5 Steps Developing Sales Plan p52 55

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The 5 steps to developing your sales plan

The planning and time you put into developing your sales plan is as important as the final written plan. Work
through the 5 steps and youll have a well thought out, focussed plan to drive sales. Each step is important - from
looking at past sales performance to evaluating your business against the competition to allocating resources and
measuring effectiveness.
1. The past - sales history
2. The present - market analysis
3. The competition - competitor analysis
4. The future - sales and revenue goals
5. The sales plan - positioning and actions

The Past
sales history

market analysis

Sales Plan
and actions

sales and
revenue goals

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1. The past - sales history

1.1 Revenue

Use internal systems and reports to analyse revenue - rooms, activities,

food, tickets, etc.

1.2 Sales mix

Which areas of the business perform best? Does the 80:20 rule apply?
If you are too reliant on a small number of customers it can have a big
impact if they contract.

1.3 K
 ey performance

Work out
average spend per customer
average room rate (ARR)
occupancy levels

1.4 B
 usiness mix

Which areas of the business mix generate the most and least revenue?
Overseas leisure markets: GB, US, Germany, France
Domestic leisure market

1.5 Cost of Sales

Do you understand the true cost of sale for?

Direct bookings:
What costs does your business incur, for example costs for managing and
updating your website including design, hosting costs, commission to
booking sites, managing email, channel manager, PPC and SEO?
Do you know your commission rates, channel manager and staff costs?
Tour Operators:
Do you know your commission rates, costs of travel to market to attend
in-market activity, promotional material, etc?

1.6 S
 easonal nature of

Determine weak and strong periods:

Are there trends?
What is forecast?

1.7 New/renewal/
existing business

New/repeat/existing business:
What new business is there and what is it worth?
Who are the business top 100 customers?
What is the retention/renewal rate?

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2. The present - market analysis
2.1 Customer groups

Who are my customers?

Overseas or domestic?
Culturally Curious, Great Escapers or Social Energisers?
Where are they from?

2.2 M
 arket size
and share

Is the market growing? Analyse industry trends.

What share of the market am I getting?

2.3 Changes and trends

What trends can be foreseen?

Where is the business now against where it is was?
Whats happening to my customers that will influence sales?
Whats happening in the market that will influence sales?

3. The competition - competitor analysis

3.1 C

3.2 SWOT

What makes my business different?
How do competitors offerings and rates compare with my business?
Do I have a competitive edge?

Strength: What does your business do well, that is beyond what your
competition does?
Weakness: What does your competition do better than you?
Opportunity: Something outside your business that can be turned into a
strength e.g. new infrastructure, a change in consumer behaviour
Threat: An external influence that poses a threat to your business beyond
your control e.g. reduced air access from a key market

4. The future - sales and revenue goals

4.1 Revenue goals

Set sales targets by segment and by market:

overseas leisure business
domestic leisure business

4.2 New/repeat/

Its cheaper to sell more to existing customers than acquire new ones:
My top customers and type of business they generate
New business from new customers
New business from existing customers

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5. The sales plan - actions

5.1 A
 cquiring new

How will new business be acquired?

Digital sales strategy and own website
Tour operators
In-Ireland events and trade shows
Online presence with OTAs

5.2 Growing existing


Review what you have done in the past - learn from mistakes and repeat
what worked well

5.3 S
 ales Action Plan

Set out all your sales activities by:

Detail of the sales action
Resources (budget and staff)

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