Marine Boiler - Starting, Stopping - MirMarine

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ПОДДЕРЖИ ПРОЕКТ, Boiler is one of the most important systems in the ship’s engine room. A boiler is a system, which though not
ПОДПИШИСЬ required continuously for operating a ship, requires importance equivalent to other equipment during operation
and maintenance. As the boiler generates steam at extremely high pressure and temperature, proper care should be

 taken while handling the same.

Here’s a step-by-step procedure for starting and stopping a boiler on a ship.




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It is to note that the following steps may not apply to all types of boilers.
МОРСКОЙ ФЛОТ Moreover, different types of boilers might require additional steps to be followed as per the system design, but the
basic steps remain the same.
Морской справочник
Ensure that the vent valve on the boiler is open and check
История флота
there is no pressure in the boiler
Отечественные Check that the steam stop valve is closed
Check if all the valves for fuel are open, and let the fuel
Крейсера circulate through the system until it comes to the temperature
required by the manufacturer’s recommendation
Подводные лодки
Check and open the feed water valves to the boiler and fill the
Вторая мировая война water inside the boiler drum till just above the low water level.
Морские истории и This is done because it is not possible to start the boiler below
байки the low water level as the safety feature would prevent it from
starting. Also, if the water level is high, the boiler water might
expand and over-pressurize the boiler
Start the boiler in automatic mode. The burner fan will start
СТАТЬИ НА the purging cycle which will remove gases present in the
АНГЛИЙСКОМ furnace by forcing it out through the funnel
After the pre-set purge time, the pilot burner will ignite. The
Marine boiler pilot burner consists of two electrodes, through which a large
Engine Room current is passed via the transformer
This produces a spark between the electrodes. The pilot burner
Fire Fighting is supplied with diesel oil, which then ignites the burner
Emergency The main burner, which is supplied with heavy oil, then
Safety of Navigation catches fire with the help of the pilot burner
Check the combustion chamber from the sight glass to ensure
Marine engine that the burner has lit and the flame produced is satisfactory
Keep a close eye on the water level when the pressure increases
Open the feed water when the level of water inside the gauge glass is stable
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ Close the vent valve after the steam starts coming out
Open the steam stop valve
Английский для
судомехаников Once the working steam pressure is reached, blow down the gauge glass and float chambers to check for the
Английский для
“During the starting up of the boiler, the lightening up period must be further reduced as the refractory
may contain some amount of water, which may expand and lead to fissure if wrongly operated.”

If the boiler is needed to be stopped for longer duration for maintenance purpose or is required to be opened
Судовые системы и up for survey, change the fuel to distillate fuel
механизмы If separate heating arrangement for heavy oil is present then there is no need to change over to distillate fuel.
The oil should be kept on circulation mode
Двигатели Wärtsilä
Stop the boiler automatic cycle
Close the steam stop valves
Close the boiler feed water valves
When the boiler pressure is reduced to just over atmospheric pressure, the vent valve is kept open to prevent
vacuum formation inside the boiler

“During stopping, sudden pressure and temperature drop must be avoided as it might expose the
mountings and piping to inadmissible pressure gradient.”

Procedure for staring boiler with diesel oil and changeover to fuel oil for normal operation:
Start the boiler diesel oil ignition pump and fuel oil booster pump taking suction from diesel oil service tank
with HFO line valve shut
Flash up the boiler using MDO and atomizing air
Once the steam starts generating, open the supply of steam to HFO service tank for heating
Open the tracing steam to fuel oil line from service tank to boiler burner
When sufficient steam is generated, stop firing the boiler
Open the fuel oil heater steam inlet and outlet valves, close heater bypass valve
Open the boiler fuel oil pump HFO suction in the three way valve simultaneously closing the MDO valve
Raise the HFO temperature manually and start firing the boiler in HFO with atomizing air. Once the boiler is
in heavy oil, start steam atomization and shut its airinlet

Preparing Boiler Feed Water System:

Following points to be considered when initially preparing the feed water system:
Open the suction valve of the feed pump
Keep the discharge valve of the feed pump shut
Start the feed pump and slowly open the discharge valve until the discharge line reaches working pressure
Ensure feed check valve is operating fine
Fill the boiler to its working gauge glass level
Put rest of the pump to stand-by

Stopping the boiler for repair or

Soot blow the boiler during operation
Operate the burner for at least 20 min
to remove the remaining water after
soot blow
Stop the boiler as discussed in normal
stopping procedure
Once the boiler is de-pressurized,
drain the water from the boiler
Open all the boiler manholes and
doors including the mud space
Clean the boiler and check for lime
stone deposits
When boilers are taken out of service
for any length of time, corrosion may
occur on the internal surfaces of the
boiler unless certain precautions are
observed. Silica gel should beplaced in
the boiler immediately after the
drying-out process


The Ultimate Guide to Operating Procedures of Engine Room Machinery. Anish Wankhede [2014]


Boiler Emergency Operations

Boiler Survey, Inspection and Tests
Boiler Automation and Control
Operating Procedures of Marine Boiler
Boiler Water System and Treatment
Marine Boiler Burner and Combustion
Marine Boiler Construction
Marine Boiler Mountings
Types and Working of Marine Boiler
Общее устройство. Сухогрузное судно (с произношением)
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Метки: Marine boiler, Engine Room

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