Marine Machinary Course

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Editura NAUTICA, 2010

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Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei:

STAN, Liviu Constantin

Marine Machinary /
Liviu Constantin Stan Constana, Nautica, 2010


Chapter 1
Marine Boilers
Boilers of varied design and working conditions are installed in both steam and motor
vessels. The most modern steamships have boiler plant of a sophisticated nature, and even
on motorships the steam plant can be quite extensive, providing useful services and enhancing the
overall efficiency of the vessel.
The demand for steam propulsion is currently-very low, being confined to specialised
ships such as liquid natural gas (LNG) carriers. However, a number of steamships may still be
found in service having boiler plant resulting from many years of development. Design
modifications have been made to eliminate problem areas and to adjust to changing operational
constraints in much the same way that the diesel engine has progressed to its present advanced
state. Some of the incentives for and results of this development are touched upon in this
Water tube marine boilers have been dominant, as far as steam propulsion is concerned,
since the period between the two world wars. Even the generation of steam for auxiliary purposes
aboard ship has come into the province of the water tube boiler, a practice which grew to
prominence with increasing demand for large quantities of auxiliary steam and which persists
today in ships such as the large motor tanker. Nevertheless in the field of auxiliary steam production many non-water tube boilers can still be found, especially where steam output and pressure
are not high.
Water tube boilers can be made for steam duties as lowasl.5 ton/hand as highas2.5 x 103
ton/h. At the lower end of the range, the water tube boiler is found to be uneconomical and would
only be considered for very specialised applications where very high steam pressure was
involved. Boilers having duties in the upper end of the output range would be found in central
power stations ashore. Steam pressure in water tube boilers can vary between 7 bar and
supercritical values such as 225 bar, although natural circulation would only be applicable to
pressures below about 175 bar. Steam temperature could range from saturation to 600-650C,
depending upon the fuel and method of firing. With this vast range of duties it is not surprising
that the shape and detail of water tube boilers should vary considerably. Although the marine
sphere is only a particular section of the whole range, the number of different boiler designs
available is large.
As with most engineering endeavour, marine boiler design is a compromise. A balance
must be sought between first cost, longevity, running cost and maintenance. First cost can
alwaysbe reduced at the expense of the other factors by adopting minimum construction
standards and high forcing rates. A proper compromise in any particular case depends upon the
operating profile of the vessel. For a warship, construction standards are high because of such
factors as shock loads which have to be withstood. Forcing rates are also high to enable overall
bulk and weight to be kept low. Reasonable longevity and maintenance levels can be expected as
time spent at maximum load may not be much more than 5% of the life of the plant. Running cost
is not normally an overriding factor. For merchant ships a good compromise is achieved by
building to classification requirements and adopting the low forcing rates that experience has
shown will enable good levels of the other factors to be obtained. Even so, there are distinctions
to be observed, such as between main propulsion and auxiliary boilers. Auxiliary boilers,

receiving possibly much less use than main propulsion boilers, may usefully employ higher forcing


The major designers of marine water tube boilers are Foster Wheeler (USA, UK), Babcock
(USA, UK, Germany), Combustion Engineering (USA) and Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Japan).
All of the above have extensive international licensee networks so that boilers to one basic
design can be manufactured in many different places. Although marine boilers have been, and
can still be, offered with forced or assisted circulation, present day practice is for these
designers to offer main propulsion boilers based upon natural circulation. Forced circulation
units will, however, be found in many exhaust gas heat recovery boilers used on motorships. Some
of these, and many auxiliary boiler designs, are offered by companies other than these four, but for
main propulsion, they are dominant.
From an operational point of view it is essential that the boiler be kept clean. This is
particularly true on the water sides as overheating, and subsequent failure, is only prevented by
a good supply of water boiling within a clean tube. The importance of this is clear when
considering the high heat fluxes found in the furnace zone, where a deposit scale 0.6 mm thick can
elevate the tube temperature some 215CC above what it would be were the tube clean. This is
because the scale has a very high resistance to heat flow, requiring a large temperature
difference to pass the heat flow incident upon the tube. Such an increase in tube temperature can
bring the tube material into the range where oxidation occurs, leading to eventual tube failure.
In early designs the need for internal cleanliness was recognised and catered for by
making provision to simplify cleaning operations with the mechanical means then in vogue. This
meant using straight tubes, or tubes with a minimum number of easy bends, to allow passage of
tube cleaning brushes, and the provision of access to the ends of each. As a result the boiler
pressure parts were perforated with numerous access openings each of which had to have a pressure
tight closure when the boiler was operational. The making and keeping tight all of these fittings
was to prove the downfall of the straight tube boiler and encouraged the acceptance of a greater
degree of welding in boiler pressure parts and the adoption of chemical cleaning.
External cleanliness is important, not only because of the risk of corrosion associated with
the presence of fire side deposits, but also due to the risk of differential fouling. In a superheater,
for example, if some parts become more fouled than others the products of combustion will
be forced to take a preferential path through the less fouled area, locally increasing heat transfer
in this zone and elevating tube temperature as a result. This too can lead to eventual tube
failure. Further external fouling means that the products of combustion leave the boiler at a higher
temperature, reducing efficiency, wasting fuel and imposing a fire risk.
The object of the circulation system is to provide a good supply of water to all of the heated
tubes in a water tube boiler. Heat transferred through the tube walls produces steam bubbles in
the water within. Tubes in high heat transfer zones will contain more steam than tubes in lower
heat zones so the density of steam/water mixture will be lower in the former than in the latter.
If these separate zones are connected top and bottom by collecting vessels, such as drums or
headers, then circuits are formed in which the different densities will cause flow to occur
upwards in the low density tubes, downwards in the others. The greater the difference in
density, the brisker the flow will tend to be. This is the essence of a natural or gravity circulating
system (Fig 1) and in practical designs the principle is enhanced by specific design features such as
drum internals aimed at preventing steam inclusion into downflowing tubes (to obtain
maximum density) or by arranging all downflow tubes to be unheated (for the same reason).
A boiler will be divided into many such circuits with varying heat absorption rates. The
flow in each is established at the heat absorption corresponding to maximum load when a total
balance flow condition exists. It is normally sufficient to make such calculations at maximum load

but further analysis may be required if the boiler is to operate at more than one pressure level
and, in the case of a warship, investigation may be needed for extended operation in a heeled
damage condition when the circulating head is reduced due to the inclination. The work involved
in analysing the many circuits which make up a modern marine boiler is tedious and time
consuming and is best achieved with the aid of a computer.

Figure 1 Simple natural circulation circuit

(diagrammatic) including primary steam separator in drum.
The three main classes or types of water tube boiler in use at sea today are bi-drum
convection bank boilers, bi-drum radiant boilers and single drum radiant boilers.
Bi-drum convection bank boilers are developments from the integral furnace boilers
introduced in the USA during 1939-45, which were characterised by partially water cooled and
highly rated furnace zones followed by a convection superheater receiving some radiant heat from
the furnace through a screen of generating tubes and completed by a further substantial bank of
smaller bore generating tubes. These units were designed to fit into the small spaces available in
the ships of the period, having limited headroom. Steam conditions were modest at around 30
bar, 400C at the superheater outlet. At these pressure levels a large amount of latent heat has to
be provided when generating steam. With the advent of larger ships, particularly VLCCs, and
advancing steam conditions up to around 60 bar, 510C at the superheater outlet, it was possible
to consider an alternative design basis characterised by a large, moderately rated furnace, fully
water cooled, and followed by a convection superheater receiving no direct furnace radiation. At
these higher steam conditions the amount of latent heat added is much reduced and, in
combination with the large water cooled furnace, a steaming economiser behind the superheater
provides adequate generating surface. Figure 2 shows how the distribution of heat has changed,
allowing elimination of the generating bank. A steaming economiser is defined as one where
the water temperature rise within is more than 60% of the difference between saturation
temperature and that of the inlet water, and it may or may not generate a small amount of steam

in service.
The early versions of the bi-drum boiler were an important advance in their time but
changes in refining methods on crude from various sources produced residual type fuel oils
which began to reveal their shortcomings. The furnaces, being small and employing large
amounts of refractory, operated at very high temperature. Flame impingement was not unknown
and conditions generally for the refractories were severe and resulted in high maintenance.
Refractories broke down requiring replacement. They were frequently covered in glass-like deposits,
and on the furnace floor especially thick vitreous accumulations often required the use of road drills
for removal.
In the superheater zone the products of combustion were still at high temperature and
deposits from impurities in the fuel condensed out on the tubes, reducing heat transfer and steam
temperature. Eventually, gas passages between the tubes would become so badly blocked that
the forced draught fans would be unable to supply sufficient air to the burners, combustion
became impaired and the fouling conditions accelerated. Sodium and vanadium compounds
present in the deposits proved very corrosive to superheater tubes causing frequent repeated failure. Due to the fouled conditions there was a loss of efficiency and expensive time consuming
cleaning routines were required.

Figure 2 Heat distribution related to steam conditions: a) bi-drum D type, 31 bar 400C; b)
radiant, 63 bar 513C.

There were many palliative steps introduced between that time and the early 1960s
when the first marine radiant boiler was designed. Varying degrees of success were achieved by
increasing the proportion of furnace wall cooling using stud tubes or tangent tubes (Fig 3) and
by artifices such as wider superheater tube spacing or by removing the whole superheater to a
more protected zone at lower temperature. It was, however, the impetus provided by the bulk
transportation of crude oil that concentrated minds sufficiently to attack all of the problem areas of
the past and to introduce features such as all welded gas tight membrane tube or monowall furnace
enclosures (Fig 3) leading to boiler types which have generally proved successful in achieving
high efficiency with much reduced levels of maintenance, namely the radiant boiler described
in its various guises in the following pages.

Figure 3 Water cooled furnace wall construction: a) stud tube; b) tangent tube; c)
membrane tube panel (monowall).

Foster Wheeler
D type boiler
This is an early bi-drum design in which the two drums are connected by a multi-row
bank of small bore generating tubes, and three rows of larger bore screen tubes in front of a Uloop superheater (Fig 4). The furnace side wall tubes extend upwards from a header at floor level,
turn over to form the furnace roof and are connected to the steam drum. The furnace rear wall is
water cooled and the lower headers of this and the side wall are fed with water from the lower
drum. The two drums are connected by un heated downcomer tubes. The front wall and floor of
the furnace are refractory lined. The horizontal U-tubes of the superheater are connected to
vertical inlet and outlet headers. Baffles are fitted inside the headers, requiring the steam to make
several passes through the tubes, thus achieving the high steam velocity necessary to ensure safe
tube metal temperature in service. Oil burners are fitted in the refractory front wall of the furnace
and, on leaving the boiler, combustion gases pass over further heat recovery surfaces such as
economiser (heating feedwater) or air heater (heating combustion air). Steam sootblowers are fitted
to give means of on load cleaning of boiler, superheater and further heat recovery tubes.
ESDI and ESDII type boilers
In an attempt to combat the problems experienced with the early 'D' types, Foster
Wheeler introduced the External Superheater D type in which the basic construction methods
remained as for the D type but the superheater was removed to a position behind the generating
tube bank which was reduced in depth. This resulted in a reduced steam generating surface, an
increased superheater surface and an increase in heat recovery surface beyond the boiler.
Finding itself in a cooler gas temperature zone compared to the D type, the superheater exhibited
a much greater rate of change of steam temperature with load and for this reason steam temperature
control was adopted, even though design final steam temperature was only 450C. In the mark I
version (Fig 5) steam temperature control was by means of a steam-combustion air heat exchanger
and in the mark II by damper control of gas flow over the superheater (Fig 6).
ESD III type
The ESD I and II designs still contained a good deal of refractory material in the furnace
zone and very many expanded tube joints and gaskets. It was seen that maintenance could be
reduced if these were reduced in extent or eliminated. In the ESD III the furnace was much
enlarged and the bi-drum radiant approach appeared with the adoption of complete water
cooling and burners mounted in the furnace roof. This increase in radiant surface reduced the
need for a large generating tube bank which, in this design, reduced to eight rows in staggered
formation, formed from the lowest metre or so of the four rows of tubes separating the furnace
from the superheater. The superheater was further enlarged, permitting wide gaps between the
tubes. Steam temperature control, now used because of more advanced steam conditions, was
achieved by use of a steam-boiler water heat exchanger located in the upper drum (Fig 7).
Refractory was still not eliminated, but was largely shielded from direct radiation by close
pitched furnace wall tubes. Many expanded joints also remained. The superheater tubes, being
arranged parallel to the drum axis, tended to be long, requiring intermediate support along their
length, and this proved to be troublesome in service. Further steps were taken to address these
matters and an improved version of the ESD III (Fig 8) used gas tight, all welded monowalls in
place of refractory lined casings behind tangent tubes for the furnace, and extended monowall
construction to the superheater pass. The number of rows of tubes between furnace and
superheater was reduced from four to two and the superheater was now aligned at right angles to the
drum axis, the resulting shorter tubes not needing intermediate support.

Figure 4 Foster Wheeler D type boiler.

Figure 5 Foster Wheeler ESD I type boiler: a) sectional view; b) superheater

and attemperator arrangement.

Figure 6 Foster Wheeler ESD II type boiler: a) flow diagram; b) sectional


Figure 7 Foster Wheeler ESD III type boiler: a) sectional view; b) internal

Figure 8 Foster Wheeler ESD III type boiler: a) alternative furnace tube
arrangements;b) later type showing mono-wall construction.

ESDIV type
With final stage development of the ESD series we arrive at the single drum
radiant boiler with complete monowall enclosure and monowall division between
furnace and superheater. This further halves the number of tubes between furnace and
superheater so that the lower ends of all the tubes forming the side walls and the
division wall can now be accommodated in a header with all welded connections. Both
refractory and steel casings are eliminated and the steaming economiser appears to
compensate for loss of generating surface elsewhere (Fig 9).
DSD type
To cater for those shipowners who stated a preference for two drum boilers
of more conventional design, the DSD (double superheater D type) offered several
advantages over the D type or even the ESD IIII. A fully water cooled monowall
enclosure system could be used with burners mounted in the furnace roof giving good
distribution of hot products of combustion to the vertically aligned superheater tubes.
The primary and secondary superheater sections were behind a three row furnace exit
screen and were virtually self supporting, needing only to be located relative to
adjacent boiler tubes. It was further claimed that the propensity for deposits to form
would be reduced on vertical tubes and any that did would be more readily removed.
Ample access around the superheaters was provided for this purpose. A conventional
generating bank of small bore tubes was provided, with external unheated
downcomers, and additional, external feeders supplied water from the lower drum to
the bottom headers of the water wall circuits (Fig 10).
ESRD type
Achieving the maximum efficiency from steam plant at sea requires the adoption

of the reheat cycle and for this a special boiler type is needed. In the reheat cycle steam,
after passing through the superheater and HP turbine, is taken back to the boiler and
reheated before returning to the intermediate and low pressure stages of the turbine. At
sea, this is the sequence followed when in the ahead mode, but when manoeuvring
astern or when steaming in harbour, reheated steam is not required. Under these
conditions the reheater tubes will not receive a cooling flow of steam and so other
means of protection are required. The ESRD is constructed in a manner similar to the
ESDIV except that the convection passage containing the superheaters is divided into two
parallel paths by a further mono wall (Fig 11). Superheater surfaces are deployed in both
paths but reheater surface is installed in one path only. The gas flow over the two
paths is controlled by dampers at the exit from each path, so that the gas flow to the
reheater, and thereby the reheat steam temperature, can be controlled (Fig 12). In
astern or harbour operation the dampers above the reheater path are closed. Cooling
air is admitted to the space between the top of the reheater and the closed dampers, and
passes downwards over the reheater, joining the combustion gases which have crossed
part of the superheater beneath the reheater, and exiting through a small permanent
opening in the division wall. It joins combustion gases there, flowing upwards in the
parallel path across economiser tube surfaces and out to further heat recovery
equipment, used to ensure a high boiler efficiency at all times. Superheated steam
tempera ture is controlled interstage by the use of a steam-boiler water heat exchanger
in the boiler drum.

Figure 9 Foster Wheeler ESD IV type boiler

Figure 10 Foster Wheeler DSD type boiler.

Integral furnace type
This is essentially similar to the Foster Wheeler D type, the initial design of
both being in the USA. Differences between them are confined to detail and to specific
proprietary features. For example, Babcock boilers of that time used studded tubes in the
furnace walls with the spaces between studs and between adjacent tubes packed with
plastic chrome ore. This was an excellent refractory material but lacked mechanical
strength and so 12 mm round studs of varying length were electric resistance welded to
the furnace wall tubes to reinforce and support the refractory. This proved a very
durable construction but in time it became difficult to obtain spares worldwide wherever
ships called in for repairs. Eventually bare tubes on a tangent pitch were used, as in the D
type. All Babcock boilers incorporate patent steam separating cyclones in the steam
drum through which the steam/water mixture from the heated tubes is caused to pass.
Inside the cyclones a vortex is formed creating a significant separating force causing
steam free water to exit at the bottom and dry steam to leave at the top. These, together
with a conventional slotted dry pipe, ensured dry steam to the superheater and steam
free water to the downcomer tubes. As already observed the latter ensures a brisk
circulation whilst the former was found to be effective over a very wide range of drum
water level and practically eliminated all risk of scale build up inside the primary super-

heater tubes. To assist separation of steam and water in Foster Wheeler boilers,
arrangements of perforated plates were used, although on occasion a form of cyclone was
adopted with a horizontal axis as opposed to the vertical arrangement used by Babcock (Fig

Figure 11 Foster Wheeler ESRD type boiler.

Figure 12 Gas flow through ESRD boiler:

a) ahead operation; b) astern operation.


Primary superheater
Secondary superheater
Bypass economiser
Steel finned economiser
Reheat cooling damper
Reheat control damper
Reheat shut-off damper

It was normal on Babcock boilers to find combustion equipment of Babcock

design and a wide range was available. Foster Wheeler boilers were fitted with
equipment from other burner makers, and sometimes Babcock burners were used.
When fitted with economisers, those parts exposed to feed water at temperatures above
about 140C would, on Babcock boilers, be of Babcock design. This would be of mild steel
construction, the tubes having oval section studs, electric resistance welded on. This
design was originally used by the US Navy during the war, when it was difficult to
obtain tubes with aluminium fins. Foster Wheeler had an economiser with CI gills shrunk
onto mild steel tubes and a similar arrangement was also used by Babcock for
economisers where the water temperature was below 140C .
Selectable superheat and M10 types Following its successful use in frigates for
the Royal Navy, Babcock introduced into merchant service the selectable superheat
boiler which was similar to the integral furnace type except that the convection pass was
divided into two parallel paths by means of a wall of studded tubes and plastic
chrome ore. The superheater was arranged on one side only of this gas tight division.
Dampers at the outlet of each path enabled .the gas flow over the superheater to be
controlled. The range of control obtained in this way was wide, and admirably suited the
requirements of the Royal Navy. In merchant service less control range was
permissible, and so some of this was sacrificed in an attempt to overcome operating
difficulties which the selectable superheat boiler (Fig 14) shared with the integral furnace
design. By arranging that the division wall did not start until after the first four rows of
superheater tubes these could then pass over the whole depth of the boiler, the
additional surface so obtained permitting a wider tube spacing in this sensitive, high
temperature zone. This variation was marketed as the M10 type.

Figure 13 Cut-away view of Babcock marine boiler, integral furnace type.

Babcock MR type
The MR boiler was introduced in response to marine industry demands for
boilers to exhibit the highest possible efficiency and the lowest possible maintenance. It
is a single drum radiant boiler of all welded construction in which all exposed refractory
and all expanded joints and gaskets were eliminated. The membrane tube panel
enclosure walls, in which adjacent 63 mm od tubes were joined by welding in a 12 mm
wide mild steel strip, provided water cooling and gas tightness. The large fully water
cooled furnace had a roof sloping at 5 deg to the horizontal, enabling the oil burners to
be attached normal to the roof and yet fire down the long vertical axis of the furnace.
These units were, with the use of the steam atomising burners, able to achieve complete
combustion within the furnace with as little as 3% excess of air, and an efficiency in
excess of 90.7% on the gross calorific value was recorded when the units were fitted
with rotary regenerative air heaters,reducing the temperature of the funnel gases to
116C. In the convection passage the widely spaced superheater tubes were aligned at
right angles to the drum axis so that the products of combustion produced by the row of
burners in the furnace roof were evenly distributed across the whole width of the
superheater. This encourages effective use of the heating surface and minimises risk
of hot spots due to maldistribution, which could adversely affect tube temperature. The
lowest possible superheater tube temperature was further encouraged by arranging the
primary superheater, containing the cooler steam, below the secondary, both being
connected so that the steam progresses upward in parallel flow with the products of
combustion. Interstage attemperation and control of superheat is achieved by a steamboiler water heat exchanger in the drum. This single drum radiant boiler has a drum
diameter of at least 1.5 m and it was possible to accommodate, in addition to the
attemperator, a desuperheater to provide steam for auxiliary purposes (Fig 15).

Figure 14 Cut-away view of Babcock marine boiler, selectable

superheat type, showing a single furnace and two sets of dampers for
adjusting the gas flow through the superheated and saturated sections
of the boiler.

M12 type
As already mentioned, preference for two drum boilers was sometimes stated
and there were ships that did not provide space, notably headroom, for the radiant
boilers then being used extensively in VLCCs and container ships. It was to meet such
situations that Babcock offered the M12, a bi-drum unit with primary and secondary
superheaters and a fully water cooled furnace similar to the Foster Wheeler DSD type.
A fully water cooled furnace with membrane wall tube panels or tangent tubes backed
with refractory and steel casings could be chosen, and the burners could be mounted on
the roof or in the furnace front wall. The double superheater was arranged with the
primary upstream of the secondary in the furnace exit gas stream, each being arranged
with multiple steam passes with the hottest pass in parallel flow. Ample gas side
access spaces were provided and steam temperature control was achieved by
interstage attemperation (Fig 16).

Figure 15 Babcock MR type boiler

M21 type
In order to simplify construction and to introduce a degree of standardisation,
the M12 was replaced by the M21 type, a bi-drum unit giving a choice of features such
A single superheater;
B double superheater;
C tangent tubes, double casings;
D membrane tube panel enclosures;
E roof mounted burners;
F front wall mounted burners;
and these could be combined ACE, or ACF, or ADE, or ADF, or BCE, or BCF,

or BDE, or BDF. Each of these eight alternatives could be met with the same basic layout
of the main boiler parts with the same overall dimensions simplifying drawing and
ordering requirements (Fig 17).
MRR type
In 1963 a power plant design study instigated by the Esso Petroleum Company
produced a set of marine propulsion machinery based upon the reheat cycle and which
incorporated many novel features aimed at combining high efficiency and low
maintenance. Out of this work came the Babcock MRR reheat boiler from which the
straight cycle MR was soon to follow. The MRR is similar in construction to the MR
except that the convection passage is divided into two parallel paths by a membrane
tube wall, the gas flow over which is controlled by dampers located at the top, or gas
outlet end of each path. Primary and secondary superheater surfaces are arranged in
each path. The reheater is above them in one path and in the other is an economiser with
bare tubes connected so that any steam generated rises upwards with the water flow into
the steam drum to be separated in the cyclones. The division wall is completely gas tight
and the superheater surfaces are so proportioned that when the reheater path dampers
are closed the small gas flow leaking through them is cooled by the superheater to a
temperature well below the normal reheater tube operating temperature so that no damage to the reheater can occur when reheat steam is not flowing. In normal, ahead
steaming, modulation of the dampers controls reheat steam temperature without
significant disturbance in main steam temperature, which is, in any case, controlled
by an attemperator inside the boiler drum (Fig 18).

Figure 16 Cross-sectional elevation and plan of Babcock

type M12 boiler.

Figure 17 Babcock M21 type bi-drum boiler.

It will be noted that a degree of similarity exists between the various designs of
the two major British boiler designers and this will be seen to further apply when
reviewing the products of the other international majors. Differences in detail do occur
and are the result of individual designers' attempts to overcome operational dif ficul ties
in a continuous battle to reduce the need for maintenance, improve efficiency and increase
competitiveness. A significant step in this direction was taken during the latter part of
the 1970s, when Stal Laval, in co-operation with Babcock, developed a very advanced
propulsion system (V AP). Steam was generated at 125 bar or higher depending upon the
shaft power of the set and at a temperature of 500C by a standard MR boiler and then
raised to 600C in a separate superheater immersed in an oil fired fluidised bed of
graded sand. After expanding through the HP turbine the steam was to be reheated to
600C in a second oil fired fluidised bed built in battery with the first and then returned
to the IP and LP turbines. The combustion environment of the fluidised bed was
intended to permit the achievement of 600C or even higher without the problems
afflicting conventional superheater and a full scale experimental fluidised superheater
operated by Stal Laval at Orebro in Sweden proved this to be so. The turbine and gearing
developments were also demonstrated to the technical press. By the time this was all
ready for the market the diesel designers had forged further ahead and the demand for
steam ships was in decline so that no VAP plant entered sea service.

Combustion Engineering
The V2M-8 is a bi-drum boiler of the integral furnace type with a vertical
superheater, with all welded furnace walls or with tangent tubes backed with
refractory lined steel casings. Advantages claimed by the manufacturers include: the
superheater is positively drained at all times regardless of the attitude of the ship; slag
accumulation on the superheater tubes is minimised; and the general layout of the unit
is such as to avoid pockets where explosive gas mixtures could accumulate, thereby

ensuring effective purging prior to lighting up. Provision can be made for firing in the
roof, front or side of the furnace
As boiler plant in general began to demonstrate improved reliability
shipowners showed increased interest in the single main boiler ship philosophy. A
single boiler, used in place of two boilers, would require less space, but could still
have the same capacity. It could have a very large furnace so as to give a greater
residence time affording the opportunity for improved combustion compared to two
smaller units. Better access for maintenance would be more easily obtained and initial
cost would be reduced. The radiant boilers previously described all exhibited these
advantages and Combustion Engineering responded by taking a basic D type boiler
and extending the furnace downwards and beneath the unit. This layout necessitated
supporting the boiler unit at its mid height so reducing movement of the upper and
lower extremities due to thermal expansion. Stability when mounted in the moving platform of a ship at sea was also improved. A double superheater and welded furnace
walls were employed and the firing platform was beneath the lower boiler drum.
A modification employed a tangential firing system, with burners mounted in
each of the four corners aligned tangential to a circle at the furnace centre. This gave
increased turbulence and a longer spiral flame path before the products of combustion
impinged upon relatively cool boiler and superheater tubes (Fig 20).

Figure 18 a) Babcock MRR reheat boiler; b) arrangement of convection


Figure 19 Combustion Engineering V2M-8 boiler

The boiler and superheater are as for the V2M-8 but an additional furnace
chamber is added on the side of the boiler generating bank remote from the main
furnace and superheater. This additional reheat furnace is provided with oil burners and
the horizontal tube reheater is arranged above its outlet. In normal ahead mode products
of combustion, from oil burned in the main furnace in sufficient quantity to achieve the
desired degree of superheat, pass over the superheater and main generating bank
entering the reheat furnace, where the balance of the fuel is burned raising the gas
temperature by an amount sufficient for the reheater duty needed. In harbour, or
when manoeuvring astern, the burners in the reheat furnace are secured, and the products
of combustion then reach the uncooled reheater tubesat a temperature low enough to avoid
causing them damage (Fig 21).

V2M-8-divided furnace
A further derivative of the V2M-8, this reheat unit has the main furnace
divided by a membrane wall (Fig 22). Each of the two furnaces so formed are
provided with oil burners mounted on the roof. The products of combustion from one of
these furnaces pass over reheater tube surfaces arranged at one end of the boiler whilst
from the other furnace the gases pass over superheater tube surfaces at the other end of
the boiler. Both gas streams combine before passing over the main bank of generating
tubes. Differential firing in the two furnaces gives control of reheat steam temperature
whilst the superheat is controlled by attemperation between stages of the double superheater. All welded furnace enclosure walls are used and the superheaters and
reheater are all arranged in the near vertical position with horizontal inlet and outlet
headers beneath.

Figure 20 a) Combustion Engineering V2M-9; b) later version with

tangential firing arrangement.

Figure 21

Combustion Engineering V2M-8 LTG reheat boiler

Kawasaki Heavy Industries

BDU type
This is a basic bi-drum integral furnace boiler, the Kawasaki version having a
double horizontal tube superheater, and front fired furnace constructed with tangent
tubes backed with refractory lined steel casings (Fig 23). The bottom ends of the
furnace exit screen tubes terminate in a separate header fed with water from the lower
drum. The bottom headers of the front, rear and side furnace walls are fed by
unheated downcomers from the steam drum. Steam temperature is controlled by
attemperation with a heat exchanger in the steam drum and auxiliary steam at a
reduced temperature is provided by a desuperheater in the lower drum. The steam
circuit associated with steam temperature control incorporates a control valve and a
fixed orifice in a bypass line. Care is needed in sizing the orifice since if the control
valve is wide open and the orifice is too large insufficient steam will pass to the
attemperator and the final steam temperature may exceed safety levels. Conversely,
should the orifice be too small the control valve will be closed in to establish the
correct steam quantity to the attemperator and drum steam pressure may exceed the
working level. A more sophisticated system would utilise a second control valve in
place of the orifice with means provided to connected to the main headers by welded
connecting tubes. As with the vertical tube superheater proposed by all the
boilermakers offering this type of boiler unit the main support of the tube bundle is

taken on the main headers at the bottom. Location and guidance of the superheater
tubes is obtained by means of heat resisting alloy steel castings welded to adjacent boiler
and superheater tubes.

Figure 24 a) Kawasaki UF boiler; b) superheat control on UFE and UFC boiler

Figure 25 Kawasaki UM type boiler.

The designatory letters defining Kawasaki boilers are supplemented by an /E'

if the final heat recovery is by economiser or by a 'G' if final heat recovery is by a gas to air
heater; the UM type thereby becoming UME or UMG.

Figure 26 a) Method of locating superheater tubes from boiler tubes; b) panel

construction of Kawasaki superheater.

UFR type
To provide for the adoption of the reheat cycle Kawasaki modified their UF
type by arranging for the convection passage to have three parallel paths (Fig 27). As
other boiler makers had done they divided the main convection passage into two
parallel paths by means of a membrane tube wall with superheater surfaces on either side
but reheater surface on one side only. As a departure from previous designs they
introduced a third convection passage between the furnace and the main divided
passage (Fig 28). This third or bypass passage contains economiser surface. Dampers
at the outlet of the three convection paths could be adjusted to control reheat and superheat in the normal ahead mode. As usual when operating astern or in harbour the
dampers above the reheater are closed. In this design a double damper arrangement is
used and the space between them can be pressurised with air to effectively seal the
dampers preventing gas flow over the reheater. Since some gas always passes through the
bypass passage, less heat is available for superheating and reheating. To compensate,
the reheater is brought into a slightly hotter zone and additional superheater surface
provided, with some primary surface above the reheater.

Figure 27 Kawasaki UFR and UF reheat boiler.

Figure 28 Bypass economiser system of reheat boilers.

Figure 29 Kawasaki UTR reheat boiler: a) reheat condition; b) non-reheat

UTR type
A more simple solution to the problems posed by reheat were obtained by
Kawasaki when they introduced this unit in which the bypass passage is eliminated (Fig
29). The resulting design, although exhibiting the same constructional detail as the UFR
type, controls reheat and superheat generally in the manner adopted by the British
With modest pressures and temperatures it was usually found sufficient to
connect superheater tubes to the headers by expanding the tubes into tube holes in the
header using a revolving mandrel expander. By revolving the tapered mandrel, rollers
were forced against the tube bore, expanding it and squeezing the tube material against
the metal of the header. The tube holes could be plain or were sometimes machined
with one or more grooves. The tube end was also belled by an additional belling
roller in the expander. As pressure and temperature advanced, difficulties were
encountered with leaking at the expanded joints and in some cases this was countered
by first expanding the tube and then running a light sealing weld around the tube end
inside the header before lightly re-expanding. Each of these construction methods
necessitated the provision of sufficient access handholes in the headers to permit the
expanding and welding operations to be carried out. These handholes had to be sealed
off for steaming and it was usual to have an oval or circular plug pulled up on the inside
onto a gasket with a strongback and nut on the outside. Making and keeping these tight
added to the maintenance load and became problematical as pressure and temperature
levels increased. In some cases these plugs could also be sealed with a light weld bead
which was machined off when access to the header was needed.
It became clear that to improve steam cycle efficiency steam pressure and
temperature would rise to the highest practical values and that maintenance would only

be reduced by adopting all welded construction. The difficulty presented by this was to
ensure that all welded arrangements provided good access for repair at sea, should it
become necessary. Constructing the boiler ashore meant that the sequence and location
of the welding operations could be chosen to facilitate the making of welds of 100%
quality. In a repair situation the welding work neces sary had to be accomplished in the
space and time available. Some of the first all welded superheaters adopted a fillet
weld connection between the superheater tubes and stubs previously welded to the
headers in the factory and stress relieved prior to construction.

Figure 30 Melric joints applied to the superheater of a Babcock and Wilcox

selectable superheat boiler: a) arrangement of superheat header and element; b) detail
of melric joint; c) method of blanking off from outside of header in event of element

Figure 31

Methods of attaching superheater elements.

Figure 30 shows the 'melric' joint of this type. The advantages claimed include
ease of making the fillet weld joints between tube and stub in the space available and the
opportunity of increasing this space by bifurcating two tubes to one stub thereby
doubling the pitch of the stubs.
Improved welding techniques and the use of inert gas shielding led to wider use
of butt welded joints the connection between tube and header being via a stub
previously welded to the header and stress relieved (Fig 31). The stub for these butt
welded types was merely a short length of tube of appropriate material. These could be
made of varying length and could be either straight or bent to suit the detail
Where the design of boiler was such that an external welded joint was not
possible (e.g. Fig 17) a method was devised for making an internal pressure weld
between the tube end and the inside of the header. The need for stress relieving this
joint was obviated by a factory applied weld deposit layer of a lower grade material to the
inside of the header local to the tube hole, to which the tube end was fused with a full
pressure weld. This process required special skills and was confined to those high
temperature parts of the superheater where it was essential. A truly all welded
arrangement was not practicable by this means. The Kawasaki UM design (Fig 25), includes an all welded superheater in a bi-drum boiler unit. If temporary plugs are fitted
in the tubes connecting the stub headers to the main headers in such a layout, failure of
one tube results in the loss of a whole panel of tubes.
There are cases where butt welds can sometimes be made possible by
combining two or three tubes into one stub by the use of bifurcation or trifurcation
pieces. The space between the stubs can thereby be increased, creating better access
for welding. When using this method care must be taken not to join together tubes
having significantly different resistance to flow and/or heat absorption otherwise some
tubes may receive insufficient steam flow.
Steam temperature and superheater tube temperature both vary throughout the
steam path through the superheater. For metal parts outside the gas passage, such as the
headers, the metal temperature is the same as the steam temperature within. For the
tubes inside the gas passage the metal temperature must be assessed taking into
account all possible variations in value, and the most adverse combinations of gas
flow, steam flow and gas temperature. Only after a careful analysis of those factors is
it possible to achieve maximum economy by minimising use of the most expensive
alloys. The four materials in common use are; mild steel; Vi% molybdenum; Vi%
molybdenum-1 % chromium; and 1% mo-lybdenum-2V4% chromium. Each of these has
a maximum useful working temperature determined by the onset of rapid oxidation but
in practical applications the stress resisting capabilities at the working temperature will
determine choice of material. If too low a grade is chosen the allowable stress will be low
and therefore the required tube thickness will be high. This tends to raise the metal
temperature further and if this significantly affects the allowable stress then the time has

passed for a change of material. There are, of course, more exotic alloys than those
listed but it is rare to find that they are needed in marine boilers. One exception might be
for naval applications where the high ratings used in a warship may make it desirable to
consider a 12% chromium alloy. Oil fired units are subject to high temperature corrosion
from fuel constituents, the major cause being the presence of vanadium and sodium in
the fuel which form low melting point complex sodium/ vanadium compounds with
oxygen and sulphur oxides from the flue gas. The corrosion mechanism is very complex
and has been subjected to considerable research. The corrosive effects can be minimised
by keeping superheater tube and gas temperatures as low as possible, and for this
reason, when fired with residual type oil fuel, boilers with conventional superheaters
are limited to a final steam temperature between 525C and 535C. LNG ships must
also be able to burn oil and steam temperature is similarly limited. Experience ashore
shows that when coal is the fuel, steam temperature may be safely raised to 565C.

Figure 32 Baboock and Wilcox drum type surface attemperator

Aitemperators and desuperheaters

Each of these devices is a heat exchanger designed to remove heat from
superheated steam. In the case of an attemperator this is usually accomplished at an
intermediate stage of a superheater in order to control the final steam temperature and
to protect the secondary stage of the superheater from excessive temperature. A
desuperheater, however, may be used to reduce the temperature of a quantity of steam
from the superheater outlet to as low as 3C above the saturation temperature. Two
types of heat exchanger may be found, ie surface type or direct contact type. The former
is the most common for attemperators in view of the risk in the direct contact type of
introducing impurities into the superheater. Since the cooling medium is feed water a
direct contact attemperator is only used if feed water of the highest purity can be
assured. This is less important for the desuperheater as it is situated downstream of the
superheater. Where surface type desuperheaters are used the outlet temperature would
be about 30C above saturation temperature.
The construction of attemperators and desuperheaters is similar; only the
duty differs. Surface types consist of a bundle of straight or bent tubes connected at
their ends to inlet and outlet headers, the whole installed below water level inside a
boiler drum with connections from inlet and outlet headers taken through the drum shell

or drum end (Fig 32). To avoid thermal shock of the relatively heavy drum plates due to
the high temperature steam passing into or out of the heat exchanger these connections
are made so that the steam passes through a thermal sleeve (Fig 33). The space
between the inner and outer parts of the sleeve is preferably open to air rather than to
boiler water so as to avoid the risk of this annular space becoming concentrated with
boiler water salts leading to corrosion.
Although similar in construction and function the essential difference between
surface type attemp-erators and desuperheaters is that the former must be designed so
that the steam passes through with a minimum drop in pressure so as to minimise
boiler design pressure and thickness of the pressure parts. The steam from a
desuperheater is usually used for auxiliary purposes and is not needed at high pressure, so that higher steam speed and pressure loss in the tubes is acceptable. Sometimes
if desuperheaters are operated with a steam flow very much lower than the design
capacity, the leaving steam temperature will approach saturation temperature and some
condensation may form in downstream piping. To avoid this the pressure reducing valve
commonly found in desuperheated steam circuits may be positioned upstream of the
desuperheater so that the saturation temperature within is well below that in the drum.
Since the steam leaving temperature cannot be below drum saturation temperature the
leaving steam remains superheated.

Figure 33 Thermal sleeve

Spray type units are arranged external to the boiler and have been used as
desuperheaters at sea for many years. Their use as attemperators has only gained
support following the introduction of more sophisticated water treatment regimes
associated with modern high pressure marine boilers (Fig 34). A suitable length of
pipework containing the steam whose temperature is to be reduced is substituted by the
body of the unit which contains a spray nozzle arranged concentrically within.
Feedwater at feed pump pressure is supplied to the spray nozzle from which it issues in
a fine mist of water droplets which rapidly enter into heat exchange with the steam
thereby reducing its temperature. A liner is fitted so as to prevent spray water
impingement on the hot walls of the body of the unit and a reasonable straight length of
piping downstream is arranged to permit complete evaporation of the water before
meeting any pipe bends.

Figure 34 Spray attemperator showing thermal sleeve.

The gas temperature leaving a boiler cannot be reduced much below 30C
above the saturation temperature and in radiant types a much higher leaving gas
temperature is usually found. So that an acceptable degree of efficiency can be
obtained and fuel consumption reduced as much as possible further heat recovery
surfaces are needed so that the gas temperature at the funnel may be as low as practicable. To carry out this further heat exchange, surfaces such as economiser and/or air
heater are commonly used.
In many radiant boiler types economisers are also found arranged integrally
within the boiler unit and in this location they consist of a number of multi-loop elements
of plain tubes connected at their ends to inlet and outlet headers. Since they are fed with
water leaving any external economiser fitted and since they are situated in a hot gas
temperature zone and are required to perform a considerable heat exchange duty a
portion of the water pumped through them may be converted into steam. These
steaming economisers are arranged so that water enters the lower header and the
steam/water mixture leaves from the top header and thence to the steam drum where
the steam and water separate.

Figure 35 a) Mild steel stud economiser surface; b) mild stee plate fin
economiser surface; c) cast iron gill economiser surface
Used externally to the boiler for further heat recovery economisers are found in
cooler gas zones and are fed with water at temperatures around 116C or 185C
depending upon whether the feed cycle includes high pressure feed heaters after the
de-aerator. In either case the economiser consists of a number of sinuous multi-loop
elements of extended surface tubes connected at their ends to inlet and outlet
headers. The extended surface is obtained by a variety of means such as resistance
welded mild steel studs or plate fins, or by shrunk or cast iron gills (Fig 35). The
former is lighter and enables a greater heat exchange for a given volume but is suitable
only for those parts of the economiser surfaces where the water temperature within
exceeds around 140C. Since the coefficient of heat transfer on the water side is very
much higher than on the gas side the tube temperature will not differ from the water
temperature by any great amount. A tube surface temperature of 140C is necessary to

minimise the formation of weak acid due to condensation of water vapour and sulphuric
acid from the products of combustion. At lower temperatures these could produce an
acid concentration likely to cause vigorous attack on mild steel surfaces, due to the
presence of sulphur in the fuel. The actual dewpoint temperature is dependent upon the
proportion of the sulphur in the fuel which is oxidised to sulphur trioxide during
combustion, the amount of moisture in the combustion air and the hydrogen content of
the fuel. It is difficult to determine in service and the figure of 140C is given as a guide
which experience shows to be adequate for most situations. The operator can increase
his margin of safety by attending to the quality of combustion and operating with a
minimum of excess air. A combination of all mild steel and cast iron protected
surfaces (Fig 36), is frequently found in external economiser arrangements on boilers
associated with feed cycles having no high pressure feed heaters. When high pressure
feed heaters are used the higher feed water temperature leaving them usually permits
all mild steel economiser surfaces. This is not the case if the high pressure feed heater is
arranged in series with the economisers. Then feed water from the de-aerator enters
the economiser with cast iron protection from which it returns to be further heated in a
high pressure feed heater going on to the all mild steel section of the economiser. This
rare arrangement permits a high boiler efficiency without using gas/air heaters and
retains the advantage to cycle efficiency of bled steam high pressure feed heating. The
arrangement is, however, inferior in efficiency to the cycle using a maximum of bled
steam feed heating and final heat recovery by means of a gas/air heater.
Regardless of the type of surfaces used in the economiser it is now common
practice for these to be constructed with all welded connections between tubes and
headers. These latter have inspection facilities which are also welded. Sometimes these
are arranged so that, if necessary in an emergency, the closure can be made without
welding (Fig 37).

Figure 36 Arrangement of primary and secondary economisers

Figure 37 Inspection nipple

Air heaters
An economiser can only economically reduce the funnel gas temperature to
about 20C above the inlet water temperature and so when high pressure feed heaters
are used an acceptable boiler efficiency requires the use of a gas/air heater for final heat
recovery. Three types of gas/air heater have been used at sea, namely:
Plate type
Usually of cast iron with integral fins on both air and gas sides.
Tubular type
Usually with plain mild steel tubes but on rare occasions glass tubes have been
Regenerative type
With either revolving or stationary heat transfer matrix.
The plate type consists of a number of cast iron plate modules bolted together
and assembled so as to provide alternate air and gas passages. In passing through
these the air and gas are exposed to fins cast integral with the plates thus increasing the
effective heating surface. The fins are required on both sides of the plates since the
coefficients of heat transfer of air and gas are of the same order. When cast iron is used
it is to combat the corrosive effect of weak sulphuric acid in the same way that cast
iron gills are used to protect mild steel economiser tubes. Cast iron is reputed to be
more resistant to this form of attack than mild steel although there is some controversy
on the matter it sometimes being suggested that it is the greater mass of cast iron
which confers a longer service life. However that may be, a great deal of cast iron is
used in final heat recovery heat exchangers and generally acceptable results obtained
(Fig 38).
Air is normally supplied to an air heater at a temperature of around 38C and
therefore certain of the metal parts are going to be at a temperature where corrosion is a

serious risk. Considerable difficulties have been experienced with tubular air heaters
where mild steel tubes were perforated after only 6 months in service.

Figure 38 Cast iron plate type gas/air heater.

The modern tubular air heater is arranged with air passing through horizontal
tubes, the products of combustion passing upwards over them. The tubes are expanded
into tube plates at either end and the air trunking arranged so that the air makes two or
more passes through the tubes. For maximum heat recovery air inlet is at the top so
that air progresses through successive passes in a generally downwards direction in
counter flow with the flue gas stream (Fig 39). The coolest tube temperature and the area
usually found to suffer most from acid attack is therefore at the inlet end of the first air
pass tubes and the tube plate nearby. To lessen the risk in this area the tube plate is
insulated on the air side and the tubes are extended into the inlet air trunking by 300
mm or so. In this first length of tube, inlet turbulence locally increases the air side heat
transfer coefficient and should this occur within the gas passage the tube temperature
is depressed even further. As an alternative a short ferrule can be inserted into the inlet
end of the tubes separating the locally enhanced heat transfer coefficient from tubes in
contact with flue gas. Another method is to preheat the incoming air at the expense of a
reduced performance or an increase in heating surface to counteract the reduced mean
temperature difference between gas and air.
Other attempts to overcome the corrosion problem in tubular air heaters
include the use of glass tubes. These are completely resistant to attack from sulphuric
acid but need special arrangements to seal them into the steel tube plate which is still
prone to suffer. Also glass tubes must be carefully handled at all times and are easily
damaged during any cleaning or maintenance operations. The most widespread
practice was to use mild steel tubes with a coat of vitreous enamel; in effect glass
coated steel tubes. These had mixed success, dependent largely on the quality and
completeness of the enamel. Although more robust than glass tubes any imperfection in
the enamel coating was avidly sought out by the acid which then rapidly perforated the
tube beneath. Nevertheless there were many applications showing significant advantage
over plain mild steel tubes and there was the bonus feature that the smooth enamel
coating reduced the tendency for gas side fouling.
If a tubular air heater is required to reduce the gas temperature by 50% of the
difference between the temperature of the incoming gas and incoming air it would be

very bulky and heavy. A rotary regenerative air heater for the same duty would
probably be less heavy and would occupy much less space and, in spite of having moving
parts, might be preferred. In modern ships with radiant boilers even larger air heater duties
are found requiring the gas temperature to be reduced byupto75%of the
differencebetween incoming gas and air temperatures. These larger duties would be
impracticable for the recuperative tubular or plate type air heaters and in consequence the
regenerative air heater has an established place at sea.
The regenerative air heater is either of the revolving matrix type based on the
Ljungstrom design or of the fixed matrix type. In the former a closely packed matrix of
specially corrugated plates is slowly revolved so as to pass through the gas stream
and be heated and then through the air stream where its heat content is delivered to the
air (Fig 40). In the latter, slowly revolving air hoods cause the gas and air stream to
pass sequentially over the matrix giving the same effect of transferring heat from gas to
air (Fig 41). The material forming the matrix cycles in temperature, reaching a low
value whilst air is passing. On then entering the gas stream there is a tendency for
condensation to occur resulting in some acid attack. In a regenerative air heater this
would ultimately result in a loss of performance and eventual partial blockage of the
fluid passages with corrosion products. Serious difficulty has been avoided by the
adoption of enamelled elements forming the matrix and satisfactory service life has been
obtained. In the type having a fixed matrix the upper or coolest portion of the matrix is
often manufactured in a glazed ceramic honeycomb, also with very good results. Since
ro tation is involved with either design each will include sliding seals to separate air and
gas streams. For efficient operation these must be maintained and properly adjusted at all

Figure 39 Horizontal tube gas/air heater

Since the combustion air is always at a greater pressure than the flue gas there
is a tendency for air to leak across the seals into the gas stream and to recognise this the
capacity of the forced draught fans is adjusted accordingly. Any seal leakage greater than
that allowed for results in a loss of efficiency due to overloading the fan or, worse, a
shortage of combustion air at the burners.
When final heat recovery is accomplished by economisers it is still possible to
have heated combustion air. This is desirable as it confers two advantages. Hot
combustion air is certainly beneficial in support of good combustion but in addition it
provides a boost to the steam cycle efficiency by using bled steam in a steam air heater.
This device is a heat exchanger in which mild steel or cupro-nickel tubes are connected
at their ends to inlet and outlet headers. The tubes have closely pitched extended surface
finning applied on the outside over which the combustion air is passed (Fig 42).
Bled steam is admitted via the inlet header and condenses within the tubes
giving up its superheat and latent heat to the combustion air. A certain amount of cooling
of the condensate is also sometimes included. The outlet header is connected via a
steam trap to the drain system. These compact heat exchangers are normally found on
steam ships operating with a steam cycle which excludes high pressure feed heaters and
are also sometimes used as air preheaters upstream of gas/air heaters for reasons
previously mentioned.

Figure 40

Diagrammatic arrangement of
rotary regenerative air

Figure 41

Arrangement of
counter flow

heater (vertical shaft arrangement) with gas and air counter flow with stationary plates.

Figure 42 a) Mild steel steam air heater surface; b) cupro nickel steam air
heater surface

Cleanliness is all important in the operation of heat exchangers including
boilers and all the ancillaries described. For boilers, economisers and gas/air heaters
which are exposed to products of combustion some form of on load cleaning is
necessary. The most common method involves the regular use of soot-blowers in
which superheated steam is discharged onto the heating surfaces, driving off any
deposits. It will be appreciated that part of the soo tblo wer is itself exposed to the products
of combustion and this must be taken into account when choosing the sootblower type
and materials of construction.
In its simplest form a steam sootblower consists of a headpiece, including a
valve, mounted external to the heat exchanger. Extending from this into the gas passage
is a tube or lance fitted with nozzles through which the steam discharges. An electric or
pneumatic motor attached to the headpiece causes the lance to rotate and when the
nozzles come into a position where the discharge of steam will impinge on the area
to be cleaned a cam operated valve opens in the head to admit steam from the
sootblowers steam piping system. As the lance continues to rotate, bringing the
nozzles clear of the heating surfaces, the cam allows the steam valve to close. In such a
sootblower the lance is permanently in the gas passage and, apart from a small
quantity of purge air admitted to prevent combustion products from entering the head,
is uncooled when not in operation (Fig 43).
In early bi-drum convection bank boilers such sootblowers fitted in the
superheater zone experienced a very short life due to the ravages of temperature and
corrosion. As a result the superheater area suffered severely from fouling and blockage
of the gas passages making it necessary to use high pressure water washing off load. To
alleviate these difficulties superheaters were arranged to accommodate retractable
sootblowers. These allow the lance to be withdrawn when not in operation so that the
lance is only exposed to hot gases whilst a cooling flow of steam is passing through.

These sootblowers possess a more powerful cleaning action, better able to deal with the
deposits which the chemistry of the fuel ash at high temperatures causes to be bonded
to the heating surfaces and is more difficult to remove than dusty, sooty, deposits found
elsewhere. In operation the lance revolves and traverses across the gas passage whilst
steam jets pointing sideways at the end of the lance clean a spiral path. When fully
inserted thelance withdraws after making a half turn so that the outward spiral cleaned
is out of phase with the inward enabling the whole area to be exposed to the cleaning
effect of the steam jets (Fig 44). The head of the sootblower is supported on steel work
outside the boiler and the lance is traversed along a rack with the steam being supplied
through a telescopic tube (Fig 45). Retractable or rack type sootlowers, so called
because of the rack traversing mechanism, have proved extremely successful in hot
gas zones due to their improved life span and superior cleaning effect. They are naturally
more expensive than the simple, fixed head, rotating element blowers and they occupy
a good deal of space outside the boiler. For these reasons their use is confined to those
areas where the simpler type has not proved satisfactory and that is basically in areas
where the gas temperature exceeds 750C.

Figure 44 Rack sootblower cleaning pattern.

Figure 43 Multi-nozzle, rotating element sootblower

Figure 45 Long retractable sootblower.

Figure 46 Supersonic nozzle.

At lower temperatures, and by choosing suitable materials for the lance,
fixed head rotating element sootblowers can give good service. The arrangement of
nozzles (Fig 46) along the length of the lance is chosen to suit the location of the lance
in relation to the heat exchanger tubes. If the lance is aligned normal to the tubes
across the tube bank and is in close proximity to them multijet nozzles are pitched to
correspond with every third lane or so between the tubes whereas if the lance runs parallel
to and in line with the tube axes it can be located at a distance where the tube bank
subtends an arc of 90 deg to the lance and fewer nozzles can be used (Fig 47).
Since all fresh water used aboard ship has to be made, and that supplied
for makeup to the boiler must be further treated with chemicals to ensure a high degree
of purity, the use of steam for sootblowers can prove expensive. In the past, use has been
made of sootblowing systems where the operating and cleaning medium was
compressed air. In modern ships, and with the residual type fuels currently
available, steam is now universal. All of the soot-blowers provided for a boiler unit,
including its final heat recovery system, are connected to a permanent system of
pipework outside the boiler. This pipework is normally isolated and is put under steam
only when the sootblowers are to be operated. This will be at a frequency dictated by
operating conditions; typically once every watch. It is necessary, therefore, to carefully
warm through the piping system prior to operating the blowers, ensuring that all
condensate is fully drained. Control systems are now common which will cause the
sootblowers to operate sequentially and as necessary the operator can programme the
controls to omit some blowers from the sequence or to repeat some as local conditions
may require.

The vast majority of steam ships will currently be fuelled with a residual type of
oil which is likely to be of high density and viscosity. The reception and storage of this
aboard ship is of importance with regard to successful boiler operation and reference
should be made to Chapter 4. Oil is fed to the boiler via pumping and heating
equipment so that the oil arrives with the correct viscosity and energy for the atomising
system in use. The pipe system conducting the fuel is arranged so that prior to lighting
up, adequately heated oil can be recirculated providing a supply at suitable conditions as
soon as light up is attempted. Flexible connections between the burner front manifold
and the individual burners must be kept as short as possible to limit the amount of cold oil
within. In addition the pipe system will include fuel flow control valves actuated by the
automatic combustion control system, isolating valves, quick closing valves actuated
by safety devices such as low water level and individual burner shut off valves.
The choice of combustion equipment and design of combustion chamber are
complementary to the attainment of the three T'stime, temperature and turbulence
to a degree necessary for good combustion. Time is required for combustion air and fuel
to mix and to burn completely within the confines of the combustion chamber. Modern
marine boiler plant provides for this with larger furnaces than were previously found.
Its most advanced form is in radiant boiler designs with roof mounted burners firing
down the long vertical axis of the furnace with an outlet to one side at the bottom.
High temperature is needed to vaporise the fuel and to ensure rapid ignition.
Most combustion equipment incorporates some form of bluff body to create a low
pressure area and recirculation zone to drawback some of the atomised and ignited fuel
into the path of incoming fuel spray, creating a stable area of high temperature.
Turbulence is necessary to aid mixing of fuel and air so that complete combustion can
be achieved without the need for more air than that required to consume the
combustibles carbon, hydrogen and sulphur. The arrangement of the air admission
apparatus is important. The apparatus comprises the air inlet trunking, the
windbox containing the air registers and the air registers themselves controlling the
air to each burner. The design of the furnace chamber is also of some importance as,
for example, in the Combustion Engineering tangentially fired furnace and in other
cases where arches or similar projections have been made into the furnace with the
object of encouraging turbulence. Generally speaking such devices have proved
unnecessary as shown by the success of radiant boilers where sufficient time and
turbulence have been obtained with burners firing, substantially, vertically
downwards. Simple furnace shapes and circular air register designs are widely
Of further importance for efficient, complete combustion of heavy fuel oil is the
design and performance of the fuel atomiser. There are a number of systems available
involving the energy either contained in the pressurised fuel itself or in a separate
atomising agency. Using the pressure of the fuel is the oldest and simplest method, but
since oil flow rate through the atomiser is proportional to the square root of the oil
pressure, a very high maximum pressure is required if a large turn down is needed. Oil
pressure at 70 bar or more has been used but a value of 20 bar is much more common.
This will only allow a turn down to 70% of maximum oil flow at an oil pressure of 10
bar, below which atomisation is seriously impaired. In this case in order to reduce the
boiler output below about 70% of maximum, burners have to be shut down in sequence
and relit when load increases again. At one time such a practice was common and great
skill was achieved by firemen in anticipating the number of burners needed on each
occasion. With modern, automatically controlled plant where there may be no-one on
the firing platform it is necessary from a safety aspect to have all burners firing at all

times. This means that a turn down of at least 10:1 is desirable otherwise at very low
steam demand it may be necessary to dump excess evaporation to the condenser with
consequent fuel wastage. To achieve a very high turn down ratio without using excessive
maximum oil pressure requires an atomising system where the energy in a separate
atomising medium is used. One such system utilises a spinning cup rotated at high
rev/min by an electric motor (Fig 47). Oil is fed at low pressure onto the inside face of the
cup, the spinning action of which causes the fuel to progress down the slightly conical
surface and shear off the rim in a fine spray. Sufficient energy for atomisation is
provided by the electric motor for all rates of oil flow. Another system uses a separate
atomising fluid. Steam is the usual choice when available although when lighting up
before steam becomes available compressed air may be used. Steamatl Obarorso
is used with a maximum oil pressure of about 20 bar. The steam and fuel mix within the
atomiser just prior to the point of discharge, where the energy released by the steam
shears the fuel into an extremely fine mist (Fig 48).

Figure 47 Spinning cup bearer

Figure 48 Y-Jet steam atomiser.

1 Atomiser handle
2 'O' rings
3 Covering door
4 Locking ring
5 Distance piece
6 Atomiser outer barrel assembly
7 Atomiser inner barrel assembly
8 Cap nut
9 Sprayer plate
Atomiser tailpiece
11 Safety shut-off valve body and seat
12 Atomiser body
13 Coupling yoke
14 Handwheel and spindle

This provides a simple system with no moving parts. Operation with a

constant steam pressure and a varying oil pressure gives adequate turn down with the
high quality atomisation necessary for complete combustion of heavy oil fuel with a
minimum of excess air.
Natural gas as a fuel at sea will be found on ships designed to transport
liquefied natural gas in insulated tanks. Since it is carried at virtually atmospheric
pressure the liquid gas must be cooled to about -180C, any heat leakage into the
cargo resulting in some 13011 off. The degree of boil off will depend on the design of the
tanks, the tank insulation, the nature of the voyage and weather conditions. This will be
collected, heated and compressed then fed to the boiler through special gas burners,
providing steam for all purposes. It is a requirement to always burn a pilot quantity of
fuel oil and so if steam demand is greater than can be met from the boil off gas the oil
quantity is increased. Use of gaseous fuels requires special care with regard to safety
aspects and the requirements in this respect are covered by the classification societies.
Most boiler types would be suitable for use with natural gas, the main consideration
being that there should be no risk of pockets of explosive gas mixtures forming within
the unit and that no such mixtures should leak into the machinery spaces. Top fired
radiant boilers would appear to be less acceptable in this respect but this has not proved

to be the case as arrangements are made to vent the top of the furnace into the uptakes
via the division wall (Fig 49). This is in any case desirable even with oil fuel firing, as in
certain circumstances small pockets of combustibles could accumulate in that zone.
Prevention of leakage into the machinery spaces can be achieved by use of all welded
enclosure walls or by double casings with combustion air between. Fuel lines to the
burners are double pipes with inert gas in the annulus at a pressure greater than the fuel
gas, which will be about 1 bar. A ventilation hood connected to an extractor fan is
arranged above the firing platform so that there is a continuous sweep of air across the
burner zone for discharge outboard with gas detection devices.
During the 1980s a number of coal fired ships were built. There was much
speculation concerning how best to deal with this renewed interest in a fuel which had
lost favour when oil first became plentiful and cheap. The predominant means of burning
coal ashore was established in central power stations where the coal was pulverised to a
fineness of 70% less than 75|0. and fired in a burner which could also handle oil fuel as a
support fuel. Translating this to the marine environment presented problems as the
grinding mills were bulky, heavy and susceptible to vibration. Indeed it was not clear
whether the ship would adversely affect the mills or vice versa. An alternative was to
pulverise ashore and bunker in this condition. This would have required the bunkers to
be kept under inert gas as coal in a finely divided state presents a spontaneous
combustion risk.

Figure 49 Foster Wheeler ESD roof-fired monowall oil/natural gas boiler

At the same time great interest was being shown in combustion of coal in a
fluidised bed. This had potential advantages for burning coal at sea in so far as
combustion residues could be more easily dealt with and a wider range of coal types
consumed. However, there were but few examples of this technology in use ashore and
marine industry was not ready to adopt any process so important to the success of the
ship if it had not already gained acceptance elsewhere. This left industrial experience
ashore, of which there was a great deal where coal was burned on mechanical stokers.
Bearing in mind the likelihood that coal quality would vary between bunkering ports
and that a good response to changes in load demand was a requirement, the favoured
choice for use at sea soon became the spreader stoker.
For a spreader stoker the coal must be bunkered with a specific size spectrum;
ideally one third between 19 mm and 12 mm, another between 12 mm and 6 mm and
the third between 6 mm and 0 mm. In practice some variation on this is permissible and,
depending upon ash content, maximum size may approach 32 mm and up to 50%
may be less than 6 mm. The coal is projected into the furnace by a number of rotor
feeders fitted with vanes which distribute the coal over the grate, the larger pieces
falling at the rear and pieces of reduced size progressively toward the front or feeder end.
In operation the finest coal particles will burn in suspension above the grate whilst those
pieces falling to the grate burn there. As the grate traverses from the rear toward the front
(feeder end) the largest pieces falling at the rear spend longer in the combustion zone than
the smaller pieces falling nearer the front and in this way, by adjusting the grate
speed, only spent ash is discharged over the front end of the grate into an ash pit. The
grate is made up of fire bars, suitably pierced for the passage of combustion air. These are
carried on endless chains passing over sprockets mounted on shafts, one of which is
driven by electric or hydraulic means. Primary combustion air passes upward through
the grate and provision is made for the admission of secondary air through a number
of ports situated above grate level in the furnace boundary walls. Response to changes in
load demand is made by adjusting the rate of coal feed to the rotor by varying the stroke
of a reciprocating feeder or the speed of a chain feeder (Fig 50).
Although the provision of secondary air above the grate is designed to create
turbulence in this region, to encourage complete combustion of particulate fuel in
suspension, and volatile matter driven off the grate, it must be realised that it is much
more difficult to achieve complete combustion with coal than with fluid fuels such as oil
or gas, and it will be found that much particulate matter will be carried from the furnace
and through the boiler by the gaseous products of combustion. Some of this particulate
matter will contain combustible material and, in order to maximise combustion,
efficiency arrangements are made to separate the heavier particles from the gas stream
and to re-inject them onto the grate through a series of grit refiring nozzles above the rear
end of the grate. The major part of the combustible material is contained in these larger
particles and so the remaining particulate contamination in the gas stream is separated
out and collected for disposal. This is done by centrifugal means by passing the gas
stream through a multicellular dust collector. A collection efficiency as high as 95% is
possible, but the remaining 5%, consisting of the finest particles, may still be too great a
quantity to be permitted by some harbour authorities. For this reason it may not be
possible to burn coal in harbour. To cater for this situation, oil burners may be fitted in
one of the furnace walls, well above grate level so that sufficient protection for the grate is
given by a layer of ash left on when coal firing is ceased. These burners are also used to
assist in lighting up and getting the coal fire started on the grate.
Boilers designed to burn coal at sea have to achieve a high efficiency and low
maintenance, just as is the case for oil fired boilers. To be sure of meeting these goals the
fuels to be used must be known at the design stage. The variation in coal quality and
specification is far wider than for oil bunkers and whereas oil fired plant can be compared

on the basis of a standard oil fuel specification, such as that proposed by the Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, no such standard basis exists or is likely to exist
for coal fired plant. The performance and efficiency of coal fired plant relates to a
specified coal. Since the nature of marine operations implies that coal bunkers may be
taken from more than one source it follows that details of these sources and the nature
of the coals they provide must be established at an early stage so that the coal handling,
coal firing and ash handling equipment may be properly designed.
The many characteristics of coal are all important but moisture, volatile content,
and amount and nature of ash are particularly so. Moisture content has a bearing on the
storage and handling arrangements and influences efficiency and combustion air temperature. Volatile content has a bearing on the design heat release per unit grate area.
There must be a sufficient quantity of ash to protect the grate, say not less than 5%, but a
high ash coal is clearly not a good proposition as a large inert content in the bunkers
constitutes a loss of cargo revenue. Ash is also important in terms of its chemical nature
which is very complicated. Heated ash does not melt at any sharply defined temperature
but starts to soften at a substantially lower temperature than that at which it becomes
molten. If the ash particles carried along by the gaseous products of combustion are not
cooled be low the softening temperature before they leave the combustion chamber,
they will stick to any downstream surface against which they may impinge and a severe
fouling problem will result. In many cases it is the low ash softening temperature which
dictates the size of the furnace. There has been a great deal of research into the behaviour
of coal ash, resulting in methods using a detailed ash analysis to predict the effect of
burning coals containing them, with very good prospects for avoidance of high
temperature slagging in the furnace zone as well as low temperature fouling. If only for
this reason, prior knowledge of the coals to be bunkered and details of their ash is vital.

Figure 50 a) RotoGrate spreader stoker; b) reciprocating coal feeder; c) chain

coal feeder

Coal and ash handling aboard ship are processes which must be given
attention as they will significantly affect the success of the ship. Wherever the coal is
stored, it has to be transported to a ready use day bunker local to the boiler. From there
the coal feeds by gravity to the feeder/stokers mounted on the furnace front. It is now
possible to transport coal through pipes using compressed air as the motive means. In
this way dust free transfer of coal from any storage bunker to the day bin is accomplished
with a minimum space requirement and without segregation or degradation of the coal.

Figure 52 Section across Redder conveyor.

A somewhat similar system is available for dealing with the residues of

combustion which are normally collected in hoppers beneath the grate and at other
strategic locations (Fig 51). Such fuel and ash handling systems can be fully automatic,
with level sensors in the coal bunkers and day bin determining when coal is to be
forwarded and when to switch from an empty bunker to the next full one. Similarly the
ash hoppers have level detectors to initiate the ash discharge sequence. Where necessary
the ash can be broken down in size by breakers integral with the conveying equipment
and taken either to an overboard discharge or to an onboard storage facility
depending upon the ship's trading pattern. As an alternative to pneumatic systems it
is also possible for shipowners to choose all mechanical conveying arrangements giving
similar facility to tho se described above (Fig 52).
For operation with a minimum of maintenance and operational difficulty the
boiler must be designed to achieve as near complete combustion in the furnace zone as is
possible. Just as with oil firing the requirements of time, temperature and turbulence
also apply. This means a large furnace is needed to provide time and to minimise
particulate carryover. Temperature on and near the grate is achieved by limiting the
primary air supply through the grate to that recommended by the grate designer and
turbulence to encourage mixing and rapid combustion of particulates and volatiles above
the grate is provided by the introduction of secondary air. The cooling surfaces in the
furnace must be sufficient to cool the gaseous products of combustion to a level below
the ash softening temperature and the convection gas passages must be arranged so
that the gas velocity between the tubes of the superheater, economiser and generating
surfaces is not so high that erosion becomes a problem. A detailed ash analysis will yield
information concerning its abrasiveness which will enable the boiler designer to ensure
that this requirement is met. Practical boiler designs include bi-drum types, similar to
that shown in Fig 53 or developments of the radiant boiler, similar to that shown in Fig
54, as proposed by Babcock.
Many other arrangements for coal fired ships have been considered, including
the use of pulverised coal and fluidised bed combustion, but development of these to a
practical application stage was forestalled when oil bunker price levels fell, rendering
coal less attractive. Further work in this interesting field remains for the future,
although little development would be required to achieve the reheat coal fired plant of
Fig 55.

Figure 53 Marine bi-drum coal fired boiler.

The unmanned machinery space is common today and the operators have
the benefit of an air conditioned control room from which to monitor the operation of
the plant. This has been made possible by the steady development and acceptance of
automatic controls. Initially the impetus for this was generated by a desire for improved
plant efficiency compounded later by a need to reduce manning levels. Control systems
may be pneumatic, electronic analogue or electronic digital microprocessor based. Full
details of available equipment are beyond the scope of this chapter, but either type can
be arranged to operate basic boiler functions such as combustion control (i.e. steam
flow),feedwater control (drumlevel)and steam temperature control. Further complete oil
/gas burner management systems are available matching the operation of the
combustion equipment to the load duty of the boiler and having safety monitoring and
automatic start up incorporated. For boiler pressure control a closed control loop or feed
back system is employed, where the actual boiler steam pressure is measured and
compared to the input demand signal or desired value of pressure. The difference
between these, the error signal, is used in a controller to reduce the difference between

the demand and actual values of pressure to zero, by adjustment of the heat input to the
boiler (Fig 56). The controller can provide an output signal to the fuel valve which is
proportional to the error signal, with integral and derivative action as deemed necessary,
depending upon the nature of the plant. This is set up by the control engineer during
commissioning. Proportional only control results in a steam pressure offset from the
desired value.

Figure 54 Babcock marine radiant coal fired boiler.

Figure 55 Coal fired very advanced propulsion

This offset may be reduced in value by increasing the relative proportional gain which could lead to undamped oscillation of steam pressure if a steady state
fuel valve position is not achieved. Integral action added in the controller will result in
elimination of the offset at the expense of a slower response time, taking longer to
achieve stable steam pressure, but at the desired value. Stability and response may
both be improved by adding derivative action or rate control. This causes a movement
of the fuel valve, the size of which is proportional to the rate of change in steam pressure.
In a closed loop control system the controlled variable has to deviate from its
set point before any corrective action is initiated by the controller. To increase the
promptness of the response, the feed back system is combined with a feed forward
system. In the boiler pressure control case this introduces a signal from a steam flow
transmitter which enables detection of a boiler load change before the steam pressure
has time to respond. This feed forward action immediately positions the fuel valve
according to a calibration curve of steam flow versus fuel flow produced by the boiler
designer. Should the calibration be exact no steam pressure error will develop so the
feedback loop will have no work to do. Shifts in calibration due either to original errors
or changes in plant condition cause a steam pressure variation which is then corrected
by the feedback loop trimming the fuel valve position (Fig 57).

Figure 57 Feedforward-feedback control.

For complete combustion control adjustment of fuel flow only is insufficient,

as combustion air must be supplied in step with the fuel. To achieve this, the fuel flow
demand signal also acts upon the control drive for the forced draught fan, either
operating discharge dampers or inlet vanes, varying the air delivery of the fan in the
same sense as the variation in fuel flow. The air flow is determined from a measor from a
venturi at the fan inlet trunking or some similar means, whilst fuel flow is obtained
from the pressure drop over an orifice in the fuel line. Signals representing these
quantities are compared to a calibration for the fuel in question and any error signal
resulting is used to trim the fuel valve as necessary. Cross limiting devices are
employed to ensure that on upward load changes the fuel rate does not increase faster
that the air flow, whilst on downward load changes the fuel rate decreases faster than the
air flow. In other words, air leads fuel on upward load change, but fuel leads air on
downward load change.
Steam temperature control is obtained by comparing the measured value of the
variable with a desired value signal input from a hand control station. The difference in
these signals is modified with proportional and integral action to provide a signal

which causes adjustment to the attemperator valves or the gas flow dampers as
appropriate. Some anticipatory effect may be achieved by taking a signal from the
primary superheater outlet steam temperature and using this as feed forward action.
In a water tube boiler where the water content is low in relation to its steam
output, good feedwater control is essential. A simple single element control loop
compares the actual drum water level with the desired level input by a hand control
station, and applies proportional and integral action to the difference, giving an output
signal acting to change the position of the feed valve (Fig 58).

Symbols used in feedwater

flow indicating

level indicating


manual signal


final controlling

control station



proportional controller
signal lag unit

Figure 58 Single element feedwater control.

Swell and shrink which occurs when boiler load is changed will, with this
system, result in wide drum water level varia tions and a long time to restore water
level to the set point. Improvement in this respect can be achieved with two element
control. This includes a feed forward loop using steam flow measurement to initially
shift the feed water control valve in the correct direction with the level difference signal
finally restoring water level to the set point. In this way feedwater flow is maintained
proportional to steam flow. The drum level signal corrects for any imbalance in water
input versus steam output caused by deviation in the feed water valve position-water
flow relationship, and provides necessary transient adjustments to cope with the 'shrink
and swell' characteristics of the boiler (Fig 59). In cases where severe and rapid load
changes may be experienced, and where the availability of the boiler is critical to the
safety of the ship, such as in single main boiler applications, three element feed water
control gives even greater accuracy. In this the signal from the summer in a two element
control, i.e. the feedwater demand signal, is compared with a feedwater flow signal,
and the difference, with proportional and integral action added, is the flow demand signal
in a three element system (Fig 60). Three element feedwater control systems can be
adjusted to restore a predetermined water level at all loads, or can be adjusted to permit
water level to vary with load so that a nearly constant amount of water is maintained in
the boiler.
With oil or gas fired boilers the fuel is of sensibly constant specific energy so

that fuel flow is a measure of heat input and can be used to indicate a demand for
combustion air. Coal, on the other hand, varies widely in specific energy so that, for coal
fired boilers, the control system uses steam flow to indicate a demand for combustion air.
Also, since it is difficult to seal the stoker and coal feeders into the furnace, it is necessary
tocarryasrnalldepressioninthefurnace,say-6 mm wg, and this is achieved by an induced
draught fancontrolled by a furnace draught loop. The control layout for a stoker fired
boiler then appears as in Fig 61.

Figure 59 Two element feedwater control

Figure 61 Combustion control for a

spreader-stoker fired boiler

The usual arrangement for ships' machinery is to have boiler following control.
The boiler is assigned responsibility for control of steam pressure to the turbine, and
load control is the responsibility of the turbine. The demand for load change goes
directly to the turbine control valves, positioning them to achieve the desired load.
Following a load change, the boiler control modifies the firing rate to reach the new load
level and restore steam pressure to its normal operating value. Load response can be very
rapid since the stored energy in the boiler is used to provide the initial change in load.
There are many refinements to control loops and many combinations
providing the ability to achieve bridge control with unmanned or periodically
unmanned machinery spaces (see Chapter 7, Automation and Control).

Apart from water tube boilers used for main propulsion purposes, there are a
number of designs at sea which are used for a variety of auxiliary purposes including,
in some cases, emergency propulsion. Many auxiliary boilers are found on motor
ships, where they may not always receive care and attention to the expert degree that
would be expected on a steam ship. For this reason, and also due to the relatively short
periods when they may be fired, these boilers are of simple and robust construction,
usually of the bi-drum integral furnace type with simple tube shapes such as the Foster

Wheeler D4 (Fig 62) or the Babcock Mil (Fig 63). These boilers may be required to
deliver saturated steam or, as shown in Fig 64, a superposed superheater in the uptake
allows for a small degree of superheat.
Due to the intermittent operating routine to which these boilers are subjected,
and due to the fact that returning condensate may bring particulate matter and/or oil
from the steam consumers, feed and boiler water conditions may not always reach
appropriate standards of quality and internal deposits followed by tube failure can
result. Vigilance, and proper maintenance of filters and steam systems can minimise
these risks, but some owners have avoided them by adopting the indirect fired or double
evaporation system. In this the boiler consists of two parts; a high pressure portion and a
low pressure portion. The former is similar to the D4 or Ml 1 and is direct fired,
operating on a closed cycle on the water side. Once filled with high quality water it only
needs occasional topping up to replace any slight leakage which may occur. The steam
produced is led to the low pressure portion which is supported above the fired boiler.

Figure 60 Three element feedwater control

It consists of a pressure vessel containing a tube bundle through which the

steam generated by the high pressure portion is passed. The heat given up by the
condensing high pressure steam generates steam at a lower pressure from the water
surrounding the tube bundle within the low pressure vessel. The low pressure steam is
used to supply the auxiliary services and the high pressure condensate returns by
gravity to the high pressure boiler. In this case it is less important that some of the
auxiliary services may be dirty because the worst that can happen is that the secondary
tube bundle becomes fouled and the production of low pressure steam is reduced. Risk
of tube failure is virtually eliminated since the highly heated tubes in the combustion

zone are only exposed to the high quality closed circuit water. Boiler units of the double
pressure or double evaporation type are available from many suppliers worldwide, one
typical design being the Aalborg AT4, Fig 64. This shows the secondary or low
pressure section arranged above the primary high pressure section and connected there
to by welded steam and condensate pipes.

Figure 62 Foster Wheeler type D4 water tube boiler

Figure 63 Babcock type M11 water tube boiler

Figure 64 Aalborg AT-4 boiler

Figure 65 Low pressure reboiler

The tube bundle within is connected to inlet and outlet headers which are
welded into the drumhead. The primary high pressure section is of bi drum construction
and is fired by a simple rotary cup burner. Products of combustion leave from the side
of the furnace at floor level and pass in a generally longitudinal fashion over tubular
generating surface connected between upper and lower drums. Beyond the generating
surface the combustion gases transit a superheater arranged in the uptake. The low
pressure steam is thereby superheated to some degree before delivery to the auxiliary
consumer and this is very useful in ensuring that wet conditions do not exist when
steam is passing to machinery remote from the boiler.

Figure 66 Babcock M11M type boiler

Figure 67 Cochran composite boiler

Figure 68 Aalborg AQ5 composite boiler: working pressure 7 bar; oil fired
section heating surface 75m2; exhaust gas section heating surface 200m2

Figure 69 Aalborg AQ9 boiler

Figure 70 A G Weser composite boiler

Figure 71 Sunrod boilers: a) CPD25 type, working pressure 7.5 bar, evaporation 2500 kg/h; b) CPD12 type, working pressure 8 kg/cm2;
c) CPH140 type, working pressure 7.5 bar, evaporation 1400 kg/h

The Babcock Mil can also be supplied in dual pressure mode when it is
connected by steam and condensate pipes to a reboiler, which is a low pressure
vessel fitted with a tube plate and a high pressure head (Fig 65). The high pressure
steam enters this head and passes through the U-tubes connected to the tube plate. It
condenses within, the condensate draining from the tubes and out of the bottom of the
high pressure head beneath the baffle, returning to the Mil by gravity.
With the advent of single main boiler steam ships, notably VLCCs, the
auxiliary boiler had the role of emergency propulsion. So that this unit should have
the same standard of construction as the all welded radiant boilers then used for main
propulsion, much welded construction and use of membrane tube panel enclosure
walls was adopted as typically shown by the Babcock MUM (Fig 66). This could be
roof fired or front fired with steam atomising burners, and could deliver saturated
steam or superheated steam up to about 350C from a superposed superheater, and
could operate at steam pressures up to the same level as the main boiler as necessary.
Auxiliary boilers of this type could also be fitted with heating coils in the lower drum
accepting bled steam or desuperheated steam. These coils could be sized to generate
low pressure steam for auxiliary duties at sea or could be smaller, sufficient to
maintain the boiler at a bar or so pressure ready for instant firing. In either case, the
boiler would be in readiness to supply emergency propulsion steam with a minimum
delay. Such emergency steam connected to a suitable stage of the main turbine
provides get-u-home power in the event of loss of the main boiler, and prompt
supply of this power would be needed if the emergency occurred with the vessel in
close company with others, or in bad weather in restricted waters. Obviously, when
using a boiler in this way to supply low pressure auxiliary steam great care would be
needed to maintain water side cleanliness, since on occasion it would also be directly
Many ships need only small amounts of steam at low pressure, and in these
cases water tube boilers can prove uneconomic. Of the variety of proprietary designs
of fire tube or tank type boiler, many are composite, including sections for diesel
exhaust gas heat recovery as well as for direct firing. In the Cochran boiler (Fig 67),
the products of combustion and exhaust gases pass through separate sets of tubes
immersed in the boiler water. These tubes are expanded into tube plates which form
part of the boiler pressure shell. With the Aalborg AQ5 (Fig 68) the gas
streams pass horizontally over the outside of vertical tubes expanded into tube
plates forming part of the boiler pressure vessel, in such a way that boiler water flows
upwards throughout the tubes. Large downcomer tubes complete the circulation
system. Larger Aalborg vertical fired boilers such as the AQ9 (Fig 69), have water tube
furnace enclosure walls and external downcomers. A G Weser produced a boiler unit
where the products of combustion pass through tubes surrounded by boiler water
whilst diesel exhaust passes over tubes through which boiler water passes (Fig 70).
A design similar in principle came from Howaldtswerke.
The Sunrod oil fired boiler combines a fire tube and a water tube by
arranging the latter inside the former. The water tube surface is extended by having
steel pins electric resistance welded on its outer surface. The furnace is arranged either
as a water cooled shell with a refractory floor or as a completely water cooled shell. In
the largest sizes the furnace walls are of water tube construction (Fig 71). In each case
a number of fire tubes of large diameter extend upwards from the furnace top to a
tube plate forming the top of the pressure shell. Inside each of these is arranged a
water tube with extended surface. The top and bottom of each water tube is connected
through the wall of its fire tube into the water space of the boiler (Fie 72).

Figure 72 The Sunrod patent element

The small boilers described, normally supplied as packages complete with

burners, pumps, fans, mountings and controls, are generally of the vertical type
which is economical of deckspace. Horizontal type packaged boilers may also be
found, typical of which is the Cochran Chieftain (Fig 73). The horizontal boiler shell
has a large diameter cylindrical furnace tube, from the rear end of which a number of
fire tubes extend forward to the front tube plate. A smoke box at the front returns the
products of combustion into a further set of fire tubes extending between front and rear
tube plates, so that the combustion gases exit into an uptake at the rear end. The whole
is mounted on a base frame complete with all ancillaries.

Figure 73 Cochran Chieftain boiler


Since most vessels, whether propelled by steam turbine or diesel engine, can
find use for steam in ships' services, it was natural that the diesel designers should seek
to use some of the 35% of the heat in the fuel otherwise discharged to the stack to
generate steam. A useful supply of steam can be obtained and the efficiency of the
plant is given a significant boost. The heat supply to the heat recovery boiler used to

generate this steam consists of a large volume of relatively low temperature gas.
Consequently the mean temperature difference between exhaust gas and the water
boiling within the boiler tubes is low, so that large amounts of heating surface are
needed. To minimise the bulk and weight of the boiler arranged above the engine,
extended surfaces are used, the heat exchanger taking on the appearance of an
economiser as used for final heat recovery on fired boilers. Indeed the suppliers of
economisers also supply the heat recovery equipment. The usual arrangement has a
bank, or banks, of sinuous tubes connected at each end to headers, the whole
arranged within an insulated casing. The type of extended heating surface used
varies with the manufacturer and is shown typically by Fig 74. An exception to the
use of extended surface is seen in the exhaust gas unit of La Mont design which
uses a stack of closely pitched spirally wound plain tubes connected to vertical inlet
and outlet headers (Fig 75).
The heat recovery unit may be supplied with a steam and water drum
when arranged as an independent unit for forced circulation, or sometimes for
natural circulation. The most common arrangement is to have the unit circulated by
a pump and connected to a separate oil fired boiler. The circulating pump draws
water from this, and the steam/water mixture leaving the heat exchangers is
separated in the drum of the oil fired boiler, and the steam taken there from. At sea
the main engine exhaust is used to generate steam, which at the same time keeps the oil
fired boiler warm having a preservative effect. In harbour when the main engine is
shut down the oil fired boiler is flashed up to produce steam as required. If, at sea,
the steam generated from the diesel exhaust is insufficient to meet demand, then the
supply can be supplemented by firing the auxiliary boiler (Fig 76). Similar
arrangements are possible when the oil fired boiler is of the double evaporation type,
the exhaust gas heat recovery unit then being circulated from the LP section (Fig

Figure 74 a) Mild steel extended surface; b) cast iron sleeve extended

surface; c) Sunrod patent finned form.

Figure 75 La Mont exhaust gas economiser

Figure 76 Typical arrangement of exhaust gas heat exchanger circulating into

water tube boiler which acts as steam receiver at sea and can be fired in port or
when required. Steam is supplied at 9 bar superheated to 340C for turbo generator
and other services, also steam, at 1.7 bar for heating and domestic use.

Figure 77 Auxiliary steam system for motor vessel embodying closed

circuit w.t. auxiliary boilers, steam to steam generators, waste heat boiler and
turbo alternator.
It is not normally necessary to make any attempt to control the output of the
exhaust gas unit. If, at sea, the demand for steam is less than that generated, the
pressure in the system will rise. This reduces the mean temperature difference
between gas and water in the tubes so reducing heat transfer and the rate of steam
generation. It is, however, a simple matter to fit a gas bypass so that, should pressure
tend to rise too much, a damper opens, allowing gas to bypass the heating surfaces.
Such heat recovery and auxiliary steam systems can be very simple or very
sophisticated depending upon the nature of the vessel and the steam demand on
board. Improvements in the overall efficiency of the main engine have led to a decline
in the temperature of the exhaust gases so that more complicated arrangements are
made in order to extract the maximum amount of heat. Heat recovery systems may be
found to include superheaters, dual pressure generating sections, feedheating, steam
to steam generation and dump condensers for additional control.
Boilers of all types are subject to extremely hazardous conditions involving
very high temperatures, abrasive and chemically aggressive fuel constituents and the
ever present risk of lax operating procedures brought about by over confidence
engendered by the inherent robustness and reliability of the plant. Vigilance is essential
at all times and the prime consideration is cleanliness of both gas and water sides of the
various sections of the boiler plant so that the boiler operates efficiently and with low
A high efficiency is obtained when heat losses are low. A major heat loss
occurs in the products of combustion exhausted to atmosphere via the funnel. This is
minimised by keeping heating surfaces clean and operating with a minimum of

excess air so that the temperature and quantity of the exhaust gases is as low as
possible. A further loss is due to the latent heat of moisture formed during combustion
from the hydrogen in the fuel but there is little of practical value to be achieved by
the operator. Finally there are radiation and unburned losses. The former may be
contained by keeping all insulation in good order and the outside surface of the boiler
unit as clean and bright as possible. Unburnt losses can be kept to a small value by
proper maintenance and care in operation of the combustion equipment.
The necessary care begins with receipt of the fuel on board. In the case of oil
the precautions given in Chapter 4 should be observed. With coal it is necessary to
establish that a suitable size spectrum is achieved and that water content is not
excessive. The fuel must reach the point of combustion in good condition. For oil
fuel, settling tanks provide a ready use quantity of oil which may be kept at a suitable
pumping temperature for a sufficient time, for any water or other residue to settle
out. From here it is taken through suction strainers by the pumping and heating unit,
which is arranged in duplex form so that 100% standby pumping and heating capacity
exists. Steam heating is used in service, although a separate small capacity electric
heater and pump is used for lighting up from cold. From the pumping and heating
unit, the fuel oil is further filtered before entering the pipework leading to the firing
front. This pipework is arranged in a complete loop back to the suction side of the
pumping and heating unit, to enable the whole system to be brought up to working
temperature by circulating hot oil before attempting light off. Connections from this
pipework to the individual burners and their control valves must be as short as
possible to minimise the amount of cold oil injected into the furnace during the first
attempt at ignition. The arrangement of the pipework should be such that no dead
legs or loops occur where sludge deposits may accumulate, and the heating of the oil
should be closely controlled at all times. It is customary to exercise this control so
that the viscosity at the burners is at an optimum value for the particular type of
atomiser in use. This may be done by temperature, knowing the temperatureviscosity characteristics of the fuel, or directly by means of a viscometer.
For coal the transfer from storage bunker to day bunker should be by means
which does not cause degradation of the size spectrum, and the outlet from the day
bin should be by means not likely to cause segregation to occur across the width of
the stoker. All of the storage and transfer equipment for all fuel types should be kept
in good working order.
Combustion equipment needs special care since inadequate combustion
conditions caused by badly serviced combustion equipment can lead to serious long
term difficulties downstream. With oil firing, regular cleaning and inspection of the
atomiser tips is an essential safeguard. Poor atomisation occurs with dirty, partially
blocked or misshapen orifices. As soon as wear is detected, the sprayer tips should
be replaced with new and the old discarded. This should apply to all burners of a group,
which should all have sprayers of equal size and quality at all times. The burner
barrel must be set up correctly within the air register, i.e. centrally disposed and with
the atomiser in the correct axial location. The swirler or impeller should be firmly
attached to the burner carrier tube and in its correct axial location. The air register
doors should be free to operate and provide unrestricted passage when open. The
correct settings for the combustion equipment should all be clearly specified by the
The air supply arrangements must also be in order. The suction of the forced
draught fan should not be impeded, and the trunking should be clear, particularly
following any maintenance which may have disturbed those parts. The closely
pitched heating surfaces of a steam airheater can also be blocked easily, and should
be inspected for cleanliness at intervals and cleaned as soon as necessary. Any

dampers in the forced draught air trunking should be checked to ensure that they are in
the correct position and that the blades and spindles have not parted company.
Sometimes, baffles are used in the windbox to obtain the correct, even air distribution
between the several registers, and an occasional check that these have not shifted is
Similar remarks apply to the air supply trunking and forced draught fans on
coal fired boilers. Primary air enters beneath the stoker through the fine ash hopper.
A check that all is clear in this region should be made. Some stokers will have
separate air compartments controlled by dampers, whereby air distribution along the
length of the grate can be adjusted. A check on the condition and setting of these
dampers is advisable. Secondary air systems involve high pressure secondary air
fans, which may take their suction from the hot forced draught air trunking, and
deliver to a duct system encompassing the front and rear of the furnace, ending in a
number of branches to the individual secondary air nozzles which pierce the furnace
wall. Distribution of secondary air in this duct system may be adjusted by means of
dampers which should be correctly set.
Although spreader type stokers are not prone to serious clinker formation,
a regular furnace inspection is desirable to establish that combustion proceeds in
good order. Observation by television cameras has been proposed but until there is
wide adoption of such systems the recommendation is for a regular local inspection.
If clinker formation is detected then the fire tools provided should be used to prevent
clinker growing to a size which may cause jamming of the grate. Correct tensioning
of the grate should be observed and any lubrication of moving parts attended to.
There may also be cooling air and water supplies to the coal feeder equipment and
these must be kept operational.
Assuming that good combustion conditions with a minimum excess of air are
achieved, there should be no tendency for severe fouling to occur. Fuels used will,
however, vary within a certain range, and contain many undesirable impurities,
certain combinations of which will increase the tendency to fouling which must be
countered by regular use of sootblowing equipment. For this to be successful the
sootblowers must themselves be maintained in correct working order, and any
deterioration corrected before it leads to problems within the boiler. This involves
checking the condition of the lances and steam nozzles and ensuring that the
blowing arc during which steam is admitted is correctly aligned with the heating
surfaces. The air purging arrangements should be checked to avoid corrosion due to
ingress of combustion products when not in use. Further, a check should be made
that the sootblower lance is obtaining steam at the appropriate pressure as specified
by the designer. This will be adjustable at each sootblower head. At intervals, when the
plant is shut down for maintenance and survey, the cleanliness of all gas side
surfaces can be inspected and, if necessary, water washing carried out. Very high
pressure water washing equipment is available for this task, and, if embarked upon, it
should be carried through to a conclusion which leaves all surfaces clean and
deposit free. If this is not done, any small amount of deposit remaining, now devoid
of any soluble matter, will be baked on during subsequent operational periods and
will need severe mechanical attack for removal. If left on it provides a good key for a
further rapid build up of new deposit. This is particularly so in high temperature
zones and the extra care and effort necessary to achieve a good result will be well
Water side cleanliness is no less important to a good service life from a
boiler as it has already been observed that even very thin layers of scale inside
heated tubes soon lead to temperatures which can cause tube failure. It is therefore
most important to ensure that water conditions within the boiler are adjusted by the

addition of water treatment chemi cals, avoiding scale formation and promoting
corrosion free conditions within the whole boiler, steam and condensate systems.
Feedwater entering the boiler should pass through a fine microfilter to remove par
ticulates which may have been picked up in the pre-boiler system. After several years
operation, or more frequently should there be any accident or interruption in proper
treatment, it may become necessary to clean the water side of the boiler. With
modern, all welded designs, the use of chemical cleaning has come into vogue.
This must be approached with caution and the services of a properly qualified
chemical cleaning team should be used. Since cleaning is accomplished by
circulating weak acids around the affected parts it is essential that thorough flushing
and subsequent passivation procedures follow the cleaning stage. Passivation ensures that the water side surfaces receive a protective layer of magnetite, and follows all
water side cleaning operations, even those occurring prior to commissioning when
the task is to remove millscale and other small debris resulting from construction.
The actual treatment used for boiler water conditioning varies with operating pressure
since, in general terms, the higher the pressure the greater the degree of water purity
required. For the highest pressures, volatile treatments are used, limiting the amount
of dissolved solids in the boiler water and avoiding the need to continuously blow
down a small quantity of water from the boiler drum to control the solids content of
the water. Care is needed to avoid a build up of particulate matter in the lower parts
of the boiler which, if left unchecked, could impede circulation. To avoid this it is
customary, on shutting down and after extinguishing burners, to briefly operate
manually the blow down valves from the lower headers.
Lighting up is a process during which accidents are likely to occur. Apart
from the obvious precautions of making sure that the gas passages are clear, all
access doors are closed and that there is water in the boiler, the first requirement is to
ensure that there is no fuel or fuel vapour anywhere within the setting which could
give rise to an explosive situation. A visual inspection of the furnace is followed by a
few minutes purge by running the forced draught fan with all air registers open.
Following this fan speed is reduced and air registers are closed, except on the first
burner. Having circulated hot oil to the furnace front, the first burner is inserted into
its firing position, the igniter energised and the fuel valve opened. The following few
seconds is a trial for ignition period, during which the burner should ignite and a
signal be received by the flame scanning device. Should light off not occur during
this period the burner is secured and the sequence restarted with a further air purge.
With the first burner safely firing with a lighting up capacity atomiser, pressure raising
begins. At this stage the boiler stop valve is closed, the drum and superheater vents are
open, the superheater and steam range drains are open and the superheater
circulating valve is open. This last is found in a small bore pipe leading from the
superheater outlet to atmosphere, its purpose being to permit a cooling flow of
steam through the superheater until the boiler goes on load. The pressure raising
period is a hazardous one for the superheater and requires that the firing rate be
limited, so that, with the small steam flow allowed, the superheater tubes do not
become overheated. Pressure should begin to rise after the first hour or so and until
this point no steam is available to cool the superheater, so during this initial period
great care is taken not to overfire.

Figure 78 Lighting up curve

Thereafter, with a steady firing rate, usually specified by the designer, the
pressure will rise so that the saturation temperature in the boiler increases at the rate of
1C per minute, so avoiding any risk of stresses induced by any substantial
temperature differential in any area of the boiler pressure parts. The typical lighting
up chart (Fig 78), shows how the pressure will increase at a faster rate as time passes
by until full boiler pressure, in this case 62 bar, is reached in a little over 4 hours. This
chart also indicates the status of the various vent and drain valves during the lighting
up period. Steam temperature should also be monitored so that the circulating valve is
not needlessly left wide open, but is trimmed in to conserve water and aid pressure
raising. This valve is finally closed when the boiler takes load.
When the main engine is ready to take steam, the boiler stop valve would
have been opened to warm through the lines and the remaining burners are
ignited. Thereafter the fuel oil pressure is varied, causing the firing rate to match the
steam demand by maintaining constant boiler steam pressure. On modern plant,
burner management and boiler control is achieved with automatic devices and it is
only necessary for the operator to satisfy himself that this equipment, the built in
alarms and safety cut outs are operational, and to engage the system according to the
maker's instructions. The automatic controls will take care of all manoeuvring
situations and steady load operation at sea, during which it is only necessary for
regular checks to be made on safety devices such as low water level alarms and low
low level trips, which extinguish the burners when water reaches a dangerously
low level. There is an established routine for blowing down water gauge glasses, and it
is as well to extend this to include a check on all alarm and safety cut out devices since
such equipment, if seldom called into play, has been known to fail to operate when

an emergency arises. If, during any emergency, steam pressure falls back well below
the set point, care is needed, following resolution of the problem, not to regain
pressure too quickly. For safety of the superheater, fuel flow and steam flow should
be in balance. When regaining pressure, fuel flow must be greater than that needed for
the existing steam flow. This excess firing rate will elevate the superheater tube
temperature and must therefore be limited. It will be satisfactory if the rate of
regained pressure does not exceed the rate of pressure rise existing at the end of the
lighting up period, as shown on the lighting up chart. Cleanliness of the heat recovery
surfaces after the boiler can often be judged by observing the gas pressure
differential above and below. Any significant rise in this value should be attended
to. Whilst good combustion conditions will minimise the risk, deposits allowed to
accumulate in this area are a fire risk and, should fire take hold undetected, it can
prove impossible to control and can wreck the heat exchanger, or even the whole
boiler (Fig 79). There is plenty of evidence of soot fires leading on to hydrogen fires
where the metal parts of a boiler burn in steam, releasing hydrogen which burns in
air, these two combustion effects continuing in an unstoppable manner until either
the steam or the metal is exhausted. Sometimes, due to tube failure in an econo-miser
if the individual tube cannot be isolated, or if the failures are of a multiple nature, it
becomes necessary to make an emergency bypass of the econo-miser on the water
side. Ordinarily, the gas temperature in this zone will not be sufficiently high to cause
any distress to the metal parts, but there will be a fire risk due to the overheating of
any deposits on the tubes. Sootblowers should therefore be operated prior to operation
with the economisers bypassed, a suitably reduced firing rate should be established
and the gas temperature into and out of the bypassed unit monitored, the plant being
shut down at the first sign of untoward readings. Such events are also known to have
occurred in diesel exhaust gas boilers and, apart from keeping them clean, a sensible
precaution with this equipment is to leave the circulating pump running, after the
engine is shut down, to cool down the unit and to ensure that air is not admitted until
cooler conditions prevail. The only cure is prevention.
These operating principles apply to all boilers, although for simpler
auxiliary types the procedures may be somewhat less complicated. In any event it is
wise to follow the manufacturer's instructions for all boiler types.

Figure 79 Damage caused through hydrogen fire in finned tube type


Probably the single most important factor concerning safe, efficient and
reliable operation of boiler plant is the maintenance of correct water conditions
appropriate to the particular installation. Since raw water is insufficiently pure for
use in boiler plant water treatment is used to produce the desired water conditions.
Each class of boiler unit, whether it be high pressure main propulsion or
low pressure exhaust gas heat recovery plant, has its own set of desirable water
conditions. It goes beyond the scope of this chapter to detail these, but BS 1170 will
provide the necessary information. The recommendations of the equip ment
supplier or specialist water treatment chemical supplier should be observed and
followed at all times. The principles and methods of treatment of the working fluid
apply, in general, to all installations.
It is worth pointing out that a problem at one point in the
feed/boiler/steam/condensate system can cause serious problems at another; e.g.
corrosion in the feed system will result in the corrosion products being transported
into the boiler with possible deposition and tube failure from either over heating or
sub-deposit corrosion.
The history of present marine boiler water treatment can probably be said to
have been started on a more logical basis by the work of Commander Solberg of the US
Navy Department in the 1930s. Cdr Solberg carried out considerable experimental
work producing artificial scales and testing the effect of various chemicals on them.
One of the most effective mixtures he found at controlling scale formation was a
combination of sodium carbonate, sodium phosphate and starch. The mixture was
known as US Navy Compound. Its use was extended to the Royal Navy in world war n,
where it was known as boiler compound navy or BCN for short. This type of treatment,
containing as it does a combination of phosphate and alkali in the correct proportions
to deal with evaporated sea water make-up, and starch for sludge conditioning, formed
the basis of marine water treatment for a number of years. It was only in the 6CKS
and 7(Ys that more modern forms of treatment were developed to deal with higher
boiler pressures and heat fluxes.
The objectives of feed water treatment and chemical control can be listed as
1. Prevention of corrosion/deposition within the boiler itself.
2. Prevention of corrosion/deposition of the feed and condensate
3. Prevention of damage to machinery due to impure stearn being generated.
4. Prevention of outage time due to failure of the boiler or its associated
5. Reduction of time for repair or maintenance.
6. Maintenance of a safe operating environment for personnel.
The following paragraphs highlight the water treatment regimes necessary
to achieve satisfactory conditions within the boiler and pre-boiler systems, and
conclude by detailing some of the problems which may result if these conditions are
not regularly maintained. Sources of water
Boiler feed make-up water is usually obtained from either evaporated sea
water or shore water and, in the case of some low pressure units, raw shore water. The

quality of shore water varies considerably and it is recommended that evaporated

water be used in all cases where possible.
Evaporated waters
These are produced by distilling fresh water or seawater. A single effect
evaporator should produce water containing about lmg/1 dissolved solids and not
more than 3 or 4 mg/1. The water will still contain considerable quantities of
dissolved gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Shore waters
There are two classes of dissolved salts in shore water that are important to
boiler operation; calcium and magnesium salts (i.e. hardness); and others which
consist mainly of sodium salts. The hardness salts potentially form scale in a boiler
whereas the sodium salts do not.
Feed water
The feed water to the boiler will comprise returned condensate plus a small
amount of make-up feed. The make-up is required to make good any losses from
the cycle, such as boiler blowdown and small steam leaks etc. The following points
should be noted in connection with feed water quality.
Hardness salts
For all but the lowest pressure boilers there should be no detectable hardness
in the feed water. Hardness can contaminate the feed water either from evaporator
priming or condenser leakage. Any contamination detected should be rapidly found
and corrected, as hardness may cause scale formation within the boiler and tube
failure from overheating.
pH value
The pH value of the feed should be controlled within a certain range to
minimise corrosion of the pre-boiler system and thus avoid problems that these
corrosion products cause in the boiler. The normal range of feed pH is 8.5-9.2 (the
pH may be increased to 9.2-9.5 for those feed/condensate systems that do not contain
cupreous material). The range 8.5-9.2 is wide and an operating level is normally
determined by trial and error as that which gives the minimum pick-up of iron,
copper and nickel. Experience indicates that this is usually 9.0-9.1. This pH is
achieved by continuous addition of a suitable alkali to the feed. In low pressure boilers,
and those not using the feed as spray water for attemperation or desuperheating
purposes, it is permissible to use a non-volatile alkali such as caustic soda; but it is
much more common to use a volatile alkali. Hydrazine, which is primarily dosed as
an oxygen scavenger, is an alkali and does contribute to an increase in pH level. At
high temperatures hydrazine thermally decomposes to ammonia, which then
returns with the condensate and also raises the pH,
To achieve the desired level it may be necessary to dose either additional
ammonia or a neutralising amine such as cyclohexylamine or morpholine. These
amines also have the beneficial effect of neutralising any carbon dioxide present.
Dissolved gases
Dissolved gases are present in the feed water coming either from the make-up
water or returned condensate. The principal gases are oxygen and carbon dioxide,

the presence of which can cause corrosion of the feed, economiser, boiler and
condensate systems. Both mechanical and chemical means are employed to remove
the gases. Medium and high pressure boilers invariably have a mechanical deaerator,
which will reduce levels to typically 0.005 mg/1 oxygen. In systems with an open feed
tank the levels of oxygen can be minimised by maintaining a high temperature.
Iron, copper and nickel
These three metals or their oxides are the most common metals found in feed
water although there may be small quantities of others such as zinc, aluminium etc.
The proportion and quantities of these metals is determined by the materials of
construction and also the chemical environment, e.g. a high pH and high oxygen
level will give rise to a high copper level. At the pH of the feed these metallic oxides are
particulate in form and thus can be removed by filtration. Cartridge type filters are
often installed for high pressure boilers.
Conductivity gives a good indication of water quality or the level of
dissolved solids present. Conductivity measuring equipment is simple to use and
reliable. The routine measurement of conductivity, preferably on a continuous basis
will show up any feed water contamination such as condenser leakage or evaporator
Silica can cause the deposition of very insulating scales in a boiler. At high
pressures, i.e. above 40 bar, silica has an appreciable volatility in steam. However, it is
not normally a problem when evaporated sea water is used as make-up because silica is
present at a low level in sea water. Shore water can have high levels of silica.
Oil contamination can be very damaging to a boiler. Slight contamination
can be dealt with by the conditioning chemicals but in general all steps should be
taken to prevent its ingress.
Treatment chemicals
There are a number of forms of boiler water treatment that can be used
depending on the operating pressure and type of boiler. Many specialist water
treatment chemical suppliers have their own proprietary products and their
recommendations for the application of these products should always be followed.
The recommendations of boiler suppliers should also be followed. The following
notes give the important features of the most commonly used treatments.
This treatment is based on the maintenance of reserves of both caustic
soda and phosphate in the boiler water. The chemical reserves give the required
alkaline environment to prevent corrosion and protect against the ingress of
hardness salts. Calcium and magnesium salts will be precipitated according to the
following reactions.

In order to prevent salts being precipitated in the feed system the chemicals
are preferably added directly to the boiler. The precipitated salts are removed by
Congruent phosphate
Caustic soda at high concentrations such as can be formed beneath deposits
can cause serious and rapid corrosion of boiler steels. It has been shown that
concentrating a solution of tri-sodium phosphate to the point of dryness does result
in free caustic soda being formed. It is for this reason that congruent or coordinated
phosphate was developed. The pH and phosphate levels are controlled by dosing a
mixture of di- and tri-sodium phosphates so that even a solution concentrated to
dryness theoretically contains zero caustic soda. There are, however, disadvantages
with this form of treatment and it is not suitable for conditioning all boiler waters for
the following reasons.
1. More sophisticated control is necessary with very narrow limits being
imposed for both pH and phosphate.
2. The alkalinity buffer against acid chloride attack is reduced. Thus if it is
not possible to maintain low chloride levels, it is recommended that the conventional
caustic/phosphate treatment be reverted to.
Specific water soluble polymers are used for coagulation, dispersion and to
prevent scale and sludge formation. The action of certain polymers is to prevent
scale formation by magnesium and calcium salts by forming a non-adherent sludge.
One of the most common polymers used in this treatment is a polyacrylate, used
in conjunction with either sodium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide/ sodium phosphate.
The polymer treatment prevents scale deposition and minimises sludge formation. It
may also loosen any scale already present in a boiler. It is therefore preferable to
introduce such a treatment to clean boilers only, otherwise troubles might be
encountered through the exposure of leakages at places where scale has been
loosened, i.e. tube expansions etc., or blockage of tubes by the detached scale.
Oxygen scavengers
Common chemicals continuously added to the feed for scavenging oxygen
are sodium sulphite and hydrazine which react with oxygen according to the
following equations:

The use of sodium sulphite is restricted to boilers operating at pressures up to

40 bar. Above this pressure the sulphite decomposes to give acidic products.
Hydrazine has no such restrictions, although its present day usage is declining
because of its toxic nature. There are a number of proprietary products available
which do not have this disadvantage.

Amines are used to protect against corrosion. There are two distinct classes.

Neutralising amines
They are steam-volatile, and are used to neutralise carbon dioxide in
steam, condensate and feed systems. The common amines used are cyclohexylamine
and morpholine, or combinations of the two.
Filming amine
These do show a neutralising tendency, but their essential function is to
protect by forming a molecular water-repellent protective film on metal surfaces and
thus prevent corrosion. Octadecylamine is a commonly used filming amine.
These are complex organic compounds of high molecular mass and should
be applied according to the supplier's instructions. They are effective at reducing carry
over due to foaming and thus improving steam purity. For safety reasons it is
recommended that they are only used as an additional safeguard and are not used to
allow total solids to rise higher than would be allowed without their application.
Steam purity
Many marine boilers provide steam for turbines and it is important that good
quality steam is produced. This requires the correct installation of drum internals
and selection of the appropriate boiler water conditions. Boilers with only
rudimentary drum internals will require lower concentrations to be maintained in the
boiler water than otherwise would have been necessary.
The first requirement to be able to control feed and boiler water conditions
is to "obtain representative samples. For all sample locations, where the medium to be
sampled is above 60C it is necessary to fit a cooler. This is for both protection of the
operator from scalding and to prevent a proportion of the sample flashing off as
steam, which would give falsely high test readings. Where boiler water sampling is
fitted with an internal collection pipe it should be checked that the pipe is remote
from the feed discharge. Otherwise contamination of the sample with feed water
will give falsely low test readings. It is essential when taking a sample that the sample
be run to waste for sufficient time to flush out all lines and the collection container.
It is beyond the scope of this chapter to detail the methods of analysis.
Details of commonly used test methods can be found in BS1170, 'Treatment of water
for marine boilers'. Further test methods can be found in BS 1427 and BS 2690. A
number of treatment chemical companies have simplified methods for their own
proprietary products.
There is a trend towards the greater use of continuous on-line instrumentation
such as pH, conductivity and sodium analysers. Modern analytical instruments are
reliable and robust, making them suitable for ship-board use. Fitted with high or low
alarms the advantages of early warning of dangerous conditions is obvious.
Troubles associated with water treatment
Failure to maintain adequate water conditions can have serious
consequences for boiler operation. The main types of failure can be categorised as
This can be divided into short and long term.

Short term
This type of failure can result from either a loss of feedwater, when it is
usual for a large number of tubes to be affected, or blockage of an individual tube
when the damage is confined to the blocked or partially blocked tube. The feature of
this type of failure is that the tube swells, and the failure is thin edged, purely
because the metal overheats and becomes plastic. The internal pressure causes the
material to expand like a balloon to the point of failure. There is one exception to this
and this is a short water failure in the presence of copper. The copper reaches its
melting point and a thick edged rupture results from intergranular penetration.
If a short water failure is taken to the extreme the metal becomes so hot that
the water present dissociates into hydrogen and oxygen and the heat produced in
the oxidation of the steel is sufficient for a self sustaining hydrogen fire to be started
and which will continue as long as water is being fed to the boiler.
A further possible cause of short water failure which occurs in superheaters
is by priming when a slug of water blocks a few tubes for a short period of time but
sufficient for these tubes to overheat and possibly fail.
Long term
These arise as a result of internal deposits or oil contamination reducing
heat transfer, causing overheating and blistering of the tubes. Small longitudinal
splits develop around the blister, and through the peak of the blister the metal thins,
and finally fails as a 'creep rupture'. The presence of oil tends to make this happen
very much more quickly than with other types of deposit. This type of failure can also
occur in the steam circuits. Here the problem (assuming that the design is correct)
can be due to the use of the wrong material. More often, it is caused by excessive
operational temperatures either continuously or by a number of short term
temperature escalations e.g. during start-up or soot blowing.
All these failures can be termed 'creep' and can be recognised by a heavily
oxidised layer and a thick edged failure with numerous small longitudinal cracks
adjacent to the point of failure.
Once more this general heading can be split into two distinct types.
To complicate matters this can be further subdivided into several categories.
1. Dissolved gas i.e. oxygen or carbon dioxide bubbles, cling to the metal
surface, setting off a vigorous corrosion reaction. The pits are characterized by
being sharp edged and having no corrosion products present. The time to failure
can be very short.
2. Scab pitting is much the same as the above, and is caused by high oxygen
and low pH. Characteristic are hard scabs of corrosion product.
3. Soft scab pitting is caused by droplets of water adhering to the surface
during storage or shut down. The corrosion products are soft and reddy in colour.
4. Acid pitting is caused by either poorly carried out acid clean or sea water
contamination and is characterised by the base of the pits having a larger area
than the entry.
On-load corrosion
On-load corrosion is probably not as prevalent now as it was a few years ago,
as we appreciate the causes more fully, but nevertheless is one of the most common
causes of failure in medium and high pressure boiler plant. The principal cause is a

deposition of metallic oxides within the furnace. The oxides of iron and copper are
transported into the boiler and may be the result of corrosion in the condensate/feed
system or generated within the boiler itself. For example, high oxygen and low pH
can cause corrosion of the economiser and the resulting corrosion products end up
in the boiler. These corrosion products, which at the pH in the boiler are largely
particulate in nature, tend to bake out in the areas of highest heat flux i.e. on the
furnace side of the tube in an area around the furnace at or slightly above the
burners. The deposit changes the form of boiling from nucleate to wick boiling.
Nucleate boiling is the normal production of steam bubbles at the tube surface in a
clean deposit free tube. Figure 80 shows the wick boiling process where boiler water
enters the deposit through fine pores and is drawn down to the metal surface by
capillary action. Evaporation takes place at this surface with the steam escaping
through larger pores. The evaporation causes concentration of boiler salts and may
reach a level of many thousands times the concentration in the bulk fluid as there is no
flow at the metal surface to flush the salts away. The concentrated boiler solution
rapidly attacks the boiler steel. The deposit has an insulating effect and the
temperature rise accelerates the rate of attack. The tube thins, often over a
considerable length, and eventually fails.

Figure 80 Salt concentration by 'wick boiling'

In severe cases corrosion process goes a stage further and a more

catastrophic failure occurs. Hydrogen is produced in the process and this can diffuse
into the metal. The hydrogen reacts with the carbon of the metal and methane is
produced under extreme pressure. This destroys the metal structure and the metal
becomes weak and brittle. The failure is often extremely violent with sections of
tubing blowing out. It is most important that the oxide deposits are removed before
this process is initiated and for this reason a regular chemical cleaning is
General wastage on the water side is extremely rare but can be caused by
marginal water conditions. It is more normally associated with the gas side.
Corrosion associated with stress For the sake of completeness it is worth
while mentioning these although the occurrence on marine boilers is rare. Under

this heading we have fatigue type failures where alternating stress eventually gives rise
to failure. This process is accelerated if there is a corrosive environment, i.e. corrosion
fatigue. If thermal cycling is present then it becomes thermal fatigue.
Caustic ernbrittlement or gouging is no longer the problem that it was with
riveted drums etc., but it is still occasionally found at tube expansions. The
mechanism is a combination of the residual stress in the expansion joint and a high
caustic concentration as a result of leakage at the expansion joint.

Chapter 2
Marine Steam Turbines
The aim of this chapter is to describe typical steam propulsion machinery in
terms of the engineering principles involved in its design. Typical values are given for
loadings, operating temperatures and pressures etc., but the information provided in the
operating manuals for a specific set of machinery must always take precedence.
The term 'cycle' is used to describe the overall ther-modynamic process in
which heat is converted into mechanical power. The aim in designing the cycle is to
strike the best compromise between cost, reliability, ease of maintenance and efficiency.
The most basic steam cycle consists of a boiler, turbine and condenser with
extraction and feed pumps to return the condensed steam to the boiler. For a given set
of inlet steam conditions the efficiency can be improved by the use of reheating, which
is discussed later in this section, by the use of feed heating and by utilising different
methods of driving auxiliaries such as the electrical generator and the feed pump.
The feed water is heated by steam 'bled' from various points in the turbine and
the final feed temperature is established by the saturation temperature of the highest
pressure bleed. The latent heat of steam represents a large proportion of the total heat of
the steam and the principle of feed heating is to bleed off a proportion of steam after it
has performed work in the turbine and use it for heating the feed water whereby the
loss of latent heat from the cycle to the condenser cooling water is reduced. Obviously
with less steam flowing completely through the turbine, the power output is reduced,
but the efficiency of the cycle can be increased by 9% or 10% as shown in Fig 1, which
also illustrates that there is an optimum final feed temperature for each inlet steam
pressure. In addition, it can be shown that it is better to gradu ally heat the water in
stages by extracting small quantities of steam from several points on the turbine, and Fig
1 also illustrates that with increasing steam conditions the optimum improvement in
efficiency is achieved with a greater number of heaters.
Three typical cycles are illustrated in Figs 2 a, b and c. The cycle in Fig 2a includes a
non reheat, two cylinder turbine with four stages of feed heating, including a combined
deaerator heater. It will be noted that the turbines driving the feed pump and the
generator receive steam bled from the HP turbine. The reason for this is that low
powered turbines cannot make efficient use of the high pressure main inlet steam, and
it is better to make effective use of this steam in the main HP turbine before bleeding it
off at a lower pressure for driving the auxiliary turbines. The feed pump is driven by a
back pressure turbine and its exhaust steam is added to steam bled from the HP/ LP
cross-over point to supply the deaerator heater.
Figure 2b again shows a cycle with a non reheat, two cylinder turbine with four
stages of feed heat, but this time the generator is mechanically driven from the main
turbine and the absence of air ejectors indicates the use of a rotary air pump. In the
search for efficiency the condensate is used to cool the lubricating oil and so pick up the

heat resulting from the mechanical losses in the gearbox and the turbine bearings. As
in the previous case, heaters 3 and 4 are located after the feed pump and are termed
'high pressure' heaters because of the high water pressure to which they are subjected,
whereas the heaters downstream of the feed pump are described as low pressure

Figure 1 The reduction of heat consumption by the use of feed heating

To avoid corrosion in the boiler, it is necessary to remove any dissolved air from
the feed water and a deaerator, or a direct contact heater, is used for this, in addition to
providing a stage of feed heating. To obtain effective release of the air, the condensate
must be at the saturation temperature corresponding to its pressure and broken up into
droplets. This is achieved in a direct contact heater by spraying the condensate into
the shell to a series of drip trays which provides direct contact between the droplets
and the heating steam bled from the turbine. The shell is also used to provide a
reservoir of feed water which connects to the feed pump suction.
The system also includes a distiller to produce pure water for the boiler and the
condensate retrieves most of the heat used in the distillation process. A further
addition is a gland steam condenser which saves the heat otherwise lost from the steam
leaking from turbine shaft glands and control valve spindles.
Figure 2c illustrates a cycle in which a reheat turbine is used. As the inlet
steam conditions are usually significantly higher than for non-reheat systems, there is an
increase to five stages of feed heat wi th three HP heaters, indicating a higher final feed
temperature. Otherwise the system is identical to Fig 2b.


The majority of turbines in service are of the non-reheat type and operate
with inlet steam conditions circa 60 bar/510C.
In the case of reheat turbines the steam is returned to the boiler for reheating,
usually to its original inlet temperature, after it has expanded through the HP cylinder.
The reheated steam then returns to the turbine to complete its expansion in the
intermediate and low pressure cylinders.

Figure 2 Three types of steam cycle

Figure 3 HP turbine, non-reheat

Typical steam conditions are lG0bar/510C/510C with the second

temperature indicating the reheat temperature. The reason for using reheat is to improve efficiency and a system working on the conditions quoted would give a fuel rate 46% less than for typical non-reheat systems, with turbines of similar output.
Figure 3 illustrates a typical non reheat HP turbine in which the steam will expand
from the inlet conditions given above down to about 6.5 bar and 230C in the HP cylinder,
the final expansion to vacuum taking place in the LP cylinder.

Figure 4 Reheat HP/IP turbine

Figure 4 shows a combined HP/IP cylinder as used on some reheat machines.
It will be noted that the HP and reheated IP steam enter the cylinder at a mid point with
the two inlet belts adjacent to each other. The HP and IP sections of blading on either
side are of opposite hand. This arrangement is adopted in order to obtain reasonably
uniform thermal gradients in the cylinder and the inlet temperatures of 510C reduce
gradually to about 330C at each end as the steam expands in the HP and IP sections of
the cylinder.
The corresponding steam pressures are 100 bar at inlet reducing to about 22
bar at the end of the HP section prior to returning to the boiler for reheat, and about 5 bar
after expansion in the IP section.
Figure 5 shows an LP cylinder which can be used in either the non-reheat or
reheat systems. Figure 6 shows an arrangement of a reheat turbine with separate HP and
IP turbines. This has many fundamental advantages. The individual turbines will
have gradual thermal gradients from inlet to exhaust and can be made dimensionally
very small, particularly if high steam conditions are employed when the specific steam

volume is small. This small size minimises thermal stress, which is size related, and
makes the machinery easier to operate than turbines having a combined HP/IP
cylinder. The latter have a long rotor with large hub diameter, which takes longer to
warm through and requires more care at start-up to avoid gland rubs.

Figure 5 LP turbine with axial exhaust

Figure 6 Three cylinder reheat turbine

Figure 7 Plan arrangement of propulsion machinery

For efficient operation there is an optimal relationship between the speed of the
steam issuing from the nozzles within the turbine and the speed of the rotor blades upon
which the steam jets impinge, which is explained in a later paragraph. In order to
achieve this correct blade speed in small diameter turbines the rotational speed has to
be increased. For example, an HP turbine having a mean diameter of the blade ring of
250 mm would have a rotational speed of about 14,000 rev/min at rated power.
A typical installation is shown in plan in Fig 7. This installation shows a cross
compound reheat turbine having a combined HP/IP cylinder and an LP with axial
exhaust and in-plane condenser. The term 'compound' means that there are two cylinders
HP and LP and 'cross compound' refers to a side by side arrangement of the cylinders.
It will be noted that the main feed pump is driven via a clutch from the HP
turbine input shaft to the gearbox, this giving an appropriate rotational speed for the
pump of about 6,500 rev/min. If the main engine is not running, or is manoeuvring,
the pump can be declutched and driven by a small independent turbine.
The generator is also mechanically driven from the main engine by a clutched
connection to the LP turbine input shaft to the gearbox, the rotational speed at the
normal ship operating speed being 3,600 rev/min to give 60 Hz with a 2 pole generator.
Again, an auxiliary turbine is provided to give an independent drive for the generator
when required.
The alternative to the use of these mechanical drives for the feed pump and
generator is to use individual turbine drives, but these low power machines would be
far less efficient than making use of power produced by the main engine.
A separate main thrust bearing is shown, but sometimes this is incorporated
in the gearbox.
The cooling water for the condenser is provided by a scoop during normal
service and this is supplemented by a motor driven pump for start up and when
Air and incondensible gases are removed from the condenser by an air pump
which is located on the condenser top.
The DC or direct contact heater (see Condensers and Feed Heaters, page 90) is
located at a high level. This heater deaerates the condensate and also acts as a feed
storage vessel from which the feed pump draws. The reason for its high location is to
provide an adequate pressure at the feed pump suction to prevent steam flashing and
cavitation taking place since the water temperature at this point will be about 145C,
the saturation temperature of the heating steam supplied to the DC heater. The first and
second stage low pressure heaters and gland condenser are positioned on the end of the
condenser and the two high pressure heaters are located underneath the turbines.
Key blocks locate the condenser, which has to be allowed to slide and
accommodate thermal expansion.
The lubricating oil tank with the pumps mounted on it is located just aft and
adjacent to the gearbox and at a sufficiently low level to allow effective oil drainage from
all the turbine bearings. The oil coolers are mounted on the condenser top.
There are two basic types of turbine designated 'impulse' or 'reaction', and
they differ in the way in which they convert the kinetic energy in a jet of steam into a

torque upon the rotor.

The boiler converts the chemical energy in the fuel into a combination of pressure
and thermal or internal energy in the steam. Both types of turbine then make use of
this energy by allowing the steam to expand progressively through a number of
'stages' as the pressure reduces from the inlet condition to the vacuum created in the
condenser into which the turbine exhausts. For a given combination of inlet steam
conditions and exhaust vacuum an optimum proportion of the energy in the steam can
be converted into useful work by the turbine blades and the designer's aim is to obtain
this maximum efficiency at the rated output. He achieves this by choosing the
appropriate number of stages, as this establishes the proportion of the energy in the
steam which is released at each stage in the form of kinetic energy in the jet of steam
issuing from the nozzles. The fewer the stages the higher will be the steam velocity at
the nozzle outlets.
Each stage consists of a circle of fixed blades or nozzles which produce jets of
steam which impinge on to the rotor blades and the steam flows through the passages
formed between the blades.
A stage in an impulse turbine Figure 8 illustrates vectorially the path of the
steam as it leaves the nozzles with a velocity of Co and with the rotor blade velocity u. The
steam has a velocity of CM relative to the blade. The stage design ensures that the angle
of direction of Cm exactly suits the entry angle of the blade at rated power, but at lower
powers Co and u will change so the angle of Cm will change resulting in a lower stage
The steam leaves the blade with the relative speed CR0 and the angle of exit will
correspond to the leaving angle of the blade profile. When the blade velocity u is added
vectorially, the absolute velocity of the steam is seen to be C2 which is designed to be
moving in the correct direction to cleanly enter the next stage nozzles without losses.
The velocity of the steam leaving the blade CR0 will be less than the relative inlet velocity
Cjg due to the effect of friction from roughness or fouling of the blades.
The torque imparted to the blades results from the change in momentum of the
steam in the same direction as the blade. This component of the change of steam
velocity is shown vectorially in Fig 9 and is called the velocity of whirl Cw and if the flow
of steam through the stage is M then

Figure 8 Vector diagram for an impulse stage.

Figure 9 Vector diagram showing the velocity of whirl.

Figure 10 Variation of impulse stage efficiency with u/C0 values

Allowing for losses it can be shown, as in Fig 10, that the maximum efficiency
is achieved when the ratio Tilade speed/stearn speed' approaches the value 0.5, and the

designer will incorporate the appropriate number of stages to achieve this.

A stage in a reaction turbine In this case the force on the blades is achieved by
the reaction established as the steam accelerates through the blade passages. The
acceleration is obtained through half of the stage pressure drop taking place in the
moving blades. The other half occurs in the fixed blades and this accelerates the steam
so that it forms a belt of steam rotating at a speed equal to that of the moving blades so
that it can then enter the blade passages in a shock free manner.
Thus only half of the available stage energy is utilised to generate a force on
the moving blades and so for the same blade speed two reaction stages are required to
replace one impulse stage. This is a major disadvantage of reaction turbines for marine
use, where a compact design is needed, not only to minimise the space required by the
machinery, but also to shorten the bearing centres to give short stiff rotors which are
easier to operate and are less disturbed by thermal transients. Also, because half of the
pressure drop of the steam takes place across the moving blades, these have to be
sealed to minimise leakage and so maintain efficiency. Small running clearances are
called for which are difficult to maintain in marine service.
For these reasons most modern marine turbines are of the impulse type, but it
should be noted that these are not pure impulse in the sense that the whole pressure drop
takes place in the stationary nozzles, as in fact the best stage efficiencies are obtained
with some pressure drop across the moving blades. Typically, the proportion of energy in
the steam designed to act on the reaction principle increases through the machine from
about 5% at the first stage to 50% at the last stage. This means that even with 'impulse'
turbines there will be a pressure drop across the moving blades, but this will be much
smaller at the high pressure stages than for reaction turbines and running clearances can
be greater.

Figure 11

Leakage losses

In expanding from 62 bar/510C to a vacuum of 711 mm Hg, the specific

volume of steam increases from 0.055 m3/kg to about 37.5 m3/kg depending upon the
degree of wetness at the exhaust, and the flow area of the nozzles and blades in each
stage of the turbine is designed to match the quantity, speed and specific volume of the
steam at that point. It will be noted that even with the quite moderate inlet steam
conditions quoted above, the steam expands at the exhaust to a volume 700 times
greater than at inlet, and in order to give adequate flow area the last stage blades of a 24
MW turbine operating on these conditions would be about 430 mm long, with an
overall diameter to the blade tips of nearly 2 m.
The designer will have aimed to achieve maximum efficiency by achieving
the correct blade speed to steam speed relationship, but he will also aim to minimise
the losses which can occur in the turbine. The most significant ones are given below.
Leakage tosses (Fig 11)
These are minimised by ensuring that leakage paths are small compared to the
flow area through the blades and nozzles. The leakage paths are:
Steam which leaks past the diaphragm or interstage glands instead of
passing through the
A running clearance has to be provided so some leakage is inevitable and is
allowed for in the design, but if the interstage glands become excessively worn, large
losses can result. This is because this leakage steam rejoins the jet of high velocity steam
leaving the nozzles before it enters the moving blades and the loss results from the
effect of the leakage steam having to be accelerated up to the jet speed and thereby
reducing its value.
Steam which leaks past the moving blades.
Marine turbines usually use a single axial clearance between the blade shrouding and
the face of the diaphragm, shown in Fig 12a, but in high reaction designs additional
radial baffles might be used, as shown in Fig 12b.
Blade and nozzle tosses
Losses are involved as the steam flows through the blade and nozzle passages
and these are related to the wetted surface and the shape of the cross-section of the
passage. The areas of the roof and platform of the passage remain constant regardless of
height and so these losses increase as the blades become shorter. Turbine design rules
usually exclude the use of blades shorter than some prescribed size.

Figure 12 a) Axial; and b) radial seals for moving blades

The losses will be increased if the surfaces of the blades and nozzles become
rough in service or become covered by deposits from the steam. Great care must be
exercised in removing deposits and the best method is to use a water blast containing a
very fine grit.
Partial admission losses
The flow area at any point in the turbine is proportioned to match the volume
and velocity of the steam at that point, but at the high pressure end of the turbine the
volume may be too small to enable the designer to make use of a full 360 deg ring of
nozzles, bearing in mind the limitation of a minimum blade and nozzle height referred
to in the previous paragraph. If the full 360 deg annulus is not used this is termed
partial admission and losses occur as a result of the high velocity steam at the ends of the
active arc entraining with 'dead' steam. Designers accept these partial admission losses
in order to provide well proportioned passages in line with the previous paragraph.
General arrangement
The usual arrangement of the turbine is as a two cylinder machine as shown
in Fig 7 with a high pressure (HP) cylinder and a low pressure (LP) cylinder located
side by side with the outputs feeding through flexible couplings into a gearbox (a

cross compound turbine). The power developed by each cylinder is usually about
equal to allow the best optimisation of the gearbox.
From consideration of earlier paragraphs on the design requirements to achieve
the best turbine efficiency it will be apparent that the best solution is to employ a small
diameter high speed HP turbine, whereas the LP turbine will require longblades which
will limit the speed to give acceptable levels of centrifugal stress. For a 24 MW turbine
the HP turbine would have a blade/nozzle ring diameter of about 500 mm and a rotor
speed of about 6,500 rev/min, whereas the LP rotor speed would be about 3,500
rev/min. The cross compound arrangement allows the designer to select these
differing speeds, and in some cases when maximum efficiency is being sought with high
steam conditions, triple reduction gearing is used for the HP turbine, and also, in the
case of reheat turbines, for the IP turbine. This allows very high rotor speeds of
12,000 rev/min to 14,000 rev/ min to be employed with the very small diameter
turbines necessary to give good efficiency with very high pressure steam.
After expanding through the HP turbine the steam passes to the LP turbine via
the cross-over connections which will have a flexible bellows to allow for the
difference in expansion of the HP and LP cylinders as they heat up to normal working
temperature. If an IP turbine is included the steam connections will be HP to IP and then
to the LP.
The turbines are supported on seatings formed within the bottom structure of
the ships hull. One end of the turbine will be made a fixed point by the use of a dowel on
the turbine centre line or else by a combination of transverse and axial keys as shown in Fig
Turbine casings
HP and IP casings are made from low alloy steel castings and the material
must have adequate temperature/strength and creep properties for the inlet steam
temperature employed.
It must be appreciated that the strength of the steel at the operating temperature
may be half that at the ambient temperature. Thermal stresses are set up during the
period of warming through and working up to full power, and might cause cracking
although the designer will have minimised this danger by making the casing as
symmetrical as possible and avoiding sharp cornered recesses.
Design of the main casing pint The main joint between the top and
bottom half casings must be designed to avoid danger of leakage because if a leak occurs
the 'wire cutting' action of the steam will rapidly make it worse. The flanges must be
perfectly flat with a good surface finish and the joint is made metal to metal with the
addition only of a thin smear of a good graphite compound.

Figure 13 Arrangement of alignment keys, LP turbine

The bolting is designed to counteract the steam pressure in the casing opening
the inner edge of the joint, but since the effect of temperature is to cause the stress in the
bolts to relax and reduce with time, the initial tightening of the bolt has to be great
enough to allow for this. Typically, the manufacturers will call for the bolts to be
tightened to give 0.15% strain and this will give an adequate residual stress after 30,000
operating hours to still hold the inner edge of the joint closed (Fig 14). If the turbine was
continuing in service the bolts would require tightening. Small bolts are 'flogged up'
or tightened with torque increasing spanners, but bolts larger than 60 mm are usually
made hollow to allow the insertion of an electric heating element. After making it finger
tight, the bolt is heated up to temperature and the nut rotated a calculated angle to
achieve the required force in the bolt. This can be checked by measuring the bolt
extension after it has cooled.

Figure 14 Stress relaxation of main joint bolts with temperature

In order to maintain the correct alignment of the top and bottom half casings a
number of the flange bolts will be 'fitted' bolts and identified to their holes, or else dowels
might be used.
Location of the casing
An important aspect of the casing design is the location to the bearing pedestals
by vertical and horizontal keys as shown in Fig 15. The casing is supported as closely as
possible to its horizontal centre line to avoid vertical expansion causinga loss of
concentricity between the casing and rotor.
This is necessary because, in order to minimise steam leakages and maintain
efficiency, the HP and IP turbines will operate with small radial running clearances of
about 0.3 mm between the rotor and the stationary components. The rotor is located by
its bearings and the keys locate the casing to the bearing pedestals. Their job is to
maintain the casing concentric to the rotor whilst allowing free thermal expansions to
take place as the metal temperatures increase from ambient to full working temperature.
Because of the high temperatures, the HP and IP casings will suffer some degree
of thermal distortion, particularly during start up. If the bearing pedestals were rigidly
attached to the ends of the casing, these distortions could cause misalignment of the
journal and thrust bearings and the usual practice is to support the casing with paws
(sliding feet) which extend from the casing joint flanges as seen in Fig 15.
Low pressure casing (Fig 16) The LP casing is usually fabricated from mild
steel plate and as the operating temperatures are low very little stress relaxation will take
place in the main joint bolting under normal ahead steaming conditions.
The exhaust chamber has to be a rigid structure to withstand the atmospheric load
of nearly 11 tonnes/ m2 under vacuum conditions.

The astern turbine element is located in the LP exhaust space, the reason
being that under vacuum conditions only a very small loss is caused by the
'windmilling' of the astern blades when the ship is moving in the ahead direction.
The highest temperatures are experienced in the LP cylinder during
prolonged astern running as a result of the windmilling action of the long ahead
blades under these conditions. In particularly severe cases the high temperature can
cause such distortions of the casing that the main joint opens causing air to leak in and
lower the vacuum, which worsens the windmilling effect and a deteriorating snowballing situation develops which can only be improved by stopping engines and going
ahead at moderate power levels to cool things down.
Turbine rotors
The HP and LP rotors are manufactured from very high quality monobloc
forgings of low alloy steel. The HP rotor material is chosen to give good strength and
creep properties at the high inlet steam temperatures. The LP rotor material is of high
strength to withstand the high centrifugal stresses generated by the long last row blades and
it also has to avoid any tendency for brittleness at the relatively low temperatures which
exist at this exhaust end of the machine.

Figure 16 Sectional arrangement of LP turbine

The rotors are described as 'monobloc' as the discs or wheels which carry the
blades are integral parts of the forging and not the separate shrunk-on components
which were necessary in earlier times when it was not possible to make the forging large
enough to machine the rotor 'out of the solid'. Problems sometimes arose in service by
these discs becoming loose during temperature transients, changing position, and
causing the rotor to lose its original balance and so vibrate.
Critical speeds/rotor response A major design aim is to ensure that no
'critical speeds' occur in the normal speed range. Strictly, the term 'critical speed' should
apply only to the theoretical concept of a rotor having rigid supports. The critical speed
is then the speed which is in resonance or coincides with a natural frequency of the
rotor, which in turn depends on the distribution of weight along the rotor and its
stiffness. In practice the rotor is supported upon the oil film in its bearings and this has
two major effects. The oil films act as springs and lower the speed at which resonance
occurs, in addition providing damping in the same manner as the hydraulic shock
absorbers on a motor car suspension system. The effect is shown in Fig 17.
Theoretically, the rigidly supported rotor will develop an infinitely large
amplitude of vibration at its critical speed. When running in journal bearings it will be
seen that the speed at which resonance occurs has reduced and also most importantly the
damping effect of the bearing limits the size of the vibration amplitudes. Turbine
designers calculate the dynamic characteristics for the rotors using a complex computer
programme and produce response curves like curve (b) to indicate the amplitudes of
vibration which would be produced if the rotor became unbalanced at different
positions along its length. Curve (b) shows two speeds at which limited peaks of
vibration occur and this results from journal bearings having different stiffnesses in the
vertical and horizontal planes. Responses can occur at other higher speeds as the rotor
vibrates in various ways or modes and the various peaks are described as 1st, 2nd, 3rd
criticals etc. in ascending orders of turbine speed.
In practice turbines are designed to ensure a very low response to imbalance and
quite often it is impossible to detect the peaks shown on curve (b).
Turbine blading and diaphragms
The turbine blades convert the energy in the steam to mechanical power and to
minimise the losses re ferred to earlier it is essential that they are in good condition
with a high surface finish. Boiler deposits can precipitate out onto the blades, usually at a
point in the expansion where all superheat has been lost and the steam is approaching
the saturated condition, and these deposits can have a very serious effect upon the
turbine performance. The emphasis must be upon maintaining a very high level of
feed water purity and monitoring the turbine steam continuously for dissolved solids.
Apart from their effect upon turbine efficiency these contaminants are corrosive
and can cause blade failures due to the stress corrosion effect upon highly stressed

Figure 17 Rotor vibration response/critical speed.

Types of blades and roots
Various types of blades are illustrated in Fig 18, and the difference between a
first stage blade (5) and a last stage blade (1) again indicates the enormous expansion in
volume of the steam as it passes through the turbine.
The blades are attached to the rotor disc by various types of blade root, the choice
being dictated by the size of the centrifugal stress which will vary according to the
rotational speed of the turbine and the size and weight of the blade.
Blades (3) and (4) in the illustration are short blades fitted to an HP turbine of
conventional design running at about 6 500 rev/min and the blade root is a fir tree or
straddle type. All HP turbine blades are fitted with a band of stainless steel shrouding
riveted to the blade tips by a riveting tang formed integral with the blade. Blades (2)
and (3) are fitted in an LP turbine running at 3 600 rev/min and it will be noted that the
larger blade (2) has three sets of locating lands in the root compared to two sets in the
smaller blades because of the higher centrifugal stress set up by the longer blade.
The large last blade (1) is heavy and has a tip speed approaching 500 m/s when the
LP turbine is running at its maximum speed of 3 600 rev/min. In this case a multiforked root is used in which the very high centrifugal force is resisted by a number of
axial pins (three in this case).
The two types of root are further illustrated in Fig 19, which also shows how the
fir tree rooted blades are entered onto the rotor by means of a blade 'window' which is
closed by a special closing blade having a pinned root.
Very high speed turbines could use the serrated roots used on blades (7), (8)
and (9), but the blades may even be machined integral with the rotor if the stresses are
too high for any type of root to cope with. Blade (6) is an example of a relatively short
blade which is subjected to such high steam stresses that it has to be made very wide
and the resulting high weight called for the use of a multifork root.
Blade vibration
The blades have to be designed to avoid any vibration resonances throughout
the operating speed range. This is achieved partly by the proportions of the blades
themselvesthe relationship of the blade height to its chordal width. A long, slender
blade will have lower natural frequencies than a short wide blade. In addition the
blades can be joined together in groups, by means of shrouding in the case of blades (4),
(5) and (7), these blades having a tang formed on their top band which is used as a
riveting attachment for the shrouding band. Blades (1), (3), (8) and (9) have drilled
holes through which lacing wire can be fixed while the blades are being located on the

rotor. Various numbers of blades can be grouped together to give the required vibration
The shrouding band also provides an axial and sometimes radial seal against
steam leakage as discussed earlier.
Blades are manufactured in various grades of 12%13% chrome steels to give
the required property depending on the position of the blade in the turbine. Good high
temperature strength and resistance to creep is required at the HP turbine inlet end
whilst high strength is required for the highly stressed long LP blades.
The high tip speed of the LP last blades, coupled with the fact that the steam
will be significantly wet at this stage means that they have to be protected against
water droplet erosion. Erosion shields made of wear resistant material such as stellite
are brazed to the outer section of the leading edge.
Each stage of the turbine consists of a circle of fixed nozzles and a row of blades
attached to the rotor. The first stage nozzles are contained in a nozzle plate which forms
the end wall of the steam inlet belt of the turbine cylinder and all the other sets of stage
nozzles are located in diaphragms.
The typical features of a diaphragm are shown in Fig 20 from which it will be
seen that the nozzles are contained in two half rings which fit into the top and bo ttorn
halves of the turbine casing. There is a significant pressure drop across the diaphragm
and an interstage gland minimises leakage of steam which bypasses the nozzles and
represents a loss as described in the section 'Sources of loss of efficiency'. This gland
has to be centralised to the rotor accurately and this is done by adjustment to the side keys,
which also support the diaphragms,and to the top and bottom keys. The diaphragms are
located in grooves machined in the casing. The pressure drop acting upon the face areas of
the diaphragms generates a considerable force which holds the diaphragms against the
downstream faces of the casing grooves. The diaphragms are usually given a considerable
axial clearance in the grooves to prevent them becoming jammedin by an accumulation of
boiler deposits, and each half is then located in the grooves by 3 or 4 adjusting pegs (see
Fig 20).

Figure 18 Examples of turbine blades

Figure 19 Runner blade root fixings: a) fir tree root; b) multi-fork root

Diaphragms are distorted in service by the pressure drop across them and the
maximum deflection of about 1.5 mm takes place at the joint face adjacent to the gland
To prevent the top half diaphragms dropping out when the top half cylinder is
lifted they are fitted with retaining plates which are screwed into recesses in the top half
main joint face.
Radial keys are fitted into the mating joint faces of the two diaphragm halves to
minimise steamleakage at this joint.
The last 2 or 3 LP diaphragms may be made of high grade cast iron such as
meehanite or spheroidal graphite types of iron, this choice of material being made to
provide the best resistance to water droplet erosion from the wet steam.
All the other diaphragms are made of steel of various grades to suit the
operating conditions from molybdenum vanadium steel at high temperature locations
to plain carbon steel where the temperature is below 400C.

Flexible couplings are used on the drive shafts transmitting the turbine output to
the gearbox. They have to be capable of absorbing misalignment caused by hull
movements and the expansions of the turbine supports and the gearbox and also of
accepting axial expansions of the turbine rotor. The alignment instructions usually
make allowance for these expansions, for example by making the cold setting of the
turbine end coupling higher than the gearbox coupling if it is calculated that the
upward expansion of the gearcase is greater than that of the turbine supports at full
working temperature. If membrane type couplings are used they might be pre-loaded in
the cold state to allow for subsequent rotor expansion.

Figure 20 Typical diaphragm

Figure 21 Toothed coupling

Figure 22 Membrane coupling

The couplings may be either the toothed or membrane type illustrated in Figs 21
and 22 respectively. The latter use packs of thin stainless steel laminations to transmit the
drive and provide the flexibility to absorb misalignment.
Membrane couplings have two main advantages in that they do not require
lubrication and they maintain an accurate location of the quill shaft centre relative to the
turbine rotor, so avoiding imbalance.
Gear couplings can be prone to fretting at the tooth contact positions and care
must be taken to ensure that lubricating oil sprays are accurately positioned. Sometimes
centering rings are used to ensure the concentricity of the quill shaft.
Two basic types of bearings are employedjournal bearings in which the
turbine rotors rotate and thrust bearings which absorb the steam thrust upon the rotors
and locate them accurately in their casing.
Journal bearings
The principle of action of a plain journal bearing is illustrated in Figs 23a and
Figure 23 shows the formation of an oil wedge which generates a pressure to
balance the weight of the rotor. Usually oil is supplied to both sides of the bearing at the
horizontal centre line, the oil inlets being supplied from an annular chamber in the bearing housing, which connects to the oil supply at the bottom of the housing. The nominal
bearing loading is the proportion of the ro tor weight supported by the bearing divided by
the plan as projected area of the bearing, and a typical value would be 10.5 kg/cm2. The
actual oil pressure in the oil wedge will be higher than that, as the effective area of the
wedge is less than the projected area of the bearing and oil will squirt from this high
pressure zone on either side of the bearing. A proportion of the oil carries over to mix with
the fresh cool oil entering the bearing and flows around the top of the journal, mixing
with further fresh oil before re-entering the oil wedge.
The oil film will have a minimum thickness of approximately 0.04 mm to 0.05
mm when the turbine is running at its rated speed, but at lower speeds the film becomes
thinner and there is a danger that at speeds below about 50 rev/min no oil film will be
created and the bearing will provide only boundary lubrication and heavy wear will
result. This emphasises the need for the oil and the bearings to be kept scrupulously
clean if scoring of the bearings and journals is to be avoided. Also a good surface finish is
essential on both bearings and journals. Deep transverse or circumferential scores will
form leakage paths from the oil wedge and reduce the load carrying capacity of the
Figure 24 illustrates a typical journal bearing which consists of a top and bottom half
housing, 1 and 2, into which fit the bearing shells, 3 and 4. The latter are usually made
of steel lined with a 0.75 mm layer of white metal, although occasionally aluminium
tin might be used. The thickness of the white metal is chosen to provide an adequate
depth to absorb foreign particles whilst avoiding too great a thickness as this reduces its
fatigue strength. Aluminium tin can give twice the fatigue life of white metal and yet have
a similar hardness to white metal and so be equally compatible with the journal.
High operating temperatures will reduce the fatigue life of whitemetal and
the aim should be to operate with bearing metal temperatures not exceeding 130C.
Table 1 illustrates the effect of temperature upon the strength of white metal.
The total diametric clearance of the bearing is usually in the range of 0.2 mm per

100 mm diameter. A bigger clearance gives cooler running as it allows more oil to flow
across the top of the journal, but too big a clearance can result in the turbine running with
greater amplitude of vibration. The reason for this is that a proportion of the 'damping'
referred to in the rotor critical speed section is provided by the oil constrained
between the top of the journal and the top half of the bearing and a large clearance
reduces this damping effect.
It will be noted from Fig 24 that the bearing is located in its housing by four
pads. These can be adjusted by removing or adding shims in order to realign the
turbine rotor in its casing. Care must be taken to ensure that after such an adjustment
the clearances between the pads and the housing are minimal, not more than 0.02 mm,
or else there will be a danger of vibration.

Figure 23 The working principles of a journal bearing

Table 1 The effect of temperature upon the strength of

bearing whitemetal.
Ambient temperature
Brinell hardness

31/32 7/8

Ultimate tensile strength 87.26 MPa

40.16 MPa
(5.65 ton/in ) (2.6 ton/in2)
Fatigue strength
34.81 MPa
13.79 MPa
(20 x 10 reversals)
(5050lb/in )
Bearing stability
Under some circumstances journal bearings can become unstable causing the
rotor to vibrate at a frequency slightly less than half its running speed with a
characteristic throbbing sound and this condition is described as an 'oil critical', oil whirl
or oil whip. It is more likely to occur with lightly loaded high speed bearings and when
the oil is cold.
If it persists a remedy canbe to machine a circumferential groove in the centre of
the bearing, in effect dividing the bearing into two short bearings which are inherently
stiffer, with greater resistance to oil whirl.
Bearings must be a tight fit in their housings-any slackness will result in
vibration and the fit must be carefully checked using leads or plastic gauges.
Other types of bearing
Problems of bearing stability are more severe with high speed machines and
so the HP and IP turbines which have relatively lightweight motors and run at speeds
of 6 000 rev/min or much higher, often use one of the following types of bearing.
a. Lemon bore bearing
The vertical diametral clearance is half the horizontal clearance i.e. radial
clearances at the top and either side are equal. The effect is to produce a hydrodynamic film in the top half of the bearing which provides a stabilising force on the

Figure 24 Typical journal bearing

Figure 25 Typical thrust bearing.

Tilting pad bearings
The bearing comprises a number of pivoted individual pads, lined with white
metal, each of which will generate a hydrodynamic oil film. The forces generated by
these oil films locate the journal and make this type of bearing the most inherently
stable of all types.
Offset halves
The top half bearing is laterally displaced relative to the bottom half and this has
the effect of generating a hydrodynamic oil film in the small clearance side of the top half
which provides a stabilising force on the bearing.
Thrust bearings
An axial thrust is developed on the turbine rotor as a result of the pressure drops
across the moving blades giving a higher pressure on the upstream side of the turbine
discs or wheels than the downstream side and also due to a similar effect at the shaft
end glands where pressure drops occur and there are changes in the rotor diameter. The
higher the levels of reaction used in the design the higher the thrust load. Designers aim
to achieve a moderate level of thrust which gives a specific loading on the thrust
bearings of about 10.5 kg/cm2.
A typical thrust bearing is illustrated in Fig 25 and this shows the arrangement
of a set of pads on either side of the thrust collar, usually described as the main and surge
pads respectively. These pads are usually made of steel, faced with white metal, and can
tilt as shown in Fig 26 under the action of the oil movement set up by the thrust collar as it
rotates. Also shown is a typical oil film thickness and movement of the pad as it tilts in
order to illustrate how small these are and hence how important it is to maintain the
cleanliness of the oil and also to ensure the accurate alignment of the thrust bearing to

the thrust collar. An error of 0.025 mm from one side of the thrust collar to the other
would give twice the film thickness for the pads on one side of the bearing and because of
the characteristics of these tilting thrust pads, would result in these pads only carrying a
small fraction of the load carried by the pads operating with the small clearance. This
is the reason most installations use a spherical location for the thrust bearing in the
bearing pedestal to allow it to align itself to the thrust collar and so provide a
reasonably equal loading of the thrust pads.

Figure 26 Oil film thickness for a tilting pad thrust bearing

Turbines operate with quite small axial clearances between the rotor and casing
and the two sets of pads, one on either side of the thrust collar provide the necessary
location of the rotor. Typically a total axial clearance of 0.25 mm to 0.40 mm is specified
depending on the size of the bearing. This clearance cannot be made too small or else the
surge pads will generate an excessive thrust which is added to the normal load being
carried by the main pads. If the clearance is too large the surge pads can become unstable
which can cause fretting and wear of their pivots.
Adjustable liners are provided behind the main and the surge pads and these
are used both to adjust the axial position of the rotor to give the correct running
clearances in the casing and also to adjust the axial clearance in the thrust bearing.
The turbine glands have two main functions.
1. To minimise leakage from the shaft ends and between stages during
normal running.
2. To seal the ends of the rotors when raising vacuum.
It is not possible to totally seal the rotating shafts and the presence of a running
clearance means that some leakage of steam will always take place. This is minimised by
having a number of baffles which have a small radial clearance, usually of the order of
0.25-0.40 mm, with castellations on the rotor to form a number of restrictions. This
arrangement gives rise to the name labyrinth gland. This can be seen in Fig 27 which
illustrates typical gland assemblies which are located at the inlet and exhaust ends of an
HP turbine. It will also be seen that the gland is divided into a number of sections, four
at the inlet end and three at the exhaust end, and that external connections are made to
the spaces (called pockets) between these sections. The function of these connections

can be seen in Figs 28a and 28b which illustrate the conditions in a gland system at
standby and at full power.
The outer pockets are connected to a small gland steam condenser which
maintains them at a slight vacuum, about 50 mm water gauge below atmos pheric, in
order to prevent any steam leaking into the engine room.
The adjacent pockets connect to the gland steam receiver which is maintained at
a pressure just above atmospheric (to prevent any air leaking into the system) by
control valves which either feed steam to the receiver or else leak it off to the main
condenser. Under standby conditions it will be seen from Fig 28a that 0.12 kg/s of steam
is being supplied and this is used to 'pack' both the HP turbine and LP turbine glands
to maintain the vacuum. When running at full power a considerable quantity of steam,
0.289 kg/s, leaks from the inner pocket of the inlet end gland and as this steam is at full
inlet temperature it is used to contribute to the turbine output by being passed back into
the turbine. In this case it rejoins the turbine at the HP exhaust and combines with the
main flow of steam in the LP turbine. The gland condenser maintains the outer pockets
at a slight vacuum and the adjacent pockets direct leakage steam to the gland receiver
as also does the equivalent pocket in the LP turbine inlet end gland. A vacuum exists at
the LP turbine exhaust so packing steam is always required by the astern end LP
turbine gland and this is supplied from the gland steam reservoir. Surplus steam is
passed to the main condenser under the control of the reservoir pressure control valve.
It will be noted from Fig 27 that the gland rings or segments are located against a
shoulder by a spring and can be pushed radially outwards from their normal position.
During start-up conditions considerable thermal gradients can be set up in the casing
which can cause distortions greater than the radial clearance at the glands and the
rubbing which results would cause severe local heating and bending of the rotor if the
glands were solid and immovable rather than spring supported. Additionally the
glands are manufactured from materials which give the minimum heating effect when
rubbed. These are commonly nickel aluminium bronze, or, occasionally, carbon when
the operating temperature is less than 425C, and a high chrome iron (17% Cr) at
higher temperatures.
The interstage glands fitted in the diaphragms are of similar design, but require
many fewer baffles as the interstage pressure drops are only a fraction of the pressure
drop across a shaft end gland.
Gland clearances are measured by removing the top half casing and rotor and
inserting lead wire across the baffles at the top and bottom positions and measuring the
thickness of the indentations after the rotor and top half casing have been dropped back
into position. Clearances are taken by long feeler gauges at either side. Temporary
wedges are used to hold the spring loaded gland segments against their locating
shoulders when these clearance checks are being made.
TURBINE common

There are two basic ways of controlling the steam to the turbine.
Throttle control
This utilises a single valve to control the flow of steam through the complete
power range. This means that if a ship operates at low power for significant periods of
time the steam entering the turbine has been heavily throttled and this adds to the losses
involved in running at a point well removed from full power for which the turbine will
have been designed.

Figure 27 Rotor glands; gland diagram

Figure 28 a) Gland system at standby conditions; b) gland system at full power conditions

Figure 29 Control system for throttle valve

Nozzle control
In this case the inlet nozzles to the HP turbine are divided into groups with
each group supplied from its own individual control valve. In this case the valves are
closed sequentially as power is reduced so that throttling only takes place on the steam
being supplied to one group of nozzles so minimising the losses. The most efficient way
of operating at reduced power is at a so called 'nozzle point' where one or more of the
nozzle valves are completely closed to give the desired reduction in power, but those
remaining in service are all fully open.
Control systems
A typical control system for a throttle controlled turbine is shown in Fig 29.
The ahead, astern and guarding valve are all located in an integral chest separate
from the turbine and connected to it by steam pipes connecting to the ahead and astern

turbines respectively. The guarding valve is either open or closed and is a safeguard
against steam being admitted simultaneously to the ahead and the astern turbine. It is
normally closed and only opens when the signal is received for the astern valve to

Figure 30 Typical arrangement of valve gear (ahead)

In the case of single screw ships there would usually be a provision for
emergency steaming whereby if a problem had arisen with the HP turbine, this could be
decoupled from the gearbox and a temporary steam connection made from the steam
chest to the LP turbine.
All the valves are of the single seating diffuser type-the diffuser being the
tapered section downstream of the valve which enables an efficient pressure recovery
to be made from the kinetic energy produced as the steam passes the valve seat at high
The valves are actuated by hydraulic servos supplied with oil from a module
consisting of motor driven positive displacement pumps, and filters giving fine

filtration. The servos are linked to the ship's bridge control system by an actuator which
moves a pilot valve which in turn lets high pressure oil into or out of the servo cylinder to
open or close the steam valve. In the scheme illustrated there is a linkage between the
pilot valve and the servo spindle which is designed to improve the overall control
characteristics by providing an approximate linear relationship between the input
actuator movement and the speed of the ship. This linkage is better illustrated in the
isometric sketch. Fig 30 and this also shows the use of a stepper motor as the link with
the ship's control system. A neater method would be to use a linear electric actuator.
The sketch also shows the speed limiting actuator which protects the turbine
from over speeding if a coupling should fail or the ship's propeller should come out of
the water in rough seas. A speed governor is shown in Fig 31 and this provides the
sensitive oil supply to the speed limiter.
The system diagram also shows an overspeed trip which gives the final protection
against overspeeding the turbines by trip closing all the steam valves if the speed exceeds
a set value.
This overspeed trip valve is solenoid operated and is triggered by the signal from a
solid state electronic overspeed trip unit. To avoid the inconvenience of spurious trips
the overspeed trip unit has three independent circuits which sense the turbine speed by
means of pick-ups mounted in the turbine pedestal, and receiving a speed signal by the
pulses produced by a toothed wheel. A trip is initiated only if two out of the three
circuits indicate that the tripping speed has been reached.

Figure 31

Governor used for speed control of turbines

In the case of nozzle governed turbines the ahead turbine will be controlled by a
number of control valves, usually between four and eight, located in a steam chest
which is an integral part of the HP turbine. These valves may be operated by various

means such as individual hydraulic actuators, or by a camshaft which is rotated by an

electric or hydraulic motor, or a barlift mechanism. The overall control scheme would
follow similar lines to those described above for the throttle control system.
Control valves
Figure 32 illustrates a section through a typical control valve and its enclosure
called a 'chesf, which have various design features, introduced to overcome
operational problems.
The steam chest is subjected to rapid temperature rise during start-up and every
attempt is made to minimise the likelihood of cracking by employing large radii at
corners and a constant section thickness.
The combined valve seat and diffuser is manufactured in a Moly-Van material with
stellite facings on the seating area to resist steam cutting at small valve openings. The
location of the valve seat into the steam chest has a degree of flexibility designed into it.
The reason for this is that the large mass of the chest compared to the seat results in
different rates of expansion during the warm up period and without some flexibility some
crushing of the material beyond the elastic limit would take place and the seat would
become loose.
A major problem in the design of steam valves is the danger of damage due to
steam buffeting. In severe cases this can cause very high frequency vibration which
results in extremely rapid wear of the valve spindles. The design features to combat
this phenomena are the fitting of a flow straightener around the valve, radial keys to
locate the valve and the use of hardened nitrided valve spindles and spindle bushes,
both of which would be made in nitralloy material.
The force required to open a single seated valve can be very large as it is
established by the full inlet steam pressure acting upon the area within the contact circle
on the seats. In order to reduce this a balancing effect is obtained by the use of a pilot
valve formed at the end of the valve spindle, which connects a balance chamber,
positioned above the valve, with the steam pressure which exists downstream of the
valve seat. Thus the first movement of the valve spindle establishes a state of pressure
balance before the main valve lifts off its seat and significant amounts of steam start
flowing into the turbine.
Some steam leakage takes place between the valve spindle and its bushes and
leak-off connections are provided to direct this into the turbine gland steam system.
Various operating parameters are continuously monitored to maintain safe
operation and to maximise the efficiency of the propulsion plant.

Figure 32 Section through marine propulsion turbine control valve and steam
Suitable measuring sensors are usually installed to measure HP shaft thrust
wear; LP shaft thrust wear; HP shaft eccentricity; LP shaft eccentricit}'; differential
expansion HP turbine; differential expansion LP turbine; bearing pedestal vibration.
1. Shaft eccentricity is a measurement of the orbit in which the turbine shaft is
2. Differential expansion relates to the different rates at which the turbine
rotor and casing expand because of the differences in mass and surface area.
The output signals from all the above may be fed to direct reading instruments in
the control room or else fed into a computer data logging system. In the latter case the
readouts could be obtained either as a print out or else as a display on a screen in which
the current reading would appear superimposed on a schematic of the propulsion
plant. Additional data such as vibration levels, oil and bearing temperatures, steam
temperatures and pressures at various points in the cycle, CW temperatures, shaft
speed and power etc. can all be fed into the data logging system and called up for
display on the screen in schematic form by inputting the appropriate code on the
A typical control and monitoring panel is shown in Fig 33.
The turbine can be tripped by means of a solenoid trip valve which drains
signal oil from the control valve operating mechanism resulting in rapid closing of
the steam valves. This trip can be initiated by one of the following.

Figure 33 Panel for the control and monitoring of the machinery

1. The turbine overspeeding above a set limit, usu ally 10% above the normal
2. The loss of bearing oil pressure.
3. The loss of condenser vacuum.
4. Thrust bearing failure.
5. Other factors, such as high vibration, or rotor differential expansion,
could be arranged to trip the turbine if required by the owner and/or the turbine
Turbine alarms
An alarm and annunciator panel might be provided which will give an audible
alarm and an illuminated indication of the cause for the alarm being initiated.
Alternatively the alarm system can form part of the computer data logging and control
system in which case the fault identification would appear on the VDU when an
alarm is initiated.


Condensers and feed heaters are used to increase the efficiency of the
propulsion plant. The condenser reduces the back pressure against which the turbine
works to an extremely low level, typically within 50 mm of mercury of the absolute
vacuum, increasing the power output for a given inlet steam flow and so increasing the
efficiency. In thermodynamic terms the condenser lowers the temperature at which
heat is rejected from the cycle and this increases the fundamental efficiency of the cycle.
The reasons why feed heating improves the efficiency were given earlier.
Constructional and design features of condensers
Most marine condensers are of the axial in-plane type as shown in Fig 7 showing
the general arrangement of the machinery in the ship. The condenser can also be located
beneath the LP turbine exhaust and this arrangement is sometimes used for VLCC
machinery where there is no limitation on the height of the plant. This type of condenser is
illustrated in Figs 34 and 35 which show longitudinal and cross sections of a typical
example and also serve to show the design features common to all condensers.
It is undesirable to suspend the whole weight of the condenser and the
entrained cooling water from the LP turbine on the structure would need to be made
very much stronger to avoid an unacceptably large vertical deflection. Thus,
underslung condensers usually either have spring supports as shown in Figs 34 and 35,
or else they can be mounted solidly on seatings with a flexible bellows connection to the
LP turbine exhaust.
Spring supports are designed to cope with the raqnge of vertical thermal
expansions which can occur in service.
The cold setting procedure is laid down by the manufacturer, and usually
consists of adjusting the height of the condenser after filling with cooling water by
means of jacking screws provided on the spring bases. The aim is to establish a
prescribed gap between the top flange of the condenser and the corresponding flange
on the turbine exhaust. When the flanges are pulled together when making the joint a
calculated proportion of the weight of the condenser is transferred from the springs to
the turbine. The reason for doing this is to enable the springs to be able to absorb the
maximum downward thermal expansion which can occur, which will be under the
emergency operating condition when vacuum has been lost and the condenser casing
has become very hot. If the springs had been incorrectly designed or set a large
upward force could result under these conditions which could lift the LP turbine with
obvious hazardous effects.
The disadvantages of using a solidly mounted condenser with a connecting
bellows are:
1. The bellows could fail and cause loss of vacuum.
2. The turbine is subjected to an additional vertical load when vacuum is
established and this is equal to turbine exhaust area x atmospheric pressure
This is a significant load and is approximately 10,500 kg/m2.
The condenser consists of a welded steel shell into which flows the exhaust
steam from the turbine. Several thousand tubes, usually of about 25 mm diameter, pass
through the shell as shown in the illustration, and these are arranged in a specific
pattern decided upon by the designer. The cooling water flowing through these tubes
removes the latent heat of the steam, so achieving the condensation process, but this
also releases air and traces of other incondensable gases. These incondensable gases
can congregate inside a badly designed condenser masking some of the tubes and

preventing the full vacuum being achieved. The pattern in which the tubes are arranged
is designed to assist in the removal of these gases. In the illustrations it will be seen that
the tubes are arranged in two large groups called tube bundles.
In the centre of each bundle is an air collection duct which runs the whole
length of the condenser and air is driven into these ducts by the steam flowing radially into
the bundles. At the left hand end of the condenser (longitudinal section) these ducts
connect to an air removal duct after passing through a batch of tubes which are
screened from the steam in the condenser by baffle plates and act as an air cooling
section. By cooling the air its volume is reduced and the air pump or air ejectors are made
more effective. Both ends of each tube are located into a tubeplate, usually made in rolled
naval brass, and bolted to each end of the condenser shell. The tubes are expanded into
the holes in the tubeplates by the use of rolling tools or else by high pressure hydraulic
equipment. If the same material is used for the tubes and thetubeplate they can be
welded using specialised automatic orbital welding heads.
The tubes have to be capable of withstanding the corrosive action of sea water,
particularly when it is polluted, and a common choice of material is aluminium brass
which has a good reputation in marine applications. The effect of erosion is minimised
by limiting the velocity of the water in the tubes and Table 2 gives the allowable water
velocities for five commonly used tube materials.
If tubes become partially blocked with debris the local water velocity may
exceed these limits and cause erosion of the tubes. Another danger is that polythene
sheet might be drawn into the cooling water intakes and block off a section of the
tubeplate, so causing an increase of water velocity in the unaffected tubes. The condenser
will have been designed to make full use of the maximum allowable velocities listed in
Table II as the heat transfer on the water side of the tubes is greatly improved by increases
in water velocity. On the other hand, increased velocity will require more power to drive
the cooling water pumps and an economic balance has to be aimed for.
The steam enters the condenser at high velocity bringing with it water droplets;
at the end of the expansion in the turbine about 10% of the steam will have condensed
into water. Quite often a protective grid is fitted, to prevent erosion of the top layers of
tubes from the high speed impingement of these water droplets.
The high steam speed can have another effect which is to cause vibration of
the tubes in a similar manner to the 'singing' of telephone wires in a high wind. The
tube support plates, sometimes called sagging plates, are arranged so that the natural
frequency of the tubes over the span between the support plates is higher than can be
induced by the steam flow.
The support plates have another function which is to increase the strength of the
condenser shell in resisting the vacuum collapse pressure which amounts to 11
tonnes for every square metre of shell surface.At the end of each condenser, waterboxes
are provided to which are connected the cooling water inlet and outlet pipes. The
prime function of the waterboxes is to obtain an even distribution of water flow through
all the tubes. They are welded fabrications in mild steel protected from corrosion by a
rubber lining or an internal coating such as a coal tar epoxy paint. Inspection doors are
provided to allow regular inspection of these protective coatings and also to investigate
any suspected tube to tubeplate joint leaks. If any leaks are found, special 'bungs' are
available to blank off the affected tubes since salt water leaks into the condensate will
have a disastrous effect upon the boiler. The feed water purity is continuously
monitored and problems with the condenser would be indicated by the associated

Constructional and design features of feed heaters

Type of cycle (page 60) described different types of steam cycle used for
propulsion systems involving the use of three different types of feed heaters; low
pressure, high pressure and direct contact deaerator heaters. The constructional details
of these differ considerably as will be seen from the following descriptions.
High pressure heaters
The water side of these heaters operates at the discharge pressure from the
boiler feed pump and this accounts for the basis of the design, a typical example of which
is seen in Fig 36. The feed water connects into a strong forged header and the tube
bundle is formed in a 'U' configuration with tubes expanded and welded into the tube
plates. The thickness of the tube plates and the header walls indicate the high operating
The feed water is heated by the steam bled from the turbine and this steam is
cooled and condensed so that its latent heat contributes the major part of the heating
action. The feed water leaves the heater at the saturation temperature corresponding to
the bled steam pressure and the bled steam condensate is drained to a lower pressure
heater where some of its sensible heat can be recovered.
Low pressure heaters
The water side operates at the discharge pressure from the condensate
extraction pumps and these heaters are of relatively light construction as shown in Fig
37. Steam bled from the turbine has to enter via a deflector pot which prevents direct
impingement onto the heater tubes of water droplets entrained in the wet, low pressure
It will be noted that the heat contained in various drains from hotel service
steam, steam air heater if fitted, brine heaters etc., can be recovered by directing them
into the LP heater. The major heating effect is from the latent heat of the bled steam.
Direct contact deaerator heater This type of heater has the dual action of
removing air which has been absorbed into the condensate as well as providing a
contribution to heating the feed water.
The principle of action was referred to in Type of cycle and Fig 38 illustrates a
deaerator head equipped with multiple nozzles which spray the feed water into direct
contact with the heating steam, which is bled from the turbine. The air and incondensable gases which are released are drawn off by a small fan from a vent in the top of the
deaerator head. Cascade trays help to break the water up into droplets as it falls. The
deaerator operates with a steam pressure above atmospheric to prevent any possibility of
air leaking in, and the feed temperature at outlet is the saturation temperature
corresponding to this pressure.
The deaerator head is normally fitted to a feed storage tank as shown in Fig 39
and the suction to the boiler feed pump connects to this tank.
The wide range of operating speeds for propulsion turbines will have been
noted from earlier descriptions in this chapter and typical values are as follows.
HP turbine
6 500 rev/min
LP turbine
3 600 rev/min
High speed HP turbine
14 000 rev/min
High speed IP turbine
12 000 rev/min.

These turbine speeds have to be reduced to propeller speeds of about 140

rev/min for fast container ships and 80 rev/min for VLCCs and large bulk carriers. In
achieving these speed reductions, enormous torques are developed at the low speed end
of the gearbox and the tooth contact forces are correspondingly very large. The basic
problem in gearing design is achieving a uniform distribution of these forces along the
face width of the tooth. If the designer is unsuccessful, severe pitting of the tooth
surfaces results from the drive being concentrated on a shorter length of tooth than was
Minute distortions of the teeth will totally change this critical load distribution
along the face width of the teeth and the manufacturer has to allow for the bending and
twisting of the gears and pinions which takes place in service, together with differences
in temperature between the gear and the pinion. In addition temperature differences
will exist along the face width of the teeth. The hottest point of a single helical gear is at
approximately one third of the face width and this will cause the gear to adopt a barrel
In order to counteract these effects the manufacturer carries out 'tooth
corrections' which aim at ensuring an even load distribution when the gear is running
under its normal operating conditions. It will be appreciated from all this that any
adjustments to the gearing must only be carried out by suitably experienced and
knowledgeable personnel.

Figure 34 Longitudinal section through condenser

Figure 35 Cross section through condenser

Table 2 Allowable water velocities.


Typical wall
thickness velocity

Admiralty brass
90.10 Copper nickel
7.30 Copper nickel
0.7 or 0.5
Stainless steel 316

0.7 4.0



Figure 36 High pressure heat

Types of gearbox
Two types have emerged as the most suitable for marine propulsion, these
being the locked train type or else the epicyclic gearbox. Both types make use of
hardened and ground gears although the low speed wheel in a locked train gearbox may
be through hardened meshing with hardened and ground pinions.
Locked train gearboxes
The arrangement of a typical example is shown in Fig 40. The inputs from
the HP and LP turbines should be noted, the inputs being by flexible couplings as
described in the section Turbine bindings and diaphragms (page 73). Each input pinion
meshes with a pair of first reduction wheels, thus splitting the drive so that four second
reduction pinions mesh with the main wheel. Thus the tooth meshing forces represent only
a quarter of the total torque being transmitted.
The connections from the first reduction wheels to the second reduction pinions
are torsionally flexible quill shafts which pass through the centres of the hollow
secondary pinions. This feature reduces any variation in the load sharing between the
four secondary pinions. Also, the quill drive connects to the pinion through a flexible
coupling and this allows the pinion to adopt a correct meshing alignment with the main
wheel without being disturbed by any distortions of the gear case.
When setting up the gearbox the flexible couplings are freed from the quill shafts
by an oil injection process and all the pinions are rotated into mesh contact taking up
all the backlash in the normal direction of rotation. The oil injection pressure is then
released, re-fixing the couplings to the quill shafts and ensuring that all four pinions
take up the drive simultaneously and hence share the load equally.

Figure 37 LP heater and drain cooler

Figure 38 S-type deaerator head

Figure 39 Deaerator head and storage tank

Figure 40 Locked train gearbox

The bearings are pressure lubricated in the usual way and the teeth are
lubricated and cooled by oil sprays which apply the oil immediately after meshing has
When a turbine is shut down in the hot condition it needs to be rotated slowly
to prevent thermal distortions taking place. The Ibarring' or turning gear which provides
this rotation is an auxiliary, motor driven worm reduction gear mounted on the gearbox
and can be brought into mesh with one of the input pinions or first reduction wheels.
Suitable protection is provided to prevent any attempt to do this when the machinery is
rotating under steam (Fig 41).

Figure 41 Turning gear.

Figure 42 Double reduction epicyclic gearbox

Epicyclic gears
A double reduction epicyclic gearbox is shown in Fig 42. The turbine input is
via a toothed coupling to the sun wheel of the first reduction gear and the drive passes
through the planet wheels to the annulus. The annulus assembly rotates and connects to
the sun wheel of the secondary reduction gear which has a fixed annulus and the
output coupling is driven by the planet gear carrier.
Epicyclic gears offer big advantages over other types in terms of lightness
and compactness. Tooth loadings are reduced by splitting the drive through a number of
planet gears usually between 3 and 5. Various methods are employed to achieve a
uniform distribution of load along the face width of the tooth. In the case of the gearbox
shown in the illustration a flexible annulus is utilised, which provides a limited
movement to allow the planet wheel and annulus teeth to align themselves accurately.
This gearbox also incorporates the main thrust bearing.
Oil is required for the thrust and journal bearings of the turbine and gearbox,
for the gearing lubrication and cooling sprays and for the main propeller shaft thrust
bearing. Atypical systemarrangementis shown in Fig 43 which incorporates motor driven
pumps for starting and emergency back-up, and an engine driven, normal duty pump.
The drive for the latter would usually be taken from an intermediate shaft in the
gearbox. Further emergency supply is provided by the gravity tank which is
maintained in a fully filled condition by an orificed connection to the oil supply mains
from the pumps. Oil will be supplied automatically to the bearings for a limited period
from this tank if all the pumps fail.

The oil coolers and niters are duplicated with isolating and changeover valves
provided to allow maintenance on the shut down unit. The pressure drop across the
filters is measured to indicate when cleaning or a change of element is required and the
temperature drop across the coolers will give an indication of when they require
A centrifugal separator is often used with a connection from the bottom of the oil
tank, to remove any build up of water in the oil.

Figure 43 Lubricating oil system

These are usually self contained machines with ratings in the range of 400- 2 000
kW and a typical 1 000 kW set is shown in Fig 44. The condenser is integrated into the bed
frame and the latter also acts as the oil tank, with the oil filters and cooler mounted on it.

Figure 44 1000 kW turbo-generator.

The turbine would run at speeds in the range 9,000-12,0OOrev/mindrivmga6OHz

1,800 rev/mingenerator through either an epicyclic or side pinion gearbox.
All the turbine components are smaller, but similar to those described for the
main propulsion turbines, but an essential difference exists with the control system as
the speed has to be maintained constant to close limits in order to maintain the electrical
system frequency.
The steam valves are opened and closed by hydraulic servo mechanisms
called control valve actuators, a version of which is shown in Fig 45. The governor
produces a signal oil pressure, which raises or lowers a pilot valve against a spring, and
the latter admits or releases high pressure control oil to or from the servo. The steam
valve is attached to the bottom beam of the actuator. The mechanism has to be able to
repeat the valve position for a given signal oil pressure from the governor accurately. If
a variation of more than 0.1 mm exists, it is unlikely that good governing will be
achieved. If problems are experienced and the electrical frequency is fluctuating or
'hunting7, the problem will lie either with the governor itself or will be due to scoring of
the actuator pilot valve or the sleeve in which it operates. This type of damage would
have to be very carefully removed, the final operation being the use of metal polish or
a fine lapping compound to achieve the high surface finish and low friction that is

Figure 45 Inlet governing valve actuator.

Figure 46 Stop valve assembly

Another very important aspect of turbo generators is the protection against

overspeed, as an electrical fault may instantly remove the load from the turbine and
this will result in very high rates of acceleration taking place. To avoid a disastrous
overspeed which can result in the disintegration of the turbine and generator rotors,
the steam valves have to close within a fraction of a second of the loss of load. An
overspeed trip unit is fitted to the turbine rotor. This usually consists of an eccentric ring
restrained by a spring. The spring will move out from its normal position if the turbine
speed reaches 110% of its normal value, operating a trip valve. This valve dumps the
control oil which, in addition to causing the control valves to close, also causes the trip
cylinder to operate. Figure 46 shows the stop valve assembly and the trip arrangement
which allows a powerful spring to close the valve when the trip cylinder operates. This
whole sequence of events is designed to take place so quickly that the maximum speed
rise of the turbine is limited to about 15%.
If more than one turbo generator is installed in the ship and if a diesel generator
is also fitted, it is necessary to ensure that when they are operating in parallel they
share the overall electrical load. This will only be achieved if each governor has a
closely similar droop characteristicthe speed change from no load to full load is equal
for each generator in the ship's system. If proprietary governors are fitted these usually
have a droop adjustment facility, but problems can arise if the governor is
manufactured by the turbine or diesel engine builder as these usually have a fixed droop
characteristic which can only be changed by fitting a different governor spring or else by
changing a signal oil orifice.
Turbine operation is based upon the principle of obtaining maximum reliability
for the propulsion plant, minimising the amount of maintenance work that is required,
and maximising the operating efficiency.
Safeguarding reliability
The following are sources of damage to steam plant.
Water erosion
Considerable amounts of water are condensed during start-up, the latent heat of
the condensed steam being absorbed in heating up the pipework and turbine casings
to their working temperature. The steam main should be gradually pressurised and
warmed through using the blow-down drain until the full rated pressure is obtained at
the turbine stop valve, with at least 50C superheat before admitting steam to the
turbine. The turbine should then be warmed through, with vacuum established and
gland steam applied, by sequentially opening and closing the ahead and astern valves
for short durations just sufficient to cause the shaft to rotate, all turbine casing drains
being open. This warming through procedure would be incorporated into an
automated start-up system, as would the rate of build up of power from a cold start. If
the machinery has been in service within 12 hours or so there would be no need to follow
this routine.
Thermal stress
The greatest danger of excessive thermal stresses being imposed on the
turbine with subsequent damage in the form of cracks, is likely during start-up from
cold. The aim is to warm through gradually, following the manufacturer's

An important aspect to understand is that heat transfer through a wetted

surface will be 30 to 40 times greater than through a dry surface and this very rapid
heating can cause high thermal stress and distortion in the turbine casing. If, for
example the turbine is on low power, a vacuum will exist within the turbine through the
LP cylinder and up to the first few stages of the HP turbine which will be the only stages
producing power. If the throttle valves are suddenly opened to obtain a large increase
in power output, the pressure distribution inside the turbine is changed dramatically so
that much higher pressures are established in the HP turbine reducing to a vacuum only in
the last few LP stages. The inside walls of the turbine casing would have initially been
dry and at the saturation temperature corresponding to a vacuum, which would be
significantly lower than the saturation temperature of the high pressure which has been
established suddenly. The cold metal surface initiates condensation and the
subsequent wet conditions promote very high rates of heat transfer, with the risk of
distortion and cracking referred to earlier.
One source of serious vibration is a rotor becoming bent, and a bend of only
0.04 mm is sufficient to cause rough running. A rotor can have either a temporary or a
permanent bend.
A temporary bend is created if a rotor is allowed to remain stationary in a warm or
hot turbine. Therrno-syphon effects in the space inside the casing result in the top
becoming hotter than the bottom and this results in the rotor becoming bent in a convex
upwards shape. The condition can be eliminated and avoided by always ensuring that
the rotors are barred round if the casings are hot.
A permanent bend can result from heavy gland rubs, although modern glands
are designed to minimise the damage caused by rubbing. A rub is caused either by
attempting to run with a rotor having a temporary bend as described above, or else
because the casing has distorted as a result of attempting to increase power from cold
too rapidly with the resulting effects described in the previous paragraph. The effect of a
rub is to cause intense local heating of the rotor which causes the bend to increase and
create a snowballing worsening of the situation with the rotor rotating in a 'skipping
rope' mode. The situation can only be avoided by rapidly reducing power on the first
onset of vibration and attempt to roll out the bend by running the turbine at no more than
400 rev/ min.
Vibration may also be the result of damage to the rotor blades or shrouding, the
loss of blades or shorouding, or to bearing instability.
Damage to journals and thrust bearings The section on bearings described the
small dimension of the oil films established in the journal and thrust bearing, the result
of which is that virtually any foreign matter in the oil will cause scoring which can
reduce the effectiveness of the bearing in establishing an oil film. Thus a cumulative
effect can take place which can lead to a bearing failure. The point to be observed is to
maintain scrupulous cleanliness whenever any part of the oil system is opened up.
Maximising efficiency
To maximise efficiency the aim is to run the plant in the manner intended by the
designer. The inlet steam conditions should be kept at the prescribed values as should the
vacuum. Any fall off of the latter can lose about 4% in efficiency for every 25 mm loss of
vacuum. There is no gain in operating at a vacuum better than the designed value as the
turbine last stage of blades cannot take advantage of the lower pressure and the
expansion to the lower pressure will take place in the condenser with no contribution of
additional power.
Any throttling at the turbine control valves should be minimised. If the turbine

has multiple control valves the ship should be operated at a power level which allows
all the valves in service to be virtually fully open. If the turbine has a single control
valve some designs provide separate small groups of inlet nozzles, each controlled by a
manual isolating valve. These groups can be brought into service as required to maintain
the service speed, depending on the cleanliness of the hull. This avoids the main
valve operating in a throttling mode when the hull is clean, in order to allow the reserve
of power needed to maintain speed with the hull in a fouled condition.
Bled steam pressures should be maintained at the design values. If the stage
pressures show significant variation it is likely that the turbine blades have either become
coated with boiler salts or else have suffered some degree of damage. In either case the
flow area through the blades has been reduced and this causes the change in pressure
distribution in the turbine.
As the condenser cooling water and the condensate and feed water pass through
the various stages of feed heating, temperature rises should be monitored to ensure that
the tubes are not fouled and in need of cleaning.

Chapter 3
Marine Diesel Engines

'Engineering' is the application of scientific principles to practical ends such as the
design, construction and operation of efficient and economical structures. By
understanding the reasons behind design features and manufacturing techniques, marine
engineers can operate their engines with a greater depth of understanding of the
loadings, both mechanical and thermal. A full understanding of the engine as a whole,
and as individual components or systems, makes the ship's engineer a more competent
and self-reliant operator. This chapter aims to provide an insight into the individual
components of an engine, highlighting the design criteria and how they inter-relate with
the other components in the engine to provide a reliable and operational whole.
Bedplates are the 'foundation' of the engine, without the support of which the shaft
alignment in particular, and engine structure as a whole, would inevitably be lost.
The original bedplate design followed the practices involved in the steam reciprocating
engines, but it soon became apparent that the magnitude of the forces generated inside
a diesel were substantially greater than those in a steam engine, and of a different
nature, with the consequence that bedplates had to be developed which would
accommodate the 'cyclic' peak pressures, and at the same time maintain the alignment
for these longer engines. As power weight ratios became more competitive, the fabricated bedplate evolved to provide a light but strong and stiff foundation. The fabricated
bedplate has subsequently undergone several refinements.
The traditional basic structure of two longitudinal girders tied together with
transverse girders has stood the test of time. There have been some modifications to
accommodate the ever increasing mean effective pressures (mep); a consequence of the
ongoing search for greater powers whilst still minimising weight. The classic transverse
girder structure is shown in Fig 1.
Figure la shows an end view (looking fore and aft). Fig 1b shows a longitudinal section
through the transverse girder and indicates how the bearing saddle is supported. The
arrows indicate the forces imposed upon the bearing by the firing forces in the engine.
These forces corne through the running gear (piston, crosshead, con-rod, and crankshaft),
and are both cyclic and fluctuating in nature. The bearing saddle requires very
substantial support to withstand these forces, especially as both peak and mean effective
pressures increase.
The top and bottom plates of the longitudinal girder are substantially thicker than their
supporting plates, because they are the ones upon which the longitudinal and

transverse alignment of the engine depend. It is therefore necessary for there to be adequate thickness in these plates to allow for a final machining across them once the
whole bedplate is assembled, thereby recovering any distortion that may have
occurred during the fabrication process. This machining, performed in a huge
milling/planing machine, that both spans and travels the length of the bedplate, leaves the
bedplate ready to accept, and align on its upper face, the rest of the engine structure. The
lower face provides a flat surface for the mating of the supporting chocks.

Figure 1 Structure of bed plate: section through bedplate and section (A-A) through
transverse girder
The chocks are used to compensate for the natural unevenness of the tank tops and in so
doing give the bedplate a seating as close as possible to the stiff and flat bed where the
engine was originally built and tested. The tank tops are, by their very nature, not
necessarily flat, and so, in compensation, the chocks used have to be hand fitted to
provide the level base required for the bedplate. To reduce the cost and time required for
the fitting of these chocks, the tank tops, instead of being spot faced by local machining,
are now frequently fitted with prepared pads welded in situ. These plates provide a
machined surface to which the chocks can be more readily matched.
Matching is a job requiring great skill and practice if the chocks are to be fitted accurately
and in such a way that fretting is avoided as far as possible. Fretting is the process which
occurs when a slight oscillatory movement takes place between two surfaces under
load; the result being the abrasion of surface material. Initially on a microscopic scale,
'fretting' can progress to such an extent that there is a complete loss of grip between the
two surfaces. Wearing proceeds so that slackness and unacceptable movement occur.
Since fretting produces an irregular (non-flat) surface it is a difficult situation to rectify or
recover, other than by machining flat and true again. In some instances, grinding the
surface with 'mandrills' has been an effective palliative, but access below the bedplate
precludes either of these operations (unless the whole engine is dismantled and the
bedplate raised to give access).
For this reason it is essential that the chocks fitted must have the maximum surface
contact with the tank top and the underside of the bedplate. Any 'peaks' on the chocks
will soon be compressed out by fretting and loading so that the chock will become
slack, and the alignment of the bedplate, and hence the crankshaft, will be impaired.
Misalignment of the crankshaft can lead to many problems, the least of which could be
damage to the white metal bearings, and the worst of which could be cracking of the
crankshaft ultimately leading to fracture. During any part of the above there is the
potential for a crankcase explosion; a situation that must be avoided at all costs.
The chocks are carefully hand scraped and fitted at their relevant location and the engine

pulled down onto them using folding down bolts', the latter having undergone
several changes over recent years.
Many engineers at sea will now have had experience with the synthetic resins used as a
chocking material. These resins come as a pourable fluid into which is mixed a
hardening agent. The fluid can then be poured into preformed retaining dams under the
engine bedplate, setting without any contraction in dimension. All that is required is a
tolerance for a small amount of compression which occurs when the engine is hardened
down. Greased dowels, or similar, are used to protect the bolt holes from filling up with
the liquid resin. Being impervious to oil, sea water and mild acids, the resin is an ideal
and simple alternative to the steel/cast iron chocking traditionally used. There is a
reduction in fitting time, skilled labour is not required, nor are machine flat surfaces, and
as the resin gives 100% contact there is a potential for reduction in the incidence of
The area of the resin chock is, naturally, larger than that used for the metallic chocking
and may cover several holding down bolts at a time. There is also a slight internal
resilience in the material, not apparent in cast iron, which gives the resin a very small
ability to absorb or dampen vibration transmission.
It is easy to see that the adoption of long studs to hold down the bedplate has led to
greater elasticity in the stud, in such a way that the chock is held in compression even
as the surfaces bed into one another. To provide further security of grip the holding
down bolts invariably carry a necked section with outside diameter (od) smaller than
the diameter at the root of the threaded sections. The potential for failure at the root of
a thread is thus alleviated. As with all such studs (piston crown, cylinder head, tie bolts
and so on), the necked section should never be marked or damaged. Any scratch, pop
mark or surface flaw can lead to the localising of stresses that can lead to fatigue failure.
The origin of the failure is frequently easily traced to the surface damage previously
mentioned. The studs are therefore fitted as illustrated in Fig 2, from which it can be
seen that sleeves are used to allow the adoption of long studs, the exposed threads being
protected from impact damage by metal caps. Lock nuts are no longer favoured
because they give a false sense of security; whilst they may appear tight and apparently
satisfactory in a cursory check, it is possible that fretting may have occurred, leading to a
lack of 'dimensional accuracy', so that the grip of the nuts is lost, even though they
remain tight against each other. A single nut with some form of locking built in or tab
washer is to be preferred. It is more easily tested and less likely to give a false
impression of tightness.
The whole system of chocking is designed to give the bedplate, as nearly as possible,
the alignment originally provided on the test bed. To produce this in the engine room,
the bedplate is landed onto temporary chocks, which are adjustable so that the
bedplate alignment can be modified (using piano wires, optical telescopes, or laser
beams) to as close to the original condition as possible. It is at this point that the metallic
hand fitted chocks or the epoxy resin chocking is fitted. Once this is achieved the temporary chocks are removed.
The longitudinal girders of the bedplate are constructed to provide adequate
longitudinal stiffness to the structure so that the crankshaft alignment is maintained.
Problems arise as ships' structures become lighter (to improve their cargo carrying
competitiveness), in that they also become more flexible. Such problems do create
difficulties for the engine builder/designer who has to make every attempt to ensure
that his bedplate remains longitudinally rigid under all service conditions. With this in
mind, the ship's engineer must recognise the need for maintenance of bedplate
alignment. He should check for slack or loose bolts and chocks at regular intervals,
whilst appreciating that the slackness of an individual chock may not alone cause
alignment problems. It may, in conjunction with other engine operating conditions, lead

to bearing failure or bearing wear down. Overloading of the engine collectively or on

one or more units, together with loose chocks, which separately may not be of
sufficient magnitude to damage the engine, may collectively lead to some form of
bearing/shaft failure.
The fact that a problem within any part of the engine system may be caused, not by a
single component, but by the interaction of several minor inconsistencies, should be
borne in mind by the engineer as he attempts to analyse or diagnose a particular condition.
The longitudinal girders are tied together by 'transverse girders' to make the
bedplate. Until recently, these were of two plate construction, as shown in Fig 1.
The two plates are placed at the extremities of the bearing saddle so that they carry the
firing loads of the adjacent units with as little longitudinal deformation of the saddle
alignment as possible. To further strengthen the plates, mutual support is provided by
stiffening tubes welded into the two cheek plates. Successful as these supports were for
many years, the ever increasing demand for power with as little weight as possible has led
to more failures, predominately under the bearing saddle, but also along the sealing
welds. It should be appreciated that the 'box-like' structure of the transverse girder, Fig
1b, is difficult to fabricate without there being an in-built weakness (notch) in the closing
weld. Because of this, and other allied needs to provide a strong transverse girder, cast
steel units are now the norm for larger engines. Figure 3 shows a recent form of this
The diagram clearly shows how the firing forces transmitted into the crankshaft, and
thence into the bearing and saddle, are transmitted via the stiffening webs directly to the
ends of the tie bolts. Although these cast transverse girders are, by nature, heavier than
their predecessors they are immensely strong and can take the increased loading
without deformation or failure. Thus, the crankshaft alignment is maintained, even
though powers have increased with consequent higher bearing loading. The firing forces
that press down on the bearing saddle also attempt to push up the cylinder covers, the
net effect being to put the whole of the engine structure into tensile loading. Tie rods
pass through the engine structure and are tensioned in such a way that, even during
peak powers, the structure of the engine, from transverse girder to the top of the jacket,
is held in compression. The tie rods have to be strong and capable of withstanding
cyclic stressing due to the firing forces. To provide this as safely as possible they will be
designed with the same protections as mentioned earlier for studs. Similarly, they will
need to be uniformly tensioned, preferably hydraulically, to the designed loadings.
Any uneven loading, including excessive loading of these tie rods, can result in their
failure, either by fracture or by fretting at the ends where their nuts seat on the jacket
casing and under the transverse girder.

Figure 2 Fitting of studs in bedplate.

During firing the transverse girders are subjected to a bending moment, as the the
saddle is pushed down by the crankshaft and the tie rods are pulled up. To limit this
bending effect and consequent distortion of the bearing housing, the tie rods are positioned as close as possible to the centreline of the shaft. This, in turn, causes problems
in the arrangements for holding down the top cover of the bearing. One manufacturer
overcomes this by using jacking bolts from the inside of the A-frame as shown in Fig 4.
This allows the tie bolts to be placed very close to the bearing and thereby reduces the
bending effects across the transverse girder. Other manufacturers achieve similar
protection by using two top keeps held in place by smaller studs offset from the transverse centreline of the tie bolts (Fig 3).
The search for increasing powers and, possibly more importantly, fuel economy has led
to the development of the super long stroke engines with stroke bore ratios of 2.5:1. Such
engines require large throws from the crankshaft. To accommodate these, if the
traditional double plate box type longitudinal girders were to be used, the bedplate
would need to be much wider. However, a solution has been devised such that the
increased throw is accommodated, to a large extent, within the bedplate itself. This has
been made possible by making the bedplate much deeper than previously and then by
using single plate longitudinal girders. These reduce the overall width of the engine and
keep the weight down. In addition, the shaft centre line has been dropped and the

horizontal forces generated by the crankshaft and its running gear are thus taken
directly into the transverse girder instead of along the line of the interface between the Aframes and the bedplate.
Such a design can be seen in Figs 3 and 4. In both cases the transverse girders are
designed to carry the stresses generated as the engine operates. Many container ships
and tankers now have engines with stroke bore ratios in excess of 3.5:1. Whilst the stroke
is lengthened, the engine height is maintained by shortening the connecting rod. The
same principles as above apply for the bedplate.

Figure 3 a) Two main bearing caps with associated shell bearings, holding down
arrangements and oil supply;
b) cast transverse girder (with radial webs); c) single plate longitudinal girder,
with substantial ribs.

The longitudinal girders are substantially supported by both horizontal and

vertical ribbing, both providing strength and stiffness to the 'mono-plate' structure.
Access to all webbing is possible so that the integrity of all the welding is assured (Fig 3).

Figure 4 Transverse section of engine, showing jacking bolts inside A frame.

At some time, and in varying degress, the crankshaft is exposed to all forms of
mechanical stressing. On the larger engines the crankshaft has, for many years, been
manufactured by forging, from a single billet, the combined 'webs' and 'bottom end'
comprising one 'throw'. These were then assembled into the composite structure of
the crankshaft by 'shrink fitting' the relevant main bearing journals between each
throw. These shrink fits, in the region of 1/600 the shaft diameter, used to be achieved by
heating up the web and then entering the pin when the required expansion had taken
place. However, with this method there was the possibility that slight products of
oxidation, created by the heating, might become trapped in the interface such that the
integrity of the grip was marginally reduced. To avoid this, liquid nitrogen or similar
cooling agents have recently been adopted to cool the pin sufficiently for it to be entered
into the web. These 'shrink' fits create quite substantial crushing forces on the pin which
lead to similar magnitude tensile stresses around the bore of the hole in the web. The
distribution of these is such that a series of concentric circles can be drawn, linking
together stresses of the same magnitude, usually referred to as 'hoop' stresses. To
ensure that there is no discontinuity to these hoops, the fitting of dowels or keys along
the interface, between pin and web, should be avoided. These stresses, imposed
during the manufacturing process, will be an inevitable part of the crankshaft loading for
the rest of its life. In operation the shaft will be subjected to stresses over and above
these inherent residual stresses. Their combined effects must therefore be considered and
allowed for in design strength. In an attempt to separate the effects of these two stresses
it has become common practice for the ends of the main bearing journal to be 'swollen' to a
larger diameter in way of the shrink fit. This then means that the region in which the
maximum hoop stresses are concentrated is removed from the area where the web applies
the main turning moment to the pin. It is essential that there is a generous radius between
these two diameters. In some cases the finely machined radius may be 'cold rolled' to
further improve its resistance to cracking, thereby providing the crankshaft with
greater integrity.
A diagrammatic view of the distribution of the hoop stresses is shown in Fig 5.
The more obvious forms of mechanical stressing that the crankshaft is subjected to are
torsional stressing and bending stressing. Torsional stressing, being a result of the forces
applied by the connecting rod to the bottom end, varies in magnitude with both the
changes in cylinder pressure and the angle of thrust applied by the connecting rod
during the power stroke. The compression stroke, acting as a resistance to turning, further
compounds this variation in torque, so that, were the shaft not adequately dimensioned,
early fatigue failure through cyclic torsional stressing would be likely to occur.
'Torsional' vibration indicates a situation where an applied turning moment causes the
shaft to 'wind up' (twist along its length) and then unwind again as the stiffness of the
shaft re-asserts itself over the applied torque.

Figure 5 Distribution of hoop stresses: a) longitudinal section through shaft and web;
b) end view on shaft and web.

There is a limit beyond which any shaft (and indeed any component) subjected to a
cyclic stress will fatigue and fail. For this reason torsional stressing beyond the design
value should be avoided. This, in turn, means that overloading of one or more units must
be avoided, as must any cylinder pressure distribution that is away from the norm. In
direct drive diesel engines, the ability of the propeller to absorb torque influences the
torsional stresses within a crankshaft system (and the line shaft system). Should any
imbalance (broken or bent blades for example) occur in the propeller the engineer
should be aware that the resultant reaction in the engine will aggravate the torsional
stresses already in it.
The bending stresses generated within the shaft system are easy to visualise,
especially if one main bearing is lower than it should be (due to wear, or lack of support
from chocks). The firing forces will deflect the shaft into the housing causing the shaft to
bend, which in turn causes the fibres at the outside surface of the curvature to be put into
tension whilst those on the inside are compressed. Throughout the revolution these
stresses are reversed, leading to a cyclic stressing that may lead to fatigue failure,
particularly if there are flaws on the journal that may act as crack initiation centres. The
most obvious of these are any drillings in the shaft, made to provide lubrication
passages. Naturally, the area around such holes is subjected not only to the torsional
effects but also to the bending stresses mentioned above. In an attempt to make the holes
accept these loadings, they are provided with generous radii and have as smooth and
consistent a surface finish as possible. Though torque is a function of radius, and hence
the maximum torque is felt at the surface of a shaft, there will be torque transmission of
some value throughout the depth of the shaft, so it is important to maintain reasonable
surface finish over the full depth of the oil hole. Any surface inconsistency within the hole
may lead to crack propagation in the shaft which could work its way through the
whole shaft.
Apart from torsion and bending stresses, the shaft will also be subjected to shear
forces, particularly over the tdc position, where the piston rod, connecting rod and webs
are in alignment and the turning moment is negligible. At this point in the cycle, the
crank throw is thrust downwards creating a shearing effect on the two main journals.
However, a large part of the load (discounting the crosshead) will go into the bottom
end bearing. Though designed in every way to absorb this, the bottom end bearing
will be subjected to a bending force whilst being supported by the webs. The latter are
thus put into compression and must be designed with adequate strength to withstand
this loading, especially as later in the stroke these webs are put into tension, albeit of a
much lower magnitude.
The combined effect of the above peak loading is the generation of a stress concentration
on the under side of the bottom end pin where it meets the web. For this reason a generous
radius is formed around the pin blending it into the web to give as smooth a stress
distribution as possible. This radius does, however, reduce the load carrying area
available for a given width between webs. It is for this reason that many shafts are now
made with the radius set back into the web, thereby giving protection (in terms of stress
distribution) whilst still providing a full width pin.
Another and major method of providing strength against the above stressing is that of
producing crankshaft throws with continuous 'grain flow'. This means that a billet of
steel is forged into the shape of the crank throw so that the original centre of the billet (of
an inherently weaker grain structure than that at the surface, as a result of the slower rate
of cooling at the centre, where larger and therefore weaker grains form) follows the

centre ground of the webs and bearing. This in turn means that the finer, and therefore
stronger, grain structure is maintained along the surface of the throw, giving strength to
the highly loaded areas.
It is normally accepted that the shrink fit will only slip in service if exceptional stresses
are imposed on the crankshaft system.
Attempting to start the engine when a cylinder is partially filled with fluid may cause
slip. Fluid may have accumulated above the piston because of leakage from piston, jacket
or valve cooling, or it could be fuel from a leaking fuel injector. There must be sufficient
liquid (virtually incompressible) so that the piston rising towards tdc is restricted in
movement and the crankshaft continuing to turn causes the slip to occur. The unit
resisting movement is the one at which the slip is most likely to take place. Normally
only one such shrink fit is affected by slipping. The amount of displacement can be seen
by checking the alignment marks (witness marks, Fig 5). Previous experience has
shown that the amount of damage to the relevant mating surfaces is negligible so that the
original degree of grip will not be lost.
Naturally, the movement of one web relevant to the rest of the engine will have an effect
on the timing and balance of the engine. The overall effect is related to the degree of twist
and the location, along the crankshaft, at which the slip has taken place. A small amount
of twist may well be accommodated within the engine, perhaps with some minor
adjustments made to the fuel timing. A large amount of slip would need further
assessment and it is likely that some form of recovery should be attempted. Before that,
it is important to consider the number of units, and those which are affected by the slip.
That is to say the 'slipped' unit will not be the only one out of phase (unless it is the end
unit of an engine). To determine which units are affected, work from the cam shaft
drive to the slipped unit. All units 'beyond' this point are adversely affected.
The following systems may be affected to a greater or lesser degree by the slip.
/. Fuel timing
Usually recoverable by adjustment of the pump or cam.
2. 'Breathing' of the engine (aspiration)
The regular sequence of breathing from the scavenge space will be changed by the
displacement of the crank which controls the point at which the piston uncovers the
ports. This can only be recovered by realignment of the crank system. In extreme cases
of slip the irregular breathing may result in the surging of the turbocharger and possibly the vibration of the scavenge spaces themselves.
3. Exhaust
The timing of the exhaust will have altered due to the change o f phase that occurs be tween
the crankshaft and the cam shaft over the affected units. The exhaust timing will be
affected so that the turbo-charger may well surge and vibrations of the uptake piping
may occur. In mild cases the cams may be adjusted to return to an acceptable operating
condition. Where the twist is large it will be necessary to realign the slipped shrink fit.
4. Balance
The disposition of weights will have been altered throughout the crankshaft system,
with an adverse effect on its static and dynamic balance. The 'critical' speed will have
altered and unacceptable engine vibrations may be set up, affecting chocking and other
mountings throughout the engine.
Perhaps the simplest approach to assessing the acceptability or otherwise of a slipped
shrink fit would be to run the engine and monitor the areas mentioned above. This
should be done judiciously and subsequently at regular intervals thereafter. If any of
the conditions mentioned above are, or look likely to become, unacceptable then
recovery of the slip is essential. Whenever possible and convenient, the repair should be
carried out at a shiprepair facility. If this is not possible, there are several recorded

precedents for recovery procedures.

1. Chill as far as possible the crank pin (dry ice etc.).
2. After several hours of cooling, warm up the web by applying a broad flame over a
wide area.
3. Lock the journal against rotation (remove shims and harden down the keep).
4. Jack the webback into position. (Mount the jack on wooden battens to protect bedplate
structure from a high and localised load).
5. Erect a stop above the web, to prevent overshoot ing the desired position, before
applying jacking force.
6. The fitting of dowels is not recommended; they upset the hoop stresses mentioned
earlier and, being 'driven' in, also lift the surfaces apart and thereby reduce the
frictional grip essential to the shrink fit.
7. Record the affected unit in the engine log, ensuring that the witness marks are
regularly checked initially, after just a few running hours and then after every voyage
or extremely heavy weather, where possible.
Adequate precautions must be taken against fire, contamination of lubricating oil, and
unexpected engine movement and so on. Such a repair should not be undertaken by ships'
staff without referring to the engine builders and the superintendent engineer.
Crankshafts should be checked for the following.
a) surface damage of journals by:
i. scoring by impurities in lubricating oil or particles embedded in white metal.
ii. corrosion (usually apparent as discoloration), possibly from weak acids caused by
oxidation of lubricating oil (weak); bacteria in oil; products of combustion (trunk
b) cracks at fillet radii, oil holes or other areas where stress concentrations occur. Caused
by cyclic torsional stresses; crankshaft misalignment (worn main bearings or
loose chocks); overloading of the engine.
c) slipped shrink fit (check witness marks).
Caused by liquid in cylinder during starting; propeller collision with submerged object;
extreme and sudden overloading of a unit or units (possibly as a result of a major fault
in the fuel injection and timing system).
d) ovality.
This occurs infrequently but is a problem that primarily concerns the bottom end
journal, though in extreme cases the mains and even the crosshead pins may be affected. It
is caused by a combination of reduced effectiveness of lubricating oil and the directional
thrust of the connecting rod, which is at a maximum somewhere around 45 deg after tdc,
with a result that the journal wears oval. The amount of ovality in line with and at 90
deg to the maximum thrust should be checked. Usually the maximum ovality that can
be carried is in the region of one-quarter the working clearance of the bearing, any more
would begin to affect hydrody-namic lubrication. Ovality can be recovered to
acceptable conditions by in situ grinding.
One of the most important and radical changes of recent times has been the production
of crankshafts by 'welding* together pre cast or forged sections of shaft. This process,
accepted by all the major classification societies and regulating bodies, has the advantage
of eliminating the need for a shrink fit. The procedure is simply to forge a throw,
similar to that described earlier though this time with sections of shaft formed at the

lower end of the webs. These 'stubs', when welded to the adjacent throw form the main
bearing journals. The welding techniques employed are such that these shafts are more
than able to withstand the variations in stress mentioned above. As there is no longer any
need to provide a depth of material around the pin, in which to absorb the hoop stresses,
these shafts are much lighter in structure than the traditional shrink fit shafts.
Deflections are readings obtained from between the webs of individual crank throws as
the crankshaft is rotated. Standard procedure is to fit a dial gauge between the webs,
usually as close to the shaft circumference as possible (at opposite side to throw), and
set to zero when crank throw is as close to bdc as possible. Turning the crankshaft slowly
and taking a reading at every 90 deg thereafter will provide top and bottom readings
indicating the state of the shaft alignment in the vertical plane, and port and starboard
readings indicating the state of alignment in the horizontal plane. Figures 6 and 7 show
the effect of low and high bearings on deflection readings. It should be noted, however,
that the readings from one unit alone do not enable the shaft alignment to be assessed. It
is only from an overview of the interrelationship of all units that the lie of the shaft can
be interpreted. The readings of an individual unit may point to a problem being
present but they will not determine the cause. Also, although a set of deflections will
indicate, when correctly translated, where misalignment is occurring, it is imperative that
a set of wear down readings is also taken. An excessively worn bearing will inevitably
give shaft misalignment. Only when the wear down readings have been taken, and
satisfactory adjustments to the worn bearings have been made, should any attempt be
made to rectify any misalignment indicated by deflections.
A simple but effective check on the validity of a set of deflection gauge readings is the
'complemental check'. That is, the top plus bottom readings should be roughly equal to
the port and starboard readings added together. Any large discrepancy in this should
prompt the taking of another set of readings from the unit(s) concerned. The error in the
recorded values may have come from a misread gauge or a wrong transcription.
Should the same readings be found then it is more than likely that there is some major
misalignment in the bedplate, not just in the horizontal plane as is the norm, but also in
the vertical. The bedplate is probably twisted! Thankfully, such conditions are very rare
and, more often than not, the bedplate is disturbed in the horizontal plane alone. If the
main bearings are in satisfactory condition then the support of the bearing housing is
suspect. This may be the failure (cracking) of the fabricated transverse girders or
perhaps the loss of support, locally, of the bedplate itself or cracked, broken, worn or
missing chocks. In extreme cases it maybe the upsetting of the tank top caused perhaps by
hogging and sagging in heavy weather, grounding, collision, and so on. It may even be
due to a combination of factors, any one of which alone may not affect the engine
alignment. Consider the combined effects of two or more of the following: slightly worn
chocks, trim of vessel; cargo distribution throughout length of vessel (or ballast
distribution); temperature of tank plating immediately below engine (to obtain the most
relevant and representative readings, take deflections as close to the normal running
temperature of engine as is possible); and overhanging weights (flywheels, detuners, etc.).

Figure 6 Throw at a) bdc, and; b) tdc, showing the effects of 'low' bearing (i.e. causing
reduction in reading from bdc to tdc).

Figure 7 Throw at a) bdc, and; b) tdc, showing the effects on deflection readings of a
'high' bearing (i.e. deflection gauge increases in reading from bdc to tdc).

The turning gear should also be considered. In turning the engine it must overcome the
static friction of the running gear. With today's more flexible shafts there is a large
possibility that the crank system may be 'wound up' a little. This twist could distort the
readings adjacent to the turning gear. To check for this, stop the turning gear at each
reading and back it off the teeth of the flywheel. Any change in the deflection gauge
indicates that the shaft was being twisted, and the readings with the turning gear backed
off are the valid ones. It is also possible for incorrect readings to be recorded because
the shaft is not seating into the main bearing housing. This phenomenon is predominant
in medium and high speed engines where the shaft is much stiffer and the running
gear much lighter than those of a slow speed engine.
The shaft 'spanning' a bearing will provide a better set of deflections than when the
engine is running and forcing the shaft into the bearing seat, and so bending or
'deflecting' the shaft. To check that this is not happening, use 'Swedish' type feeler
gauges to determine whether the shaft is seated on the bearing. If it is not, then remove
the main bearing shims and pull the bearing keep down as each deflection gauge reading
is taken. The reading taken when the shaft is pulled down is the valid one. It gives a
picture of the bending that the shaft undergoes as the engine runs. Such a condition
rarely, if ever, applies to a slow speed engine.
The following steps should be taken before attempting to take the readings.
1. Check that no-one is working on the propeller or in the vicinity. This does not imply
that readings should be taken in dry dock. On the contrary, readings taken there do
not reflect the natural lie of the ship when she is afloat. The alignment at that time is
enforced by the line of the 'keel blocks' and as such bears no resemblance to the natural
deflection of the floating vessel.
2. Check that no-one is working inside the engine, on crossheads, or in cylinders etc.
3. Check that all hanging bars or pins are removed and that lifting gear, chain blocks and
engine room crane are not attached to any of the running gear.
4. Open all indicator cocks.
5. Whenever possible, use a gauge that shows negative readings under compression and
positive on expansion.
6. Watch amperage as the engine is turning to get an idea of resistance to turning. Any
sudden changes in reading should be investigated immediately.
Cylinder liners are, almost without exception, cast components which at first sight
appear to be cylindrical units of no great complexity. However, even though their shape
is simple the materials from which they are made are not quite so basic. For many years a
good quality cast iron was used in their production. More recently, the worsening quality
of fuels has given rise to greater wear rates. This has led to improvements in the liner
material quality, to resist wear and to provide the liner with as long a life as possible.
In alloying any material there is such a quantum leap in costs that no operator or owner
must consider the benefit worthwhile before he buys in such components. In the case of
cast iron for cylinder liners the improved qualities required are those of resistance to
wear and in particular to corrosion, which occurs as a direct result of the sulphur compounds frequently associated with many modern residual fuels. Chromium, vanadium
and molybdenum are some of the more common metals introduced into the cast iron
to improve these properties. A more fundamental reason for using cast iron, as
opposed to steel, say, which would provide a tough and more crack resistant liner, is the
'self-lubricating' property of cast iron.

This self-lubricating property is a result of the 'graphite' in the matrix (structure) of the
cast iron. The graphite is available in two broad groups; flake, and nodular or spheroidal
graphite. Both forms provide the iron with self-lubricating properties, although the flake
form tends to have slightly better capabilities than the nodular in that respect.
However, the nodular graphite in the matrix does not generate the stress raising centres
that are more inherent to the flake graphite, so nodular cast iron provides a slightly
tougher iron, more resistant to crack formation but slightly less effective as a lubricant
than the flake type. The decision as to which type to use is a rather complicated mix of
the following considerations; cylinder liner loading conditions, with respect to gas
pressures; piston ring speed; diameter of liner; service duties; and the types of fuel to be
used. It is to be understood that there must be a great deal of compatibility between the
materials used for the liner and those used for the rings, because mismatching of these
two components in hardness and self-lubricating properties would very quickly
generate wear rates that would be unacceptable. Discounting chrome plated liners (very
unusual on large bore liners, possibly because of the loss of integrity around ports,
where rings may 'peel' the plating off, and certainly because of the expense of plating
such large components) it can be seen that the ring, always in contact with the liner and
therefore wearing continuously, needs to be harder than the liner.
The ring also has to flex to suit the ever changing contours of a worn liner so nodular
graphite would be more suited to the manufacture of rings. Liners, on the other hand,
usually well supported by jackets, steel support bands or even cylinder heads, do not
need to have the greater resistance to flexing and so flake type graphite is usually
adopted to maximise their self-lubricating properties.
To produce a liner with a homogeneous (evenly distributed) mix within its matrix, the
casting is spun about its own axis as it is solidifying and cooling so that the centrifugal
forces generated hold the different constituents of the alloy in position and produce a
more dense and uniformly structured casting.
A self-lubricating material is needed because of the difficulty in lubricating the ring
pack as it moves up and down the liner surface. The flash point of lubricating oil,
broadly speaking, is around 210C. The temperature at the opening of the exhaust is
frequently at least twice this, so any oil exposed to this temperature will, at the very
least, begin to carbonise. The lighter elements will start to vaporise, leaving the carbon
base, which does not lubricate the ring pack as effectively. It is evident that the lubrication
of the ring pack over the tdc of the unit will be particularly difficult, due to the higher
pressures as well as the elevated temperatures in that region. These pressures force
the rings out onto the liner surface so there is little likelihood of there being an
adequate oil film between the ring and the liner. Even under the best conditions, the oil
film in a liner is rarely thick enough to ensure total separation of the two materials.
Over tdc, therefore, the self-lubricating properties of the liner compensate for the reduced effectiveness of the normal cylinder oil supply. This indicates why the greatest
wear can be expected over the top part of the cylinder liner. Lower in the stroke, not only
does the temperature fall, but the ring to liner wall pressure reduces with the reduction
in cylinder pressure.
It is also normal to find that the wear is directional. That is to say, the wear around the
cylinder liner top occurs more in a port and starboard direction than in the fore and aft
mode. In large bore engines this may well be as a result of the rolling of the vessel and the
piston therefore lying on first one side and then the other. In medium speed engines the
same wear pattern exists, primarily due to the thrust of the connecting rod. That is, as the
piston is pushed down under the power stroke there will be a reaction by the piston skirt
against the cylinder wall. The direction of thrust is reversed during the compression stroke
so that the liner tends to wear oval. The guides in a crosshead engine take this same
thrust from the connecting rod, thereby relieving the piston from such transverse

loading. That is the reason for the employment of crossheads in large engines. Were it
not for them, this reaction thrust would have to be carried via the piston onto the liner.
Apart from the phenomenal and unacceptable loading that this would impart to the
piston, skirt and liner, the piston skirt would not be able to accommodate a 'gudgeon pin'
of adequate load carrying capability. Broadly speaking then, the liner tends to wear into
an oval shape that opens out towards the top of the cylinder liner. Other wear patterns
that may occur are possibly due to uneven cooling of the liner, simply through an
inadequate coolant supply, or because of changes in section through the liner (bossing
for lubricating oil quills etc) so that there is a change in the heat transfer rate through
that section.
It is important to recognise that such unevenness of heat transfer can affect wear rates
not only because the liner expansion differs at these points, but also because the
strength of the liner material itself will change with temperature, getting weaker and
less wear resistant as temperatures rise. Elevated temperatures also adversely affect
the protection given by the lubricating oil.
One of the main forms of wear is the so called 'microseizure' (mz). This is described in
the section Piston Rings (page 133).
Another form of wear is generated by acidic corrosion of the liner surface. This can usually
be traced to an attack by sulphuric acid. This acid is formed from the sulphur dioxide
generated during combustion. The amount of acid formed is therefore directly related
to the amount of sulphur present in the fuel during combustion. In an attempt to
combat this in the early days of diesel engines, the jacket temperatures were lifted, the
idea being to reduce the amount of acid condensing out at the 'dew poinf. Effective as this
was, it did not eliminate the problem and, over the intervening years, cylinder
lubricants have been developed with elevated reserves of alkalines to combat the acid
attack. One of the major problems is the difficulty in matching the alkaline reserve to the
sulphur content in the fuel. Sulphur content varies according to the field the oil came
from, and will vary from bunker station to bunker station, and quite frequently vary at
one terminal, as supplies come from different refineries. A quantifying scale has been
developed to indicate the reserve of alkalinity within an oil, called the 'total base number7
(TBN) or, more frequently now, the I^ase number'. A high number (70) indicates a high
alkaline reserve so a fuel with a sulphur content of 3% is best matched by a cylinder oil
with a TBN of 70. At the other end of the scale a TBN of 10 may be considered adequate
for a sulphur content of 1%. The 'matching' of TBN to sulphur content is difficult. It is
not easy to determine the sulphur content of the fuel being used, as it may have been
loaded on top of previous bunkers, and economics make it impossible to carry a wide
selection of TBN cylinder oils. It is up to the operators of the vessel to provide an oil
that has a TBN roughly compatible with the average sulphur content found in the
bunkering stations that the ship visits. Of more immediate concern to the ship's
engineer are the adverse effects of using an oil with a TBN too high or too low for the
fuel being burned.
If the TBN is too high for the sulphur content of the fuel being burned the excess reserve
will not be used and may well burn out to deposit upon the piston top as a greyish white
compound. This deposit may cause problems by either absorbing the cylinder lubricating oil, thereby leading to increased mz, or, if in a harder form, actually scraping off
the cylinder lubricating oil and once more increasing mz and wear.
If the TBN is too low for the sulphur content of the fuel, the acids formed by a process of
condensation of the original SO2 will attack the liner and corrosive wear will accelerate
again. It is also possible that a wear known as 'cloverleafing' may occur. This generates a
wear pattern that, very roughly, looks like a clover leaf. In simple terms, all that
happens is that the oil leaving the injection point in the liner, and being successively

spread over the liner, has its TBN reserve gradually diminished the further away it gets
from the injection point. That is, the neutralising of the acid adjacent to the hole is
good, but as the base reserve diminishes the acid can become more active so that outside
the protected zone acid attack can ensue. This produces an irregular circumferential
wear pattern in the liner so that the rings are unable to conform to it totally. Where the
rings cannot seal against the liner (in the heavily corroded areas) blow past will occur,
such that:
a) the rings are locally overheated and begin to lose their tension;
b) the liner surface is overheated locally and begins to lose its strength (wears more
easily); and
c) cylinder lubricating oil is burned off the liner wall and wear rates go up.
Cloverleafing is a situation that should be avoided wherever possible.
Primarily, lubrication of a cylinder liner provides protection for the ring pack. The oil, as
indicated above, neutralises the adds, lubricates the rings, cools the rings by heat transfer
through to the wall of the liner, and helps to carry particles away from the ring's landing
surfaces. The timing and location of the injection ports is discussed a little under the section
on piston rings. The oil protects the liner against acid attack and wear in general, much as it
does for the rings. To help distribute the oil from the injection point, sloping grooves are
sometimes ground into the liner surface, the overall height of which should be deeper than
a ring so that oil can still gain access to the ring pack even if injection occurs with a ring
immediately over one of the injection holes. These grooves should have adequate radii to
encourage oil distribution, and not to act as scrapers.
Wear rates are difficult to specify. Much depends on:
a) the quality of the materials (i.e. ring and liner) and their compatibility with one
b) the quality of fuel being used and, equally importantly, the quality of combustion
(atomisation, penetration etc.);
c) the effective distribution of the correct quality and quantity of cylinder lubricating oil;
d) the loading of the engine running temperatures and pressures (even today, raising the
jacket water temperatures 'slightly7 can reduce the amount of sulphuric acid attack).

Figure 8 Bore cooled cylinder liner.

One of the more important developments in recent years, as far as large bore engines are
concerned, has been 1>ore cooling. This accepted procedure has found applications in
almost every cooled component within the engine: fuel injectors; cylinder covers; exhaust
valve housings; and, very commonly, cylinder liners. The arrangement can be seen in Fig
8. The principle is to cool the inner surface of the liner adequately and without
weakening it. Improved cooling could be achieved by reducing the wall thickness. This
would then either fail under present engine loadings or require some form of
strengthening sleeve to be fitted around it. The latter, made of steel, would have to be
shrunk on, and is not a satisfactory long term solution. However, the material of the liner
can be increased in depth so that it is strong enough to resist the firing pressure and
then, providing that bore cooling is adopted, the correct inside surface temperatures
can be maintained. The carefully machined passages are brought close enough to the
inner surface to be able to carry the heat away, but not so close that the structure of the
liner is weakened.
As the refineries extract more usable components from the crude oils, the quality of the
oil left over (residual oil) becomes poorer. The difficulty in burning the residual oil
cleanly compounds the wear problems discussed above. In some exceptional cases
refineries have 'strained' their processes so much that some of the catalysts (alumina
and silica) have carried over with the residual fuel. The extreme hardness of these
elements has led to disastrous wear rates in liners and rings and fuel pump barrels. Fortunately, such events are rare and a more normal wear rate of less than 0.1 mm per
thousand hours should be expected on the larger engines, with much less on medium
and high speed engines (partly because they are burning cleaner fuels). Many guide
lines are provided for the maximum wear acceptable (such as 0.7% of the cylinder bore),
but consultation with the maker's manual should be the first priority. Generally
speaking, a maximum wear value will soon reveal itself; rings begin to break more
quickly; blow past occurs causing dirty scavenge spaces (and possibly fires); there is a
loss of compression and reduction in power, with the likelihood of black smoke and
elevated exhaust temperatures; and the rate of wear accelerates.
Regular measurement of liner wear is essential, so that a pattern of wear rate can be
established, from which the expected useful life of a liner can be determined. The ship's
engineer should be able to plan where and when he can have the worn liner drawn and
replaced with a new one.
Unless some form of deformation has occurred, or the liner has become badly scaled on
its outside surface and is jammed in the jacket, removing a cylinder liner should not be
a difficult task. Usually the proprietary lifting gear is all that is required. In any case, the
engine room crane should never be used to 'pull' a liner out. The crane is for lifting
designated weights; not pulling against an unquantifiable load. In extreme cases of
liners jamming, when even hydraulic jacks fail to move them, the last resort may be to
collapse them by chain drilling them longitudinally (or burning them out), taking care
not to damage the landing ground for seals. In some smaller liners the use of dry ice (or
similar) to cool and shrink the liner slightly may help. Replacement of the liner is fairly
straight forward once the correct alignment for lubricating oil quills etc. has been
achieved. However, the rubber sealing rings should be treated with caution. Rubber,
synthetic or otherwise, is virtually incompressible, so rings of too large a cross sectional
area may prevent a liner from seating smoothly. Forcing such a liner down into
position will only create stressing at the ring groove area. This may not reveal itself as a
problem immediately, but the stresses, subjected to running loads of temperature and pressure, may, in time, cause cracking. It is reasonable practice to drop the 'bare' liner into the
jacket to check its size, and then, all being well, the rubber rings can be fitted. Any

resistance to entry is then related to the rings and corrective action can be taken. (Some
engines with exhaust ports as well as scavenge ports carry copper based rings
immediately above and below the exhaust ports to protect the rubber rings from attack
by the exhaust gases. These soft metal rings bed into the jacket as the liner is fitted.
The above procedure should therefore not be adopted. When fitting them it is
important to ensure that correctly sized rubber rings are fitted every time.)
The design of a cylinder cover is very complex, particularly where a large valve
operates through its centre. In some of the earlier loop scavenged engines, cylinder covers
were simpler components, with a central fuel injector and then pockets for starting air,
indicator cocks etc. In those cases the head was often cast iron with some form of steel
backing ring to absorb the bending forces created as the head was tightened down. In
later designs the head was a solid steel forging of immense strength, the cooling passages of which were formed by the bore cooling process described above.
In 'uniflow' type engines, the central exhaust valve may cause problems of stress
distribution, and in particular the effective cooling required of the valve seat. Because
the centre of the head is taken up by the exhaust valve, it becomes necessary to fit two or
more fuel injectors around the cover. These pockets also present problems in terms of
strength and cooling. In simplistic terms, the head can be considered to be a top plate
supported by a cylindrical wall that is in turn sealed by a lower plate forming the top
of the combustion chamber. As the head is tightened, the top plate is put into a load
that attempts to bend it across the supporting walls. Cast iron, not being good at
resisting bending stresses, is therefore not particularly suitable for this plate (hence the
use of steel rings in earlier models). The pulling down of the top plate puts the side walls
into compression. The closing plate may be domed, for strength and to help form a
better shaped combustion chamber. As the engine fires, the lower plate tends to lift
the head, causing further compression of the side walls and increased bending of the
top plate. The insertion of valve pockets into such a structure aggravates the situation
further, particularly when the massive exhaust valve of present engines is used. A
typical modem head is shown in Fig 9.
The complex passage ways used to achieve adequate cooling of the valve seat can be
seen in Fig 9. The valve stem is fitted with vanes, which cause the valve to rotate as the
exhaust gas, released at high velocity, passes over them. Because of the use of the 'air
spring' there is very little resistance to rotation. The valve, still spinning as it closes,
tends to knock any deposits from the products of combustion off the valve seat and face,
so that the seat life and effective seal are extended. Were such products not cleared
from the seat they may become hammered into and across the face, providing a leakage
pathway for the high pressure gases. This would be enlarged by the so called 'wire
drawing' process so that the valve seal would be lost and cylinder pressures would not
be maintained. Such a process is progressive, and further deterioration of the valve seat
would take place until the reduced quality of combustion, with reduction in power and
increased liner wear and so on, would reach an unacceptable level.
The ship's engineer, for his own benefit, should always ensure that the head is tightened
down evenly. This not only prolongs the life of head bolts and improves the life of the
head seal but may prevent distortion of the cylinder liner. A head tightened in an
imbalanced way may force the liner into an incorrect attitude as a result of the unequal
forces on its top lip. (Were this to occur there could be a change in the wear pattern and
The heads of medium speed engines are very much more complicated, with multi

valve heads being common. One problem common to all heads is that of obtaining
adequate and effective cooling. It is not correct to think that large cooling passages solve
the heat transfer problem. It is the area exposed, the thickness of the material through
which the heat is passing and, not least, the speed of coolant over the area that is
important. Nor is the formation of steam in these areas unacceptable, assuming that
steam is formed as a design feature and not simply because there is an inadequate
flow of water. From a 'ph' (pressure-enthalpy) diagram it is clear that when water is
raised to its boiling point (relevant to the system pressure), it is able to absorb a great
deal of heat (latent) at the same temperature before being superheated. However, a
problem with steam formation is the possible deposition of any anti-corrosion additives
used in the circulating water. These may impair heat transfer with consequent localised
overheating. The system should therefore be kept clean and the coolant maintained at the
correct level of corrosion inhibitor. If this practice is followed the head should give long
service without any problems developing.
The quality of fuels provided for ships today has deteriorated, so combustion
processes have to be regulated and monitored with ever increasing attention. As fuel
qualities have deteriorated it is to be expected that they will include more and more
elements that are either non-combustible or so difficult to ignite and burn that they form
no useful part of the combustion process. In fact, they frequently deposit out as harmful
substances where fuel pump and cylinder liner wear is concerned. The more aggressive of these are the compounds of vanadium, sulphur, and other chemicals natural to
the oil. There are other contaminants that may be picked up by the oil from the refinery
storage tanks or indeed the ship's tanks. These include water (salt or fresh), and other
products, such as scale, from tank and pipe walls. In some cases the contaminants can be
removed during purification of the oil on the vessel; water, solids and even a proportion of
sodium can be removed. Unfortunately, the more oil-soluble ones, like vanadium and
sulphur, are not removed through purification even if some degree of water washing is
applied. It is worth noting that the aggressive nature of the vanadium products of
combustion are further magnified when burned in the presence of sodium, particularly
when the ratio of vanadium to sodium is greater than 3:1. The removal of sodium at the
purification stage can thus be seen as a great benefit. Even though sodium may not be
an original contaminant of the oil, it may be picked up by the oil from sea water or in
lesser amounts from the salt laden atmosphere (possibly via the turbocharger). See
Chapter 4.
The most important stage of combustion is the original ignition. Any fuel starts to burn
(in the absence of some spark or flame) only when it is raised to a temperature greater
than its self-ignition temperature (SIT), and, once ignited, the volatility of the fuel will
then dictate the speed of combustion throughout the fuel. Temperature, in a
compression ignition engine like the diesel, is transmitted to the fuel from the air in the
combustion chamber, the air itself having being raised in temperature during the
compression stroke. It is worth noting that the large bore engines have relatively low
compression ratios, probably in the region of 11:1, when compared to medium speed
engines where compression ratios of 16:1 or higher are not unusual. Higher
compression ratios still are designed into high speed engines. The reason for such a
low compression ratio in the bigger engines is the limit to which the piston crown and
other components forming the combustion chamber can be loaded. That is, cyclic high
loadings on such large areas as the piston crowns will cause them to fail through
fatigue, so the peak pressures have to be limited to more acceptable levels. This is
achieved, whilst still developing a reasonable mean effective pressure, by limiting the

compression pressure to as low a value as practicable. Any further reduction in

compression ratio, and hence compression pressure, would not raise the temperature of
the air sufficiently by the end of compression. The temperature of the air at the end of
compression must be high enough to ensure certain and rapid heat transfer to the
injected fuel.

Figure 9 Typical modern head, showing bore cooled cylinder liner and cylinder cover
with valve seat cooling included.

To this end large engines should be circulated with heated jacket water prior to their
being started, to ensure that during the first part of compression the air in the cylinder

will absorb heat from the warmed cylinder liner, piston crown and cylinder cover. As
compression continues there will be a natural increase in temperature due to the
compression itself, and the terminal temperature of the compression will be much higher
than that which could be achieved by simply compressing the air from scavenge temperature. Thus the 'warming' through of an engine is not purely to reduce the effects of
thermal shocking which occur once the engine has started, but also, and probably more
importantly, to ensure crisp ignition of the injected fuel. Once the engine is running
the problem of ignition will be reduced, because the running temperatures of all the
components will rise.
When the fuel is injected into the combustion chamber and travels through the hot,
compressed air it absorbs heat. The friction that occurs between the injected fuel and the
dense (compacted) air also helps to raise the temperature of the fuel to its SIT. The
density of the air is important for another reason, allied in some ways to the first. By
causing resistance to travel, it prevents over-penetration of the combustion chamber by
the fuel droplets. Were the droplets to travel too far before being burned away they
would impinge upon the cylinder walls, or perhaps the piston crown. The effect of the
still burning fuel on the cylinder wall would be to burn off any lubricating oil film still
adhering. The metal of the piston crown or cylinder wall does not bum, but gets so hot
that the bonds in its structure are broken and it is gradually destroyed, creating a
roughened surface. Reduced turbocharger performance can adversely affect the air
density, as can slow steaming. In slow steaming, the speed of compression is, relatively,
so slow that leakage of air from the combustion chamber via the ring pack is increased,
the end result being that the temperature of the air at the end of compression will be
lower than normal, and that the air density will be reduced. This explains why there
were some severe cases of piston crown burning and liner wear in the early days of slow
steaming. The adoption of slow steaming nozzles overcomes this problem to a large
extent. These nozzles have smaller diameter holes in the injector tip than the standard
nozzle, so smaller droplets are formed, which in turn cannot penetrate too far before
being entirely consumed. The droplet size is governed by the pressure of the oil in the
fuel injector and the diameter of the holes.
Usually referred to as 'atomisation', this process of droplet formation is crucial to the
optimum combustion conditions. Droplets that are too large will take longer to burn
completely so they will over penetrate the combustion chamber. Being large they may
also take longer to absorb sufficient heat to reach their SIT. Alternatively, droplets that are
too small will ignite readily, probably immediately on release from the injector. The
fuel burning in the vicinity consumes the air in that region to form an inert cloud into
which the remainder of the charge is injected. This results in poor combustion, which
leads to the formation of carbon deposits around the fuel injector, the more volatile
elements vaporising to leave a carbon deposit, as described earlier.
If combustion is to be clean, crisp and complete, a balance of the following factors must
be achieved: adequate air at temperatures well above the SIT of the fuel; air at the correct
density to aid ignition and control penetration; and the correct injector tip with orifices
matched to the above conditions, so providing correctly atomised fuel.
One feature above all which should be considered by the ship's engineers is ignition delay
(ID). The ID is the time period between injection into the combustion chamber and
ignition of the fuel. As fuel quality has deteriorated over the years the ID has become
longer, so that if no allowance were made for it, combustion of the fuel would be
taking place far too late in the cycle.
Speed of compression is one of the features governing air temperature at the end of
compression, but as the piston approaches tdc, it slows down. Also, the area of metal
surrounding the combustion chamber will be large compared to the enclosed volume.
The air temperature will be higher than that of the combustion chamber walls, so,

because of the slower compression and low surface temperatures, the air temperature
starts to 'reduce' as the crank covers those last few degrees to tdc. Thus, to maximise
heat transfer from air to fuel, the fuel should be injected into the air when the air is at its
highest temperature (heat flows from the hotter to the cooler body). Since this is just prior
to tdc it becomes essential to always inject fuel before tdc; allowing for the ID it should be
injected even earlier.
Now consider the following. As the engine slows down, the air cools still further, so
some form of compensation should be made to ensure that the fuel is injected as far as is
possible into the air when the air is at its highest temperature. Engine builders and
designers have developed the fuel injection technique commonly known as variable
injection riming (VIT). This equipment, built into the timing mechanism of the fuel
pumps, allows adjustment to be made to the fuel timing whilst the engine is running.
The start of injection may be advanced or retarded as the case may require. Lengthening
IDs require advancement of the point of injection.
Shorter IDs require the injection to be retarded. The VIT system often includes a
mechanism that automatically advances the fuel setting as the engine is slowed down.
This improves ignition qualities, as explained above, and in so doing improves fuel
economy. This automatic advancement is usually available down to around 85% of
service speed. To attempt it below that level could generate unacceptable bearing loads
at the lower speed where, in any case, effective lubrication is beginning to fall off.

Figure 10 a) Normal draw card; b) normal card with effects of both good and poor
quality fuel superimposed.

The point of maximum pressure in the cycle gives a good indication of the quality of fuel
being burned. The maximum pressure will occur, or should occur, when the engine is
correctly set up and burning an acceptable grade of fuel, at a designated number of
degrees after tdc. With modem electronic monitoring of cylinder events this point can
be determined quite accurately. If it is measured and found to be late, then it can be
assumed that a poorer quality of fuel is being burned, and through the VIT linkage, the
point of injection should be advanced. The converse also applies. Retarded ignition
invariably results in lower firing pressures than normal.
High quality fuels with their earlier ignition cause high peak pressures. The use of a peak
pressure can therefore be used to monitor the quality of a fuel, assuming that the
original timing of the fuel pumps was correct (Fig 10).
Over the years there have been many forms of fuel pump and fuel injection systems.
Present trends have settled, almost without exception, on the 'jerk pump' method, and by
far the greatest proportion use pumps with the well known helix form of fuel regulation.
The previous section described why the fuel must be raised to the correct pressure and
then accurately injected into the cylinder at a precise point.To achieve this, the oil could be
pressurised into an accumulator and then released by controlling the opening of the
injector (perhaps electronically, or through the timing valves of the common rail
method). Alternatively, the oil can be rapidly raised in pressure over a very few degrees
of crank angle, and the pressure thus developed can be used to operate the fuel injector.
This, in essence, is the jerk system. Such a method creates enormous, and almost
instantaneous, forces throughout the system. Consider the cam that generates the
pumping effect. For such pressures to be developed quickly, the pumping face of the
cam must rise rapidly from the base dwell surface. Then, as the pressure builds up, there
will be a substantial back pressure onto this cam face. To carry these high loads without
damage to either roller or cam, the cam face must be of adequate area and well
The pump itself, in simplistic terms, consists of a ram carried in a matched barrel.
There are return springs and racks etc. but the principle of the pump can be understood
from these two components. The ram carries an accurately machined helical groove
cut into its flank (Fig 11). The top of the ram is flat (except in some of the more refined
units), and as the ram rises up inside the barrel this top face will shut off the oil inlet ports
that are machined through the barrel. Any fuel above the ram at this point will be
subjected to rapid compression as the roller driving the ram is forced rapidly upwards by
the cam. The oil is directed by high pressure piping to the fuel injector. The latter, set to
some pre-determined lift value, will open and oil will flow into the combustion space. The
end of injection is controlled by the helical groove. As the ram continues to rise, the helix
will uncover the 'spill' port in the barrel and the pressure will rapidly drop, with the
injector automatically closing as the pressure falls off. The quantity of oil delivered will
depend upon the rotational position of the helix with respect to the spill port. If the top of
the helix is in line with the port, no delivery will take place. Then, as the ram is rotated, the
depth to the edge of the helix increases, as does the duration of injection. The start of
injection, controlled by the top face of the ram, is therefore always at the same point,
unless some form of VIT is fitted to the unit which allows vertical displacement of
the barrel. Raising the barrel delays the start of injection; lowering the barrel advances the
start of injection. Such fine tuning can be adopted to deal with, and compensate for,
changes in the quality of the fuel, and, in particular, variances in the ID characteristics
of the fuel.
When the helix uncovers the spill port, pressure release occurs and there is a rapid back

flow of fuel. To prevent this flow from evacuating, even partially, the fuel injector and
its supply pipe, a non-return valve is fitted at the discharge of the fuel pump. This valve
also serves to prevent oil from being drawn back into the pump as the ram returns,
under spring pressure, for there will be a period during the return stroke, from the point
where the helix closes off the spill port to the time when the upper face of the ram
uncovers it again, when a suction will be developed above the ram (i.e. the reverse of the
delivery period). This reduced pressure in the pump body could cause problems, were it
not for the non-return valve, for any evacuation of the delivery pipe would mean that it
would have to be 'refilled' on the next pumping stroke before delivery pressures could
be realised again. This would interrupt the timing of fuel injection and is wholly
undesirable. However, the closing of the non-return valve, although protecting the
pipeline from partial evacuation, could in itself generate another problem. The valve,
closing smartly, will halt the back flow of oil so suddenly that a reverse wave of oil may
develop and, reflecting off the valve, travel back down the pipe to reopen the fuel injector.
These shock waves are capable of reopening the injectors, not just once but several
times. To prevent this and the problems that would ensue in the power stroke, and
combustion in general, the non-return valve is fitted with a small collar just below the
mitre seat. This collar, acting like a piston as the valve closes, draws a small volume of
oil from the pipe line, which is sufficient to reduce the pressure therein so that any
reverberating shock waves are of such a low magnitude as to be harmless.
There are many ways of setting the timing of these jerk pumps, with some
manufacturers providing special measuring equipment to enable more accurate
settings to be achieved. Without these, or any other knowledge of the pump, timing
can be monitored by using the 'spill' timing procedure. This is achieved by turning the
cam shaft until the roller of the pump in question is on the lower dwell of the cam
circumference. The HP discharge pipe should then be disconnected (providing the oil
supply has been shut of 0, and the discharge, non-return valve and its spring should be
removed, cleaned and stored away carefully. Then a 'goose' necked pipe should be fitted
to the discharge of the pump. Fuel carefully released to the pump will run through the
pump body and out through this goose neck into some receptacle. If the cam is now
turned, slowly and carefully, the roller rising up the pumping flank of the cam will
gradually lift the ram inside the barrel until it shuts off the ports and the oil flow will
stop. Turning the shaft too quickly would cause the ram to rise and discharge the oil so
that it may not be easy to distinguish the point at which the ports are covered. If the
procedure is followed carefully, the cessation of oil flow from the goose neck,
accompanied by a bubble forming at the pipe end, is clearly discernible. This represents
what would be the start of injection under normal running. The angle at which this occurs
can be read from the fly wheel or perhaps from the cam shaft protractor. Any adjustments
to the timing of the individual pump can be made by raising or lowering the body
(respectively retarding or advancing its timing). Simply advancing or retarding the
cam shaft will simultaneously adjust all the pumps.

Figure 11

Fuel injection regulating mechanism

Jerk pumps do not necessarily have to be regulated by helical grooves. Some

manufacturers use a plain ram, still operating in the jerk fashion (that is, pumping over a
very short period of time), but regulate the start and end of injection by valves built into
the suction and delivery sides of the pump. The opening period of these valves is
regulated from the engine controls in a similar way to the rotation of the ram (by rack and
pinion) in the helix type of pump. As with the helix type of pump the start of injection is
always constant with the end of injection controlled by the spill valve, being variable
according the load on engine and speed required. As before, differing fuel qualities
may require earlier or later injection according to the relevant ID. This can be achieved
by the use of an external linkage to the suction valve, the seating of which initiates the
start of fuel compression and injection. Thus, VIT is easily achieved by causing this
suction valve to seat earlier (for long IDs) or later (for short IDs).
Most of the problems associated with either kind of injection pump are generated by
the use of low quality fuels which are both abrasive and corrosive. (See Chapter 4 for
information on fuel treatment.) Wear and tear on the finely machined rams and barrels
is the most common area of failure, through scoring and/or seizure, although some
valves on the suction sides of pumps have been known to suffer from cavitation
The viscous fuels are usually heated to enable them to be pumped around the system
more easily. This hot fuel causes the components of the fuel pump to expand so that they
would seize if allowances were not made. When the pumps are cold, therefore, their
working clearances are quite large, so the relatively cool diesel oil which may be used
for manoeuvring will leak past the rams. Relevant protection should be taken to ensure
that this leakage does not contaminate the lubricating oil serving the cam shaft. As the
pump is changed over to heavy fuel the temperature should be increased slowly so that
the correct working clearance is achieved when the oil is at the desired temperature.

Scavenging is only applicable to 2-stroke engines, and is the process of clearing from
the cylinder any remaining products of combustion from the previous cycle. Air, at a
low pressure, is introduced into the cylinder through scavenge ports which are opened
shortly after the opening of the exhaust valve. The prior opening of the exhaust valve
allows the exhaust gases to expand out of the cylinder, reducing the pressure in the
cylinder to well below that of the scavenge air. Were that not the case, the air would not
be able to 'clean ouf the cylinder and recharge it with fresh air for the next cycle. The
effectiveness with which the air clears the cylinder is called its 'scavenge efficiency' and is
a comparison between the fresh air and the total of fresh air and any gases still remaining
in the cylinder. Thus, in the case of 100% scavenge efficiency, all the gases have been
cleared out and a completely new charge of fresh air is in the cylinder. (The comparable
efficiency for a 4-stroke is the 'volumetric efficiency'; a comparison between the mass
actually in the cylinder and the mass that the cylinder could contain at normal
temperatures and pressures. In fact the 'volumetric efficiency' can be greater than 100%
because of the effects of supercharging.)
All major engine builders now adopt a process of scavenging known as 'uniflow'
which, as the name implies, operates by directing the air through the cylinder in one
direction only. Such a system is easily capable of achieving 100% scavenge efficiency and
is absolutely essential in modern long stroke engines. The main alternative to this
system is 'loop' scavenge where the air/exhaust flow through the cylinder takes the
form of a loop. This process, though it simplifies the design of the cylinder head etc.,
cannot get much above 95% efficient, and is even less efficient on long stroke engines.
Loop scavenge, achieved by having both exhaust and scavenge ports in the liner, the
opening and closing of which regulated by the piston, has been superseded by the uniflow
process where only scavenge ports are used in the liner. In uniflow the ports are located at
the lower end of the liner, uniformly around the circumference. It is quite common to
have these ports 'angled' tangentially to the liner in such a way that the air passing
through them develops a swirling characteristic that not only helps to clean out the liner,
but also aids combustion. This is because the slow moving air coming from Ibehind' the
injector, carries the products of combustion away from the tip and simultaneously
provides it with fresh air throughout the injection period. (This is known as downstream
injection and is preferred when the air velocity is low. Upstream injection is used to
advantage with high velocity air flows.)
Scavenging can be achieved providing there is an adequate flow of air into the
cylinders from the 'scavenge spaces'. Increasing the pressure of this air flow not only
helps with scavenging but, more importantly, increases the density of the charge air
remaining in the cylinder. This process of increasing the air pressure and thereby the air
density is called 'supercharging', and can be achieved by increasing the speed of the
pumps/pistons etc. which are supplying the scavenge air.
Any mechanical drive taken from the engine to drive these pumps/pistons absorbs
energy (power) from the engine. The main problem with such a process is the lack of
response of such pumps to changes in load. When an engine is exposed to an increase
in load, head wind or current for example, the engine will tend to slow down, causing a
reduction in speed of the pumps supplying the air. Thus, just when the engine needs
more air to burn the extra fuel injected to match the increase in load, the supply could
decrease. The result is incomplete combustion, black smoke and all the other undesirable
side effects of reduced combustion efficiency.
Turbochargers on the other hand, driven by the exhaust gases from the cylinder,
respond directly to changes in load. As the fuel injection rate is altered to suit the load, so
the mass (and therefore the energy within it) of the exhaust gas generated changes pro-

portionately. This self-regulating ability of the turbo-charger has improved the power
outputs and versatility of the diesel engine.
Turbochargers are really superchargers driven by heat from the exhaust gas that may
otherwise be wasted or lost. Thus not only is it possible to increase the charge air pressure, and
through that combustion efficiency, but, by recovering heat from the exhaust gas, the
overall thermal efficiency of the plant is also improved.
The effect of supercharging is 'to increase the air density in the cylinder, allowing a
proportionate increase in the fuel injected and thereby give a corresponding increase in
power output'. To accept these increases in power, and the corresponding increase inmep
and peak pressures, (though the increase in peak pressures is modified as far as possible
by reducing the compression ratio as explained earlier) certain modifications need to be
made to the engine.
To absorb the increased firing pressures and mep, the strength of the combustion
chamber has to be improved, not simply by increased wall thicknesses as that would
only reduce heat transfer, but by improved design. Piston crown design has advanced
over recent years, one of the latest being the honeycomb design that combines effective
cooling with great strength. Similarly, bore cooling has come into its own to allow the
wall thickness to be maintained whilst still providing adequate and effective cooling.
The firing forces are carried through the piston down to the crosshead bearing and
ultimately to the main bearings and transverse girders. It has become necessary
therefore to improve the load carrying ability of these components, a process that is
repeated each time a new model or modified engine comes on to the market. The
crossheads in particular have undergone many refinements over the years, as have the
transverse girders that are at present solid forged to provide adequate support and
In general, the modern turbocharger serves a system known as 'constant pressure
charging', and one, or at most two, turbochargers per engine are all that is required.
The more complicated 'pulse charging' system used on earlier engines and on some
lower powered medium speed engines often needed three or more turbochargers. In the
constant pressure system the pressure in the exhaust manifold leading to the
turbocharger is virtually steady. That is, the pulses of energy that occur as the exhaust is
released from the cylinder are absorbed in the large volume exhaust manifold so that, at
the turbocharger, almost steady flow conditions exist. The pulse system used these
pulses to improve the output of the turbocharger, but the system was extremely
complicated and best suited to an engine with cylinder numbers that were multiples of
three. The turbochargers of the constant pressure system operate under more steady flow
conditions so the energy conversion of the turbine element is improved over the pulse
system. There are many advantages of constant pressure over pulse. Constant pressure
systems are now almost universally applied and this section will relate to such a system.
Because all units evacuate into a common exhaust manifold the turbocharger itself can
be situated anywhere along the manifold to facilitate accessibility and provide easy
egress to the engine room uptakes. Because of the enormous strides taken in the development of the turbocharger, facilitated by computer aided design and machining, the
modern unit is able to put out adequate air quantities and pressures for a single unit to
serve even the larger engines. However, makers or owners sometimes prefer to have two
units as a safeguard, so that the engine can still steam on one unit should the other fail
and require recovery.
Although turbochargers have improved in performance over the years, their basic
construction has remained, until very recent times, when non-water cooled units have

Figure 12 shows the traditional structure of the turbocharger.

The bearings may take one of two forms; ball/ roller or sleeve type.
Ball or roller
Ball races will be fitted at the compressor end to locate the shaft, and thereby fix the
clearance between the casing and the blades of the compressor impeller (the most
critical of clearances where performance is concerned, as any increase in clearance
there would result in a rapid fall off in compressor performance, and too small a
clearance would result in rotor to casing contact). The shaft is able to slide through the
bearing at the turbine end of the unit where the relative expansion is accommodated in
a roller bearing. Expansion between the casing and rotor occurs because of the
elevated temperatures, and difference in materials of casing and shaft. The bearings are
enclosed in resilient mountings to protect them from damage by vibration. The mounting
is a housing fitted with small plate type springs that dampen vibration transmission, so
that the the races receive some protection from impact damage by the balls or rollers
(sometimes referred to as brinelling or false brinelling).
Sleeve type, white metal lined
These bearings provide, through their greater length, a stabilising influence on shaft
alignment and longitudinal vibration. They tend to be adopted in the larger
turbocharger, the thrust being taken by a face machined to provide the requisite oil
wedges, similar to those formed in the classic tilting pad thrust block. In fact some models
do adopt tilting pad thrust blocks. The clearance in these must be set so as not to interfere
with the rotor to casing clearance mentioned above. Sleeve type bearings are usually
supplied with oil from an external feed. This supply, externally cooled, has a reserve
supply (usually from some form of header tank) that protects the bearings during the run
down period. That is, the engine may be stopped, perhaps because of failure of the
main lubricating oil supply, but the turbocharger would run on for some time, and the
bearings would still need lubricating during that time. Ball/roller races, because of their
negligible clearance, require a cleaner oil and so are usually supplied from a supply integral
to the turbocharger casing. In this respect they are self-sufficient, and will self-lubricate
under the rundown conditions mentioned above (shaft driven gear type pumps or discs
and scrapers).
Labyrinth seals are fitted just inboard of the bearings to seal the shaft against air
leakage. To assist this seal and to help cool the shaft, particularly at the turbine end, the
labyrinth is supplied with pressure air bled from the compressor discharge volute.
The compressor impeller has its leading edges machined into blades which induce a
flow onto the main compressor radial vanes. The steepness and overall width of these
vanes dictates the compression ratio and capacity respectively. Modern, superbly
machined rotors are capable of providing compres-sionratios (delivery pressure/inlet
pressure) of 4:1 or more. Such a value is adequate for the foreseeable future so 'two
stage' turbocharging, with all its associated complexities, is not essential.
The impeller discharges high velocity air into the 'diffused ring, where the kinetic
energy is converted into pressure energy. Diffuser rings are important components
within the pressure development section of the turbocharger. Simply by changing one
diffuser ring for another with different characteristics, the output pressure from a
turbocharger can be altered to suit a particular engine so the diffuser is one of the
simplest ways of matching the output pressure from a turbocharger to that required
by a particular engine. Such matching can therefore be achieved without recourse to
changing the shape or size of impeller or indeed the frame size of a given turbocharger.
There are limits as to how much the diffuser ring can vary the turbocharger
performance, but its capabilities should be borne in mind should any trouble be
experienced with continuous surging or lack of scavenge efficiency.

The annular space between the impeller tips and the diffuser ring will be pressurised
from the impeller discharge itself, so the air will attempt to leak' down the back plate of
the impeller to gain access to the exhaust gas passages. To limit this, rather than stop it, a
series of concentric grooves are machined into the back of the impeller forming a
labyrinth type seal which regulates the leakage to an acceptable level.
The air passing down the back of the impeller is usually guided by a sleeve through
which the shaft runs to the turbine disc. Thus, not only does the air seal the passage of
exhaust gas, but the leakage also cools the disc. The disc forged into, or bolted onto, the
shaft carries the turbine blading, which is usually fitted into the disc using the
inverted 'fir tree' root method. This method of fitting allows the roots of the blades to
expand into the disc (small clearances below the fir tree 'branches'), whilst still resisting
the enormous centrifugal forces to which the blades are subjected.
The blades should be very slightly loose in their housing so that there are no residual
stresses imposed on the root by fitting. Any such stress could cause early failure of
the blade since the stresses created whilst running, including the thermal stress, are
very substantial. Thermal stress develops as a result of the alternate flow over the
blades of hot exhaust gas and then cool scavenge air. The same gases could contain
corrosive elements as well as abrasive or scale forming substances. To reduce as far as
possible the development of scale or deposits of any type, 'water washing7 of the blades
is frequently adopted. This process, injecting water into the gas flow just prior to the
nozzle ring, is an attempt to dissolve the scale and at the same time clean the nozzles
and blades by the impact effect of the water droplets. Such a procedure should be
carried out to the guidelines set down by the manufacturer, the frequency of washing
being dictated by the quality of the fuel and the effectiveness of combustion. Above all it
should be appreciated that water washing should not be applied to a turbocharger whose
previous history is unknown. It is possible, in such a case, that the removal of the soluble
deposits could lead to the rotor being thrown out of balance. Thus water washing should
be established from the outset, from new or after each overhaul, and the frequency
between washings maintained, so that the chances of an unbalanced situation
developing are diminished. Water washing is not an alternative to stripping the unit
down for manual cleaning; it simply means that the operating efficiency of the unit can
be maintained at a higher level between scheduled overhauls. It is interesting to note
that some units use nut shells (graded, and toasted) for this purpose, their impingement
effect taking off more than just the water soluble compounds.

Figure 12 Structure of the turbocharger

The effectiveness of the above can be monitored from readings of pressures and
temperatures taken throughout the system, both before and after cleaning. With clean
fuels and good combustion the cleaning process is not as important, as the blades and
nozzles will not foul up so quickly. The blades, made from highly corrosion resistant
materials, are usually of the 'taper twisted' type. The taper reduces the mass of material
towards the tips and in so doing reduces the stress on the blade root. This is subjected to
high centrifugal forces as well as bending, the bending being occasioned by the
variations in gas pressures flowing over the blades. To withstand these, the bottom of
the blade is substantially radiussed into the root. To further support the blades, against
both bending and vibration, they may be held together by a lacing wire or wires. This wire
is not secured to each blade, but is threaded through neat fitting holes so that as the
blade warms up into its 'desired' operating position, the wire, through expansion and
centrifugal force, locks onto the blade.
The blades give each other mutual support and in so doing dampen down the
vibrational tendencies. The 'twist' of the blade is intended to give it a better chance of
matching to the gas inlet velocity and direction. The velocity from the nozzles will be
fairly uniform across the radial depth of the nozzle, but the linear speed of the blade
increases with radius so that the tips are travelling at a greater speed than the roots.
The twist therefore helps to match the blade inlet angle to the relative velocity between
gas and blade. This aids smooth gas entry to the blades, with consequent improvement in
their operating efficiency.
The casings of turbochargers are made to match their service demands. They are of
aluminium alloy, lightweight and corrosion resistant at air side, with cast iron at the
higher temperature and water cooled turbine end.
Non-water cooled units have recently appeared. Higher thermal efficiencies of
constant pressure charged engines have resulted in less heat being released from the
engines to the turbochargers. In addition, the removal of heat from the turbocharger
reduces its thermal efficiency and thus the heat available to the 'waste heat' boilers. The
non-water cooled unit counteracts these and eliminates the corrosion problems of the
inside surfaces of some of the water cooled units. Corrosion occurred where the circulating water cooled the plating down to such an extent that the internal surfaces were being
cooled to below their dew point, with the resultant acidic attack.

Figure 13 Napier-MET non water cooled turbocharger

Another development, concurrent with the new wave of non-water cooled units, is the
location of the support bearing between the compressor and turbine wheels. This is a
better position for taking the rotor weight than the extremities of the shaft, where there is
the potential for shaft whirl. The original reason for locating the bearings at the ends of
the shaft was accessibility; much reduced in the new location. However improvements in
design have improved accessibility again and, at the same time, extended the time periods
required for the overhaul of such bearings. A typical non-cooled turbocharger is shown
in Fig 13.
Surging (variously known as coughing, barking etc.) is a vibration of audible level
emanating from the compressor end of the rotating element. The compressor, depending
upon its speed at any particular time, can only discharge up to a given pressure. If for any
reason the pressure in the scavenge space is equal to or higher than this discharge pressure,
air will attempt to flow back through the rotating impeller. In essence this is like a centrifugal
pump attempting to pump against a closed valve, but with the air compressors the back
flow of air throws the rotating element into a vibration which produces the so called
barking noise.

Figure 14 Compressor characteristic.

Linei is the pressure limitof the compressor. Above thatpressure.atagiven mass flow, air
will attempt to flow back through the rotating impeller causing the heavy vibration and
consequent noise called barking (surging). Line 2 is the demand line of the engine,
i.e. the pressure mass flow relationship at different rpm.
There are many causes of surging. It is usually engine initiated. The turbocharger
should be matched to the engine's air consumption rate and pressure across the whole
operating range; this being calculated before the engine is built and tested during the
shop trials. 'Matching' can be understood from Fig 14.
Area 'A' shows that the engine is receiving air at a higher pressure than it needs for a

given speed, and as a consequence surging will occur. Area 13' is a stable zone where
the engine and the turbocharger will operate in harmony. There should be a reasonable
safety margin between the two lines (1 and 2) to allow for turbocharger fouling and
general depreciation in engine performance before it enters the surge zone.
An engine travelling from one climate to another will be subjected to great variations in
both air density and air temperature. In high temperature, low density climes, usually
associated with the tropics, the engine will still have to achieve its rated performance.
The turbocharger will be putting out the same volume of air as always but, because the
air is less dense, the mass throughput will be reduced. For the turbocharger and engine
to be able to provide adequate outputs under these conditions, it is necessary that they
are initially provided with a slightly higher rating than is required in more temperate
climes. This is referred to as 'de-rating7. Similar concepts are applied to engines that
have to work at very high altitudes where once again the air density is reduced.
All engine builders provide diagrams for their particular models, from which various
running conditions can be determined. The diagrams are assembled from information
from engine tests taken under controlled conditions. The diagram for one engine of a
range is then used as a standard for all other engines in that range.
Unfortunately there is no standardised format for these diagrams and the engineer must
familiarise himself with the chart prepared for the engine with which he is working.
Figure 15 is a graphical representation of various brake powers against revs per min and
mean effective pressure. Such a diagram may be used by the ship's staff to determine
load/ speed areas within which the engine can be operated safely. It should be
appreciated that this diagram is not applicable to any particular make or range of engines
but simply represents the way that some engine builders display these parameters.

Figure 15 Load diagram.

1 The propeller line through the maximum continuous rating point. Corresponding to
100% power and 100% revs, it in fact represents the engine loading as used on the test
2. Lines of constant mean effective pressure.
3. Line represents the maximum permissible speed, only to be
exceeded in an emergency.

4. Line provides a relationship between bmep and maximum continuous

power against rev/min. Following this line normally ensures an ample
excess of air for combustion.
5. Line represents the propeller line for a fully laden ship. Fouling of the
hull will increase ship resistance such that this line will progressively
move to the left of the diagram. Thus the area between lines 4 and 5
provides the limits for a normally loaded vessel. Above line 4 the
engine is overloaded and it should only be run in this area for limited
periods. It should not rise above line 6.
6. Line represents the maximum overload condition.
Steaming in ballast would normally fall below line 5.
There will also be different diagrams according to whether the engine is direct drive or
driving through a cp propeller. Figure 15 refers to a fixed pitch propeller and assumes that
the power output varies as the revs3 and that the mean effective pressure varies as the
An indicator diagram traces out the pressure and volume relationships in the
cylinder of an engine on rectangular axes, and it can be used to estimate the work done
by the engine per cycle. The indicator must move a vertical distance proportional to
the pressure in the cylinder and the drum, as it rotates, provides a horizontal motion
proportional to the change in cylinder volume.
The indicator is connected to a screwed cock which is in connection with the combustion
chamber of the cylinder being monitored. When the engine cock is opened, the cylinder
pressure also acts on the piston in the indicator cylinder, causing it to rise. This vertical
movement is resisted by a spring, the strength of which is chosen to obtain a diagram
illustrating the part of the cycle being investigated. The vertical movement of the
piston is transferred to the pen mechanism by a parallel motion linkage.
The indicator card is held onto the drum with spring clips. The drum is rotated against
an internal spring pressure by a special wire reinforced, non-elastic cord, which, being
wrapped around the drum several times, is led to a linkage operated by a cam, the cam
throw being proportional to the stroke of the engine.
When the cord is attached to the cam mechanism and the indicator cock is opened, a PV diagram is obtained by lightly pressing the stylus onto the card. From the area of this
diagram and the stiffness of the indicator spring it is possible to calculate the indicated
power output of the cylinder:
ip = average height of diagram x
spring scale x engine constant x revs
The average height of the diagram is found by measuring its area and dividing this
area by the length of the card. The area can be found by using the mid-ordinate rule or
similar, or by using a planimeter (an instrument used for tracing out and accurately
measuring the areas of small diagrams such as from ordnance survey maps or plans of a
factory etc.). The length of the diagram should always be the same as the throw of the
cam but should be measured in any case as any deviation from the 'recorded' length
indicates a fault with the indicator mechanism. Too long a diagram would indicate that
the drum spring is, perhaps, not tensioned sufficiently and the drum is skidding
beyond its warranted travel; too short and maybe the drum is incorrectly set up and
insufficient rotation is occurring. Similarly, faults on the cord or pulleys may become

apparent if the measured card length deviates from the original set length. The faults
mentioned above may not be immediately apparent so it is always necessary to measure
the length as a cross check.
The spring scale is marked on the spring itself and is a measure of the pressure required to
compress the spring through a quoted length (6 bar to a cm, for example).
The engine constant is the stroke of the engine multiplied by the cylinder bore area.
Apart from taking 'power cards', the standard P-V diagram, the indicator may be used
to take cards 90 deg out of phase (draw cards). A draw card is merely a diagram taken
with the drum rotation advanced by 90 deg to the main piston of the engine. This allows
the injection period to be spread out across the centre of the card so that the combustion
process can be examined more closely. (The combustion process is very compact and
very little other than the peak or firing pressure can be told from a power card.)
The same spring is used for both power and draw cards, and can also be used to measure
the compression pressure. It is best to do this with the engine running slowly, as slow
compression highlights leakage that could be associated with worn liners, piston rings
or even a leaky exhaust valve. With the fuel shut off the relevant cylinder, the
compression card can be taken with or without the drum rotating. If the drum is pulled
slowly around by hand as the indicator responds to rising cylinder pressure, a series of
vertical lines will be drawn on the card. The average height of these lines will provide
the compression pressure for that cylinder. If the drum is rotated as before, by the
power cam, a single rising curve should be obtained, and the height is the compression
pressure. If a double line appears on the card the cam drive system is either advanced or
retarded with respect to the crankshaft (Fig 16a). This is usually sorted out by the engine
builder, but, in time, a chain drive system may stretch and the resulting retardation of
the cam shaft will show up as an open loop on a compression card. This loss of timing
should be rectified immediately if efficient and economic running of the engine is to be
maintained. Power cards taken when the cam shaft is not 'timed' correctly to the
crankshaft will give false indications of power, and any adjustment of fuel timing to 'recover' this timing will adversely affect the performance of the engine.
If the indicator spring is removed and replaced with a weaker spring the diagram will
show what is happening over the low pressure part of the cycle more quickly. This
diagram, drawn at the expense of the higher pressures in the cylinder, will give some
indication of the exhaust and scavenge processes and how effectively they are being
carried out.
Before 'taking' a set of cards, ensure that the engine has completely warmed through,
and that the engine speed and load are stable (i.e. avoid taking the cards in heavy

Figure 16 Indicator cards: a) set of compression cards (a compression card is taken

with the fuel shut off in the unit in question to highlight any faults, compression
cards are best taken at a slow speed where compression discrepancies are magnified);
b) typical power card with out of phase card taken on the same diagram; c) print taken
from an electronic measuring device (pressures and their relevant angles are
automatically printed onto the card; useful for checking the engine performance); d)
trace of a power card taken over a full cycle with the card 'opened' out so that the
compression curve appears to the left of the vertical (tdc) line and the combustion and
expansion occurring to the right of the same line. This is a common way for electronic
monitors to
record events in the cylinder, again relevant pressures and angles may well be recorded
on the print out.

Blow each cock through before attaching the indicator, because carbon particles
entering the mechanism will adversely affect its operation. Ensure that the card is
correctly fitted and that the correct spring tensions are set. Allow the indicator to come to
temperature; it is not sensible to check one end of the engine with a cold indicator
and all the other units with an indicator that is progressively warming up. Lubricate the
piston as necessary and take the card by pressing the stylus lightly onto the paper. Draw
an atmospheric line first, by closing the cock and rotating the drum under cam actuation
(do not pull it by hand). The power card can then be drawn by opening the indicator cock
and, again, pressing the stylus lightly onto the card. The atmospheric line is drawn
using the cam system so that its length can be measured and checked against the
original. Any deviation, as explained earlier, is a result of an indicator fault. The
atmospheric line also gives a datum from which the height of the diagram can be
measured to determine the firing pressure, or compression pressure as the case may be.
It must be accepted that an indicator is just an 'indication' of what is happening in a
cylinder. Indicators do not give accurate measurements but, if used sensibly and with
understanding, they can be a diagnostic tool for tracking down discrepancies in engine
operations, either across the engine as a whole or between units. Modern technology
has developed these systems so that electronic sensors can provide read outs not only
of maximum pressures etc., but also of where in the cycle they occur. The pressure
readings are given against crank angles so that late or early ignition can be monitored,
and adjusted to optimise performance. These electronic systems derive the crank angle
relationship from emitters attached to a rotating element (such as the flywheel). Their
signals are then integrated with the pressure signal, the latter being generated from
sensors fitted in the combustion chamber or from attachments to the indicator cock
itself. In other words they are highly refined and more accurate developments of the
mechanical indicator.
Piston rings are the engine components which undergo the most arduous of service
conditions. They are subjected to great heat during combustion and then substantially
cooled as they pass over the scavenge ports. The net effect is quite considerable thermal
stressing of the rings. The rings are also subjected to gas pressure. The forces generated
by these fluctuating pressures vary in both magnitude and direction. At the top of the
stroke the combustion chamber pressure rises to its maximum and forces the rings onto
the lower faces of their grooves. In so doing the gas gains access to the back of the ring
and pushes it hard against the liner wall. This has greatest effect on the top rings, but each
successive ring undergoes the same process with, perhaps, lower magnitudes. Thus
the rings are also subjected to mechanical stressing. As the piston descends, the
pressure in the cylinder decays and the forces on the ring diminish proportionately,
giving rise to variations in the mechanical stressing. The rings themselves act as seals
between the combustion chamber and the under piston volume (scavenge spaces on the
larger two strokes). Each ring resists gas flow so there is a pressure drop across it to the
next, and so on, the accumulated pressure drop being sufficient to contain all gases of
combustion above the ring pack.
In Fig 17b it can be seen that the pressures between rings 1 and 2, and 2 and 3 are quite
high. These two chambers remain at substantially the same pressure throughout the
expansion stroke, so that at the lower part of the power stroke the cylinder pressure will
have dropped so much that the top two rings will be pressed up against the upper
landing face of the ring groove. This will lead to wear on the upper face as well as that
to be expected on all grooves on their lower faces. When the top two rings are in that
position, they will also be acting as 'brakes' to the piston's downward movement.

Though this may be very slight, its effect, coupled with the reduced gas pressure above
the piston, is to reduce the load on the crosshead bearing. At this time, the crosshead
bearing undergoes its lowest loading (2-stroke engines only) because the pressure
drops to its lowest during the period between the opening of the exhaust and the
opening of the scavenge. Any attempt to force lubricate the bearing would be best
achieved during this period. (At bdc the piston's inertia works to increase the
crosshead bearing loading.)
The adverse effects of both thermal and mechanical stressing are further compounded
by the ring friction against the liner. The cylinder liner's properties of self-lubrication
(graphite in matrix) are aided by oil lubrication of the ring pack. Many diverse opinions
are held about the correct point (during the piston stroke) and time at which to inject oil
into the ring pack. The following points are clear.
1. Oil should preferably be injected onto the rings where the ambient temperature is
relatively low, for at elevated temperatures the volatile elements in the oil will be driven
off leaving behind a sludge, predominately carbon, that will cause abrasive wear
and/or gumming up of the rings.
2. To Tut' the piston ring pack accurately with such a small amount of oil is difficult,
especially when the piston is moving quickly. This suggests that attempting injection
during the middle of the stroke would lead to problems as the piston would then be
moving at its fastest.
It seems reasonable to suggest that immediately after the closing of the scavenge ports
on the upward stroke of the piston would be a suitable point for injection. At this
location and time the piston will be cool and travelling slowly. Other considerations such
as accessibility, cost/complexity of accurate timing devices or the undesirable
penetration of jacket cooling spaces to fit lubricating oil quills, may dictate some other
point or timing of injection.
One of the major problems faced by the designer of a piston ring is the need to seal with a
surface that may well be irregular and not always concentric. (Liners may be
considered as wearing more or less oval over the top section of the piston stroke.) The
ring therefore needs to 'conform' with these irregu-lari ties whilst still being able to match
up with the less worn and probably concentric lower parts of the liner. This
conformability of the ring is in-built in the material and is one of the factors governing
the 'radial' thickness of the ring, because a ring which is too thick radially would not be
able to 'distort' and conform to the variations in liner shape.
The material of the ring should therefore be such that it has an in-built capability to flex
during operation, and should also resist wear. These somewhat conflicting
requirements are usually met by using a high quality cast iron; to give the ring some
form of self-lubrication for the times when the oil lubrication is reduced and metal to
metal contact occurs (ring to liner). The self-lubricating properties of both ring and
liner help to overcome this condition, although some degree of microseizure (mz) may
occur. Micro-seizure is the fusion between the tiny peaks of both ring and liner which
occurs due to pressure between the two surfaces (generating localised high temperatures) and lack of lubrication. The result is that small particles are initially fused
together and then torn apart as the ring is moved on by the piston. The running surfaces
are roughened and particle detachment occurs. In severe cases the wear rates can be
alarming and every attempt should be made to avoid the onset of mz. This may be easier
said than done, but some protective steps can be taken.
1. Ensure that rings are the correct ones for the job and that they are correctly fitted.
2. Ensure that the cylinder lubrication is maintained at optimum level at all times.

3. Avoid overloading the engine, collectively and as individual units.

4. Avoid high peak pressures.
5. Ensure that combustion is as clean and crisp as possible (including correct fuel
6. Monitor ring condition regularly (via scavenge ports).
Much of the rings' good performance is achieved by this 'good housekeeping', but the
correct design
and manufacture of a ring is critical to its long and useful life. The 'cam' turned method
of ring manufacture has evolved to produce a ring that displays the correct operational
conditions under all modes. Various methods of ring manufacture are adopted to
produce rings for certain services, but the cam turned technique is frequently used for the
larger engines because of its superb qualities. They are produced by casting rings with a
slight ovality over one part of the circumference. Positive or outward ovality is used on 4stroke engines (non-ported): negative or inward ovality is used on 2-stroke engines
The ring shape is then machined to size, still maintaining the 'ovality', which is equally
disposed about the but gap. This method ensures that all the characteristics of the casting
are retained in the ring. Since no artificial tension is given to the ring, the amount of
internal tension is low, giving the ring a high thermal stability and long life. This technique
also produces a ring with a very uniform wall pressure (0.5 to 1.5 bar), unlike some of the
more conventional methods of manufacture.
The but gap, usually in the region of 8 % of the bore, can be used to roughly assess the
quality of the ring material. The ring should have an inherent 'springiness' within its
normal operating range. If opened up beyond this range the material will go beyond its
elastic limit and enter the plastic range, and if further extension is applied it will fracture.
To test the quality, the free gap should be measured and the ring carefully opened out
until it just fits over the relevant piston. If, when removed, the free gap has increased, it
indicates that the ring has gone into the plastic range (permanent deformation has taken
place). Such a ring will be unsatisfactory in service as it has lost its elasticity, or never had
any. The same test should be applied when removing a piston for routine overhaul. For
commercial reaons, some companies re-use as many rings as possible, but from an
engineering point of view such practice is questionable. If the free gap is measured before
the ring is removed from the piston and then again after removal, the 'springiness', or
lack of it, will be indicated by a change in the free gap. Such a change or loss of spring will
occur as a result of the constant flexing and exposure to temperature fluctuations in the
engine during service.
The wear of the ring will be the main criteria for renewal. If the radial width has
reduced by 15% of the original then the ring should be considered to have reached the
end of its useful life. (It will have to come so far out of the groove to maintain the seal that it
will no longer be adequately supported by the groove, the effect being that it will twist in
the groove and eventually fail by fatigue breakage.)
Another quite prevalent form of ring failure is that of 'ring collapse', which occurs when
the gas pressure on the outer face of the ring is able to rapidly force the ring back into
the groove. Such a process is possible when the gas pocket behind the ring has not been
able to form or cannot be maintained. Lack of pressure behind the ring can occur for one
or more of several reasons:
a) ring groove so gummed up that gas cannot get behind the ring;
b) lumps of dirt on lower landing face lifting the ring up and venting the back of the ring;
c) distorted landing face ring cannot seal on lower face so the gas pocket cannot be

d) distorted ring; etc.
Blow past can be another source of premature failure. A new ring, not bedded' in to a
liner, may suffer localised blow past that overheats part of the ring so that the ring is
weakened in that area. The overall spring of the ring will be reduced, or possibly lost
To overcome the above difficulties, and to help in general with running in, long life and
other desirable properties, rings have been designed to provide specific properties for
certain service duties. Some of the many rings available are shown in Fig 18.
There is a multitude of ring designs for use in medium speed and high speed engines,
and even air compressors. The 'thinking' engineer should examine each type he uses,
and attempt to work out the reasons for its design and application.
Considered by many merely as a means of speed regulation, the governor is, in fact,
a very refined component, which in its most developed form is able to load limit, load
share, load sense, regulate rates of acceleration. Not all these features, however, are
available or even required in any one unit. A governor is usually made to suit the
service demands on the engine to which it is to be fitted. It may provide single speed
running conditions irrespective of load changes (isochronous), or be able to respond to
increases in load so that acceleration is regulated to a level compatible with the
effective and safe running of the engine.
The early forms of 'inertia' type governors were, in essence, overspeed trips, and were
not able to increase fuel to suit increases in load. Although these governors are now
largely obsolete, the principle behind them is still used in 'overspeed trips'. These trips
shut down an engine in the event of an excessive and rapid increase in speed, such as may
occur if the propeller shaft were to fracture. These units commonly have a 'fly' or 'bob'
weight restrained by a spring. When the engine exceeds a predetermined speed, the
weight moves out to strike some form of fuel cut off. The important thing about this
action is that as soon as the weight begins to move, its centre of gravity moves radially
outward from the centre of the shaft, increasing the centrifugal force so that the weight
moves outward with increasing force. This process is therefore very positive in action
and no hunting or hesitation occurs. Once the pre-set speed is reached, the overspeed
cut out operates, very rapidly. (N.B. Hunting of any component across a small band
leads to local wear, which may lead to slackness and the formation of shoulders, which
can present problems when a greater movement than the norm is required.)
Centrifugal (CF) governors, unlike the above units, are able to both increase and
decrease the fuel setting as loads either rise or fall. However, it is not possible to make a
centrifugal governor truly isochronous (constant speed). When an increase in load is
experienced by an engine it will tend to slow down. This causes the fly weights of the
CF governor to move inwards (with respect to the centre of their drive shaft) under
spring force. This, in turn, causes the fuel racks to be pulled out to increase fuel, but if the
racks are in a new position then the slide of the governor will also be in a new
position, and so the balance between the flyweights and spring will be achieved at
some new running speed. This change in final, steady running speed is known as the
'permanent variation', whereas the fall or rise in speed which occurs as loads change
is called 'temporary variation'. The temporary variation fluctuates above and below the
desired speed value as the governor attempts to settle down to a steady running
speed again. This period of hunting that occurs across the desired value is a function of

the size of weights; the smaller the weights, and therefore the more sensitive, the longer
the period of fluctuations in speed. Large weights settle to a final steady speed more
quickly than small weights, but the magnitude of their temporary variation is greater.
Thus it can be seen that CF governors are not suitable for regulating engines which
drive alternators, where frequency stability is important, but are adequate for dc
generation and the control of any other prime mover where strict adherence to a set
running speed is not important. One of the major drawbacks of a CF governor is its
limited 'governor effort', i.e. the power it develops to operate the fuel racks of the engine.
Although large powers can be developed, fairly large fly weights are required; the
governor then becomes less sensitive and large changes in running speeds will occur
before a steady condition is reached. Although the governor effort can be increased by
gearing up the rotational speed of the flyweights, usually to a maximum and optimum
of 1500 rev/min, there is still a limit to the power output (Fig 19).

Figure 18 Types of piston rings: a) plain standard; b) barrel faced; c) inlaid; d) taper
faced; e) grooved inlaid; f) double seal.

Where routine maintenance is concerned, the governor should be checked regularly

for adequate lubrication. The operating range is usually quite small, giving a tendency
for them to wear over limited areas. Then a sudden and larger change in speed than
normal may carry the governor onto a ridge of debris or gummy oil deposit so that it may
stick at that point. To restrict this problem as far as possible, the governor pivots, slide,
etc. should be cleaned and well lubricated whenever possible. It should be borne in
mind that the governor structure is such that, were the spring to fracture in any way,
the fly weights would be able to move outwards and shut the engine down. The
connections from the governor to the fuel racks should be designed in such a way that
the governor can both increase and decrease the fuel within the bounds of some hand
setting; i.e. the governor can adjust the fuel settings but cannot release more fuel to the
engine than is dictated by some predetermined value set by the engine operator.

To overcome the above limitations of the CF governor, 'servo governors' have been
developed. These use the power of hydraulics to pump the heavier fuel rack systems
associated with the larger engines into the desired position. This 'powered' operation is
rapidly and accurately achieved, and the hydraulic flow can be either electrically or
mechanically controlled. The speed sensing can be done by a tachom eter arrangement
that can be set to the desired speed, and on sensing any variation a solenoid operated
flow valve allows pressurised hydraulic flow into a servo system of pistons/ plungers
which resets the rack positions. Although this system is quite effective, more
mechanically controlled governors are fitted to larger engines. These use the principle of
the CF governor, ie. fly weights acting against spring pressure, but instead of the
slide working directly onto the fuel racks it simply regulates the flow of hydraulic
fluid to the servo pistons controlling the rack positions. This system therefore has the
proven reliability and sensitivity of the small CF governor and yet develops quite a large
governor effort through the hydraulic fluid.
The spring is usually of the 'trumpet shape' meaning that the weaker coils are
compressed out as the spring is loaded so that the spring can follow the curve of the
'square law', rather than the linear reaction associated with a parallel spring. The square
law relates to the increment of centrifugal force developed as speed increases, (CF =
mv2/r). Instead of the spring strength and CF force only matching at one point over the
operating range, the trumpet shaped spring allows a more balanced relationship to
occur over the whole of the speed range (Fig 20).
By a simple lever arrangement the spring tension can be varied with load changes. Then
the change in load, causing a change in fuel setting, does not set up a protracted period of
temporary variations in speed. As the engine speed approaches the desired value, the
spring tension is automatically adjusted so that its original demand for change is moderated.
The amount by which this reaction works can be regulated by the governor.

Figure 20 Load-deflection curves for linear and non linear springs.

The fall in speed which occurs as the load on the engine is increased is called 'droop'.
With the original CF governor this was inevitable, but with some clever linkages inside the
modern hydraulic governor this fall off in speed, or 'droop', can be avoided. The

governor is said to be 'isochronous' if there is no change between no load and full load
speed. Where there is a small reduction in speed as load increases the governor is said to
have 'fine droop', and 'coarse droop' occurs when the final running speed drops well
below the desired value as loads are imposed onto the engine. These are usually
quoted as a percentage of the no load running speed, so
100 x (no load speed - full load speed)
droop = ------------------ - ------------------------ .
full load speed
The zero droop option means that the governor changes the fuel setting continuously
and substantially, whereas coarse droop allows a smaller and less protracted adjustment
of the rack setting. The modern governor is a refined, precision instrument and should
not be tampered with unnecessarily. Even the oil within it has 'drag' characteristics that
are allowed for in the design, so that deterioration of the oil will adversely affect its
operation. (Use of the wrong type of oil will dramatically affect the behaviour of these
units.) Figure 21 shows the relationships between zero droop, fine droop and coarse
It may be desirable to have zero droop for an alternator (to maintain frequency), but
such a refined governor may not be essential on a main propulsion unit. Problems could
also arise when engines are run in parallel, so that two governors set to too fine a droop
may react with each other. One possible solution may be to set one to a fine droop so
that the desired speed can be maintained, and the other to a coarser droop, so that it is
able to take care of the load variations that occur during operation. In fact load sharing
is a difficult concept and should only be undertaken with advice from the
manufacturers of the governors concerned, since specific models of governor may be
available to suit the particular problem in hand.
Load sharing should not be confused with load limiting'. Many governors, reacting
to changes in speed, and in particular to a fall in speed, will attempt to increase the flow of
fuel to recover the loss of speed. However, the fall in speed may be due to the engine
reaching its power capability and any further release of fuel may only lead to damage to
the engine and a loss of efficiency. To protect against this most governors have in-built,
load limiting devices, which are usually set (possibly during engine trials) to an upper
limit of engine operating temperatures, exhaust, jacket, etc., so that the engine, on
reaching this predetermined loading, is not fed with any more fuel. Some governors have
an external adjuster that allows fine trimming of the load limiter, which is simply a 'stop'
up to which the governor can call for more fuel but at which even decreasing speed
cannot cause the re lease of further fuel. The result is that the maximum thermally
acceptable load on the engine is not exceeded.
Another refinement for governors regulating alternators is a load 'sensing' process,
achieved electrically from the main switchboard (Fig 22). Sensors, reacting to changes
in both load and frequency, send an integrated signal back to the governor which preempts the changes in speed of the prime mover to such an extent that the governor is
adjusted to accept the change in conditions before the mechanical effects of slowing
down/speeding up occur through the system. The net result is a much steadier running
speed and a more stable frequency; important for many of the instruments on the
vessel, in particular the gyroscope (compass). The signal is applied through a small
servo motor on top of the governor. The motor regulates the load on the governor spring,
thereby regulating the flow of hydraulic fluid to the servo piston controlling the position
of the fuel pump racks. The alternative to this would be to allow the speed changes
incurred by load changes to work their way back down the system, through the rotor of

the alternator, crankshaft and governor drive. The governor would then begin to react
to correct for the change in speed, but the change in speed would have also affected the
fuel rack setting, in turn causing a change in the amount of exhaust gas generated,
affecting the speed of the turbocharger, which changes the through put of air, which affects
the combustion process and running temperatures of the engine. Whereas small
changes in load may be absorbed without too much difficulty, a process like this would
suffer greatly were there to be a large change such as stopping and starting of a mooring
winch or air compressor. It is important that the load sensing equipment operates
fully and effectively. The same servo motor is used to regulate the speed of an
incoming alternator whilst paralleling it to the existing switchboard frequency. Once
coupled, the engine is locked to the frequency (by the synchronising torque) of the
system and the governor becomes a regulator adjusting the fuel flow to match the load

Figure 21 Variations in droop: a) zero droop, i.e. speed remains constant over whole
load range; b) fine droop, i.e. small change in speed between zero and full load; c)
coarse droop, i.e. large change in speed between zero and full load.

Figure 23 Schematic diagram of PGA governor with manifold pressure fuel limiter.

With controllable pitch propellers, speed sensing equipment may be used to increase
the propeller pitch as the speed rises, so the propeller absorbs more torque and increases
the load on the prime mover. As the load torque then exceeds supply torque the speed will
fall until the set value is reached again.
Governing prime movers, particularly diesel engines, requires careful consideration. The
cyclic variations of a diesel cycle can be passed into the governor drive if it is too 'stiff.
That is, the cyclic vibrations will be imposed on the internal gearing etc. inside the
governor housing. To prevent this, some form of damper should be used on the drive
into the governor. The mounting point for the governor should be rigid; a vibrating
mounting would soon downgrade even the best of governors. Chain or belt drives
should be avoided as far as possible, as slapping of the belt or chain produces speed
variations causing malfunction of the governor. Similarly the drive from the end of the
cam shaft is subjected to torsional vibrations, and governors should not be located at
that point. They should be located as close as is practicable to the fuel pumps, thereby
limiting the mass/inertia of operating linkage. In all cases, the governor should be
matched to the engine requirements in terms of droop, load limiting, response time etc.
On large engines there is an inertial resistance to acceleration within the masses of
reciprocating and rotating elements of the engine, so that during acceleration fuel could
be released to the cylinders at a faster rate than efficient combustion can burn it. In an
attempt to compensate for this, and to maintain acceptable combustion during
acceleration, a tapping from the scavenge space may be taken and the pressure used to
regulate the rate of fuel release to the engine. This process is incorporated into the
governor operating system so that the governor releases a quantity of fuel
commensurate with the increase in air pressure in the scavenge space (Fig 23). (During
deceleration the problem is not so great, as excess air can be tolerated far more easily
than can the incomplete combustion associated with insufficient air.)
Figure 23 also shows how other controllers are integrated into the governor. These
include droop control, load limiting and speed setting. From the complexity and interreaction between these it should be understood that these units, once calibrated and set,
should not be casually adjusted. Even the viscosity of the oil is important. An oil that is
too thick would slow down the reaction of the governor and would completely alter
the flow through the needle valve(s). Whenever a problem is experienced with these
refined and reliable governors it is advisable to call in an expert.
Crosshead bearings are very difficult to lubricate and they run under the most arduous
of conditions.
Throughout the full cycle, 2-stroke crossheads are subjected to a vertical downward
loading that is never reversed, whereas in the 4-stroke engine, the induction stroke
reverses the loading on the gudgeon pin. The magnitude of the load varies throughout the
stroke, being a maximum around tdc and gradually reducing as the cylinder pressures
drop during the expansion stroke. The lowest loading on the cro sshead (see Piston rings,
page 133) occurs around the opening of the exhaust ports when the cylinder pressure
drops to below scavenge pressure. (Were it not to do so for whatever reason, blow back
into the scavenge space would occur and there would be inadequate scavenging of the
cylinder, in addition to the increased potential for a scavenge fire.) It is at this point that the
high pressure lubricating oil has the best chance of lifting the pin and forming a film
under it in preparation for the next cycle.
The crosshead bearing oscillates about the pin, so that it is difficult, if not impossible, to
generate the hydrodynamic 'wedge' of oil much more readily achieved in bottom end
and main bearings, or indeed in any bearing/shaft system in which continuous rotation

occurs. Even so, a film of oil set up whilst the con rod is swinging at its fastest across the
pin (bdc and tdc) provides, to a large extent, hydrodynamic lubrication. At the
extremities of the swing of the con rod, as it passes over mid stroke, the movement of the
bearing must slow down, stop and reverse in direction. Fortunately the loading at this
point is much reduced, so any boundary lubrication conditions that occur are more easily
One of the greatest problems associated with crossheads is the need for them to absorb
very high and almost instantaneous loading just after tdc. At this point the piston rod,
connecting rod and crankshaft webs are in virtual alignment so that the full force of the
piston load is directed into the crosshead bearing. To accept this the crosshead needs to
have extensive bearing surface, and either great stiffness to resist bending or a way of
accommodating bending of the pin without causing localised (point) loading of the white
metalled surfaces. Examples of both types are shown in Fig 24.

Figure 24 Crosshead bearings: a) diagrammatic view of flexible mounted lower halves; b) section through actual
crosshead showing bearing support; c) large dia to length ratio preventing bonding even during peak pressures.

Figure 24c shows a crosshead with great stiffness, i.e. such a large diameter to length ratio that
bending under expected loads is unlikely. Its greater weight and size, producing a loss in power, is
acceptable in return for reliability of operation.
Figure 24a shows a lighter structure in which the firing forces may cause the pin to deflect (by
fractions of a mm). However as the flexible bearing (bottom) halves move with the pin, uniform
distribution of loading is still maintained.
In both of the above cases the pins are machined to a very fine tolerance, probably in the region of 0. l
mm, with the shell type bearings accurately machined to provide matching surfaces. The old,
traditional method of scraping in the white metal should not be applied to these modem units. Hand
scraping would lose the concentricity so carefully machined into both surfaces. Many modern
crossheads are of the shell type bearing with a steel backing for strength, faced with copper-lead
coatings and finished with a lead based white metal. These composite (tri-metal) bearings offer
great resistance to corrosion, have high load carrying ability and a resistance to scoring, and are
machined to very close tolerances.
Because of the ever increasing mep, and the difficult circumstances in which a crosshead bearing
works, lubrication is now taken to it directly. The oil feed, usually from some supply higher in
pressure than is required for main bearings, is supplied via 'swinging7 links or through 'telescopies'.
The residue of this supply is taken 'down' the connecting rod to supply the bottom end bearing.
(This has the advantage of supplying the highest loaded bearing crosshead first and at the same
time eliminating the need for drillings through the crankshaft, from which fatigue cracks may
develop in the highly stressed shaft.) Some of the crosshead oil supply is taken on to lubricate the
guide shoes.
There are many forms of crosshead. One employs jacking pumps to increase the oil feed pressure
(using the arc of the connecting rod to develop a pumping motion). Another has bearing pins which
are divided into two slightly eccentric sheaves, so that the oil film developed as the rod swings over
them is extended beyond that formed on a simple single pin. Each of these, as well as the above
methods, has been designed to maximise the effective lubrication of the crosshead so that it will
operate successfully for long periods.
In all cases attention should be paid to the correct adjustment of the working clearances. Large
clear ances should be avoided, as the oil will be squeezed out more readily. A rough indication of the
state of a bearing can be obtained by checking the oil flow from the bearing, particularly when the oil
is hot (thin); after the engine has been running, for example. Any unduly large flows from the
crosshead will become obvious as the engine is turned over. It would be sensible to compare the
flows between each crosshead so that a pattern can be provided against which the suspect bearing
can be compared.
It should be noted that oscillatory bearings (crossheads included) are the only ones in which
'axial' oil distribution grooves are acceptable. (In rotating shaft/bearing systems axial grooves in
the loaded area would disrupt the formation of the oil wedge.) Even so, the contouring of these
grooves should be carefully regulated so that adequate radii are given to their edges to encourage
oil flow and prevent them from becoming oil scrapers.
The firing (and compression) forces are transmitted through the crosshead into the connecting
rod so that, apart from tdc and bde, a turning moment is developed at the crankshaft level. There
will be a transverse reaction to these forces at the crosshead level, and this is taken by the guide
shoes (slippers) onto the guides. A simple triangle of forces shows this reaction for one point alone
in the cycle, for as the cylinder pressure changes so too does the loading on the piston. In other words,
the load on the crosshead, and hence the guides, will vary throughout the stroke with variations in
crank angle and cylinder pressure. Not only does the magnitude of the loading vary, but its direction
of application alters too. During the expansion stroke the forces will be acting on one set of guides

(sometimes referred to as the ahead guides) then during the completion of the revolution the thrust
is transferred to the other set of guides (the astern guides). From this it should be appreciated that
Tioth' sets of guides (ahead and astern) are used every revolution, and not only the ahead guides
when the engine is running ahead and the astern guides when the engine is running astern. Both sets
of guides are used whether running ahead or astern. There will be a greater loading on them
during the relevant power stroke than that experienced during the compression stroke.
Wear, under normal circumstances, occurs along the top third of the guide ways and it will
generally be slight compared to the wear on the slipper itself. This, being white metal faced and
provided with grooved oil reservoirs, is supplied with oil bled from the crosshead feed, as
mentioned above.
Clearances should be checked using feeler gauges, at the top, center and bottom of the stroke, with a
total clearance (ahead and astern) being taken, as the guide shoe may be resting on either of the
two surfaces.
Adjustment of the guides to compensate for wear should be undertaken with great care and any
adjustment made should be in order to recover the smallest wear measured and not the largest
(otherwise guide clearance may be lost on the least worn areas).
Alignment of the guides should be such that they control/constrain the crosshead, and therefore
the extremity of the piston rod, to a path parallel to the movement of the piston. This runs
according to the alignment of the cylinder liner so the guides should be parallel to the cylinder liner.
Any deviation from this will, apart from producing a knocking sound, give accelerated wear to the
cylinder liner, piston rod and possibly the guide shoe and ways.
Adjustment of the guide ways and accurate measurement of the alignment is not usually undertaken
by the ship's staff. However an impression of the alignment can be obtained, should some fault
be suspected and all other possibilities eliminated, by adopting the following procedure. With the
cylinder cover removed and the piston suspended (crane) at the lowest part of the liner, centralise
it within the unworn part of the liner by driving in wooden wedges (circumferentially and from both
top and bottom of piston). This aligns the piston with the cylinder liner and in so doing makes the
rod (freed from crosshead constraints) parallel to the liner. Measurements can then be taken from
rod to guides to check for any deviation. More accurate methods, using piano wire centralised to
cylinder bore, or laser beams, are available, but the above procedure will indicate any major
There are two major forms of guide/guide way; the two-faced guides and the four-faced guides
shown in Fig 25, a and b.
When adjusting these to compensate for wear, the effects of any adjustment on the alignment of the
piston rod should be considered. The crosshead may be displaced transversely thereby pulling the
piston rod end to one side of the engine. The two faced guides are most likely to give problems in
this way unless correctly adjusted.
The guides, absorbing the resultant transverse thrust from the crosshead, apply a corresponding
turning moment to the engine in the transverse plane about the base. The forces so applied tend to
'rock' the engine (transversely) about its foundation. This increases the compressive loading on the
chocks of the relevant unit on one side of the engine, whilst simultaneously increasing the tensile
stress in the holding down bolts at the other side of the engine. The compression stroke reverses
these forces, but not by the same magnitude. Compared to the firing forces and vertical forces in
general these transverse, rocking moments are small. Nevertheless, their effects at holding down
bolt level should not be disregarded. The combination of otherwise acceptable individual loadings
may cause failure. For example, consider the effects of a higher than normal firing pressure and slack
or broken chocks on the rocking forces mentioned above.
This chapter describes the principles behind the large slow speed engines (cathedral type engines)
and it is difficult to include anything other than an overview of medium speed and high speed

engines. There are multitudes of builders, each with their own design characteristics, and it would
be impossible to cover every aspect of medium speed engines within this chapter. A simplistic
comparison is made between them and slow speed engines, and the areas where there are major
differences are highlighted below.
Crankshafts may be underslung to protect the bedplates from firing stresses. The crankshaft is
supported underneath the crankcase framework by bearing housings bolted up into the frame.
There is therefore no real need for a bedplate, and frequently a simple sheet metal sump is sufficient.
This means that the frame provides the required longitudinal and transverse stiffness of the
engine and the omission of the bedplate reduces the overall weight of the engine. There are some
models that have bedplates, usually cast structures, similar to the general layout of a slow speed
engine. The other major difference is that the crankshaft is normally a solid unit, forged, or even cast
on smaller engines. Forged shafts have to be carefully constructed to provide a reasonable grain flow
along the length of the shaft. In many cases these shafts are 'stiff enough to span worn down bearings
without showing up on the deflection or bridge gauge readings. Care should be taken when recording
deflections to see that such spanning is checked for.

Figure 25 a) Horizontal section through two-faced crosshead guide; b) horizontal section through
A frames, crosshead and guides of the four-faced type.

Main bearings
Main bearings are usually of the shell type; white metal lined (copper lead or aluminium tin)
with a flashing of lead indium or lead tin approx 0.0005 inch thick for running in. This flashing may
be slightly thicker for a fuller life. The steel backing shells are held in place and shape by the bore
of the housing and will be designed to provide 'nip', i.e. sufficient interference fit to provide
adequate grip on the bearing shell, preventing it from turning in the housing. The nip provided is not
great enough to cause distortion which would adversely affect the running clearances. Axial location
of the shaft may be required if the coupling does not incorporate a thrust housing. This is achieved
by forming (white metal) rings on the sides of one main bearing shell that allows the shaft to run
with a small axial clearance between running faces on the two adjacent webs (Fig 26). In some
cases a small collar may be provided at one side of the bearing.
It is important to appreciate that only one such 'locating' bearing should be fitted to any one shaft.
Otherwise the differing thermal expansion of frame and crankshaft may cause problems.

Figure 26 Thick wall bearing with flanges. Locates shaft but does not absorb prop thrust.

Connecting rods
Connecting rods in medium speed engines are usually of the 'marine type'. The bottom end is
separate from the palm of the connecting rod, thereby allowing the fitting of compression plates.
(These in turn control the compression ratio and compression pressure.) This connecting rod palm
may be of reduced width to allow its withdrawal through the cylinder as the piston is lifted. The
removal of a piston is a problem with medium speed engines or trunk engines (trunk engines
being those in which there is no crosshead, the piston being directly connected to the connecting rod),
as the connecting rod can not be detached from the piston whilst the piston is in the cylinder. The bottom of
the connecting rod is often larger than the bore of the cylinder, mainly because it has to carry the bottom
end bearing which runs on a shaft which is as large as the cylinder bore in diameter, or even larger.
Thus the bottom end must be constructed either to be removable, as in the type shown in Fig 27, or
possibly obliquely cut. These are also known as 'fixed' centre connecting rods as it is not possible to
fit various thicknesses of compression shim.

Figure 27 Marine type connecting rod.

Vee type engines provide another problem. If the cylinder centres are transversely in line then the
bottom end will also be in line which leads to two bearings wanting to run on the same section of
crankshaft. This may be overcome by adopting the fork and blade method, or using articulated
connecting rods (Fig 28). In either case, problems arise when overhaul is required, and spare gear
levels are increased as the variety of bearing increases. Where vee engines don't have their cylinder
centres transversely in line, the connecting rods can run side by side on the same throw of a
crank, the crank pin having to be extended to accommodate the two bottom ends. This leads to a
heavier crankshaft as well as a slightly longer engine, but it simplifies both access and overhaul.
The lubrication of the top end (gudgeon pin) is usually achieved by oil being fed from the main
bearing supply along drillings in the crankshaft to the bottom end, and then up through borings in
the connecting rod to the top end. Most medium speed engines are of the 4-stroke type which
naturally provides an alleviation of the downward load on the gudgeon pin during the induction
stroke, which helps lubrication of the top end bearing. In 2-stroke medium speed engines, this
reversal of load does not occur and it is therefore prudent to increase the load carrying area of the
gudgeon pin and at the same time maximise the lubrication flow to that area. The reversal of thrust in the
4-stroke causes greater cyclic fatigue problems with the bottom end bearing bolts. For safety's
sake, therefore, the running hours given by the manufacturers for their bottom end bolts should be
strictly adhered to. Failure of one of these bolts could lead to total engine failure; expensive, undesirable and usually avoidable if bolt tensions, firing pressures and quoted running hours are
conformed with.
Pistons may be cast iron or, on higher speed engines, aluminium alloy. The use of alloy pistons
reduces weight and therefore bearing loading, and the loading on the cylinder walls. Allowance
must be made for the larger expansion ratio of the aluminium alloys, and so large piston to cylinder
clearances (cold) are adopted. As the engine warms up and expansion of piston occurs this clearance
reduces. For this reason, care should be taken to avoid overheating such a piston. Aluminium also
suffers from carbon build up with possible burn out when heated above 300C. Cooling of these
pistons may be achieved by spraying oil onto the under side of the crown. This spray is taken from
the lubricating oil fed to the top end. However, if bearing wear occurs, the oil leakage there
reduces the flow so that the piston cooling supply also suffers. Improved and more easily regulated
cooling can be achieved through coils cast into the piston crown. These may be fed from the oil

supply to the gudgeon pin or may be individually supplied via telescopic pipes. A further
problem associated with aluminium type pistons is that of rapid ring groove wear, which can be
overcome by casting in 'ring inserts' of a harder wearing material and which, if correctly shaped and
cared for, last the life of the piston. The crown of the piston may be shaped to accept the open
valves as the piston passes over tdc on the exhaust stroke. The shaping may be further arranged to
'squeeze' the air into the centre of the combustion chamber as the piston reaches tdc on the firing
stroke. This provides a compressed volume of rapidly moving air into which the fuel can be
injected. The air movement ensures adequate mixing between fuel and air so that complete
combustion is more easily achieved.
Piston rings
Piston rings will be similar to those in slow speed practice; cast iron alloyed with various
proportions of one or more of manganese, molybdenum, or chromium. The top rings may have
inserts of chromium for extended life, or possibly bronze inserts to facilitate running in. Running in
may also be enhanced by using taper faced rings (1). This limits the contact surface during the first
hours of running so that a seal is more quickly established, the ring gradually bedding in to provide
the full running face as a seal. On one type of engine the rings are pegged to the piston so that they
rotate with it. The piston is made to rotate by an ingenious rack and pinion mechanism, incorporated
at gudgeon pin level, being activated by the swing of the con rod as it completes a cycle. Instead of a
gudgeon pin, as such, a spherical end to the connecting rod allows complete and continuous rotation of the piston. The effect of the rotation of the piston is to distribute oil around the cylinder
wall much more evenly and accurately than can be achieved with the normally accepted

Figure 28 a) Obliquely split connecting rod; b) articulated connecting rods for vee engine; c) fork
blade assembly for vee engines.
Exhaust valves come in for a great deal of abuse as the engine is running, particularly if there are
traces of vanadium or sulphur in the fuel. Many exotic, corrosive-resistant materials have been
developed and employed on valve seats to combat this problem (nimonics and stellite). Rotation of
the valves has also proved to be a successful method of prolonging valve life, by maintaining the valve
seating area at a more uniform temperature. A valve which is not rotated tends to heat up in one
area more than another due to the directional flow of exhaust gas and air during the gas exchange
period. This non-uniform heating is further accentuated by the heat release from the burning fuel.
This localised heating may carry parts of the valve to temperatures beyond the tolerance of the

material so that any corrosive products of combustion can more readily attack the metal. The effect
is that the valve suffers localised wastage (burning) and holes form through the seat. Another effect
of uneven temperature across a valve head is the slight variance in expansion so that effective valve
closure may not be achieved. This leads to further heating of the valve, as well as the loss of efficiency,
fuel economy and power associated with blow past. Thus overheating not only weakens the
material but also promotes attack from the corrosive products of combustion. Valve cooling should
therefore be achieved and maintained as carefully and accurately as possible. Rotation is simply an
adjunct to accurate cooling of the seat.
The exhaust valves will be slightly smaller in diameter than the inlet valves, reducing the force
required to open them against a given cylinder pressure. The power to open them, coming from
the rocker arms and pushrods, is from the engine itself. Although this is a power loss, were larger
valves used greater scantlings of running gear would be needed and the power loss would be
magnified. Similarly, were the exhaust valve dimensions increased, the loading on the actuating
cam face would increase, leading to more problems. Even though the valves are smaller than the
inlet valves the gas escape is barely retarded as the cylinder pressure itself plays a great part in
expanding the gas from the cylinder. The larger air valves are needed so that they do not offer
resistance to flow and unnecessary back pressure on the turbocharger.
Springs for the valves may be in series, one above the other, or in parallel, one inside the other.
Springs in series are usually associated with slow speed engines where great lift is required. The
fitting of a diaphragm plate half way down the springs prevents them whipping as they operate; this
lateral oscillation could lead to premature spring failure or even a form of valve bounce. Springs in
parallel allow springs of slightly thinner wire section to be used. This prevents them from becoming
coil bound, for a given lift, and if the individual coils are of different section they will have different
vibration characteristics so the incidence of resonance is reduced. Also, if one spring fails the other
will continue to operate the valve and prevent it dropping into the cylinder.
There are situations where the choice of engine depends only on engine room size; small vessels
require medium speed engines. However, on large vessels there may be a choice between a large
slow speed engine or a multiple medium speed engine installation. Much of the decision is based
on installation costs and expected maintenance costs. In general, slow speed engines can consume
lower, and therefore cheaper, grades of fuel. Some reasons for the adoption of medium speed
engines are outlined below.
1. Ship's reliability increases with more than one engine because failure of one engine does not
mean the ship is held up.
2. One or more engines can be shut down when the vessel is running in ballast or lightly laden. This
allows the running engines to operate at their optimum power and fuel efficiency, which is impossible with a single slow speed engine under the same conditions.
3. Maintenance is easier because of the smaller size of component. (In the author's experience this
is often offset by the sheer inaccessibility of some of the engine components.)
4. Any engines shut down at sea can be overhauled, within limits. This should save time in port.
Where vessels of different size are concerned, engines of a common type may be fitted, the
differing power requirements being met by varying the number of cylinders or even the number of
engines. This provides a fleet of vessels with a common engine type so that replacement is simplified,
spare gear costs are lower, and the ship board engineers, becoming familiar with the engines,
can move around the fleet without detriment to maintenance.
There are several methods of starting a diesel engine, including manual, electrical and mechanical
devices. The techniques used on a particular engine depend largely on its size, design and service
requirements. Small diesels, such as those employed in lifeboats etc., may well be hand, or perhaps
electrically, started. In main propulsion engines, or even diesel generators, such methods are unable to

supply the substantial torque required to overcome the inertia of the large masses involved. These
engines usually employ a system using the energy stored in compressed air.
Where the main engine is of the direct drive reversible type, it is essential that it is capable of starting
in either direction from any position of rest. To achieve this, it is necessary for each cylinder to be fitted
with a starting air valve, the opening of which is dictated by a 'distributor'. This distributor ensures
that air is introduced into the relevant cylinder at the correct time to achieve starting in the desired
direction from any position of rest. There will be an overlap period during which two cylinders, at
the extremities of their air injection periods, will both receive air. This ensures positive starting in the
correct direction. (The starting sequence is the same as the firing order for the engine.) The amount
of overlap is dependent upon the number of cylinders, the timing of the exhaust opening and so
on. (The greater the number of cylinders, the less overlap required.)
Modern practice is to introduce air into the cylinder slightly before tdc. (The alignment of piston rod
with con rod at this point is such that little, if any, turning moment is developed.) This allows the
air to accumulate in the clearance volume ready to force down the piston once it is over tdc. At the
same time, another cylinder will be receiving air (because of the overlap). This unit will be one in
which the crank is well past tdc so that it generates an adequate turning moment to carry the above
unit over tdc. The first unit, already pressurised, will be able to accelerate the engine up to the 'fuel
initiation' speed. The useful expansion of the starting air will cease at the opening of the exhaust. To
continue air injection any further would be wasteful and futile. This limit is normal to 3-cylinder
engines but is unnecessarily long in engines with more than three units.
A starting air pressure well below the compression pressure of an engine will be able to turn the
engine over against the compression because the compression pressure is only reached towards
the end of the stroke, whereas starting air is introduced for a much longer period of the stroke. The
starting air 'indicator' diagram, Fig 29, shows that there is a far greater energy release below the
starting air curve than that required to achieve the compression. Areas below the curves represent, to
scale, the energy involved in the relevant operation.
The momentum built up in the rotating elements of the crankshaft will help in smooth starting once
the initial inertia has been overcome.
Reversibility can be achieved by introducing air into a cylinder where the piston is approaching tdc,
in the direction of rotation in which it was stopped. Exactly the same concepts as discussed above
then apply, but in the reverse firing order. Control can be achieved through the distributor or by
varying the position of the starting air cams (sliding cam shaft, usually independent of the fuel
pump cam shaft). Lost motion clutches had some bearing on the distributor on some engines but
the advent of constant pressure turbo charging has led to radical simplification in the design of lost
motion clutches.

Figure 29 Starting air diagram

Where the starting air system is concerned, the following features are usually considered
1. Between the engine and the starting air receiver there should be a robust and effective non-return
valve. This valve should be situated as close to the engine manifold as is practically possible, so that
any explosion in the starting air manifold is contained in as small a length of piping as possible,
and should be prevented from getting back to the air bottles. Locating the valve close to the engine
limits the distance travelled and hence the build up in speed of the explosive wave that would
otherwise occur as the wave front travels down the pipe line seeking out oxygen and fuel. This
high velocity wave front has been responsible in the past for destroying pipelines and valves. It
must therefore be contained to as small a range as possible.
Between the above non-return valve and the cylinder valves some form of relief should be fitted (to
vent the forces of an explosion as quickly as possible). These devices may take the form of:
a) an ordinary spring loaded relief valve(s).
These are open to mal-treatment and mis-adjusment so they may not operate adequately enough
when needed.
b) bursting discs or caps.
These are relatively tamper proof provided that the correct materials and replacement caps are
used. They do vent the manifold completely and, unlike the above relief valve, which resets once the
pressure has dropped, require some form of blanking off if the engine is to be started again. For this
reason, it is usual for several caps to be fitted to the engine (one per unit), unlike the relief valve
where one or two valves are the norm.
c) quick closing valves (air operated).
These are not very common, but are built in such a way that they are rapid in action and
virtually tamper proof. They operate on the differential area principle. One side of a piston-like
assembly sits against the air manifold; the other end, slightly larger in diameter, is pressurised
directly from the air receivers. Should the manifold pressure rise, the 'valve' is blown open and the
manifold vented, once the pressure drops the pilot air from the receiver closes the valve again by
working on the bigger area. Such an arrangement allows pressure release and then immediate
recovery of the air starting system.
3. For each unit there is a cylinder valve, a simplistic design of which is shown in Fig 30. Note the
following in Fig 30.
a) the 'mushroom' head and balance piston, of the same nominal diameter, so that the main line
air simultaneously acting on both faces holds the valve in balance rather than forcing the valve open.
b) the guide on the stem, which ensures correct alignment and reseating as the valve closes.
c) the spring incorporated to close and hold closed the valve.
d) the power piston, of such dimensions that, on the introduction of pilot air, the valve is rapidly
opened against spring pressure (and cylinder pressure).
e) spindle, whcih indicates the position of the valve and may be turned to help close a 'sticky' valve.

Figure 30 Schematic view of starting air valve.

To ensure that the cylinder valves open in the correct sequence, a distributor is required. The distributor provides the air start timing with correct overlap whether going ahead or astern.
Distributors may be cylindrical or circular discs both suitably ported, or radially distributed spool
type valves around a central cam, or perhaps similar spool type valves aligned above a laterally
sliding independent cam shaft. A schematic of a starting air system is shown in Fig 31.

Figure 31 Starting air system.

Crankcase explosions can cause serious damage to engine room equipment, but more important
is the hazard to the engine room personnel. It is necessary therefore for the engineer to completely
understand the process leading to the propagation of conditions favourable to an explosion. The
engineer can then maintain his engine so that those conditions should not occur.
It must first be understood that an explosion can take place in any enclosed mechanism such as a
chain case, gear case, crankcase of a diesel engine or air compressor where oil is present. The
magnitude of the explosion is governed mainly by the available volume of explosive vapour, and it
is this that would make large, slow speed main engine explosions potentially devastating, were they

not adequately protected.

It has been proved that engine size does not affect the incidence of explosions (which are as likely in
lifeboat engines as they are in large main propulsion engines), and that any moving part within the
enclosed space can be responsible for the explosion, eg. piston rods, piston skirts, chains, gears,
bearings and so on.
The sequence of events leading up to explosive conditions is as follows. The natural atmosphere in
a crankcase consists of large globules of oil (100-300 mm in diameter) dispersed through the air. These
globules are relatively so large that they will not ignite explosively, though they may burn under
the correct conditions. A 'hot spot' (minimum temperature approx 360C) can vaporise these
globules. The vapour, rising to cooler parts of the crankcase, is then condensed into an oil mist.
This oil mist consists of small globules of oil of approx 2-10 mm in diameter. When ignited, an
accumulation of this oil mist can cause a heavy explosion. The initial vapour created by the hot
spot may cause an explosion, though in most cases there would not be sufficient to cause a heavy
The oil mist may be ignited by coming in contact with a hot spot or spark at a temperature of 270C.
It may also be ignited if heated above 370C (self-ignition temperature).
The amount of oil mist generated before ignition regulates the severity of the explosion. A small
amount will create a fire; a large amount an explosion. The sooner the generation of oil mist is
discovered, the smaller is the chance of an explosion, provided that the correct procedures are then
The ratio of oil mist to air also governs the severity of the explosion. A weak mixture (2% or 3% by
volume) will give a rnild explosion causing little, if any, damage. A mixture in the middle of the
range (5 to 7% oil fuel vapour in air) will, if ignited, cause a heavy explosion, probably blowing off
crankcase doors, causing external damage and engine room fires. A rich mixture (9-10% oil fuel
vapour to air by volume) may cause a mild explosion. It should be appreciated that, following the
explosion, a partial vacuum is created in the crankcase, and the engine room atmosphere flows
back into it (Fig 32).

Figure 32 Pressure time relationship of a crankcase explosion.

In the case of the rich mixture, the explosion will be followed by a period when air flowing back into
the crankcase dilutes the rich mixture into the middle of the explosive range. A secondary explosion
at this condition could be devastating. In past cases the vacuum has been responsible for drawing
off the crankcase doors of adjacent engines, laying their atmospheres open for combustion. It is to
avoid this 'chain reaction' that crankcase explosion doors are designed to close as rapidly as possible

after relieving an explosion, the closing being a way of preventing air ingress to the crankcase. For
similar reasons, there should be no cross connecting pipes between the crankcases of engines. Oil
return pipes to a common sump should be taken to below the surface of the oil so that an explosion in
one engine cannot find its way into the second engine.
Extraction fans exhausting to atmosphere up the funnel are sometimes fitted to keep the engine
clean. The fans cause a small pressure depression in the crankcase that prevents oil leakage, as air is
drawn in through any small aperture that would otherwise weep oil. The fans must be shut off if
conditions that could lead to a crankcase explosion are suspected. If left running, they could dilute a
rich mixture to the middle of the explosive range.
Oil mist detectors are fitted to many engines today and are a particular requirement for unattended
machinery space vessels. They continuously monitor the atmosphere inside the crankcase, taking
samples in turn from both low and high levels along the length of the engine. The samples are
compared to a reference so that a change in conditions at any one point is detected quickly. The
alarm point is set very much below the lower explosive limit so that a very early warning is
provided. The monitor will indicate the location of the detector head providing the alarm reading,
and the engineer can check on conditions himself. It should be appreciated that these units are very
sensitive and may give alarm conditions because of slight fouling of the lens inside the detector. Regular
checking and cleaning of these will reduce the incidence of false alarms. The units should never
usually be switched off. It is better to respond to a few false alarms than to ignore a warning
preceding an explosion.
An alert watchkeeper can detect rising oil temperatures quickly and respond to the dangers before
conditions get too severe. Stopping the engine is by far the best thing to do but this can only be done
with agreement from the bridge. Only when there are no hazards in a navigational sense should the
engineer slow the engine down and stop it. Permission from the bridge watchkeeper should
always be sought before slowing or stopping the engine; which may cause a collision/grounding
that would otherwise have been easily avoidable. After checking with the bridge, slow, or
preferably stop, the engine, and, if possible, increase the flow of lubricating oil. Never open the
crankcase until adequate time for cooling has elapsed. 'Adequate' time is not easy to define but in
most cases at least 30 min should elapse, preferably much more. In the crankcase, the hot spot will
still have enough heat left in it for it to be located. Carbon dioxide flooding would inert the
crankcase, approx 30% by volume being sufficient, but not many engines are fitted with such
facilities. Permanent inerting is not practicable, as not only could the gas leak into the engine room
atmosphere, but routine maintenance would be inhibited. Inevitably, cost would also preclude the
use of permanent crankcase flooding.
Crankcase explosion doors are fitted in order to reduce the effects of an internal explosion. They
have to be able to withstand the force of the explosion and the passage of high temperature gases
without distortion. Equally, they must close and seal quickly to stop the ingress of air that would
otherwise occur during the period of vacuum. They should be fitted along the length of the engine
and positioned at high and low level to give maximum protection. Note that the further an explosive
wave travels the greater its momentum, so on large engines, doors should be numerous so that the
distance travelled by the wave, before its release, is as short as possible. Medium speed engines
with cylinder bore less than 12 inches only need explosion doors at the ends. Smaller engines with
cylinders of less than 6 inches are not required to have explosion doors at all. Areas of doors
are set down by the various governing bodies, as are the lifting pressures (nominally 0.5 bar).
Above all, good and regular attention to the maintenance of the engine, avoidance of overloading and
the provision of adequate lubricating oil should mean that explosions never occur, but to protect
against the unpredictable oil mist detectors and crankcase explosion doors should always be checked
and maintained in satisfactory condition.
Scavenge fires
For a scavenge fire to occur there must be the three sides of the fire triangle; air, fuel and a source
of ignition. The removal of any one of these would not only extinguish a fire but prevent it occurring

in the first place. It is impossible to prevent air flow through the scavenge spaces as scavenging implies
air flow. However, fuel should never be present in the scavenge spaces so a clean scavenge space
can never ignite. Ignition itself could occur were there to be any blow past the piston or were the piston
to begin to seize in the liner. It may even be possible for the piston rod gland to overheat to the point
where it could cause ignition.
The easiest way to avoid scavenge fires is to ensure that the scavenge spaces are maintained clean and
free from oily deposits. The ease of this depends, to some extent, upon the engine design, with
respect to its breathing, and in particular depends on the pressure of exhaust gases still in the
cylinder at the opening of the scavenge ports. However, the engineer can limit fouling of the
scavenge spaces by ensuring that combustion is being carried out as cleanly and crisply as
possible; there is good fuel timing, atomisation, penetration, air fuel ratio and so on. Similarly, the
lubrication of the ring pack needs to be controlled to prevent a build up of lubricating oil in the
scavenge spaces. There is a possibility that oil may pass over with the scavenge air from the turbocharger, particularly if the air filters are fouling up. Dust brought in with the air may also be a
source of fuel within the scavenge spaces. The liner/ring interface should be well maintained. Use
good quality rings and renew them and the liner in good time.
A scavenge fire will manifest itself as a drop in power. There will also be a rise in the exhaust and
jacket temperatures local to the fire area, the turbo-chargers may begin to surge and a smell of
smoke/ hot paint will be apparent. Automatic alarm systems are available, many of which are wires,
the resistance of which alter with changes in temperature, the corresponding change in current flow
activating an alarm.
Scavenge fires are capable of generating conditions favourable to a crankcase explosion
because they put heat into the top plate of the crankcase. That is one reason why the fire should be
extinguished as soon as is reasonably possible.
When a fire occurs, the watchkeeper should, apart from raising the alarm, reduce speed (checking
with the bridge first), shut the fuel off the affected unit, and slightly increase the cylinder lubricating
oil to the affected unit to prevent, if possible, seizure and wear. If the fire does not burn itself out
quickly then stop the engine (bridge), put in the turning gear and commence turning the engine.
Without turning it is possible that the localised overheating of a piston or piston rod may lead to
distortion and subsequent problems. The tie bolts are generally shielded by tubes from the extreme
temperatures. Otherwise they may 'stretch' and relax their grip on the structure. In any case it is
prudent to check the tension of these bolts after a large scavenge fire.
As with crankcase explosions, the doors should not be removed until the fire has subsided and
temperatures have dropped. The early ingress of air may allow an explosion to occur. Air flow
through the engine will occur naturally, even when it is stopped. This is due to the convection
currents generated by the heat in the uptakes. Wrapping canvas around the turbocharger filters can
limit this. The injection of carbon dioxide will rapidly extinguish the fire, but time must be allowed to
pass before opening the doors, for a hot spot could cause re-igni tion. Carbon dioxide could cause
thermal cracking of the hot components within the engine. The use of dry powder would add to the
cleaning up required once the emergency is over. Steam is ideal in this situation, provided the
line is adequately drained first and the valves have not seized with corrosion. However good it is
as a fire fighting agent, steam is not recommended because of the problems associated with corrosion,
water slugs preceding the steam and the need to generate it in the first place. See Chapter 11,
Minimising the Fire Hazard.


Air compressors, for starting air systems, are invariably of the reciprocating type. Although of
slightly less volume through-put than rotary, the reciprocating unit is more easily capable of
developing the pressures required for starting air systems. Compression should, for maximum

efficiency, follow the isothermal law, but in practice it is more closely aligned to the adiabatic
curve, with the result that the delivery temperature is somewhat higher than is really desirable.
This high temperature has several undesirable side effects, not the least of which is to cause the
temperature of the delivery valves to rise and encouraging their fouling up as the oil and dust bake
out on the high temperature zones. Air at a high temperature is also less dense, so for a given volume
there is a reduction in mass. To limit these problems, as far as is practicable, stage compression is
often resorted to. The benefit of this is that each stage is subjected to a low compression ratio so
that terminal temperatures are limited and work input is also reduced. Stage compression also
allows intercooling to take place between the stages so that the compression can be made to follow the
isothermal curve more closely. This too limits the work input required so that either the compressor
drive motor can be reduced or compression is quicker. Interstage cooling also causes condensation
to occur so that some of the moisture may be drained out after the cooler, the net effect being that
drier air is delivered to the receiver. The clearance volume is very important in the efficient operation of
a compressor. Too large a clearance and the air trapped there at the end of a compression and delivery
stroke will expand back to suction conditions before a fresh charge can be drawn in. This can
dramatically reduce the volumetric efficiency of the compressor;

The clearance volume should be kept as small as is safely possible; too small and collision
between the piston top and the cylinder cover may result. This problem may occur when bearing
wear down takes place in the crankshaft system. The slack so generated may allow the piston to
'throw' itself up and collide with the cover. This dangerous condition is particularly apparent
when the compressor is running unloaded (compression is not taking place and there is little or no
resistance to piston movement). During compressor overhaul, the engineer should always check
bearing clearances as well as bumping clearances (i.e. distance between piston top and cylinder
cover at tdc).
The stage compression (and the relatively low compression ratios thereby available) also reduces
the amount of air trapped in the clearance volume and hence again improves the volumetric
efficiency over single stage compression. Compression in a single stage would, for a given
clearance volume, result in a large mass of air being trapped due to the high pressure (pv = mRT)
with its consequent expansion greatly reducing the effective suction.
The valves used in both the suction and delivery sides of a compressor are of the plate type. These
offer low inertia coupled with large area for flow for only a small lift. The result is rapid opening
with minimum resistance to flow. (In a compressor running at 600 rev/min, the operating time for a
delivery valve is in the region of 0.025s).
The plates are subjected to shock loading both on opening and closing. To reduce this as much as
possible the opening is cushioned, either by shaped pockets that reduce the impact of full opening
or by 'cushion' plates that take the brunt of the impact and in so doing offer some protection to the
valve plate itself. The impact on closing cannot be avoided and may in time lead to crazing of the
sealing surfaces with cracking eventually taking place. For this reason, plates that have worn after
subsequent lapping in should not be reversed; otherwise the rate of failure would be very rapid.
The lapping in itself should be to obtain as smooth a surface as possible. A mirror-like finish will
offer less drag to the air flow, improving efficiency and keeping the temperature of the air down.
The pipes from the compressor to the receiver should also be smooth and have as few restrictions as
possible, allowing the air to flow freely to the receiver and entrain with it any solids, liquids etc. These
can be separated out in the bottle relatively easily and should not be allowed to accumulate in the
pipes where they would cause an obstruction (and possibly corrosion). For similar reasons, the
portings in the valve bodies should be as contoured as possible, permitting the air to flow easily
through the valve. Ports that are not adequately radiussed will cause turbulence within the air

flow, acting not only as a restriction to flow but also tending to heat up the air and consequently the
valve and plates.
The gum like deposits that appear on the valves is a combination of lubricating oil from the
compressor, oil, and dust from the atmosphere. To limit this build up, piston lubrication should be
kept to the minimum necessary to prevent wear (and sufficient to resist air leakage). Similarly, the
suction filter should always be kept clean and, depending upon the type, slightly moist with oil.
Leaky valves will cause the compressor to run for longer periods before fully charging the receivers,
as well as raising the temperature of the discharge air. Faulty valves are usually indicated by the
above and by a change in interstage pressures relevant to the discharge pressure. The sooner they
are rectified the better, as unfavourable conditions may occur if the compressor is run at length.
Amongst other things, leaky valves can result in the recycling of compressed air so that the
temperature of the air continues to rise, and may develop to a point where any oil fuel vapour present
is carried to its self-ignition temperature and detonation occurs. It is best to prevent this arising by
regular inspection of running pressures and temperatures coupled with regular maintenance of the
Lubrication of the piston has always been a problem. The use of self-lubricating materials (PTFE coatings etc.) is of great benefit. Where oil has to be used then the minimum commensurate with safety
should be applied. If specific lubricating boxes are used for the piston then the choice of oil can be
made to match as closely as possible the working conditions in the cylinder. If, however, some form
of splash lubrication from the crankshaft system is adopted then a compromise will have to be made.
The oil should be able to spread around the cylinder as well as possible to ensure maximum
lubrication from minimum oil. The oil should also resist being washed of f by the incoming wet air
(second stage). An extension of this is that the oil should be able to protect the cylinder, rings etc.
from corrosion during idle periods, finally, the oil should have a low coking tendency so that
gumming up of the valve plates does not readily occur. This latter requirement contradicts the
view that the oil should have a high flash point. High flash point oils have, by nature, a high carbon
content, which not only adversely affects valve carbonisation but also implies that the oil is
viscous and may not spread easily around the rings and cylinder.
Air cooling is achieved in multi tube heat exchangers circulated with water. The straight tubes are
easier to keep clean and offer small resistance to air flow. Should one perforate however, the
pressure of the air would immediately be imposed upon the whole of the coolant passages (water
being incompressible). This would put such a strain upon the relatively weak casings that rupture
would almost certainly result were it not for the large area relief devices fitted to the water casing.
These may take the form of spring loaded valves or bursting discs. In either case they offer, on
lifting, a rapid release of volume and would drop the pressure quickly enough to protect the casing
from damage. Nevertheless always check during overhaul that these devices are still operational.
Air receivers (welded or riveted structures) and air bottles (solid drawn units)
The term iDOttle' is often used to cover both types of structure. Both have to be manufactured to
specific requirements. On board maintenance amounts to regular surveys of the inside and
mountings. The latter will include, at least, relief valve(s), pressure gauge connection, inlet and
outlet valves, manhole, or inspection doors and drains. The drain should be situated at the lowest
point of the bottle in such a way that accumulations of oil, water and solids can be blown out. The water
forms as the hot, compressed air cools down to below the relevant dew point. The ambient conditions
of humidity and temperature will affect the amount of condensate so formed. In any case, the area
around the drain should be inspected whenever possible to check on any corrosion that is taking
place in that area. Sonic testing can be used to determine the residual thickness if corrosion has
occurred. Cleaning and revarnishing (non-spirit based) of the affected areas is essential if further
corrosion is to be avoided. The usual inspection of the other mountings should also be carried out
during the survey period. Remember to treat the receivers as an enclosed space whenever entry is
required and take the relevant precautions, particularly if cleansing fluids are being used or painting

is being carried out.

Fusible plugs are fitted if the receiver is isolable from a relief valve. There will always be a relief
valve on the high pressure side of the compressor so that when the compressor is being used the
bottle is protected. However, this means that the receiver is only protected when the compressor is
running. A fusible plug therefore offers protection against pressure development in the event of an engine
room fire. The plug (lead, bismuth and antimony) softens as its temperature rises and extrudes from its
fir tree type socket. The release of such large quantities of air would impair the effectiveness of any
CQ2 fire fighting gas unless extra gas is provided in compensation or the air is piped out of the engine
room, say to the fidley.
To keep the materials of the engine within the limits of their thermal and mechanical strengths it is
necessary to regulate the heat build up in them. This is achieved by circulating coolants at the
correct rate around and through the various components within the engine. Most of these systems
can readily be traced out by the ship's engineer, although the bore cooling passage ways may only
become apparent when the engine is overhauled.
Water is used as the coolant, although it must be of the correct quality and treated in such a way that
it does not encourage corrosion. Hard waters, those that carry a high salt/lime content, should be
avoided as they will only lead to scale deposition in the higher temperature zones with the consequent
reduction in heat transfer.
It is usual to employ distilled water or some such equivalent. In any case the calcium oxide level
should be very low as should the chloride content. To inhibit corrosion an additive such as soluble oil,
chromate or nitrate borate can be used. Each of these have their own peculiar advantages and
disadvantages. Soluble oil, for example, is safe to handle, reduces cavitation damage and is approved
for use with fresh water generators. It is however prone to separation if the system is not clean or if
water quality is incorrect, susceptible to foaming and may layer out on high temperature zones
forming insulating layers. Its self-lubricating properties favour its use with telescopies used to supply
piston cooling. On shut down, any oil based coolant must be circulated longer than water as there is a
tendency for the oil to bake out on hot spots, forming insulating layers that promote, when the
engine is running, the burning away of piston material on the high temperature combustion side.
For many years chromate has been used as a very effective inhibitor, particularly as concentration
levels are almost self-evident from its colour. Chromate too can be used in conjunction with zinc
coatings etc. However it is harmful to the skin and must not be handled, and because it is poisonous
cannot be used with fresh water generating systems run off the engine coolants. (Beware of restricted
areas when dumping!)
Nitrate borate is probably the most universally used compound as it is an effective inhibitor, the
level of which is easily determined aboard. It is also safe to handle and is approved for use with fresh
water generator systems run off the engine cooling system. It does attack soft solders and cannot
prevent corrosion of zinc.
The ship's engineer generally has no choice but to use whatever inhibitor the engine builder recommends. To that end it is his responsibility to ensure that the coolant system is maintained clean and
clear. He should also maintain regular checks upon concentrate level and avoid overdosing as a
'safety margin' as, for example, too much soluble oil causes deposition in high temperature zones.
The engine operator should maintain the inhibitor, whatever the type, between the prescribed levels
and take the usual precautions when handling the raw material.
It is worth bearing in mind that the return temperature of the circulated coolants is a 'mean' value of
the coolant. There will be areas inside the cooling system where the local surface temperatures are
very much higher than those indicated at the return. It is obviously very dangerous to run the returns
at levels higher than those normally recommended.
Although the circulatory systems of large bore engines are generally considered to be coolants,

these same fluids act as heating agents during the warming through period. As discussed in an earlier
section, it is necessary to warm through the larger engines, not merely to limit thermal shocking that
occurs during starting but also to impart as much heat into the first compressions as possible. This
helps to provide adequate temperature at the end of compression so that the fuel absorbing heat from
the air will readily rise to its self-ignition temperature and combustion will be ensured. Once the
engine has warmed up, the clearances will be taken up (piston to cylinder) and a more positive
compression together with heat absorbed from the cylinder cover etc will provide adequate air
temperatures for crisp ignition. The heating for the coolant can then be turned off and the normal
cooling system reverted to.
The vibrations set up in a diesel engine are most complex, as both the magnitude and direction
of the forces creating the vibration vary throughout one revolution. A mathematical approach is
required, but the results of vibration can easily be understood by the watchkeeping engineer and he
should always be aware of the potential problems that continued vibration can bring. There are
not only different magnitudes of vibration in terms of the force causing the vibration, but also great
variations in the frequency of the vibration. The firing forces in a slow running engine create
large, low frequency (relatively speaking) vibrations, whereas one could imagine that the blades in
the turbocharger rotating at several thousand rev/min are being subjected to a very high
frequency of vibration albeit of fairly low magnitude. Each in their turn can lead to component
failure, although the design engineer will have done his best to provide scantlings and materials
that should, with proper maintenance, provide long service without failure. The failure that results
from vibration is almost universally 'fatigue failure', which accounts for the greatest proportion of
material failures in engineering (normally accepted as being in excess of 65% of all failures).
Vibrations can nominally be separated into one of two forms. One is natural vibration which is a
function of the material itself and its resistance, or lack of it, to movement. The classic example of
this is a tuning fork where the legs of the instrument vibrate, once struck, quite freely and for some
time until the internal resistance of the metal gradually dampens down the movement. All
components will have, to a greater or lesser extent, a natural frequency of vibra tion, and the greater
the mass involved the greater the natural resistance to vibration and the slower the vibrational
frequency. The other form of vibration is forced vibration which is a result of the frequency with
which the applied force occurs. For example, a 4-cylinder engine rotating at 100 rev/min will have a
forcing frequency of 4 x 100 = 400 Hz.
The main problem arises when the natural and forced vibrational frequency coincide. Resonance is
then said to occur. The forcing frequency, acting at the same time and in the same direction, tends
to magnify the natural frequency substantially to such an extent that the strength of the material
may no longer be able to withstand the stressing. Ultimately, fatigue failure occurs with the cracks
passing through the material until insufficient area is left to carry the load and complete failure takes
Most large bore engines have a 'critical speed' which is one at which resonance occurs. The
particular range of revolutions will be marked on a plate adjacent to the controls and the engine
should always be taken through the range as quickly as possible. Bridge controlled engines have an
automatic block over the range to prevent inadvertent operation at that speed. The so called critical
speed is that at which the torsional forces created by the firing impulses and the reactions from the
propeller synchronise with the natural frequency of the shafting system. Balance weights may be
fitted to change the natural frequency of the shaft as well as to counter some of the rotational, out of
balance forces generated by the crank throw. Detuners, usually in the form of a floating mass in the
shaft system, are particularly useful in dampening down the vibrations generated at critical speeds.
This is achieved by changing the natural frequency of the shaft as the floating mass puts drive back
into the shaft as it hesitates over a critical speed. Figure 33 shows how the magnitude of the vibration
at the critical speed is modified when the detuner comes into action.

Figure 33 Magnitude of vibration at critical speed, damped and undapmed.

The complexity of the vibration can be understood by considering the piston and crosshead as a
reciprocating mass. (It is also normal to include the top two-thirds of the connecting rod in the
reciprocating masses, the lower third being considered as a rotating element.) The reciprocating
masses are forced down the cylinder during the expansion stroke by the expanding pressures of the
combustion gases. The shape of the power card shows the pattern of pressure distribution above the
piston and gives some idea of the change in applied force over the expansion stroke. Needless to say,
the momentum of the piston over bdc creates another quirk in the vertical loading. Then, on two
strokes, the compression stroke resists the upward movement of the piston giving, yet again, a
variance in the vertical forces being generated. It will once again be necessary to consider the
momentum of the piston, this time as it passes over tdc. Complicated as this seems, it is simple
compared to the distribution of the angular forces generated by the rotating elements within the

Figure 34 Horizontal and vertical components of force of a rotating mass.

Just as each cylinder produces a disturbing force acting along the axis of each cylinder due to the
acceleration of the reciprocating masses, so too does the rotating element produce out of balance

forces, for even at constant speed the direction and magnitude will vary as indicated in Fig 34. It
should be noted that the crankshaft generates not only vertical forces but also horizontal ones. Because
of these it is necessary to tie the engine down securely with the holding down arrangement and at
the same time provide the seating with some side chocks to help resist transverse movement. The
engineer should be aware of these forces, and ensure that the engine is maintained so that it can
withstand them. Figure 35 shows a schematic view of some of the forces and loading generated at one
point in the cycle. A quick look at the diagram will show the following.
1. The compressive force built up in the piston rod never changes in direction (in a 2-stroke) but
does vary in magnitude.
2. The forces on the guides will vary in both magnitude and direction. One guide takes the forces
generated by the firing forces and the other those generated during compression. These will change
in magnitude and direction as the engine goes astern. These forces attempt to rock the engine
about its foundations, alternately increasing and decreasing the tensile loading in the holding down
bolts. To a lesser extent the juncture between the A-frame and bedplate are subjected to the same
rocking motion. It is important to keep a prudent eye on the integrity of both sets of bolts.
3. The force in the connecting rod, like the piston rod, will vary in magnitude but not in direction.
4. The result of the thrust from the connecting rod will generate both radial and tangential forces at
the bottom end. It is the tangential force that turns the crankshaft and develops power whilst the
radial force either tries to compress the webs or extend them as the cycle is completed.
5. There will be a force generated by the masses as they rotate about the shaft axis. This
centrifugal force acts against the radial force at one part of the cycle and with it at another. The
centrifugal forces, taken in the horizontal plane are responsible for 'couples' that try to turn the
engine in the horizontal plane as each couple is formed. This causes a snake-like movement to be
attempted in the bedplate. Once again holding down and side chocks protect against this, as
does the in-built stiffness of the bedplate structure.

Figure 35 The direction of forces at one point in the cycle of a two stroke engine. All forces change
in magnitude as the engine completes its cycle, and some change in direction.

To dampen out some of the rotational forces many modern engines use specially driven wheels to
which are attached balance weights. The rotation of these weights is timed to act against the out of
balance forces mentioned above. Any good text book on the theory of machines will explain the
principle of the Lanchester balancing concept.
Engineering is changing and expanding continually, so that new developments are always being
investigated. By the time this volume has been printed there will be new developments and
procedures that will supplement the above information, such as the possibility of using steel for cylinder
liners. Steel, much tougher than cast iron in its resistance to cyclic stressing, does not have the inherent
self-lubricating properties, but maybe accepted in engines of the near future. Similarly, exhaust valves
are being subjected to extensive investigation. Nimonic facings or Inconel coatings are being checked,
together with the possibility of stellite inserts on the mating surfaces, all being attempts to reduce the
damage caused by acid and heat attack which occurs as ever worsening grades of fuel are being burned.
Novel ideas to reduce ring/guide friction losses may come forward as the search to improve engine
performance continues. Further waste heat recovery from turbo-chargers may be fed back into the
engine output shaft, improving the already high thermal efficiency of the modern marine diesel. The
material in this chapter is a foundation on which an engineer can build and extend his knowledge of
engines and engineering concepts, but to be competent and well informed the possibilities for the
future should also be considered.

Chapter 4

Marine Fuel Oil

In 1870 the Constantine sailed the Caspian sea using oil in her boilers to produce steam
for propulsive purposes. A further twenty-four years elapsed until the first Atlantic
crossing by the Baku Standard was made in the same manner. At the beginning of the
nineteenth century over 22% of the world's merchant fleet was still made up of sailing
vessels and the remainder, with few exceptions, obtained their energy for propulsion
from coal. In the intervening period up to the outbreak of the First World War, marine
fuel oil started to be increasingly used in merchant fleets. While the pioneers had
utilised the oil in a boiler, it was during this period that the marine diesel engine
evolved in an ocean going vessel. The first ocean-going motor ship was the Selandia, which
sailed on her maiden voyage from Copenhagen to Bangkok in February 1912.
By 1914,2.62% of the total merchant gross tonnage used fuel oil for boilers, 0.47% used
oil in internal combustion engines, 89% used coal, and the remainder were sailing ships.
In 1921, the respective percentages were 20.65%, 2.0%, and 72%. Figure 1 shows the
adoption of oil for the world merchant fleet from wind and coal.
In 1921, practically every motor ship afloat ran on a distillate grade known as diesel oil,
whilst oil fired steamers operated on a residual grade known as fuel oil or boiler oil. The
difference between the two grades is considerable.
By the mid 1920s, at least one motor ship had been designed to burn boiler oil in both her
main engines and auxiliaries. One can conclude, however, that overall the
commercial incentive to burn residual fuel did not exist because of the low cost
differential of diesel and residual fuel and the increased maintenance cost as a result of
using the latter. In the depression of the 1930s, boiler oil was used by some owners as
a short-term cost saving measure.
As the cost differential increased, the economic incentive existed to prove technically
the feasibility of burning residual fuel in motor ships. A full account of one successful
endeavour was presented to The Institute of Marine Engineers in 19471, and was followed by others in the next few years.2'3 Ship owners were anxious to convert existing
vessels capable of burning such fuels. The fuel generally available, with the possible
exception of that from the Americas, was of a fairly consistent quality and gave few
problems. In the early part of the twentieth century, practically all marine fuel oil was
produced by straight distillation of crude oil, but to meet the increased demand for
various products such as gasoline and middle distillates beyond those proportions
that could be produced by the process known as straight distillation, secondary refining
processes were introduced.
In 1936 a secondary refining process, generally referred to as catalytic cracking,
was developed to increase the gasoline yield. This was introduced on a commercial
basis in the United States in the early 1940s and by the early 1950s plants had been
installed in many refineries, in various geographical areas. In the 1930s, processes for
increasing the yield of middle distillate from residue were developed, and commercial
adoption of these processes, of which the common one is thermal cracking, an example
of which is visbreaking, took place on a limited scale in the 1950s. By the 1970s, this

technique was being increasingly adopted, so from one barrel of oil an increased yield of
middle distillate and a smaller yield of residue was obtained. Hence the characteristics of
the residuum contained in marine fuel oil today are very different to those of the oil used
by the early pioneers a century ago.

Figure 1 Adoption of oil for the world merchant fleet from wind and coal.

The present situation is complicated by the wide variations in product demand in

individual countries. These wide variations cannot be accommodated by crude oil
selection alone because of demand volume requirements. Further, within any single
geographical area several crude sources are used and numerous refinery process
configurations are employed. The result of this is that fuel for the marine market on a
world-wide basis is subject to considerable variation in its properties. Whilst this has
basically always been the case, the variations today are more pronounced than they
have been in the past. Marine fuel oil only accounts for 4%-6% of the barrel, yet provides
the main energy to transport the trade of the world by sea, and more tonne-miles are
covered in this manner than by all other means of trade transportation combined.
For the majority of ship owners, bunkers account for a significant part of the vessel's
operating costs. The exact proportion depends upon the type and size of vessel, and the
trade in which it is employed. For the marine market, with the exception of the
distillates, fuel oil is often ordered by viscosity. Whilst viscosity is an important
characteristic it does not give any indication of the other characteristics of the fuel. With
viscosity as the sole criterion for the ordering of marine fuels, ship owners remain
unaware of these other characteristics. Similarly, the designers of the machinery and
fuel systems are not always suitably informed of the fuel characteristics to which they
should be designing.
During the late 1970s and 1980s a considerable amount of work was carried out
within the marine industry on the development of national and international standards.
The first national specification was the British Standard BS MA 100: 1982, which
was revised in 1989 to make it identical with the international standard. An extract
of the International Standard ISO 8217 (First edition 1987-04-15) 'Petroleum products
fuels (class F)specifications of marine fuels' is given in Tables 1 and 2.
CIMAC (International Council on Combustion Engines) has issued a document

entitled 'Recommendations regarding fuel requirements for diesel engines'.* These

recommendations are based on ISO 8217, and include a number of additional
characteristics. It is envisaged that these additional characteristics will be incorporated
in a revision of ISO 8217.


Within the marine industry both distillate and residual fuels are used, and at present
the various grades of fuel are referred to by different names depending on the
terminology of the supplier.

Table 2 Requirements for marine residual fuels

In some smaller vessels, and in the auxiliary engines of some larger vessels, gas oil is
used. This grade of fuel is marketed under various names including bunker gas oil, and
marine gas oil. Such a fuel is a light distillate with a clear and bright appearance, and is a
clean fuel in that it does not contain any residual fuel. On the other hand, diesel fuel
may contain a small amount of residual fuel and be dark or black in colour, and is
known as marine diesel oil or marine diesel fuel.
Various names are used by suppliers for residual fuels, including the terms bunker C
fuel, heavy fuel oil, bunker fuel oil and marine fuel oil. These fuels are the highest
viscosity and thus the cheapest residual fuel available at a port. Often a range of
intermediate fuels are available which have a lower viscosity than the cheapest fuel
available at that port, and are supplied to a stated viscosity. Such products are given
different designations depending on the supplier, and include such terms as light
marine fuel, intermediate fuels, thin fuel oils, and interfuels. The maximum viscosity at
50C in centistokes is often suffixed to the designation. For example, IF 180 would be an
interfuel with a maximum viscosity of 18OcSt at 50C.
Density is the absolute relationship between mass and volume at a stated
temperatureand the SI unit is kg/m3. This gives values of 800-1010kg/m3for marine
fuels. An alternative unit is kg/1, which gives values lower by a factor of 1000.
Knowledge of the density of a fuel is needed for quantity calculations; also its value
needs to be known in order to select the optimum size of gravity disc for purification.
Densities are measured over a range of temperatures, usually, for convenience, at the
temperature at which the fuel is stored. The value is then corrected back by the use of
standard tables to a reference temperature, which is usually 15C.
The reason that some grades in Table 2 have a density restriction of 991 kg/m3, is that
this is the accepted limit for fuel centrifugal purification. Density gives an indication of
other fuel characteristics, including specific energy and ignition quality.
Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a liquid to shear or flow, and is measured in
centistokes (cSt) with a quoted reference temperature. The methods of reporting in

Redwood, Saybolt, and Engler units are now obsolete. For distillate fuels the reference
temperature is 40C. In recent years 50C has been used as the reference temperature
for residual fuels, and this temperature has been associated with the classification of the
fuels as discussed in the section on terminology. In the specification shown in Table 2 a
reference temperature of 100C is used.
Each fuel has its own temperature/viscosity relationship, and although oil
suppliers publish temperature/viscosity charts, it should be appreciated that these
charts are based on average data of a large number of representative fuels. As the
relationship for any particular fuel depends on its crude oil source and the refinery
processes employed, estimations made from the charts cannot be regarded as precise.
In general, for the lower viscosity fuels the difference is small, but it becomes wider as
the viscosity of the fuel increases. A knowledge of the viscosity is necessary for the
determination of the heating required for a fuel for transfer purposes, and the
temperature range required for satisfactory injection and combustion at the fuel
When all residual marine fuel was manufactured by straight run distillation, viscosity
was a broad and generally accepted indicator of fuel quality. Today, due to the worldwide adoption of secondary refining processes, viscosity is no longer any indicator of
fuel quality.
Flash point
The flash point of a fuel is the lowest temperature at which sufficient vapour is given off
to produce a flash on application of a flame under specified test conditions. The flash
point may be measured as a closed or open cup figure and for marine fuels the closed
cup figure is used. The test method uses the Pensky-Marten apparatus. The minimum
flash point for fuel in the machinery space of a merchant ship is governed by
international legislation and the value is 60C. For fuels used for emergency purposes,
external to the machinery space, for example the lifeboats, the flash point must be greater
than 43C. The purpose of defining a minimum flash point is to minimise fire risk
during normal storage and handling.
Cloud point
The cloud point of a distillate fuel is the temperature at which wax starts to crystallise
out, and this is seen when the clear fuel becomes opaque. For marine fuels as specified in
ISO 8217, this characteristic is only applicable to grade DMX as shown in Table 1.
Pour point
The pour point is the lowest temperature at which a marine fuel oil can be handled
without excessive amounts of wax crystals forming out of solution. At a lower
temperature the fuel will gel, thereby preventing flow. Although marine diesel oil is
sometimes received on a vessel as a clear product, and is generally considered as a
distillate, for the purpose of wax indication it is considered 'black'. This is because not all
marine diesel oil is clear, and it can be delivered through the same transfer lines as
residual fuels. For fuels that are 'black', i.e. those containing residual components, the
influence of wax is indicated by pour point. For vessels using fuels of a low viscosity,
storage heating may be necessary to prevent wax formation rather than pumping
limitations, but with the more viscous fuels the temperature needed to reduce the
viscosity to pumpable levels is sufficient to avoid all pour point problems.
Carbon residue

The carbon residue of a fuel is the tendency to form carbon deposits under high
temperature conditions in an inert atmosphere, and may be expressed as either
Ramsbottom carbon residue, Conradson carbon residue (CCR) or micro carbon residue
(MCR). This parameter is considered by some to give an approximate indication of the
combustibility/deposit forming tendencies of the fuel. The values in fuels which result
from secondary refining processes, such as visbreaking, are higher than those from
other refinery processes.
Normally the level of water in the fuel is very low, since effort is made by the supplier
to deliver the fuel as dry aspossible and 0.1 %-.2% by volume is typical. The ingress of
water can come from a number of sources, which include tank condensation and tank
leakage. Where steam is used for tank heating purposes, heating coil leakage is another
potential source of water. Water is normally removed by gravitational separation in the
fuel tanks and by the centrifugal purification system.
The ash value is related to the inorganic material in the fuel oil. The actual value
depends upon three factors, firstly the inorganic material naturally present in the crude
oil, secondly the refinery processes employed, and thirdly, upon possible subsequent
contamination due to sand dirt and rust scale. For distillate fuels the ash level, which is
defined as the residue remaining after all the combustible components of the oil have
been burned is negligible. The ash constituents from the crude oil are concentrated in
residual fuels. Vanadium, and other materials such as silicon, aluminium, nickel,
sodium and iron, are the usual main contributing components.
Vanadium is a metal that is present in all crude oils in an oil soluble form, and the levels
found in residual fuels depend mainly on the crude oil source, with those from
Venezuela and Mexico having the highest levels. The actual level is also related to the
concentrating effect of the refinery processes used in the production of the residual
fuel. There is no economic process for removing vanadium from either the crude oil or
Sediment and stability
Sediment by extraction is a measure of the content of what are mostly inorganic materials
in the fuel, and as such is of limited relevance. These materials are insoluble
contaminants such as sand, dirt, and rust scale, and are not derived from the fuel.
What is of greater importance is the total sediment content of the fuel, which can include
hydrocarbon material which relates to stability. A stable fuel may be defined as one which
does not precipitate asphaltenic sludge. The extent of precipitation of such sludge is
determined by the total sediment test, which is a filtration method.
Sulphur is a naturally occurring element in crude oil which is concentrated in the
residual component. Hence the amount of sulphur in the fuel oil depends mainly on the
source of the crude oil and to a lesser extent on the refining process. Typically for
residual fuel on a world-wide basis the value is in the order of 1.5%-4% wt. The level of

sulphur in the fuel has a marginal effect on the specific energy as shown by the empirical
equation in a later section. In the combustion process in a diesel engine potentially the
presence of sulphur in the fuel can give rise to corrosive wear. This can be minimised
by suitable operating conditions, and suitable lubrication of the cylinder liner with
alkaline lubricant.
In the future the sulphur content of marine fuel oil maybe limited so as to reduce
atmospheric pollution, in the form of sulphur dioxide, from international shipping.
Some organisations have suggested that asphaltenes provide an alternative indicator of
combustion behaviour. From trials it would appear that there is no simple relationship
between asphaltenes and combustion performance. It should be noted that the term
asphaltene used in the generic sense covers a wide range of the heavier hydrocarbon
structures. Used in the normal analytical sense, the term only defines a certain group of
Silicon and aluminium
Silicon may be present in the fuel in the form of sand, and aluminium may also be
present in very small quantities, having been picked up by the crude oil in sub-surface
rocks. It is generally accepted that an indication of aluminium represents the
potential presence of catalytic fines. These catalytic fines are particles arising from the
catalytic cracking process in the refinery and are in the form of complex alumino-silicates.
Depending upon which catalyst is used this particulate matter varies in both size and
hardness. It should be appreciated that this is an expensive material for the oil refiner
and stringent measures are taken for its retention. During the 1980s the generally
accepted parameter for limiting the amount of catalytic fines in marine fuel was by
specifying a limit for aluminium of 30 mg/kg. The composition of this catalyst is
variable and now the concept of limiting the amount of catalyst present by limiting the
combination of silicon and aluminium to 80 mg/kg is gaining acceptance.
Operational experience has shown that excessive catalytic fines can lead to high piston
ring and liner wear. The level of catalytic fines in delivered fuel can be significantly
reduced by efficient centrifugal purification prior to combustion in the engine.
Ignition quality
Cetane index is an empirical measure of ignition quality for distillate grades of
marine fuel (DMX, DMA, DMB; see Table 1). This index is calculated from the mid
boiling point and density, i.e. from parameters which relate indirectly to the chemical
composition of the fuel. Research work in the 1980s developed two empirical measures
of ignition quality for residual fuel. In both equations, use is made of the density and
viscosity parameters of the fuel. The calculated ignition index (CII) equation gives values
for residual fuel in the same order as the cetane index for distillate fuels, while the
calculated carbon aromaticity index (CCAI) gives numbers in the range 760-870. It
should be noted that in both equations density is the dominant characteristic. Figure 2
is a nomogram which incorporates both CII and CCAI. It is not possible to make
general recommendations on the minimum CII or maximum CCAI value for a
particular engine, as the original design, the present mechanical state and operating
conditions will affect the ignition quality requirements. Some engine manufacturers
limit the ignition quality of the fuel for their engines by limiting the density of the fuel.

Figure 2 Nomogram for deriving CCAI and Cll.

Specific energy
Since marine fuel is purchased by the ship owner to produce heat for conversion into
work, one might expect this characteristic to be quoted in a specification. The specific
energy is not controllable in the manufacture of marine fuel oil, except in a secondary
manner by the specification of other properties. Specific energy can be calculated with a
degree of accuracy sufficient for normal purposes from the density of the fuel and the
application of corrections for any sulphur, water and ash that are present.

Figure 3 Nomogram to determine net specific energy.

Gross specific energy (MJ/kg) = (52.19-8.802p210"6)x[l-0.0l(x+y+s)]+9.42(0.01s)
Net specific energy (MJ/kg) =(46.704 - 8.802p210"*+ 3.167pl(T3) x [l - 0.0l(x+y +s)]

pis the density at 15C kg/m3;
x is the water content, expressed as a percentage by mass;
y is the ash content, expressed as a percentage by mass;
s is the sulphur content, expressed as a percentage by mass.
On a world-wide basis the specific energy does vary slightly, depending mainly on
the density and sulphur content of the fuel. Figure 3 shows the net specific energy
(MJ/kg) taking account of variations in density of sulphur and water, and is illustrated
with a density of 987 kg/m3,2.5% sulphur and 0.02% water, to give a net specific energy
of 40.37 MJ/kg. If required, the slight effect of ash may be taken into account by
subtraction of 0.02 MJ/kg for each 0.05% wt ash. Typically the ash value is in the order of
0.03-0.1% wt.
In general, fuels leaving the refinery have a sodium level below 50 mg/kg. However
should the fuel contain some salt water the sodium level will increase. A 1% sea
water contamination represents a potential 100 mg/kg increase. Normally sea water
can be removed from the fuel by gravitational separation in the settling tank and
centrifugal purification. It is well known that there are low melting temperatures of
sodium/vanadium complexes of certain critical ratios. The most critical sodium to
vanadium ratio is about 1 to 3.
Whilst every fuel is manufactured to be stable within itself, in that it does not have the
tendency to produce asphaltenic sludge, it does not necessarily follow that two stable
fuels are compatible when blended or mixed together. Compatibility may be defined
as the lack of asphaltenic sludge formation following mixing. In order to avoid the
potential problems of two fuels being incompatible, the general recommendation is that
mixing and blending of fuel from different sources on board ship should be avoided as
far as is practicable.
When properly used, with safe handling procedures and high standards of personal
and industrial hygiene, marine fuels are unlikely to present risks to health and safety.
However if good standards are not maintained, hazards can arise.
General precautions when using marine fuels
The most common means of exposure to marine fuel is probably through skin contact.
It is therefore important that good hygiene practices are followed if the possibility of
adverse health effects from skin contact is to be avoided. Good working practices
should minimise potential for skin contact and only disposable 'wipes' should be used.
Oily rags or tools should never be put into pockets. Cotton or polyester/cotton overalls
normally provide adequate protection where only intermittent or occasional contact is
likely. Where a higher degree of contact is possible additional protective clothing, such as
gloves, aprons and oil resistant footwear should be worn as appropriate. Clothes should
be changed regularly, immediately if they are impregnated with oil, and laundered
before re-use. Oil saturated clothing should not be allowed to chafe against the skin.
Fuels such as kerosene or gas oil, or solvents like white spirit, should never be used to

wash the skin as they themselves may cause dermatitis, or even skin cancer if used
repeatedly. Petroleum products should be washed off the skin with soap or proprietary
skin cleansers and warm water. Barrier creams may help to prevent grime becoming
ingrained into the skin but offer little or no protection against harmful substances.
Skin cleansers and moisturising creams should be used regularly as they prevent
defatting and help replace natural oils.
High standards of equipment maintenance and machinery space cleanliness should be
followed to minimise exposure. Adequate ventilation of the spaces is essential. Precautions
must be taken to eliminate or minimise exposure to oil mists which maybe emitted into
the working environment during certain operations, e.g. the testing of fuel injection
equipment. The concentrations of such mists should be as low as possible and should
not exceed 5 mg/m3. Although specialised equipment is required to measure oil mist
concentrations, the presence of a visible mist, when viewed against background light,
indicates that unsafe levels may be present.
Special procedures and precautions should be adopted for anyone entering a fuel tank,
in order to avoid asphyxiation or other hazards arising from the build-up of toxic or
flammable gas from fuel or sludge. An appropriate safety code should be consulted
for detailed advice.
Whenever protective equipment is required, its use should be fully understood, and
facilities must be available for cleaning, inspection, maintenance and storage of the
To reduce the risk of accidental swallowing (inges-tion), marine fuels should never be
stored in unla-belled or incorrectly labelled containers. Accidental ingestion of the
lighter marine fuels may cause vomiting followed by aspiration of liquid into the lungs
which can cause serious damage. For this reason vomiting must not be induced as a
first aid measure.
Ash from fuel oil combustion, whether from a boiler or a diesel engine can contain
irritant and toxic substances. It is therefore important that suitable personal protective
equipment, including approved respirators, is used when removing ash deposits.
Even when residual fuels are at a temperature below their measured flash point, they
are capable of producing light hydrocarbons in the tank headspace, such that the
vapour composition may be near to or within the flammable range. Hence all residual
fuel oil headspaces should be considered to be potentially flammable.
Traditionally, gas detectors such as explosion meters have been used to check that
enclosed spaces are 'gas free'. They have also been used to measure the 'flammability'
of headspaces as a percentage of the lower flammable limit (LFL). Such detectors rely
on a calibration carried out normally on a single hydrocarbon (e.g. methane), which
may have LFL characteristics that are far removed from the hydrocarbons actually
present in the headspace. When using an explosimeter to assess the degree of hazard in
residual oil tank headspaces, it is recommended that the instrument is calibrated with
a pentane/air or hexane/air mixture. This will result in a more conservative estimate
of the flammability, but the readings should not be regarded as providing a precise
measurement of the vapour space condition. When taking measurements, the
manufacturer's operating instructions should be closely followed. It is also important
that the calibration of the instrument should be checked frequently. This is necessary as
the oxidation catalyst detectors are likely to be susceptible to poisoning, when exposed
to residual oil vapours.
In view of the problems associated with obtaining accurate measurements of the
flammability of residual fuel tank headspaces using readily available portable

equipment, the measured percentage of the LFL only broadly ranks fuels in terms of
relative hazard. Care should therefore be exercised in interpretation of the figures
generated by such gas detectors. Measure levels in excess of 50% LFL are generally
considered to indicate that precautionary measures are required.
At all times the temperatures in the fuel oil system should conform with recognised
codes of practice and excessive local temperatures should be avoided. Particular care
should be taken to ensure that any flame screens/traps are in good condition on the
various fuel oil tank vent pipes, and that there are no ignition sources in the area
immediately surrounding the venting system. The reason for this is that when tanks
are being filled, the tank headspace gas will be displaced through the vent pipes. When
filling empty or near empty tanks, it should be ensured that the heating coils are shut
down and cool. Fuel oil contacting hot exposed heating coils could lead to a flammable
atmosphere being rapidly generated. All residual fuel oil tank headspaces should be
classified as 'hazardous' and all electrical equipment within the space must meet the
appropriate safety standard.
All operations, such as ullaging and sampling, should be carried out to avoid any
hazards associated with static electrical charges. These precautions would, for
example, include ensuring that metallic sampling equipment and ullaging
equipment is properly earthed or bonded to the tank structure. When tanks are
opened, it is important not to stand downwind of the tank and to ensure that there are no
sources of ignition within the vicinity of the tank hatch.
The flammability of the headspace of residual fuel oil tanks should be monitored
regularly. Should a measured value in excess of the recommended level be detected,
action should be taken to reduce the vapour concentration by purging the headspace
with low pressure air. (IMO resolution A.565 (14) states 50% LFL as the recommended
value.) Gases should be vented to a safe area with no ignition sources in the vicinity of the
outlet. When venting has been completed, gas concentrations within the tank should
continue to be monitored and, if necessary, further venting should be undertaken.
Once the tank has been purged with air, consideration may be given to inerting the
headspace should it be practical to do so.
Unrestricted disposal of oil-contaminated mixtures, such as sludge from fuel
treatment, into the sea is forbidden by international law, except under well defined
conditions laid down in MARPOL, the international convention for the prevention of
pollution from ships 1973, and its 1978 Protocol, Annex 1. In practical terms there are
two ways of disposing of fuel oil sludge; by on board incineration, or by storage on
board for eventual discharge ashore. Some vessels have an incinerator which, besides
being designed to burn sludge, can also deal with other ship generated waste. On
other vessels there may be arrangements by which the sludge can be burnt in an auxiliary
In some ports and local geographical areas there are environmental regulations which
apply to the emissions arising from the burning of marine fuel oil. The great majority of
current regulations apply to the sulphur level of the fuel burnt, which determines the
sulphur dioxide (SO2) on combustion. In order to meet these requirements it is often
necessary for vessels trading to such areas to have an additional fuel oil storage tank
with a fuel of the defined maximum level of sulphur.
Another environmental aspect relating to emissions resulting from the combustion of
fuel oil is the nitrogen oxides (NOp level of the exhaust gas. The level of NO^ formed
depends mainly on the combustion process, and for a diesel engine can be as high as 1500
ppm. This level can be reduced slightly, either by adjustment of the engine, usually with a
slight rise in specific fuel consumption, or by burning a fuel oil emulsion (a mixture of

fuel finely dispersed with water). These methods alone, or in combination, are capable
of giving the levels of reduction which are being discussed for future regulations.
However, at present a few ports have local regulations which require much higher
reductions; to meet these the exhaust gas has to be treated chemically. The plant
required for this is large and expensive.
Each fuel system on a vessel can be conveniently subdivided into two parts, storage and
treatment, before the fuel is finally delivered to the boiler or diesel engine.
When bunkering, every effort should be made to segregate bunkers from different
sources in different tanks. The reason for this is that whilst reputable suppliers
manufacture fuels which are in themselves stable products, it may be that they are
incompatible with fuels already on board. In such a case an unstable blend may occur in
the ship's tanks, which could result in precipitation of asphaltenic deposits as sludge in the
tanks, pipes, filters and centrifuges.
It is the responsibility of the ship's staff to obtain from the fuel supplier a sealed,
labelled, and representative fuel sample at each bunkering operation. This should be
retained for at least 90 days and should be available for use in the event of any dispute
with the fuel supplier. The bunker delivery is accompanied by a bunker delivery receipt
note, and the amount of information given in this document on a world wide basis is
variable. The quantity delivered will be indicated by either tank dips or flow meter
readings, and these readings should be witnessed. To calculate the quantity in tonnes, the
density of the fuel and the delivery temperature must be known.
Fuel testin
Analysis of particular characteristics of the fuel delivered may be carried out by some
independent shore based laboratory, or by tests carried out onboard. Various
organisations offer the shipowner comprehensive fuel analysis and advice on how the
fuel should be handled or treated. The two most widely used are Lloyd's Register's Tuel
Oil Bunker Analysis and Advisory Service' (FOB AS), and T)NV Petroleum Services'.
From the number of samples analysed from all over the world, both organisations have
built up extensive databases.

Figure 4 Simplified tank arrangement.

Testing of fuel on board ship may range from one or two tests to fully automated online
monitors. Whatever tests are used it is essential that there is a reasonable degree of
confidence for the values determined. Shipboard manual tests which give such confidence are available for density, viscosity, water content and flash point. It is
interesting to note that it is a requirement that United Kingdom passenger ships carry a
Pensky-Marten closed cup flash point testing apparatus, so that the flash point of all
the fuels bunkered for use in the machinery space can be tested to show that they have a
flash point greater than60C.
In the case of fully automated on line monitors there is a direct read out for viscosity,
density and elemental analysis (e.g. sulphur, silicon, vanadium), as well as derived
parameters such as 'ignition index', expressed as either CC AI or CII. Whilst onboard
testing provides effectively immediate results, it is not possible to replicate the total
analysis carried out in the laboratory ashore.
Storage and transfer
The bunker tank configuration depends on the ship design, but a feature of all
arrangements is a transfer pump and, for residual fuel, some heating system. For most
vessels using residual fuel, tank heating is carried out by low pressure steam, but on
some vessels thermal fluid heating is used. The temperature of the fuel should be
maintained above the pour point, otherwise there is the possibility of wax formation.
In the case of fuels with a high wax content if left to cool, it may be difficult to reheat the
fuel to a temperature above the pour point. A temperature of 5C above the pour point is
usually sufficient to keep any wax in solution, but since the pour point is not usually
advised at the time of bunkering it is preferable to maintain the fuel in the bunker tanks at
a temperature of 35C.
Figure 4 shows a simplified tank arrangement. It should be noted that all storage tanks
are fitted with a sounding arrangement, temperature sensing point if heated, and a vent.
The outlet of this vent is always external to the machinery space and the end fitted with
a wire gauze diaphragm serving as a flame trap. When the storage tank is in the
machinery space the outlet valve is of such a design that it can be closed remotely in the
event of fire. A section of such a valve is shown in Fig 5.
The pumps for fuel transfer are of the positive displacement type and are usually of
screw or gear design. With such designs the pump output is regulated by means of a bypass arrangement. It is generally accepted that the maximum viscosity for
pumpability is 1000 cSt. Figure 6 shows the approximate temperature/viscosity
relationship for the grades shown in Table 2. Clearly high viscosity grades will require to
be heated to 45C to reduce the viscosity to a pumpable level.

Figure 5 Section of quick closing sluice valve.

Figure 6 Viscosity/temperature chart of different grades of fuel (designation as given

inTable 2).

Shipboard treatment of marine fuel

Once a vessel has bunkered fuel, and before the fuel is burnt in either a diesel engine or
a boiler, shipboard treatment takes place. In the case of vessels burning distillate fuel, the
treatment probably only consists of a filter, which may be of a coalescer type in order to
trap any water that is present. For vessels burning residual fuels the shipboard

treatment will be more extensive. The arrangements vary, and depend on whether the
vessel is a steamship or motorship. For a steamship, in addition to settling tanks, cold
and hot niters are installed in the system prior to the boiler. In the case of the motorship,
which accounts for over 97% of the world's merchant fleet in terms of number of
vessels, the shipboard treatment is more complex. In addition to settling tanks and
filters, centrifuges are installed in the great majority of such vessels for the shipboard
treatment of the fuel. The reason the fuel treatment plant is more complex is because it
is necessary to clean the fuel to take account of the fine clearances which exist in the fuel
system of the diesel engine.
The term 'filters' when applied to the fuel oil system can mean various arrangements.
Usually all systems have a transfer pump and this is protected on the suction side by
a filter to prevent large solid material from damaging the pump internals. In distillate
fuel systems a coalescer filter is often included. For residual fuel systems 'hot filters'
are also fitted. Examples of some of each are described below.
Suction filters
These can be coarse mesh niters, which have to be manually cleaned, or an 'Auto-klean'
type as shown in Fig 7. The 'Auto-klean' filter consists of a stack of thin steel annular
discs, mounted on a central spindle. A number of guide rods pass through each disc and
the rods carry thin steel washers which separate the discs by a small clearance. Over the
bottom disc there is a blank circular plate and the arrangement is mounted so that the oil
flow is through the spaces between the discs. Thin steel cleaning blades project into the
space between each pair of discs and these are fixed close to the stack by means of a square
sectioned spindle. The plate stack is rotated past the cleaning blades and these are
shaped so that whichever way the stack is rotated, the dirt lodged between the plates is
pushed out and falls to the bottom of the chamber. Sometimes magnetic elements are
incorporated in suction niters to trap any loose ferrous particles.

Figure 7 Auto klean filter.

Coalescer filter
A coalescer is a filtering device for use with distillate fuels for the removal of water and
solid impurities.

Figure 8 Coalescer with detail of element.

As it is a static device it requires little attention. However, if large amounts of water

are present, the cost of renewal of the filter cartridge becomes excessive.
Figure 8 shows a typical combined filter coalescer unit. A two stage process takes place
in the filter coalescer cartridge, which is a single replaceable assembly. The fuel to be
treated flows radially outwards through the cartridge, firstly through a pleated inner
element and secondly through the outer coalescer stage. The inner element which
is made from synthetic fibre is pleated with folds separated by spacers. This inner
element removes particulate matter down to 5 um from the fuel, so protecting the outer
coalescer element from excessive quantities of contaminant. In the outer coalescer
element, which is made from inorganic fibres suitably pressed to a predetermined
density and depth, any fine water droplets are agglomerated to such a size that they fall

by gravity to the sump. To further assist in the removal of water from the fuel, there is
a PTFE coated outer steel mesh. Water from the sump may be drained either manually or
Hot filters
A typical automatic full flow hot filter for residual fuel is shown diagrammatically in
Fig 9. The design of the filter is such that there are two separate filter chambers and a
distributor driven by a hydraulic motor. One of the filter chambers is for full flow
filtration, whilst the other is a diversion chamber. The actual filtration takes place
through disc type elements, and within each chamber the elements are divided by ribs
into eight sections. When assembled, the ribbed elements form eight independent
filtering columns. The hydraulic motor 'H' rotates the distributor 'C in steps and the
profile of the distributor is such that each part of every column is back-flushed once per
rotation. Complete rotation of the distributor takes place every one to three minutes.
This continual back-flushing ensures a low and constant pressure drop across the filter.
Referring to phase 1 in Fig 9, the unfiltered fuel enters at 'A' and flows into chamber
13'. This is the space between the distributor 'C and the inner perimeter of the sleeve
on which the filter elements 'D' are fitted. From chamber 'B' the oil is distributed into and
through seven of the eight filtering columns formed by the elements. Here the solid
material is trapped on the inner side. The filtered oil is led into chamber 'E', and passes
to the filter outlet 'F'. While 'full flow' filtering is taking place in seven columns, solids
are being removed from the elements in one column by back-flushing using part of the
filtered oil from chamber 'E'. This back-flushed oil passes through 'K' to the
diversion chamber 1/. It then passes radially inwards through six columns of the
diversion filter elements 'M'. The filtered oil passes through passage TNT in the
distributor 'C and is returned to the suction side of the circulating pump through outlet
In phase 2 of Fig 9 it will be seen that the distributor, driven by the hydraulic motor has
rotated Vie of a revolution in relation to phase 1. Filtration is only carried out in six of
the eight columns of the full flow chamber and no back-flushing takes place. Part of the
filtered oil in chamber 'E' passes through channel T&' and through the diversion filter
elements /M' in one column (radially outwards), so removing the trapped solids from the
outer side of the elements. The heavy particles settle to the bottom of chamber 1/. Backflushed oil now passes radially inwards through the other seven columns, where any
remaining solids are trapped on the outer surface. Finally the filtered oil passes through
passage 1ST', before discharge to the suction side of the circulating pump. The solids
trapped in the diversion chamber 'L' are periodically drained through the valve "W to
the sludge tank.
Another type of hot filter is shown in Fig 10. The feature of this is the notch wire
element, which is wound in the shape of a cage. The filter consists of an upper (clean
side) and a lower duty chamber, which is separated by a central dividing plate. In the
base plate there are holes around the circumference which provide locating positions for
the filter elements and a path for the oil flow from the dirty to the clean side of the filter.
Under normal operating conditions the back-flush outlet is closed by a solenoid valve
and hence the full flow of oil passes through the filter elements.
The filter has a pneumatically operated hydraulic back-flushing system, which uses the
system pressure and the reverse flow of the clean oil through the filter elements. Backflushing is initiated either by a pre-set differential pressure across the filter unit or at preset time intervals. The back-flush cycle is usually 2-3 minutes, during which time
each element is back-flushed at least twice. If one complete cycle is insufficient, the
differential pressure switches will activate a repeat cycle. The filter can be back-flushed

at any time by means of a manual override. To ensure that efficient back-flushing is

achieved, an orifice plate is fitted in the back-flush outlet. This is sized so that the loss of
oil during the back-flush cycle is less than 10% of the system flow.
It is frequently the practice to have a final filter adjacent to the diesel engine before the
fuel enters the in duplex, is to provide further particulate control of the fuel. These can be
of various types and one such type, a depth filter, is shown in Fig 11. This filter is
disposable, and by its pleated design combined with the filtering medium is capable of
retaining a large amount of particulate matter. The filtering medium is a synthetic felt,
with a nominal filtration rating of about 5 (im. Operationally, the condition of the filter
can be assessed by observing the differential pressure across the element.

Figure 9 Moatti type filter

Figure 10 Notch type hot filter.

Figure 11 Depth filter

Settling tank
The settling tank makes use of gravity to separate particles which have a greater
density than that of the fuel oil. These particles can be free water which may be dispersed
in the fuel, or solid particulate matter such as sand, rust, scale or catalytic fines. For a
particular installation the effectiveness of the settling tank depends on a number of
factors. These include the residence time for separation, which is determined at the
design stage with respect to the number of settling tanks fitted, the tank capacity in
relation to the fuel demand, and shape of the tank. The only factor which can be
controlled on board is the temperature of the tank, as heating of the fuel reduces the
density, as shown in Fig 12. This increases the difference in density between the oil and the
free water and solid particulate matter. From Stokes' Law it may be shown that this
increase in density difference and reduction in viscosity assists in the rate of separation.
For those installations where only one settling tank is fitted, it is preferable to keep this
tank periodically topped up to obtain the maximum settling time.
The particulate matter and water is periodically drawn off by means of a manually
operated spring loaded drain valve. This valve is spring loaded so that it cannot be
accidently left open. It should be noted that over a period of time there is likely to be a
build up of sludge in the settling tank so it is good practice to periodically clean these
tanks of accumulated sludge. There are usually two suction valves on the settling tank;
high and low suction. Both these valves are of similar design to that shown in Fig 5;
they can be closed remotely.
In situations where two settling tanks are installed, the treatment of the fuel can be
described as a batch process, whilst for those plants where there is only one settling tank
the treatment is a continuous process.

Figure 12 Variation of density of oils with temperature.

Instead of making use of gravity to cause separation the centrifuge uses centrifugal
force, which is much greater. The ratio of the centrifugal force to the gravitational force
is often referred to as the 'G value', which depends on the rotational speed and design
of the centrifuge and is in the order of 7000-9000.
Marine centrifuges can usually be set up to operate in two modes; as a clarifier or as a

purifier. When operating as a clarifier there is only one outlet, which is for fuel oil, but
when operating as a purifier there is an additional outlet for the discharge of water.
Principle of operation of the centrifuge
A simple centrifuge can be developed by rotation of the settling tank (Fig 13a) through
90 deg, and adding a second as shown in Fig 13b. When the bowl is rotated, centrifugal
force will throw any item with a density greater than the fuel oil density (the solid
matter and free water) to the periphery of the bowl. To form a clarifier, Fig 13b can be
developed by the addition of inlet and outlet connections and the inclusion of a number of
discs, as shown in Fig 14. It may be shown that the efficiency of the centrifuge is
increased by the inclusion of a number of discs, which have the effect of increasing the
surface area to aid separation.

Figure 13

Development of a simple centrifuge.

These discs are separated a distance of 0.5-0.6mmby a series of caulks fixed to the upper
side of the disc, as shown in Fig 15.
After passing down the central passage, the untreated oil is carried by centrifugal force
towards the periphery of the bowl and then passes up through the disc stack. It is here
that the actual separation takes place, in the channel formed between two discs. In this
channel the velocity of the oil is greatest at the centre and zero at the disc surface. Each
particle, solid or liquid, is acted upon by two forces. On the one hand, the particle is
being forced upwards with the oil stream towards the centre (w), whilst on the other,
centrifugal force is directing it to the periphery (v). It is the resultant of these two forces
which determines the path of the particle between the discs (vp). In order to be separated
out, the particle must be deposited on the upper disc (B-B1 in Fig 15), that is at a radius
greater than or equal to r2. The particle is considered to have separated out on reaching the
disc stack surface, and as the liquid velocity is negligible close to this surface, the particle
moves outwards by centrifugal force towards the periphery of the bowl. For the worst
case, the particle starts from the most difficult position, namely A in Fig 15, and moves
along the dotted line as shown, so that it is barely separated out at point Br In this case all
larger particles will become separated out. If the particle enters the disc stack at some
intermediate position between AB, the particle size removed will be smaller, when
compared to a particle of the same density entering the disc stack at A.
Figure 16 shows the two modes of operation of the centrifuge; clarifier and purifier. In both
cases when the machine is in service particulate matter will be collected on the wall of the
bowl and, if no corrective action is taken, will continue to build up to such an extent that it
is at radius rv the outer radius of the disc (see Fig 15), and obstruct flow through the
centrifuge. With the centrifuge set as a clarifier the particulate matter may be a combination
of both water and solid material, but if the centrifuge is set as a purifier, the particulate
matter will only be solid material, as the free water will have been continuously discharged

(described in a later section). In older machines it was necessary to stop the centrifuge and
manually clean the bowl and disc stack, but with the majority of machines today it is possible
to discharge the bowl contents whilst the centrifuge is still running. The actual method of
discharge, which maybe total or partial, depends on the model, and reference should be
made to the manufacturer's handbook for the exact mode of operation.

Figure 14 Centrifuge as clarifier.

Figure 15

Disc stack in centrifuge, and diagram showing path of limit particle through
separation channel.

Centrifugal purifier
When the centrifuge is set as a purifier, there is a second outlet pipe for the
discharge of water (shown in Fig 16b). For the fuel oil purifier, the untreated oil is a
mixture of oil, solids and water which the centrifuge separates into three layers. Whilst
in operation a quantity of water remains in the bowl to form a complete seal around
the underside of the top disc and, because of the density difference, confines the oil
within the outside diameter of the top disc. As marine fuel oil normally only contains a
small quantity of water, it is necessary to prime the bowl each time it is run; otherwise
all the oil will pass over the water outlet side to waste. The water outlet is at a greater
radius than that of the fuel, and within the water outlet there is a gravity disc, sometimes
referred to as a dam ring, which controls the radial position of the fuel/water interface. A
set of gravity discs is supplied with each machine and the optimum size to be fitted
depends on the density of the untreated oil. If the internal diameter of the gravity disc is
too small the separating efficiency will be reduced as the interface will be formed within
the disc pack. If the internal diameter is too large, the interface will form at a diameter
greater than the top disc, and oil will pass to waste through the water outlet. In addition
to the density ratio between the oil and the water, there are other factors which can
influence the position of the interface. These are viscosity, flow rate and variation in
density. A decrease in viscosity, due to an increase in temperature, a decrease in flow rate,
a decrease in back pressure or a decrease in density will result in the interface moving
inwards. Conversely, an increase in viscosity due to a decrease in temperature, an
increase in flow rate, or an increase in density, will move the interface outwards,
ultimately resulting in a loss of the liquid seal. The optimum position of the interface is
between the edge of the disc stack and the outer diameter of the top disc as shown in Fig

Figure 16 The centrifuge as a) clarifier; b) purifier.

Some centrifuges are fitted with a manually operated interface control device in order
to reduce the frequency of changing gravity discs as a result of changes in density
from different bunkerings. This device is available for centrifuges with a paring disc
discharge pump for the treated oil, and consists of a pressure balanced valve, fitted into
the discharge line. By applying a counter pressure to the discharge line the interface can
be moved outside the disc stack without changing the gravity disc. This feature, however,
does not replace the requirement for effective control of throughput and temperature.
Arrangement of centrifuges
For a vessel operating on residual fuel, the generally recommended practice is to
operate two machines in series. The first machine should be set as a purifier, and the
other as a clarifier. This arrangement improves overall separation efficiency, and the
clarifier provides a safety margin if the purifier is not set for optimum performance.
This safety margin is beneficial in the treatment of high density fuels, when the purifier
is operating near to the limit of its performance.

Limitation of the centrifugal purifier

As the density of the fuel increases it becomes difficult to maintain the correct
interface position for optimum results in a purifier. The generally accepted density limit
is 991 kg/m3 at 15C. If the fuel density is greater than this value, the density difference
between the fuel oil and fresh water is so small that the hydraulic equilibrium in the bowl
becomes unstable. This means that any small changes in oil temperature, viscosity or
flow rate will cause the oil/water interface to fluctuate, leading to a potential failure of
the water seal and impaired separation efficiency.
Treatment of high density fuels
If the residual fuel hasa density greater than991 kg/m3 at 15C an alternative arrangement
to the traditional purifier is required. One such arrangement is the Alcap system, by
which fuels up to a density of 1010 kg/m3 at 15C can be treated.
The centrifuge basically operates as a clarifier. Clean oil is continuously discharged
from the clean oil outlet, and any free water and separated sludge accumulate at the
periphery of the bowl. When the sludge space is filled up, the separated water approaches the disc and traces of water start to escape with the clean oil. Increased water
content in the clean oil is a sign of reduced separation efficiency. In the Alcap system
changes in the water content are sensed in the clean oil outlet by the water transducer, as
shown in Fig 17. The electrical signals from the transducer are continuously transmitted
to and interpreted by the control unit. When the water content in the clean oil reaches a
specific 'trigger7 point, the control unit determines, based on the time elapsed since the
last sludge sequence, which of two methods it will use to empty the bowl. This can
either be through a water drain valve or with the sludge through the sludge ports at the
periphery of the bowl.
With this type of installation the treatment process is carried out in a single stage. Hence
only two machines, one in service and one on stand by, need to be installed.

Figure 17 The Alcap system.

A homogeniser is a device used to create a stable uniform composition froma mixture.
When included in a marine fuel oil system, its purpose can be to break down relatively
large water particles, or to reconstitute an emulsion that has separated out so as to give
some stability to the mixture. The fuel oil homogeniser works by agitating the fuel, either
mechanically or acoustically. Mechanical agitation includes such methods as
pumping the fuel through very fine orifices, while acoustical agitation includes the use
of ultrasonic frequency (greater than 30 kHz). The homogeniser does not remove any
contaminants which may be present in the fuel being treated.
Fuel heating
Residual fuels invariably have to be heated to reduce the viscosity to that required for
atomisation. In the case of a steam plant this is usually in the range 15-65 cSt, whilst for
diesel engines the injection viscosity is usually 8-27 cSt. Fuel heaters may be operated by
low pressure saturated steam, a thermal fluid or electrical elements. Whatever medium is
used, it is important to ensure that the fuel oil is maintained at the correct viscosity range
under all conditions. Local overheating may cause cracking of the fuel, which may lay
down deposits on the heating surface, impairing the efficient operation of the heater.

Viscosity controiler
A viscosity controller is often installed downstream of the fuel oil heater so that a
constant injection viscosity can be maintained either to the boiler or diesel engine.
There are various types of these instruments, which work on different principles.
Fundamentally each one measures the viscosity of the fuel, and this value is compared to
a set point, generating a signal to control the temperature of the fuel oil heater. Various
types of viscosity controllers are available. Some measure shear force, between a fixed and
rotating plate, some measure the magnitude of damping caused by the viscosity of the oil on

a vibrating rod and others measure the differential pressure resulting from the laminar
flow through a capillary tube.

Figure 18 Viscosity controller.

A schematic arrangement of the capillary tube principle of measurement is shown in

Fig 18. The stainless steel gear pump 'V, is driven by an electric motor, and
continuously draws a constant amount of oil from chamber '2', and forces it through the
capillary tube '3'. The differential pressure shown at '4', which is directly proportional
to the viscosity of the oil, is then used as a signal.

Diagrammatic arrangements
Figure 19 shows the diagrammatic arrangements of the residual fuel system for a
motorship. For clarity the storage, transfer and treatment arrangements have been
omitted. It should be noted that although many engines are operated from pier to pier
on residual fuel, the facility always exists for the fuel lines to be flushed through with
diesel oil.
Figure 20 shows the diagrammatic arrangement of the residual fuel system for a
steamship. For clarity the storage and transfer arrangements have been omitted. Under
normal circumstances diesel oil would only be used to flush the fuel lines prior to an extended shutdown, such as a repair period.

Figure 19 Diagrammatic arrangement of the residual fuel system for a motorship.

Figure 20 Diagrammatic arrangement of the residual fuel system for a steamship.

Under certain circumstances, following careful assessment of the plant, operating
conditions and the fuel quality, the use of additives in marine fuel can be advantageous to
the ship owner. In overall terms, the introduction of additives must be cost effective, otherwise the vessel's operating cost is increased unnecessarily. There are two distinct
categories of additives, namely those which assist in reducing potential problems in precombustion and those which react during the post-combustion phase.
The pre-combustion phase covers the period from receipt of the fuel on board, through
storage and shipboard treatment, up to the time it is atomised in a burner or injector.
With normal fuel handling procedures, with respect to correct heating, and avoiding
mixing of fuels from different bunkerings, no problems should occur. In the event of
problems occurring, an effective additive for this phase should be able to make a positive
contribution to the following aspects.
1. Dispersion of possible sludge in the fuel tanks.
2. Promotion of the separation of any dispersed water within the fuel.
3. Prevention of sludge formation.
During the post-combustion phase the potential areas of concern depend upon the
type of plant installed. In the case of a steamship there is the possibility of corrosion of
the superheater tubes, and slag build-up on both the superheater and steam generating
tubes, and in the economiser and air heater there is the possibility of low temperature
corrosion and carbon. For diesel engines the potential areas of concern are corrosion of
exhaust valves, turbo charger fouling, carbon deposition and low-temperature corrosion.
In order to reduce the problems that may occur in the post-combustion phase an
additive, which has the effect of an ash modifier, may be beneficial under certain
circumstances. The ash is related to the inorganic material in the fuel oil, and when burnt
with the oil, the compounds formed due to this material are complex. The type of
compound formed and its properties depend upon the operating conditions, and it is
also influenced by the presence of unburnt carbon and sulphur gases. Slagging and
high temperature corrosion occurs when molten ash adheres to the metal surfaces.
Hence, the ash modifier should have the ability to increase the melting point temperature and make the ash more friable. By increasing the melting point temperature a
point may be reached where the ash is not in a molten form and hence is less likely to
stick to metal surfaces and affect heat transfer.
Numerous ash modifying chemicals which affect the melting process in different ways
are available, and the physical nature of the conditioned ash also varies depending
upon which compound is used. Situations can arise when, by incorrect application, the
effect of the ash modifier can cause further problems in the down stream postcombustion phase.
Some additives are termed 'combustion catalysts'. Their function is to cause the carbon
to be more extensively burnt. They influence the reaction and are present in relatively
small quantities. Dosage of combustion catalysts is not as critical as with ash
modifiers, and to be fully effective the suppliers' instructions must be carefully

Chapter 5


1. Theoretical Cycles
The cycles of internal combustion piston engines are based on the thermodynamic
cycles evolving the conversion of heat into mechanical work, these cycles being
termed thermodynamic or theoretical cycles.
In a theoretical cycle of an internal combustion engine it is assumed that:
(a) the physical and chemical properties of the working gas re main unchanged
within the cycle;
(b) the quantity of the working medium (gas) remains constant during the cycle,
therefore the processes of filling the cylinder with a fresh charge of gas and
removing the waste gases are nonex instant;
(c) the processes of compression and expansion of the gases obey the adiabatic law,
i.e., they occur without heat exchange between the gas and the cylinder walls;
(d) after adiabatic compression the working medium receives heat from an
external source of heat and after adiabatic expansion the working medium rejects
heat to a cold source;
(e) the heat capacity of the working medium is not dependent upon temperature.
In the theoretical cycles of the un supercharged internal combustion piston engines heat
is always rejected to the cold source at a constant volume, whereas transmission of heat
to the working medium either follows a dual principle, i.e., first at constant pressure
and then at constant volume, or with either one of these variables remaining constant.
Therefore, the following three ideal theoretical cycles may be put under consideration:
(a) the mixed cycle (also known as the combination or dual-combustion cycle);
(b) the constant-volume cycle, and
(c) the constant-pressure cycle.
The mixed cycle is characterized by a diagram (Fig. la) showing the changes of gas
state in an engine cylinder, plotted in the p-V system of coordinates. The first
stage of this cycle is adiabatic compression of the gas during which the pressure
changes along line ac. represented by equation pV = const. The change in volume
during compression is characterized by the compression ratio,

Va V d + Vc

Vd is the volume swept by the piston (piston displacement) during a complete
Vc is the volume of the compression

chamber (clearance space).

After compression, the working gas

receives heat Q 1 from an outside source.
Part of this heat Q 1 is added at constant
volume (line cz 0) and the gas pressure
reaches a value of pz . The remaining
portion of the heat Q1 = Q1 Q1 is added
at constant pressure along the line z 0z.
The rise of pressure along the line cz 0 at
V = const is characterized by the
pressure increase =

, and the change

of volume along the line z 0 z at p = const

is characterized by the
expansion ratio =



As the piston continues its move

ment from point z, adiabatic expan
sion of the gas takes place along the
line zb which is represented by equation pV h = const.
umes =

The ratio of


, is termed the ratio of

subsequent expansion. The value of

is interrelated with the values of and

by the following equation:

Vb Vb Vc
V z Vc V z

At the end of expansion heat Q2 is rejected to the cold source and gas pressure changes
as shown by the line ba.
The quantities , , and are the main characteristics of the cycle.
The work performed by the gas in the ideal cycle Wt is represented by area acz0zba with the
diagram axes drawn to appropriate scales. The cycle work is equivalent to the difference

between the heat added and rejected, AWt = Q1 Q2

where A =

kcal / kg -m is the heat equivalent of a unit of work.

The ratio

t =

AWt Q1 Q2


is known as the thermal or theoretical efficiency of the cycle and characterizes the degree of
perfection with which heat is converted into work in an ideal engine, ft is shown in the course
of applied thermodynamics that the thermal efficiency of the mixed cycle is expressed by the

t = 1
where k =


k 1

k 1
1 + k ( 1)


= adiabatic exponent;

cp = specific heat of a gas at constant pressure;

cv = specific heat of a gas at constant volume.
Formula (2) is derived for an ideal engine and an ideal working substance (a gas with
constant specific heat).
The mixed cycle is used as a basis of thermodynamic calculations for all types of
airless injection Diesel engines.
The constant-volume cycle (also termed explosion or Otto cycle) is characterized by
the indicator diagram which appears in Fig. 1b. The lines of this diagram show:
ac = adiabatic compression of the gas; pVk =const;
cz =addition of heat Q1 at V = const;
zb = adiabatic expansion of the gas; pVk =const;
ba = rejection of heat Q2 to a cold source.
The constant-volume cycle differs from the mixed cycle onty in the law of transfer of
heat Q1; the preliminary expansion ratio is


and the subsequent expansion ratio is

Vb Va
V z Vc

since Vz = Vc, then the compression ratio e for this cycle is equal to the expansion ratio .
The thermal efficiency of the constant-volume cycle can be obtained by substituting the value
of = 1 in formula (2):

t = 1


k 1

The theoretical constant-volume cycle is used as a thermodynamic scheme For

computing the actual working cycles of carburettor, gas and hot-bulb engines.
The constant-pressure cycle (also termed a combustion or Diesel cycle) is illustrated in
the diagram in Fig. 1c, where the lines show:
ac = adiabatic compression of the gas, pVk = const;
cz = addition of heat Q1 at p const;
zb = adiabatic expansion of the gas, pVk = const;
ba = rejection of heat Q2 to a cold source.
It will be observed that this cycle differs from the mixed cycle only in the heat
transmission law.
As the gas pressure during heat transmission in the constant-pressure cycle remains
unchanged (px=pc), it follows that the pressure increase ratio =


The thermal efficiency of this cycle, after substitution of the value 1 in formula (2)

t = 1

k 1

k 1
k ( 1)


This cycle is used asa thermodynamic scheme for computing the working cycles of air
injection Diesels in which the gas pressure during combustion remains almost the same.

2. Thermal Efficiency of Various Theoretical Cycles

Upon comparing the expressions of the thermal efficiencies of various cycles, we find
that, for equal compression ratios, the value of t , in the constant-volume cycle is larger than
in the constant-pressure cycle.
Hence, the thermal efficiency of the mixed cycle, regarded as an intermediary one, is
higher than that of the constant-pressure cycle and lower than that of the constant-volume one:

tV > tmix > tp

If we compare cycles with identical maximum pressures pz for various values of e then, with
the same quantity of heat Q1 added, the thermal efficiency of the constant-pressure cycle will
be higher than that of the constant-volume one, and the thermal efficiency of the mixed cycle
will have an intermediate value

tp > tmix > tV

This advantage of the constant-pressure cycle over the constant-volume one should be
attributed to the fact that, for equal pressures pz, the compression ratio of the constant-volume
cycle will always be smaller than that of the constant-pressure one.
The theoretical cycles considered above allow finding the maximum theoretical extent
of utilization of engine-generated heat, assessing the thermodynamic imperfection of a working
cycle and planning the ways of improving its economy.

3. Actual Cycles

The actual working cycles of internal combustion marine engines require either four or two
strokes of the piston, i.e., either two or one revolution of the crankshaft.
Accordingly there are distinguished four-stroke and two-stroke engines.
The working cycle of a four-stroke engine comprises the following strokes (Fig. 2):
/suction stroke, i.e., admission of the air-fuel mixture or air into the engine cylinder;
//compression stroke, during which the fuel mixture or air is compressed in the cylinder;
///power or working stroke, during which combustion of the fuel mixture and expansion of
the combustion products take place within the cylinder;
IVexhaust stroke, during which the combustion products are expelled from the cylinder.
The two-stroke cycle employs the following piston strokes (Fig. 3):
/scavenging of the cylinder and compression of the air-fuel mixture or air in the engine
//combustion, expansion and preliminary exhaust of the combustion products, or scavenging.
Exhaust of the combustion products and admission of the air-fuel mixture or air into the
cylinder of a two-stroke engine are combined in a single process of scavenging and charging of
the cylinder occurring at the end of the expansion stroke and the beginning of the compression
stroke. This process is termed cylinder scavenging.
Cycles of the four-stroke engines. 1. Actual and theoretical cycles compared.
The actual working cycle of an engine is characterized by p-V indicator diagrams taken by

means of engine indicators. Fig. 4a illustrates an actual indicator diagram of a four-stroke

airless-injection Diesel.

Fig. 2. Action of a four-stroke engine

Fig. 3. Action of a two-stroke engine


Fig. 4. Indicator diagrams of four-stroke

(a) airless Injection


(b) carburettor engine;

(c) air Injection

In an actual engine cycle the hydraulic resistance offered by the admission system
reduces the pressure of the air entering the engine cylinder. Since the movement of the
piston is not uniform, the pressure in the course of cylinder charging also varies, and
the admission line in the indicator diagram takes the form of an undulatory curve.

If the diagram is being taken with a stiff-spring indicator, the admission line
undulations .are almost imperceptible and this straight line lies below the atmospheric
The compression of air is accompanied by the interchange of heat between the cylinder
walls and the air. Besides, ignition occurs before the end of compression which is an
imperative prerequisite for timely combustion of the fuel mixture.
Therefore, the compression line in an actual indicator diagram is not an adiabatic, but a
curve expressed by a polytropic equation with various values of the exponent on
individual sections of the curve.
Since the air-fuel mixture burns at a finite rate, the piston will travel a certain
part of the cylinder volume during the initial period of combustion near TDC.
Therefore, the gas pressure during this period does not rise along a vertical line, as in
the case of combustion at constant volume, but follows a complex curve sloping away
from the y-axis. After TDC, combustion occurs in an increasing volume. Therefore, the
gas pressure during this period first rises along a sloping curve, then drops. Thus, the
second section of the combustion curve will be a line of complex configuration instead
of a horizontal constant-pressure line. There are rounded off sections between the
combustion curve and both the preceding compression line and the following line of
The process of expansion in an actual working cycle is accompanied by afterburning
and heat exchange between the gases and the cylinder walls. Therefore, the expansion
line is not an adiabatic, but a complex curve which, like the compression curve, is
expressed by a polytrophic equation with various values of the exponent. The process
of exhaust starts when the piston has not yet reached BDC which contributes to more
efficient scavenging of the cylinder. Therefore, the end of the expansion stroke is
marked on the diagram by a sharper pressure drop (beginning of exhaust) than on the
main portion of the expansion curve.
When the piston moves from BDC to TDC the resistance offered by the exhaust
system increases the pressure of the gases leaving the cylinder. Besides, non-uniform
motion of the piston, as during admission of the air charge, results in fluctuations of the
gas pressure in the exhaust pipe and the cylinder.
The exhaust line, therefore, takes the form of an undulatory curve whose main
part lies above the atmospheric line.
When an indicator diagram is taken with a stiff-spring indicator, the exhaust line is
almost straight and lies above the atmospheric line.
Consequently, the admission and exhaust lines of an actual indicator diagram taken on a
four-stroke engine enclose an additional area which represents negative work
performed by the engine for charging the cylinder with air and expelling the
combustion gases from it.
Also illustrated in Fig. 4 are actual indicator diagrams of a four-stroke air injection
Diesel and a spark ignition engine. Similarly to the diagram of the airless injection
Diesel, the admission and exhaust lines form negative areas of the pumping strokes; the
compression and expansion lines are polytrophic curves; and the combustion lines are
not straight, but have the form of complex curves smoothly joining the compression and
expansion lines.
2. Effect of engine timing on the indicator diagram. The scavenging and charging

period is made longer and the charge of air or air-fuel mixture is increased by making
the engine inlet valve open somewhat before TDC (Fig. 5) and close after BDC,
whereas the exhaust valve is made to open before BDC and close after TDC.
This prolongs the charging and exhaust periods to more than 180 crankshaft degrees.
When both the exhaust and inlet valves are concurrently open, the cylinder is scavenged
by the air (or fuel mixture) due to the ejection effect of the gas column in the exhaust
pipe, which improves considerably the expulsion of the combustion products remaining
after the preceding working cycle.
The best engine timing that will ensure maximum engine power is determined
A criterion of proper timing may be not only the maximum power of the engine, but
also the form of the indicator diagram. With correct engine timing the main lines of the
diagram approach the theoretical lines and the positive area of the diagram approaches
a maximum.
If the valves are made to open and close too early or too late, this will distort the lines
on the diagram and reduce engine power. Shown in Fig. 6a is the effect of normal,
retarded and advanced opening of the exhaust valve, while Fig. 6b illustrates the effect
of normal (point jc) and early (point x') closing of the same valve.
The effect of retarded opening of the inlet valve can be seen from Fig- 7.
3. The concept of mean indicated pressure. The positive area of the actual indicator
diagram, Aii + ) limited by the lines of compression, combustion and expansion,
expresses the work one by the gases within the engine cylinder during the compression
and expansion strokes.

Fig. 5. Timing chart ot a four-stroke engine

Fig 6 Effect of exhaust valve opening and closing angles on indicator diagram:
1 retaded opening; 2 normal opening; 3 early opening; (x) normal closing; (x) early

Fig. 7. Effect of retarded inlet valve

opening on indicator diagram

Fig. 8. Mean indicated pressure

of a four-stroke engine

The negative area A1(-), limited by the admission and exhaust lines represents
the work spent during these engine strokes. Hence, it follows that the difference
between the positive and negative areas of the indicator diagram
(Fig. 8)

Ai = Ai ( ) Ai ( )

expresses the indicated work of the gases in a cylinder during a cycle

Wi = Wi (+ ) Wi ( )

where Wi (+ ) = Wexp Wc is the total positive work done during

Wi ( ) = Wexh Wadm the expansion and compression strokes; is the total negative

work done during the exhaust and admission strokes.

The indicated work can be expressed as

Wi = pi

D 2

Lkg m


where pi = mean indicated pressure in kg/cm2;

D = cylinder bore in cm;
L = piston stroke in meters.
It follows from the above that the mean indicated pressure is that constant pressure of
the gases in the cylinder which, acting during one piston stroke, would produce work
equal to the indicated work per cycle Wi.
The indicated work can also be written as the product of two variables: Wi = piVd
where pi is the mean indicated pressure in kg/m2, and

Vd =
L is the piston displacement in m3.

Area Ai representing this work can be replaced by an equivalent rectangle and

expressed as the product Ai = hi l d
Thus, if the base of the rectangle ld is equal to the length of the segment expressing the
piston displacement Vd, then the height of this rectangle ht will express to a certain
scale the mean indicated pressure (Fig. 8).
Therefore, it is usual practice to determine the mean indicated pressure by the height of
a rectangle equivalent to the area Ai of the indicator diagram and constructed on the
base of this diagram Vd : pi =

Kg / cm 2

where Ai is the area of the indicator diagram in mm2 equal to the difference Ai (+ ) Ai ( )

Vd = l d is the length of the entire indicator diagram in mm, representing the piston

displacement Vd;
m is the scale of the indicator spring in mm per kg/cm2. (The value of m punched
on the spring indicates that a change of 1 kg/cm2 in the pressure applied to the piston
causes the indicator stylus to move a distance of m millimeters.)

In determining the mean indicated pressure the negative area of the diagram is
usually neglected, since the work absorbed during the pumping strokes is included in
the mechanical losses of the engine.
The same method should be followed in determining the theoretical mean
indicated pressure on the basts of a theoretical indicator diagram:

Pit = 10 4 pit =

Wt kg m kg
= 2
Vd m 3


4. Indicated and relative efficiencies. The indicated efficiency is the ratio between the
amount of heat equivalent to the indicated work Wi and the amount of heat Q1 used for
producing this work:

i =



The indicated efficiency determines the degree of utilization of the heat added to
obtain the work produced by the gases in the cylinder of an actual engine, and is an
experimental quantity.
The relative efficiency is the ratio between the indicated work of an actual
engine and the theoretical work

r =




r = 1 = i
AWt t



it follows that the relative efficiency is the ratio between the indicated and the

theoretical (thermal) efficiencies.

The relative efficiency r characterizes the degree of perfection of the working
cycle in an actual engine with respect to the theoretical cycle.
Two-stroke engine cycles. During the actual working cycle of a two-stroke
engine compression and expansion follow poly-tropic curves with various exponents on
separate sections of these curves. The combustion line is a complex curve. Cylinder
scavenging is represented by curve bsos0a (Fig. 9) with varying pressure.
The exhaust valves or ports open at point b and the products of combustion are
discharged from the cylinder. This is free or preliminary exhaust. The pressure within
the cylinder drops to the level of the scavenge air pressure psc.
From s to s0 the cylinder is scavenged with air (or fuel mixture) delivered by a
scavenge pump. Upon closing of the scavenge ports the cylinder pressure approaches
that in the exhaust manifold.
In an engine with simple loop-flow port scavenging the exhaust ports have a
greater height than the scavenge ports which is a requisite for the preliminary discharge
of gases. This improves the process of cylinder scavenging and, consequently, the
quality of the fresh charge in the cylinder when compression starts. However, the
exhaust ports, having a greater height than the scavenge ports, remain partly open after
scavenging, which causes a certain loss of the air or mixture charge at the beginning of
The indicated work Wip of the scavenge pump required for scavenging the
engine cylinder is expressed by the area of the actual indicator diagram of the pump.
The area of the indicator diagram of a two-stroke engine cylinder expresses the
positive work of the gases Wi(+) per cycle, whereas the area of the indicator diagram of
the scavenge pump cylinder represents the negative work Wi ( ) = Wip It should be borne
in mind that part of the scavenge pump work is returned in the working cylinder.
Shown in Fig. 10 are matched actual indicator diagrams of a working cylinder of
a two-stroke engine, and of its crank chamber which serves as the cylinder of its
scavenge pump. The summary indicated work of a crankcase-scavenged two-stroke

Wi = Wi (+ ) Wip ( )

where Wi(+) is the indicatedwork of the engine per cycle; Wip ( ) = Wip is the indicated
work per cycle of the piston scavenge pump of the crankcase-scavenged engine.
In determining the indicated work of an engine, the work required for operation
of the scavenge pump is not taken into account, being included in the mechanical losses
of the engine.
Hence, the mean indicated pressure of a two-stroke engine is obtained from the
pi =


Ai (+ )


where Ai( + ) is the area of the engine indicator diagram;

Vd is the length of the diagram corresponding to the total piston displacement

Fig 9

Indicator diagram and schematic cylinder of a two-stroke engine

Fig. 10. Indicator diagrams of working cylinder and crank chamber of a two-stroke engine
Since part of the piston stroke L = hb is lost for opening the exhaust ports, the effective
piston displacement is

Vd = Vd hb

D 2

= V d V d

Therefore, the mean indicated pressure referred to the effective piston stroke L , by
analogy with expression (10), is

pi =

Ai (+ )



Using the two expressions for the same

indicated work of an engine

Wi (+ ) = piVd kg m

we find

Wi (+ ) = piVd kg m

piVd = piVd
hence the mean indicated pressure referred to the
effective piston stroke

pi = p i

= pi
= pi
Vd Vd
1 b

where b =

Vd hb


is the part of the

piston stroke corresponding to the height of the exhaust

When the exhaust ports or valves close earlier than the scavenge ports do, the loss of
piston travel is determined by the closing moment of the scavenge ports. The values of b and

pi are computed accordingly.

In a two-stroke engine two compression ratios are ordinarily distinguished, viz., the
actual and the nominal ones.
The actual compression ratio is the relation between the effective cylinder volume Va
and the clearance volume Vc (Fig. 11):

Va Vd + Vc
= 1+ d


and the nominal compression ratio is the total cylinder volume Va (piston displacement plus
clearance volume) divided by the clearance volume Vc.

n =

V a V d + Vc
=1+ d



The actual cycle of an internal combustion engine is calculated with a view to
determining the basic thermodynamic parameters of the working cycle, as well as the mean
indicated pressure and the specific fuel consumption.
Given hereunder is a theoretical study of the basic events that occur during an actual
cycle, and a corollary method of engine heat calculations.

4. Charging
Pressure at the beginning of compression. The gas pressure at the beginning of the
compression stroke pa depends upon the design of the admission system used for charging the
cylinder with the air-fuel mixture or working air, and that of the exhaust system intended to
discharge the combustion products from the engine cylinder.
The value of pa is likewise influenced by the engine load and speed.

In a four-stroke engine, at the rated power and speed:

pa = (0.85-0.92) p0 atm abs without supercharging;
pa = (0.90-0.95) psup atm abs with supercharging.
In a two-stroke engine

p a = (0.85 0.95) p sc atm abs,

where psup is the supercharging air pressure in the receiver in atm abs.
psc is the scavenge air pressure in the receiver in atm abs.
Temperature Ta at the beginning of compression.
The amount of heat introduced by the air-fuel mixture (or air) into the engine cylinder

Qe = We c p T0
where We = weight of the air-fuel mixture in kg, contained in the cylinder charge at the end of

charging, i.e., at the beginning of the compression stroke;

cp = specific heat of the fuel mixture at constant pressure in kcal per kg per deg C;
To = temperature of the outside air in deg K.
The amount of heat contained in the residual gases, i.e., in the combustion products left in
the cylinder at the end of scavenging

Qr = Wr c p Tr
where Wr = weight of theresidual gases;
cp = specific heat of the residual gases at constant pressure;
Tr= temperature of the residual gases before they mix with the fuel mixture.
The amount of heat received by the air-fuel mixture from the heated cylinder and piston

Q = We c p t
where t is the increase of the mixture temperature resulting from contact with the hot walls
of the engine cylinder and the piston.
In four-stroke supercharged engines and two-stroke engines without air coolers an
additional rise of the mixture (or air) temperature through compression in the supercharger
should be taken into consideration.
Therefore, in such engines, instead of t we find

t = l + t sup
The rise of mixture or air temperature caused by compression in the supercharger can
be obtained from the following formula
n 1

t sup = Tsup

T0 = T0

t sup = Tsup

k 1


sup 1

T0 = T0 1 +





where n = exponent of the polytropic compression line of the supercharger;

n = 1.4-1.6


piston superchargers, 1.6-1.8 for rotary and 1.7-2.0 for centrifugal

psup and Tsup = pressure and temperature of air at the supercharger outlet;

ad = adiabatic efficiency of the supercharger;

ad = 0.8-0.9 for piston superchargers, 0.72-0.8 for centrifugal and 0.82-0.87 for axialflow ones.
The amount of heat contained in the gases (air-fuel mixture plus residual gases) at the
beginning of the compression stroke

Qa = Qe + Qr + Q
Neglecting the difference in the specific heats of the air-fuel mixture, residual gases
and the resulting charge, i. e., assuming that c p = c p = c mix
let us write a heat balance formula
for the gas charge in a cylinder: (We + Wr )Ta = We (T0 + t ) + Wr Tr
We find from the above that the temperature of the gases in the cylinder at the
beginning of the compression stroke:

Ta =

(T0 + t ) + Wr Tr
We + Wr
We + Wr


The relative quantity of residual gases in a cylinder is evaluated by the coefficient of

residual gases yr which expresses the ratio between the number of moles of residual gases A1r
and the number of moles of fuel mixture in the cylinder charge Me:



M r Wr m m Wr

M e We mr We


r =

r =

where mm is the molecular weight of the mixture and mr is the molecular weight of the residual
products of combustion; mm mr.
The value of r characterizes the degree of scavenging; in four-stroke engines r =0.03-0.04
and in two-stroke engines r .=0.02-0.03.
From expression (17a) we obtain Wr = r We, and substitution in equation (16) yields for fourstroke and two-stroke engines


T0 + t + r Tr
1+ r


Experimental values of this temperaturefor various engines are

four-stroke Diesels


two-stroke Diesels





Charge efficiency and coefficient of residual gases. The cylinder charge efficiency is
the ratio between the actual amount of fresh charge We compressed in the engine working
cylinder and the amount W0 which would have been contained in the working volume of the
cylinder Vd at the outside air pressure and temperature p0 and To. In naturally aspirated engines
p0 and T0 denote the pressure and temperature of the outside air, whereas in supercharged
engines p 0 = p sup and T0 = Tsup are the pressure and temperature of the super-charging air
after the blower and air cooler. Thus, the charge efficiency

ch =

= e
W0 Vd 0


where 0 is the specific weight of air at p0 and To.

The weight of the mixture before compression may be expressed as

We = Ve 0
where Ve is the volume of the working mixture in the cylinder at the pressure p0 and
temperature To.
Hence, the charge efficiency will be expressed as the ratio of the volumes

ch =

Ve 0 Ve
Vd 0 Vd

Let us now find the value of f]cf, for a four-stroke and a two-stroke engines.
From expression (17a) for the coefficient of residual gases it follows that

r =

Wr Wa We Wa

Since, accordingto formula (19)

We = chW0
then, substituting this equationin the preceding expression, we obtain

= r +1


In accordance with the characteristic equation

Wa =

p aV a
Ra Ta

W0 =


where Ra, R0 are gas constants.

Therefore substitution of Wa and W0 in the preceding equation with their values (with
Ra R0) gives


p aVaT0
W0 (1 + r ) p 0Va Ta (1 + r )

The ratio of the volumes rf may be transformed as follows:

V a V d + Vc
= 1+ c = 1+
e 1 e 1
Therefore the preceding expression of the charge efficiency for four-stroke and twostroke engines takes the form

ch =

e pa
e 1 p0 a
(1 + r )


It follows from the above that under stable conditions (p0, To) the charge efficiency
increases with a rise in pressure pa and a drop in temperature Ta at the beginning of
compression and also with a reduction of the residual gas coefficient r . Substituting
expression (18) for Ta in formula (20) we obtain

ch =

p a T0

( 1) p0 (T0 + t 0 + r Tr )

In four-stroke engines the weight of residual gases

Wr =

p r Vc
Rr Tr

Therefore the coefficient of residual gases in four-stroke engines

r =

p rVcT0 R0
p 0Vd Tr Rr ch

Assuming that Rr=R0 and substituting we obtain


r =

p 0 r ( 1) ch


Hence, the charge efficiency of four-stroke engines

ch =

p 0 r ( 1) r


Substituting expression (22) for yr in the general formula (21) of the charge efficiency we can
find another expression of y\ch for a four-stroke engine:

ch =

p a
(p a pr )T0

( 1) p0 (T0 + t ) ( 1) p0 ( 1) p0

p r T0
= a 1 +

T0 + t p 0 1 ( 1) p 0 T0 + t

1 pr pa

= a




T0 + t

It can be seen that the charge efficiency of a four-stroke engine is affected adversely by
the pressure of the gases at the end of exhaust.

Usually (at rated duty) the pressure and temperature conditions are as follows:
Diesels and carburetor

engines.............................. p r = 1.03 1.08 atm abs

Diesels .......................................................................... Tr = 700 800 o K atm abs

carburetor engines ...................................................... Tr = 800 1000 o K
In two-stroke engines two charge efficiencies should be distinguished: ch referred to

of the
the effective stroke and referred to the total stroke (nominal efficiency). If the ratio nch
lost piston stroke to the total one =

, then the nominal charge efficiency

ch = ch (1 )


The value of h is the distance travelled by the piston from bottom dead centre to the
upper edge of the ports that are covered last. In the case of simple port scavenging these are the
exhaust ports and in the case of uniflow valve scavenging where scavenging is through ports
and exhaust through valves, these are the scavenge ports. Experimentally found charge
efficiencies ch are:

0.83-0.86 for Four-stroke engines,


0.85-1.1 for two-stroke engines.

5. Compression
Pressure and temperature at the end of compression. From the equation of a polytrophic
line, the pressure and temperature at the end of the compression stroke are

p c = p a n1


Tc = Ta n1 1



where n1 is the mean polytrophic exponent.

Formulas (26) and (27) allow the pressure and temperature at the end of the
compression stroke to be determined if there is no combustion before top dead centre. The
following values of the compression ratio e are used:
13-14 for high-speed airless injection engines'
14-15 for medium-speed airless injection engines1
13-14 for low-speed airless injection engines, and
5.5-6.5 for automotive carburetor engines
Polytrophic compression exponent.

In actual engines the process of compression

is accompanied by heat exchange between the gases and the cylinder walls. Therefore the
compression line is not an adiabatic one.
For separate small sections this line is assumed to be a polytrophic curve expressed by
the equation

p n0 = const
where nc is the true exponent of polytrophic compression, changing in the course of
The value of nc is influenced by the heat exchange in the cylinder.
To simplify the calculations of pressure p c and temperature. Te the compression line is
assumed to be a polytrophic curve with such a mean exponent nt with which the numerical
values of pc and Tc are equal to the values of these variables obtained from a polytrophic curve
of compression with a varying exponent, the values of the compression work also being equal
in both cases.
In different engines the exponent n1, has different numerical values varying with the

size, speed and load of the engine. The larger the cylinder volume the smaller the relative
cooled area and, consequently, the smaller is the amount of heat rejected to the cylinder walls,
and the larger becomes the numerical value of n1 .
As the engine revolutions are, increased, the time of contact between the gases and the
cylinder walls decreases and, as a result, heat transfer is also reduced. In addition, blow-by of
gases past loose rings is also decreased. Therefore, a rise in the engine speed increases the
value of the exponent nt Its value also grows with heavier loads and higher piston temperatures.
The value of n1 is also influenced by the condition of the piston rings. With loose rings
which let the cylinder gases into the crank-case, the value of n1 is lower than it is with tight
The value of n1 is to be chosen experimentally. For various types and speeds of the
engine the full-load value of the exponent is taken from 1.34 to 1.39. In high-speed engines n1
approaches the adiabatic exponent value of 1.4 and may even become greater than this
exponent (n1 > k).
The mean exponent of polytrophic compression can be calculated, consisting in drawing up a
heat balance on the compression line for (Me+Mr) moles of fresh charge Me and residual gases
M r.

Qc = U c U a AWac
where Uc, Ua is the internal energy of the gas at points c and a;
Qc is the amount of heat received by the gases from the cylinder walls during the
compression stroke;

AWac = (M e + M r )

A 848
(Tc Ta )
n1 1

is the amount of heat equivalent to the work of polytrophic compression on line ac.
Assuming that Qc = 0, i. e., taking compression to be an adiabatic process (n1=k1) we obtain a
heat balance equation for the number of moles (Me + Mr) of compressed gas.

M e u c + M r u cr M e u a M ru ar M e + M r


or, if we exclude Me, we find that

u c + r u cr u a r u ar = (1 + r )

(Tc Ta )
k1 1

Ta ) = 0


mc + mc
T mc
v 0 r vr c v

= (1 + r )
(Tc Ta )
k1 1


+ r mcvr


T =


where ua, ur = internal energy of 1 mole of fresh charge and residual

mcv, mcvr= molar isochoric specific heats of these gases determined by formula (59):

= A + BT


When r = 0 and mcv

= A + BT we find from equation (28)


( A + BTc )Tc (A + BTa )Ta

(Tc Ta )
k1 1

whence we obtain, after transformation,

A + BTc + BTa =

k1 1

Since from formula (27) the temperature Tc = Ta h1 1 , it follows that

A + BTa k1 1 + 1 =

k1 1


Solving equation (28a) by the method of successive approximations, we find the mean
exponent of the adiabatic curve k1. For this purpose we start with an arbitrary numerical value
of k1 in equation (28a). The final value of k1 must produce an identity by satisfying equation
The polytrophic exponent can be considered to equal

n1 = k1 (0.02 0.03)
6. Combustion
Chemical reactions of liquid fuel combustion. In computing the amount of air required
for the combustion of liquid fuel and the resulting amount of combustion products the
combustion formulas of the fuel constituents, i.e., carbon and hydrogen, are taken as the
starting point.
Let 1 kg of fuel contain c kg of carbon, h kg of hydrogen and o kg

of oxygen, i. e., 1kg = ckg + hkg + okg

The reaction of complete combustion of carbon will be expressed by the equation

C + O2 = CO2
Taking into account the atomic weights of the constituents we obtain therefore, combustion of 1
kg of carbon yields
1 kg C + 12 kg C + 32 kg O2 = 44 kg CO2

1kgC +

kgO2 =

and combustion of c kg of carbon gives

ckgC +

32kgO2 = 44kgCO2

Counting in moles, we obtain(29)

ckgC +

moleO2 moleCO2


This equation indicates that the combustion of carbon to carbon dioxide does not bring
about any changes in the volume of the gases (neglecting the very small volume of carbon
compared with the volumes of the gases).
Upon incomplete combustion of carbon to carbon monoxide the combustion formula
will be

2C + O2 = 2CO2

24kgC + 32kgO2 = 56kgCO

kgO2 =
ckgC + 32kgO2 =

1kgC +

Counting in moles, we obtain

24kgC + 1moleO2 = 2molesCO

or for c kg of carbon

ckgC +

moleO2 = moleCO


It can be seen from the above equation that when the combustion of carbon produces

carbon monoxide, the volume of the gas increases by M =


12 24 24

The reaction of complete combustion of hydrogen is expressed by the equation

Taking into account the 2 H 2 + O2 = 2 H 2 O atomic weights of the elements, we obtain
consequently, combustion 4 kg H2 + 32 kg O2 = 36 kg H2O of 1 kg of hydrogen yields

1kgH 2 +

kgO2 =
kgH 2 O

and h kg of hydrogen

hkgH 2 + 32kgO2 = 36kgH 2 O
Counting in moles, we obtain

4kgH 2 + 1moleO2 = 2molesH 2 O

or for h kg of hydrogen

hkgH 2 +

moleO2 = moleH 2 O


We can see from the above equation that during the burning of hydrogen which prior to the
combustion of liquid fuel has been a constituent of a liquid and not gas, the volume of the gases
is increased by

M =

h h h
= mole.
2 4 4

Theoretical amount of air required for combustion of liquid fuel.

The amount of air theoretically necessary for the complete combustion of 1 kilogram of
liquid fuel depends upon the composition of the fuel and can be found from the combustion
reactions of carbon and hydrogen.

Let I kg of fuel contain c kg of carbon, h kg of hydrogen and o kg

Then, in accordance with the reactions of complete combustion of C and H2 equations
(29) and (30), the amount of oxygen theoretically required for the complete combustion of 1
kilogram of fuel is

O2 =

c h o
+ moles
12 4 32


is the number of moles of oxygen in the fuel participating in combustion.

Since the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is 21% (by volume), the theoretical
quantity of air required for the complete combustion of 1 kilogram of liquid fuel, in kilogrammolecules

Lo =

1 c h o
+ moles
0.21 0.21 12 4 32

Lo =

1 + h =

0.21 12 c



3 0.79
0.79 +
h =

0.79 0.21 12


(0.79 + )mole
The quantity = 3 0.79



is conventionally termed "fuel characteristic". The theoretical amount of air in weight units

Lo = 28.95Lo kg air per kg of fuel,


where 28.95 kg/mole is the molecular weight of air. In volumetric units at 15 C and 735.5 mm

Lo = 24.4 Lo m 3 per kg of fuel, or in volumetric units at po and To;

Lo =

Lom 3 per kg of fuel.
288 p o


Excess air coefficient. The theoretical quantity of air deduced from formulas (3I)-(33)
ensures complete combustion of the fuel components provided the fuel is fully mixed with air.
Under actual conditions complete mixing is unattainable, and therefore most types of engines
use more air than theoretically required. If the engine operates with insufficient air, i.e., when
the amount of air is less than that theoretically necessary, the fuel fails to burn up completely.
Incomplete combustion may also take place in engines with much excess air but with inferior
mixing. Such engines include Diesels, whose products of combustion contain some CO and
free carbon C (soot).
It is only in the carburetor engines with their most satisfactory conditions for fuel
mixing and the uniform distribution of the fuel and air that the actual amount of air is nearly
equal to that theoretically required. Since the maximum rate of combustion is attained with a

somewhat enriched mixture, the power of these engines is often boosted by supplying them
with an amount of air which is less than the theoretical one.
The ratio of the actual air L to the theoretical air Lo is called the excess air coefficient,



The excess air coefficient depends upon the type of engine and varies with the engine
The numerical value of a. is selected on the basis of experimental data. Given below are
the values of a for various engines running under full load.
low-speed Diesels1.7-2
high-speed small Diesels1.3-1.7
carburetor launch-mounted engines0.85-1.05
The excess air coefficient is determined experimentally, either by analyzing the
products of combustion discharged from the engine into the exhaust manifold, or the exhaust
gases flowing through the exhaust manifold, or by measuring the amount of air and fuel consumed by the engine. The value of the coefficient a characterizing the actual amount of air in
the air-fuel mixture during combustion in an airless injection-type engine can be determined by
analyzing the products of combustion sampled from the cylinder or exhaust manifold before
charging or scavenging begins.
The excess air coefficient determined in such an engine either by analyzing the
composition of gases taken from the exhaust manifold at any moment or as the ratio between
the amount of air used and the theoretical


is termed

the summary excess air


sum =

Fh Lo


Where Lsum is the consumption per hour of air entering the engine cylinder via the inlet pipe of
a four-stroke engine or the scavenging pump of a two-stroke engine;

Fh is the fuel consumption per hour of the engine. The summary excess air coefficient
is a conventional coefficient since it includes not only the actual air
participating in combustion but also the air used for scavenging. The summary
coefficient sum is larger than the coefficient, particularly in two-stroke Diesels
and Four-stroke supercharged Diesels.

Composition of


products with col.

The products of the complete

combustion of hydrocarbon fuel formed when the excess air coefficient is greater than unity
include CO2, H2O, N2 and O2.
The quantity of the combustion product components obtained upon the burning of 1
kilogram of fuel will be:


M CO2 =







M H 2O =

moles, nitrogen contained in the working air, L = Lo moles ' M N 2 = 0.79Lo

oxygen not participating in combustion

M O2 = 0.21(L Lo ) = 0.21( 1)Lo moles.

The total quantity of moist combustion gases in moles per 1 kg of fuel

M g = M CO2 + M H 2 O + M N 2 + M N 2 + M O2 =

c h
+ + Lo 0.21Lo
12 2

According to formula(31)

0.21Lo =

c h o
+ + moles
12 4 32


Therefore, after substituting Mg in the expression, we obtain

M g = Lo +

h o
+ moles
4 32

For = 1

M g = Lo +

h o
+ moles
4 32


The total quantity of combustion products in volumetric units at 15 C and 735.5 mm Hg

Vg = 24.4 M g m3 per kg of fuel.(37)

The relative volumetric content of the constituents in the products of combustion is:


carbon dioxide vCO2 =

water vapour vH 2 O =
nitrogen v N 2 =
oxygen vO2 =

VN 2



VH 2 O



12M g

2M g



0.21( 1)Lo

It is obvious that vCO2 + vH 2 O + vN 2 + vO2 = 1

The molecular weight of the combustion products

mg = vCO2 mCO2 + vH O mH 2 O + vN 2 mN 2 + vO2 mO2


Hence, the total quantity of the products in weight units Wg = M gmg kg .


This quantity of combustion products is likewise equal to Wg = 1 + Lo kg.


Coefficient of molar change. It can be seen from formula (36) that the volume of gases
in the cylinder per kilogram of liquid hydrocarbon fuel increases after combustion by

M = M g Lo =

h o
+ moles .
4 32

Changes in the gas volume within the cylinder during combustion are represented by
the chemical coefficient of molar change 0 , which is the ratio of the number of moles of gas
after combustion Mg to the number of moles of the fresh charge before combustion Me:

0 =

M g L0 + M


Since the fuel mixture charge always contains Mr moles of residual gases, the actual change in
the number of moles of gas after combustion is characterized by the coefficient of molar change
expressed by the relation

Mg + Mr
Me + Mr

Excluding Me from the numerator and denominator, we obtain:



M e 0 + r
= e
1+ r
Where r =


is the coefficient of residual gases.

With liquid fuel the coefficients 0 and are always greater than unity for all values of the
excess air coefficient.
Dry products of combustion with > 1 . The
combustion products is M CO =




constituents of dry

moles per kg of fuel,

c h o
M O2 = 0.21( 1)L0 = ( 1) + =
12 4 32

h 12 0.79

0.79 +
= ( 1)
0.79 12

= ( 1)

[0.79 + ] moles per kg fuel
0.79 12

M N 2 = 0.79L0

(0.79 + ) moles per kg of fuel
12 0.21

The relative content of these constituents in the dry products of combustion is:

VCO 2 =

M CO 2
M g M H 2O

vO2 =

vN 2 =


( 1)(0.79+ )+ c (0.79+ ) (0.79+ )0.21
12 120.79

M O2
M g M H 2O
M N2
M g M H 2O

0.21( 1)(0.79 + )
(0.79 + ) 0.21


0.79 (0.79 + )
(0.79 + ) 0.21


From expressions (43) and (43b) we find:

(0.79 + )vCO = 0.21(0.79 + vCO );


(0.79 + )(vN 0.79) = 0.21vN


Upon dividing the first equation by the second one we obtain

vN 2 0.79

0.79 + vCO


or, according to (43) and (43b)


vN 2 0.79



Since v N 2 = 1 vCO2 vO 2 , then, after substitution in expression (43c), we find

vCO2 + vO2 = 0.21 vCO

or, expressing it in per cent, we find the content of the constituents in the dry products of

CO2 + O2 = 21 CO2


This equation serves as a reference for checking the correctness of the analysis of waste
gases produced by the complete combustion of liquid fuel. In case of incomplete combustion
(soot formation) in the presence of excess oxygen ( > 1) the right side of the equation is
greater than the-left one
Combustion with insufficient air ( < 1). If


takes place with

insufficient air, the products of combustion contain carbon monoxide CO in addition to CO2,
It is assumed that, with < 1, the hydrogen H2O in fuel, N2 being a more active
element, burns up completely to H2O whereas portion x of the carbon burns to CO and the other
portion (1-x) burns to CO2.
When x = l all the carbon burns up to CO. In this case the CO2 value of a, referred to as
critical, is determined by the following formula

cr = 1

3 0.23L0


For the liquid fuels used in engines,

cr = 0.6 0.7
Heat value of fuel. Two heating or heat values are to be distinguished, viz., the higher
Qh and the lower, Q1.

The higher heat value is the amount of heat in Ql kilogram-calories, liberated upon the
complete combustion of a unit of fuel in a calorimeter at a constant volume and with the
products of combustion cooled down to 15C.
These conditions lead to condensation of the water vapour which is formed by the
burning of hydrogen and by the evaporation of the water contained in the fuel.
During condensation, additional heat of condensation is liberated which is equal to the
latent heat of evaporation.
The lower or net heat value is equal to the higher heat value minus the latent heat of

Ql = Qh rWH 2O


where r - latent heat of evaporation;

WH 2 O = quantity of vapour formed.

For 1 kilogram of dry fuel containing h kg of hydrogen,

Ql = Qh 9rh


The heat value of fuel depends on its fractional composition. The lower heat value of
liquid fuel can be calculated with a certain degree of approximation according to D.I.
Mendeleev's formula
Ql = 8,100c + 30,000h - 2,600 (os) - 600 (w 9h) kcal/kg,


where c, o, h, s, w are the content in fuel of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulphur and water in
weight units.
The exhaust gases of internal combustion engines are heated to a quite high
temperature. Consequently, the water vapour contained in these gases fails to condense and
carries away the latent heat of evaporation.
Therefore, in calculating the thermal efficiency of an engine it is logical to use the
lower heat value of the fuel instead of the higher one.
If the excess air coefficient of an engine during combustion is less than unity the
quantity of liberated heat becomes smaller through incomplete combustion.
The amount of heat lost through incomplete combustion Q, can be found as follows.
The heat produced by the combustion of carbon monoxide (two kilogram-molecules)
according to the equation of combustion amounts to 135,220 kcal.

2CO + O2 = 2CO2 + 135.220kcal

Consequently, if the products of combustion contain MCO moles of carbon monoxide
per kilogram of fuel, the heat lost through incomplete combustion of the carbon in the fuel

Ql =



The quantity of CO in the combustion products for <l can be calculated from the
formula MCO= 0.418 (1-)L0 moles per kg of fuel.
Therefore, the heat lost through incomplete combustion

Ql =

0.418(1 )L0 = 28.560(1 )L0 kcal per kg of fuel.


Given below are the lower heat values Ql for various fuels (in kcal/kg).
Solar oil..10,100
Gasoil 10,100
Gasoline . 9,530
Benzene ..9,500
Ethyl alcohol .6,475
Thermodynamic equation of combustion. The thermodynamic equation of
combustion for determining the temperature of gases at the end of the so-called visible
combustion (point z on the p-V indicator diagram).
This equation has been deduced from the first law of thermodynamics and represents
the heat balance on the combustion line.
For the sake of generalization let us consider the mixed cycle. The heat liberated during
visible combustion between points c, z0, z (Fig. 12) is spent for raising the internal energy of
the working medium and for doing external work.
Hence, the heat balance for line cz0z is expressed by

Qb = (U z U c ) + ALz 0 z


Let us consider the component parts of this heat balance. The heat liberated during the
visible combustion of 1 kilogram of fuel Qb = z Ql (52)
Where Ql is the lower heat value of the fuel;

z is the heat utilization coefficient within the visible combustion segment of

the combustion line representing the portion of the heat value which, along section ,
increases the internal energy of the cz0z gas and is used for external work. For Diesel
engines z = 0.65-0.85 and for carburetor launch-mounted engines z = 0.85-0.95.

The coefficient of heat utilization accounts for heat losses

Ql = Ql z Ql

which include the part of the heat liberated after the end of
visible combustion, i.e., after point z, and the part of the heat
rejected to the cylinder walls along section cz0z
The internal energy of the gases at point z

U z = (M g + M r )(mcv )g Tz


where Mg = number of moles of the combustion products;

Mr = number of moles of the residua] gases;
(mcv)g = mean molar isochoric heat capacity of the combustion
products from 0 to Tz0 K, and
Tz = temperature of the gases at the end of visible combustion
(point z).
The internal energy of the gases [fresh charge plus residual gases] at point c for 1
kilogram of fuel

U c = (L0 + M r )(mcv )mix Tc


Where L0 = number of moles of air in the charge;

(mcv )mix = mean molar isochoric heat capacity

of the air mixed with the residual gases

from 0 to TCK;
TC = temperature of the gases at the end of compression (point c).
The equation of the heat balance along the combustion line is a special case of the
general equation, applicable to any part of a cycle.
The heat which is equivalent to the mechanical work done by the gases between z0 and

ALz 0 z = A p zVz pz 0 Vz 0 = ApzVz ApcVc

Where =

= increase of pressure during combustion;

Vz = volume (Mg + Mr) of gas moles at point z

Vc = volume (M r + L0 ) of gas moles at point c.

From the characteristic equations

pzVz = M g + M r 848Tz
pcVc = (M r + L0 )848Tc

it follows that

ALz 0 z = A(M g + M r )848Tz A (M r + L0 )848Tc


ARm = A848 =

= 1.985

ALz 0 z = (M g + M r )1.985Tz (M r + L0 )1.985Tc


Substitution of expressions (52), (53), (54), (55) in the heat balance equation (51)

zQl = (M g + M r )(mcv )g T2 (M r + L0 )(mcv )mix Tc + (M g + M r )1.985Tz (M r + L0 )1.985Tc


zQl + (M r + L0 )[(mcv )mix + 1.985 ]Tc = (M g + M r ) (mcv )g + 1.985 Tc



(mcv )g + 1.985 we





(M r + L0 ) and


(mc )

p g


obtain a combustion equation for the mixed cycle expressed in terms of

mean molar heat capacities from 0 to TK:


L0 + M r

+ [(mcv )mix + 1.985 ]Tc =

Mg + Mr
(mc p )g Tz
L0 + M r


z Ql
+ [(mcv )mix + 1.985 ]Tc = (mc p )g Tz

L0 (1 + r )


where r = coefficient of residual gases;

= coefficient of molar change.

Substitution in the heat balance equation (51) of expressions (53) and (54) with mean heat
capacities from 0 to tC and of the previous expressions (52) and (55) gives

z Ql = (M g + M r )(mcv ) g (Tz 273) (M r + L0 )(mcv ) mix (Tc 273) +

+ (M g + M r )1.985Tz (M r + L0 )1.985Tc


z Ql

L0 + M r


+ Mr )
M + Mr
(mcv ) g t z (mcv )mix tc + g
1.985Tz 1.985Tc ,
L0 + M r
L0 + M r

and, consequently, the combustion equation for the mixed cycle expressed in terms of mean
molar heat capacities from 0 to tC (i.e., from 273K to TK) takes the form

z Ql

L0 (1 + r )

+ (mcv )mix (Tc 273) + 1.985Tc = (mcv ) g Tz (mcv ) g 273 + 1.985Tz

(mcv )g = (mc p )g 1.985

or, since

z Ql

L0 (1 + r )

+ (mcv )mix tc + 1.985[ (tc + 273) 273 ] = (mc p ) g t z .


For the constant-pressure cycle the increase of pressure = 1 , therefore the

combustion equation for mean molar heat capacities from 0 to TK, takes the form

z Ql

L0 (1 + r )

+ (mc p )mix Tc = (mc p )g Tz (57) and for mean molar heat capacities from 0 to tQ

z Ql

L0 (1 + r )

+ (mc p ) mix tc + 1.985 273(1 ) = (mc p ) g t z .


In the constant-volume cycle the work ALz 0 z = 0 and the heat liberated during
combustion is spent only for increasing the internal energy.
Therefore, in the heat balance equation (51) we substitute only expressions (52), (53),

(54) which gives z Ql = M g + M r (mcv )g Tz (L0 + M r )(mcv )mix Tc .

Upon dividing the terms of this equation by (L0 + M r ) we obtain for mean molar heat
capacities from 0 to TK

z Ql
+ (mcv )mix Tc = (mcv )g Tz
L0 (1 + r )


and for mean molar heat capacities from 0 to tC

z Ql

L0 (1 + r )

+ (mcv ) mix tc = (mcv ) g t z .


From equations (56), (57) and (58) we find the temperature at the end of combustion
(point z) for the mixed, constant-pressure, and constant-volume cycles.
The mean molar heat capacity of a gas before and after combustion may be deduced

either from the formulas given below, or from Table 1.

Molar heat capacity of gases. The mean molar heat capacity of a gas at constant
volume (the isochoric value) varies with temperature and is expressed by the following
approximate general equation which holds for gas temperatures from 0 to TK (or from 0 to

= A + BT

(59 )

= A + Bt





where A, A' and B are coefficients found experimentally for each particular gas.
Given below are approximate empirical relations of the mean molar isochoric heat
capacities of the gases contained in the products of combustion (according to N. M. Glagolev).
For gas temperatures from 0 to TK carbon dioxide

mcv = A + BT = 7.82 + 125 105 T kcal/mole per C

water vapour


mcv = 5.79 + 112 105 T kcal/mole per C

nitrogen, oxygen, air

mcv = 4.62 + 53 105 T kcal/mole per C

and for gas temperatures from 0 to tC:
carbon dioxide

mcv = A + Bt = 8.5 + 125 105 t kcal/mole per C

water vapour nitrogen, oxygen, air

mcv = 6.1 + 112 105 t kcal/mole per C

The mean molar heat capacity of a gas at constant pressure (isobaric) may be found
from the following formula

mc p = mcv + 1.985 kcal/kg mole per C.

The mean molar isochoric heat capacity for working air and gaseous combustion
products is expressed by the same relation as that used for a gas in formulas (59) or (59a)

(mcv )a = Aa + BaT ;


(mcv )g = Ag + BgT .


The coefficients Aa, Ag, Ba and Bg are calculated according to the rule for finding the
specific heat of a mixture of gases, namely, for the products of combustion:

(mcv ) = vCO (mcv )CO


+ vH 2 O (mcv )H 2O + vN 2 (mcv )N 2 + vO2 (mcv )O2 ,


where v = volumetric parts of the gases contained in the mixture (combustion products)
determined by formula (38);
mcv = mean molar isochoric heat capacity of the gases found for the given temperature from
formulas (60) and (61).
According to expressions (62) and (63) we may write

Ag + BgT = vCO2 ACO2 + BCO2 T + vH 2 O AH 2 O + BH 2OT + vN 2 AN 2 + BN 2 T + vO2 AO2 + BO2 T ,


Ag + BgT = vCO2 ACO2 + vH 2 O AH 2 O + v N 2 AN 2 + vC 2 AO2 + vCO2 BCO2 + vH 2 O BH 2 O + v N 2 BN 2 + vO2 BO T .


Consequently, for the combustion products

Ag = vCO2 ACO2 + vH 2 O AH 2 O + vN 2 AN 2 + vO2 AO2


Bg = vCO2 BCO2 + vH 2 O BH 2 O + vN 2 BN 2 + vO2 BO2


The coefficients Aa and Ba for working air can be determined in a similar way.
The mean molar isobaric heat capacity of the products of combustion can be calculated
from the formula

(mc ) = (mc )
p g

v g

+ 1.985 kcal/mole C


The mean molar isochoric heat capacity of air at the end-of-com-pression temperature
Tc can be found from the formula

(mcv )a = 4.62 + 53 105 T


The mean molar isobaric heat capacity of mc p

gases for a temperature range from 0


to 2500C is given in Table 1.(Based on experiments of the All-Union Heat Engineering

Institute, USSR.)
Table I
Mean Molar isobaric Heat Capacity of Gases in kcal/mole per C
(from 0 to 2500 C)

Terminal combustion pressure. The pressure at the end of combustion pz depends on

the type of the engine, its load and the selected advance angle of fuel delivery (Diesels) or
spark advance angle (carburetor engines).
In marine engines the pressure pz at full load is as follows:
airless injection engines:

45-55 atm gauge

medium speed 55-75 atm gauge

(up to 140 atm gauge at supercharging



psup = 3 atm abs)

75-110 atm gauge

air injection
engines 35-40 atm gauge
engines 30-50 atm gauge
The increase of pressure in marine airless injection Diesels under full load is:



atomization.................... = 1.7-2.2

pre combustion chamber engines.................................. = 1.4-1.6

swirl chamber engines....................................................... = 1.5-1.8

In calculating the thermal efficiency of an engine the values of pz or are selected from
the data tabulated above. Having obtained the values of these variables, the temperature Tz
(formulas (56), (57), (58)) and the preliminary expansion ratio are then calculated.
To find the expression of , we shall write down the characteristic equations for the
state of the gas at points c and z of the mixed cycle diagram and division of the second equation
by the first one gives

pzVz (M g + M r )848Tz
pcVc (M e + M r )848Tc





In the constant-volume cycle Vz = Vc and we find from (69) the expression for the
pressure at the end of combustion for this cycle:

pz = p z



where is the coefficient of molar change [formula (42a) ].

7. Expansion
Exponent of polytrophic expansion curve. The process of expansion in an actual
engine is characterized by the exchange of heat between the gases and the cylinder walls and by
afterburning of the fuel that has failed to burn during the process shown by line czoz.
Therefore, the expansion line'is not an adiabatic one, but a polytrophic curve, like the
compression line,



= const

where nexp is the polytropic exponent of expansion which varies within the piston stroke.
The value of nexp is influenced by heat exchange and afterburning of the fuel in the
engine cylinder.
To simplify calculations of the gas temperatures and pressures, the line of expansion zb
(Fig. 4) is considered a polytropic curve represented by the equation pvn2 = const with a
constant mean exponent n2, this curve having the same values of pressure and temperature at
the end of expansion as the polytropic curve with a varying exponent nexp.

The mean exponent of the polytropic expansion curve depends on the degree of
afterburning and cooling of the gases as well as on the loss of gases through loose piston rings
during the expansion stroke.
When the quantity of afterburning fuel increases, which leads to reduction of the heat
utilization coefficient, the line of expansion has a gentler slope and the exponent n2 decreases.
The value of n2 is also influenced by the speed of the engine. An increase of the mean
piston speed reduces the duration of expansion and, consequently, the period of heat exchange
between the gases and the cylinder walls and the gas losses through the piston rings. However,
a rise of engine speed increases afterburning of the fuel during expansion because the higher
speed reduces the time available for combustion along the line czoz.
Experiments prove that the joint influence of these factors brings about a reduction of
the exponent n2 when the engine speed increases.
With a greater piston displacement without any change in

the cooling area per unit

volume of the expanding gases becomes smaller. As a result, the expansion line becomes less
curved and the exponent n2 decreases. Conversely, if the piston displacement Vd remains constant but the ratio grows, the cooling area referred to a unit volume of gas grows larger and the
expansion line becomes steeper which means that the exponent n2 is greater. The mean
polytropic exponent n2, can be determined like the exponent n1. Assuming that by the end of
expansion (point b) the fuel has burned up completely, the heat balance equation for the end of
expansion will be:

bQl + Q = Ql
where Qw is the heat rejected to the walls during combustion and expansion, determined
experimentally. Hence, the coefficient of heat utilization at point b

b = 1


Thus, lb represents that portion of the fuel heat value which is spent on mechanical
work and to increase the internal energy on the combustion and expansion line.
The heat balance during expansion z-b will be

bQl zQl = (M g + M r )(ub u z ) + ALzb

where uz, ub is the internal energy of I mole of gas at points z and b;

ALzb = (M g + M r )
(Tz Tb ) is the heat equivalent to the work or polytrophic expansion
n2 1

of the gases from z to b.

Let us assume the amount of heat added to the gases by the afterburning of fuel on the
expansion line to be equal to the amount of heat rejected to the cylinder walls. Since
( bQ1 z Q1 ) represents the net heat increase in the expanding gas due to afterburning and heat
transfer to the walls then, it follows from this assumption, that bQ1 = z Q1and b = z . Thus
we assume that there is no heat exchange and the line of expansion is transformed into an
apparent adiabatic curve with the exponent k2.











(M g + M r ) mcv Tb mcv Tz + (M g + M r )1.985 (Tg Tb ) = 0 hence,

k2 1


with mcv = Ag + BgT we have


After substitution of Tb =

+ BgTz )Tz (Ag + BgTb )Tb =


(Tz Tb )
k2 1

and transformations we obtain

1 1.985

Ag + BgTz 1 + k 2 1 =

k2 1


For the constant-volume cycle =

Upon solving equation (70a) by the method of successive approximations we find k2 which we
assume to be equal to nt, i.e., n2 k2.
The numerical value of the mean polytrophic expansion exponent n2 varies from 1.15 to
Gas pressure and temperature at the end of expansion. From the polytrophic equation
we find the pressure of the gas at the end of expansion

pb =
where =



is the degree of subsequent expansion.

The temperature of the gas at the end of expansion

Tb =



8. Formula of Mean Indicated Pressure

In finding the expression for the mean indicated pressure in an engine employing the
basic mixed cycle the compression and expansion of the gases are assumed to follow
polytrophic curves with the mean exponents n1 and n2.
The general expression for the mean indicated pressure has the following form:

Pit =

kg / m 2

where Wit is the indicated work of the engine expressed by the area of the theoretical indicator
diagram in kg-m; Vd is the piston displacement in m3 The indicated work Wit is equal to the
algebraic sum of the work
done during combustion Wcom, expansion Wexp and compression Wc1

Wit = Wcom + Wexp Wc

The positive work during isobaric combustion (line zoz) is

Wcom = Pz (V zVc )

Wcom = PzVz z 1


Pz = Pc ,



Wcom = PcVc ( 1)
The positive work of polytrophic expansion (line zb) will be

Wexp =

(PzVz PbVb )
n2 1

From the characteristic equations for points b and z

PbVb Tb
PzVz Tz
and from the equation of polytrophic expansion

= n 2 1
After substitution and transformation we have

Wexp =

1 n2 1
n2 1


PzVz = Pc Vc
then, after substitution, we obtain

1 1

Wexp = PcVc 1 n2 1

n2 1
The negative work of polytropic compression is

Wc =

(PcVc PaVa )
nn 1

From the characteristic equations for points a and c

PaVa Ta
PcVc Tc
and from the polytrophic equation of compression

= n1 1
After substitution and transformation we obtain

Wc =

PcVc PaVv
1 1
= PcVc 1

n1 1 PcVc
n1 1 n1 1

Summing up the expressions for Wcom, Wexp and Wc we find the expression for the indicated
work of the basic cycle

1 1
1 1

Wit = PcVc ( 1) + PcVc 1 n 2 1

PcVc 1 n1 1

n2 1

n1 1
now ever, since

Vc =
Wit =


1 1
1 1

( 1) + 1 n2 1
1 n1 1


n2 1
n1 1

According to the general expression for pit quoted above the mean indicated pressure of

the basic mixed cycle (in kg/cm4) will be

pit =

1 1
1 1

= c ( 1) + 1 n2 1
1 n1 1

10 Vd 1

n2 1
n1 1


In the constant-pressure cycle = 1 and, therefore,

pit =

( 1) + 1 n12 1 1 1 n11 1 1


n2 1
n1 1


in the constant-volume cycle p = l and, therefore,

pit =

1 1
1 1

1 n 2
1 n1 1

1 1 n2 1
n1 1


To obtain the proper value of the mean indicated pressure the value of p,-t should be
corrected for the rounding off of the sharp angles in the basic indicator diagram which will
make its form approach that of the actual indicator diagram.
The corrected mean indicated pressure of a four-stroke or two-stroke engines will
thereupon be

pi = pit


where = 0.95-0.97 is the correction factor of a diagram for a four-stroke engine and

= 0.96-0.98 is the same factor for a two-stroke engine.

The mean indicated pressure of the pumping strokes of a four-stroke engine

pi. pump = pr pa is not determined in this

calculation of Pi since the work done during these strokes is included in the mechanical losses
of the engine.
If we take into account the work done by the gases during the admission and exhaust
strokes we find for a four-stroke engine

pi = pit pi pump


In the case of a two-stroke engine the expressions for the mean indicated pressure (73), (74)
and (75) are referred to the effective stroke of the piston and are designated p'H, while the
expression for the total stroke is

pit = pit (1 )
where is the lost portion of the piston stroke.


The mean indicated pressure in modern marine engines pi at full load, expressed in
kg/cm2, is tabulated below.
Diesel engines:
four-stroke, airless injection, un supercharged .................................................... 6.5-7.5
four-stroke, airless injection, supercharged ..........................................................8.5-17
two-stroke, airless injection-with loop-flow scavenging......................................5.5-6.0
two-stroke, airless injection, with unfold scavenging ........................................6.5-8.5
two-stroke, airless injection, with scavenging pressures from 2 to 6 atm abs........ 9-18
two-stroke, air injection ....................................................................................... 6-6.5
two-stroke, double acting ................................................................................. 5-5.5
dual-fuel (gas-liquid) engines .......................................................................... 6-6.5
carburetor engines..............................................................................................7-11

Chapter 6

Automation and Control

The field of automation and control is immense. There are many different ways of
achieving the effects required by the operator of marine systems. It is impossible to
cover all aspects of the subject in the space available here, but this chapter endeavours
to give an overview of automation and control in a marine environment which will
provide a good starting point for study.
There is a terminology peculiar to the subject of automation and control, and it can be
very confusing for the beginner and for some experienced engineers. Before studying
control systems in any depth, the reader should become familiar with the terminology
associated with automation and control by reference to British Standards BS15231. Some
of the more important terms and definitions are given in this chapter.
THE CONTROL SYSTEM Definition of control
A control system is an arrangement of elements, or devices, such as sensors,
amplifiers, converters, actuators, human operators, and so on. These devices are
interconnected and interact in such a way as to maintain or to affect in a prescribed
manner, some condition of a body, process or machine which forms part of a system.
An automatic control system is one which does not include a human operator. If a
human operator is included, the system is a manual control system. When the control
system is used to control some physical quantity or condition of a process, it is
known as a process control system. Typical examples of process control systems are
temperature control of a fluid, such as diesel engine cooling water, by diverting the fluid
past or through a cooler, or boiler water level control.
Reasons for automatic control
There are many factors which have influenced the development of automatic control
in the marine environment, but all are connected with either economy or human factors.
The cost of wagesreduced manning Before automation and control engineering
became a reality in the marine environment, instruments giving an indication of the
conditions in a plant were under the continual surveillance and control of an
engineer. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was not uncommon for an average vessel to carry
seven engineers and, perhaps, two electricians. A modern automated vessel may now
only carry three engineers.
Wages are not the only staff costs to be considered by an employer. Hidden overheads
such as food and provisions, hotel services, taxes and so on, can double the cost of an
employee to a company. Over the last decade the trend has been for the employer to
reduce manning levels. If the expensive human element could be replaced by
machinery, one would reduce the running costs of a vessel.

The human element

The task of monitoring and controlling parameters such as temperatures and pressures
by manual methods can be very repetitive and boring, but accuracy depends on the
intelligence and experience of the operator. It has been shown statistically that
repetitive work and boredom can lead to liuman error', claimed to be the cause of
most accidents.
Relieving the human operator of tasks that are boring, unpleasant and strenuous by
the use of machinery can reduce the risk of accidents and release the operator for
more useful and interesting work. Long periods of intense concentration can result in
mental and physical strain and, more importantly, general deterioration in
performance. An automatic system will detect changes in a plant more quickly and
accurately than a human operator and, if properly designed and applied, will make
corrections to maintain or recover the desirable condition of operation more efficiently.
Cost of fuel and operation efficiency
The cost of fuel oil for a ship has influenced the introduction of automation and
control. The current cost of fuel oil can be affected by international and national
politics, finance and territorial disputes. As a consequence the financial outlay for fuel
can be very high and the ship owner must achieve maximum efficiency using the
fuel to maintain an acceptable operating profit.
Todays marine fuels require extensive treatment, usually with centrifugal separators,
before they can be used. The introduction of automatic cleaning separators relieved
the engine room staff of a time-consuming, laborious task. Having treated the fuel
ready for burning in the engine, the use of combustion monitoring equipment is
essential to keep the engine tuned and maintain maximum efficiency.
Advances in technology
In the early 1980s the design and implementation of complex electronic systems were
revolutionised by the use of the microprocessor. Prior to its introduction, electronic
digital control systems were designed using logic gates and bi-stable devices (flipflops). These were initially engineered from discrete components but integrated
circuits subsequently became available for these functions.
The microprocessor forms the heart of the microcomputer and is also used in
programmable logic controllers (page 244).
What do we want to control ?
Within the environment of a marine plant there are many parameters which need to
be controlled or monitored including: temperature; pressure; level; viscosity; flow;
speed; torque; voltage; current; machinery status (on/off); and equipment status
Where do we control ?
Historically it was the role of the watchkeeping engineers to monitor and control the
machinery plant. This was achieved by periodic tours of the engine room and manual
inspectionbasic watchkeeping. Often the engineer was totally dependent on his
natural senses, frequently supported by only the minimum of widely distributed
simple monitoring devices.
The demand to reduce manning levels led to the development of automated control
arrangements for the engine room plant which enabled unattended operation of
machinery spaces. Vessels capable of safe operation for any period of time in this
mode qualify for assignment of the class notation IMS' (unattended machinery

space). Although not essential for such installations, the control and monitoring
facilities were usually grouped together in a centralized control room. The option of
operation from a centralized control station under continuous supervision qualifies a
vessel for assignment of the class notation 'CCS'.
Initially the control room was in the vicinity of the engine room, with extended
monitoring and alarm systems on the bridge and in the accommodation areas during
UMS periods. Some vessels were built with the engine control room adjacent to the
The modern trend is towards a centralised control room, using a totally integrated
system for all aspects of ship operation, including engineering, cargo, navigation and
general administration.
Whatever the system, most controlled elements can have one or more of the
following points of operation:
a) local manual control;
b) remote manual control;
c) automatic control.
Local control implies that the point of control is in the immediate area of the device,
whereas for remote control the point of control is some distance away from the
device, such as in a control room.
The operation of a bilge suction valve in the engine room by its hand wheel is an
example of local manual control. If the valve was fitted with an extended spindle
through to the deck above and was operated from that point, it would be remote
manual control. In both these cases the valve would be operated by a human operator.
If the bilge valve was fitted with a hydraulic motor to operate the valve, and the
valve opened and closed according to the position of a float controller in the bilge well,
this would be an automatic control system. The human element is removed.
How do we control ?
There are many different media for control, and the most common on ships are :
a) mechanicalusing shafts, gears and wires;
b) hydraulicusing special hydraulic oils;
c) pneumaticusing low pressure compressed air;
d) electricalusing electric motors and relays;
e) electronicusing computers and logic devices.
The equipment used in control, alarm and safety systems should be suitable for its
working environment and intended purpose and, where practicable, be selected from
a list of type approved equipment issued by the relevant national government department or national classification society. To gain type approval the equipment is
subjected to a series of tests to ensure its suitability for its intended purpose.
Control systems may either use one of the above media, or a combination of two or
more. When combined media are used, it is often necessary to convert a signal from one
medium to another, especially for transmission over a long distance. The process of
signal transmission over long distance is generally called telemetry and the devices
used are called transducers.
A transducer used to be defined as a device which produced an electrical signal
proportional to a physical stimulus such as a pneumatic signal. Nowadays the
definition of a transducer is widened to a device which converts a signal in one
medium to a signal in another, such as pneumatic to electrical or pneumatic to


The basic elements
Control systems consist of the following common essential elements, or
1. A measuring device which reacts to the machinery or process parameter to be
controlled, such as temperature, pressure or rotational speed.
In its simplest form, where only a single measurement value is required, this could
be a temperature, pressure or centrifugal switch. For measurement throughout a
whole range of values a transducer would be employed having all or some of the
following components:
a) A sensing element which possesses some property which varies with changes in the
parameter to be measured. For instance, increasing temperature causes mechanical
bending of a bi-metallic strip, increase in the electrical resistance of a coil of
platinum wire and increase or decrease in the electrical resistance of a thermistor,
depending onits type.
b) A conversion device to produce an output signal in a form that the control system
can use. There are standardised ranges of output signal so, in the above examples,
a pneumatic signal in the pressure range 0.2-1.0 bar could be produced by the
movement of the bi-rnetallic strip against a nozzle, or the resistance values could be
converted to 4-20 mA current signals, or voltages in the 0-10 V range. Many
systems, however, accept the direct connection of resistance or thermocouple
Conversion devices usually involve some degree of amplification of the signal from
the sensor and produce output signals which can be transmitted for some distance
without loss of accuracy. For long distance transmission the signal must be
converted to a form which does not lose accuracy even though the signal strength
is diminished. This could be a frequency modulated (FM) voltage signal or a serial
digital transmission.
c) Compensation arrangements to protect the output signal from variation due to
changes in parameters other than the one being measured. For instance, pressure
transducers which employ straingauges on diaphragms or tubes are provided with
dummy gauges to compensate for changes in ambient temperature.
2. A controller, which evaluates the deviation, i.e. the difference between the
measured value and the desired value of the controlled condition (the set point
value) and determines the output control signal, i.e. the setting of the actuator at
any given time. Types and actions of controllers are discussed below.
3. An actuator or other similar final controlling element, which performs the
necessary correcting action, such as an electric motor to open or close a valve.
Classification of systems
Control systems are classified in several ways, but the most common classifications are
as either an open-loop control system (also known as an unmonitored control system),
or a closed-loop control system (also known as a monitored control system).
An open-loop control system is one without monitoring feedback of the value of the
controlled parameter.
A closed-loop control system possesses monitoring feedback, the deviation signal
formed as a result of this feedback being used to control the action of the final control

element in such a way as to reduce the deviation to zero.

To illustrate the above classification and significant terms in describing control
systems two examples are given.

Figure 1 Open-loop control system; system required to prevent pollution by

Operation of an open-loop circuit (Fig 1)
The system shown is that required to prevent pollution by discharge from a tanker. The
oil content of the ballast water being pumped is constantly measured by taking samples
through the monitoring unit, which also includes the control function.
When the oil content is below the limiting value the controller operates actuator A to
open the overboard discharge valve. If the sampled oil content exceeds the
permitted limit the controller causes actuator A to close the overboard discharge
valve and actuator B to open the valve that passes the contaminated water to the slop
tank. All the components of a control system are present, i.e. measuring device, control
functions and actuators, but there is no arrangement for signals to be sent back to the
controller confirming that the flow is overboard or to the slop tank.
Operation of a closed-loop circuit (Fig 2) The temperature of the lubricating oil
for a main diesel engine has to be controlled to prevent it rising to a level at which the
oil viscosity becomes too low for effective lubrication.
In order to achieve this the oil is cooled by passing it through a water-cooled heat
exchanger. Low oil temperature and the resulting high viscosity could prevent
adequate flow of oil to the engine so the control system has to regulate the
temperature of the oil entering the engine to an approximately constant value.
For an electrical/electronic system to control oil temperature the measuring device
could be a platinum resistance coil feeding its signal directly into a proprietary
electronic controller (such as that shown in Fig 3) with an electric output signal to a
motor which positions the three-way valve determining the proportion of oil flow to
pass through the cooler. With the system in a steady state the three-way valve will be
positioned so that the cooler dissipates heat from the oil at exactly the same rate as
that at which the engine is heating the oil. If the engine conditions, speed or load

change, or the water temperature or flow rate in the cooler vary, the valve will have
to adopt a different position to restore the balance of heat flow and maintain the
required oil inlet temperature at the engine.
In the terms set out in BS 1523, the 'controlled condition' is the lubricating oil
temperature as it enters the engine. The operator wishes the control system to
maintain this at the 'desired value' so sets the 'command signal' as an input to the
'controller'. The command signal to a process control system is known as the 'set
value' or 'set point' and may differ from the desired value if the operator is aware that
the system operates with an 'offset'. The temperature sensor provides a 'monitoring
feedback' signal indicating the current value of the controlled condition to the
controller. It is the provision of this monitoring feedback signal which defines the
arrangement as a 'closed-loop control system'.

Figure 2 Closed-loop circuit; main engine lubricating oil temperature control

Figure 3 Electronic three term (PID) controller (see page 238).

Elements of a controller
If we take as an example an analogue controller using integrated circuit amplifiers
operating with voltage signals in the range -10V to +10 V, then for the engine
temperature control system already described the command signal or set point might
be a temperature in the range 50C to 120C. This would be converted to a voltage
signal by the operator setting a potentiometer or, possibly, some thumb-wheel
switches. The device used for such input signal conversion is termed the 'input
Not every controller will require this element. For instance, the command signal might
already be a voltage from an engine warm-up programme control system. In such a
case, called a 'cascade control system', the signal passing between the two controllers
must match for scaling (same volts/C) and zero (0V represents the same temperature
for both systems). Another example of cascade control would be a boiler combustion
control system where the output signal of the master controller becomes the input
signal for the fuel oil valve controller and the air supply controller.
In a similar manner the transducer signal indicating the current value of the
controlled condition almost always requires conversion to the type of signal used
within the controller. As this signal represents a measurement the element responsible
for its conversion is, rather misleadingly, termed the 'measuring element'.
Needless to say, the scaling and zero of the converted command signal and
monitoring feedback signal must be the same but they are often of opposite polarities.
For example, with a scaling of 0.2V/C, and 0 V representing 100C, the set point would be 10V for 150C and +10V for 50C. This is illustrated in Fig 4.
The element essential to every controller is the 'comparing element' which produces
an output signal representing the difference between the measured value of the
controlled condition and the command signal. This difference is termed the 'deviation'
or error signal. In our example if the command signal is 120C and the measured oil
temperature is 110C, the deviation is 10C.

Figure 4 Input signals to the comparing element in a temperature control system.

The actual voltage signal represents the difference within the controller, known as the
'converted deviation' and in this case would be 2.0V as the set point signal would be
+4.0V and the converted feedback signal would be -2.0V. As the signals are of opposite
polarity the difference is obtained by adding them together.
Depending on the 'action' of the controller, explained below, there may be a 'signal
processing element to modify the deviation signal in order to enhance accuracy or speed
of response. Signal processing and the output signal to the final controlling element
usually require more power than is available from the input and measuring device so
an 'amplifying element is necessary in order to boost the power. The power source is
usually external but in some cases power is drawn from the process which is being
The elements of a controller are not necessarily distinct pieces of hardware. The
different functions maybe combined together in one amplifier circuit. In a digital
controller, where the signals are processed as binary numbers, the comparing and
signal processing elements would be activities controlled by sections of the software.
The relationship between the input and output signal of a control element is termed the
'control action' of that element. The simpler types of action are 'discontinuous' , for
instance the 'on-off action of the valve controller in Fig 1 which will change the valve
immediately from one position to the other as soon as the deviation signal changes sign.
For 'two-step' action the output signal value changes between any two defined values
when the input signal changes polarity. On-off action is thus a particular example of twostep action, where one of the two possible values of output signal is zero.
With 'continuous action' the output signal of a control element or system is a
continuous function of the input signal, but the form of that function can vary. Figure
5a shows the relationship between the output signal and the input converted deviation
signal for a control element with 'proportional action'.
Expressed mathematically, the relationship is
V = -K1,
where K1 is the 'proportional action factor'. Considering, for the moment, only slowly
changing signals, K1 is also the 'gain' of the control element. Two possible values of gain
are shown on Fig 5a; unit gain and a gain of 5.

Figure 5 a) Proportional control action; b) proportional

control action; c) integral control action; d) derivative
control action; e) proportional + integral action; f)
proportional + derivative action.
With the higher value of gain it can be seen that the full range of output signal is
produced by a limited range of the input deviation signal. This range of values is
known as the 'proportional band' and maybe expressed as a percentage of the input
signal range, in this case 20%, i.e.

The output signal cannot exceed 10V by much because the amplifier output is
limited, so for input signal values outside the proportional band the output of the
element is 'saturated' and the input-output relationship is no longer linear.
Another way of illustrating proportional action is shown in Fig 5b where the output
signal resulting from an input deviation signal which varies with time is plotted.
'Integral action' is shown in Fig 5c. The output signal is proportional to the integral
of the input deviation signal, i.e.

where K2 is the 'integral action factor'. Put another way,

so the rate of change of the output signal is proportional to the input deviation or
error signal.
'Derivative action' is shown in Fig 5d. The output signal is proportional to the rate of
change of the input deviation signal, i.e.

where K3 is the 'derivative action factor'.

In a 'two-term controller', proportional action is combined with integral action (a PI
controller) or with derivative action (a PD controller). The relative effectiveness of the
proportional and other action is expressed by the time taken for the effects of the two
actions to be equal. This is shown in Fig 5e for a PI controller where the 'integral
action time' is the ratio K1/K2 and in Fig 5f for a PD controller, where the 'derivative
action time' is the ratio K3/Kv
A 'three-term controller' combines all three actions, proportional, integral and
derivative, giving rise to its other title, a PID controller (Fig 3).
Effects of control actions
The diagrams in Fig 5 show the relationship between the deviation, or error signal,
and the output of a controller in isolation from any other system elements. Since the
error signal depends on the controlled condition and the controlled condition is directly
affected by the output of the controller, as soon as the controller output signal in a closedloop system starts to change, the error signal will also start to be modified. The result of
this interrelationship is that while the error and output signals retain the mathematical
relationship to each other shown in Fig 5, their variation with time will no longer be the
simple straight line relationships shown.
The time-dependence of a control system's response to change is one of the most
important design considerations. There are two tests which can be applied
experimentally to a system or mathematically, or experimentally to a computer
model of the system. The first test looks at the system's response to a step change of load
on the system (e.g. sudden demand for steam from a boiler) or of set-point value (e.g.
positional control of steering gear). The response of the controlled condition will vary
greatly due to factors such as thermal or mechanical inertia but is likely to be in the form
shown in Fig 6. The controlled condition is shown overshooting then oscillating about its
final value. The oscillations may be reduced or eliminated by damping (cf. automobile
suspension systems).
With proportional action alone the final value of the controlled condition will always
have an offset from its desired value because this error signal is required to give the
change in controller output necessary to accomodate the change in load applied. The
offset may be reduced by increasing the gain of the controller but too high a value of
gain can lead to instability as explained below. The addition of integral action will
eliminate any static offset since the existence of even a minimal error signal would
integrate up in time to produce a large correction. The further addition of derivative

action has the effect of reducing the time taken for the controlled condition to settle at
the set-point. This is achieved by two means. Firstly, as the derivative of the step
change in demand is infinite, the initial corrective impulse to the system will be the
maximum possible. Secondly, as the controller output has negative proportionality to
the rate of change of error signal, the derivative control term tends to resist change in
the controlled condition value and will therefore reduce the number and severity of the
The second test involves calculating or measuring the response of a system to a
sinusoidal cyclic input usually superimposed on the command signal to the controller.
The amplitude of the input signal is kept constant while its frequency is varied over a
range appropriate to the systemhigh frequencies for light mechanical positioning
servos and low frequencies for process control systems. The effect of increasing the
freqency of the input signal to a mechanical system with proportional action can be
visualised as follows.
At very low frequencies the controlled condition will follow the input signal without
any lag, and the amplitude of the output will change very little as the frequency starts
to be increased. Every system has some degree of inertia and mechanical drive systems
are subject to some resilience, or springiness due to compression or twist of
components. As the input frequency is increased the acceleration required in order to
follow the sine waveform increases. The forces required to achieve the acceleration
compress or twist the system components with the result that the output controlled
condition begins to lag behind the input. As the difference in phase between the input
and output increases, the amplitude of the output is reduced because the input signal
changes its polarity before the output peaks.

Figure 6 Typical action response curves: a) applied load on process; b) proportional

action; c) integral action (mean); d) proportional + integral action; e) proportional +
integral + derivative action; f) hunting.

Figure 7 a) Harmonic response diagram; b) effect of

increasing gain.

The results of this test are recorded as a 'harmonic response diagram' (Fig 7) on
which each vector length represents the ratio of the output amplitude to the input
amplitude at a particular frequency and the angle of the vector to the axis represents
the phase difference between the input and output signals. The frequency scale is
marked along the locus of the vector ends.
The curve of the harmonic response diagram can take various forms according to the
order of the differential equation which defines the complete system. All curves will
eventually end at the zero point no output response when the input signal is infinite
frequency. One particular form of the harmonic response curve is significant when it
passes through the horizontal axis to the left of the origin. At this point the lag of the
controlled condition signal is 180C. This signal is subtracted from the demand signal
to produce the error but the 180 shift of the sinusoidal signal has changed what used to
be a negative feedback signal into a positive one. There is now no tendency for the
feedback to reduce the error, rather the reverse, so at the frequency at which this occurs
the system can sustain oscillatory motion without the need for any input signal. If the
oscillation has a constant amplitude the system is said to be 'hunting'. When there is less
damping the system will be instable and the oscillations will build up until some physical
limit or destruction of the system stops the process.
Figure 7b illustrates how a change in gain can affect the stability of a system. The vector
Ej is the error signal obtained by vector subtraction of the controlled condition signal

from the input demand. If the controller gain is increased the effect of the error signal
will be increased to E2 so the output becomes CC2. The locus of the new values of
controlled condition is outside the old locus so is more likely to pass to the left of the
origin with resultant instability.
It should be emphasised that the above descriptions are illlustrative only, and control
system engineering books should be consulted for a rigorous mathematical treatment
of the subject.

Figure 8 Pneumatic clutch operating system using piston type valves and
drawn with standard symbols (see BS 2917 for interpretation).

FauIS finding contrail systems

When a control system has been set up and adjusted in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and has operated satisfactorily for some time any
subsequent deterioration in performance needs to be investigated very carefully
before any actions are taken.
Most failures occur outside the controller, e.g. wire breakage, transducer fault or
power failure. The result could be one of the following.
a) Controlled condition goes to one or other extreme of its range. This could be due
to a loss of the feedback signal due to transducer failure or associated wire break.
b) Controlled condition stays at zero. This could result from a failure of the output
elementvalve or actuator, or its connections or power supply.
c) Controlled condition oscillateshunting. In hydraulic systems this may be due
to air in the oil causing springiness of the drive. Positioning systems may exhibit
this condition if the position measuring instrument has become loose on its
All the external components and circuits should be checked and proved sound
before any consideration is given to making any adjustments to the controller settings.

Piston (or spool) valve controllers

Piston control valves are very common on ships and have many uses. They are
simple in construction, robust and easily maintained. They are used for main engine
control and protection systems, clutch control systems, boiler burner withdrawal
systems and hydraulic control systems such as winches.
Figure 8 shows a pneumatic clutch operating system using piston type valves.
So far we have considered control systems having on-off components such as spool
valves or electrical relays, and controllers in which one physical quantity, such as
voltage, is used as an analogy for an external physical quantity such as temperature.
This type of controller is an analogue control unit.

Figure 9 Basic constituent units of a digital system.

Digital systems comprise components which are basically on-off devices so they can
be used without much difficulty as substitutes for relay systems. For control or
regulation of variables a digital system uses numbers to represent the set point and
controlled values. The numbers are in binary form, i.e. each digit may only have one of
two states, 0 or 1, and the value of a 1 in each successive digit position increases in
powers of 2. 'Binary digit' has been contracted to create the term iDif. An 8-bit
number is termed a iDyte', and can represent any number up to the decimal value 255.
The basic constituent units of a digital system are shown in Fig 9. The solid-line blocks
indicate hardware, usually produced as separate units, although single-chip
microcomputers are made. Essential to the operation of the system is the list of
instructions, the program, which resides in part of the memory hardware.
To distinguish it from the physical hardware, for instance when considering system
costs, the program is referred to as software.
Central processor unit and busses
The microprocessor as such corresponds with the central processor unit (CPU)
shown in Fig 9. Some chips also include the system timing clock circuit. The
operations performed by the CPU may be arithmetic or logical functions. To carry out
these operations the CPU includes a limited amount of memory for working registers
and sufficient built-in program to enable it to interpret the instructions of the system
program. The transfer of information within the system to and from the memory and
the interface units is all under the control of the CPU. The precise timing of these

operations is controlled by pulses derived from the clock circuit which is usually a
crystal controlled oscillator operating at a frequency which could exceed 50MHz.
The path by which information enters and leaves the CPU is the data bus. This
consists of a group of conductors connecting all the active components of the system.
For an 8-bit microprocessor system there are eight conductors forming the data bus. In
control applications 8-bit systems may well be adequate, but 16- and 32-bit systems
have become available in the personal computer field.
In a 32-bit microcomputer, the data bus may have 32 conductors or it may have only 16,
the data being transferred as two 16-bit signals in succession.
In order that program instructions maybe accessed and data stored in and retrieved from
memory, every location in the memory, where a single byte of data may be stored,
must have a unique address. For 8-bit systems, there are usually 65,536 addresses, 216,
and so a 16-bit binary number is needed to define each address. In computer terms
there are 64K addresses, IK being 210 (i.e. 1024). The address bus in this case would be a
group of 16 conductors connecting all the active components of the system. Where
systems require more than 64K of memory to be addressed, additional conductors are
required or two successive signals may be passed along the address bus.
The operation of the timing bus and control bus can be illustrated by considering the
process by which the CPU writes information into memory and reads information or
program from memory.
To write, the CPU performs the following operations:
1. It selects the memory register which is to receive the data and connects its
address signal to the address bus.
2. It puts the byte of data that is to be transferred onto the data bus.
3. It sends a signal via the control bus to indicate that a write operation is to be
carried out.
4. After a delay period sufficient to allow the memory address decoding circuit to
function, the CPU sends a signal via the timing bus to cause the data to be stored at
the selected address.
In order to read from memory the CPU controls the following sequence of events:
1. It selects the memory register from which it requires data or program
information and connects the appropriate address signal to the address bus.
It sends a signal via the control bus to indicate that a read operation is to be
carried out. This causes the memory to connect the output of the selected register to
the data bus.
3. After a delay period sufficient to allow for signal propagation along the data bus
the CPU admits the information on the data bus to the appropriate internal register.
Program information is directed into the instruction register where it is decoded to
determine the processor operation required. A large number of various instructions
can be used and these are known collectively as the 'instruction set' for a particular
type of processor. Most microprocessor instructions are of a very simple form, moving
data between the several internal registers or to and from memory or input/output
circuits. One particular type of register, the accumulator, may be used to perform
addition, subtraction and logical functions using its own data content and that of
another specified register or memory address.
The decision-making ability of computers is due to 'conditional jump' instructions. These
cause the computer to branch to another part of the program depending on the result
of a previous arithmetic or logical operation. The criterion for a jump may be
selected from such conditions as the result being positive, negative or zero, or

whether the previous operation produced a carry bit.

For example, a digital alarm system would read an alarm set-point value from a memory
address into an accumulator, subtract the value of the measured parameter
(temperature, pressure, etc.) read in via an input circuit, and when this produces a
negative result effect a jump to the section of program which produces the
appropriate audible and visual alarm outputs.
The types of device used to store information in a microprocessor system vary
according to the application, the number of similar systems to be produced and the
degree of reliability required. A range of memory devices is shown in Fig 10, where
they are presented in order of permanence of content, the most transitory being on
the left.
The major division of memory types is between devices which lose their stored
information when the power supply is removed (termed volatile) and those which do
not. Another division exists between those types which connect directly with the
system's address and data busses, and those such as magnetic media which require
special interfacing circuits.
A semiconductor memory device which the microprocessor can read information
from and write information to is known as a random access memory (RAM). Any
location in a RAM may be chosen at random and immediately accessed for storage
or retrieval of its contents.
The access time for RAM is a few hundred nanoseconds (10~9 seconds), a range of
speeds being available to suit particular system needs. The faster devices are more
In static RAM each binary digit is stored in a latching circuit which may be set to
logic level 1 or reset to logic level 0 when addressed, and remains unchanged at all
other times while the power supply remains on.
In a dynamic RAM information is stored as minute electrical charges on microscopic
capacitors. The charge tends to leak away so that it is necessary every few milliseconds
to check which capacitors are charged and restore their charges to the initial level.
This process is carried out by a 'refresh' circuit.
Where the volatile nature of RAMs is not acceptable they may be rendered immune to
loss of external power supply by connection of a small back-up battery, usually
soldered to the printed circuit board on which the RAM is mounted. For dynamic
RAMs the refresh circuit must also be provided with back-up power.

Figure 10 Types of memory.

Much of the information used by a microprocessor system will not require alteration
in the operational life of the system. This includes data on conversion factors and
physical constants and also the operating system. Information of this nature is stored
on read only memory (ROM) devices and is known as'firmware'. The 0s and Is
that constitute each byte of information in a ROM are determined by connections within
the microcircuit on the chip.
For applications where many thousand devices will be produced the internal
connections are most economically made at the production stage by generating a
special mask for printing the microcircuit. For smaller production quantities, a general
purpose circuit is produced which can be programmed by the user. This is a
programmable read only memory (PROM). As produced a PROM has a zero in every
digit position. A digit 1 is produced at each required location by melting a connecting
link in the microcircuit by means of a brief pulse of current.
Once programmed, the contents of neither type of ROM can be erased so system
modifications necessitate the replacement of the device by another containing the new
For system prototyping purposes, when several successive changes of program or data
are likely to be required, it is more cost effective to use devices in which the
information content can be erased and the device re-programmed. The first such type of
device developed for general use employs ultra-violet radiation as the means of
erasure and is consequently known as an ultra-violet erasable programmable read only
memory (UVEPROM). Erasure of the stored information is effected by 20 to 30
minutes exposure of the chip to the emission of an ultra-violet fluorescent lamp through a
transparent window in the top of the package. Individual bytes of stored information
cannot be selectively erased.
A UVEPROM is electrically programmed and this is usually carried out by means of a
separate piece of equipment from which the UVEPROM is transferred to a socket in the
operational system.
A more versatile device has since been developed which is known alternatively as an
electrically alterable read only memory (EAROM) or an electrically erasable read only
memory (EEROM). This too is programmed electrically, but in this case the process
may be performed in situ. Erasure is also carried out electrically and either a single
byte or the whole content may be erased in a few milliseconds.
Magnetic medium
For the permanent storage of large quantities of data or program information some
form of magnetic medium is employed. This may be cassette tape, flexible ('floppy')
disk, or magnetic bubble memory. Small hard disks may be used, but they must be
environmentally tested. For the marine environment, where high humidity and
vibration levels may be encountered, magnetic bubble memories, being completely
non-mechanical, would be an obvious design choice but for their high cost.
In marine machinery control and alarm applications magnetic disk and tape storage is
unlikely to be employed as on-line memory. Their principal functions are to retain
copies of the system program where the working program is held in RAM and to
accept logging information for subsequent analysis by another computer.
Input/output (I/O) circuite
Within a microcomputer system, information is transmitted very quickly in
parallel form. Each digit of data is present simultaneously on its own individual
conductor in the data bus for a fraction of a microsecond. Without special interfacing
circuits, data in this form is incompatible with any other equipment except another

computer. Interface circuits are connected to the data, address and control busses of
the microcomputer system. Inputs are read by the microprocessor in the same way as
bytes of data in memory, and output data is written to the circuit's address in a
similar manner to storing data in memory.
For mechanical devices such as keyboards and printers, the process is slowed down
by latching the data into a parallel output register which holds it long enough for the
mechanical parts to respond. The interface circuit is adaptable and may be used as an
input or output device according to instructions given to it by the microprocessor from
the system program.
These circuits are known variously as programmable peripheral interface (PPI) or
peripheral interface adaptor (PIA) devices according to the manufacturer.
For recording data on a single channel tape recorder or for transmission via coaxial, optical or satellite link, the digits must be presented sequentially in time, i.e.
serially. A general purpose circuit is used for this function so that transmission speed
and data verification methods may be selected via the program.
The recording of data onto disks and the retrieval of such data is controlled by a disk
operating system which is a piece of software dedicated to this hardware interface.
For output to a visual display unit (VDU), either red/green/blue video signals or
modulated UHF (i.e. television) signals are produced by special purpose chips.
The peripheral equipment above is such as would normally be associated with any
microcomputer. For machinery control and alarm applications other additional circuits
are required. On/off signals to operate solenoid valves will require driver circuits of
appropriate power. These signals and inputs from switches (temperature, pressure,
level, etc.) will use an I/O device such as the PPI or PIA but, in order to isolate the
microcircuits from the higher voltages used on machinery, opto-isolators are
interposed. These consist of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photo transistors
encapsulated together so that the only medium of connection is light. They give typically 1.5 kV electrical isolation.
Where the input information is in analogue form, e.g. 0-10 V or 4-20 mA
instrumentation signals representing pressure or temperature etc., the analogue signals
have to be converted to parallel digital signals by analogue to digital (A to D)
converters before being read into the system via a PPI/PIA circuit. Similarly for an
analogue output control signal a digital to analogue (D to A) converter circuit is required. Converter circuits can be shared among a number of signal inputs or
outputs by means of signal selection and storage circuits.
Power supplies
The quality of the power supply unit for a microprocessor system needs to be better
than would be required for a system employing electro-magnetic relays. The 5.0 V
output must be held within 10% regardless of the mains input voltage and frequency
excursions which necessitate special stabilisation of power supplies for shipboard
A further problem with power supplies, particularly on board ship, is due to the
susceptibility of micros to electromagnetic interference (EMI). This is due to the fact
that the energy content of signals within micro systems is comparable to that of the
interference. It is, therefore, necessary for the power supply unit to suppress any mainsborne EMI. Similarly the overall system needs to be protected from radiated EMI.
All programmable electronic systems for marine automation and control applications
need to be tested to ensure that they are not susceptible to EMI at the frequencies and
strengths found typically in ships.


There are a number of levels of control instructions for digital systems (see above).
The most fundamental are those built into the microprocessor which enable it to
interpret and act on each command of its instruction set. The next level is the operating
system which is a software program in the memory external to the microprocessor. The
operating system controls routine microprocessor operations such as updating the VDU
display, read/write operations of tape and disk memory, processing input signals from
the keyboard and interpreting instructions from a higher level programming language
into machine code. An operating system converts a selection of hardware into a
general-purpose computer. In order to enable a computer to perform a specific
function, such as word processing, an 'application program' is required. Application
programs occupy many kilobytes of memory but they enable those who are not
computer specialists to make use of computer systems.
A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a microcomputer with an application
program which dedicates the system to machinery or process control purposes. The
concept was developed in order to enable designers of analogue and relay control
systems to use digital technology without having to learn computer programming. By
virtue of its application program a PLC is able to perform all the normal control
functionsarithmetic, logical, sequencing, proportional, PI and PID.
A working system has to be defined by selecting which functions are performed on
particular input signals and where the resultant output signals are directed. This
stage of programming is usually carried out with the aid of an external unit like a
personal computer connected to the PLC. On completion of system development
PROM firmware may be produced and plugged into sockets in the PLC. Logical and
sequential operations are usually represented as ladder diagrams (Fig 12) on the VDU
screen of the programming unit. Continuous control operations such as comparison
and PID functions are usually represented as block diagrams. A permanent record of
the completed system can be produced by printing out the appropriate diagram.
Because software can be easily modified but is relatively difficult to check, it is most
important that a record is kept of each version of software that is produced. Firmware
packages shouldbe clearly marked with their versionnumber and so should floppy disks or
other program media.
As an example of the various which the operation of a system may be
visualised in order to describe its required features, consider part of a main engine
alarm system. Figure 11 shows the electrical circuit diagram for the low lubricating
oil pressure alarm. The symbols are those of IEC 617-7, equivalent to BS 3939: part
7:1985. Signal progression is, in general, from left to right and top to bottom. Contacts
are drawn unoperated. Contacts outside the control cubicle, such as those of the
pressure switch, are sometimes distinguished by a dash-line box around their
The system is able to store the information that a fleeting fault has occurred so the
designer has built in a short (10 sec) delay to prevent spurious alarm operation. As the
main lubricating oil supply is pro vided by an engine-driven pump the signal from the
pressure switch is arranged to have no effect until the engine is up to some minimum
running speed. The system has two other features to note:
a) the pressure switch contacts open for the alarm state so a wire breakage would
also be announced by an alarm;
b) when the lubricating oil alarm has been accepted by silencing the audible alarm
the occurrence of any other alarm condition will re-start the sounder.

Figure 11

Low lubricating oil pressure alarmrelay circuit

Figure 12 Low lubricating oil pressure alarmladder diagram

Figure 13 Low lubricating oil pressure alarmlogic diagram.

Figure 12 shows the system in Fig 11 depicted by means of a ladder diagram, commonly
used for PLC systems. The symbols here do not differentiate between internal and
external functions so they have been identified by prefixes I for input signals and O
for output signals. With large systems, where the units are usually identified by
numbers, it is essential that inputs and outputs are listed and correlated with their
respective systems hardware.
Figure 13 is a logic diagram using the symbols defined in IEC 617-12: 1991, BS 3939:
part 12: 1991. The input and output devices are not shown; nor are any necessary
interface circuits. The signal is taken to be logic 1 when the descriptive statement is true,
e.g. engine running = 1, so that the input is 0 when the engine is stationary. The
diagram shows the principles of the system. It is not a circuit diagram although it could
be implemented by connecting integrated logic circuit elements together in the same
order as the symbols. Each logic function may also be carried out by a programmable
system in which case each symbol represents a portion of the software.
Figure 14 is a flow chart to BS 4508:1987. This is a means of analysing a system's
requirements so that they are broken down into a series of yes/no decisions. The
system may then be implemented by any two-state devices, relays, logic elements or
programmable systems.
Distributed systems
There are several advantages to be gained by dividing a large control or alarm
system into smaller units and siting them close to the equipment to which they relate.
Such an arrangement is known as a distributed system because each unit contains a
microprocessor and thus the 'intelligence' of the system is not centralized at a single
position. A typical arrangement is shown schematically in Fig 15.
The most obvious cost saving is from the purchase and installation of cable since all
the sensors and actuators have only to be connected to their local unit. Because of the
high speed of operation of microsystems all the sensor data can be transmitted to
the rest of the system via a network. The process is known as multiplexing.
In the event of damage to cables between the control station and the machinery
space the repair time for a distributed system would be minimal, thus reducing the loss
of revenue resulting from the nonavailability of the vessel.
By distributing control and alarm functions to several widely separated locations and
designing the local units to be autonomous, systems can be protected from total failure
due to a single event such as a fire at the control station or in a cable duct leading to it.
This eliminates a major hazard of centralized systems while still allowing control and

monitoring to be carried out from a single central position. Since there are usually only
two data paths connecting the units of a distributed system it is not very costly to
provide a second control station at a separate location, thereby further enhancing
system integrity. The security of data transfer between the units can be improved by
using optical fibres as the transmission medium, since these are immune to
electromagnetic interference.

Figure 14 Low lubricating oil pressure alarmflow chart.

Figure 15 Distributed system.

Because a distributed system has a microprocesoor in every unit it can handle much
more information than a centralized system could with only one. Local units perform
signal pre-conditioning and validity checks in order to reduce the workload of the
central unit which can concentrate on functions such as graphical display of the
Self-monitoring arrangements
PLC systems require different self-monitoring arrangements from those applicable
to conventional control and alarm systems. It is necessary not only to check the
external circuit continuity, but also the correct functioning of the microprocessor itself.
This is usually carried out by an independent circuit called a watchdog. In its simplest
form this consists of a resettable delay timer which gives an alarm unless it is
repeatedly reset by signals regularly put out by the microprocessor system. In the event
of either a hardware fault or software error causing the system to fail to repeat its cycle
of program instructions the watchdog circuit will not receive its signal and so will raise
an alarm. The location of a hardware fault should be indicated by means of built-in test
facilities. In the absence of such assistance the equipment could be inoperable for
long periods of time.
In distributed systems the validity of data transmitted between units should also be
verified. The simplest means of checking is by the use of a parity bit. As the bits that
constitute the data are serially transmitted the number of digit Is are counted. For
'even parity7 an extra 1 is added, if required, to make the total an even number. Every
transmission will then consist of an even number of digit Is. The receiving unit
counts the incoming digits and indicates a fault or requests re-transmission if an
uneven number of digit Is is received. A single parity bit will detect the presence of a
single error but more sophisticated methods employing several parity bits are capable
of detecting multiple errors in a transmission, and may even locate which bits are at
The economic arguments for and against the use of any computerised system are
complex. The capital cost of the computer hardware is low compared with
conventional hardware, but the software programs can be expensive in terms of manhours to develop and debug.

Irrespective of the equipment fitted in centralised control and monitoring centres, an

important consideration is redundancy. Redundancy is the duplication of equipment
such that if there is a failure there is no loss of vital services.
Thus if a computer system is used to monitor and control, the computers must be
duplicated and always have a manual means of operation of the controlled equipment
in the event of a total computer failure. The most important aspect is that safety shut
down systems should have no components in common with control systems so that
both cannot fail together.
Electronic displays
The microprocessor has revolutionised the format in which data can be displayed.
Simple display devices include the LED (light emitting diode) and the LCD (liquid
crystal display) which are commonly used for displaying alpha-numeric text.
A major advantage with the microcomputer is that it makes available the facility of the
VDU (visual display unit), or CRT (cathode ray tube), which provides a new media
for the display in alpha-numeric format, or more importantly graphical format, of
system data.
It is not uncommon for control centres to have multiple VDU displays for control,
monitoring and alarm systems. Early VDUs were monochrome, which had limited
capabilities, but the use of colour VDUs has opened greater opportunities for displays.
Use of colour
There are several problems with the use of colour which have been identified during
various research studies.2 A standard for the use of colours for indicator lights, push
buttons and annunciators was introduced only as recently as 1986.3
There is still no acceptable standard for the use of colours on VDU displays, the major
problem being that as more system information can be collated on the display screen
then existing individual colour standards begin to conflict.
People interpret colours differently, mostly from traditional practices. When colours,
especially green and red, can represent on/off, open/closed, direction and
safe/unsafe at the same time on the same screen, confusion will occur and accidents
will happen. Because of this and the possibility that the opera tor may be colour-blind,
unacknowledged alarms must not be differentiated from acknowledged alarms by
colour alone.
The most common form of colour blindness is that of red and green; less common is
blue and yellow colour blindness. Navigation officers are subject to a colour eye sight
test during examination for certificates, but some engineering disciplines only require
a colour matching test, where colours must be matched (e.g. when joining colour coded
wires together), and not identified.
The mathematics of control system logic is known as Boolean algebra. An
understanding of this subject is more essential to the system design engineer than to the
system operator.
However for any automatic control system, it is important to understand the logic of
that system, especially that of 'logic gates'. Gates are elements of a control circuit,
which are in effect 'decision' devices, in that they determine the direction of a signal
flow path according to certain conditions. The use of gates is normally associated with
electronic systems, but the theory can be applied to both hydraulic and pneumatic

systems. Gates appear also in the software

of computer programs, but there they are normally known as logical operators.
Figure 16 illustrates common gates for electronic and pneumatic systems.
Standard drawing symbols
Equipment manufacturers and shipyards produce control system drawings which
use standard symbols for the control devices and instrumentation, e.g. a clutch control
circuit (Fig 8).The advantage of these symbols is that, irrespective of the language in
which the text on the drawings is written, any user should be able to decipher the
operation of the system using the symbols alone. Before studying a control system
drawing and being able to interpret its operation, the reader should refer to the relevant
standards publications to become familiar with these symbols.4'5
Frequently a manufacturer has a device which does not comply with any standard
symbol and one can often find non-standard symbols on manufacturers' drawings.

Figure 16 The 'AND' and 'OR' gales, with their electrical analogies.

To replace the human operator, who would normally carry out the role of monitoring
any operation, automatic monitoring systems must be introduced. Monitoring
systems vary in both size and complexity, ranging from a simple make-break switch
operated by pressure to activate an alarm, to a sophisticated sequential scanning
The sophisticated system may have some of the following features:
1. Sequential monitoring of sensors and comparison of readings with a stored data

bank of alarm limit settings. Some modern systems can have over 6000
monitoring points around the ship.
2. Data acquisition and storage on computer tapes or disks for later reference.
Some ships now will automatically transmit this data by satellite to the company
headquarters for statistical analysis.
3. Data logging of monitored processes, with trend analysis computer VDU
4. Assessment of the machinery operating conditions, and automatic adjustment
to provide the optimum operating conditions for the prevailing conditions. This
particular facility may be used to adjust the speed of a ship in passage to give the
greatest fuel economy possible.
5. Machinery condition monitoring. The machinery may be fitted with sensors to
monitor the combustion process and general health of the engine to aid efficient
running and predictive maintenance schedules.
Generally the monitoring system of a ship would also comprise the following subsystems.

Alarm systems
Within the rules and regulations are features which must be included into the design
of control equipment, in particular the alarm system.4' 5' 6 Alarm systems are
associated with control and safety systems and are normally an integral part of the
monitoring system. The design must allow the alarm system to function
independently of any control or safety system, where practical, so that the alarm
system will still function if there is a fault in these other systems.
Any alarm system must have an automatic change over to a stand-by power supply in
the event of a main power supply failure. It must be self-monitoring for faults within
the alarm system itself, such as a broken wire or sensor failure. Any internal system
fault should cause the alarm system to give an alarm.
The alarm system fitted must advise duty personnel quickly of any fault condition.
The presence of any unrectified faults should be indicated at all times. Machinery,
safety and control system faults must be indicated at the control stations and alarms
should be both visual and audible.
If a vessel is being operated in the UMS mode, then audible and visual indication of
machinery alarms must be relayed to the engineers' accommodation so that the
engineering staff are aware that a fault has occurred. If any machinery alarm has not
been acknowledged in the control room within a predetermined time the engineers'
general alarm should sound automatically.
Any indication of a machinery fault should also be relayed to the bridge, so that they
are aware of the fault, know that it is being attended to, and when it is cleared.
Visual alarms are colour coded3 to give an indication of priority level. They can be
steady state lamps or flashing lamps, depending on their application. An audible
alarm 'silence button' should not extinguish any visual alarm.
Audible alarms for different systems should have different tones or sounds. The
telegraph alarm should be different from the general engine room alarm, which in
turn should be different from the fire alarm bell, so that ship's staff responding to the alarm

can both quickly react to the alarm and have some knowledge of the alarm type. A typical
method of logic of operation for a machinery alarm system, using a visual lamp and an
audible siren, would be as shown in Fig 17.

Figure 17 Alarm system; a) functional diagram; b)typical method of operation of

logic for a machinery alarm system.
There are many other different features which may be fitted to alarm systems and these
a) automatic resetwhere the alarm will automatically reset after normal
conditions have been restored (but this would not be acceptable to classification
societies unless the alarm has already been accepted or acknowledged);
b) manual reset where the alarm must be manually
c) lock in on fleeting alarmswhere the alarm condition is still displayed even
though the fault condition has quickly appeared and then disappeared;
d) time delay to prevent raising of spurious alarm signals;
e) event recorderwhich prints out a record of the alarm details and the sequence
and time of alarms;
f) 'first up' or 'first out' enabling identification of the first alarm that operated
within a group or 'flood' of alarms.
The industry is currently facing a problem with 'flood' alarms or alarm overloads.
With a fully auto mated main propulsion plant, if there is a failure of some nature
which causes a shutdown of the plant, such as a total electrical 'blackouf, then the
alarm system may have to cope with hundreds of alarm signals in a very short space
of time. If the recording devices are not of suitable speed and quality then it becomes
difficult to actually identify the correct order of events and the initial cause of the

Safety systems
Safety is of paramount importance in any control system. A safety system is a
system which reduces dangers and risks of injury to personnel and damage to
machinery. Any safety system should operate automatically to prevent endangering
both personnel and machinery.
Typical safety systems
There are numerous examples which could be used to illustrate safety systems,
below are some of the more commonly fitted.
Machinery auto start-up
These systems are provided with a stand-by device which will automatically start in
the event of the running device failing through a fault condition. The start-up of the
stand-by device must restore the normal operating conditions and give an alarm on
failure of the online device.
Main cooling water and lubricating oil circulating purnps are fitted in pairs and
arranged so that while one machine is in service, the other is in the stand-by mode,
ready to automatically start in the event of failure of the running pump.
Electrical generators can be arranged with automatic start-up, which can be initiated
by a failure of the running generator, or by the electrical load on the switchboard
exceeding the maximum safe load for one generator. In the latter case the switchboard
must also be fitted with automatic synchronising equipment to allow the two
generators to run in parallel and load share.
Reduction of power
With this safety system the machinery output power is temporarily reduced to meet
the prevailing conditions. There are several situations which may trigger this device,
the most common being excessive high temperatures, low pressures or high loads
on the machinery.
This device is fitted to a main propulsion diesel engine cooling water temperature
monitoring sys tern. If the engine becomes overloaded and the jacket cooling water
outlet temperature exceeds a 'high' set point, an alarm will be raised. If that alarm is
not responded to and the temperature continues to rise to a 'high-high' set point, then the
engine will automatically go into a load reduction, e.g. the engine revolutions will be
reduced from 120 revs/min to 45 revs/ min in the case of a slow speed diesel engine.
This type of safety system with its alarm is known as a first stage protection device.
Typical systems with power reduction protection on a main propulsion diesel engine
are :
a) high scavenge air temperature;
b) high oil mist level in crankcase;
c) low piston cooling pressure or flow;
d) high piston cooling outlet temperature;
e) low cylinder cooling pressure or flow;
f) high cylinder cooling temperature;
g) high exhaust gas temperature on a cylinder, or
high exhaust gas temperature deviation from av
erage exhaust temperature.
Machinery shut down
With the shut down safety system the machinery is protected from critical conditions
by shutting off the fuel supply or power supply thereby stopping the machinery. In

some cases a shut down will follow a reduction of power if the prevailing conditions
continue to develop into a critical situation or if no remedial action is taken after a
certain time period.
Consider the scenario of the diesel engine with a high-high jacket water temperature.
If, after the reduction in power decreases the speed of the engine to 45 revs/min, the
temperatures stay high-high, then after 3 minutes an engine shut down will be triggered, stopping the engine.
The electrical power supply to electric motor driven circulating pumps may be isolated if,
for example, a shaft bearing fails, which may increase the electric load on the motor. An
overload trip will isolate the power.
This type of safety system with its associated alarm is known as a second stage
protection device, and it must be independent of the first stage device.
Bilge level detection system An alarm system must be fitted to provide warning
when the contents of the machinery space bilge wells has reached a predetermined level.
This level must be low enough for the contents of the bilges not to overflow onto the
tank tops.
Bilge water moving over the tank tops is particularly dangerous for several reasons.
1. It can be a fire hazard, especially if there is oil in the bilge water. A local fire could
rapidly spread through the machinery space.
2. There is danger of free surface effect on the stability of the vessel.
3. There is a possibility water damage to electrical cables and motors, from
Accumulation in the bilge wells must be detectable at all angles of heel and trim of the
vessel. Ships of 2000 tonnes gross or more must be fitted with two independent
detection systems so that each branch bilge is provided with a level detector.
Some ships are fitted with automatic pumping for bilges. Before the bilge level reaches
the alarm level a float controller will activate the bilge pump, open the required valves
and activate the bilge pump. The system must be designed to avoid causing pollution
or masking an actual leak situation.
Fire detection alarm systems
The fire detector indicator and alarm system must be situated in such a position that fire
in the machinery spaces will not make it inoperative. Commonly it is sited on the
bridge or in a special fire control centre.
The system panel normally gives local audio-visual alarms and indicates the source of the
fire alarm. If the local warning alarm is not acknowledged within a certain time it will
initiate the main audible fire alarm, which must be capable of being heard on the
bridge, in the fire control station, and in the accommodation and the machinery
Particular fire detector loops or individual detectors are capable of being temporarily
isolated, and the status of loops must be indicated on the panel. If a detector is
inadvertently left off, the alarm system must reactivate the detector automatically
after a certain time period, usually 30 minutes.
The alarm system must be self monitoring and any power or system failures, such as
short circuits or broken wires, should raise an alarm but with a different tone to that of
the main fire alarm.

Fail safe policies

Any control system should be designed to 'fail safe'. This means that if the control
system has a failure, then the controlled equipment must fail to a condition so as not
to cause an unsafe situation to arise, such as mechanical or thermal overloads of
machinery. Depending on the particular use of the equipment the failure mode can be
different, for example a pneumatically operated valve can be arranged to:
a) 'open on air failure' (OAF);
b) 'close on air failure' (CAF); or to
c) 'fail fixed', i.e. the valve remains in the position it was in at the time of the air
According to the Rules of Lloyd's Register, failure of the actuator power should not
permit a valve to move to an unsafe condition.7
A good example of fail safe operation is with a controllable pitch propeller system.
The response firstly depends on the type of hub fitted, which can be either a spring
loaded type or an all hydraulic type. With the spring loaded type the hub is fitted with
a spring so that in the event of a hydraulic failure the propeller blades will fail to the
ahead position. The vessel will be able to maintain its navigation speed, but reduced to
about 75% of maximum, as the water pressure acting on the propeller blades can
overcome the spring pressure above this power level.
With the all hydraulic hub type the response is dependent on the speed of the vessel
through the water. Generally speaking, the blades will move to the zero pitch
position. To get under way again the blades will have to be jacked, using a manually
operated hydraulic pump, and locked in the ahead position. If the main engine is
reversible the vessel can operate as if with a conventional fixed pitch propeller.
For any fail safe device it is important to establish what it should do in a failure mode
and then test the device to ensure it operates correctly.

Nowadays, especially in unattended engine rooms, the monitoring system with its
instruments must measure the variables and, through a control system, automatically
alter the operating conditions to the required value in a precise manner. This must
be done in a harsh environment under conditions of vibration, changing humidity
and temperature, and with an atmosphere containing salt, oil and dust
Generally, instruments designed specifically for marine use are more reliable than
those used in shore installations. Measuring instruments are becoming more
sophisticated and the performance of all instruments depends on the following factors.
a) Accuracy, i.e. how close the reading is to the true value;
b) precision, i.e. whether several readings by the same instrument agree;
c) sensitivity, i.e. the smallest change of the measured quantity to which the
instrument responds;
d) rangeability, i.e. the range of readings within which any error is acceptable.

Quality, precision or reliability of control equipment and instrumentation is no

guarantee of accuracy. If there are any doubts, the equipment must always be
Instruments should be checked regularly since drift over a period of time due to many
reasons, such as mechanical wear, may not be noticed by the operator. There is a need to
regularly recalibrate the elements of a control system.
Environments such as oil platforms have stringent requirements for calibration and
carry their own calibration test benches (Fig 18). Many hours of work can be wasted
tuning control process systems with instruments that need recalibrating. If
calibration equipment, such as a deadweight tester, is on board a ship it is often in a
neglected condition. Periodic calibration of process instrumentation helps to ensure
optimum operation of process plant, potentially reducing energy costs and pollution
whilst minimising waste and controlling plant down time. Down time is time lost
during stoppages for repair or maintenance, when the process plant could possibly be
running and earning money.
The resultant improvements in energy efficiency and productivity will be
complemented by corresponding quality improvements, which is why implementation of approved calibration procedures are integral to current manufacturing
and quality standards, such as British Standards 57508, ISO 90009 and Allied Quality
Assurance Procedures (AQAP)10
Primary calibration standards are maintained in the UK by the National Physics
Laboratory (the NPL), to which all other calibration instruments should be ultimately
traceable. To ensure traceability and quality of calibration, the NPL controls and
monitors, by means of regular audits, a number of accredited calibration laboratories,
which are listed11 and under the auspices of the National Measurement Accreditation
Service (NAMAS).


Rules and regulations for the control engineering installation on board ships are
issued by various regulatory authorities, At the international level, IMO (International
Maritime Organisation) have mandatory regulations for ships operating with
periodically unattended machinery spaces and these are contained in the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Further mandatory
regulations may be imposed by the national administration with which the ship is
registered and these usually take the form of an interpretation of the SOLAS
The international classification societies, such as Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Det
norske Veritas, American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas and Germanischer
Lloyd, issue detailed rules specifying precisely the minimum controls, alarms and
safeguards that need to be fitted for the ship to be assigned a classification notation.
The classification societies meet through the forum of IACS (International
Association of Classification Societies) to ensure that there is no significant difference
between their minimum requirements and that the SOLAS regulations will also be
complied with through the classification process.
It is important to appreciate that when a ship is assigned the UMS notation (or
equivalent), the flag authority will normally permit some dispensation on the
engineering manning level. This dispensation is only permitted while the UMS notation
remains valid and accordingly the classification societies periodically survey the
controls, alarms and safety systems throughout the ship's service life. If defects are
found in the control engineering installation which affect the UMS notation, it would

be suspended.
This can have serious consequences because the manning level may no longer be
sufficient to comply with the requirements of the flag state and cases have been known
where they may detain the ship until either the engineering complement is
increased or the UMS notation is made good.
Regular on board testing and maintenance of the control installation and correct
calibration of instruments as described previously is vital if the benefits that
automation can bring are to be fully realized and the survey requirements are to be met
without undue difficulty.
Test and maintenance periods and the way in which these activities are carried out
should be determined with regard to the system and component reliability and their
performance criteria or criticality of function. There are a number of important considerations to be taken into account when formulating test procedures and a correct
balance has to be achieved:
1. Shortening the intervals between testing and maintenance should increase the
success of detecting faults, but it also increases the degree of human interference and
disturbance to the system. Consequently an increase in testing can mean that the
system is more sensitive to human error and faulty test procedures.
2. Test procedures should be completely thorough and constitute a check of all
functional aspects of the system. Partial testing may fail to reveal faults which are
already in existence, but it is not always expedient or practical to carry out a complete
test due to operational restrictions.
3. Test procedures should be fully described and eave no doubt as to the methods
to be used and the results to be expected. This however can produce an approach
which is inflexible and difficult to modify.
It would be impractical to test all controls, alarms and safety systems at one time and
accordingly a schedule of testing is required bearing in mind the three foregoing
points. The test schedule should be arranged so that over a given period of time all
these functions are tested at least once, but, depending on their criticality, certain
functions may be tested more frequently. Having regard to the workload involved, a
typical schedule could be based on a twelve to sixteen week period.
Where it is only possible to partially test a particular function provision should be made
in the schedule to carry out a realistic test, including a test of the sensor. The test
schedule should identify each alarm and safety systems channel and the associated set
point, and make provision for appropriate remarks where adjustments etc. are required
as a result of the test.
Where it can be demonstrated to attending surveyors from any of the classification
societies or national administrations that regular testing is undertaken and is well
documented it gives them confidence that the control installation is being maintained
in good condition, but not least it gives the ship's engineers confidence that they can
operate unattended safely and reliably.

Chapter 7

Pumping Systems
A ship cannot function without the various pumping systems placed in or controlled from
the machinery spaces. The pumping systems are of major importance and they are many
and varied. Some systems supply coolant and lubricants to the main machinery, and
without this supply the main propulsion machinery will be quickly brought to a halt
by safety devices in the control system. The machinery would be badly damaged if safety
devices did not function to bring it to a halt. This illustrates the importance of machinery
support systems, and the safety devices used to protect machinery in the event of a
pumping system malfunction.
An equally important pumping system is used to pump out loose water from cargo and
machinery spaces, which must be kept clear of water to prevent damage. In extreme
cases, if loose water is not removed it could eventually collect at some point where the
stability of the ship would be adversely affected and lead to capsize or sinking.
Machinery of either steam or internal combustion type requires clean fuel, free of water.
The fuel transfer system is used to bring fuel from the bunker storage spaces into
settling tanks where water and heavy dirty material are removed. In motor ships the fuel
requires further purification treatment. This treatment is carried out in the fuel cleaning
or separation system.
When cargo operations are in progress the ballast system may be used for ballasting or
deballasting to maintain draught, trim, and a safe stability, and sometimes to keep hull
stresses within safe limits.
Other systems supply feed water to boilers, cooling water to refrigeration machinery and
allow liquid cargoes to be discharged from deep tanks in ordinary dry cargo ships, or from
the cargo tanks in crude oil or liquid products tankers, and liquefied gas carriers. Other
systems supply hydraulic fluid to the steering gear, to the cargo pumping system in
chemical tankers, and to the control system for opening and closing of ramps and doors on
ferry boats and ro-ro vessels, and so on. More systems supply the creature comforts
necessary to sustain life for passengers, crew, and officers sailing on the vessel and to
maintain the cargo in a safe and marketable condition.
From this it is easily understood that the various pumping systems in use play an
important role in the safe and economical operation of both merchant ships and naval
vessels. It is necessary to understand them to their fullest extent in order to obtain safe
and economic ship operation.
It is therefore an incumbent duty of every engineer officer on joining a vessel to locate the
pumps and valves controlling each separate piping system, together with their cross
connections allowing different systems to be combined or used in emergencies. Due to
the fast turnaround of ships, little more than a brief examination of the mimic board to
locate starters, pumps, and valves associated with the propulsion and electrical
generating machinery may be all that is possible in the time available. However, as soon
as time becomes available, engineer officers should familiarise themselves with the
various parts of each pumping system. This will involve making a no te of the suction and
discharge connections on each pump and tracing the piping runs both above and below
the engine room floorplates.

Tracing pipelines or piping runs is facilitated if the pipes are painted or colour banded with
distinguishing colours indicating the contents of the pipe. Knowledge of the contents of
a pipeline is necessary when making important decisions affecting the safety and protection
of the ships personnel before breaking pipe flanges and removing valve covers. The
International Standards Organisation publishes a code giving the colours used on piping
runs to indicate the contents of the pipe.

Figure 1 Centrifugal pumps: a) with double inlet rotor; b) with single inlet rotor.

Before a fluid can be moved around any piping or trunking system, energy is required to
overcome the inertia of the fluid, the frictional resistance imparted by pipe or trunk
surfaces and the resistance to flow created by pipe bends and valves. Energy is also
required to overcome the pressure at the discharge end of the system when it is higher
than at the suction end. For example, in the boiler feed system energy is required to bring
the inlet pressure at the pump suction branch to a pressure high enough at the
delivery branch to enable the feed water to pass through pipe bends, branches, valves,
and feed water regulators before overcoming the boiler pressure and entering the boilers.
The pump discharge pressure will then be considerably higher than the pressure at the
pump entry branch. In a similar way, energy is required to overcome the head
difference when pumping ballast water from double bottom tanks to a higher level
through the ship's side overboard valve.

Figure 2 Axial flow pump.

The energy used to move a fluid is obtained from pumps or fans. Pumps and fans are
usually driven by electric motors, but in some cases steam is used to supply the motive
power, for reasons of safety, economics, or convenience.
Types of pumps and fans
Pumps are used to move liquids, known technically as non-compressible fluids,

around or through a pumping system. Examples of liquids are water (sea, fresh, distilled
and drinking or potable), fuel oil, lubricating oil, crude and refined oils, edible oils,
latex, and the like. There are considerable differences in the ways in which various
liquids behave. The various patterns of behaviour are covered in the rheological
definitions for Newtonian fluids, non-Newtonian fluids, ideal plastic, and thixotropic
substances. Most of this chapter applies to Newtonian fluids such as water, and mineral

Figure 3 a) Water end of horizontal displacement pump;

b) valve detail;
c) electrical reciprocating pump drive.

Figure 4 Rotary positive displacement pumps: a) lobe pump;

b) screw and wheel pump;
c) sliding vane pump;
d) screw pump.
Fans are used to supply the energy to compress and move low pressure compressible
fluids (gases) through a trunking system. Examples are forced draught fans, the air
trunking system to the fuel oil burning equipment on a boiler, engine room ventilation
fans and the fans moving air through the trunking in air conditioning systems.
Compressors are used to supply the energy to compress compressible fluids to a
higher pressure than is normally given by a fan. In some cases a compressor is used to

compress a gas and to move it around the piping system. An example of this is the
refrigerant compressor used to move refrigerant through refrigeration machinery. In
other cases, after being compressed, air is moved through a system at the expense of its
internal energy. An example of this is the starting air system of a diesel engine.
Pump classification
Pumps are usually classified by names descriptive of the type of pump. Each pump type
then has some other distinguishing name or names indicating the sub divisions within
the class.
Centrifugal pumps
These may be vertical or horizontal, of single stage or multi-stage type. They may be
driven by an electric motor or a steam turbine. A centrifugal pump with a double inlet
rotor is shown in Fig la, and a centrifugal pump with a single inlet rotor is shown in Fig
Axial flow propeller pumps
These consist of an impeller (similar to a ship's propeller) fitted in a casing. The axis of the
impeller shaft is coincident with the polar axis of the pump casing. The casing is made in
two pieces to give access to the impeller and the internal bearing. The drive is from an
externally fitted electric motor, one of the motor bearings being arranged to take the
impeller thrust. An axial flow water pump used for circulating the cooling water
through a condenser in large turbine installations is shown in Fig 2.
Reciprocating positive displacement pumps
These are manufactured as vertical or horizontal, single acting, double acting, or
differential types. The drive is by direct acting steam pistons working in cylinders, or
by an electric motor and worm and worm wheel reduction gearing. The reciprocating
motion is obtained from a crank and connecting rod. The water end of a horizontal
positive displacement reciprocating pump is shown in Fig 3a. Figure 3b shows a section
through a suction or delivery valve. A vertical pump would be similar in detail but
the suction branch and the suction and delivery valve chest will be located on the front of
the pump, with the valves placed horizontally.
An electrical reciprocating pump drive is shown in Fig 3c. The worm and worm-wheel
are fitted in an oil tight casing and lubricated by splash from an oil bath.
Rotary positive displacement pumps The type sub-divisions indicate whether the pump is
of a fixed or variable displacement type. The pump is also classified by the type of its
internal parts. These may be described as the helical type (screw type) having one, two
or three helices; gear pumps; sliding vane pumps; flexible vane pumps; lobe type pumps;
and screw and wheel type pumps. There are also other types of rotary positive
displacement pumps used in shore based industry but they are not normally found in
the marine environment. Figures 4 a-d show various types of rotary positive displacement
Liquid ring pumps
These pumps consist of a rotor working in an elongated circular casing arranged with a
circulating water system. Figure 5 shows a liquid ring pump.
Air compressors
These may be of the piston type, screw type, or liquid ring type. Figure 6 shows a two

stage reciprocating air compressor.

These may be of the centrifugal type or axial flow type. An axial flow fan is shown in
Fig 7.

Figure 5 Liquid ring pump.

These are sometimes called injectors, and consist of a jet discharging into a suction
chamber into which is connected a suction line. The discharge connection is arranged on
the same axis as the jet and opposite to it. Compressed air or water under pressure is
passed through the jet, and the high velocity of the discharge creates a vacuum in the
suction chamber and causes water to move into it. The water is then discharged through
the discharge connection. Figure 8 shows an ejector.

Figure 7 Axial flow fan.

Figure 6 Two stage air compressor.

Figure 8 Ejector.


Centrifugal pumps
Centrifugal pumps are more commonly used for pumping liquids than any other type
of pump. This is due to the small space they occupy and the ease with which they can be
coupled to an electric motor without the need for reduction gearing. The pump axis may
be arranged either vertically or horizontally and they are designed in sizes having capacities
from lessthanl tonne/hup to approxirnately 5 OOOtonne/ h or more. These large capacity
pumps are used for the discharge of cargo in very large crude oil carriers (VLCCs). Some
pumps having a capacity of some few tonne/h are designed to suit the requirements of feed
pumps used with high pressure boiler installations.
Figure la, showing a centrifugal pump with a double inlet rotor, is of a type used for
many duties where a large capacity output is required. As the forces acting on either side
of the rotor are the same, no thrust action is set up on the rotor shaft when this pump is in
operation, except that due to the weight of the rotating parts in vertical pumps.
This type of pump, either vertical or horizontal, has a split casing. Provided the bearings are
properly lubricated very little wear takes place, although over a time period some wear
takes place on the sealing rings due to a combination of erosion and corrosion. When the
sealing ring clearance has increased beyond some recommended amount they may be renewed when a pump is overhauled.
Figure 9 shows sealing rings of the split and solid types.
Figure 1b (page 333) shows a smaller type of centrifugal pump used in many locations
where only a small capacity output is required. The rotor sets up an axial thrust to the right
(on Fig 1b). This comes about due to the discharge pressure on the left hand side of the
rotor being higher than the suction pressure on the right hand side.
Generally, centrifugal pumps are driven by an electric motor, exceptions being single or
two stage boiler feed water pumps, where steam turbines are more commonly used. The
exhaust steam from the turbines driving the feed pumps is used in the feed water
deaerator to remove air and gases by heating the feed water.
For economic reasons, large capacity centrifugal pumps used for cargo discharge in oil
tankers are usually driven by steam turbines. The steam turbine has virtually infinite

speed control and is therefore considered to be safer for use with cargo pumps. The steam
turbine is fitted in the engine room and the pump driving shaft passes through a self
aligning gas and water sealing gland fitted on the pump room bulkhead. Where the
design capacity of the boiler plant is limited, as on some diesel propelled tankers,
electrically driven cargo pumps may be used.
Centrifugal pumps are not self priming, i.e. they are not capable of creating a vacuum
enabling the suction line to fill with liquid and so allow the pumping action to be started.
This disadvantage is overcome by using liquid ring vacuum pumps. When only a small
number of centrifugal pumps are fitted in the engine room a vacuum pump may be fitted on
each centrifugal pump. As the number of centrifugal pumps increases it becomes more
economical to fit a central priming system.

Figure 9 Wear rings, or sealing rings.

Axial flow propeller pumps

Axial flow propeller pumps are sometimes used for circulating cooling water through the
condenser in high powered propulsion steam turbine installations where scoop cooling has
not been adopted.
Rotary positive displacement pumps
Rotary positive displacement pumps are commonly used for lubricating oil supply to
both main and auxiliary diesel engines. They may also be used for the lubricating oil
supply to main and auxiliary steam turbines. Rotary positive displacement pumps may be

of the helical screw type utilising two or three screws, or of the gear type, rotary vane
type, or the lobe type.
Figure 4d shows a helical screw rotary positive displacement pump of the type used in
many steam turbine or diesel propelled ships for lubricating oil supply to bearings,
gearing, and oil cooled pistons in diesel engines.
A pump with two helices has a set of timing gears arranged so that the surfaces of the
helices never touch each other.
Variable displacement rotary pumps may be arranged with a series of radial cylinders and
ram type pistons having a variable stroke. The stroke variation is brought about by fitting a
pin in the end of the ram. The pin is fitted into two cod pieces which revolve in a circular slot.
When the circular slot is concentric with the centre of the cylinders the rams have no
reciprocatingmotion. When the circular slot is brought away from the centre position,
movement of the rams takes place and the pumping action commences. If the slot is moved
over in the opposite direction the pumping action is reversed. Another type of variable
displacement rotary pump has the cylinders and rams arranged in an axial direction around
the axis of the pump. The rams are connected with a swashplate. Movement of the
swashplate sets up the movement of the rams and the pumping action. Either of these two
types of pump are almost universally used with hydraulic steering gears. They have
sometimes found favour for fuel oil transfer duty. Refer to Chapter 9, Steering Gears.
Small capacity variable displacement pumps are usually used to continuously supply a
boiler with water treatment chemicals. The same pump may also be arranged for use as a
hydraulic test pump for pressure testing a boiler. Larger, variable displacement pumps
are sometimes used as the hydraulic power source to the cargo pumps in chemical and
special products tank ships.
Positive displacement pumps have the ability to create a vacuum in the suction chest and
suction lines to the pump; therefore, they are self priming. The clearances of the internal
parts of the pump must be small so that slip of the liquid between the suction and delivery
sides of the pump does not occur. If slip occurs the ability to create sufficient vacuum to
effect priming will be lessened. The pump output capacity-is also reduced when slip occurs.
Slip of the liquid occurs in other types of pump if the clearances of the sealing devices
become excessive.

Figure 10 Ring or central priming system.

Liquid ring pumps

Liquid ring pumps are used to bring about and maintain the vacuum in steam plant
condensers, and to create the vacuum in the vacuum tank forming part of the central or ring
priming system used in conjunction with centrifugal pumps. They may also be used for
compressing air inlowpressure compressed air systems, particularly where the air must be oil
Figure 10 shows a ring priming system. In some cases a separate branch line is taken to
each pump where priming is necessary. The system is then referred to as a central
priming system.
Air compressors
Air compressors may be of the positive displacement type, using pistons operating in a
cylinder or helical rotors operating in a casing. Air compressors supply the air to the starting
air system in mo tor ships and to the various compressed air systems fitted on modern ships
for various duties.
Fans used for boiler forced draught duty are usually of the centrifugal type, as are the fans
for circulating air in air conditioning installations. Fans used for air supply to machinery
and confined spaces are com monly of the axial flow type.
Ejectors are used when completing tank cleaning operations to remove residue and small
quantities of water and cleaning materials not removed by pumps. The end of the suction
pipe is used in a similar manner to a vacuum cleaner.

Bilge systems
The bilge system fitted in dry cargo and container ships is used to remove loose water
from machinery, boiler and cargo spaces. It consists of a line termed the bilge main, passing
along one side and around the forward and after ends of the engine room. Branches are
arranged from the bilge main. These connect to the various pumps arranged for bilge
pumping duty. Some of the other branches form bilge suction connections to the corners of the
engine room. Each bilge suction branch is controlled by a screw down, non-return valve. The
remaining branches are connected to group valve chests. Each branch from the lower side of a
group valve chest is a bilge suction line connecting with an individual bilge space in a cargo
hold. Each of these hold bilge suction lines is controlled by a screw down non-return valve
fitted above the branch. Cargo hold bilge spaces may be located in the space formed between
the tank margin plate and the ship's side. Where a flat tank top extends to the ship's side
large drain hats or drain pockets are fitted in the tank top (inner bottom plating) of the cargo
hold. (See also Figs 23 and 24.)
The group valve chests fitted on the starboard side of the engine room lead to bilge drain

wells on the starboard side of the cargo holds; similarly, those on the port side lead to bilge
drain wells on the port side of the cargo holds. The open suction ends of the bilge suction
lines leading from the cargo holds are fitted at the after ends of hold spaces. Drain hats are
similarly located in the after ends of cargo holds. As ships are normally trimmed by the stern
loose water will drain to the after end of cargo holds and either to the port or starboard
drain space if there is any list. Pumping out the loose water keeps the cargo hold spaces dry.
The bilge suction lines connecting the group valve chests to the hold bilges usually run
along the port and starboard bilge wings at each side of the hold and are covered by bilge
limbers. In other cases they run through lightening holds fitted in the side brackets
connecting the ships transverse framing to the floors under the tank top. In refrigerated
cargo ships it would be imprudent to fit bilge suction lines under the insulation at the
ship's side. In bulk carriers where cargo is discharged by grabs it would also be imprudent
to fit bilge piping at the side of cargo holds because the piping would be quickly damaged
by grabs when completing discharge.

Figure 11 Bilge group valve chest.

Figure 11 shows a group valve chest used in bilge pumping systems. Three different types
of valve lid or clack are shown in the chest. One has three guide wings, the other four and
the third has a central guide pin. The valve lids of any one valve chest are all of the same type.
(See also Fig 40d.)

In bulk carriers and refrigerated cargo ships the bilge lines may be fitted in either duct
keels arranged about the longitudinal centre line of the ship or in piping ducts fitted
within the double bottom space towards the port and starboard sides of the ship. When
piping ducts are fitted it is usual to fit a transverse duct at the forward end of number 2
double bottom space. The transverse duct connects the port and starboard ducts.
Sometimes an access trunk is fitted. This leads from the weather deck down to the
transverse duct. This duct may be used for ventilating the pipe tunnels before personnel
enter them.
Where deep tanks are fitted forward or abaft the engine room in dry cargo vessels, and
liquid cargoes are carried in these tanks, precautions must be taken to prevent the
inadvertent loss of cargo. The precautions taken consist of blanking off the bilge suction
lines to the deep tanks by changing over the position of spectacle blanks or turning the
position of elbows in the bilge suction lines. After the changes are made, the bilge lines from
the deep tanks become completely blanked off. If anybody mistakenly opens up a bilge
valve to the deep tank, cargo cannot be introduced into the bilge pumping system and lost
over the side. When the bilge lines are blanked off prior to receiving liquid cargo, and
reopened again after discharge of the cargo, appropriate entries must be made in the
engine room log book recording the date, time, and nature of the change made. The entry
should be initialled by the engineer officer responsible for making the change.
Generally, all the valves in a bilge pumping system are of the screw down non-return type,
including valves fitted in group valve chests and individual valves in the system. (Nonreturn valves are necessary as a safety measure to prevent water flowing back into, and
flooding, the various spaces connected through branch lines to the bilge main:;
If the hull shell in way of the engine room space is breached, large amounts of water may
flow into the engine room. In order to reduce the risk of a major casualty, the largest
capacity pump or pumps fitted in the engine room are arranged with direct suction
connections to the tank top or drain wells. In steam ships the largest capacity pump is
often the main condenser circulating pump; in motor ships it may be the ballast pump. In
some cases a combination of pumps may be arranged for emergency pumping duty.
An emergency bilge suction valve is shown in Fig 26. To operate the valve in an
emergency the valve spindle is opened the full amount and the sea suction valve is closed
down until water is taken from the bilges or off the tank top. After the quantity of loose
water is reduced to a safe level and the level is being maintained, the sea suction valve
position is adjusted to suit the inflow of water through the breach or source of leakage.
In motorships, there may be more than one emergency bilge suction valve. In an
emergency they should all be brought into operation until the situation is under control and
then one may be shut down if it is not required.
The engine room bilge pumping system in oil tankers and product tankers is not
connected to any external space. This is for reasons of safety, preventing low flash point oils,
or dangerous liquids entering the machinery space, and creates hazards if pipelines or pumps
containing low flash point oils or dangerous liquids are opened up. The volatile nature of
low flash point oils creates a danger of explosion or fire. If toxic liquids are present it will
expose the engine room staff to health hazards which could be fatal.
The bilge main fitted in tanker engine rooms usually passes across the forward end and
has a line running aft connected to the aft drain well. The main pump room bilges are
usually pumped out with a steam driven reciprocating pump fitted in the pump room. It

will be arranged to discharge overboard through an oily water separator, or into slop
tanks. The forward pump room is usually fitted with a fuel transfer pump forming part of
the fuel transfer system, and a ballast pump for use in filling and emptying the fore peak tank.
These pumps will also be used for clearing water or oil leakage from the deck of the pump
Figure 12 shows a bilge pumping system, as found in many types of cargo vessel. On
joining a ship an engineer officer should study the locations of the strainer devices used
to prevent a bilge suction line becoming choked with muck.
The strainer plate is usually fitted in a mud box situated at floor plate level. In other cases
its location is not always so definite, but in order to prevent problems arising when
pumping bilges it is necessary to know the location of the strainers.
Automatic bilge pumping arrangements controlled by float switches require attention to
the float controls and the strainers. In the engine room it is good practice to hose off the
engine room tank top at regular intervals, determined by experience, and then to clean the
strainers after the hosing and water removal is completed.
Sometimes maintenance is carried out by chipping and painting pipelines fitted below or
near the engine room floor plates. Paint and rust chips may cause considerable trouble
with bilge pumping systems. Therefore it is essential that all rust and paint chips are
swept up and removed at the end of each work period and before hosing down the tank
Automatic pumping arrangements fitted in the bilge spaces in dry cargo ships should be
checked out and the strainers cleaned whenever cargo holds become empty. The
equipment should be tested after cleaning by filling the bilge space with water from a hose
and observing that the water is pumped away. This ensures that any disturbed gaskets are
not leaking air and causing malfunction. When this work is carried out it is essential that a
log book entry is made after the testing is completed.
Ships carrying more than twelve passengers come under the jurisdiction of government
appointed authorities. The actual government department controlling the safety of
passenger ships depends on the laws of the country concerned. In the United Kingdom the
Department of Transport is responsible; in the United States, the US Coast Guard. In
passenger ships all bilge pumps and lines must be inboard of one fifth of the ship's breadth
(i.e. within the B /5 line). When the ship suffers damage, to a specified extent, at least one
pump must be available to pump from any compartment. This is provided by distribution
of the bilge pumps throughout the watertight compartments, or by the provision of a
submersible type pump within the B/5 line, as the regulations assume that collision
damage occurs to this degree. This submersible type pump must be capable of operation
when the space in which it is situated is flooded, so that it can operate in other
compartments. The pump and its connections must be capable of being operated from a
point outside the engine room. Its power source is obtained through the emergency switchboard. Bilge suction valves to some of the spaces where water may drain are sometimes
arranged with extensions or reach rods so that they can be operated from above the bulkhead
deck. The regulations covering the bilge system in passenger vessels are contained in the
publications covering the survey of passenger ships issued by the government authority in
the country concerned.
Oily water separators are used to remove oil from engine room bilge water before it is
pumped over the side. They are an important piece of equipment and must be used carefully

within their designed throughput capacity and kept in proper working order.
An oily water separator of a common type is shown in Fig 13. This type of oil separator
will not remove all the oil from bilge or ballast water. Where the water must have a low
number of parts per million of oil it is necessary to fit a coalescer filter to remove the
remaining oil particles before the water is pumped overboard.
If the overboard discharge valve is lower than the separator, an anti-vacuum valve is fitted
at the highest point of the discharge line. It is necessary to keep this valve in good working
order. Should it fail to function, it is possible for the contents of the separator including the
oil to be siphoned overboard, resulting in damage to the ecosystem and, possibly, severe
financial penalties.
The vector diagram of flow velocities shows that if the throughput is increased above the
designed figure the vector a-c increases. If it increases to an amount such that point b is level
or in line with the outlet hole, oil globules will pass out of the separator. The designed
throughput of an oily water separator must never be exceeded.
On modern ships the overboard outlet is monitored for oil content. An alarm is activated
if the oil content approaches the allowable figure.
Problems with bilge pumping systems
The most common problem experienced with bilge pumping systems is loss of, or
reduction in, vacuum in the suction lines due to ingress of air at some point within the
suction side of the system. A reduction in vacuum reduces the output of the pump and the
rate of removal of bilge water. Increasing vacuum loss eventually causes the pump to lose
its suction and the pumping action ceases. When this occurs the main suction valve of the
pump working on the bilge system should be closed and the vacuum on the suction side of
the pump noted. If the vacuum registered shows an increase, and returns to normal, the
pump and the priming system is in order. It then becomes necessary to find the point of
air ingress.
The most common way that air ingress occurs is through dirt being drawn into the piping
systems and then lodging under a valve lid in a valve chest. The dirt or foreign material
lodged under the valve lid prevents proper closure of the valve and air flows into the suction
side of the system. The inflow of air causes the pump to lose its suction and pumping

Figure 13 Oily water separator.

In order to find the opened valve it is necessary to open up the group valve chests and find
the valve with the foreign material lodged under it. Obviously, if pumping bilges has
proceeded satisfactorily and the bilge pump loses its suction, the bilge valve last in use
should be opened up for examination as this is most likely to be where the fault exists.
Another cause of air ingress is seal failure at strainer casing or mud box covers. When the
covers are removed to clean out the strainer plate and dirt collecting space, they must be
carefully replaced, preferably with a new joint or gasket if there is any doubt about the
gasket removed. If the cover is fastened down with a number of nuts they must be pulled
down evenly to prevent the cover lifting on one side and allowing air to enter through the
Valve wheel spanners, wrenches or keys should never be used to close bilge suction
valves. Their excessive use causes bent valve spindles and distorted valves. A bent
spindle deforms the gland packing and allows air ingress down the side of the packing,

this being more likely to occur if the packing is old and has become hard. If bent spindles
are suspected to be the source of an air leak a small amount of engine oil fed with an oil
feeder to the spindle and gland quickly shows if air ingress is present. The oil temporarily
seals the air leak and the vacuum is then seen to rise on the vacuum gauge fitted to the
suction side of the pump.
The non-return winged valves in bilge valve chests must be very light in weight to reduce
the vacuum required to lift them. Being light, they have little strength to resist a load
placed on them and buckle very easily if their spindles are screwed down with a wheel
Leaks in the bilge piping due to internal and external corrosion may also be found in older
ships. This form of leakage is usually found on the lowest point of the piping. It is
sometimes possible to hear the leak from the noise created by the inflow of air, but in
many cases background noise in the engine room renders the noise of the leak inaudible.
Sonic testing devices must then be used to locate the leak. If the leak cannot be found, the
various sections of the bilge piping system will have to be isolated and blanked off. Each
pipe is then back flooded by filling the line with water under pressure. This may be done by
removing the bilge suction valve on one of the pumps and flooding back from the sea.
Extreme care must be exercised to ensure that the various sections of the bilge piping are
properly blanked when finding leaks in this manner. This method may be used in the engine
room at any time. In dealing with cargo hold bilge lines it can only be used when the holds are
clear of cargo. When back flooding engine room bilge suction lines extreme care must be
taken to ensure hold bilge valves are properly closed, to prevent water flooding back into
the hold and damaging cargo.
It should be realised that once a pipe is shown to be corroded in one location, other nearby
corroded locations often come to light soon after making a repair. When problems are
experienced the search should begin near the first repair. The usual form of repair is to make
up a pipe clip and fit it over the hole to blank it off and prevent air ingress. Care must be used
when tightening the clip to prevent a weakened pipe collapsing if the clip is made up in a
material section heavier than required. If a soft rubber patch is fitted under the clip it is
only necessary to tighten it lightly to hold the patch in place. Epoxy resin repair kits are also
used to repair leaking bilge suction pipes.
Bilge pumping problems with hold bilges are sometimes experienced after a vessel has
carried a bulk cargo. If the bilge drainage spaces have not been properly secured with gunny
cloth, cargo may fill the drainage space or the bilge space and seal off the end of the suction
line, preventing the flow of water to the pump.
Bilge pumping troubles in the engine room are often experienced after shore
contractors have carried out engine room repair work. After the completion of repair work
the tank tops, bilge drain wells, mud boxes and strainers should be inspected. Foreign matter
such as rags, cotton waste, planks, packings, old joints or gaskets and the like should be
removed. The mud boxes and strainer plates should be cleaned.
Before sailing the bilge system should be tested and any loose water removed must be
discharged overboard through the oily water separator or pumped into a bilge holding
When the bilges and tank top are cleaned and tested prior to sailing the possibility of

bilge pumping problems in the engine room is removed, allow-, ing better attention to be
given to the main machinery in the critical period of operation immediately following
repair work.
Ballast water systems
Requirements of the ballast system The design of the ballast system is governed by the
requirements of the type of ship the system is serving. When a vessel must proceed between
two ports without cargo or only partially loaded, it may become necessary to take on
ballast for any one of, or combination of, the following reasons.
a) To reduce the vessels freeboard and give sufficient immersion of the propeller to
reduce slip and possible propeller-excited vibration;
b) to give better rudder action due to the greater depth of water flow around the
c) to trim the vessel so the depth of water forward is such that the possibility of pounding
(slamming) damage is reduced to a minimum when heavy weather is experienced;
d) to provide satisfactory stability conditions;
e) to assist in better weight distribution, thereby reducing hull stresses;
f) to give the ship better sea-keeping qualities in heavy weather.
In some cases the cargo loading requirements are such that a ship may be tender on
sailing from a loading port, and as oil fuel is consumed from the double bottom tanks the
stability may decrease until the ship takes up an angle of loll. In this condition the ship may
'flop' from side to side and possibly become dangerous. Double bottom tanks must then be
filled to increase the bottom weight and obtain the desired degree of stability. The order in
which either a port or starboard tank is filled is of great importance. In general, a tank is
filled on the low side of the ship before the ship is brought upright. However, double
bottom tanks are not filled haphazardly but only after all the requisite facts have been
studied and instructions are passed on by the chief engineer.
If the requirements for fuel and ballast water capacity in double bottom tanks are such
that a deficiency will arise in one or the other, certain double bottom tanks are made
suitable for the dual purpose of fuel storage or the carriage of water ballast. When double
bottom tanks are designed for dual usage the interface between the fuel transfer system
and the ballast water system must be arranged with change over connections which are
positive in their action. This is to prevent fuel oil being inadvertently pumped overboard
through the ballast water system. When a ship is arranged with dual purpose double
bottom tanks the capacity of the oily water separator must match the capacity of the
ballast pumps and will be larger than that required for bilge pumping duty.
If a cargo ship is fitted with heavy lift cargo gear a part of the ballast system must be designed
to accommodate the rapid changes of heel and stability which occur during heavy lift
operations. The port and starboard ballast tanks must then be capable of being very rapidly
filled, emptied, or transferred from port to starboard or starboard to port. A deep tank fitted
forward of the engine room and divided into a centre tank and port and starboard wing tanks
is sometimes used for this purpose. The two wing tanks giving the maximum amount of

leverage when ballasted are then used during heavy lift operations.
Large stability changes come about when the weight of the heavy cargo is taken up by
the lifting winches, particularly when the derrick has a large outreach over the side of the
ship; when heavy lift cargo is first lifted from its stowed position on deck or in a hold; when it
is swung outboard on the heavy lift derrick; and when the cargo weight is landed.
The ballast system in bulk carriers will reflect the arrangement and location of the cargo
holds and the ballast spaces. For example, bulk carriers with hopper side tanks and
cantilever wing tanks will have a different piping arrangement when compared with bulk
carriers fitted with two longitudinal bulkheads and wing ballast tanks. The side tanks
have a dual purpose and may be used for either water ballast or the carriage of grain or
similar cargoes. Their use will be dependent on the density of the cargo carried and the
volume it occupies.
Ballast pumping systems are shown in Fig 14.
Ore-bulk-oil carriers (OBOs) are often arranged with a deep double bottom tank system
located in the central space formed between two longitudinal bulkheads. The wing spaces on
the outboard side of the longitudinal bulkheads will be used for the carriage of oil or grain
cargoes. The cargo space above the high double bottom is used for the carriage of heavy ore,
grain, or oil cargoes. The wing spaces on the outboard side of the longitudinal bulkheads
extend down to the outer bottom plating. If the wing spaces are used for ballast following
the carriage of oil the water ballast will become oil contaminated. The double bottom
tanks are therefore often used exclusively for ballast purposes. This prevents ballast water
becoming contaminated and allows discharge of ballast at a loading berth, either prior to or
during loading operations without damage to the environment and the risk of a heavy
penalty arising from oil pollution.
As there are considerable differences in the arrangements of bulkheads and double bottom
spaces in this class of vessel, engineer officers must carefully study the ballast water system so
they can handle it in a safe and efficient manner.
Oil tankers commonly use the ship's cargo tanks for ballastpurposes. When theyare used
forballast purposes before cleaning, the ballast water becomes oil contaminated and cannotbe
pumped directly overboard without serious pollution. Any ballast water contaminated with oil
from cargo tanks is usually separated in cargo and slop tanks and discharged under controlled
conditions to ensure that the rate of oil content of the discharge overboard does not exceed 60
litres per nautical mile.
An oily water separator of a type used in oil tankers is shown in Fig 13. They are much larger
than those fitted in a dry cargo ship for bilge pumping duty. The discharge is monitored for oil
content so that an audio alarm is given in the cargo pump control room when the oil content
approaches the allowable figure.
It is usual to fit the separator on deck and connect it into a bypass fitted on the stern
discharge line. If cargo is discharged through the stern line it passes straight through by
closing off the bypass. If ballast is being discharged it passes around the bypass and
through the separator.
After cargo tanks have been washed and cleaned they may be reballasted with clean sea
Vehicle and train ferries, and roll-on roll-off vessels (ro-ros) carry ballast water in a double
bottom tank system similar to that in many other vessels. The ballast capacity is sometimes
increased by fitting wing ballast tanks extending from above the outer or inner bottom

plating up through to a lower deck level. These tanks may then be used for trimming
purposes to correct a list with the least amount of water. This comes about because of the
greater leverage obtained when water is placed in a wing ballast tank compared with the
leverage obtained when water is placed in a ballast tank extending outboard from the
centre girder to the side of the vessel.
Container ships may have a double bottom ballast tank arrangement together with
separate wing ballast tanks extending up to the lowest longitudinal walkway similar to
those in some ro-ros. Again, there are variations in the arrangements of ballast tanks,
dependent on the size of the ship, the extent of the container stowage width relative to the
ships beam, and the fuel storage locations.
Capacity of ballast pumps The designed capacity for the ballast pumps will be governed
by the minimum time requirement for filling or discharging ballast prior to, during, or
after cargo operations.
Cargo liners and general traders with comparatively low rates of cargo loading and
discharge do not require as large a ballast pumping capacity as a bulk carrier, where the
loading rate may go up to some few thousand tons/h. This is reflected in the size and type of
pump or pumps used. Older ships in cargo liner service requiring only a low capacity
ballast pumping output may use a steam or electrically operated duplex reciprocating
pump. Modern ships, irrespective of type, use centrifugal pumps for ballast water duty.
When a large pumping capacity is required, as in bulk carriers, then more than one ballast
pump may be used. The use of a multiple number of ballast pumps of the same size allows a
large degree of pump and motor standardisation to be achieved. Then many of the pumps used,
irrespective of their duty, are of the same size. If minor changes are required in pump
characteristics the changes may often be made by varying the diameter of the centrifugal
pump rotor while retaining the same size of pump casing and motor frame.
In oil tankers and OBOs the cargo pumps may be used for ballasting purposes, but it is
common practice to fit a ballast pump in the cargo pump room. This allows the ballast pump to
be retained exclusively for clean ballast or for clean ballast from cargo tanks after cleaning
operations have been completed.

Figure 14 Ballast system for a bulk carrier.

Ballast tank capacity

The increase of welding and replacement of riveting in vessel construction has greatly
decreased the lightweight displacement of ships. Modern cargo liners and general traders of
all welded construction require, for satisfactory operation in ballast condition, a ballast
displacement of approximately twice the lightweight displacement. Some of the weight
requirement to obtain the ballast displacement is sometimes obtained by taking oil fuel.
In bulk carriers and similar classes of vessel, where cargo may only be carried in one direction,
the ballast capacity is often greater than that for cargo liners and general traders.
In tankers when cargo tanks are used for the carriage of ballast the only limit to the quantity of
ballast water carried is the loaded displacement of the vessel.
The arrangement and capacity of the ballast tanks in bulk carriers should be such that the
stability in the fully or partially ballasted condition does not result in a ship that is
excessively stiff. Past ship designs have shown that cost savings in this area have sometimes resulted in much greater operating costs for a variety of reasons.
It must always be remembered that the carriage of excess amounts of ballast results in a
slower passage and an attendant waste of fuel.
Ballast piping arrangements
The ballast piping in cargo liners and similar classes of vessel consists of a ballast main fitted
in the engine room and branch piping leading from group ballast valve chests to the
various double bottom ballast tanks. In many cases separate branches, each controlled by its
own valve, are led to the after inboard side of the ballast tank adjacent to the vertical keel,
and to the after wing as near to the ship's side as possible. This arrangement allows tanks
to be completely drained if the vessel has no rise of floor. During deballasting operations
the vessel is slightly listed to one side or the other. Each group valve chest has its own
connection with the ballast main.
Within the engine room the configuration of the ballast piping system is very similar to the
configuration of the bilge pumping system. There are often cross connections fitted so
that bilge pumps may be put onto the ballast system and the ballast pumps put onto the
bilge system. There is, however, a great difference in the ballast water piping system
external to the engine room.
The ballast piping leading from the group valve chests is placed within the confines of the
double bottom tanks, whereas the bilge piping is normally fitted outside the double bottom
tanks. Figure 12 shows a ballast system found in a dry cargo ship, where double bottom tanks
may also be used for the carriage of oil fuel. Figure 15 shows the change over devices used to
prevent cross contamination between tanks used for oil fuel and those used for water
Ballast tanks must be capable of being filled and emptied; the ballast main and branch
lines must allow water flow inwards to the tank for tank filling and outwards from the tank
when deballasting. The valves in the ballast system are therefore of the screw lift type to
allow water flow in either direction.
The ballast piping arrangement in bulk carriers with hopper side tanks will be similar to
that mentioned for cargo liners and similar type vessels. When cantilever side tanks are fitted
under the main deck between the hatch sides and the ship's side they may be fitted with
their own filling and emptying lines. For simplification, single main pipelines are led forward from the engine room bulkhead through the port and starboard cantilever tanks
just under the deck level. A branch line is led from the main line down to the bottom of

each tank. A gate valve is fitted on each tank branch line and is opened or closed by a reach
rod passing through the deck. Indicators fitted on the reach rods show whether the valve
is opened or closed. In other cases cantilever side tanks are filled with hoses connected to the
wash deck and fire lines. A drop line is led from the bottom of each cantilever side tank
down to the hopper side tank. A screw lift valve is fitted at the top end of each drop pipe.
The valve is controlled by a reach rod passing up through the main deck. The tanks are
emptied by opening the screw lift valve and allowing the water to drain down to the hopper
tanks and/or the double bottom tanks. The water is pumped out through the double
bottom tank ballast water lines (Fig 14).
Bulk carriers fitted with two longitudinal bulkheads use the centre hold for cargo and the
double bottom tank under the centre hold for ballast. The wing spaces go down to the
outer bottom plating and may be used either for the carriage of water ballast or grain cargoes.
With this type of vessel, continuous pipe ducts are fitted in the wings of the port and
starboard double bottom tanks, the ducts are connected with an athwartship duct in the
forward part of the vessel abaft number 1 double bottom tank.

Figure 15 Changeover devices for tank chests.

For handling water ballast into and out of the double bottom tanks and wing spaces a ring
main is fitted.
The ring main extends across the forward part of the engine room, portions of it passing
through the port and starboard pipe ducts, the ring being completed in the athwartship
pipe duct forward. Branch lines connect the ring main with the individual ballast spaces in
the double bottoms and wing spaces. The valves commonly used with this system are of
the butterfly type fitted with pneumatic or hydraulic actuators. Globe type valves may also
be used in conjunction with actuators but they are more costly, take up more space and are
not so easily handled if they must be changed for overhaul or repair purposes. Butterfly
or globe valves are fitted in the port and starboard crossovers at the forward and after
sections of the ring main. The ring main may then be operated with separate port and
starboard suction and filling lines. The ballast pumps, usually two or more in number, are
connected with the main at the aft crossover in the engine room. This arrangement of pumps
and piping is very convenient for ships as the control of ballasting and deballasting
operations may be easily arranged to take place from some point in the engine control
room. The arrangement of piping and the relative location of valves are shown on a
mimic board covering the ballast system. The valve actuator and the ballast pump
controls are located adjacent to the mimic board (Fig 14).
This form of ballast system is also used in container ships, ro-ros, ferries and similar type
vessels. It may also be used conveniently in any vessel and is quite often used where the
engine room is located at the after end of the ship.
Apart from simplification there is a considerable time saving in being able to control
ballasting operations from some central point in the engine room. There is also
considerable saving in weight with this form of ballast piping system, compared with the
weight of a conventional system having multiple runs of long branch lines.
If the access into and through the piping ducts is difficult and inadequate, any advantages
gained will be lost when the ship begins to age. If it is difficult or impossible to maintain the
valves, piping, actuators, and actuator piping in a satisfactory and seaworthy condition,
serious loss of time will come about during ballasting and de-ballasting operations, and
the cost of repairs may become astronomical. This condition often begins in the design stage
of the vessel when insufficient space is allowed for easy or reasonable access of maintenance
personnel along the duct. It sometimes arises because the hull steel plans are finalised
before the amount of space required for piping is fully known.
Ballasting and deballasting operations There are no set rules for ballasting and deballasting a vessel but certain conditions must be carefully observed . These relate to trim,
stability, pollution, reducing hull stresses due to hogging or sagging conditions and avoiding
hull damage due to tank pressurisation.
Before double bottom tanks, wing tanks, peaks, and deep tanks are filled or emptied,
the closing devices or the plugs and covers to air pipes must be removed so that air may
freely enter or leave the tank as the volume of water in the tank decreases or increases.
Failure to remove air pipe covers has sometimes resulted in serious damage to the tank
plating and internal structure because of the increased internal pressure build up or the
creation of a vacuum.
Generally it is desirable to use only minimal amounts of estuary and river water for

ballast purposes. This is to prevent the build up of unpumpable mud and sandy material in
double bottom and other ballast tanks. A build up of unpumpable material leads to a loss
of cargo carrying capacity when carrying any dense cargo that does not become volume
bound within the available hold space. The loss of cargo is due to an increase in the
vessels lightweight displacement.
Another reason for using minimal amounts of estuary and river water is due to the
possibility of this water being corrosive. Generally the amount taken in is no more than is
required to get the vessel safely out of the port limits.
After the vessel is at sea away from areas of possible pollution, ballasting may be carried
out. Care in the interest of safety must be observed. If the stability condition is such that the
free surface effect of water in double bottom or other tanks creates an unstable condition,
then it may be more opportune to list the ship by filling a tank on one side of the vessel
before filling the tank on the opposite side. The study of the stability conditions when
filling and emptying ballast tanks is normally carried out by the deck department, ballast
filling and emptying operations only being started after receipt of written instructions to
the chief engineer from the master. The officer responsible for the removal of air pipe
covers must also be clearly established to eliminate or reduce the risk of accidents.
When it is safe to do so, river and estuary water is pumped out and replaced with clean sea
water, and the ballast pumps are then washed out by pumping through with clean sea
water before shutdown.
Sometimes the question arises as to whether ballast tanks should be run up from the sea or
filled up (pressed up) by pumping. It must be remembered if tanks are pumped up and an
overflow occurs, that the pressure head placed on the tank structure and tank top will be
greater than if it is run up by opening the tank connections through to the sea and filling by
gravity flow.
If a double bottom tank manhole situated in a cargo hold leaks, damage will be
sustained by any cargo present when the tank is pressed up. Damaged cargo involves
claims on the owner and his underwriters for the damage sustained.
Problems with ballast pumping systems The problems associated with the removal of
ballast water from a ship are similar to the problems associated with the removal of bilge
water; vacuum loss due to air leaking into the system.
When the surface of the water in the ballast tank has a positive head above the level of
the ballast pump, as in deep tanks, wing tanks and the peak tanks extending upwards to
the main deck level, there is never usually any problem with deballasting the vessel. The
problems commence when the level of the water falls to slightly above the level of the ballast
pump and resistance to water flow in the suction lines causes a partial vacuum to exist at the
ballast pump inlet branch. The pumping conditions now will be similar to when pumping
ballast water from a double bottom tank. When any air leakage into the ballast suction line
occurs it will be shown as a reduction in vacuum on the ballast pump suction gauge. As the
vacuum is reduced, the efficiency of the pumping action falls away and the pumping
action eventually ceases. If the vacuum is increased when the ballast pump main suction
valve is closed it indicates that the pump is in order. If the pump is of the centrifugal type it
also indicates that the pump priming devices are in order irrespective of their type.
A common problem with centrifugal pumps fitted with their own priming devices,

consisting of some form of vacuum pump and float control gear, occurs when the water
sump becomes dry. The sump is then filled from the water filling line and an attempt is then
made to prime the pump. If this still results in failure then the float control gear and shut off
valves must be examined. Another cause of apparent failure with centrifugal priming
devices, irrespective of type, occurs if the non-return valve on the pump discharge
connection becomes stuck open and allows air to flow back down the discharge line and
destroy the vacuum (see Fig 10 for float control valve).
If these measures fail, the procedures must then follow similar lines to those used when
searching for vacuum loss in the bilge suction pipelines and group valves.
There is one important difference between dealing with bilge pumping problems and ballast
pumping problems. Except in a real emergency endangering the ship, or when preparing
cargo holds for cargo, bilge pumping problems can usually be dealt with in a less hurried
manner than ballast pumping problems. Ballast pumping problems arise when ballast is
being removed, prior to, or when loading cargo. If ballast cannot be removed as desired it
can result in considerable financial losses arising out of 'lost time' and involve further
financial losses to the owner if charter party penalties are applied by the charterer and
others who have incurred losses due to the delays made by the ship.
Before entering any double bottom space, pipe tunnel or duct, duct keel, peak tanks or
any other enclosed space, it is essential that the enclosed spaces are properly ventilated (see
Fue! oil systems
Fuel oil systems comprise separate but connected systems. They are the bunkering and
transfer systems, the storage system, the cleaning and separation system, and the boiler
firing system. In motorships a clean fuel system separate from the boiler fuel system is also
required. The bunkering system is used to receive fuel on board the vessel. The transfer
system is used to direct the fuel into the correct location in the storage system during
bunkering operations and for the transfer of fuel into the settling tanks. The settling tanks are
part of the fuel cleaning system. From the settling tanks the fuel passes through the 'cold'
filters and then into the fuel oil burning system associated with the boilers.
Motorships require a more elaborate fuel cleaning system. The fuel is taken from the settling
tanks and passed through filters, heaters, centrifugal purifiers and clarifiers, then passing
up to the clean oil tanks. The clean oil tanks holding the purified fuel are sometimes
referred to as day tanks.
The fuel is taken from the day tanks to the engine fuel system which consists of fine filters,
pumps and heaters, external to the engine. The pumps then pass fuel under pressure into the
high pressure fuel injection pumps fitted on the engine. High pressure piping connects the
fuel injection pumps with the fuel injection valves fitted in the cylinders.
The fuel transfer system is also used to move fuel around the vessel to correct trim and heel
Fuel oil storage
The values for the specific gravity and the viscosity of boiler fuel were formerly very much
lower than the values found today. Ships propelled by diesel engines used distillate fuels.
When double bottom tanks were used, either for the carriage of water ballast, boiler fuel
oil or diesel fuel, major problems with sludge formation only occurred in exceptional cases.

The settling tanks, together with the fuel separators in diesel propelled ships, were able to
cope with removal of water and the cleaning of the fuel to prevent problems.
As oil refining techniques improved, so giving a greater yield of marketable distillates, the
quality of residual fuels deteriorated.
Experience then showed that quite often stable unpumpable oil-water emulsions formed
sludges in the tanks that were used alternately for either water ballast or oil fuel. Many
ships are presently in service with pumping systems allowing either oil fuel or water
ballast to be carried in double bottom tanks. The practice today is to retain a certain number
of the double bottom tanks exclusively for water ballast when required, the remaining
double bottom tanks then being used exclusively for the storage of oil fuel (Fig 13a). It is
common practice for specialist ship types such as bulk carriers, container ships and the
like to have deep tanks situated in the forward and after ends of the vessel. The deep
tanks are used exclusively for storage of fuel oil.
Some dry cargo vessels and bulk carriers have a midships deep tank for fuel oil storage.
Trim problems do not arise as fuel is transferred daily from the deep tanks.
Oil tankers are arranged with forward and after deep tanks for the storage of fuel oil. In
some cases tankers and specialist ship types have wing tanks on the forward port and
starboard outboard sides of the engine room. These tanks also form part of the space
allocated for the storage of oil fuel. In many cases tanks used for the storage of fuel oil are
referred to as bunker tanks. The term is a carry over from the days of coal burning
steamships when the coal used as fuel was referred to as bunker coal and the storage spaces
were referred to as bunkers.
Due to the viscosity of modern fuel oils, steam heating coils become a very necessary part
of the fuel oil storage system. Without heating coils the fuel stored would quickly
become unpumpable. The heating coils are therefore used to bring up to, or hold the fuel oil
at a temperature where the viscosity of the oil is such that it is fluid enough to be
conveniently handled by the transfer pumps.
Modern ships have a space for the storage of diesel fuel. This fuel may be used for diesel
generator sets. In some ships the diesel fuel is blended with a heavier fuel in a fuel blender prior
to use. The use of a blender reduces the cost of fuel for the generation of electricity.
In steam ships gas oil or diesel fuel is used for emergency generators and, when
necessary, for raising steam from a 'dead ship' condition. The location of the diesel oil
storage tanks will be governed by the required storage capacity.
Emergency diesel generating sets of high speed type use gas oil for the fuel. Motor ships
have a clean diesel fuel tank incorporated into the fuel oil system for the main engine. This
tank makes it possible to manoeuvre the main engines on diesel fuel or to flush out the
engine fuel system with diesel oil before engine shut down. The engine fuel system and
its parts are more easily worked on if the system is flushed through with diesel oil before
'finished with engines'.
When only a small storage capacity is required for diesel oil, the tank can be fitted
externally to the engine room, in the emergency generator room or at some location on
deck. In other cases, diesel fuel may be stored in double bottom tanks. In specialist ships
ranging from bulk carriers through to oil tankers, diesel fuel is commonly stored in
double bottom tanks below the machinery space.
Smaller capacity heating coils are sometimes fitted in diesel oil storage tanks to hold the fuel at
pumpable temperatures and to prevent wax formation or fuel gelling if the ship is trading

in locations where low temperatures may be experienced.

All fuel storage locations around the engine room, whether in loose' or 'built-in' tanks, are
insulated to conserve energy, prevent engine room temperature rise and protect personnel.
At locations in dry cargo ships where the tank top or sides of heated fuel tanks may come
into contact with cargo, suitable insulation must be provided in the areas where cargo
could sustain damage or where dangerous conditions could arise with certain cargoes.
The heating services for oil fuel storage locations are shown in diagrammatic form in Fig 16.
The steam is supplied to the heating coils through reducing valves allowing the
temperature of the oil in the tank to be maintained by adjustment of the steam pressure.
The condensate passing out of heating coils is passed through steam traps to avoid energy
wastage. One or more leaking steam traps cause a large waste of steam and may in bad
cases lead to a shortage of steam from the exhaust gas boilers. This then requires the
boiler to be 'flashed up' and wastes fuel to maintain the desired steam pressures. In other
cases fuel is also wasted when the boilers are fired by oil fuel.
Tank steaming out connections are often brought off the reduced steam pressure lines to
fuel heating services. The connections should be left blanked off when not in use.
Some passenger ships and cruise ships experience stability problems if the top hamper
arising out of the ships structure and the weight of the upper internals is high. Ships with
this problem sometimes use an arrangement of the fuel storage system whereby the stored
fuel is kept floating on water. As fuel is used from the upper parts of the double bottom
tanks it floats on water put into the bottom parts. This arrangement of fuel storage keeps
the tanks full and obviates any free surface effect and the stability problems that may arise
when the fuel tanks are slack or only partially full. The arrangement may also remove the
need to carry permanent ballast.

Figure 16 Heating services for fuel storage tanks.

Fuel oil bunkering and transfer systems
The oil fuel bunkering system and the fuel transfer system consist of pipelines, valves,
strainers, transfer pumps and a system for quickly measuring the contents of fuel tanks at a
centralised bunkering station. In order to speed up the receipt of fuel on board a vessel and
reduce the risk of an oil spill when bunkering or transferring fuel, a tank overflow system is
sometimes fitted in conjunction with the air piping fitted to the storage tanks.
Figures 17 and 18 show fuel transferring systems, and Fig 19 shows a tank gauge, used to
determine the contents of the fuel tank.
In Fig 18, only one transfer pump is shown. Most ships are fitted with a standby transfer
pump, others may incorporate the diesel oil transfer pump into the heavy fuel system as the
standby. All heavy fuel lines within the confines of the engine room are fitted with steam
tracer lines and insulated to maintain the fuel at a pumpable viscosity.
Transfer pumps are of the positive displacement type. Electrically driven gear pumps are
often used for this service. Steam driven reciprocating pumps are also used. They have an
advantage because they can be operated at very low speeds.
Positive displacement pumps require a relief valve on the discharge side of the pump. This is
arranged to pass fuel back to the suction side of the pump. (The relief valve is not shown in
Fig 17.)
The bunkering lines are usually fitted on the weather deck of a cargo vessel and run fore
and aft along the deck with suitable port and starboard branch connections located forward,
midships, and aft, so that fuel may be received on the vessel at any location with the least
inconvenience, irrespective of whether cargo operations are in progress.
The bunker receiving lines on passenger ships usually consist of a receiving connection
fitted on the port and starboard side of the ship located in a working cross alleyway served
by doors fitted in the ship's side. A crossover line under the deck connects the port and
starboard receiving points and leads down to the fuel transfer system in the engine room
or boiler room.
Before fuel passes from the bunkering lines into the fuel transfer system and the storage
tanks it passes through a strainer fitted at some convenient location. Sampling connections
are fitted at each inlet branch on the bunkering lines. Lifting facilities may also be provided
to hoist the flexible bunkering lines from the dock side, supply vessel or bunkering barge.
The bunkering lines are connected into the fuel main located in the engine room. The fuel
main is connected through valves with branch lines leading to the individual storage tanks
located in the double bottoms and to deep tanks adjacent to or at the sides of the engine
In large bulk carriers, container ships, and tankers, where the main fuel storage locations are
deep tanks extending up to the main deck or weather deck, the bunkering lines are
connected directly into the deep tanks. Some specialist types of ship such as those
mentioned may have a forward pump room in which a fuel transfer pump is fitted. This
pump is used to transfer fuel directly from the forward port and starboard deep tanks into
the after deep tanks or the fuel main in the engine room.
Ships having double bottom tanks which may be used either for fuel or water ballast use a
single pipeline between each valve in the group valve chest and the open end in the tank.

This line is used for handling either fuel or water when filling or emptying tanks.
The group valves are of the screw lift type so that water or fuel may flow in either direction.
The group valve chests have separate branches at each end of the valve chest. One branch
leads to the ballast main and the other leads to the fuel main. Interchangeable connecting
and isolating devices are fitted in such a manner that the valve chest is either connected
with the ballast main and isolated from the fuel main, or connected to the fuel main and
isolated from the ballast main.
If use of the double bottom tank is changed from ballast to fuel or fuel to ballast the
isolating and connecting devices fitted on the group valve chest must be changed over
accordingly. When the safety devices are changed over on any ballast-fuel group valve
chest a suitable entry recording the change must be made in the log book. The entry
should be initialled by the engineer officer supervising or making the changes.
The change-over devices fitted at each end of the group valves act as a safety measure to
prevent pollution or inadvertent intermingling of oil fuel and ballast water except for the
residue remaining in the tanks after draining. These safety devices prevent any loss of oil
fuel by being pumped overboard through the ballast system when discharging ballast
water, and also prevent a settling tank being filled with ballast water (Fig 14).
Where ships use any or all of the double bottom tanks and deep tanks exclusively for the
storage of fuel oil it is only necessary to connect the main branches on the group valve
chests with the fuel main. As there are no connections with the ballast system the isolating
devices are redundant. The valves fitted in the group valve chests are of the screw lift type
allowing oil to flow in any direction, either into or out of the storage tanks.
Pipelines passing through heated fuel tanks experience a wide change of temperature
between the hot and cold conditions. Arrangements must therefore be made to
accommodate the expansion and contraction that the pipes undergo when experiencing these
changes. The pipes are therefore arranged with expansion bends or 'omega' loops to allow
the expansion and contraction to take place freely and without damage to the piping (Figs 43
and 44a).
When heavy high viscosity fuels are used on a ship the transfer system piping in exposed
positions in the engine room and boiler room requires thermal insulation, and steam tracer lines
placed under the insulation.

Figure 17 Fuel oil system for main engines.

Heating coils
Any fuel oil storage location, including settling tanks and clean oil, daily-use tanks
containing residual fuel or a residual-distillate fuel blend, requires the installation of steam
heating coils. The heating coils maintain the temperature of the fuel, or heat the fuel to
raise its temperature and give it a viscosity suitable for pumping. Heating the fuel in
settling tanks increases the natural ability for the water, foreign matter and fuel to separate
out from each other, and is referred to as gravity separation. The distillate fuels, such as
some grades of diesel oil supplied today and expected in the future, will also require heating
coils to maintain the fuel at a temperature above its cloud point and to prevent the
formation of a gel.
The capacity of the heating coils must be sufficient to raise the temperature of the fuel and
hold it at a temperature where the viscosity will allow it to be handled easily by the fuel
transfer pumps.

Figure 18 Fuel transfer arrangement.

The design of the heating coils requires a knowledge of heat transfer. The calculations start
with the assumption that the heat transferred to the fuel from the coils must be equal to or,
when increasing the temperature of the fuel, more than, the heat lost. The heat lost from the
fuel passes through the boundary plating of the tank. These losses are calculated on the basis
of a full tank by the usual methods covering conductive heat transfer.
The transfer of heat occurs through the inner surfaces of the tank plating in contact with the
fuel and the outer surfaces of the fuel tank in contact with the moving sea water. When the
ship is static the heat lost from the tanks to the sea water is reduced because of the 'thin film'
which does not exist when the ship is moving.
The values for the conductive heat transfer to the sea through the tank boundaries takes
into account the insulating effect of the oil that congeals on the inner sides and bottom of
the tank. It is fortunate that as the sea water temperature falls the congealed layer slightly
increases in thickness and so increases its insulating effect.
The heat lost through the tank top plating is also taken into account, but radiation losses
are not usually considered.

Figure 19 Tank gauges for oil fuel tanks, and positions for three way cock.

The heat imparted to the fuel from the heating coils is calculated on the principles of
conductive heat transfer through the tube surface during the same unit time period used in
the heat loss calculations. As the fuel is heated the steam gives up its latent heat and
condenses to water. The optimum length of a coil will be such that all the steam used in
heating the fuel will be condensed to water at some temperature above the desired
temperature of the oil. If the coil is made too long the last section of the coil will have little
effect on heating the fuel because the sensible heat given up by the water is relatively
small in amount when compared with the heating effect of steam giving up its latent heat.
The water at the outlet end of the coil cannot give up much heat when it approaches the
temperature of the fuel. If a coil is made too long the excess length plays very little part in
heating the fuel surrounding it.
The design parameters are based on 'worst set' conditions; the lowest steam pressure and
saturation temperature, the highest likely oil temperature and the lowest likely sea water
The temperature of the fuel in the fuel tank can be controlled by the use of a pressure
reducing valve, by raising or lowering the heating steam pressure. A steam trap is fitted at
the outlet end of the coil. The steam trap prevents live steam passing into the heating coil

return lines. The steam pressure in the coils must be sufficient to lift the condensate from the
coils up to the drain cooler or observation tank if a drain cooler is not fitted.
The heating coils are made up in sections, the sections being joined together with heavy
four bolt flanges of the spigot and fossette type. This type of flange connection effectively
holds the pipe joint or gasket in place and prevents it being blown out. It is usual to use
very thick section lap welded mild steel (low carbon steel) between 50 and 100 mm bore for
the piping sections, a common size being 75 mm nominal bore. The flanges are slipped on
the pipe and fillet welded on both sides of the flange.
Older ships with transverse frames have the coils fitted thwartships, placed in between the
floors and extending from the centre girder out to near the tank side margin plate. A helical
coil of pipe is often combined with a section of the coils and fitted around the tail pipe on the
suction line leading to the group valve chest.
Where longitudinal frames are used the coils run in a fore and aft direction and are located
between the longitudinals. The coils are held in place by pipe clips welded to the tank
bottom. They hold the heating coils 150-200 mm above it.
In deep tanks where the floor area of the tank bottom is not sufficient to place the total
amount of coil required, the balance is then located on the lower parts of the sides and the
ends of the deep tanks.
When heating coils are put in use there is always a danger present. Should the coils have
leaked the possibility arises of oil finding its way into the boiler and settling on the heating
surfaces. If oil finds its way into the boiler through the use of oil contaminated feed water
the result is often disastrous and may easily lead to injury, loss of life or other serious
When oil gets on the heating surfaces the rate of heat transmission from the heat source to
the water is greatly impaired. Where the heat source is at a relatively low temperature as is
possible with the exhaust gas from an engine operating at slightly less than full power, the
efficiency of the boiler is reduced. The boiler steam pressure then falls making it necessary
to fire the boiler. When the boiler is fired the temperature of the combustion gases in the
furnace and other gas passages is much higher, and the boiler pressure also rises. The
heating surfaces then become overheated due to the reduced rate of heat transmission. In
the overheated condition the strength of the plates and tubes is seriously reduced. The
weakened plates or tubes then begin to be distorted by forces arising out of the steam
pressure. Serious damage or an explosion will then rapidly ensue.
To overcome this danger an observation tank is used to view the condensate returns
coming from the heating coils. If oil is present it is readily seen and steps must be taken to
prevent oil-contaminated feed water entering the boiler.
Observation tanks are shown in Figs 20a and 20b. In order to reduce the chance of oil
contaminated feed water entering the boilers, the observation tank is often incorporated
with a cascade type oil filter.
The observation tanks used for the returns from cargo heating coils in some oil tankers
and chemical cargo tankers carrying dangerous liquids are fitted external to the engine
room in some well ventilated space to prevent dangers arising should heating coils leak.
The observation tank is a most important safety device protecting the boilers. It is often
made in the form of a cascade type filter. If the amount of oil coming over with the
condensate is small the cascade filter will retain the oil and allow clean condensate to pass
into the boiler. The retained oil is then drained off at set periods to the oily water bilge.

The oil is separated from the bilge water in the oily water separator, the water passes
overboard and the oil is returned to the fuel tanks. If the amount of oil in the condensate is
more than the cascade filter can safely handle, all the contaminated condensate is drained to
the oily bilge, and the oil is separated from the condensate and bilge water in the oily
water separator. The oil may then be saved.
Some cascade type filters are fitted with sight glasses, a light source and a photo cell
arrangement. If oil is present in the condensate the amount of light reaching the photo cell
is reduced and an alarm condition is created.
When opening up the steam supply to heating coils the observation tank should be kept
under observation. One must never feel secure because the steam pressure within the
heating coils is almost always higher than the oil pressure outside; it is not always so if the
steam supply to the coils is shut off or cut back in a tank when the correct oil temperature is
Refer to Chapter 1, Marine Boilers, for more information on boiler failure. To find a
leaking heating coil, shut off the steam supply to each coil in turn and observe the conden
sate returns from the coil. When there is no oil showing in the condensate returns the shut
down coil is the one that is leaking. This process is time consuming and requires
considerable patience.
Some ships are fitted with a sight glass arrangement in the return line from the drain
cooler to the observation tank. Coil leakage shown in the sight glass may be sensed and
used with warning devices.
Heating coils can be tested by hydraulic means. This gives positive results but should
only be attempted after cleaning the tank and making it safe to enter. The location of the leak
may then be found and the necessary repairs carried out as required.

Figure 20 a) Observation tank; b) observation tank and cascade filter.

Treatment of fuel oil

Fuel is treated in steamships by heating it in the settling tanks and allowing it to remain
undisturbed in either the port or starboard settling tank for some time period, so that
gravitational separation of water and heavy foreign material occurs. The water and foreign
materials settle at the bottom of the tank and can be drained off through a self-closing valve
into a tundish and an oily bilge.
The period of time allowed for gravitational separation to occur is related to the capacity of
the settling tank and the fuel used in unit time. The minimum capacity of settling tanks
often allows for a 12 h settling period, the run-down time being similar. In other cases the
settling period may be increased to some multiple of 12 h, such as 24 h which is fairly
common. In that case, the run down time will be 24 h.
A lengthy separation time is desirable although it can be seen that it is not necessary to extend
it beyond the period when separation will be complete. Separation of the fuel proceeds faster
when the fuel in the settling tank is heated and its viscosity and density are lowered.
The flash point of the fuel oil governs the temperature at which it is held in the settling tank.
For reasons of safety the fuel must be held at some temperature lower than the flash point.
The amount it must be held below the flash point is fixed by regulations, and for British flag
ships is 14C lower than the flash point of the fuel. Fuel oil having a flash point below 65C is
not normally used as fuel oil in merchant ships. This figure will be seen to differ under the
regulations of different government authorities and ship classification societies. Engineer
officers must therefore know the regulations that apply to the flag of the vessel they are
serving on.
Stoke's Laws show how the gravitation force causing separation of foreign matter from
fuels is affected by the differences in their specific gravities or densities, the importance of
the resistance to separation being affected by viscosity. Obviously foreign matter will fall to
the bottom of the settling tank faster when the fuel is hot and has a low viscosity. The
separation forces will be greater when the difference in the specific gravity of the fuel and
foreign matter is greater.
The treatment of fuel in motorships starts in a similar way to that in steamships. The
fuel is first treated in settling tanks to reduce the content of water and heavy solid matter, but
the high specific gravity of the fuel makes the separation of water and solid material more
difficult to accomplish. The difficulties increase as the specific gravities of the fuel, water and
other foreign materials approach each other. If soluble foreign matter, such as sodium and
vanadium compounds, is present in the oil, the centrifuge will not remove it. However, sea
water containing sodium compounds and other salts will be removed.
Following the initial treatment of the fuel in settling tanks the fuel is cleaned in the
separation or purification equipment. This consists of pumps, heaters connecting pipe
work and centrifuges. The fuel supply to the purification equipment is taken from either
of the settling tanks through valves that can be closed from outside the engine room in the
event of a fire causing engine room staff to leave the engine room.
After leaving the settling tank the fuel is pumped through a heater to raise its temperature,
lowering its viscosity and density relative to the water. It then enters the first stage of
purification by passing through a centrifuge set up as a purifier and is then pumped through
the second centrifuge set up as a clarifier, the two centrifuges being connected in series. After
treatment in the second stage the fuel is then pumped up to the daily use tank, or 'day tank'.
On older ships the purifier will be of the automatic self cleaning type whereas the clarifier

will most likely require manual cleaning.

On modern ships both centrifuges are often arranged as clarifiers in series, and cleaning
is carried out with automatic control of the bowl cleaning cycle, sometimes called the dump
cycle. When the centrifuges are arranged as clarifiers the amount of dirt and water in the
bowl increases until a point is reached where extremely minute amounts of water begin to
be discharged with the clean fuel oil or led back to the fuel supply through a separate
circulating connection. Highly sensitive transducers capable of detecting the smallest
amounts of water are used in the cleaning control equipment of the clarifiers. When a
minute amount of water is detected by the transducer it gives out a signal, which is used to
shut off the untreated fuel supply and activate the cleaning of the clarifier. When the upper
and lower parts of the bowl separate, the periphery of the bowl is opened, and the solid
matter and water in the bowl are quickly spun out under the action of centrifugal force.
The open bowl then closes ready to recommence treatment.
An advantage is gained when centrifuges are arranged as clarifiers. In this manner, the use
of sealing water in the bowl becomes unnecessary and heavier fuels having a specific gravity
approaching, or slightly greater than, that of water may be treated at much higher
temperatures without the problems of maintaining a water seal in the bowl.
When two clarifiers are arranged in series, some protection is afforded as the second
clarifier safeguards any fall off in separating efficiency of the first stage clarifier.
The rate of passage of fuel through a centrifuge (purifier or clarifier) has a very important
bearing on the efficiency of the cleaning operation. Slow purification rates are necessary to
remove the maximum amount of dirt. The low cost fuel now used in many motor ships
requires a very low rate of flow through the separation equipment for effective
purification. In view of this, some ship owners and operators run two clarifiers in parallel,
so halving the rate of flow. Others operate three clarifiers at the same time, with two of the
machines being connected in parallel, the third machine in series with the other two. If the
machines in parallel are operated as purifiers the third machine is operated as a clarifier.
This is considered the safest way to clean low cost fuels. If an extra machine is installed to
make this possible, higher capital investment is required for the fuel purification
equipment and the piping system is slightly more complicated. Some older ships fitted
with purifiers operate two purifiers in parallel to obtain the low throughput required.
Some others direct the flow from the two purifiers in parallel to a clarifier. (See also
Chapter 4, Fuel Oil.)
After passing through the final stage of purification the clean fuel is pumped up to the daily
use tank (sometimes called the daily service tank or the day tank). The fuel is then ready
for use in the engine.
Settling tanks and clean oil tanks form part of the ship's structure in modern vessels, and
are often referred to as 'built in' tanks. They are located as high as possible within the
engine room space, fuel then being able to flow down to the equipment being served by
the action of gravity. When the tanks are located in the upper part of the engine room, a
good head of fuel is available at service pump inlet branches.
Steam heating coils are provided in the settling tanks and daily use tanks to heat or to hold
the fuel at the required temperature. The exterior surfaces of the settling and clean oil tanks
are insulated to retain heat. The tanks are also fitted with thermometers for local readings
and instrumentation to give a distant reading of the tank temperature in the machinery control
room. Alarms may also be fitted to give a call out if the temperature in the tanks exceeds some

selected safe value dependent on the flash point of the oil.

Drain valves are fitted for the removal of water from the settling tanks. The drain valves must be
self closing and kept in good working order in the interest of safety.
A diagrammatic arrangement of a fuel cleaning system is shown in Fig 21. In the
arrangement shown there are only two centrifuges, and they may be operated in parallel or
in series. Many ships are fitted with three centrifuges, and another smaller capacity
centrifuge for dealing with diesel oil. Some arrangements allow the overflow from the clean
oil tank to be passed back to either of the settling tanks.
The sludge tank is often used as the foundation for the centrifuges and sludge passes
directly into the tank. An alarm device is sometimes fitted at the sludge outlet and if the
centrifuge begins to overflow an alarm is activated.

Figure 21 Fuel cleaning system.

The positive displacement pumps fitted to supply oil to the heaters and the centrifuges have
a common relief valve to pass excess oil back to the suction side of the pump. Some
centrifuges have pumps mounted on them to pass oil to the heater and centrifuge. A pump
on the clean oil outlet is used to pump fuel up to the clean oil tank.
The fuel cleaning centrifuges in modern ships are usually arranged to act as clarifiers and
thus avoid the use of a water seal. Fuel with a density slightly greater than the density of
water may then be handled by the fuel cleaning system.
The settling and clean fuel tank are fitted with self closing drain valves. The outlet valve from

each tank is arranged for local control and to allow it to be closed from some remote
point outside the engine room. Thermometers, high level alarms and high temperature
alarms are also fitted. The clean oil tank or daily use tank is sometimes fitted with a low level
The piping system in the 'purifier room' has steam tracer lines fitted under insulation
material surrounding the piping.
Stoke's Laws apply to the treatment of fuel in centrifuges in a similar manner to their
application when separation occurs by gravitational forces acting on the fuel, water, and
dirt particles in settling tanks. When the fuel, water, and foreign matter is spun round in
a centrifuge revolving at a high speed, the separation force is many times greater than the
gravitational force, and cleaning takes place within a time period that is a minute fraction
of the time required for gravitational separation.
Fuel systems in diesel propelled ships
The clean fuel system in a vessel propelled by a diesel engine consists of the clean daily
service fuel tanks, a clean diesel fuel tank, surcharge or service pumps, circulating pumps,
vent tank, fuel oil heaters, connecting fuel supply and return lines. The fuel supply and
return lines are fitted with steam tracer lines placed under thermal insulation covered with
a hard facing impervious to oil.
The flow path from the clean oil day tank is through a single valve identical to those fitted in
the settling tank supply lines to the fuel separation equipment. The valves are normally
operated from the engine room and also have reach rods, extended spindles or a tripping
device allowing them to be closed from some point outside the engine room in the event of
an engine room fire.
The fuel passes through filters to surcharge pumps, or through service pumps to fuel oil
heaters. From the heaters the fuel passes through fine filters to the high pressure fuel
injection pumps on the main engine.
Modern diesel propulsion engines have an arrangement in the fuel injection valve which
allows fuel to flow freely through the valve body except at the time when fuel is actually
being injected into the cylinder. When this type of fuel injection valve is fitted in the
engine, circulating pumps are required together with a return line to lead the circulating fuel
back into the fuel system. The returning fuel is passed into a vent tank allowing oil vapour to
escape from the heated fuel back into the daily service tank. Alternatively the fuel may be
passed directly back to the daily service tank. A drain line is fitted from the bottom of the vent
tank and allows the fuel returning from the fuel injection valves to re-enter the fuel system.
This type of fuel valve when fitted on the engine allows the engine to be safely
manoeuvred on heavy fuel. When running at slow speeds steam tracer lines heat and
maintain the fuel at the correct viscosity.
The circulating fuel assists in maintaining the fuel injection nozzle at a safe temperature
and the fuel valve cooling system becomes redundant.
When running under full away conditions the steam supply to the tracer line is closed. In
some cases the fuel circulating pumps may be closed down and bypassed.
The fuel injection system on the engine is covered in Chapter 3, Diesel Engines (Fig 23, page

All tanks, irrespective of their use, must have an air pipe unless they operate under a
pressure or contain a highly dangerous or toxic material.
The air pipe allows the ingress of air or egress of air or vapours during tank emptying or filling
The air pipes normally extend to above the weather deck. The open end of the pipe is made
to face downwards by fitting a 'goose neck'. This prevents the entry of rain into the tank
and reduces the inflow of water. When a vessel is fully loaded, or in heavy weather, the air
pipes must be closed off by some device fitted at the end of the goose neck. The device may
be a wooden plug, a canvas cover, or the pipes may be closed by screwing up a cover plate.
In other cases a plastic float is fitted within the open end of the goose neck. If a sea is
shipped the float rises and closes the open end of the air pipe, or the closing device
prevents sea water from entering the tank through the air pipe.
Air pipes should be labelled with the name and number of the tank they are serving so that
they may be identified easily.
If an attempt is made to fill a tank by pumping it up when air pipe plugs, canvas covers or
the closing devices are in place, the tank will be subjected to an increasing pressure related
to the performance characteristics of the pump. The tank or the ship's structure forming the
tank may then be badly damaged due to internal pressure. Similarly, if an attempt is
made to pump out a tank the increasing vacuum may cause the tank to collapse or badly
damage the ship's structure forming the tank. An examination of claims made on
underwriters over the years will show that this form of damage amounts to more than a
few isolated cases.
When fuel tanks are emptied gases may form in the tank from the remaining fuel oil, and
to protect the tank and prevent any ingress of flame, the open ends of air pipes must be
covered by wire gauze made from a non-corroding material. The gauze is protected from
mechanical damage by covering it with a much coarser, more open mesh gauze cover.
When air pipes are being painted, gauze covers often become coated with paint. They
become inef f ective and dangerous if the free flow of air into or out of the air pipe is
prevented. If the gauzes are wiped over with engine oil before the air pipes are painted the
chance of the paint drying is greatly reduced. The wire gauzes should be examined
immediately after the air pipes are painted and cleaned.
The cross-sectional area of tank air pipes should be made larger than the cross sectional area of
the filling pipe, or the aggregate area of the filling pipes if two pipes are used for tank filling.
The rules of the various classification societies are not identical on the matter of air pipes or
the relative areas of air and sounding pipes. Where figures are quoted the cross sectional
area of the air pipes is usually 25% greater than the total cross sectional area of the filling
pipe or pipes.
Sounding pipes
The contents of tanks are found by taking soundings of the depth of the liquid contained in
the tank or ullages, showing the distance of the liquid level from the top of the tank or the
sounding pipe. Sounding pipes are fitted to all tanks to enable soundings or ullages to be
When the ullage or dip is known the volume of the tank contents is found from the tank

calibration tables. If the volume of the fuel in the tank is known together with its density at
the storage temperature, the weight of fuel in the tank is easily calculated as follows:
tank = fuel contents (m3) x density (kg/ m3)
The density of the fuel is taken at its storage temperature.
In order to balance pressures within the sounding pipe and the tank a small hole is
drilled through the sounding pipe wall just below the level of the top of the tank (Fig 22). If
no hole is present and the pressure within the tank becomes greater than the outside air
pressure the liquid in the tank will be forced upwards within the sounding pipe when the
sounding cap is removed. False soundings will then be given, and in extreme cases liquid
will be discharged from the sounding pipe.
Sounding pipes in machinery spaces are fitted with self closing cocks having a weighted
handle or some other self closing device at their upper end, the purpose being to prevent
flooding of machinery spaces when filling tanks if the sounding pipes were left open.
When soundings are being taken with a sounding rod the rod gains in velocity in its
downward movement in a long sounding pipe, the velocity being dependent on the length
of the pipe. The sounding rod hits the bottom of the tank with some force. This would cause
heavy localised wear of the shell plating below the sounding pipe. A doubler, referred to as a
striking plate, is welded on the bottom plating below the sounding pipe to protect the shell.
When carrying out an inspection in a double bottom or similar tank the condition of the
striking plate and its weld fastenings should be observed during the tank inspection. A
striking plate is shown under the lower end of the sounding pipe in the hold bilge well
(Fig 23). It is similarly located under the sounding pipes in double bottom tanks (Fig 24).

Figure 22 Sounding tube pressure balance hole.

Figure 23 Hold drainage well.

Figure 24 Engine room drainage hat box

More expedient means of measuring the contents of tanks may be fitted to individual tanks,
but sounding pipes are fitted to check the accuracy of the recordings.
It is normal practice to trim a ship by the stern, so air pipes are fitted to the forward ends of
tanks and sounding pipes are fitted in the after end of tanks. In some cases an air pipe is
fitted at the forward and after end of a tank. Obviously, if a vessel is trimmed by the stern
the soundings obtained will be in error due to the greater depth of liquid at the after end of
the tank. The tank calibration tables show the corrections required to obtain the true
soundings relative to the amount the ship is trimmed by the stern.
In some cases sounding pipes are fitted at the mid length of the tank. The average depth of
liquid in the tank is then shown and no corrections are required for the trim.

Figure 25 Oil fuel overflow systems.

Overflow systems
When the air pipes of fuel tanks extend up to the weather deck level, fuel could be
spilled on to the deck, and possibly overboard, if the tank is overfilled when the vessel is
receiving or transferring oil fuel. If an oil spill occurs the vessel may be subject to legal
action and a large fine. To this must be added the cost of cleaning up the ship and the
surrounding water, and the value of the wasted fuel, together with the costs for any time
lost by the vessel as a result of the oil spill.
The bunkering time for a vessel may be greatly increased when the fuel storage system is
to be completely filled, if fuel tank air pipes extend up to just above the weather deck. This
is due to slowing up the rate of fuel reception to reduce the risk of overflow when topping
up a tank. In order to reduce this risk, and so help shorten bunkering times when completely filling a vessel with fuel oil, an overflow system can be fitted to fuel tanks. The air
pipes from the double bottom fuel tanks are led into a pipe running fore and aft on each
side of the vessel. The starboard tank air pipes are connected into the line on the starboard
side and the air pipes from the port side are connected into a line on the port side. In some
cases a ring main is formed by connecting up the pipes with a crossover at each end. In
other cases a single crossover is fitted about mid length of the port and starboard pipes.
Downcomers are led from the sides of the ring main or from the centre of the crossover,
and these connect into the overflow tanks. If an overflow occurs during bunkering the oil
passes into the overflow ring main or overflow lines and then passes down the drain lines into
the overflow tank. How indicator switches are fitted in the downcomer, so that if an overflow
occurs alarms are activated at the bunkering station and the control room.
Overflow tanks are safeguarded against excess pressures by air pipes leading up to
some point outside the engine room. If the overflow tank becomes full, excess fuel spills
onto the deck (Fig 25).


When arriving at a bunkering port or bunkering station it is essential for the delivery
documents from the fuel supplier to be examined and compared with the instructions from
the owner or charterer. The quantities and quality of the fuel to be supplied should be
compared with the statutory requirements of density and viscosity required by the
machinery. This allows any queries to be answered before fuel is received on the vessel.
Prior to receiving fuel oil from a shore based installation, barge or tanker it is necessary
to take soundings or ullages of the supply tanks and to find the depth of any water bottoms.
Without these figures it is impossible to pursue a claim for short shipment of fuel. It is also
necessary to have accurate figures of the amounts of fuel remaining in each of the fuel
storage locations on the ship. The overflow tank should be empty at the start of
bunkering. If an overflow system is not fitted in the ship, receptacles must be placed
under air pipes, and on older ships the scuppers should be sealed off to prevent oil going
over the side if an overflow or spill occurs. While the shore or barge tanks are being
checked a portable telephone is rigged by the bunkering connection on the vessel.
Alternatively, suitable portable radio telephones may be used. In some vessels a telephone is
permanently located at the bunkering station. The communication equipment should be
tested prior to bunkering.
The group valves situated in the engine room controlling fuel flow into the fuel
storage tanks are usually located at some central point adjacent or easily accessible to the
tank contents or depth gauges for the fuel storage tanks. This point is often called the
bunkering station.
When receiving fuel it is good practice to initially direct the flow into a port and starboard
tank at the furthest location. When the port and starboard tanks are nearly full, the rate of flow
into these tanks is slowed down by fully opening up the next pair of tanks to receive fuel. The
rate of receiving fuel into the nearly full tanks can then be adjusted by partially closing the
valves controlling fuel flow into the second pair of tanks. The slower rate of receiving fuel
into the nearly full tanks gives a more precise control during the topping up procedure and
reduces the risk of overflow.
The procedure for filling tanks is repeated until all the tanks are full with the exception of the
last pair of tanks, or the overflow tank if it is to be filled. The rate of reception must be
greatly reduced when the last tanks or the overflow tanks are topped off.
If fuel is being received from tanks at a distance from the ship it is not possible to shut
off the fuel supply quickly without damage occurring. This is due to the amount of
kinetic energy stored in the moving fuel by virtue of its total mass and its velocity in the
supply line. If the fuel supply is shut off too quickly the kinetic energy causes a dangerous
pressure rise at the shut off valve which may be high enough to cause a joint or gasket to
blow out and consequent spillage of a large amount of fuel. In extreme cases, the shut off
valve to the bunkering line has been known to fracture. If the height of the supply tanks is
sufficient it is good practice to request the bunkering installation to go on to gravity
supply when completely filling and topping up tanks. The rate of fuel reception is then
greatly reduced as the final tanks are filled and topped up, and the supply at the ship may
then be closed off more quickly. If the height of the shore based fuel tanks is insufficient to
go on to gravity supply, so making pumping necessary, the pumping rate must be reduced
when topping off fuel tanks. Telephone contact with the pumping installation must also

be maintained.
When a vessel is bunkering it is desirable to keep new fuel supplies separate from fuel
received earlier. This is not always possible and is dependent on a number of factors, such
as the amount of fuel remaining, the amount to be taken and the number of tanks empty and
available to receive fuel. Whatever the situation, the aim is to limit the intermixing as far
as possible.
If the temperature of the fuel being received is lower than that at which it will be
carried, some allowance must be made for its expansion when heating commences. If
there is no expansion allowance the tank will overflow when the fuel expands.
During the time a ship is being bunkered, and in the absence of other instructions from the
company's technical department, three samples of fuel oil are normally taken and the
containers sealed. One sample is given to the fuel supplier's agent, for which a receipt note
should be obtained. The other two are retained onboard pending company instructions. In
other cases the samples are taken by the bunkering agent and then given to the chief
engineer, and a receipt note is usually demanded. The number of samples required is
often given in the company's standing instructions.
Care must be taken when obtaining the fuel samples so they are truly representative of the
main body of fuel being supplied. Some ships rely on a drip method of sampling where a
small quantity of oil is bled into a large receptacle over the period of the bunkering.
In other cases a fuel sampling device is used. This meters small quantities of fuel by a
rotating valve fitted in the bunkering line and actuated by the oil flow. The small
quantities are stored in a container connected to the sampling device.
It is usual for the ships staff or the bunkering agent to draw off a sample in the presence of an
officer. The specific gravity of this sample is measured with a hydrometer by one of the
engineer officers for comparison with the stated density or specific gravity given on the
delivery document. The weight of fuel received can be calculated once the volume is known.
It must be remembered that if the density stated on the bunker delivery receipt is too high,
the weight of the fuel shown on the delivery receipt statement will be more than is actually
placed on board. This will result in an overcharge for fuel cost to the owner or charterer.
Some ship owning companies or their managers send fuel samples from motorships to an
oil testing laboratory immediately after bunkering. The fuel is tested for the presence of
deleterious matter which could damage the engines. The company are notified of the results
of the tests very shortly after the samples are received by the laboratory. If an adverse
report is received action can be taken immediately so that damage to the engine is
prevented. The chief engineer and master are then notified of any required action. This may
only involve technical matters but in serious cases a diversion may be required to off load the
Fuel samples must be labelled properly and identified correctly. They must be retained
carefully on board to protect the company in case of any problems and possible litigation
arising out of any damage and delays.
Documentation given by the fuel supplier must give the flash point, and the quantity
supplied. In some cases the specific gravity at a standard temperature and a brief analysis
may also be given. A temperature correction must be used with the specific gravity figure
given at some standard temperature when calculating the weight of fuel supplied.

Cooling systems are required in various parts of a ships' machinery installation.
Some of these systems may be relatively simple when compared with others. The cooling
water system to the main condenser in a steam turbine propelled ship, is relatively simple
when compared with some of the more complicated systems found in some motorships where
the cooling system may be made up in three sections comprising the primary, the
secondary and the tertiary systems. This type of cooling system is often called a central
cooling system.
Condenser cooling systems
The cooling system for the main condenser in a steam turbine propelled ship consists of a
regenerative condenser. This is a specialised form of heat exchanger designed so that one
section condenses the water vapour and a further section or sections give extra cooling to
the gases being removed from the condenser. Before being removed from the condenser by
the air ejectors or the liquid ring air pump, the gases are directed over the surface of the
condensate contained in the hotwell at the bottom of the condenser. The gases give up heat
to the condensate enabling its temperature to approach the temperature at which
condensation took place, which helps to prevent the condensate being undercooled to any
great degree. Before passing out of the condenser the volume of the gases is reduced by
further cooling in the other sections of the condenser. When condensate is cooled below
the saturation temperature of the steam from which it was formed it is said to be
undercooled. When any degree of undercooling occurs, sensible heat is removed from the
condensate and wasted when passing overboard in the cooling water.
The condenser contains many tubes through which sea water is made to flow, with the aid
of a pump, a scoop in the bottom of the ship, or due to the difference in static pressure of
the sea water flowing into the propeller and on the outer surface of the hull at the forward
part of the engine room. When either of the last two systems are used a standby circulating
pump must be available for use when operating at slow speed, in an emergency, or when
warming through turbines and at shutdown.
The exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed when the latent heaf of the vapour is
removed by the cooling water after the vapour comes into contact with the cold outer
surface of the condenser tubes.
A condenser cooling system in which cooling water is supplied to both the main condenser and
the auxiliary condensers for the turbo alternators is shown in Fig 26.

Figure 26 Condenser cooling system

Cooling water systems In motorehips
The cooling services for the main engines and the auxiliary diesel engines in a
motorship are usually made up of a primary and secondary cooling system, some
motorships also having a tertiary system. The primary cooling system on the main engine is
usually separated from that on the diesel generator sets but is similar to it in many respects.
A seawater cooling system for a main propulsion diesel engine is shown in Fig 27a. A
central cooling system is shown in Fig 27b.

Jacket and cylinder head cooling systems

The parts making up the primary system consist of the inlet and outlet cooling water

manifolds fitted on the engine, a heat exchanger for removing heat put into the cooling
water by the engine, a steam heat exchanger for raising the cooling water temperature
when preparing the engines for operation at sea or to maintain the temperature during a long
standby, an expansion tank, and a cooling water circulating pump. A duplicate cooling water
circulating pump is often fitted, one being retained for standby duty. The water discharged by
the cooling water pump passes through a screw lift check valve to the heat exchanger, sometimes referred to as the jacket water cooler. The water then passes on to the inlet manifold on
the engine.
The cooling space in the cylinder jacket and cylinder head are connected in series with each
other. The cooling spaces through each cylinder unit are connected in parallel. The
cooling water circulates through them and then passes into the outlet manifolds. The
outlet manifold on the engine is connected with the suction side of the circulating pump to
complete the closed circuit. A valve is fitted in the connecting pipe to the inlet side of the
jacket, and another on the outlet branch from the cylinder cover. These valves are kept fully
open when the engine is in operation and are only closed when removing the cylinder
covers prior to lifting an engine piston for overhaul. This prevents loss of the cooling
water from the system. The cooling water passes through a screw lift valve on the suction
side of the pump.
The primary system has distilled water circulated through it, and is often called the jacket
cooling water system, or JCW system (Fig 28). The distilled water is inhibited with chemicals
to prevent corrosion in the cooling spaces of the engine, the connecting pipework, heat
exchangers and pumps. This system is continuously circulated when the engine is in
operation. In order to remove the heat passed into the primary cooling circuit from the
cylinder jackets and cylinder heads the cooling water heat exchanger is circulated with sea
water obtained from the secondary system.
The primary cooling water system is enclosed. The volume of water contained in the
system is smaller when the system is shut down and cold than when it is in operation and
warm. The difference in volume is catered for by including an expansion tank in the
system. The expansion tank is fitted in the upper part of the engine room, as high as possible.
A pipe is led from the bottom of the expansion tank into the primary cooling water system
where its pressure is lowest during operation. This point is at the suction entrance of the
cooling water circulating pump and is the point where the connection to the expansion tank
should be made. The expansion tank is sometimes referred to as the surge tank.
If air is entrained in the cooling water it could damage parts of the system due to bubble
impingement. Outlets for air are often fitted at the highest part of the system. This may be
either at the outlet branch of the cooling water pipe connecting the cylinder head to the
outlet manifold, or at the end of the manifold. If the branch pipe goes downwards to the
outlet manifold an air release branch is fitted into the highest part of the bend. The air
release pipe from each cylinder head is then led to a rising common manifold leading
upwards to a goose neck fitted over a tundish on the top of the expansion tank.
When the cooling water outlets are led upwards into the outlet manifold, a deaerator is
fitted at its highest end, just before it branches downwards towards the cooling water
Normally the expansion tank is fitted at a height greater than the pressure head of the
cooling water leaving the cylinders. Circulation of water through the expansion tank
cannot occur. Treatment chemicals must then be added to the system with a manually

operated pump.
When the engine room is low, the pressure head at the highest end of the manifold will be
greater than the height of the expansion tank above the engine, and water then circulates
from the de-aerating connections or deaerator through to the expansion tank and back into
the system. The expansion tank should then be made up as a cascade tank to separate any air
brought into the system by the circulating water. Water treatment chemicals may be
added to the system at the expansion tank when water circulates through it.
The primary cooling water system on diesel generator sets is similar to that on the main
engines but the primary and secondary cooling water pumps will often be engine driven.

Figure 27 a) Main engine seawater cooling system; b) central cooling system.

Figure 28 Jacket cooling water system.

Piston cooling systems
The piston cooling system on slow speed main engines may be another primary system
containing distilled water but unconnected with the jacket and cylinder head cooling
system. With the exception of the expansion tank the piston cooling system will have
similar parts to the jacket cooling water system. In other cases the piston cooling system
may be an integral part of the crankcase lubricating oil system. The pistons will be cooled
by lubricating oil circulated by the lubricating oil pump. Whichever system is used the heat
removed from the pistons will be taken away by the sea water circulating through the
secondary cooling system. Medium speed main engines for main propulsion use and
auxiliary diesel engines forming part of the electrical generating sets are invariably of the
trunk piston type. To prevent the crankcase oil system being contaminated with water, trunk
piston engines have the pistons cooled with lubricating oil from the crankcase lubrication
system. Piston cooling systems using lubricating oil is covered in Lubricating Oil Systems.

Piston cooling systems using distilled water

The piston cooling system begins with a holding tank large enough to hold the entire volume
of water in the system. When the piston cooling water pump is shut down at the end of a
passage the water in the pistons and telescopic pipes drains down into the holding tank.
No water can then find its way into the crankcase and contaminate the lubricating oil in the
drain tank.
The tank is fitted on the engine room tank top so that its cover is level with the
floorplates. The piston cooling water pumps may be fitted on the tank cover with suctions
led into the bottom of the tank or the pumps may be of the deep well or submerged type
fitted on the tank bottom with a vertical shaft connected to an electrical motor mounted on
the cover. A steam heating coil is fitted in the tank for heating the piston cooling water after a
shutdown period prior to starting the engine or to maintain the piston cooling water
temperature during a long standby period. In many cases the holding tank is arranged as a
cascade tank to separate small amounts of lubricating oil that enter the cooling system from
the scavenge space. This prevents oil entering the piston cooling system and settling out in
the cooling water spaces of the piston. Should this occur the heat transfer from the hot side of
the piston crown is retarded and the piston overheats. This will then lead to the deterioration of
the sealing rings and in extreme cases may cause the piston to become overheated and lose its
working clearance in the cylinder resulting in piston scuffing or seizure.
The piston cooling water passes from the circulating pump into the heat exchanger or piston
cooling water cooler. From there it passes into the manifold fitted on the engine. A pipe is
led from the manifold into the inlet telescopic pipe where it passes through a jet, which
directs the water into the piston cooling space. After passing from the cooling space in the
piston the water is led through telescopic drain pipes, down through a sight glass and into the
drain manifold, which drains the cooling water back into the tank for recirculation through
the system. The heat passed into the piston cooling water while passing through the pistons
is removed by the sea water passing through the cooler from the secondary cooling system.
Secondary cooling water systems
The secondary cooling water system is usually made up of a sea water circulating pump
with branches led to various parts of the secondary cooling system. There are no standard
arrangements for this system. In some cases the secondary cooling water circuits in the main
engine heat exchangers are connected up in series; in others they may be connected up in
parallel or a combination of the two. By connecting up the secondary circuits in series some
reduction in the sea water cooling pump capacity can be made. When heat exchangers are
connected in series the system with the lowest operating temperature receives the
secondary system cooling water before any with a higher operating temperature.
Normally the temperature in the lubricating oil system is lower than the other systems,
and the secondary cooling water will then pass through the lubricating oil cooler before
passing into other coolers.
When the secondary cooling circuits of the heat exchangers are connected in series the
bypasses for the secondary cooling water must be adequate enough to prevent cooling water
starvation at points further down the system.

Tertiary cooling water systems

Some motor ships are fitted with a tertiary cooling water system. Where such a system
is fitted, steam from the exhaust boilers is used mainly for fuel oil heating, domestic
heating, and cargo heating so obviating the need for an exhaust steam condenser and a
supply of sea water for cooling it. A drain cooler, sometimes called an atmospheric
condenser, replaces the condenser but is much smaller.
The secondary cooling system then becomes an enclosed circulating system containing
distilled water. It functions in the same way as a normal secondary cooling system but,
being an enclosed system, none of the cooling water passes overboard. The heat passed into
the primary system from the engines passes into the secondary system through the heat
exchangers. The tertiary system cooling water is taken from the sea and circulated through a
large heat exchanger forming part of the secondary system. This heat exchanger removes
the heat from the secondary system where it is passed into the cooling water in the
tertiary system, from where it passes overboard. It is claimed that when chemically treated
distilled water is used in the secondary system, the amount of copper nickel alloy piping
in the tertiary system is very much less, and the total cost of the three systems combined
is less than the cost of a normal primary system and secondary system where copper nickel
alloys are extensively used.
It should be noted that the term 'raw water' originally used in ships built for trading on
the Great Lakes in North America has come into use for deep sea ships, and is used
increasingly instead of the term sea water. If the opposite of 'raw' is 'cooked', it can be seen
that the term is incorrect, even though its use may be fashionable. A central cooling water
system for a main propulsion engine is shown in Fig 27b.
The lubricating oil systems for ships propelled by steam turbines is covered in Chapter 2,
Marine Steam Turbines.
There are two lubricating oil systems in slow speed diesel engines. One caters for the
lubrication of the engine cylinders, pistons, and piston rings where the special cylinder oils
are used once only, and the other is a circulating system where the oil is used over and over
again to lubricate the main bearings, bottom end bearings or big end bearings, crosshead
bearings, crosshead slippers and guides, thrust journal bearings and main thrust bearing.
These bearings are often called the crankcase bearings and the system is referred to as the
crankcase lubricating oil system. The lubricating oils used in the crankcase system are
sometimes referred to as system oils. In some cases the lubricating oil used in the
crankcase system of slow speed engines is circulated through the piston cooling spaces to
cool the pistons.
The crankcase lubricating system consists of the lubricating oil pumps (fitted in duplicate
and usually of the positive displacement screw type), heat exchangers to remove heat from
the lubricating oil and from piston cooling if the pistons are oil cooled, together with the
connecting pipework and the lubricating oil drain tank forming part of the hull structure
under the main engine.
Assuming that the pistons are oil cooled, the lubricating oil from the crankcase drains down
into the drain tank. The oil returning from the pistons drains into a manifold after passing

through the cooling oil sight glasses fi tted on each pi ston cooling return pipe. The piston
cooling return manifold is connected with the drain tank. The piston cooling oil then mixes
with the oil returned from the crankcase.
The suction pipe to the lubricating oil pump is fitted with a vortex breaker and led from
the aft end of the drain tank through a coarse filter or strainer and then through a screw lift
valve fitted on the inlet side of the pump. After passing through the pump, the oil is
discharged through a screw down, nonreturn valve, then passes, under pressure, through a
self cleaning oil filter taking the full flow of oil. The oil then passes through the heat
exchanger, and is led down to a branch piece where a part of the oil flow goes into the
bearing oil manifold, the other part passing into the piston cooling oil manifold. After
being circulated through the bearings and pistons, the oil returns to the drain tank.
Some engine builders prefer to lubricate the crosshead bearings with a supply of oil
under very high pressure. In such cases the crosshead bearing high pressure lubricating oil
pump is supplied with oil taken from the bearing oil supply manifold and pumps it into a
separate high pressure manifold. From this manifold the oil passes through a swinging
link arrangement directly to the crosshead bearings.

Figure 29 Main engine lubricating oil system.

After some use the lubricating oil will become contaminated with dirt and wear debris
together with water condensed from vapour in the air. The contaminants are removed
from the lubricating oil by first heating it and then passing it through a centrifugal
purifier. The oil cleaning section of the lubricating oil system consisting of pumps, heaters,
and centrifuges, plays a very important part in maintaining the lubricating oil in a safe
condition. In some ships an oil cleaning tank, sometimes called the dirty oil tank, is fitted in
the upper part of the engine room. The tank is fitted with a steam heating coil and good drain
connections. When the engine is shut down the lubricating oil may be pumped up to the
cleaning tank where its temperature is raised. The oil is allowed to stand in the heated
condition for some time. Heavy muck and water contaminating the oil then separates and
settles on the bottom of the tank in much the same manner as water and dirt in the fuel oil
settling tanks. After being retained in the cleaning tank the muck collected at the bottom of
the tank is drained off. The lubricating oil may then be separated in the centrifuge. When
treating a batch of lubricating oil in this manner the oil must be passed through the
centrifuge at the slowest throughput the available time will allow. This brings the
lubricating oil up to a good, near new condition.
During engine operation the lubricating oil is continuously treated in the centrifuges. The
oil being treated may be taken from the discharge side of the lubricating oil pump before
the oil passes through the heat exchanger. In other cases the centrifuges are fitted with
supply pumps, which take the lubricating oil from the drain tank at some point near to the
bottom of the tank at its after end, close to the main lubricating oil pump suction. When
lubricating oil is being continuously treated, its throughput is adjusted so the maximum
amount of dirt is removed during separation. The desired throughput is obtained by
running the separator for, say, 6,12 or 24 h After shutting down the purifier it is cleaned, and
the amount of dirt removed is weighed. The separator is then operated with an increased
throughput over the same time period, and the weight of dirt removed is again obtained.
By repeating the experiment and adjusting the flow rate up or down, the throughput
giving the greatest amount of dirt removal in unit time will be obtained. The aim of
continuously centrifuging the lubricating oil is to remove dirt and contaminants at the rate
at which they enter the oil during service.
A lubricating system found on main propulsion engines with oil cooled pistons is shown
in Fig 29.
Steam is obtained from oil fired boilers in steamships, the system being designed to
operate at the highest design pressure and temperature to give the best economic
conditions possible after taking into account installation, running, and repair costs.
The boiler installation for a steam turbine propelled vessel is usually made up with one
or two main water tube type boilers. Where only one boiler is fitted, a second smaller boiler
may also be installed. The working steam pressure may be up to 95 bar and the steam
temperature will be of the order of 510C. Some ships have been built with boiler
installations having a higher steam temperature but the tendency today (1991) is to keep the
figure given as a maximum value because the high cost of suitable, high tensile, creep
resisting alloy steel makes higher steam temperatures commercially unattractive.

The steam supply system in modern steam turbine installations is made up in two separate
sections. They consist of the steam supply lines to the main propulsion turbines, called
the main steam line or lines, and the other steam lines leading to the auxiliary machinery,
called the auxiliary steam lines.
Certain parts of the steam system requiring low pressure steam are supplied with steam
taken from an auxiliary steam line after passing through a reducing valve station.
When the vessel is at sea, low pressure steam requirements may in some cases be
obtained by bleeding steam from any of the various stages of the main turbine. The stage
chosen will have a steam pressure during operation suitable for the pressure requirement
of the equipment or the heat exchanger.
Before coming to any final conclusion on how the steam system will be divided and how
steam will be supplied to the various equipment locations, a heat balance sheet is drawn
up. The aim of the heat bal ance sheet is to obtain the maximum amount of heat from the
fuel used by using the steam produced in the most economical manner.
Among the various things studied are whether it is better to use steam bled from the main
turbines for general auxiliary purposes, or whether to use it for purposes of boiler feed
water heating, or for both. For example, there is no loss of latent heat (enthalpy of
evaporation) from the system when bled steam is used for feed heating after doing work
in the main turbine, whereas that steam which passes into the condenser loses its latent
heat content overboard in the cooling water. Generally it is more economical to use steam
reduced in pressure after passing through the higher pressure stages of a turbine than to use
low pressure steam obtained through a reducing valve.
The design of the high pressure-high temperature steam lines is also carefully studied. This is
to ensure the loads arising out of the forces and moments created by thermal expansion of the
piping are not excessive at the boiler and turbine steam pipe connections.
In some cases when the steam pipes are made up they appear to be too short in their cold
state. They are pulled together when being bolted up. The allowable stresses on the material
of branch connections is greater when they are cold than when they are at their working
temperature. As thermal expansion takes place the stresses caused when being bolted up
are negated as the piping lengthens.
The amount the pipes are left open is referred to as 'cold pull up' and is shown on steam pipe
drawings. When carrying out repair and survey work make up pieces must not be made and
inserted to fill the open spaces.
The study in the design of steam pipes also involves the assessment of loads at the pipe
supports, the required support springs and the effect of a ship rolling and causing the pipes
to swing from side to side. A decision can then be made on the type of pipe supports that
will be used and whether sway braces will be required to prevent sideways movement due
to a rolling ship. These braces also prevent movement due to vibration.
All steam pipes should be arranged so they become self draining at one end only, or at
each end depending on the relative heights of the start, the middle and the end of the pipe
run. Downward loops in steam lines in which water may remain must be avoided or the
risk of water hammer is greatly increased. Where a downward loop is unavoidable a
drain cock or drain valve must be located at the bottom of the loop.
Normally high pressure-high temperature steam pipes are made up in as long a run as
possible with circumferential welds to join pipe sections in preference to the use of flanges,
except at the boiler stop valve and turbine connections. The bolts and nuts must be of

special steel able to resist the high temperatures without stretching due to creep action.
Stud bolts are used in these high temperature pipe flanges and, being made of special
heat resisting steel, they must never be changed for nuts and bolts of an inferior grade of
The steam stop valves on the boilers are of the screw down non-return type. If a tube
should burst on one boiler the non-return steam stop valve closes and prevents loss of
steam from the other boiler by steam passing back into the boiler and through the burst
The temperature of the superheated steam must be carefully watched; the allowable
operating temperature must not be exceeded. Alarm equipment for a steam temperature rise
above allowable limits and steam temperature measuring equipment is important and
must be regularly checked to avoid problems and the risk of accident.
If military spending is reduced around the world there is a possibility that the cost of the
alloying elements will be reduced and the price for steel alloys capable of withstanding high
temperatures will also come down. This will enable boiler pressures and steam
temperatures to rise again and lower the fuel costs on high efficiency steam turbine
The boiler installation for a motorship is not designed to work at such high pressures and
temperatures. In high powered, diesel engine propelled ships the boiler installation may be
of such a capacity that the heat in the exhaust gases is sufficient to produce enough steam to
drive a turbogenerator set supplying all the electrical requirements of the ship. With such
a turbogenerator set the savings will be considerable, because no diesel fuel is used to
produce electricity, and the running hours on the diesel generator sets are reduced, so
effecting savings in overhauling and spare parts' costs.
As the temperature of exhaust gases is relatively low, steam production can be increased by
operating the steam system at two pressures. The exhaust gas is used initially in the higher
pressure boiler and then used in the lower pressure section of the boiler. In other cases the
exhaust gases are first passed through an exhaust gas boiler and then the lower temperature
gases are passed through an economiser.
Large diesel engine propelled crude oil carriers having cargo pumps driven by steam
turbines will have a boiler installation comparable with that in a large, steam turbine
propelled ship. This comes about due to each cargo pump turbine having a power
output up to approximately 4000 kW (approx 5400 hp) when pumping cargo at maximum
output against a high static head.
Smaller ships fitted with lower powered diesel engines may have a simple steam supply
system used only for oil fuel heating, accommodation heating, and similar services. In
this case a composite fired boiler may be used. Exhaust gases will normally be used for
steam production while at sea, but when operating at reduced power, or when in port, the
boiler will be fired through the oil burning section of the boiler.
Sketches showing the various types of boiler used in steam systems are shown in Chapter
1, Marine Boilers.
To avoid the risk and dangers of water hammer when opening a steam valve on a shut
down or cold steam line it is absolutely essential for the line to be drained of all water
before opening the steam valve. The opened drain cock or drain valve is left open and the
steam valve is 'cracked open' (opened a very small amount). Condensation formed when
heating the line up to working temperature then drains away without damage.

After the line is thoroughly warmed through by the incoming steam, and the noise of the
steam escaping from the open drain is continuous without the intermittent noise caused by
the passage of water, the steam valve can be opened slowly to its fullest extent.
The opening of steam into a line is a common occurrence, which appears simple but is
inherently dangerous. Opening up a steam valve to a steam line is extremely dangerous if
'water hammer' is not prevented by draining the lines of water prior to opening up the
steam valve.
When water collects in a steam line and a steam valve is opened up, the collected water
is moved forward, and the incoming steam condenses in the cold steam line creating a
vacuum. The vacuum causes the water to be drawn backwards with increasing velocity.
A small body of water may easily gain sufficient kinetic energy during its backward
movement to strike the steam valve with enormous force. If the force is sufficient to
fracture the valve a fatality usually occurs.
Figure 30 shows a deck steam valve fractured by the action of water hammer. The cover
section landed on a boiler platform grating over two meters away. Some of the parts from
the location of the fracture were never found. A donkeyman opening the valve was
injured by flying debris and badly scalded.

Figure 30 Damage to deck steam valve through water hammer

Investigation revealed failure occurred some time after the valve was first cracked open,
and although the immediate section of the line was drained, it was thought a body of water
most likely existed in the deck steam line forward of the poop deck. Apparently this
section was not drained prior to opening the deck steam valve situated in the boiler room.
A drain connection fitted in the lower part of the line at the break of the poop deck was found
to be in working order.


In order to reduce the amount of extra feed water pumped into a boiler system, the
steam used is condensed within a condenser or within the heating coils in use. The
condensate is then pumped back into the boilers as the boiler feed water. Using condensate
reduces the amount of scale forming material put into the boiler and so reduces the
quantity of water treatment chemicals required to keep the boiler water in a safe condition
without scale build-up on the heating surfaces.
One of the design objectives carefully considered when arranging a feed system is to
exclude air from contact with the condensate, so that the minimum amount of dissolved
oxygen is present when passing into the feedwater deaerator. Condensate or feed systems
designed in this manner are referred .to as closed feed systems.
A diagrammatic arrangement of a closed feed system is shown in Fig 31. Only one
turbo-alternator is shown, in order to simplify the diagram. Most steamships have two,
unless two diesel-alternator sets are fitted and then only one turbo-alternator may be
installed. The condenser hotwell level control on the turbo-alternator condenser has been
omitted but will be identical to that shown for the main condenser. A condensate line
from the deaerator to the harbour service feed pump has also been omitted.
This system appears to be complicated but can be understood by following the arrows
indicating the path of the condensate from the main and auxiliary condensers through the
various heat exchangers and thence to the feed pumps. The feed pump discharges are
arranged with branches connecting with the main and auxiliary boiler feed lines which are
The main feed line is connected to a feed water regulator on each boiler. The feed
regulator is controlled by the level of the water in the boiler to which it is attached. The
separate feed lines on the high pressure side of the feed pumps allow the auxiliary feed
line to be available should a problem arise with the main feed line.
Each feed line is connected to each boiler through a screw down non-return valve. These
are often referred to as the 'feed checks'. In the event of an emergency shut down by a
feed pump, the water in the boilers is not discharged back into the feed system when the
system pressure falls as the pump is slowing down. Should a boiler tube burst, the nonreturn valve on the feed line prevents boiler water and steam being discharged into the
furnace of the boiler where the burst has occurred.

Figure 31 Closed feed water system.

A very important part of the closed feed system is the deaerator feed heater. This is
sometimes called the deaerator, the de-aerating feed tank, or, in speech, the 'DFT. Its
purpose is to remove any dissolved oxygen and other gases which may enter the feed
water in its passage from the condenser to the de-aerating feed heater. The removal of
oxygen is necessary to prevent tube pitting and other problems due to oxygen attack in a
boiler. The small amount of oxygen remaining in the feed water is absorbed by chemicals
in the feed and boiler water treatment or by a treatment creating a thin protective film on
the water side of the boiler. The thin protective film does not retard the heat transfer across
the heating surfaces of the boiler or water wall tubes.
Air containing oxygen and other gases is removed when the water is heated up to the
saturation temperature (boiling point) corresponding to the pressure. The gases cannot
remain in solution in the feed water at this temperature. Breaking the water into a fine spray
as it enters the deaerator allows the water to come up to boiling point more quickly. The heat
is absorbed at a greater rate when many small particles are in contact with the incoming
steam than when fewer larger particles are in contact. The total surface area of many small
particles is greater than the surface area of fewer larger particles of the same amount of water.
As the surface area in contact with the steam increases, so does the rate of heat transfer.
Smaller particles require less heat to bring them to boiling point than larger particles.

When a deaerator is operated at a temperature corresponding to the saturation

temperature of the incoming steam, and it is some few degrees higher than 100C, some
of the dissolved solids, although only a few parts per million, solidify and come out of
suspension. Over time, they may build up in the form of a sludge. If this sludge is allowed to
enter the feed pumps it may easily lead to pump seizure due to the small clearances in the
sealing rings of the pump.
Multi-stage feed pumps with their longer shafts are more prone to this problem than
pumps with a lesser number of stages and a stiffer rotor shaft.
It is essential that the internal parts of the deaerator are examined and cleaned as necessary.
This becomes more pressing if the salinity content of the feed water, although within safe
limits, is higher than normal over some time period.
The filters on the inlet side of the feed pumps should also be examined periodically to
ensure the filtering media has not deteriorated so allowing foreign matter to pass through
it. Feed pumps with water lubricated bearings should also have the water line filter to the
bearings examined and cleaned at regular time intervals.
The procedure for starting up a steam plant and a closed feed system is not necessarily the
same for each ship. The procedure will generally follow the description given but in all
cases the instructions given by the equipment makers are paramount and must be
Assuming we are starting up on a 'dead ship' with electrical power available from a shore
supply or the emergency diesel generator, and the control and instrument compressed air
or other control equipment is ready for use, steam is first raised on a boiler and then a
turbo-alternator set is brought into use.
Before warming through the alternator turbine, the valves on the closed feed system are
first lined up to ensure there is a clear path for the condensate through to the boiler. The
condenser hot well and deaerator water storage space levels are then checked and brought up
to the required levels for start up, the condenser cooling water pump is started and sea
water is circulated through the turbo-alternator condenser.
The condensate pump connected with the turbo-alternator condenser is then started and
steam is supplied to the air ejectors to give a small amount of vacuum. Alternatively the
liquid ring pump should be started. The lubricating oil drain tank is drained of any water
and the standby lubricating oil pump is started. The turning or jacking gear on the
alternator is then brought into use. Steam is put on the gland sealing system to warm
through the turbine and prevent air leakage through the glands. The auxiliary or harbour
service feed pump is then started up to feed condensate into the boiler. If only one boiler is
in use the harbour service feed pump is usually used until steam is put on to the main
propulsion turbine.
Once the system is started, the hotwell level control equipment on the condenser, and the
level controllers on the deaerator water storage space, ensure there is sufficient water in the
condenser hotwell to keep the condensate pump working without going dry, sufficient
water going through the air ejector condenser to condense the air ejector steam, and
sufficient water in the deaerator to keep the harbour service feed pump supplied.
Following the initial warm up period on the turbo-alternator set, the turning gear is
disconnected, the standby lubricating oil pump is kept in use and the steam valve is
opened enough to set the turbine rotor spinning slowly and continue the wanning through
process. After the required time period of warming through the turbine, the condenser

vacuum is increased and the turbine is brought up to operating speed. The standby
lubricating oil pump is shut down as the main lubricating oil purnp pressure is built up.
Cooling water is circulated through the lubricating oil cooler.
If the machine has been shut down for some period or the overspeed governor is due to be
tested, it is good practice to check the overspeed governor emergency tripping device on the
turbine. The successful completion of the test should be recorded in the log book and
initialled by the engineer officer supervising the test.
After checking the overspeed governor for satisfactory operation and starting the turbine
again, the alternator frequency must be synchronised with the shore supply frequency or
the frequency of the emergency generator. When the frequencies are synchronised the
machine is connected to the main bus bars through the main switchboard breaker. In
modern ships this may be done through the control equipment.
The preparation of the main turbines for manoeuvring follows a similar procedure.
When the main turbine is sufficiently warmed through the turning gear can be
disconnected. The main turbines are then put on to automatic standby control for
bringing up the turbines to near their manoeuvring temperature.
In this standby mode of operation the control system puts steam on to the ahead turbine,
and as soon as the propeller shaft starts to turn the steam is shut off. As soon as the turbine
comes to a halt steam is put on to the astern turbine for a short period until the screw shaft
starts to move in the astern direction. The process is continued automatically, and the turbine is held at a temperature ready for manoeuvring without fear of the high pressure rotor
Rotor sag comes about due to a combination of loss of strength of the rotor resulting from the
high steam temperature, and the rotor remaining in one position when static, allowing the
weight of the rotor to cause it to sag.
The small amount of propeller movement does not cause any load on the anchor cables or
the ships moorings, but the propeller should not be turned without warning the bridge
officer. He will confirm that the propeller is clear, after which permission is given for the
propeller to be moved.
The main feed pumps are then started. Some feed pumps are fitted with recirculating
water connections leading back to the deaerator for use when operating with a low
throughput of water. In these circumstances, the recirculating connections may then be
brought into use. Recirculation connections are not shown in Fig 32.
The condenser vacuum is brought up to operating level before accepting 'stand by7 with a
reply on the bridge-engine room telegraph, or placing the main turbines on bridge control.
In some cases the vacuum is brought up to its full amount when putting the main turbine
automatic control into the standby mode.
During the period of manoeuvring the main turbines, the quantity of steam passing into
the main condenser varies over a wide range according to the turbine speed. The control
equipment maintaining the level in the condenser hotwell and the deaerator water storage
space then comes into play.
When the turbine is stopped or moving 'dead slow', the level in the hotwell falls. The
condenser hotwell level control then allows water to be bypassed back to the condenser
from the condensate pump discharge line downstream of the ejector condenser. Water is
then continuously circulated through the condensate pump and the air ejector condenser.
This prevents seizure of the rotor which easily occurs if the pump runs dry and also

prevents overheating of the ejector condenser because of an absence of circulating

When the main turbine is stopped after running full ahead or full astern, the level of water
in the boiler falls because there is less space taken up by steam bubbles forming in the
water wall spaces and generating tubes. The feed regulators open and the water level in
the boilers then rises until the feed water regulators take over control and slow down the
flow of water into theboiler. The waterlevel in thedeaerator feed water storage space falls
due to the amount of water pumped into the boiler and the reduction in the supply of water
from the condensate pumps. When the level falls some predetermined amount the low
level control takes over and opens control valve V (Fig 31), allowing feed water to pass
from the feed water tank to the main condenser. The system then balances itself again.
When the main turbine is started again the boiler steam pressure momentarily falls, bringing
the burner control into action. This action allows more oil to pass through the burners. The
increased oil flow increases evaporation in the boiler, steam bubble volume is increased,
the water level rises and the feed regulators reduce the flow of water to the boilers. With
more steam passing into the main condenser, the hotwell level control shuts off and a surge
of water is pumped up to the deaerator so raising the water level. Eventually the high level
control takes over and control valve 'a' is opened. This allows condensate to bypass the
deaerator. The condensate passes through control valve 'a' directly into the feed water
The feed pumps operate with a reduced throughput of water until the water level in the
boilers is brought to the correct level. After this the feed water input to the boiler matches
the evaporation rate and the system balances itself again.
Between the limits of the high and low level controls on the deaerator there is an area
referred to as the 'dead band' in which the water level stands when the plant is running in a
steady state condition. The level of water may change between the upper and lower levels
of the dead band without the control valves being activated. The dead band prevents the
controls 'hunting7 from one to the other by continuously raising the water level and then
lowering it.
Feed water regulators have a dead band giving some stability to the feed water
regulators for the changes in boiler water level when the evaporation rate changes and a
varying volume of the water space is taken up by steam bubbles. Where the water space in
the boiler is relatively small and the boiler has a high evaporation rate the rise and fall of
water level over the range of evaporation may be outside of the dead band but within it
during the normal higher rates of evaporation.
After full away with steady steaming conditions, even in ships with very tight steam and
water systems, an unavoidable and gradual loss of water occurs. This causes the level in
the deaerator to fall as the correct level of water in the boilers is maintained. When the lower
level of the dead band is passed the low level control comes into action and extra feed
water is drawn by vacuum through the control valve marked V (Fig 31) into the condenser.
This continues until the level in the deaerator rises to its normal operating level, at this
point air holding the control valve open is released, allowing the valve to close and shut
down the supply of extra feed going to the condenser.
There is also a control on the feed tank which causes a feed transfer pump to pump
water into the tank when the level is low. It is pumped from either of the reserve feed water

Should the level in the feed tank rise, an overflow branch allows water to run into the bilge
or return to the reserve feed water tank.
The overflow connection on the feed tank, the feed transfer pump and its float controls are not
shown on the diagram.
The level sensors in the control system are differential pressure cells. They operate a
pneumatic control valve which allows control air to pass into or leak from the control valves
fitted in the condensate lines. Air passing from the air controller to below the diaphragm
opens the control valve. When air is leaked off to the atmosphere the valve closes under the
action of a spring.
In some older ships float control valves are used instead of differential pressure cells to
effect control of the closed feed system. A float control valve is shown in Fig 33.

Figure 32 De-aerating feed water system.

Figure 33 Feed control valve.

Figure 34 Simple feed water system.

A simple feed water system incorporating a condenser is shown in Fig 34. The system shown
could be used with an exhaust gas fired boiler, an economiser and a steam turbine alternator
set. The condenser would then be of the regenerative type operating with a high vacuum.
Drain coolers
A drain cooler is a heat exchanger used to condense the steam flashed off from hot water
passing under pressure through a steam trap. The temperature of the fuel in storage tanks is
often such that the condensate from the heating coils passing through the steam trap is over
100C. It then flashes over to steam after leaving the steam traps when the pressure is

reduced. The steam and water vapour is condensed in the drain cooler before the
condensate is passed into the observation tank. An air and gas outlet pipe is fitted on the
cooler and is open to the atmosphere. The cooler can be circulated with sea water in
simple steam plants but may be circulated with boiler feed water in more sophisticated
At one time, three domestic water systems would be found on a ship: the domestic salt
water system; the domestic fresh water system; and the drinking, or potable, water
system. The salt water system is now redundant. The domestic water systems found on
modern ships are the hot water system fed from the cold fresh water system (Fig 35), and
the drinking water system (Fig 36). Since the advent of the low pressure, flash type
evaporator which uses the heat contained in diesel engine cooling systems, there is now
such an abundance of fresh water that it is used for all purposes where sea water was previously

Figure 35 Domestic hot water system.

Most domestic fresh water systems consist of a pump, a pressure tank and the

connecting pipework. The tank is only partially filled. Compressed air above the surface
of the water in the tank gives a pressure head to the water causing it to flow to the most
remote and highest outlet points of the system.

Figure 36 Domestic fresh water system

As water is used, the level in the tank falls, as does the air pressure. Pressure switches are
activated at some selected low pressure value and cause the purnp to start. As the tank fills
with water and the air pressure rises, another pressure switch set at some higher value
stops the pump. Over time, air is lost from the tank and this is supplemented by air from a
compressed air supply.
A supply connection is led from the water tank through to a hot water tank. The hot
water tank is usually fitted with an electric heater and a steam heating coil. This enables
hot water to be supplied at sea or in port or drydock when only one or the other of the
heating sources is available. The hot water outlet is led from the top of the hot water
tank (sometimes called a calorifier). The riser passes vertically upwards and returns from
the highest point downwards through loops formed on each deck level to a downcomer
connected into the lower part of the calorifier. This sets up a thermo syphon action so that hot
water is quickly available without running off large amounts of cold water. If the hot
water supply line from the top of the tank is not led upwards in this manner it is necessary to
have a circulating pump so that hot water is immediately available.
The drinking water system and storage tank are usually supplied from the evaporator
used for the production of fresh water. Since the temperature at which evaporation occurs
is low, the water produced cannot be guaranteed to be sterile. Before being used as drinking
water, fresh water is first subjected to ultra violet treatment, or chlorinated and de-chlorinated before passing into the storage tanks. A sampling device for detecting the presence of

chlorides is fitted in the water outlet line dose to the evaporator condenser. A dump valve
is situated in the supply line downstream from the sampling device. If chlorides are
detected at the sampling connection, the dump valve is activated and the water is led off to
the bilges. This prevents contamination of the drinking water storage tanks, and other
domestic water storage tanks, if priming or carry over occur.
When drinking water is obtained from a low pressure flash evaporator the evaporator must
not be used in river estuaries or coastal areas, because of the possibility of the sea water being
contaminated by bacteria or chemical contaminants. Non toxic treatment chemicals must also be
used in the treatment of diesel engine cooling water when it is the source of heat in flash type,
low pressure evaporators used for producing drinking water. This prevents toxic material
entering the water supply if leakage of the evaporator heating coils occurs.
The drinking water supply system is similar to the fresh water system. Drinking water is
supplied to the galley, galley dishwashers, bain-marie food dispensers, food steamers, and
any other food processing equipment. A supply is also led to pantries serving saloon and
dining areas, and also to the various decks where drinking water fountains are situated.
Sometimes these fountains are fitted with a small tank and a refrigerator enabling ice water
to be supplied.
The parts making up a central priming system consist of a vacuum tank, and working and
standby liquid ring pumps, referred to as vacuum pumps, which are used for exhausting air
from the vacuum tank. A ring main of piping is fitted around the engine room with
connections to the various centrifugal pumps. The connections between the ring main and
the pump are served by a stop valve and a float controlled check valve. The purpose of the
float controlled check valve is to block off the system and prevent water entering into the
connecting lines and the vacuum tank. When the centrifugal pumps fill with water, it lifts the
float shutting off the line, preventing water entering the vacuum lines and the system.
To prime a pump the stop valve is opened. The pressure of the air or gases in the pump is
lowered as the gases expand and flow to the vacuum tank. The external atmospheric
pressure forces water up the suction line to fill the pump before it is started. After the pump
has been started, and the discharge pressure is normal, the stop valve on the vacuum line
connection to the pump may be closed.
Pressure switches are used to start and stop the vacuum pump. Screw down check valves
are used on the discharge side of the pumps to prevent a back flow of air if the overboard
discharge is above the water line and would allow air to flow back into the pump. A
central priming system is shown in Fig 10.
The discharge of untreated sewage from ships while they are in the limits of port and coastal
areas of many of the world's harbours is prohibited by law. If treated sewage is discharged
overboard it must comply with certain limits governing the demand of oxygen, the amount
of suspended solids and the amounts of certain coliform bacteria. Unfortunately these
limits are not standardised and may vary from place to place.

The test for oxygen demand is called the biochemical oxygen demand test (BOD test). This
is a labora tory procedure used to find the oxygen demand of the bacteria in a sample of
sludge when held at some specified temperature over some time period. The test for
suspended solids is done by filtering a liquid sample and noting the weight increase in the
filtering media after being dried out. The test for coliform bacteria establishes the quantity
of bacteria in a sample. Coliform bacteria are present in the colon and are sometimes referred
to as colon bacilli. They appear rod shaped under the microscope.
The sewage treatment system must be capable of discharging an effluent that comes within
the limits of the tests. Sewage can be treated biologically so that it may be discharged with
minimal damage to the ecosystem. Biological treatment involves the use of living
organisms to treat the sewage within the sewage treatment plant so the liquids and sludges
discharged are within the standards specified.
Biological treatment plants are usually built up as a module and consist of various
sections. Waste matter collected from the ships sanitary appliances is led through a sanitary
piping system to the treatment module. The solid matter is broken up by passing it through
a screen or a series of revolving cutters. The broken up solid material, together with the
waste liquid, passes into a tank containing bacteria which require oxygen and a nutrient
to propagate. The nutrient is contained in the solid waste material, and oxygen is supplied
by bubbling compressed air through the broken up waste. The propagated bacteria change
the waste material into a sludge by aerobic digestion. The sludge is finally treated to kill
the coliform bacteria before it is passed overboard.
When a biological sewage plant is started up, such as when activating a new ship or after
cleaning out the tank, a pellet containing bacteria is introduced into the tank. It takes
approximately one week for the bacteria to propagate and make the system fully effective.
The choice of sanitary appliance cleaners requires extreme care, as many cleaners are toxic
to the active bacteria. Once a biological sewage plant is made active it should not be shut
down. If it is it will have to be reactivated again because the bacteria will die without a
supply of nutrients and oxygen.
Bacteria that require oxygen for their survival are referred to as aerobic. Aerobic bacteria
are normally used in ships' sewage treatment equipment. Other forms of bacteria that do
not require oxygen are referred to as anaerobic. Anaerobic bacteria are used in shore based
sewage treatment works where methane is obtained as a by-product for use as fuel.
Cruise ships and passenger ships often have a holding system where the waste matter is
retained on board in tanks while the ship is in port. The tanks are located in the lowest part
of the ship, and are discharged at sea after passing outside of port limits. In some ports
facilities are available enabling connections to be made up between the ship's sewage system and a municipal sewage system ashore. This allows waste matter to be discharged
while the ship is in port.

Figure 37 Diagrammatic arrangement of aerobic sewage treatment plant.

When the ship is in dry dock the holding tank automatic discharge controls must be
properly shut down to prevent sewage being discharged on the bottom of the drydock. An
aerobic sewage treatment plant is shown in Fig 37.
Liquid cargoes are carried in many different types of ships. Sometimes they are carried in
drums or barrels in the cargo holds of dry cargo ships, when, with the exception of barrel
slings, no special cargo handling requirements are necessary, other than those used for
handling dry cargo. On the grounds of safety, certain types of cargo must be stored in
drums manufactured to certain specifications.
Modern container ships also carry liquid cargoes. Certain types of liquid cargoes are
carried in standard sized tank containers. Circular shaped tanks are built into a frame
conforming with the dimensions of standard sized containers so that the frame can be
loaded onto other containers, use standard container lashings or fit into the container guides
located in the container holds. The length of the tank is approximately the length of the
container. The ends of tanks fitted into container sized frames are reinforced and made
strong enough to resist damage if the tank is only partially full and movement of the liquid
(sloshing) occurs. If this happens, high fluctuating stresses may be set up and cause fatigue
failure of the welded joints. Some restrictions based on safety are placed on the type of liquids

allowed to be carried on container ships and in dry cargo ships.

Bulk liquid cargoes require tanks to store the cargo, a loading system to bring it on board and
a pumping system to discharge it. Dry cargo ships often use the deep tanks for the carriage of
smaller amounts of bulk liquid cargoes. Larger amounts of liquid cargo may be carried in
specialised chemical, products, or parcel tankers designed to carry a number of different cargoes at the same time. Large shipments of liquid cargo such as crude oil, or a single
refinery product, are carried in small, medium, large, or very large sized tankers.
Petroleum and natural gases are carried in a liquefied state at a low temperature in very
specialised gas carriers.
When trading to ports where certain types of safe liquid cargo are available, such as palm
oil, ground nut oil, liquid latex, and similar cargoes, dry cargo ships often use the deep
tanks for the carriage of safe liquids.
Before loading a liquid cargo in the deep tanks, the tanks must be cleaned of any residue
from previous cargoes, including temporary coatings such as paraffin wax, or dunnage
wood and mats. The tanks are then surveyed to ensure cleanliness and readiness to receive
the next liquid cargo. If heating coils are required it is necessary for them to be installed
and tested under steam for any leakage at pipe connections. The test is also witnessed by
the surveyor. Blanking devices and change over connections for loading and discharge of
the cargo are also checked.
If bilge and ballast water normally drain into a space between the tank margin plate and
the ship's side it is usual to carry the inner bottom plating to the ship's side to take the place
of the bilge limbers. The bilge space is then entered through manhole openings. When
carrying a liquid cargo the manhole openings are closed off with manhole covers to prevent cargo entering the bilge space. When the ship's inner bottom plating extends out to
the ship's side, totally enclosing the double bottom tank space, a hat box or drainage well is
often arranged to take the bilge suction tail pipe, the tail pipe for handling ballast water or
the tail pipe connection to the cargo pumps and filling connections. The bilge suction
connections and ballast water connections, if fitted, are removed, and the lines sealed off
with blank flanges (Figs 38, 39 and 40). Any cargo connections for loading and pumping
out cargo are fitted, and new joints or gaskets should be used. The flanges must be
checked visually and with a feeler gauge after being fitted. This ensures their tightness, and
air leakage into the pumping system is prevented when draining and stripping tanks of
If liquid latex cargoes are carried, special type centrifugal pumps having connections for
fresh water and ammonia injection are used. The tank sides, bottom and tank lid are also
coated with paraffin wax. The paraffin wax is heated and brushed on to the tank surfaces
as a hot molten liquid. It congeals quickly, leaving a coating like liquid latex.
The safety devices and changes made to the piping system and any temporary coatings are
also checked by the cargo surveyor. After these procedures are completed a certificate is
issued to the effect that the tank is fit to receive cargo and loading may commence.

Figure 38 Isolation of deep tank suctions.

Figure 39 Combined changeover and blank flanging device for deep tank suctions.

Figure 40 Connections in deep tanks.

Figure 41 a) Cargo tank suction lines; b) duct keel suction line forVLCC.

As trading companies became larger and international in ownership the quantities of

liquids shipped in bulk have increased in size. This, with the gradual demise of general
trading type cargo liners, has excluded many of the liquid cargoes formerly available from
being carried in deep tanks, because the total carrying capacity of normal sized deep tanks
is insufficient for the large amounts of liquid cargo carried as a single shipment.
Specialist type tankers having stainless steel lined cargo tanks, and other tanks coated with
specialised coatings, are increasingly used instead of dry cargo ships with deep tanks.
These specially designed tankships often have separate individual cargo loading and
pumping systems. The cargo pump is usually hydraulically operated and fitted in a hatbox or
well on the bottom of the cargo tank. When the cargo handling pumps and the pipework for
each tank are isolated from each other the risk of cross contamination between different
types of cargo is prevented.
Large tankers or VLCCs (very large crude carriers) have a relatively simple pumping and
loading system incorporating three or four cargo pumps each having capacities going up
to 5,000 m3/h or more. Their capacity and the number of pumps placed in the pump
room depends on the size of ship and the required speed of turnround when discharging
cargo. The design capacity of pumps is quoted in m3 of water/h at some head in metres.
In some cases the capacity is also quoted in Imperial and US gallons of water/min and feet
Some large tankers do not have the more normal suction lines but are fitted with gates
similar to a water tight door. These gates are fitted in the lower part of the bulkheads
separating the various cargo tanks. The suction lines to the cargo pumps are only fitted in
the aft cargo tanks. Stripping lines from each of the tanks replace the normal larger suction
lines. The bulkhead valves are opened as discharge proceeds but the discharging
program for such ships is different to tankers with a normal arrangement of suction lines
and stripping lines in the cargo tanks.
Some of the modern VLCCs are built with a duct keel. Pipe branches combined with a
valve and an 'elephant's foot' are fitted to the duct keel. The pe riphery at the bottom of
the elephant's foot is very extensive. This allows it to be fitted quite near to the bottom
plating. The product of the large periphery and the small clearance give a good flow area
into the bell. The small clearance allows the remainder wedge at the aft end of the tank to be
small in amount when pumping is completed in the tank. Bells of this or circular type are
fitted in all types of tanker, in the double bottom ballast tanks and fuel tanks in dry cargo
ships and most other tanks.
The duct keel is then used as a common suction line to all tanks. The duct keel continues
into the pump room and the cargo pump suction lines are connected into it. A special
form of priming system incorporating either liquid ring pumps or air ejectors is used to
keep the duct keel primed.
The discharge from the air ejectors or the priming pumps is a dangerous fire and explosion
hazard. Pipe lines are led from the ejectors or liquid ring pumps so that the gases are
discharged well above the deck level. They are then dissipated into the atmosphere
without any danger arising.
Figures 41a and b show cargo suction piping systems.
Heat exchangers form part of many piping and machinery systems. Some of the heat

exchangers used may be specially designed for the service they will perform. Examples of
this are the regenerative exhaust steam condenser and the refrigeration plant condenser
and evaporator. Charge air coolers are also of special design and of the finned tube type.
Other heat exchangers are of the plate type, the multi-tubular type, the bent or 'U' tube type,
or the fin tube type. Figure 42 shows various types of heat exchanger. The plate type heat
exchanger is being more extensively used than formerly. The materials used in the
manufacture of heat exchangers are chosen after taking into account corrosion resistance,
resistance against scouring action when velocities of liquid are high, ease of manufacture,
weight, first cost, and maintenance costs.
Plate type heat exchangers consist of a
series of thin plates, usually made of titanium, fastened between spacers having
connections to inlet and outlet headers for the media being cooled and the coolant. The
plates and spacers are held together with long bolts fastened on the end covers. The
headers are arranged so that the media being cooled is circulated between the inlet and
outlet headers on one side of the plate while the coolant is circulated on the other side of
the plate. Titanium is a very strong material, highly resistant to corrosion and scouring
action. The plates separating the two liquids may therefore be stamped out from very thin
material, and are given a corrugated form to increase the effective cooling surfaces. This,
together with high liquid velocities, gives a very good rate of heat transfer and makes for an
efficient cooler. Generally plate coolers have a high first cost but a low maintenance cost.

Figure 42 Heat exchangers: a) plate type; b) multitubular (can be

mounted vertically or horizontally); c) multitubular (alternative
arrangement of body branches); d) fuel oil heater;
e) heat exchanger tubes with fins.
Plate type heat exchangers consist of a series of thin plates, usually made of titanium,
fastened between spacers having connections to inlet and outlet headers for the media
being cooled and the coolant. The plates and spacers are held together with long bolts
fastened on the end covers. The headers are arranged so that the media being cooled is
circulated between the inlet and outlet headers on one side of the plate while the coolant is
circulated on the other side of the plate. Titanium is a very strong material, highly resistant
to corrosion and scouring action. The plates separating the two liquids may therefore be
stamped out from very thin material, and are given a corrugated form to increase the
effective cooling surfaces. This, together with high liquid velocities, gives a very good rate
of heat transfer and makes for an efficient cooler. Generally plate coolers have a high first
cost but a low maintenance cost.
Heat exchanger bodies may be made in cast iron or fabricated from mild steel. The tube plates
may be of bronze or brass, and the tubes of brass, aluminium copper, or nickel copper
alloys. As heat exchangers are manufactured from a variety of different materials screwed
plugs are fitted in the sea water side of the system. Anodes of zinc or soft iron are screwed
into the inner side of the plug to protect the materials in contact with sea water. To give
continuous protection, the anodes must be renewed as they become wasted. Anodes, when
renewed, must be of the correct material. Many heat exchangers have a brass or copper plate
fitted between the cover, the tube plates and the body or shell to give electrical contact
between the various parts. These plates must be kept in a clean condition so that
conductivity is not lost.
In order to increase the heat transfer rate in multi-tubular heat exchangers, fins may be
fitted to the tubes. The fins may be put on to the tube by winding and crimping a long strip
of metal in a helical form around the tube. In other cases discs of metal with a punched
hole are forced down the outside of the tubes. The fins carry heat away in the circulating
fluid and lower the temperature on the outside of the tube surface and increase the heat
transfer rate.
Oil fuel heaters and charge air coolers are usually fitted with tubes having fins on the outside
of the tube.
The various factors considered when making a choice of material for use in a piping system
are the corrosion resistance of the pipe material to the liquid it will carry; the allowable liquid
velocity of the liquid being moved in the material under consideration; and the strength of
the pipe material and the thickness of material required to withstand the internal pressure
in the pipe. The weight of the system, and the possible use of suitable plastic coatings on
cheaper pipe materials, are also considered together with the initial cost of the system and
expected maintenance costs. If the pipe is used in a steam system subject to high temperature and pressure, special creep resistant alloy steels must be used.
For sea water services, galvanised mild steel, copper, aluminium bronze, and copper nickel

alloys are commonly used. Sections of pipework made up of different material must be
avoided because sea water acts as an electrolyte and will cause wastage of one of the
Copper nickel alloys are increasingly used. Copper nickel alloys are hard and resist
scouring or erosion. They have a high tensile strength so may be made thinner than copper
and aluminium bronze, lowering the weight of the piping system. One disadvantage is that
the required thickness of the pipe is such that it has little resistance to damage if small tools
andliftinggear such as spanners, wrenches, and shackles are allowed to drop on the pipe. The
indent formed in the surface of the pipe can set up cavitation and bubble impingement damage,
leading to later leakage downstream of the interference to the water flow.
Plastic coated pipe may also be used for sea water service. In some cases the piping and the
flanges are completely encapsulated in plastic. This protects both the inside and outside
surfaces from corrosion. The allowable velocity of a fluid is lower than for copper nickel
alloys so larger diameter pipes must be used to handle water at the same flow rates. Plastic
coated steel pipes for sea water systems are therefore heavier than copper nickel systems.
Plastic coated sea water piping systems are, however, the lowest in total cost. Experience
over more than 20 years of usage shows that they last the life of the ship without renewals
or other repair cost.
Ballast systems often use steel pipes which may or may not be galvanised. Plastic coated
steel piping is also used and usually lasts the life of the ship.
Cooling water systems using distilled water invariably use steel piping, but when this is
used the water must be treated to protect the pipe from corrosion. In other cases copper may
be used. Lubricating oil systems also use steel piping.
Domestic fresh water systems may use plastic piping for the supply lines to the various
locations in the accommodation. The connections from the supply lines to taps and faucets
are often made from small bore copper tubing.
Drinking water supply lines are often made of plastic materials or copper. Normal cast
iron and spheroidal graphite cast iron are also used for some piping systems.
There are many different types of valve; some used more extensively than others in the
various systems found aboard ship. The more common types are shown in Fig 43.
Generally, valves will be of a type where the closing device consists of a circular disc
with some arrangement of wings, or a centrally located guide rod on the base of the disc.
The wings, or the guide rod, guide the disc in its up and down motion in the valve seat
bush fitted in the body of the valve. The disc is sometimes referred to as the valve lid, or
the clack, and is the closing device that prevents flow through the valve. Valves having
this form of closing device are often referred to as globe valves. Although this valve is
commonly used, the change of direction to the fluid flow causes energy to be wasted when
fluid passes through the valve. The energy wastage increases as the flow of fluid is
restricted when the amount of valve opening is used to adjust flow rates.
Another type of valve, a gate valve, uses a wedge shaped closing device. The wedge fits
into a wedge shaped opening in the valve body. Fluids pass straight through this type of
valve without a change in direction so there is less energy loss. The gate valve is
commonly used where a high rate of liquid flow is required, such as in condenser cooling
water systems, tanker cargo pipelines and the like.

A third type of valve uses a ball or spherical shaped closing device. A hole is made
through the ball. When the axis of the hole is in line with the direction of flow the valve is
open. When the hole in the ball is at 90 deg to the fluid flow the valve is in the closed
position. The energy loss is very low when fluids pass through this type of valve
because the flow direction is not changed.
A fourth type of valve, the butterfly valve is also well suited as a closing device in pipelines
and is used increasingly. Butterfly valves have a relatively low first cost in the various
sizes. For smaller valves the initial cost is shown to be lower than the overhauling costs for
many other types of valve. Smaller butterfly valves then become an expendable item. In
larger sizes the overhauling costs are also low, overhaul usually consisting of nothing
more than removing a rubber or elastomer lining from the inside of the valve and
replacing it with a new liner together with renewal of the 'O' rings in the shaft glands. This
work is normally carried out by the valve manufacturer or by some repair organisation
approved by them.
Valves may be operated manually or by opening and closing devices known as valve
actuators. Manually operated globe type valves have a screw and handwheel to open or
close the valve. The thread of this type of valve is usually a single start thread as this gives a
rapid enough opening or closing speed when the valve wheel is turned. The lid travel of
this type of valve from shut to open is approximately one quarter of the lid diameter,
although some valves designed to have less flow resistance may have a larger amount of
opening. The movement required by a gate valve wedge to go from fully open to shut is
approximately the diameter of the circular landing face of the wedge, and this may be slightly
more than the diameter of the piping connected with the valve. In order to increase the
speed of opening, two start threads are used on smaller size gate valves while three start
or multiple start threads may be used for the larger and largest sizes of gate valves.
Ball valves and butterfly valves are manually operated by a lever requiring a swing of
approximately one quarter of a turn to open or close the valve.
As valves have become larger and ships machinery has become more automated than
formerly, actuators are increasingly being used to operate valves. This requirement is
brought about in some cases because the forces required to open and close large valves
are beyond the limits for manual operation. The use of actuators also makes it possible to
control valves from some central location such as the cargo control room in a tanker or the
control space covering propulsion and auxiliary machinery.
Valve actuators come in various forms. One is as a piston working within a cylinder,
arranged to operate on the double acting principle. That is to supply power on to the
piston so that the valve may be operated in either direction without the aid of springs. In
other cases a ram and spring are used to enable the valve to be operated in two directions.
Actuators may also be of a form referred to as a servomotor. This type of actuator is used
where a rotation of approx 90 deg is required, such as in a ball valve. Another type of
actuator uses a double acting piston to obtain an up or down motion. At the bottom of the
piston rod a small shaft is fitted which passes through the piston rod, but at 90 deg to it. The
small shaft moves up and down following the motion of the piston. The piston and rod are
prevented from rotating by making the small shaft reciprocate within a fixed vertical slot.
Within the portion of the actuator carrying the vertical slot a sleeve is fitted. The sleeve is
held between two ball thrust bearings, allowing it to revolve, but restricting any vertical
motion. A double helix is cut in the inner sleeve and the small shaft moves up and down in

the helices. This vertical movement gives the inner sleeve angular movement, allowing it to
open and close a ball valve or a butterfly valve.
Valve actuators are powered by either compressed air or hydraulic fluid supplied under
pressure. Where large amounts of power are required to operate valve actuators, hydraulic
powered equipment is generally less demanding on space than pneumatic equipment.
Generally pneumatic equipment is faster in action.
Electric motors are also used as actuators to open and close valves operated by threaded
valve spindles. Damage to the valve is prevented by limit switches fitted to prevent the
motor overriding the fully open or fully closed positions of the valve.
If indicators are required to show whether valves are open, partially open or closed,
pointers showing the position of the valve are fitted and connected up mechanically with
the actuator. If the valve is some distance from the indicator some form of feedback is
required. This is often accomplished by electrical means using a form of Wheatstone
bridge control or a variable electrical resistance. In many cases it is only necessary to know
whether a valve is open or closed. In such cases the valve position indicator maybe operated by
limit switches covering movement of the actuator. In some cases feedback from the control lever
for the valve actuator may be used to activate the limit switches. The indicator may be a
pair of coloured lamps.
Sometimes fluids are only required to flow in one direction. To prevent flow in the opposite
direction, usually on the grounds of safety, non-return or check valves are fitted in the
piping system. These may be in the form of a globe valve fitted with or without a normal
valve spindle. When fitted with a valve spindle, the valve may be held in a closed position
when the spindle is screwed down onto the valve lid, or allowed to open when the
spindle is screwed away from the valve lid and the pressure balance is correct. The lid, or
clack, is opened when the downstream pressure under the valve is greater than the
upstream pressure above the valve. If the pressure difference is reversed, the valve closes,
and flow in the wrong direction is prevented. When check, or non-return valves are fitted
with a spindle used to hold the valve closed, they are referred to as screw down, non-return
valves, or screw down check valves. If a check valve has been removed for overhaul, great care
must be taken when it is re-assembled in the pipeline to ensure fluid flow is only allowed in
the correct direction.
Another type of non-return valve uses a clack fitted on an axle in the form of a hinge,
and this is referred to as a hinged non-return valve, swing check valve or flap check valve.
In many cases of machinery operation the supply of fluid to a piece of machinery or through
some piece of equipment must be controlled. Examples of this are the supply of steam to a
turbine, the supply of cooling water to a heat exchanger, the supply of air to a control valve
or the supply of steam to a feed heater and so on.

Figure 43 a) Globe valve; b) gate valve; c) butterfly valve; d) valve lids or clacks.

Figure 44 Wax element control valve.

Expandable fluids, such as steam and compressed air, are usually controlled by throttling the
flow of the fluid across a partially opened valve. The control may be made manually, as in
the case of a steam driven reciprocating bilge pump or fuel transfer pump. The steam
valve is then opened or closed in varying amounts to control the speed of the pump.
When necessary, the flow rate of expandable fluids is controlled by control valves actuated
by compressed air of differing pressures acting on either side of a flexible diaphragm, or by
compressed air acting on one side of a diaphragm for movement in one direction, with a
spring causing movement in the opposite direction.
The valve giving the throttling action may be given various forms to obtain the required
flow behaviour or characteristics. When throttling occurs, the velocity of flow may reach
very high values and scouring of the seating surfaces of the valve may cause a rapid
deterioration of the ability to control flow correctly without a hunting action. The important parts of control valves are manufactured from various materials to suit the rigorous
conditions under which they operate and prevent scouring action.
For high pressure steam at high temperatures, special alloy steels or cobalt chrome
tungsten alloys sold under various trade names, one being Stellite, may be used to weld a
hard facing on the valve parts where throttling occurs. For small temperature change and low
pressures, hard bronzes may be used for the valve parts. It is important that the correct
material for the valve parts or valve trim are selected, because otherwise the valve will not
give satisfactory service without continuous overhaul. The control of air to the diaphragm
will be effected by pressure or temperature sensors fitted up or downstream of the control
valve, or some other part of the system where control is required.
The flow rate of non-compressible fluids such as water and other liquids is usually
controlled by diverting the liquid from one path into another path; commonly called a
bypass. An example of this type of valve is the wax element control valve which is used with
a heat exchanger in engine cooling systems. Another form of diverter valve is made up
from two butterfly valves arranged with one actuator and lever arrangement so that as one
valve is closing the other is opening. Diverter valves allow the total flow through a
system to remain approximately constant. This is important when using centrifugal type
pumps. Diverter valves allow the discharge pressure from the pump to be kept nearly
constant so that the quantity of water discharged remains nearly constant. If throttling
devices were used to control the amount of water flow, the pressure fluctuations on the
discharge side of the pump would cause considerable variation in the total output of the
pump and lead to an imbalance in the system. Diverter valves must be used on the
secondary cooling water system when the secondary sides of heat exchangers are
connected in series.

Automatic self-closing valves are required on fuel tanks. They are usually gate valves and
must be capable of being operated at the fuel tank, or closed remotely from some point
external to the engine room. In the event of an engine room fire making it necessary to
evacuate the staff, the fuel supply lines from the fuel tanks may be shut from outside of the
engine room. Self closing valves are constructed with each of the columns supporting the
spindle bridge made up as two links. When the links are pulled out of line, a heavy spring
forces the gate wedge into the valve body and stops the flow of oil. Angle globe valves
with extended spindles, or reach rods, leading to some point outside of the engine, enabling
them to be closed remotely, may also be used.
Valve bodies are usually made by casting in a foundry. For some high pressure steam
systems the valves may be cast steel or forged steel. The materials used for castings maybe
normal cast iron, spheroidal graphite, or patent cast irons, brass, bronzes, normal steel or
alloy steels.
The design of valves and their dimensions are covered by various standards drawn up by
government or trade sponsored organisations such as the International Standards
Organisation (ISO), the British Standards Institute, the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) or the Japanese Standards Institute, or similar national and trade bodies.
The various valves are classified into various allowable working pressure and maximum
working temperature groupings. The materials used for valves in the various groupings
are specified together with the required physical tests for the materials and the pressure
tests to which the valves must be subjected in order to comply with the specifications.
When piping must pass through a watertight bulkhead, the integrity of the bulkhead is
maintained by using a bulkhead piece. In some cases bulkhead pieces are made of cast
iron, or fabricated by welding together shaped pieces. In modern ship construction the
bulkhead pieces are a continuation of part of the piping system, and are assembled and
welded into the hull module at the time of its construction in the steel fabrication shop.
Where branches, bends, tee pieces and cross pieces are required in steel pipework, forged
pieces are available for fabrication purposes. These forged pieces are welded into the
various pipes where they are required. Similar shaped pieces are also available in copper
nickel and aluminium bronze materials for building up a pipe system. Bends and tee pieces
may be made without flanges for fastening the piece into the surrounding pipework by
silver soldering. In other cases the pieces are flanged and fitted into flanged pipework.
Reducers are important pipe fittings available in most materials. These are hollow
truncated cones, with the smaller diameter in line with the larger diameter or offset from
it. They are used where a larger diameter pipe must join up with a smaller diameter pipe
such as at a centrifugal pump flange where the linear velocity of the liquid leaving the
pump is greater than the desired linear velocity within the pipeline. The reducer prevents the
formation of wasteful eddies by giving an easy transition between the two diameters.
Pipe flanges are forged or cast in various materials. Steel flanges are fastened to steel piping
material by electric welding. Copper nickel and aluminium bronze flanges are fastened to
piping of similar material by silver soldering. Copper piping and cast brass flanges are
fastened together by brazing processes using gas torches. In selecting the filler for the
fastening process care must be exercised if corrosion between the base metal of the pipe
flange, the pipe and the filler is to be avoided.

When a piping system experiences any temperature change, expansion or contraction of

the piping occurs. This creates stresses in the piping system if it has not been designed to
accommodate the changes in the length of the piping. Piping situated on the upper deck,
or in double bottom spaces near to the outer bottom plating of a ship, also experiences
changing stresses due to the lengthening and shortening of the deck and ships bottom
when the hull is bending in heavy weather. In order to guard against excessive stresses,
bends of adequate amount may be placed in the piping system so that forces arising out of the
change in length may be accommodated by the pipe or the equipment to which it is
The equipment used to allow thermal expansion to take place from the cold, or to
accommodate hull bending, are bellows pieces, piping loops or omega bends, and pipe
expansion gland fittings. When these items are used it is usually necessary to anchor one
end of the pipe holding the fitting, so allowing the other end of the pipe to move. When
bellows and gland type fittings are used it must be remembered that the internal pressure
within the pipe sets up a thrust action in the pipe tending to move the pipe ends
outwards on both sides of the fitting.
The stresses arising in high pressure superheated steam piping between the boilers and
turbine cannot be accommodated by using the fittings described. The design of the piping
is usually arranged in the form of large radius bends and must be carefully studied.
Sometimes stresses are created when the pipe is in a cold condition. This is done by making
the pipes short so the flanges are left open in the cold condition; pulling them together
when bolting up leaves the pipes in tension and subject to bending moments. The
amount the flanges are left open is referred to as 'cold pull up'. Cold pull up is negated
and relieves the tensile stresses and bending moments as the pipes expand when coming
up to their working temperature. The set of calculations made to estimate the required
amounts of cold pull up are the loads applied to pipe support springs, the estimated stresses
in the pipe arising out of bending, and the forces and moments coming on the turbine and
boiler steam stop valve flanges when in the operating condition. These calculations are
submitted to the classification society for approval before the piping is manufactured and
Anchor points of piping are shown on piping plans. They should be examined
periodically to ensure that their effectiveness is not lost.
Compression sleeve couplings are used to join two lengths of piping together without the aid
of flanges. They consist of a sleeve which fits over the end of each pipe. A tapered groove is
formed at each end of the sleeve, and a wedge shaped elastomer or rubber ring fits into the
groove. A flange is fitted over each end of the pipes being joined. Through bolts pass
through the flanges, and, when tightened, these compress the wedge shaped ring against the
pipe and sleeve so that a pressure-tight seal is made. A stopper ring around the inner
circumference of the sleeve at mid-length, or a stopper pin similarly located, prevents the
sleeve working along one or the other of the pipes being joined. This type of coupling is
known by its trade name as a Dresser coupling (Fig 45). A similar coupling is also known
by its trade name as the Dayton coupling.

Figure 45 Compression ring coupling (Dresser).

Deck service lines for fire or wash deck use, together with ballast and bilge lines fitted in
the double bottom, use these couplings in an efficient manner. Each pipe forming part of
the system is anchored at mid length. A clearance is left between the pipe end and the
stopper ring. Movement of the pipe due to thermal expansion or contraction, or due to
the effects of the ship working, are easily accommodated by pipe movement within the
sealing ring. The coupling may be encapsulated in plastic, and when used with steel pipe
encapsulated in plastic, produces a piping system having a lower first cost and maintenance cost than the various alloy piping systems. It has been known for ballast and bilge
lines to have to be renewed at the first special survey of a ship, at a great cost. The cost of
protecting the pipe by encapsulating is a small fraction of the renewal and replacement costs.
Bilge line mud boxes are usually fitted at the suction end of a bilge line serving a particular
bilge or hat box. There are two branches on the box and a cover. One branch faces
downwards on the opposite side to the cover. A straight tail pipe is fitted to this branch and
goes down into the bilge. The other branch is on the opposite end of the box at 90 deg to
the cover face, and this branch is connected into the non-return bilge valve fitted in the
bilge valve chest. A perforated plate, or strum, is fitted in the box to separate dirt particles
and prevent them from entering the bilge system and causing blockage problems, or an air
leakage problem if solid matter lands under a non-return valve.
A strum box consists of a cubic box with five sides (one side being left open), which are
perforated plates to act as a strainer. The open bottom sits on the ships bottom plating, in way
of the bilge. A hole in the top of the cube allows the tail pipe to pass through it. The strum
box acts in the same manner as the strum plate in the mud box. The strum box is sometimes
called a rose box and the strum plate is also called a rose plate. When the bilge tail pipe
serves a hat box fitted in a tank top the entry to the hat box is protected by a perforated
plate serving the same purpose as the strum box.
Mud boxes and strum boxes are manufactured in cast iron or fabricated from steel plates.
Steel mud boxes and strum boxes together with cast iron strum boxes and strum plates
should be heavily galvanised as a protection against corrosion wastage. Strum boxes are
manufactured so that they may be removed and replaced without disturbing the bilge tail
pipe. Commonly used pipe fittings are shown in Fig 46-48.
When expansion bellows are fitted in a pipe line the internal pressure acting on the
bellows causes a thrust to act outward from the bellows piece. This does not cause any
problem in straight piping runs provided the ends of the pipe are anchored and there is

sufficient freedom on the bellows convolutions to accommodate pipe expansion.

In cases where it is not possible to anchor the end of a pipe adjacent to a bend, the thrust set
up may be quite high and cause an excessive bending moment on the pipe on the other side
of the bend. If the bend is connected to a pump branch the bending moment may be more
than can be safely resisted by the pump branch. In cases such as this a compensating arrangement of bellows pieces is made up as shown in Fig 48e. This arrangement compensates
the thrust and brings the bending moment on the pump branch to zero.
Bellows pieces subjected to a large number of hot/ cold cycles over time will suffer from
fatigue after so many cycles have occurred. In critical situations the bellows piece may be
given a life after which the piece must be renewed. The life may be extended by increasing
the number of convolutions in the bellows piece so the stress range between the hot/cold
cycle is reduced.
Constant vigilance must be exercised in ships' machinery spaces to prevent accidents
and injury to personnel carrying out their duties. If vigilance and care are exercised, by
thinking about the hazards of various operations, accidents can be prevented.
Staff are at risk when opening up steam valves and putting steam into steam lines. The
hazard of water hammer has already been described (page 373). It is easily avoided by
opening up the drain connections on the piping and allowing trapped water to drain
completely out of the piping before the steam valve is opened. The steam valve should be
opened slowly so that any steam condensed when the pipe is being warmed through can
drain off before any accumulation occurs. After the piping is warmed through properly
the steam valve may be slowly opened and afterwards the drain may be closed.
In some high pressure steam systems bypass lines are fitted around steam valves. The
steamlines should be drained before opening up the bypass valve. The bypass valve should
then be used to warm the steam line through before opening up the main steam valve. Some
steam valves in high pressure steam lines are similar to gate valves. When steam pressure is
behind the valve the friction created on the wedge makes opening the valve very difficult.
When the pressure is balanced on both sides of the valve by using the bypass, only a small
amount of friction is present, and the valve is easily opened.

Figure 46 Bulkhead pieces.

Opening up valve covers and flange joints during disassembly operations next to, or near,
a live steam section of the system, is also a dangerous operation if not carried out correctly.
Normally, drain connections on steam lines should be used to ensure that there is no
pressure present in the line. A cold line must not be regarded as an indication of an
absence of pressure. It may contain condensate backed by live steam. Safe practice requires
each nut on the studs fastening the cover in place to be slackened a very small and equal
amount in the first instance. By closing the valve onto its seat, the cover will be lifted, and
the cover joint will be broken. If a pressure exists above the valve, its presence will be heard
immediately. If a pressure exists below the valve and the valve is opened very slightly, the
existence of pressure will also be heard immediately. By working carefully in this manner
accidents can be avoided. There are many cases on record of the disastrous consequences of
removing all the cover nuts on a valve and the operative being killed by scalding when the
gasket or joint gave way and allowed the cover to be blown off the valve body.
In a similar manner, if pipe flange bolts are being removed with burning gear, a new bolt
should replace each old bolt as it is removed. The replacement should be tightened before
burning out the next bolt. After the old bolts are all removed, the flanges may then be
broken under full control in the same way as when removing a valve cover from the valve

body; by slackening off each new bolt an equal and very small amount before using
wedges to separate the flanges. If the steam line is for high temperature and pressure steam,
every care must be taken to ensure that bolts of the correct grade material are used when
finally making up the joint.

Figure 47 Piping expansion in double bottom tanks.

Painting pipelines in enclosed machinery spaces requires adequate ventilation during the
time paint is being applied and during the drying or curing period. Failure to adequately
ventilate the space has lead to operatives being asphyxiated. The fumes given off from
some paint solvents are also found to be toxic.
Any enclosed space such as a double bottom tank, duct keel, pipe duct, peak tanks or similar
space must be properly ventilated before entry is allowed.
These enclosed spaces may have an atmosphere depleted of oxygen through the absorption
of oxygen by steel during rusting. Another source of danger may be the presence of carbon
dioxide due to organic material rotting. One sad case involved the cleaning of bilge lines and
the removal of grain from bilge piping in a pipe duct following the discharge of a grain
cargo. Some of the grain was left in the pipe duct and remained there for some time after
the duct entry doors were replaced. Some time later the duct was opened and people who
entered were asphyxiated. Enquiry showed the grain when rotting had given off carbon
dioxide and left the space unsafe for entry because there was insufficient oxygen present in
the pipe duct to support life.
After properly ventilating an enclosed space nobody should enter the space without
another person standing by outside to call for further assistance if the person inside the space
experiences difficulties. The person standing by should not enter the tank to render
assistance but should call other people to give aid as necessary.

Accident enquiries show that many people are injured through falls from spaces where
hand rails, gratings or floor plates have been removed. If any danger is created when
equipment is removed from areas where there is normally free access, the area where the
danger exists must be roped off making access difficult. Notices should be posted at
engine room entrances calling attention to the danger.
Safety helmets should be worn when working in a ship's engine room when repair work,
dismantling engine parts, using lifting gear and the like are in progress. Safety shoes with
steel toecaps should also be used when safety helmets are being worn.
It is essential that valves on fuel tanks should be operated at the tank, and from the remote
position, at weekly intervals. Extended spindle universal couplings and shaft bearings
should be lubricated regularly to ensure that they work easily, and do not seize up in the
bearings. Wire cables on self closing valves should be protected with oil to prevent wastage
by corrosion, and pulleys supporting the cables should also be lubricated. These tests are
best carried out as part of the fire drill exercise at the same time as the testing of fire
pumps. The test should be recorded in the engine room log book and a copy of the entry
given to the Master for inclusion in the official log.
Chemical solvents, degreasing fluids, and inhibited, acid descaling liquids must all be
used with extreme care. The instructions regarding their use must be studied and any
safety recommendations strictly complied with; particularly with regard to protection of
the eyes and skin. Special ventilation requirements when using industrial solvent and
cleaners must also be strictly complied with.

Figure 48 Piping fittings: a) expansion bend 'omega' loop type; b) pipe expansion
gland; c) expansion bellows; d) rubber expansion bellows for water service; e) thrust
compensated expansion bellows.

The axial centre line of a horizontal centrifugal pump rotor, the mid point of the rotor or
the position of the entry eye to the rotor of vertical pumps are the datum points from which
head measurements are taken. For other types of pump it is often taken as being at the
centre line of the pump suction flange.
Discharge head is the distance above the datum that a pump will lift water, and ismeasured in
metres or feet.
Suction head is the distance measured in meters or feet above or below the pump datum to the
surface of the body of water from which the pump is receiving water.
If the surface of the water is below the pump it is referred to as negative suction head. It is
therefore the height water must be lifted by atmospheric pressure to enter the pump.
If the surface of the water is above the pump it is referred to as positive suction head and
water will flow into the pump under the action of gravity and atmospheric pressure.
These head measurements are also referred to as static heads.
When the surface of the water is below the pump, atmospheric pressure acting on the
surface of the water causes the water to flow to the pump when a vacuum is created in the
suction line. The action is similar to a mercury barometer. Air pressure supports the
column of mercury within the barometer tube while a vacuum exists above the surface of
the mercury. If a long barometer tube used water instead of mercury, the barometer would
have a height equal to the height of the mercury column, multiplied by the ratio of the
relative density of mercury (Hg) to the relative density of water.
Atmospheric pressure measured as the height of a mercury column is approximately 750
mm Hg; i.e. three quarters of a metre of mercury. Since the relative density of mercury is
13.5 and the relative density of water is 1, a barometer using water instead of mercury
would have a height of 13.5 times 0.75 m, or approximately 10 m. This is the maximum
theoretical negative suction head a pump could lift water. In practice, the maximum negative
suction head a pump can lift water is approximately 6.9 m. This comes about because as the
vacuum in the suction line increases, a point is reached where the water vaporises because
the boiling point of water is lowered with falling pressures. The water vaporises and fills
the suction pipe with water vapour and so destroys the vacuum. It follows that cold water
can be pumped with a greater negative suction head than warm water.
The net positive suction head (NPSH) of a pump is a figure of the available head at the inlet to
the pump. In theory, liquid cannot be drawn into a pump but only forced in by air
pressure acting on its surface.
The NPSH of a pump is the total absolute suction head measured in metres at the pump
datum, minus the vapour pressure of the liquid in metres absolute. In designing the suction
side of the piping system leading to a pump, it is essential that the available NPSH
(obtained by calculations beginning with the addition of the absolute atmospheric pressure
and any positive suction head from which the friction and other losses in the suction line
are subtracted) is greater than the required NPSH found by tests carried out on the pump
by the manufacturer.
The NPSH values for a centrifugal pump are often plotted on the characteristic curves
drawn up for a pump when it is tested.
Pressure measured as a head value in metres, or some other linear value, may be
converted to pressures measured in bar or other values.

Chapter 8

Propellers and Shafting

The importance of line shafting, tailshaft, propeller and thrust shaft cannot be overemphasised. Failure of any one of them will render the ship inoperable with possible
disastrous consequences. Single line shafting is used on the majority of ships, but not
in passenger ships and on short voyage ro-ro services, where twin screws are
Propellers, because they are outside the ship, are often neglected and are usually only
inspected when the ship is in drydock. More frequent examination can be undertaken
when a ship is alongside and the shafting is being rotated with the turning gear. Damage
to the propeller blading can lead to vibrations being set up in the line shafting causing
overheating of the shafting bearings, main thrust, etc.
The selection of shafting and propeller materials is usually within manufacturers'
specifications, and complies with the various classification society requirements as
well as the statutory requirements of governments.
After initial inspection during the construction of a ship, the line shafting, tailshaft and
propeller have to be examined during their service life. The time period for examination is
laid downby the classification societies.
These shafts are made by forging carbon or carbon-manganese steel where minimum
tensile strength is within the range of 400-600 N/mm2. Alloy steels can also be used
depending upon the mechanical properties of the material and their chemical composition.
If they are to be used their maximum tensile strength should not exceed 800 N/mm2.
The forgings used should be subjected to ultrasonic examination.
The diameter of an intermediate shaft is worked out by an empirical formula relating
the power developed by the prime mover, various constants and the minimum tensile
strength of the material to be used. Reference for this calculation can be made to any
of the classification societies, bearing in mind that it usually gives the minimum
diameter required.
Intermediate shafts are used to transmit the power from the main engine to the tailshaft,
and as such must be supported on bearings. These bearings are also referred to as
plummer blocks, tunnel bearings or line shaft bearings. The shafting may be supported
on one or two bearings depending upon the design. The bearings are required to hold
the shaft and support the shaft load as well as maintaining a satisfactory alignment.
Plummer blocks are individual bearings which usually have their own oil supply
contained within the bearing. There are arrangements in which they can be supplied
from an external source with their own oil supply and cooler system. Individual bearings, however, have a cooler contained within the plummer block, with cooling

supplied from one of the sea water cooling systems.

Plummer block bearings are required to operate over the full range of speeds from 0
rev/min to the rated rev/min in both the ahead and astern directions. The bearings are
expected to last the life of the ship, so the actual dimensions are much' more substantial
than the basic design.
Plummer block bearings
There are two types of bearing used in the intermediate shafting. The first type, most
familiar to engineers, is that of the steel shaft rotating in a white metal bearing which is
oil lubricated. This type of arrangement is used in high powered installations. The
second type, similar to bearings used in pumps etc., is a roller surface bearing. These
bearings are split because of the difficulty in fitting them.
The aim of the first type of bearing is to provide a good hydrodynamic oil film for
lubrication whilst the shaft is rotating, so avoiding metal-to-metal contact. The ability to
produce the hydrodynamic oil film is governed by the peripheral speed of the shaft, the
thickness or viscosity of the oil and the load on the shaft. The load is carried by the oil
wedge. The casing which holds the bearing can either be cast or fabricated steel, and is
split on the horizontal joint, allowing easy access for maintenance. Because the load is
downward there may only be a white metal bearing in the bottom half of the casing,
although complete bearings are also fitted (Fig 1).

Figure 1

Plummer block.

Another type of bearing that works on the sliding surface principal has a bottom half
bearing which is divided into three sections. These bearings have a pivoting pad
mechanism which allows the bearing to tilt when the hydrodynamic wedge forms, and
in theory will support a greater load. Conversely a smaller bearing area is required
for the same load. Once again a complete bearing can be provided depending on its
application (Fig 2).
Split roller bearings which are similar to the white metal type can be used, and because
rolling friction is slightly less than sliding friction there is generally less power loss.
This can make a significant saving in energy during the lifetime of a ship. Generally speaking, however, this type of bearing is used more in small and medium speed tonnage,
usually when higher speed shafting is used. A typical split type bearing is illustrated
in Fig 3.

Figure 2 Michell plummer block.

Figure 3 Split roller bearing.

Intermediate shafting couplings

The coupling arrangement can either have a flange forged integral with the shaft or
loose, depending on requirements.
Flanges that are forged integral with the shaft have their thickness, determined by
classification society rules, at least equal to the diameter of the flange coupling bolts
measured at the coupling face. By using this ruling the possibility of using tapered or
stepped bolts can be accommodated. The flange thickness should not be less than 0.2
times the diameter of the shaft.
The forging of the flange with the shaft must be provided with a fillet radius which is
machined in and must not be less than 0.08 times the diameter of the shaft. These fillets
must have a smooth finish.
Loose couplings are usually fitted to the last line of intermediate shafting connecting it
to the tailshaft. This method of coupling permits the removal of the tailshaf t out
through the stern bearing. It is common practice to fit them in twin screw vessels. There
are two types of loose coupling in common use in current practice:
a) muff coupling;
b) keyed and flanged couplings.

Muff coupling
This type of coupling does not have any flanges and is hydraulically connected and
released. The sleeves that make up the coupling have to be accurately machined to a
smooth finish and are made in various sizes up to 900 mm. There is an inner sleeve and
an outer sleeve. The inner sleeve is bored parallel to the shaft, being a sliding fit over the
shaft. On its outer diameter is a slight taper, 1:80, forming a cone. The outer sleeve is
bored with a similar taper and is parallel on its outer diameter. The outer sleeve is also
much thicker than the inner sleeve, so providing the elastic friction grip, thereby allowing
the torque to be transmitted. A nut and oil sealing arrangement is fitted at the smaller
diameter end of the inner sleeve and screwed to it (Fig 4).
To fit the coupling to the shafts hydraulic oil is injected at high pressure between the
two sleeves forming a load bearing film. As the pressure increases in the annular space
between the oil seal and the outer sleeve an axial force is created which pushes the outer
sleeve up the taper and expands it. The inner sleeve is compressed due to the pressure
and so grips the shafts to be connected, creating the coupling. After removing the
hydraulic pressure the 'friction' grip is maintained.
To remove the coupling the reverse procedure takes place. Hydraulic oil is once again
pressurised into the annular space between the conical faces so relieving pressure from
the seal end. The axial component of the force acting on the taper drives the outer
sleeve off the taper thereby allowing the inner sleeve to relax its friction grip, returning it
to a sliding fit. The complete operation is only successful if the cornpressive load on the
inner sleeve is kept within the material's elastic limit.
Keyed and flanged couplings
This type of coupling is also used, having up to three keyways cut into the taper. A
securing nut is used which is recessed into the coupling as shown in Fig 5. The securing
nut itself is locked in place with a locking device. This type of coupling is used in medium and high speed installations.

Figure 4 Muff coupling.

Coupling bolt holes

The bolt holes are usually drilled to an appropriate size in the workshops. The final
dimension is reamed out when the coupling flanges are brought together. The final size
is designed to give an interference fit between bolt and hole.
Coupling tooKs
There are various types of coupling bolts, the diameter of which must comply with
classification requirements. The material used should have a tensile strength at least
equal to that of the shaft material.
Parallel non-standard bolts
This type of bolt has a parallel shank as shown in Fig 6 and is in common use in current
practice. The surface finish is to a high standard, giving a good fit in the hole.

Figure 5 Keyed and flanged coupling.

Figure 6 Parallel non standard coupling bolts.

Figure 7 Special type of coupling bolt: a) insertion; b) alternative design of bolt head
with internal thd. connection; c) final assembly

Stepped bolts
These are rarely used. They limit the interference distance over which it is necessary
to drive the bolt home when fitting. The cost of machining such a bolt, and the fact that
there are no such machining difficulties with parallel bolts, limits their use.
Special type bolts
These are used in high powered installations and offer the following design features.
Each bolt has an accurately bored hole over its full length. The bolt head has an
arrangement to take an hydraulic attachment. On fitting the bolt, a high tensile steel
rod is inserted into the bolt and, using the hydraulic attachment, pressure is exerted,
stretching the bolt within its elastic limit. This reduces the diameter of the bolt by 0.5 |im
per mm of bolt diameter.
The bolt is inserted into the hole in the stretched condition. On releasing the pressure
the bolt returns to its original diameter, so exerting radial grip. The nut is fitted before
releasing the hydraulic pressure, thereby transferring the compressive force to the
coupling assembly.
Figure 7 shows a special type of coupling bolt.
Examination of intermediate shafting
Line shafting is examined once every 5 years for classification purposes, and unless
something has gone wrong this is the only time the shafting is looked at. When examined
for the classification survey it is usual to open up the main bearings, but it is not
necessary to remove coupling bolts if everything has been operating satisfactorily. As
well as examination of the bearing, the holding down arrangement should also be looked
at. Sometimes the holding down bolts may have slackened back.

Operational problems
After initial alignment, when the ship is new and has undergone sea trials, no
problems are expected to occur with the line shafting. However, there have been
many instances, under differing operational conditions, when the line shafting
bearings have overheated. The solution is to reduce the loading until the cause has
been investigated and the fault rectified. One possible cause might simply be an
alteration in the trim of the ship, which changes the bending moment of the ship.
Overheating can also occur due to a lack of lubricating oil in the bearing, allowing
metal-to-metal contact with possible wiping of the white metal. It can be argued that a
lack of oil should not occur, but it is probably the most common cause of overheating
of bearings.
The lubricating oil cooler inserted in the bearing is another potential cause of overheating.
Corrosion of the cooler tubes permits sea water to mix with the lubricating oil thus
destroying its properties, and can eventually lead to corrosion of the steel shaft. To overcome this problem the holed tubes should be plugged or the cooler replaced and the oil
replenished. It may also be necessary to re-polish the shaft journal.
It has been suggested that the storing of fuel oil, lubricating oil etc., in double
bottom tanks has an effect on plummer blocks attached to the tank top but it has been
generally accepted that the heat is dissipated into the engine room space. There have
been instances where realignment has had to be undertaken.
The structure of the ship inside the double bottom tanks has been strengthened in way of
the plummer blocks in order to support the line shafting. The double bottom tanks
can hold sea water ballast or fresh water. Generally speaking, they are not coated for
protection against corrosion, so over a period of time the plummer block support
structure can corrode.
Tailshafts in merchant ships are neglected because they are out of sight, and there is
no way of telling what is happening unless a visual inspection is undertaken.
Tailshafts with continuous liners
In older ships the method of lubricating the stern bearing was simply by using sea
water. The tailshaft had a bronze liner shrunk on to the forged steel shaft. The thickness
of the liner, following classification society rules, was approximately 25 mm for a 600
mm shaft. An extra allowance was added to allow for machining at a future date. The
bush in which the shaft ran was made from staves of lignum vitae or, more recently,
of resin bonded asbestos or other fibres. As powers increased, the stern bearing loading
increased, resulting in greater wear rates which became excessive, requiring rewooding of the bush at much shorter intervals. In lower powered ships, re-wooding
would only be required at, possibly, alternate tailshaft surveys (8 years). With higher
powered tankers this could be reduced to every drydocking (2 years). In some instances
the vessel might need to be specially drydocked at annual intervals to deal with
excessive vibration in the stern bearing.
At the drydocking of a vessel the tailshaft wear down reading is recorded. For a
tailshaft with a continuous liner (TCSL) the reading should be less than 6 mm. If the
reading approaches this figure, the tailshaft should be withdrawn for the bush to be rewooded.
A typical tailshaft of the continuous liner type is shown in Fig 8. Although this type
of stern bearing has been superseded in most merchant ships by oil lubricated bearings
a number of smaller ships may still have them fitted. The bronze liner must be continuous over the length of the shaft from inside the ship to the end of the taper, to protect

the forged steel shaft from corrosion from sea water lubrication. Sea water could also
attack the shaft externally where the liner finishes, but this can be prevented by fitting a
sealing ring at the end of the liner, which is cornpressed when the propeller is fitted.
With this type of stern bearing there is no external seal, but an internal one; a stuffing box
with soft packing. The packing is in contact with the shaft liner so it hardens in service.
This, together with topping up the stuffing box with additional rounds of packing, leads
to grooving of the bronze liner in way of the stuffing box. The bronze liner can be returned
to good condition by machining (an allowance having been added to take care of this
situation). Care must be taken not to reduce the thickness of the bronze liner below the
required limit, particularly if the liner has a history of previous machining.
If the minimum thickness has been reached, it is possible to effect a repair acceptable to
classification societies. The bronze liner can be machined down to an approved thickness
in way of grooving. Then a split sleeve is welded on the horizontal and circumferential
joints fitted closely around the original liner, the sleeve being machined to the overall
diameter required. It should be noted that this repair should be undertaken with the
approval of the relevant classification society and that the correct material must be used
for the sleeve and the electrodes for welding.
There may be circumstances when the complete bronze liner requires renewal, and
where this is the case the opportunity should be taken to examine the steel shaft under
the liner. There have been cases where sea water has penetrated between the liner
and shaft, causing unseen corrosion. Before renewing the bronze liner it is necessary to
machine away the corrosion until an acceptable surface is produced. A recalculation may
be necessary formaximum power transmission. It will be appreciated that all these
operations take time and it would be more prudent to fit a spare tailshaft to reduce time
in drydock.

Figure 8 Water lubricated stern bearing.

When this type of tailshaft is being examined for survey great attention is given to the
condition of the shaft at the top and on the cone. This area is subjected to an approved crack
detection method such as magnetic particle, or ultrasonic examination. Depending on the

condition, it might become necessary to skim a few millimetres off the end of the bronze
liner before magnetic crack detection, depending on the condition.
A tailshaft with a continuous bronze liner, being of an older type, would have a keyway
cut in the taper. The machining out of this keyway is a potential source of cracking
and careful attention should be given to the keyway during survey. The top end of the
keyway should be blended into the contours of the cone producing a spoonbill shape
and reducing stress concentrations.
The nature of water lubrication leads to the ingress of foreign matter such as coarse sand,
in particular to vessels trading in coastal waters. In this hostile environment there tends
to be a rapid wear down of the stern bush which requires re-wooding at more regular
intervals. Screw shafts have been known to fail under the resulting high bending
stresses coupled with cyclic loading.
In smaller vessels such as work boats twin screws may be used, the shafting being angled
from the main engine. The tailshaf t in this instance may be made of stainless steel or may
be a steel shaft with stainless steel liner shrunk on in way of the stern tube bearing and
'A' bracket. The length of shaft between the bearings is protected by a coating such as
glass fibre. This protective coating is a source of possible corrosion attack on the carbon
steel shaft with the ingress of sea water. If a corrosion pit occurs on the surface of the shaft
it provides a stress concentration which, combined with the cyclic stresses in the
shaft, will eventually lead to failure of the shaft.
Magnetic particle crack detection consists of applying a magna flux solution to the steel
shaft in the area to be examined and creating a magnetic field in the shaft using a
permanent magnet or an electromagnetic yolk. If there is a crack within the magnetic
field the iron filings in the magna flux trace the crack. Sub-surface cracks are also
highlighted in this way. The procedure continues until the whole area has been
covered. A dye penetrant check can quickly be made around the cone; but this only
indicates surface cracks, and is not an approved method. If an approved method is not
used, the time between the survey of tailshafts can be reduced by one year, perhaps
causing difficulties for future drydocking schedules.
The coupling end of this type of tailshaft should also receive close examination, because
the sea water that supplies the bearing lubrication leaks into the ship at the inboard
gland. The sea water pours over the unprotected coupling, which is steel, giving rise to
corrosion. The stress at this end of the shaft is mainly torsional and the combination can
lead to corrosion fatigue. If there is misalignment as well, bending stress is set up which
adds to the problem. Some ship operators give protection to the shaft between the liner
and the coupling by coating the shaft.
Tailshafts lubricated by oil
Oil lubricated stern bearings are by far the most common type fitted to modern
ships. With this type it is not necessary for the steel shaft to have a bronze liner fitted. In
most instances, the shaft runs in a white metal bearing, and is protected from metal-tometal contact by oil lubrication which is supplied from a header tank in the engine
room. Because of this arrangement it is necessary to prevent the loss of oil into the
engine room or the sea. Because the shaft is rotating, a mechanical type seal is
required, as illustrated in Fig 9.
The outer seal has a chrome steel bush which is bolted onto the boss of the propeller
and has a clearance over the diameter of the tailshaft. Ingress of sea water is prevented
by fitting a rubber sealing ring between the propeller boss and the chrome bush. The
stationary part of the seal consists of a carrier arrangement which contains the
sealing rings. The carrier is bolted on to the stern frame. There are two outer sealing
rings made of oil and water resistant rubber which are shaped to prevent the sea

water penetrating the lubricating oil space. The inner sealing ring is fitted in the
opposite fashion and prevents the oil in the stern tube leaking into the sea. The
sealing rings are all held on the rotating chrome sleeve by a garter spring.
The inner seal is of similar construction to the outer seal. Only two sealing rings are
used, this time running on a special quality cast iron or chrome sleeve and so
preventing leakage of oil into the engine room. The sleeve is bolted to a collar which
is fitted round the tailshaft, with a rubber sealing ring between the collar and sleeve.
The forward seal incorporates an oil circulator as a standard fitting. Oil from a 4 litre
tank is circulated continuously through the annular chamber. This ensures effective
cooling, as well as permanent lubrication with clean oil. The oil circulation system not
only boosts operating reliability but also increases the service life of the sealing rings
and the liners.

Figure 9

Inboard gland.

The aft seal incorporates a pressure control device. This system of f ersnumerous advantages;
e.g. increased service life of sealing rings and liners, as well as the ability to withstand
severe operating conditions. The pressure control device also facilitates the optimum
operating reliability of Viton plain sealing rings.
The ideal situation would be a complete separation of the lubricating oil and sea water.
If however the operating conditions are considered, the problem of the separation of the
two liquids is aggravated by the presence of a lubrication film between the sliding faces
(Fig 10).
The manufacturers of the Simplex-compact type seal have produced a leak proof
system to combat this situation. This is effected by specifically arranging the pressure
difference on the seal so that the lubrication film is reduced on one side onlyon the
side of the lower liquid pressure. This is achieved in practice in the aft seal which has one
chamber of sealing rings and casing, the static pressure of which is set lower than the pressure
of the liquid to be sealed. This chamber is between the second and third sealing rings which
face in opposite directions, ane disconnected to a tank effecting the low pressure level
required (PK) below the ballast water line (PAMIN). This is also below the stern tube oil
pressure (PL) giving:
A pressure differential of 0.3 bar is considered satisfactory. With this system any

leakage from either sea water or lubricating oil is taken up in the annular space
between sealing rings two and three, thereby increasing the level in the settling tank.
An alarm signal is arranged to monitor any increase in settling tank level. A leakage of
water into the system can then be dealt with by draining off. The system guarantees a
continuous supply of good oil to sealing rings two and three. The system is shown in figs
11 and 12.

Figure 11

Pressure difference on the seal.

Survey of tailshafts with oil glands

The survey of this type of tailshaft is basically similar to that of continuous liner
tailshafts and takes place at 5-yearly intervals, depending on classification society rules.
Initially, when the vessel enters drydock, the tailshaft wear down reading is taken.
When the vessel is new an initial reading is taken and recorded. The instrument used,
usually a poker-type gauge, should be kept on board by the Chief Engineer. It is
difficult to generalise, but a figure of 0.9 mm has been recorded for a 600 mm tailshaft.
Because the tailshaft has to be withdrawn for survey a more accurate picture can be
achieved by visual examination and by taking micrometer readings externally on the
tailshaft, and internally on the stern bearing. If the bearing has been performing
satisfactorily the condition of the bearing and tailshaft should be as new. A crack
detection method should be included in the examination to permit the maximum time
between surveys.

Figure 12 Comparison of differential pressures on sealing rings.

The condition of the inner and outer seals should also be examined and the opportunity
taken to renew the rubber lip seals. There have been occasions when, after the seals have
been reassembled, they were found to leak even though there was no report of leakage
previously. There is a tendency for overheating of the lip faces causing cracking, hence the
leakage of oil.
When a vessel has an intermediate drydock, even though the recorded wear down is
satisfactory, many companies prefer to renew the outer sealing rings.
Another classification survey point is that most modern ships have to survey the
sternshaft system every 5 years but that the leading classification societies, certainly
Lloyd's Register, will consider an extension of this time subject to approval by their
'committees' on an individual ship basis. Various criteria must be put before the

committee including analysis results from three sequential oil system samples which in
effect means that samples are now taken fromsterntubesapproximatelyevery4months.
An extension is very cost-effective for the owner.
Possible defects
Because the lip seals run on the liners there is a tendency to groove the outer
diameter of the liners. There may be no reported leakage of the gland initially but if
grooving is found an allowance is made to accommodate skimming and polishing of the
outer diameter of the liner. The reduction in diameter should be within the
manufacturer's recommendation, e.g. Simplex-compact recommend a maximum skim
of 4.8 mm on an original outside diameter of 1000 mm. The springs must be shortened
by 3 mm per 1 mm reduction in diameter (Fig 13).

Figure 13 Skimming of chrome liner.

Another method of avoiding grooving of the liner is by fitting a distance piece between
the stern frame and the seal carrier. This has the effect of moving the lip seals on to a
good part of the liner so that the skimming of the liner is avoided, so increasing its
service life. A typical arrangement is shown in Fig 14. Once again the manufacturers
should be consulted about the dimensions of the distance piece.
When examination of the white metal bearing takes place it is possible to find
cracking on the surface, and even pieces of the white metal lying loose. Depending
on the extent of the damage various courses of action can be taken. If the damage is
extensive the stern bearing will have to be completely re-metalled, the whole bearing
being removed ashore for this process. If however, small pieces of white metal have
come adrift they can be removed and the remaining sharp edges removed by
scraping and blending down to the cast iron backing material.
There have been instances when a vessel on its maiden voyage has reported leakage
of the outer seal, with the situation becoming so bad that it has had to be dealt with
afloat. It is possible to tip the ship, great care being taken to ensure that the bending
moment of the vessel is within design specifications, with the whole operation taking
place in still water. With this operation the rubber sealing rings cannot be fitted as a
whole but are joined with a compound supplied by the seal makers, who usually have a
team skilled in such bonding operations.

Figure 14 Fitting of distance piece

The threads on the aft end of the tailshaft are another area where damage can occur
if care is not taken when removing the securing nut. The nut can seize on the threads
and its removal, effected by cutting the nut off with an oxyacetylene torch, can
damage the threads. Care should be taken in chasing up the tailshaft threads when fitting
a new nut to the tailshaft.
On completion of the survey and reassembly of the tailshaft and its seals the stern tube
should be refilled with the recommended lubricating oil and circulated by the system
provided to ensure that there is oil in the stern tube.
A small vessel that drydocked on a slipway had the unfortunate experience of the
tailshaft welding itself to the stern bush when the lubricating oil was not replenished,
necessitating the manufacture of a new tailshaft, stern bush etc., at great cost.
Special materials
With low loading, water lubricated lignum vitae or plastic bearings were used in
merchant ships. With the increase in ship size and the corresponding higher powers
required, stern bearing loading increased rapidly. This led to the development of oil
lubricated white metal bearings, which are, on the whole, satisfactory, provided the
outer seal remains intact and prevents the ingress of sea water. Tailshaft diameters have
increased to such an extent that they have produced greater bearing loads and
misalignment problems.
It is obvious that white metal in stern bearings is being stretched to and beyond its
load carrying capacity under these conditions. High peripheral speeds on large shafts
often create overheating at the rubber seal faces. With deep draught ships the pressure
from the head of sea water leads to the possibility of water entering the lubricating oil
and contaminating it.
From these observations, a material has been developed to satisfy these demanding
conditions. The material, developed by Railko, employs a high grade asbestos yarn with
synthetic strengthening filaments and an anti-scuffing ther mo setting resin.
Because of the importance of the stern tube bearing, tests were carried out on a VLCC
and the following observations were noted.
Thickness of the oil film at the end of the bearing was 0.4 to 0.6 mm at
normal speed. This reduced to zero when:
a) the shaft rotation speed was lower than 20 rev/min;
b) the rudder was hard over;
c) going astern.
2. The oil thickness changed with a certain vibration modewhen the short wave of
the blade frequency was superimposed on the long wave with a frequency V3 to V6 of

the shaft revolutions.

3. In rough seas the shaft was found to collide with the bearing metal.
Recorded failures have shown on larger ships a 6% failure rate where stern shafts were in
excess of 600 mm. These were considered to be due to high local loading at the aft end
of the bearing.
With slow steaming at speeds of less than 25 rev/ min the stern bearing is operating
under boundary lubrication conditions at the aft end of the bearing. This, together with
impulses from the propeller and hull vibrations cause the shaft to break through the oil
film, thus making contact with the white metal. In an attempt to overcome this problem
the bearing was slope bored, but this was not completely successful because of
variations in the shaft-to-hull alignment under various loading conditions, i.e. from
fully loaded to ballast conditions.
Being a relatively soft and weak alloy possessing poor resistance to impact loads, white
metal suffers severe degradation of strength at high temperatures. High wear rates can
be expected under high loading and boundary lubrication conditions.
If the outer seal fails causing an ingress of sea water the lubricating properties of the
oil diminish. Although this is unlikely to cause seizure it is possible that the oil will be
replaced completely with sea water and the bearing will suffer from wear down.
The material produced by Railko has superior qualities to white metal in terms of:
a) resistance;
b) fatigue resistance to shock loads;
c) load carrying capacity under boundary lubricated conditions;
d) great wear life when lubricated by sea water or emulsions of oil and water.
Stern bearings can be produced with diameters of up to 1500 mm.
Tailshaft examination whilst afloat
There are various arrangements from different manufacturers which allow
examination of the tailshaft while the vessel is afloat. One such arrangement is known
as the 'Glacier-Herbert system' (Fig 15).
With this design it is necessary to support the tailshaft. This is achieved by having a
permanent fixture of the forward end of the propeller boss which rests on the stern frame
during withdrawal. Associated with this support are inflatable seals that are used to
prevent the ingress of sea water during the operation.

Figure 15 Glacier-Herbert system.

When the seals are inflated their tightness can be checked by draining the water to inside
the vessel by two pipes which are fitted to the top and bottom of the enclosed cavity.
The cavity is clear of water when the lower pipe stops discharging water into the machinery space. As there are two sets of inflatable seals, the same procedure is adopted for
the space between the seals. Both seals must be proved to be effective before
withdrawal can commence.
If these seals are found to be leaking a diver must be employed to fit an external
neoprene bandage and the above procedure adopted to prove that the seal is tight. The
stern tube bearing oil is then drained off and the inboard seal assembly disconnected
and slid along the shaft.
The stern bearing can then be withdrawn with the assistance of horizontally mounted
hydraulic jacks that are coupled together and apply pressure between the diaphragm and
the two half flanges located behind the diaphragm housing. A supporting jackisalso
placed under the shaft inboard near the assembly. The hydraulic nuts are then removed and
load is applied to the shaft jack, lifting the shaft clear of the bearing.
Load is then applied to the horizontal jacks, disengaging the spherical seat, and moving
the assembly forward. At this stage, the bearing is left hanging on the shaft, the bearing
chocks having been removed. The vertical jack can then be lowered, allowing the shaft
to settle, supported fully on the external carrier. The stern bearing can then be drawn into
the vessel ready for dismantling.
The reverse procedure is adopted for reassembling; the sealing rings being replaced
after complete examination.
As the propeller and inflatable seals require examination for the classification survey,
this is usually accomplished in dry dock.

The main thrust is the means of transmitting the propeller thrust to the hull, thereby
moving the ship.
The thrust shaft can be found at the aft end of most engines as a separate unit, or
incorporated within the main engine bedplate in modem diesel engines. The separate
thrust shaft is aligned between the main engine and the intermediate line shafting
and thus can be subjected to misalignment problems. Because of its function, the
complete thrust block must be anchored securely to the ship's structure by fitting end
chocks at the forward and aft ends, ensuring that it cannot be moved in any direction.
A thrust shaft which is incorporated into the engine bedplate has a number of
advantages. Firstly, the thrust shaft bearing housing can be line bored at the same time
as the engine main bearing housings to within a high degree of accuracy, no separate
alignment being necessary. The transmission of the thrust to the hull of the ship is
accommodated by the main bedplate itself, the bedplate being securely anchored to the
engine room tank top. With this type of arrangement the lubricating oil can be supplied
via the main engine oil supply at a controlled temperature.
A thrust shaft which is separate from the main engine can have its own lubricating
oil sump and must have a means of cooling the lubricating oil, because of the heat
generated in the thrust. This is done by inserting a cooler in the oil sump which has a
water supply from an auxiliary or main circulating pump. This type of thrust may also
have a forced lubrication oil supply taken off the main engine oil system.
The thrust shaft is made of forged steel with two journals either side of the thrust collar
structuring, only one of which is used. The ends of the shaft have solid forged flanges
which are coupled to the main engine and intermediate shafting. The thrust pads
themselves are steel backed with white metal facing. The back of the pad is stepped which
allows it to pivot or tilt about the pivot point. The lubricating oil is fed to the space
between the pads in order to lubricate the bearings.
Principle of operation
The thrust system is sometimes called Michell thrust, after the manufacturer. The
principle of operation of the pivoting pad is based on the formation of a taper oil film
between the pad and the moving collar (Fig 16). The inclination of the pad is not fixed,
but is supported on a pivot about which it is free to tilt, thereby automatically
adjusting itself to produce the pressure required to balance the thrust load. The tilting
allows for self-compensation of the load, speed and oil viscosity.
The position of the pivot is usually offset beyond the centre of the circumferential
centre of the thrust pad at a position of 0.6. Such offset pivot pads can withstand
heavy axial loads even if the rotation of the collar reverses. Alternatively, centre
pivoted pads can be used.
Thrust shoes are located in retaining rings in the form of an inverted horseshoe and
are situated either side of the collar. The shoes are identical, one for ahead running
and the other for astern. Attached to the back of each are adjustable liners thatcanbe
made up to give the axial clearance required.
The centroid of the thrust load on each shoe lies within the area covered by the liner,
which abuts to the casing bottom. The whole thrust load is transmitted through the
lower half of the casing. This relieves the top half casing and joint bolts of any load.
The front of each retaining ring faces the collar and has a recess machined concentric
with the shaft. The thrust pads, six for ahead and six for astern, slide around this
recess between the horseshoe and the collar.

Figure 16 Principle of operation of pivoting pad

The white metal bearing faces have a slight spherical crown which prevents the pads
from sticking to the collar when oiled. This crowning also enhances the anti-wear and
lubrication properties of the bearing.

Figure 17 Main thrust

Two stop pads are secured to the casing top for both the forward and aft sides. They:
a) prevent rotation of the thrust shoes and pads;
b) act as oil catchers and distributors;
c) form supports for the oil scraper.
The thrust block is enclosed with a cover that can be removed for inspection purposes
(Fig 17).
Thrust block designs also exist where the pads extend over the full circumference of
the collar. The oil is again delivered by a scraper of similar design to the back of the
retaining ring from where it is guided to the inner diameter of the thrust pads.
Power loss
Because there is no metal-to-metal contact, the power loss is only the internal friction in the
oil film, which is caused by the shearing of adjacent layers of oil within the film and varies
according to speed, load and viscosity of the lubricant. The friction loss generates heat.

Survey of thrust blocks

The survey of thrust blocks takes place under the continuous survey of machinery at
5-yearly intervals. The top cover should be removed, exposing the thrust shaft. The
journals of the thrust shaft are exposed and an ahead and astern pad are usually
removed for examination. The condition of the thrust shaft should be as new, except for a
few scratches; the surface of the journals and collar highly polished. If the block is selfcontained, a sample of the lubricating oil can be extracted for laboratory tests. It is good
practice to remove the oil cooler for hydraulic testing and visual examination. At all times
during dismantling and reassembly, great care should be taken to prevent dirt from
getting into the system. The inspection should therefore take as little time as possible.
The surveyor will pay attention to the thrust collar itself, and in particular to the
radius between the shaft and collar.
Problems associated with thrust blocks
If the system is clean, with good alignment, and the clearance is correct, there should be
no problems with thrust blocks. However, if the lubricating oil has been contaminated with
dirt it may score the thrust collar, giving it the appearance of a gramophone record. As
these scoring marks become worse, through metal-to-metal contact with the white
metal, the oil pressure wedge tends to break down, driving the thrust collar against the
The scoring marks can be removed by machining and polishing the thrust collar in situ.
Various companies specialise in this procedure. A generous allowance is left on the
collar thickness, up to about 25% above the design thickness. Care must be taken to
maintain the correct radius with the shaft.
Contamination of the lubricating oil can also occur from damage to the lubricating oil
cooler, the cooling water breaking down the properties of the oil. The only remedy for
this problem is to repair the cooler.
Incorrect adjustment of the thrust clearance has two extremes. If the clearance is too
great, the ability to form the oil wedge is diminished. The wedge forms and then
breaks down, giving parallel flow between the surfaces. The pressure increases and
decreases, and is incapable of supporting the thrust. If the clearance is too small, the
forward edge comes into contact with the collar as the pads tilt, and wipes the white
metal on the forward edge.
Propellers can be divided into the three main categories fixed pitch, controllable pitch
and directional pitch.
Fixed pitch propellers are most likely to be found on deep sea merchant vessels. The
name suggests that the pitch is constant over the radius of the blade but this is not so.
The pitch varies from the root to the tip of the blade, the effective pitch being a mean value
found by calculation or experiment.
Materials used in this type of propeller vary from copper, nickel, aluminium alloys, to
cast iron and aluminium. The alloy used by Stone Manganese Marine Ltd is nikalium,
a typical composition being:


This alloy has typical mechanical properties as follows:

Tensile properties
0.2% proof stress
tensile strength

27.4 kg/mm2
70 kg/mm2

Propellers as large as 100 tonnes can be cast in nikalium, the blades having a
thickness of 0.5 m at the root. It has to be appreciated that some sections cool at slower
rates than others, which can set up internal stresses and significantly lower the proof
stress compared with separately cast test bars. The most important property affecting the
life of the propeller is corrosion fatigue resistance, and with nikalium this is not badly
affected by slow cooling, retaining approximately three-quarters of the strength of
small castings, even in the heaviest sections.
Corrosion resistance
The sea water corrosion rate of nikalium is negligible. Under certain conditions,
however, copper based alloys suffer from wastage. This is an impingement attack
which occurs in regions of high velocity water flow and leads to dissolution of the metal.
Nikalium is considered to be three times more resistant to this type of attack than
manganese bronze.
Cavitatiors erosion
This is caused by excessive wake inequalities due to the hull form at the stern of the vessel.
If these inequalities cannot be reduced to acceptable limits, the resulting cavitation will
lead to erosion of the blade surfaces. Nikalium has a high resistance to this type of attack.
Efficiency of a propeller
The function of the propeller is to absorb the power delivered by the main engine at
the revolutions ensuring optimum engine running conditions. The propeller itself must
be efficient to produce maximum thrust, and so maximum ship speed. The efficiency of
the propeller is given by the thrust power divided by the delivered power at specific
Think of the straightforward concept of a screw going into a block of wood. After one
complete revolution of a screwdriver, the screw would advance a distance equal to
the pitch. However, a propeller works in a different medium, i.e. water, and, due to its
fluidity, advances a distance somewhat less than its pitch. The difference between these
distances is called the slip. This is represented in Fig 18.
In Fig 18 it can be seen that if the velocity is at right angles to the direction of advance, it
is plotted as 2KKN. If the ship speed V is plotted in the direction of advance, the resultant
water flow will be along the line OV. The attitude of the blade is defined by the pitch
and revolutions and thus for a given propeller the angle of incidence is defined by the
slip as shown.
Slip is expressed as a percentage of the pitch (P), and if a propeller rotates at N rev/min
and the forward speed is V,

Real and apparent slip

Apparent slip is usually calculated by the ship's engineers and is obtained by using
the measured ship's speed obtained by observations in association with the propeller
revolutions. In general, the speed of the propeller disc is less than the ship's speed. The
difference is due to the frictional effect of the ship's hull slowing down the water
passing the ship, and is called the 'wake' speed. The mean speed of the propeller relative
to the surrounding water is called the speed of advance Va.
The relationship between ship speed Vs and the speed of advance is Va = Vs (1 - Wt)
where Wt is the wake fraction. 'Real slip' is calculated using this speed of advance, Va,
and is thus always greater than the apparent slip. This explains how engineers have often
calculated a negative slip. This is 'apparent slip'; the related 'real slip' is always

Figure 18 Representation of slip

Propeller surface roughness

During normal service, roughness of the blade surface occurs and can be attributed to
the following.
a) Marine growth
Marine growth of the animal or vegetable variety forms on propeller blade surfaces
when the propeller is stationary. The attachment of barnacles results in a loss of propeller
efficiency, an increase in absorbed power and a lower rev/min. When the vessel returns
to service the action of the water may remove some of the barnacles, but the surface does
not return to normal until the propeller is properly cleaned.
b) Impingement attack
Impingement attack usually occurs at the leading edges and outer parts of the
propeller blades where circumferential velocities are highest. The effect on the blades
is a large area of surface roughness of shallow depth.
c) Corrosion attackchemical and electro-chemical
Corrosion attack can be minimised by the use of cathodic protection systems.
6) Cavitation erosion
Cavitation erosion is usually concentrated on small blade areas and can be very deep,
and in some cases leads to complete wastage of the outer parts of the blade.

e) Bad maintenance
Grinding of the blade surfaces by inexperienced operators using grinding discs that are
too coarse can accelerate surface roughness.
Roughness measurement
There are two main methods of roughness measurement: peak to valley average
(PVA) and centre line average (Ra). There is no direct relationship between the two
The International Standards Organisation has standards for the surface finish of
propellers, and recommends that ships' propellers be manufactured to Class 1
tolerances, giving a surface finish of better that 3 urn Ra. Surface finish to below 1 |J.m Ra
can be achieved, but the cost of producing this finish is not considered to be economical
as the superfine finish can be quickly reduced in service.
Method of measurement or assessment of surface roughness
A portable instrument can be used which gives direct readings of mm Ra.
A simple measure of surface condition is provided by using a comparator gauge, which
provides six samples ranging from Ra = 1 um to Ra = 30 urn.
Survey of propellers
The survey of propellers is usually associated with the survey of tailshafts at their
due date. However, propellers are also surveyed as part of the drydock survey at
approximately 2-yearly intervals. The propeller is examined in situ and any
recommendations should be carried out.
Maintenance and repairs
On examination, if the blade surfaces are found to be smooth, with no sign of roughness
or distortion of the blades due to fouling in service, they are best left alone. If there is
roughness due to corrosion around the blade tips this can be ground out and polished to
return the blade to its original condition.
For pitting of up to 1 mm in depth, the grinding and polishing operation is also
successful. If time is of the essence the roughness can be temporarily removed by use
of synthetic resin fillers. Small tears, cracks and local edge deformation should receive
attention as quickly as possible. Deformed leading edges create conditions of
disturbed flow or turbulence over the blade surface which causes an increase in general
wastage or severe cavitation damage. Minor repairs and polishing can be undertaken
with the propeller in place but more serious damage requires removal of the propeller.
In general, repairs fall into three categories.
Straightening of distorted blade
This operation requires considerable experience to return the deformed blade to its
original pitch and track. Straightening can be achieved by the use of weights and
levers, the damaged area being heated slowly and uniformly to the correct
temperature. Cooling should also be slow to avoid the creation of internal stresses.
If welding is required, an inert gas shielded metal arc process is preferred. A skilled
operator is required and if flux coated electrodes are used they should be preheated to

120C for approximately 1 h.

All slag should be removed between consecutive weld runs. No preheating of the area to
be welded is necessary because of the possible introduction of cracking. If an area has
been repaired before, the original repair should be removed before attempting a new
While the above process is suitable for nikalium, if the propeller is made from other alloys
the manufacturers should be consulted regarding the type of electrode to be used and
any post-weld stress relieving process which may be required.
Burning on
Missing portions of blades can be replaced and small cracks repaired by cutting them
out and fusing in new metal. Care should be taken in selecting the material to be used
and the electrodes, as incorrect selection can lead to eating away of the weld metal,
and the replaced part of the blade falling off.
The above repairs can be carried out on the outer parts of the blade but should not be
considered inside 0.45 of the radius of the propeller.
It must be stressed that all repairs are carried out with the approval of the vessel's
classification society and by approved operators. Manufacturers of propellers have
representatives throughout the world who have been trained to undertake propeller

Attachment of a propeller to the tallshaft

In older ships (of the 1950s and 1960s), the traditional method of attaching the propeller
to the tailshaf t was by taper and key. A taper of 1 in 15 or, more commonly, 1 in 12
was used, the propeller being driven up hard using wedges and spanners on the
propeller nut. It can be appreciated that the mating surfaces of the tailshaft and propeller
were of utmost importance. Scraping of the propeller boss taper demanded good
workmanship to give the required fit. The fit was tested by blueing the tailshaft,
pushing on the propeller, and then examining the marking on the propeller boss taper.
A contact of 70-80% was considered necessary, particularly at the top end of the taper,
to give the necessary interference fit after final push up. A poor fit resulted in the key
itself being subjected to extremes of torque and therefore the key suffering damage. The
thrust from the propeller assisted in the push up and sometimes led to difficulties when
the propeller had to be removed.

Figure 19 Pilgrim fitting

The introduction of higher powers, and hence the high torque on the shaft, can cause
high stress concentrations on the taper, in particular at the keyway. These stress
concentrations are present if the key is taking any appreciable load and can lead to
shaft failure. To this end removal of the key and keyway is desirable. Various methods
are available.
Keyless fittings
There are several methods of fitting keyless propellers.
Flange mounting
This method is generally standard practice for controllable pitch propellers but can
also be found on a number of fixed pitch propellers. With flange mounted propellers a
muff coupling is required inboard to facilitate withdrawal of the tailshaft out through
the stern. The flange attachment requires fitted bolts to transmit the torque to the
propeller without risk of movement. This enables the propeller boss to be hollow
which can be achieved in the casting process.
Pilgrim fitting
This method was introduced in 1968 and has proved successful on large ships
transmitting large powers. A cast-iron sleeve is set into the bronze boss of the propeller
and the whole assembly is pushed on to the drive shaft, to the required degree of
interference fit, using a Pilgrim nut, the axial travel being monitored by use of a clock
On earlier propellers, the cast-iron sleeve was force fitted into the propeller with
the required degree of interference. On current propellers the sleeve is set into the
boss by injecting Araldite under pressure into the interface. A typical example is
shown in Fig 19.

Figure 20 Pilgrim fittingmethod of fitting: operations a), b) and c) at tailshaft

manufacturer's works; operation d) at foundry or shaft manufacturer's works; operation
e) at shipyard: a) bedding contract; b) sleeve push-up shaft cone; c) sleeve jacked off
by oil injection; d) sleeve secured in boss; e) push-up on board.

Figure 21

Propeller boss

The following advantages are claimed for this method of fitting.

1. A controlled degree of interference fit without stress raisers in the key and
2. A reduction in the allowance required for temperature, as the coefficient of
expansion for cast-iron is similar to that of the shaft, which reduces the amount of
interference required for the same torque transmission. This also reduces the high
stresses due to thermal contraction when fitting at sub-zero temperatures.
3. An increase in the coefficient of friction available for torque transmission is
obtained, compared with oil injection method. The actual coefficient can be
monitored by means of a graph of push-up travel against push-up load.
4. Using the graph results in lower interference stresses at proof stress of
nikaliurn, compared with 60-70% of proof stress that might be required withthe oil
injection system. This method of fitting is shown in Fig 20.
c. Oil injection fitting
This is a major method of keyless fitting which does not employ the cast-iron
sleeve but relies on the coefficient of friction between the propeller boss and the steel
shaft. A typical value of coefficient of friction is 0.12 but depends on classification society
rules. The fitting of this type of propeller is shown in Figs 20 and 21
Oil is injected into the annular spaces around the propeller boss thereby expanding
the boss. At the same time, the hydraulic nut is used to push the propeller up the
shaft taper. It should be noted that the load on the hydraulic nut before oil is injected is
recorded and should be approximately 10% of the final load. The most important
aspect of the fitting is to monitor the axial movement of the boss up the shaft taper
using clock gauges which ensures the correct degree of interference fit. If the oil
pressure is out of line with that expected it indicates that some part of the boss is not
expanding properly, and either oil is escaping too freely or there is a blockage in the
hydraulic system.
Highly skewed propellers
The need to reduce fuel costs has meant that more efficient propellers are used.
Propellers with large diameters, reduced blade areas and operating at lower speeds,
together with increased skew and blade tip areas help to meet these requirements. It is
claimed that the best advantages of skewed propellers are obtained where the skew
angle is between 35 and 40 deg.

igure 22 Working principle of the controllable pitch propeller

Controllable pitch propellers

This type of propeller is usually associated with medium speed diesel engines and
reduces speed through a uni-directional gear box to the output shafting, rotating at
constant speed. There are other arrangements which use reversing gear boxes, and can
reverse the output shafting.
The propeller is attached to the tailshaft by means of a flange. The boss is hollowed out to
accommodate the operating mechanism. The operating mechanism is a crosshead which
can be operated hydraulically or mechanically, pushing the crosshead forward or aft. Set
into the crosshead is a sliding shoe with a hole into which fits the crankpin. The crankpin
ring is bolted onto the propeller blade. The crankpin being offset thus, when the
crosshead is moved, the blade is rotated. Each blade is set into the boss and is connected to the crosshead as described above. For the system to operate, the tailshaft has
to be hollow to allow room for the valve rod and pressure oil for the hub. The pressure
oil flows to the propeller hub within the valve rod. The return oil flows through the
hollow shaft outside the valve rod back to the oil distribution box (OD box).
The hydraulic system provides pressure oil for the auxiliary servomotor and for the
main pitch setting servomotor. With the control on zero pitch the valve is in the neutral
position. The hydraulic oil is supplied up the centre of the valve rod and returns to the
supply tank around the outside of the control valve rod. In the neutral position, the
high pressure hydraulic oil exerts equal pressure on both sides of the main piston. When
the auxiliary servomotor receives a signal to move the propeller blade to the required
pitch, the control rod is moved in the appropriate direction. The control valve then
permits the high pressure hydraulic oil to pressurise one side of the main piston,
pushing it in the appropriate direction. The pressure on the other side of the piston is
relieved and returns to the supply tank, the required degree of pitch being put on the
blades. When astern pitch is required, the valve control rod moves from the neutral
position in the opposite direction, thereby pressurising the opposite side of the main
piston and putting astern pitch on the blade. The working principle is illustrated in Fig
22. A complete system is shown in Fig 23.
Directional pitch propellers
These units are usually found on smaller vessels such as tugs or inter-island ferries
where the vessel requires a great deal of manoeuvrability. The units give both power and
thrust, and a rudder is therefore not required.
Although individual units can be fitted singly, it is usual to fit two giving greater
manoeuvrability. The blades of the unit protrude under the vessel and in most cases
are protected by a guard, but obviously the blades are in danger of damage through
An advantage of this type of unit is that the prime mover driving the hydraulic pumps
can be placed in a position remote from the unit itself and coupled to it by hydraulic
piping. A typical setup is shown in Fig 24.
On older ships the stern frame was set up and the vessel's framing and plating built
up to form the hull of the ship. The stern tube was set in place and the lignum vitae
bearing bored out. The tailshaft was entered into the stern bush and the line shafting
and main engine aligned from the tailshaft.

Today, with modern technology, the vessel is constructed in modular form, the
modules being constructed under controlled conditions, and connected together in a
building dock. With this type of construction the engine space is usually connected
before the section containing the stern tube is lifted into place. Whereas the procedure
varies from shipyard to shipyard, a typical alignment procedure for VLCCs is described

Figure 23 Controllable pitch propeller

The stern frame casting, together with the rough machined stern tube, are connected
with pre-formed plating to form what would become the lower aft peak section of the
ship. A steel hoop is welded to the tube internally and externally giving a watertight
seal. The complete lower aft peak section is lowered into the building dock and rigged
so that it can be moved forward or aft and from port to starboard. The rough machining
of the stern tube in the workshop represents an angle of 1:61, which is the shaft alignment requirement.

Vertical alignment
Situated in the building dock are two brass plates with punch marks at their
centres, these being in direct line with the vessel's centre line. An optical instrument
is placed over the aft mark and adjusted until the centre of the tripod is on the punch
mark. The instrument is then used to site the forward brass plate at its punch mark, so
giving a reference line and ensuring that the instrument is set up on the vessel's centre
line. The horizontal vernier should read zero.
The outer boss should have three vertical centre punch marks on the upper and lower

faces, and a flat plate fitted across the stern tube boss with a small hole bored at the
centre of the bore. A punch mark is also made on the uppermost part of the section on the
centre line.
All of these marks can be sited by the optical instrument in the vertical plane, the
section being adjusted until they are in line. If the correct dimensions have been adhered
to, the lower aft peak section should lie in position in the vertical plane and match up to
the plating already in place.
Horizontal alignment
If tolerances are correct, only the height of the centre line needs to be adjusted to give
the rise of 1:61. A reference mark is made on the pump room bulkhead on the centre
line of the ship, to give an inclination from the centre of the stern tube outer boss of

Figure 24 Voith Schneider propulsion

This gives the true alignment at any intermediate point. This is necessary as an
intermediate reference will be required if machinery is being fitted in the engine room.
The optical instrument is set up at the intermediate point and can be offset in the
horizontal plane and locked to swivel at the incline of 1:61. The centre line at the outer
stern tube boss can then be sited, the complete section being adjusted until the centre
point is in alignment with the incline. At the forward stern tube boss a calculation can
be made to give the height required for complete stern section alignment, the section
being tilted about the outer boss until this height is attained. When this is reached the
complete section is correct, both vertically and horizontally, and is ready for welding.
After the lower aft peak section has been welded the alignment is checked, and through
the stern tube any small adjustment can be undertaken when boring out the stern tube
prior to fitting the white metal bush. This is shown diagrammatically in Fig 25.

Main Sine shafting alignment

The alignment of intermediate shafting, and in some instances thrust shaft to the main
engine, and tailshaft, is a very precarious business. It is essential that the alignment is
correct. Otherwise there will be problems with overheating of bearings. The
conditions under which the initial alignment takes place can be quite different to those of
actual operation. The initial alignment might take place in a western European shipyard
whereas the vessel will operate in the warmer climate of the Gulf area. Also, during
the different loading conditions of the vessel the initial alignment may be found to be

Figure 25 Vertical and horizontal alignment of tailshaft

There have been many instances where vessels on their maiden voyage have had
problems with alignment, requiring a complete realignment programme. In some cases
damage has occurred to line shaft, thrust, gearing and main engine bearings of diesel
engines. It is important therefore for a procedure to be followed to ensure that the best
accuracy possible is obtained in the initial alignment. One such procedure is known as
the gaps and sags method.
Gaps and sags method
The basic principle of this method is that all the loadings of the tailshaft and line
shafting are known, together with their bearing supports. From this information the
bending of the various shafts can be calculated and illustrated diagrammatically. It is
considered necessary that the accuracy in machining the shaft flanges is good, the faces
being at 90 deg to the body of the shaft. The calculations give the shape of the shafting
and the gaps between the flanges that are required for true alignment. All these
calculations are undertaken with the shafting uncoupled and in a cold condition. A
general arrangement is illustrated in Fig 26 for a geared turbine installation.

Figure 27 Intermediate shaft alignment graphs

Method for diesel engine installation

The following method is currently used by Harland & Wolff Limited, Belfast. With
this method the main diesel engine is in place and adjusted to give the required slope
with acceptable deflection readings of the main engine crankshaft. The main thrust is
incorporated inside the engine bedplate. The installation has two intermediate line
shafts supported on single bearings. With the engine in place, the aft thrust coupling is
broken and the aftermost bearing is low, ered clear of the shaft. A graduated hydraulic
jack is placed at the position Rl and the calculated support load sustained by the
hydraulic jack. The shaft at y is raised by increments of 0.5 mm and the dimensions at X

Figure 28 Diesel engine installation

The same procedure is repeated when lowering the shaft by the same increments at
Yand both graphs are plotted. The position of the shaft at Y relative to the line of sight
when the shaft just touches the stem bush at a is ascertained from the graphs (Fig 27).
When the position of the shafting is such that it is just touching at a, the intermediate
bearing can be finally chocked. References are taken from poker gauges of final
dimensions Yand Yl, also at positions a and b.
The graduated hydraulic jack can be removed from the aftermost bearing position,
the bearing being fitted with temporary chocks to give final dimension at Yl. At this point
the line shafting and tailshaft should be in the correct alignment. The position of the main
engine can then be adjusted to give the dimensions Yand Yl at the aftermost thrust
coupling when the crankshaft deflections are satisfactory. The intermediate shafting, No
1 shaft, can then be coupled to the thrust coupling. The final chocking of the aftermost line
shafting bearing is left as late as possible, to give the final dimension Yl. The complete
procedure is illustrated in Fig 28.
Whilst this chapter aims to deal with line shafting, thrust, stem sealing, tailshafts,
bearings and propellers they are by no means the only arrangements found in
machinery spaces. Line shafting can have power take off, and in some older installations,
pumps were also driven from the line shafting.
The thrust can also be incorporated into the gear box of medium speed diesel engines
and in lower powered units within the diesel engine itself.
The regulations regarding survey of machinery vary from classification society to
classification society but are always superseded by the statutory requirements of the
Government under whose flag the vessel is registered.
There are many manufacturers of equipment in the marine field and their advice
should always be sought regarding any problems with their product. Most
manufacturers have experienced such occurrences and have expert staff to deal with
For engine room staff the best solution is to familiarise themselves with the machinery on
board their own vessel and to know the limits under which it can operate. The seagoing
marine engineer should, when the opportunity arises, have a look at the line shafting and
tailshaft bearings and seals to have a thorough knowledge of their condition should
problems occur in the future.

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