 4x+7=0
c. 4x-7=0
d. 7x+4=0
a. 3.4
b. x-2=0
b. 3.2
c. 3.6
a. 0.725
b. 0.256
c. 0.689
d. 3.0
d. 0.866
a. 0.6
b. 0.8
c. 1.25
d. 5/3
a. 0
a. 5
b. 10
x3 2x 9
x 2x 8
Find lim
c. 20
d. 15
Find lim
x 1
a. 2x-3y=0
b. 3x-2y=0
c. 2x-y=0
d. 2x+y=0
30. An arch 18 m high has the form of parabola with a vertical axis. The
length of a horizontal beam placed across the arch 8m
from the top is 64m. Find the width at the bottom.
a. 86m
b. 96m
c. 106m
d. 76m
31. The collection of all points in the plane equidistant from two fixed
points is
a. ellipse
b. parabola
c. line
d. circle
32. Find the value of k for which the equation x2 4y2 + (k+1)x + k2
= 0 represents two intersecting lines.
a. k =1
b. k = 0
c. k = 1, -1/3 d. k = -1,
a. e2
What is the equation of the asymptote of the hyperbola x y 1 ?
Find lim
a. 0
c. 0
2 x tan 2
b. e2/
Find Limx ( 7 x3 ) / (4 x3 - 2x + 10 )
a. 0
b. 1.75
c. indeterminate
d. infinity
5. Find Limx 0 ( 1 ex ) / x
a. -1
b. 1
d. 2
c. -2
3 x 1
b. 1
b. 2
c. 1
c. y-3
c. y / (x + 2y)
c. ex cos x2
10. Find the partial derivatives with respect to x of the function xy2
5y +6.
a. y2 5
b. y2
c. xy 5y
d. 2xy
11. The length of a rectangle of constant area 800 q cm is increasing
at a rate of 4 cm per second. What is the width of the
rectangle at the moment the width is decreasing at a rate of 0.5
cm per second?
a. 10 cm
b. 20 cm
c. 30 cm
d. 40 cm
12. A particle moves around a curve y = x2 + 2x. At what point on the
curve are the x and y coordinates of the particles changing
at the same rate?
a. (1, 3)
b. (0, 0)
c. (-1/2, -3/4)
d. (-1, -1)
13. Find the slope- intercept equation of the normal line to the graph
y = x3 x2 at the point where x=1.
a. y = x + 1
b. y = -x + 1
c. y = x 1
d. y = -x 1
14. Find the point on the graph of y = x2 at which the tangent line is
parallel to the line y = 6x-1.
a. (0,0)
b. (1,1)
c. (2,4)
d. (3,9)
15. At a point (1,2) of the curve x2 xy + y2 = 3, find the slope of the
tangent line.
a. 0
d. 3
b. 1
c. 2
a. 32
b. 30
d. 40
c. 36
17. If f(x) =
a. 12
b. 10
c. 1 + cos x
1 cos x
c. 9
d. 15
19. Find a point on the curve y = e2x whose tangent line is perpendicular to
the line x + 4y-8 = 0
a. (0,1)
c. (ln2, 4)
b. (ln 2 , 2)
20. Find the derivative of y = xx
a. xx
b. xx (lnx)
c. xx( l + lnx )
d. non
21. Find the largest area of a rectangle that could be inscribed in the ellipse,
4x2 + 9y2 = 36
a. 12
b. 24
c. 6
d. 48
22. A balloon leaving the ground 18m from the observer rises 3m/sec. How
fast is the angle of elevation of the line of sight
increasing after 8 sec?
a. 0.12 rad/s
b. 0.08 rad/s
c. 0.03 rad/s
d. 0.06
a. 600
b. 593
c. 580
a. y = x4
b. y = x3
c. y = x2
d. y =
d. 622
33. Find C so that the line y = 4x + 3 is tangent to the curve y = x 2 + C
24. Water is flowing into a conical vessel 15 cm deep and having a radius
of 3.75 cm across the top. If the rate at which the
water rises in 2 cm/sec, how fast is the water flowing (m3/sec) into the
conical vessel when the water is 4 cm deep?
a. 6.28
b. 2.37
c. 4.57
25. At the minimum point, the slope of the tangent line to a curve is
a. zero
b. negative
c. positive
26. Given a function, y = f(x) whose f (x) = - f(x). Determine the function
a. logarithmic
b. exponential1
c. transcendental
d. sinusoidal
a. negative
28. The function, f ( x )
a. x = -1, 3
b. positive
x 2 is discontinuous at
x 2 2x 3
b. x = 1, -3
c. zero
c. x = 1, -2
a. 1
b. 0
c. 1
a. 1/x
b. 1/x2
c. 1/x3
a. twice
b. thrice
c. 4 times
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 7
d. 5.73
1. Find the (x + 1) (x 1) dx
b. x2 x + C
d. unitya. x + x + C
0.33 x3 + x + C
d. 0.33 x3 x + C
2. Find the x x dx
a. 2/5 x5/2 + C
2 x1/2 + C
b. 5/2 x5/2 + C
d. x1/2 + C
3. d.Find
unity the (5 x + 1) dx / x
a. 2 x + 2 x1/2 + C
b. 2 x5/2 2 x1/2 + C
c. 5 x5/2 + 2 x1/2 + C
d. 5 x5/2 2 x1/2
d. x = -1, 2
4. Find the 5sin 4 x cos x dx
a. sin 4 x cos2 x + C
b. 5 sin 4 x cos2 x + C
c. 5 sin
d. sin x + C
5. d. Find
1 the dx / ( 1 + sin x)
a. tan x + sec x +C
c. 2 (1 sin x )1/2 + C
d. 5 times
b. tan x sec x +C
d. 2 (1 + sin x )1/2 + C
b. tan x sec x +C
d. 2 (1 + sin x )1/2 + C
b. ln sin x + C
d. ln cos x + C
9. Find the ln x dx / x
a. ln x + C
x + C
10. Find the ln x dx
a. ln x + C
x ln x x + C
b. 2 ln x + C
d. ln 2 x + C
c. x
c. x ln x
b. 2 ln x + C
d. ln 2 x + C
c. 2
14. What is the integral of x (x+1)8 dx if the lower limit is zero and the
upper limit is 1.
a. 22.76
b. 34.76
c. 45.52
d. 54.52
15. What is the integral of x3 dx / (x + 1) if the lower limit is zero and
the upper limit is 1.
a. 0.14
b. 0.28
c. 0.34
d. 0.38
16. What is the integral of x e 3x dx if the lower limit is zero and the
upper limit is 1.
a. 1.57
b. 2.57
d. 4.57
17. What is the integral of dx / (x2 -9) if the lower limit is 4 and the
upper limit is 5.
a. 0.093
b. 0.193
c. 0.293
d. 0.393
18. What is the area bounded by the curve y = x3 , the x-axis , and
the line x = -2 and x= 1.
a. 2.45
b. 4.25
d. 5.42
c. 2
19. Find the area bounded by y = ex , x = 0 and y = 0.
a. 1
b. 2
d. infinity
c. e
sin2ycos2ydx = 1 4 ,
b. /6
1+ x , by the u-substitution method, let u
a. 1+x2
b. x2
22. T o integrate
23. Evaluate
a. 1
b. 45/786
c. 125/768
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
a. 16/3
b. 4/3
c. 2/3
29. Find the
generated by rotating the region bounded by x=y and
d. /4 volume
y2=4x, about the
x-axis from x=1 and x=4.
c. 1+x4
c. 3
b. 2
30. Thed.area
x4 bounded by the curve y =12x and the line x=3 is revolved
about the line x=3. What is the volume generated?
d. 3
b. 179
c. 181
In how many different ways can a ten-question truefalse examination be answered?
4 x 5 dx
b. 2
cos 8 3 A dA
a. 186
b. 2
a. 0
25. Evaluate
c. /3
4 x 2 dx
a. 4
24. Evaluate
a. 35/768
then x is equal to
a. /2
20. Find the length of arc in one branch of the curve y2 = x3 from x =
0 to x = 1.
a. 1.2
b. 1.44
c. 1.64
d. 1.84
21. If
26. Evaluate
c. 1
xe x dx ?
b. e
c. e1
c. 20
d. 3a. 12
b. 10
d. 210
A team of 5 students is to be chosen for a math contest. If there were
ten male and eight female students to choose from,
what is the probability that three team members will be male and two
will be female?
d. e+1
a. 5/18
b. 20/51
c. 5/9
a. 720
b. 5040
c. 1440
a. (0.99)2
c. 8/10
b. 13/12
d. 0.01
a. 0.0123
c. 0.123
b. 0.00995
d. 0.0995
26. If 10 coins are tossed, what is the probability that it will show 5
heads and 5 tails?
a. 0.246
b. 0.256
c. 0.0246
d. 0.0256
27. What is the probability of getting a number "4" thrice in five tosses
of a dice?
a. 0.232
b. 0.322
c. 0.0232
d. 0.0322
28. If the probability that Ginebra, Alaska and Shell will win the PBA
open conference championship are 1/5, 1/6 and 1/10
respectively. Find the probability that one of them will win the title.
a. 7/15
b. 1/300
c. 7/100
29. An urn contains 4 black balls and 6 white balls. What is the probability
of getting one black ball and one white ball in two
consecutive draws from the urn?
a. 0.24
b. 0.27
c. 0.53
30. There is 1 defectives per 100 items of a product in a long run. What is
the probability that there is one and only one detective
in a random lot of 100.
a. 0.3697
b. 0.3967
c. 0.3796
b. Histogram
d. Mass Diagram
32. A shoe store sells 10 different sizes of shoes; each in both high cut &
low cut variety, each either rubber or leather, and
each with white or black color. How many different kinds of shoes
does he sell?
a. 64
b. 80
c. 72
a. 5!/52!
b. 5/52
d. 1264/45685
34. In how many ways can PICHE Chapter with 15 directors choose a
president. a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer and
an auditor, if no member can hold more than one position.
a. 630630
c. 360360
b. 3300
d. 3003
35. A
number is chosen randomly. What is the probability that it
d. two-digit
is divisible by 7?
c. 1/7
a. 7/50
d. 5/7
36. In
d. raw
0.04data, the term that occurs most frequently is known as:
a. mean
b. median
c. mode
d. quartile
a. sample space
b. set of random counts
d. 92