Unilever Logistic Case Study

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The document discusses how Unilever Europe worked with the Technical University of Eindhoven to develop a methodology to estimate and reduce carbon emissions from their logistics operations in Europe.

Unilever Europe aimed to reduce carbon emissions from their global manufacturing operations by 25% by 2012 in response to a commitment by their CEO in 2007. They decided to build a carbon emission estimation methodology to quantify emissions from sourcing units to distribution centers.

Unilever Europe developed a new methodology with the Technical University of Eindhoven that allows transport companies to estimate carbon dioxide emissions from transport. A major advantage is that the methodology fits their current procedures and data availability.

eSCF Operations Practices:

Insights from Science

Carbon Emissions Mapping

at Unilever Europe

European Supply Chain Forum

ir. W.J. Stein

Visiting address
Den Dolech 2
5612 AZ Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O.Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 40 247 39 83
[email protected]

Where innovation starts

Carbon Emissions Mapping at

Unilever Europe
Implementing a structural method to map and reduce carbon emissions
Concise summary of this best practice
In 2007, the CEO of Unilever committed to a 25% reduction of CO2 emissions from
global manufacturing operations in 2012. Unilever Europe Logistics has aligned to
this target. To achieve this objective, the management of European logistics
department decided to build a carbon emission estimation methodology to
quantify the CO2 emissions, emitted from the sourcing units to the distribution
In cooperation with the Technical University of Eindhoven, a new methodology was
developed that allows transport-buying companies to estimate the CO2 emissions
in transport (zsalih, 2009). A major advantage of developing your own carbon
tool is that you can ensure that the tool fits with current working procedures,
routines, information streams and data availability. This best practice describes
how Unilever Europe managed this. The developed methodology supports
Unilever Europe in achieving their ambitious sustainability targets.
Key terms
Methodology development, mapping carbon dioxide emissions, sustainability,
calculation methods, emission reduction opportunities.
Relevant for
Transport-buying companies, transportation companies (3PLs and 4PLs) and

The impact of business on

climate change
Sustainability is receiving lots of attention lately, especially in the transportation
business. Freight transport has a large impact on climate change, mostly through
the emissions of greenhouse gases. Still, the impact from transport on the climate
increases. This is due to a combination of (at least) four causes: Firstly, the
transportation sector as a whole is growing due to increasing consumptions.
Secondly, the distances that products travel are increasing, due to globalization
and home delivery. Thirdly, inventory reduction strategies (such as just in time or
economic order quantities) may also increase CO2 emissions per ton-km. In these
methods or calculations, the objectives are optimized delivery times or reduced
investments at a certain service level, but the sustainability targets or the
efficiency of transportation are not explicitly taken into account. Fourthly,
customer demands (such as short time-to-markets and quick response times) are
increasing the use of airfreight and fast-response carriers, which also increases
the CO2 emission per ton-km. It can be concluded that, in order to reverse this
growth of freight related CO2 emissions, business-as-usual cannot sustain.
At the same time, the climate has an increasing impact on the supply chain.
A recent example is the ash cloud about Iceland (April 2009), shutting down
international airfreight and passenger transport for several weeks. Thus, supply
chain engineers have to take multiple environmental uncertainties into account:
increased risks for disruptions, lawsuit risks, upcoming carbon regulatory
compliances, etc. Moreover, customers (and investors) are ever more interested in
the well-being of the environment, and increasingly demand their suppliers (and
investments) to be eco-friendly. When companies take the lead to mitigate
corporate carbon risks, stakeholder value can increase and market share can be

Ambitious targets to enhance

corporate sustainability
In 2007, the CEO of Unilever committed to a 25% reduction of CO2 emissions by all
sourcing units by 2012. The Unilevers logistics organization in Europe, officially
called UltraLogistik, has aligned to this goal and aims a 25% reduction of CO2
emissions through transports and warehousing. UltraLogistik stated the following
objectives concerning CO2 emissions from transport:
Absolute visibility of carbon emissions in transport
Identification and assessment of emission reduction opportunities
Understanding the impact of regulation alternatives and navigate themselves
according to the possible scenarios
However, currently available standards and commercial packages for estimating
CO2 emissions from transport are not directly applicable for most of the transport
service buying companies. Most of the available standards lack the necessary
level of detail for a thorough analysis of CO2 emissions in supply chains. On the
other hand, the standards with a high level of detail require data that is not
available to transport buying companies.
To achieve these objectives, the management of Unilever Europe decided to firstly
build a carbon emission estimation methodology in cooperation with the Technical
University of Eindhoven. The challenge of building your own carbon tool is caused
by the complexity of supply chains and the amount of required knowledge.
Nevertheless, the major advantage of developing your own carbon tool is that you
can ensure that the tool fits to current working procedures, routines, information
streams and data availability. This makes the future usage of the tool less time
consuming, and it increases the likelihood that the tool and its results will be
accepted by the organization.
In 2009, a team (consisting of employees of Unilever Europe, the researchers of
the Technical University of Eindhoven and MSc student Hakki zsalih) was asked
to develop a methodology to estimate the current amount of CO2 emissions, and
to identify ways to achieve the 25% reduction goals. This best practice is based on
the key steps by Lash and Wellington (2007) to develop climate strategies,
starting with the methodology to quantify the carbon emissions.

Step 1: Mapping corporate carbon

emissions in a structural way
Mapping corporate carbon emissions helps companies to identify the quantity of
greenhouse gases emitted from different sources across the corporation. Once a
company has an overview of its emissions and once the company understands the
sources of its emissions, it is better equipped to strategically and cost-effectively
address its carbon risks. For example, this allows managers to focus on the major
sources of emissions. In many cases, unexpected energy inefficiencies are
discovered and consolidated, serving both the environment and the bottom line.
Equipped with well-functioning tools, companies are able to track the
development of the carbon emissions, frequently and easily. Then, the numbers
tell the tale and win-win situations can be found.
To quantify corporate carbon emissions, a company has to execute the following
tasks: define the scope, develop the methodology and tool, choose the right
emission standard, obtain the required data, and define useful outputs.

Defining the scope

The first challenge in the design of a CO2 emission tool is the demarcation of the
scope. A sound and complete assessment of the product lifecycle is valuable and
admirable, but this exercise is accompanied by a staggering amount of complexity
(see Figure 1). For Unilever Europe, it was important to develop a proof of concept.
It was preferred to show a working solution and to create awareness inside the
company. The complete assessment is postponed for the time being. Firstly, an
accurate working solution had to be found.
Therefore, Unilever Europe decided to focus1 on the primary transportation. In this
context, primary transport was defined as the international transport of finished
goods from the sourcing units to the primary distribution centers via different
transportation modals (see Figure 2). The sourcing units, the warehouse activities
and the secondary logistics (from main warehouses to customer warehouses) are

Please note that Unilever took an organizational focus. One can also start with a product or product
life-cycle focus, resulting in a complete different approach to quantifying emissions.

Carbon Emissions Mapping at Unilever Europe


The advantages of this choice are:

The distances of primary transportation are large, thus a large fraction of the
CO2 emissions of Unilever Europes transport are captured in the model.
The complexity of primary transportation is smaller than the secondary
transportation. In most cases, primary transportation comprises full-truck loads,
whereas secondary transportation consists a mixture of all kinds of products for
different customers.
The situation of primary transportation is relatively static, so future data
maintenance is little time-consumptive.

ready for





figure 1

Unilever Europe defined the research scope in such a way that a large fraction of the carbon
emissions were taken into account, reducing the complexity but ensuring accuracy.

The scope of this research

figure 2



Distribution Center



The research scope is set to the primary logistics.

Choosing the right emission estimation standard

The next challenge in mapping CO2 emissions is the choice for the right standard
set of norms to calculate the emissions. These standards provide the calculation
methods and relevant environmental parameters, such as emission factors of
different transportation modes. Unfortunately, there is no universally excepted

eSCF Operations Practices: Insights from Science

standard (yet), upon which companies can build2. Instead, the choice is numerous
and confusing. The differences between these standards are stunning, and one of
the major complains about CO2 emissions calculation standards is that two
accepted standards will calculate different amounts of emissions.
To overcome this challenge, the TU/e developed a comprehensive carbon
calculation tool together with Cargill, Bausch & Lomb, Unilever Europe and DOW
(see also the text box on the eSCF project Carbon Regulated Supply Chains).
Basically, the TU/e project built a variant of the NTM calculation method and
included additional parameters, assumptions and information from different
sources (see Table 1). The NTM3 was used as the primary source of information for
three reasons. Firstly, NTM is primarily developed for buyers and sellers of
transport services that seek to quantify emissions from transport activities.
Moreover, NTM is known for its high level of detail, which enables a reliable
estimation of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, NTM (being a non-profit, governmental
organization) is committed to use both the most credible and publicly available
sources of data, which makes it likely that NTM will remain a valid source in the
future, when CO2 estimations have to be legally justified. An extended description
of the developed calculation method can be found in the CRSC report (2009).

table 1

Sources parameters

Source assumptions


CRSC project

CRSC project

Electricity generation



Emission values for different

transport types



Empty returns


CRSC project

Load factor


NTM, Case studies, EcoTransIT



NTM, CRSC Project

Road type



Temperature control

CRSC project

CRSC project

Terrain factor



Traction type (rail)


Eurostat (2009)

Train size



Vertical handling

CRSC project

CRSC project

The parameters and the assumptions of the developed tool come from different sources,
selected during the eSCF project Carbon Regulated Supply Chains.

For the time being, companies have to choose between a large number of standards, including but not
limited to: ARTEMIS, EcoTransIT, GHG Protocol, Infras/IWW, Dings and Dijkstra, IFEU 2005 and NTM.
The NTM (Network for Transport and Environment) is a Swedish non-profit organization.

Carbon Emissions Mapping at Unilever Europe

Develop a methodology
The methodology, developed by the TU/e, describes how all the different sources
of information are gathered, maintained and used to calculate the CO2 emissions.
The difficulty in developing a methodology lies in deciding on the future level of
automation, accuracy and maintainability. Considering the data, the researchers
involved aimed to obtain a high level of automation without harming the reliability.
What must be included to obtain reliable measures, and what can be assumed
without harming the reliability of our results? Which are the most important
factors to take into account? What can be assumed, and what needs to be
measured? How can we decrease the complexity? The answers to these questions,
and more, are gathered in the methodology.
This methodology brings together different sources of information (see Figure 3).
The external information is gathered from the different business partners that
transport goods for Unilever Europe. The computations itself, mainly consisting of
multiplications and summations, are rather straightforward, but the number of
equations and parameters can be confusing. There is a large amount of transport
options, each requiring their own equations and estimation parameters. The
guidelines on the correct usage of the equations are also translated into the
methodology. Nowadays, the developed methodology allows a simple, quick and
robust estimation, which provides a solid analysis of CO2 emissions from
CRSC tool
Internal data
Number of loads
Information per load
Pure road lanes
Transport condition

Emission factors
Common values

External data
Type of carriers
Intermodal information
Unilevers share
Load factors



figure 3


The developed methodology describes how all the different sources of information are gathered,
maintained and used to calculate the CO2 emissions.

eSCF Operations Practices: Insights from Science

Much of the relevant data had already been collected in the form of transport data
from Unilever Europes Transport Management System. Since Unilever Europe
outsources its transportation, detailed and reliable information on the actual
shipments is used for transactional purposes. Internal information can be
integrated with very little effort (since this is taken into account in the
development of the methodology).
As opposed to the information on pure road-lanes, the available information
concerning intermodal transportation was limited. Therefore, a questionnaire was
developed and sent out to all carriers running intermodal lanes. Carriers were
asked to specify used transport routes of each individual lane, including the exact
road and non-road distances, and the types of transport and equipment. The
obtained information on the intermodal transport was combined with the internal
data. Hereafter, all required information was available.
The CO2 awareness of large Western European logistics service providers is
generally rather high, and 94% of the required information was gathered. For the
larger logistics providers, providing these kinds of information is becoming part of
their business. Most of their clients are aware that CO2 regulations will impact
their business, so the larger providers are helping their customers and are able to
deliver the information in other occasions. Logistics providers with a smaller fleet
may have more difficulty in obtaining and providing the required information, and
in most cases they do not have the information at hand.
Nowadays, the carriers are expected to keep Unilever informed on any changes in
the transport modes, which is essential to keep the data up-to-date. So for the
carriers, providing the relevant information has now become a standard

Defining the output

After the tool was completed, tested and packed with data, the actual carbon
emissions were calculated. Finally, to monitor, track and report the CO2 emissions
over time, two performance metrics are developed by Unilever:
KPI 1: Absolute amount of carbon emitted due to transport, in kilograms of CO2.
KPI 2: Efficiency of carbon emissions, in kilograms of CO2 per ton-km.
Nowadays, the tool provides Unilever Europe with a dedicated monthly report,
allowing Unilever Europe to quickly assess the development of their carbon

Step 2: Assessment of carbonrelated risks and opportunities

With the tool, Unilever Europe and the Technical University of Eindhoven executed
different experiments to assess carbon-related risks and opportunities to reduce
emissions. Below, the most important and surprising lessons, found during the
master thesis project of zsalih, are portrayed:

1st Lesson: Water and rail are not always cleaner

Both in industry and in literature, it is very common to characterize water and rail
as cleaner ways to ship goods, and consequently these transportation modals are
associated with CO2 reductions.
However, both theoretical analyses and analyses based on Unilever Europe
transportation data showed that it is not possible to conclude that these options
always lead to greenhouse gas emission reductions! As a matter of fact, changing
from road to rail or water without a thorough consideration may lead to increased
CO2 emissions. Clear-cut door-to-door assessments (on lane-level) are required,
and generalizations are very difficult to underpin.
2nd Lesson: Sensitivity of parameters is very low
Because CO2 calculations consist of a large amount of multiplications with many
variables and parameters, it is important to assess the sensitivity of the
parameters and variables. Some variables (such as the number of loads, condition
of transport and type of truck) are internally available data that is crucial for
operational purposes. Here, no uncertainty is expected. Other variables (such as
load factors, type of train or engine, and emission factors) are more likely to
obtain errors or deviations.
Unilever Europe assessed the sources of uncertainty to understand them, and to
find ways to improve the reliability and accuracy of the estimations. It was found
that the data deviations on lane level might be huge, so one has to be careful with
conclusions on lane level. However, the overall impact of deviations is very low to
negligible, due to the small share of one deviation in the complete estimation.
Large deviations on lane level are cleared out by their individual effect on the
complete estimation.


eSCF Operations Practices: Insights from Science

3rd Lesson: Dealing with (European) regulation uncertainty

Previous research of the TU/e identifies four different EU regulation scenarios,
with the expected increased costs for different transportation options (see the text
box Upcoming regulations concerning carbon emissions). The impacts of these
different regulation scenarios are tested upon Unilever Europes primary transport
with the developed carbon tool.
The key learning for Unilever Europe was that although the costs are likely to increase
in a CO2 constrained economy, the business opportunities are likely to increase as
well. Companies that are able to adapt quickly to the regulations can achieve
significant emission reductions and cost savings, and thereby potentially increase
market shares. The impact of carbon regulations will be significant: it can lead to winwin situations wherein 6 to 11% of the CO2 emissions are saved without increasing the
cost base; it can also lead to major cost increases, depending on how tough the
regulations (and the CO2 trading prices) will be. This indicates how important it is for
companies to navigate themselves according to the new regulations.
Upcoming regulations concerning carbon emissions
Back in 1999, the European Union agreed on the Kyoto Protocol, with an objective to
decrease the green house gases by 5.2% in 2012 compared to 1990 values. The EU
desires to reach these objectives (amongst others) by introducing a regulation
mechanism including carbon-trading allowances, which should be introduced on the
market in the next 5 to 10 years. Currently, one can only speculate about these upcoming
carbon regulations, and their impact on supply chain management.
Previous research on the Technical University of Eindhoven has shown that companies
are likely to face a new decision variable, namely cost of emissions, whilst deciding on
supply chain management challenges. This research also suggests that these emission
regulations may require a new understanding of emissions: rather than begin a tax-like
cost or a simple transaction entry in the balance sheet, it might be wiser to treat them as
inventory items to be managed just like tangible goods. Finally, this white paper also
suggests that a proactive attitude towards upcoming regulations would outperform
reactive attitude. Unilever embraced these suggestions and identified the different
potential regulation scenarios and tested the impact of upcoming regulations with the
developed carbon tool (Source: ESCF white paper EU Emissions regulations, 2008).

4th Lesson: Reduction opportunities for Unilever Europe

Last but not least, Unilever Europe was able to accurately test different reduction
opportunities. Unilever Europe found several win-win situations wherein both
costs and emissions were reduced, and majority of the promised 25% reduction
would be achieved.
The following four initiatives seem to have a great potential for success.

Carbon Emissions Mapping at Unilever Europe


figure 4














CO2 Emission (100 at 60%)

Increase load factors (equipment utilization)

The load factor of the freight capacity is the percentage of freight capacity that is
utilized. It is likely that full-truck loads are less polluting than two semi-filled
trucks. But, what is the precise relation between the load factor variations and CO2
emissions? Since, changing loads, emissions and number of shipments are
related, these relationships are investigated. The investigated relation is shown in
Figure 4. Currently, the average load factor of Unilever Europe is 60% (the figure is
standardized towards to 100 on the Y-axis). So, for example, when the average
load factor is increased from 60% to 70%, the total amount of CO2 emissions will
decrease by 10%. If Unilever Europe would be able to load the trucks to 80%, 18%
less carbon would be emitted compared to the current load factor. Obviously, on
an aggregate scale this might be rather difficult, but it can be a rather strong
argument to convince your customers to help filling your truck.

Load Factor

The relation between the load factor and CO2 emissions.

Network optimization to decrease the amount of kilometers traveled

Optimization of the supply networks can lead to a reduction of (empty) kilometers
to be driven. In this research, several consolidation and network design analyses
in different European countries were performed. Firstly, it is analyzed whether
dedicated warehouses should be combined into larger warehouses, or vice-versa.
Secondly, it is analyzed whether a redesign of the current supply chain structure
would lead to improvement.
In each scenario, the number of kilometers traveled was reduced significantly. For
example, in Poland 10.6% kilometers were reduced due to network design. The
average reduction of kilometers traveled in this research was 5.7%, based on eight
scenarios. Through careful analyses, it was concluded that network optimizations
also lead to significant improvements for the environment.


eSCF Operations Practices: Insights from Science

Use different transportation modes

A straightforward but promising option is the use of double-deckers. Doubledeckers are capable of stacking palettes, doubling the amount of freight in a
single truck. In theory, the number of rides may be split in two. However, since the
increased weight per truck leads to increased emissions, the amount of emission
reduction needs to be calculated carefully. It turned out that the reduction (on lane
level) might be up to 43%.
Obviously, the company needs to be able to fill the additional space with extra
loads for the destination. However, the impact of double-deckers is much larger
than increasing the single load factors. Not surprisingly, Unilever Europe is
currently experimenting with this sustainable transportation mode.
Redesign the supply chain with modal shift opportunities
To investigate the modal shift opportunities, 75 intermodal carriers were invited
by Unilever Europe to quote on 550 existing lanes. The quotation lanes were both
long (> 500 kilometer) and heavy (> 50 loads p.a.) and account for a major part of
Unilever Europes emission in the scope of this research. In total 937 useful bids
for 239 lanes were received from 52 carriers. On 208 of the 239 lanes CO2
emission reductions were found within these bids. (Note that both costs and leadtimes were not considered in this part of the research, yet) This equals a 37%
reduction of the annual emissions on these specific lanes. After careful
extrapolation, it was concluded that potentially 19% of the annual emissions of
Unilever Europe (in the scope of this research) could be reduced by modal shifts!
Thus, 19% reduction can maximally be obtained via modal shift changes. In the
next assessment, the variable cost was also included. The figure below depicts
this trade-off between costs and CO2 savings, showing that win-win situations can
CO2 vs Cost Savings

Cost Savings









figure 5

CO2 Savings (Max possible 100%)

In 72% of the cases, CO2 savings go hand in hand with costs savings. Further decreasing the CO2
emissions via modal change will lead to an explosion of costs.

Carbon Emissions Mapping at Unilever Europe


be found in 72% of the potentially improved lanes (19% of all lanes of Unilever
Europe). The crucial conclusion is that by changing the transportation modal 14%
reduction of CO2 emissions can be achieved without increasing the cost level!
Furthermore, it can also be concluded that in 33% of the cases, the CO2 reductions
go hand-in-hand with cost reductions.
In the next and final assessment, the variable service will also be taken into
account. Alternative transportation modes are interesting options, as long as
customer requirements (such as a certain lead-time) are satisfied. The responsible
transport manager of Unilever Europe has asked to analyze all 937 bids. Based on
the usual costs and service evaluations, only 187 bids were accepted. Out of these
187 bids, approximately two-third of these bids had a positive effect on the
emissions. In total, these options lead to 8% reductions of CO2 emissions, instead
of expected 14%. This difference is due to the service terms agreed with the
customers, so it can be concluded that 40% of the potential reductions cannot be
achieved due to service restrictions!
This leads us to the next challenge: how do we have to deal with these new
opportunities and restrictions?
The Carbon Regulated Supply Chains project
This project at Unilever was part of the Carbon Regulated Supply Chains (CRSC) project
of the European Supply Chain Forum (eSCF). In 2007, the participants of the eSCF
concluded that there was limited knowledge on carbon dioxide emission in supply
chains. Limited academic research had been conducted and there was uncertainty on
how new regulations would influence the supply chains of companies. Because of this
lack of academic research and because of their expertise on the subject of supply chains,
the European Supply Chain Forum (eSCF) decided to start the Carbon Regulated Supply
Chains project (CRSC project).
The first phase of the project, literature research was done to determine a method for
calculating emissions from transport. In this period, the objectives of the project were
formulated as follows:
To understand the impact of the various regulation alternatives on the design and
operation of supply chains;
To assist decision makers in industry by preparing strategies for coping with the
upcoming regulations;
To impact policy makers and the public opinion on the effectiveness and problems of
new regulations.
In the second phase of the project, four simultaneous master thesis projects were
executed at four members of the eSCF:
Bausch & Lomb; an eye-health company
Cargill; a food manufacturing company
Dow; a chemical company
Unilever; a food manufacturing company
During these four projects, the students of the Technical University of Eindhoven worked
closely together. Their bundled findings can be found in Akker et al. (2009).


Step 3: Adopt your business in

response to risks and opportunities
It can be concluded that the research has found plenty of opportunities to
decrease the carbon emissions. Fortunately, sustainability initiatives go often
hand-in-hand with cost savings, but some initiatives jeopardize customer service.
Companies might need to reconsider their service terms (especially required
transport times) in order to achieve significant reductions in CO2 emissions. It may
be cheaper and better for the environment to carry a product by boat, however,
when the products need to be delivered in (i.e.) two days, that does not fit the
The next step is to adopt the business to properly balance these three opposing
goals. Customer demands, transportation costs and emissions have to be carefully
balanced, and the complexity of the interrelations between these objectives
cannot be underestimated. There is always the risk that the pursuit of one
objective will have an offsetting effect on another objective.
Unilever Europe therefore has identified the three Cs as main focus areas:
Customers, Costs and Carbon, and nowadays rates the quotations on any
logistical tender based on these three variables. Basically, every future logistical
tender will be analyzed on emissions, and Unilever Europe is now looking new
working methods, to improve the transparency and objectivity of these decisions.
A new decision variable, namely cost of emissions, whilst deciding on supply chain
management challenges, might be a solution.

figure 6



In transportation decisions will now be based on i) customer requirements, ii) transportation costs
and iii) carbon emissions.


Step 4: Improve continuously and

outperform your competitors
With the current methodology in place, Unilever Europe has taken a great leap and
Unilever Europe is now able to analyze the sustainability of the supply chain
quickly and reliably. The future steps of Unilever Europe are to include the
secondary logistics into the tool. The secondary logistics have a more complex and
dynamic character with smaller packages and more customers and lanes. These
future extensions also may include cross docking and warehousing.
European consumers are getting more and more environmentally aware. Major
retailers (Unilever Europes customers) are willing to pay more to be carbon
neutral. To be environmental friendly is getting increasingly important with
increasingly complex chains. So continuous improvement is crucial, and this
methodology is a prominent step forward. Companies with the vision and
technology to provide products and services that address climate issues will enjoy
a competitive advantage.

The organization of Ultralogistik

Unilever is one of the worlds largest consumer goods companies with a turnover of ?40.5
billion. Unilever employs 174.000 people in 100 countries worldwide. In January 2006, the
Unilever Supply Chain Company AG (USCC) has been established as part of the new
European supply chain organization, co-locating the supply chain key decision-makers in
Schaffhausen. USCC is now responsible for all key decisions in the European Supply
Chain including buying, planning, manufacturing network and logistics (primary
transport) & warehousing operations.
Within USCC, Unilever has made a major investment to in-source and centralize its
transport management capability and UltraLogistik is founded as the brand name of the
Unilever Transport & Logistics Organization.
UltraLogistik delivers service for 68 Unilever factories and 200 Contract Packers.
UltraLogistik organizes approximately 500 trucks per day.
UltraLogistik operates on more than 3.000 transport lanes.
UltraLogistik uses 180 transport service providers.
UltraLogistik employs around 220 employees in both Switzerland and Poland.


The simplicity of the developed methodology allows the company to regularly
track and monitor the CO2 emissions, due to the clear visibility that the
methodology offers. Nowadays, Unilever Europe makes monthly reports.
Moreover, the methodology also allows comparing different sub-contractors in
terms of carbon efficiency, so Unilever Europe can continuously decrease their
emissions. In conclusion, this research at Ultralogistik has shown that by
switching transport modes, raising load factors and improving fuel efficiency the
goal of 25% emission reductions can be obtained (see also table 2). This research
and subsequent actions by management enables decoupling of CO2 emissions
from the growth of freight transport. That makes this applied research an
intriguing ESCF best practice.

table 2

Assessed reduction opportunities

Potential reduction

Increase average load factor from 60% to 70%

Up to 10% less emissions

Network redesign

Up to 5.7% less emissions

Using double-deckers

Up to 43% less emissions (on lane level)

Redesign using modal shift opportunities

Up to 19% less emissions

An overview of the reduction opportunities for Unilever, found during this project of zsalih

Akker, Inge van den, Roel te Loo, Hakki Ozsalih, and Robbie Scheers (2009)
Carbon Regulated Supply Chains Project, Eindhoven University of Technology.
EU Emissions regulations: Current Situation, Scenarios and Impacts on Supply
Chain, A white paper of the European Supply Chain Forum, 2008.
Friedman, T.L., (2008) Hot, flat and crowded, Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
ISBN 0374166854
Lash, J., and F. Wellington. Competitive advantage on a warming. Harward
Business Review, 2007: 94-102.
McKinnon, A., (2008) The Potential of Economic Incentives to Reduce CO2
Emissions from Goods Transport, Edinburgh.
Mintzer, R., (2008) 101 ways to turn your business green, Entrepreneur Press,
ISBN 1599182637
NTMs website
zsalih, H., (2009) A methodology for transport buying companies to estimate
CO2 emissions in transport: application in Unilever European logistics, MSc
Thesis at the Technical University of Eindhoven
The eSCF (European Supply Chain Forum) Operations Practices: Insights from Science are
published to inform members of the eSCF about the best practices, key managerial insights
and scientific principles of Operations Management and Supply Chain Execution.
Author: Walter Stein (www.walterstein.nl and [email protected])
Editors: prof.dr. A. van Weele and prof.dr.ir. G.J. van Houtum, prof.dr. A.G. de Kok, Eindhoven
University of Technology, European Supply Chain Forum.
Additional copies of this book can be ordered by e-mail: [email protected]
ISBN: 978-90-386-2517-1
Photo cover: www.morguefile.com
It is prohibited to this publication, or parts of this to be reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission from the publishers.

eSCF Operations Practices:

Insights from Science

Carbon Emissions Mapping

at Unilever Europe

European Supply Chain Forum

ir. W.J. Stein

Visiting address
Den Dolech 2
5612 AZ Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O.Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
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